The Haileyburian Summer 2009

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• t o p n A P L A N r e s u lt s • F OR M ER S c h o o l Ca p ta i n s : W h e r e a r e t h e y n o w ? • T o m S c u lly – N o . 1 A fl D r af t P i c k

A DAY AT senior school

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Front cover images: LEFT: L-R: Alison Dale, Georgina Oakley, Emma Volders RIGHT: Tom Scully

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PRINCIPAL’s REPORT The work in the Junior School is built upon in the Middle Years with a curriculum and approach which encourages critical thinking and the development of analytical skills. The Senior School then offers students the opportunity to make choices about their learning. The VCE continues to be an excellent certificate with a breadth of offerings. The International Baccalaureate requires students to have a broad range of skills and is a focused two year program.

The final piece in this plan fell into place on Tuesday, 10 November when the 2010 academic year started with students in Year 12 at both Berwick and Brighton. All of the changes made to the programs and structures in place are designed to produce strong academic results and well rounded young people ready for life after school.

Education in the 21st Century

Benjamin Disraeli, the British Prime Minister of the 1880’s, said “in a progressive country, change is a constant, change is inevitable”. Haileybury has continually changed since it was founded in 1892 by Mr Charles Rendall. At times the change has been glacial, at times incremental and evolutionary and at times dramatic and revolutionary. The past 11 years represent the latter, and have resulted in Haileybury being a leading progressive education institution in Victoria in the twentyfirst century. The features that collectively distinguish Haileybury from other strong education providers are parallel education, small class sizes, the explicit direct instruction teaching model in the junior years, the separate Years 5 to 8 Middle School, Pre Senior options, a three year Senior School program, one Senior School delivered across three sites, and the early start to the academic years from Years 9 to 12 so that there is focused time on task right up to the end of the year.

The focus on improving academic performance during the past two years is a part of the drive to have all students as well prepared as we can for life after school. Research has shown that the transition into adulthood and the workplace is made easier by success in academic work at School. The use of the Fleming Effective Model at Haileybury with its explicit, direct instructional learning in the junior years is an important part of the academic focus. Children in the junior years who are able to master basic reading, writing and mathematics skills are set up for ongoing success in school. In addition they are more likely to develop the higher-order thinking skills they need to make it through school and post-secondary school. The Fleming Model, with its phonics based approach to reading, has gained increased recognition. John Fleming (Head of Edrington in 2009 and Deputy Principal – Junior School Teaching and Learning in 2010) is in demand around the country to work with schools. The new national curriculum suits John’s approach and the Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, recently declared that ‘the debate about how to teach reading is over, phonics has won’.

The strong academic focus has resulted in Haileybury producing some outstanding results in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). The Federal Government is publishing elements of the NAPLAN results on a national website. We are very confident that the Haileybury results will highlight the success of our academic programs. Whilst the academic focus is important, I have been particularly pleased with the response from students to the focus on social justice. Recently I was talking to the Managing Partner of a major accounting firm who noted that a Haileybury graduate had been offered a cadetship to his firm and another major firm. The graduate had said that the final decision would come down to which firm had the better social justice program! Mr Rendall started Haileybury on the basis of ‘classics and cricket’ and took a tough, authoritarian approach to discipline. We have reintroduced a classics program and we still have cricket. However, the school now provides an education for 3,300 girls and boys and it is an education that needs to fit into a contemporary global context. The focus of that education will continue to be academic in nature but with a strong focus on the development of well rounded young people with a commitment to their own success but an awareness of the broader issues of social justice in the global context. We will continue to change to be at the forefront of education in the twenty-first century. Derek Scott Principal


NAPLAN Results The 2009 NAPLAN results for reading, writing and spelling highlight the significant improvement attained by Haileybury students. At Year 3 – 61% (reading), 68% (writing), 59% (spelling) are operating at the highest level measured by the NAPLAN and converted to VELS (Victorian Essential Learning Standards). At Year 5 – 39% (reading), 53% (writing), 44% (spelling) are operating at the highest level measured by the NAPLAN and converted to VELS (Victorian Essential Learning Standards).

Keith Hosking – 43 Years at Haileybury Head of Mathematics, Keith Hosking, is a ‘Haileybury Living Treasure’. After a career at Haileybury spanning 43 years, Keith has decided it is time to give up full time work at the end of 2009. I am delighted that he has agreed that, following a period of long service leave, he will take up a part time position in the Senior School at Berwick which is near to his home. Keith is the epitome of the life-long learner and has adjusted to the whims and flights of fantasy of four Principals and has survived numerous education fads. Through all of that he has continued to teach several generations of young people about mathematics and scores of staff about correct grammar on reports. Keith radiates calmness and is a man of great dignity and quiet humour. We know that teachers make a difference but few have made as much of a difference as Keith. Derek Scott Principal


Performing Arts High School Musical On Stage! Years 5 to 8 Berwick students spent months rehearsing for their production of the popular Disney sensation High School Musical. The show featured the much-loved characters from the movie as well as all the popular songs.

Once On This Island Over 70 Brighton students participated in the calypso flavoured re-telling of The Little Mermaid. The Caribbean inspired affair, which focused on the effects social divisions have on love, featured students from Years 7 and 8.

Aladdin Year 7 and 8 Newlands students brought the magic of Disney’s Aladdin to the stage. The show featured all the favourite characters from the movie complete with a magic carpet.

Much Ado About Nothing Senior School students brought Shakespeare’s much-loved comedy to the Aikman Hall stage. Take a bit of Desperate Housewives, throw in a healthy pinch of Fawlty Towers (and the odd water pistol) and Haileybury’s Senior School play had taken shape.


‘Bleeding Hearts’ Exhibition

The annual Haileybury ‘Bleeding Hearts’ exhibition showcased at least one piece of artwork produced by each of our Unit 3 and 4 students from Studio Art, Art ,Visual Communication, Design Technology, Wood/Fabrics, Digital Media and Media. The evening was hosted by our 2009 Art Captains Georgia Anson and Will Nguyen, and was opened by 2008 Art Captains Jay Fitzpatrick and Charlotte Hannah. Family and friends of the students enjoyed an evening of wine and finger food made and served by our Hospitality staff, and entertainment by the Jazz band. In addition, 2009 was the first year of the Visual Arts IB exhibition held on 25 October-6 November. The first day of the exhibition is an examination for the Visual Arts candidates, where they are required to hang their own exhibition and are interviewed by an external assessor. Staff, family and friends were invited to the opening of the exhibition where they enjoyed an evening of viewing and talking to Denisse Ramos and Chandni Dhingra about their work. Glenda Spiker Director of Art

Spring Racing Fever Year 12 student, Kiara Selimi, recently won The Fashion Prize 2009 from the Australian Academy of Design. The theme for the designs was “The Fastest, Funkiest Finery on the Field” and students were asked to showcase their drawing skills by designing race wear for the Spring Racing Carnival. Entries from across Victoria were submitted by fellow secondary students. The Fashion Prize 2009 aims to promote, support and encourage young aspiring fashion designers in Victorian secondary schools. Fellow Year 12 students Izabel Caligiore and Khanh Ong also entered designs in the competition. Photo: Kiara’s winning designs


“Master Chefs” at Haileybury

The Hospitality industry is one of the most exciting industries in the world, offering many different opportunities for the students to be involved in. The VET Certificate II in Hospitality, Tourism and Events is designed to provide students with the background knowledge and skills to make future career choices within the industry. In order for students to receive their Certificate II in Hospitality, students must study this subject over two years, where they are taught and supervised by industry professionals. The course involves two different areas of study, Commercial Cookery and Food & Beverage. The Commercial Cookery units in this course are the units that all Chefs in training complete; the course offers foundational skills and knowledge to prepare students for a career as a Chef in restaurants or any food related kitchens. Here at Haileybury, besides the theory components, the students are offered an opportunity to demonstrate their newly acquired skills to their teachers, parents and fellow students in Altera Terra Restaurant. This is a training restaurant where the students discuss and develop a menu that will show the capabilities and skills they learnt throughout the year. Students learn how to deal with the pressure associated with getting many meals prepared and out to the customer in a short period of time. The food that comes out of the kitchen must be hot, well presented and up to industry standards. There are often tense minutes; as in most kitchens, things do not always run smoothly, however, the students generally work together as a team and pull through. The Food and Beverage students are offered a wide array of opportunities that the course can provide, such as a career in travel, advancement in casual positions and management skills. Students operate an espresso coffee cart for the Senior School performances which enables them to interact with the public similar to the hospitality working environment. The students learn how to operate and are given ‘hands-on’ experience in our fully operational restaurant, developing skills in waiting, bartending, supervision, cashiering and managing. They enjoy the experience to communicate and learn skills that are able to be transferred to the full-time workforce or career of Hospitality, Tourism and Events. Kelly Baldacchino Head of Hospitality


Major Development Projects Haileybury will continue to be a busy place over the Christmas break with several development projects underway.


Grenda Aquatic Centre

The Brighton Library Project is now ready to commence building and will be completed in August 2010. The Hazlitt Oval is to be widened and extended in length to allow for two full sized soccer pitches. This will help us cater for the increasing demand for soccer at Haileybury while still allowing cricket to be played. The works will be completed in time for the next football season. The Facilities Department has gradually converted the ovals to couch grasses for summer usage as they provide an excellent hard wearing surface under the harsh summer conditions and require significantly less irrigation water and pest/disease treatment. At the end of

Autumn, the summer couch grass goes into dormancy and the Winter grass is re-established for the football/softball season. This methodology is best-practice for providing safe and effective oval surfaces for students as well as having the least environmental impact when compared with the traditional all season grasses. The development of the land behind the Keysborough Campus is progressing very quickly (see photo) with the result that a new entrance/exit gate will be established behind the Fisher Oval goals early in 2010 and another gate behind the Hockey Courts by mid-year. The ring road clockwise from Gate 1 to the Grenda Centre will also be resurfaced over the Christmas break.


Tom Scully Number 1 AFL draft pick After months of speculation, Haileybury 2009 student Tom Scully has been selected as the No 1 AFL Draft pick for the Melbourne Football Club. Tom, the 2009 Captain of Haileybury’s 1st Football team, has fulfilled every boy’s childhood dream. Tom has wanted to play professional football since he was 13 and is known for his strong work ethic and determination. Also drafted were Jack Gunston and Jack Hutchins, who recently graduated from Haileybury. Jack Gunston has been drafted by the Adelaide Crows as pick 29. This versatile player played most of his junior football with Haileybury. Jack Hutchins has been selected by the new AFL Gold Coast team and will have the chance to represent the new franchise in the VFL next year.

Tom Scully

Grenda Centre revamp The Grenda Centre Pool was opened in 1995 and has now been operating for fourteen years. The pool was built under a tight budget as a number of items were removed from the original design drawings when it was constructed. The refurbishment (completed in September 2009) includes the following; 1. Pool tiling applied to the whole pool (previously a painted surface pool) and replacement of the wet deck grating and corroded supports and tile signage and lane markings as well as general signage around the pool. 2. Starting block area refurbished including refurbishment of the starting blocks and the structure that the blocks sit on as well as new cabling for pool timing/starting/PA systems. 3. Rust treatment and repair or replacement of all damaged surfaces including tilt-up doors and their counter weights, windows, drains, diving tower framing, ceiling and roof structure, store and office fit-outs etc. 4. Toilets and change room areas will be provided with a major refurbishment including providing shower screens in the shower areas, increasing the size of the change room space, increasing the ventilation and provision of public toilets. 5. The installation of a new pool hall heating and ventilation system including variable speed drives on fans, heat recovery from the exhausted air and an additional boiler to be integrated with the existing to provide some redundancy in case of failure. It also includes heating of the change rooms. 6. Replacement of the existing pool filtration system with more efficient and higher capacity filters that will reduce the amount and regularity of backwash water. 7. Treatment and storage of the pool backwash water to make it safe to be used to replace town water used for flushing urinals and toilets throughout the pool and the majority of the senior school toilets. 8. Upgrade of the Pool Hall lighting and emergency lighting to meet the current standards. 9. Installation of electrical supply, water supply and gas supply meters to monitor and more efficiently manage the services consumptions to the building. 10. Taps and outlets to hand basins and showers to be upgraded to higher conservation types and installation of thermostatic mixing valves on the domestic water supply to prevent scolding to comply with AS3500. 11. Provide improved energy efficiency of the building envelope and equipment to reduce the overall running costs. The above changes to more efficient filters and treating the backwash water is expected to provide a yearly savings of 3.5 Megalitres of town water which is around a 10% total reduction in water use for the Keysborough site. The installation of the backwash treatment plant is partly funded from a Business Water Grant from South East Water based on obtaining these total water savings. Tony Batt Facilities Manager


Staff Profiles Andrew McGregoR, Senior School, Keysborough Andrew McGregor, the current Deputy Head of Senior School Berwick, began at Haileybury in 2007. He currently teaches Year 8 to 12 Mathematics, focusing on Year 12 Specialist Maths and Mathematical Methods. Andrew has a Bachelor of Science (Applied Mathematics and Computing) and Diploma of Education from Monash University and a Masters of Education (Management and Leadership) from the University of Melbourne. “It is great intellectual stimulation to constantly work out new ways to best deliver mathematics to students who are all different in terms of their age, potential and learning style. I enjoy having the chance to share my passion for mathematics with students, and to entertain them at the

same time. I enjoy teaching because there is always a new challenge.” In Andrew’s career as a teacher he has undertaken roles as a tutor, head of house, football coach, girls cricket coach, tennis coach, intrepid hiker, camper, overseas traveller, head of department, notebook co-ordinator, VCAA examination writer and IB team leader, just to name a few! In his current role in the Senior School at Berwick he hopes to help establish a great school where students enjoy working with staff to achieve optimum results in and out of the classroom. Outside of school Andrew enjoys family life with his wife Jane, daughters Tess and Talia, both students at Haileybury, and his twin boys Aidan and Regan who are just 5 months old.

Kyoko Tsujimura

Jessica Monkivitch



Kyoko began teaching at Haileybury in 2007. As a member of the Newlands staff, Kyoko has taken on roles as homeroom teacher and tennis coach as well as teaching Years 6 to 9 Japanese. After spending Year 10 in Japan, Kyoko returned to Australia to complete her VCE at Mentone Girls Grammar. The following year, Kyoko was trained as a broadcast announcer in Japan. She then entered La Trobe University where she completed a Bachelor of Arts and a Diploma in Education specialising in Japanese and History.

Jessica began teaching at Haileybury in 2008. In her short time at Haileybury’s Brighton campus she has come to be well respected amongst her fellow staff members. Having graduated from Monash University with a Bachelor of Arts/Education, Jessica presently teaches Years 8 and 9 English and Year 8 Humanities. In her current role as Deputy Head of Girls Middle School Jessica enjoys the fact that every day presents itself with a new set of challenges.

Kyoko holds a First dan black belt in Kyokushin Karate as well as playing the piano and Trumpet.

“As a teacher I hope to continue learning from my fellow colleagues as well as trying to maintain a healthy work/life balance.”

“Ms Tsujimura is highly respected by her students and has enormous expertise in the Japanese language and culture.” Shane Davey, Head of Newlands.

Outside of the classroom Jessica enjoys reading, travelling and spending time with her family and friends. In 2010 she will take up her new role as Brighton’s Head of Girls Middle School.


Family-friendly Haileybury Returning to full-time work following maternity leave can be a stressful time; however as these accounts show, Haileybury does everything possible to ease the transition for staff.

It is an honour and a privilege to be the Head of the Junior School at Brighton. However, the thought of this position and caring for a baby was daunting. Vice Principal Craig Glass was very supportive, and shortly after Poppy was born he rang me to discuss my return. I was offered one day a week for the six months remaining on my maternity leave. This gave me the opportunity to foster relationships with the staff I would be leading. Haileybury is a very busy and exciting place. The environment that has been created by the Senior Executive Team is so welcoming that my husband and daughter are regular visitors to many events such as the family BBQ and the Brighton Carnival. Katrina Manson Head of Junior School and Deputy Head of Brighton

Our daughter Emily was born three months early in August 2008, and had to spend her first six months in hospital. For three of these months, Emily was in ICU and needed respiratory equipment to help her breathe. This process damaged her lungs, causing what’s known as chronic lung disease (fortunately she will eventually grow out of this condition). This posed many challenges for my husband and me, as we couldn’t place Emily into childcare and we don’t have family support to help out. I have been really grateful to Haileybury for offering me part-time work on my return from maternity leave. This means I can continue with my professional development and my husband, Alex, and I can share in the care of our daughter.

Lauren Perfect Head of Cuddihy House and Head of Dance

Fiona Gontier Senior School Keysborough

I have had two beautiful babies since beginning at Newlands Junior School in 2005. I returned to full time work following a year’s maternity leave after having my son, Raferty, in 2006. My daughter, Tierney was born in 2008 and I have worked part time this year, since she was five months old. I have been impressed with the way in which Haileybury has supported me as a working parent at every stage of my journey into parenthood, including my pregnancies, leave and return to work. Sometimes as a working parent it can be difficult to juggle various commitments such as meetings, childcare arrangements and when your children are unwell during work hours. On these occasions, I am happy to say that Haileybury has been understanding and flexible when it has been possible. Small kindnesses have been appreciated along the way. Flowers came to my home when I announced my pregnancies and morning teas were held in my honour. On the arrival of my babies I received many gifts and visitors from school. My children are welcomed to any after school get togethers or special functions such as the school picnic. All of these things make a difference in the life of a working parent. Leah Opie Newlands

After the birth of my daughter Alexandra in September 2008 the thought of working with a baby seemed quite impossible. However, due to the timing of her arrival my links to Haileybury were still strong, with the VCE exam season fast approaching. It wasn’t long before I made the walk from the carpark to Keysborough Senior School pushing a pram in front of me, set to teach my students with my little girl by my side. This set the tone for my work at Brighton Senior School in 2009, where I have enjoyed teaching one Unit 3/4 class with the flexibility of bringing Alexandra to School when I need to. This path of ‘easing’ back into the workplace has made it a very smooth transition for me to return to a full time teaching load in 2010.

Derek and Pam have been so helpful in getting me back to work. I didn’t think being a part-time teacher would be an option but with the three campus Senior School I was fortunate enough to be teaching two days a week when Hudson was only four months old. During this time I was provided every means of support possible. Derek and Pam are so approachable and supportive and very understanding when plans fall through as they inevitably do! This transition meant it was very easy to return to work full time when Hudson was nine months old. He is a happy (and spoilt) little boy who is being looked after by his grandparents and Dad, and I am a much happier mum being able to work. Especially knowing that I am supported in every way by my school. Kristy Kendall Head of Senior Girls AND HEAD OF AEROBICS


Berwick The Head of Berwick (Edrington), John Fleming, will be moving to the new position of Deputy Principal Junior School Teaching and Learning, from the start of next year. This will be a whole school position and will enable Mr Fleming to continue his outstanding work on the delivery of the explicit teaching model. Vice Principal John Twist will take up the position of Vice Principal and Head of Berwick (Edrington). Mr Twist was the founding Head of Berwick (Edrington) when it opened in 1989 and says he’s delighted to be continuing the development of this campus. The Berwick campus – as with Keysborough and Brighton – is enjoying record enrolments.

brighton Haileybury is receiving $3 million in Commonwealth Funding under the Government’s ‘Building the Education Revolution’ program. The money is being used to build a two-storey Library and Resources building at the Brighton campus that will service the whole campus. The new building will be located at the south end of the Clark Oval in front of the tennis court and construction is likely to commence in December and be completed in Term 3, 2010. Building the Education Revolution is a critical component in the Australian Government’s Nation Building, Economic Stimulus Plan.


NEWLANDS The physical and demographic landscape of the suburb of Keysborough has undergone dramatic changes over the past 50 years. In the 1960s, the suburb mainly consisted of market gardens and semi-rural properties. Since then, Keysborough has grown into a large residential suburb with a population of 17,276. In 2002, the southern corner of the suburb was developed with new housing estates including The Keys, Hidden Grove, and Crystal Waters all established. A new housing estate, Somerfield, near the corner of Greens and Perry Roads is currently under development. The opening of Eastlink has made Keysborough more accessible and the demand in education has been evident in the growth at the Newlands campus. Whilst Keysborough is the actual location of Newlands, the campus draws students from at least another 20 suburbs – all serviced by a bus system run in conjunction with the MET and the Grenda Corporation. Haileybury’s Newlands campus draws its name from the original farm on the site. It’s the most international of Haileybury’s campuses with students coming from a wide range of backgrounds including Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Greece and India. The current Head is Shane Davey who has held the role since 2000.

Senior School ONE SENIOR SCHOOL – THREE SITES Haileybury’s model of one Senior School operating across three sites is unique in Australia. There are many multiple campus schools but they effectively operate as separate schools with the students rarely coming together. Haileybury’s model sees the Years 10-12 students at Berwick, Brighton and Keysborough spend three and a half days a week at their home campus, with all of them together for one and a half days a week at Keysborough. Although logistically complex the benefits are significant. Firstly, it enables all students to be a part of the one Senior School culture. Tuesday Assemblies are special affairs as Aikman Hall is filled to capacity with more than 1,100 students and staff. The singing is robust with the traditional school Hymn ‘Lift Up Your Hearts’ and the new school song ‘We Are Haileybury’ always sung well. The assemblies are often a celebration of student achievement and the entire Senior School thus gets to share in individual student successes and collective achievement. Secondly, the model ensures that all students have equal access to sporting opportunities. All sports train on Tuesdays from 2pm until 3.40pm when students from all three sites are at Keysborough. First teams train again on Thursday afternoons which is at the end of the half day that students spend at Keysborough. A much wider range of sports can be offered than would be the case if sport had to be replicated on three sites. Thirdly, and most significantly, the Haileybury model has students better prepared for when they leave school and head off to university, TAFE or the workforce. There is always a danger in small school communities that students will feel very comfortable and safe (a good thing) but not be challenged enough on the social, academic and even logistical issues that they will confront on leaving school. Haileybury Senior School’s university-style environment at Keysborough does present students with challenges. However, they are the sort of challenges that young people will face when they leave school and we want students to have the opportunity to work through them in a supportive, encouraging environment. Haileybury’s Senior School model is now complete, with Year 12 students for 2010 beginning their academic year on November 10 at Brighton and Berwick. This is the first time since 1967 that final year students will have been at Brighton. It is the first time ever at Berwick. Derek Scott, Principal



As we reflect upon 2009, we recognise and take pride in the many achievements and successes at Haileybury. The Arts have maintained a high profile throughout the semester. The Senior School play, a contemporary version of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, received great acclaim and many laughs. Haileybury’s finest musical groups and soloists were on show in the David Bradshaw Chapel at the annual Pleasant Sunday Afternoon which proved to be just as the name suggests. The Haileybury Archibald Competition was held once again, with many impressive portraits of staff members displayed in the Wings Café.

Many students have been involved in social justice and community based activities at the School. The Prefects were particularly pleased with their football themed “Quad Party” when finals fever hit Haileybury in September. The lunchtime fundraiser event featured a handball competition and former student, now professional footballer, Tyron Vickery. The second semester has brought with it two seasons of APS sport with the winter and spring fixtures. Our boys performed valiantly throughout the season and their perseverance and skill lead to some impressive results, particularly our Cross Country Premiership.

Class of 2009 was able to make their final efforts to show what they have learnt over the past 13 years. I am sure that the many hours of hard work and dedicated study will have paid off and will lead to many results which Haileybury can be proud of. I wish the Senior Class the best of luck in their future endeavours and leave knowing that the School is in the good hands of the dedicated staff and the fine young men and women who follow behind me. Gordon Barnett

In November, Year 11s gained their first taste of VCE Units 3/4 exams and the Senior

2010 School Captains Brendan Clarnette – 2010 Captain of Haileybury College

Brendan has made the most of his time at Haileybury. His list of achievements in his time at the School is lengthy and impressive. Academically, he was the Dux of Newlands in 2006 and has won numerous subject awards in Classical Societies and Culture, English Literature, Mathematical Methods, Philosophy and Latin. He received a Magna Cum Laude in 2008 for exceptional grades in Attitude and Effort based on the recommendation of his teachers. That same year he was accepted into the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program at Melbourne University. Brendan has sought out leadership opportunities throughout his time at Haileybury. He was Captain of Sangwell House at Newlands in 2006, and has been a member of the Years 10 and 11 Student Representative Council. Brendan is a keen tennis player, and proud member of Aikman House. He hopes to pursue a career in the health profession. Chris Bamford Head of Aikman House



The 2009 academic year at Haileybury has been a busy one. Semester 2 alone has seen many successes from all areas of the school, including the hilarious Senior School Play, Much Ado About Nothing, and the annual Haileybury Archibald Competition. On the sporting field, Haileybury was a force to be reckoned with, achieving fantastic results across all sports, particularly in Cross Country. Girls Aerobics also performed exceptionally well this season, with the Haileybury Girls’ First and Thirds team placing third and second respectively at Nationals.

Haileybury continued to demonstrate its strong support for the Oaktree Foundation this semester by hosting various fundraisers and Quad parties, the proceeds of which go towards helping disadvantaged children from our sponsor school in South Africa. With regards to academics, it was not hard to see that students were getting into ‘study mode’ as the exam period rapidly approached. All teachers and students must be commended on their efforts this year, and I am confident that the hard work put in throughout each term will produce pleasing results.

I would like to thank Haileybury for giving me the opportunity to be a part of such a fine leadership team this year. The experience I have gained by being School Captain for Haileybury Girls’ College is invaluable and will undoubtedly help me later in life. I would also like to extend my thanks to my teachers and fellow Year 12 classmates who have made this year such a memorable one. Finally, I wish Haileybury’s Graduating Class of 2009 and all other students the best of luck for exams and for the future. Katherine Atkins

Mietta McDonald – 2010 Captain of Haileybury Girls College

Mietta is a very talented young lady, both in academics and sport. Mietta completed her Year 10 at Brighton and then transferred to Keysborough in Year 11. She is an exceptional athlete, being a member of the 1st Girls Softball and Soccer teams since Year 9, receiving Honours for her efforts every year she participated. She is also talented in the Academics, receiving Honours and a High Distinction in Year 10 for her outstanding results. Mietta was also involved in Cuddihy House, always participating in a number of activities both sporting and cultural. In Year 11 Mietta was elected into the SRC and was also a member of the Social Justice Club. She is a lovely young lady who has made the most of everything Haileybury has to offer and has always represented the School with pride. Kathy Siapkas Head of Cuddihy House (2009)


2002 – 2008 School Captains: Where are they now?

2002: Ben Sze

2003: Scott Cosgriff

2004: Brenton Pollard

Since leaving the gates of Haileybury in 2002, I have completed a Commerce degree at the University of Melbourne and also the Level 1 exam of the Chartered Financial Analyst program. My most recent job was as an investment advisor at Goldman Sachs JBWere. Whilst I have enjoyed my professional endeavours since school, my most rewarding experiences have been in the past six months whilst backpacking across Europe and Asia. My girlfriend and I also volunteered for five weeks at “Baan Dada”, a children’s home in a remote village in Thailand near the Burmese border, which was an incredibly enriching experience.

Scott Cosgriff graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2008 with an Arts/Law double degree with Honours in Law and a major in Japanese. After coaching rowing at the Haileybury Boat Club from 2004 to 2006, Scott moved to Japan to study at Tokyo’s Keio University. He went on to pass the highest level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test and currently lives in Tokyo where he works at Japanese law firm Anderson Mori & Tomotsune, and as a volunteer for the Japan Association for Refugees. At the time of publication he was scheduled to be admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria in December 2009. In 2010 he will study Spanish at the University of Buenos Aires.

I have 30 days left of my five-year arts/law degree and cannot wait to finally finish study and enter the workforce. I am lucky enough to have a graduate position at law firm Allens Arthur Robinson next year to start my full time working life and am excited about the transition. Before this I am eagerly awaiting the three-month break I have planned with my girlfriend, travelling the world and seeing the wonderful sights of Europe. Since school I have continued my passion for hockey and have a new-founded appetite for riding my bicycle.

2007: Dayna Schinz

After graduating from Haileybury Girls College in 2007 I commenced my tertiary education at Monash University in Clayton and I am currently completing my second year of a double degree in Science/ Education. As a member of the elite athletes program at Monash I am a Sports Scholarship holder and have received a prestigious Full Blue from the ViceChancellor for Basketball. Throughout my studies I continue to play in the South East Australian Basketball League as well as playing for Monash and winning back to back National Championships. Monash has also allowed me to travel to New Zealand earlier this year winning the New Zealand University Games. I am very much involved within the Old Haileyburians Association, having been on the Council for two years, and have just recently been voted Vice President.


2005: Tim Jacob

2006: Pavneet Arneja

2007: Sahil Shekhar

I am currently completing my final semester of a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne, whilst concurrently completing my fourth year of my cadetship at Ernst & Young. Whilst finishing my undergraduate degree, I have been fortunate enough to be heavily involved in a commerce related organisation, the Financial Management Association of Australia, as well as several charity and cultural organisations.

Upon graduating from Haileybury in 2006, I completed a two-year cadetship with Pricewaterhouse Coopers and am currently back at university completing my undergraduate degree in Commerce at the University of Melbourne. After graduating from school, I have still kept strong affiliations with Haileybury College through being an active member of the Old Haileybury Association and Old Boys clubs, mostly the Old Boys Hip Hop club. Upon graduation from university at the end of 2010, I will either undertake further studies at university or return back to Pricewaterhouse Coopers and complete my Charted Accountancy.

I’m working as an Analyst at JT Campbell & Co, a boutique merchant bank, and am Director of Sponsorship at The Oaktree Foundation, a youth run aid and development organisation. Am spending a fair bit of time these days engaging corporate partners for the Make Poverty History Roadtrip, a campaign Oaktree is leading next year. I’m also counting down the days to December 1, when I head to South America for 11 weeks with a couple of friends. In between organising visas and vaccinations (my doctor insists I need to be immunised for Polio but I am skeptical), am studying for exams for the second year of my Arts degree at the University of Melbourne, majoring in Economics and International Relations.

After graduating, I plan to travel through America before returning to commence full time employment with Ernst & Young and potentially complete my Honours (Management).

2008: Jay Fitzpatrick

2008 : Kubra Basak

After finishing Year 12 and VCE in 2008 I went away on schoolies to Surfers Paradise with friends from Haileybury to celebrate which was a great fun-filled week. I followed it by enjoying summer by doing a few camping trips with friends at Phillip Island and Halls Gap.

Since graduating last year, it has been a very exciting and eventful journey so far. I am currently studying at Monash University’s Clayton Campus and have to admit that uni life is just as exciting as my time at Haileybury. Now approaching the completion of my first year of a Bachelor of Behavioural Neuroscience, I must reiterate how time really does fly when you’re having fun. Along with finally turning eighteen this year, I have also recently become a member of the Christmas team at Bevilles Jewellers and I look forward to experiencing the independence, challenges and importantly the rewards that come with continued determination, even after VCE. Currently, I am very content making the most of today and not to mention planning an overseas trip in the coming months. In addition I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and wish the class of ’09 every future success!

Shortly after finishing, I got a job at the Doyles Bridge Hotel in Mordialloc as a bartender and waiter in the function rooms. I am currently studying Bachelor of Engineering at Monash University’s Clayton campus, recently finished my first year exams and am hoping to move into the field of Civil or Mechanical Engineering. I also enjoyed playing for the Old Haileyburian’s Under 19 football and attending a number of Old Haileybury events. I also still do some volunteer work for the Oaktree Foundation, Haileybury’s whole school charity. In the future I plan to become a fully qualified engineer, but also have large ambitions to travel around the world especially Europe - once I have the money and the time after university.


HMA Spring Ball Five years ago the HMA embarked on an idea to stage a social event that would bring the school communities together not only to celebrate the school but to also unite the precincts under the one Haileybury banner. The 2009 HMA Spring Ball was a sell-out! Held in Crown Casino’s Palladium Ballroom, the guests were treated to fabulous food and wine, musical entertainment and a chance to win some fantastic prizes. MC for the evening Mr Stewart Bell provided the guests with wonderful entertainment whilst the Pipes and Drums, OHA Big Band and Kazbah Club band continued to delight the guests. Well done to all the ladies in the HMA for providing their guests with an unforgettable night.

Photos courtesy of Happy Medium Photography Co. For copies of HMA Ball photos please call 9421 5668

COUNCIL DINNER The Haileybury Council held their Annual Dinner to celebrate the year, Haileybury’s achievements and acknowledge new Life Governors. Guests including Council, Life Governors, Senior Management and special guests attended the event on Thursday, 19 November. Former Council Member Dr Ian Fraser was inducted as a Haileybury Life Governor. Dr Fraser joined the Haileybury Council in 1997 and served on all Committees of Council. He was also the Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance Committee.

Chairman Tom Poulton, Principal Derek Scott, Old Haileyburian Tim Holding and Life Governor Ross Sundberg


Athletics 2009 SEASON Senior Girls Athletics

With a team consisting of girls from Years 6 to 12 representing the school, the Athletics team embodies the spirit of Haileybury Girls College. On Saturday October 24 the team managed fourth place at the APS Finals held at Olympic Park, missing out on third place by a solitary point. The 2009 Athletics season began back in August with the squad competing in regular Saturday competitions as well as entering teams in Athletics Victoria events such as the All Schools Relays and Knockout competitions. Both the Junior and Senior girls teams made it through to the state final of the Knockout competition, with the Senior girls winning through to the national final in December. There were a number of highlights at the APS finals on October 24. Year 6 student Philippa Crowe led the way with a win in the Under 13 800m, which was immediately followed by Nimaya Kodikara’s win in the Under 14 800m. Under 14 triple jumper Olivia

Padley jumped out of her age group, but still managed to win the Under 15 triple jump. Tessa Craig and Tashana KehoeSporton combined to win Division A and B respectively of the Under 16 1500m, whilst Vice Captains Sarah Lund and Brittany Nash both managed second in the Under 20 1500m event. Our shot putters all performed strongly on the day too. With only three Year 12s in the team, we can expect bigger and better things from the girls in 2010. Well done to all those involved throughout the season. Special thanks to Mr Foyster and Ms Ticli, who were responsible for organising the girls and the coaches on a week to week basis. Their enthusiasm and support was very much appreciated by all the girls. Thank you also to our talented team of specialist coaches, whose advice was greatly appreciated throughout the season. Georgia Drover Captain of Girls Athletics

STEWART LOEWE – Haileybury’s Director of Football Former AFL champion, Stewart Loewe is Haileybury’s new Director of Football. Stewart was previously Haileybury’s specialised football coach – a role he held since 2004. Stewart will continue to impart his wisdom and skills on the 2010 First XVIII.

Senior Boys Athletics

Our boy’s team trained diligently for the three months leading up to the 102nd APS Final on the 24th of October. During this lead up time some encouraging performances were evident which include: • Being crowned as Victorian School Boy Champions in the U/18 (4 X 400) metre, U/14 (4 X 100 metre) and U/14 (4 X 200 metre) titles. The athletes who represented us in these events were: Riyan Nurhadi, Ned Verwey, Nicholas Gooda, Jordan Williamsz, Bradley Jackson, Sean McClaren, Oscar Marklund and Darren Lam. • Being crowned the Victorian Schools Knockout Champions and being selected to represent the State at the National titles at Olympic Park in December. This team consisted of: Nicholas Gooda, Matthew Wirdnam, Jesse Spry, Sean Mitchell, Matthew Digby, Jordan Williamsz, Cameron Hill, Steven Ryan and Riyan Nurhadi. • The APS finals day was a little disappointing with our school being placed seventh. We were hit with many injuries and each individual is to be congratulated on their performances at this event. Highlights on this day included the large amount of points amassed by Jason Santa, Jesse Spry, Luke Cann, Matthew Wirdnam, Steven Ryan, Jordan Williamsz and Christopher Venten. • Luke Cann became the new U/17 APS shot put record holder and Jordan Williamsz indicated that he is a chance for record performances in several events in 2010. Peter Hopwood Chair of Athletics


Haileybury Global, International Students’ Publication

The purpose for Haileybury Global is simple: to create a newspaper-type publication for the International Students to write, design and read. This allows them to know more about their friends and fellow students. For those who volunteer to contribute articles, Haileybury Global enables them to practice and develop their English language skills. The more students write, the better they will be in the English language. Practice makes perfect. Haileybury Global was established as result of Ms Bruder’s recommendation. Ms Bruder believed that one of the key methods for International Students to improve English is to write more. What else could be better than organising a medium by which international students could publish their work? Haileybury Global is managed by various international students of Haileybury. With the hard work and commitment of Tony Sun in 2008, (the first Manager after the release of the first issue), and Kylie Li (in charge of layout), Haileybury Global was first published on 27 February of 2008. This officially established a quarterly term student publication. The articles are mainly contributed by the International Students and provide International Students’ views and insights. Upon its first release, Haileybury Principal Mr Scott, Vice Principal Dr Dwyer and Head of Senior School Mrs Chamberlain praised this achievement by the international students. Since then, Haileybury Global has been released consistently for five terms. As of 2009, Haileybury Global remains a successful international students’ publication, under the management of a new team comprising Wee Yang Foo (Manager), and both Chanratana Kong and Annie Chen as layout managers. Of course, Haileybury Global is nothing without the contribution and efforts by many volunteer writers and artists. Although the team may be changing, the quality of the publication and the commitment of its members and readers shall always be at the forefront of Haileybury Global. Wee Yang Foo Member of the International Students Club


Haileybury timeline

The Timeline uses a series of images and text to trace the progress of Haileybury since its creation in 1892 by Charles Rendall. It was Rendall’s dream to found a school, situated in the Colony of Victoria, which embodied the strictest principles of his alma mater, Haileybury College in Hertfordshire, UK. From these humble beginnings, Haileybury Australia today stands alone as the largest independent school in the state. The Timeline highlights graphically many of the highlights achieved and challenges met along this tumultuous journey of well over 100 years. Bill Waters Dean & Director of Heritage & Archives

‘Dance Dance Dance’ For many years now dance has been an integral component of the Performing Arts calendar at Haileybury. Whether it is through the various School musicals, Tattoo performances or Performing Arts festivals, Haileybury students have entertained audiences at all campuses. Since 2004 students from the Junior and Middle Schools have been involved in the Haileybury Dance Program, participating in after school classes staffed by qualified dance teachers. Through this program the students work towards inter-school dance competitions and displays, culminating in their major performance at Haileybury’s end of year Dance Gala. Senior School students have particularly had a strong interest in dance. At an academic level Haileybury has excelled in VCE Dance, while co curricular Dance is offered through many avenues, such as major School productions and competitive Dance teams.

In 2010 for the first time dance will be offered as a sport to Senior School girls. This is an exciting opportunity for Haileybury’s Dancers. For many years we have fielded strong and successful jazz and hip hop teams, competing at state and national levels. In 2010 dance teams will compete in a variety of competitions throughout the year, working towards achieving the ultimate goal – the national title. Coached by staff members Lauren Perfect and Samantha Drury, Old Haileyburians Jason Taing and Bridget Kelly and well-known hip hop coach Melissa Ault, Haileybury will field five Senior School teams. Held early in Term 4, the auditions for these teams suggest that 2010 will see one of the strongest groups yet take the stage for Haileybury. As dance moves into a new era at Haileybury, we look forward to continued successes and many exciting performances. Lauren Perfect Head of Dance


OHA Report FROM THE DESK OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Old Haileyburians’ Association has continued to go from strength to strength throughout 2009. OHA Clubs have enjoyed successful seasons with perhaps the standout being the Athletics team led by President David Metherall (’65) capturing their seventh successive Premiership from arch rivals Old Xaverians. In their inaugural season, the OHA Soccer Club completed a magnificent year by finishing in third position. This club is very serious about their future and are keen to expand in 2010 with another male team and a female team. The OHA Big Band practice regularly and were rewarded with appearances at various OHA reunions, the Berwick 20th Anniversary Dinner and the HMA Ball at Crown. A list of contact details for all OHA Clubs is contained elsewhere in this publication. Our website has now travelled past 2000 online users. Geoff Sincock (’75), a name synonymous with Haileybury over the years, became the 2000th registered user in late September. The website continues to provide valuable information to members, with communication via e-news and emails sent on a regular basis. We welcome the Class of 2009 to the OHA. A farewell luncheon and Clubs expo was put on for the Year 12 students on their final day at school. I had the opportunity to speak with all 350 of the students and stressed the importance to them of continually using the OHA networks in their respective career paths. The business directory on the OHA website is an extremely good place to start, with over 300 businesses listed. Some great events are planned for 2010. We are excited to see who will take out the second OHA Medal at the Founders Day Assembly in February. Regular successful events such as year group reunions, “The Battle of Haileybury” trivia night and football luncheon will all be held again. Academy Award winner and Old Haileyburian, Adam Elliot (’89) will be speaking at an OHA Breakfast on Thursday 22 April whilst our interstate reunions will take us to Adelaide and Perth in late 2010. I take this opportunity to thank outgoing OHA President Jamie Harris (’96) for the enormous work he has done with the OHA over the past three years. Jamie has decided to stand down as President as he embarks on married life in 2010. Jamie has overseen a positive time during his Presidency, having implemented the OHA Medal and the 40 years on Reunions held each Founders Day. Jamie has also reshaped the OHA Council and devised portfolio areas for each member of Council. We are delighted to welcome Luke Bould (’91) as the new President of the OHA Council. A past School Captain, Luke is currently Manager of Commercial Marketing at Cricket Australia; he will commence his reign on January 1, 2010. Russell Davidson Executive Director

WELCOME TANYA MURPHY It is with pleasure that we welcome Tanya Murphy to the position of Administrative Assistant of the Old Haileyburians Association. Tanya will be a significant asset to the team. She comes with an extensive event management background having recently worked as an events manager for Mary Kay Cosmetics. Tanya has a 2 year old daughter, Allegra and is married to Aaron. Tanya enjoys reading, singing, supporting Melbourne, cooking and spending time with the family. Tanya has enjoyed her stint thus far at Haileybury and has commented that she is “proud to be part of a prestigious school such as Haileybury.” Please make Tanya feel welcome when you communicate with her.

FAREWELL JEANNE ERIWATA After a period spanning over 23 years, the Haileybury community were saddened to farewell Jeanne Eriwata on Thursday 22 October. Jeanne has served in many different roles in her time at Haileybury, including assisting Principals Aikman and Pargetter. More recently Jeanne has worked as the Administrative Assistant in the OHA office under the past two Executive Directors, Scott Doran and Russell Davidson. Many Old Haileyburians will remember Jeanne for her pleasant manner over the phone and timely response to all queries. We wish Jeanne and her husband Taka the very best for the future as they embark on the next phase of their lives.





60 Old Haileyburians thoroughly enjoyed the spring weather at Moonee Valley Racecourse on Saturday, 12 September. The event doubled as a one year Class Reunion for the Class of 2008 and an opportunity for Haileyburians of all ages to enjoy a quality day of socialising and racing on one of the first official days of the Spring Carnival. The event provides great value for money in a relaxed setting and will surely become one of the biggest days on the OHA Calendar in the years to come. Over 70 members of the Class of ’99 enjoyed their 10 year reunion held at Haileybury on Friday, 9 October. It was great to see so many in attendance, especially those who had travelled far and wide for the occasion. Jarrod Casey had flown in from London on the morning of the event whilst Boyd Chan and Anthony Fargus had flown from Sydney and north Queensland respectively. Our thanks to Jim Brown for attending the reunion. 1999 was a special year for Jim, given that it was his final as a teacher at Haileybury. Our thanks to organisers Cam Davidson, Dave Mackenzie and Grant Warnes for their outstanding assistance.


Results from the Ken Phillips Day held on Sunday 16 August were as follows: Sport


OHA FOOTY LUNCHEON Once again over 100 Old Haileyburians and their guests descended on the Harrison Room at the Melbourne Cricket Ground for the third annual OHA Footy Luncheon. The guest list from year to year keeps improving and this year was no exception. Our key note speakers were Haileybury parents Dermott Brereton and Stewart Loewe. Both were well equipped to speak about the pressure of playing finals football and the atmosphere during Grand Final week. Our MC and Old Haileyburian Bruce Eva (’84) kept the guests entertained with terrific interviews with current student Tom Scully (2009 No. 1 Draft pick) and Old Haileyburian and star of the Toyota television commercials, Dave Lawson (’96). All in attendance had a brilliant day. We look forward to the fourth instalment in September, 2010.

We look forward to our next sporting premiership reunion – the 25 year Cricket and Tennis reunions to be held across the weekend of Friday, 19 March and Saturday, 20 March.

Winning Team










Boys Hockey


Girls Hockey


The annual Ken Phillips Day has turned into a large family event and it was tremendous to see a large number of children enjoying the many activities on offer. Our thanks to the OHA clubs who took the time to source players, and the students and parents from Haileybury who took the time out of their busy schedules to support the day. In particular, thank you to the OHA Athletics, Basketball and Soccer Clubs who were all competing for the first time on the day.

A field of 70 teed up on 9 October in a bid to win the 5th Annual OHA Golf Day playing for the Hattam / Metherall trophy. Defending champion David Lappage (’90) was in the field on a cool and blustery day, making stableford point scoring extremely difficult. Players were welcomed into the newly refurbished clubhouse at the end of the event and enjoyed a social dinner during the presentations. The OHA thanks Barbara Metherall and family and Anne Hattam for their attendance in memory of their husbands, Richard and Grant. Results of the day were as follows;

Individual winner: Phillip Poole (’73) – 35 points Individual runner up: Tim Doran (’84) – 33 points Winning Group: David Chambers, Geoff Isaacs, Bill Young Longest Drive:

David Mason

Nearest the Pin: David Lappage, Joshua Casey (2003) Female Student winner: Melanie Lake Male Student winner: Rowan Unthank 40 years on winner: David Chambers A major contributor to the day is Ken Allison and we thank Ken for his remarkable efforts prior to and during the event. This day continues to grow in numbers and stature and it is hoped that we will attract 90 golfers and even more to the dinner when the event is held again next year on Friday 15 October.



Just on 60 members of the Class of ’89 had a fantastic night at their 20 year reunion held on Friday, 23 October at Haileybury. Thanks to organisers Brett Steenholdt, Glenn Otter, Scott Fleming and Mark Cavanagh for their great work in ensuring a positive response. It was terrific to see past staff members Peter Carlson, Wendy Anderson, Malcolm Gordon and Brian Clark in attendance at the event. The group were treated to an excellent speech from Brett Steenholdt before taking on a tour of the School, which many had not seen in twenty years. Memories flooded back in the Archives area where pictures of the ’89 year were displayed. From there it was more reminiscing before the bus departure to Riva in St. Kilda where no doubt more stories were told.


Members of the victorious 1984 Athletics Premiership team were invited back to Haileybury for lunch on the eve of the School’s assault on the 2009 APS Athletics finals to be held at Olympic Park. Memories came flooding back of the day that Haileybury swept all before them to win a fourth consecutive Premiership. In 1984 the event was held at Xavier College due to renovations being undertaken at Olympic Park. School and Athletics captain, Sean Ralphsmith was the hero of the meet, winning 2 individual events and finishing second in the 400 metres. The nine members in attendance from the 1984 team not only reminisced but also engaged in conversation with current Haileybury squad members Jordan Williamsz, Nicholas Gooda and Georgia Drover.

NSW/ACT BRANCH REUNION The OHA stormed into Sydney on Friday, 6 November for a dinner and social outing at the James Squire Brewhouse on King St Wharf. It was tremendous to see 22 Old Haileyburians and their partners attend the event. Past member of staff Ivan Collins generously offered to attend and we are very grateful for Ivan’s continued support. Those in attendance included: Michael Bell (’84) and wife Michele, Nick Cameron (’84), Kim Dalton (’68), Michael Davies (’96), Don Dowling (’65), Adam Floyd (’94), Bruce Kirk (’66), David Kitchen (’59), Mark Knight (’79), Professor Gordon Macaulay (’60) and wife Kerry, Andreas Vecchiet (’79), Geoff Walker (’68), Peter Warfe (’68) and wife Pat, Peter Watterson (’76), Andrew Waxman (’98) and wife Katie. The OHA is committed to continuing our association with our NSW/ACT members. It is likely that a reunion will be programmed every two years with a view to continually increasing numbers, giving our members an opportunity to socialise and network with fellow Old Haileyburians.

QUEENSLAND BRANCH REUNION A great afternoon was had in Brisbane on Saturday, 7 November at the Hillstone St. Lucia Golf Links, where ten Old Haileyburians and their partners attended the OHA Queensland reunion. Despite a number of apologies for the event, those in attendance had a terrific time and were able to connect with each other and learn more about the Haileybury of today. Those in attendance included: David Blake (’59), Barry Greatorex (’70), Brett Haymes (’80) and wife Liana, Peter Sauerberg (’65) and wife Heather, Kenneth Turnbull (’59), Fred Wolbers (’76) and wife Janelle. The OHA is committed to continuing our association with our Queensland members and is working hard to ensure that we conduct an event at least every two years to further the strong connections that have already been forged. We encourage those living in Queensland who were unable to attend or have yet to update their information on the website to stay in touch with a view to attending our next event.


OHA President’s Report It was a great surprise when I was invited to join the OHA Council as President but it was both an honour and an opportunity that I was delighted to accept. In considering the opportunity, I spent some time discussing the OHA with those Old Haileyburians I am in contact with day to day. I also reacquainted myself with the school, a place that has changed markedly since my final year in 1991. Those discussions provided me with a sense of optimism about not just where the association was heading, but more importantly the attitude of our alumni to the OHA. The OHA is an organisation established to serve its members and hence the attitude of its members towards it is both critical to its success as well as a key measure of that success. A member based organisation must excel at meeting its members’ needs and to achieve that objective the OHA needs to better understand members’ expectations. With that in mind, the goal of the organisation over the next 12 months and beyond is to better understand our members and their wants and needs from the OHA. The Association has come a long way over the past few years due to the strong leadership of Jamie Harris, his predecessors and those who have served on the Council. The next step is to grow the way we serve our members in a way that meets their needs.



As mentioned above, those with whom I have discussed the organisation over the past months have been overwhelmingly positive, but also full of ideas and suggestions for future improvement. It is this positivity mixed with vision that we are keen to capture. Haileybury is now the largest independent school in Australia, and as an alumni organization the Old Haileyburians has a wide set of skills and knowledge amongst its membership. Utilising that network to build a stronger association that can better support its members is a key objective. Your vision, ideas and constructive criticism are valuable and I encourage you to contact us through Russell Davidson or myself, to participate in our evolution. A key question we will be asking is what should the OHA be? A clone of Old Scotch or Old Melbourne or an organization that is confident within its own skin and serves a unique group of members who have had a very different experience from those other schools that we may have tried to emulate in the past. Should we focus our energies on an annual dinner, or is the Haileybury social conscience something that should be reflected in the OHA and be a focus of our activities? We start the discussion with an open mind and again, we are keen on your thoughts.

On behalf of all members I would like to thank Jamie Harris for his leadership of the Association over the past few years as well as his service as a member of Council for well over a decade. Jamie has been particularly generous in welcoming me to the role and giving his time and I want to personally thank him both for that as well as agreeing to remain on the Council. I would also like to thank our Executive Director, Russell Davidson for his work over the past 12 months. Russell’s passion for the OHA is infectious and the role he plays is integral to the ability of the organisation to run the initiatives that it does. Finally, I thank the members of the OHA Council over the past year who have given their time and energy to the success of the association in 2009. On behalf of the Council of the OHA, I extend best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year and I hope that during 2010 we will have the opportunity to hear from you or see you at on OHA event. Luke Bould President

Neil Rickards (’72)

Will Cox (’85)

In Kuwait for 20 years this September (2009). Continuing in the setting up of the Double Diploma in IT at Box Hill Institute Kuwait Campus.

Living on the Great Ocean Road, working for Parks Victoria as Ranger in Charge at Port Campbell.

Andrew Avery (’75)

Congratulations to Russell and his wife, Samone on the birth of Ned Christopher on 7 September, 2009. Ned is a little brother for Charlotte and Michaela.

Living in the Lake Garda area of Italy renting villas throughout the whole of Italy.

Russell Davidson (’86)

Dr Ross Jenner (’70)

Stephen Coulter (’76)

Remarried to Sandra Dickin on 5th April, 2009. A wonderful day, attended by many OHA and their wives - brother Ian, Richard and Ruth Horton, Colin Gillmore, Keith and Diane White, Trevor and Laurel Andrews, Dave Neale (“The Neale”), Grahame and Sophie Holmes, Stuart and Joanne Peake.

After moving from Melbourne with NAB to New York and Hong Kong, Stephen moved to Sydney with CBA in 1998, where he has been consulting, contracting and entrepreneuring the last eight years. Keeping fit through ocean swimming, surf lifesaving and Bikram Yoga. He now lives in Manly with children Jack (18) and Declan (16) and partner Sabine.

David Lappage (’90)

James Tisdall (’70)

Julian Dowse (’79)

David Ray (’90)

6/99 to Present Account Manager, Senior Underwriting Specialist and Policy Forms Specialist - Asia Pacific - responsible for approving all Policies and wordings issued for the Australian Operations of FM Global and managing a portfolio of commercial property risks in Australia and New Zealand.

Congratulations to Julian on his appointment as Principal at Peter Moyes Anglican School in Mindarie, Western Australia. Julian was previously Deputy Headmaster at Camberwell Grammar School.

Taking a career break, studying full-time at Ridley College, Parkville toward Grad. Dip. Divinity. Playing in rock’n’roll/ rockabilly group ‘Who Was That Cat’.

Congratulations to David Lappage on his recent appointment as Coach of the Old Haileyburians Football Club. We wish David the very best as he strives to ensure the Club returns to A Grade. David is currently Boys Sport Coordinator at Brighton.

Jamie Harris (’96)

Congratulations to Jamie on his recent engagement to Emma.



James Panther (2002)

Athletics / Cross Country David Metherall (’65) Club President 0409 591 412


Andrew Kennedy (2000)

Daniel Good (2008)

Big Band Jono Somers (2007) 0423 115 669

Bowls Mark Thompson (’82) 0407 040 715

Competition Aerobics / Chris Ku (2005) Hip Hop 0413 132 252


Tharaka Gammampila (2004) Captain 0417 304 775

Matthew Baxter Club President 0414 955 770

Cycling Andrew Ong (2007) 0400 624 915


Andrew Hicks (’80) Club President 0407 220 952

Andrew Bonwick (’88) Football Manager 0407 714 270

Golf Roger Holding (’66) 0418 521 333


Clark Anstis (’75) Club President 9617 7616

Martial Arts

Richard Pickersgill

Netball Rhiannah Carver (2007) 0439 611 093

Open Water Swimming Russell Davidson (’86) 0409 948 268

Soccer 0418 358 020

Chris Jame (2004) Club President

Nic Apostolidis (’99) Club Coach

0405 535 997

Touch Rugby Pavneet Arneja (2006) 0412 157 808

Anthony Taranto (’83)


Greg Schneiders

In 2010, the following clubs look set to be established – Snow Sports and Ultimate Frisbee. More details will follow in future editions of the Haileyburian.


TIPPING RESULTS Congratulations to the following Old Haileyburians who were successful in the 2009 Footy Tipping Competition: Equal 1st Martin Ward (’58) Cam Davidson (’99) Equal 3rd David Gleadall (’96) Robert McLean (’69) Over 200 Old Haileyburians joined the competition this year. Our thanks to Geoff Quirk (’84) from Brighton Mazda who was the sponsor of this year’s competition. Brighton Mazda generously contributed $1,000 this year and we look forward to their future involvement. Geoff can be contacted on 9559 0777 and he will offer great deals to all Old Haileyburians. We also thank David Taylor (’82) from Just Search for contributing $500 worth of vouchers to our winners as well as Kevin Saber (Kevin and Mark Saber – bookmakers) for contributing a $100 voucher for our Knockout competition.


James Edward Ronald Mills (OH ‘46) 16.4.29 – 7.12.08 After many years of battling (and until the end quite successfully) cancer, Jim (‘Jimmy’ or ‘Millsy’ to his friends) died on 7 December 2008 in his home town of Mildura. We at Haileybury Brighton in those days, did not meet Jim until he commenced as a boarder in 1944, and it was not long before we all got to know him well because of his engaging and outgoing personality. Not only this, but he soon became an enthusiastic participant in all the facets of school and, in particular, boarding school life. He was a very good swimmer, representing his House in all the inter-house swimming events, and in his first year, the School in the AGS swimming sports. This continued until he left school having, by that time, earned both House and School Colours in swimming. He is even recorded as having in his first year at school, spent time at the Brighton Beach Baths teaching younger boarders how to swim. But swimming was not his only school activity. In 1945 he became a House Prefect, a L/Cpl in the Cadet Unit, and was awarded his Form’s Citizenship Prize at Speech Night. The following year saw him become Head Prefect in the Boarding School, a School Prefect, Vice Captain of the Haileybury Swimming team, Captain of his House Athletics team (which won the inter-house athletics competition), being on the staff of the then School printery and finally a Sgt, in the Cadet Unit. Not a bad effort after only three years at the School! On leaving school at the end of 1946, he returned home to Mildura and spent the next two years working as a labourer for a well-known local family as a ‘citrusculturalist’, learning how to become the successful citrus orchardist that he was. He moved to Trentham Cliffs where he established a Valencia orange orchard, married his wife Yvonne and began raising a family of five boys. He subsequently acquired further properties at Buronga and back at Trentham Cliffs, ending up with four citrus orchards which he ran on his own for years. After a number of years, he gradually reduced his holdings to just his original Buronga property. During all of these years he devoted much of his spare time to being involved in all of his sons’ activities (tennis, cricket, swimming, and so the list went on). Jim was a very keen Old Boy, especially with Old Boarders. It was through his drive and enthusiasm that a group of 1944-1950, or thereabouts, boarders and of course their Housemaster, the incorrigible Frank Northcott, started meeting each year, about 30 years ago, on the Saturday immediately after the annual OHA Dinner. This eventually developed into a separate annual reunion held at different country and Melbourne locations, and in fact it still meets, albeit with lesser numbers over the years. No one is getting any younger! So it was with great sadness that quite a number of his former school mates, from all over Victoria and NSW, went up to Mildura to attend his funeral. He was a great Haileyburian and will be fondly remembered by those of us who knew him. Ian Cox

Will Johnson (’77)

Scott Campbell (’85)


The OHA regrets the passing of Will Johnson whilst on a surfing holiday in Bali. Will was a popular old Haileyburian and also a very good golfer, a member at Royal Melbourne Golf Club and the project manager who oversaw the redevelopment of the clubhouses for Victoria Golf Club, Royal Melbourne Golf Club and more recently Kingston Heath Golf Club. Will is survived by two daughters and his wife Julie.

The OHA advises of the sad death of Scott Campbell (OH ‘85) after a long struggle with cancer on Friday 17th July. Scott was honoured on the last day of our school as the longest serving student of the year, having started with Haileybury as a Prep student at South Road. Scott was an extremely popular student and has remained great mates with many us from the 1985 graduation group.


Dr Morgan Simmonds (’73)

Graeme Wakeling (’55)

We record with regret the recent passing on 2 July 2009 of Dr Morgan Simmonds after a long battle with cancer. Morgan will be remembered as a fine chiropractor, loving father and husband. Our sympathy is extended to his family Sue, Sarah and Kate.

Whilst at Haileybury, Graeme was a probationer, an Under Officer in the Cadet Corps and was accepted for admission to the Royal Military College Duntroon in 1955. He was in the First XV111 from 1953-5 and First Athletics 1954-5.

Andrew Thomson McLean

Greg Heller (’86)

The OHA is saddened to learn of the passing of Andrew Thomson McLean, one of Haileybury’s oldest surviving alumni. Andrew passed away in Montreal, Canada on 10 September aged 93. Andy and his brother Hugh both attended Haileybury in the 1920’s.

The OHA is saddened by the passing of Greg Heller (OH’86) from cystic fibrosis. Greg was a popular member of the ’86 alumni and a keen cricketer and hockey player. Our sympathies are extended to Greg’s young family.


BE MISSED EVENTS IN Place the following dates in your calendar for these not to be missed events in 2010!

Tuesday, 9 February – Presentation of the 2nd annual OHA Medal Friday, 19 March / Saturday, 20 March – 25 year Cricket and Tennis Premiership reunions Sunday, 21 March – OHA Winery Tour Thursday, 22 April – OHA Breakfast with guest speaker, Academy Award winner Adam Elliot (’89)

Capt. Don Strong (’63)

Friday, 11 June – OHA Winter Luncheon

Capt. Don Strong passed away on June 3 2009.

Friday, 16 July – Past School Captains Dinner.


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