Dootilh December 2016
NORTHERN NO GATEWAY PIPELINE The Haisla Nation celebrated the federal
the environmental integrity of our land, waters and
government’s announcement that it will not
resources for future generations. We have long said
undertake further consultations on Enbridge’s
that this is the wrong project, moving the wrong
Northern Gateway Pipeline Project.
product, through the wrong Territory. We are
“We raised profound concerns about this project
hugely relieved and gratified that the efforts of a
as early as 2005,” says Crystal Smith, Acting Chief
succession of Haisla Nation Councils and of our
Councillor. “We took the steps necessary to protect
people as a whole have been successful, and that this
The Haisla Christmas dinners / Pages 4-8
Face painting at Light Up Kitimat / Page 9
Supporting the Food Bank / Page 10
Christmas Greetings/ Pages 14-15
project is not going to proceed.” Canada, under the former federal administration, conditionally approved Northern Gateway, forcing the Haisla Nation, along with many other Aboriginal Nations and environmental groups, to turn to the Courts. On June 23, 2016, the Federal Court of
“We took the steps necessary to protect the environmental integrity of our land, waters and resources for future generations.”
Appeal condemned Canada’s failure, under the former government, to consult with and “Our Territory is open for business,” Smith
accommodate Aboriginal Nations as required by Canada’s Constitution. The Court set aside
explains. “We have an obligation to our people,
Northern Gateway’s Certificate.
however, to ensure that we only support businesses that are sustainable and do not pose insurmountable
The simultaneous announcement of the North
hazards to our natural environment.”
Coast crude oil tanker ban adds further protection
“This is a victory not just for the Haisla Nation
for Haisla Nation waters and seashores while allowing transportation of more environmentally
but for all of British Columbia. We extend our
friendly substances like liquefied natural gas [LNG]
heartfelt thanks to the other Aboriginal Nations who
to proceed.
challenged this project, to the citizens of Kitimat who voted in a plebiscite to say no to Northern
The Haisla Nation supports LNG exports through its Territory and is economically integrated
Gateway, and to all those many British Columbians
into several LNG export ventures at various stages
who stood with us in this struggle to protect a truly
of development.
unique and pristine ecosystem.”
All of Haisla Nation Council wishes you and your family the best for Christmas and New Years 3
Haisla Celebrate Christmas Vancouver
Kitamaat Village
Prince Rupert
Want to see more pictures from each of the dinners? The albums for each are posted to the ‘Haisla Nation - HNC’ Facebook page. If you’re are not already a member, request to join or have a current member invite you, and once you’re confirmed on the band list you’ll be added.
The community of Kitimat enjoyed the Light Up Kitimat festival on November 27. The c’imo’ca Head Start Centre and the Kitimat Child Development Centre partnered up for this face painting station during the event. As can be seen in the above photos the station proved very popular that evening.
Church services in the Village Ya’uc!
Wednesdays at 7 pm - Teaching, worship, prayer.
We invite our Haisla people and friends to our
May you experience the supernatural presence of
Sunday and Wednesday evening services. Come and experience the amazing presence of Almighty God,
God Most High every day of this New Year. God
through our fellowship as believers, our praise and
Bless you anre your family as you seek Him and His
worship time, through his Holy Spirit and His Holy
sovereign will for you.
Word - both living and written.
Sundays at 7 pm - Worship, prayer, preaching
- Bill Wilson 9
Acting Chief Councillor Crystal Smith presents a $2,500 cheque on behalf of HNC to the Kitimat Food Bank, represented by Food Bank President Marjorie Phelps (left) and Christmas Hamper CoChair Pearl Lennox.
For the Food Bank
Nee n’wagilas
Residential Day Schools Had you attended a federally-owned and operated Residential School? Did you attend said residential school during the day then go home every night? If you answered yes to both question then you qualify as a Day Scholar and may submit your information to the Day Scholar Class Action Suit that is being run by the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc, Sechelt and James Bay Cree Nations. Receive a form from Hazel or Rhonda at the Haisla Nation Council offices. (Rhonda is extension 102, Hazel is Ext. 103) The information collected will be used by the class action to help with the negotiation phase, but the forms are no a formal application for compensation.
Lily Tsuji on her ‘Harley D’! / Photo from Elders Centre
The deadline for this has been extended, and forms can be submitted into mid-January 2017.
Take Home Naloxone Kits Fentanyl related deaths are rapidly increasing in North America. In British Columbia alone the deaths related to fentanyl are up over 25%. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is used medically to manage chronic pain and as an anaesthetic. Both pharmaceutical and illicit fentanyl can be abused. One of the biggest problems is that it is being mixed with the other drugs such as heroin, crystal meth, cocaine and even marijuana. People that are using the other illicit drugs are not aware that the drug they are using is laced with Fentanyl which is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. In response to the fentanyl crisis the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control has started the Take Home Naloxone program. They have 11
made up kits that can be distributed to drug users in communities across British Columbia. These kits have the drug naloxone in them with needles to administer it in an overdose situation. The naloxone works in the body and reverses the effects of the fentanyl. For more information you can visit or contact the Haisla Health Centre. The Haisla Health Centre is now an official Take Home Naloxone site. The Haisla Nation Volunteer Fire Department and Gya' Wa' Tlaab Healing Centre have had some of the Take Home Naloxone training and have kits on hand. If you would like the training or need a kit please contact Laura at the Haisla Health Centre, or 250-632-3600.
Take the ultimate cold bath on January 1 Start off your New Years will a refreshing bath in
Arm. This is the 4th one we've come to and it has
the Douglas Channel. The fourth annual
been growing every year‌ If you're going to be in
Kitamaat/Kitimat Polar Bear Swim has been set for
the area on New Years Day, come to see us and join
1 pm January 1 at the Haisla Marina boat launch.
us in a traditional cleansing in the balmy 2 degree
There is a Facebook event page if you are on social
waters of the Kitimat Arm. Hot dogs, coffee, hot
media, but here are the details as presented on the
chocolate will be provided and the welcoming arms
page, created by Trevor Amos:
of the local Haisla Nation will be glad to have you.
The time is near for our annual dip in the Kitimat
Turkey thanks from Social Development The December 6 turkey delivery in Kitamaat
Hazel Annibal were pleased to make the deliveries
Village was made possible through funding from
to households in the community. They also thank
the National Child Tax Benefit, which is provided
the support of their team of helpers: Marilyn Fur-
for on-reserve families only. Due to funding cuts
lan and Dustin Gaucher; Annie and Sterling Mor-
this is the final year of turkey deliveries in Kita-
gan; Kim Stewart and Carolyn Ringham; Elaine
maat Village. Haisla Nation Council’s Social Devel- Maitland and Chris Wilson; Rosanna Stewart and opment department of Rhonda Schulmeister and 12
Laura Olsson; Lorne Henry and Alex Robinson.
The Job Coaches wish the Haisla Nation a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
Season’s greetings from the folks in Haisla Nation Council’s administration building.
HNC’s Finance Department (at right is: Lloyd Kim, Eliza Bolton, and Michele Migneault) and HNC’s Computer Technician Trevor Woods (far left) wish everyone a Merry Christmas. (Missing from photo is: Lily Wilson, Ada Ringham, Deb Grant and Stacey Smith.) 14
From our family to yours - Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year. From the Lands and Resources Department: Howard Vroon (NRS Environmental Liaison), Chris Wilson (Environmental Steward), Brent Robinson (Lands Administrator), Candice Wilson (Environmental Biologist), Tracey Ross (Consultation Coordinator), & Whitney Lukuku (Lands & Resources Manager).
On behalf of my family, wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. - Jason, Isabel, and Lia
A very merry Christmas from the c’imo’ca Head Start Childcare Centre crew! 15
Happy Holidays (and some notes) from the Community Development department Happy Holidays from Community Development Department! - Please remember to move all vehicles, RV's, Buses, Boats and Trailers off of the street & into your property. We will not be responsible for damages to all left on the streets during snow removal. - Big Congratulations goes out to our Taylor Wilson, Clyde Smith, Prescott Bolton and Darryl Bolton who passed and received their Heavy Equipment Operators Certification, way to go!
- Garbage pick-up during the Christmas break will be Monday Dec 19th, and Tuesday December 27th. - Emergency contact during the holidays is Andy Bolton at 250-639-3741 - Nechako North Coast is for road condition reporting: 1-800-665-5051 - For any Emergencies including Fire, Ambulance and Police please call 911 and have the physical address ready.
Don’t you spigot about me Winterizing your hose bib Disconnect First things first, no matter what kind of hose bibs you have, freeze proof or not, it is very important to remove hoses, splitters or connections from the spigot during the winter. Not removing hoses or any other connections from the hose bib can trap water and can therefore surely cause the fixture to freeze. This is always a difficult step to take because most people will want to use the outside water until the very point when freezing weather begins. It's best to pre-empt the cold weather by disconnecting hoses early since even one night of freezing weather can cause a break in a the pipes. Inspect The next step to winterize outside faucets is leak detection and repair. Check all hose bibs, yard hydrants and other fixtures for leaks and drips. If 16
you do find any leaks or drips repair or replace the fixture before the temperature drops to freezing. Water dripping, no matter how slowly, can block up and freeze in the pipe or fixture. Although a frozen outdoor faucet may not be apparent until the next season it may be possible to minimize the damage by repairing the leak before the winter. Drain Getting as much water out of the pipes is the second step to winterize outdoor faucets. If you have a hose bib that is not freeze proof the best way to do this is to shut off that line if possible and drain it down. If you cannot isolate the water supply to hose bib to shut it off be sure to use extra insulation in the next step. For a frost free hose bib or a yard hydrant this step isn't necessary since the fixture design keeps
water well back away from the end of the spigot. Just as with regular hose bibs, however, hoses and other attachments should be removed from frost free hose bibs and yard hydrants before the winter or they may not drain down properly.
however, the hose bib cover will provide enough insulation.
Protect The last step to winterize outdoor faucets is to protect them with insulation. An easy way to do this is to install a hose bib cover on each outdoor fixture including frost free hose bibs. Hose bib covers are square or dome shaped to fit right over outdoor faucets. They are made of thick foam so they are quite effective at keeping most of the cold away from the valve. When covering regular hose bibs that could not be drained extra insulation can be installed inside the hose bib cover to keep it warm and dry throughout the winter. In most situations,
Frost free hose bibs should be covered as well because although they are resistant to freezing they are not completely frost proof in the coldest weather. There are rubber gaskets and washers inside the frost free hose bibs that will benefit from the extra protection from the cold that a hose bib cover can provide. Hose bib covers can be found in most hardware or home improvement stores and are very inexpensive and easy to install. Covers can usually be reused for several years so they are a good long term purchase. For just a few dollars per fixture you can winterize outside faucets quickly and then move on to the other winterizing plumbing tasks that are necessary if you live in a cold climate.
Learning about Canada Child Benefit The Government of Canada introduced the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) to replace previous child benefits, including the Universal Child Care Benefit, the Canada Child Tax Benefit and the National Child Benefit Supplement. The CCB is a tax-free monthly payment for eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age.
(generally over $150,000) will receive less than under the previous system - Much more generous - families benefiting will see an average increase of almost $2,300 in the 2016-17 benefit year How much will you get? There are two main factors that determine how much you will get:
Although the Canada Child Tax Benefit and the Universal Child Care Benefit are no longer being issued, you can still request an adjustment for previous years, if you were eligible.
- The number of children in your care and their ages - Your adjusted family net income You can get annual payments of up to: - $6,400 for each child under the age of 6 - $5,400 for each child aged 6 through 17
The CCB is: - Simpler - most families will receive a single payment every month
Families with less than $30,000 in net income will get the maximum benefit. As your income increases over $30,000, the payment will be reduced until it reaches zero.
- Tax-free - families will not have to pay taxes on payments received when they file their tax returns - Better targeted to those who need it most low- and middle-income families will get higher payments, and those with the highest incomes
Continued on page 20
Tips to upkeep your home What can I do to prevent mould and moisture indoors? - Keep your house dry. - Ensure every room in your house is adequately heated. - Prevent and repair leaks. - Use bathroom exhaust fans. - Use range hood fans. - Store firewood outside. - Act quickly to keep small problems from getting bigger. Have you noticed mould in your home? Mould in your home can affect your health and the health of your family. Check your home for signs of mould. - Sometimes mould cannot be seen. - A musty or earthy smell often indicates the presence of mould. - Even when you don't notice a smell, there are other signs you should look out for. Wet spots, dampness or signs of a water leak mean there are moisture problems, and mould may follow. Cleaning mould in your home - Small amounts of mould in a house are common and are easy to take care of if you catch it early. - You can clean up small areas of mould yourself if you are healthy. - Do not clean it up yourself if you suffer from asthma, tuberculosis or other respiratory disease; have a virus or infection such as a cold or a flu; or if you are pregnant. - Cleaning is temporary and mould will come back if you do not take care of the source of moisture and dampness. - You can help prevent mould by keeping your home dry. Mould Prevention Controlling moisture and keeping your home dry is key to preventing mould growth. Here are a few steps you can take to reduce and control moisture 18
sources: - Do not hang wet clothes to dry inside your house. - Install and use exhaust fan in your bathroom. - Do not store firewood indoors. - Do not use a humidifying device on your furnace. - Repair leaky appliances, plumbing pipes and fixtures as soon as possible. Take action to prevent mould in your home! - Remove items that may get wet, stay wet and cause mould to grow in your home. - Reduce the amount of materials stored against exterior walls, especially in the basement and in closets. - Do not store firewood inside the home. - Remove carpets in the bathrooms and basements, use water resistant materials such as tiles instead. - Install and use a dehumidifier in the basement throughout the summer. - Avoid storing items in cardboard boxes on basement floors. Fire Prevention Tips Help prevent fires in your home and minimize damage when a fire starts by: - Ensuring wood stoves are installed properly. - Storing firewood at least 30 feet from the home. - Having your chimneys inspected annually. - Never leaving burning candles unattended and keeping candles out of reach of children. Lifesaving fire safety tips Following these fire safety tips can help minimize damage and save lives when a fire starts in your home: - Plan an escape route in case of fire and rehearse your plan with family members. - Ensure you have an easily accessible alternative exit if the first exit is blocked by fire. - Install smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide (CO) sensors and check them regularly to ensure they are working properly.
The HNC Job Coaches congratulate the Haisla members who wrote their Heavy Equipment Operator exam recently. Above are (left to right): Ledcor trainer Keith Schmidt, Ty Smith, Everett Windsor, Brandon Wakita, Devin Bolton, Morgan Grant, Darnell Woods, Darrin Maitland, Billy Hunt, and Industry Training Authority’s Crystal Bouchard.
- Keep a fire extinguisher in a convenient location. Make sure it is in working condition and you know how to use it.
cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and then washed with mild soap and water before being replaced. Older units have replaceable filters. If your HRV is easily accessible, this is a five-minute job.
Maintain your heat recovery ventilator (HRV)
Excess moisture can lead to indoor air quality problems
Your heat recovery ventilator (HRV) can help make your house a clean, healthy living environment, while keeping fuel bills down. But your HRV can't do all this without your help. Your HRV should be serviced annually.
Excess moisture can result in moisture problems, which can lead to air quality problems in your home. Over time, if the air in your house is too humid and is not vented outdoors, the result may be damage to your health, the house structure, and your possessions.
Don't forget to clean your HRV filters Dirty or clogged filters can lower ventilation efficiency of your Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV). Try to clean your filters at least every two months. Filters in most new HRVs can be easily removed,
Controlling humidity in your home is the best way to prevent mould problems. 19
Child Benefit, continued
The Kitimat-area’s Nechako Toastmasters club - which held a special meeting in the Haisla Nation Council administration building in March this year - continues to welcome any persons seeking to improve their communications and leadership skills. Members of Toastmasters are provided educational materials for two aspects of the club; developing communication, and developing leadership.
Are you eligible? To be eligible for the CCB, you must be the primary person responsible for the care and upbringing of the child. Go to Canada child benefit - Before you apply for more information on eligibility. How do you apply? If you already get child benefits and have filed your 2015 taxes, you will have started receiving the new CCB automatically as of July 2016.
Leadership takes the form of taking on roles within the club, including chairing the meetings or being the “Master” of portions of it, such as TableTopics.
If you do not currently receive child benefits and you have a child under 18, you can apply for the CCB using one of the following options:
The Communication track has members performing prepared speeches, each one geared to a certain aspect of speech giving.
- the online service "Apply for Child Benefits" on My Account
- the Automated Benefits Application for newborns
- Fill out Form RC66, Canada Child Benefits Application and mail it to the Canada Revenue Agency.
People are welcome to attend Toastmasters meetings to better understand how it works before any commitment to join.
To apply, you will need: - our Social Insurance Number (SIN)
The Nechako Toastmasters meets the first and third Thursdays of each month, at 7 pm in the Kitimat General Hospital’s multi-purpose room. Find them on Facebook to learn more.
- our 2015 income tax assessment For general information on any federal government program or service, please visit or call 1 800 OCANADA (1-800-622-6232).
Calendar Church services at the Haisla United Church Evening Services 7:00 pm every Sunday Music lead by: Dan Martin
Haisla Nation Council offices will be closed after December 16, re-opening January 3
haisla_nation 22
Haisla Nation Council reserves the right to accept or decline to publish submissions.