5 minute read
Publisher's Thoughts
JAN SOUTHERN Owner/Publisher Jan@JDelSURMarketing.com
TONYA PERRY Operations Manager Tonya@JDelSURMarketing.com
HEATHER WILLAMSON Sales Heather@JDelSURMarketing.com
PENNY REDMOND Distribution
A special thank you to writer/editor MICHAEL BROWN
Effingham Magazine is proudly produced by:
P.O. Box 2328 Rincon, GA 31326 (912) 295-5406 EffinghamMagazine.com
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Write to us and tell us what you think. Effingham Magazine welcomes all letters to the editor. Please send all letters via email to Jan Southern at Jan@JDelSURMarketing.com. Letters to the editor must have a phone number and name of contact. Phone numbers will not be published.
ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Effingham Magazine welcomes story ideas from our readers. If you have a story idea or photo essay you would like to share, please submit ideas and material by emailing Jan Southern at Jan@JDelSURMarketing.com. Stories or ideas for stories must be submitted by email. Only feature stories and photo essays about people, places or things in Effingham County will be considered.
CIRCULATION: Effingham Magazine is published bi-monthly and is distributed to more than 230 locations and mailed to thousands of homes throughout Effingham County and beyond.
A wild ride…
Who would have predicted that the year 2020 would be so full of twists and turns and unexpected highs and lows? And we aren’t done yet. The cancellation of many major events and other modifications have taken a toll on business and morale. But our best days are ahead. I for one am extremely optimistic.
As we come upon our 14th year as your Community Magazine and in recognizing my first full year as publisher, we are celebrating the growth of our company and Effingham Magazine. We support area businesses and organizations in unique ways to help them Jan Southern pivot and survive these challenging times.
As a company, we adapted and found ways to reach even more readers in spite of what may have seemed daunting. In addition to our normal distribution, Effingham Magazine is now mailed to thousands of homes each issue, hundreds of subscribers are taking advantage of home delivery, and visitors to EffinghamMagazine.com grows daily.
Through it all, we continue bringing positive and uplifting stories from our community. This Anniversary Issue is no exception. There are some pretty remarkable people featured in these pages, as well as highlights from the shops, restaurants, medical offices and wellness organizations throughout Effingham County.
I hope you enjoy this Anniversary Issue of Effingham Magazine. We certainly have enjoyed creating it for you.

Owner/Publisher Effingham Magazine Jan@JDelSURMarketing.com
Go to EffinghamMagazine.com for the calendar of events, photos and more! WANT MORE?

Voter’s Guide to TSPLOST

The Effingham County Chamber of Commerce supports a county -wide Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, or TSPLOST. On November 3, County residents will vote for this one-cent sales tax for transportation purposes. The money can be used solely for transportation projects within Effingham County.
Effingham County is the 31st fastest growing county in the nation, and its population is projected to increase rapidly in
the next five years. Right now, funds for road improvements come primarily from property taxes. The City of Rincon has no property tax and, thus, no funding source for road projects. TSPLOST funds can be spent only on transportation improvements, such as roads, bridges, sidewalks, bicycle paths, and other transportation-related purposes. Each city within Effingham County is solely responsible for determining their project list, and Effingham County is responsible for identifying transportation improvements in the unincorporated areas of the county.
TSPLOST Project List Highlights
Effingham Parkway Phase 1
(County and State Funds) 9th Street Widening (Rincon)
East 9th Street Resurfacing and
Drainage (Rincon)
East 4th Street Resurfacing and
New Shoulders (Rincon) Goshen Road Widening (County) Hodgeville Road Turn Lanes at Kolic Helmey, Blue Jay and Goshen Roads (County)
Roundabout at Old Stillwell and
Ash Street (Springfield)
West Central Boulevard Widening, Repaving and Drain-
age (Guyton)
McCall Road Turn
Lanes (County)
Blue Jay Road Turn
Lanes (County)
Improve Train Trestle at High-
way 21 Spur (Springfield)
Archer Road Paving and
Widening (Guyton)
East/West Corridor Plan-
ning (Rincon and County) Repaving 10 Ash Roads (County)
Find Out More at

How Do You Know if it’s The RIGHT TIME to Buy or Sell Your Home?

These are unusual times and it may be overwhelming to think of selling or buying a home right now. What do you need to know about the market? Who should you trust?
L to R: Perri Shamblin, administrative assistant, Brandi Talton, owner, Carmen Cribbs, broker, Lisa Asmus, office manager, Alycia Duttenhoffer, administrative assistant,
You can be confident that the Coldwell Banker Intercoastal Realty in Rincon has some of the best real estate agents in the business and dedicated and helpful staff to ensure your experience is extraordinary. It is a friendly and personable team dedicated to being the real estate leader in the area—not necessarily by selling the most properties, but by providing friendly, quality service for more than 20 years.

Brandi Talton, owner of the Rincon office knows that great agents are the main reason they have been so successful. The agents she works with care about the community as much as she does. She also understands that the real estate business is all about referrals. She wants to be sure that when she or an agent from her office helps a client buy or sell a home, they give that client an experience they will remember and tell their friends about.

Specializing in Effingham County, Guyton, Rincon and Springfield, Broker Carmen Cribbs knows that this is one of the fastest growing areas in southeast Georgia. There are new people moving to the area all the time. Carmen says, “Many people relocate from out of state or are simply attracted to what our communities have to offer. We also have clients born and raised here and are repeat customers as their families and circumstances change and they need to upgrade or downsize—they always come back to the agents who served them well.” That is the Coldwell Banker Intercoastal Realty Rincon office.
If you are thinking about buying or selling a home, meet with a local Coldwell Banker® real estate agent. They can help make your real estate dreams a reality.
912.826.0927 or 877.826.0926 www.RinconColdwellBanker.com Office Staff Available 7 Days a Week 5805 Hwy 21 S. | Rincon, GA 31326