OHA Annual Report - 2019/20

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2019 /20

PRESIDENT’S REPORT Writing in the Haileyburian for the first time as OHA President in Spring 2019, I noted that we had set a path to reimagine our future; who we are and how we will deliver on our Vision. Whilst the future we are now experiencing was certainly not of our imagining, the OHA has taken significant steps forward this last year, both planned and responsive. The first task embarked upon by the Council was to set a new Strategic Plan crafted to deliver on our affirmed Vision, to be relevant, valued and respected by the Haileybury Community. Pillars What outcomes will uphold our Vision? PROGRAM








Enablers What will make it possible for us to delivery our Strategy?



Focus on creating positive member experiences


Senior Executive committed, motivated & visible


Financial capacity to execute the program

Office staffed & skilled for growth


Contemporary platforms & systems

With this pathway established, Portfolio holders presented back to the Council their objectives for the year, detailing how they would serve our Membership and honour the OHA Vision. The exercise, whilst positive, affirmed my view that structural change within the Council was required to ensure we became more nimble, adaptable and capable of delivering a contemporary program that befits the Old Haileyburians Association. We will take into the New Year a Council half the size of the 2019/20 group. A new portfolio, Technology & Digital has been created to support the drive to enhance our capability in marketing technology, automation and digital communications. Importantly, a second tier support role, Agile Ambassadors has been created to assist Council. This innovative concept grew from the appointment in April of Chapter Ambassadors to support our program in Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane and Canberra. Agile Ambassadors will contribute on specific topics and initiatives as required; the role enables OHA members to sample ‘Council life’ and provide input in their fields of expertise and passion. Crucially, Agile Ambassadors’ involvement will suit those not able to commit the required time to full Council duties due to study, career and family commitments. It is with my thanks that we farewell OHA Councillors Claire Brown, Andrew Bonwick, Kathryn Quinn, Bernie Ladds, Jun Yan, Arun Yuvarajah, Stephanie MacLean and Gines Satchithanandam.

I would like to acknowledge the contributions and commitment of each of these individuals; a number of whom have expressed interest in maintaining their support as Agile Ambassadors. To my fellow Councillors, thank you for your commitment to volunteering. I would like to highlight the support I have received from my leadership team, James Kemper and Laura Rabinovich. In August, we farewelled Alumni Manager Catherine McVean who has taken on the senior Alumnae role at Lauriston. Catherine’s fine work and commitment to the OHA advanced our organisation significantly across her three years of service and is greatly appreciated. Incoming Alumni Manager Hayley Attard has made an immediate impact on the Association. Since commencing in October, Hayley’s experience and understanding of Haileybury coupled with her professionalism, natural curiosity and drive has been instrumental in ensuring that during the COVID-19 shut down that the OHA rapidly adapted and continued to deliver so successfully for our membership. I continue to be impressed and appreciative of the indefatigable work of Russell Davidson. Russell’s passion for the OHA, encyclopaedic knowledge of our membership, passion and leadership are treasured within our Association. Magnificently supported by Hayley Attard and Kylie Phillips within the Executive Office, our program continues to be the envy of our Peer Associations. I would highlight Russell’s initiative to personally contact scores of vulnerable members at the onset of the pandemic to check in and offer the OHA’s support as typical of Russell’s personal values and his value to our organisation. Throughout the year we have enjoyed the active and enthusiastic support and commitment of Scott Doran, Haileybury Vice Principal Community Engagement and Advancement. Scott’s guidance and mentorship this year has strengthened the bond between our Association and School. We share a common vision of the lifecycle of Haileybury families and the critical role the OHA plays in that. I look forward to us being able to contribute to bringing that vision to life. Haileybury Principal and CEO Derek Scott continues to be instrumental in his support of the OHA with his presence and contributions to our program, overt engagement with our activities and the manner in which he embraces our membership. This is reflected by our School Councillors lead by the example of Chairman Tom Poulton. In closing, I thank our membership, my fellow Old Haileyburians – it is my great honour and pleasure to serve you. As I reflect on the last twelve months, I am grateful for the enthusiasm and openness with which you have embraced me in my first year as President. I look forward to seeing you, online and in person when the time is right! We have set the new platform for growth and advancement and anticipate an exciting year ahead. No matter how…please Stay Connected! Mr Brad Hyde (OH ‘82) President

TREASURER’S REPORT Profit / Loss The 2019/20 result shows income of $315k - $55k less than last year, but similar to 2017/18 and surplus of $67k $15k less than last year. Enrolment income was down $32k on last year or 14% at 943 (last year 1,073 and 970 in 2017/18) and events income was down $20k on last year, but similar to 2017/18. • • • •

Multimedia costs of $5k was well down on last year ($25k) Clubs assistance was $50k (last year $30k) Events costs were down in line with revenue ($31k) Scholarship costs were up ($11k)

Anticipated staff costs from 2018/19 were not incurred and OHA recovered the cost of last years HIST cost of $2k. Balance Sheet The OHA had $17k in its general accounts as at March 31 and $355k invested, be it, at low interest rates. This is up $15k from last year. Members funds have now increased by $67k to $429k. Mr Ian Clydesdale (OH ‘77) Treasurer

OHA Council (as at 31 March 2020) President Mr Brad Hyde (OH ‘82) Senior Vice President

Junior Vice President

Dr James Kemper (OH 2012) Ms Laura Rabinovich (OH 2012)

Treasurer Mr Ian Clydesdale (OH ‘77) Councillor (Business Portfolio)

Mr Gines Satchithanandam (OH 2005)

Councillor (Business Portfolio)

Mr Jun Yan (OH 2005)

Councillor (Business Portfolio)

Mr Arun Yuvarajah (OH 2005)

Councillor (Clubs Portfolio)

Mr Andrew Bonwick (OH ‘88)

Councillor (Clubs Portfolio)

Mr Bernie Ladds (OH ‘82)

Councillor (Clubs Portfolio)

Mr Andrew Hicks (OH ‘80)

Councillor (Community Portfolio)

Ms Stephanie MacLean (OH 2011)

Councillor (Community Portfolio)

Ms Claire Brown (OH 2013) - resigned February 2019

Councillor (Community Portfolio)

Ms Kathryn Quinn (OH 2013)

Councillor (Community Portfolio)

Ms Grace Sutcliffe (OH 2015)

Councillor (Chapter Portfolio)

Mr Peter Sise (OH 2000)

Executive Director

Mr Russell Davidson (OH ‘86)


Mrs Hayley Attard - from October 2019


DIRECTOR Russell Davidson (OH ‘86)



EVENTS EVENTS UPDATE The OHA ran 29 events between 1st April 2019 – 31st March 2020, with over 1257 guests attending these events and over 279 apologies recorded, equating to a total engagement of 1536 OH community members during this period. Stand out events included: •

The Clark Club luncheon continues to grow in stature and attendance levels. The 10th edition of the event was again held at the Sandringham Yacht Club in 2019. Unfortunately, our oldest known living Old Haileyburian, Mr William Buckland (OH ’40) was unable to attend the event this year. William was to have regaled those in attendance with his memories from days gone by. Luckily an old friend of his, Lorellie Bow was able to stand in at the last moment. The traditional Clark Club oration was delivered in fine style by Mr Robin Fildes AM (OH ’58). The event has grown from a modest 47 attending the first edition at the Marine Hotel to over 160 in more modern surrounds. We anticipate further growth.

An extremely popular reunion program was highlighted by sell out attendances at both the Class of 1984 and Class of 1980 Reunions. This shows the exceptionally strong engagement levels amongst classes from the 1980’s – often termed the halcyon years at Haileybury.

Regional and interstate events continue to gain in popularity on the OHA calendar. Thanks to the outstanding commitment of OHA Council member, Peter Sise (OH 2000) who is responsible for Chapter Relations, our engagement of regional and interstate members continues to increase. Events in Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane and the Mornington Peninsula in 2019 showed the OHA’s commitment to its members living outside of the Melbourne CBD. The full list of events including attendance numbers is shown below.

The Generations Breakfast introduced family portraits as part of the event for the first time and guests were delighted with a ‘then’ and ‘now’ presentation from current and past students.

Like most organisations, we were and continue to be severely hit by the implications from the COVID-19 pandemic. Whilst the year started on an extremely positive note with the successful Class of 1980 Reunion and presentation of the OHA Medal, four events needed to be either cancelled or postponed prior to March 31. These included the Summer Brunch, Sincock Cup, Class of 1990 Reunion and Ken Phillips Day. At the time of writing, the OHA has been unable to hold any face to face events thus far in 2020 and is unlikely to do so before at least September.



4th April

Sursum Corda Society Business Leaders Event

3rd May

Heart to Heart

17th May







Generations Breakfast - Brighton Campus




24th May

Class of 1989 - 30 Year Reunion




26th May

Mornington Peninsula Member Event




31st May

Class of 2009 - 10 Year Reunion




14th June

Generations Breakfast - City Campus




14th June

Class of 1999 - 20 Year Reunion




2nd August

Boutique Industry Lunch - Darren Scammell




9th August





27th August

Outstanding Young Alumni Awards




12th September

Young Professionals Networking Night




4th October

OHA Golf Day




10th October

Sydney Member Event




11th October

Canberra Member Event




12th October

Brisbane Member Event




17th October

Athletics Dinner




25th October

Class of 1969 - 50 Year Reunion




25th October

Clark CLub Luncheon




15th November

Class of 2014 - 5 Year Reunion




15th November

Class of 1994 - 25 Year Reunion




22nd November

Class of 1984 - 35 Year Reunion




7th February

Generations Breakfast - Berwick Campus




7th February

Class of 1980 - 40 Year Reunion




11th February

Founders Day Assembly, Class of 1980




21st February

Class of 1975 - 45 Year Reunion




13th March

1985 Cricket Premiership Reunion








DATA COORDINATION Ms Kylie Phillips joined the OHA Office team, replacing Tatiana Devendranath as Data Coordinator for the OHA during the period 1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019, working one day per week. Kylie has continued to complete on average approximately 20 ‘updates’ to members’ profiles per week, which includes changing addresses, adding occupation details and deleting bounced email addresses and replacing with new ones (if possible). Kylie has also been able to ‘find’ on average approximately 3 member’s details of which we previously held no information at all, per week. Methods for finding details on members include contacting their peers, LinkedIn and Facebook searches and general search engine usage. Kylie estimates that to search for a lost member, she invests on average 15 minutes. After 15 minutes if there is no success, she abandons the task and moves onto the next lost member. As of 21st May, 2019, the school database Synergetic lists: • • • •

13,757 past students (who left Haileybury in either year 10, 11 or 12, are not deceased and have not “unsubscribed” from Haileybury) are on record. (Over 17,900 including those who left in any year). Concentrating on 10/11/12 leavers (13,757), we hold an email address for 7,615 and a postal address for 11,030. 147 past students belong to no particular peer year – i.e.., this field is blank – reduced from 500 at the same time last year, thanks to Kylie’s research. 557 past students don’t have a final year listed (this field is blank), which often prevents confirmation of their peer year.

In summary, we are not connected to 6,142 members via email and not connected to 2,727 members via postal address. With relation to postal communication, this disconnection is an increase of over 300 from last year, which indicates that we are continuing to lose more members than we are finding, and therefore more resources are required to start improving the integrity of the database.

CLUBS The OHA is indebted to those who work behind the scenes to ensure that our clubs are functioning at the standard required to exist in their various competitions and environments. As at March 31, 2020 the OHA was fortunate to have the following clubs represent the organisation: AEROBICS CLUB Sarah Fry (OH 2014) AIKMAN (ROWING CLUB) Nat Callea (OH ‘92) ATHLETICS/CROSS COUNTRY CLUB Andrew Scott (OH ‘91) BOWLS CLUB Mark Thompson (OH ‘82) CLIMBING CLUB Andrew Chen (OH 2015) CRICKET CLUB Manny Coomaraswamy (OH ‘99) DANCE CLUB Amber Fyfe (OH 2009) FOOTBALL CLUB Michael Constable (OH ‘84) GOLF CLUB Fraser Gough (OH ‘91) HOCKEY CLUB Clark Anstis (OH ‘75) NETBALL CLUB Sophie Leggos (OH 2008) PIPES & DRUMS CLUB Andrew Spierings (OH 2013) THOROUGHBREAD CLUB Russell Davidson (OH ‘86) TOUCH RUGBY CLUB Anthony Taranto (OH ‘83) - resigned March 2020 SOCIAL JUSTICE CLUB Stephanie MacLean (OH 2013) VOLLEYBALL CLUB Yoshi Fujihara (OH 2015) WATER POLO CLUB Nick Johnson (OH 2012) In 2019/20 our Clubs experienced great success; • •

OHA Aerobics under the guidance of Sarah Fry becoming National Champions again. OHA Cricket fielded two teams for the first time in many years with the Club’s depth being shown through a finals finish for the Second Eleven.

The OHA Clubs Grants program once again assisted our Clubs immensely through the funding of important programs and equipment including; • •

A second-hand boat for the Aikman Club members allowing for regular training sessions at Carrum. A part time General Manager of Football for the Old Haileybury Football Club to concentrate on aspects such as sponsorship, player recruitment and volunteer engagement.

Sadly, in late 2019, the Haileybury community and the sporting world was rocked by the passing of Old Haileybury Football Club Women’s Coach, Danny Frawley. Danny was the inaugural coach of our women’s program in 2017. We were incredibly fortunate to have him guiding our team. Danny, a veteran of 240 VFL/AFL matches for the Saint Kilda Football Club and captain of the Club for nine seasons will live long in our hearts. We will forever remember his passion for the game and for our girls and for bringing home the Premiership in 2018. Our thoughts will always remain with his wife Anita and daughters, Chelsea, Danielle and Keeley.

COMMUNITY GRANTS For the seventh consecutive year, the OHA provided worthy funding for its members through its Community Grants Program. The OHA Community Grants purpose is to provide financial support to Old Haileyburians in need and/or to projects where OHA members are actively involved in and which have a direct benefit to communities in Australia or overseas. The program can also offer other support (volunteers, skilled labour) to projects where OHA members are actively involved. The selection criteria is as follows; All projects where an OHA member provides an application will be considered with preference given to projects where: • • •

Multiple OHA members are involved with a significant degree of commitment (this means in excess of fundraising). The financial or other support is perceived to have the most benefit either to the individual or community in need and meet the purpose for which this funding arrangement is set up. The project follows on from the notion that Haileybury students’ leave the School at the end of their studies as not only better students but also as better members of society.

Total Community Grants for 2019/20 was $7,019.00.

OHA AWARDS OHA MEDAL The Old Haileyburians Association Medal is awarded annually to an Old Haileyburian in recognition and appreciation of exceptional achievement to the community beyond expectation in their field of endeavour. Given that there are now in excess of 14,000 members of the Old Haileyburians Association, to be awarded this medal is a significant achievement. The winner of the 2019 OHA Medal was renowned jazz musician, Mr Bob Sedergreen (OH ’60). Bob’s high regard and position in Australian music is unquestionable. His impact and influence in performance, composition and education for over half a century has secured his place as a national treasure. Bob has won the respect and admiration of recognised talents both in Australia and internationally. To play with Bob Sedergreen has been described as the “ultimate armchair ride”.  “To hear him is always exciting and satisfying” - Adrian Jackson, The Age.  He has been described by a colleague Dr. Tony Gould as the world’s best Blues pianist.  Bob has toured extensively both in Australia and overseas including Jazz Festivals in Montreal, Malaysia and Scandinavia. His musical abilities find him leading and working with a multitude of ensembles and groups. He has also recorded many albums and over 32 CD’s. Achievements In 1990 Bob won the Inaugural Jazz Award for Australia’s Best Keyboardist. In 2006 Bob was awarded the Ken Myers Medallion for Contributions to the Arts by the Victorian Arts Centre.  He was the first musician to be given this award.  In 2008 Bob was awarded the Don Banks Award for contributions to Australia’s cultural musical identity by the Australia Council - one of the nation’s highest musical awards. As an educator, Bob is responsible for setting up the Jazz components at the Melbourne University’s Artist in Residence Scheme throughout country and city secondary schools of Victoria. Finally, The Australian Jazz Bell Awards recognise and encourage excellence in the performance, creativity, recording and presentation of jazz in Australia, in honour of one of the greats of Australian jazz, Graeme Bell. In 2018, Bob was inducted into the Graeme Bell Hall of Fame. Bob becomes the 12th winner of the OHA Medal and joins the Honour Roll as follows: 2018: Dr Ian Davis (OH ‘95) * 2016: Dr David Scrimgeour AM (OH ‘67) 2014: Dr Ross Sundberg AM QC (OH ’60) 2012: Professor Simon Molesworth AO AM (OH ‘71) 2010: Dr Ian Watterson (OH ‘75) 2008: Hon Justice Lex Lasry (OH ‘66) *deceased

2017: Mr Geoff McGeary OAM (OH ‘59) 2015: Mr Robin Fildes AM (OH ‘58) 2013: Mr Ian Henderson (OH ‘70) 2011: Professor Geoffrey Cleghorn (OH ‘71) 2009: Mr Tony Taggart (OH ‘69)

Bob Sedergreen (OH ‘60) - OHA Medal Winner, 2019 OUTSTANDING YOUNG ALUMNI AWARDS The OHA Outstanding Alumni Awards are in their sixth year and once again provided a popular array of candidates for nomination. The awards are presented to Young Old Haileyburians who have achieved significantly in their field, have demonstrated exceptional human values and/or have rendered outstanding service to the OHA. BUSINESS Jackson Meyer (OH 2014) Jackson is the co-founder, Director and Group Chief Executive of Verus Global. Verus Global is Asia-Pacific’s fastest growing freight forwarding and logistics business. Iraish Thirimanna (OH 2013) Iraish was named earlier this year in the Australian Financial Review as one of the Top 100 Future Leaders for 2019. He is an Undergraduate Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in government administration having recently completed a stint with Yarra City Council. Jono Somers (OH 2007) Jono is an Occupational Therapist with a passion for improving patient wellbeing within the primary healthcare sector. Jono is the owner of Next Practice Prahran where he has re-imagined the traditional fit-out of a medical centre to transform the space into a relaxing, modern haven which strives to exceed the needs of all patients. ARTS Zara McDonald (OH 2012) Zara is a journalist and podcaster and co-founder of Shameless Media. In just over a year, the Shameless podcast - a production of Shameless Media - has been downloaded nearly five million times in under 18 months., was awarded Australia’s Most Popular Podcast of 2019 at the Australian Podcast Awards and has more than 3000 fivestar reviews on Apple Podcasts.

Olivia Na (OH 2010) Olivia is the co-founder of Orange Theatre Australia, an emerging theatre group creating original productions and welcoming creative submissions from other artists. Their mission is to provide opportunities for artists to create and present their work to the public eye. COMMUNITY Lachlan Coman (OH 2017) Lachlan is a Student Ambassador Mentor for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. He has a passion for social justice and a commitment to leadership for Indigenous literacy. The Indigenous Literacy Foundation works in over 280 remote communities around Australia and has gifted over 350,000 books in this time to those in need. Carrie van Rensburg (OH 2017) Carrie is A Pioneer with a Social Conscience in Sustainable and Ethical Fashion. At the commencement of 2018 Carrie needed to choose a global challenge relating to her course. She chose the impact of Fast Fashion. From there, Carrie has held a documentary screening, started a swap market every few months and finally held the Love Stories Fashion Show where she got to work with a variety of Melbourne brands as well as work with the St Vincent de Paul Society. The Love Stories Fashion Show showcased garments from an online share closet and a local brand committed to sustainable and ethical practices. Collections often incorporated dead stock textiles to ensure the brand is doing what it can to minimize waste. SPORT Gabi Ruffels (OH 2017) Gabi is an amateur golfer based in the United States and recently became the first Australian to win the US Womens Amateur championship, despite only taking up the sport at 15 years of age. She is currently the 51st ranked women amateur in the world. Andrew Brayshaw (OH 2017) Andrew has just completed his second year in the AFL with the Fremantle Dockers. He debuted in the opening round of the 2018 season after being taken with pick 2 in the National draft. To date Andrew has played 39 matches for the Dockers and kicked 12 goals. STEM No winners in 2019.

OUTSTANDING YOUNG ALUMNI AWARDS HONOUR BOARD Arts 2013: Charlie Lim (OH 2005) 2014: Tom Bainbridge (OH 2008) and Madison Griffiths (OH 2012) 2015: Monique Mulcahy (OH 2013) 2016: Kieran Rafferty (OH 2012) 2017: Ben Burgess (OH 2012) 2018: Niran Dasika (OH 2011) and Edwin Kwong (OH 2013) Business 2013: Jared Hopping (OH 2007) and Ben Sze (OH 2002) 2014: Joanna Hawley (OH 2009) and Sahil Shekhar (OH 2007) 2015: Matthew Frenkel (OH 2009) 2016: Maddison Connaughton (OH 2010) and Brittany Drummond (OH 2010) 2017: Nicolette Kordos (OH 2010) 2018: Spencer Bignell (OH 2009) and Nicholas Donato (OH 2009) Community 2013: Tom Cross (OH 2009) 2014: Rebecca Hibbert (OH 2007) 2015: Amaya Hettige (OH 2010) 2016: Matt Hutson (OH 2012) 2017: Kenji Fujihara (OH 2013) 2018: Hannah Vuoung (OH 2013) Sport 2013: Victoria Na (OH 2008) 2014: Jack Gunston (OH 2009) 2015: Josh Beaver (OH 2011) and Laetisha Scanlan (OH 2007) 2016: Angus Brayshaw (OH 2013) and Gina Michael (OH 2012) 2017: Karl Amon (OH 2013) and Courtney Clarkson (OH 2009) 2018: Jordan Williamsz (OH 2009) and Jackson Coleman (OH 2010) STEM 2018: Melissa Adikari (OH 2008), Rhiannah Carver (OH 2007), Amy Dowel (OH 2007) and Qerime Alimovski (OH 2007)

OHA SPONSORS Major Sponsor The Old Haileyburians Association is once again indebted to our major sponsor, Mercedes – Benz Berwick for their support. Sponsorship from Mercedes-Benz Berwick allows the OHA the opportunity to provide its members with a high level of support along with subsidised prices to events and activities within the network. Mercedes-Benz Berwick is an outstanding brand and we encourage all members of the Haileybury community who are in the market for a prestige vehicle to contact Mike Buxton (OH ’82) on 0412 561 134 or at mikeb@mbberwick.com.au.

Haileybury Rendall School It all started with a toast to the School... Haileybury Rendall School Darwin celebrated its Valedictory Dinner where the OHA welcomed its newest members from the Graduating Class of 2019. The evening commenced with a ‘Toast to the School’ delivered by Mr Jack Haritos (OH 2019). This impressive young man took guests on a reflective journey of his time at the School, noting the enormous role the School had played in his life and that of his peers. “The timeless principles of determination, courage, grit and most critically, hard work have become particularly important for myself in the last two years of the VCE” Jack said.

Principal, Mr Craig Glass & some of the Class of 2019

Jack Haritos (OH 2019

Haileybury Rendall School, Class of 2019

STAY CONNECTED www.oha.org.au


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