The Haileyburian Spring 2009

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• M i d d l e E a s t S c h o o l f o r H a i l e y b u ry • N E W L a n g u a g e S CE N TRE


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Front cover images: LEFT: L-R: Charlotte O’Malley, Tarni Mason, Raphaelle Cabral, Byron Ng RIGHT: L-R: Katrina Crockett, Ned Matin, Emma Pietersz

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PRINCIPAL’s REPORT At a local level many community charities are supported and students are involved in a range of community operations. At Senior School Bradshaw House students work with Montclair House, giving up their free time to spend time with disabled children. Their efforts were recently recognised when they won the Scope Victorian Volunteer Award. Montclair Family Respite Coordinator Sandra Vergara said the students’ contribution made a huge difference to the lives of the children. ”We feel very privileged to have such dedicated students attend our service. They are wonderful with the children and look beyond the disability to see each person for who they really are,’’ Ms Vergara said. Principal, Derek Scott with Newlands Prep students

Community Responsibility

The great Russian author and Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, “Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity. Those who clearly recognise the voice of their own conscience usually recognise also the voice of justice”.

Derek Scott with School Captains, Gordon Barnett and Katherine Atkins

Record EnrolmentS

Haileybury’s acclaimed parallel education model has attracted a record enrolment in 2009 of 3,324 girls and boys. At the same time our classes remain among the smallest in Victoria thus ensuring that every student is receiving the individual attention they deserve. Haileybury is the largest independent school in the state.

One of the objectives of the School is to raise the conscience of our students through values- based education. The values that Haileybury wants to instil in its student community are similar to those described by President Obama as “common principles – principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings”. There is a particular emphasis in the School on the concept of Social Justice. We believe that this focus creates awareness of the importance of community as well as developing a strong sense of self worth in young people. We all benefit from living in a just society with a commitment to the law and to human rights, where each individual is valued as an equal member of that society. The concept of community at Haileybury incorporates local community but also extends to national and global community understanding.

On a global community level, Haileybury supports organisations such as World Vision and Amnesty International. The Senior School students have also adopted The Oaktree Foundation as their major ongoing charity to support. The Oaktree Mission is to “empower developing communities through education in a way that is sustainable”. There is a particular focus on supporting education in developing countries. The organisation is run entirely by volunteers under the age of 26. Many Haileybury students remain active with The Oaktree Foundation once they leave school and continue to volunteer their time. When Mr Rendall started Haileybury in 1892 he used the motto ‘Altera Terra’ (in another land). By the middle of last century this was seen to be lacking in an obvious moral or spiritual significance. In 1954 the ‘Sursum Corda’ was added to the Haileybury motto. The Sursum Corda calls Haileyburians to ‘lift up their hearts to the highest things, to aspire to what is great and good’. Many things have changed at Haileybury since 1954 but the Sursum Corda continues to be relevant and, I hope, provides an inspiration to Haileybury students to strive to raise their personal conscience and to make a broader contribution to society. DEREK SCOTT PRINCIPAL


Jesus Christ Superstar Award winning musical Jesus Christ Superstar recently burst onto the Aikman Hall stage as the 2009 Senior School Musical. Driven by a cast of over 100 students from Years 10 - 12, the production brought ancient Jerusalem to life on the stage. Hours of rehearsing, choreographing and construction went into the production under the watchful eye of Haileybury’s Head of Drama and Theatre Studies, Mr Stewart Bell. “We have an incredibly talented cast this year and the strength of their acting, singing and dancing has blown me away. The hours rehearsing by the entire ensemble have paid off; it has truly been a labour of love.”


MIDDLE EAST SCHOOL for HAILEYBURY plans FOR a school in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The school will have 1,200 students and will open in September next year. It will be the leading K-12 school in the city of Al Ain which is the Emirate’s second city and the cultural home of the ruling family. The city already boasts the United Arab Emirates’ leading university and is being developed as an education and cultural hub. The new school will be known as the Haileybury Australian School and will be built by a local investor, His Excellency Jawaan Awaidha Suhail al Khaili.

UAE interests approached Haileybury due to its track record on parallel education and small classes. Haileybury will not use any of its own financial resources to fund the new school. Fees for the new school will be comparable to Haileybury’s Melbourne fees. At present, demand from Emirati families and expatriate professionals for good quality school education in Al Ain is not met by the existing mix of government and independent

suppliers. The Haileybury Australian School will offer a quality educational product from Kindergarten to Year 12 that will match what Haileybury offers in Australia. The investor has personal reasons for establishing the School as he has young children and wishes also to make a contribution to his community.

Welcome Haileybury’s new Chairman - Tom Poulton Mr Poulton was educated at Haileybury from 1961 to 1966, and then graduated LL.B. (Hons) from The University of Melbourne. He joined Allens Arthur Robinson in 1971, and became a partner there in 1976. Allens Arthur Robinson is recognised as one of the leading law firms in the Asia Pacific region. His main focus as a lawyer has been in the areas of corporate and commercial law, banking and finance law and the law affecting mineral resource developments, advising senior management, CEOs and boards of directors Mr Poulton has worked on many large assignments for a range of national and multinational clients, involving transactions

and negotiations in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Austria, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, as well as Australia. From 1997 to 2007, he was the CEO of Allens Arthur Robinson. As such, he was responsible for the management and strategic positioning of a firm with around 800 lawyers and a total staff of around 1500 people in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, Jakarta, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Phnom Penh and Port Moresby. He succeeds The Hon Justice Ross A Sundberg.


Haileybury Centre of the Victorian School of Languages

Prominent Old Haileyburian, The Hon Tim Holding MP, officially launched the Haileybury Centre of the Victorian School of Languages on Saturday, 23 May 2009. The Centre operates on a Saturday morning between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm, teaching 340 students Chinese, Vietnamese and Greek. It is hoped to add further languages to this in future years. The Centre provides a strong link with Haileybury’s local community and also fits in very well with Haileybury’s international objectives, with operations in four schools in China and the opening of Haileybury Al Ain, Abu Dhabi in September 2010. Principal, Derek Scott, said “I am a strong supporter of the study of languages other than English and am very pleased with the work of our LOTE Department. Haileybury continues to deliver French, Japanese and Chinese within the School program. Mr Angelos Mavridis has done an excellent job in starting the VSL Centre at Haileybury.” Mr Holding graduated from Haileybury in 1990 and is one of the more visible members of the State Government as Minister for Finance, WorkCover and Transport Accident Commission; Minister for Water; and Minister for Tourism and Major Events. A strong supporter of the School, Mr Holding is also studying Arabic at the VSL.

The Hon Tim Holding MP at the VSL launch

Parallel Education at Haileybury Parallel education at Haileybury allows our students to benefit from co-education in the early years and experience tailored teaching styles for boys and girls in separate classes in the middle and senior years. We asked current Year 11 students their thoughts on parallel education at Haileybury.

Georgina Marsterson

Dylan Walsh

• Both genders get to come together for specialised subjects and social activities

Stephanie Kent

• The girls have become more confident in themselves and feel that they can express themselves without judgement from the boys

• It promotes a better social atmosphere, especially when it comes to recess and lunch times

• Lunch times become more fun, spending time with both boys and girls • We have more confidence in ourselves to ask for help in class without being in front of boys • I have been able to learn more effectively without the distraction of boys in the classroom • The close working environment of the girls have allowed our friendships to become stronger

Andrew Mathers

• Our social experiences have been enhanced • We have improved our interaction skills • There are less distractions in the classroom which makes an easier learning environment • We have more confidence to talk to people

• The teaching and learning approaches are very specific and are tailored to each gender’s learning style • Parallel education allows us to become more confident in social situations both inside and outside of school. Photo L-R: Stephanie Kent, Dylan Walsh, Andrew Mathers and Georgina Marsterson


Early Learning Centre at Brighton The Haileyburian recently spent a day at Brighton’s Early Learning Centre. Special thanks to Mrs D’Lene Johnson and the staff and students.


Haileybury’s 2008 IB Dux Moni Trac off to Harvard Haileybury’s 2008 IB dux, Moni Trac, has accepted a place at Harvard University in the USA. After completing her IB Diploma at Haileybury in 2008, Moni was offered tertiary places at Yale University and Brown University, as well as Harvard. Founded in 1636, Harvard is the oldest institution for higher learning in the USA and is one of the most highly regarded of the Ivy League schools.

High Achieving VCE Results Congratulations to the Class of 2008 on their outstanding results.

• 17 VCE students from Haileybury received an ENTER score of 99.0 and above, placing them in the top 1% of the state. • 21% of all Haileybury College and Haileybury Girls College study scores were over 40, placing Haileybury in the top category in the State. • Three students received an ENTER of 99.9, placing them in the top.10 % of students in the state. This means they are in the top 70 of 47,000 students. • Students who received an ENTER of 99.9 were Shananthan Balachandran, Rija Khanal and Patricia Wong. • Over 36% of all boys and girls (117 students) were in the top 10% in the state with an ENTER of 90 or more. • Over 95% of all boys and girls were in the top 50% in the state. • 13 Haileybury students received the top Study Score Ranking of 50 for a subject.

2008 VCE Premier’s Awards

Moni’s outstanding IB results at Haileybury were complemented by a valuable and worthwhile Community, Action and Service (CAS) program. In 2007 Moni volunteered at Pour un Sourire d’Enfant in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Her work was directed at improving the lives of children who live from garbage dumps in Cambodia. Moni’s A-grade extended essay on Cambodian migration between 1970 and 1975 was also highly regarded by Universities worldwide.

Haileybury has again emerged as one of the top academic schools in the State, following the announcement of the 2008 VCE Premier’s Awards. Haileybury students received 11 awards in total. These awards are given to the top three to five students in each subject area.

We wish Moni the best of luck – the first student from Haileybury Girls College to attend an Ivy League school.

Shananthan Balachandran (pictured) received the highly prestigious Top All Round VCE High Achiever award as well as the subject award for Mathematics. Other awards are as follows: Thomas Cross

Theatre Studies

Tarryn Darby


Jonathan Davies


Jordan Riddell


Dylan Somers


Kiara Selimi


Raymond Su

Information Technology

Patricia Wong


Delani Cruse


We also congratulate all staff involved in teaching these students during their VCE year. The teachers involved in the individual subject teaching were Mr Allan Goodall (Mathematics), Mr Nic Frame (Theatre Studies), Mr Damien Power (VET Electronics), Mr Mal Lawson (Economics), Mr Ron Drewett (Information Technology), Ms Fiona Gontier (Sociology), Mr Robert Johnson (Sociology), Ms Jessica Chamoff (Sociology) and Ms Jan Bruder (English ESL)


Photos courtesy of Victor Jetten

New Pipe Organ in Aikman Hall Haileybury’s newest musical instrument is certainly a sight to see. The instrument was originally built in 1887 for Perth City Hall, Scotland, by the renowned Scottish organ builder John R Miller. In 2006, the organ was gifted to Haileybury by the Royal Burgh of Perth for rebuilding by the West Australian firm of Pipe Organs WA. The organ arrived at Haileybury in early December 2008, where its four manuals and pedals, 63 speaking stops, 53 ranks and 2,955 pipes were assembled and fitted into Aikman Hall. “As well as being an invaluable addition to Australia’s handful of fine concert organs, the organ is – of course – the largest and most valuable musical instrument in any Australian school. That the installation of such an instrument has been so warmly embraced by the college is an achievement of which Haileybury should be extremely proud,” according to Haileybury Organist, Thomas Heywood. After three months of unpacking, moving and installing thousands of parts the organ was debuted on Sunday, 17 May 2009.


Staff Profiles

Gauthier Bouchardeau Senior School, Keysborough Gauthier comes to Haileybury all the way from France. He has become a much loved member of the Senior School staff, teaching Year 10, 11 and IB French, VCE History of Revolutions and coaching the Girls Firsts Touch Team. Gauthier studied at Lyon III University where he undertook a Bachelor of History. He went on to study at Melbourne University for a year as part of his Masters where he wrote a thesis on Aboriginal History, after which he returned to France to complete the degree. Gauthier returned to Melbourne University to undertake his Dip Ed with a focus on LOTE and History. “I really enjoy teaching my students. I am quite passionate about history, and discussing it with students is always interesting as their perspectives on an event or person in history is always refreshing to hear. Of course French is close to my heart and there is a lot more to it than just grammar and vocabulary. Cultural awareness is just as important and exciting to talk about.”

Natalie Bowen

Geoff Steele



Natalie joined Haileybury in 2008 as a Year 3 teacher at the Newlands campus. She graduated from Deakin University with a Bachelor of Primary Teaching after attaining an Advanced Diploma of Photography from the Photography Studies College in Melbourne. Natalie’s teaching philosophy of “every child can learn and that as an educator it is my responsibility to inspire, motivate and find a way to support each learner” has been warmly welcomed at the Newlands campus.

After travelling to all corners of the globe, Geoff has settled into his teaching position in the Humanities faculty at Haileybury’s Brighton campus. Geoff teaches Unit 3 and 4 Geography, Unit 1 and 2 Geography and History, Pre-Senior Humanities and Year 8 Classics.

Natalie’s first year as a teacher was, as she describes, “frantic”, encountering her first camp as a teacher, NAPLAN testing, the Newlands Fair, the Tattoo, the Junior School Concert, assisting the Year 3 and 4 dance and singing group Broadway Babies and coaching the Year 7 boys hockey team. At the beginning of the year Natalie got married and has just purchased a house with her new husband. “Natalie Bowen has made an outstanding start to her teaching career here at Newlands. Her enthusiasm and passion for teaching is apparent in everything she does. Natalie’s Year 3 classroom is engaging and dynamic. The students absolutely adore her. Natalie has fostered positive relationships with students, staff, parents and the wider Haileybury community.” Shane Davey, Head of Newlands.

He undertook a Bachelor of Nature Tourism at La Trobe University in Bendigo, after which he travelled and worked in Europe and the UK for a year. He then went on to spend two years as a tour guide on Moreton Island, and a further two years in Japan teaching English. Geoff eventually found himself at Monash University undertaking his Dip Ed. It was there that he first met Derek Scott in a tutorial. “He came to speak to us about VCE. He made a joke about Geography, and being a keen geographer myself, I stood up for our wonderful subject. He was on the phone the next day with a job offer!” In the Term 2 holidays, Geoff travelled to Vietnam and Cambodia on the School Humanities Tour. He loves the travelling experience and believes that “the discovery kind of learning should happen throughout the fullness of people’s lives”. A farm boy at heart, Geoff still loves getting out of the city and camping on the banks of the Murray River.


20 years of service Congratulations to the following 10 members of staff who celebrate 20 years of service at Haileybury in 2009. MR SCOTT DORAN, CASTLEFIELD EXECUTIVE

• Old Haileyburian • Commenced at Haileybury Edrington as a teacher on 1/1/1990 • Was Literacy Coordinator • Appointed as Deputy Head of Castlefield/ Head of Middle School on 1/1/1998 • Appointed as Head of Castlefield on 10/4/2000 • Transferred to Head of Middle School/ Deputy Head of Edrington on 1/1/2004 • Transferred to Head of Girls Middle School/ Deputy Head of Newlands on 1/1/2005 • Advanced School Leadership Program – 2004 and 2005 • Transferred to Head of Boys Middle School/ Deputy Head of Newlands on 1/1/2006 • Appointed Executive Director of the OHA & Director of School Development and Alumni Affairs on 19/6/2006 • Appointed Honorary Secretary of the Haileybury Society on 1/1/2008 • Appointed Head of Castlefield, Brighton on 1/1/2008 – current position • Qualifications: Dip Teach (CIT), B Ed, Grad Dip (Pol & Adm), M Ed (Mon), MACE, MACEA, MAPPA MS ALISON FANKHAUSER, SENIOR SCHOOL TEACHING STAFF

• Commenced part-time position on 10/7/1989, assisting with the careers guidance program • Became a full-time staff member on 1/10/1999 • Took on full-time Career Counselling position on 1/1/2000 • Title changed to Director, Courses and Careers on 1/1/2001 – current position • Qualifications: B Sc, Dip Ed (Mon), Grad Dip (Careers) (RMIT) MR PETER GRAVES, SENIOR SCHOOL TEACHING STAFF

• Commenced at Haileybury, Senior School on 1/1/1990 • Appointed Deputy Head of Aikman House on 1/7/1995 • Appointed Acting Head of both Myers and Newlands Houses from 1 January to 31 December 2000 • Transferred to Newlands – Deputy Head of Mathematics on 1/1/2001 • Appointed Assistant Director, Pre-Senior Program, Newlands on 1/1/2002 • Transferred to Senior School and appointed to Head of Dickinson House on 1/1/2003 – current position • Took on additional position of Head of Chemistry from 1 January to 7 July 2006 • Mentor, VCE in China Program – Semester 1, 2006 • Qualifications – B App Sc, Dip Ed (Mon)


• Commenced at Haileybury on 9 October 1989 on a part-time basis as Newlands Secretary • Became full-time in October 1990 • Transferred to Office Manager, Whole School in 2002 – current position MR NICHOLAS KORFIATIS, SENIOR SCHOOL TEACHING STAFF

• Commenced at Haileybury, Senior School on 1/1/1990 • Master-in-Charge of Volleyball in 1994 • Appointed Deputy Head of Berthon House on 1/7/1995 • Appointed Deputy Head of Commerce from 1 January to 31 December 2000 • Deputy Head of Allen and Dickinson Houses from 1 January to 31 December 2000 • Assistant Dean of Studies (VET: RTO Manager) from 1/1/2000 to 31 December 2005 • House Tutor from 23/10/2006 to-date – current position • Qualifications – B Ec, Dip Ed (Mon), Cert IV Ass & Train (CIT) MR GRAHAM LEYS, SENIOR SCHOOL TEACHING STAFF

• Commenced at Haileybury, Senior School on 1/1/1990 • Appointed Deputy Head of Elmore House on 1/7/1995 • Head of Myers/Newlands House from 1999 to 31/12/2004 • Deputy Head of Humanities in 2000 • Head of Athletics in 2001, changed to Chair of Athletics and Head of Boys Athletics in October 2006 – relinquished this position on 26/10/2007 • Additional position of Head of Triathlon from 1/1/2003 to 31/12/2004 • Head of Humanities in 2005 • Head of Year 12 and Assistant Dean of Studies from 1/1/2005 to 26/10/2007 • Head of Senior Boys from 29/10/2007 to-date • 1st Team Manager, Boys Cricket from 1/1/2008 to-date • Qualifications – B Ed (Arts) (Melb) MR ANGELOS MAVRIDIS, SENIOR SCHOOL TEACHING STAFF

• Commenced at Haileybury. Senior School on 1/1/1990 • Seconded to Edrington in 2005 • Acting Deputy Head of Dickinson House in 1997 • Deputy Head of Myers House in 1999 • Seconded to the Pre-Senior Centre at Castlefield in 2000

• Deputy Head of Rendall House from 1/1/2001 • Head of Debating, Mooting and Public Speaking from 2000 to 31/12/2002 • House Tutor, Rendall from 2002 to 2005 • Head of Soccer from 1/1/2002 to 31/12/2003 and in 2008 • Assistant Dean of Students (International)/ ESL Coordinator from 1/1/2003 to 31/12/2005 • Head of House, Newlands/Pargetter from 1/1/2006 to-date • VCE in China from 1/1/2006 to October 2007 • Qualifications – BA (Melb), Dip Ed (Rusden), M Ed St, M Ed (TESOL) (Mon) MR GARY MCLEAN, SENIOR SCHOOL SUPPORT STAFF

• Commenced at Haileybury on 24/11/1989 as Senior School Marshal, following 20 years’ of service with the Royal Australian Navy MRS ELIZABETH NANCE, CASTLEFIELD TEACHING STAFF

• Commenced at Haileybury, Castlefield on 29/5/1989 as a Junior School teacher • Was involved with School Tours, Expo, orientations and Open Days from commencement until 31/12/2002 • Coordinator of Dance Club from 1/7/2005 to 31/12/2006 • Appointed as Acting Deputy Head of JS and JS Reports Coordinator on 16/8/2007 – current position • Qualifications – Dip Teach (IECD), B Ed (Pri) (Toorak) MR ROHAN SHORT, NEWLANDS TEACHING STAFF

• Old Haileyburian • Commenced at Haileybury, Newlands on 1/1/1989 • Head of Kemp House in 1991 • Transferred to Senior School on 1/1/1992 • Deputy Head of Northcott House from 1/7/1995 to 31/12/1999 • Master-in-Charge of Hockey from 1/1/1996 to 31/12/1999 • Transferred to Edrington on 1/1/2000 • Head of the Pre-Senior Program/Deputy Head of Campus (Edrington) from 1/1/2001 to 31/12/2006 • Dean of Pre-Senior from 1/1/2007, with responsibility for the Duke of Edinburgh (Pre-Senior) Program – current position • Qualifications – BA (Hons) (Mon), Dip Ed (Melb)


Berwick Report Two major events for the Twentieth Anniversary of the Edrington Campus highlighted the first half of the 2009 School year at Berwick.

Our first Twilight Fair was organised so that the entire community could join in our celebrations. It was a wonderful success. The activities included carnival rides, show bags, animal petting farm, Devonshire teas, wine bar, stalls, raffles, food and entertainment. A large crowd enjoyed the evening. Entertainment was provided by our students and parents on our sound stage. Our Parent Band finished off the night in grand style. I would like to thank our very hardworking Parents and Friends Group for their wonderful support of the Fair and in fact all our parents, staff and students. In March our Anniversary Gala Dinner was held at Leonda in Hawthorn. This was a truly outstanding evening. The Organising Committee was chaired by Council Member Neil Sutcliffe and included Vice Principal John Twist (the Founding Head of Edrington), Russell Davidson (Executive Director OHA),

Sarah Bryant (Haileybury Events Manager), Marissa Good (HMA Representative), Justin O’Brien (Haileybury Friends of Music), Vicki Pisciotta (Edrington Parents and Friends Representative) and myself. Congratulations must go to the committee as this event proved to be a great success. Principal Derek Scott described the outstanding community feeling at the Edrington Campus and praised the staff, students and parents for their great work in ensuring the success of the Campus. Vice Principal Twist, the first Head of Edrington, described the amazing growth in the Campus over the last twenty years. Special tribute was paid to John Twist in setting the Campus up and ensuring such quick growth. His passion for the Campus and his incredible work ethic enabled Edrington to establish such a wonderful reputation in the community. John Fleming Head of Edrington (Berwick)


Brighton Report Earlier in the year The Honourable Justice Ross Sundberg presided over his last official function as Chairman of the Haileybury Council.

Over three hundred guests joined at Castlefield to enjoy the annual Founders Day Cocktail Party. The event included a tour of the captivating and imaginative buildings of the new Senior School at Brighton and the new Girls Middle School. After being entertained by the Haileybury Pipes and Drums Band and the Castlefield Jazz Ensemble, The Principal and Justice Sundberg officially named and opened three very important yet different parts of the Castlefield Campus. The Haileybury Girls College Middle School was officially opened and recognised the completion of the Parallel model of education with the Girls Middle School being located in one district. The School’s front gates were named the Sundberg gates in recognition of the 11 years of outstanding service that Justice Sunberg had given to the College in his time as Chair. Finally, the magnificent buildings of the Senior School were officially opened and named the Sundberg Centre for Academic Excellence. Throughout the first Semester, all of Castlefield’s students from Year 3 through to Year 7 have attended an outdoor experience

program. The program is sequential and provides a range of outdoor settings to challenge and stimulate our children. Activities such as abseiling, sea kayaking, snorkelling, horse riding and camping are commonplace. Building resilience, learning to work in teams, skills of leadership and learning independence are outcomes high on our list with such experiences. The Year 6 students enjoy a tour of Canberra, in particular paying attention to government. Year 8 students attend their camping experience in Term 4 and students of the PreSenior program have special options that see them enjoying experiences all over Australia.

The Year 5-6 Cross Campus Debating Competition took place in March at the Newlands Pre-Senior Centre.

The Castlefield House Competition has been in full swing throughout the first Semester. Major events have included the House Music and Drama Competition, House Art, House Social Service, House Swimming and Cross Country. A multitude of minor sports have also been competed for. Many of these activities provide an ideal opportunity for boys and girls to join together and celebrate their achievements.

There are whispers about a potential re-match, administration permitting, later in the year...

For the second year in a row Castlefield was victorious, winning both boys’ and girls’ divisions. The Castlefield boys defeated the Edrington girls debating the affirmative of the proposition ‘That an X-Box does more harm than good’, with Castlefield’s Douglas Power being awarded Best Speaker; then the Castlefield Girls defeated the Newlands Boys, debating the negative of the proposition ‘That we should abolish testing on animals’, with Castlefield’s Jacqueline Pacholec winning Best Speaker.

Castlefield: Boys: Daniel Stonehouse, Pete Karamountzos, Douglas Power, Noah Ekberg Girls: Jacqueline Pacholec, Christina Assimakopoulos, Madison Wynen, Emma Riskin Scott Doran Head of Castlefield (Brighton)


NEWLANDS REPORT The Newlands Fair always promises to be an exciting event and this year was no exception.

Forecast thunderstorms managed to hold until the next day and it was a perfectly warm, humid night. It was wonderful to meet many of the new families to Newlands this year, as they enjoyed the amusement rides and fine food stalls. Highlights of the Fair were definitely some of the new rides, the Junior School talent show and the eight rock bands from Newlands which performed throughout the night. Women’s International Day was acknowledged by our Girls in the Middle School with a number of special visitors and several workshops for our girls. Emeli Paulo from the Reach Foundation took our Year 7 and 8 girls through workshops that helped the girls to identify their own strengths and how to turn a negative situation into a positive one. This was followed by a BBQ celebration in the quadrangle; our girls certainly were made aware of how important this day is. The House Swimming for Junior School and Girls and Boys Middle School were held on different occasions but enjoyed by all. The novelty relays enabled students with varying abilities to enjoy the competition and of course, the standard freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly races were fiercely fought. In all instances, however, the results were settled in the final relays and were exciting finales to excellent meetings.

The Middle School, Junior School and Early Learning Centres Grandparents and Special Friends Days were another great success and I was delighted to see so many guests visiting Haileybury to see our students at work. This year we had over 800 visitors and I know their attendance was appreciated by the students; the morning had a distinctive feel to it that made the day a memorable experience. A special ‘thank you’ to all concerned for the delicious morning tea and also to the students who provided the entertainment on the day. House Music was the finale to Term 1. The main song was the theme from Aladdin and then each house had an opportunity to show their musical talent with an individual song piece. The instrumental section of the competition was of the highest quality, with many of these performers holding grade 8 or higher certificates in their respective instruments. Shane Davey Head of Newlands


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT Haileybury’s Senior School offers one of the most complex educational facilities possible. We have the parallel model running on three campuses and we offer the VCE, VCE VET and the IB as academic programs.

The range of sports we offer is also extensive and includes Golf, Sailing and Aerobics, all of which have been areas of success for Haileybury. All this provides a dynamic atmosphere of choice and possibilities for the young people who come into our care. Our Berwick and Brighton Senior Schools will include Year 12 students for the first time in 2010. Each of our campuses offer different environments to accommodate the various needs of students, and we have been very pleased with the number of students who have taken the opportunity to stay at their home campus. In 2010 we will have approximately 120 students in Senior School Brighton and Senior School Berwick. The Keysborough campus remains the geographical centre of Senior School and we will continue to meet as a whole school on Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons. On Tuesdays we have whole school assemblies that fill Aikman Hall and we often have lunchtime quad parties just to celebrate our unity as a school.

These celebrations help us to deal with difficult times that occasionally arise, and the death of Andrew Mulligan, Vice Captain of Haileybury College, was a very difficult time indeed. Andrew’s sudden death was a great shock to us all and his funeral, held in Aikman Hall, was a memorable way to show how much his school loved him. Andrew knew no other school but Haileybury and he was extraordinarily proud to be part of our community. We have planted a Japanese Maple in a garden between the Music School and the Language Centre as a memorial to ‘Mully’ and I know that all of us, particularly the boys of Sholto Black will keep him in our minds and hearts always. Haileybury has a strong community with a commitment to academic excellence and social justice for all. She is a great school, made great by the variety of those who work within her walls and I have no doubt that she will continue to go from strength to strength. Pam Chamberlain Head of Senior School and Vice Principal



Semester 1 has been an exciting and busy time at Haileybury. The 2009 academic year for Haileybury commenced uniquely in Term 4B, in the final four weeks of 2008. This was certainly very beneficial as we gained a leg-up over the rest of the state in our preparations for Unit 3 exams. These were held late in the semester, giving many Year 11s their first taste of a Unit 3&4 exam and hopefully giving the School many results to be proud of. We also recognise that many of Haileybury’s great results are achieved on Saturday mornings on sports fields in the midst of APS competition. The summer sports season saw Premierships won in Table Tennis, Touch Rugby, Golf and Sailing. Now, over halfway through

the winter season of sport, a number of the boys teams are looking very strong and are certainly in contention for Premierships. Haileybury’s Music Department has been as entertaining as ever in 2009. The Twilight Concert took place in its unique outdoor setting in the Frank Northcott Quadrangle, Concerto Night featured many talented soloists in its intimate reverse-stage setting and the Winter Concert went on a road tour to the John Twist Hall at Edrington. The Haileybury Pipes and Drums faced its most difficult and challenging season yet, but their win in the final element of the final competition for the season was very satisfying. Although not achieving milestone success as a band, they had a number of winners at the Victorian Championships in different divisions for both piping and drumming.

At Haileybury, we place a strong emphasis on social justice and we share a close link with the Oak Tree Foundation which is our whole-school charity. Prefects run events in The Quad to raise money and awareness and we arrange live entertainment, usually music, to add some colour and vibrance to Senior School. Semester 1 also brought great tragedy and one of the saddest times in the School’s 117-year history. The untimely passing of Haileybury Vice Captain, Andrew Mulligan, left a huge hole in our community and a huge hole in each of our hearts. Mully was a Haileyburian in the truest sense of the word. He is sorely missed but his memory will be forever carried on by those who knew him. Gordon Barnett

VALE Andrew Mulligan 1991 – 2009 Vice Captain of Haileybury College It was with a profound sense of grief that the School community mourned the sudden loss of Andrew Sutton Mulligan, who passed away in March. Andrew, or Mully as he was known to his friends, was one of Haileybury’s finest students. Utterly devoted to his family, he had been chosen by his peers to be one of the School’s four senior leaders, and was held in the highest regard by both students and teachers. Andrew began at Haileybury in Prep and, therefore, knew no other school but Haileybury. He was a tremendously active member of the School community. An accomplished flautist, he was a member of the Wind Symphony, Flute Choir and Flute Quartet. His contributions to the Languages Department, particularly his inspirational leadership throughout a recent tour of Japan, were appreciated by all involved. Mully was

also particularly devoted to his Senior School House, Sholto Black, where he is sadly missed around the locker area. Andrew was farewelled at a funeral in Aikman Hall, which was attended by his family, friends and teachers. A Memorial Garden has been established between the Music and Languages Departments, containing a Japanese Maple donated by the Haileybury Mothers’ Association. A plaque has also been added to what was Andrew’s favourite place to sit with friends, in the Senior School Quadrangle. Andrew’s pride in his school was evident to all who knew him, and a small part of his legacy has been a reminder of the supreme value of family and friends. Nicolas Frame Head of House, Sholto Black



Semester 1 has been a very busy time for students and teachers alike. Whilst keeping up with the demand of schoolwork, the girls managed to finish off a terrific season of Summer Sport Rounds. Special congratulations must be given to the Haileybury Girls’ Swimming team for coming first at the APS Championships for the third consecutive year. With summer well and truly over, Winter Sport Rounds began at the beginning of Term 2. So far, Haileybury’s results have been more than pleasing with great achievements across a range of sports. Off the sporting field, the Drama Department at Haileybury has been nonstop. Starting off with a bang, the Year 10 play, Boy Overboard, was a fantastic show for all and gave the young

students a taste of Drama at Haileybury. Things were only to get better with the Senior School musical, Jesus Christ Superstar, being performed over three huge nights in May. The ‘rock opera’ was greatly enjoyed by audiences and enormous thanks must go to all the staff and parents who helped out. Speaking of performances, Senior School was delighted to witness the much anticipated ‘Dancing with the Staff’ competition this term. The annual event was run by Year 12 Prefects in order to raise money for the whole school charity, The Oak Tree Foundation. Another major fundraiser held every year is ‘Haileybury’s Got Talent’, which is to be held early next semester. While this semester has been wonderful on a whole, it was with great sadness that

Haileybury said goodbye to one of its finest students early in Term 1. The passing of Vice Captain and dear friend to many, Andrew Mulligan, was a tragic event for the Haileybury Community. A funeral service was held in his honour in Aikman Hall, and really demonstrated the unity and strength of the school. A beautiful garden was created in memory of Mully and he will always be remembered as a true ‘Haileybury Hero’. With midyear exams finished, the Year 12 Boys’ and Girls’ formals both being a success and Summer Sport done, I would like to congratulate all students for an excellent Semester One and wish everyone all the best for terms three and four. Katherine Atkins

Pipes and Drums

L-R: Gordon Barnett, Duncan Wallace, Musashi Fujihara

This year’s Haileybury College School Captains are busier than ever taking on school leadership roles and academic commitments, as well as playing prominent parts in Haileybury’s renowned Pipes and Drums Band. Captain of Haileybury College Gordon Barnett, Vice Captain Duncan Wallace and Vice Captain Sport Musashi Fujihara have each had long associations with the Pipes and Drums Band and Harold Gillespie, Director of Pipes and Drums will be sorry to see them go at the end of the year. “We have been thrilled with the strength and determination of the Pipes and Drums section leaders this year. Reliable, enthusiastic and capable, these senior students have excelled in their respective leadership roles.” Gordon is the 2009 Pipes and Drums Band Drum Sergeant. He began competing with the band in 2004 and has since won numerous titles, his most recent being the 2009 SubIntermediate Grade Victorian Solo Drumming Championship. As captain of Haileybury College, Gordon represents the student body and the school at many major events

throughout the year, whilst also coordinating fundraising activities for the whole school charity, the Oak Tree Foundation. Gordon is also a member of the Haileybury 1st XI Soccer Squad. Duncan has been competing with the Pipes and Drums band since 2004. Over the years he has risen through the ranks, becoming Pipe Sergeant in 2007 and 2008 and finally reaching the role of Pipe Major this year. Duncan is also Captain of Debating and Mooting, skills that have seen him win many awards over the years. His strong public speaking skills have been put to good use in his Vice Captain duties. Musashi has been competing with the Pipes and Drums Band since 2006. He is the senior member, and as a piper has had the thrill of being involved in the 2006, 2007 and 2008 Premiership winning Pipes and Drums Band. Sport has played a large role in Musashi’s time at Haileybury; in 2009 he is Captain of Tennis, Vice Captain of Triathlon as well as participating in soccer, cross country, water polo, aerobics and football umpiring.


Berwick’s 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner

SPORT Table Tennis APS Premiers for Six Years

L-R: John Fleming, Derek Scott and John Twist L-R: Steven Ly, Quinn Blay, Jason Liu, Buntha Ung, Daniel Fun, Jesse Bricknell and Tony Liu

From 2004 to 2009 Haileybury have taken out the APS Table Tennis Premiership. Old Haileyburian Stephen Ly has coached the boys for the victorious 2004-2007 seasons; Stephen himself was a premiership player. For the 2008 season Steven White coached and managed the team before handing over to Bruce Norton for the 2009 season, to which Bruce claims, “I can take no credit for their on-court skills”. Founding Staff – L-R: Scott Doran, Brendan Dunlop, John Twist, Gary Shiell and Shane Davey

Head of Edrington John Twist and current Head of Edrington John Fleming. John Twist reminisced about the first years of Edrington and its founding staff members, recounting in particular a wonderful story about Scott Doran swimming across the flooded soccer fields. John Fleming thanked his dedicated staff for their continued efforts in making the campus a wonderful place for both students and parents.

2009 marks the 20th anniversary of Haileybury’s Berwick campus, Edrington. On Saturday, 14 March 2009, a black tie Gala Dinner was held at Leonda by the Yarra to wish Edrington a Happy 20th Birthday. Parents and staff both past and present joined in celebrating the occasion. Channel Seven personality and current Edrington parent Sandy Roberts presided over the evening, introducing Principal Derek Scott, founding

Edrington students provided musical entertainment for evening - pipers, a string quartet and the wonderful jazz ensemble. The OHA Big Band enticed guests to the dance floor and the Edrington Parents Rock Band rounded out the evening’s entertainment. After months of planning by the Gala Dinner Committee the evening was a perfect way to celebrate 20 fantastic years of Edrington. (Photos courtesy of Happy Medium Photography Co. For copies of Gala Dinner photos please call 9421 5668).

Buntha Ung (captain), Daniel Fun (vice captain), Quinn Blay, Jesse Bricknell, Jason Liu and Tony Liu have all played exceptionally well this season to retain the premiership. Over the past few years, five of the six players have represented Victoria in their respective age groups. Year 12 Daniel Fun has represented Haileybury in all six previous premiership wins, whilst Year 12 Buntha Ung has represented Haileybury in the last five premierships. Next year the team is looking just as strong… maybe a seventh premiership is on the way! Special congratulations to Jesse Bricknell and Tony Liu who recently travelled to Brisbane to represent Australia at the Under 18 World Table Tennis Tournament.


AFL DRAFT In the first time in Haileybury’s history, three students were chosen in the 2008 AFL Draft. We congratulate Tyrone Vickery (pick 8 Richmond), Tom Lynch (pick 13 - St Kilda) and Ashley Smith (pick 36 - West Coast). For the 2009 AFL Draft, current Year 12 student Tom Scully has been tipped by the media to be the No. 1 draft pick. Fellow Haileybury student and Vic Metro player Jack Hutchins is among 13 AIS-AFL Academy squad members who are eligible to be recruited by the AFL’s new Gold Coast franchise. L-R: Jack Hutchins, Tom Scully

Dual Premiership for Haileybury Cross Country Haileybury dominated the 2009 APS Cross Country Season with both its Boys and Girls remaining undefeated and making history as the first school to claim both boys and girls premierships in the same year. Haileybury also showed its depth by defending its Victorian All Schools Cross Country Relay Co-Educational Premiership and securing the Under 20 Boys & Girls 4 x 4 KM Cross Country Relay and Under 20 Girls 4 x 3 KM Road Relay Championships. At the Victorian All Schools Championships at Bundoora Park, the Hearts and Bloods were led by Tessa Craig (Individual Champion Under 17 & 18 4 KM) and Under 20 6 KM Bronze Medalist Sarah Lund. Haileybury’s Under 17 Girls Team of Tessa Craig, Siobhan Jagusch, Melanie Townsend and Tashana Kehoe-Sporton won the State Teams Championship and along with Ashlee Kehoe-Sporton and Tayla Daly will represent Victoria at the National Schools Cross Country Teams Championships in Sydney. Haileybury has 10 athletes competing at Nationals with Sarah Lund, Brittany Nash, Sean Guiney & Rhys Rodrigues also selected. Stephen McMahon, Head of Cross Country (Boys & Girls)


Haileybury Sports Stars Many Haileybury students are involved in external sporting teams and competitions. Below is a small selection of students who have achieved at a state or national level.


Josh Beaver – Swimming Year 10, Senior School Berwick

Josh is the National U/16 200 Metre Backstroke Champion, smashing his personal best time to take out gold in the event. Josh spends up to eight sessions a week in the pool and hopes to one day make the Australian swimming team.


Jess Clark – Diving Year 6, Newlands

Jess competed in the 2009 Australian Age Diving Championships held in Melbourne where she won gold in the Girls 11 and Under 1 Metre Springboard competition. In the lead-up to the Australian Championships Jess also won gold medals in the 1 & 3 Metre Springboard and Platform events at the State Championships.


Jackson Coleman – Cricket Year 11, Senior School Keysborough

Jackson represented Australia for the first time this year as part of the National U/19 Cricket Team. He recently took part in a match series against World Cup champions India. The left-arm paceman has high hopes of making the 2010 U/19 World Cup squad.


Alan Cook – Aerobics Year 12, Senior School Keysborough

Alan competed in the FISAF World Fitness Championships in Russia late last year where he won a bronze medal in the Junior Individual Men’s category. Alan hopes to represent Australia again in December at the World Fitness Championships to be held on the French island of Martinique.


Jack started off 2009 by becoming the Australian Junior Minnow Sailing Champion, following up with the Victorian Open Minnow Sailing Championship and the Victorian Junior Minnow Sailing Championship. Jack is only the third competitor in the event’s history to win the open age State Championship as a junior.


Jack Felsenthal – Sailing Year 7, BRIGHTON

Jack has had a great year in Sailing, winning the Australian Open Minnow Championship. Jack has been sailing for three years and loves spending time on the water in his new boat ‘Jack in the Box’. He was also part of the Championship winning Haileybury Sailing Team.


Kenji Fujihara – Aerobics Year 8, Newlands

Not many 14 year olds can say that they are a World Champion. Kenji won the Cadet Males Singles Aerobics World Championship in front of hundreds spectators in Russia late last year. Kenji also competes in gymnastics, triathlons, diving, swimming and hockey.

Joanna Hawley – Netball Year 12, Senior School Keysborough

Joanna has been selected for the U/17 Australian netball team. The wing attack and centre player is no stranger to the elite rankings of junior netball, having represented Australia at the age of 14.


Zoe Preston – Athletics Year 7, BRIGHTON

Zoe won the U/14 Victorian Youth Track and Field Championship for discus. Competing against girls two years her senior, Zoe managed a throw of 27.29 metres to secure the win. She has also won the Little Athletics State Championships U/12 discus event.


Letitia Sindt – Volleyball Year 8, BERWICK

Letitia played an integral part in the U/15 Victorian Volleyball Team’s victory at the Australian Volleyball Championships. She began playing volleyball only 15 months ago after trying the sport at school. Letitia hopes to make the Australian Youth Squad this year.

11 5

Jack Graves – Sailing Year 6, BERWICK

Marina Walker – Softball Year 10, Senior School Keysborough

Marina has been selected as part of the Australian U/19 Softball Team. After overcoming a serious back injury last year, Marina is back on track and ready to represent Australia in Sydney later in the year.


Jordan Williamsz – Athletics Year 11, Senior School Keysborough

Jordan is the current Victorian & Australian Schools, Pacific School Games and Youth Olympic Champion over 800 M, 1500 M and 2000 M Steeple & 4 x 400 Relay. He represented Australia at the 6th IAAF World Youth Athletics Championships in Italy after qualifying with a personal best of 1:50.44. Jordan placed 11th in the 800 Metres after winning his heat and also placed 7th in the Medley Relay Final, where he ran 48.1 for his 400 M leg.
















In 1892 Haileybury’s founding head, Charles Rendall, set out to provide the opportunity for local Brighton lads to acquire a gentleman’s education along the lines of the famous Headmaster Arnold of Rugby School in England. Older boys and the teachers were dressed alike: grey suit trousers and jacket with three buttons and high lapels, winged collar and bow tie – maybe a vest, and at best, an arc of metal watch chain. Perhaps even a pocket handkerchief. Much younger boys were decked out in fetching blue and white sailor suits. The middle age group wore tailored jackets, a cap from which ribbons hung, and short or longer pants called knickerbockers or knee breeches. This was a popular fashion for boys as well as for golfers, and seems to have continued for boys of middle school age until the 1930s. Their outfit was completed with long, thick socks and heavy boots. The cricketers were an impressive sight. The epitome of the upper-crust English public school boy, a Haileybury cricketer wore cream trousers and boots, cream jacket piped with blood-red magenta, cap or hat of choice, white shirt, and a tie, sometimes worn around the waist. 1930s

The 1930’s was a time of economic depression. The 1931 school magazine noted that the uniform of grey worsted, cap, tie and trousers had met with general approval, and that “only a few students” now appear singular by their variation from it. This look remained in favour for many years. An

interesting deviation was when the boys wore khaki uniform, like that long favoured by Brighton Grammar, for a short time during World War II. 1960s

The 1960s heralded a time of change. The grey suit survived, but the look tended towards single-breasted slim lines. A summer alternative allowed for the wearing of a blazer with boater. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the boater was sparingly worn. Mr Bradshaw and later Mr Aikman both looked to ways to brighten up the uniform. 2000 and Beyond

The current boy’s uniform has evolved and become more practical. At the instigation of Dr Pargetter, a stunning sports blazer was created in the early 2000’s. It is to be worn only on specified occasions: on the Friday before a 1sts match, at the match, and on the Monday – but only if the team wins. When Haileybury adopted parallel education, unique and distinctive outfits for girls had to be created. Haileybury approached the leading designer Geoff Riddell; he largely worked with the colours of magenta, black, white and grey. The summer dress features the “Haileybury stripe” and the winter fabric has a very clever design with a stripe that alternates with the winged heart. When the student moves, the pleat opens to show the winged heart. These outfits were met with widespread approval. Glen Garden, Head of the Student Archives Club Bill Waters, Dean & Director of Heritage & Archives

“An interesting deviation was when the boys wore khaki uniform for a short time during World War II.”




Congratulations to Scott & Kathryn on the safe and healthy arrival of a beautiful baby boy – Maxwell William James Boothey, brother to Charlotte. Born at 1246 hrs on 26th February 2009 at Epworth Freemasons in East Melbourne. Weighed in at 3.92kg (8.10lbs), 52cm long. MATTHEW DUSTING (OH ’91)

Matt competed in the Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon World Championships last October. This competition consists of a 3.8 km swim, 180 km ride and a 42.2 km run. Matt finished in nine hours 47 minutes. It was his fourth Ironman and 1st World Championship. JOHN PAUL GORTON (OH ’95)

Paul became engaged to his partner of three years, Therese Crowe, late last year and they plan to marry in October 2009. Paul and Therese have their own business designing websites,, whilst Paul works full-time at Narre Warren South P-12 College as the computer services manager.


OHA President, Jamie Harris presents the Hon. Justice Lex Lasry with the OHA Medal.

The inaugural OHA Medal was presented on Tuesday, 3 February at the annual opening of Haileybury, the Founders Day Assembly. The Old Haileyburians Medal is a unique way of recognising Old Haileyburians who have attained significant and exceptional achievement in their field of endeavour. In late 2008, the OHA Council decided to award the inaugural OHA Medal to the Hon. Justice Lex Lasry.



Congratulations to Bashir Ebrahim who has been awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for services to the visually impaired in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Bashir Ebrahim is a former President of the Old Haileybury Hockey Club and played 151 games for the Club from 1984 to 1991.

Congratulations to David who was awarded an OAM for services to music and organ preservation. David has been the pianist at Carols By Candlelight (Myer Music Bowl) for many, many years. He is a member of the organists guild, has supervised the restoration of a number of organs, and played the Wurlitzer at Moorabbin’s Kingston Hall often.

Bashir has given 18 years of service to the nation’s blind and vision impaired community and after being recognised with an Order of Australia Medal on Monday, 8 June, his response was, “It’s a humbling and flattering experience to be recognised for the work that you love to do. Being able to use your skills and knowledge to teach and improve others’ lives delivers enormous rewards. And working with my highly skilled and compassionate team of instructors and staff, is an honour – so the OAM is an exciting extra”. TRISTAN ISELI (OH ’94)

Tristan finished his PhD through The University of Melbourne on AMPK, a protein involved in fat metabolism linked to the onset of Type 2 Diabetes. He is now living in Sydney working at the Garvan Institute as a post-doctoral fellow. DR ADRIAN JONES (OH ’72)

Congratulations to Adrian who was awarded an OAM for service to history education as a lecturer and author, and through executive roles with a range of historical and teaching associations.

OHA President Jamie Harris presented His Honour with the award, at which time Justice Lasry delivered a speech focusing on his great memories from Haileybury and the work he is doing today. A brief profile of Justice Lasry follows: Lex Lasry attended Haileybury from 1960 to 1966. For three of those years he was a member of the Rendall House Boarding School. After leaving Haileybury he continued his education at Monash University where he completed degrees in Jurisprudence and Law in 1972. In 1973 he was admitted to the Victorian Bar and began his career as a barrister, mainly in criminal law. The case load included trials for murder, armed robbery, drugs and sex offences. He was Junior Counsel assisting Royal Commissions (including the enquiry concerning the Federated Ship Painters and Dockers Union), the National Crime Authority and the Coroner during the 1980s. In 1990 Lex was appointed Queen’s Counsel. He was later appointed as Royal Commissioner in Victoria concerning the Metropolitan Ambulance Service in 2000 and acted as Senior Counsel assisting the ACT Coroner in her inquiry into the 2003 Canberra bush fires. More recently, Lex has become well known throughout Australia and internationally for taking up unpopular causes. He acted as


Congratulations to Brett and Annette on the birth of their first child, Cormac Edward on 22nd August 2008. CHRIS REID (OH 2002)

Chris has been working at Southern Cross Ten in Canberra for 18 months, as a TV news update presenter for Cairns, Townsville, Mackay and Rockhampton markets. He moved there from Mt Gambier, where he spent ten months working first as a journalist with The Border Watch newspaper, and then as a reporter and nightly sports presenter with WIN TV. Chris did a bit of work with fellow old boy Bruce Eva at SEN before moving to Mt Gambier, and has been loving working in the media since finishing university.

defence counsel for Jack Thomas (known as “Jihad Jack”) in his terrorism trial in the Victorian Supreme Court and subsequent appeal from 2004 to 2007. He was Australian defence counsel for Van Nguyen in his death penalty drug case in Singapore between 2002 and 2005. He was Australian defence counsel for Peter Halloran, former senior Victorian police officer who was charged with sex offences in the west African country of Sierra Leone. At the time of his appointment to the Supreme Court in 2007, he was senior Australian defence counsel for two of the Bali Nine facing the death penalty in Indonesia. From 2004 to 2007 he was the Independent Observer for the Law Council of Australia at the trial of David Hicks at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba. In that capacity he travelled to Guantanamo in August 2004 and March 2007. In October 2007 Lex was appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria and has sat as a criminal trial judge for most of the time since then. Nominations for the 2010 OHA Medal are now being taken. A full criteria appears on the OHA Website – Nominations close on Friday, 30 October 2009. Any enquiries should be directed to Russell Davidson on 9213 2218.


OBITUARIES Our thoughts and sympathies are extended to the families of the following members of the Old Haileybury community who have died recently:

JOHN STEWART CHEETHAM (OH ’66) 5/1/48 – 19/3/09


It was a very sad day on Thursday, 19 March 2009, when John Cheetham (1966) finally succumbed to the disease he had battled heroically for a very long time.

DR CLEVE HODGE 7/2/27-26/10/08

Dr Hodge will be remembered for his long association with the School as a parent, member of the Haileybury Council and more recently a member of the Haileybury Society. His two sons, Michael (1981) and David (School Captain 1977), both attended Haileybury. JOHN ALEXANDER McINDOE (OH ’48) 19/2/30-30/3/09

In his final year as a student John was a School Prefect, Captain of Rendall House and Captain of Athletics. John McIndoe was appointed by Sholto Black in 1949 as a student teacher. He continued in this role until 1952 when he went to the University of Melbourne, graduating in Commerce and Education. After teaching with the Education Department in 1962 he became the Secretary of the VCTA, the largest and best organised professional association of teachers in Victoria. He later joined RMIT and was Registrar from 1975-1988. John was a keen Old Boy and supported reunions especially of boarders. He donated a significant number of photos and other items to the Haileybury archives. He is survived by his wife June. MURRAY PONSFORD (OH ’55)

OHAFC Life Member, David Murray Ponsford was a catalyst at the football club especially in the formative 1960’s – Treasurer (1965-70), boundary umpire, goal umpire, historian (1971-81) and very

This was a remarkable man and someone I had known since we were both at school leaving in 1966. I had to have two shots at my Leaving Certificate and he needed a second attempt at Matriculation. We both turned out alright. But John was inspirational and a larger than life character. To my experience a superb optimist no matter how onerous the problem, his life’s commitment was young people and their successful development. He was a husband, father, partner, teacher, author and psychologist. The founder of the Student Achievement Centre, John’s passion at the time of his death was the organisation known as the Skyline Education Foundation, set up to assist young people and in particular those who are socially and financially disadvantaged and also have clearly measurable talent. “The foundation believes that by encouraging their educational opportunities, teaching them skills and developing their personal and leadership skills that they will go on to achieve and create opportunities for themselves and others.” Under the leadership of his close friend Dr Peter Hollingworth AC OBE, the cause will progress and John’s legacy will be maintained. Skyline is classic Cheetham ‘can-do’ optimism. His spirit was always positive and he was even willing to see the best in our respective mediocre contributions to Haileybury during the 1960s. I am a former board member of Skyline and now very proud to be one of its patrons.

keen supporter of the club. He was always an unassuming but interested follower and was generally described as a “terrific bloke”– one of those characters that got along with everyone. He received a number of service awards and the Barrie Berggy Memorial Trophy in 1972. “Pons” loved being involved and especially enjoyed the historical aspect of the club to which we can all be so grateful, as the records of the club are second to none. JAMES POULTON

Sympathy is extended to old boys Tom (1966) and Robert (1969) on the recent passing of their father. Jim Poulton will be remembered for the time he spent as President of the Fathers’ Association from 1967-1968 and as a member of the Haileybury Society. MICHAEL SEMMENS (OH ’44) 20/6/27 – 26/12/08 BARRY JOHN SHINKFIELD

Our sympathy is extended to the family of Barry Shinkfield who passed away in February 2009. Barry was a member of the Haileybury Council from 1984-1992 and had three sons, Paul (1985), David (School Captain 1987) and Stephen(1990) who all who attended Haileybury. JIM VICKERS-WILLIS (OH ’31) 16/7/18 – 30/12/08

Jim’s sons Peter and Tony attended the school in the 1960’s. Peter was a top tennis player.

John Cheetham was also a wonderful communicator. The mellifluous voice and the perceptive wit were ever present. When he rang, his greeting always included the words “my friend”. He had, he won’t mind me saying, a great face for radio and had the perfect delivery for that medium. 3AW used him regularly both for his knowledge and his beautiful delivery. In more recent times he and I had some real fun together with me as a guest speaker and him as the Master of Ceremonies pretending not to know each other but yet feeding each other lines to the pleasure of the audience. On 26th March 2009, John filled St Paul’s Cathedral. It was a magnificent celebration of his life. Emotional, funny and a reminder to all of us of that age of our own mortality and the need to enjoy and make the most of our lives. His two beautiful daughters Sarah and Natalie would have made him very proud. During the service, the poem “The Dash” by Linda Ellis was read. The poem discusses the dash of punctuation that appears between our date of birth and our date of death. That dash is our life. What have we made of it? What does it amount to? In the case of John Stewart Cheetham that “dash” represents challenge, achievement, community service, loyalty and success. His “dash” is loaded with lessons for the rest of us. May we gain the benefit of them and pass them on in turn. Farewell my friend. by The Hon Justice Lex Lasry


On the 16th April 2009 Adventure Bound presenter Neil Tedesco passed away suddenly in a tragic accident at his local gym while free diving training. He was a loving brother, son and boyfriend and would do anything and everything for anyone. Neil Tedesco had been involved in the fishing and outdoor industry for the last 10 years. His favourite pastimes included fishing, diving, spear fishing and four wheel driving. He took up fishing at the age of 10, spearfishing at the age of 14 and four wheel driving to remote locations in pursuit of bigger fish the day he got his licence. The Haileybury community passes on its deepest sympathies to Neil’s brother, Dean (OH’93) and family. RYAN ABLETT (OH ’97)

The OHA Community is saddened to learn of the passing of Ryan Ablett who completed Year 11 at Haileybury in 1997. Ryan was a prominent member of the 1st XVIII. Scott Campbell (OH ‘85)

We record the sad death of Scott Campbell after a long struggle with cancer on Friday, 17 July. Scott was honoured as the longest serving student of his year, having started with Haileybury as a Prep student at South Road. Scott was an extremely popular student and has remained great mates with many from the 1985 graduation group.




OHA Football Luncheon In 2008 we were entertained by Danny Frawley, Shane Valenti, Paul Hopgood and Rodger Head. Who will head the line up in 2009? This year our invitation list has extended to Dermott Brereton, Stewart Loewe and Robert Harvey, Star of the Toyota commercials, Dave Lawson (OH ‘ 96) has confirmed his availability to give us some humorous insights into the making of the advertisements. We can confirm that the date for the luncheon will be Thursday, 3 September. The event will again be held in the Harrison Room at the MCG. Further enquiries should be directed to Jeanne Eriwata on 9213 2260.

OHA Golf Day

Founders Day Morning Tea and 40 year reunion (Class of ’70) OHA Medal Presentation

Tuesday 16 February

OHA Open Morning.

Sunday 28 February

Sincock Cup (Venue: Rendall Oval) YOHA event

Thursday 18 March Friday 19 March

Friday 19 March/ Saturday 20 March TBC Sunday 21 March

APS Head of the River reunion morning tea Class of ’60 – 50 year Reunion @ Castlefield Cricket and Tennis 25 year Premiership reunion luncheon OHA Winery Tour

Thursday 22 April

OHA Business Breakfast

Friday 30 April

School Play Reunion

Saturday 1 May

OHA / OHAFC Bloodlines Sports Night OHA Open Morning

Friday 19 March

OHA players will once again vie for the Hattam – Metherall trophy at Woodlands Golf Club on Friday, October 9 (please note the date change). A number of outstanding prizes will be on offer this year. Exceptionally priced sponsorship packages are available for businesses wishing to promote themselves to the wider OHA Community at this event. Further information can be obtained from Russell Davidson on 9213 2218.

OHA Day at the Races and Class of 2008 Reunion The OHA Race Day is back! After an extremely successful event in 2008, all OHA members are invited to join in the fun at Feehan Stakes Day at Moonee Valley on Saturday, 12 September. This day also provides an opportunity for the Class of 2008 to reunite and join in the atmosphere of Spring Racing in Melbourne at its best. For package details, please check the website – or call Jeanne Eriwata on 9213 2218.

Sydney Branch Reunion


Tuesday 9 February

Tuesday 4 May Friday 7 May Monday 17 May

Class of ’80 – 30 year reunion OHA Occupations Evening

Friday 11 June

OHA Winter Luncheon.

Friday 16 July

OHA Past School Captains Dinner OHA Open Morning

Tuesday 20 July

The Sydney Branch Reunion will be held on Friday, 6 November 2009, at a central venue to be confirmed. Interested Sydneysiders are encouraged to call Russell Davidson on 9213 2218 to register their interest in attending.

Friday 23 July

Brisbane Branch Reunion

Sunday 8 August

Class of 2005 – 5 year Reunion OHA Trivia Night – “The Battle of Haileybury.” OHA Ken Phillips Day

Monday 9 August


Friday 13 August

50 years + OHA Luncheon

Thursday 19 August

YOHA event

The Brisbane Branch Reunion will be held on Saturday, 7 November 2009, at a central venue to be confirmed. Interested Queenslanders are encouraged to call Russell Davidson on 9213 2218 to register their interest in attending.

Tuesday 24 August

Further Reunions Class of 1999

Saturday 24 July

Friday, 9 October Altera Terra Room, Keysborough.

25 year Athletics Premiership Reunion

Friday, 23 October Keysborough (lunch)

Class of 1989

Friday, 23 October Altera Terra Room, Keysborough.

Class of 1984

Friday, 20 November

R Bar Restaurant, Port Melbourne.

Class of 1974 luncheon

Friday, 27 November

R Bar Restaurant, Port Melbourne.

OHA Annual General Meeting Thursday 2 September OHA Footy Luncheon Saturday 11 September OHA Day at the Races and Class of 2009 Reunion Friday 8 October Class of 2000 Reunion – 10 year reunion Tuesday 12 October OHA Open Morning Friday 15 October

OHA Golf Day

Tuesday 19 October

Year 12 Clubs luncheon

Friday 22 October

OHA WEBSITE Have you logged on to Our website now has over 1,900 registered users with an average of 60 new users per month. The OHA website is a great way to keep in contact with Old Haileyburians from your era and to stay in touch with the vastly increased range of activities and events on offer. Features of the website include:

• Regular updates from the OHA and Haileybury • Online Business Directory • OHA event information • OHA Club updates • Information on all registered users and your classmates • Footy Tipping Competition.

Class of ’90 – 20 year reunion Friday 5 November OHA South Australian Branch Reunion Saturday 6 November OHA Western Australian Branch Reunion Friday 19 November Class of ’85 – 25 year reunion. Friday 26 November Class of ’75 – 35 year reunion luncheon

2010 Council meeting dates Tuesday 23 February Tuesday 13 April Tuesday 22 June Tuesday 20 July Tuesday 24 August (AGM) Tuesday 12 October


PAST EVENTS Class of ’69 Reunion – Tuesday, 3 February

An ongoing tradition of 40 year reunions at Haileybury is to invite the graduating class back for the official annual opening of the School. We were delighted to have in attendance 27 members of the Class of ‘69 who were formally recognised at the Founders Day Assembly and inducted into the Forty Years On Club. The group were warmly welcomed into the Barney Allen Centre for morning coffee and then preceded onto stage as part of the Official Party for the Assembly. Chests puffed out as the group were asked to stand by School Captain, Gordon Barnett in front of a capacity Aikman Hall student body. Following the Assembly, members of the Class of ’69 were taken on a tour of the School by members of the student leadership group, culminating in a tour of the Archives and the presentation of Forty Years On Certificates. Class of ’59 Reunion – Friday, 20 February

50 years on, just over a dozen of the finest graduates from the Class of 1959 descended on Castlefield for a great night of catching up and reminiscing. The 50 year graduates were treated to the sounds of the OHA Big band on arrival and were taken on an extensive tour of the School by the Head of Brighton, Mr. Scott Doran. The group were fascinated by the changes that had been made to the School and particularly impressed by the Middle School Captains who guided them on their tour – Angus Brayshaw and Alexandra Kersey. After a delicious meal and some more memories, it was off to the Dickinson Hall to witness a DVD production of the 50’s era at Haileybury, kindly pieced together by Honorary Archivist, Mr. Keith White. On completion of the night, all guests were presented with an OHA tie as a token of their 50 year involvement with Haileybury. Overall, a tremendous evening and one placed in the memory banks for many years to come. Sincock Cup – Sunday, 1 March

In 1995, the Council of the Old Haileyburians Association Cricket Club decided to initiate a cricket match against the School’s 1st XI. This enjoyable occasion was to support school cricket and foster goodwill and opportunity between the School and the Old Haileyburians Association. It was agreed that both teams should compete for the Sincock Cup, named after two brothers, Russell (OH ‘65) and Geoff Sincock (OH ‘75) who each achieved cricketing fame in their own fields of competition. Despite fielding a strong side which included current Principal Derek Scott, the Haileybury XI could not quite muster enough runs to defeat an experienced OHA team featuring the likes of past legends Scott Doran, Matthew Baxter, Peter (Paddy) O’Donnell, Andrew Brown, Mick Constable, Andrew Clarke and Andrew Child.

The match was played at the Hume and Hovell Cricket Ground in Strath Creek, the home of Old Haileyburian, Don McQueen (OH’ 59) and his wife, Anne. We were particularly fortunate that the match was able to go ahead due to the severe bushfires that blackened the area on Black Saturday and even burnt down the equipment shed at the ground. The Hume and Hovell Ground has the look of an old style English ground with a beautiful white picket fence and surrounding countryside. The ground has even a similar slope to that found at Lords. Inside the pavilion, Don has amassed a huge range of memorabilia including a cap from every team to have played at the ground.

Class of 2004 Reunion – Friday, 3 April

65 members of the Class of 2004 enjoyed a fantastic night at The Racecourse Hotel in East Malvern on Friday, 3 April. It was terrific to catch up with so many members of this class and extremely encouraging to see that many of the attendees were readying themselves for action in OHA Soccer and Football teams on the upcoming weekend. Class of 1979 Reunion – Friday, 15 May

Final scores as follows;

Members of the Class of ‘79.

Sincock Cup OHA CC Captain Tharaka Gammampila with Russell Sincock and OHA CC President Matthew Baxter.

OHA 4/148 defeated Haileybury 8/142. Notable performances from the OHA came from Paddy O’Donnell with 50, Scott Doran behind the stumps, Mick Constable with 30 retired, Andrew Clarke with his searing left armers and Matt Baxter who had the unfortunate experience of catching the Principal as he attempted to hit the shot that would have scored him his 50th run. All who attended had a memorable time. We are indebted to the School First XI, their coach Graham Leys, Principal Derek Scott and the many parents and family members who supported this event. The OHA is proud to support the continuation of this great tradition. OHA Business Breakfast – Thursday, 19 March

The inaugural OHA Business Breakfast was held at ZINC at Federation Square with just over 50 Old Haileyburians in attendance. We were delighted that the Hon. Tim Holding MP (OH ‘ 90) accepted our invitation to be guest speaker at this event. Mr. Holding spoke warmly of his time at Haileybury and his rise to become Minister for Finance, Workcover and the Transport Accident Commission, Minister for Water and Minister for Tourism and Major Events. Mr. Holding took time after his address to speak with attendees and we were delighted that he was able to spend some time with the eight current Haileybury students who had taken time out of their busy study schedules to attend the breakfast. These types of events are particularly popular for those working in the city and present an excellent opportunity for likeminded business people to network and catch up with fellow Old Haileyburians. In 2010 we are hoping to offer a Business Breakfast in both March and October. Stay tuned for further information and speakers.

A great night was had by more than 40 OHA members and partners who attended the Class of ’79 reunion held in the Altera Terra Hospitality Centre at Keysborough. The OHA is indebted to the work of Adam Cleary who rallied a number of the troops to achieve an excellent number of attendees. It was particularly terrific to welcome back past members of staff – Jim Brown, Malcolm Gordon and Brian Clark. All enjoyed catching up on their past students’ achievements over the last 30 years. Winemakers Luncheon – Friday, 22 May

Brendan Haar (OH 2002) chatting with Guest Speaker Chris Pfeiffer (OH ‘67) at the Athenaeum Club Winemakers Luncheon.

David Pederick and Dean Green from the Class of ‘76 enjoying the winemakers luncheon at the Athenaeum Club.

The Winemakers Luncheon at the Athenaeum Club in May proved a roaring success. Guest speaker Chris Pfeiffer (OH ‘67) from Pfeiffer Wines in Rutherglen, is current Chairman of the Victorian Wine Industry Association and an extremely strong voice in the winemaking profession. We were fortunate enough to hear from Chris and his daughter Jen, one of Australia’s youngest winemakers and twice


finalist in the Australian Young Winemaker of the Year award. Chris led a discussion on the trends in the winemaking industry at present whilst Jen spoke about the generational change in winemaking and the impact young winemakers are having on the industry. A delicious lunch was enjoyed by all as was the opportunity to taste eight magnificent Pfeiffer wines served in generous quantities. Once again the Athenaeum Club was the perfect location for an enjoyable luncheon. For those wishing to join the Pfeiffer Wine Club, please refer to the website Boarders Reunion – Friday, 29 May

A group of Boarders from the 1960’s enjoying the recent Boarders Reunion at Castlefield.

OHA CLUBS OHA Football The objective of the OHAFC for 2009 is again to play finals football. We want to play aggressive, attacking football which our supporters have become so used to over the years. The Club has had a mixed start to the season in the B Section of the VAFA Competition. Despite a tremendous win over the previously undefeated St Kevin’s, the team has struggled to post consistent results and, at the conclusion of Round 8, was delicately poised in 9th position. Finals football is certainly not out of the question and, with the return of Robert Harvey and Stewart Loewe after the Queen’s Birthday long weekend, the team will have added some great depth. The Under 19s, after a slow start to the season, have shown tremendous resolve to string a couple of wins together in recent weeks. There is also a lot to look forward to off field this season. We have Sportsman’s Night, Trivia Nights and of course our tremendous home game lunches, culminating with the reunions of the 1969 and 1989 Double Header Premiership sides. We would like to thank the sponsors who have kindly provided vital financial support. We have a few new ones this year including Skylift Crane Services and the McKinnon Hotel.

A group of Boarders from the 1970’s enjoying the recent Boarders Reunion at Castlefield with their Boarding Master Barrie Johns.

A great night was held on Friday, 29 May, at Castlefield with the inaugural Boarders Reunion. Over 100 ex-Boarders and their partners attended with members ranging from Tom Hurley (OH ’47) through until the 1978 boarders. It was great to hear the stories of School life and to note the many successes that these men had enjoyed since they left the School. Keith Stayner (OH ’50), Geoff Wright (OH ’58), Russell Sincock (OH ’65), Paul Ostemeir (OH ’75) and David Southgate (OH ’77) all talked about life in the boarding house as they knew it. The stories were of cold showers, mischievous acts, small dormitories and strong discipline. However, the aspect that rang true was the strong bond that the boarders forged amongst themselves and the many friendships that have been retained since. We were fortunate to be able to welcome back three past Boarding Masters in Brian Clark, Barrie Johns and John Gilson. Those who travelled from interstate and overseas were presented with an OHA tie as recognition for their sterling efforts. Unfortunately there were a number of apologies as is to be expected, however, we hope to be able to attract as many as possible back for a Sunday lunchtime reunion on Sunday, 20 March 2011. Keep the date free!

And to you the supporters: barrack hard and with respect, and be prepared to sing “Bellow them Over” just a few more times. New players are most welcome to the Club and are asked to contact Andrew Bonwick on 0407 714 270.

OHA Big Band The OHA Big Band continues to go from strength to strength. After a standout performance at the Edrington 20th Anniversary Ball at Leonda by the Yarra, the band will perform at a number of OHA Reunions in 2009.

The Band provides a huge array of music and has over 20 dedicated members who practice each Tuesday at Haileybury.

OHA Soccer After years of talk the OHA Soccer Club is finally formed and looking forward to commencing a long and fruitful history. The Club is entered in the Football Federation Victoria South East Thirds Competition playing against teams such as Bayside Argonauts, Old Scotch, Beaumaris and Caulfield Grammarians. We are delighted that the team will be playing home matches on the Hazlitt Oval and we are extremely thankful to the School for providing us with this opportunity. The team is made up of Old Haileyburians from a vast array of year levels. In 2010 it is our intention to field a women’s team and capitalise upon the great success our Girls Soccer teams have experienced over the past few seasons. Additionally, the Club aims to field a Reserves team in 2010. Our Committee is comprised of Chris Jame, Josef Buttula, Matthew Hedrick, Julio Monterrosa and Cemal Akgul. In their inaugural season, the Club has enjoyed a brilliant start both on and off the field. On the field the Club was successful in its first match, playing the experienced Old Scotch combination, winning 2-0. Since that victory, the team has played brilliantly together, notching up another win, three draws and a loss. In its match against the previously undefeated Croydon City Arrows, the OHA team forced a 0-0 draw away from home. Off the field the Club has been busy fund-raising with a poker night and BBQs at all home games. The team trains each Tuesday and Thursday on the Fisher Oval at Haileybury. New players are most welcome and are asked to contact either President Chris Jame –; or Coach Nic Apostilidis – or 0405 535 997.

OHA Hockey The Club is fielding two mens and two womens teams in the 2009 winter competition organised by Hockey Victoria (HV). All teams play in the open competition, for which matches are played on Saturdays or Sundays. Our teams are playing in the following grades:

Mens State League 5 Womens State League 4 Mens Metropolitan 3 South Womens Metropolitan 4 South

The teams are aiming to improve on the mixed results from the first half of the season, assisted by Wednesday training sessions at Monash and improving player fitness! Our coaches, Jon Blackman (men) and Cindy Bibb (women), are working hard to improve our skills too. We would love to recruit more players for the womens teams, as we are playing short of the full complement of 11 players for some of the WM4S matches! Despite this, the team is managing to enjoy its matches, and make the opposition work hard! Following a very successful trivia night held earlier in the year, the members are now looking forward to our annual Las Vegas Night, which is always a highlight on our social calendar! If you’d like to join in the fun, please contact us via the OHA website or our own website at


The unmistakeable spark. It’s a reflection of small class sizes. Individual attention from committed, passionate teachers. The opportunity to thrive in a parallel education space where girls and boys enjoy the benefits of single sex and co-ed environments. The unmistakeable spark – of the Haileybury student.










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