Haileybury Foundation News - Summer 2021

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Summer 2021


Your New Year’s Resolution – Join the 1892 Circle! The growth in membership of our Foundation’s 1892 Circle has been steadily upward since its inception in 2015 and we plan to grow its numbers substantially over the next few years. So what, you may ask, is the 1892 Circle? The answer is simple: it is a form of recognition and appreciation of our regular Foundation donors, being those that have donated (or pledged to donate) at least $500 per year over a consecutive three year period. Over the coming months, you will hear more about


Over the past few years, the Haileybury Foundation office has often spoken about generating a ‘Culture of Giving’. But what does that really mean? While the precise definition may be slightly different for some organisations based on their size, sector or existing initiatives, at its core a culture of giving simply implies that we have a community of people committed to telling and supporting relevant stories to enhance each other’s wellbeing. As our CEO | Principal Derek Scott often states, it is about willing the good of another. Haileybury is fortunate to have an engaged community steeped in philanthropic values and this has become a living force. It is not a piggy bank to shake now and then, but the legs, hands, and heart of everything Haileybury does. It’s powerful, self-sustaining, and enables entirely new possibilities.


this Circle, how you can play your part and the events we have planned. During our Board discussions, we readily agree that our future strength lies in building a ‘culture of giving’ within our very large and diverse community – the size of which means that, were we to encourage even just a portion of its members to donate the meaningful, affordable and tax-deductible amount of at least $500 each year, in tandem with the larger gifts we receive, our corpus would grow exponentially over the coming decade and become a self-perpetuating legacy for us all to be proud of. This form of ‘meaningful yet affordable’ community giving is already bearing fruit in the Staff Giving and “Class of” programmes that we facilitate and encourage. Whilst not all the members of these groups yet qualify for the 1892 Circle, they are now bound together through the young lives they are changing forever. It is, therefore, likely they will wish to carry on their good work for many years to

Like most things worth doing, it doesn’t happen overnight. Cultural evolutions can take years. As the Haileybury Foundation moves in to its 11th year of operation it has established a valuable culture that is changing lives forever. From leadership and teaching positions, Old Haileyburians to first-year families or past parents, it’s imperative that everyone in our community is provided the opportunity to engage, contribute, and share. We are all ‘first among equals’, understanding that one donor

come and I look forward to welcoming many more of our donors to the Circle over the next couple of years. For a New Year’s resolution that you have every chance of fulfilling, look no further than committing yourself to your own version of a ‘meaningful yet affordable’ donation to the Foundation – receiving a tax deduction would be a certainty and entering the 1892 Circle could be well within your grasp. Good Luck! NEIL SUTCLIFFE CHAIRMAN, HAILEYBURY FOUNDATION

making a huge gift means nothing without us all playing our part. We look forward to sharing with you all the incredible stories that will continue to drive the success of the Haileybury Foundation, sustaining our great School now and for the future. SCOTT DORAN VICE PRINCIPAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & ADVANCEMENT

FROM THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT NEW YEAR, NEW OPPORTUNITIES As we have commenced the 2021 school year, Haileybury Foundation is proud to advise our donors and supporters that 14 students have walked through our gates as beneficiaries of Haileybury Foundation Scholarships. As we farewell three of our Haileybury Foundation Scholarship students from the Class of 2020, we are excited that four new Haileybury Foundation Scholarship students have joined our school. We are sure you will join with us in wishing them well on their Haileybury journey. These students and their beneficiaries are as follows: Manal Ahmad (Year 9, City) Class of 1984 Scholarship Bhanu Mahendran (Year 7, Keysborough) Dr Douglas Travis (OH’74) Scholarship #2 Lachlan Besanko (Year 7, Brighton) Haileybury Parents and Friends of Castlefield Scholarship Britastina Heiskari (Year 9, Keysborough) Haileybury Parents and Friends of Keysborough Scholarship

We would like to take this opportunity to once again extend our heartfelt thanks to our 2022 Scholarship supporters: Dr Douglas Travis (OH’74); the President, committee members and volunteers from the HPFK and HPFC groups; and the Class of 1984 alumni participating in their namesake Year Group Scholarship – the third Class Giving Scholarship to date. Your generous support will change these student’s lives forever. Competition for Haileybury Foundation Scholarships is intense. Often there is a huge field of applicants of extremely high quality. Thus it is not surprising to witness our Haileybury Foundation Scholarship students doing so well. Despite their first year at Haileybury not quite rolling as planned, our 2020 Year 7 Foundation students showed incredible resilience, energy, and tenacity. When the call went out for 2021 Middle School Captain nominations, 2020 saw the highest number of applicants across all campuses, with the calibre of presentations by students at a professional level, making it very difficult for our campus teams to decide on who the winners would be.


We would like to extend huge Congratulations to our Haileybury Foundation Scholarship students elected for Middle School leadership roles this year. We are so very proud of you! Faith Mapolo Kauseni (Year 8, City) City Middle School Girls Sports Captain Hannah Chard (Year 8, City) City Middle School Girls Social Justice Captain Harper Quinn (Year 8, Newlands) Newlands Middle School Boys House Vice-Captain (Cox) Thanks to our donors –

you are Changing Lives Forever. Russell Davidson DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT & ALUMNI RELATIONS



Founders Day Party THURSDAY, 18 MARCH Haileybury Foundation CEO | Principal’s Luncheon

SOCIAL MEDIA Haileybury Foundation is on socials. Please follow us to stay updated on Haileybury Foundation community activities at the links below: www.Facebook.com/Haileyburyfoundation https://www.linkedin.com/ company/36137842 BHANU MAHENDRAN




If you wish to learn more about the Haileybury Foundation or enquire about giving, please contact us via details below.

Any gift, no matter the size, has the power to change lives forever. Donations to the Scholarship Fund, Building Fund or Library Fund are tax deductible and a receipt will be issued to all donors. All VBF donation receipts are accessible via the myHaileybury app under myPortal, mySchool Account.

Haileybury Foundation | ABN 70 142 288 346 | +61 3 9904 6141 | foundation@haileybury.vic.edu.au | www.haileybury.com.au/giving

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