Haileybury Foundation News - Autumn 2021

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Autumn 2021



Through the valuable work of our Foundation executive team, our Winged Heart Society has grown in number, stature and significance in recent times: in approximate terms, around half of the $15 million in ‘corpus and pledged funds’ is from its members. As Chairman, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all current members for your generosity and foresight. As you read through this bulletin, you will hear about the legacies from two Old Haileyburians who have sadly passed away recently. They valued what the School gave them so much that their generosity and foresight will change the lives of those they shall never meet. Such stories demonstrate philanthropy at its finest.

Giving is a very personal endeavour – we can give our time voluntarily or donate a portion of our income or assets (or even both). Should we decide to do the latter, we have a further choice to make: to donate during our lifetime – through a tax-deductible gift – or after we have passed.

Leaving your legacy is more straightforward than it might sound. Every one of us needs to ensure we have a valid will. If you are drawing up a new one, you could include a Haileybury donation in it; if you already have one, you need only instruct your solicitor to insert a codicil into it. NEIL SUTCLIFFE CHAIRMAN, HAILEYBURY FOUNDATION

For those wishing to do the latter, the Haileybury Foundation created the Winged Heart Society: to recognise and provide fellowship for those in our community who have channelled their goodwill and generosity through their Will. In doing so, they leave behind their own, very personal legacy.


CREATING NEW SCHOLARSHIPS AND NEW OPPORTUNITIES I have enjoyed several conversations recently with Old Haileyburians and Haileybury families who have decided to create new scholarships that honour past staff members who contributed significantly to their lives and future success. These gifts of scholarships will have the capacity to change students’ lives forever, to foster excellence and, ultimately, to benefit the fabric of our society. Many of Haileybury’s scholarship recipients have gone on to make extraordinary contributions to our community by advancing our collective knowledge, reforming government and corporate policies and practices, making significant scientific or medical advances and adding to the cultural space in which we live.

Haileybury scholarships help unlock the potential of students from all walks of life by providing access to the educational experiences available at one of Australia’s leading schools. Scholarships are offered to talented students who have the potential and ambition to be future agents of positive change. Bursaries are available to students facing financial issues that would prevent them from attending Haileybury. These include current students whose families may be facing unexpected financial difficulty.

HOW TO ESTABLISH A NEW SCHOLARSHIP OR BURSARY Scholarships and bursaries can be established through a gift to the School, or by recognising the School in your will. You may care to consider naming a scholarship or bursary in honour or memoriam of a family member or friend, a teacher or another person who has been influential in your life. Please contact us to discuss your options for creating a new scholarship or bursary. SCOTT DORAN VICE PRINCIPAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & ADVANCEMENT

FROM THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT & ALUMNI RELATIONS LEGACIES LIVING ON FOREVER Haileybury’s Winged Heart Society provides our community members with a wonderful way to celebrate their past, while planning for the future. In recent times, our community has been deeply saddened by the passing of two valued Old Haileyburians and members of the Winged Heart Society.

MARK REYNOLDS (OH ’79) Mark Reynolds loved Haileybury and his time at the School and was an engaged member of the OHA and Haileybury Foundation right up until his death. Mark had serious health issues over the past 15 years, and he moved from Hawaii to Las Vegas where it was easier to get around in a wheelchair.

PETER HICKS (OH ’65) Peter Hicks was awarded a half scholarship by Haileybury in order to repeat Year 12 (despite passing on his first attempt.) This was in the hope of receiving a Commonwealth Scholarship to pay for university. For this he was eternally grateful to the School, since he would not have been able to go to university otherwise. Consequently, Peter went on to study Engineering and Mathematics at Monash University and had a wonderfully exciting and varied career with Telstra, in telecommunications research, spanning 35 years.

In Las Vegas he was further diagnosed with melanoma and a related brain tumour, from which he recovered. In the end it was COVID-19 that took his life and he died peacefully with his beautiful wife Dana by his side. Mark’s best friend, Peter Hepenstall (OH ’79) fondly remembers Mark as “the kindest and most generous man I have known. He loved School life and our Class of 1979 were a big family. He excelled in football and cricket and was an extremely successful stockbroker even after a crippling illness rendered him in a wheelchair. Mark was loved by many and is missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him”.

Haileybury’s Winged Heart Society honours those who have indicated they have placed, or plan to leave, a gift in their will to Haileybury. A bequest to Haileybury leaves a tremendous legacy and provides opportunity. It has the power to change a life forever. Please contact Russell Davidson at russell. davidson@haileybury.vic.edu.au if you wish to have a discussion about joining the Winged Heart Society. DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT & ALUMNI RELATIONS

Peter left a substantial bequest to the Haileybury Foundation and subsequently The Peter Hicks Scholarship will be awarded to a boy or girl studying at any of Haileybury’s Melbourne-based campuses from 2022. The student selected will be one who would never have had the opportunity of a Haileybury education. We are incredibly thankful to Peter and his family for the opportunity this provides.

If you wish to learn more about the Haileybury Foundation or enquire about giving, please contact us via the options below.

One student enjoying the benefit of a scholarship by virtue of a bequest is Ryan Zhang (Year 9 City). Ryan is enjoying an outstanding education at Haileybury and was last year elected Boys Middle School Captain. Ryan is the beneficiary of the Gary Bailey Memorial Scholarship. He has made the most of his opportunities through Music, Sport and the Arts and he is performing well academically. However, Ryan would not be at Haileybury without the generosity of the Bailey family.

Russell Davidson

Peter also simultaneously worked as an engineer with the Australian Naval Reserve, where he served voluntarily for 50 years until retirement. Peter reiterated often that “Haileybury gave me a great start to life”.


The Mark Reynolds Scholarship will commence in 2022. Similarly to The Peter Hicks Scholarship, this will be awarded to an outstanding student who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to attend our School.

SOCIAL MEDIA Haileybury Foundation is on socials. Please follow us to stay updated on Haileybury Foundation community activities at the links below: www.facebook.com/Haileyburyfoundation https://www.linkedin.com/ company/36137842

TO DONATE Any gift, no matter the size, has the power to enhance the School via the Scholarship Fund, Building Fund or Library Fund. Donations (except bequests) are tax deductible, and a receipt will be provided.

Haileybury Foundation | ABN 70 142 288 346 | +61 3 9904 6141 | foundation@haileybury.vic.edu.au | www.haileybury.com.au/giving

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