Foundation News Summer 2019/20

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SUMMER 2019/20

FOUNDATION FROM THE CHAIRMAN As the School year finishes, the ‘Season of Goodwill’ approaches and those long summer days beckon, it is common practice for many of us to reflect on the year that was and to look forward to what we colloquially term our ‘resolutions’ for the year ahead. For Haileybury’s most recent graduates, such resolutions will be very clear, as their VCE results arrive, they make decisions on their future and strive forward to make a success of their lives in the wider world. For the numerous new Haileyburians starting in Year 7 in 2020, their resolution would most likely be to make the most of all that the School offers and to get to know their fellow students.


One such new Haileyburian Heart will be a girl from Zambia commencing at the City campus. The significance of her arrival, in terms of this News bulletin, is that she is the inaugural Staff Giving Scholar at Haileybury and no doubt her progress through the School will be keenly observed by the many generous staff members who have chosen to give up a small slice of their own salaries each month. As Chairman of the Foundation, I find these sorts of initiatives the most rewarding to encourage and support. Whilst some benefactors have larger sums to give, these staff members are pooling their resources to afford the gift of a Haileybury education. In doing so, they are taking their own direct action to help fulfil the School’s ‘social justice’ pillar. As Jan Munro, one of the School’s Staff Giving Ambassadors and a Staff Giving Scholarship donor, says: I give to the Scholarship Fund, as it makes me feel so happy to know that the small contribution I give, combined with the small

contribution that other staff give, has an enormous impact on someone who would not normally have access to a Haileybury education. It really is so heart-warming and is a tangible reminder that ‘from little things big things grow.’ Thank you to Jan and to all the Staff Giving donors; you have pioneered a wonderful initiative and your actions can only encourage us all to start or to continue our own ones, as we enter our Season of Goodwill. NEIL SUTCLIFFE CHAIRMAN, HAILEYBURY FOUNDATION

FROM THE VICE PRINCIPAL Since the School’s foundation in 1892, Haileybury has been sustained and developed from generation to generation by wonderful and inspiring acts of generosity, large and small. Our community contributes to Haileybury through generous donations, volunteering through our parent and community groups, and by gifting artworks and memorabilia to the archives. Recently we were gifted musical instruments from the estate of Graham Simmonds. Graham left four instruments to the school: • a contemporary viola of Romanian origin • a contemporary violin of Chinese origin • a German trade violin c.1900 • a German trade violin c.1880 Graham was a former Haileybury student (OH ’68) who died on 8 April 2018, after a long battle with cancer. He was 67 years of age. This donation was arranged by his partner of 34 years, David Dawson. There is a note inside each instrument to remind us of Graham’s connection to Haileybury.

The total assessed value of the instruments and their bows is AU$9160. The instruments will be loaned to talented violinists and violists in their final years of study at Haileybury. The students will be selected by Head of Strings, Shanthi Charrett. The Simmonds Memorial String Prize was first awarded at the recent Senior School Speech Night. The recipient was Aaron Fu of Year 12.


When not on loan, the instruments are displayed in the Jim Brown Centre with controlled light, temperature and humidity. The School and the Haileybury Foundation thank the estate of Graham Simmonds for this generous gift. Scott Doran VICE PRINCIPAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & ADVANCEMENT ROD MARSHALL, DAVID DAWSON & SHANTHI CHARRETT

THANK YOU. THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT. The Haileybury Foundation Class Giving Scholarship program became a reality last month when the first scholarship recipient was announced. The Class of ’88 have pioneered this concept and subsequently members of this class have combined to generously provide a scholarship for a student who would not otherwise have been able to attend Haileybury. I had the privilege of interviewing several outstanding candidates for this scholarship, alongside representatives from the Class of 1988, Andrew Bonwick and Nick Wakeling. After a thorough process of short listing and interviewing prospective students the decision was made to award the scholarship to a young lady, Hannah, commencing in Year 7 at City in 2020.

Nick remarks, “I committed to join members in my year level to help fund a Foundation Scholarship because it would provide a young person with a life changing educational experience. This scholarship will provide Hannah with an amazing range of educational opportunities. Given her caring and community focussed outlook, I firmly believe that she will leave her own positive mark on the Haileybury community.” Haileybury Foundation’s Class Giving program provides a life changing opportunity for a deserving student. Donors are provided with regular updates of the student’s progress, and have the opportunity to meet with the student’s family all whilst leaving a significant legacy alongside their Haileybury peers

One hundred percent of all funds received are directed to the scholarship and donors are recognised in the Haileybury Foundation Annual Report on Giving. For further information, please contact the Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Russell Davidson at Russell Davidson DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT & ALUMNI RELATIONS


CONTACT US If you wish to learn more about the Haileybury Foundation or enquire about giving, please contact: Russell Davidson Director of Development and Alumni Relations +61 3 9904 6140

TO DONATE Any gift, no matter the size, has the power to enhance the School via the Scholarship Fund, Building Fund or Library Fund. Donations (except bequests) are tax deductible and a receipt will be issued.

Haileybury Foundation | ABN 70 142 288 346 | +61 3 9904 6100 | |

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