Kingfisher Newsletter Aug 2014

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Kingfisher Halcyon Landing

A publication by Halcyon

August 2014


Saturday 30 August

See you there Saturday 30 August

10:00am – 1:00pm RSVP Contact the Sales Centre on 1800 050 050

The gates will be open from 10:00am until

community’s spectacular Recreation Club and

1:00pm and you’re welcome to come along

facilities and meet some of the home owners

and have at look at the community Judged

who already call Halcyon Landing home.

Australia’s Best. Join in on the fun and

It’s also a great chance to soak up some of

excitement at the Open Day on Saturday 30

Halcyon’s famous hospitality, with a sausage

August where plans for the final release of

sizzle, coffee and the popular ice cream van,

homes will be unveiled. Visitors can tour the

always a favourite on Open Days.

Halcyon Landing Halcyon Landing

cyon Landing 1


page 3

The Grand Finale Release 1

pages 4 & 5

A community evolves

Kingfisher Halcyon Landing

Special interest groups and new hobbies are all the rage! The latest and definitely one of the most

Another new start up group that is attracting

popular new special interest groups within the

a lot of attention is the ‘Girls in the Shed’

community is… line dancing! A group of more

woodworking group. Classes have only just

than 40 boot-scootin’ aficionados rarely miss

begun and the ladies will be trained on all the

their Wednesday evening and now Saturday

tools in the fully equipped Workshed.

morning sessions in the Recreation Club.

Normally the domain of the men, the ladies

Guided and tutored by one of the home

are planning to start off with some small

owners who is a seasoned line dancer, they

projects for the kitchen such as wooden

learn a new routine each week and practice

stirring spoons and breadboards.

ones they have learnt previously.

So whether it’s busting a move on the dance

Both men and women attend this popular

floor or carving a groove on the woodwork,

class that is not just great for fitness, but also

there’s always something new to learn and

for mental training, memory and is simply

try at Halcyon Landing, with a broad range of

loads of fun.

special interest groups to choose from.

Time to ‘re-imagine’

Leading Australian social commentator, Bernard Salt addresses future home owners


A crowd of 100 were on hand to hear Bernard

Along with ‘big picture’ demographics

Salt speak at a recent Halcyon function. A

analysis, he also spoke of how baby boomers

high-profile Melbourne-based Partner with

are, “Re-imagining how they live their lives.”

the global advisory firm KPMG and founder

Longer life expectancy means more and

of KPMG Demographics, Bernard is widely

more are opting to downshift, selling their

regarded as one of Australia’s leading social

home and releasing equity to begin the

commentators by business, the media and

process of ‘re-imagining.’

the broader community.

Mr Salt’s research indicates a shift towards

His insightful and often laugh-out-loud

lifestyle communities like Halcyon Landing.

funny presentation captivated the audience

Nowadays it’s about having somewhere

of ‘baby boomers’, honing in on the

secure to lock and leave, travel, family and

trends and mindset of their generation.



The final curtain call...

Grand Finale R e l e a s e

An artist’s impression of the Special design home

Eagerly awaited and highly anticipated, the final

All homes in the Release come with an 8-Star

leafy forest outlook to the east. Home owners

release represents the very last opportunity

energy rating, keeping the home warmer in

in the Grand Finale Release will also benefit

to purchase a new home at Australia’s best

winter and cooler in summer, whilst using less

from close proximity to the upgraded River

over 50’s lifestyle community. The ‘Grand

energy. Unique to the Grand Finale Release,

Markets Shopping Centre. Popping out to the

Finale Release’ is made up of only 18 homes

each home has been upgraded from 1.5kW

shops is just a short, convenient walk from the

and showcases some of Halcyon’s best, most

to 2.25kW, an increase of 50% for each

front door.

popular designs. From the functional Ninderry


to the spectacular new Grand Peregrine and

Nestled in the South East corner of the gated

a unique one-of-a-kind ‘special’ design home,

community, the Release makes the most of

the Release has something for everyone.

views with a pocket park to the west and a

Open Day Saturday 30 August

10:00am – 1:00pm RSVP Contact the Sales Centre on 1800 050 050

An artist’s impression of the Grand Peregrine design home


To see the plans for this exciting final release of homes, phone the Sales Centre today or come to the Open Day on 30 August.

Kingfisher Halcyon Landing

Halcyon Landing, the evolution of a community... From the early days Halcyon Landing was always set to be something special. First home owners John and Janet Quaill have seen the dream turn into reality as Halcyon Landing has become a community in the true sense of the word. Along the way there have been several milestones including a local Sunshine Coast ‘Glossies’ award and being recognised as the first retirement community in Australia to receive the coveted six–leaf EnviroDevelopment certification. In two short years the home owners have supported over 25 charities including the amazing achievement of a top 30 ranking for their efforts in ‘The World’s Greatest Shave’ for the Leukemia Foundation. Halcyon Landing also scooped the pool at the Queensland UDIA awards for excellence, winning four titles including the President’s award before going on to win Australia’s Best Seniors’ Living 2014. In the words of Project Director Chris Carley, “It’s not about building a development, it’s about building a community.”



Australia’s Best Seniors’ Living


Kingfisher Halcyon Landing

5-Star lifestyle with a 10-Star rating Halcyon





insulation, amongst other items.

boundaries, creating the first 8-Star energy

The trick to reaching the coveted rating

rated homes to be built in a retirement

however was in the glass. Although double

community and always at the leading edge of

glazing would be the solution, it was too


expensive to consider realistically. The answer

That’s now been taken a step further

lay in a laminated, high transparency, neutrally

after Halcyon Landing Project Director,

coloured, low emissivity (low-e) glass!

Chris Carley proposed a 10-Star energy

This is where Them’s engineer’s eye for

rated home to Them and Martina Themsen,

detail took over. He went to the glass

something that particularly appealed to Them,

manufacturers and collected samples before

a recently retired Engineer.

taking them to Project Director Chris Carley,

It all began when the Themsens secured a

who then arranged for a meeting with the

prized site with a lovely north east treed

window frame suppliers.

outlook with a unique ‘special’ design. “I decided

Although it was a first for all parties, a

to investigate how the star rating system works

particular low-e glass that has an infused

and downloaded the government manual. I

metallic coating was chosen. The high-tech

read up on it and became enthused about the

product is designed to be reflective yet still let

whole idea,” said Them.

a lot of natural light through.

Them, a man who admits to loving a challenge

Both Them and Martina are eagerly looking

Them and Martina Themsen

and doing the research to back it up, couldn’t

forward to moving into their new home in the

resist. So he and wife Martina agreed to the

When they move in they will be amongst

next few months, and they can thank one of

10-Star concept that included additional ceiling

familiar faces having met some of their new

their neighbours for introducing them to the

fans, an extra two solar panels and more

neighbours socially. “We have also been

Halcyon concept.

backwards and forwards to Halcyon Landing

They visited Halcyon Waters initially and

quite a bit because our friends already live

researched other options where they

there. We have been to some official functions

discovered their dislike of exit fees before

and happy hours so we have met many people

Saturday 30 August

turning their attention to Halcyon Landing.

already,” said Them.

10:00am – 1:00pm

“To us Halcyon stood out, but the real test

The couple like that they were able to make

was when we literally walked around the

some amendments to the ‘Special’ house

RSVP Contact the Sales Centre on 1800 050 050

community and spoke to the people who

design to suit their requirements prior to

lived there and they were very, very positive.

construction of the 10-Star home.

That was the moment for us,” said Martina.

Location was another strong point for the

The delightful couple arrived in Australia from

Themsens, with the airport close by a bonus

Holland back in 1967, originally setting up

for their children who are spread out around

home in Longreach where they raised a family

the country and overseas. They also like the

before moving to Brisbane in 1997.

convenience of the upgraded shops, just a

Them, who retired just last year, plans to

short walk from home.

make the most of their new home and

The frequent travellers also realise that they

lifestyle as does Martina, who has heard of the

can rest easy when they are away on holidays,

many hobby and interest groups on offer at

safe in the knowledge that somebody is

Halcyon Landing.

keeping an eye on things at home.

Open Day



A perfect day on the green... Perfect weather conditions and blue skies greeted 80 home owners who turned up ready for a fun roll on the grass at the community green! The group included a mix of experienced bowlers and total beginners under the watchful eye of local bowls shop owner and coach, Paul Henricks. After some helpful tips, the 25 beginners teamed up with the experienced bowlers and the fun began. The coach was more than impressed with how quickly most beginners took to the game with some showing a natural talent for bowls. Of the 25 who tried the game for the first time, 17 are now being mentored and coached by experienced bowls coaches within the community. The day ended with a BBQ and a special prize draw of bowls associated gift packs.

Halcyon marathon team preparing for a fun day out! When it comes to competing in local

Training started at Halcyon Landing back in

marathon events, Halcyon home owners are

June with team members able to meet up

amongst the most enthusiastic, fielding some

and walk together around the community’s

of the largest corporate teams to enter. The

walking trail. Fortunately one home owner

2014 Sunshine Coast Marathon is no different

marked out all the tracks and distances

with 110 Halcyon team members entered

and most team members are diligently

and counting! This year, for the first time, new

following the training schedule set out on the

home owners from Halcyon Glades will join

marathon website.

their sister communities from Caloundra and

Once again a huge Halcyon support team will

Bli Bli for the event. It’s all about having fun

be turning up help cook the BBQ, rehydrate

with friends, team spirit and generally ‘having

and cheer on the team as they arrive at the

a go’ whilst raising funds for a good cause.

finish line and the Halcyon Marquee.


Kingfisher Halcyon Landing

Home owners celebrate in style Fresh from taking home the coveted UDIA National award for Australia’s Best Seniors’ living 2014, Halcyon Landing has hosted a very special awards night of its own. The gala affair was to celebrate the big win and hand out awards to the home owners who live in the gated Bli Bli community. More than 180 home owners dressed to the nines and graced the red carpet at the black tie event held in the community’s lavish Recreation Club. Much to the delight of the single ladies, a ‘hunk’ was on hand to escort them down the red carpet. The married ladies didn’t miss out however, with more than a few queuing up for their photo opportunity too! The Rec Club was specially decorated and transformed for the evening that included live music and a delicious three course sit down meal. Nine special awards were presented to home owners to commemorate the night, including environmental, fitness and green thumb awards amongst others.

Halcyon Landing Halcyon Landing 27 Waigani Street, Bli Bli Qld 4560 Freecall 1800 050 050 Halcyon Glades 161 Pumicestone Road, Caboolture North, Qld 4510 Freecall 1800 814 567 Vision by Halcyon 27-29 Grant Avenue, Hope Island Qld 4212 Freecall 1800 831 567

30 August 10:00am–1:00pm RSVP Contact the Sales Centre on 1800 050 050



Halcyon Parks 42 Meridan Way, Caloundra Qld 4551 Freecall 1800 007 280 Photographs and illustrations are intended to be a visual aid only. Halcyon gives no warranty and makes no representation to the accuracy or sufficiency of any description, illustration, photograph or statement contained in this publication and accepts no liability for any loss suffered by any person who relies wholly or partly upon the information presented. All information is subject to change without notice.


Open Day Saturday

Halcyon Waters 1 Halcyon Way, Hope Island Qld 4212 Freecall 1800 626 488

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