Haileybury Foundation Report on Giving 2015/16

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HAILEYBURY FOUNDATION Report on Giving 2015/16

Thank you to the following Mr T Briggs & Ms H Bampfield Mr B & Mrs L Britbart who have donated to the Haileybury Building Fund Mr A & Mrs J Brito

Mr G & Mrs V Cook Mr R & Mrs M Esparon Mr C & Ms D Cookesley Mr B & Mrs C Evans Mr M Cooper & Ms S Geoffrey Mr M & Ms C Eyking Mr J & Mrs F Broadbent Mr G & Ms L Coote Mr T & Mrs T Ezard Ms M Aalbers Mr G Corcoran & Ms R Corcoran Mr R Facey Mr O & Mrs C Abeygunawardane Mr D & Mrs A Brodecky Mr A & Mrs M Bromidis Mr D & Mrs P Corrigan Mr A & Mrs I Failla Mr B & Mrs D Abraham Dr P & Mrs N Brown Mr D & Mrs L Corrigan Mr P & Ms J Fallon Mr B Adamson & Ms S White Mr R & Mrs T Cotter Mr M Fang & Mrs J Liang Mr G Addamo & Mrs J Addamo Mr P & Mrs S Browne Mr S & Mrs J Bryan Ms A Cotter Dr R & Mrs R Faris Mr R Agg Master W Bryan Miss M Cotter Mr D & Mrs J Feng Mr W Agg & Ms T Day Mr B & Mrs L Brydon Mr P & Mrs R Courtney Mr B Feng & Ms D Zhao Dr F Ahmed & Dr N Ikram Mr A & Mrs J Bua Giancarro Mr J & Ms C Coutts Mr G & Mrs F Fernandez Mr R & Mrs A Aivatoglou Rev R & Rev C Buckingham Mr M & Mrs M Cowie Mr M Fernando & Mrs V Mr R & Mrs A Alder Mr P & Ms S Buckley Mr R & Mrs H Craig Jayathilakege Mr I & Mrs J Alexander Mr L & Mrs M Bugajski Mr S Craig & Ms S Bernhardt Mr G & Ms S Ferrier Dr G & Mrs H Alexopoulos Dr L & Ms J Crantock Mr D Ferris & Ms J Hutchinson Dr S Aluth Baduge & Ms N Perera Mr G & Mrs A Bulte Mr R & Mrs M Bunnage Mr S Crawford & Ms O Anderson Mr B & Mrs T Field Mr E & Mrs B Alway Mrs M Burrell Mr L & Mrs A Crocker Mr D & Mrs S Fielding Mr N & Mrs H Anagnostou Mr C & Mrs M Butler Mr S Crosby & Dr A Douglas Mr N & Mrs L Finegan Mr K & Mrs S Anderson Mr P & Mrs K Butterworth Mr S & Mrs C Crowle Mr D & Ms A Finne-Larsen Ms O Andreev Mr B & Ms O Buxton Mr R Croxall & Ms K Butler Mr A & Mrs S Fitchett Mr F & Mrs A Andrews Mr S & Mrs S Byrom Mr B Cui & Ms L Chen Mr S & Mrs J Fletcher Mr T & Mrs F Angelatos Mr B Cabral & Ms J Duhau Ms M Curie Mr D & Ms S Flockart Mr D Angwin Mr R Caccavo & Mrs A Caccavo Mr M Curphey Mr C & Mrs J Ford Mr C & Mrs C Anthony Mr M & Mrs M Cafra Mr J Curwen & Dr E Psihogios Mr A & Mrs S Foster Mr F & Mrs Y Antonides Mr H Cai & Mrs Y Jin Mr W & Mrs M Dailey Mr P Fountain & Ms J Mark Dr M Antonis Mr J Caink & Ms J Gerrard Mr M & Mrs D Dall Mr D & Mrs A Frawley Mr S Antonopoulos & Ms R Mr G & Ms H Cairns Mr A & Mrs T Dalmau Mr H & Mrs L Fricke Stefanou Mr T Cam & Mrs M Ly Miss T Dang Mr S Fu & Mrs V Koslova-Fu Mr G & Mrs S Aoun Mr P & Mrs M Cameron Mr L Dang & Ms N Nguyen Master A Fu Mr D Archbold & Ms C Lane Mr D & Ms M Campbell Mr D & Mrs L Dangerfield Mr C Fu & Ms H Cai Dr R & Dr S Arcon Mr T & Ms E Cantone Mr P & Mrs S D’Arcy Mr E & K @ Fujihara Dr S & Ms R Arendse Mr Q & Mrs H Cao Mr C & Mrs D Dare Mr P Fussey & Ms K Holmes Mr P & Ms S Argyriou Mr P & Mrs A Carey Dr S & Dr M Das Mr D & Mrs S Fyfe Ms S Armour Mr R & Mrs R Carey Mr W & Ms G Davies Mr M & Ms J Gains Mr P Armstrong & Ms A Went Mr G Carmody & Ms J Geeson Dr F & Mrs D Dawood Mr Y & Mrs N Galanis Ms H Armstrong Mr N Carroll & Dr C Meyer Mr D & Mrs S Daymond Mr N & Ms A Gall Mr B & Mrs A Arnhold Mr S & Ms A Carter Mr M & Mrs A De Ley Mr S Gan & Miss B Pua Dr V Arumugam & Mrs P Mr B & Ms S Carty Mr R De Silva & Mrs D SenanayakeMr T Gange & Ms M Hook Balakrishnan Mr J De Gregorio & Ms J Croft Mr A Ganotis Mr M Athauda & Mrs M Weragala Mr T & Mrs K Chadwick Mr A Challands & Mrs S Dubbin- Mr R & Mrs S de Silva Mr B & Mrs J Garcia Mr P & Mrs J Atkinson Challands Mr A & Mrs M Dekel Mr A Garnaut & Ms A Kelly Mr Y Au Yeung & Ms Y Hung Mr C & Mrs J Chamberlain Mr G & Mrs K Della Bosca Mr S & Ms E Gaskell Mr T & Mrs L Aylen Mr J & Mrs C Champion Mr N Dempsey Mr T Gasparini & Mrs J HartDr M Badcock & Dr P Chu Mr K & Mrs K Chan Mr W Deng & Ms J Fan Gasparini Mr C & Mrs K Baerschmidt Mr T & Mrs V Chapman Mr I & Ms K Denny Mr J & Mrs L Gathercole Mr R & Mrs J Bailey Mr G & Mrs M Chapman Mr P & Ms I Denver Mr T & Mrs A Gavalakis Mr W Bajwa & Mrs N Wajahat Mr M & Mrs I Charbine Mr M Dernaj & Ms L Cadorin Mr S & Mrs K Gawade Mr S & Mrs V Baker Mr H Chau & Mrs M Nguyen Mr A & Mrs K Dewsnap Mr M Geake-Ransome & Ms C Mr G & Mrs J Baker Mr D Chau & Ms S Leung Dr M & Dr J Dhir Ransome Mr J Balasuriya & Mrs S Mr G & Mrs S Chaudhry Mr D Diamantaras & Ms H Mr J Gentile Jayasekara Mr S Chee & Ms R Tang Giannakis Mr S Gergis & Mrs N Ibrahim Mr J & Mrs E Bambino Mr T Chegwin Mr P & Mrs P Dickason Mr S & Mrs M Ghobrial Mr S & Mrs K Bamroong Mr Y & Mrs C Chen Mr C & Mrs K Dickerson Mr R Ghorbanpour & Mrs N Mr W & Mrs S Banks Mr W Chen & Ms Y Tang Mr G Dickson Riazati Mr C & Mrs N Banzon Ms J Chen & Mr Q Wu Mr J Ding & Mrs C Zhu Mr S Ghosh & Mrs A Uppal Dr T & Mrs J Barbour Mr Z Chen & Mrs R Lin Mr J & Mrs G Dirckze Mr P & Mrs B Giannakis Mr S & Mrs M Barclay Mr P Chen & Ms R Wang Mr J & Mrs A Diss Mr M Gibson Mr D Barham & Ms N Johnson Mr C Chen & Mrs M Ji Mr C & Mrs L Dissanayake Mr D Gierlach Mr M & Ms F Barron-Toop Mr Q Chen & Mrs L Dai Mr M & Ms D Djokic Mr S Gilbert Mr C & Mrs K Bartlett Dr M Cheng & Mrs M Cheng Mr S & Mrs A Djurovic Mr A & Mrs J Gillon Mr R Bartlett & Mrs C Corral Mr T Cherukuri & Ms N Mr M Do & Mrs T Le Mr A & Mrs C Gillott Dr A & Dr S Bassi Ravindranathan Mr V & Mrs L Doddi Mr M & Ms C Giudice Mr B Bassi & Dr R Aneja Dr D Chi & Mrs X Yang Mr D Dodic & Mrs B Sredojev Dr C Giummarra & Dr P WaltersMr N Batzakis & Ms P Priolo Mr H Chia & Ms A Wong Mr M Dong Giummarra Mr A Beaton Mr T Chiem & Mrs T La Mr D Dong & Ms S Fu Mr M Godfrey & Mrs A Coulsell Mr A & Mrs A Bell Mr H Chiem & Ms J Le Mr Y Dong & Mrs Y Ding Mr T Gong & Ms P Xie Ms A Bell Dr T & Mrs A Ching Mr S & Mrs S Doran Mr V & Mrs C Gonsalves Mr P & Mrs M Bennett-Hullin Mr K & Mrs M Chiu Mr J & Ms C Dovaston Dr P & Mrs T Goorha Ms R Beulke Mrs C Choeun Mr R & Mrs P Dowel Mr N & Mrs L Gordon Mr R & Ms V Bhatia Miss S Christopoulos Mr J Dowel & Ms S Hoogendyk Mr G & Mrs H Gorozidis Mr S Bi & Mrs J Gao Mr T & Mrs L Chung Mr J & Mrs V Doyle Dr M Goswami & Dr M Sekhon Mr J & Mrs M Birt Mr S & Mrs S Church Mr P & Mrs T Drake Mr A & Ms J Gough Mr D & Mrs J Bishop Mr C & Ms S Ciotta Mr M & Mrs C Driver Dr L & Dr T Goverwa Mr N & Mrs K Blackley Mr S Ciunyk & Mrs L Cazares Ruiz Ms L Du Mr M Govindaraju & Ms V Mr D & Mrs J Blight Mr L & Mrs A Clamp Mr C & Ms N Dudley Parasuraman Mr R & Mrs K Blunden Mr G & Mrs S Clark Mr M Duff Mr J & Mrs H Green Mr A Blyth & Ms J Ji Mr A Clark & Ms S Voules Mr K Duong & Ms S Chea Mr M & Mrs M Green Mr H Bo & Mrs Q Yang Mr D & Mrs J Clarke Mr E Duong & Ms S Yeung Mr B & Ms V Green Mr S & Mrs M Boctor Mr R & Mrs L Cleary Mr H & Mrs V Dyulgerova Ms N Green Mr R & Mrs L Bogusz Mr T Clemens & Ms M Studd Mr C & Mrs B Eaton Miss I Green Mr M & Mrs K Boles Mr C & Mrs K Clements Mr M & Mrs D Economos Mr S & Ms M Greene Mr A & Ms C Bonwick Mr A & Mrs M Clements Mr P & Mrs V Eddey Mr A Gregor & Mrs L Russell Mr G & Mrs S Boss Mr J & Mrs V Clewlow Mr M & Mrs S Edwards Mr S Grenda & Ms F Cole Dr A & Mrs M Botrous Mr R & Mrs M Cochrane Mr R & Mrs E Edwards Mr J Griffin & Ms J Fewster Mr C & Mrs J Bottomley Mr W & Mrs J Cockram Miss I Edwards Mr A & Mrs K Griffiths Mr G & Mrs J Bourke Mr J & Mrs A Cody Mr R & Mrs A Ekberg Master J Grove Mr P & Mrs C Boutellier Mr J & Mrs H Coinu Mr T & Mrs D Elcock Mr D Gu & Ms J Zhou Mr P & Mrs B Bozzo Dr A Coker & Ms J Harman Mr K & Mrs S Elliott Mr E Gudino & Mrs M Murata Mr D & Ms S Bracken Mr A & Ms R Colbert Mr G & Mrs F Ellis Mr S & Mrs A Gunarathne Mr M & Mrs N Bradtke Mr R & Mrs M Colla Mr J & Mrs R Elsayed Dr G Gunaratne & Mrs S Mr M & Mrs J Brady Mr J & Mrs N Collin Mr J Elsayed & Mrs R Elsayed Bandaranayake Mr S & Ms R Braim Mr R Colman Mr M & Mrs A Elsiwy Mr S Gunaratne & Dr K Mr D & Mrs C Brand Mr N & Mrs V Connell Mr R & Mrs V Elvins Goonatilleke Mr M Brand & Ms S Andrini Mr J & Mrs A Connolly Mr S & Mrs P Ercole Mr Y & Mrs M Gunasegaram Mr M & Mrs D Brayshaw Mr P & Mrs K Cook Mr S & Ms L Esler Mr S & Mrs S Gupta Mr C Brennan & Ms I Hoon

Mr R Gupta & Mrs P Chebrolu Mr A Guy & Ms S Ashe Dr E & Dr I Gvozdenko Mr P & Mrs J Hader Mr A & Mrs H Hadjikakou Mr S & Mrs M Hall Ms L Hall & Mr R Bahn Ms R Hallam Mr P & Ms V Hameister Dr P & Ms C Hamilton Mr A & Mrs J Hamilton Mr G & Mrs S Hammond Mr T & Mrs R Hamza Mr R Han & Mrs C Wu Mr S Hang & Mrs S Leap Mr G Hao & Mrs L Li Mr L & Mrs K Harcourt Mr L & Mrs N Hardeman Mr G & Mrs N Hardeman Mr M & Mrs R Hardeman Mr H & Mrs L Haritharan Dr J & Mrs L Harland Mr B & Mrs S Harper Mrs M Hart Mr H Hashemi & Mrs S Rahmani Mr J & Mrs S Hatchuel Mr R & Mrs K Hatt Mr K & Mrs F Hatziladas Dr T Hau & Dr F Hong Mrs G & Ms G Hawley Mr S Hay & Ms J Santiago-Hay Mr M & Mrs M Hayward Mr Y He & Ms M Ji Mr G He & Mrs W Liu Mr P Healy & Ms A Magee Mr J & Dr F Hendrie Mr R & Mrs L Henley Mr L & Ms V Henningsen Mr C & Ms F Henry Mr M Herget & Ms E Overs Mr I Herman & Ms A Nedkoff Mr R & Mrs D Hetherington Mr M & Mrs M Hettiarachchi Mr J & Ms D Hewitt Mr N & Ms N Hibbert Mr A Hill & Ms S Dwyer Mr J & Mrs K Hille Mr K Him & Mrs D Lim Mr C & Mrs E Hinchliffe Mr H & Ms N Hinson Mr N Ho & Mrs T Vo Mr H Hoang & Ms J Wong Mr M Hoang & Mrs D Ha Mr M & Ms P Hogg Mr P & Mrs D Holding Mr E Hollingsworth & Ms K Mantelos Mr P & Mrs A Holmes Mr B & Mrs L Holmes Mr V & Mrs M Holt Mr P Hone & Mrs F SambrookHone Mr Q Hong & Ms J Gu Mr B & Mrs L Hook Mr R & Dr N Hooper Mr R Hooper & Mrs H PascoeHooper Mr T Huang & Mrs A Xu Mr T Huang & Mrs Y Lin Mr J Huang & Mrs B Chen Mr Z Huang & Ms Y Tao Mr G & Ms N Humbert Mr J & Ms S Humble Mr M & Mrs J Huskic Mr F & Mrs M Hutchison Mr H Huynh & Mrs D Bui Mr D & Mrs K Ilic Mr J Ingleton & Ms S Clifford Dr A & Dr I Iontchev Dr T & Dr R Iseli Mr M Islam & Dr F Mazid Mr T & Mrs F Iurescu Mr G & Mrs D Ivanovic Mr A & Ms M Jacobs Mr B & Mrs S Jacques Mr K & Mrs A Jajpura Dr J & Dr N James Mr A & Mrs T James Mr E Janse & Ms S LeightonJanse Dr C & Ms L Jayasekera Mr J & Mrs E Jays Mr D & Mrs S Jeffery Mr G & Mrs M Jenkins Mr B Jia & Ms H Wang Mr E Jiang & Mrs A Lay

Mr Y Jiang & Mrs C Wu Mr R & Ms L Johnson Mr D & Mrs J Johnson Mr A & Mrs C Johnston Mr N & Mrs L Johnstone Mr N & Mrs S Jones Mr C Jones & Ms R Lui Dr M Jones & Ms R Laughlin Mr D & Mrs S Jordan Mr C & Mrs R Judd Mr M & Mrs S Kabir Mr P & Mrs M Kafegellis Mr G Kahan & Ms M Hall Mr P Kalra & Mrs H Ahuja Mr N Kam & Ms H Lee Mr S Karistianis Mr P & Mrs J Keenan Mr P & Dr E Kelly Mr C & Mrs P Kelton Mr M & Ms S Kennedy Mr J & Mrs R Keramidas Mr T & Mrs S Kew Mr B & Dr M Khaddam Mr M Khalid & Dr S Saeed Mr A & Mrs M Khan Mr R Khanuja & Mrs M Chawla Mr H Khim & Ms S Soy Mr S Khou & Mrs M Chea Mr V Khuu & Mrs A Cao Mr D & Mrs N Kilburn Mr P & Mrs T Kilderry Mr G & Mrs N King Mr B & Mrs M King Mr H & Mrs R Kirinde Mr C Kirkwood & Ms W Edwards Mr A & Mrs J Kobylinski Mr S & Ms S Kodila-Jones Dr N Kokotis & Ms S Fujii Mr A Korbel & Ms K Shaw Mr T Kordupel & Ms A Pyrkosz Mr C Kouzionis & Ms E ArmanousKouzionis Mr R Kovac & Mrs H Kovacova Mr M & Mrs F Krauser Mr S & Mrs M Kromidellis Dr K & Mrs N Kubo Mr P & Mrs K Kumar Mr J Kumar & Ms E Arora Ms T Kyle Mr N & Mrs C La Brooy Mr A & Mrs G Lafferty Mr R & Mrs M Laffy Mr R & Mrs K Laidlaw Mr C & Ms A Lam Mr J Lam & Ms Y Lu Mr M & Mrs B Lambert Mr M Lammer & Ms M Voigt Mr A & Mrs K Langford Mr A Langford-Jones Mr S Lau & Mrs T Le Mr C Lau & Mrs W Wei Mr C & Ms T Law Mr O & Mrs J Lawton Mr B Lay & Mrs S Seng Dr K Le & Dr C Nguyen Mr T Le & Mrs T Nguyen Mr Q Le Mrs T Le Mr T Le & Mrs N Nguyen Mr Q Le Mr T Le & Mrs C Thai Mrs H Le Mr C Le & Mrs N Huynh Mr S & Mrs S Le Maistre Mr M Lee & Ms I Park Dr A Lee Prof M Leenders & Prof G Gemser Mr S & Mrs E Leonard Miss M Leonard Mr M & Mrs K Lester Miss A Lettieri Dr P Lew & Dr L Tran Mr P Lewis & Dr L Batchelor Mr G & Mrs K Leys Mr M & Mrs C Li Mr W Li & Ms J Geng Mr X Li & Mrs S Wang Mr Y Li & Mrs Y Xie Mr Y Li & Mrs D Zhang Mr J Li & Mrs X Liu Mr A Li & Mrs G Zhang Mr Z Li & Mrs Q Rong Mr C Lian & Ms C Zhang Mr C & Mrs E Liang Mr X Liang & Mrs J Zhang Mr G Liang & Ms X Xu



CEO | Principal’s Message


Chairman’s Message



Foundation Board


Foundation Programs





Levels of Recognition

How to Give

Director of Development’s Message


Foundation Donors

20 Donations



CEO | Principal’s Message

The generosity of people in supporting the Haileybury Foundation is making a difference to the lives of a number of young people and contributing to the diversity of the School. This enhances the experience for all students. Three students will graduate this year who would not otherwise have had the benefits of a Haileybury education. I am confident this year’s three graduates will each make a strong contribution to society. They join past graduates Edward Chua and Ujjwal Chaudry who are both successfully working through their university studies: Edward in pharmacy and Ujjwal in commerce. Edward is giving back to the Haileybury community as a member of the Old Haileyburians Association Young Leaders Advisory Group. The Scholarship Fund is supported by some large donations and by more than 30 families contributing over $500 each annually. Every cent goes through to the Foundation. In addition to the Scholarship Fund, more than 1,100 families have contributed to the Haileybury Building Fund. This will make a significant difference to the School’s capacity to continue exciting building developments on each campus. Haileybury is a great School supported by a great community. The support is much appreciated.

Derek Scott CEO | Principal, Haileybury


Chairman’s Message

I am delighted to report that the Haileybury Foundation has managed to deliver on all the goals that we set ourselves last year and that I outlined to you in my opening Message in the 2014/15 Report On Giving: •

To double the amount of donors—we more than doubled them, with contributions from current parents leading to a tally of over 1,200 donors. Furthermore, the launch of the 1892 Club of regular donors has led to an increase in repeat contributions. To increase our brand recognition throughout the Haileybury community—Board members and advisers successfully promoted the purpose, successes and achievements of the Foundation at over a dozen events, and the 1892 Club was officially launched during the 2015/16 giving year. To achieve a satisfactory rate of return on our endowment—the Foundation now has a seven-figure corpus, which has been prudently invested in a balanced portfolio and is being actively managed. It is on track to achieve our benchmark of a 5% real return above inflation, while taking significantly lower risk to do so. To make giving easy—we have facilitated to make giving easier via the School website, while also working on better Direct Debit arrangements and partnering with the OHA for donors to pledge via the soon-to-be-launched OHA smartphone app. To successfully roll out further scholarships for next year—in addition to those announced in the last report, we are supporting a further 10 scholarships during 2016 and are working on further ones to be announced for 2017.

Once again, these achievements would only be possible with the generosity of those Old Haileyburians, current and past parents, Councillors and Life Governors, the HMA, the Parents & Friends Castlefield and staff that have donated over the last year. On behalf of your Board and advisers—and, more importantly, those scholarship beneficiaries now at the School—thank you. When the Winged Heart Society bequests are included, the Foundation has close to $6 million in funds raised and bequests pledged. Pleasingly, this figure now looks set to grow each year—both through our increasing number of regular donations and from achieving a return on those funds over time.


One of the features of the 2015/16 giving year was the launch of the 1892 Club, a wellreceived initiative, specifically created to encourage regular donations, the lifeblood of all successful philanthropic endeavours. The entry level is only $500 of annual taxdeductible giving and the best benefit of membership is simply the warm glow you receive from giving generously to support those who would not otherwise be able to afford a Haileybury education, and to support the School and its long-term future. The one absolute guarantee I can make to you each and every year is: any gift you make is tax deductible and 100% of your gift goes to your chosen cause, since Board members are volunteers and all others involved are staff members. We are committed to building on the goals we set ourselves last year and look forward to your continued support and encouragement during the 2016/17 giving year.

Neil Sutcliffe Chairman, Haileybury Foundation

Director of Development’s Message

The Haileybury Foundation is pleased to announce that since our inception we have received over $1.4 million in donations to our three funds. We have been delighted with the response to our Voluntary Building Fund appeal through the quarterly School fees notice. We thank our wonderful families for their generous contributions to the Haileybury Building Fund. Thus far there have been over 2,700 contributions from over 1,100 families generating in excess of $140,000. These funds have been utilised for the continual upgrading of the School’s sporting facilities at each of our Australian-based campuses. We are equally delighted that bequests totalling close to $6 million have been confirmed by individual members within the Haileybury community. In 2015, the first recipient of the Savulescu/Aikman Scholarship, Ujjwal Chaudhry, graduated from Haileybury receiving an ATAR score of 95.15. Ujjwal is now completing a commerce degree at the University of Melbourne. Ujjwal would not have been able to attend Haileybury had it not been for the generosity of Mark Newman (’81) who contributed to his scholarship. Ujjwal remarks, “I am truly grateful for this scholarship as Haileybury has provided me with many life-changing opportunities that have taught me the importance of social justice and giving back to people. I will forever cherish the valuable friendships I have made during my time at School”. The Haileybury Foundation continues to support those who would not ordinarily be able to attend our great School. Donations large and small contribute immensely. We are very grateful to those donors who contribute to Haileybury either on an annual basis or more regularly throughout the year. We thank those of you who have made one-off contributions and encourage you to remain active with your gift giving to the Haileybury Foundation. You are making a difference! The Haileybury Foundation is currently offering the following scholarships thanks to the generosity of its donors and benefactors: Savulescu/Aikman Scholarship One Year 12 student is currently receiving a Savulescu/Aikman Scholarship generously donated by the M S Newman Family Foundation. The scholarship has been named after former student Julian Savulescu (’81) who was the recipient of a scholarship during his time at Haileybury from former Principal Michael Aikman. Julian is now the Uehiro Professor of Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford.


William Buckland Foundation Indigenous Scholarships The William Buckland Foundation and Haileybury currently offer two full scholarships for children of Indigenous background. Both students are attending our Berwick campus. Geoffrey Patience Scholarship The Geoffrey Patience Scholarship is offered to a student going into Year 10 who proposes to study Science until the end of Year 12. It was named after the late Geoffrey Patience (’60) who was an outstanding rural GP in Benalla and a strong contributor to the community. Clark Club Scholarship The Clark Club Scholarship is offered to a student studying Humanities from Year 10. It has been donated by members of the Clark Club who are Old Haileyburians who have graduated over 50 years ago. The Clark Club is named after former member of staff Brian Clark. Haileybury Parents & Friends of Castlefield (HPFC) Scholarship The HPFC Scholarship was first offered mid-way through 2015 through the generosity of the Parents & Friends of Castlefield. One student is currently the beneficiary of this scholarship. The HPFC is a voluntary group of community members who have a direct link to the Castlefield campus. The group is actively involved in the life of the School and raises funds for many important functions both on and off campus. Funds raised are redirected into the School community and into supporting areas of need outside the School. The scholarship is awarded to a student who is a strong contributor to the community, has achieved high academic results in her/his academic years and would not be otherwise able to attend Haileybury.

Russell Davidson Director of Development, Haileybury Foundation



Foundation Board

Neil Sutcliffe Chairman

Tom Poulton Board Member

Darren Scammell Board Member

Duncan Sutherland Board Member

Scott Doran Advisor

Derek Scott Advisor

Russell Davidson Executive Officer

The Foundation’s Executive Officer is Russell Davidson, who is the Executive Director of the Old Haileyburians’ Association, and Haileybury’s Director of Development & Alumni Relations.


Foundation Programs

Through the establishment of the Foundation’s Scholarship Fund, Haileybury is committed to an affordable education of students from every background. The values of Haileybury promote academic excellence, social justice and an international outlook. Haileybury attracts and retains students from all backgrounds who aspire to achieve the highest standards through a Haileybury education. A donation to the Haileybury Scholarship Fund enables less fortunate Australian students to experience a Haileybury education and helps those students achieve their full potential. Every donation to the Haileybury Scholarship Fund will help make a difference to the education of young people. The Scholarship Fund and the Building Fund are each funds of the Haileybury Foundation. The Library Fund is a fund of Haileybury itself, but is administered by a committee of Haileybury’s Council, consisting of the same people who constitute the Haileybury Foundation’s Board of Directors. Each fund is a ‘deductible gift recipient’ for taxation purposes. Gifts to the funds are therefore deductible for income tax purposes. An education at Haileybury offers a broad social experience to students, while also giving them immense opportunities in areas of sporting and artistic endeavour. Haileybury’s continued strong academic focus, which has produced outstanding results in the NAPLAN testing program and at VCE level, helps its students prepare themselves for higher education and a wide range of careers. The Haileybury Scholarship Fund helps make the benefit of a Haileybury education available to students who might not otherwise be able to afford the Haileybury experience. The Haileybury Building Fund and the Haileybury Library Fund help build resources for the benefit of current and future generations of Haileybury students.


Bequests The Winged Heart Society

Gifts to the Haileybury Scholarship Fund, the Haileybury Building Fund and the Haileybury Library Fund are deductible for income tax purposes. A bequest to Haileybury or the Haileybury Foundation is not tax deductible, but is nevertheless a wonderful way to help the School community into the future, beyond your lifetime. A bequest might be made for the general purposes of the School, or you might wish your gift to be applied to a particular purpose—for example, towards a scholarship or to help fund building works at a particular campus with which you or your family have been closely associated. A bequest to Haileybury or the Haileybury Foundation can be of a monetary amount, or of particular assets (such as shares, or real estate, or a painting, or the proceeds of a life insurance policy). A bequest might also be made of all or a specified percentage of the residue of your estate (that is, what is left after all specific wishes have been dealt with). If you make a bequest to Haileybury or the Haileybury Foundation and inform the Foundation that you have done so, you will be recognised as a member of the Winged Heart Society. Bequests of certain monetary amounts (or of non-cash assets of equivalent value) will also qualify you for the status of Friend, Benefactor, Fellow or Patron of the Haileybury Foundation. The Haileybury website contains more details on how to make a bequest to Haileybury or the Haileybury Foundation, including specimen Will and Codicil provisions, and contact details for legal assistance at discounted rates. This information can be found under the dropdown menu headed ‘Giving’ on the website.



Levels of Recognition

To recognise the generosity of donors to the Haileybury Scholarship Fund, the Haileybury Building Fund and the Haileybury Library Fund, the Haileybury Foundation is instituting a recognition system, as follows: • • • •

A Friend of the Foundation is a donor who has given up to $10,000. A Benefactor of the Foundation is a donor who has given between $10,001 and $25,000. A Fellow of the Foundation is a donor who has given between $25,001 and $100,000. A Patron of the Foundation is a donor who has given $100,001 or more.

Recognition levels are based on cumulative giving over time. Membership of the 1892 Club is given to those who contribute an annual donation of $500 towards any of the three funds. Membership of the Winged Heart Society will be given to those who confirm in writing to the Foundation that they have made a bequest to the Foundation in their Will (or in a codicil to their Will).



How to Give

We are extremely grateful to those who have already given to the Haileybury Scholarship Fund, the Haileybury Building Fund and the Haileybury Library Fund. If you would like to renew your gift, or if you would like to begin giving to one of Haileybury’s three funds, then you can do so by cheque, or by using the online facility on the Haileybury website (under the dropdown menu headed ‘Giving’). If giving by cheque, the cheque should be made out to the Haileybury Scholarship Fund, the Haileybury Building Fund or the Haileybury Library Fund (whichever fund or funds you wish to support) and sent to: Russell Davidson Director of Development and Alumni Relations Haileybury 855 Springvale Road Keysborough VIC 3173


Foundation Donors

PATRONS M S Newman Family Foundation Uniting Church of Australia

FELLOWS Haileybury Parents & Friends of Castlefield Mr John De Wijn QC (’69) William Buckland Foundation Mr Tom Poulton (’66) and Mrs Wendy Peter

BENEFACTORS Mr Rob Fildes OAM (’58) Grenda Foundation Mr Roger Holding (’66) Mr Duncan Sutherland (’60) Sodexo Australia

FRIENDS Mr Christopher Allada (’90) Ms Hayley Attard Mr Paul Antos (’82) Mr Jefferson Bacon (’92) Mr Jim Brown (’54) Mr Allan Fleer (’65) Mr Peter and Mrs Deidre Brown Mr Bruce Campbell (’65) Castlefield Staff Association Mr Geoff Cawsey (’58) Mr Graham Dickinson (’62) Mrs Kursti Dunn Mr Maurice Ekanayake Mr Paul Ellis (’88) Mr Malcolm Evans (’55) Dr Mark Garwood (’76) Haileybury Magenta Association Mr John Hall (’53)


Kemner Pty Ltd Dr Jennifer King Mr Fraser Main (’88) Mr. John Milne (’73) Mr A Mok (’86) Morgans Foundation

Mr John Hall (’53) Mr Roger Holding (’66) Kemner Pty Ltd Dr Jennifer King Mr Fraser Main (’88) Morgans Foundation

Mr Christopher Piper (’62) Mr Duncan Reynolds (’66) Mr Jeffrey Sher QC (’52) Mr Peter Smith (’49) Mr Neil and Ms Annie Sutcliffe Mr Peter Trewin (’58) Mr Nello Traficante and Ms Melanie Labrooy Professor Euan and Mrs Karen Wallace Mr Denis White Mr Chee K Wong and Mrs S Tann

MS Newman Family Foundation Mr Tom Poulton (’66) and Ms Wendy Peter Mr Duncan Reynolds (’66) Mr Darren Scammell (’82) and Family Mr Jeffrey Sher QC (’52) Mr Peter Smith (’49) Mr Neil and Mrs Annie Sutcliffe Mr Duncan Sutherland (’60) Mr Peter Trewin (’56) Professor Euan and Mrs Karen Wallace Mr Denis White

MEMBERS OF THE WINGED HEART SOCIETY Mr Tony Avery Mr Colin Gillmore (’70) Mr Robin Fildes (’58) Mr Alec Sewell (’26) * Dr Ross Sundberg AM QC (’60)

MEMBERS OF THE 1892 CLUB Mr Graeme Ah Sanh Mr Peter and Mrs Deidre Brown Mr John de Wijn QC (’69) Mr Graham Dickinson (’62) Mr Maurice Ekanayake Mr Malcolm Evans (’55) Mr Rob Fildes OAM (’58) Grenda Foundation Haileybury Magenta Association Haileybury Parents & Friends of Castlefield





Donations to the Foundation have now exceeded $1.4 million in its 7th year of operation. 2015/16 was a record year for donations with over $250,000 received by each of the three funds. The figures in 2014/15 are assisted by the receipt of a significant bequest during this period for which we are very thankful.

Total Donations

TOTAL DONATIONS PER YEAR $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 0









Mr H Licciardino & Mrs K Mr D & Mrs J Mollar Mr N & Mrs N Perdriau Guimaraes Mr T & Ms B Montague Mr R & Dr S Perillo Mr A Liew & Mrs J Bosuin Mr G & Mrs E Moraitis Mr A & Mrs K Petersen Mrs L Lim Mr P & Mrs L Morey Mr K & Mrs M Petersen Mr B Lin & Ms D Yu Mr D Morgan Mr A & Mrs A Pethiyagoda Mrs Y Lin Dr E Mostokly & Dr M Yousef Mr G & Mrs M Petrakis Mr M & Mrs M Lisina Mr I Moussa & Mrs H Majid Mr R & Mrs F Philip Mr J Liu & Mrs X Yu Mr P & Mrs M Moutsokos Mr M & Mrs T Phillips Mr H Liu & Mrs H Zhou Mrs M Mu & Mr T Sing Mr T & Mrs J Phillipson Mr Z Liu & Mrs Y Wen Mr M & Mrs P Mudaliar Mrs Phuangsalie Mr D & Mrs R Liyanaarachchige Dr A Muhammad Mr C & Mrs N Piastri Mr M & Mrs L Lloyd Mr B & Mrs B Muhlhauser Mr T & Mrs D Pichler Mr J Lo & Mrs R Nguyen Mr P Mulcahy Mr R & Mrs S Pickersgill Mr J & Mrs S Lockhead Mr S & Mrs G Mullins Mr C & Mrs A Pietersz Mr S Loewe Mr S & Dr S Muraledaran Mr J Pilarinos & Ms V Giosis Mr A & Mrs S Logan Mr S Muretic & Miss A Young Mr S & Mrs B Pillai Mr A Loh & Ms N Reynolds-Loh Mr E & Mrs P Murphy Mr W & Mrs V Pisciotta Mr D & Mrs D Longano Mr P & Mrs D Murphy Mr T Pitcher Mr M Louis & Ms J Sanders Mr S & Mrs G Mustafa Mr C & Mrs M Plant Mr K Lowe & Mrs L Saxon Mr Q Na & Mrs B Dong Mr T & Mrs E Plenderleith Mr P Lucas & Ms N Luu Mr P & Mrs C Nalla Ms A Podger Mr X Luo & Mrs L Wang Dr A Nan & Mrs T Fahiem Mr J & Mrs A Polizos Mr D Luo & Ms S Yin Dr K Nandkumar & Mrs M Rao- Mr M & Mrs J Pollock Mr P & Mrs N Luu Nandkumar Mr V Ponniah & Mrs N Venthan Mr K Luu & Ms B Khuu Mr T & I @ Nash Mr H & Mrs R Pontikis Mr A Luu & Mrs H Lam Mr A & Mrs J Nasser Mr G & Mrs D Poulos Mr N Lynch Mr T Natarajan & Mrs M Mr R & Mrs A Power Mr J Lyttleton & Ms K Clark Thirumalai Nambi Mr N & Mrs A Prabaharan Mr H Ma & Ms H Nguyen Mr D & Mrs J Neale Miss R Prasad Mr D & Mrs L MacLean Mr P Net & Ms B Hang Mr A & Mrs K Pratt Mr S & Mrs A Maginness Mr B & Mrs K Newey Mr J Prest & Mrs J Robinson Mr V Mahanta & Ms B Kalita Mr A & Ms W Newton Mr R & Mrs L Preston Mr U & Mrs S Maheepala Dr D Ng & Ms A Le Mr K & Mrs J Proctor-Parker Dr P Mahindra & Mrs S Arora Mr K & Mrs C Ngo Mr S Pullin Dr R Mahne & Dr B Brown Mr P Ngo & Ms P Gip Mr M Pulsford & Ms J Di Blasi Mr R & Mrs A Maiorino Mr C Ngo & Mrs T Pham Mr T Qian & Mrs X Yu Mr A & Mrs L Makris Mr T Ngo & Mrs J Nguyen Mr T & Mrs P Quach Dr Y Malek Mr T & Mrs T Nguyen Ms K Quach Master R Malhotra Mr P & Mrs E Nguyen Ms S Quast Mr R & Mrs S Mance Mr P & Mrs P Nguyen Mr D & Mrs S Quinn Miss S Mao Mr T Nguyen & Mrs T Truong Mr R & Mrs E Rabel Mr Z Mao & Ms H Jiang Mr C Nguyen Mr M & Mrs L Rabot Mr W & Mrs H Marais Mr B Nguyen & Mrs H Lee Mr C & Mrs G Racine Mr R & Mrs M Marcu Mr C Nguyen & Mrs W Yoong Mr M & Dr T Racunica Mr C & Mrs M Marie Mr T Nguyen & Mrs P Nguy Dr S & Dr S Raghav Mr R & Mrs F Marinelli Mr B & Mrs V Nicholls Mr I & Mrs S Rahmani Mr W Marlow & Miss K Reis Mr A Nicholson & Ms M Taylor Mr R & Mrs P Rahmani Mr A Marostica & Mrs N Hartmann Mr J Niu & Mrs N Jiang Mr N & Mrs R Rama Mr J & Ms J Marsden Mr A & Mrs M Nixon Dr M & Mrs F Rather Mr B & Mrs C Marshall Dr K Noack & Dr L Kiers Mr R & Dr N Rathnayake Mr R & Ms U Marshall Mr P & Mrs K Noble Mr C & Ms D Raywood Mr S Marshall & Mrs M Hogg Mr S Noble Mr M Read & Dr S Mullen Marshall Dr E Nwankwo & Mrs K Uchenna Mr W & Mrs K Redmond Mr R & Mrs C Martin Mr N Nyunt & Dr C Htwe Mr D & Ms S Reed Mr B & Mrs L Mason Mr S O’Day & Mrs C Mazuelos Mr T & Mrs S Reid Mr F Mastroianni & Mrs L Grossi Ms K Okada Mr N & Mrs M Renna Mr B & Mrs L Matters Mr A Okhuizen & Mrs P Okhuizen- Mr M & Ms J Reynolds Mr C & Mrs T Maunder Schaap Mr A & Mrs T Rice Mr A & Mrs M Mavridis Mr M & Mrs P Ong Mr A & Ms K Richards Mr T McAllister & Ms H Jiang Mr G Ong & Ms S Tan Miss K Riddell & Mr J Taylor Mr D McArthur & Ms S Cotter Mr B & Mrs W O’Reilly Mr R & Mrs C Rigoni Mr B & Mrs M McCarthy Mr A Osman & Mrs J Nasir Mr M & Mrs K Riley Mr C & Mrs C McConville Mr A & Mrs C Osorio Mr M & Mrs M Riordan Mr D & Mrs T McCulloch Mr J Owbridge & Ms J Webb Mr M & Mrs M Rippon Mr P & Mrs G McDonald Mr C & Mrs F Ower Mr J & Mrs K Roach Mr A McDonald & Ms S Hutchison Mr J & Mrs C Paitaridis Mr T Robbins & Mrs S Robbins Mr K McDonald Mr M Pakula & Ms L Febbo Dr V & Mrs J Roberts Mr S & Mrs S McGeagh Mr R Palanisamy & Mrs G Mr A Roberts & Ms L Cashman Mr R & Mrs R McGeary Muthusamy Mr G Roberts & Ms A SandlerMr B McInerney & Ms K Godwin Mr M Paleologos Roberts Mr M McKay Mr M & Mrs A Pancholi Mr A & Mrs M Robertson Mr G & Mrs M McKenna Mr S & Mrs A Panday Mr C & Mrs J Robertson Mr T & Mrs M McKertish Mr J & Mrs C Panetta Mr D & Mrs M Robinson Mr A & Mrs J McLaughlin Dr R & Mrs L Panjkov Mr N & Mrs F Rodrigo Dr M & Ms S McLean Mr R & Mrs M Pannunzio Mr D & Mrs D Rodrigues Mr C & Mrs L McLean Mr J & Ms D Panopoulos Mr C Rolfe Mr G & Mrs L McMaster Mr A Pappas & Mrs P Passakos- Mr T & Mrs M Romeo Mr G & Mrs T McNamara Pappas Mr N & Mrs G Rose Mr P & Mrs T Menahem Mr J & Mrs R Parekh Mr C & Mrs L Ross Prof P Mendis & Mrs C Rajapakse Ms A Paris & Mr N Anthakis Mr B & Mrs A Ross Mr H Merhi Mr J Parkinson & Ms M Mott Dr M Rudelic & Ms L Roper Mr M Methan & Dr J Murali Mr R Pascoe & Ms F Pettigrew Mr R & Mrs A Ruffels Manohar Mr T & Mrs L Pastore Mr J Ryan Mr S Meylan Mr J & Mrs A Paterson Mr J Ryan & Ms S Marsh Mr X Miao & Mrs W Zhang Mr C & Mrs K Pathirannahalage Mr F & Mrs H Rykers Mr G & Mrs M Michaud Mr R & Mrs B Paul Mr V & Mrs P Sachdeva Mr T & Mrs C Middleditch Mr P Pawley & Ms H Wallace Dr S Saha & Dr K Roy Mr N Mihalopoulos & Ms T Tsamis Mr C & Mrs K Pearce Mr S & Mrs S Salek Mr G Milani & Mrs L Morakis Mr A Pearce & Dr F Wheeler Mr P Salera & Ms M Rosin Ms K Milenkovic Rev B & Mrs A Peatman Dr B & Mrs A Saluja Mr J & Mrs D Mindakis Mr M & Ms K Pedder Mr R & Mrs D Samarakoon Mr D Mirvis & Ms S Lim Mr L Peebles Ms R Samrai Dr V & Dr A Mishra Mr R Peeters Mr J & Ms J Samson Mr P Missen Mr T Pender Mr J & Mrs J Sanguinetti Mr B & Mrs M Mitchell Mr J Peng & Ms J Wang Mr D Sapukotana & Mrs M Mr K & Mrs Y Mohiddin Mr J Percival & Miss S Gilbert Gamage

Mr S & Mrs V Saristavros Dr T & Mrs V Tan Mr C & Mrs H Warden Mr A Sarwari & Mrs W Benawa Mr C & Mrs M Tan Mr J Warlond & Ms M Tse Mr D & Mrs C Sayers Dr A & Mrs S Tan Mr D & Mrs I Waters Dr M Schiff & Mrs N SanadzeMr A & Mrs M Tang Mr M & Mrs B Watkins Schiff Mr V Tang & Mrs T Duong Dr W & Dr S Watson Mr T & Ms B Schindler Mr H Tang Mr S & Mrs M Watt Mr K Schmid & Mrs R JemillerMr R Tang & Mrs X Lin Mr N & Mrs R Weerakoon Schmid Miss R Tara Mr H Weerakoon & Mrs H Mr M & Ms D Schmitz Mr P Teasdale & Ms J Myers Fernando Ms A Schneider & Mr B Shannon Mr I & Mrs K Telfer Mr J & Mrs M Weerasinghe Mr A Schoff & Mrs N Bishop Mr G & Mrs V Templeton Mr A & Mrs R Weisman Mr R Schwarz Mr T Thach & Ms C Nguyen Mr G & Mrs J Werner Mr W & Mrs A Scott Mr S & Dr M Thayalan Mr G West Mr D Scrimshaw & Ms R Ruwhiu Dr T Thean & Mrs S Tedjokusumo Mr C Westerway & Ms J Yang Mr G & Mrs P Scully Mr L & Mrs G Theodosiou Mr C & Mrs C Whatman Mr K Seeberg & Mrs E Mortelmans Mr C Theoharidis & Dr J Kalligas Mr C & Mrs C Wheeler Mr G & Mrs N Seenivasan Mr N Thirunavukarasu & Mrs N Mr J & Mrs C Whitelaw Mr D & Mrs L Segal Nimalachandran Mr M & Mrs T Whittaker Mr H Self & Ms F Smedley Mr K & Mrs M Thomaidis Mr L & Mrs K Wigg Dr V Sellathurai & Dr S Vasuthan Mr P & Mrs A Thomas Mr G Wijayasekera & Ms A Mr T & Mrs R Senthilmohan Mr F Thomas & Ms D Lombardo Prematilake Mr A & Ms J Seymour Mr M & Mrs H Thompson Mr R & Mrs M Wijesinha Mr S & Mrs A Sfendourakis Mr P & Dr F Thompson Mr D Williams Ms C Shand & Dr S Gost Mr M & Mrs V Thompson Mr R & Mrs T Wilson Mr J & Mrs L Shannon Mr B & Mrs J Thompson Mr W Wilson & Ms E Wright-Smith Mr M Shaw & Ms T Short Mr N Thompson Mr S & Mrs F Wiltshire Mr G Sheng & Mrs X Zhou Mr J Tian & Ms S Yu Mr B & Mrs M Winn Mr D & Mrs J Sherritt Mr C & Mrs A Tiley Mr E Winn & Ms J Burns Mr R & Mrs P Shetty Mr D & Mrs S Timms Dr C Wong & Dr L Yong Mr A Shi & Mrs X Qu Mr D & Mrs S Timms Mr D Wood & Mrs A Wright Mr Y Shi & Mrs S Yu Mr R & Mrs C Tindall Mr T & Mrs N Woodbridge Mr Y Shi & Ms Y Mao Dr R Tiruvoipati & Mrs B Laxmi Mr H & Ms A Woodman Mr G & Mrs M Shiell Surya Hima Mr G Woodrow & Ms K Leonaite Mr M & Mrs N Shill Mr K To & Mrs T Duong Mr D & Mrs L Woods Mr R & Mrs S Shiv Mr A & Mrs C Todd Mr M & Mrs N Wright Mr R & Mrs M Short Mr J & Mrs A Todisco Mr J Wu & Mrs Y Zhang Mr O Shulin & Mrs N Shulina Mr D & Mrs V Tomah Mr W Wu & Ms H Chen Mr K & Mrs S Sidhu Mr B & Mrs K Tomasic Mr X Wu & Mrs C Zhao Mr C Sievers & Ms C Rome-SieversMr P Torok & Ms S Tsubaki Mr M Wu & Mrs C An Mr D & Mrs D Simic Mr N Traficante & Ms M Labrooy Mr J Wu & Dr J Meng Mr A & Mrs J Simmons Mr Q Tran & Mrs K Banh Mr L Wu & Mrs X Cheng Mr D & Mrs M Simpson Dr B Tran & Mrs K Ky Mr L Wu & Mrs X Yu Mr M Sinclair & Ms Y Somaia Mr J & Mrs K Trende Mrs K Wylie Dr B Singh & Ms S Kaur Dr R Trevena Mr H Xia & Ms Y Li Mr T Smart & Ms M Shore Mr S & Ms M Trewin Mr L Xiao & Ms W Chen Mr A & Mrs S Smith Mr G & Mrs C Tribe Mr J Xie & Ms B Wen Mr A & Mrs C Smith Mr P Troeung & Mrs N Ngov Mr S & Mrs B Xu Mr E & Mrs K Smith Mr A Truong & Mrs H Hoang Mr R Xu & Mrs R Zhou Mr P & Mrs T Smith Mr L Truong & Ms B Hinh Mr K Xu & Mrs S Liang Mr T & Mrs S Smith Mr B Turner & Mrs H Kurincic Mr F Xue & Mrs N Wu Mr J & Mrs L Smith Mr M & Ms S Turudia Mr L Xue & Mrs J Wang Mr C & Mrs A Smith Mr M & Mrs L Twigg Mr H & Mrs D Yalaz Mr B Smith & Ms C Hinz Ms A Tyrrell Mr Y Yang & Mrs J Zhang Mr D Smith & Ms M Di Vito-Smith Mr A & Ms R Tzouvelis Mr H Yang & Mrs L Wen Mr K So & Ms C Ng Mr M & Mrs O Ugarcina Dr J Yao & Dr J Ouyang Mr F & Mrs C Sofra Dr P Uldry Severin & Dr V Severin Mr D Yeo & Mrs L Yap Mr F & Mrs J Spagnolo Mr K Ung & Mrs A Ly Mr J Yie & Ms G Li Ms S Spalding Mr P Uniacke & Ms C Davies Mr L Yin & Mrs Z Wu Mr T & Mrs B Sriharan Mr B & Mrs K Van Heer Mr Z Ying & Ms D Zheng Mr S & Mrs V Srikanthan Mr J & Mrs R Van Der Meulen Mr N & Mrs S Yogathas Mr A & Mrs I Staffa Mr D & Mrs S Van Raay Mr A & Mrs D Youds Mr J Stafford Mr L Van & Mrs H Nguyen Mr W Yuan & Ms Y Zhao Mr D & Ms S Stamatopoulos Mr C Van & Mrs V Uch Mr X Yuan & Mrs M Zheng Dr T Stavrakoglou & Mrs O Mr A & Mrs C Varela Mr Z Yuan & Ms D Kan Doukakaros Dr S & Mrs M Vaughan Dr J Yusuf & Mrs R Mohamed Mr S & Mrs F Stavretis Mr W Vella & Mrs L Vella Mr S & Mrs P Zacharopoulos Mr C Steele & Ms L Whitfield Mr M & Mrs L Venten Mr A & Ms C Zagame Mr A & Mrs P Steen Mr G & Mrs R Verma Mr T & Mrs J Zeinstra Mr C & Mrs S Steen Mr J & Mrs P Vernadakis Mr H Zhan & Ms S Ma Prof A Steen & Dr V Peel Mr R Villella Mr C & Mrs X Zhang Miss J Stellato Mr R & Ms R Visser Mr J Zhang & Mrs Y Yang Ms C Stephens Mr V & Mrs L Vo Mr Z Zhang & Mrs R Mai Mr S & Ms D Stevens Mr F & Mrs T Vogel Mr J Zhang & Mrs X Xue Mr J Stevens & Mrs A McNabney- Mr R Vojtkiv Mr C Zhang & Ms Z Yan Stevens Ms C Volz Mr L Zhang & Ms X Li Mr R & Ms P Stocker Mr S & Mrs M Vournazos Ms Z Zhang Mr S & Mrs A Stoner Mr P & Mrs K Wade Mr B Zhao & Mrs J Gong Mr L & Mrs T Stow Mr W Wahl & Mrs X Ye Mr Z Zhou & Mrs Q Xi Mr F & Mrs G Strauss Mr J & Mrs M Wall Dr H Zhou & Ms S Guo Mr F & Mrs V Strintzos Mr A & Mrs T Wallace Mr M Zhu & Mrs A Zhang Ms M Strintzos Mr A & Mrs L Walsh Dr A & Mrs J Ziaras Mr M Stroeder & Ms F McGrath Mr D & Ms L Walsh Mrs K Ziccardi Mr G Su & Mrs C Li Mr T & Ms P Walstab Mr M Zu & Mrs S Shi Mr A & Ms T Suganthirakumar Mr Y Wan & Mrs L Tan Mr M & Mrs P Zuegn Miss I Sugrue Mr Z & Mrs T Wang Mr S Zunnurain & Mrs S Mr C Summers & Mrs S Greening Mrs Y Wang Chowdhury Mr H Sun & Ms H Chen Mr X Wang & Mrs Q Xiao Mr S Zunnurain & Mrs S Mr Y Sun & Mrs S Liu Mr M Wang & Mrs S Ta Chowdhury Mr M & Mrs G Suy Mr G Wang & Ms S Xia Mr F Zuo & Mrs F Wang Miss A Taberner Mr W Wang & Ms H Ji Dr T & Mrs M Tahir Mr D Wang & Mrs K Yu Mr J Tai & Ms M Lau Mr H Wang & Ms P Zhao Ms S Taing Mr Z Wang & Mrs X Meng Mr G & Mrs D Takis Mr J Wang & Mrs Y Han Mr S & Mrs D Taleb Mr M Ward Mr S Tambanis & Mrs M De Rhoter Mr L Ward & Ms D Corrigan

855 Springvale Road Keysborough VIC 3173 Australia +61 3 9904 6140 www.haileybury.vic.edu.au

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