Haileybury Foundation News Winter 2019

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FOUNDATION FROM THE CHAIRMAN Welcome to the Winter edition of Foundation News. I trust by now that you have found an opportunity to read our Annual Report on Giving 2018, which we recently circulated to donors and the wider Haileybury community. Of all the articles included, I am sure readers would agree that the spotlight on Haftu Strintzos (OH 2018) was the most heartwarming and inspirational: Haileybury and our Foundation donors supplied him with the opportunity and Haftu took it and ran – quite literally, as it turned out. While excelling in the academic, sporting and leadership arenas, he found further strength from



within to champion social justice through initiatives that supported his place of origin in Northern Ethiopia, and now he is studying at a distinguished US university – a true Haileyburian in the modern style. Such outcomes are achieved through the marriage of three components: the great world school that is Haileybury, its Foundation to be strong enough to financially support the scholarship program and maintaining a pipeline of worthy candidates who could evolve into becoming our ‘next Haftu’. Personally speaking, the quest to financially provide for such inspirational young people, who would otherwise not be able to attend, is what motivates me and my family to continue to donate regularly into the Scholarship Fund. As we approach the end of the financial year, this is the optimal time for us all to weigh up whether we have donated to our chosen charitable causes to the extent we would

FROM THE VICE PRINCIPAL The Haileybury Foundation was founded in 2010 by Haileybury and its Council. It is a company limited by guarantee and is administered by its Board. The day-to-day activities are supported by the Vice Principal Community Engagement & Advancement, the Director of School Development & Alumni Relations and the Development Officer, all of whom are members of the Haileybury staff. The primary purpose of the Foundation is to change lives forever by providing financial and other assistance to the School to assist in attaining the vision for Haileybury to be recognised as a great world school. The Haileybury community is caring, involved and generous. We are deeply grateful for the many gifts provided by Old Haileyburians, parents both current and past, grandparents, staff and friends. This support has assisted in preserving and developing the facilities of the School and is helping to pursue our vision in education. Like many independent schools, Haileybury depends on the support of the entire community – school fees and government grants alone do not support new capital

have liked to. I am certain that the ‘next Haftu’ of Haileybury would be eternally grateful if we could all contribute a small portion of our hard-earned income into the Scholarship Fund before the end of June – and receive a direct tax deduction for doing so. NEIL SUTCLIFFE CHAIRMAN, HAILEYBURY FOUNDATION

projects, major maintenance and restoration of existing buildings or the ongoing support and enhancement of the School’s scholarships and bursary programs. While much has been achieved during the past few years, we are now looking to secure the future of our School, ensuring its relevance and optimisation into its second century. Our focus is now on the renewal of our Brighton campus, with work underway on planning and developing the transformation of our School infrastructure. In 2018, the Foundation received funds of $1,139,053 excluding investment returns and interest. These were sourced from parents, alumni and friends of Haileybury and came in the form of regular contributions, one-off donations and voluntary building contributions. A highlight for the Foundation in previous months has been the breakfasts at each Campus, where we have been given the opportunity to thank the generous members of our community who have contributed to the Scholarship Fund or the Voluntary Building Fund. It has been a joy to present those in attendance with their Haileybury Foundation Badge. I look forward to seeing many of these worn at future events. SCOTT DORAN VICE PRINCIPAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & ADVANCEMENT


Kayla Salmons (Year 11, City) and Ryan Zhang (Year 7, City) are two outstanding Haileybury students who are making the most of their Haileybury education.


oth Kayla and Ryan would not be at Haileybury had it not been for scholarships secured through the Haileybury Foundation and the generosity of Haileybury community members. Kayla joined Haileybury from Thomas Carr College at the beginning of the 2019 school year. Kayla is a beneficiary of the Robin Fildes Scholarship. Robin is chairman of the Fildes group of companies, business printing and packaging to Australian pharmacies, hospitals and commercial kitchens. Robin, a former OHA Medal winner and an outstanding sportsman in his time was willing to donate a scholarship to a student who had the ability to “excel in sport, but also with a strong character, selfdiscipline and work ethic”. Kayla is an outstanding basketballer, having represented Victoria in the Australian Junior Championships in Townsville recently. She is also working incredibly hard as she commences her VCE this year and hopes one day to study physiotherapy.

contributor to the community in which he/ she lived. Ryan certainly fulfils this and is enjoying being a part of City Singers, Chamber Strings and Jazz band as well as competing for Haileybury in inter-school swimming and cross country. Outside of school he plays piano and double bass. Ryan sums up his appreciation for this lifechanging gift well – “I am so grateful that the family donated this scholarship to me. The scholarship provides me the opportunity to access the best education. I wouldn’t be able to come to this amazing school without this generous donation. Thank you”. RUSSELL DAVIDSON DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT


I wouldn’t be able to come to this amazing school without this generous donation. Thank you.


Ryan is thoroughly enjoying his time at Haileybury since joining us from Yarra Valley Grammar. He has immersed himself already in a range of activities such as swimming, music and the School play, despite only being at the school a few months. Ryan loves the sense of community at City and feels that because the classes are so small students can build relationships quickly, learn about others’ lives and show gratitude towards each other. Ryan was the beneficiary of a Haileybury Foundation Scholarship donated through a bequest in memory of Gary Bailey (’82). Gary’s father Arthur, who sadly passed away in 2018, wished for the student to be a positive


CONTACT US If you wish to learn more about the Haileybury Foundation or enquire about giving, please contact: Russell Davidson Director of School Development and Alumni Relations russell.davidson@haileybury.vic.edu.au +61 3 9904 6140

TO DONATE Any gift, no matter the size, has the power to enhance the School via the Scholarship Fund, Building Fund or Library Fund. Donations (except bequests) are tax deductible and a receipt will be issued.

Haileybury Foundation | ABN 70 142 288 346 | +61 3 9904 6100 | foundation@haileybury.vic.edu.au | www.haileybury.com.au/giving

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