Haileybury Rendall School | International Boarding

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Haileybury Rendall School is named after the founder of Haileybury, Charles Rendall In 2018, the school opened in Darwin, adapting the best of Haileybury’s Academic, Social Justice and International programs to the education environment in the Northern Territory.

An educational adventure

Our School is closely affiliated with Haileybury, which has four campuses in Melbourne We have drawn on Haileybury’s past successes and established our own vision for the future In its first four years, the school has more than tripled its enrolment and is seen as a Tier One school in the Northern Territory


Set on more than 20 hectares, the campus features an auditorium, purpose-built VET and VCAL learning centres, fully equipped science and computer laboratories, a music recording studio, purpose-built playgrounds, a library and resource centre, an outdoor swimming pool and one of Darwin’s top-rated cricket pitches

Haileybury Rendall School program provides an exciting and enriching curriculum for all students It builds resilient and independent learners with skills in creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. Our teaching approach is tailored to suit all year levels We develop core literacy and numeracy skills through explicit instruction in the junior years, while in the middle years we move to a combination of explicit instruction and student-centred learning As students enter their senior years, they begin a three-year VCE program coupled with a range of subjects to suit all interests and abilities

⿊利伯瑞任朵学校为学⽣提供丰富有趣的课程。我们致⼒于培养学 ⽣的创造性、独⽴思考能⼒以及沟通与合作能⼒。我们采⽤适合不 同年级的教学⽅法。针对⼩学部,我们注重发展基础识字及算术技 能。针对初中部我们强调在教学过程中培养学⽣独⽴学习能⼒。进 ⼊⾼中阶段学⽣开始三年制VCE项⽬学习,学⽣可依据兴趣及能⼒ 选择科⽬。

Ultimately, students leave Haileybury Rendall School prepared for the challenges that lie ahead, with a love for learning and with the life skills essential for success

⿊利伯瑞任朵毕业⽣热爱学习,有能⼒应对未来挑战并具有收获成 功所必备的⽣活技能。

⿊利伯瑞任朵学校校名源⾃⿊利伯瑞创始⼈查尔斯-任朵。2018年 ⿊利伯瑞任朵学校于达尔⽂建⽴,学校办学秉持⿊利伯瑞优秀教 学传统、价值观及国际项⽬优势并融⼊北领地教育环境需求。
区。我们 传承⿊利伯瑞既往成功经验并建⽴了⾃⼰的愿景。建校四年来, 在校学⽣⼈数增⻓两倍多,成为北领地 流名校。
学校占地⼆⼗公顷,校园建有⼤礼堂,职业学习中⼼,实验室, 电脑房,⾳乐录制⼯作室,操场,图书馆,室外泳池以及达尔⽂ 流的板球球场。

Academic success


Developing and maintaining a strong academic culture at Haileybury Rendall School is a top priority National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) and Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) results consistently rate Haileybury as one of Australia’s leading independent schools


Graduating cohorts from Haileybury Rendall School have seen some exceptional VCE results and high Australian Tertiary Admission Rankings (ATAR). 2021 results highlights: 50% of students attained an ATAR of 80 and above, placing them in the top 20% of students in Australia;20% of students attained an ATAR of 95 and above, placing them in the top 5% of students in Australia

Physical and Outdoor Education 体育及⼾外项⽬

At Haileybury Rendall School, we recognise the physical, social and psychological benefits of health and physical education with a comprehensive and inclusive program that offers something for everyone We also greatly value the experiential value of tailored outdoor education camps which visit incredible parts of the beautiful territory with safe and rewarding age-appropriate adventures


并有积极社会意义。学校开展丰富独特的体育项⽬,⼒争每名同 学参与。我们尤其重视⼾外露营项⽬,组织安全的适合学⽣年龄段 的探险活动,学⽣可领略北领地秘境⻛光。

The Arts


The Performing and Visual Arts are an integral part of our curriculum Our students produce plays, musicals, art exhibitions and band performances

视觉艺术与表演艺术是学校课程必备项⽬。学⽣表演戏剧、⾳乐 剧,参与艺术展出及乐队表演。

Many Haileybury students from across Australia choose to continue their studies within the country at universities such as the University of Melbourne, Monash University, the University of Sydney and the Australian National University ⿊利伯瑞

All students enjoy aspects of Visual Art, Music, Drama and Dance, which encourages them to expand their minds and appreciate culture and creativity 学


⾳乐、戏剧及舞蹈活动抱有浓厚兴趣,这有助于 学⽣拓展思维、欣赏⽂化及发
⿊利伯瑞任朵学校的⾸要任务。全国性考试 项⽬识字与算术(NAPLAN)与维多利亚州教育证书考试(VCE) 成绩在全国私⽴学校⾏列中持续处于领先地位。
⿊利伯瑞任朵毕业⽣在VCE考试中取得骄⼈成绩,澳洲⾼考排名 (ATAR)遥遥领先。2021年成绩如下:50%毕业⽣ATAR分80分 以上,进⼊全国⾼考排名前20%;20%毕业⽣ATAR分95分以上, 进⼊全国⾼考排名前5%
,如墨 尔本

About Darwin 达尔⽂市

Darwin is the capital city of the No to the Traditional Custodians of th Darwin city has a population of ap features a rich and diverse multicu

达尔⽂为北领地⾸府,是这⽚⼟地的原住⺠那雅其亚⼈的家园 尔⽂市⼈⼝约14万8千⼈,拥有丰富多样的多元⽂化。

The Territory’s tropical climate ensures that the weather is warm to hot all year round, with an average temperature o degrees Just a four and a half hour flight from Singapore, Darwin is Australia’s gateway to South East Asia

北领地为热带⽓候,平均⽓温为30度。达尔⽂市距新加坡航程 ⼩时,为澳洲通往东南亚的⻔⼾。

Things to do 休闲活动

Students can take in Darwin’s lively city experiences such a the night and weekend markets, exploring the local attractio such as the museum and gallery, cruising and sailing on the harbour, spending time with friends at the Darwin Waterfron taking in a movie at the outdoor cinema or shopping at the local shopping centres


Students also have access to some of the most picturesque and unique Australian experiences right in their back yard J 60 minutes from Darwin you will find the Northern Territory’ best kept secret Litchfield National Park, where you can explore the misty waterfalls and dramatic landscapes For th more adventurous, spend the weekend taking in the rugged and remote beauty of Australia’s biggest national park, Kakadu Students also find themselves only a short plane ride from Australia’s most iconic and sacred landmark, Uluru

⻛景如画独 ⽆⼆的澳洲⽣活体验近在咫尺。从达尔⽂市驱⻋6





充满活⼒的城市⽣活,如夜市及周末集市,参 当地名胜如博物馆艺术馆,于港⼝乘坐游船或帆船出海,在达尔 ⽔景⼝岸与朋友休闲,观看露天电影或在当地购物中⼼购物。

Boarding 住宿⽣活

Haileybury Rendall School is pleased to offer a world-class education and boarding experience to domestic and international students Located in the breathtaking Northern Territory, Haileybury Rendall School Darwin provides students from a diverse array of cultures and communities with a truly special Australian experience. Boarding at Haileybury Rendall School is a unique opportunity to live and learn on campus, to develop independence and resilience and forge friendships that will last a lifetime.

Haileybury Rendall School is home to three boarding houses each with individual and twin shared rooms options, communal areas and state of the art facilities All bedrooms feature a single bed, study desk, personal storage and air conditioning Students are encouraged to decorate their rooms to truly make the space feel like their own Every day students enjoy a variety of culinary options suited to all dietary requirements at our large cafeteria and dining hall Students also have access to sports facilities including a swimming pool, basketball courts and recreational ovals






The male and female residences whilst separate are connected via common living spaces in which students can study or socialise with fellow boarders. Communal spaces in each house include a reception, common rooms, games room, kitchens and laundry facilities These provide a home away from home where boarders can relax, feel comfortable and take pride in their surroundings




The safety of our students is paramount, and all boarding facilities feature CCTV, complete perimeter fencing, lockable gates and 24/7 boarding staff

住宿⽣的安全⾄关重要。住宿区域配备智能监控系统,加装围栏、 ⻔禁及24⼩时值班⼈员。 ⿊利伯瑞任朵学校荣获2022年度澳洲教育奖项--年度最佳寄宿学 校奖。
⿊利伯瑞任朵学校向本地及国际学⽣提供世界级教育及住宿体验。 学校位于⻛景如画的北领地,学⽣可领略地道独特的澳洲多元⽂ 化。任朵学校住宿⽣活将培养学⽣独⽴性、坚韧品格并锻造持续终 ⽣的友谊

Through the Haileybury Rendall School Health and Wellbeing Framework, each year level accesses learning programs tailored to their age and stage of development, and that are focussed on the social-emotional, physical and cultural needs of our students Additional wrap-around support is provided by our team of dedicated residential staff, counsellors, nursing staff, external GPs, and allied health providers

⼼理辅导员,护⼠,外聘 医⽣等。

The Head of Boarding oversees the Boarding Program and provides an important link between Boarding and the Day School The Head of Boarding and Deputy Heads of Boarding all live on-site They are supported by a team of professional staff who provide 24-hour care on a rostered basis and a team of residential tutors Communication is encouraged at all times between students, School staff and families






A large cafeteria and dining facility are available to all students and feature a diverse international menu that caters to all dietary requirements The kitchen serves three meals a day, and students are also supplied with a late supper Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in the Mayuma Dining Hall. Mayuma is a modern and comfortable space, which all students and staff in the Senior School have access to

咖啡厅及餐厅宽敞明亮。餐厅提供 ⽇三餐及宵夜。菜单丰富多

样,满⾜国际学⽣需求。三餐安排在玛郁玛餐厅,餐厅拥有现代化 设计,环境舒适,⾼中部师⽣均在此就餐。

Special dietary requirements


Our kitchen staff are regularly informed of any student dietary requirements, including allergies and anaphylaxis

学⽣有特殊餐饮需求如对特定⻝物过敏,我们将通知餐厨员⼯予以 特殊关照。

Food in residences


Our Boarding houses also have kitchenette facilities which the students may have access to This is particularly useful for our Senior students who may be engaged in their studies throughout the course of the evening

宿舍区内配备厨房设施可供学⽣使⽤,为⾼中部晚间⾃修较晚的学 ⽣提供⽅便。

A dedicated team
⿊利伯瑞任朵学校关注学⽣健康与福祉,各年级教学项⽬依据学⽣ 年龄及发展阶段特点制定,关注学⽣社会⽂化⼼理需求并有住宿部 专业团队提供协同服务,包括管理⽼师,
住宿。宿舍管理配备专业团 队,通过轮班制⼆⼗四⼩时提供照护服务。我们⿎励学⽣、教职员 ⼯及家

Recreational pursuits 娱乐活动

We understand the importance of variety and our boarders being able to experience new things, so we run an extensive program of afternoon, evening and weekend activities, including off-campus excursions Local excursions to Darwin form the majority of boarding excursions, with a weekly shuttle commuting between the School and local shopping centres Activities can include:

为丰富住宿⽣活,我们于下午、晚间以及周末提供多种娱乐活 动,包括校外远⾜。校外远⾜多为达尔⽂当地远⾜,此外学校 每周为学⽣提供 次班⻋⾄当地购物中⼼。活动包括:

Casuarina Shopping Centre 卡苏瑞那购物中⼼

Waterfront (wave pool) 河岸观景

Nature walks郊外漫步

Visits to national parks, including Litchfield 参观国家公


School swimming pool-based activities and games 校内


AFL Fixtures at TIO Stadium Marrara 澳洲⾜球协会于玛


Mindil Beach Markets (in the dry season) 明笛沙滩集市


Fishing at East Arm Wharf or Stokes Hill Wharf 东雅码头


Leanyer or Palmerston water parks 游玩黎叶⽔景公园或 帕尔玛森⽔景公园

Movies at Palmerston or Casuarina 帕尔玛森或卡苏瑞那


Beach walk at Casuarina or East Point 卡苏瑞那或东⻆保


Botanic Gardens 参观植物园

Sport with clubs such as St Marys (AFL) Waratah (Cricket) Netball and Rugby (Palmerston) 俱乐部体育活



Other school activities which include: ice skating, school discos and games nights 其他活动如滑冰,迪斯


We believe in the importance of students having a voice and our boarders have regular opportunities to discuss activities and excursions so they reflect the interests and passions of our group

我们⿎励住宿⽣就远⾜去向及各类活动安排提出建议以更好适 应学⽣兴趣并激发参与热情。

International Tuition Fees 2023


The Annual Fees, including the Tuition Fees and the Boarding Fees, for 2023 are:

Please note that fees may change from year to year

Further information is available at:

Year Level 年级 Tuition Fees学费 Boarding Fees住宿费 Annual Fees年度费 Year 9 $33,146 $31 ,375 $64,521 Year 10 $33,531 $31,375 $64,906 Year 11 $33,531 $31,375 $64,906 Year 12 $33,531 $31,375 $64,906 Annual fees 年度费⽤

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