Dootilh - December 2017

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December 2017

Wishing Haisla members all the best for Christmas and New Years

Merry Christmas from Chief and Council On behalf of Chief and

We’ve streamlined the

Council, we wish you a very

Council system, and we now

merry Christmas and a happy

have just two committees - the

new year.

Executive Committee,

It has been an exciting year,

responsible for matters more

and it feels like only yesterday

administrative within HNC, and

we ushered in 2017.

the Stakeholder Relations

From the Council side it’s been an eventful year, notably in the fact we completed our election in June.

Committee, which handles our partnerships. Brenda Duncan heads the Executive Committee as its

From left to right: Brenda Duncan, Crystal Smith, and Kevin Stewart.

This new arrangement has

Haisla members have a safe

Chair, and she is also the

worked very well to keep the

and happy Christmas and New

honoured to have been elected

Deputy Chief Councillor, as

business of HNC moving


as Chief Councillor and I work

selected by Council.


I remain entirely grateful and

with an amazing Council which

Kevin Stewart Chairs the

All of us on Council are

works hard to set the direction

Stakeholder Relations

excited for what opportunities

of HNC.


await in 2018, and we hope all

Accounting for EMBA Cohort


Northwest Community College is offering a

- Customized for each participant.

customized accounting class for those considering the

- Refresh students in accounting concepts

SFU Executive MBA Program.

- Advanced accounting concepts for EMBA program

The student will develop expertise in the area of


business accounting and an awareness of the protocol

January 9, 2018 to April 19, 2018

in business. This course is taught face to face.

7:00 pm to 8:30 pm


Business Communications

(Tuesday & Thursday)

Haisla Members contact the HNC Education office at 778-649-2025

Northwest Community College is offering a Business Communication (BENG 150) at our KVI campus. The student will develop expertise in the

- write good news letters, bad news letters, direct request letters, and persuasive request letters; - prepare a job application letter and a resume;

communications skills, both written and oral, and an

- write a memo in proper form;

awareness of the protocol in business. This course is

- prepare a formal report.

taught face to face.



January 8, 2018 to April 16, 2018

- apply the principles of business writing and

6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (Monday)

mechanics of writing;

Connect with the Education Department Haisla Nation Council Education Manager Tanya Rexin

and post secondary

in Kitimat & area

Throughout January



Cliff G ra n t

Contact Kailee to make an appointment: Email: Phone: 778-649-2025 ext. 6001

Academic Grade 12 and post-secondary students can meet with HNC’s


advisor 6-15

Contact Cliff directly to make an appointment: Cell: 250-639-5301 Email:

The Haisla Education department would like to recognize the Haisla students at MEMSS and KCH for making the Principal’s List, Honour Roll, and Honourable Mention. Congratulations and good luck with your future studies!

Kitimat City High Name



Bailey-Walker, Colleen Cross, Christian Morrison, Lance Peal, Liberty Beam, Adam Bolton, Kyra Bolton, Nathan Moon, Dakota Paul, Thomas Peters, Austin Bailey-Walker, Connor

12 11 11 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12

Principal’s List Principal’s List Principal’s List Principal’s List Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honourable Mention

Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary Name Award Grade Grant, Rashawn Silvester, Lyndsay Ridsdale, Mikkeila

12 12 8

Principal’s List Principal’s List Principal’s List

Gray, Brooke 7 Duncan, Shelby 10 Duncan, Trent 9 Gardiner, Korryn 8 Johnson, Hailey 7 Morgan, Darren 12 Morrison, Eaon 12 O’Brien, Cohen 7 Robinson, Madisyn 8 Smith, Elmer 11 Starr, Benjamin 12 Stevens, McKenna 9 Williams, Aric 10 Wilson, Hunter 12 Wilson, Markus 9 Woods-Robinson, Samuel 10 Grant, Steven 9 Smith, Rory 11

Principal’s List Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honour Roll Honourable Mention Honourable Mention

CO-DRIVER WORKSHOP For those who ride with driving students

DriveWiseBC is offering this co-driver workshop, for parents, guardians and spouses of enrolled students, will teach the terms and techniques instructors use in their course. This includes: the 6 Star DriveWise approach sub-habits, running commentary technique and important graduated licensing program information.

Promotes a safe and fun learning environment when codriving with a new driver Learn alongside other co-drivers in a great setting

December 13

Learn the techniques your new driver is learning to help with consistency

7 to 9 pm


Must be 19 years or older DriveWise BC is offering a Learner’s Preparation workshop to help you learn about the basics on the road – from road signs, traffic lights and intersections, and how to handle yourself and other drivers on the road. Nearly 50% of people fail their first attempt at the Knowledge test – this workshop is to prepare you to pass your knowledge test on the first try. The following is included:

- 2 hour workshop on how to pass your "L" test the first time!

December 14 4 to 6 pm

- Road Signs | Traffic Lights

Each is $10 a session Free for Haisla members

For ages 14 and older

- Intersections - Handling other road users

Call KVI to register for either: 250-639-9199 HAISLA NATION COUNCIL

Stan Hutchings and Karen Hansen

For those who don't already know them, Haisla Fisheries would like to formally introduce Stan Hutchings and Karen Hansen. Stan and Karen live aboard the vessel "Hawk Bay" and have been an important part of fisheries management in Haisla territory for more that 30 years. Both have worked with Haisla fisheries on annual salmon stock assessment projects, aquatic research, training, emergency response, marine use plans, and Haisla community initiatives including the Haisla Youth Cultural Camp and wa'wais cabin projects. If you see them in our harbour, be sure to say hello. They hold a wealth of experience and stories of the Haisla coast. They also continue to play an instrumental part in the success of many projects in support of the Haisla community and conservation. Thanks, Stan and Karen, for all you help in 2017 and all the best for the New Year!

Whale watching on the way to the Cultural Camp

MV Hawk Bay taking a load of wood to one of our cabins

The MV Hawk Bay at rest


You’re not alone if you need any support over the holidays Our outreach, wellness and counselling team with like to wish

Devin Thomas Pollitt 250-635-0980

Haisla Nation Members a Safe and Happy Christmas. Our team

Katharine Smith 250-631-6194

however understands that Christmas can be a difficult time for

Susan Viveiros 250-615-7532

some individuals due to a variety of different reason. If you need

"Regarding the FNHA Approved Counsellors, you call one of

support over the two weeks while HNC offices are closed

the counsellors to make an appointment directly. Please inform

(December 15 until January 2), here is how you can reach us:

them that you would like to make an appointment through the

James Harry can be reached at 1-604-833-2939 (Vancouver)

Indian Residential School program from the First Nations Health

Miriam Windsor can be reached at 250-639-7163 and will be in

Authority (FNHA), they will fill out a form. If you are using a

Kitamaat Village.

relative as an intergenerational link to IRS, you will need the

Jennifer Lagace can be reached by phone or text at 250-639-

relative's full name, birthdate and name of the residential school. You can call and ask questions until you find the one that sounds


like someone you would be comfortable with. If after seeing a Northwest Counselling - 250-638-8311

counsellor you decide that you would like to try someone else

List of First Nations Health Authority Approved Counsellors in

you can change and there is no problem."

the Local Area: The KUU-US Crisis Line Society operates a 24 hour provincial Ted Altar, 250-635-3888

aboriginal crisis line for Adults/Elders (250-723-4050),

Deborah McCooey 250-615-6548

Child/Youth (250-723-2040), and Toll Free Line (1-800-588-8717).

Joelle McKiernan 250-635-6707

We hope that the Christmas Holiday's bring you all the love and joy.




E S U O H N E P O 5

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HAISLA NATION COUNCIL Education and Employment

Revisions made on Patient Travel Top-Up program Last month, Haisla Nation Council approved a number of revisions to the Patient Travel Top Up Assistance Policy, on the recommendations of the Haisla Health Department.

allowances reduced to two-thirds the full rate after two weeks, and to one half after 28 days. Now, the rate does not reduce at all, except for a review and a

This policy reflects the ‘top-up’ portion that Haisla Nation Council provides to supplement the allowances provided through the First Nations Health Authority for medical travel.

reassessment required after any stay longer than four weeks. Other adjustments include specifying that persons such as Elders, and those with disabilities should be placed, as possible,

If you have questions about the entire contents of the policy you are welcome to get in touch with the Haisla Health

on direct flights to their destinations, avoiding any layovers. It’s also worth noting that it is always possible that the First

Department at 250-632-3600, but there are a number of

Nations Health Authority declines to pay any assistance to

highlights we’d like to share now.

people, even if they had provided a doctor’s note on the matter.

One, the policy allows in certain instances for the meal

Persons using Patient Travel Top-Up are always asked to

allowance top-up portion to be paid to non-status spouses acting submit paperwork to the Haisla Health Centre once received. It is as escorts for Haisla members.

up to the patient to ensure the doctor’s office submits any travel

For instance, if a Haisla member travels as a patient, and their spouse is not a Status First Nations member, that spouse can still be eligible for meal expenses as the patient’s escort. Second, adjustments have been made to how the top-up allowance depreciates over time. In the original policy, meal

forms to the Patient Travel office, and patients must also return to Patient Travel the confirmation the appointment was fulfilled. For emergencies only (which are after hours or on weekends), patients can contact Patient Travel at 250-639-6695, or 250-8000444

Cook and Chat A group for young women to meet and socialize in a safe and secure environment

g: n i t e e m First 24 y r a u n Ja m 4 to 6 p Haisltaion Educfaice Of 606 view in t a t n u o M , Kitima Sq.


na n e J l Emai ard at Poll ollard .p l jenna org or cal s. to @nifc279-0734 250- egister r : s are r o t a t i ) Facil IFCS N ( d r Polla a r n n e J ndso i W m NC) Miria H ( e c a r Lag e f i n n Je

The monthly statistics from the Kitimat RCMP /Submitted by Const. J. Dava The Kitimat RCMP responded to 17 calls-for-service during the

through a dumpster dive or through more sophisticated means

month of November 2017 which is an increase from the number

using technology such as phishing, skimming, malware, spyware

of calls-for-service compared to November 2016 (12 calls-for-

and viruses.

service). As of this reporting period, there have been a total of

While consumers do not suffer direct financial losses, they can

194 calls-for-service from January to November 2017. A slight

spend hours alerting financial institutions and the credit

increase from the same time-frame in 2016 where there were a

bureaus. Additionally, they may have difficulty obtaining credit or

total of 196 calls-for-service from January to November 2016.

re-establishing a good credit rating in the future.

During this reporting period, Kitimat RCMP officers made a total

Warning Signs - How to Protect Yourself:

of approx. 37 patrols within the Kitamaat Village area.

- Be wary of unsolicited emails, phone calls or mail asking for personal or financial information. - Be aware of creditors or collection agency calls about an application or account you do not have.

Identity Theft refers to the collection or acquisition of someone

- Stay current. Check your bank and credit card statements

else's personal information to conduct other criminal activities. Identity Theft can occur through the telephone, email, regular

monthly and report any suspicious activity. Report any missing

mail or the internet.

mail or statements right away.

Identity Fraud is the actual use of another person's information, living or deceased, in connection with fraud. This includes impersonation and the misuse of debit or credit card data. Fraudsters use a range of techniques to acquire a consumer's identity. It can be as simple as obtaining personal information

Why do people change after Stroke, Concussion, or

- Shred all personal and financial documents. - Obtain a credit report once a year for free through the two credit bureaus, Equifax and TransUnion. If you think you or someone you know has been a victim of fraud, please contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888495-8501 or report online at

Wednesday December 13 7 to 9 pm Kitimat General Hospital, Multi-purpose room

Brain Injury? What can you do to help them? Brain injury affect the whole family, but there is Help. There is Hope. Join a free presentation being held on:

No pre-registration required. For more information contact Tekah Sabal, at 250-641-4673

Income Assistance cheques dates The January 2018 Income Assistance cheques will be

If you miss December 14, recipients will have to wait until

disbursed on Thursday, December 14. Social development January 2 to receive theirs, when HNC offices re-open after and HNC staff will be busy delivering Christmas Hampers.

the winter break.


LICENSE OPPORTUNITIES The Haisla Fisheries Commission manages communal and commercial fishing licenses for




on behalf of Haisla Nation Council.

If you are interested in fishing these licenses or participating in training opportunities available through these licenses in 2018, please contact the HFC office. 250-639-9361 extension 207

Deadline is December 11

News and updates from nee n’wagilas yowtz, Our heartfelt condolences go to our grieving families.

We want to thank Haisla Nation Council and staff for all you

Continued prayers for our shut-ins, our elders, those that are do for us elders. ill at home or in hospital, to our xaisla community. It has been a trying year for our xaisla community but we are xaisla strong, we want to thank you all. When the going gets tough we stick together.

We wish your Christmas be Merry and New Year be Happy. You all be safe, look after one another. We love you all. See you next year. wa

E-mails are generally sent out each Monday to Haisla members who have subscribed, with information about upcoming events or activities that may be of interest from HNC or from other organizations. Send an e-mail to Cameron at if you’d like to join too!

A message of thanks from Allister Nyce Memorial Basketball Tournament Committee On behalf of the Allister Nyce memorial basketball tournament one of Allister’s former coaches as first aid. Thank you. Spirit of committee wed like to thank all that took part in playing in the

the Kitlope dance group for welcoming everyone into our

second annual tournament this year. Was a great get together

beautiful territory and the blanket dance, it was great to have you

with friends and family from a far. The committee would like to

a part. To all those that contributed financially to the tournament

thank some key people that helped the

most notably, Northwest Inter-Nation

tournament run successfully:

Family Community Services who helped with a financial contribution to the

The best people in the world the referees, without you this tournament

tournament, to all those that helped

wouldn't be a success thank you all for

purchase trophies and player of the game

the weekend.

shirts. The looks on kids faces all weekend was worth it. And lastly to Keith

Score keepers much like the officials with out you the tournament wouldn't

Nyce I can't thank you enough for

be a huge success thank you. Too all

allowing me to name the tournament

the people that took billets into their

after my brother Allister, I know it was

home and showed true Haisla

hard but you have no idea how much this

hospitality, we appreciate it all very

means to a lot of people thank you Keith

much you have no idea how much you helped out and lifted a

and the entire Nyce family. Year 2 was a huge success and we

huge weight off our shoulders. To the busiest man in the

look forward to many more years to come in this tournament.

building that weekend Alex Grant Sr., he was the first aid

Wa, thank you all once again.

attendant for us. You have no idea how happy we were to have

Information on the Haisla United Church Service every Sunday at 7:00 pm (unless posted on Facebook) - Vern Grant & Danny Martin **Please join us for coffee/tea and light refreshments after the service. *HUC is run by volunteers. New members are always welcome! All rental and donations go towards all

walk through, you will receive your cleaning/damage deposit back. - $50.00 cleaning/damage deposit required for all events. - $100.00 rental fees for all functions. This is up to 4 hours per rental.

necessary bills to keep the Church running for the Haisla

- $200.00 for 8 hours.


- $300.00 for all day/evening

*Depending on availability, HUC is available for

To rent the basement, please contact Minnie @250-632-

workshops, conferences, dinners, grads, family functions, 2555, Bobbie @250-632-4973 etc.

We would like to thank all those who have continued to rent the basement for their functions. Thank you for all

*Both cleaning/damage deposit and full payment are

your donations towards the Haisla United Church.

required before your event. A volunteer will do a full walk


through with you before and after your rental. After last

Haisla United Church Volunteers

Haislakala Learner’s Group

Wednesday, December 13 HNC Large Boardroom 6:30 pm

Learn to speak the Haisla language in a fun, educational setting. We’ll be recording our words as we go.



Ikaiqelas Nikwililas


Education & Employment Office

Haisla Community School

Merry Christmas and Best Fishes for 2018 from the Haisla Fisheries Crew!

May your Christmas be merry and your New Years be happy! From, nee n’wagilas. (Haisla Elders Centre)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Lands and Environment Department!

Health Department

Administration Support

From all the departments in Haisla Nation Council, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

c’imo’ca Child Care Centre

Finance Department

Community Development and Public Works



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