21 minute read
Recreation Spotlight
Story by Cindy Reid | Photos by Michelle Holloway
The schools are back open, the leaves are falling and there is a crispness in the air. Everyone is happy to be outside enjoying this beautiful fall weather, especially the children.
Clarence E. Morgan, the Director of Effingham County Recreation and Parks Department, says, “We are excited to start our fall sports. We were able to open the playgrounds and travel baseball team practices May 14, club soccer on May 15 and regular baseball on June 20. Bingo and Line Dancing are up and running and fall sports are happening now.” He adds, “A big thanks to our County Commissioners and County Manager for all the hard work they have put in over the last few months dealing with the COVID-19 and supporting our Recreation Dept!”
The Fall Sports Season is well under way and the schedules for upcoming games are posted online. Youth Basketball will be next, and registration begins in October (see below)
Ongoing Sports in October:
• Youth Football Season- September 26th- November 7th • Girls Volleyball Season- Oct. 7th-
Nov. 13th • Youth Cheerleading Season- Sept. 26th - Nov. 7th • Youth Soccer Season- Sept. 26th -
Nov. 7th
Upcoming registration for Youth Basketball: 2020 Basketball - Youth Basketball
Leagues Offered: 6U-17U (boys & girls)
Control Date: September 1, 2020
Fee: $70 (includes shorts and jersey)
Registration Begins in October
recreation@effinghamcounty.org Phone: 912-754-6339 Register online for Fall Programs at www.effinghamrec.org.
Ongoing Events
Line Dancing Classes: Every
Tuesday Evening in the ECRP
Meeting Room in Springfield
Bingo for Senior Adults: 3
Tuesdays a month; 10 am - 12 pm.
Held in the ECRP Meeting Room in
The Effingham County Recreation Department hosts special events throughout the year and although many events were cancelled in 2020 due to Covid concerns, they are ready for 2021.

2021 SPECIAL EVENTS 44th Annual Jacan Brown Spring Run
The 44th Annual Jacan Brown CocaCola Spring Run will be held in midFebruary 2021. Pre-registration will be available and is recommended for this event. Pre-Registration fee is $10 (BB-1M) and $15 (JH-5K). Race-day registration will start at 7:00AM, and the rates will be $12 (BB-1M) and $17 (JH-5K). Races will begin at 8:00AM (BB-1M), and 8:45AM (JH-5K). All pre-registered participants will be guaranteed a t-shirt.
2nd Annual Family Freeze-Out
Do you and your family love to camp outdoors? The Effingham Recreation Department will host their second annual Family Freeze-Out event in February 2021 at The Clarence E. Morgan Sports Complex on Highway 21 in Springfield. Overnight camping is not mandatory. Activities, campfires, food, and fun for all who attend.
Effingham County Recreation and Sport Management Annual Egg Hunt
April (date TBA) at the Effingham County Recreation Department, 808 Highway 119 South Springfield
Bouncy Houses open at 5:30PM, Egg Hunts start at 6:00PM sharp. Age Groups (0-1, 2-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12), Please R.S.V.P. @ (912) 754-6339, ext. 4401. Free of charge (Please bring canned goods for our food pantry). Don’t forget your basket!
OTHER NEWS: Improvements at Sand Hill Complex
The Effingham County Recreation and Parks Department Sand Hill Complex has undergone many new improvements over the past few months and is looking better than ever. Mr. Morgan says, “The upgrades were made possible by the encouragement and leadership of the ECBOC and D1 Commissioner Forrest Floyd and the Recreation Board.”
It is large facility that features three soccer fields, five ball fields, a playground, and a pond. There is ample open space for kite and remote control airplane flying—in fact an airplane club has been using it continually since the 1980s. In use 350 days a year, it is a popular facility in the parks department and often hosts district and statewide competitions.
The new improvements include: • New batting cages (2) • New pitching machine • New outdoor basketball court • New soccer field goal posts • New fence around the soccer field • New fence around the playground
Clarence E. Morgan, the Director of Effingham County Recreation and Parks Department, says the improvements were funded by SPLOST, s special-purpose local-option sales tax used for funding capital outlay projects in Georgia. It is an optional 1% sales tax levied by any county for the purpose of funding the building of parks, roads, and other public facilities. Mr. Morgan says, “SPLOST is how many of these types of improvements get funded.”
“Many changes have been made at Sand Hill over the years. It was a helicopter pad training area during Vietnam war and was given to the county by the US government in the 1970s. In early 2000 we made major improvements and now again in 2020. This facility has come a long way and has had a major positive impact on the community.”
Come by and see the Sand Hill Complex, 300 Stagecoach Avenue, Guyton, GA 3131 n
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Ask anybody in Effingham County where to get your lawn equipment repaired—they will all tell you Gnann’s Fix-It Shop in Springfield.
Gnann’s Fix-It Shop has been repairing things for people in this community since 1964. The founder of the business—Bowers Gnann, spent many years repairing anything from toasters to lamps to lawn mowers for his fellow Effingham residents.
Today, over 50 years later, Gnann’s is still running strong; now specializing in sales and service of power machinery and lawn equipment such as lawn mowers, chain saws, tillers, and the like.
The core values of sales and service have not shifted in the least in these past 55

years. Clarence and Charlie Gnann, sons of Bowers Gnann, both run the company that their father started all those years ago. Both Clarence and Charlie grew up working in the store and both know the business from the ground up.
Gnann’s Fix-It Shop is more than simply a repair shop. They are certified dealers of well-known and reliable brand names such as Snapper, STIHL, Exmark, Billy Goat, Briggs and Stratton, Kohler, Tecumseh, and more. Finance options are available for qualified buyers.
Gnann’s Fix-It Shop stands behind their equipment 100% and are always available to answer any power equipment questions you may have. Gnann’s offers full service on most equipment and has a well-
Shop Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 5:30pm
trained staff of friendly and knowledgeable mechanics and sales personnel.
If you prefer to repair your equipment yourself, Gnann’s has a superb parts department that is stocked with a wide variety of various parts for all types of lawn equipment. If they don’t have it in stock, chances are they can get it within a short time. Just ask them to order it.
If friendly, reliable, and honest service is what you are looking for, Gnann’s Fix-It Shop is the way to go. Whether you need new equipment, need old equipment repaired, or are just seeking the expertise of qualified and responsible mechanics, you will find it at Gnann’s Fix-It Shop.
912-754-3745 www.gnannsfixitshop.com

(912) 826-3791
HOURS: Tuesday thru Thursday: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Early and late appointments available.
6014 Hwy 21 S., Suite B Rincon, GA 31326
Jennifer Snipes

Jennifer is an accomplished stylist with 8 years of experience. She strives to deliver results you will love along with a little extra pampering in the process. She is a mom of a blended family of 5, wife, beach lover and animal lover. Make an appointment with Jennifer today!
These unprecedented times call for creative solutions for aging loved ones. Melissa Waller, owner of Golden Hours Senior Services, says, “Families may be fearful of placing loved ones in assisted living facilities. There are people who haven’t seen their parents in months. Many senior service sites and day programs have suspended operations, and the long term ramifications are serious. Isolation and feelings of hopelessness can do more to undermine health and well-being than any physical condition, so how do we address senior needs in a post-Covid world?”
Golden Hours Senior Services has a practical solution. They offer adult day care services in the home, with customized services tailored to your senior’s needs. Their caregivers can prepare meals, play games, read aloud, sing, initiate pleasant conversations, and take the senior on an outing, all of which help keep seniors engaged and reassured.
Concierge Solutions
“This is what sets us apart from other agencies,” says Melissa. “We have standard home care services such as housekeeping, bathing, changing linens but we also offer personalized Concierge Services. That can include transportation to medical appointments and recreational activities, even day trips out of town. A senior may not need help with dressing or bathing, but they could benefit from a companion that can provide human connection. Keeping things positive and uplifting is so important.”

Peace of Mind
Golden Hours also offers “periodic contact services” for families who live elsewhere but have aged parents or other family members here in Effingham. Melissa says, “You may be in Atlanta or further away, but mom is here. You need someone to go by once or twice a week to see what she needs and make sure she’s okay. We check on mom, make sure all is well, and report back to you. That kind of reassurance is priceless, and we want to help families during this crisis.”
Consultation is free of charge, and care plans are customized to meet the specific needs and interests of the client.

(912) 655-3603 goldenhoursseniorservices.com

Welcome to Blue Heron Farm Photography Park. Set on six acres of picturesque farmland, Blue
Heron Farm Photography Park
is the first photography park in the Savannah area. A new concept in photography, a “photography park” is where photographers bring clients for a photo shoot utilizing the land and props on the property. Blue Heron Farm welcomes both professional and amateur photographers, as well as families who simply want a scenic setting to take their own photos.
Wedding photos, engagement photos, baby photos, senior photos, holiday card photos, anniversary photos, fashion shoots, prom photos, fabulous Instagram content—this is the best way to take your photos without driving from spot to spot, shooing away onlookers or looking for that perfectly photogenic backdrop.
At the farm they have multiple backdrops and props throughout the property to give you many options. It is all here in the same venue.
Landscape Options
On the property, there is a quarter acre pond with a wooden dock for use as a photo staging area. There is also a lovely gazebo and an arbor, which make perfect wedding photo settings. The farm is always decorated seasonally. Picture your children in the gazebo, surrounded by hay bales and pumpkins and you SEE MORE photos of the farm, props and have the perfect backdrops at EffinghamMagazine.comautumn photo shoot! And bring the family dog because Blue Heron Farm is Event Venue pet friendly. It wouldn’t be a family They are booking for small private portrait without your furry friends in weddings for up to 25 persons. the picture! (This leaves ample space for social Props on the Property provide an onsite officiant if needed.
They also have large props on the Other small events, (family reunions, property, such as a glass greenhouse, small company picnics) can also be a farmhouse setting, an antique accommodated. Call and they will be doctor’s buggy, an authentic covered happy to discuss! wagon, and classic cars including a 1957 Chevy Pickup. Use the ornate Further Information: vintage iron gates, or add chandeliers Rates include the exterior space, to the greenhouse, for a chic and the barn, and the use of all indoor and stylish photo shoot. Most props can outdoor props. The farm can also be be moved and rearranged to suit your rented by the half day or full day. If you photography needs. wish to have professional photos taken Photography Barn will be happy to provide one for you.
There is a beautiful 40-year-old barn The farm is open by appointment on the property and each individual only, with weekends being horse stall has been converted into a preferable. If the weekend is “theme room”. They have the following not convenient, they will make theme rooms: Alaskan Trading Post, appointments during the week. Civil War Room, 1950’s Soda Fountain, To discuss bookings and rates please Old Western Saloon, and the Savannah call Josey at 912.313.5552 or Steve at Florist (or the Flower Room). Mr. T, the 912.312.0172. life sized buffalo is a favorite, as are the distancing). For weddings, they can but do not have a photographer, they vintage carousel horses. Follow us on Facebook: Blue Heron Farm-Photography Park

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FUSION COFFEE ROASTERS High Mountain Grown, South Georgia Roasted

www.fusionroasters.com Fusion Coffee Roasters
Gary and Cheri Zittrauer, owners of Fusion Coffee Roasters got into the business via love. “Our daughter in law Anna (married to son James Merritt) is from Honduras,” says Cheri, “and we went there to visit her family. We found it’s a beautiful country with amazing coffee!” Eventually they decided to get into the coffee business, bought two commercial roasters and opened a shop in Springfield. They named the business Fusion Coffee Roasters because, “The name celebrates the fusion of families and countries.”

Coffee Roasters
Fusion Coffee Roasters
carries only high quality arabica coffees from sustainable coffee plantations and fair trade co-ops. They artisan roast small batch, single origin coffee. They source their coffee beans from ten countries: Peru, Honduras, Guatemala, Kenya, Tanzania, Costa Rica, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Brazil, and Ethiopia. Fresh roasted coffee has a sweeter flavor that pulls out the nuances and flavors of the beans. Flavor notes: Honduras: Chocolate, floral, caramel with a smooth clean finish. Papua New Guinea: Honey, pecan, starfruit melon with smooth finish. Kenya: Melon, citrus, dark currant, with a deep brown sugar finish. Peru: Honey, green apple, and cocoa with a velvety finish.
Coffee to Go
Fusion Coffee Roasters has an online store and they are open for retail sales every
Saturday from 9- 2 (and by appointment) at their shop. Coffee is available ground or whole bean in 3 ounce samples, 12 oz bags and Fusion Singles. Purchase two bags online and they ship for free in the USA. Their coffee, in bags and Fusion Singles, is available at these retail locations: South Fork Provisions and Horton’s General Store in Rincon, Paddles Coffee & Cafe in Springfield and Ole Country Outfitters in Guyton.
“We love coffee and we love this business,” says Cheri, “We are excited to be providing what we fell in love with to our community here in Georgia.”
(912) 429-1111 523 Stillwell Rd | Springfield, GA

In 1996, Claude M. “Mickey” Kicklighter Jr., founder of Kicklighter Law, relocated to Effingham County—the place he considers his “hometown.” Mickey has practiced law for over 38 years throughout the state of Georgia.
Prior to coming home to raise his family, he was a sports agent for the NFL and NASCAR, risk management counsel for Cobb County, Assistant District Attorney for the Atlantic Judicial Circuit, and was employed as an associate attorney and partner in prominent law firms in the Atlanta area.
Kicklighter Law Team
The Kicklighter Law team provides skilled representation for residents of Georgia. Mickey is experienced in a variety of areas of personal injury law, which includes, but is not limited to: • motor vehicle accidents • drunk driver accidents • catastrophic injuries • medical malpractices • premises liability • wrongful death • product liability
The firm also handles construction litigation, as well as family and criminal law cases.
(912) 754-6003 KicklighterLaw.com

Protecting his Client’s Interests
Mickey is well-versed in both the prosecution and defense aspects of representation. This experience makes it possible for him to better protect your interests and anticipate the moves of the opposing counsel. His insight of the local judiciary is unmatched. Mickey’s organization, knowledge, compassion, and trustworthiness help his clients achieve the best results. Kicklighter Law’s support staff has over 35 years of collective experience and they are committed to handling your legal needs.
Winning Cases and Awards
The firm has earned several awards, including Effingham Herald’s Most Fabulous Attorney 2019 and 2020, Effingham Herald’s Most Fabulous Law Firm 2020, Savannah Now’s Best Family Law Attorney 2019, and Best of the Best - Attorney in Effingham County 2016.
For more information, visit www.kicklighterlaw.com or call the office to speak with a representative of the Kicklighter Law team.
412 North Laurel Street Springfield, GA 31329

What makes a home warm and inviting? Is it the furniture, the lighting, the throw pillows? Is it the paint and wallpaper? All the above? To keep our home a haven sometimes we need to ‘redo’ it all and other times we simply need to spruce it up.
At Wiley’s Home Center, they take pride in their ability to help make your house a home. Not just a furniture and appliance store, they also have interior design and appliance repair services to accommodate their customers’ needs. They do it all, from helping you choose a statement piece that adds a fresh look to redesigning the whole room. They can bring your décor from blah to beautiful.
Wiley’s Home Center has proudly been providing the greater Rincon area with old fashioned customer service and quality products for over 30 years. In April of 1987, Wiley and his wife Rosalyn opened the doors to a 20,000 square foot furniture and appliance facility called Wiley’s Home Center and in 1988, the successful business added 15,000 additional square feet of floor space. “In this day and age being a family owned business has its challenges, but we are very blessed with a very supportive community.” says Detra Thomas, company CEO. “And hat’s off to the greatest staff. They can handle it all—and do so in the best way possible. They provide the outstanding service behind the sale.”
“We are recognized and known for our nice furniture, for carrying the best quality product that will last you and your family for generations.” Detra says, “We are a story of longevity, from our business to our furniture. Everything is custom made and although it may take longer to create, and you may pay a little more, it is an investment.”
“Our furniture doesn’t wear out; it gets handed down!” she says.
With record sales in June, July and August, Wiley’s wants their customers to know how much they appreciate their business and continued loyalty.

Seasonal Changes
Summer is over and the holidays will soon be upon us. As we approach the fall and winter months many of us like to ‘nest’ and make changes in our home. “This time of year, customers are looking to make their homes more inviting, and they are looking to make their families more comfortable, over the holiday season.” says Detra. “At Wiley’s Home Center we can provide you with everything from a new bed for you or your guests, to a new dining room table for Thanksgiving dinner.”

Styles ranging from traditional to modern & chic, from new trends to classic décor, Wiley’s inventory has it all. What they don’t have they can special order, and everything possible can be tailored for your décor. You may be looking for the shabby chic and the farmhouse look, which although is not new it is still by far the most popular home style seen in years, or perhaps you have that look and want to update it with a different color palette. Detra says, “The farmhouse look is all about soft colors, whites, greys beiges and rustic woods, but we are starting to see a few colors coming back, some blues and burgundies. We would be happy to help you find just the right pieces to bring out the best in your home décor.”
Detra says, “From our floor to your door you will find Wiley’s provides you with great service through the whole experience.”
1202 N. Columbia Ave. Rincon, Ga | 912-826-2932 WileysHomeCenter.com | info@wileyshomecenter.com
Please thank these advertisers for contributing to our community and making this publication possible. If you want to be part of this list, email Jan@JDelSURMarketing.com or call 912.295.5406.
COMMUNITY SPONSORS Animal Hospital at Rice Hope South Fork Provisions Farmers Home Furniture State Farm Cindy Clark Mo’ Southern Coffee Total Services Heating and Air Rincon Recovery Resources, LLC
21 South Mini Storage ................................................ 41 Action Overhead Door & Supply.............................. 31 Amazing Grace Cafe & Boutique............................. 37 Angel Oak Home Loan...............................................24 Bank of Newington.....................................................54 Beau Dossey Roofing ................................................38 Blue Heron Farm Photography Park .......................49 B’Renewed by Bonnie J. Smith ................................44 Brave Salon...................................................................50 Bueno’s Cleaning Services ........................................40 Burns Outboard Service.............................................47 Chatterbox Pediatric Therapy................................... 19 Coldwell Banker Intercoastal Realty ......................... 9 Coldwell Banker Michelle Edwards .........................26 Dozier Law.................................................................... 14 Ellen Claire Soapery ...................................................28 Effingham County Animal Shelter ........................... 16 Effingham County Recreation..................................43 & Parks Department Effingham Health........................................................... 2 Emily Pigman................................................................ 18 ENT Associates of Savannah..................................... 16 Farmers Furniture ........................................................25 Fusion Coffee Roasters..............................................50 Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union..................29 Gnann’s Fix It Shop .....................................................43 Golden Hours Senior Services..................................46 Habitat for Humanity.................................................... 3 Harlawn Yard Services................................................24 Harold’s Auto Paint & Body.......................................38 Heritage Counseling...................................................46 Horizon Staffing........................................................... 27 Howard Family Dental................................................40 iHeart Dental ................................................................30 IMI Financial Group.....................................................38 Jolie................................................................................47

Katie McGrory Brown ................................................. 17 Kicklighter Law............................................................. 51 Lawn Chatter................................................................ 27 Lost Plantation Golf Course......................................46 Lucy Belle Farm ........................................................... 41 Martin Construction ...................................................35 Michelle Holloway Photography ............................. 31 Miller’s Coin & Currency............................................44 Muse By Tracy ..............................................................39 My Sassy Sister .............................................................38 Oral & Facial Surgery Group .....................................40 Pappy’s Pressure Washing.........................................38 Pineora Handi House .................................................30 Rigg’s Funeral Home ..................................................39 Rincon Chevrolet ........................................................ 18 Rustic to Ritz ................................................................ 14 Rusty Pig........................................................................26 Salon Nevaeh ...............................................................39 S&P Automotive Specialist ........................................34 So-Low Solutions........................................................47 South Coast Health.....................................................34 South Fork Provisions................................................. 14 State Farm Ashley Boyette.........................................28 State Farm Clark Clay .................................................46 State Farm Pat Parker ................................................. 18 Streets & Sons .............................................................. 15 The Learning Treehouse ............................................35 The Hive Repertory Theatre......................................46 The Salon at McCall....................................................48 Strickland & Sons Funeral Home .............................47 Towne Pharmacy......................................................... 41 US Health Advisors - Lucie Garner..........................47 Victim Witness.............................................................. 18 Wiley’s Home Center..................................................52 Yates Astro ....................................................................35