Haileybury Foundation News Autumn 2020

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FOUNDATION FROM THE CHAIRMAN Welcome to the Autumn 2020 edition of Foundation News, in our 10th anniversary year. I would like to focus your attention on two maxims, the first one being widely held throughout society: Charity begins at home. While its meaning may be broad, we could agree that it is about concentrating our thoughts and actions towards ensuring those closest to us are safe and well, before we focus on doing the same for others. Never in most of our own lifetimes has this phrase been as relevant as during these past few months, for reasons that need no elaboration in this bulletin. The second maxim is one that is core to our mission as an educational charity:

FROM THE VICE PRINCIPAL While the COVID-19 pandemic has provided plenty of challenges, Haileybury has been able to offer our world-class education to our students in a virtual, online setting without skipping a beat. The School started preparing for online learning four weeks before the end of Term 1, preparing for the worst-case scenario of distance learning for two to six months. Priorities in planning included having seamless technology for teaching and learning, increasing opportunities for learners and their families to connect, reshaping the school day and supporting wellbeing and morale. The key learning to our success, however, was to focus on the wellbeing and morale of students and staff. We have actively supported teaching and learning by using Zoom technology and our learning management system (LMS). These were two systems we already had in our


Haileybury Foundation supports those who would not ordinarily be able to attend our great school. During this crisis period, your Foundation Board has held virtual meetings to discuss and agree on how we balance these two maxims, aiming to ensure we play our part in charity beginning at home, while not losing sight of our long-term mission. We believe we have struck the right balance by fusing the two of them together: we have unanimously agreed to make available a significant sum from ‘unrestricted funds’ (as our constitution allows), to be ready to assist current Haileybury families facing genuine financial hardship, as a direct result of the COVID-19 lockdown. Of crucial importance to those who contribute directly to the Scholarship, Building or Library funds, this initiative has no impact on your generous donations, which are always restricted (by our constitution) for their specified purpose.

While on the subject of donations, it would be remiss of me, as your Chair, to forego the opportunity of asking for your help as the 2019/20 financial year draws to a close. Times of crisis require leadership and I am asking, in particular, all those leaders of our Haileybury community, past and present, paid and voluntary to join me in making a tax-deductible contribution, however small or large, prior to 30 June. If you are able to do so, now, more than ever, we need your generosity. Thanking you, in anticipation. NEIL SUTCLIFFE CHAIRMAN, HAILEYBURY FOUNDATION

school and are aligned to our staff Professional Development. From day one, every student knew they would have the same experience from one class to the next.

Our students haven’t lost a beat with their learning; however, we were delighted to see our students and staff return to face-to-face classes.

Haileybury had already built into its system a way to capture regular feedback from staff, students and parents. That feedback showed Haileybury’s Melbourne students were thriving, but some were struggling a little with morale and missing their community.

Scott Doran

In response, parents had access to group sessions with a psychologist, guest wellbeing presentations and their Head of Campus. We also added a period 0 before school and period 9 after school as optional offerings for our students. The School created videos that students could opt into covering yoga, Pilates, musicianship, High Intensity Training sessions, how to cook a nutritious breakfast, Art appreciation, reading with the library, knitting and dance. This feedback also led to the School changing the structure of the School day, including having the same lunchtime for all students to better connect with their family. Students said they wanted more opportunities for physical movement and social connections, and this was provided.


HAILEYBURY’S STAFF – CONTRIBUTING TO SOMETHING SPECIAL! In 2019 Haileybury Foundation launched a Staff Giving Program designed to contribute to a scholarship for a student who would not otherwise have had the opportunity to attend our School. When asked what it meant to receive a Haileybury Foundation Scholarship, Faith’s response was priceless: “When I heard, I felt like jumping, screaming and running around the house crying and laughing at the same time! When I start at Haileybury I look forward to meeting different people and getting to know the people who provide me with this scholarship.” Faith has been riding out the COVID-19 situation with her auntie in the country, as learning at home with three younger siblings is challenging. She recently wrote to Head of Campus Haileybury City, Caroline Merrick, and stated that “I can’t wait to go back to school and see all my favourite teachers and friends.” After an exhaustive interview process, Faith Mapolo Kauseni was selected by the interview panel, consisting of contributing Haileybury staff Jan Munro and Kaitlyn Walker, and members of the Haileybury Foundation Board. Faith commenced in Year 7 at our City campus this year following the generous participation of Haileybury staff. Over 60 Haileybury staff continue to contribute to this scholarship via a monthly payroll deduction from their salary. Faith joins us from Zambia where she was very sadly orphaned as a young child. One of her great characteristics is the resilience that she has shown under adversity. She lives with her adopted parents, Lauren and Peter Hichaaba in Maidstone and has a wonderful family support network, which will give her a huge amount of help along her journey.

Faith is loving everything about Haileybury. She is proving to be a very worthy recipient. Haileybury’s staff have changed her life. Thank you. Russell Davidson DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT & ALUMNI RELATIONS

When I heard, I felt like jumping, screaming and running around the house crying and laughing at the same time!


Thursday, 23 July


Friday, 23 October


Thursday, 12 November



SOCIAL MEDIA Haileybury Foundation is on socials. Please follow us to stay updated on Haileybury Foundation community ‘Living and Giving’ activities at the links below:

She has displayed incredible determination and we are extremely hopeful that her Haileybury experience will be one of fulfilment and educational success.


Faith is interested in pursuing a career as a mechanical engineer and is becoming increasingly adept at playing Australian Rules Football even though she is only new to the country.

https://twitter.com/HaileyburyF https://www.linkedin.com/ company/36137842



If you wish to learn more about the Haileybury Foundation or enquire about giving, please contact us via details below:

Any gift, no matter the size, has the power to enhance the School via the Scholarship Fund, Building Fund or Library Fund. Donations (except bequests) are tax deductible and a receipt will be issued.

Haileybury Foundation | ABN 70 142 288 346 | +61 3 9904 6100 | foundation@haileybury.vic.edu.au | www.haileybury.com.au/giving

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