23 minute read
Patricia “Pat” Manser & Effingham County Animal Shelter: A Heart Full of Hope
A Heart Full of HOPE
Story by Kelly Harley Photos by Tonya Perry
For over eight years, Effingham’s HOPE Organization (Helping Out Pets in Effingham) has given a tremendous amount of real hope to much of the community’s furry friends.
Patricia “Pat” Manser, a New York native, has lived in the area with her husband Rudy for over 21 years; the couple has three daughters: Elaine, Marie and Lorraine.
Pat has long possessed a beautiful heart for the welfare of animals, and she began helping at Effingham County Animal Shelter (ECAS) over 15 years ago. Pat saw that there were a vast amount of animal needs that were not being met due to a lack of funding, and so the euthanasia rate was unacceptably high. Pat was not content with that reality; she had a fervent desire to make a positive change.
In 2012, after seeing a dire need for additional services within ECAS, those not being provided by the county, Pat founded HOPE, a 501(c)(3) organization. In addition, Dena Stapleton has been the board executive for HOPE for the past few years; she has persisted to exemplify a real commitment to the cause and has consistently championed it alongside Pat.
Pat created HOPE with the mission to “reduce the population of unwanted animals in the area, getting the adoptable ones out of ECAS alive and into homes or rescue organizations.”
She really appreciates all that ECAS has done for the shelter animals. Lorna Shelton has been the ECAS director for 5 years; Georgiana Steese has been a dedicated shelter representative for 2 years. Jessi Kicklighter and Tracy Grossman have been committed to the team for quite some time as well. Additionally, various Effingham County inmates have been priviliged to assist the team over the years.
Pat feels that Lorna has proved to be one of the best directors that she has been honored to work with.
“Lorna is so easy to work with; it’s teamwork. When it’s teamwork, it goes

along so much better. I’ve never seen a manager work as hard as her. She has often gone out of her way, far beyond what is called for. It is so nice to work with somebody like that,” Pat said.
Pat certainly leads by example, as she adopted her own dog, Fritz, from the shelter. Lovingly calling him her “little boy,” Pat fostered Fritz for two months through Coastal Pet Rescue before she adopted him.
“I fell in love with him and kept him,” she said.
Pat knows, first-hand, the value that the little furballs can add to one’s life, making it inconceivable that anyone could ever mistreat them. She, though, remembers the story of Dorie, a puppy that had been rescued after being brutally kicked around in an open field.
“She was mangy and bald when she came into the shelter. She, however, turned out to be a beautiful Golden Retriever. I called Low Country Golden Retriever Rescue; they took Dorie in, and she was adopted,” Pat recalled. Dorie’s new owner told Pat just how much Dorie changed her life.
“And they do. That little animal coming into your life can change your life. It does not just help the animal; it helps us humans, too,” she remarked.
Character, Strength and Courage
Pat feels that the little guys have impacted her world in countless, wonderful ways—in the good times and even the difficult ones. She feels that they have been a big source of inspiration over the years, contributing to her love for life and a lot of her overall determination.
In 2013, barely a year after she started HOPE, Pat was diagnosed with colon cancer. Throughout the years, the cancer would subside but later resurface; she has endured several hospital stays and four surgeries, one of which was quite recent.
Pat’s family and friends, along with the ECAS team, have marveled at her strength and courage for some time now,

especially since she persists to maintain the same selfless, loving attitude through it all.
“She has been really blessed; God has really looked out for her. Her attitude and outlook have made a huge difference. She’s a fighter. She is my best friend here. I just love her so much,” Lorna said.
Pat knows that she has been undeniably blessed. “I’m grateful. This has been my 4th time of my recurrence of colon cancer, and I’m not ready to give up yet. I feel I have a purpose. I think the organization is helping me to get through a lot of this,” she said.
Pat gives a ton of credit to the job she enjoys, along with her furry friends that she loves to pieces. “They’re a big part of my life,” she stated.
Making a Difference by Bringing HOPE
Since its inception, HOPE has made a tremendous difference at the shelter. Last year alone, HOPE invested over $21,000 in the lives of animals. Some services funded by HOPE include: vaccinations (DHPP for dogs and FVRCP for cats), infectious disease testing (heartworm tests for dogs or leukemia and AIDS tests for cats), on-hand pain medications, antibiotics for triaging and emergency veterinary visits when needed.
HOPE has also helped fund a spay and neuter program which has been a huge asset.
“It really helps the whole community with the overpopulation of these animals.

I think we’ve come a real long way with that,” Pat mentioned.
Through HOPE, Pat purchased kennel barriers for the stray animal area in the back of the shelter, an added effort to keep all of the animals safe.
Moreover, for her feline friends, she has recently helped to fund a “catio” (cat patio) for the shelter, along with assisting in its “Trap, Neuter, Release” (TNR) Program.
Spearheaded by Georgiana, TNR is an alternative to euthanization, helping to preserve the lives of healthy feral cats. The cats receive overall treatment at the shelter, which includes neutering and rabies vaccinations. Afterwards, they are returned to the location where they were found, a location with a good food and shelter source.
“TNR stabilizes cat colonies and helps promote public health by reducing the number of unvaccinated cats in the community.” All-in-all, it has contributed to the shelter euthanization rate being about 21%, one of the lowest ever.
“All of this is due to Pat and everything that she has done for this shelter. I can’t think of all she has done because she has done so much. There are no words to describe the kind of person she is. She is kind, loving and giving,” Lorna said.
Interestingly enough, last year, HOPE supplied the Effingham County Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services with animal oxygen masks while universal scanners were also purchased for animal control officers. That is certainly going way beyond the call of duty.
“I definitely see Pat’s passion playing out with her love for the animals; she has a heart for all the animals,” Georgiana added.
Pat is always grateful to help. She loves what she does and would not trade it for the world. She is confident that she is living out her true calling—caring for animals in need, those that have been mistreated, ignored or just left behind. She is that kind voice, that warm smile, that delicate touch that many of them have never known.
“It has really given me a sense of purpose, and I just feel good all over to be able to do it,” Pat asserted.
The funds to support HOPE come from its generous patrons, and Pat wholeheartedly appreciates them all.
“That’s where we get most of our money; we can’t do it without them,” she said.
Some of the shelter’s biggest contributions come by way of the HOPE Hut, a real treasure that was started by Georgiana. Every month, kind citizens donate gently used animal products. Georgiana is able to sell them at the Springfield Antique Mall, as she has created a nice booth there. All proceeds benefit the shelter.
Sincere Gratitude
Pat is thankful for her loving and supportive family and friends; she also appreciates the exceptional ECAS team.
“They’re wonderful; they care. They go above and beyond,” she remarked.
Further, Georgiana is grateful for the opportunity to work within a group with similar interests and concerns, all working toward a common, meaningful goal; she is honored for the opportunity to work alongside Pat, who she feels encompasses phenomenal strength, resilience and character.
“It has truly been one of the most gratifying jobs I have ever had. I love it. Pat is a very special lady. I feel like God is keeping her going along ... it’s just amazing. She definitely has a purpose here,” Georgiana said.
The ladies are proud of what has been accomplished for the shelter … for the animals … for the community as a whole.
“We have been an unbeatable team in Effingham,” Lorna stated.
With a HOPEful heart, Pat Manser is looking forward to bright and promising days ahead for herself and her community. n

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October/November 2020

South Fork Provisions Provides Front Line Meals for First Responders

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Selena Moore, the Store Manager at Farmers Home Furniture of Rincon, wants to say, “A huge thank you to our customers and staff!” The furniture and appliance business experienced an unprecedented amount of business this year, “with everyone working from home most of this year or unable to take their vacations, they have spent those funds on sprucing up their home. We’ve found more people spending time in their home and in doing so has made them look at doing those updates they have been putting off prior to this pandemic”
Unfortunately, the high demand produced unprecedented delays. Appliances and furniture may be assembled in the USA, but the components are made overseas, and many items made overseas are taking longer than usual to ship. “We are still receiving orders placed in June and July,” says Selena. “The bulk of the order arrives but important pieces may be back ordered.” The good news is that merchandise is being shipped and they look forward to being caught up as soon as possible.
Great Staff
The store has been working with one third of the normal amount of staff, who are working twice as hard. Selena says, “I am extremely appreciative of my staff’s professionalism and excellent customer service. They have really risen to the occasion and have been there for our customers.” These employees have been instrumental to the store’s success: Charlene Goldwire, Sales Consultant—14 years; Chuck Bonds, Credit Manager—6 years; Joshua Bragg, Sales Consultant—3

years; Elijah Brown, Warehouse—2 years; and Ann Mincey, Sales Consultant—1 year.
Selena has been with Farmers Home Furniture for 21 years herself. She attributes her longevity to “The company itself, which is an employee-owned company. Most importantly I love helping people. We become part of our customers’ lives. We do business with the parents, then their children grow up and we do business with them. It’s very satisfying to be an integral part of our community.”
Community Involvement
“One thing I love about Rincon is that there is always a fundraiser going on in our community, someone is trying to help someone else,” says Selena. “We participate as much as possible, usually four or five times a year. Depending on cause/charity our customers get a discount based on how much they donate. We have raised money for animal charities, Toys for Tots, and Alzheimer support. These types of fundraisers could not happen without our customers!” They also donate furniture when they can. In fact, they have donated multiple living room suites to Effingham Family Promise through the years as well as the furniture for the staff “Calm Room” at the 911 Emergency Response Unit. Farmers Home Furniture is committed to providing customers highquality name brand merchandise along with superior service. They know you want your order as soon as possible and ask that you be patient, be understanding, and know that it’s going to pass.
“We know people are frustrated at waiting, and we understand it,” says Selena. “On the other hand, some good has come out of this, because so many people are sharing and caring for their neighbors, the way we did 30 years ago.”

STORE HOURS: Mon. - Fri., 10am - 7pm | Sat. 9am - 5pm | Sunday closed
912-826-1390 www.farmershomefurniture.com
473 S Columbia Ave Rincon, GA 31326

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Horizon Staffing helps to facilitate the connections between employers and qualified applicants in order to help meet staffing needs. They work to fill warehouse, personnel with general labor and forklift experience, as well as administrative and clerical positions.

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Spreading Joy with Yard Cards

Happy Birthday, Welcome Home, Congratulations, Happy Anniversary, Sending Love & Prayers—these are some of the happiest and most heartfelt messages we send each other. Jennifer McDaniel, owner of the yard sign rental business Lawn Chatter says, “The biggest thing we do is spread joy!” She says she and her husband Clay started Lawn Chatter as a response to the Covid pandemic. “We thought people needed joy and happiness and this was something we could do that would make people smile!”

How it Works
Lawn Chatter delivers your yard greeting rental after 6pm the night before your event or celebration and picks them up after 6pm the night of your event. “This way the recipient can wake up to a big surprise.” says Jennifer. The signs are rented for a 24-hour period, which can be extended for an additional

fee. Packages start at $65, and military families get a discount for the ‘Welcome Home’ package.
Most letters are 24 inches high, and there are lots of extra fun signs such as balloons, presents, cake, the birthday number, hearts, smile face emojis, and soccer balls. “We personalize the signs by working with the client to choose the color and artwork—such as mermaids, footballs and team colors—for each sign,” says Jen. “There is no extra cost to personalize the sign. We want each sign to fit the personality of our client.”
Jennifer and Clay, and their children Paige (13), Hudson (10) and Callie (8) have lived here for two years and she says, “We love being here and getting to know our community through spreading joy.”
Lawn Chatter serves residences and businesses in Effingham County, greater Savannah, and the surrounding areas. They are ready to celebrate with you and spread some joy!
More than an agent— A NEIGHBOR

What makes an insurance agent special? A passion for helping others and a commitment to the community he or she serves. That is how Ashley Boyette—State Farm agent views her role. She is a small business owner and State Farm agent serving all of Effingham County.
Ashley Boyette and her team understand that their clients need to find the best and most affordable insurance and financial services possible. Specializing in all types of insurance and financial planning, they treat every customer like they would treat their own families.
They let the needs of the customer guide the recommendations and advice they provide. They strive to protect families and help them plan for the future.
Ashley says, “I love this community because it is very
welcoming. We are also made up of organizations that want to help others. Whether it is children’s sports programs or the Manna House, we all come together to help each other. I am very proud to be part of this great community.”
Ashley also loves spending time with her own family. She has two little boys and loves watching them learn karate. She also loves the outdoors and even doing yard work!
If you need insurance, financial planning advice or just a friendly face, stop by Ashley Boyette’s office. You will be glad you did.

912-826-1029 www.RinconGaInsurance.com
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Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union: Making a Positive Difference
Georgia Heritage Federal Credit
Union (GHFCU) President and CEO Dale Taratuta recently sat down with Effingham Magazine to talk about GHFCU.
What is the history of Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union?
GHFCU was formed in 1940 to serve the employees of Union Bag, which was later called Union Camp, and now, International Paper. In 2006, the Credit Union received a community charter which gives us the ability to serve anyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school in Chatham,
Effingham, or Bryan Counties. We are the oldest locally-owned credit union in the area.
What is the difference between a credit union and a bank?
Credit unions offer many of the same products and services as banks, however the biggest difference is that credit unions are owned and governed by its members, where most banks are owned by shareholders. Because of this, credit unions are not driven to meet profit expectations, but we are driven by service. So, in general, credit unions can offer better loan and deposit rates, lower fees, and better service. Our focus is on the individual, not the shareholder.
We call our customers “members,” since they are actually the owners of the
Credit Union. Each person who joins the Credit Union becomes a member by opening a savings account with a $5 deposit.
How long have you been the CEO at GHFCU?
I joined GHFCU at the beginning of 2010 as the CFO and I became the President/CEO in early 2012. It has been very rewarding helping the Credit Union grow from 1 branch to 4 branches and increase our size and membership by over 50% during that time period.
What is GHFCU’s mission statement?
When we sat down a few years ago to look at our mission statement, we really wanted to define ourselves and what we stand for. After many meetings and much discussion, we created our mission statement: “Making a positive difference for our members and the communities we serve.” We wanted our mission to be more than just financial services, we want to make a positive difference in our community and to our members. That can be accomplished through financial services, or sometimes it can be something as simple as a smile to brighten someone’s day.
What are the most pressing challenges that leaders are facing today? And why?
There are many challenges that we all face. One big challenge is keeping up with technology. Technology continues to change and advance at a high rate. As a leader, you need to keep up with the changes in technology and make good decisions on selecting the technology that will best benefit your members and staff. As a leader, you are constantly dealing with crises and change. How you handle those situations can define your leadership career.
How important is community involvement to an organizational culture?
Since we are locally owned, community involvement is extremely important to GHFCU. We strive to give back to our communities by making it part of our credit union culture. Each year, our staff has participated in ten or more local events and we make donations to many local community organizations. Georgia Heritage also provides two college scholarships to local high school seniors.
Georgia Heritage truly lives up to its mission statement: “Making a positive difference for our members and the communities we serve.” Visit a branch and find out how they can serve you!
LOCATIONS: Lathrop Branch & Main Office: 1085 West Lathrop Ave, Savannah Stephenson Branch: 200 Stephenson Ave., Suite 100, Savannah Pooler Branch: 102 Park Ave., Pooler Rincon Branch: 5745 Hwy 21 South, Rincon
Action Overhead Door has been providing residential and commercial overhead door services in and around the Savannah area since 1990. In 2014, the company settled in Effingham County, and in 2018, Eric and Jill Edwards embraced their opportunity and purchased Action Overhead Door of Savannah —now Action Overhead Door & Supply.
This local, family-owned (and womanowned!) and operated company specializes in residential and commercial overhead doors, dock equipment, man doors and supplies. Action Overhead Door & Supply offers 24-7 emergency service to both our residential and commercial customers.
The company has come a long way in the last two years. While 2020 has brought many hurdles and for many small businesses, the Edwards are proud of their small business. They enjoy serving their community and surrounding neighbors. They are especially thankful and proud of their employees as well, who all live right here in Effingham County.
Whether commercial or residential, if you need help with your overhead doors or equipment, Action Overhead Door & Supply is ready to serve you.
912-826-3505 www.ActionOHD.com

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