The Haileyburian - Spring 2019

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In this issue 2


















































Produced by Haileybury 855 Springvale Road, Keysborough VIC 3173

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CEO I PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Haileybury’s innovative and diverse academic and extracurricular programs give students every chance to succeed at School and in life.

One of the reasons that Haileybury has been the most awarded school in Australia over the past two years is the extraordinary breadth of opportunities available to students. This edition of The Haileyburian clearly highlights this. Haileybury has a deliberately bold vision “to be recognised as a great world school”. We want our students and staff to be outward looking and seek out opportunities for learning and growth. As well as the relentless focus on the core skill academic development and outcomes, we want to be an institution that has in its DNA an enterprising and entrepreneurial outlook. We don’t want to just tell students that they must be enterprising in their post-school life – we want them to see it is a part of the natural development of being a Haileyburian. As an institution, this enterprise can be seen through the development of Haileybury City, the success of our programs and campus in China and the development of Haileybury Rendall School Darwin. All these have benefits for students across all campuses.

It can also be seen through the way we embrace the widest range of opportunities for students. More and more, they arise through building strong collaborative partnerships with other organisations and institutions which represent the best of modern innovation. The SHINE project to send an experiment into space each year in partnership with Swinburne and NASA is an example of this. The work with the Wade Institute in training Haileybury teachers for the delivery of our exciting Enterprise and Entrepreneurship course next year in Year 8 is another example. All of this is about developing our capacity to build on the strong core skills and academic outcomes to be ready for the extraordinary range of life experiences that Haileybury graduates will have in front of them when they leave school.

We want our students and staff to be outward looking and seek out opportunities for learning and growth

Haileybury is a unique school in Australia in terms of size, scope and the range of opportunities that are open to staff and students. It is wonderful to see so many of them making the most of it.

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reat schools cannot succeed without the hard work of an entire community, from the Principal to staff, students, parents and carers. We know that Haileybury is a great school, with exceptional academic outcomes for students driven by exceptional teacher quality. And we are pleased to see that the education industry agrees. Haileybury’s vision, programs and connections have been rewarded with several 2019 Australian Education Awards. These awards recognised some of the many people who help make the School what it is, while never losing sight of what is important in our students’ education journey. CEO | Principal Mr Derek Scott was named Australian School Principal of the Year and Mr Jason Fischer Department Head of the Year. The School won Best Professional Learning Program. Mr Scott was recognised for his determination to make Haileybury a great global school while providing individual attention that ensures every student matters every day.

Since 2008 under Mr Scott’s leadership, Haileybury has cemented its place as a leading academic, sporting and cultural school delivering an ambitious and visionary education agenda. Haileybury’s innovative programs encompass academic excellence and nurture students’ personal growth to develop empathetic and productive global citizens with a strong sense of social justice. They offer amazing opportunities such as overseas travel, Melbourne Recital Centre music performances and science projects which include an experiment sent to the International Space Station. Mr Scott, who was also named School Principal of the Year – Non-Government, says the awards recognise the world-class people who are making this vision a reality. Among them is Mr Fischer, who is Head of Mathematics and ensures that all campuses have a consistent and innovative curriculum, which is achieving extraordinary results. Under Mr Fischer’s dynamic leadership and collaborative efforts, our Mathematics Department has gone to another level.

Results have improved, and students are more engaged. We have also largely overcome the Mathematics gender disparity, with Year 9 NAPLAN results showing Haileybury girls and boys have almost equal results, which are also among Australia’s best. Haileybury’s Professional Learning Programs, overseen by Dr Stephan Muller, cover all aspects of brilliant teaching, from the latest classroom strategies to curriculum development, collaboration, mentoring, leadership and wellbeing support. Teachers are supported by programs that develop and enhance personal and professional skills, while celebrating their diversity and individuality. Haileybury’s focus for all aspects of our professional learning programs is to improve teacher quality and, through this, to lift student outcomes. “This outstanding result reflects the enormous effort that the entire Haileybury community makes to ensure that we offer Australia’s best education opportunities,” Mr Scott says.

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This outstanding result reflects the enormous effort that the entire Haileybury community makes to ensure that we offer Australia’s best education opportunities



HAILEYBURY’S AWARD WINNERS Haileybury’s brilliant people and programs were recognised in four categories at the Australian Education Awards. An ambitious program to make Haileybury a great world school and provide outstanding opportunities for all students saw CEO | Principal Mr Derek Scott named School Principal of the Year – Non-Government and Australian School Principal of the Year. Mr Scott’s bold vision has seen Haileybury become one of Australia’s leading schools with a strong Asia-Pacific Region presence, while focusing on each individual student’s personal and academic success. Since becoming Principal in 2008, Mr Scott has placed a strong emphasis on providing an exceptional and well-rounded education for all students. This encompasses academic excellence, parental engagement, staff development, social justice, enterprise, entrepreneurship and an international outlook. “We employ great people, inspire them to be excited about our Vision, empower them to live the Mission, leave them to work independently when things are going well and become deeply engaged when they need help or face a problem,” he says. “This flexible approach means we are constantly adapting to changing circumstances to ensure staff needs are met across all campuses.” Australia’s Department Head of the Year, Mr Jason Fischer, is achieving extraordinary results overseeing one of the nation’s largest school Mathematics departments. Since taking over in 2012, Mr Fischer has enhanced teaching standards and curriculum quality, while keeping parents and the School community informed about his programs and student results.

Under his dynamic leadership and collaborative efforts, Haileybury’s Mathematics Department has continued to improve its results while keeping teachers motivated and parents connected to their child’s learning journey. “Even though Haileybury is a complex school, I take pride that the Mathematics structures are uniform across each campus,” he says. “I ensure that all campuses have a consistent and innovative curriculum that incorporates teaching notes, videos, planning and assessment.” Australia’s Best Professional Learning Program was recognised for hiring great people and offering every possible support and development opportunity so they can reach their full potential. Among other things, Haileybury provides staff with mentoring, peer review, education and travel opportunities, seminars, technical training and wellbeing support. Our Professional Learning Program covers all aspects of good teaching and provides the internal and external best-in-class opportunities. Programs develop and enhance personal and professional skills, celebrate diversity and encourage further study. The program favours peer-to-peer learning, 360° feedback, ‘microteaching’, mentoring, co-creation of content and diverse opt-in opportunities in areas staff choose, rather than always being directed to comply. Haileybury also supports the incursion of external professional learning providers, keynote speakers and training to ensure best practice and expertise.

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TOP 10 IN EUROPE At the European Championships in Scotland, Haileybury Pipes & Drums competed against 17 teams from several countries. The Band finished ninth, an amazing feat in its first international competition. This impressive achievement was assisted by our dedicated Band Director, Mr Lincoln Hilton, Director of Piping Mr John Young, Director of Drumming Mr Dan Staley, and Teacher in Charge Ms Lesley Hill.

COMMEMORATING ANZAC DAY On Anzac Day, Haileybury’s Pipes & Drums Band was proud to play in the Melbourne city march to the Shrine of Remembrance. Fifty Haileybury students marched in traditional Scottish band uniforms and paid their respects. Pipe Major Cadon Ho (Year 12) says it was a special experience. “Playing for and commemorating the efforts of our Anzac soldiers was a true honour,” he says.

Senior Vice-Principal and Head of Senior Schools Ms Pam Chamberlain says the students behaved impeccably throughout the trip and Haileybury was exceptionally proud of their achievements. “I felt very privileged to have been in Scotland with the Band and I was thrilled to see young Scottish pipers who are admirers of Mr Hilton seek him out for an autograph after the competition,” she says.

“While these new uniforms were distinctly different from our normal Band uniform, they still included the recognisable Haileybury tartan.”

Former Friends of Haileybury Pipes & Drums President Mrs Karen Wallace organised a wonderful celebratory dinner at a castle in the Scottish Highlands for Band members and their families.

Throughout the year, the Band competed in three Australian competitions and three overseas.

“It was a celebration that will be remembered forever,” Ms Chamberlain says.

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Cadon says the 16-day tour was inspiring. “A major highlight of this trip was having had the opportunity to perform at various Scottish traditional castles in front of the public,” he says. “This truly memorable experience was one shared among my various bandmates and tutors. Overall, this year has been an incredible one and all Band members should be commended for their efforts!”

A PROUD HISTORY Pipes & Drums is a stalwart of the Haileybury Tattoo and important functions. It began with about 35 musicians in 1957 as part of the School Cadet Corps. The group now involves students from Years 3 to 12 and has 28 Senior Competition Band members. By 2024, it hopes to have 100. Pipers and drummers form close bonds and each new member receives a prized golden stag crest at the annual dinner. They have strong support from Friends of Haileybury Pipes & Drums, which produced a 50-year celebration shortbread in 2007. The group’s president is Ms Kate Smith. She took over from Mrs Karen Wallace, who has made a tremendous contribution to the School and Band. This year Keysborough’s Pipes & Drums compound was named the Wallace Centre to recognise the strong commitment of the Wallace family, which traces its lineage back to William Wallace.


LEARNING ABOUT FINANCIAL LITERACY Children are never too young to learn important life skills and financial literacy is one of the most crucial. At Haileybury, even our youngest students benefit from programs that we design to ensure their success academically – and in the real world. City Year 1 students have completed the first unit of our innovative Financial Literacy Program. Haileybury’s newest initiative addresses managing money, future planning and making informed financial decisions.

DEVELOPING AN ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET Post-secondary education and the workforce are changing fast with globalisation, the rise of automation and a rapidly growing emphasis on skills such as critical thinking, teamwork and digital literacy. To ensure that our students leave Haileybury with a powerful combination of strong academic credentials and key skills for the new economy, we are engaging students in a range of cutting-edge initiatives. We are excited about our new entrepreneurial subject for all Year 8 students, Haileybury Startup. It will enable students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and build a range of skills such as communication, presentation, critical thinking and teamwork. Industry mentors will help them develop their big idea before they pitch their concept at the Haileybury Shark Tank. To prepare staff for this new core subject, 15 Middle School staff completed the new UpSchool program at the University of Melbourne’s Wade Institute.

During the first lesson, CEO | Principal Mr Derek Scott invited the students to become an employee of ‘Year 1 Haileybury Finance Incorporated’. Company ‘Boss’ Mr Casey Marshall supported students in making good decisions and paid the classroom’s wage at the end of the week. ”My favourite part of my Financial Capability lessons is learning to spend, save and give and how we can do this in our homes.” MAX MORTIMORE

”I loved the budgeting lesson because it taught me the difference between good and bad spending choices.” NEVE TALLON

We are excited about the positive impact of this new and very relevant program, which we hope to expand across other campuses.

This three-day ‘startup sprint’ covers problem development, business models, market research and a pitch event with a panel of special guests. The skills learned will also help staff offer students extra-curricular opportunities under our new Curious Minds portfolio. This revised structure will put programs into ‘learning pods’ that reflect opportunities in a similar area of interest. For example, the ‘Be the Change’ pod will include programs such as $20 Boss, Model UN, Global Issues and SHINE Cambodia. This will give students and parents greater access to programs in which they are interested and provide key links to universities and industry partners. Curious Minds programs will also enable us to issue ‘digital badges’ to students. Universities are increasingly using such badges to recognise the skills and knowledge obtained via short courses, which are often online. Haileybury will use this system within the Curious Minds program portfolio to provide students with a ‘backpack’ of digital badges that showcase their skills and expertise outside the formal classroom setting.

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Haileybury students excel in Science and this was underlined when the School won this year’s Graeme Clark Award for STEM Innovation in Schools.

A young Newlands student’s tooth was sent into space as part of the second Swinburne Haileybury In Space Experiment (SHINE).

Professor Clark presented the award at the prestigious Graeme Clark Oration. Haileybury Girls College Vice Captain Katya Gvozdenko (Year 12) was also named a Graeme Clark Oration Youth Ambassador. Katya has loved Science since Year 7 and

been involved in many STEM projects and experiences. She was also one of two Haileybury students who spoke about SHINE at the International Space Station Research and Development Conference in Atlanta. She and Michelle Doan (Year 12) discussed their paper: Secondary students’ journey as part of the Quest Institute program in launching a biological experiment on tooth decay to the International Space Station.

CRACKING THE CODE An RMIT initiative is helping Haileybury teachers develop the confidence and competence to teach computer science.

CODE QUEST COMPETITION WIN Competing against 11 teams from schools in three states and territories, Haileybury won the second Australian Code Quest competition. Held at Lockheed Martin Australia’s LMA House in Canberra, students worked in teams to solve problems by using Java, Python,, C, and/or C++ programming.

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Haileybury’s Joseph Tey (Year 12) Saurabh Jhanjee (Year 12) and Ryan Kam (Year 12) were the successful team. Head of Computing and Digital Technology Mr Chris Bucknell said the team was thrilled to win following its success in the first event. “Competitions like Code Quest enhance and create further opportunities for our students,” he said.

As part of the industry-supported CS in Schools program, a Year 7 girls class learned ‘Python coding’, which is used by companies such as Facebook, Dropbox, Spotify and Netflix. Deputy Head of Boys Middle School, Haileybury Brighton, Mr Mark Bennett, and teacher and computer engineer Mr Jeffrey Plumb taught the course. “Myself and Jeff were able to track their progress and provide feedback after each module. We could clearly explain errors and provide students with extension. Working with CS in Schools, we were able to provide the students with deeper learning and a greater understanding of coding.” Students began with simple coding concepts like getting text to appear on the screen, then allowed the user to type in data to be stored for later retrieval. The program was a success and has continued.

SHINE is a collaboration between the Haileybury Senior School Science Department and Swinburne’s Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing. The second SHINE experiment launched from Wallops Island, Virginia, aboard an Antares rocket. Our team watched the launch with CEO | Principal Mr Derek Scott at Swinburne’s Hawthorn campus. SHINE began in 2017 and sees Haileybury students design, build and program their own microgravity experiment. Swinburne mentors and university staff oversee the students and provide cutting-edge facilities. This year, team Microcavity tried to recreate the human mouth environment inside a 12x5x5 cm container. Junior Haileybury students donated their baby teeth.


UNIVERSITY EXPERTS ADDRESS STEM DINNER CONFERENCE Two esteemed experts spoke at Haileybury’s STEM Dinner Conference.

LIQUID NITROGEN ICE CREAM AND MONSTER BUBBLES Teachers had a blast in kicking STEM Week off by serving liquid nitrogen ice cream to City campus students. Years 5 and 6 students created giant bubbles, learning about the science behind bubble formation and trying to produce a metrehigh monster.

Professor David Grayden, Clifford Chair of Neural Engineering in the University of Melbourne’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, spoke on advances in chronic disease treatment. Swinburne University engineering expert Dr Edward Brelsford discussed the future of STEM. Hosted by Haileybury STEM Committee Leaders Ryan Kua (Year 12) Reah Shetty (Year 11) Jess Vereker (Year 12) and Carter Blakeman-Lee (Year 12) the evening included a fun engineering challenge and tricky Maths problems.

HAILEYBURY HIVE IS BUZZING Newlands students were abuzz as Beekeeping Club members prepared for their bees’ October arrival. They immersed themselves in learning about beekeeping and building the hives. Students constructed mini replica bee boxes, learning the skills of drilling, construction and painting, then moved to larger hives and frames.


TOURNAMENT OF MINDS AT EDRINGTON Edrington’s Tournament of Minds team, Tomagic, won the Honours Prize at the Metro Central Regionals. Year 5 students Isabelle Tomah, Sophie Pietersz, Vedant Gupta and Year 6 students Emily Colligan, Ryan Dang, Thanya Gallella and Gunnar Sidhu collaborated on the Primary STEM Long Term Challenge.

Newlands Girls Middle School students also built and tested their own foam rockets, successfully launching them across the Netball courts. The girls landed them in the target area from over 10 metres!

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They designed and built a rotating carousel machine to collect and store DNA from endangered species, placing in the top 15 per cent. Go Tomagic!

Brighton Middle School enjoyed a ‘Launch to the Future’ presentation celebrating the 50th Anniversary of humans landing on the Moon, while Newlands students built and tested their own foam rockets. They used their STEM skills to launch them successfully across the Newlands Green.

Otto Baker (Year 4) Mason Green (Year 4) and Liam Davies (Year 7) loved building the boxes and Mariechelle Vasuthan (Year 4) Sareesha Kalra (Year 4) and Emma Wang (Year 4) said the painting made them feel good. Josephine Williams (Year 5) found the experience amazing and was surprised how educational it was.


SENIOR STUDENTS RISE TO THE CHALLENGE IN KAKADU Senior students visited World Heritage Listed Kakadu National Park primed for adventure and carrying everything they needed on their backs. The HRS Outdoor Education Program saw Units 3 and 4 Outdoor and Environmental Studies students leave their comfort zone for the challenging Kakadu National Park Gubara Expedition. Brendon Minkulk (Year 12) Caylis Pierik (Year 12) Caitlin Loganathan (Year 11) Hugo Murrell (Year 12) Lachlan Kendrick (Year 12) and Mitchell Northey (Year 12) were accompanied by Mr Paul Shallard, Mr Con Gerasimon and Ms Liabo Joseph. The trip required students to maintain a positive attitude through hard work as they visited the dry and harsh Gubara Plateau. Their reward was an amazing experience and million-dollar views around every corner. During the trip, students were surrounded by dense wilderness. They had to collaborate to navigate their way upstream, over boulders and through water. Afternoons were spent at amazing waterside campsites. The unique destinations enabled students to gain a deeper understanding of the natural environment and how the curriculum relates to Kakadu and the Top End. They also saw spectacular Kakadu rock art, special flora and fauna species and incredible natural landscapes.

A NIGHT TO REMEMBER Year 2 students camped in the School grounds during a memorable first School Camp experience.

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After meeting Outdoor Education staff Mr Lachlan Jennison and Mr Con Gerasimon after school, they set up their tents near the Junior School playground and enjoyed afternoon tea, a water fight, a barbeque dinner and a movie. The students slept extremely well and woke to staff singing Lion King tunes. Their enthusiasm and behaviour showed that they are ready to take on all that our Outdoor Education Program offers.

BLOODS PERFORM WELL IN TERRITORY CUP Haileybury Rendall School’s ‘Bloods’ were highly competitive at this year’s Clontarf Foundation Territory Cup, even with several junior players competing. HRS hosted the annual Australian Rules Football Carnival for all Senior Clontarf Academies across the Northern Territory. Yirara and Centralian came from Alice Springs, and we had teams from Tennant Creek, Katherine, a combined Jabiru, Yirrkala and Nhulunbuy team and the local Palmerston and Casuarina teams. Casuarina just beat Yirara in the final. HRS won three games, which was a good effort. Thanks to the three Year 8 and three Year 9 students who stepped up to play with our older students. Eli Guyula (Year 11) was our Most Valuable Player and Xavier Blitner (Year 8) won the Clontarf ‘Spirit’ Award. Haileybury Melbourne staff Mr Sean Allcock, Mr David Lappage and former Hawthorn AFL star Shane Crawford also visited the event.



School Spirit!



he McGeary family is making an incredible difference to the lives of Haileybury students.

A strong community-focused family, its members are significant Haileybury Foundation and Scholarship Fund supporters. Geoff McGeary (OH ’60) met his wife Anne at a jazz dance in 1960 and married in 1966 after Geoff took his time to propose. Anne having booked to travel overseas for a year, had to cancel fearing that Geoff would not be waiting when she returned. She needn’t have worried. Geoff owns Australian Pacific Touring (APT) a McGeary family business since the 1920s when Bill McGeary built a bus body on a tray truck after a tram strike affected the city of Melbourne. Through Bill’s son, Geoff, APT pioneered Australia’s dynamic travel industry via a diverse range of modes. Geoff is now joined in the family business by his son, Robert (OH ’86) and daughter-in-law Rebekah. They have three boys at Haileybury. In the 1960s and 1970s, Geoff seized on Australia’s increasing appetite for domestic tourism and began camping holidays to Queensland and Central Australia. In the mid1970s, Bill McGeary, Geoff’s father operated one of the early Haileybury school runs. APT began international trips to New Zealand, followed by Canada and Alaska in 1991. It was here that it moved beyond its traditional coach touring to include travel by luxury train and cruise ship.

Anne, the company’s first sales representative, says that Geoff “has always been a dreamer”. Together, they have made a lifelong commitment to philanthropy and working with charities. Anne has spent more than 25 years involved with the Royal Children’s Hospital leading two Auxiliaries as President, working on various committees and is still currently involved. In Robert’s words, “She is always doing something to help those less fortunate”. The McGearys currently support a Haileybury Foundation Scholarship. The young student recipient ordinarily would not have been able to attend the School. Anne and Rebekah were there in person when they passed on the exciting news of the scholarship. “We had an overwhelming feeling of joy,” they said. “It is nice to be in a position to contribute to the community. We are pleased to be able to support Haileybury Foundation.” Regardless of the size, gifts make a significant difference to the lives of children who wouldn’t otherwise have the option of a Haileybury education. In 2020, 13 students will benefit from Haileybury Foundation Scholarships. Thirteen lives will change thanks to the generosity of our donors. Thank you for making a difference.

In 2020, 13 students will benefit from Haileybury Foundation Scholarships, thanks to the generosity of our donors

For further information about Haileybury Foundation, please contact Director of Development and Alumni Relations Russell Davidson on +61 3 9904 6140 or email Haileyburian 9

In 2005, Geoff saw another opportunity and launched APT’s innovative Europe River Cruise business. In 2014, his services to Australian tourism were recognised with the Order of

Australia Medal. In 2016 he was honoured as an Australian Tourism Legend at the Australian Tourism Awards and in 2017 received the OHA’s highest honour, the OHA Medal.


30Years at Edrington With such a vibrant school community and fabulous facilities, it is hard to believe that 30 years ago Edrington was surrounded by cow paddocks. When Haileybury’s Berwick campus opened in 1989, it had 45 male students and three staff – Mr John Twist, Mr Shane Davey and Mr Brendan Dunlop. In 1990, Mr Gary Shiell, Mr Scott Doran and others joined them.

“We have added two more ovals, a deck that is used for both learning activities and social events, and the Pavilion which overlooks the main oval,” she says.

With no Sport Hall, students crossed the highway to local cattle sheds in winter. Assemblies were held in what is now the staff room.


Mr Shiell remembers plenty of dry dirt and “lots of flies”. “We didn’t have the beautiful gardens or ovals that we do now,” he says. “It was very hot, and shade was very hard to find.” “PE classes were initially picking up rocks off the front oval and putting them in a trailer. Music lessons were held in shipping containers; imagine the noise!” “The parents were very supportive and understanding and put great faith in us as educators and in the School to deliver the program.” Fast-forward 30 years and Edrington is a well-established campus with beautiful grounds, top-notch facilities and a superb academic record. It has 800 students and waiting lists at many year levels. Head of Edrington Mrs Jeanette Rawlings is in her fourth year at the campus and feels “incredibly fortunate” to be part of such a wonderful school. “At the centre of our campus is a very strong sense of community which continues to build and go from strength to strength,” she says. “We are known for our friendliness and being a very warm, welcoming and inclusive school.”

“The teachers really look out for you and make sure you have the best learning experience possible.” PEARL HODSON (YEAR 4 – JUNIOR SCHOOL CAPTAIN)

“We have a great sense of culture here, as we all get along with each other well. The Berwick environment is always positive and because we are one of the smaller campuses, we know our peers and teachers really well.” ARKASH JAYAINGHE (BOYS MIDDLE SCHOOL CAPTAIN)

“What I like most about our School is our community. The teachers are really supportive, and they care a lot about us. My teachers have also taught me to be persistent and not feel too concerned about when I can’t do something at first.” MACKENZIE LIDDELL (GIRLS MIDDLE SCHOOL CAPTAIN)

HAILEYBURY PARENTS & FRIENDS EDRINGTON Many parents support Edrington through Haileybury Parents & Friends Edrington (HPFE). They volunteer at the Mothers and Fathers Day stalls, cook pancakes for Shrove Tuesday, run the Colours Day barbeque, read with Junior School children, organise events such as the Family Outdoor Cinema and help community fundraising efforts.

Mrs Rawlings says the School’s diversity has always been a strength and facilities have consistently improved.

From Early Learning Centre to Senior School, Edrington now has 778 students of which 355 (45 per cent) are girls.

EDRINGTON FAST FACTS The Campus opened on Wednesday, 1 February 1989. The first assembly was held that day in a classroom. “In February 1989, 45 boys became the foundation Haileyburians at Berwick when the new Preparatory School opened there at the promised time. Boys were enrolled at Grade 4, 5 and 6 levels.”

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John Twist Hall Indoor Swimming Pool Early Learning Centre Berwick Pavilion Main Oval Library


Art is Everywhere The talent of Haileybury’s Art students is a credit to them and their teachers. Our student artists are afforded wonderful opportunities to experience their subject in all its forms and they clearly make the most of it.

ART IS FUNDAMENTAL Our youngest artists explore the works of great artists and are encouraged to be inventive and creative with theirs. This helps them to develop critical thinking strategies. Learning to read and understand imagery also develops empathy as they establish connections with others and the world around them.

MEDIA IS EVERYWHERE WinterLight partnered with this year’s Concerto Concert and, inspired by the Chapel’s stunning Leonard French windows, transformed the Quad into a winter wonderland of projection, lights and installation. Mr Peter Aumann and his student team worked with Digital Media Artist Mr Brendan Harwood.

HOSPITALITY IS ELEGANT The popular pop-up ‘A la carte’ ran in a converted Altera Terra space for three days in September. Hospitality students sharpened their skills running a full restaurant and serving a range of dishes to 80 people per session.

ART IS CURIOSITY Year 2 students became botanists as they explored Flagstaff Gardens and studied trees. They researched the trees and developed botanical sketches of the leaves they collected.

DESIGN IS PRECISION Our skilled young craftspeople continue their extraordinary work in the Ian Bow Art Shed. Product Design and Technology students are developing skills and great works from raw natural materials including lamps, bowls and jewellery boxes.


ART, DESIGN, MEDIA AND HOSPITALITY UNVEILED Our students worked hard all year to respond creatively to the world around them. They celebrated the results at the October VCE Exhibition in the Ralph W Hill Gallery. ELC to Year 9 Shows were held at Castlefield, Edrington and City campuses.

Our Pre-Senior students develop skills and express themselves by experimenting with a range of media, methods and materials. Through a variety of diverse themes, they have the opportunity to develop in key areas such as drawing, clay, sculpture, painting, print making, collage and textiles.

DESIGN IS EXPLORATION Students have explored the design, arts and media world through excursions to see top designs, forums, galleries and studios. The NGV Escher X nendo | Between Two Worlds exhibition was a particularly important experience for many.


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Middle School production clubs had a busy few months planning and developing campus production set designs. With large scale performances including Peter Pan JR, Bugsy Malone, The Little Mermaid and Mulan, volunteers produced huge sets, lavish costumes and lovable puppets.



HAILEYBURY IN CONCERT A BIG SUCCESS Our third Haileybury in Concert delighted its audience in the beautiful Elisabeth Murdoch Hall at the Melbourne Recital Centre. The School’s major concert featured more than 170 Senior School students in the Brass Ensemble, Brass Select, Percussion Ensemble, Haileybury Singers, Guitar Ensemble, Stage Band, Contemporary Singers, String Orchestra, Wind Symphony, Chamber Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra. A diverse program included Contemporary Singers performing Mark De-Lisser’s arrangement of John Legend’s All of Me, Sergei Prokofiev’s striking Romeo and Juliet ballet scores, and a stirring finale by our choirs and Symphony Orchestra performing Alice’s Theme from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. Old Haileyburians again performed and Emily Cao (OH 2018) and Lachlan Coman (OH 2017) compered.

JAZZ FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS Returning to iconic MEMO Music Hall in St Kilda, our two Jazz Nights were an exciting opportunity to see young jazz musicians perform for family and friends in a casual jazz club setting.

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More than 60 students performed each night, including Middle School and Senior School jazz combos and VCE Music students. Stage Band delighted with Cyndi Lauper’s Time After Time and Richard Linton’s Move ’n’ Groove.

CONCERTO CONCERT SHINES WITH WINTERLIGHT On a bitterly cold and blustery night, the 2019 Senior School Concerto Concert was held in Aikman Hall. It showcased the outstanding talents of nine featured soloists across a diverse program for 600 patrons. Soloists included Junzhi Xue (Year 12) on pianoforte, Jennifer Chen (Year 12) and Taarani Charrett-Dunlop (Year 12) on violoncelli, Aaron Fu (Year 12) on violin, Arjuna Sanjayan (Year 11) on horn, Thomas Vulcan (Year 11) on marimba, Samuel Strong (Year 11) on saxophone, Jonathan Coman (Year 12) on voice and Joshua Nah (Year 12) on organ. Also that night, WinterLight used projection animation and light sculpture to activate spaces around the Senior School Quadrangle. Some were displayed during concert changeovers. Two VCE jazz combos, with featured artists Caitlin De Silva (Year 12) and Matthew Smith (Year 12) performed in the Aikman Hall foyer before the concert.

YOUNG TALENT ON SHOW AT ARIA NIGHT Ten talented singers performed at Aria Night, Haileybury’s annual celebration of the solo voice. Each entrant presented two pieces: a European Art Song and an Aria. Beau Woodbridge (Year 11) opened the evening with a German art song and was followed by Rufaro Zimbudzi (Year 10) Olivia Mok (Year 12) Oscar Brown (Year 11) Xavier Browne (Year 10) Kristen DodsonGeary (Year 11) Jeremy Harland (Year 12) Jonathan Coman (Year 12) and Alexandria Hawkins (Year 10). Jesse Laughlin-Jones (Year 12) closed with Schubert’s Der Lindenbaum from Winterreise. Noted Voice teacher, performer and examiner Ms Susan Breen-Clarke judged the awards. Head of Keyboard Ms Jeanette Riga accompanied the entrants and Voice teacher Ms Andrea Creighton thrilled with her performance of Smanie implacabili from Mozart’s opera Cosi fan Tutte. Haileybury Singers also performed. Kristen Dodson-Geary won best performance, Jonathan Coman won commendable performance and Jeremy Harland won the encouragement award.

JUNIOR STRINGS DEBUT IN STYLE Our excellent Junior School String students performed the soundtrack from Stephen Michael King’s delightful Milli, Jack and the Dancing Cat. All concerts showcased students from Year 2, small groups and Scrolls performances. After learning for just four months, our Year 2 students bravely and excitedly debuted with 10 pieces for parents and friends. Their focus and energy were fantastic. Scrolls students also performed pieces such as Land of the Roaring Lion and Samba Down with great enthusiasm. About 200 students participate in the Year 2 String Program across the Berwick, Brighton, City, Darwin and Keysborough campuses. Haileyburian 13



THE ARTS ARE AN IMPORTANT PART OF A WELL-ROUNDED EDUCATION. PERFORMING ENABLES STUDENTS TO DEVELOP MANY AND VARIED SKILLS SUCH AS SINGING, DANCING, TEAMWORK AND PUBLIC SPEAKING. LEGALLY BLONDE EXEMPLIFIED THIS AND WAS A HUGE SUCCESS. egally Blonde has been hailed by some as Haileybury’s best musical in recent memory. The cast was consistently excellent, with many fine leads and a very talented young chorus.

The set was an ambitious creation of the VCE Theatre Studies class, which used a large LED screen set as a framed backdrop. This offered many options for the images streamed.

The double-storey set towered over the audience and hid the 14-piece band very effectively. Four mobile flats helped shape the stage to create the myriad settings required, with some featuring the grandness of Harvard and others the intimacy of a dorm room. We were very proud of this production and especially because it was handled, in the main, by the students themselves. All involved felt an enormous sense of ownership, which is what makes our Arts Program so special.

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Not only do students learn new skills, they bond and develop as people.


he Real Inspector Hound delighted audiences over three nights after a short and intense rehearsal period. The one-act comedy is incredibly demanding as the increasingly complex plot seems to loop in on itself. The initial challenge was navigating Tom Stoppard’s play-within-a-play script, its dense language and melodramatic style. The monologues, choreography and heightened characters are all highly demanding. However, as the ornate English manor set took shape, complete with fireplace and chandelier, so did the energetic and accomplished performances.

There were genuine gasps of surprise when a character’s disguise was revealed, spontaneous applause for dramatic entrances and exits and laughter at the growing absurdity. The cohesion between the rich aesthetic and polished performances was a testament to the talent and commitment of the creative team, cast and staff involved. Our skilled and multi-talented maintenance team also created the 1920s drawing room with functioning doors and magnificent royal box in record time. The team efforts were appreciated by all.

A talented Senior School cast worked hard to bring the comedy to life and master its style. Final rehearsals were characterised by conquering antique wheelchairs, rogue moustaches and apparently dead bodies laughing. Those involved showed great creativity and maturity in presenting each twist and turn in elegant and accomplished performances.

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ear 12 HIST students finished their final week of school with a flurry of activity, including the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) General Achievement Test, a Student Pizza Night, Year 12 Graduation Ball and a VCE Graduation Ceremony and Luncheon. The Pizza Night brought students and staff together in an informal setting in the Courtyard, where they celebrated and exchanged their memories of the year. Student leaders organised the spectacular Graduation Ball. Staff and students walked the red carpet dressed in their beautiful attire. Later in the evening they danced and took plenty of photos. The 2019 Graduation Ceremony and Luncheon farewelled 92 graduates. The students, their parents, School leaders and teachers enjoyed the proceedings. With confidence and smiles, they embarked on a new journey in a bigger world. Executive Principal Mr Peter Rogerson congratulated all the graduates and spoke about how they would enter a larger community – the global Haileybury community. All Haileybury graduates hold many core values

in their lives, such as striving for excellence, social justice and an international outlook. Mr Rogerson encouraged them not to forget that as graduates from China, they held an extra special mission to contribute their wisdom to share in building a better world. Dr Stephan Muller, from Haileybury Melbourne, recognised the achievements of each graduate and welcomed them into the Old Haileyburians Association (OHA). The Valedictory Luncheon followed and featured Principal, staff, student and parent speeches, plus musical performances by a student and staff member. International Principal, HIST, Mr Yanni Galanis, spoke about the growth he had witnessed in all 92 graduates over the past three years and how each should embrace life with passion and experience everything this magnificent world has to offer. “I encouraged our graduates to live life to the full, never forget their roots and find inspiration in everything they encountered as they move into the wider world,” he said.

HAILEYVISION SHOWCASES HIST TALENT Like Eurovision, the Haileyvision English Song and Dance competition showcases the extensive English abilities and stage talent of our HIST Primary School students. This year’s competition was held in the Junior School with great success. Senior School staff and student leaders attended and had the pleasure of helping with the judging. Ms Paula Sanchez’s Year 5 English class finished in first place after performing 500 Miles by Justin Timberlake.


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The HIST school holidays provide an opportunity for students to join interesting study tours. The European History Tour sees them visit the continent to study the history of cities such as Rome, Venice, Stuttgart and Munich. On the UK Drama Tour, students joined Drama workshops at the famous King’s College London with other students from different countries. They also had the opportunity to visit historic sites such as Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, the Shakespeare Centre and Oxford and Cambridge universities.

Parallel Education REAPS REWARDS



rounded education is essential for students to succeed academically and develop into resilient and resourceful


Haileybury’s innovative programs focus strongly on individual students, while nurturing academic excellence from a young age. The quality of our acclaimed Explicit Teaching and Parallel Education Models is reflected in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing results, with Haileybury consistently ranked among Australia’s best performing schools.

PARALLEL EDUCATION MODEL As students mature, our Parallel Education Model combines co-education with singlegender schooling on one campus. While ELC to Year 4 students attend coeducational classes, from the Middle School (Years 5 to 8) and into Senior School (Years 9 to 12) students learn mostly in single-gender classes. Parents and students embrace parallel education, which sees students of all genders mix in some non-core classes, co-curricular activities and in the School’s recreation spaces.

This also facilitates great academic results. For example, Haileybury’s Year 9 students do extremely well in NAPLAN Mathematics testing. Mr Scott says Haileybury has always been strongly committed to NAPLAN. “It gives us a sound measure and good data that we can analyse for improving our teaching and therefore student outcomes,” he says.

EXPLICIT TEACHING MODEL All Haileybury Junior School campuses use the research-based Explicit Teaching Model. It starts with a ‘Warm Up’ for Reading, Spelling, Writing, Mathematics and Inquiry lessons. During the ‘I Do’ section the teacher clearly explains the concept step by step. ‘We Do’ sees the teacher check for individual student understanding before they finish their work. ‘You Do’ then gives students work at their ability level.


This individually tailored approach boosts long-term memory and gives students a solid knowledge base that leads to NAPLAN results well above the national average. CEO | Principal Mr Derek Scott says Haileybury Junior School students are working around two years ahead of national benchmarks. “For example, the Haileybury score for Year 3 Reading is 531,” he says. “The national average at Year 3 is 434, the national average at Year 5 is 509 and the national average at Year 7 is 542. “These brilliant results at Year 3 and Year 5 Reading (577) mean that Haileybury students can move more quickly and effectively into complex problem solving tasks.”

• Max Trevena – History Revolutions

This is a wonderful achievement for the School’s VCE students and teaching staff who worked so hard throughout the year.

• Zixiao Wang – English

Subject awards go to the top 10 students in English and the top five students in most other subjects. Haileybury’s full list of Premier’s Award Winners are as follows: • Michael Malek – Top All-Round VCE High Achiever • Conan Ying – Economics • Emily Cao – English

• Nirushan Muraledaran – Sociology • Sahil Nandra – Biology • Sophia Grigoriadis – Sociology Award recipient and current Year 12 student Esther Tang said: “It has been an honour and great privilege to receive the Premiers Award for Computing: Informatics. My gratitude goes out to Haileybury for giving me so many opportunities in and outside of class to deepen my interest in the growing world of data and IT.” “Thank you to all the teachers, students and parents for their dedication and for inspiring all award winners to do their best.”

• Ester Tang – Computing: Informatics Haileyburian 17

Haileybury’s innovative programs focus strongly on individual students, while nurturing academic excellence from a young age


aileybury students have again achieved success in the 2018 Premier’s VCE Awards with nine students receiving recognition.


FOUR WINTER SPORT PREMIERSHIPS The APS and AGS winter seasons are arguably the most gruelling. The season seems longer, and the weather is not pleasant, but all participants represented Haileybury positively and professionally. At First level we won Premierships in Australian Rules Football (Boys) Basketball (Girls) Hockey (Girls) and Cross Country (boys). Our footballers have won three Premierships in a row and our Girls basketballers two. A wonderful achievement.

GABI RUFFELS WINS US AMATEUR GOLF TITLE Gabi Ruffels (OH 2017) is the first Australian to win the US Women’s Amateur Golf championships. After graduating from Haileybury, Gabi relocated to the US and is playing some great Golf at the University of Southern California (USC). She has won several tournaments on the US collegiate tour and enjoyed great team success with USC. At just 19, Gabi has a bright future in the sport.

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Her achievements so far are amazing considering she only took up Golf seriously in Year 10 after playing elite Tennis. A professional Golf career is now on the cards, following brother Ryan’s footsteps.

2021 FIBA UNDER-19 WORLD CUP Charlise Dunn (Year 10) was selected for the FIBA Under-19 World Cup squad to compete in Noumea, New Caledonia, where Australia will aim to finish in the top two to advance to the Under-18 Asian Championships. That would give them the opportunity to qualify for the Under-19 World Cup.

ALL-AUSTRALIAN HONOURS WHEELCHAIR TENNIS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Brighton’s Finn Broadbent (Year 12) won the Australian Wheelchair Tennis National Championships doubles title. Finn has only been playing for 18 months and this was just his second tournament.

First XVIII Football Captain Cody Weightman (Year 12) represented Victoria Country in the National AFL Carnival, where his electric skills and ability to kick goals from anywhere earned him All-Australian Honours. A wonderful achievement for Cody.

Finn and his partner won the Junior Doubles title and Finn finished third in Singles at the Melbourne Park event.

Charlise’s selection involved a three-day camp at Basketball Australia’s Centre of Excellence, from which two teams of 12 would be selected to represent the nation in New Caledonia. The athletes were chosen following the 2019 Australian Under-18 Championships and on their State Performance Program (SPP) and Australian Development Camp accomplishments. Charlise has already tasted success with a Gold medal at the Under-18 Championships with the Victorian team at the recent National Championships.

Honing his wheelchair skills has been a major challenge for Finn, as he uses crutches full-time. He has also played wheelchair Basketball and is a keen golfer, playing for the Haileybury Golf Team on his three-wheel motorised cart.

HOCKEY PLAYER OF THE TOURNAMENT Amy Lawton (Year 12) represented Victoria in the Under-21 Victorian team at the National Hockey Titles in Lismore. Victoria just lost the final to Queensland 2-1. Amy won Player of the Tournament and finished with three goals – a brilliant achievement.


NATIONAL AUSTRALIAN RULES CARNIVAL Haileybury girls and boys participated in the National Australian Rules Football Carnival. Haileyburians represented Victoria’s Country and Metropolitan teams for their respective age groups. Congratulations to those selected, including Justin Davies (Year 10) Connor Macdonald (Year 10) Hugo Ralphsmith (Year 12) Josh Worrell (Year 12) Cody Weightman (Year 12) Bella Eddey (Year 12) and Alice Burke (Year 12). Haileybury finished with several national champions at the Federation of International Sports Aerobics & Fitness (FISAF) Aerobics National Championships in Brisbane. Three senior Haileybury teams competed, with a record number of top 10 placements reflecting remarkable improvement in all routines. It was a fabulous way to end the season and a wonderful high for Year 12 students to finish on.

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Congratulations to National Champions Emma Broadbent (Year 12) Georgia LyrasMusgrave (Year 12) Claire Van Well (Year 11) and Bianca Poort (Year 11). An outstanding achievement.






How did Haileybury inspire you to become a leader?

How did Haileybury inspire you to become a leader?

I have met many inspiring teachers, peers and past school leaders who have shown me how to be an empowering leader. Most notably, the 2017 Girls School leaders who changed the school song to better represent the Hearts. They showcased the culture instilled by Haileybury leaders, Principal Scott and staff.

I’ve been at this school since year 7 and I have always felt a part of the community, and especially in the last couple of years going through senior school I felt like I could give back and make a difference going into my last year of school. As well as this I also felt like I could add something different to the leadership from previous years.

And so, I decided to become a leader. The Student Representative Council, sports team captaincy and other opportunities enabled me to pursue what I believed in.

What advice would you give future Haileybury leaders?

What advice would you give future Haileybury leaders?

The best advice I could give to future leaders is to be yourself and do what you want to do. There is no point going for a position if you’re trying to be something that you’re not, regardless if people like it or not stay true to yourself and things will always work out.

Have confidence in your abilities and your character. The students you represent have chosen you to lead them and they know you will do so in your own way. You don’t have to be a captain to be a leader; it is about having the courage to enact change.

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As you move through Haileybury, reflect on what you would like to see changed or improved. Then make the most of the support around you, peers and staff, to be the driver of change.

Another thing I would say is to not be afraid of trying, always go out of your comfort zone to try something, otherwise you will never know the possibilities that can be achieved with a bit of effort.




he Archives Team is very excited to update the School community on the new Haileybury Treasures installation. The existing display, Haileybury Living Treasures, is undoubtedly the most popular exhibit among visitors to the Jim Brown Centre, where the Archives collection is presented.

More than 100 staff members, including many of the School’s most celebrated teachers, are pictured alongside their years of service, dating from 1935 to the present day. This is an honour reserved for those who have served Haileybury for 20 years or more. The new installation, which will open to the School community early next year, takes the opportunity to remember Haileybury Treasures further, with interactive QR codes that allow visitors to print a biography of individual staff members. The biographies benefit from the care and attention to detail demonstrated by Mr Bill Waters, with additions from the Archives Team. We owe a debt of gratitude to Bill for his dedication to enriching this exhibit. Reflecting upon our aspiration to ensure that all Jim Brown Centre visitors have a memorable and engaging experience, the Archives Team has added audio functionality to the exhibit, allowing users to hear the biographies read aloud. We look forward to welcoming all members of the Haileybury community at Haileybury Treasures and many other exciting new exhibits soon.

Much has changed since the days when boys would ride the trains with a 303 rifle slung over their shoulder

ROBIN FILDES (OH ’58) REMEMBERS Many Haileybury community members will recognise the name and achievements of Mr Robin Fildes. After concluding his studies at Haileybury, Rob joined his father in their small family business, specialising in labels and printing to retail pharmacies throughout Australia. This was the beginning of a very successful career in business and sport administration. Rob was also a highly accomplished athlete, playing centre half back for Collingwood from 1961 to 1963. In 1971 Rob was ranked number one in Australia and 14 in the world in Decathalon, earning him the accolade ‘best all-round athlete in the country’. In celebration of his achievements, Rob was awarded the Old Haileyburians Association Medal in 2015. The Heritage and Archives Club was thrilled to welcome Rob to speak at a meeting on 21 August and had many questions for him about life at Haileybury in the 1950s. Certainly, much has changed since the days when boys would ride the trains with a 303 rifle slung over their shoulder. Special thanks also to Dr Glen Garden who coordinates the Heritage and Archives Club and arranged this special event.

ARCHIVES PODCAST TOPICS Many Haileybury community members regularly enjoy a wonderful podcast assembled by the multi-talented Keith White (OH ’62). Heritage and Archives Club students recently recorded new podcast segments including a detailed look back into Haileybury’s incredible Table Tennis history, behind-the-scenes in the world of Haileybury Pipes & Drums and a special interview with Mr John Twist celebrating 30 years of Haileybury Berwick. The podcast is a fantastic way to connect with the rich history of the School and our thanks go to Mr Keith White and Mr Gordon Hawley for their tireless work on it.

NEW VOLUNTEER WELCOMED We are very pleased to welcome our newest volunteer, NINA KAMENEV (OH 2014) to the Archives Team. Nina brings great research and cataloguing skills to the group and has already made notable contributions in our search for the owner of a recently found Haileybury Sport medal from 1906. We look forward to seeing Nina’s future contributions to the recording and presentation of Haileybury’s history. Haileyburian 21



the President


Russell Davidson (OH ’86) +61 3 9904 6140

Alumni Manager:

Hayley Attard +61 3 9904 6141

Alumni Relations Coordinator: Kylie Phillips +61 3 9904 6146

HIST Alumni Coordinator: Oliver Wang (OH 2016) +61 3 9904 6146

OHA SENIOR EXECUTIVE President: Brad Hyde (OH ’82)

Senior Vice-President: James Kemper (OH 2012) Junior Vice-President: Laura Rabinovich (OH 2012) Treasurer: Ian Clydesdale (OH ’77) Business Relations: Gines Satchithanandam (OH 2005) Jun Yan (OH 2005) and Arun Yuvarajah (OH 2005) Chapter Relations: Peter Sise (OH 2000) Clubs: Andrew Bonwick (OH ’88) Andrew Hicks (OH ’80) Bernie Ladds (OH ’81) Communication: James Kemper (OH 2012) Community Relations: Claire Brown (OH 2013) Kathryn Quinn (OH 2013) Stephanie MacLean (OH 2011) Grace Sutcliffe (OH 2015)

22 Haileyburian

Stay Connected



y thanks to my predecessor, Cameron van den Dungen, who led our Association with passion and significant energy. Cameron’s legacy is that the OHA is in good health and ready for our next era. I would also acknowledge the commitment and work of the members of our Senior Executive who served the OHA during the last year and those who have newly joined us. In considering our history and our purpose, we have set a path to reimagine our future; who we are and how we will deliver on our Vision. This will see the OHA continue to strive to deliver services and a program that recognises our diverse membership. We all share a common bond as Old Haileyburians, however, our needs and expectations of the OHA vary significantly.

STAYING CONNECTED FOR LIFE Did you know that we will email and/or post an invitation to you for your reunion? However, this isn’t possible if we have an old email or postal address. If you have changed any of your contact details recently, please email We respect your privacy and under no circumstances will we divulge your personal details.

SPONSORSHIP OHA’s major sponsor, Mercedes-Benz Berwick, is offering a wonderful deal for Haileybury community members. With the purchase of a passenger car or van from Mercedes-Benz Berwick you will also receive: • Preferential VIP OHA pricing for cars and vans. • Reduced Dealer Delivery fee. • Complimentary scheduled servicing at MercedesBenz Berwick for up to three years. • Pick-up and drop-off, or access to a loan vehicle when your Mercedes-Benz is being serviced. • Total of four years’ complimentary MercedesBenz Road Care nationwide. • Competitive rates and tailored financial services solutions. Conditions apply. To take up this offer, please contact MIKE BUXTON (OH ’82) on 1300 622 622 and mention your Haileybury connection.

We also recognise that we need to continue to enhance our communications to you. Once again, our diversity requires us to ensure our communication is not only relevant to you, but also delivered in the format you prefer. What will remain consistent, is that all OHA members should recognise and feel that they are a part of a significant organisation that is here to serve them. Please feel free to reach out to us should you have any questions about your Association and how we might assist you. Please Stay Connected! BRAD HYDE (OH ’82)



We congratulate DANIEL SWANTON (OH 2000) and his wife, Zoe, who welcomed a baby boy, Joe, on Good Friday, 19 April. Big brother Ted is very excited about his new brother. Congratulations! IAN BURGESS (OH ‘98) and wife Alexandra welcomed a little son – James Patrick Burgess was born in London on 23 April. He is a younger brother to sister Charlotte (3). CHRIS CASEY (OH 2005) and wife Lauren welcomed Charlotte Jennifer Casey on 11 May, weighing 3.2 kg. TOBY GILL (OH 2005) and partner Liz welcomed Luca Jon Gill, weighing a solid 3.7 kg. Brother for Phoenix. Congratulations to MATTHEW SKEHAN (OH 2003) and wife Blair on the birth of Tessa Janine Rose Skehan on 16 August. RHYS JOHNSON (OH 2005) and his wife, Brooke, welcomed Bowie Bel on 10 July.


Rodney Galt (OH ‘69) passed away on 9 February. Rod played 77 games and kicked 79 goals for St Kilda from 1971 to 1974, before a further 46 games with Carlton, in which he kicked 100 goals from 1975 to 1979. The OHA extends its sincere condolences to Rod’s children, Isabella and Alexander, and brother GREG GALT (OH ‘71).

DANNY FRAWLEY The Old Haileyburians community mourns the sad passing of former parent and OHAFC Women’s Coach DANNY FRAWLEY. Through his enthusiastic and engaging personality, Danny left an indelible mark on the club. Forever positive, caring and prepared to look on the lighter side, he impacted so many lives. The women coached by him were taught so much about football and life generally, ensuring he will never be forgotten. Danny was the first coach of the Hearts and continued in the role for the next two years. The highlight during this tenure was the 2018 Premiership. The girls made the finals in all three years and just as importantly showed continual improvement in skills and fitness. Danny loved being around the club and everyone spending time with him was the better for it. Thursday nights, with the banter and jocularity, were a particular highlight. GEORGE AND PAM LAPPAGE The Old Haileyburians’ Amateur Football Club and the entire Haileybury community mourns the passing of both GEORGE and PAM LAPPAGE.

John Murrell (OH ‘70) has passed away. John’s wife, Mandy, mentioned that John always spoke with great affection of his years spent at Haileybury in the 1960s. We send our good wishes to Mandy and her family. Condolences to former OHA Executive Director DENNIS SMITH (OH ‘60) and his son, BRAD (OH ‘85) on the passing of their wife and mother, Carol SMITH, on 21 May. William McNutt (OH ‘45) who passed away 11 July, aged 88. Ian Stuart Lennie (OH ‘57) who passed away on 1 April. John Neal (Staff 1957-1996) who passed away on 17 March. Christopher Bray (OH ‘87) who passed away on 25 March 2019. Jock Williamson (OH ‘61) who passed away on 19 February 2019. Michael Wilks (OH ’61) who passed away on 6 August 2019.

LIFE CELEBRATIONS We extend sincere congratulations to JAMES FULTON (OH 2009) who has recently announced his engagement to Heather Stunden. Congratulations to two Old Haileyburians, OLIVER JONES (OH 2011) and NICOLA ALICE JONES, nee DAVIDSON, (OH 2011) (left) who married on Saturday, 6 April 2019, at The Estate Trentham.

George became involved with the club in 1991 when his son David came to play for the OHAFC. Along with Pam, he went on to be instrumental in the club’s success. He was a key member of the parents’ group that ran so many off-field activities. George loved his football and especially the Magenta and Black. He followed David in his journey as the School 1st XVIII Coach while always keeping a close eye on his beloved OHAFC. George was made a Life Member of the club in 2002. He had previously won the Barry Berggy Memorial Trophy for his contribution to the club in 1999 and was a Committeeman from 2002 to 2004. George was always great company and was a real gentleman who always took a genuine interest in your affairs. He will be greatly missed. Pam became an honorary Life Member in 2003, recognising her dedicated commitment to the club. Pam was part of the crew of parents who ensured the club had a vibrant and inclusive environment, producing many festive occasions while supporting their sporting sons. Pam’s love for the club extended for many years after her formal commitment, being a member and regular attendee at matches and club functions. Her grace and good humour will be missed by all. JOHN DICKINSON (STAFF, 1967–1973) JOHN DICKINSON, a respected teacher

at Haileybury’s Keysborough site from 1967 to 1973, recently passed away following an illness. John is pictured with his wife Jill.

Melbourne almost came to a standstill during the week of 21–28 April when past student and School Captain PAVNEET ARNEJA (OH 2008) (right) married his beautiful bride, Manreet. It all started with the Sangeet Night at the Vogue Ballroom, the pre-wedding boat cruise on the Yarra River, the official wedding day at the Sikh Temple, in Canning Vale, Perth, on 25 April, finishing with a wonderful and memorable wedding reception at Peninsula A, Docklands on 28 April. We congratulate former student NICOLETTE KORDOS (OH 2011) on her marriage to Alexander Karazisis on 18 May. It was a very happy, beautiful and emotional day for Nicolette’s and Alexander’s families. Nicolette is pictured (left) with two Old Haileyburians in her bridal party – her sister, VICTORIA KORDOS (OH 2013) and NATALIE RASO (OH 2011). Haileyburian 23

John came from the Newcastle area in the UK. At Haileybury he served as Head of Geography and coached the First Soccer team. On returning to the UK, he taught at several London schools before working at international schools in Brussels and in Germany. John was also an Oral Examiner for senior level students. In later years he lived in Canterbury, UK.

Oliver and Nicola met and started dating at the end of 2009 and after 10 years together, they tied the knot with friends from Haileybury in attendance.

OHA EVENTS THE IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGES More than 70 current and former language students and parents enjoyed a wonderful get-together with the language teachers at Haileybury Keysborough on 1 May. Our former students spoke of how their study of a language has made a difference throughout their life and how it has influenced and created many opportunities.


We heard from MAX BRANCHFLOWER (OH 2005) SOL DASIKA (OH 2015) CHRISTOPHER REID (OH ‘94) and ELLA YANG (OH 2014). We also heard from current Head of Middle School Humanities, the Haileybury International School, Tianjin, Mr Robin Irvine. It is important that the OHA supports its current students, who one day very soon will become part of our vast, diverse and dynamic alumni community.

NETWORKING WITH SIMON TERRY The OHA network enjoyed an interesting event in August with guest speaker SIMON TERRY (OH ’85). It is important that the Association provides diverse opportunities for its alumni to get together for professional engagement.

On 17 May, Brighton campus welcomed children of Old Haileyburians who attend Castlefield. These students, along with their Old Haileyburian parent and grandparent, enjoyed a wonderful breakfast, as we recognised them as a first, second or third-generation Haileyburian. It was a special occasion for one Old Haileyburian. MICHELLE STORER, nee BEARD (OH 2007) is the first Haileybury female graduate to have a child attend Castlefield, and we warmly welcomed Michelle and daughter Bailey, who is in three-year-old ELC. Michelle is the first female Old Haileyburian to attend one of our Generations Breakfasts and it was wonderful to provide Michelle and Bailey with pins identifying them as first and second-generation Haileyburians.

CITY GENERATIONS BREAKFAST City campus celebrated Old Haileyburians who have children at that campus with a delightful breakfast on 14 June. Did you know that 14 per cent of students enrolled at Haileybury are sons and daughters of Old Haileyburians? That’s an increase of three per cent in the last few years! Each family member was presented with a Generational Pin which identifies them as a first, second or thirdgeneration Haileybury family. Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate their connection with our School.

HEART TO HEART FOR HAILEYBURY WOMEN Celebrating Haileybury’s female community is very important. Traditionally a boys school, it is impressive that after having female graduates for only the past 12 years, Haileybury has well and truly embraced its female cohort. On 3 May, current female School leaders, accompanied by their mother or female chaperone, attended their first official OHA event, Heart to Heart, which celebrates the sisterhood at Haileybury. Female graduates from 2007 through to 2018 also gathered for a fun and enjoyable cocktail evening.

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We also welcomed past and current mothers, female carers and female staff members, who all play such a pivotal role in the development of our Hearts. Together, they ripped up the dance floor and thoroughly enjoyed a night of indulgence at the beautiful venue, Encore, in St Kilda. The band performed and entertained beyond everyone’s expectations. It was a sensational night!

BOUTIQUE INDUSTRY LUNCHEON WITH DARREN SCAMMELL Guests enjoyed an intimate luncheon with current Council Member and Chair of Finance and Risk for Haileybury MR DARREN SCAMMELL (OH ’82) on 2 August. Darren told them about his wealth of experience, including more than 32 years in technical accounting, risk and compliance assessments and integrated reporting across Australia and the UK. He also spoke about his time on the Haileybury Council and changes that have been made over the past 10 years. The Old Haileyburians Association is grateful to notable past students who share their experience and expertise with Haileybury community members, and we offer our appreciation to Darren for his time and professional insight. Such events allow intimate interaction between the attendees and speaker and a great chance to network and create contacts for the future.

CLASS OF 1999 REUNION DINNER Some 59 Class of 1999 members enjoyed a wonderful 20-year reunion dinner at City campus on 14 June. Throughout the evening, apart from a delicious two-course meal, guests enjoyed taking in the beautiful city views from the fancy Rooftop Garden before heading to The George on Collins for the after-party. It was a great night.

MORNINGTON PENINSULA CHAPTER LUNCHEON A beautiful luncheon was held at the St Andrews Beach Brewery on 26 May to reunite all members who live on the Mornington Peninsula. Partners also enjoyed a wonderful lunch in a sensational setting.

SURSUM CORDA SOCIETY The OHA’s Sursum Corda Society, a networking group for CEOs and business owners, was launched at an amazing event at The Westin on 12 June. More than 80 attendees indulged in wonderful addresses from two of our own. The HON MARTIN PAKULA MP (OH ’86) is State Minister for Racing, Jobs, Innovation and Trade and Tourism, Sport and Major Events, and The HON ALAN TUDGE MP (OH ’88) is Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure.

CONNECTING YOUNG GRADUATES Members of the Classes of 2015 to 2018 enjoyed catching up at YOHA on 9 August. The private function is held each year at one of Melbourne’s most sensational nightclubs to gather our young alumni in a safe and secure environment, helping them to stay connected with each other and Haileybury.

For further information on the Sursum Corda Society please email

CLASS OF 1989 REUNION DINNER Class of 1989 members enjoyed an outstanding dinner to celebrate 30 years since graduation. Held at City campus, the 24 May evening started with drinks, canapés and then dinner on the ninth floor. After dinner, the group headed to The George on Collins, where celebrations and reconnections continued. It was impressive that six of these members travelled long distances just for their reunion.

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OHA CLUBS OHA AEROBICS This has been another memorable year for the OHA Aerobics Club. After a brief break in 2018, the team was back into training harder than ever and, for the first time, had two teams at State Finals.

OHA HEARTS... Our Hearts powered on and made the finals for the third year in a row. While unable to repeat their Premiership success from last year, falling a few points short in the semi-final, the Hearts had an outstanding year and continue to improve each season. The club is looking to field another girls team next year and would love to hear from interested players.

A team of four, OHA Aerobics has worked extremely hard to create a great and highly competitive routine. The club’s routines, coaching and choreography is led by Sarah Fry and Jessie Curtain, who also compete in the Old School Pairs section. On 18 August, the OHA Aerobics Club performed at the School Aerobics and Dance Nationals Competition held on the Gold Coast. We brought to the stage our best efforts and took home the Bronze in Old School Pairs and the Gold in Old School Open Section. We were very appreciative of Haileybury’s support in both students and teaching staff who came back to watch us perform. We will now take a brief break to rest our bodies and then resume training for the 2021 season in early November. Overall, the girls are all happy with the 2019 competition season and are excited for what lies ahead next year. SARAH FRY (OH 2014)

OHA HOCKEY Premiers! OHA Hockey Club’s women’s team played consistently good, goal-scoring Hockey in Metro A grade throughout the winter season to finish on top of the ladder and win the Grand Final. Best players during the season were centre half Lauren Barnes, Kylie Jeffrey and Dy Vy Nguyen in attack, and Del Salter and Lisa Emery in defence.

OHA CLIMBING OHA Climbing has enjoyed an expansive year, with rapid growth in the sport reflecting Climbing’s 2020 Tokyo Olympics debut. Many new Climbing gyms have popped up over Melbourne and one of the highlights has been the addition of La Roca in Oakleigh.

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Its proximity to Monash University means that many of our members have been enjoying easier access to facilities and community. The growing experience of our members has seen the expansion of our outdoor trips to include extensive hiking, camping and alpine climbing.

The men’s team also played finals for the fourth consecutive year, in Metro B South grade. The team finished fourth on the ladder, with some narrow losses to teams up and down the ladder! Best players were centre half CHRIS LOH (OH 2008) SHANE MCLAWS (OH 2012, the Captain and centre forward) and Bailey Tubecki (forward line). CAL PULLYBLANK (OH 2011) and LEON MCDONALD (OH 2003) also very effective as half-backs. We changed our training venue this season from Monash University to Berwick Secondary College, which suited some of our players and tested the resolve of others on Wednesday nights.

Our club continues to grow, and we hope to continue to take advantage of the improving weather for many more adventures.

New players of any ability are always most welcome. Please contact us via the OHA website to share the excitement.



OHA CRICKET This season is all about redemption. The Bloods made back-to-back Grand Finals in 2017–18 and 2018–19, but, unfortunately, we weren’t quite good enough to come home with the MCC Club XI Division flag in either season.

OHA AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL The Under-19s are back in business at OHAFC after not fielding a team the previous season. Despite being incorrectly graded in the top division, the boys developed well over the course of the season to win two of the last three games. In the final game, they nearly knocked over the ladder leaders. Great to see so many Haileybury boys play with the Under-19s during the holidays and post-school season and experience at first hand how good it is to keep playing Bloods footy beyond school. Despite a challenging year, our senior men’s B Grade teams have played some really good football. Highlights included Lachlan Treverton and Riley Thompson making the Victorian Amateur Football Association (VAFA) representative teams, VAFA and club legend MARK SECCULL (OH ’86) playing his 400th game, BEN LANGFORD JONES (OH ’95) racking up 200, while Captain JAMES PAUL (OH 2010) and PETER GLEADHILL (OH 2009) both played their 150th. Facilities at the club continue to improve. We now have access to a great gym and meals area that have made Thursday night team selection enormous fun. We extend a warm welcome to School-Leavers and their friends to come down to the club and be part of something special. MICHAEL CONSTABLE (OH ‘84)

OHA NETBALL As another season season draws to a close, we can expect to make finals again with the teams striving for a strong finish. Some of our important players from our Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre (GESAC) mixed team returned from a year of injuries and instantly had an impact on the game. With fierce competition for our Monash sports team, we suspect it will be an incredibly close finish! Teams will all have a short break before getting back into it for the summer season.

The 2018–19 Grand Final was a bit like Australia at Headingley during the Ashes Test series. The win was in our sights, only for the opposition to swoop in underneath our feet and take home the pennant. If you’re keen to hear more of our Grand Final tales – we have three of them – you’re more than welcome to come down and watch the Bloods play. We play the likes of Scotch, Xavier and Trinity Grammar on the best grounds that the APS and AGS has to offer. If you’re keener on playing, we are fielding a second team for season 2019–20. The Committee, under new President EMMANUEL COOMARASWAMY (OH ’99) has decided that the OHA Cricket Club will field the teams in Division 2 and Division 3 (respectively) of the MCC Club XI Competition. Division 2, OHA Magenta, will be led by Captain VINAY LAKSHMAN (OH 2012) and Vice Captain SUDISH PERERA (OH 2011). Division 3, OHA Gold, will be led by Captain MUSASHI FUJIHARA (OH 2009) and Vice Captain SAVI PETHIYAGODA (OH 2017). The season has just begun, but we are always on the lookout for more Bloods to join us. Players of all abilities are welcome. Come along, have a hit, have a trundle, and have a little fun. Bring a mate too! Feel free to get in touch via email at or follow our page at Old Haileyburians Cricket: @OHA_Cricket.

This year, we also introduced the inaugural OHA Netball Club Captains Award, which recognises the leadership and positive influence of one of the girls in the First Team. This was awarded at Haileybury Netball’s presentation night, where we had the opportunity to celebrate its great season. We hope to spread awareness of our club throughout Haileybury and look forward to the new wave of OHA Netball members coming through after they graduate! As always, we are keen to hear from anyone who would like to play regularly or who is just interested in filling in for a current team. Please contact me at Haileyburian 27





The OHA congratulates Old Haileyburian PAUL HAMEISTER (OH ‘87) on his award of the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

ZARA MCDONALD (OH 2012) co-hosts Australian pop-culture podcast Shameless, an Australian podcast network for women under 35. Zara currently produces three podcasts: Shameless, Love etc., and She’s On The Money.

Paul received his award for service to exploration and to business. In a lovely twist, his daughter, Jade (Year 12) also received an OAM for services to polar exploration. Paul is Executive Chairman of property development company Hamton, which he co-founded in 2005. Hamton has more than $3.5 billion of completed or current projects around Melbourne. Among many other awards, Hamton won the Urban Development Institute of Australia President’s Award in 2016 for best development across all categories in Australia. Paul is the first Australian to have climbed the Seven Summits (including Everest in 2011) and complete the Polar Hat Trick (North Pole, Greenland Crossing and South Pole). He was also a member of the first all-Australian team to establish a new route from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole unsupported and unassisted. Paul has been part of four Australian Geographic Society sponsored expeditions, most recently a 1,000 km trek through an unexplored region of the Amazon jungle with his son, Kane (Year 10). Some have been captured in documentaries aired on Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel globally. As the only Old Haileyburian to have climbed Mount Everest, Paul describes his experience as “very humbling. We had the mountain pretty much to ourselves, which meant we were able to absorb the true spiritual majesty of this very special place on our planet”. Paul is also involved with charities and not-for-profit organisations, and is Co-Chairman of the National Board of FMAA, Australia’s largest Bachelor of Commerce student university club, which he founded while at the University of Melbourne in 1990.

28 Haileyburian

We had the mountain pretty much to ourselves, which meant we were able to absorb the true spiritual majesty of this very special place on our planet

In 2019, Shameless was named Australia’s Most Popular Podcast at the Australian Podcast Awards and has been named one of the country’s top four podcasts by The New York Times. Zara is the first to admit that she didn’t think this would be her career path after graduating from Haileybury. “Writing is actually my first passion, so it’s strange to be spending most of my days producing and broadcasting. But I do love working in podcasts,” she says. Apparently, it all started quite innocently with a discussion about analysis of The Bachelor. The insightful banter of Zara and her business partner Michelle Andrews saw them given the chance to create ‘Bach Chat’, two 10-minute podcast slots each week.

The community around the podcast is much stronger than the podcast itself Zara and Michelle felt there was a gap in the market for smart, thoughtful, pop-culture based content for women their age. “We were desperate to talk about celebrities and pop culture in a way that wasn’t silly, and in a way that didn’t feel dumb,” Zara says. “We felt like women were automatically discounted for their interest in celebrity, which was strange, because we fundamentally believed – and still do – that our interest in pop culture says so much about us as people. We wanted to explore that in a way that was fun and light but also serious when it needed to be.” The pair landed on the title Shameless, a podcast for “smart women who like dumb stuff”. In December last year, Shameless made Apple’s ‘best podcasts of the year’ list. It’s now hitting 40,000 downloads on each weekly episode. Zara feels that young people are heavily influenced by the influencers they follow on their social feed. “The community around the podcast is much stronger than the podcast itself, and a large part of why women have been willing to jump on board,” she says. “What troubled us most is how little thought the mainstream media were giving to the things these influencers were spouting, be it medical misinformation or pushing unhealthy conversations around body image,” she says. “Being able to spot a small gap in the market and fill it helps to start, but beyond that, creating spaces online for women to talk about the things they want to talk about without shame or embarrassment helps people feel like they have found a space to belong.”

WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Exciting things are happening for MICHAEL KENT JNR (OH 2008) who is embarking on a training partnership with champion horse trainer Mick Price. Michael is the son of another champion trainer, Michael Kent Snr. Michael is a former picnic jockey who grew up working at his father’s stables and had a stint in Britain, where he worked for the likes of William Haggas and as assistant to bloodstock agent Dermot Farrington. He now works as a track rider for his father and does bloodstock work. Mick Price thinks Michael has a brilliant future in the training ranks: “He is very well regarded in the industry and I’ve already spent time with him at studs looking at yearlings. He is an intelligent, polite and respectful young man and a great thinker on racing.” CAMERON VAN DEN DUNGEN

(OH ’98) was the lead caller for the Formula 1 Rolex Australian Grand Prix for the fourth year in a row with AusGPTV, the event’s broadcaster. In March, Netflix globally released its first, all-access, behind-the-scenes documentary into Formula 1, F1: Drive to Survive. Cameron was engaged by the production company to provide commentary on the first episode. THE HON JUSTICE SIMON MOLESWORTH AO QC (OH ‘71) has

returned to Melbourne from Sydney. Simon handed down his last judgment on 16 May, concluding his final term as a judge on the Land & Environment Court of New South Wales. As he had been away for almost two and a half years on the bench in Sydney, he is keen to re-acquaint himself with Melbourne. In doing so, Simon has decided to return to practice at the Bar and will join Dever’s List. This year, he notches up 24 years as a Queen’s Counsel and 35 years at the Victorian Bar.

Disco was awarded Life Membership in 2005, which reflects his magnificent contribution to the club. Well done Mark on reaching 400 games for the club you have served so well. The OHA is so excited to report that Old Haileyburian GABI RUFFELS (OH 2017) became the first Australian EVER to win the US Women’s Amateur Championship when she birdied the final two holes to beat Albane Valenzuela one-up in the 36-hole final in Mississippi. Your School is so proud of you Gabi! RILEY THOMPSON (OH 2017) represented

the VAFA in the Under-19 match against the Victorian Country Football League. Go well Riley! SIMON TERRY (OH ‘85) was recognised for the fourth time by the Microsoft MVP Award as an Office Apps and Services MVP for his contributions to collaboration, change and transformation of work through Change Agents Worldwide. JOSH CHANDLER (OH 2015) won the 2019 Australian Solo Piping Championships in Adelaide, hosted by Pipe Bands South Australia with the RU Brown Society. This added to his 2018 achievements on the Scottish solo circuit. LAETISHA SCANLAN (OH 2017) won the Trap Shooting Mixed Team Gold Medal at the ISSF World Cup in Mexico. MILLIE PULLYBLANK

(OH 2016) is making her mark in Hungary, playing Water Polo for ZF Eger. ROB FOYSTER (OH 2011) started a new position as Director and Lead Physiotherapist at Spectrum Health, UK. JAMES KEMPER (OH 2012) has accepted a 2020 O&G Provisional HMO Position at Monash Women’s, Monash Health, based at MMC Clayton. BRENTON LOUGHNAN (OH 2012) is now an Associate at Grant Thornton. ANURAG DHIR (OH ‘95) is now Assurance

Management Expert at ANZ.

CHRISTINA HEWAWISSA (OH 2015) is now a designer at Rosa Rosa The Label. WILL RULE (OH 2007) is now Associate Director

at HKA. MYRON POOBALASINGHAM (OH 2004) is now Development Manager at LOGOS Group. JACKSON MEYER (OH 2014) is now Group CEO/ Director at Verus Global. CHRIS KENNER (OH 2004) is now Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Specialist at Racing Victoria. DANE VERWEY (OH 2004) won the Adelaide Marathon earlier this year. ABBI THATCHER (OH 2007) is now People, Performance and Culture Manager at KPMG Australia. JARED CASEY (OH ‘99) is now Director and Head of Business Development – ANZ and North Asia at Uber. LAWSON THOMAS (OH 2013) is now Business Strategy and Performance Manager at Coles. DAMIAN FLETCHER (OH 2010) is now Analyst, Financial Crime Operations at National Australia Bank. SHIRAZ MISTRY (OH ’89) is now Incident Problem Change Analyst at Chisholm Institute. PHIL POOLE (OH ’73) is now GeoSpatial Team Leader at CoreLogic. MATTHEW PIERIS (OH 2000) is now Manager, Subject Matter Expert – Finance Strategy and Execution at ANZ. JARROD MANTELL (OH 2013) is now Client Services Executive at Marcus Today. BETH KEAMY (OH 2007) is now Executive Director of Digital, Worldwide|Apple at TBWA\Media Arts Lab. SUDIP MITRA (OH 2012) is now Senior Consultant at PwC Australia. LUKE ABDALLAH (OH ’97) has been appointed the inaugural Principal at Clyde North East Primary School (interim name) due to open in 2020. BEN KELLY (OH 2014) won the Puffing Billy Great Train Race. CRAIG TONINI (OH ’86) is now Manager, Human Resources (Operations) at STEMCELL Technologies. ANDREW KIGHT (OH 2001) is now Manager, Analytics and Actuarial at Victorian Managed Insurance Authority. SHAHEEN EVANS (OH ‘93) is now Chief People and Risk Officer|Head of Corporate Services at Border Express.

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A significant and well-deserved milestone was reached when MARK ‘DISCO’ SECCULL (OH ‘86) played his 400th game for Old Haileyburians Amateur Football Club. Disco has done so much around the club as a three-time Premiership Player, Captain, Coach, President and VAFA Captain.

Mark’s brilliant football career began for the club way back in 1987. There have been many highlights, but none so important on the field as his three goals in five minutes in the second quarter of the 2006 A Grade Grand Final.

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