Haileybury Foundation Report on Giving 2018

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Annual Report on Giving















HAILEYBURY FOUNDATION 855 Springvale Road KEYSBOROUGH VIC 3173 +61 3 9904 6100 2

Annual Report on Giving

foundation@haileybury.vic.edu.au www.haileybury.com.au/giving ABN 70 142 288 346

MESSAGE FROM THE CEO I PRINCIPAL The Haileybury Foundation is starting to make a difference to the school experience for students at Haileybury. It has been a delight to walk around each campus and see new facilities with the plaque noting they have been built with the support of donations to the Building Fund. It has also been a pleasure to meet with the students who are recipients of some of the named scholarships delivered through the Foundation.

In particular, I note the wonderful support from Robin Fildes, the Cox family, Geoff and Anne McGeary, the William Buckland Foundation, the family of Gary Bailey, Haileybury Parents and Friends Castlefield, John de Wijn, Tom Poulton, Grenda Foundation and the class of 2007. The support from these individuals, families and groups is changing lives and making Haileybury a more diverse, dynamic and interesting school for all students. Thank you to all who are supporting the Foundation. DEREK SCOTT CEO I PRINCIPAL

Annual Report on Giving


I trust that you will enjoy hearing about the achievements, the growth and the compassionate impact the Foundation continues to make on young people’s lives.


Annual Report on Giving


Welcome to the Report on Giving 2018 for the Haileybury Foundation. Whether you are reading this as a regular, occasional or prospective donor – or simply out of curiosity, as a member of the growing Haileybury community – I trust that you will enjoy hearing about the achievements, the growth and the compassionate impact the Foundation continues to make on young people’s lives. While all foundations such as ours are registered charities to receive deductible gifts and legacy bequests, let us make the subtle distinction between what we colloquially term ‘charity’ and ‘philanthropy’. In this sense, ‘charity’ would be more clearly defined as ‘giving for people’s immediate needs’ – such as food, water and health – while ‘philanthropy’ would be more distinctive for its focus on ‘giving for long-term betterment’. In fact, the literal meaning of philanthropy – ‘love of mankind’ – provides us with a valuable clue, in terms of its ultimate purpose. Members of the Haileybury community could perhaps relate to this from a different angle: we would justifiably feel we have already ‘given’ towards the immediate needs of the School – whether as a student, a staff member or a parent – and might have yet to understand or consider the purpose and need to ‘give for its long-term betterment’ – especially in its current, very successful era. Yet, the most eminent educational institutions around the world, irrespective of whether they were founded with an endowment or not, only remain so because they have built up almost impregnable foundations through the generous philanthropy of their alumni and/or alumnae. With such internal financial strength to draw from, each generation of leaders is thus able to cope with all manner of economic and government cycles, while renewing its facilities and awarding scholarships in perpetuity to talented students who would not have otherwise been able to attend.

Haileybury did not have the luxury of a founding endowment, nor did it have a Foundation for its first 118 years. It has thus had to cope with some very challenging economic and government cycles through strong governance and management, while relying on the ‘kindness of strangers’ to fund much of its growth and progress, with only occasional support from its friends. As the 2018 Australian School of the Year, with over 5000 students across multiple campuses, Haileybury is now rapidly building the Foundation it needs and deserves. The School’s current strength merely proves to us all that it is worth preserving – and we all know that economic and government cycles are omnipresent. Whether your preference is to assist students who would otherwise not be able to attend Haileybury (the Scholarship Fund) or to help secure the buildings and facilities it needs to provide its excellence in education (the Building Fund), your tax-deductible donation or legacy bequest will help secure the School’s future. On behalf of our Foundation’s Board and Executive, I thank you for what you have donated and, in anticipation, what you may consider donating in the future. NEIL SUTCLIFFE CHAIRMAN, HAILEYBURY FOUNDATION

Annual Report on Giving


MESSAGE FROM THE VICE PRINCIPAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & ADVANCEMENT Haileybury enjoys a rich heritage. Since its founding in 1892 the School has grown to take its place at the forefront of Australian education, commencing at the Brighton Coffee Palace on New Street and South Road, through to the beloved Castlefield site. From there to Keysborough and the Newlands farm, Lord Casey’s property at Edrington, then to the City Campus in the heart of Melbourne and more recently to Darwin. All the while, academic excellence, social justice, an international outlook and enterprise and entrepreneurship have been the hallmarks of a Haileybury education. At the centre of our rich heritage is our philanthropic character: Haileybury’s desire is to ensure that the School more than endures – that it thrives and leads the way. Many who have come to Haileybury have confirmed their role as custodians of this fine School – that they leave it a better place than when they arrived, as demonstrated through their generous gifts and benefactions. Families have bestowed their own legacy. Scholarships and bursaries are bequeathed and invested. People have given buildings and seats, trees and artwork. Others give to libraries and pavilions, to departments and archives. Rowers might give an oar, musicians an instrument: advice, expertise, direction and of course their time. Through the ages, many with generous and giving hearts have enquired of the needs of the School and worked to meet them.

The Foundation’s efforts are built upon its ability to reach out to all in the Haileybury School community. Our Old Haileyburians, parents and past parents, staff and friends are all an essential part of our philanthropic endeavours. Haileybury’s success lies in the fact that it is a friendly community that warmly welcomes parents as well as its students. At the heart of this community are many active parent and Old Haileyburian groups who are working to support the School and to provide care to nurture families through their educational years and beyond. On behalf of the School, I invite you all – Old Haileyburians, parents and friends – to embrace the School community and to actively participate in its growth and development through the life of its many clubs, associations and support groups. I’m excited to gather as many positive ideas as possible around the community relations aspects of the School so we can effectively work together to build on the successes already achieved while looking to the future with a vigour and confidence that will ensure that we are recognised as a great world school. SCOTT DORAN VICE PRINCIPAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & ADVANCEMENT

The Haileybury Foundation, with its Development Office, is the body through which the philanthropic initiatives for the School are advanced. Its role is to ensure that it is investing in the School’s future. The Foundation, formed in 2010, manages programs such as: • Scholarships • Building Funds and Appeals • Bequests and Benefactions • Library Fund.


Annual Report on Giving

Haileybury’s desire is to ensure that the School more than endures – that it thrives and leads the way.


Haileybury acquired Kormilda College in 2018 after poor management had led to the near collapse of the 27-yearold school. Haileybury initiated Haileybury Rendall School (HRS) as a new entity and began establishing a day school and a large Indigenous boarding school. The School is strongly committed to developing in its students the life skills that are essential for living and working successfully as adults. Its academic and pastoral programs feature skills such as resilience, creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. The expectation is that all students will leave the School excited by and prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. Haileybury’s primary reason, however, for embarking on this venture was Kormilda College’s boarding facility for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, Australia’s largest Indigenous boarding school at the time. Boarding had been functioning on the site for 50 years. Unfortunately, the facility was poorly operated and very run down with poor living conditions. Under Haileybury’s management the Indigenous boarding facilities have been refurbished. Since opening Haileybury Rendall School in January 2018 there has been considerable progress in student population growth, almost doubling from approximately 300 to 560 students. 75 of the students are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boarders. The School’s funding agreement with the Commonwealth Government specifies that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boarding will grow to 150 boarders over the next three to five years. The Commonwealth Government funds the boarding and tuition costs, and students’ access travel costs through Abstudy. Numerous Government commissioned reports show the funding is approximately $7,000 per student below the actual costs of boarding and tuition.

ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER STUDENTS AT HRS Haileybury Rendall School’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students come from remote regions of Northern Territory and a small number from Western Australia. The communities are often very disadvantaged, and in some cases students do not have a bed to sleep in nor three meals a day when living in their community. The education

standards are poor and students arrive at Haileybury Rendall School requiring intensive education and pastoral support. Haileybury Rendall School is committed to educating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from remote Australian communities. It is our vision to ensure that Indigenous students have access to a high-quality secondary education. At the forefront of ‘Closing the Gap’ for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students, Haileybury Rendall School’s ambitious target is to ensure that all its graduates leave the School with the skills they require to become active citizens.

THE OPPORTUNITY The history of Australian colonisation combined with the everyday realities of life have created difficult lived experiences for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Haileybury, through education supports young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to lead transformational lives, realising their full potential in all aspects of their development and wellbeing. Haileybury Rendall School aspires to provide equality in educational services for its students, including all extracurricular activities, excursions and the occasional interstate trip. Federal and Territory funding covers boarding costs and academic teaching costs but it does not extend to the many health and welfare support services that we need to provide for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The challenge of overcoming the intergenerational disadvantage and the trauma that many students have experienced in their short lives requires as much support as we can possibly provide. Funding therefore must be sourced from other avenues to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students the equal opportunities available to their peer day students.

OUR REQUEST All support (financial and otherwise) that can be used to assist with the general pastoral care, mental health and well-being of students is much appreciated. We hope you can help. For more information, please contact scott.doran@haileybury.vic.edu.au SCOTT DORAN VICE PRINCIPAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & ADVANCEMENT

Annual Report on Giving


MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT & ALUMNI RELATIONS The Haileybury Foundation is pleased to announce that since our inception we have received over $2.5 million in donations to our three funds. At the end of 2018 the total corpus funds for the Haileybury Foundation equated to $4.7 million. With the amount of pledged bequests totalling close to $7 million, we are delighted that the total corpus sits at $11.7 million at the end of the 2018 financial year.



The Haileybury Scholarship Fund has received over $1.9 million in donations, which we have proudly distributed to students who would not ordinarily have the opportunity to attend our wonderful School.

We have been delighted with the response to our Voluntary Building Fund appeal through the quarterly School fees notice. We thank our wonderful families for their generous contributions to the Haileybury Building Fund. Thus far there have been over 8200 contributions from over 2100 families generating in excess of $420,000. These funds will continue to be utilised to upgrade facilities at each of our four Melbourne campuses.

In 2018 the Haileybury Foundation provided the following scholarships thanks to the generosity of its donors and benefactors: • William Buckland Foundation Indigenous Scholarships (two scholarships) • Haileybury Parents and Friends of Castlefield (HPFC) Scholarship • Class of 2007 / Melbourne Foundation Scholarship. In 2019 and beyond, the Haileybury Foundation will continue to offer scholarships to students, thanks to the kindness of our community members. In addition to the above, the following will be offered in 2019:



• Ian W Cox Scholarship • Gary Bailey (’82) Memorial Scholarship • Robin Fildes Scholarship



















• Geoff and Anne McGeary Scholarship (in memory of Russell McLean Howard).


• Geoff and Anne McGeary Scholarship




Annual Report on Giving


At the end of 2018, the combined total of Foundation corpus and pledged bequests was $11.7 million, a record amount in our nine year history.























$200,000 $100,000


Qtr 1

Qtr 2

Qtr 3

Qtr 4

$40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000






Annual Report on Giving


WINGED HEART SOCIETY We are equally delighted that bequests totalling close to $7 million have been confirmed by individual members within the Haileybury community. By making a bequest to Haileybury, you will be recognised as a member of the Winged Heart Society. Bequests of certain monetary amounts (or of non-cash assets of equivalent value) will also qualify you for the status of Friend, Benefactor, Fellow or Patron of Haileybury Foundation. RUSSELL DAVIDSON DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT & ALUMNI RELATIONS


Annual Report on Giving


During the course of the year, all donors to the Haileybury Foundation will receive a badge in accordance with their giving level. This small gift is a way of recognising your generous donation to the Haileybury Foundation. Images of our badges are shown below with recognition levels referred to later in this report. All donors, inclusive of those who give to the Voluntary Building Fund are entitled to receive a Haileybury Foundation badge. We hope you will wear your badge proudly, sharing the stories of the Foundation with others.





Annual Report on Giving



Haileybury Foundation is providing all members of the Haileybury Community with an opportunity to purchase a named plaque to be installed on a refurbished seat in Aikman Hall. Constructed in 1982, through the generosity of past generations, Aikman Hall is the main focal point of Haileybury’s Performing Arts and serves all of Haileybury’s Melbourne campuses as the School’s main auditorium. With the assistance of the Haileybury Building Fund as managed by the Haileybury Foundation, this much-loved facility of over 35 years is being given an exciting redevelopment with the installation of new seating throughout.


Annual Report on Giving

Each valued member of the Haileybury Community is invited to contribute a tax-deductible gift for ‘Haileybury... Take Your Seat’, an opportunity to support the Haileybury Foundation by recognising those connected to Haileybury – a loved one, student, staff member or community member, in naming a seat. Each $500 donation will allocate a named plaque to a seat in Aikman Hall for the life of the refurbishment. To make your purchase visit haileyburyfoundation.vic.edu.au


Haileybury Foundation continues to support those who would not ordinarily be able to attend our great School.

Donations large and small assist immensely. We are very grateful to those donors who contribute to Haileybury either on an annual basis or more regularly throughout the year. We thank those of you who have made one-off contributions and encourage you to remain active with your gift-giving to the Haileybury Foundation. You are making a difference!

Should you wish to help change the lives of others forever by donating to Haileybury Foundation, please contact me at russell.davidson@haileybury.vic.edu.au

You are making a difference...

Annual Report on Giving



Haftu Strintzos was orphaned at just seven years of age. He grew up in unimaginable poverty in rural Northern Ethiopia with no electricity or running water. His chance of a better life came when he began receiving lifesaving help from long-time aid worker, Maria Strintzos, who eventually adopted him and brought him to Australia. Arriving with little to no English, good fortune once again shone on Haftu when he was awarded a Haileybury Foundation Scholarship, and he began Year 7 at Newlands in 2013. Though previously denied to him in Ethiopia, Haftu finally had what he wanted most – access to a quality education – and he grabbed the opportunities offered by Haileybury with arms wide open. In the years that followed, Haftu worked hard, remained focused on his goals, and received many academic and sporting awards for his efforts. His active involvement in social justice initiatives helped raise awareness of poverty and inequality, and raised funds for the education of Indigenous students; and, more close to home, for the

My heart is exploding with pride and joy. We owe everything to Haileybury. MARIA STRINTZO.S

students back in his village in Ethiopia. A library has been built, educational packs provided to hundreds of poor students and a water well constructed to ensure students do not go to school thirsty. A champion runner, Haftu was the Australian U20 cross-country champion two years in a row; won all six APS cross-country races in 2018; and is one of the highest ranking 5000-metre junior athletes in the country as a result of the coaching and support he received from Haileybury. Haftu has also led by example, becoming the 2017 and 2018 Cross Country Captain, the 2018 Athletics Captain and the Castlefield House Captain – a leadership role he relished. These foundational years at Haileybury have been extraordinary for Haftu. With his VCE just completed, he achieved a remarkable ATAR, received guaranteed placements at Melbourne and Monash Universities in advance, and was offered both academic scholarships and elite athlete support. Haftu wants to be an Environmental Engineer and make the world we inhabit more liveable and sustainable. Haftu’s accomplishments have not gone unnoticed, and with the world now beckoning, he has instead opted to attend Villanova University in Pennsylvania, USA where he is thriving. Offered a full Student Athlete Scholarship, he is studying Engineering and is part of the Villanova Cross Country and Track & Field Teams. With incredible sports facilities, coaching staff, athlete support services, and first-class instructors and educational courses, Haftu has settled into life at Villanova like a fish to water starting from Day 1. According to internationally renowned Villanova head coach Marcus O’Sullivan, Haftu is “very polished and destined to do great things”. Haftu’s story is one of courage, resilience and overcoming adversity to achieve undreamed-of accomplishments. Haftu’s success is Haileybury’s success. He has had a second life full of possibility, all thanks to Haileybury. For that he is eternally grateful. To donate to the Haileybury Scholarship Fund visit www.haileybury.com.au/giving


Annual Report on Giving

Haftu’s success is Haileybury’s success. MARIA STRINTZO.S

Annual Report on Giving



Neil Sutcliffe Chairman

Tom Poulton Board Member

Darren Scammell Board Member

Duncan Sutherland Board Member

Derek Scott Advisor

Rebecca Arceri Advisor

Scott Doran Advisor

Russell Davidson Executive Officer


Annual Report on Giving



The Haileybury Foundation recognise donors who have generously given to any of its funds including the Haileybury Scholarship Fund, Haileybury Building Fund and Haileybury Library Fund, by instituting the following program:

We are extremely grateful to those who have already given to the Haileybury Scholarship Fund, the Haileybury Building Fund and the Haileybury Library Fund.

• A Friend of the Foundation is a donor who has given up to $9,999 • A Benefactor of the Foundation is a donor who has given between $10,000 and $24,999 • A Fellow of the Foundation is a donor who has given between $25,000 and $99,999 • A Patron of the Foundation is a donor who has given $100,000 or more. Recognition levels are based on cumulative giving over the lifetime of the donor. Membership of the 1892 Club is given to those who contribute an annual donation of $500 towards any of the three funds. Membership of the Winged Heart Society is given to those who confirm in writing to the Haileybury Foundation that they have made a bequest to the Foundation in their Will (or in a codicil to their Will).

If you would like to renew your gift, or if you would like to begin giving to one of the Haileybury Foundation’s three funds, you may donate via either of the following methods: ONLINE

Secure donations may be made online by visiting www.haileybury.com.au/giving CHEQUE

Cheques are made payable to: • Haileybury Scholarship Fund • Haileybury Building Fund • Haileybury Library Fund. Please send cheques to: Haileybury Foundation C/- Russell Davidson Director of School Development and Alumni Relations 855 Springvale Road KEYSBOROUGH VIC 3173

The Haileybury Foundation extends its gratitude to all our generous donors.

Annual Report on Giving



The Haileybury Foundation could not continue its mission without the generosity of its donors. We are greatly appreciative to those listed below who have given $10,000 or more over the Foundation’s history.



Anonymous Donor The Estate of the late Mr A Bailey Castlefield Special Projects (HPFC) Mrs G Cox MS Newman Family Foundation (OH ‘81) William Buckland Foundation

Contract Control Services Pty Ltd Mr R Fildes AM (OH ‘58) Grenda Foundation Haileybury Mothers Association Mr R Holding (OH ‘66) Kemner Pty Ltd Melbourne Foundation Morgans Foundation Mr R Perry & Mrs D Perry Ricoh Australia Pty Ltd Sodexo Australia Pty Ltd Sony Foundation Mr N Sutcliffe & Mrs A Sutcliffe Mr D Sutherland (OH ‘60) Mr P Trewin (OH ‘56)

FELLOW Anonymous Donor Campion Education (Aust) P/L Mr J de Wijn AM QC (OH ‘69) Mr T Poulton (OH ‘66) & Ms W Peter


Those who have given at least $500 each year are members of the 1892 Club. The Haileybury Foundation extends its gratitude to the following members: Dr P Brown & Dr D Brown Castlefield Special Projects (HPFC) Mrs G Cox Mr J de Wijn AM QC (OH ‘69) Mr G Dickinson (OH ‘62) Mr M Evans (OH ‘55) Mr R Fildes AM (OH ‘58) Dr M Garwood (OH ‘76) Grenda Foundation Mr R Holding (OH ‘66)


Annual Report on Giving

Kemner Pty Ltd Dr J King Mr J Milne (OH ‘73) Morgans Foundation Mr R Perry & Mrs D Perry Mr T Poulton (OH ‘66) & Ms W Peter Mr D Reynolds (OH ‘66) Mr M Reynolds (OH ‘79) Mr N Sutcliffe & Mrs A Sutcliffe Mr D Sutherland (OH ‘60)


Thank you to all who have indicated that they will leave a bequest in their Will to the Haileybury Foundation. These generous contributions are appreciated and greatly assist the Foundation in making a difference. Membership of the Winged Heart Society is granted to community members who indicate that they have placed Haileybury Foundation in their will. Mr T Avery Mr A Bailey* Mr C Brickhill (OH ’64) Mr I Cox (OH ’47)* Mr C Gillmore (OH ’70) Mr R Fildes AM (OH ’58) Mr M Reynolds (OH ’79) Mr A Sewell (OH ’26)* Dr R Sundberg AM QC (OH ’60) (*Deceased)

Annual Report on Giving


2018 FOUNDATION DONORS Thank you to all of the donors who have given throughout 2018. Anonymous Donor Anonymous Donor Ms M Aalbers Mrs C Abeygunawardane & Mr O Abeygunawardane Mr M Achermann Mr B Adamson (OH ‘87) & Ms S White Mrs J Addamo & Mr G Addamo Mr R Agarwal & Mrs S Agarwal Mr R Agg Mr W Agg & Ms T Day Mr A Agha & Mrs S Agha Dr Y Agrawal & Mrs S Kumari Mr A Ahmed & Mrs T Sayeda Umme Dr F Ahmed & Dr N Ikram Mrs S Ainsworth Ms M Aird Dr M Alamgeer & Mrs F Ikram Mr D Albert & Mrs Y Albert Mr M Alexander Dr A Al-Hashimi & Dr M Alyassin Ms D Alispahic & Mr S Alispahic Mr M Allen & Mrs I Allen Dr R Amarasiri & Dr L Wickramasinghe Mr S Amin & Mrs R Amin Mr K Anderson & Mrs S Anderson Mr S Anderson & Mrs M Anderson Ms O Andreev Mr P Andrew (OH ‘82) & Mrs K Andrew Mr B Andrews & Mrs N Andrews Mr F Andrews & Mrs A Andrews Mr T Angelatos & Mrs F Angelatos Dr A Anis & Mrs Q Afsana Dr B Anthonisz & Dr L Anthonisz Mr S Antonopoulos & Ms R Stefanou Apollo Bay Heights Pty Ltd Mr T Aran & Mrs G Aran Mrs R Arceri & Mr M Arceri Dr D Archbold (OH ‘87) & Ms C Lane Dr S Arendse & Ms R Arendse Mr G Argyrou & Mrs H Argyrou Mr B Arnhold (OH ‘90) & Mrs A Arnhold Mr G Arora & Dr M Arora Dr S Ashiquzzaman & Dr U Ruthbah Mr M Athauda & Mrs M Weragala Mr P Atkinson (OH ‘84) & Mrs J Atkinson Mr Y Au Yeung & Ms Y Hung Mr K Avram Mr A Avramides & Mrs J Avramides Mr T Aylen & Mrs L Aylen Mr A Ayoub & Mrs J Ayoub Dr A Azeez & Dr A Muhammad Mr A Badawy & Mrs S Badawy Dr M Badcock & Dr P Chu Mr G Bagnara & Mrs E McGrady Mr A Baker Mr N Baker & Mrs A Baker Mr S Bakshi & Mrs G Rekshi Mr J Balasuriya & Mrs S Jayasekara Mr R Baldy & Mrs D Baldy Mr G Bankes-Fay & Mrs M Bankes-Fay Mrs O Bansagi & Mr K Bansagi Dr T Barbour & Mrs J Barbour Mr S Barr & Mrs J Barr Mr B Barron (OH ‘87) Mr C Bartlett & Mrs K Bartlett Mr R Bartlett & Mrs C Corral Mr B Bassi & Dr R Aneja Mr K Baswa & Dr L Baswa Mr I Batzli & Mrs M Batzli Mr A Bell & Mrs A Bell


Annual Report on Giving

Mr G Bell & Mrs A Bell Mr R Bell & Ms J Strachan Mr S Bell Mr R Bendle & Mrs J Bendle Dr T Beneragama (OH ‘92) & Dr S De Silva Mr B Benjamin (OH ‘67) Ms R Beulke Mr R Bhatia & Ms V Bhatia Dr A Bhatti & Mrs F Bhatti Mr I Bhuiyan & Ms R Hasan Dr A Bhullar Mr S Bi & Mrs J Gao Mrs K Blackley & Mr N Blackley Mr D Blight & Mrs J Blight Mr R Blunden & Mrs K Blunden Mr S Boctor Mr A Boermans & Mrs N Boermans Mr S Bokos & Ms J Walters BOQ Hampton Mr B Borg & Mrs E Borg Mr T Botterill & Ms L Botterill Mr R Bouris (OH ‘67) Mr P Boutellier & Mrs C Boutellier Mr A Bowman (OH ‘73) Mr J Bradshaw & Mrs H Bradshaw Mr M Bradtke & Mrs N Bradtke Mr S Braim & Ms R Braim Mr M Brand & Ms S Andrini Mr J Brayshaw Ms C Bridge Mr M Bridge & Mrs H Bridge Mr A Brito & Mrs J Brito Mr E Broadbent & Mrs S Broadbent Mr D Brodecky & Mrs A Brodecky Ms V Brodelis Mr D Broderick & Mrs T Broderick Mr A Bromidis & Mrs M Bromidis Mrs N Brooks Mr A Brown (OH ‘82) Dr P Brown & Mrs N Brown Mr S Bryan & Mrs J Bryan Mr A Bua Giancarro & Mrs J Bua Giancarro Mr B Budd & Mrs C Ponder-Budd Mr R Bunnage & Mrs M Bunnage Ms J Burns Mrs M Burrell Dr C Butler & Dr S Burke Mr P Butterworth & Mrs K Butterworth Mr B Buxton & Ms O Buxton Mr S Byrom & Mrs S Byrom Mr M Cahill (OH ‘89) & Ms E Booth Mrs D Cai Mr F Cai & Mrs J Ma Mr H Cai & Mrs Y Jin Mr J Cai & Mrs Y Yang Mr P Cameron & Mrs M Cameron Mr A Cancar & Ms A Stipic Mr T Cantone Mr R Carey & Mrs R Carey Mr G Carmody & Ms J Geeson Mr N Carroll & Dr C Meyer Mr S Carroll & Ms A Stoffels Dr T Cassidy & Ms T Mooney Dr D Castanelli & Ms N Johnson Mr M Castelow & Mrs S Castelow Castlefield Special Projects (HPFC) Castlefield Staff Association Mr M Chaffey & Mrs Y Chaffey Mr G Challis & Ms L Challis

Mr C Chamberlain & Mrs J Chamberlain Mr C Chan & Mrs S Chan Mr C Chang & Mrs Y Ni Mr R Chang & Mrs S Chang Mr G Chapman & Mrs M Chapman Mr S Chari & Mrs G Chari Mr D Chau & Ms S Leung Mr H Chau & Mrs M Nguyen Mr G Chaudhry & Mrs S Chaudhry Mr A Chauhan Mr P Chauhan & Mrs K Chauhan Mr S Chee & Ms R Tang Mr T Chegwin (OH ‘87) Mr G Chen & Ms Y Wang Mr H Chen & Ms M Qiu Mr J Chen & Mrs S Han Mr J Chen & Mrs H Liao Mr K Chen & Mrs Z Yang Mr K Chen & Ms Q Wu Mr L Chen & Mrs J Xu Mr S Chen & Ms M Lin Ms X Chen Mr Y Chen & Mrs C Chen Mr Y Chen & Mrs H Li Mr Z Chen & Mrs R Lin Mr G Cheng & Ms Y Jiang Mrs M Cheng & Dr M Cheng Mr M Cherkez Mrs T Chhor Mr Y Chi & Mrs Y Zhang Mr H Chia & Ms A Wong Mr H Chiem & Ms J Le Mr T Chiem & Mrs T La Dr T Ching (OH ‘94) Mr T Chipperfield & Mrs K Chipperfield Ms D Christie Mr R Chu & Mrs H Zhang Mr S Chua & Ms Y Yang Mr A Chung & Mrs A Chung Mr F Cincotta & Mrs M Cincotta Mr A Clark & Ms S Voules Mr C Clarke & Ms J Chinkwok Mr G Clarke & Mrs B Clarke Mr D Clavarino & Mrs C Clavarino Mr J Clewlow & Mrs V Clewlow Mr J Clysner & Mrs S Moyens Prof D Coghill & Dr S Seth Mr J Coinu & Mrs H Coinu Mr R Colla & Mrs M Colla Mr J Collin & Ms K Day Dr J Collins (OH ‘83) Ms M Coluccio Mr J Connolly & Mrs A Connolly Mr T Connors & Mrs M Connors Mr R Conti & Ms D O’Grady Mr P Cook & Mrs K Cook Mr C Cookesley Mr M Cooper & Ms Sharon Geoffrey Mr N Corcoran & Dr S Adams Mr D Corrigan (OH ‘82) & Mrs P Corrigan Ms A Cotter Miss M Cotter Mr R Cotter (OH 2001) & Mrs T Cotter Mr P Courtney & Mrs R Courtney Mr C Coutinho Mrs S Coutinho Mr S Crawford & Ms O Anderson Cricket Australia Mr D Crosbie & Ms J Grace Mr S Crosby & Dr A Douglas Mr D Crowder & Mrs L Crowder

Mr R Croxall & Ms K Butler Mr D Cruse & Mrs C Cruse Mr P Cumberbatch & Mrs V Cumberbatch Mr A Cummins (OH ‘66) Mr M Curphey Ms R Curry & Ms Z Cadman Mr J Curwen & Dr E Psihogios Mr N Daler & Mrs G Daler Mr T Dang & Mrs V Nguyen Dr H Das Mr B Davidson & Mrs J Davidson Mr R Davidson (OH ‘86) Mr B Davies & Mrs G Davies Mr A Dawar & Mrs S Dawar Mr W Day & Mrs T Day Mr D Daymond (OH ‘82) & Mrs S Daymond Mr J Daymond (OH ‘70) Mr A De Costa & Mrs H De Costa Mr J de Wijn AM QC (OH ‘69) Mr N Deljanovski & Mrs M Deljanovski Mr Q Deng & Ms J Gao Mr A Dewsnap & Mrs K Dewsnap Mr R Dharma & Mrs L Kwardha Mr S Dhawan & Mrs A Dhawan Dr M Dhir & Dr J Dhir Mr G Di Martino & Mrs T Di Martino Mr G Dickinson (OH ‘62) Mr J Diddams (OH ‘66) Mr J Dillon & Mrs V Dillon Mr J Ding & Mrs C Zhu Mr V Ding & Ms M Ernst Mr T Dinh & Mrs T Dinh Mr S Djordjevic & Mrs I Semenova Mr C Do & Mrs M Tran Mr K Do Mr M Do & Mrs T Le Mr T Do & Mrs T Nguyen Mr Y Dong & Mrs Y Ding Mr M Donohue (OH ‘88) Mr S Doraiswamy & Mrs P Palani Mr S Doran (OH ‘84) Ms C Dovaston Mr R Dowsett & Mrs C Dowsett Mr V Drakulic & Mrs A Drakulic Ms A Drew & Mr J Paul Ms D Drummond Mr W Du & Ms X Cao Mr Y Du & Ms D Lan Mr C Dudley (OH ‘86) Mr W Duncan & Ms J Paton Mr R Dutta & Mrs S Khan Mr D Dwarakanathan & Mrs R Deepak Kumar Ms N Dwyer Mr C Ea & Mrs S Ea Mr M Economos & Mrs D Economos Mr P Eddey & Mrs V Eddey Mr T Elcock & Mrs D Elcock Mr D Elia & Mrs J Elia Mr K Elliott & Mrs S Elliott Mr P Ellis (OH ‘88) Mr W Ellis & Mrs S Mahfoud Mrs A Elsabrouty & Mr B Elsabrouty Mr J Elsayed & Mrs R Elsayed Mr R Elsayed & Mrs K Elsayed Emmanuel College Inc Mr A English (OH 2003) Dr A Ennis Mr K Epasinghe & Mrs U Epasinghe

Ms M Esparon Mr B Eva (OH ‘85) & Ms L Relph Mr B Evans & Mrs S Evans Mr M Evans (OH ‘55) Mr M Eyking & Ms C Eyking Mr P Fallon & Mrs C Fallon Dr Y Fan & Ms J Feng Mrs Y Fan & Mr J Shen Mr M Fang & Ms S Lee Miss V Fang Mr X Fang & Mrs X Wang Mr L Fei & Dr Y Song Mr Y Fei & Ms X Xie Mr B Feng & Ms D Zhao Mr G Fernandez & Mrs F Fernandez Mr D Fernando & Mrs D Fernando Mr H Fernando & Dr S Fernando Dr J Fernando & Mrs J Silvapulle Mr P Fernando & Ms T Fernando Mr G Ferrier & Ms S Ferrier Mr D Ferris & Ms J Hutchinson Mr D Fielding & Mrs S Fielding Mr R Fildes AM (OH ‘58) Mr R Fink & Ms J Roche Ms J Finn Ms A Finne-Larsen Mr D Finne-Larsen Mr J Flanders (OH ‘92) & Mrs C Flanders Mr S Fletcher & Mrs J Fletcher Mr W Flintoft & Ms E Flintoft Mr G Flynn & Mrs G Flynn Mr C Ford (OH ‘91) & Mrs J Ford Mr B Forge & Mrs P Forge Mr P Fountain & Ms J Mark Mr M Franklin & Mrs N Franklin Mr D Frawley & Mrs A Frawley Mr A Freeman (OH ‘72) Mr H Fricke (OH ‘84) & Mrs L Fricke Mr C Fu Mr X Fu Mr A Fujihara (OH 2017) Mr E Fujihara Mr K Fujihara (OH 2013) Miss K Fujihara (OH 2008) Mrs K Fujihara Mr M Fujihara (OH 2009) Mr R Fujihara (OH 2011) Miss S Fujihara Mr Y Fujihara (OH 2015) Mr R Fuleky & Mrs J Fuleky Mr A Fuller (OH ‘98) Mr D Fyfe & Mrs S Fyfe Mr Y Galanis & Mrs N Galanis Ms R Gamage Mr R Gannoruwa & Dr R Gannoruwa Mr A Gardiner & Mrs N Gardiner Dr M Garwood (OH ‘76) Mr L Gaudion & Mrs M Beeck Gaudion Mr T Gavalakis & Mrs A Gavalakis Mr J Gentile Mr Z Gergely & Mrs E Gergely Mr S Gergis & Mrs N Ibrahim Mr S Ghosh & Mrs A Uppal Mr P Gibson & Mrs M Gibson Miss S Gilbert Mr A Giles Knopp & Ms M Mccarthy Dr C Giummarra & Dr P Walters-Giummarra Mr M Godfrey & Mrs A Coulsell Mr M Goerke & Mrs M Goerke Ms F Gontier Mr L Goodwin & Mrs T Goodwin Mr M Goulden (OH ‘93) Mr M Govindaraju & Ms V Parasuraman Mr A Gown & Ms L Biffin Mr M Goyal & Mrs R Goyal Mr P Goyal

Mr D Grant (OH ‘75) Mr P Grant & Mrs E Grant Mr S Gray & Ms E Kayser Mr J Green (OH ‘89) & Mrs H Green Mr P Green & Mrs S Green Grenda Foundation Mr K Grenda & Mrs M Grenda Mr S Grenda (OH ‘84) & Ms F Cole Mr J Griffin & Ms J Fewster Mr A Griffiths & Mrs K Griffiths Mrs L Grossi Mr G Grover & Dr N Grover Mr H Groves (OH ‘88) Mr D Gu & Ms J Zhou Mr H Gu & Ms Q Huang Mr J Gu & Mrs D Dong Mr W Gu & Mrs H Jiang Mr Y Gunasegaram Dr A Gunawardana & Mrs P Fernando Mrs L Guo Mr X Guo & Ms X Lyu Mr K Gupta & Mrs D Gupta Dr N Gupta & Mrs V Modi Mr S Gupta & Mrs S Gupta Mr T Gutowski & Ms A Wong Dr E Gvozdenko & Dr I Gvozdenko Mrs D Ha & Mr M Hoang Mr D Haakman & Mrs J Haakman Mr J Haakman & Mrs K Haakman Mr A Hadjikakou (OH ‘88) & Mrs H Hadjikakou Haileybury Past Mothers Association Mr D Hall & Ms M Hall Mr S Hall & Mrs M Hall Mr S Hallal & Mrs G Hallal Dr N Hallam (OH ‘55) Mr S Hallam & Dr D Hallam Mr L Halstead & Mrs L Halstead Dr Z Hamad & Dr Z Abdulazeez Mr P Hameister (OH ‘87) & Ms V Hameister Mr P Hamilton (OH ‘82) & Mrs C Hamilton Mr G Hammond (OH ‘87) & Dr S Hammond Mr B Han & Mrs R Li Mr W Hanna & Mrs L Hanna Mr G Hao & Mrs L Li Mr L Harcourt & Mrs K Harcourt Mr P Harman & Mrs C Harman Mr B Harper & Mrs S Harper Mrs A Harris & Mr D Harris Mr P Harry & Ms J Burrows Mrs M Hart Mr T Hartley (OH ‘88) Mr S Hassan & Mrs U Kulsum Mr K Hatziladas & Mrs F Hatziladas Mr G Hawley Mr G He & Mrs W Liu Mrs Q He Ms L Henderson Mr J Hendrie & Dr F Hendrie Mr R Henley & Mrs L Henley Mr L Henningsen (OH ‘86) & Ms V Henningsen Mr A Hill & Ms S Dwyer Mr J Hillier & Mrs C Hillier Mr C Hilton & Mrs C Hilton Ms B Hinh Mr N Ho & Dr L Nguyen Mr N Ho & Mrs T Vo Mr S Hobart (OH ‘96) Mrs M Hogg Marshall & Mr S Marshall Mr M Hogg (OH ‘83) & Ms P Hogg Mr R Holding (OH ‘66) Mr A Hong & Mrs A Hong Mr Q Hong & Ms J Gu

Ms I Hoon & Mr C Brennan Mr R Hooper & Dr N Hooper Ms S Hu & Mr M Yii Mr D Huang & Mrs J Liu Mr H Huang & Mrs K Liu Mr J Huang & Ms B Chen Mr Q Huang & Ms W Zhong Mr T Huang & Mrs A Xu Mr Z Huang & Ms Y Tao Mr J Humble & Ms S Humble Mr J Hunter & Mrs A Hunter Mr F Hutchison & Mrs M Hutchison Mr M Ilyas & Dr U Jawwad Mr N Ioannidis & Ms M Ioannidis Dr A Iontchev & Dr I Iontchev Dr R Iseli & Dr T Iseli Mr A Iser & Mrs S Iser Dr H Islam & Dr S Akhter Mr M Islam & Dr F Mazid Mr D Jacobsen & Mrs C Jacobsen Dr A Jain & Dr S Kansal Mr Z Jakimoski & Mrs C Jakimoski Dr J James & Dr N James Mrs T James & Mr A James Dr C Jayasekera (OH ‘96) & Ms L Jayasekera Mr A Jayathillake & Ms S Sirisena Mr D Jeffery (OH ‘93) & Mrs S Jeffery Mrs M Jenkins & Mr G Jenkins Mr G Jeyaweerasingham & Mrs E Jeyaweerasingham Mr B Jia & Ms H Wang Mr B Jiang & Ms M Xing Mr E Jiang & Mrs A Lay Ms H Jiang & Mr Z Mao Mr J Jiang & Mrs A Lee Mr Y Jiang & Mrs C Wu Mr C Jinks Mrs S Jinks Mr D Johnson (OH ‘84) & Mrs C Johnson Mr R Johnson & Mrs L Johnson Dr M Jones & Ms R Laughlin Mr M Jones Mr N Jones & Mrs J Jones Mr N Jones & Mrs S Jones Mr T Jones (OH ‘62) Mr A Joshi & Ms M Prabhu Mr C Judd & Mrs R Judd Mr G Kahan & Ms M Hall Mr R Kahatapitiya & Mrs M Mapa Mr A Kaiser & Mrs M Kaiser Mrs M Kaiser & Mr A Kaiser Mrs V Kalaichelvam Mr N Kam & Ms H Lee Dr P Kamath & Dr R Nayak Mr K Kanagaiyan & Mrs J Kugan Ms A Kaplan Mr R Kapugamage & Mrs L De Alwis Mrs K Karunaratna Mr M Karunaratna & Mrs A Padukka Mr K Karunaratne & Mrs M Wijesinghe Mr C Kasapidis & Mrs E Kasapidis Mr P Kehoe & Mrs B Kehoe Mr M Keller & Mrs B Keller Mr J Kellett & Ms L Gerdtz Mr P Kelly & Ms A Foran Mr P Kelly & Dr E Kelly Mr S Kelly & Dr J Simpson Kemner Pty Ltd Mr A Khan & Mrs M Khan Mr R Khan & Mrs R Begum Mr H Khim & Ms S Soy Mr V Khin & Mrs K Ly Mr V Khuu & Mrs A Cao Mr D Kilburn & Mrs N Kilburn Mrs E Kimm & Mr S Kimm Mr B King & Mrs M King

Mr M King & Mrs L King Mr P King Mr J Kirkwood & Ms N Kirkwood Mr S Kit & Mrs C Tang Mr N Kodikara & Mrs T Kodikara Mr E Kogas Mr C Kokoras & Mrs D Kokoras Dr N Kokotis & Ms S Fujii Mr M Koldun Mr C Kong & Mrs C Ng Mr C Kontis & Mrs P Kontis Mrs E Kostakis & Mr J Kostakis Mr P Koutsaplis & Mrs V Koutsaplis Mr J Kratz & Ms J Pappas Mr L Krol & Mrs T Krol Mr S Kromidellis (OH ‘89) & Mrs M Kromidellis Mr J Kumar & Ms E Arora Dr M Kumar & Dr B Sharma Ms M Kyrios & Mr C Dekazos Mr R Laffy & Mrs M Laffy Ms T Lakic Mr J Lam & Ms Y Lu Mr P Lan & Ms P Vu Mrs W Lane Mr A Langford (OH ‘98) & Mrs K Langford Dr E Law & Mrs S Law Ms T Law Mr A Lawrence & Mrs J Lawrence Mr O Lawton & Mrs J Lawton Miss E Lay Mrs H Le Mr S Le Grand & Ms K Hart-Smith Mr A Le & Ms H Nguyen Dr K Le & Dr C Nguyen Mr Q Le Mr Q Le Mr Q Le & Mrs N Pham-Le Mr T Le & Mrs C Thai Mr T Le & Mrs N Nguyen Mr A Lea & Mrs K Lea Mr K Lee & Mrs S Cho Mr M Lee & Ms I Park Mr R Lee (OH ‘77) Mr C Leeds & Mrs L Leeds Mr L Legaspi & Ms Y Soon Dr E Lekgabe & Dr E Lekgabe Mr M Leo & Mrs L Leo Dr S Leong & Mrs G Leong Mr D Leow & Mrs O Dang Mr F Lew Mr A Lewis & Mrs S Lewis Mr B Lewis & Mrs K Lewis Mrs M Lewis & Mr M Lewis Mr P Lewis & Dr L Batchelor Mr T Leyonhjelm-Beck & Mrs M Leyonhjelm-Beck Mr F Li Mr G Li & Mrs W Deng Mr G Li & Mrs S Zhao Mr H Li & Mrs Y Shen Mr J Li & Mrs X Liu Mr M Li & Mrs C Li Ms S Li & Mr H Jiang Mr S Li & Ms C Liang Mr W Li & Ms J Geng Mr X Li & Ms X Zhang Mr X Li & Mrs S Wang Mrs Y Li Mr Y Li & Mrs D Zhang Mr Z Li & Mrs Q Rong Ms Z Li & Mr H Zhao Mr X Liang & Mrs J Zhang Mr Z Liang & Mrs Q Xu Mr H Liao & Mrs N Huan Lifestyle Chelsea Heights

Annual Report on Giving


Mrs F Lim Dr P Lim (OH ‘84) & Ms F Chan Mr V Lim & Ms B Phan Mr B Lin & Ms D Yu Mr J Lin & Mrs N Meng Ms L Lin Mr T Lin & Ms H Zhong Mrs X Lin & Mr R Tang Mr M Lisina & Mrs M Lisina Mr J Litaridis (OH ‘91) Mr C Liu & Mrs J Jin Mr G Liu & Mrs L Qi Mr G Liu & Mrs Y Lin Mr G Liu & Mrs L Xu Mr J Liu & Mrs X Yu Mrs X Liu Mr Y Liu & Ms J Sun Mrs Y Liu & Mr H Chen Mr S Liyana Arachchige & Mrs A Koku Handige Mr D Liyanaarachchige Mr M Lloyd & Mrs L Lloyd Mr R Loader & Ms P McCann Mr S Loewe & Ms K Loewe Mr A Logan & Mrs S Logan Mr A Loh & Ms N Reynolds-Loh Mr K Lok & Mrs M Kong Ms Y Lou Mr S Loughnane & Mrs N Loughnane Mr M Louis & Ms J Sanders Ms H Lu Mr Q Lu & Mrs J Yu Mr W Luan & Mrs X Xu Mr B Lubin & Mrs L Lubin Mr D Luc & Mrs G Tran Dr C Luckhoff & Mrs M Luckhoff Mr Q Luo & Ms Y Zhou Mr W Luo & Mrs X Meng Mrs O Lyebyed & Mr X Cao Mrs W Ma & Mr C Yang Mr N Mackay & Ms J Smith Ms C Mackinlay & Mr H Bradley Mr D MacLean (OH ‘83) & Mrs L MacLean Mr S Maginness & Mrs A Maginness Mr V Mahanta & Ms B Kalita Mr U Maheepala & Dr S Maheepala Mr H Makia & Mrs R Al-jarah Mr A Makris & Mrs L Makris Mr B Malak & Mrs M Malak Mr M Malhi Dr P Malhotra & Dr A Malhotra Mr H Mali & Mrs A Mali Mr P Manickatham & Mrs E Sebastian Ms B Marcetic Mr J Marsden & Mrs J Marsden Mr P Marsh & Mrs J Marsh Mr B Marshall (OH ‘84) & Mrs C Marshall Mr R Marshall & Ms U Marshall Mr S Marshall & Mrs M Hogg Marshall Mrs T Marx & Mr G Marx Mr J Masudy & Mrs Z Masudy Mr C Maunder & Ms T Maunder Mr A Mavridis & Mrs M Mavridis Mr N Mavrikos & Mrs M Mavrikos Mr T McAllister & Ms H Jiang Mr C McConville & Mrs C McConville Mr T McDonagh & Mrs E McDonagh Mr A McDonald & Ms S Hutchison Mr M McDonald & Mrs N McDonald Mr P McDonald & Mrs G McDonald Prof P McDougall (OH ‘67) Mr S McDuff & Mrs K McDuff Mr S McGeagh & Mrs S McGeagh Mr R McGeary (OH ‘80) & Mrs R McGeary Mr S Mcgibbony & Mrs K Mcgibbony


Annual Report on Giving

Ms F McGrath & Mr M Stroeder Mr C McHenry (OH 2015) Mr M McKay Mr C McKibbin & Dr G McKibbin Mr M McKillop & Mrs C McKillop Mr A McLaren & Mrs K McLaren Mr B McLaws (OH ‘81) & Mrs J McLaws Mr G McNamara & Mrs T McNamara Mr S McPhee & Ms C McPhee Melbourne Foundation Mr S Melis & Ms J Sun Mr S Meylan Mr D Meyzis & Ms N Tulic Mr G Milani & Mrs L Morakis Mr J Milne (OH ‘73) Mr R Milne-Pott (OH ‘63) Dr J Mines Mr S Mirranay & Miss S Najibi Mr D Mirvis & Ms S Lim Dr V Mishra & Dr A Mishra Mr W Mitris Mr H Molnar (OH ‘94) & Mrs T Molnar Mr S Montague (OH ‘94) & Mrs J Montague Mr T Montague (OH ‘95) & Ms B Montague Mr P Morey (OH ‘90) & Mrs L Morey Morgans Foundation Mr J Morley & Ms S Buxton Mr P Morton & Mrs K Morton Dr E Mostokly & Dr M Yousef Mr I Moussa & Mrs H Majid Mr N Moutia & Ms S Loncarevic Mr N Renna & Mrs M Renna Mr S Mullins & Mrs G Mullins Mr P Munasinghe & Mrs T Seneviratne Mr B Muntz (OH ‘89) Mr S Muraledaran & Dr S Muraledaran Mr B Myers & Ms S Goldenberg Mr Q Na & Mrs B Dong Dr A Nan & Mrs T Fahiem Dr K Nandkumar & Mrs M Rao-Nandkumar Mr I Nash (OH ‘78) Mr T Nash & I Nash Mr D Navaria & Mrs M Navaria Mr D Neale Mr E Nelson & Mrs S Nelson Mr S Nerali & Mrs A Nerali Mr J Newbury & Mrs S Newbury Mr M Newby & Mrs N Wearne Mr M Newman & Mrs J Newman Mr A Newton & Ms W Newton Mr D Ngo & Ms L Nguyen Mr K Ngo & Mrs C Ngo Mr P Ngo & Ms P Gip Mr T Ngo & Mrs J Nguyen Mr B Nguyen & Mrs H Lee Mr C Nguyen & Mrs W Yoong Mr D Nguyen & Mrs T Nguyen Dr D Nguyen & Mrs H Lam Mr H Nguyen & Mrs T Hoang Mr P Nguyen & Mrs D Nguyen Mr P Nguyen & Mrs U Nguyen Mr Q Nguyen & Mrs P Nguyen Mr V Nguyen & Mrs D Huynh Mr V Nguyen & Mrs M Nguyen Mr L Nicholson & Mrs S Nicholson Mr A Nithianandan & Mrs M Anton Meryl Mrs O Nithianandan Mr L Nixon (OH 2002) Mr P Noble (OH ‘87) & Mrs K Noble Mr S Noble Ms C Norris Mr M O’Brien & Mrs A O’Brien Mr G Ogilvy & Mrs J Ogilvy

Mr A Okhuizen & Mrs P Okhuizen-Schaap Old Haileyburians Association Mr S Ong & Ms N Amran Mr T Ong & Mrs Y Chin Mr W Oparkcharoen & Dr P Oparkcharoen Mr A Osorio & Mrs C Ramognino Ms F O’Toole Mr Z Ou & Mrs X Cui Mr S Pahala Vithana & Mrs K Abeysinghe Mr D Painter (OH ‘88) Mr J Paitaridis & Mrs C Paitaridis Mr R Palanisamy & Mrs G Muthusamy Mr V Palillo & Ms B Buccheri Mr B Pan & Mrs H Ju Mr J Pan & Mrs H Chang Mr Z Pan & Mrs C Zhu Mr M Pancholi & Mrs A Pancholi Mr J Panetta (OH ‘90) & Mrs C Panetta Mr J Panopoulos & Ms D Panopoulos Mr C Papov & Dr R Meusemann Mr A Pappas & Mrs P Passakos-Pappas Mr A Parker & Mrs J Parker Mr T Pasha & Mrs N Syed Jaffar Mr M Paterakis & Mrs S Paterakis Mr J Paterson & Mrs A Paterson Mr N Paton & Mrs P Paton Mr T Paul & Mrs V Paul Mr G Payne (OH ‘73) Ms J Payton Mr C Pearce & Mrs K Pearce Mr J Pedley & Mrs M Travassaros Mr J Peng & Ms J Wang Mr J Percival Mr N Perdriau & Mrs N Perdriau Mr C Perera & Ms A Alwis Mr D Perera & Mrs H Wetthasinghe Mr M Perera Mr N Perera & Mrs K Wijesekera Mr P Perera & Mrs J Jayasuriya Mr R Perera & Mrs N Perera Mr J Perri (OH 2007) Mr R Perry & Mrs D Perry Mr K Petersen & Mrs M Petersen Mr H Pham Mr R Philip & Mrs F Philip Mr C Phillips (OH ‘73) Mr T Phillipson & Mrs J Phillipson Dr T Phung & Ms L Mah Mr V Phung & Mrs Phung Mr C Piastri & Mrs N Piastri Mr R Pickersgill & Mrs S Pickersgill Mr J Pilarinos & Ms V Giosis Mr S Pillai & Mrs B Pillai Mr K Pirapakaran Mr W Pisciotta & Mrs V Pisciotta Mr T Pitcher Mr D Pitt & Mrs K Pitt Mr N Png & Ms K Thian Mr V Ponniah & Mrs N Venthan Mr H Pontikis & Mrs R Pontikis Mr J Poon & Ms P Ng Yau Mr M Poort & Mrs G Poort Mr T Poulton (OH ‘66) & Ms W Peter Mr N Prabaharan & Mrs A Prabaharan Mr N Prasad & Mrs A Prasad Mr C Prasnikar & Mrs V Strehar Prasnikar Mr A Pratt & Mrs K Pratt Mr J Prest (OH ‘92) & Ms J Robinson Mr D Prins (OH ‘91) & Mrs C Prins Mrs S Pulitano & Mr D Pulitano Mr M Pulsford & Ms J Di Blasi Mr A Purdhani & Mrs N Purdhani Mr J Qian & Mrs C Yang Mr Y Qian & Mrs X Li

Mr S Qiu & Mrs X Guan Mr Y Qu & Mrs Y Chen Mr D Quinn & Mrs S Quinn Mr M Racunica (OH ‘85) & Dr T Racunica Mr M Radisavljevic & Mrs R Radisavljevic Mr H Ragg & Ms M Brown Dr S Raghav & Dr S Raghav Mr S Rahman & Mrs E Rahman Dr V Raina & Dr R Chopra Mr A Rajakaruna & Mrs M Rajakaruna Mr J Rajakaruna & Mrs S Aswatta Mr R Rajarajan (OH ‘95) & Mrs K Rajarajan Mr N Rama & Mrs R Rama Mr S Ramsay & Mrs S Ramsay Mr N Ranasingha & Dr H Ranasingha Mr R Rastogi & Mrs M Rastogi Mr D Ratcliffe & Mrs M Ratcliffe Dr M Rather & Mrs F Rather Mr R Rathnayake & Dr N Rathnayake Mr S Rees & Ms K Lamb Mr H Ren & Mrs L Wei Mr D Reynolds (OH ‘66) Mr M Reynolds (OH ‘79) Mr M Reynolds & Ms J Reynolds Dr P Ridland (OH ‘66) Mr P Riedel & Mrs D Wright Mr R Rigoni & Mrs C Rigoni Mr A Rigotto & Mrs J Rigotto Mr M Rippon & Mrs M Rippon Dr V Roberts & Mrs J Roberts Mr D Robertson (OH ‘53) Mr D Robertson & Ms K Shires Mr B Robinson & Mrs S Morrissy Mrs K Rodrigues-Edwards & Mr D Edwards Mr T Romeo & Mrs M Romeo Ms L Rooney Mr M Rose & Mrs S Rose Mr N Rose (OH ‘82) & Mrs G Rose Mr C Ross & Dr L Ross Mr J Rouse & Mrs J Rouse Mr B Rowse & Mrs J Rowse Mr M Roy & Mrs K Das Mrs Y Ru & Mr Y Chen Mr F Ruffo & Ms F Golotta Mr A Russell & Mrs L Russell Mr J Ryan & Mrs V Spargo-Ryan Mr F Rykers & Mrs H Rykers Ms K Saarinsen Dr S Saha & Dr K Roy Mr D Samarakoon & Mrs P Samarakoon Mr D Samarawickrama & Mrs M Liyanage Ms R Samrai Mr J Samson & Ms J Samson Mr I Sandell (OH ‘57) Prof J Sanjayan & Mrs V Sanjayan Mr R Santalucia & Mrs V Santalucia Mrs V Saristavros & Mr S Saristavros Mrs S Saroya & Mr G Singh Mr A Sarwari & Mrs W Benawa Mr A Saydam & Mrs Z Saydam Mrs C Sayers & Mr D Sayers Mr R Schaeffer & Ms S Babic Mr A Schoff & Mrs N Bishop Mr S Schofield & Mrs N Schofield Mr W Scott & Mrs A Scott Mr K Seeberg & Mrs E Mortelmans Mr G Seenivasan & Mrs N Seenivasan Mr T Senthilmohan & Mrs R Senthilmohan Dr J Serpell Mr H Shah & Mrs S Shah Mr M Shah & Mrs R Shah Dr N Shah & Dr P Shah Ms L Shand

Mr B Shannon & Ms A Schneider Mr M Shaw & Ms T Short Ms Q Shen Mr Z Shen & Mrs J Zhan Mr G Sheng & Mrs X Zhou Ms S Sheppard Mr R Shetty & Mrs P Shetty Mr S Shi & Mrs J Dong Mr Y Shi & Mrs S Yu Mr Y Shi & Ms Y Mao Mr K Shing & Mrs K Neo Mr C Sievers (OH ‘85) & Ms C Rome-Sievers Mr J Sikic & Mrs M Sikic Mr R Silva & Mrs U Silva Mr D Simic & Mrs D Simic Mrs J Simmons & Mr A Simmons Ms L Simons Mr J Singh & Mrs K Khushbu Mr J Singh & Mrs R Kaur Mr T Singh & Mrs G Kaur Mr T Smart & Ms M Shore Mr A Smith & Mrs K Smith Mr C Smith & Mrs A Smith Mr D Smith (OH ‘50) Mr D Smith & Mrs S Smith Mr D Smith & Mrs M Di Vito-Smith Mr E Smith (OH ‘84) Mr P Smith & Mrs T Smith Mr T Smith & Mrs S Smith Mr S Smyth & Mrs N Prime Mr M Sola & Mrs M Fugier-Sola Ms K Somerville & Ms M Larsson Mr M Song & Mrs C Sun Sony Foundation Mr F Spagnolo & Mrs J Spagnolo Ms S Spalding Mr A Sproul (OH ‘88) Dr K Sriananthakumar & Dr S Sriananthakumar Dr M Srinivasaigh Mr D Starvaggi Dr T Stavrakoglou & Mrs O Doukakaros Mr J Stefanoski & Ms P Gilantzis Ms C Stephens Mr C Steyn & Mrs L Steyn Mr J Steyn Mr N Stobart (OH ‘86) Mr R Stocker & Ms P Stocker Mr B Stojanovski & Ms Y Stojanovski Mr S Stoner & Mrs A Stoner Mr F Strauss & Mrs G Strauss Mr B Stravens & Ms C Stravens Dr A Strickland & Dr H Roberts Ms M Strintzos Mrs E Strzelecka-Zajac & Mr K Zajac Mr D Stutz & Mrs K Stutz Mr G Su & Mrs C Li Mr A Sulemani & Mrs V Sulemani Mr L Sumanasekera & Mrs A Karunaratne Mr H Sun & Ms Y Liu Mr J Sun & Ms C Bian Mr H Sun & Ms H Chen Mr T Sun & Mrs W Yao Mr Y Sun & Mrs S Liu Mr N Sutcliffe & Mrs A Sutcliffe Mr D Sutherland (OH ‘60) Mr M Suy & Mrs G Suy Mr I Syed & Mrs K Gunasekaran Mrs S Syeda & Mr S Islam Dr D Syme & Mrs M Syme Mr K Ta (OH ‘95) Mr M Ta & Ms C Leong Mr J Tahan (OH ‘93) & Mrs A Tahan Dr T Tahir & Mrs M Tahir Mr S Tambanis & Mrs M De Rhoter

Dr A Tan & Mrs S Tan Mr C Tan & Mrs M Tan Mr M Tan & Dr S Su Mrs B Tang & Mr B Tang Mrs J Tang & Mr W Hu Mr V Tang & Mrs T Duong Ms Y Tang Mr D Targett & Mrs V Targett Mr I Tauman & Mrs L Tauman Mr P Teasdale & Ms J Myers Mr D Ten Sing & Mrs N Gunawan Mr J Terlato & Mrs M Terlato Mr T Thach & Ms C Nguyen Mr S Thanapathy & Mrs S Thanapathy Mr S Thangarajah & Mrs N Sasikaran Dr T Thean & Ms S Tedjokusumo Mr L Theodosiou & Mrs G Theodosiou Mr N Thirunavukarasu & Mrs N Nimalachandran Mr L Thom (OH ‘88) & Ms F Ottey Prof J Thomas & Ms J Jacobson Mr L Thomas & Ms L Tsang Mr B Thompson & Mrs J Thompson Mr B Thompson & Mrs K Thompson Mr N Thompson Mr J Tian & Ms S Yu Mr Y Tian & Mrs Y Wang Mr C Tiley & Mrs A Tiley Mr D Timms & Mrs S Timms Mr R Tindall & Mrs C Tindall Mr B Tomasic & Mrs K Tomasic Ms J Tong & Mr Y Zhang Mr T Tong & Ms S Ouch Mr B Toracki & Mrs T Toracki Mr N Traficante & Ms M Labrooy Mr K Tran & Mrs T Nguyen Miss L Tran (OH 2017) Mrs N Tran & Mr P Nguyen Mr P Tran (OH 2000) & Mrs T Tran Ms T Tran Mr T Tran & Mrs H Tran Mr T Tran & Mrs S Vo Mrs J Trembath & Mr P Trembath Mr J Trende & Mrs K Trende Mr S Trevan & Mrs H Newman-Trevan Mr M Trinder & Ms A Trinder Trinity College Dr A Trivett (OH ‘84) & Mrs N Trivett Mr A Tropeano & Mrs T Tropeano Mrs S Trueman Mr S Tuffley & Dr J Tuffley Dr P Tuladhar & Mrs S Kansakar Mr B Turner & Mrs H Kurincic Mr P Turner & Mrs K Turner Mr M Twigg & Mrs L Twigg Ms A Tyrrell Mr M Ugarcina & Mrs O Ugarcina Dr P Uldry Severin & Dr V Severin Mr W Ursell & Mrs A Ursell Dr M Utten & Mrs M Utten Dr T Vaithianathan & Mrs V Vaithianathan Mr A Valea Dr L Valea Dr O Valianatos Dr B van der Merwe & Mrs W van der Merwe Mr D Van Raay & Mrs S Van Raay Mr P Van Vliet & Ms C Kennedy Mr C Van & Mrs V Uch Mr J Vanderloo & Mrs K Vanderloo Mr J Varghese & Ms J Hunter Mr A Venturi & Mrs C Venturi Mrs R Verma & Mr G Verma Mr J Vernadakis & Mrs P Vernadakis Mrs K Viedra-Garofalo & Mr P Garofalo Ms C Villella

Mr V Vo & Mrs L Vo Mr F Vogel & Mrs T Vogel Mr R Vojtkiv & Mrs A Vojtkiv Mr C Vong & Mrs V Sreng Mrs P Vossos & Mr S Vossos Mrs K Wade & Mr P Wade Mr W Wahl & Mrs X Ye Mr N Wakeling (OH ‘88) & Mrs L Wakeling Mr B Walker & Mrs J Harford Mr G Walker & Ms H Piontek Walker Mr J Wall & Mrs M Wall Mr G Wallis & Ms C Wallis Mr T Walstab & Ms P Walstab Mr D Wan & Mrs J Wan Mr F Wang & Mrs Z Liu Mr G Wang & Ms Y Zhang Mr J Wang & Mrs Y Han Mr L Wang & Ms K Xue Mr S Wang & Mrs D Zheng Mrs S Wang Mr W Wang & Ms H Ji Ms W Wang Mrs W Wang & Mr P Wu Mr X Wang & Mrs Q Xiao Ms Y Wang Ms Y Wang & Mr T Zhao Mr Y Wang (OH 2003) Ms Y Wang & Dr D Fan Mr Z Wang & Mrs Z Bai Mrs F Wang-Ward & Mr S Ward Mr J Warlond & Ms M Tse Warlond Mr G Warszawski & Mrs M Warszawski Mr D Waters & Mrs I Waters Mr R Watson & Mrs D Watson Dr W Watson & Dr S Watson Ms N Watt & Mr M Hughes Dr M Watts Mr S Weaner & Ms M Cordaro Mr S Weeraratne & Ms T Gunatillake Mr C Weerasekara & Mrs R Gunawardana Mr B Wei & Mrs R Shi Mr H Wei & Ms J Yang Mr J Wells & Mrs J Wells Mr G West Mr W Wettesinghe & Dr I Wettesinghe Mr C Wheeler & Mrs C Wheeler Mr Graeme Whickman & Mrs T Whickman Mr D White Mr A Whitelaw (OH ‘89) & Mrs G Whitelaw Ms K Whitten Ms M Whittingham Mr A Wickham & Ms M Wickham Mr C Willetts Rev M Williams & Dr J George Mr S Williams (OH ‘86) & Mrs O Williams Mr M Williamson & Mrs T Williamson Mr B Wilson & Mrs T Wilson Mr S Wiltshire & Mrs F Wiltshire Mr L Wimalasuriya & Mrs R Wimalasuriya Mr P Wingate & Dr O Wingate Mr C Wong Mr P Wong & Mrs W Tong Mr D Wood (OH ‘84) & Mrs A Wright Mr T Woodbridge & Mrs N Woodbridge Mr H Woodman & Ms A Woodman Mr D Woods & Mrs L Woods Mr K Woods & Ms A Willey Mr M Wright & Mrs N Wright Mrs R Wrigley Mr G Wu & Mrs Z Yao Mr J Wu & Mrs S Huang Mr H Xiao & Mrs Y Wang Mr L Xiao & Ms W Chen

Mr L Xie & Mrs H Liu Ms P Xie & Mr Q Jiang Mr R Xu & Dr Y Zhang Mr X Xu & Mrs Y Zhao Mr L Xue & Mrs J Wang Mr H Yalaz & Mrs D Yalaz Mr T Yan & Ms S Liu Mr D Yang & Ms C Tao Mr H Yang & Mrs L Wen Mr X Yang & Dr E Xiou Mrs Y Yang Mr Y Yang & Mrs J Zhang Mr J Yao & Mrs Y Wang Dr J Yao & Dr J Ouyang Mr Y Yao & Mrs L Chen Mr Y Yao & Mrs Y Hu Mr T Yin & Ms J Zhou Mr Y Yin & Mrs X Tian Mr L Yin & Mrs Z Wu Mr Z Ying & Ms D Zheng Mr N Yogathas & Mrs S Yogathas Mr J Yong & Ms I Boo Dr L Yong Mr K You & Mrs M Tran Mr A Youds & Mrs D Youds Dr R Young & Ms S Young Dr L Yu & Mrs J Shi Mr L Yu & Mrs W Lu Mr Y Yu & Mrs J Zhang Mr Z Yu & Ms X Du Mr R Yuan & Ms N Zhao Mr Z Yuan & Mrs X Wen Mr Z Yuan & Ms D Kan Mr A Zagame & Mrs C Zagame Mrs A Zaitseva & Mr L Mickelson Mr C Zang & Mrs M Ren Mr L Zeng & Mrs H Chen Mr H Zhan & Ms S Ma Mr B Zhang & Ms Y Pan Mr C Zhang & Ms Y Zhu Mr C Zhang & Mrs F Zhang Mr E Zhang & Mrs Y Li Ms F Zhang & Mr Z Liang Mr H Zhang & Ms J Shen Mr J Zhang & Ms T Gao Mr J Zhang & Mrs Q Yuan Mr J Zhang & Mrs X Xue Mr J Zhang & Mrs K Luc Mr L Zhang & Ms X Li Mr M Zhang & Mrs H Cai Mr M Zhang & Mrs C Liu Mrs Q Zhang & Mr A Li Mr W Zhang & Mrs H Zhu Mr Z Zhang & Ms X Lian Ms Z Zhang Mr B Zhao & Mrs J Gong Ms P Zhao Mr Y Zhao & Mrs J Zu Mr D Zheng (OH 2003) Mr G Zheng & Ms H Zheng Miss L Zheng Mr Z Zhong & Mrs Y Huang Mrs H Zhou & Mr H Li Mr L Zhou & Mrs Y Shen Mrs L Zhou & Mr J Wang Mr N Zhou & Mrs R Yu Mr T Zhou & Mrs L Zhang Mr Y Zhou & Ms H Wu Mrs L Zhu & Mr X Zhang Mr Y Zhu & Mrs M Xue Dr A Ziaras & Mrs J Ziaras Mr M Ziccardi & Mrs K Ziccardi Mr M Zuegn & Mrs P Zuegn Mr S Zunnurain & Mrs S Chowdhury

Annual Report on Giving


CONTACT US For further information on the Haileybury Foundation or to enquire about giving, please contact: Russell Davidson, Director of School Development and Alumni Relations +61 3 9904 6140 | russell.davidson@haileybury.vic.edu.au Scott Doran, Vice Principal Community Engagement and Advancement +61 3 9904 6020 | scott.doran@haileybury.vic.edu.au


Annual Report on Giving

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