املؤمتر العلمي السنوي جلامعة عنت مس اإلبداع-اإلبتكار-الصناعة قاعة املؤمترات بكلية الصيدلة ،دار الضيافة ،القاهرة 3-1أبريل 9112م
تحت رعاية
أ.د .عبد الوهاب عزت
أ.د .خالد عبد الغفار
رئيس جامعة عين شمس
وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي
نائب رئيس المؤتمر ورئيس اللجنة المنظمة
أ.د .عبد الناصر سنجاب
نائب رئيس الجامعة للدراسات العليا والبحوث
أ.د .عبد الفتاح سعود
أ.د .نظمي عبد احلميد
نائب رئيس الجامعة
نائب رئيس الجامعة
لشئون التعليم والطالب
لشئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة
كتاب املؤمتر أعده
ا.د .طارق منصور ضيف شرف المؤتمر المملكة العربية السعودية Guest Nation Kingdome of Saudi Arabia
بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم
فهرست الكتاب جلسة إفتتاح اليوم األول...........................................
جلسة ال ........................................science Park
جلسة الهيئات األجنبية............................................
ملخصات قطاع العلوم اإلنسانية واإلجتماعية والتربوية...............
معلقات قطاع......................................................
ملخصات قطاع العلوم الهندسية....................................
معلقات قطاع......................................................
ملخصات قطاع العلوم الزراعية....................................
معلقات قطاع......................................................
ملخصات قطاع العلوم الطبية.....................................
معلقات قطاع العلوم الطبية........................................
ملخصات قطاع العلوم األساسية....................................
معلقات قطاع العلوم األساسية......................................
رعاة المؤتمر Sponsors of the Conference
اليوم األول (اإلفتتاح) جلسة الـ Science Park
12.15-13.30 رئاسة الجلسة أ.د .عبد الناصر سنجاب نائب رئيس الجامعة للدراسات العليا والبحوث أ.د .ضياء خليل وكيل كلية الهندسة للدراسات العليا والبحوث أ.د .إسراء عبد السيد مدير مكتب العالقات الدولية بالجامعة
Persisting with synergistic development, serving the country's demand and cultivating high-level innovative and entrepreneurial talents Prof. ZHANG Bin Dean of College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, South West University, China --------------------------------------------
Constructing an Integration Platform of Industry, University Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice of National Science Park of Fudan University Prof. HAN Yan, Fudan University, China --------------------------------------------
جلسة المنظمات والهيئات األكاديمية الدولية والبحث العلمي
14.00-16.00 رئاسة الجلسة أ.د .سلوى رشاد وكيلة كلية األلسن للدراسات العليا ،جامعة عين شمس د .شريف القطب مدير مركز تطوير المشروعات وتنمية اإلبتكار
هيئة المنح األلمانية الـ DAADبالقاهرة أليكسي تيفانيان ،المستشار الثقافي الروسي بالقاهرة Erasmus Plusبرنامج ايراسموس Fulbrightهيئة الفولبرايت األمريكية British Councilالمجلس البريطاني بالقاهرة
اليوم الثاني /اجللسات العلمية /الثالثاء 2102/4/2 أوال :قطاع العلوم اإلنسانية واإلجتماعية والتربوية الجلسة اإلفتتاحية لقطاع العلوم اإلنسانية واإلجتماعية قاعة المؤتمرات الكبرى بصيدلة 10.00-11.30 AM
رئاسة الجلسة سمو األمير أ.د .نايف بن ثنيان آل سعود (المملكة العربية السعودية)
أ.د .هبة شاهين (مدير المركز اإلعالمي ،جامعة عين شمس) -----------------------------------------------------------
الجلسة األولى (الفنون واآلداب بين اإلبداع واإلبتكار) وكيل جامعة الملك سعود للدراسات العليا -السعودية كلمة أ.د .أحمد بن سالم العمري حفائر الجامعة في منطقة عرب الحصن بالمطرية أ.د .ممدوح الدماطي ( وزير اآلثار السابق) أ.د .عبد الغني الجندي كلية الزراعة-جامعة عين استراتيجية التنمية المستدامة 0202وخطط تنفيذها شمس أ.د .محمود عاشور أمين عام الجمعية الجغرافية مشاريع التنمية المستدامة في الصحراء الغربية السابق -قسم الجغرافيا -كلية اآلداب-جامعة عين شمس قاعة المؤتمرات الكبرى بصيدلة 11.30-12.30 AM رئاسة الجلسة: أ.د .مكة البنا (وكيلة كلية البنات للدراسات العليا ،جامعة عين شمس) سعادة أ.د .إبراهيم السلمي( ،وكيل كلية الشريعة ،جامعة أم القرى -السعودية)
ا.د .طلعت منصور د .أشرف عبد الرحمن ا.د .صفاء األعسر الشاعر ا .عبد العزيز جويدة
جامعة عين شمس أكاديمية الفنون-مصر كلية البنات-ج .عين شمس مصر
اإلبداع في الشخصية المصرية فن الموسيقى والغناء أحد روافد الثقافة واإلبداع رأس المال النفسي في مجتمع مزدهر التجربة الشعرية لشباب الجامعات بين الحاجة واإلبداع
االبداع وتحديات التنمية أ .د.طلعت منصور أستاذ الصحة النفسية واإلرشاد النفسي كلية التربية – جامعة عين شمس الملخص
اإلبداع ظاهرة إنسانية ،من طبيعة اإلنسان وصدق أصالته ،في صفائها وتدفقها بال حدود أو قيود ..أو هكذا ينبغي أ توجد فينا نمواً وسمواً ،فاإلبداع قسمة مشتركة بين البشر تتبدي في
تكوينات وقوى متنوعة وبمستويات مختلفة ،من المتوقع أن نحسن استثمارها وتوظيفها.
لقد قدم علماء النفس مفاهيم ونماذج ونظريات ومقاييس متعددة ،تستند في معظمها إلي فيض من الدالئل البحثية والخبرية .ولعل هذا منذ الستينات تقريبا ،وحيث يتمركز السبق في مضمار العلم واإلبداع وبناء "العقل المبدع" وتضمينات هذه المصادر في رأس المال االجتماعي عمال
وانتاجاً ورفاهة ،وكضمانات أكيدة للتنمية المستدامة.
ومن هذا المنظور اإليجابي لإلبداع ،سوف نركز علي عدة قضايا
ما هو اإلبداع؟
الفترة العمرية المثلى الكتشاف وصيانة وتنمية اإلبداع.
عمليات اإلبداع.
بيئة االبداع ..البيئة االجتماعية الثقافية ..اإلبداع في ثقافة المؤسسات.
تربية اإلبداع ..اإلبداع موضوع التعلم والنمو.
اإلبداع ..هو ذلك الكنز المدفون فينا ..وطناً ومواطناً -----------------------------------------------------------
فن الموسيقى والغناء كأحد راوفد الثقافة واإلبداع د.أشرف عبد الرحمن مصطفى أبو الحسن مدرس النقد الموسيقى بأكاديمية الفنون الملخص
يعد فن الموسيقى والغناء من أهم االنشطة الفنية التى لها تأثير كبير فى تشكيل وجدان وثقافة االنسان ،فلم تكن الموسيقى والغناء مجرد جانب طرفيهي فقط ،ولكنها اكثر الفنون تأثي ار فى النفس البشرية ،ونحن فى تلك الفترة نعاني من انتشار ظاهرة الفنون الهابطة سواء فى
الموسيقى والغناء والدراما التليفزيونية والسينمائية ،وبدال من أن يكون للفن هدف سامي باالرتقاء
بالذوق العام ،أصبح لهذه الفنون تأثير سلبي فى الخروج عن العادات والتقاليد ،وذلك كان واضحا فيما يسمى بأغاني المهرجانات التى تحولت فيها الكلمة العامية الراقية التى هى لغة الفنون إلى الكلمة السوقية التى تحتوى الفاظ نستحى أن نعلنها ،باالضافة الى الموسيقى الصارخة وااليقاعات الصاخبة التى تصيبنا بالتوتر والقلق .هذه الظاهرة الفنية بالفعل تحاج الى
الدراسة والبحث .
فقد كان لهذه القوة الناعمة الموسيقى والغناء فى القرن العشرين دور كبير فى تشكيل ثقافة ووجدان الوطن العربي حيث كانت الكلمة الراقية فى اغاني أم كلثوم وعبد الوهاب وعبد الحليم وفيروز ...الخ ،مما كان لهذه االغاني دور فى رفع الذوق العام رغم انتشار االمية فى النصف االول من القرن العشرين بشكل كبير سواء فى مصر والوطن العربي إال أن مثل هذه القصائد
التى كانت تتغنى بها أم كلثوم وعبد الوهاب رغم صعوبة الكثير من كلمات هذه القصائد التى
كانت باللغة العربية الفصحى ،اال أن عامة الناس كانوا يستمتعون بها ويرددونها ،كما كانت لمثل هذه االغاني دور كبير فى نشر أهم القصائد واالشعار لكبار الشعراء ،فنجد الكثير من الشعراء الكبار لم يتم التعرف على اعمالهم إال من خالل اعمالهم الغنائية فقط ،وخير مثال لذلك
الشاعر السوداني الهادي آدم ،الذى كتب ألم كلثوم اغنيته الشهيرة " أغدا القاك " كلما ذكر اسمه يقال عنه شاعر اغادا القاك ،مما احدث فى نفسه شيء من األلم ،بقوله أنه انتج اكثر من ستة دواوين من الشعر لم تكن اغدا القاك أهم ما كتبت ولكن لالسف لم يذكرني احد اال بهذه
القصيدة ،وكذلك الشاعر اللبناني جورج جرداق ،الذى لم يذكر اسمه اال ويقال عنه شاعر " هذه ليلتي " رغم انتاجه الوفير فى الشعر واالدب ...فهذا هو تأثير الفنون واالبداع عندما تكسو الكلمات نغمات اصبح األمر مختلف وتأثيره وانتشاره اعمق . فما يحدث اآلن من اغاني ما هو اال افساد للذوق العام بل وصل األمر إلى افساد اخالقيات
اجيال بالكامل ،من هنا سوف نتناول فى هذا البحث النقاط التاليه -:
ما لعبه الغناء الراقي فى القرن العشرين باالرتقاء بالذوق واالخالقيات عبر األجيال علىمستوى الوطن العربي . الغناء واالبداع الشعري ودوره فى توحيد الوطن العربي يحقق الفن ما يعجز عن تحقيقهالحكومات والساسة .
المراحل التى مر بها الغناء المصري من مراحل الرقي الفنى الهادف الى مرحلة الهبوط ثمالى مرحلة الفساد الفني وهى المرحلة التى وصلنا اليها اآلن . مقترحات لوضح حلول لعودة الدور الهادف للفن مرة أخرى .-----------------------------------------------------------
رأس المال النفسى ( )Psychological Capitalفى مجتمع مزدهر أ.د .صفاء األعسر أستاذ متفرغ بقسم علم النفس كلية البنات – جامعة عين شمس الملخص
قدم علم النفس االيجابى ( )Positive Psychologyمفهوم رأس المال النفسى نتيجة لدراساته المتعمقة للسلوك المؤسسى االيجابى واالزدهار .فما هو علم النفس االيجابى ،وما هو السلوك المؤسسى االيجابى ( ، )Positive Organization Behaviourوما هو رأس المال النفسى ،وما هو االزدهار (.)Flourishing
علم النفس االيجابى حركة علمية حديثة بدأت تتبلور فى نهايات القرن الماضى وتهدف لدراسة ما يجعل الحياة جديرة بأن نحياها ،وما يحقق الحياة الطيبة لدى األفراد والجماعات
والمجتمعات ،وركزت اهتمامها على الدراسة العلمية للسعادة ،االزدهار ،طيب الحياة .
فى هذا اإلطار كانت دراسات علم النفس االيجابى فيما يحقق النجاح والتنمية فى المؤسسات االجتماعية ومن هذا الجهد كان مفهوم السلوك المؤسسى االيجابى ،وهو مفهوم لفظى يندرج تحته موارد القوى والميزة التنافسية للمؤسسة ،ومنها تم التوصل لمفهوم رأس المال النفسى ،
ويضم أربع مكونات هى األمل ( ، )Hopeالتفاؤل ( ،)Optimismالكفاءة الذاتية ( Self . ، )Efficacyالصمود ( )Resilienceوجميعها قابل للدراسة العلمية من حيث األساس النظرى المدعم باألدلة العلمية ،القابلية للتحكيم العلمى ،القابلية للتنمية ،ذات عالقة قوية باألداء والسلوكيات االيجابية نحو العمل .
يقصد بالكفاءة الثقة فى بذل الجهد الالزم للنجاح فى المهام التى تثير التحدى ،يقصد
بالتفاؤل الغزو االيجابى للنجاح فى الحاضر والمستقبل ،ويقصد باألمل العزيمة والمثابرة عند وضع األهداف ووضع مسارات لتحقيقها وتعديل المسارات عند الحاجة ،ويقصد بالصمود استعادة القوة والتوازن و تحقيق النجاح عند مواجهة عقبات . رأس المال النفسى ليس بديالً لرأس المال بالمفهوم التقليدى المادى ،وال لرأس المال البشرى
( )Human Capitalوأنما هو تحدياً للهوة بين المعرفة والممارسة ،المعرفة بأهمية المكون اإلنسانى فى التنمية ،والممارسة التى تعلى المكون المادى على المكون االنسانى فى معادلة
االزدهار -----------------------------------------------------------
التجربة الشعرية لشباب الجامعات بين الحاجة واإلبداع الشاعر ا .عبد العزيز جويدة الملخص
يعتبر الشعر صنعة العرب ،وسمة رئيسية من سمات األمة العربية منذ العصر الجاهلي وحتى اليوم .وكان العرب يقرضون الشعر بكافة أشكاله ،في التو واللحظة ،كما كان يحدث في سوق عكاظ ،على سبيل المثال.
واستمرت التجربة الشعرية عبر العصور مالزمة للعرب ،وبزوا األمم األخرى في هذه الصنعة،
إذا جاز التعبير. ومع ثراء التجربة الشعرية وتنوعها عبر العصور ،ثم تطور القصيدة في العصر الحديث السيما في القرن العشرين والحادي والعشرين ،بدأ سيل من الشعراء في اإلنطالق ،وظهرت القصيدة الحرة ،التي كانت نواتها مدرسة أبوللو الشعرية.
وقد دفع هذا الثراء الشعري شباب الجامعات لإلنطالق متأثرين بمنهج القصيدة الحرة ،أو قصيدة النثر أحيانا ،سواء كانت بالفصحى أو العامية .ومع كثرة المنتج الشعري الذي نراه في
الجامعات بين أبنائنا الطالب ،لنا أن نتساءل :هلى ما يقرضه أبناؤنا تحت مسمى شعر ،ينطبق عليه مقاييس ومعايير القصيدة الصحيحة؟ وهل أبناؤنا الطالب ينالون الرعاية األدبية الكافية لينطلقوا شعراء محترفين بقصائدهم الصحيحة شكال ومضمونا؟ هناك الكثير من األسئلة التى تطرح نفسها في هذه الورقة لتقيم الحركة الشعرية الطالبية بما
يسهم في رعايتهم وبناء قصائدهم على النحو الذي يميزهم مستقبال بإذن اهلل. -----------------------------------------------------------
الجلسة الثانية (العلوم اإلنسانية واإلجتماعية بين اإلبداع واإلبتكار) قاعة المؤتمرات الكبرى بصيدلة 12.30-13.45 PM رئاسة الجلسة: أ.د .سوزان القليني (عميدة كلية اآلداب ،جامعة عين شمس) أ.د.م .نهى سالم (مديرة مركز الدراسات البردية والنقوش ،جامعة عين شمس)
جامعة أم القرى - ا.د .إبراهيم السلمي السعودية جامعة عين شمس ا.د .نوران الجزيري مصر د .محمد وهبة سيد جامعة عين شمس - مصر عفيفي أ.د .عبد المعطي بن جامعة أم القرى- العربية المملكة محمد سمسم السعودية
اإلبداع واإلبتكار في العلوم التطبيقية: التراث الطبي أنموذجً ا البحوث البينية :الطريق لمواجهة اإلرهاب فلسفة محمد إقبال التجديدية ودورها في بناء اإلنسان نحو تجديد الرؤية في المنهج التاريخي: خلق آدم عليه السالم أنموذجا
االبداع واالبتكار في العلوم التطبيقية :التراث الطبي أنموذجا السلمي د .إبراهيم بن عطية اهلل هالل ُّ
قسم التاريخ -كلية الشريعة -جامعة أم القرى الملخص الحمد هلل الشافي المعافي ,والصالة على نبينا محمد عليه أفضل صالة وأتم تسليما. يعتبر المجال الطبي من مجاالت الحضارة اإلسالمية التي تحتاج أن يخاض غمارها بصورة متخصصة وبجزيئات علمية محددة ،ما ظهر منها كان له فضل على اإلنسانية .في صورة يتجلى من خاللها االبداع واالبتكار في العلوم التطبيقية. ويهتم البحث بدراسة أصل االبداع واالبتكار في الطب في الحضارة اإلسالمية ,وعلى ما كان على بها منذ العهود األولى .ومن ثم دراسة دور األطباء ,وما كان له من تنوع انطالقاً من التعلم
والتعليم ,مرو اًر بتراجم أطباء الحضارات السابقة ,إلى كافة الممارسات الطبية االبداعية االبتكارية
من إدارة البيمارستانات وطبابة المرضى والتعليم الطبي ,وما كان من أساليب طبية لألطباء تعد مثيالتها في الوقت الحاضر صو اًر من اإلبداع والقدرات الطبية ,كالخياطة بالتدبيس ,ووضع الجبائر على الكسور ,وعمليات الجراحة الدقيقة.
صور للطب ,وأبرز األطباء الذين خدموا مجال الطب كابن سينا ,وبني ا وفي خاتمة البحث ذكرت زهر ,والزهراوي وغيرهم. -----------------------------------------------------------
"الدراسات البينية ،الطريق لمواجهةاإلرهاب" أ.د .نوران الجزيرى قسم الفلسفة -كلية اآلداب -جامعة عين شمس
تبدو ظاهرة اإلرهاب الذى تمارسه الجماعات الدينية المتطرفة شديدة التعقيد ،فكلما أمسكنا بسبب ظهر شكل آخر ينفى التفسير السابق لتشكل هذه الظاهرة ،فمن الفقر و افتقاد العدالة
االجتماعية و العامل اإلقتصادى وصوالً للقمع السياسي مرو اًر بالجهل و انخفاض مستوى
التعليم و االنفجار السكانى ،كلماتصورنا أن أحد هذه العوامل يفسر الظاهرة ،يحدث ما يدحض هذا التفسير ...فسنجد كوادر ارهابية على مستوى تعليمى ٍ عال ،بل ربما ال يوجد بينهم أميين ، معظم الكوادر اإلرهابية من مستوى اقتصادى متوسط حتى مرتفع و أحياناً شديد الثراء ،منهم
من تربى فى الغرب حيث الحريات العامة و السياسية ،حتى الحاضنة األولى لالرهاب - جماعة االخوان المسلمين نشأت عام ٨٢٩١و بدأت نشاطها العنيف ٨٢٩١مع صعود التعددية السياسية فى مصر فى شبه حياة ديمقراطية . كل هذا التناقض يضعنا أمام اشكالية كيف يتشكل االرهابى ؟ فى أى منطقة و تحت أى
مؤثرات يحدث هذا التحول و كيف؟
ان مواجهة هذه الظاهرة يتطلب فهمها فهماً عميقاً و موضوعياً ،بعيداً عن أى صبغة أيديولوجية
أو ميل سياسى ،بالطبع المواجهة السريعة و الحاسمة تكون عسكرية و أمنية و بتجفيف ينابيع
التمويل الظاهرة ،هذا أمر بديهى ،و النجاح الذى تحقق فى هذا المجال على يد قواتنا من الجيش و الشرطة قد نزع فتيل الخطر و الخوف عن مصر بفضل تضحياتهم الغالية و ما قدموه
من شهداء سنظل ندين لهم بانقاذ البالد من أكبر خطر تهددها فى العصر الحديث .لكن كيف نحصن هذا النجاح من انتاج كوادر ارهابية جديدة ؟ من وجهة نظرى أن هذا يحتاج مشروع ضخم يقدم مثل هذه الدراسات التى تجيب على هذه التساؤالت ،و ال يستطيع تخصص واحد أن يقدم خريطة لهذا التيار و من ثم تحقيق القضاء عليه بشكل جذرى ،فمثل هذا المشروع يحتاج تضافر جهود مجموعات بحثية من المتخصصين فى العلوم االجتماعية و االنسانية و التجريبية
أيضاً لكى نعرف أين يكمن الداء و من ثم تكون هناك إمكانية لوضع خطة عالج ناجع .
إن هذه الورقة ليست بحثاً بالمعنى الدقيق بقدر ماهى اقتراح لخطة عمل بدونها -أتصور-
أن العالج لن يكون حاسماً لظاهرة األرهاب الدينى .
فلسفة محمد إقبال التجديدية ودورها في خدمة اإلنسان المسلم د محمد وهبه سيد عفيقى مدرس الفلسفة اإلسالمية بتربية عين شمس الملخص تعد فلسفة محمد إقبال ضربا من التشخيص الدقيق لواقع العالم اإلسالمي ومشاكله-خاصة تركماته التاريخية عبر العصور،والمتجهة فى عصور االستعمار الغربي المتنا اإلسالمية -بكل ا
به على حالة من االنحطاط والضعف جعلت من المسلم المعاصر نموذجا لإلنسان المغترب
داخليا وخارجيا ،وأبعده ذلك عن السلوك الذي يجب أن يتحلى به المسلم من إثبات الذات وتغيير الواقع المعاش وأصبح سلوكه هروبيا من الواقع وف ار ار إلى حالة من التصوف السلبي وانفصل الجانب المادي عن المعنوي ،وظهرت الخ ارفات والجهل على مختلف األصعدة ،وكان حصاد ذلك حالة من الضعف تجلت في مجاالت عديدة دينية ،وسياسية ،واقتصادية.
كانت الفلسفة قديما متعة عقلية تطلب لذاتها ،ولكن تغير هذا المفهوم مع تطور المجتمعات
وظهور كثير من المشكالت التي تتحدى وجود اإلنسان انطولوجيا ،ومعرفيا ،واكسيولوجيا ،فكان حتما على أن ينغمسوا في مشكالت المجتمع من أجل رؤية عقلية منطقية لكيفية الخروج من هذه األزمات ،ومن هنا كان االرتباط بين الفكر المجرد والفكر الواقعي ،نعم النظرية ضرورية للمجتمع ،ولكن األهم تطبيق هذه النظرية ونجد بأن نهضة أي مجتمع ال يعتمد على الفعل فقط
بل يجب أن يرتبط الفعل بالعمل ،فالنهضة عملية مزدوجة تعتمد على العلم والعمل معا ،ذلك أن أساسها-أى النهضة -العلم ،كذلك ترسم الغاية والوسيلة ألي عمل وكذلك فالتفكير النظري وحده ال يؤدى إلى نهضة األمم والدليل على ذلك أن أوربا بعد حقبة كبيرة من الفلسفة النظرية المجردة فى بالد اليونان لم تتقدم البتة ،بل أصبحت في العصور الوسطى ضحية هذا الفكر المجرد الذي
يبتعد كثي ار عن مشاكل المجتمع واهتماماته واحتياجاته ،ومن ثم ملئت الكنيسة هذا الفراغ وسيطرت على هذه الشعوب وحلت على أوربا عصور ظالم لم تخرج منها ،إال بفضل الحضارة
اإلسالمية التي اعتمدت على النظرية والتطبيق ،وهذا ما تجلى وشهد له العالم فى شتى المجاالت العلمية واإلنسانية،ومحمد إقبال وعى هذه الجوانب بشكل جيد ،فقد تأثر بظروف المجتمع ومشاكله ،فالعزلة عدو للتقدم والتحضر فال يستطيع الفيلسوف أن يعزل نفسه عن المجتمع ويعيش بعيدا عن األحداث التي يمر بها المجتمع ،فقد مضى الزمن الذى كان ينعزل فيه الفيلسوف عن المجتمع وينطوي على نفسه تفكي ار وتأمال.
لكن ليس معنى ذلك أن يكون الفيلسوف سلبيا يتلقى العلم فقط ،أو يكون انعكاسا لواقع المجتمع يشكله كيفما يشاء ،بل يجب أن يشارك الفيلسوف بايجابية فى الواقع المجتمعي مؤثرات
فيه ومتأث ا ر به ،فهو مؤثر في العصور التي تليه من خالل عقلية نقدية إبداعية ترفض التقليد وتؤمن بإعمال العقل واالجتهاد. واقبال وقف على ظروف مجتمعه– الهند -وما يتعرض له المسلمون من انتهاكات كثيرة ،وراح يبحث عن أسباب الداء ،ويتعرف على مالمحه وكيف يصل إلى العالج الناجع .
وقد إقبال من الفكر اإلنساني عامة والفلسفي خاصة موقف النقد والتمحيص ،وهو يصرح بذلك
مقدمة كتابه" تجديد التفكير الديني فاإلسالم "يقول" وعلى هذا فواجبنا يقتضى أن نراقب في يقظة وعناية تقدم الفكر اإلنساني ،وأن نقف منه موقف النقد والتمحيص". وتعد فلسفة إقبال فلسفة تجديدية تخطت كل العقبات والظروف التى وجدت فى عصر كان
الجهل سمته األساسية وقد تأثر إقبال– شأنه شأن أي فيلسوف أو مفكر -بظروف عصره ،وما جد فيه من أحداث ،فقد وقف على ما نزل بأمته من تخلف وتدهور امتد عبر قرون أخذ يستشرى فيها إلى أن بلغ ذروته فى أواخر القرن التاسع عشر االستعماري ،فاالعتقاد فاسد، والبدع منتشرة ،واألخالق متدنية ومنحرفة ،واالستبداد متسلط ،والتفرق والخالف قائم بين مكونات األمة ،والنفوس مستكينة لتصوف سلبي يؤدى إلى التواكل ،واالستعمار متربص بدولنا العربية
واإلسالمية ،والتخلف والجمود مسيطر على العقول.
وقد شخص محمد إقبال أسباب ذلك كله ،فوجد أن األسباب مهما تعددت ترجع إلى ابتعاد المسلمين عن دينهم وعدم فهمهم له فهما سليما ،وسيط رة التقليد ورفض االجتهاد ،من هنا فإنه جعل اإلسالم هو األساس األول الذي يقوم عليه مشروعه اإلصالحي التجديدي ،لكن ال يعنى ذلك أنه رفض أي فكر آخر غير إسالمي ،بل على العكس من ذلك كان منفتحا على كل الثقافات والحضارات– خاصة األوربية -ممحصا وناقدا ،يحاول فهم الفلسفات الغربية قديمها وحديثها ليتعرف على جوهرها ومدى مالئمتها لديننا اإلسالمي لذلك درس الفلسفة اليونانية، وفلسفة العصور الوسطى ،والفلسفة الحديثة والمعاصرة ،وكان ذلك معينا على تكوين عقلية ناقدة
واعية بمجاريات األحوال فى الماضي والحاضر ،وكذلك الرؤى المستقبلية لهؤالء الفالسفة
وامكانية تحقيقها" .واإلسالم عند إقبال ليس دينا فقط ،ولكنه دين ودولة ،ونظام شامل لشتى جوانب الحياة ونشاطاتها المختلفة ،إنه عقيدة وعبادة وأخالق وشريعة تضمنت أصول النظم السياسية واالقتصادية واالجتماعية .ويتفق محمد إقبال فى ذلك مع اإلمام محمد عبده فاإلسالم عند كل منهما هو السبيل إلى النهضة الشاملة واإلصالح ،ويقصد باإلسالم هنا اإلسالم الصحيح الذي يعد بحق سبيال لإلصالح والنهضة -وليس اإلسالم الذي لحقته البدع
والتحريفات -ليرتبط بالقيم اإلسالمية الصحيحة ،والفهم الصحيح لإلسالم ،وليكتشف ما فيه من
قيم نبيلة ،تتكشف مع التطو ا رت والمستجدات التي تعرفها حياة اإلنسان فى كل الميادين هذه الحياة التى ال تعرف السكون والثبات ،بل هي متحركة ومتغيرة ومتطورة باستمرار ،وكذلك
تسعى فلسفة إقبال التجديدية لربط الفكر اإلسالمي بالفكر الغربي خاصة جوانبه العلمية التقدمية، لكن بشرط حفظ الهوية اإلسالمية خاصة فى ظل عوامل االنبهار التي تتميز بها الحضارة الغربية.وهكذا تعد شخصية إقبال مزيجا من الثقافة اإلسالمية -بمعناها الواسع فى جوانبها الروحية والواقعية -والثقافة الغربية بحكم سفره إلى أوربا فقد أكسبته الثقافة الغربية عقال ناقدا
متشبعا بالفكر الفلسفي الغربي ومناهجه المتعددة ،وبعد إطالعه على الحضارة الغربية ومعرفة األسس التي بنيت عليها وطبيعة األفكار التي تسعى لها هذه الحضارة ،تكونت لديه عقلية نقدية واعية استطاع من خاللها معرفة كنه فلسفتهم وقارن بينهما وبين الثقافة اإلسالمية ،وقد حافظ على هويته التي فقدها البعض في ظل طغيان هذه الثقافة على مجتمعاتنا اإلسالمية. موضوع البحث :فلسفة محمد إقبال التجديدية ودورها في خدمة اإلنسان المسلم.
أهمية البحث :تتمثل أهمية البحث فى إلقاء الضوء على مفكر إسالمي كان له دو ار في إصالح الفكر اإلسالمي من خالل رؤية تجديدية تهدف إلصالح أحوال المسلمين ،خاصة فى فترة تعرض فيها العالم اإلسالمي لمؤام ا رت استعمارية ،وكذلك هدم للدولة من الداخل من خالل التزمت والتعصب ،تمثلت أهمية البحث أيضا أنها ألقت الضوء على دور إقبال في
محاربة مظاهر الغلو والتطرف.
أهداف البحث :يهدف البحث إلى ما يلي: 1.أن نتعرف على فلسفة إقبال فى مناقشة الخصوم. 2.مقارنة أفكار إقبال بغيره من المتزمتين من الفقهاء والمتصوفة.
3.معرفة المنهجية التى استخدمها إقبال لمساعدة اإلنسان المسلم على الخروج من حالة العزلة التى عاشها. 4.إلقاء الضوء على حقبة تاريخية تشبه إلى حد كبير الحقبة التى نعيشها اليوم ،من ضياع للهوية. منهج البحث: 1.المنهج التاريخي :من خالل الرجوع للتراث الفلسفي القديم والحديث. 2.المنهج التحليلي النقدي :يقوم على تحليل مذاهب الفالسفة ،ونقدها نقدا موضوعيا ،انطالقا من الدين اإلسالمي. .3المنهج المقارن .وذلك بمقارنة أراء الفالسفة فى العصور التاريخية المختلفة. -----------------------------------------------------------
نحو تجديد الرؤية في المنهج التاريخي" :خلق آدم (عليه السالم) نموذجا أ.د عبد المعطي بن محمد عبد المعطي سمسم أستاذ التاريخ القديم جامعة أم القرى المملكة العربية السعودية
الشك أن لدى كثير من الباحثين في مجال الدراسات االجتماعية اإلنسانية وخاصة التاريخية ،عندما تذكر لهم المصادر اإلسالمية كمصدر مهم من مصادر الدراسات التاريخية، حول خلق اإلنسان واستخالفه وما يدور في فلك ذلك من األحداث التاريخية والتي تعرف بعصور ما قبل التاريخ والعصر التاريخي القديم ،نجد حالة من الغرابة واإلنكار ،ألنها في
نظرهم ؟ ال تخلوا من المبالغات وضرب من الخياالت ذهبت إليها تلك المصادر ،والبعد عن الحقيقة أو األقرب للحقيقة -استثنى هنا القرآن الكريم فرغم كونه من أهم المصادر اإلسالمية وأجلها إال أن ما تضمنه غير قابل لألخذ والرد والنقد والتمحيص كمصدر تاريخي بل هو كتاب عبادة وهدايا من عند اهلل سبحانه وتعالى ،وقياساً على ذلك أيضاً ما صح عن رسول اهلل سيدنا
محمد عليه وعلى أنبياء اهلل جميعاً الصالة والسالم .-
إال أن ما ذهب إليه أولئك المتشككين في المصادر التاريخية اإلسالمية بمختلف
طوائفهم ومعتقداتهم ،لو أنهم تصفحوا ما نقلته لنا المصادر األخرى -وبالتأكيد أنهم مطلعين – من أبحاث في أصل اإلنسان وظهوره على األرض من خالل مصادرهم من :الحفائر وعلوم
األحياء وعلم األجناس ومن نقوش وكتابات نقلت لنا من مدونات األمم القديمة ،والتي كانت
المنهل الخصب لما نقلته لنا المصادر التاريخية الوضعية في تاريخ البشرية بمختلف مدارسها، أو ما نقلته لنا المصادر األدبية التي تُعد عند معظم شعوب العالم أنها تحكي تاريخهم وتحمل تراثهم ،كملحمة الخليقة البابلية التي تحكي الصراع بين اآللهة ،واإللياذة واألوديسة لهوميروس، والشهنامة للفردوسي ،والمالحم الهندية والصينية ،فإننا نجد فيه الكثير من المبالغات والخياالت وتصف حياة اإلنسان في صراع دائم مع اآللهة ،ومع الطبيعة حوله من أجل البقاء والهيمنة،
دون إشارة لخالق ومبدع لهذا الكون ،والبدء والتكوين والتي هي أبعد أن تكون قريبة من التصديق لما حملت تلك من أساطير وكيفية تناوله حياة البشرية ،وهي تصف اآللهة واإلنسان وخلقه وعالقته بإلهته ،وتعميره لألرض وحياته االجتماعية والفكرية وقيام ممالكه وأسس
حضاراته ؛ وهي أفكار رائجة ومؤثرة في تاريخ البشرية على مر عصورها ،وهو ما أجبر اإلنسان
إ لي وضع القوانين واألحكام لضبط البناء االجتماعي للبشرية ،عبر سلسلة طويلة من المتغيرات لتلك األفكار والنظم حول مسيرة اإلنسان وعادة ما تضع لخدمة المصالح الفردية ،رخص فيها اإلنسان حتى جعلوا منه حيوان ناطق ،وأنه في أصله ال يتعد كونه كائن حي متطور عبر
ماليين السنين خلقته الطبيعة .
لقد أجمعت الكتب السماوية في جوهرها بخلق اهلل لإلنسان واستخالفه على األرض، إال أنها تختلف في التفاصيل ،حيث جعلت المصادر اإلسالمية من خلق اهلل آلدم ( اإلنسان ) ك لِ ْل َمالئِ َك ِة إِِّني واستخالفه على األرض ابرز حدث في الحركة البشرية ،قال تعالىَ { :وِا ْذ قَا َل َرب َ ِ ِ األر ِ ض َخلِيفَةً} سورة البقرة،آية ٩3:وبهذا التكريم والتفضيل ،يكون اإلنسان سيد َجاع ٌل في ْ ِ يصوغ وال يصاغ ،يخطط وينفذ ،وال يكون مجرد أداة للطبيعة المخلوقاتُ ،ي ْخضعُ وال َي ْخ َ ضعُ ، والمادة ،بل متفاعالً معها ومع الكون حوله بما وهبه اهلل من قدرة على تسخير الكون وسيادته
عليه ،فعلى اإلنسان تناط سيادة الحياة وتعميرها ،فأضاف اهلل إليه تكريما -اإلنسان المؤمن -
تكليفا جعله غاليا عند اهلل ،وأن المساس بهذا اإلنسان أو قتله فيه تحطيم لكرامته ،وقتل للناس يل أََّنهُ َم ْن قَتَ َل َن ْف ًسا بِ َغ ْي ِر َن ْف ٍ س أ َْو ك َكتَْبَنا َعلَى َبنِي إِ ْس َرائِ َ َج ِل َذلِ َ أجمعين ،قال تعالىِ {:م ْن أ ْ ِ ِ ٍ ِ األر ِ َحَيا َّ ض فَ َكأََّن َما قَتَ َل َّ يعا } سورة المائدة، اها فَ َكأََّن َما أ ْ يعا َو َم ْن أ ْ َحَي َ اس َجم ً الن َ اس َجم ً الن َ فَ َساد في ْ الن ْف َس الَّتِي َحَّرم اللَّهُ إِال بِا ْل َح ِّ آية .٩٩ :ويقول اهلل تعالى َ { :وال تَ ْقتُلُوا َّ ق } سورة اإلسراء ،آية: َ .٩٩وهذا جوهر التكريم ،الذي أوجده اهلل -سبحانه وتعالى . ومما سبق أتشرف بتقديم هذه الدراسة والتي تحمل عنوان "نحو تجديد في الرؤية في المنهج التاريخي" (خلق آدم عليه السالم " "نموذجاً " )
وتناولت فيه نظرة المصادر اإلسالمية لهذا الحدث العظيم ،كما تناولت إلقاء الضوء
على نظرة المصادر الوضعية حول وجود اإلنسان وظهوره على األرض ،وختمت دراستي بإعطاء صورة لما رسمتها لنا المصادر اإلسالمية عن خلق آدم بيد اهلل سبحانه وتعالى ،و واستخالفة على األرض كامل الخلقة،قال اهلل تعالى {قَ ْد َخلَ ْقَنا ِْ َح َس ِن تَ ْق ِو ٍيم}سورة ان ِفي أ ْ اإل ْن َس َ التين،آية 4:متمكن بقدرة اهلل التي أوجدها فيه أن يسخر األشياء حوله ليعمر األرض ويحقق الغرض األهم من خلقه وهو عبادة اهلل الواحد األحد الفرد الصمد.
الجلسة الثالثة (التنمية المستدامة وريادة األعمال) قاعة المؤتمرات الكبرى بصيدلة 13.45-14.45 PM رئاسة الجلسة: أ.د .خالد قدري (عميد كلية التجارة ،جامعة عين شمس) أ.د .هيام وهبة (وكيلة كلية التجارة للدراسات العليا ،جامعة عين شمس)
ا.محمد األتربي د .نيفين جامع ا.محسن عادل
رئيس مجلس إدارة بنك تجربة بنك مصر في تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة وريادة األعمال والتنمية مصر المستدامة الرئيس التنفيذي لجهاز دور جهاز تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة المشروعات وتمويل المشروعات خالل دورة حياتها تنمية الصغيرة والمتوسطة- دور الهيئة العامة لالستثمار في ريادة الرئيس التنفيذي للهيئة األعمال لالستثمار العامة
ا.د .محمود صبح
الحرة، والمناطق ونائب رئيس البورصة التجارة-جامعة من ابتكارات رأس المال المخاطر :دور كلية مالئكة األعمال فى تمويل المشروعات عين شمس عالية المخاطر -----------------------------------------------------------
من ابتكارات رأس المال المخاطر: دور مالئكة األعمال فى تمويل المشروعات عالية المخاطر أ.د .محمود عبد الهادي صبح أستاذ التمويل واإلدارة المالية كلية التجارة-جامعة عين شمس الملخص
مالئكة األعمال مجموعة من المستثمرين لديهم أمواال وال يرغبون فى التعامل مع المؤسسات المالية ،هذه األموال تمكنهم من إستثمار جزء منها فى أصول عالية المخاطرة بهدف تحقيق عوائد مرتفعة منها لتعويض تحملهم للمخاطرة .فهم يتمتعون بحق التصويت عليها ،ويحققون منها دخل جارى ،وأخي ار يحصلون على مكاسب رأسمالية عند التخارج منها .
ويبحث المخاطرون اإلنشائيون عن هؤالء المستثمرين لمساعدتهم فى تنمية أعمالهم من
خالل تقديم التمويل المطلوب ،وكذلك مشاركتهم بطريقة أو أكثر فى المجاالت التالية : الخبرة فى مجال الصناعة . الخبرة فى تكوين وبدايات المشروعات .
الخبرة والعالقات فى الحصول على رأس المال المخاطر . القدرة على التواصل مع صناديق إستثمار رأس المال المخاطر.
ويتميز هؤالء المالئكة بالخصائص التالية : – ٨يستثمرون أموالهم قريباً من منازلهم .
– ٩يميلون إلى كبر السن .فهم أثرياء وحاصلون على مستوى تعليمى مرتفع . – ٩يتوقعون عائداً على إستثماراتهم %٩2فى المتوسط سنوياً .
– 4يتوقعون أن تفشل إستثماراتهم بنسبة أكبر من الثلث ،ويعتبرونها خسارة فادحة . ولمالئكة األعمال شروط لإلستثمار فى الشركات وهى : – ٨الحصول على مقعد فى مجلس إدارة الشركة .
– ٩الحصول على مكافآت أو تعويض مقابل الوقت الذى يقضونه فى اعمال الشركة – ٩حق الفيتو عند إصدار الشركة ألسهم عادية .
– 4حق التصويت على تمويل الزيادة فى السندات طويلة األجل . – 5حق الموافقة على مكافآت المديرين التنفيذيين .
– 2حق إحالل المدير التنفيذى إذا لم يتم إنجاز بعض األمور فى الشركة . خالصة القول : هو أن مالئكة األعمال يلعبون دو اًر هاماً فى تطوير وتنمية المرحلة المبكرة من دورة حياة المشروع عالى المخاطرة
وسؤالى هنا هو " :هل هناك مالئكة أعمال مثلهم فى البيئة اإلستثمارية المصرية ...؟ " -----------------------------------------------------------
الجلسة الرابعة (اإلبداع وتنمية اإلنسان) قاعة المؤتمرات الكبرى بصيدلة 14.45-15.45 PM رئاسة الجلسة: أ.د .عبد المسيح سمعان (وكيل معهد البيئة للدراسات العليا ،جامعة عين شمس) أ.د .شيرين مظلوم (مدير مركز دعم وتوظيف الطالب ،جامعة عين شمس)
ا.د .صالح هاشم ا.د .محمد المفتي أ.د .مسعد عويس
جامعة الفيوم جامعة عين شمس جامعة حلوان
د .عبد العزيز محمود
جامعة عين شمس
اإلبداع في مجال العلوم اإلنسانية التربية ودورها في تنمية اإلبداع اإلبداع في تهيئة مناخ اإلبداع للشباب في المؤسسات التربوية كيفية إعداد برنامج إرشادي لتنمية اإلبداع لدى الشباب
اإلبداع فى العلوم االجتماعية :السوسيودراما نموذجا أ.د .صالح أحمد هاشم أستاذ التنمية والتخطيط – جامعة الفيوم الملخص
ييعد االبداع محو اًر أساسياً فى تطوير العلوم ..وكما أن معدالت اإلبتكار تعد معيا اًر
أساسيا فى تقدم العلوم الطبيعية يعد اإلبداع المعيار األهم فى تطوير العلوم االجتماعية ً والفنون ..ومن المفاهيم المغلوطة لدى كثير من الباحثين فى العلوم االجتماعية أن اإلبداع مقصو ار على قطاع األداب والفنون وأنه بعيداً كل البعد عن العلوم االجتماعية ..إال أن التقدم فى العلوم والذى جعل العلوم كلها متداخلة جعل أيضا تكاملها حتمياً .من أجل التعامل مع القضايا المجتمعية والبيئة التى تتسم بالتعقد والتداخل أيضاً ..ومن ثم فإن التعامل معها يحتاج إلى تكاتف العلوم من أجل مواجهتها والعامل معها.
ومن أهم مناطق االبداع فى العلوم االجتماعية هى تطوير ادوات البحث وأساليب الدراسة التدخالت العالجية .حيث بينت الدراسات والبحوث أن األدوات العالجية التى تعتمد
عليها العلوم االجتماعية باتت تقليدية ال تتناسب مع طبيعة التغيرات التى تنتاب المجتمعات ..وعيلها أن تعمل على تعديل أدواتها وأساليبها العالجية ..
مؤكدة ان الندوات والمحاضرات كأدوات عالجية ال تصلح فى التعامل مع كل الفئات
اإلنسانية والمجتمعية ..وعلى العلوم االجتماعية أن تبتكر أساليباً جديدة قادرة على التعامل مع مكونات الوعى اإلنسانى ،وتتناسب مع الميول والدوافع اإلنسانية ..لهذا فإن استخدام
السوسيودراما كأسلوب عالجى فعال فى تنمية الوعى اآلنسانى يعد عنواناً عريضاً للتكامل
بين العلوم االجتماعية والفنون ..
وفى ضوء نوعية وحجم المخاطر البيئية التى تهدد المجتمع ،وارتباط تلك المخاطر والحد منها بتنمية المعارف أو تعديل لسلوك أفراد المجتمع ؛ تحاول الورقة البحثية الراهنة إختبار مدى صالحية استخدام السوشيودراما في تنمية الوعي البيئي للمرأة الريفية. -----------------------------------------------------------
التربية من أجل اإلبداع ا.د.محمد أمين المفتى أستاذ المناهج واستراتيجيات التدريس وعميد كلية التربية األسبق -جامعة عين شمس الملخص
تسعى غالبية الدول فى المجتمع العالمى إلى تنمية البشر مؤكدة على تنمية عقول مفكرة مبدعة ؛حيث أصبح هذا السعى من األهداف االستراتيجية ،ومن المتطلبات المصيرية لبقاء الدول فى مجتمع عالمى اليتسع إال للمبدعين .
المجتمع العالمى هو مجتمع معرفة وله خصائص متعارف عليها تمثلت فى المستجدات التى طرأت على مجتمع الصناعة فحولته إلى يطلق عليه مجتمع الموجة الثالثة أومجتمع األلفية الثالثة أو مجتمع المعرفة،ولعل من أهم هذه المستجدات التراكم السريع فى المعلومات والمعارف ،والتقدم الهائل فى األساليب التكنولوجية ،والتطور المذهل فى وسائل االتصال ،وهيمنة من
يمتلك التكنولوجيا وينتج المعرفة على من يستهلك دون أن يكون لهم القدرة على االمتالك أو اإلنتاج ،وظهور مشكالت محلية وعالمية مركبة ومتعددة األبعاد،ناهيك عن حركة العولمة وتوابعها . هذا المجتمع الجدديد يتطلب تكوين إنسانا جديدا له خصائص ومواصفات تمكنه من العيش
فى هذا المجتمع ومواجهة تحدياته ،وحل المشكالت التى تواجهه والتى طرأت نتيجة المستجدات المشار إليها أعاله.
وتقع مسئولية تكوين هذا اإلنسان بالدرجة األولى على التربية ومؤسساتها النظامية وغير النظامية وفى مقدمتها المؤسسات التعليمية التى ينبغى أن تتخلى عن دورها التقليدى التلقينى
فى التعليم وتتجه إلى الدور التيسيرى واإلرشادى فى التعلم ،وأن تساند مؤسسات التربية غير النظامية وتدعم الدور الجديد للمؤسسات التعليمية من خالل مضمون ما تقدمه . واذا كان الهدف هو تكوين إنسانا جديدا فينبغى العبور بعقليته التى أفرزها التعليم التلقينى إلى عقلية جديدة يفرزها التعلم من خالل التيسير واإلرشاد .ويستلزم العبور بهذه العقلية من الواقع إلى المأمول أال يقتصر على دراسة وتحليل ما يجرى من ممارسات تعليمية فى التعليم التلقينى ،بل ينبغى أن يلقى ضوءا على المناخ العلمى الذى ساد منذ زمن والتى إنصبغت به الممارسات التعليمية داخل مؤسسات التعليم النظامية. كان النشاط العلمى واليزال– فى مجتمعنا -يكاد يقتصر على النقل والحفظ ؛ النقل عبر
الزمان لتراث السلف الذى كان يلخص ويحفظ ،أو النقل عبر المكان لعلوم الغـرب ولعل بدايته كانت مع الحملة الفرنسية . عكست المؤسسات التعليمية هذا التوجه على الممارسات التعليمية داخلها فأصبح التلخيص والتلقين والحفظ هو األسلوب الرئيسى فى التعليم ،وبالتالى إعتادت عقول المتعلمين على االستقبال والحفظ والتخزين ثم استدعاء ما تم تخزينه وتطبيقه فى مواقف نمطية سواء دراسية أو
حياتية .كان من الصعب على تلك العقول أن تدرك العالقات الكامنة داخل مضمون ما يحفظونه ،أو تعى بمنهج التفكير الذى نسج هذا المضمون وشيد بنيته.
ومن الصعب أن يعمم هذا فال يمكن إنكار أن التعليم التلقينى قد أفرز عقوال مفكرة بين الحين واآلخر فى مجاالت متنوعة ،ولكنها حاالت فردية واستثنائية اليمكن القياس عليها.
واذا سلمنا بأن " العقل والد الثقافة ووليدها " فالعقول التى تعودت على االستقبال والحفظ
والتخزين تفرز ثقافة ذاكرة ،وهذه بدورها تورث العقول خصائصها وسماتها ( جيناتها) وتصبغها بها لتعمل هذه العقول على بقاء هذه الثقافة وتضمن إستمرارها . ومن الممكن أن يظل هذا التفاعل المتبادل لفترات طويلة من الزمن مالم يتم تغيير أو تعديل
أو تطوير أحد عنصرى التفاعل (العقل أو الثقافة) .
ومن وجهة نظرى أن التغيير أو التعديل أو التطوير يكون من الصعب أن يتم فيما يتعلق بالثقافة ،أما إذاتم التركيز على العقل فإن ذلك ممكن من خالل عمليات التربية ووسائطها ومؤسساتها النظامية وغير النظامية. يبرز هنا تساؤل جوهرى " كيف يمكن العبور بالعقل من حالته االستاتيكية االستهالكية (
إستقبال ،حفظ ،تخزين ،إستدعاء) التى أفرزها التعليم التلقينى إلى الحالة الديناميكية المنتجة (
إكتشاف ،حل مشكالت،إبداع ) التى يفرزها التعلم من خالل التيسير واإلرشاد ؟" ويتبع هذا التساؤل تساؤل آخر " هل هناك حتمية لتنمية عقول مفكرة مبدعة ؟" اإلجابة عن هذين التساؤلين تكمن فى الصفحات التالية.
اإلبداع فى تهيئة مناخ االبداع فى المؤسسة الجامعية إعداد :أ.د .مسعد سيد عويس
كلية التربية الرياضية-جامعة حلوان الملخص
تسعى الدراسة الحالية إلى التأكيد على دور الجامعات في تهيئة منـاخ اإلبـداع فـي محـيط أعضاء المجتمع ..من خالل القيادات الجامعية المستنيرة. كما تؤكد الدراسة على الثقة الكبيرة في قدرات كل إنسان على اإلبداع والتميـز والتفـوق ..
شـريطة الكشــف المبكــر عــن جوانــب اإلبــداع لــدى كــل إنســان فــي ضــوء وحــدة وتكامــل الشخصــية اإلنسانية مع ضرورة التنسيق والتكامل والتواصل مع مؤسسات التعليم قبل الجامعي للتعرف علـى المبدعين من المراحل السنية المبكرة. وتطرقــت الد ارســة إلــى واقــع النظــام الجــامعي فــي الوقــت ال ـراهن ..وكيفيــة اختيــار واعــداد
أعض ـ ــاء هيئ ـ ــات الت ـ ــدريس بالجامع ـ ــات ..وقواع ـ ــد قب ـ ــول الط ـ ــالب ول ـ ـ ـوائح وأس ـ ــاليب التــ ــدريس واالختبارات ونظم االمتحانات. وعرضت الدراسة بعض المقومات الضرورية لتهيئة منـاخ اإلبـداع فـي المؤسسـة الجامعيـة ..ومواصفات األستاذ الجامعي ..والظروف الصحية واالجتماعيـة للقيـادات الجامعيـة ..وأفـادت الد ارسـة ـ كـذلك ـ مـن أحـدث الد ارسـات العلميـة فـي مجـال (الـرتم الحيـوي) أو اإليقـاع البيولـوجي
لماله من عالقة وثيقة باإلبداع. وانته ــت الد ارس ــة إل ــى اآلراء والمقترح ــات والبـ ـرامج والمش ــروعات للتحلي ــل والنق ــد ..وف ــي مقــدمتها االهتمــام بأعضــاء هيئــات التــدريس ..ووضــع معــايير تق ــويم األداء ..وابتك ــار أســاليب جديــدة للتــدريس والكشــف المبكــر عــن اســتعدادات الــنشء نحــو التعلــيم الجــامعي األنســب ..مــع
تطــوير اإلدارة الجامعيــة ..والتعــاون مــع مؤسســات المجتمــع المــدني وســوق العمــل ..فــي ضــوء خطة عامة وسياسـة شـاملة واسـتراتيجية واضـحة المعـالم ..للتأكيـد علـى أهميـة اإلبـداع فـي تهيئـة منــاخ اإلبــداع واالبتكــار فــي حيــاة المجتمــع فــي الوقــت الـراهن وفــي المســتقبل ..مــن أجــل اإلفــادة المثلى من الموارد البشرية والمادية للجامعات ..وحساب ذلك اقتصاديا واجتماعيا . -----------------------------------------------------------
فعالية برنامج إرشادي إلكتروني لتنمية التفكير اإلبداعي لدى عينة من الشباب الجامعي د.عبد العزيز محمود عبد العزيز
مدرس الصحة النفسية واإلرشاد النفسي – كلية التربية – جامعة عين شمس مدير وحدة رعاية الطالب الوافدين جامعة عين شمس
اإلهتمام بتنمية التفكير اإلبداعي لدي لشباب يعد من أهم مقومات النجاح لألمم علي مر العصور وخصوصا في العصر الحالي ،فاألمم ترتقي وتزدهر وتتقدم بما تحتويه من عقول إبداعية ومبتكرة تنظر إلى األشياء بطريقة مختلفة ،لهذه هدفت الدراسة الحالية الي تنمية التفكير
اإلبداعي لدي عينة من الشباب الجامعي بأحدث صياحات اإلرشاد النفسي وهو اإلرشاد النفسي اإللكتروني. Cyber Counseling الصندوق ،هو عملية يشمل القدرة علي إدراك التفكير اإلبداعي أو ما ُيعرف بالتّفكير خارج ّ األنماط الغير واضحة ،وأوجه القصور ،والفجوات في المعرفة ،والعناصر المفقودة ،وعدم
التجانس ،وما إلى ذلك ،كما يمتلك األشخاص المبدعون القدرة على ابتكار وسائل جديدة لح ّل المشكالت ومواجهة التّحديات بالخطوات اآلتية تحديد الصعوبة ؛ البحث عن حلول ،أو إجراء
تخمينات ،أو تشكيل فرضيات ،حول أوجه القصور ؛ اختبار هذه الفرضيات واعادة اختبارها أخير نقل النتائج وربما تعديلها واعادة تركيبها ؛ و ًا فالتفكير اإلبداعي هو التفكير الذي نصل به إلي افكار ونتائج جديدة لم يسبق اليها أحد ،كما أنه تفكير يصل إلي هدفه بأسلوب غير منتظم وال يمكن التنبؤ به فهو ال يسير ضمن خطوات محددة وهو ما يميزه عن غيره ويتكون من عدة جوانب أهمها ،قدرة الفرد علي انتاج أكبر عدد ممكن من األفكار حول المشكلة التي يتعرض لها ( الطالقة الفكرية) ،علي أن تتصف هذه
األفكار بالتنوع واالختالف ( المرونة) وعدم التكرار أو الشيوع (األصالة) ،وكذلك القدرة علي اضافة تفاصيل جديدة ومتنوعة لفكرة أساسية تم انتاجها ( التفاصيل) أما اإلرشاد اإللكتروني فيشير إلى تقديم خدمة نفسية مباشرة بين الطبيب النفسي والعميل عن طريق شبكة اإلنترنت .بهدف تسهيل التواصل بينهما ويكون من خالل مجموعة متنوعة من وسائط بما في ذلك البريد اإللكتروني( التواصل غير المتزامن) ،أو "الدردشة" واتصاالت الفيديو أو خدمات الهاتف الصوتية ،وقد يستخدم بشكل جلسات عالجية فردية أو جماعية ،وهو ذلك
النوع من العالج الذي يستخدم مميزات اإلنترنت مثل تطبيق االستبيانات عبر اإلنترنت ،وتوفير المعلومات حول العمالء ،جمع المعلومات الديموغرافية أو الشخصية .ويتميز اإلرشاد اإللكتروني بإمكانية توافره على مدى ٩4ساعة يوميا ،في حال كان المعالجين عبارة عن فريق عمل ،وأخي اًر يتم االعتماد في اإلرشاد اإللكتروني على العديد من مقومات التكنولوجيا المتطورة مثل مبادئ
الذكاء االصطناعي والبيئات االفتراضية ثالثية األبعاد three-dimensional (3D) virtual environmentsللوصول لنتائج أكثر فاعلية.
وتكونت عينة الدراسة من ٩3طالبا وطالبة ،تم تقسيمهم إلى مجموعتين (المجموعة األولي
هي المجموعة التجريبية للبرنامج اإلرشادي اإللكتروني وهي مكونة من ٨3أفراد بمتوسط أعمار( )٩٩،333عام وانحراف معياري( ،)٨7١.٨المجموعة الثانية هي المجموعة الضابطة وهي مكونة من ٨3أفراد بمتوسط أعمار()٩٨،243
عام وانحراف معياري (،)٨754٩وتم
استخدام األدوات المتمثلة في مقياس التفكير اإلبداعي والبرنامج اإلرشاد اإللكتروني وتوصلت
نتائج الدراسة إلي فاعلية اإلرشاد اإللكتروني في تنمية التكفير اإلبداعي وأبعاده لدي األفراد العينة من الشباب الجامعي. -----------------------------------------------------------
الجلسة الخامسة (األدب بين اإلبداع واإلبتكار) قاعة المؤتمرات الكبرى بصيدلة 15.45-17.00 PM رئاسة الجلسة: أ.د .منى فؤاد (عميدة كلية األلسن-جامعة عين شمس) أ.د.م .نيفين عاصم (مدير مركز تنمية قدرات أعضاء هيئة التدريس)
ا.د .تغريد عنبر
كلية األلسن-ج .عين شمس
السيد كلية األلسن-ج .عين شمس
ا.د .محمد سليمان العبد ا.د .محمد رجب كلية األلسن-ج .عين شمس الوزير ا.د .دينا محمد عبده كلية األلسن-ج .عين شمس كلية األلسن-ج عين شمس ا.د.م .فايزة سعد
تعدين األفكار والمشاعر في المجالين االقتصادي والسياسي اإلبداع في البحث العلمي في مجاالت اللغة واألدب اإلتجاه المعاصر في دراسة الزمن في اللغة العربية المونودراما الروسية :نموذج لإلبداع األدبي تجليات الحداثة في الرواية العربية :كل من عليها خان أنموذجاً
تعدين األفكار والمشاعر في المجالين السياسي واالقتصادي أ.د .تغريد السيد عنبر أستاذ اللغويات الحاسوبية كلية األلسن -جامعة عين شمس الملخص
تعدين األفكار والمشاعر من الموضوعات البحثية الحديثة نسبيا .هذا المجال البحثي من المجاالت البينية :هو أحد فروع الذكاء الصناعي حيث تطبق مناهج تعلم اآللة " machine
"learningباإلضافة إلى مناهج علم اإلحصاء وعلوم المعالجة اآللية للغة " natural . "language processing
يهدف هذا المجال إلى التعرف على الرأي العام حول منتج بعينه .قد يكون هذا المنتج رأيا
سياسيا أو اقتصاديا أو اجتماعيا ...وقد يكون موقفا شخصيا أو إعالنا تجاريا ،أو مجموعة من المشاعر واالنفعاالت .على هذا األساس يعتمد البحث في هذا المجال على المواد ذات الطابع الشخصي " ،"subjectiveأما المواد الموضوعية التي تعرض حقائق أو أحداثا ال مجال فيها للتدخل الشخصي فليس لها مكان في هذا المجال البحثي.
يستحضر نظام التعدين مادته من كم كبير من الوثائق سواء المكتوبة أو المنطوقة والتي البد أن تمثل آراء ومشاعرحول أمر بعينه .يقوم النظام بتصنيفها الستخراج مكونات ومالمح تحدد نوع التعليقات :هل هي إيجابية أم سلبية أم حيادية .عادة تقسم كل من المالمح اإليجابية والسلبية إلى مستويات تعتمد على درجة اإليجابية أو السلبية المتضمنة ضمانا لدقة النتائج.
لتحقيق هذا الهدف تتدخل المعالجة اللغوية التي تصنف المفردات على أساس داللي إلى إيجابية أو سلبية أو حيادية محددة درجة كل منها داخل الكلمة ،ويحفظ هذا التصنيف في معجم النظام ليكون مرجعا للتصنيف اآللي الذي تدعمه في مرحلة تالية العمليات اإلحصائية. واقع األمر أن مثل هذا المنهج السائد يخلو من الدقة ويحتاج إلى مراجعة ألنه ال توجد
مفردات إيجابية مطلقة وال مفردات سلبية مطلقة واستخراج نتائج على هذا األساس قد تكون
مضللة للتحليل اآللي :كلمة "الحرب" مثال تصنف آليا على أنها كلمة سلبية ،ولكن في سياق مثل "الحرب على اإلرهاب" تتحول إلى مفردة إيجابية .على هذا األساس يجب تعديل مناهج تعدين النصوص بحيث يكون للمعالجة اآللية للغة دور أكثر عمقا ال يتوقف عند حدود تصنيف الكلمات ككيانات قائمة بذاتها ،بل يأخذ السياق في االعتبار خاصة وأن االستخدام اللغوي على
مستوى شبكات التواصل االجتماعي –التي هي المصدر الرئيسي لدراسات التعدين – ال تلتزم بالنظام التقليدي للغة مما يشكل عقبة إضافية في عملية المعالجة اللغوية اآللية .تنبه أخي ار عدد من الباحثين إلى هذه الحقيقة وأشاروا لها لتحقيق تطور حقيقي في مجال تعدين الرأي والمشاعر.
رغم النقد الذي يوجه ألنظمة التعدين إال أنها تلعب دو ار مهما في اتخاذ القرار على شتى
المستويات وخاصة السياسية والمالية :تذكر المراجع بإسهاب دور تعدين اآلراء والمشاعر في التطوير المستمر لحمالت ترشيح أوباما لرئاسة الواليات المتحدة .كما يتحدث كثي ار الخبراء في مؤسسات اقتصادية كبيرة عن دور أنظمة التعدين في جمع بيانات تساعد في تطوير إعالناتهم التجارية واتخاذ ق اررات اقتصادية .إنهم يرون أن تحليل اآلراء والمشاعر يسمح لهم بالتعرف على رأي جمهور عريض يتمثل في شبكات التواصل االجتماعي.
اإلبداع في البحث العلمي في مجاالت اللغة واألدب :رؤي أولية ا.د .محمد السيد سليمان العبد كلية األلسن -جامعة عين شمس الملخص
التاريخ الحقيقي لعلم من العلوم هو تاريخ ما أبدعته عقول بشرية من أفكار جديدة أضافت إلي هذا العلم ودفعت به إلي األمام .واإلضافة الحقيقية هي دائما إضافة نوعية ال كمية ،وهي اإلضافة التي تقرر علي اإلجابة عن أكبر عدد ممكن من األسئلة والتي تفتح لألخرين أفاقا جديدة .واإلبداع ليس عملية منطوية علي ذاتها ،ولكنه إنتاج ال يغفل عن ميراث الماضي ، ولكنه يتفاعل بإستمرار وبكل قوة مع مستجدات الحاضر ومتطلباته.
ما كنا نقبله من بحوث في مجال اللغة واألدب منذ عقدين من الزمان ال يمكن قبوله اليوم ،ألن ذلك يعني أن فرصاً للتغيير قد ضيعناها وليس من حقنا اليوم أن نستمر في تضييعها .مناهج البحث العلمي في اللغة واألدب متغيرة .وهي تزداد يوما بعد يوم تغي ار ،فكيف تظل معظم بحوثنا
تدور في دائرة الثبات .اإلنشائية والعشوائية والعاطفية أفات ثالث تعاني منها كثير جداً من البحوث في مجال اللغة واألدب ،فما الذي أدي بها إلي ما هي عليه األن ،وما الذي ينبغي أن
مبادى البحث نبكر باالهتمام به في مراحل التعليم الجامعي لجعل المنهجية مبدأ أوليا من ّ األكاديمي في هذين المجالين وغيرهما من العلوم اإلنسانية واالجتماعية .لعل األعمال العلمية التي ألفناها أو ترجمناها في مجال اإلبداع نظريا تفوق ما ألفناه من أعمال فيها إبداع ،ال تشكو
جامعاتنا من قلة بحوث الماجستير والدكتوراه وما بعدهما عدداً ،ولكننا نشكو من قلتها تمي از
واتساما باإلبداع ،في الوقت نفسه ال ينبغي لإلبداع أن يكون إبداعاً في المطلق ،ينبغي توجيه اإلبداع في بحوث اللغة واألدب إلي أهداف نري بها العربية واألدب العربي بين اللغات واألداب
العالمية ذات التأثير الحضاري .الحرص علي إنجاز بحوث علمية في هذين المجالين توفرت لها
شروط اإلبداع من أولويات العمل الجامعي ،وهو مسئولية مجتمعية تتحملها كل أمة تريد أن تلعب دو ار مهما في تاريخ العلم المعاصر في هذا اإلطار ،البد من اإلجابة عن تساؤالت عدة علي أرض الواقع ،مثل : كيف نحافظ علي علمائنا؟ كيف نستفيد من علمائنا بأقصي درجات اإلفادة؟ -كيف يساعد كل جيل في تفريخ أجيال جديدة؟
كيف نحول المدرسين والمدرسين المساعدينو األساتذه المساعدين من درجات وظيفة إليكوادر علمية؟ -كيف نجعل من البحوث البينية أداة لإلبداع في البحث العلمي في اللغة واألدب؟
كيف نحول أبحاث الماجستير والدكتوراه وما بعدها إلي أبحاث مبدعة ،ال يكرر بعضعهابعضاً؟
كيف تقود البحث العلمي في هذين المجالين خطة شاملة ومرنة تنأي به عن االرتجاليةوالفردية المطلقة في أنتقاء موضوعات البحث ومناهجه؟ كيف نجعل من دراسات اإلبداع وتوليد األفكار ألية علمية وعملية معاً تساعد في تطويرالرؤي والمداخل إلي ظواهر اللغة والخطاب األدبي في عصر من العصور؟
كيف ننتقل بالبحث العلمي في هذين المجالين من التراكم الكمي إلي التطور النوعي ؛ كأننخرج مثال من ميدان دراسة الصورة الشعرية في حدودها البالغية التقليدية الضيقة ألي اللسانيات اإلدراكية أو ألي النظر أليها من منظور الفنون التشكيلية بأبعادها الرحبة؟ كيف نضع طرق تهيئة العقل لألفكار موضع التنفيذ :المرح ( الذي يدعونا إلي توفير المناخالمادي والمعنوي لنحصل
االتجاه المعاصر فى دراسة الزمن فى اللغة العربية أ.د .محمد رجب الوزير المتفرغ بكلية األ لسن – جامعة عين شمس األستاذ ُ وعضو مجمع اللغة العربية بالقاهرة الملخص
لقد وضعت نظرية جديدة كاملة ألزمنة األفعال واألسماء العربية فى ضوء سياق نصوص تكن شريحة مألوفة لدى النحاة واللغويين. عربية متنوعة لم ْ ٍ يقوم بها عربي على المستويين :النظري والتطبيقي فى هذا المجال .وقـد وهي أو ُل دراسة ُ كشفت الدراسة عن َّ أن المصدر الصريح يدل في ضوء سياق النص القرآني على سبعة أزمنة ،هي( :ما قبل الماضى ،والماضى ،وما بعد الماضى ،والحال ،والمستقبل ،وما قبل المستقبل ،وما بعد المستقبل).
نموذج تطبيقى لداللة صيغة الماضى على خمسة أزمنة:
األول :الداللة علي الزمن الماضي ،وله ستة أفرع؛ منها: -٨الماضي البسيط؛ مثل :حضر الطالب. صرون على -٩الداللة على استمرار وقوع الحدث في الماضي؛ مثل قوله تعالى( :وكانوا ُي َ ِ الحنث العظيم) سورة الواقعة (.)42 -٩الداللة على تكرار وقوع الحدث في الماضي؛ كقوله تعالى( :كلما َدخ َل عليها زكريا اب َو َج َد عندها رزقـًا) سورة آل عمران (.)٩. المحر َ
الثاني :داللة صيغة الماضي على ما قبل الزمن الماضي: لما. -٨إذا وردت بعد ظرف الزمان َّ
فلما قتل جعفر أخذ عبد اهلل بن رواحة الراية". ابن هشامَّ " : يقول ُ -٩إذا وردت صيغة الماضي ضمن التراكيب الثالثة( :كان فعل ،وكان قد فعل ،وقد كان فعل)؛ مثل" :انحدرنا في وادي من أودية تهامة 333وكان القوم قد سبقونا إليه". الثالث :داللة صيغة الماضي على الحاضر:
ص الحق أنا راودته عن نفسه" سورة يوسف (.)5٨ كقوله تعالى" :اآلن َح ْ ص َح َ وكقول والد العروس" :زوجتك موكلتي".
الرابع :داللة صيغة الماضي على المستقبل في ستة سياقات؛ منها: -٨في سياق الدعاء: مثل :أعزك اهلل.
-٩في سياق حكاية الحال اآلتية: أمر اهلل فال تستعجلوه" سورة النحل (.)٨ كقوله تعالى" :أتى ُ المؤذن" :قد قامت الصالة". -٩في قول ُ
الخامس :الداللة على ما بعد المستقبل:
لما قُ ِ ِ األمر َّ وو َعدتكم ضي وقال الشيطان َّ كقوله تعالىَ " : ُ ُ إن اهلل َو َع َد ُك ْم َو ْع َد الحق َ العذاب" سبأ (.)٩٩ لما أروا أسروا الندامة َّ َ فأخلفتكم" إبراهيم ( )٩٩وقوله تعالى" :و ُ -----------------------------------------------------------
المونودراما الروسية :نموذج لإلبداع األدبي أ .د دينا محمد عبده
كلية األلسن -جامعة عين شمس الملخص
فن المونودراما هو أحد الفنون المسرحية وأحد أشكال المسرح التجريبي ،وهو عبارة عن
مشهد واحد يؤديه ممثل واحد علي خشبة المسرح من بدايته حتي نهايته وال يتحدث غيره حتي ولو ظهر إلي جانبه ممثلون أخرون فيظلون صامتين وترجع بداية ظهوره إلي القرن الثامن عشر علي يد الكاتب المسرحي األلماني جوهان كريستيانا براندزثم الفرنسي جان جاك روسو في مسرحيته (بجماليون) وكذلك األلماني جوته في مسرحيته (بروزربينا) وارتبط ظهوره في هذه الفترة بانتشار التيار الرومانسي الذي دعا إلي التفرد والبحث في أعماق الذات وبدأ تطورالمونودراما في
ا لقرن التاسع في العديد من البلدان وعلي رأسها فرنسا وانجلت ار ثم بلغ قمة تطوره وازدهاره في القرن العشرين خاصة مع ظهور المدرسة النفسية للعالم سيجموند فرويد والتي عنت باألمراض
النفسية والعصبية التي يتعرض لها اإلنسان مما انعكس علي هذا الفن بالذات دون غيره والذي ركز علي شخصية اإلنسان بكافة جوانبها النفسية والروحية ومحاولة تجسيد ذلك علي خشبة
المسرح .بدأت المونودراما في الظهور والتطور في األدب الروسي في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر و بداية القرن العشرين مع ظهور مسرحية ( عن أضرار التبغ) عام ٨١١2م للكاتب المسرحي الكبير أنطون تشييخف والتي يؤديها ممثل واحد موجهاً حديثه للجمهور ثم مسرحية (المسافر) عام ٨٢3٩م للكاتب فاليري بريوسف ومسرحية (الغريبة) عام ٨٢32م لشاعر الرمزية ألكسندر بلوك والذي كان يتوجه فيهما البطل إلي إحدي الشخصيات الصامتة .وظهرت المونودراما في
العروض المسرحية والدرامية المتنوعة .ويعتبر نيقاالي يفريينف الذي ولد عام ٨١.٢م وتوفي عام ٨٢5٩م هو أحد أبرز رموز المونودراما الروسية فقد كان ممثال ومخرجا وكاتبا ومؤرخا مسرحيا وكذلك فيلسوفا وموسيقا ار .وتقوم نظرية يفريينف علي ضرورة تجسيد األحداث علي
خشبة المسرح من وجهة نظر البطل الرئيسي واألوحد والذي يقدم العالم المحيط به كما يراه من
منظوره الشخصي ويجبر المتلقي أو المشاهد أن يضع نفسه مكانه وأن يعيش نفس حياته .وقد لعب الكاتب دو ار كبي ار في تحويل المونودراما إلي دراما نفسية وقد لقت هذه النظرية نقدا حادا من جانب النقاد السوفيت والذين رفضوا أن تكون فكرة أحداث المونودراما قائمة علي العالقة المنفردة بين األنا والتي يمثلها البطل والعالم المحيط الذي يعبر عنه ويجسده من خالل تصوراته الشخصية والذاتية لألشخاص واألشياء من حوله .فأصبحت المونودراما عبارة عن عملية إسقاط نفسي للشخصية الرئيسة علي العالم الخارجي ،وبالتالي ال يري مشاهد المونودراما أي أهمية لمشاعر أو معاناة أي شخص أخر سوي البطل .ومع ذلك فقد وجدت نظرية يفريينف أصداء مختلفة لدي أصحاب المدرسة الجمالية والشكلية والذين اعتمدوا علي مبادئ المونودراما المأخوذة
من ممارسات صانعي األفالم السينمائية وليس من المصدر الرئيسي وهي نظرية يفريينف وقد اعتمدوا في أعمالهم علي تصوير وتجسيد البطل لما يراه ولما يحسه أمام المشاهد من منظوره الشخصي دون اعطاء أحكام معممة علي العالم الخارجي المحيط به .ومع ذلك أصبحت مونودراما يفريينف هي واحدة من التقنيات المسرحية والسينمائية األساسية في الفترة السوفيتية
أمر متناقضا بسبب عدم القدرة في والتي قضت بكشف العوالم الداخلية لألبطال ،ولم يكن هذا اً
ذلك الوقت علي ايجاد نسيج درامي متكامل بالطرق التقليدية مما أعطي دافعاً قوياً لضرورة
تحديد عدة سمات مميزة حيث غياب التعبيرالحقيقي في األشكال المسرحية المختلفة التي يتميز
بها المسرح الشكلي ومسرح العبث وتحويل هذا النقص إلي وسيلة ساخرة مقنعة .تتعدد الموضوعات والقضايا التي تعالجها المونودراما ،ومنها الموضوعات الفلسفية والموضوعات
الدينية ،حيث يعتبر الدين مصدر ثقاقي خصب تتجسد فيه دراما العالم الداخلي لإلنسان ،
فالصراع بين الخير والشر وبين اإلله والشيطان اليمثل فقط أحد جوانب الدين في الحياة الواقعية بل هو صراع يتجسد داخل اإلنسان نفسه.
والمونودراما هي وسيلة فنية تنعكس من خاللها مشاعر اإلحباط واليأس نتيجة
اإلحساس بالظلم أو القهر أو المعاناة النفسية التي يمر بها البطل نتيجة ظروف سياسية أو اقتصادية أو اجتماعية معينة تدفعه للبحث عن مخرج للفضفضة أو اإلفصاح عن هذه الحالة النفسية وهو ما يقدمه هذا الفن القائم علي العالقة المباشرة بين البطل الواحد والجمهور. وبالحديث عن مونودراما (عن أضرار التبغ)
ألنطون تشييخف وهي أولي أبرز
المسرحيات الروسية التي تنتمي إلي هذا النوع األدبي وقد صدرت عام ٨١١2م ثم ظهرت في شكلها النهائي عام ٨٢3٩م فهي تحكي عن إيفان إيفانوفيتش نيوخين الذي صعد علي خشبة مسرح أحد أندية المقاطعة التي يعيش فيها وأخذ يقص حكايته ،ويتحدث عن زوجته صاحبة
إحدي مدارس الموسيقي واحدي المدارس الداخلية للبنات ،وقد أمرته أن يلقي محاضرة عن أضرار التبغ .لم يجرؤ نيوخين علي مخالفة زوجته المستبدة ولكنه أخذ يشتكي أنه مجبر اجبا اًر علي إلقاء هذه المحاضرة العلمية الجافة ،حيث أنه مدخن شره للتبغ ،وما أن بدأ المحاضرة حتي
شرد في الحوار وغرق في الحديث عن عالقته بزوجته وبناته وأحالمه وكهولته التي بدأت تحل ع ليه ،وفي نوبة من اليأس أخذ يمزق المعطف الذي ظل يرتديه لمدة ثالثين عام منذ زواجه وأخذ يدوسه بقدميه ،فقد كان يتعطش للشعور بالراحة النفسية وبعد أن الحظ أن زوجته تقف
وراء الكواليس ،اخذ يختم المحاضرة سريعاً ببضع كلمات عن أضرار التبغ .ومن هنا تنعكس إحدي المشاكل النفسية واإلجتماعية الحادة والتي ترتبط كما ظهر في المونودراما بتسلط الزوجة
وضيق األفق والمشكالت الحياتية التي يعيشها اإلنسان فتمثل له ضغوطا نفسية شديدة يستطيع
أن يعبر عنها علي خشبة المسرح أمام الجمهور. .
وباإلنتقال إلي الحديث عن أحد أبرز األعمال المونودرامية الروسية الحديثة يمكن اإلشارة إلي مسرحية (كيف أطعمت الكلب) لكاتب المونودراما الروسي المعاصر يفجيني جريشكوفيتس والذي ولد عام ٨٢2.م بمقاطعة كيميروفا وعمل مخرجاً مسرحياً وممثالً سينمائياً وكاتباً
وموسيقا اًر وقد أسس في عام ٨٢٢3م في مقاطعته ومسقط أرسه مسرح (لوجا) المستقل والذي
عرضت فيه عشر مسرحيات علي مدار سبع سنوات وفي موسكو قدم أولي مسرحياته
المونودرامية (كيف أطعمت الكلب) والتي حصلت علي جائزة المسرح القومي (القناع الذهبي) عام ٩333م وعلي جائزة مهرجان المسرح الدولي في فيينا عام ٩33٨م كأفضل عرض صوتي مترجم إلي األلمانية وأفضل أداء حيث نقلها إلي األلمانية شتيفان شميدتكي .تم تقديم العرض
األول للمسرحية عام ٨٢٢١م في إحدي غرف التدخين الملحقة بالمسرح األكاديمي المركزي التابع للجيش الروسي في موسكو وقد شاهد العرض حوالي سبعة عشر شخصا فقط والذين
مثلوا المشاهدين األوائل لهذه المونودراما وقد كرر الكاتب العرض في أكثر من مكان فجلب له شهرة واسعة ،وقام الكاتب بأداء هذا العرض في العديد من المدن الروسية واألوربية وترجم إلي
العديد من اللغات األجنبية ،وتم تسجيل نسخة صوتية من المسرحية ،وفي ٨٨أكتوبر عام ٩33٩م أعلن يفجيني جريشكوفيتس علي خشبة مسرح موسكو أنه سيؤدي تلك المونودراما للمرة األخيرة وسيقصيها بعد ذلك من العرض المسرحي ولكنه الزال حتي األن يعرضها علي خشبة المسرح كل عام .ودور موضوع المونودراما عن بحار يمتلك خبرة كبيرة من عمله علي سطح األسطول البحري في المحيط الهادي ،ويتحدث البحار الذي يجسد شخصيته جريشكوفيتس عن طفولته وصباه والعمل في البحر وكيف تبدلت الحياة وتغيرت في نظره بعد انقضاء ثالث سنوات في البحرعاش فيهم بعيدا عن بلدته التي ولد فيها وعن أهله وقد مثلت له تلك الفترة الكثير من المعاناة إلي أن أصبح بحا ار محترفا ويقص حكايته لمجند شاب صغير حديث التجنيد أتي من القطار المتجه إلي الشرق األقصي حيث سيقضي فترة تجنيده في األسطول الروسي الموجود في
المحيط الهادي ويستمر البطل البحار طوال المسرحية يحكي عن ذكريات الطفولة والشباب والخبرات الحياتية التي اكتسبها وكيف أمضي مئات األيام في غسل سطح السفينة وتنظيف البطاطس وحياكة الياقات واطعام الكلب ليشاركه الجمهور حياته وقصته وعالمه الداخلي النفسي والروحي .وقد تم تقديم أخر عرض لهذه المونودراما منذ شهور قليلة في عام ٩3٨.م المنصرم محتفظا بنفس القبول والشهرة التي حصل عليها كاتب وممثل العمل جريشكوفيتس. -----------------------------------------------------------
تجليات الحداثة في الرواية العربية المعاصرة "كل من عليها خان" نموذجا أ.د.م فايزة محمد سعد قسم اللغة العربية-كلية األلسن-جامعة عين شمس الملخص
تشهد الساحة األدبية فيضا عظيما من اإلبداع في مجاالت الكتابة األدبية المختلفة
شع ار وسردا ،ومع هذا الفيض اإلبداعي ال تنقطع محاوالت الخروج على البنية التقليدية في اإلبداع األدبي وتلمس تقنيات مختلفة تشكل أنساقا جديدة في الخطاب األدبي بعامة ،وفى الخطاب السردي بصفة خاصة .ومن المالحظ أن تجاوز الحدود الفاصلة بين الفنون والعلوم اإلنسانية يمثل ظاهرة بارزة في كيفية
توظيف هذا المعارف والفنون على مستوى الطرح
األيديولوجي والتشكيل الجمالي للنص السردي.
وتسعى هذه الدراسة إلى رصد بعض مالمح هذا التداخل الفني والمعرفي في بنية النص السردي الذي اتسم بتنوع العوالم الحكائية ،واألنساق البنائية لتقديم خطاب سردي مغاير يواكب معطيات العصر ومتغيراته في الرواية العربية .وقد اتخذت الدراسة رواية " كل من عليها خان"
نموذجا ألنها تشكل نموذج النص السردي المحمل ثقافيا بألوان شتى من الفنون والمعارف اإلنسانية .ومن ثم تهدف هده الورقة البحثية إلى رصد تجليات الحداثة فى الخطاب السردي المعاصر من خالل مساءلة النص عن فرضيات البحث المتعلقة بالنقاط التالية :
أوال :مالمح البنية الهيكلية ،وما ط أر عليها من خروج على البنية التقليدية للرواية العربية. ثانيا :المرجعيات الثقافية من الفنون والمعارف اإلنسانية ،التي ارتكز إليها النص في طرحه الفكري ،و تشكيله الجمالي.
ولمناقشة هده الفرضيات يطرح البحث بعض االسئلة النقدية لإلجابة عليها ،ومن هذه
االسئلة: -٨ما مظاهر التجديد في هيكلة النص السردي. -٩ما مظاهر الكتابة عبر النوعية ،وتداخل الفنون في بنية الخطاب السردي.
-٩كيف يمتاح النص األدبي من العلوم والمعارف اإلنسانية المختلفة لدعم الرؤية األيديولوجية. وقد انتهجت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي ،مع االستعانة بتقنيات التحليل البنيوي لرصد مظاهر الخروج على البنية التقليدية للرواية العربية ،ورصد مظاهر التداخل بين الفنون والمعارف اإلنسانية في تشكيل الرؤية األيديولوجية والجمالية في العمل السردي.
لقد مرت الرواية العربية عبر تاريخها الطويل بكثير من مظاهر التجديد والتطوير على
مستوى المضمون أو الخطاب الروائي أو كليهما معا ،وذلك استجابة لمتطلبات العصر ومعطياته ،والتواصل مع اإلبداع األدبي اإلنساني في مشارق األرض ومغاربها؛ فلم تكن الرواية العربية بمنأى عن تطور الكتابة اإلبداعية في اإلبداع اإلنساني بعامة ،ذلك اإلبداع الذي تأثر
تأث ار بالغا بكل ما يموج به العصر من متغيرات سياسية واقتصادية واجتماعية ،تلك التغيرات التي ربما كان التعبير األمثل عنها هو حالة الفوضى واالفتقار إلى المنطق؛ فقد تغيرت حدود، وسقطت نظم لتحل محلها نظم جديدة ،أو لتعم الفوضى ،وانتشرت حالة من الصراع اإلنساني المحموم الذي سقطت معه كثير من القيم اإلنسانية ،واألعراف الدولية ...وأصبح هذا المشهد
العبثي معروفا لدى البشر جميعا في مشارق األرض ومغاربها ،وقد وجد تحطيم القيود والتعبير
عن فوضى العصر صداه في الكتابة اإلبداعية بشكل أو بآخر .فإذا كانت الحرب العالمية األولى والثانية قد أنتجتا الدادية ،والسريالية وتيار الوعى في اإلبداع تعبي ار عن فوضى العالم وعبثية المشهد اإلنساني في بدايات القرن الماضي ،فإن دورة ثانية من هذه الفوضى شهدها العالم مع نهايات القرن وبدايات القرن الحالي قد وجدت صداها أيضا في اإلبداع اإلنساني.
فقد تجاوزت الكتابة اإلبداعية في الفنون األدبية جميعا فكرة النقاء الجنسي ،محطمة القواعد الكالسيكية التي وضعت حدودا وتعريفات تميز كل لون من ألوان اإلبداع ،هذه القواعد التي
شكلت قوالب فنية على المبدع االلتزام بها في الكتابة اإلبداعية شع ار كانت أم سردا.
ومع التمرد على هذه القيود ومحاوالت تحطيمها ظهرت على الساحة األدبية مصطلحات تفاوتت في درجة انتشارها مثل المسرواية ،والقصة الشاعرة ،وشعرية السرد ...ولم تقف الكتابة اإلبداعية في مراحل تطورها عند حد التداخل بين األجناس واألنواع األدبية ،ولكنها راحت
تمتاح من الفنون والمعارف اإلنسانية في مناحيها المختلفة .وقد ارتبط هذا التطور في مسيرة الحركة اإلبداعية بتطور رؤية اإلنسان بعامة والمبدع خاصة للعالم وقضاياه ،وأصبح على
الروائي أن " يجعل من الرواية أداة معرفة ونقد تسهم في زحزحة التمركز األيديولوجي للطبقات السائدة التي حرصت على اإليهام بالوحدة العقائدية والطبقية واأليديولوجية" وهو ما ينسحب أيضا على المتلقي الذى لم تعد المتعة الجمالية هي هدفه األول ومبتغاه في ظل التطور التكنولوجي ،واالنفتاح الثقافي غير المحدود ،فإذا كان القرن الحادي والعشرون عصر العولمة، فإنه أيضا عصر المعلومات والتواصل غير المحدود مع اآلخر أينما كان عبر فضاءات " اإلنترنت" والسرعة الفائقة في انتقال المعلومات وتبادلها. تعد " كل من عليها خان" منعطفاً مهماً في مسيرة الكاتب اإلبداعية؛ فمن خاللها يواصل ّ الكاتب نهجه في تحديث بنية السرد في الرواية العربية موظفاً تراسل الفنون ،وتقاطعاتها مع المعارف اإلنسانية ،ليقدم للملتقى رؤية بينية تجمع بين السرد والشعر والدراما والتاريخ وعلم
النفس ...فهي تعبير عما يمكن أن نطلق عليه سمة العصر حيث تذوب الحدود الفاصلة بين الفنون بعضها بعضاً ،وبين الفنون والعلوم اإلنسانية .فإذا كنا نعيش عصر "المعلوماتية" وتبادل
األفكار والتجارب اإلنسانية فإن "كل من عليها خان" ترسخ قيمة تفاعل العمل اإلبداعي مع معطيات الحياة ،وتعبر عن موقفه منها؛ وهو ما يعبر عنه الكاتب تصريحاً في تقديمه الرواية إذ يقول:
" الرواية في رأى العبد الفقير هلل السيد حافظ هي سرد ،والسرد يعنى التاريخ ،والحكاية، والزمن اإلنساني واللغة الحية التي تملك الدهشة الشاعرية ،واذا أردت أن تكتب سردا اكتب شع ار .واذا نقص ضلع من هذه القواعد لن تكون رواية بل حكاية ضعيفة " .ومن ثم فقد شكل العمق الثقافي الذى ارتكز إلى مساءلة الواقع في ضوء استقراء التاريخ أهم المالمح التي اتسم بها هذا النص السردي .كما يثير النص تساؤالت عدة تتعلق بإشكالية الجنس األدبي ،والتجريب في الكتابة اإلبداعية ،و التفاعالت النصية بتجلياتها المختلفة تقاطعا وتجاو ار مع النص السردي.هذا إلى جانب االهتمام البالغ بجماليات التشكيل اللغوي الذى يشكل أيضا ملمحما بار از في النص السردي. -----------------------------------------------------------
الجلسة السادسة (اإلبداع في الشخصية المصرية واألمن القومي) قاعة المؤتمرات بدار الضيافة 11.30-12.30 AM رئاسة الجلسة: أ.د .ماجد أبو العينين (عميد كلية التربية ،جامعة عين شمس) أ.د .أسعد علي (وكيل كلية التربية للدراسات العليا ،جامعة عين شمس)
جامعة عين شمس
ا.د .سامية خضر ا.د محمد عبد السالم ا.د .حنان سالم
جامعة عين شمس جامعة عين شمس جامعة عين شمس
أ.د.م .منصور عبد الوهاب ا.د .شكري مجاهد ، د .شيرين يوسف منصور
اإلبداع في الشخصية المصرية بين الجغرافيا والمجتمع صناعة التطرف الدينى فى المجتمع المصري :قراءة نقدية واستشراف للمستقبل الترجمة أحد أهم أضلع األمن القومي Creating Better Courses is creating more Qualified Students: A Projectbased Translation/Writing Course
ملخص محاضرة االبداع في الشخصية المصرية ضمن مؤتمر الجامعة الثامن ابريل 2519م أ.د .محمد عبد السالم ،د .سامية خضر كلية التربية-جامعة عين شمس الملخص
تمثــل الشخصــية المص ـرية شخصــية محوريــة علــى مــر التــاريخ وقــد شــكل نهــر النيــل احســاس ووجدان الشخصية المصرية على مر التاريخ فاقام المعبد وأماكن االستقرار علـى السـهل الفيضـي
.بينمــا اقــام مكــان الخلــود فــي الصــحراء .فتناقلــت وتبــادل الســهل الفيضــي والصــحراء وشــكلت وجدان االنسان المصري. وشكل نهر النيل وجدان المصري على مر العصور فهو نهر النماء وتعلم المصري الشخصية الهينة اللينة من خالل عطاء النهر الدائم فهـو نهـر مـانح علـى مـر العصـور ..وحتـى فـي انحـدار
النهــر بســهله الفيضــي انحــدار هــين مكونــا الســهل الفيضــي المنبســط فــي منظــر بــديع يقطــع رتابــة الصحراء القاسية. واصــبح المصــري مــن ضــروريات حياتــه الخــروج الصــحراوي للصــحراء الشــرقية والغربيــة ولشــبه جزي ـرة ســيناء لضــيق ال ـوادي بســكانه وجهــود الدولــة فــي ايجــاد مجــال ارحــب باستصــالح المنــاطق الص ــحراوية من ــذ منتص ــف الق ــرن العشـ ـرين وتتويج ــا له ــذه الجه ــود العم ــل عل ــى ق ــدم وس ــاق ف ــي
استصالح المليون ونصف فدان واالنفاق العمالقة اسفل قناة السويس.
كــذلك االنفتــاح علــى االقــاليم الجغرافيــة وخاصــة االنفتــاح علــى ســاحل البحــر االحمــر وزيــادة التواصل بين مدن وادي النيل ومؤانىء ساحل البحر االحمر.
وتضيف ا د سامية خضر من خالل المنظور االجتماعي للشخصية المصرية بين الماضي والحاضر والهوية المصرية والعظمة في الشخصية المصرية من خالل الفنون والثقافة واالداب وتشكيل الوجدان المصري على مر العصور.
فمما سبق ذكره تتضح الشخصية المصرية من منظور المكان والعالقات االجتماعية التي تشكلت من خالل المدركات المكانية والتراكمات الثقافية التي جعلت المصريين لهم رصيد كبير من الحضارة التي تتواجد في كل مكان على ارض مصر. -----------------------------------------------------------
صناعة التطرف الدينى فى المجتمع المصري قراءة نقدية واستشراف للمستقبل ا.د .حنان سالم أستاذ علم االجتماع كلية اآلداب جامعة عين شمس الملخص
يواجه المجتمع الدولى بصفة عامة والمجتمع المصري بصفة خاصة تحديات خطيرة ،أبرزها تنامي الفكر الديني المتطرف ،الذي سرعان ما يتحول إلى سلوك إهابي ،يهدد أمن واستقرار المجتمعات .ويمر المجتمع المصري بمرحلة تاريخية فارقة على كافة المستويات ،وثمة محاوالت إلعادة بناء الدولة المصرية بما يتناسب وتاريخها العريق ،ومكانتها في قلب العالم ، ويتطلب هذا االعتماد على سواعد أبناءها الشباب ،ولكى يتم تفعيل دور الشباب التنموي يجب االهتمام بهم على الجانبين المادي والمعنوي ،ويشمل الجانب المادي معالجة تردي أحوال الشباب االجتماعي ة واالقتصادية ،وعلى الجانب المعنوي يجب المحافظة على أمنهم الفكري ، لتجنب الوقوع في براثن الفكر المتطرف . سببا ،ألن الفكرة المتطرفة تنمو في سياق اجتماعي ويعد التطرف الديني نتيجة وليس ً ُ اقتصادى معين ،ومن ثم تسعى الورقة الراهنة إلى محاولة التعرف على أسباب صناعة التطرف الديني ،ورصد المخاطر المترتبة عليه ،والوصول ألليات إجرائية يمكن تفعيلها للحد من هذه الظاهرة في المجتمع والقضاء عليها في المستقبل . -----------------------------------------------------------
الترجمة أحد أهم أضلع األمن القومى د .منصور عبد الوهاب كلية األلسن -جامعة عين شمس الملخص
قد يظن البعض أن مفهوم األمن القومى يقتصر على موضوع مكافحة الجاسوسية وحماية
البالد من التدخالت األجنبية التى يكون هدفها هدم الدولة .ولكن المفهوم الصحيح لألمن القومى
أعمق وأشمل من هذا ،فهذا المفهوم ينسحب على توفير االحتياجات التموينية ،سير العملية التعليمية بشكل مميز ،استقرار المجتمع وشعور المواطن باألمن واألمان وتقديم رعاية صحية
ويتسع مفهوم األمن القومى ليشمل أيضاً فهم العالم الخارجى والثقافات األجنبية وكيف يرانا
هذا العالم ،ويتعلق هذا المفهوم أيضاً بطرح صورة صحيحة عن مصر وشعبها ،وكل هذا ال يتم إال عبر الترجمة التى تعد هنا رافداً أساسياً من روافد مخاطبة العالم الخارجى وفهمه.
كما أن ترجمة المفاهيم واألفكار والمصطلحات بشكل صحيح يسهم بشكل فاعل فى اكتمال
العالقة مع العالم الخارجى ،من هنا تأتى أهمية الترجمة كعنصر من عناصر القوى الناعمة التى تتمتع بها مصر فى عصر التطوير واإلنفتاح على العالم الخارجى. وال تقتصر مجاالت الترجمة فيما يتعلق باألمن القومى على ترجمة ما يتعلق بأمور األمن القومى بل تتسع مجاالتها لتشمل ترجمة الوثائق الرسمية واألعمال األدبية وكذلك األعمال الفنية والبيانات الرسمية ،وترجمة الوثائق الرسمية المتعلقة بقضية التحكيم الدولى بشأن طابا خير دليل على هذا ،كما أن إنشاء مواقع إلكترونية باللغات األجنبية للتعبير عن وجهة نظر مصر يعد من األمور الجوهرية فى مواجهة العالم الخارجى. ومن عناصر األمن القومى المهمة فى هذا اإلطار وجود مترجمين أكفاء متخصصين فى
مختلف اللغات وهذا هو الدور الذى تلعبه أقسام اللغات فى كلية األلسن على سبيل المثال. -----------------------------------------------------------
Creating Better Courses is creating more Qualified Students: A Project-based Translation/Writing Course Prof. Shokry Megahed and Dr. Shireen Yousef Mansour Faculty of Education- Ain Shams University Abstract Aiming at creating a better learning experience and a quality learning for our students, providing them with more chances of employment after graduation, we thought of this project-based integrated Translation/Writing Course, where both courses- Translation and Writing- taught to the same learners by two different instructors are used in the best way possible to develop those students in both skills, translation and writing. We posed this question: How can translating help our students to be better writers of English? Moreover, how can Writing ?help our students be better translators Hence, we thought of maximizing our students’ benefits by experimenting with this integrative course, where both instructors in one part of each lecture acquaint their students with the basics and theoretical background of each field, then in another part they work with students in
the same project. We assigned our students in the Fourth Year GeneralEnglish Department- Faculty of Education, translation tasks, to be discussed during the translation lectures and then corrected as English texts in the Writing sessions. Believing that the best kind of learning is by doing, we train our students to learn translation skills while translating and learn to write properly while actually writing. We want our students to translate and make sure they are writing what they have translated correctly in terms of language structure and in terms of meaning. We emphasize that one punctuation mark, for instance ,makes a great difference in translation. Considering the latest research findings in the fields of Teaching Translation and Writing, we made sure that certain skills are emphasized in our proposed course: The ability to translate ‘problems’ For instance, Linguistic and cultural ‘untranslatability’ and problems commonly encountered. The research skills. A good translator/writer should be able to use research tools. The development of some Terminology. Students must learn how and where to search for terminology and how to cover lexical gaps. The acquision of a ‘bi- cultural awareness’ Students should have cultural sensitivity while translating from one culture to another. Critical thinking is an indispensable skill emphasized throughout the course. The notion of ‘team work’. Students should learn how to work in teams. This is actually modeled by both instructors of the two courses of Writing and Translation, showing students how co-operation may give better outcomes in a shorter time. The skill of working in a team is also stressed in the group tasks assigned to the students. Finally, to make our students more motivated for that project, we not only gave them participation marks, which they always seek, we also promised to get their translated tasks (mostly short stories) published in a book having their names in. To conclude, we are still in the process of developing this integrated course, thinking as creatively as possible, asking our students to act as creatively as they can. The results will not be the end of this course, but a beginning of a new phase of modification to include our remarks and our students feedback, in order again to reach our main goal of providing a
better learning experience for our students and help them be qualified for better job opportunities once they graduate. -----------------------------------------------------------
الجلسة السابعة (العلوم القانونية والبيئة التعليمية) قاعة المؤتمرات بدار الضيافة 12.30-14.00 PM رئاسة الجلسة: أ.د .إيهاب يسر (وكيل كلية الحقوق للدراسات العليا ،جامعة عين شمس) د .أمل التميمي (وكيل قسم اإلعالم ،جامعة الملك سعود ،السعودية)
ا.د .عبد المسيح سمعان
جامعة عين شمس
ا.د .إيهاب يسر
جامعة عين شمس
ا.د .جمال زهران
جامعة بورسعيد
د .فهد بن عتيق المالكي
جامعة أم القرى
ا.د.م .شيماء محمد رضوان
جامعة عين شمس
المهارات والحلول اإلبداعية في حل المشكالت البدائل العقابية في السياسة الجنائية المعاصرة تحديات العملية التعليمية وأجندة لتغيير الحاضر والمستقبل البيئة التعليمة الجامعية وانعكاساتها على المجتمع واقع الترجمة السمعية البصرية بين اإلسبانية والعربية .تحليل تطبيقي لمجموعة من األفالم الوثائقية المسترجعة
المهارات والحلول اإلبداعية في حل المشكالت أ.د .عبد المسيح سمعان عبد المسيح
وكيل معهد الدراسات والبحوث البيئية لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث جامعة عين شمس الملخص
حــل المشــكالت أحــد العمليــات العقليــة التــي تميــز اإلنســان ألنهــا تعنــي إيجــاد طريقــة لتخطــي
صعوبة ما أو تحقيق هدف معين أو حل مشكلة ما ،وحل المشكلة يبدأ بإثارة التفكير نحو مشـكلة تتطلب البحث والتقصي عن حـل لهـا بممارسـة عمليـات عقليـة وفـق خطـوات علميـة ويـتم إكتسـاب مهـارات الحـل اإلبـداعي للمشـكالت بإضــافة العنصـر اإلبـداعي إلـي حــل المشـكالت ممـا يزيـد مــن فاعلية هذه المهارات في تناول المشكالت. ويعد الحل اإلبداعي للمشكالت توليد لألفكار اإلبداعية ،تحليلها ،فحصها ،نقدها بموضوعية،
واختي ــار األفك ــار الجدي ــدة المنطقي ــة الت ــي تس ــهم ف ــي ح ــل المش ــكلة ث ــم التحق ــق م ــن تل ــك الحل ــول
بتجريبها ،إنه إطار مرن يستخدمه الفرد في صياغة المشكالت أو التحديات وتوليد وتحليل العديد من الحلول المتنوعة والجديدة غير المألوفة والتخطيط الفعال من أجل الوصول إلـي الحـل األمثـل
ويتضــمن الحــل اإلبــداعي للمشــكلة دمــج كــل مهــارات التفكيــر اإلبــداعي ومهــارات التفكيــر الناقــد داخل خطوات الحل.
ويبدو أن من وسائل تنميـة مهـارات الحـل اإلبـداعي للمشـكالت اإلبتعـاد عـن التـدريس النمطـي
والتشجيع الدائم علي توليد األفكار والحلول بعيداً عن النقد وتأجيل إصدار األحكام حتـي االنتهـاء
من توليد أكبر عدد من األفكار والحلول والتحفيظ الدائم علي المشـاركة والتفاعـل ضـمن مجموعـة
عم ــل واعط ــاء الوق ــت الك ــاف ل ــذلك وتش ــجيع األفك ــار غي ــر المألوف ــة والعم ــل عل ــي تقب ــل األفك ــار
الجديـ ــدة وتتطويرهـ ــا كلمـ ــا أمكـ ــن ،وتبـ ــادل وجهـ ــات النظـ ــر بعيـ ــداً عـ ــن التعصـ ــب واحت ـ ـرام اآلراء
والمقترحات واستثمار الخبرات واالستمتاع بتوليد األفكار.
إن تنمية مهارات التفكير اإلبداعي يعد السبيل لحل مشكلة المجتمع وتحقيق التقدم المنشود. -----------------------------------------------------------
البدائل العقابية في السياسة الجنائية المعاصرة ا.د .ايهاب يسر أنور وكيل كلية الحقوق للدراسات العليا والبحوث-جامعة عين شمس الملخص
تناولت في هذا البحث في الباب األول -الفصل األول -تعريف الحبس قصير المدة ونسبة احكامه والجرائم محله ،ثم تناولت في الفصل الثاني اسانيد القائلين بالغاؤه واسانيد القائلين باالبقاء عليه ،والحبس قصير المدة في المؤتمرات الدولية ،وفي الشريعة اإلسالمية ،ثم شرحت راينا الخاص في تقدير الحبس قصير المدة. وقد انتهيت الي التوصية بقصر نطاق تطبيق هذا النظام علي حاالت ضرورته ،وهي حاالت الجناة الذين ال يحتاجون الي برامج اصالح طويلة المدة ،مثل مجرمين الصدفة ،فهم يحتاجون الي صدمة السجن ليعودوا الي صوابهم ،وكذلك الحال بالنسبة لمرتكبي الجرائم عظيمة الضرر اجتماعيا لو ال تدل علي خطورة إجرامية في شخصيتهم ،مثل جرائم القتل واالصابة الخطا ،النه ال تناسبهم العقوبات غير السالبة للحرية ،حيث ستهدر العدالة وتشجعهم علي االستهانة باالخرين وبالتالي اهدار الردع العام ،كذلك انتهيت الي التوصية بتطبيق هذا النظام مع تفادي مساوئه المتمثلة في اختالط المحكوم عليهم بغيرهم من عتاة المجرمين الخطرين ،حتي ال تنتقل اليهم عدوي االجرام والمساوئ األخالقية ،باإلضافة الي عرقلة تنفيذ البرامج اإلصالحية علي من يحتاجها .وذلك عن طريق إيداع المحكوم عليهم بالحبس قصير المدة في مؤسسات خاصة تنشا خصيصا لهم ،مثل سجن مالين البلجيكي الذي اثبت نجاحه في ذلك ،كذلك يمكن تجنب مساوئه عن طريق تطبيق نظام شبه الحرية الموجود في القانون الفرنسي الجديد(مادة )٩5/٨٩٩للمحكوم عليهم سنة فاقل ،حيث يلتزم المحكوم عليه بالتردد علي المؤسسات العقابية وفقا للقواعد التي يضعها له قاضي تطبيق العقوبات ،وبما يتناسب مع تلقيه التدريب المهني او ممارسة نشاط معين او العالج او المشاركة في الحياة العائلية ،وبحيث يبقي في المؤسسة االيام
التي تنعدم فيها انشطته الخارجية ،كذلك يمكن تجنب مساوئ هذا النظام عن طريق تجزئة تنفيذ العقوبة( ،المادة ٩./٨٩٩من قانون العقوبات الفرنسي الجديد) بحيث ينفذ الحبس الذي ال يتجاوز سنة علي فترات متقطعة ال تقل كل منها عن يومين .وذلك خالل فترة ال تزيد علي ثالث سنوات ،حفاظا علي اعتبارات اجتماعية او طبية او مهنية او عائلية .ويجب في كافة هذا األحوال مراعاة انتاج الصدمة المحققة لإلنذار والتنبيه المرجو من عقوبة الحبس قصير المدة. ثم عرض في الباب الثاني لبدائل الحبس قصير المدة المتنوعة المتمثلة في الصلحوالغرامة ووقف تنفيذ العقوبة والوضع تحت االختبار والعمل للمصلحة العامة والعقوبات السالبة والمقيدة للحقوق. -----------------------------------------------------------
أزمة التعليم فى مصر ) 1974 - 2018م( وآليات المواجهة
أ.د.جمال على زهران أستاذ العلوم السياسية ،ورئيس القسم السابق – جامعة قناة السويس الملخص
تواجه العملية التعليمية فى مصر بعد االنتهاء من حرب أكتوبر 1973م ،وعلى وجه التحديد ابتداء من عام 1974م ،أزمة كبرى .حيث تعرضت إلى التغيير الممنهج بما يتفق مع السياسات التى اتبعها نظام الرئيس األسبق) السادات ( .وبدأت تشهد هذه األزمة جوانبا غير
مسبوقة بادخال التعليم الخاص ،والدروس الخصوصية ،وأنتهاك المجانية من االبتدائى إلى الجامعة) مرحلتى البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا ( .واستمر ذلك حتى وصلت مصر إلى اإلضعاف الكامل لهذه العملية التعليمية ،بعد أن كانت مصر هى النموذج األمثل فى المنطقة العربية على األقل .وليس بمستغرب إذن أن يكون الحصاد هو ذيل القائمة فى التقارير العالمية
عن التعليم فى دول العالم .وفى هذه الورقة نتعرض إلى أزمة التعليم فى مصر) 1974 - 2018م ( ،وآليات المواجهة. ----------------------------------------------------------
البيئة التعليمة الجامعية وانعكاساتها على المجتمع د .فهد بن عتيق الشبان المالكي المشرف العام على إدارة المتاحف -جامعة أم القرى رئيس الجمعية التاريخية السعودية فرع منطقة مكة المكرمة Dr-fahad1979@hotmail.com
الحمد اهلل رب العالمين والصالة والسالم علي الهادي األمين نبينا محمد وعلي اله وصحبه ومن تبع هداه إلى يوم الدين.
تؤدي الجامعات اليوم العديد من الوظائف المحورية والفاعلة في المجتمع ،إذ أنها تساهم في صياغة وتشكيل المخرجات ،وتنمية المجتمعات ،وتتصل مباشرة بالمعرفة اإلنسانية ،
وترتبط بحسور التنوير ،فالجامعات لم تعد عملها مقتص اًر على المجود األكاديمي الذي يبذله عضو هيئة التدريس في قاعة المحاضرات فحسب ،بل تعدى ذلك بكثير ليتغلغل في داخل المجتمعات ويحمل على عاتقة أحداث النقلة النوعية من حالة التبعية والتخلف الفكري إلى مرحلة االستقاللية ،والنهوض في عمليات التنمية والبناء وتحقيق االستدامة ،ورفد المجتمعات بكوادر العلمية والخبرات الفنية المؤهلة للمساهمة في حركة التقدم والعطاء .
وال شك أن تطور البيئة التعلمية الجامعية يؤدي على مخرجات ابتكارية تتصل بشكل مباشر بحياة الناس والمجتمع ،وهذا له انعكاساته على قدرات منظمات األعمال اإلنتاجية ، وبالتالي على نمو وتطور المجتمع . ومن هنا كان االبتكار
في البيئة التعليمة الجامعية ضرورة مهمة وأساسية لتحسين
مستويات األداء ،ناهيك عن أنه يساعد من قريب ومن بعيد على تأدية الدور الريادي والحيوي في تعزيز قيم ومعتقدات العاملين في المجتمعات ،فضالً عن كل ذلك فإن ثقافة اإلبداع واالبتكار في البيئة التعليمة الجامعية تمثل المحرك الرئيس لعمليات الجودة ،والتي تعد القلب
النابض لجميع عمليات االتقان في المجتمعات . ----------------------------------------------------------
واقع الترجمة السمعية البصرية بين اإلسبانية والعربية .تحليل تطبيقي لمجموعة من األفالم الوثائقية المسترجة ا.د.م .شيماء محمد عبد الفتاح رضوان قسم اللغة اإلسبانية -كلية األلسن -جامعة عين شمس الملخص
أصبح التطور التكنولوجى الهائل الذى نطالعه يوميا واقعا مفروضا ال مفر منه على شتى مناحى الحياة .والترجمة باعتبارها نشاطا ثقافيا يقوم على نقل ليس فقط لغة إلى لغة أخرى
،ولكنه ينقل ثقافة إلى أخ رى ،لم تكن بعيدة عن هذا التطور التكنولوجى الهائل ،فقد تطورت الدراسات الخاصة بالترجمة وبدأت منذ حوالى عشرين عاما فى دراسة مبحث بينى يربط بين الترجمة والتكنولوجيا الحديثة أ الوهو "الترجمة السمعية البصرية" بشقيها األساسيين "السترجة" أو ما تسمى أيضا "ترجمة الشاشة "و"الدوبالج ".والتقنيات الخاصة بهما .ذا نظرنا ا و إلى واقع الترجمة السمعية البصرية بين لغتين لكل منهما ثقله وأهميته
وهما اللغة العربية و اللغة
اإلسبانية ،نجد أن هناك إشكالية حقيقية فى الترجمة السمعية البصرية بين اللغتين وخاصة على مستوى األفالم الوثائقية المسترجة والتى تزخر بالعديد من العناصر الثقافية التى تميز لغة
ومجتمع عن غيره وهى مح ور الورقة البحثية التى أتقدم بها ،فالألسف ليست هناك إحصائيات محددة تتعلق بنسب أو أرقام األفالم الوثائقية المسترجة بين اللغتين ،فمعظم ما تم التوصل إليه
هى أفالم مسترجة بمجهودات فردية إال من بعض النماذج القليلة ألفالم قامت بعرضها قناة
الجزيرة الوثائقية وهى النموذج الخاص بترجمة الشاشة من اإلسبانية إلى العربية ومنها على سبيل المثال فيلمين "الغجر فى إسبانيا "وفيلم اخر عن أشهر الماكوالت اإلسبانية .ولكن إذا نظرنا إلى ترجمة الشاشة من العربية إلى اإلسبانية فيما يتعلق باألفالم ال وثائقية لم نجد سوى عدد قليل جدا من األفالم بمجهودات فردية وأيضا وجدناإشكالية أخرى وهى أن منها ما هو
منقوال عن اللغة اإلنجليزية أو مايسمى "اللغة الوسيطة "وما يمثله ذلك من إشكاليات لغوية ومنها على سبيل المثال فيلم "ابن سينا "وفيلم عن القضية الفلسطينية .والظاهرة المشتركة بين ترجمة األفالم الوثائقية سواء من العربية إلى اإلسبانية او العكس هو غياب الجانب المؤسسى إال من بعض المحاوالت القليلة التى التمثل أهمية كبيرة وهنا يبرز بشكل كبير أهمية إعطاء
مزيد من االهتمام إلى الترجمة السمعية البصرية باعتبارها مبحثا خصبا فى برامج الترجمة المتخصصة فى كليات اللغات ومحاولة ربطها بسوق العمل وهو ما سنتناوله بشئ من التفصيل فى البحث المقدم . -----------------------------------------------------------
الجلسة الثامنة (رعاية األطفال بين الحاجة واإلبداع) قاعة المؤتمرات بدار الضيافة 14.00-15.00 PM رئاسة الجلسة: أ.د .هويدا الجبالي (عميدة كلية الطفولة ،جامعة عين شمس) أ.د .محمد البحيري (وكيل كلية الطفولة للدراسات العليا ،جامعة عين شمس)
ا.د .أحمد الكحكي
جامعة عين شمس.
ا.د .جمال شفيق
جامعة عين شمس.
ا.د. حامد ا.د.م ناهد شاكر بابا
جامعة عين شمس. جامعة عين شمس.
تجربة ناجحة لتنمية المهارات المعرفية والحسية لألطفال ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة بوحدة التكامل الحسي واألكسجين عالي الضغط تحسين جودة الحياة لدى أسر األطفال ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة معالجة صحافة الفيديو لقضايا األطفال ذوي الهمم على المواقع اإلليكترونية تدريس طباعة مونوتيب لألطفال ذوي األعاقات العقلية
تجربة ناجحة لتنمية المهارات المعرفية والحسية لألطفال ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة بوحدة التكامل الحسي واالكسجين عالي الضغط أ.د أحمد الكحكي
مدير مركز رعاية األطفال ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة كلية الدراسات العليا للطفولة -جامعة عين شمس الملخص
يعتبر مركز رعاية األطفال ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة بكلية الدراسات العليا للطفولة جامعة عين شمس هو أول مركز حكومي تعليمي به وحدات عالية الجودة علي مستوي الجامعات والمستشفيات الجامعية في مصر باسعار زهيدة جداً وفي مستوي جميع فئات المجتمع.
ويقدم المركز خدمة طبية ونفسية وتأهيلية متكاملة وذلك في مكان واحد مما يوفر علي
الحاالت كثير من الوقت والجهد والنفقات .ويعمل علي تأهيل األطفال ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة للدمج في المجتمع .وتأهيل أسرة الطفل بأساليب وطرق كيفية التعامل ويتكون المركز من وحدات مختلفة لجميع جوانب العالج والتأهيل ويقدم ٩١خدمة متكاملة ويستقبل أكثر من .333حالة في الشهر.
ولقد تم افتتاح 4وحدات عالجية جديدة مميزة وهم :وحدة العالج باالكسجين عالي الضغط ووحدة التكامل الحسي ووحدة العالج المائي والعالج بالتيارات المائية وجهاز تأهيل مرضي التبول والتبرز الالرادي. -----------------------------------------------------------
تحسين جودة الحياة السر االطفال ذوى االحتياجات الخاصة ا.د .جمال شفيق احمد
استاذ علم النفس االكلينيكى
كلية الدراسات العليا للطفولة -جامعة عين شمس الملخص
فى سبيل تقديم خدمات الرعاية النفسية الشاملة و المتكاملة لالطفال ذوى االحتياجات الخاصة ،فان تلك الخدمات التقتصر فى مجملها على تقديمها لالطفال انفسهم فقط ،انما ينبغى ان تمتد و تتواصل ،لتشمل بصفة عامة اهم االشخاص المحيطين بهم ،والذين يتعاملون معهم باستمرار بشكل فاعل و دائم ،حيث يتاثرون بهم و يؤثرون فيهم. و من هذا المنطق فان االدوار الفرعية المتكاملة لخدمات الرعاية النفسية للبيئة االسرية ، ممثلة في شخص االب واالم واالخوة واالخوات ،لها بال ادنى شك دور هام ومردود ايجابي فاعل ومؤثر في تحسين جودة الحياة لالطفال ذوى االحتياجات الخاصة وكذلك على كل افراد االسرة
ولذلك ،فان جميع البرامج االرشادية والتربوية حتى مع االطفال العاديين التنجح تماما سوى باشراك االسرة فى جميع مراحلها اشتراكا نشطا ،واالمر بطبيعة الحال اكثر احتياجا مع االطفال ذوى االحتياجات الخاصة ،حتى يمكن تعليم الوالدين و االخوة و ارشادهم الى الطرق السليمة فى التعامل مع االطفال ذوى االحتياجات الخاصة لتجنب االتجاهات و الممارسات الوالدية غير السوية . -----------------------------------------------------------
معالجة صحافة الفيديو لقضايا األطفال ذوى الهمم علي المواقع اإللكترونية ا.د .إيناس محمود حامد أحمد قسم االعالم وثقافة األطفال
كلية الدراسات العليا للطفولة -جامعة عين شمس الملخص
تعد قضايا وحقوق األطفال ذوى الهمم واحدة من أهم القضايا التى قد تكون لها عائقا تنمويا خطي ار على المجتمع وخاصة إن الدستور المصرى أفرد عدة مواد تضمن حقوق األشخاص
متحدى اإلعاقة فى كافة مناحى الحياة ،فضال عن ضمان تمثيلهم المناسب فى االنتخابات المحلية ،وانتخابات مجلس النواب ،وذلك فى إطار استراتيجية التنمية المستدامة مصر ٩3٩3 التى تتضمن أهدافها الحق فى التعليم . فاهتمام الدولة بذوي االحتياجات الخاصة ،ومبادرة الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي ،رسالة واضحة نحو ضرورة تكاتف جهود مؤسسات الدولة ومنظمات المجتمع المدني ،للعمل سويا من أجل
تقديم الدعم الالزم لتسهيل إدماج ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة في المجتمع.
وبطبيعة الحال البد أن يكون هناك العديد من المعالجات فى وسائل اإلعالم وبين العديد من الصحفيين حول تلك الموضوعات ،ومع التطورات التكنولوجية الهائلة فى نقل الخبر ومتابعة األحداث ،و التحول من وسائل األعالم التقليدية إلى ما يعرف باإلعالم التفاعلى ،ومع
اإلمكانيات الهائلة لشبكة االنترنت ،ظهرت العديد من الخدمات االتصالية التى تتوافق مع التواصل االنسانى ومنها انتشار تقنية صحافة الفيديو خالل السنوات السابقة واهتمام مختلف
المواقع الصحفية واالخبارية بصحافة الفيديو كخدمة إعالمية جديدة. وخاصة بعد ان اعلن الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسى ،تدشين مبادرة اإلتاحة التكنولوجية للبوابات
اإللكترونية للمؤسسات الحكومية التى تهدف لتمكين ذوى االحتياجات الخاصة للحصول على
الخدمات المقدمة عبر المواقع اإللكترونية عالية اإلتاحة التكنولوجية للجهات الحكومية باستقاللية تامة. ولما كان البحث العلمي يهدف – ضمن ما يهدف – إلى خدمة المجتمع وتطوير أفكاره وتجاربه .فقد رأت الباحثة دراسة :معالجة صحافة الفيديو للقضايا المتعلقة باألطفال ذوى الهمم
بالمواقع اإللكترونية ،حيث تلعب األطر التى تقدمها المواقع دو ار فى المناقشات حول القضايا والموضوعات ،إذ هى تؤسس سياق الموضوع إضافة إلى تحديدها للمعلومات الهامة والمتعلقة بموضوعات المناقشة ،فمن شأن أطر القضية المثارة أن تنظم كل ما يتصل بها من التفكير
والمناقشات بطريقة تقضى إلى تعديل ما يقدمه األفراد لبعض نقاط المناقشة من األهمية والوزن النسبى ،وبهذه الطريقة توفر األطر الصحفية وسيلة إلزالة االلتباس الذى عادة ما يشوب الكثير من المناقشات حول القضايا المثارة داخل المجتمع ،وذلك من خالل اإلطار النظرى للدراسة
وهو مدخل تحليل االطار اإلعالمى .
تعد هذه الدراسة من الدراسات الوصفية -تحليلية التي تستهدف الكشف عن السمات العامة للدور الذي تقوم به صحافة الفيديو فى معالجتها لقضايا األطفال ذوى الهمم .والتي تتطرق إلى دورة التأطير فهي ال تكتفي بالكشف عن المعانى واألفكار الكامنه فى المعالجة الصحفية ،بل
تحليلها ومقارنتها ببعضها البعض.وتستخدم الدراسة منهج المسح اإلعالمى .
يشمل مجتمع الدراسة جميع صحافة الفيديو التى تصدر عن المواقع االخبارية إلكترونية المصرية ( قومية وحزبية ومستقلة ) .الصادرة داخل جمهورية مصر العربية بتوجهاتها المختلفة .أما عينة الدراسة فتتمثل فى عينة من صحافة الفيديو التى تم تحديدها بطريقة عمدية فى( المصرى اليوم واليوم السابع والوفد والمدار واألهرام واخبار )
وقد استخدمت الباحثة اداة تحليل المضمون بهدف رصد وتوصيف و تحليل المعالجة لصحافة
الفيديو للقضايا المتعلقة باالطفال ذوى الهمم فى الصحف االلكترونية محل الدراسة وما يتضمنه من ذلك من تحليل لألطر التى توظفها الصحف عينة الدراسة وقد خرجت الدراسة بعدد من النتائج منها :
اإلهتمام بتقديم موضوعات تتعلق بذوى االحتياجات الخاصة من األطفال على مستوىصحف الدراسة وهو األمر الذى عكسه مجموع الموضوعات الصحفية التى خضعت للتحليل بكل موقع اخبارى الكترونيى خالل فترة الدراسة . قد يرجع طرح موضوعات متعلقة باألطفال ذوى االحتياجات الخاصة لما تمر به مصر منحراك يدعو الهتمام بذوى االحتياجات ومجهم بالمجتمع مما جعل من أولويات الكثيرمن المواقع
االهتمام بمعالجة موضوعاتهم وعرض موضوعاتهم بصحافة الفيديو بالشكل المطلوب اهتمت المعالجة الصحفية بتناول موضوعات متعلقة بذوى االحتياجات الخاصة من األطفالبأحداث ووقائع محددة وشواهد حية ،وهو ما يميز صحافة الفيديو . اتسمت المعالجة الصحفية فى الموضوعات بالطابع اإلخبارى وبالتحديد التقرير ،حيث جاءفى مقدمة الفنون الصحفية التى تناولتها صحافة الفيديو بالموقع االلكترونية . -----------------------------------------------------------
Teaching Monotype Printing for Intellectual Disabilities Children Dr. Nahed Baba, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt Abstract Nowadays, the importance of providing to children with intellectual disabilities and those with special needs cannot be overstated. Like most Middle Eastern and developed countries, Egypt is keen on offering all needed facilities to children with special needs and to help them reach their potential, which is also one of the Egyptian state’s national development goals. This research aimed at fostering the artistic skills of children with intellectual disabilities through teaching them monotype printing. It was conducted on children with an IQ between 50 and 80, considered ‘educable’ at an Egyptian government school for children with intellectual disabilities. This practice-based research explores the process of teaching artistic skills through the craft of monotype printing, with the goal of children producing sketches of a family member. Finally, the results of the experiment will be presented to show that helps and giving this group of students the opportunity for free self-expression without setting any restrictive rules helped them not only develop their creative skills and raise their self-confidence but also boost their sense of independence. Arts can help children with intellectual disabilities express themselves among others, that is, their peers, without judgment, as they are develop their own form of expression. By introducing a specific craft to these children, it was found that they are capable of creating artworks and that they need to be both supported and challenged to excel thus improve their own lives and leave their mark on their community. -----------------------------------------------------------
)الجلسة التاسعة (المهارات السلوكية وعلم النفس 15.00-16.15 PM قاعة المؤتمرات بدار الضيافة :رئاسة الجلسة ) فتحي الشرقاوي (نائب رئيس الجامعة لشئون التعليم والطالب سابقا.د.أ ) جامعة عين شمس، أسامة السيد (وكيل كلية التربية النوعية للدراسات العليا.د.أ
تأثير أضافه أغذيه غنيه بالكولين والتورين والسيلينيوم الي وجبات األطفال0 واوميجا ذوي صعوبات التعلم علي الحاله الغذائيه والمشاكل السلوكية الصهر كمنطلق إلجراء تشكيالت معدنيه جديدة لتنمية الجانب المهاري لطالب التربية الفنية رؤية سيكولوجية:بناء اإلنسان واإلبداع
.جامعه عين شمس
، أسامة السيد مصطفي.د.ا هاله راشد عطايا.د
.جامعه عين شمس
زاهر أمين خيري أيوب.د.ا
.جامعه عين شمس
رانيا رمزي.د
المسرح وعلم النفس رؤية مقترحة لتطوير برامج إعداد معلم العلوم بجمهورية مصر العربية في ضوء مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين
.جامعه عين شمس .جامعه عين شمس
نيرمين إبراهيم.ا م محرم يحيى محمد.د.أ عفيفي
The Effect of Addition Foods Rich in Choline, Taurine ,Omega 3 and Selenium on Learning Disability Children Meals ,and its impact on Nutritional Status and Behavioral Problems. Prof. Dr. Usama El-sayed Mostafa Prof. at Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University Dr. Hala Rashed Ataya Sopeh Lecturer of Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University ABSTRACT The most serious behavioral problem for children were developmental learning disability, among 14 % in primary school suffer from it. The present study aims to investigate the effect of addition some foods rich in choline, taurine, omega 3 and selenium for meals on the behavioral development and nutritional status of children with learning disability. Subjected sample were 21 children including: 8 females + 13 males with learning disability. They were selected from one place (Hafez Ibrahim School in Hadayek Al.kobba. The study investigated nutritional status by using some nutritional ways and behavioral status through Behavioral Indicators of Developmental Learning Disability Elementary Scale (BIDLDES). Some meals such as cupcake with wheat germ, rissole soybeans and Strawberry yogurt supplemented with peanuts, were contain approximately 100% of RNI from choline, taurine, omega 3 and selenium used as nutrition intervention for children with learning disability. Sensory evaluation had been done for the dietary intervention meals. The tested meals were applied for three months, three meals / week. The important result was found that deficiency in the average intake before dietary intervention for choline, taurine, omega 3 and selenium compared with RDA & RNI was (29, 22, 10 and 36 %) respectively, on contrast after dietary intervention was (112, 105, 101 and 123%) of RDA and RNI respectively. In addition to degree test (BIDLDES) was (61.5 &89) pre and post dietary intervention respectively. There were statistically significant differences between pre and post dietary intervention at (P <0.01). conclusion, increments for intake of meals rich in choline, taurine, omega 3 and selenium at home by children's mother and strengthening meals pupils in schools, such as cupcake with 50g wheat germ, rissole soybeans with 35g soybeans, strawberry yogurt mixer with 125g wheat germ + 125g peanuts at least 3 times / week to improve behavioral and nutritional status for children with learning disability. Keywords: Nutritional status – Behavioral status - Dietary interventionCholine –Taurine- Omega 3 –Selenium. -----------------------------------------------------------
الصهر كمنطلق الجراء تشكيالت معدنية جديدة لتنمية الجانب المهارى لطالب التربية الفنية أ.د .زاهر أمين خيرى أيوب استاذ اشغال المعادن بقسم التربية الفنية كلية التربية النوعية-جامعة عين شمس الملخص
يهدف البحث الى إجراء معالجات تقنية جديدة أثناء إنصهار معدن األلومنيوم ،مما يكون لها أث اًر جمالياً على شكل المعدن المنصهر لتحقيق صياغات ملمسية جديدة تثرى الرؤية الجمالية للمشغولة المعدنية .فلأللومنيوم خواص طبيعية وميكانيكية مثل إنخفاض درجة إنصهاره ( 223 درجة مئوية) مقارنة بمعادن أخرى ،وكذلك قابلية أسطحه إلجراء تشكيالت مختلفة بإستخدام األدوات المعالجات غير التقليدية المضافة إلى عملية صهر األلومنيوم ،وهى: .٨تأثير قوة دفع الماء الجارى على معدن األلومنيوم أثناء انصهاره. .٩تأثير قوة دفع الهواء على معدن األلومنيوم أثناء انصهاره. .٩تأثير قوة دفع اللهب على سطح األلومنيوم .4تأثير استخدام بعض المعالجات بالتشكيل على السطح قبل إجراء عملية الصهر مثل الريبوسية ،التهشير ،الشق. .5تأثير استخدام أداة للحفر اليدوى على سطح األلومنيوم وهو فى حالة انصهار جزئى. .2تأثير إضافة هيئات معدينة أخرى من نفس المعدن (األلومنيوم) وغيره من المعادن. ..تحقيق البصمة لبعض األجسام الطبيعية والصناعية على سطح األلومنيوم -----------------------------------------------------------
" بناء اإلنسان واإلبداع :رؤية سوسيولوجية " د .رانيا رمزى حليم مدرس بقسم علم اإلجتماع -كلية اآلداب -جامعة عين شمس الملخص
إن كسب معركة التنمية تتمثل أساساً بالبشر وتمكنهم وبالمجتمع وعافية بناه ومؤسساته
وآليات تسييره ،تمكن الناس وعافية المجتمع هما الضمانة الحقيقية ألى تنمية ودوامها على اختالف أنواعها ومجاالتها .فيشكل تقرير التنمية البشرية العربية لعام ٩33٩تحوالً استراتيجياً
جوهرياً فى النظر الى اإلنسان والتنمية من خالل تعريفه للتنمية أساساً " أنها تنمية الناس ،ومن قبل الناس ،ومن أجل الناس " فاإلنسان هو األساس فى المجتمعات المتقدمة كما أنه يتعين أن
يكون األساس فى سعى المجتمعات النامية للنهوض ،مكمن التقدم أو التخلف على حد سواء هو فى اإلنسان وتمكينه وبناء اقتداره ،فتعرف التنمية اإلنسانية بأنها ببساطة عملية توسيع
خيارات الناس فى جميع ميادين سعى اإلنسان من خالل تمكين الناس جميعاً من المشاركة
بفاعلية فى التأثير على العمليات التى تشكل حياتهم ويتم هذا التمكين من خالل تحريرهم من الحرمان بجميع أشكاله وخصوصاً الحرمان من الحرية ومن المعرفة (.حجازى ،٩3٨٩ ،ص
إن األمم المتحضرة نهضت ألنهم عرفوا أين البداية ،كما قالت رئيسة فنلندا فى حوار لها مع إحدى القنوات الفضائية :نحن النملك سوى األنسان ! نحن نستثمر في اإلنسان .إنها
صناعة اإلنسان ،هوالء القوم يعرفون أنه ال حضارة بال إنسان ،وأنه إذا أرادت امة أن تبنى حضارة فعليها أن تبنى إنساناً متحض اًر .وهذا مانص عليه "ديورانت" في كتاب "قصة الحضارة" ":إن اإلنسان هو األداة األم ،والعامل األساس في بناء الحضارة ،وبه ي ِ مكنك أن ُ ِ تستحضر غيره من العوامل؛ اقتصادية ،أو سياسية ،أو غيرها" .
ف ما تنعم به البشرية اليوم ما هو إال محصلة تلك العملية الذهنية الراقية أال و هي اإلبداع،
كما أن اإلبداعات الفنية من شعر و أدب و رسوم تضفي على النفوس السعادة و المتعة و تجعلها مرهفة سعيدة ،فاإلبداع هو تعبير عن إنسانية اإلنسان و وسيلة للرقي بها ،فاإلبداع هو رأس مال المستقبل وهو لم يعد خيا اًر وانما هو ضرورة للدول والمجتمعات والشعوب الساعية لتعزيز موقعها على خريطة العالم .
فمهمة تشييد بناء اإلنسان مرتبط بعدة عوامل متشابكة خاصة فى الوقت الراهن ( إجتماعية
وسياسية وثقافية واقتصادية ) والتى أنعكس تأثيرها على اإلنسان وبناء شحصيتة ،كما أن المجتمع المصرى يمر اآلن بمرحلة مهمة من تاريخه اإلجتماعى والسياسي يشهد فيها تغييرات جوهرية فى كثير من األوضاع تؤكد ضرورة إعادة بناء اإلنسان المصرى على أسس سليمة .
مما يؤكد ضرورة مراعاة الخصوصية التاريخية اإلجتماعية عند إعادة البناء .حيث أن اإلبداع على عالقة جدلية بالسياق الحضاري واإلجتماعى الكلى الذى يحتويه ،يؤثر فيه ويتأثر به (
سمير نعيم ،٨٢٢٩ ،ص)٨ يتلخص مما سبق أن معيار البقاء والنماء فى عالم اليوم و الغد هو تمكين اإلنسان وبناء
قدراته بذلك وحده يستطيع اإلنسان السيطرة على زمام مصيره وصوالً الى صناعة هذا المصير
،إنطالقاً من ذلك يجب أن تنطلق كل مخططات التنمية بكافة مجاالتها وفق هدف اساسي األ
وهو " بناء اإلنسان يأتى قبل بناء البنيان ( بناء البشر قبل بناء الحجر )".
كثير شعار «بناء اإلنسان المصرى» منذ تأكيد الرئيس خالل الشهور الماضية تردد ًا ئيسا للجمهورية لفترة ثانية فى يونيو عبدالفتاح السيسى خالل جلسة حلف اليمين الدستورية ر ً الماضى ،على أنه سيضع بناء اإلنسان المصرى على رأس أولويات الدولة خالل المرحلة
إيمانا منه بأن كنز أمتنا الحقيقى هو اإلنسان ،والذى يجب أن يتم بناؤه على أساس القادمة ً
وثقافيا ،بحيث يعاد تعريف الهوية المصرية من جديد بعد محاوالت وعقليا بدنيا ً ً شامل ومتكامل ً العبث بها ،كما أكد أن عملية بناء اإلنسان المصرى هى عملية مجتمعية وليست عملية حكومية
وهو تحدى اإلنسانية كلها .
لكن كيف يتحقق بناء اإلنسان المصرى ،ما هى األبعاد االجتماعية والثقافية لإلنسان حاليا( الواقع اإلجتماعى ) ،ماذا نريد أن يكون عليه من حيث األخالق والقيم والثقافة المصرى ً والمهارات والقدرات؟ وما دور مؤسسات الدولة تجاه هذا المشروع القومى -إعادة بناء اإلنسان المصرى -الذى يجب أن يتبناه المجتمع ككل ؟
إن طريق إعادة البناء يحتاج منظومة تتضافر فيها جهود مجموعة من المؤسسات الرسمية والمجتمعية ،والبداية من خالل المؤسسات التى يقع على عاتقها تشكيل وجدان وعقلية ومعرفة اإلنسان المصري ،وهى مؤسسات اإلعالم والثقافة بكل وسائلها المقروءة والمسموعة والمرئية، والمؤسسات التربويــة التعليمية واألكاديمية ،والمؤسسات الدينية ،فهذه المؤسسات الثالث فى حاجة إلى إعادة تشكيل من يقومون على إدارتها ،ألنهم بمثابة المصدر المرسل للرسائل اإلصالحية لإلنسان المصرى ،وهناك ضرورة ملحة لتوجيه الشباب نحو اإلبداع لتشكيل ذوق راق وبناء منظومة قيم ترتقى بالمجتمع ،كما يجب االهتمام باألطفال ألنهم مستقبل الوطن(. ماجد بدران )http://octobermageg.com/?p=3387 ،٩3٨١ ، وفى هذا اإلطار تمثلت أهداف الدراسة في اآلتى :
يتبلور الهدف األساسى لهذه الدراسة فى " محاولة التعرف على كيفية بناء اإلنسان المصرى" وبجانب هذا الهدف الرئيسى هناك عدة اهداف فرعية هى : -٨الوقوف على أبعاد الواقع اإلجتماعى وتحدياته التى تؤثر فى بناء اإلنسان واإلبداع . -٩الوصول الى المتطلبات ( الشروط ) اإلجتماعية الالزمة لبناء اإلنسان المصرى .
-٩الكشف عن دور بناء القدرات البشرية فى خلق المناخ الضرورى لحدوث اإلبداع . -4طرح تصور استرشادى للتمكين من مجتمع اإلبداع من خالل بناء اإلنسان وفق تجارب بعض الدول( االمارات وماليزيا وفنلندا ) . -----------------------------------------------------------
المسرح وعلم النفس د .نيرمين إبراهيم
كلية األلسن-جامعة عين شمس الملخص
المسرح وعلم النفس هما عالمان أقرب بكثير مما يمكن للمرء أن يعتقد .يرتبط التحليل النفسي طا وثيقًا بالمسرح منذ نشأته :ففي الواقع ،كان سيغموند فرويد قد استوحى من األساطير ارتبا ً واألعمال المسرحية اليونانية مصطلحاته العلمية لوصف الديناميكيات النفسية .في مقالته الشهيرة
"الشاعر والخيال يعرف فرويد الفن على أنه إشباع للرغبات المكبوتة والتي ال تجد لها متنفسا أو تحويل لمسارها وبهذا المعنى يعتبر الفن أشبه بدمية الطفل أو أشبه بالحلم .وقد ظهرت تجليات مسرح شكسبير في دراسات فرويد؛ حيث اتجهت الدراسات األدبية نحو إعادة قراءة أعمال شكسبير من خالل منهج التحليل النفسي .ويمكن للتحليل النفسي الحديث أن يضفي أبعادا جديدة لقراءة وتحليل خصائص الشخصيات المسرحية واكتشاف جوانب جديدة الكتشاف بواطن النفس البشرية .كما أن المسرح هو األداة التي تلجأ إليها اإلنسانية للتخفيف من المعاناة النفسية، خاصة مع وظيفته التطهيرية والقدرة على تحرير المشاهدين من التوتر والقلق :فالمسرح يمكن أن يقوم بدور المعالج الذي يستقبل المتفرج وهو يعاني من اضطراب معين دون أن يشعر ليحرره من المشاعر السلبية في نهاية العرض وبذلك يولد من جديد كعضو نشط في المجتمع .ليس فقط على مستوى المتفرج ،بل باألخص أيضا على مستوى الممثل :فالمسرح يتيح للممثل -من خالل استخدام األقنعة و األدوار المختلفة – تجربة معايشة الشخصيات المتنوعة وبالتالي تحرير كافة الدفاعات الالشعوية وبذلك يصبح أكثر صحة .ويؤكد عالم النفس الشهير" مورينو "متحدثا عن تقنياته العالجية أن األريكة الكالسيكية التي يستخدمها المحلل النفسي قد تم بالفعل استبدالها بمسرح العفوية :حيث يجد في االرتجال مفتاحا سحريا لما يسميه" السيكو دراما "والتي تستند في األساس على لغة الالوعي. -----------------------------------------------------------
رؤية مقترحة لتطوير برامج إعداد معلم العلوم بجمهورية مصر العربية في ضوء مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين أ.م.د .محرم يحيى محمد محمد عفيفي أستاذ مساعد المناهج وطرق تدريس العلوم – كلية التربية – جامعة عين شمس أستاذ مشارك المناهج وطرق التدريس – الكلية الجامعية بالقنفذة – جامعة أم القرى الملخص يعتمد التعلم العالمي Global Learningعلى تدعيم مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين
21st Century Skillsلدى المتعلمين .حيث تؤكد المتطلبات الجديدة لعصر االقتصاد المعرفي على أهمية المعلومات واالبداع واالبتكار Innovation and Creativityفي تقديم خدمات للمجتمع ،ومن هنا تأتي أهمية اكتساب مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين وتدعيمها لدى جميع المتعلمين بكافة المراحل الدراسية .ويأتي معلم العلوم ليجد نفسه أمام تحدي كبير لتدعيم وصقل هذه المهارات لدى طالبه .ومن هذا المنطلق فيجب أن يمتلك معلم العلوم المستقبلي لهذه المهارات والقدرات التدريسية المرتبطة بها والالزمة لمواجهة تحديات ومتطلبات مهارات القرن
الحادي والعشرين .واذا نظرنا إلى مستوى مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين لدى طالب العلوم المعلمين ،نجد أنها تحتاج إلى مزيد من التدعيم ،وذلك استناداً على المالحظات الشخصية
للباحث بالميدان ،وأيضاً استناداً على مجموعة من الدراسات السابقة ومنها دراسة قام بها الباحث
بنفسه ،والتي أوضحت قصور مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين لدى طالب العلوم المعلمين.
وتهدف هذه الورقة البحثية إلى تقديم رؤية مقترحة لتطوير برامج إعداد معلمي العلوم بجمهورية : والتي تتضمن،مصر العربية من خالل تناول مجموعة من المحاور
. مفهوم مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين وتقسيماتها المختلفة
. أهمية دمج مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين ببرامج إعداد المعلم . مبررات تطوير برامج إعداد المعلم بجمهورية مصر العربية . آليات دمج مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين ببرامج إعداد المعلم
. أمثلة ونماذج تطبيقية لدمج مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين ببرامج إعداد المعلم الرؤية المقترحة لتطوير برامج إعداد معلم العلوم بجمهورية مصر العربية في ضوء مهارات .القرن الحادي والعشرين -----------------------------------------------------------
Posters معلقات قطاع العلوم اإلنسانية واإلجتماعية والتربوية قاعة ايزيس بدار الضيافة Evaluating the Factors that Affect SMEs’ Financing Decisions: An Empirical Study on NILEX Listed SMEs in Egypt Noha Abd El-Kader, Hayam Hassan Wahba Ain Shams University Abstract The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate the firmlevel factors that affect SMEs’ capital structure decisions in Egypt, being one of the developing countries striving to promote SMEs for their vital role in economic growth, employment generation, enhancing competitiveness, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. In order to achieve the research objectives, static Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and dynamic panel system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) were incorporated using data of 30 NILEX listed SMEs throughout the period 2009 - 2017 to assess the factors that affect the firm’s capital structure like sales growth, profitability, SMEs’ size, SMEs’ age, industry sector, asset structure and business risk. Results showed that SMEs profitability was the only independent variable that consistently showed a negative significant impact on SMEs’ debt ratio using the different estimation methods, which is in accordance with the pecking order theory. SMEs’ size positively affected debt ratio under OLS regression results, which is in line with the trade-off theory. Results for SMEs’ size were insignificant under one-step and robust two-step system GMM methods. SMEs’ age significantly and positively affected SMEs’ leverage under
OLS. SMEs’ business risk was found to be negatively related to SMEs’ financing decision under OLS regression results, but showed a positive impact on debt ratio under GMM method. Finally, the technology and real estate sectors positively affected SMEs’ debt ratio under OLS. Asset structure and sales growth were insignificant to the capital structure decision of SMEs, which could be attributed to the sample employed in the study. Keywords: SMEs, capital structure, firm-level determinants, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) ---------------------------Examining the determinants of SMEs capital structure: A Managerial perspective Marwa El Maghawry, Hayam Hassan Wahba Future University in Egypt, Ain Shams University Abstract The Purpose of this paper was to explore the importance of the managerial factors in explaining the capital structure decisions of small and medium enterprises in developing countries like Egypt. Although the traditional theories of capital structure are useful in explaining the capital structure decisions of the companies, but it was showed that they mainly explained these decisions of large enterprises in developed economies so this paper tried to test some managerial factors such as managerial attitudes, characteristics and skills that may help to explain these decisions in SMEs in emerging economies. The researchers used managerial Control aversion, Risk tendency and growth intentions as proxies for Managerial attitudes, used Network strengths as proxy for Managerial attitudes and used managerial education and experience as proxies for Managerial skills. The study had been performed by investigating the capital structure of a sample of 27 SMEs that are listed in the NileX index, the only index for the Egyptian SMEs. The data was collected over the period 2010 – 2016. The results showed evidence that some of managerial attitudes and characteristics are considered from the drivers of the capital structure decisions of the Egyptian SMEs. Aversion to external control had a negative impact on the willingness to seek external financing while managerial growth intentions and strength of the managerial relationships with others positively affected the leverage.
Keywords: Managerial attitudes, Managerial Characteristics, Small and Medium Enterprises -------------------------------Exploring the challenges of applying the supply chain management in the small and medium enterprises in Egypt Menna Allah Ahmed Fouad Khaled Kadry El-Sayed Future University in Egypt Ain Shams University Abstract The article sheds the light on the current state of implementing supply chain management (SCM) in the Egyptian SMEs, through the study of various challenges which they are facing in applying the SCM that would help in inventory management improvement, establishment of supplier relationships, customer responsiveness, information technology systems improvement, and the creation of competitive advantage for the channel, which will eventually help in lowering costs and increase gains to both SMEs and the country. A pilot study was carried to gain a better insight on the study sector. Followed by, a survey distributed among different small and medium enterprises in great Cairo, Giza, and Damietta governorates, yielding 103 valid responses. A statistical analysis of the survey is introduced including both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. Ten main difficulties hindering SC performance were identified. Moreover, an exploratory analysis of the survey showed that the main concerns to SC managers are related to Telecommunication infrastructure, workforce availability and the knowledge, skills, and abilities for managing the supply chain. The study therefore recommends environmental, organizational, and managerial solutions to ease the implementation of the standards and principles of Supply Chain Management in the Egyptian Small and Medium Enterprises considering the end goal to maintain their competitiveness, operating economically, rationally and systematically. Keywords: Small and medium enterprises, Supply chain management, Difficulties, Pilot study, Survey, Egypt. -------------------------------The Impact of Technology and Business Incubators on Entrepreneurial Performance in Egypt: An Empirical Study
Mohamed Salah Eldien, Khaled Elsayed, Hussain Sharara Academy of Scientific Research & Technology
Ain Shams University
Abstract Egypt had a wealthy trial in the incubation field that started in 1990 by building some incubators affiliated to the Social Development Fund (SDF) in several governorates. This trial was only effective for the requirements of this time as it only was collecting entrepreneurs in one place and offers them a space to work. A new concept of incubators started in Egypt nearly 7 years ago and Egypt now has around 14 incubators that offer these modern services to different startups in different sectors. This study aimed to measure the impact of Cairo incubator's performance on the overall entrepreneurial performance to assess the current situation and determine how incubator's performance could be fine-tuned to achieve desired outcomes. The results of the study showed that incubators (according to study limitations) had a positive impact on Entrepreneurial Performance in Egypt through boosting startup expansion rate, increasing business ownership rate as well as increasing startups' sustainability rate. Economic
Key Words: Development
الصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى مصر :رؤية تحليلية رحمة عبد الحليم عبد المجلى محمد كلية التجارة-جامعة عين شمس الملخص إن تطوير المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة وتشجيع إقامتها ،من أهم روافد عملية التنمية االقتصادية واالجتماعية فى الدول بشكل عام ،والدول النامية بشكل خاص ،لما لها من دور إيجابى كبير فى زيادة الطاقة اإلنتاجية من ناحية ،والمساهمة فى معالجة مشكلتى الفقر والبطالة من ناحية أخرى. ونظراً ألهمية هذه المشروعات وما أثبتته من قدرتها وكفاءتها فى معالجة المشكالت الرئيسية التى تواجه االقتصادات المختلفة ،قامت العديد من الدول باالهتمام بها وتركيز الجهود عليها بدرجة أكبر من المشروعات الكبيرة العمالقة. ويأتى االهتمام بهذه المشروعات لتميزها بقدرتها االستيعابية الكبيرة لأليدى العاملة فضالً عن انخفاض حجم االستثمارات بها مقارنة بالمشروعات الكبيرة ،كما أنها تفتح مجاالً واسعاً للمبادرات الفردية والتوظيف الذاتى ،وهى بذلك تخفف الضغط على القطاع العام فى توفير فرص العمل. مشكلة البحث على الرغم من أن المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى مصر تمثل حوالى %02من هيكل االقتصاد المصرى ،وتمتلك نسبة كبيرة من القوى العاملة بالقطاع الخاص حيث يعمل بها حوالى 3.0مليون عامل ،إال أن نسبة مساهمتها الصافية فى الناتج المحلى االجمالى تعتبر ضئيلة مقارنة بحجمها .لذا تسعى هذه الورقة إلى معرفة أسباب ذلك.
أهمية البحث ً ً تأتى أهمية هذه الورقة من كونها تناقش موضوعا حيويا وهو المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى مصر ،وما تحتله من مكانة بارزة فى االقتصاد المصرى ،حيث تعتبر الجندى المجهول الذى يساند االقتصاد المصرى فى األوقات العصيبة. كذلك يساير البحث االهتمام المتزايد من جانب األفراد ،الشركات ،المجتمع ككل بنشر وتفعيل دور المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بما يحقق النفع لجوانب االقتصاد المختلفة. هدف البحث تهدف هذه الورقة إلى: التعرف على وضع المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى مصر ،ومجاالتها المختلفة. إبراز أهمية المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى االقتصاد المصرى. عرض أبرز المشكالت التى تواجه المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى مصر. توضيح دور الدولة متمثلة فى الحكومة المصرية ـــــ خاصة فى الفترة األخيرة ــــ فى االهتمام بالمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ،والجهود المبذولة لزيادة فرص نجاح تلك المشروعات. وأخيراً السعى فى تقديم مقترحات وتوصيات بعدد من السياسات لتنمية وتفعيل هذا القطاع وتعظيم دوره ،والمساهمة فى الحد أو التخفيف من المشكالت التى تواجهه. منهجية البحث تقوم هذه الورقة باتباع المنهج الوصفى والتحليلى لتحقيق أهدافها. خطة البحث تنقسم الورقة إلى خمس نقاط أساسية ،وهى: أوالً :المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى مصر :حقائق وأرقام. ثانيا ً :دور المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى النهوض باالقتصاد المصرى. ثالثا ً :المشكالت التى تواجه المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى مصر. رابعا ً :جهود الدولة فى االهتمام بالمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى مصر. خامسا ً :توصيات ومقترحات. ----------------------------
منهج محاسبي مقترح لمنع المخاطر عن المستهلك من المنتجات الصناعية المغشوشة بحث مقارن بين مصر )دولة المؤتمر( والسعودية )ضيف شرف المؤتمر( ياسر حسين السيد سالم معهد الدراسات التعاونية الملخص يتناول البحث وضع منهج محاسبي مقترح لمنع المخاطر المترتبة علي المنتجات الصناعية المغشوشة وحماية المستهلك منها في بحث مقارن بين مصر والسعودية. هدف البحث إلي وضع منهج محاسبي مقترح من خالل دوره حياه المنتج الصناعي ،يتم من خالله القيام بإجراءات يتم فيها الضوابط واالشتراطات والمعايير البيئية واالقتصادية من خالل محاور منهج محاسبي لدوره حياه المنتج الصناعي ومن أجل حماية المستهلك والمجتمع واالقتصاد والبيئة.وفي سبيل ذلك استهدف البحث توضيح مخاطر المنتجات الصناعية المغشوشة ودراسة وتحليل المخاطر الواقعة علي المستهلك في كل من مصر والسعودية والناتجة
عن الغش في المنتجات الصناعية ،وأوضح البحث مفاهيم الفكر المحاسبي ودورها في اإلنتاج الرشيد والمستدام للمنتج الصناعي. وقد تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي في البحث وتم الوصول إلي البيانات والمعلومات في مصر والسعودية من الجهات القائمة علي حماية المستهلك من المنتجات الصناعية المغشوشة، وتم استخدام البرنامج اإلحصائي SPSSفي إثبات أو نفي عالقات االرتباط والتحليل في البحث ،ثم قدم البحث منهج محاسبي مقترح لمنع المخاطر عن المستهلك من المنتجات الصناعية المغشوشة. وكان من نتائج البحث أنه توجد عالقة معنوية طردية بين الغش في المنتجات الصناعية والمخاطر علي المستهلك في مصر ،ومن النتائج أيضاً أنه ال توجد عالقة معنوية بين الغش في المنتجات الصناعية والمخاطر علي المستهلك في السعودية ،وأوضحت النتائج أنه يمكن من خالل الفكر المحاسبي ،وضع منهج لمنع المخاطر عن المستهلك من المنتجات الصناعية المغشوشة. ومن توصيات البحث ضرورة إعطاء جهاز حماية المستهلك صالحيات أكبر ودور أكبر في حماية المستهلك ،وأوصى البحث بضرورة توفير ونشر اإلحصائيات عن الغش في المنتجات الصناعية علي المستوى المحلى واإلقليمي والعالمي ،كما أوصى البحث بتطبيق المنهج المحاسبي المقترح في المنشآت الصناعية. --------------------------------
الصفحة المعرفية لمقياس وكسلر لذكاء األطفال "الصورة الرابعة "لعينة من األطفال بطيئ التعلم :دراسة مقارنة
أسماء أحمد عبد الحميد (باحث دكتوراه )
أ.د .محمد رزق البحيري ،د .أيمن سالم عبداهلل الملخص هــدفت الد ارســة إلــى الوقــوف علــى الســمات والخصــائص الشخصــية النفســية والمعرفيــة المميزة لألطفال ذوى القدرات العقلية البينية وأقرانهم العاديين مما يمكـن مـن رسـم صـفحة نفسـية
مميزة لهـم تعـين القـائمين علـى رعـايتهم عنـد تصـميم أو تعـديل أو تطـوير بـرامج خـدمات للنهـوض به ــم وفقًــا لم ــا ت ــؤهلهم إلي ــه ق ــدراتهم وامكان ــاتهم وبن ــاء عل ــى خصائص ــهم واحتياج ــاتهم .واجري ــت الد ارســة علــى عينــة قوامهــا ( ) ٩3طفــل ذوى القــدرة البينيــة "بطيــئ تعلــم " و ( )٩3طفــل متوســط ال ــذكاء "ع ــادى " تتـ ـراوح اعم ــارهم م ــن ٨٩ – ٨3س ــنة وتك ــون ف ــى مس ــتوى اقتص ــادى اجتم ــاعى متك ــافئ متوس ــط وكان ــت أدوات الد ارس ــة ه ــى :مقي ــاس وكس ــلر ل ــذكاء األطف ــال الص ــورة الرابع ــة (إعداد :عبد الرقيب البحيرى )٩3٨. ،ومقياس المستوى االجتماعى االقتصادى الثقافى (إعداد :محمد أحمد سـعفان ،دعـاء محمـد حسـن خطـاب ) ،مسـتخدما اسـلوب مـان ويتنـى الالبـارمترى االحصــائى .وقــد اســفرت النتــائج عــن وجــود صــفحة معرفيــة ممي ـزة لألطفــال بطيــئ الــتعلم وعــدم وجود فروق بين الذكور واالناث بطيئي التعلم .
الكلمات المفتاحية :بطيئ التعلم ،العاديين -------------------------------العوامل االجتماعية واالقتصادية المؤثرة على اإلبداع لدى اطفال الشوارع أسماء عبد الحليم إبراهيم محمد (باحثة ماجستير)
جامعة عين شمس – كلية اآلداب -قسم علم االجتماع الملخص
تعتبر الطفولة مرحلة أساسية وهامة من عمر االنسان حيث أن مرحلة الطفولة من أهم مراحل التكوين ونمو الشخصية ،ولها تأثير علي شخصية الفرد بقية حياتة ،وتتعدد احتياجات ومتطلبات األطفال ،فهي ال تقتصر علي اشباع االحتياجات البيولوجية فقط ،وانما ال بد من اشباع االحتياجات النفسية واالجتماعية للطفل .
يرتبط نمو الطفل بالمجتمع والثقافة ،حيث أن الطفل كائن اجتماعى،وله حاجات بيولوجية ونفسية واجتماعية ومعرفية يريد اشباعها ،ومنها الحاجة للمعرفة والتعلم والثقافة حيث ينمو التفكير العقلى واالدراك من خالل عملية التكيف المستمر بين الفرد والبيئة كما يوضح جان ()٨
تعد الموهبة االبداعية بذرة كامنة في كل انسان منذ ان كان صغي ار ،و االهتمام هو الذي يكشف عنها و السعي ينبتها ،والرعاية تنميها ،وفي داخل كل انسان مبدعا ،و نتيجة لعصر المعلومات واالتصاالت الذي نعيشة أصبحت المعرفة هي القوة والسلطة ،وأصبح اإلبداع وسيلة سريعة لتحقيق التقدم في أي دولة. مشكلة البحث
وأصبحت قضايا الطفولة محل اهتمام وبحث كبيرين على المستوى العالمى ،وعقد
لهذا الغرض العشرات من المؤتمرات األممية واإلقليمية والوطنية إضافة إلى تصديق وتوقيع جميع الدول على االتفاقية الخاصة بحقوق الطفل وظهرت قوانين وطنية تتمثل االتفاقية الدولية وتزيد من االهتمام بالطفولة .فقد أصدر الجهاز المركزي للتعبئة العامة واالحصاء بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لحقوق الطفل أن %٩2،2من السكان (أقل من ٨١سنة )أطفال منتصف عام ٩3٨2
م أي حوالي ٩٩،٩مليون طفل ( .)٩فى هذا السياق يأتى اهتمامنا بأطفال الشوارع و العوامل
المؤثرة على اإلبداع لديهم كأحد وأهم ملمح لظاهرة الطفولة ومشكالتها فى المجتمعات النامية ومنها مصر . وتبلورت مشكلة البحث في ما العوامل االجتماعية واالقتصادية المؤثرة على االبداع
لدى اطفال الشوارع؟
أهداف البحث
انطلق البحث من الهدف الرئيسي أال وهو :رصد العوامل االجتماعية واالقتصادية
المؤثرة على اإلبداع لدى أطفال الشوارع وينبثق من هذا الهدف الرئيسي تساؤالت فرعية تتحدد في:
ما العوامل االجتماعية واالقتصادية المؤثرة على اإلبداع لدى أطفال الشوارع؟
ما أشكال اإلبداع لدى أطفال الشوارع؟ --------------------------------
فاعلية برنامج لتحسين بعض مهارات الفهم القرائي لدى عينة من األطفال ثنائي اللغة عزة كامل السعداوي
كلية الدراسات العليا للطفولة-جامعة عين شمس الملخص ثنائية اللغة ضرورة اجتماعية تفرضها حقيقة وجود الطفل في عالم سريع التغيير، وهناك فارق كبير بين األحادية اللغوية واإلقتصار على لغة واحدة على مستوى التخاطب والقراءة ،وبين الثنائية اللغوية ،حيث تعلم لغة ثانية تضاف إلى اللغة األم .وقد أدركت
الدول العربية أهمية إكساب الطفل لغة ثانية إلى جانب اللغة العربية ليواكب التقدم التكنولوجي والمعرفي ،ومن بينها مصر بطبيعة الحال التي ادركت أهمية تعليم اللغة الثانية للطفل. ويعد الفهم القرائي تفاعل بين القاريء والنص ،ويتطلب في بنائه وتنمية استراتيجيات
ترتبط به وتؤكد التواصل وتهدف إلى تكوين قاريء منتج يكون استنتاجات مقبولة لها دعائم من خبراته الواسعة .فالفهم بذلك هو إعادة بناء النص ،وبحث لما وراء النص من الكلمات والجمل وتجاوز البنية السطحية للنص إلى البنية العميقة.
وتتحدد مشكلة الدراسة هنا في محاولة تحسين بعض مهارات الفهم القرائي لدى
التالميذ ثنائي اللغة ،حيث أشارت العديد من البحوث والدراسات السابقة إلى أوجه
القصور في مهارات الفهم القرائي إلى تدنى مستوى التالميذ بشكل عام في أداء مهارات الفهم القرائي ،ويزداد الضعف كلما ارتقينا من نمط الفهم السطحي إلى األنماط األكثر
تعقيدا .ويثير البحث عددا من األسئلة المهمة ذات الصلة بالموضوع. وتهدف الدراسة إلى:
.٨الكشف عن فاعلية البرنامج القائم على استخدام الخرائط الذهنية في تحسين مهارات الفهم القرائي لدى عينة من األطفال ثنائي اللغة.
.٩التأكد من بقاء تأثير البرنامج المستخدم في تحسين بعض مهارات الفهم القرائي لدى األطفال ثنائي اللغة.
الذكاء الروحي و عالقته بتقدير الذات لدي عينة من المراهقين دينا عادل محمد االجهوري كلية الدراسات العليا للطفولة-جامعة عين شمس الملخص
عنى العلماء عناية فائقة بدراسة حاجات اإلنسان الفسيولوجية ،ولم يهتموا بالقدر الكافي
بدراسة الناحية الروحية لإلنسان وما ينبثق عنها من حاجات إنسانية نبيلة وسامية ،فهي ارقي الحاجات اإلنسانية ،ألنها تميز اإلنسان عن غيره من الحيوانات .وقد ظهرت بعض انتقادات لهذا االتجاه المادي إلغفاله دراسة النواحي الروحية من السلوك اإلنساني ،فقد انتقد اريك فروم علم النفس حينها الهتمامه بالنواحي السطحية من السلوك اإلنساني ،وكانت هذه االنتقادات هي
ما حدا بماسلو إلى وضع تصنفيه لحاجات اإلنسان والذي يتضمن حاجات روحية مثل العدل والخير والجمال. أن التراث النفسي يعكس وجهات نظر متباينة حيال زيادة أو نقص الروحانية في مرحلة المراهقة حيث نمو دائرة معرفة المراهق ونمو عادات أفضل في التفكير تؤدى إلي تساؤل المراهق وتشككه في كثير من األشياء واألفكار التي قبلها سابقًا دون نقد أو تمحيص. فإن األطفال يصبحون قادرين علي التفكير في األفكار المجردة عندما يصلون إلى مرحلة المراهقة .فإنهم يكتسبون فهما أكثر عمقًا عن دينهم وعن القيم الروحية التي سبق لهم أن قبولها بال نقد أو تمحص من اإلباء والكبار. إن القيم الروحية والسلوك الديني يؤثران في كل جوانب حياة المراهق حيث يمر بمرحلة تكوين
هاما في حياته. الشخصية وصقلها وتقديره لذاته وتلعب العوامل االنفعالية دور ً خالل نمو اإلنسان تزداد حاجته إلى التقدير ممن حوله بداية من األسرة ثم المعلمين وزمالئه في المدرسة ،فيعمل على زيادة تحصيله وانجازاته األكاديمية بالمدرسة ،والمشاركة في األنشطة المدرسية المختلفة ،حيث يلفت إليه األنظار ويحظى بالتقدير االجتماعي المرغوب،
ومع وصول نموه لمرحلة المراهقة والرشد يميل الفرد إلى أن يثاب على ما قام به إثابة معنوية أو مادية ،فحصيلة ما يصل إليه الفرد من نجاح أو فشل خالل خبرات حياته هي من تحدد شدة أو ضعف الحاجة إلى التقدير لدي هذا الفرد . إن ارتفاع تقديرالذات المراهق لذاته له دور بارز في حصول الفرد على حالة من التوافق يستطيع بها مواجهة ظروف الحياة دون الشعور بالحزن واالخيار .
وهذا يدلل على وجود عالقة بين تقدير الذات بالذكاء الروحي حيث أن التوافق النفسي والقدرة على مواجهة المشكالت من السمات المشتركة بين ذوي تقدير الذات المرتفع واألذكياء روحية . مشكلة الدراسة:
مرحلة المراهقة هي من مرحلة التشتت النفسي للمراهق والتي يكون فيها تقديره لذاته من
خالل نجاحه و فشله و تقدير من حوله له حيث تزداد حاجته إلى التقدير لمواجهة الخالفات والصراعات ،لبناء ثقته بنفسه وألهمية تقدير الذات في مواجهة الخالفات والصراعات ،حيث أن الشخص ذو تقدير الذات المرتفع أكثر ثقة بالنفس ويمتلك فجأ اجتماعية خاصة في حل ما يواجهه من مشکالت ،بينما الشخص ذو تقدير الذات المنخفض تكون قدرته على مواجهة
المشكالت التي تقابله في حياته ضعيفة.
يعد الذكاء الروحي قوة وجدانية عند اإلنسان تساعده علي تخطى مشكالته وعقبات الحياة. كما ان الذكاء الروحي يمد المراهق بتقبل الذات الذي يساعده علي اعطاء نفسه قيمتها. مهما لدعمها وتشجيعها ترى "سينتيار" إن تضمين الروحانيات في مهارات الحياة ًا أمر ً لتطوير شخصية المراهق ومساعدته علي اتخاذ القرار وحل المشكالت والكتساب الفعالية الذاتية وتقديرها ؛ فالذكاء الروحي يحث المراهقين علي التفكير بصورة خالقة واستخدام خيالهم ،حيث يتضمن الذكاء الروحي القدرة علي التقمص والتأمل .إن البناء النفسي والروحي وتنميته من أهم مقوم ات الشخصية كما إن اهتمام المربي بالتربية الروحية لهو أمر علي درجة عالية من األهمية من أجل تحقيق السالمة لجميع جوانب الشخصية المراهق.
ولندرة الدراسات السابقة خاصة في البيئة العربية -في حدود إطالع الباحثة -والتي تناولت
العالقة بين الذكاء الروحي وتقدير الذات لدى المراهقين ،مما كان الدافع للقيام بهذه الدراسة. وتثير مشكلة الدراسة التساؤالت اآلتية:
-٨هل يوجد ارتباط بين الذكاء الروحي وتقدير الذات لدى عينة من المراهقين؟ -٩هل يختلف الذكور عن اإلناث من المراهقين في الذكاء الروحي؟ -٩هل يوجد فروق بين الذكور واإلناث من المراهقين في تقدير الذات؟ أهداف الدراسة :تحدد أهداف الدراسة في:
-٨الكشف عن عالقة الذكاء الروحي بتقدير الذات لدى عينة من المراهقين. -٩بيان الفروق بين الذكور واإلناث في تقدير الذات.
-٩تقصي الفروق بين الذكور واإلناث من المراهقين في الذكاء الروحي. أهمية الدراسة :تكمن أهمية الدراسة في محاولة التعرف علي العالقة بين الذكاء الروحي وتقدير الذات لدي عينة من المراهقين ،حيث قلت الدراسات التي تناولت العالقة بينهم. --------------------------------
فاعلية برنامج كورت " تنظيم الذات والمعلومات والوجدان " في تحسين التفكير االبتكاري لعينة من أ طفال الروضة هالة لطفى محمد أبو الليف
كلية الدراسات العليا للطفولة-جامعة عين شمس الملخص
أهداف الدراسة :هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى فاعلية برنامج كورت " تنظيم الذات والمعلومات
والوجدان " في تحسين التفكير االبتكاري لعينة من أ طفال الروضة
إجراءات الدراسة :لتحقيق هذه األهداف بلغت عينة الدراسة ( ن = ) 23طفالً وطفلة من
أطفال المرحلة الثانية بروضة االمام محمد عبده بدمياط بأعمار من ( 2 – 5سنوات ) ،قسم
الى مجموعتين :تجريبية ( ن = ) ٩3وضابطة ( ن = ، ) ٩3ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة اُستعين بأدوات تمثلت في اختبار رسم الرجل( لجودانف – هاريس ) تقنين :فاطمة حنفى ( ، )٨٢١٩اختبار تورانس للتفكير االبتكارى باستخدام الصورة ( ب)تأليف تورانس ترجمة
واعداد :عبداهلل محمود سليمان و فؤاد عبد اللطيف أبو حطب( ،)٨٢١١استمارة المستوى االجتماعي واالقتصادي إعداد :عبد العزيز السيد الشخص ( ، ) ٨٢٢5اجراءات برنامج كورت " تنظيم الذات والمعلومات والوجدان " كورت 5ترجمة وتعديل :دينا فيضى ( )٩33١نتائج الدراسة :أشارت النتائج إلى فاعلية برنامج كورت " تنظيم الذات والمعلومات
والوجدان " في تحسين التفكير االبتكاري لعينة من أ طفال الروضة. --------------------------------
الضغوط النفسيه المدركه وعالقتها باالمن النفسى لدي عينه من ذوى صعوبات تعلم القراءه والء مرزوق عبد اهلل ابراهيم( باحثة دكتوراه) كلية الدراسات العليا للطفولة-جامعة عين شمس الملخص
تهدف الدراسة إلى الكشـف عـن العالقـة بـين االضـغوط النفسـيه المدركـه واألمـن النفسـى لـدى عاما. عينة من ذوى صعوبات تعلم القراءة بالمرحلة االبتدائية من سن (ً )٨٩ : ٢
واســتخدمت الباحثــة فــي تلــك الد ارســة المــنهج الوصــفى االرتبــاطى فــي الكشــف عــن العالقــة بــين
الضــغوط النفســيه واالمــن النفســى ،وتكونــت عينــة الد ارســة مــن ( )٩3تلمي ـ ًذا وتلميــذة )٨5(،تلمي ـ ًذا
وتلميذة من ذوى صعوبات تعلم القراءة و( )٨5تلمي ًذا وتلميذة من العاديين.
وكانت نتائج تلك الدراسة هـي وجـود عالقـة ارتباطيـة سـالبه بـين الضـغوط النفسـيه واالمـن النفسـى
لدى ذوى صعوبات تعلم القراءة. --------------------------------
Creativity and Psychological well-being Hoda Mohamed Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University dr.hoda.sayed@nursing.asu.edu.eg Abstract Using creativity in everyday life is beneficial to the health and well being of individuals, and may improve physical, mental and social well being. Creativity is an innate capacity to think and act in original ways, to be inventive, to be imaginative and to find new and original solutions to needs, problems and forms of expression. It can be used in all activities. Its processes and outcomes are meaningful to its user and generate positive feelings. Psychologists have identified many cognitive factors related to creativity, such as divergent thinking, styles of thinking and openness to experience Creativity has the power to increase self-esteem, promote a sense of purpose and belonging, empower individuals and foster autonomy and competence Humans are creative beings; there is an innate need for individuals to engage in creative arts occupations. Cognitive Creativity Components Fluency: The ability to produce ideas and different answers Flexibility: The ability to find different answers Originality: The ability to produce a new and novel product Expansion: To notice details related to an idea Emotional Creativity Components Honesty: Expressing one`s experiences and values honesty Innovation: Making changes in usual emotions or coming up with new emotional state Effectiveness: Conformity between the emotion and the situation that beneficial to the person or the group in the end Inclination: The ability to understand emotion and willingness to recognize it In case of psycho social therapies, creativity has a role in organizing behavior and enabling the expression and management of self-identity, social identity and time management . --------------------------------
قطاع العلوم الهندسية Towards an Integrated MEMS based OCT Module for Biomedical Imaging Applications. Prof. Diaa Khalil (1) Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, 1 Elsarayat St. Abbassia, 11517, Cairo, Egypt. (2) Si-War Systems SWS 3 Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed St., Heliopolis, Cairo 11361, Egypt, E-mail: diaa.khalil@si-ware.com Abstract Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology is currently creating a breakthrough in many applications in our life. It allows the integration of electrical, mechanical, thermal and optical components on the same substrate and the fabrication of such composite system in mass production with low cost, weight and size. The Biomedical applications is one of the domains that are currently making use of the MEMS technology for the development of more and more integrated devices with new functionalities. In this talk, we demonstrate the development of a new integrated Optical Coherence Tomography “OCT” head for biomedical imaging applications. This new imaging technique has gained a lot of interest in the last 2 decades to fill the gap between the acoustic imaging (Sonar) usually used for relatively large dimensions and the confocal microscopy for very small dimensions. The potential of the MEMS technology for building such complicated system will thus be from both an industrial and academic points of view. -------------------------------Brain Computer Interface System for Disabled People Prof. Howida A. Shedeed (Project PI) Scientific Computing Department, Faculty of computers and information science, Ain Shams University dr_howida@yahoo.com, dr_howida@cis.asu.edu.eg Abstract In general, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a revolutionary and challenging research field attracting multidisciplinary research efforts in order to achieve a global demand of fully integrating every aspect of the modern technology in our daily life. This technology can help disabled that cannot be able to communicate to the computer through the normal interactions as: typing, speaking and others. Many channels can be used for interaction between the human, specially the disabled people, and the computer such as: biological signals, Iris tracking and hand sign
language. Biological signals that mainly used for interfacing with the computer are the electroencephalography (EEG) signal from the brain, and the Electrooculography (EOG) signal from eye. Brain computer interface (BCI) is defined as a real time interaction system that opens a direct communication channel between the human brain and computers. Numerous studies have demonstrated correlations between brain waves and mental tasks and investigated the feasibility of using different mental tasks as a wide communication channel between people and computers. This system can be of great important to help disabled. Many researches has been done for utilizing the EEG signal from the brain for controlling and interfacing with the machine such as: Brain robot control system that used the EEG signal to control arm robot, neuro-phone system that used the EEG signal to drive mobile applications on the mobile using wireless (EEG) headset. EEG and EOG signals are used also for wheel chair control. Brain speech system is used to translate unspoken speech to words using the EEG Signal. This system can help people who are not able to utter speech due to physical disability. Communication through spelling also is still one of the main challenges in BCI applications. Writing a simple message, an e-mail, remains a difficult task to achieve for people with severe disabilities. So virtual keyboard or what called Brain Speller system is one that based on the detection of voluntarily patterns of activity in the spontaneous EEG and/or EOG signals, which is the main application that we focus on in our research project. -------------------------------Heal+: Towards developing professional educational programs in healthcare Master program in Health Informatics Sherine Rady Associate Professor, Information Systems Dept., Faculty of Computer & Information Sciences, Ain Shams University Team members: Prof. Nagwa Badr (PI) Dr. Sherine Rady Dr. Mohamed Eleliemy Abstract Information Technology (IT) has a great infleuencial potential which canhelp realizing important societal changes in the healthcare and its services. There is still an acute unmet growing demand for professionals in the health sector who can develop, utilize and add value to clinical information systems. National Universities and Academia can contribute towards the enhancement of this needed qualified human capacity, and hence advance the social and economic development in healthcare, especially in MENA region countries.
Heal+ is a project which aims to construct a master program in Health Informatics (HI) in three MENA partner countries, among them Egypt, and with the collaboration between several EU countries. The developed master program will enable graduates employ IT in the health care organizations and towards fulfilling the medical market and health demands and challenges. Following a systematic approach, developing the HI curricula includes developing syllabi, curricula objectives, learning outcomes of the different modules, assessment, teaching methodologies, in addition to a set of professional training modules. The Curricula Development is considered as the most important process in developing the HI program specifically, and generally for any educational program. One of the core elements in such process is to define the program aims and learning outcomes/objectives based on the real needs. The process of the curriculum development usually takes a long time, not only to develop the course specifications and partial content descriptions, but to verify that such items make correct mapping and alignment with the aims and learning objectives set. In our project Heal+, we have developed an assisting tool that visualizes the mappings between objectives versus courses and their topics, in order to adjust the whole program design and make proper alignments. Such quantitative analysis resulted in having obtained a trusted review and credibility towards the developed curriculum. The tool has the additional advantage that the data repository can automatically generate the consecutive program documents and bylaws. -------------------------------New & Renewable Energy Dr. Walid El-Khattam Interdisciplinary Masters of Engineering Programs Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Walid.elkhattam@eng.asu.edu.eg Abstract The interdisciplinary Master of Engineering Programs at Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University (FoE-ASU) such as "New and Renewable Energy Engineering" aims to provide a high quality education as a multi-disciplinary graduate program that addresses the changing needs of future engineers in multi-disciplinary teams, serves the profession and contributes to the advances and well-being of the society by creating and disseminating knowledge and updating technology through teaching, research, and partnership with industry and government. This program is a deliverable of a Tempus project that includes eight universities (from which three Egyptian Universities are involved) from five countries. This presentation discusses the importance of interdisciplinary graduate-studies as well as in the undergraduate
programs. A brief description about this program, its contents and role in developing the research activities at FoE-ASU to be evaluated and discussed. -------------------------------Wind Turbine Design for Off-Grid Small Power Applications Ahmed El Baz Department of Mechanical Engineering, faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University Abstract Wind energy is one of the most promising renewable energy resources in Egypt. Small wind turbines can provide a very cost effective solution for supplying remote and isolated areas in Egypt with electricity. These remote areas are facing serious problems in their power supplies, which will hinder all the possibilities of economic growth. On the other hand, the average wind speed in these remote areas is relatively low in the range of 4-6 m/s. The proposed project focuses on the design and local manufacturing of a small Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine (DAWT) for remote areas in Egypt. Recent studies indicated that adding a diffuser to a conventional wind turbine will result in a considerable increase in power at relatively small wind speeds. Experimental studies conducted on such DAWT showed that such a turbine can generate more power compared to a bare wind turbine; with a power coefficient four times higher. Theirfor, this project aims at developing workable design utlizing this concept for small power applications. The methodology for implementing this project comprises 8 tasks. The first three tasks will be dedicated for aerodynamic modeling, aerodynamic design, optimization and wind tunnel testing of the rotor blades and diffuser. Structural design and blades material selection will take place during the forth task. Design of pitch control scheme will be conducted in the fifth task. Fabrication and field testing of a scaled model as well as the final prototype will take place in the sixth tasks. The final two tasks will be dedicated for the development of a complete package for mass production as well as local technology transfer activities. The main objective of these two tasks is to ensure the sustainability of the project after the end of the fund.
-------------------------------Visual Prostheses for Vision Restoration Seif Eldawlatly Associate Professor Computer and Systems Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract Visual prostheses hold hope of vision restoration for millions with retinal degenerative diseases. The main principal of visual prosthesis is to bypass the damaged part of the visual pathway and electrically stimulate subsequent functional parts. Such electrical stimulation is supposed to
deliver electrical pulses to the visual pathway that mimic what would have been received if the damaged part was intact. This talk will give an overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of visual prostheses. We will review different types of visual prostheses: First, we will discuss retinal implants in which stimulating electrodes are used to replace damaged photoreceptors; converting light into electric pulses to stimulate the undamaged parts of the retina. However, the use of retinal implants is limited as parts of the retina have to remain intact to interface with the implant. Therefore, when the retina is completely damaged, other potential targets along the visual pathway are considered. We will review different types of cortical visual prosthesis that target the primary visual cortex (V1). We will then focus on thalamic visual prostheses that target the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN), which represents a mid-way target for visual prostheses. We will discuss our recent efforts in understanding the encoding of visual and electrical stimuli in rat LGN. The talk will end with future directions for enhancing the quality of perceived images using current visual prostheses. -------------------------------How the Industry can Impact the Quality of Education" Marwa Zaghow Channel Sales director – EMEA DELL EMC2 Company Abstract For the past 10 years, DELL EMC Academic Alliance curricula have been successfully adopted by tens of top Egyptian universities. Thousands of Egyptian students are today studying Cloud Infrastructure, information Storage Management and Data Science and Big Data Analytics courses. Our aim is to reduce the gap between the industry and the academia by initiating many programs and projects which the students can benefit from. Join us to have an overview on the strong academic collaboration between Dell EMC Egypt's Center of Excellence and the Egyptian universities where we will share our vision and technology directions and you will get to learn about our different academic initiatives. -------------------------------Cognitive Security … “The AI Innovation” Khaled Negm Ph.D., SMIEEE, CISM, Distinguished Engineer, Global Enablement Leader, IBM Security Business Unit & XForce Team, USA and CEMEA Abstract IBM Institute of Business Value (IBV) released the results of a recent study of over 700 security professionals across the globe to find out just
what the industry really thinks about these emerging technologies and their potential. According to the study, the top challenges in security today are reducing incident response times (45 %), optimizing accuracy of alerts (41 %) and staying current on threat research (40 %). Threat research was also the top challenge cited due to insufficient resources, according to 65 % of respondents. In fact, security professionals are overwhelmed with millions of security events. According to IBMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2019 Cyber Security Intelligence Index, companies experienced an average of 121 million security events in 2018. According to this study, the average large enterprise generates over 15,000 security events per second - nearly a billion events every day. Humans simply do not have the ability to process data on this scale. The obvious solution is automating the role of the analyst and response to incident and cognitive computing has great potential for helping to achieve this. The reality is that the world produces more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day, and 80 % of it is unstructured. Most of this data are unstructured and expressed in natural language -- spoken, written or visual -- that a human can easily understand, but traditional security systems cannot. There are good reasons for the move towards â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cognitive Securityâ&#x20AC;?. The skill gap in Information Security is amongst the most compelling ones. We just do not have sufficient skilled people. If we can computers make stepping in here, we might close that gap. In May 2016, IBM has announced Watson for Cyber Security, a completely new field for natural language processing and deep learning platform. IBM used its X-Force research library as the primary source of security information, in addition to data from thousands of security blogs posted every day with detailed threat intelligence and dark web as fed into the specialized instance of the platform running in the cloud. In this presentation, the speaker will extend discussion of best practices and personal experience in industry and its associated R&D. in relation to usage of cognitive computing in information security domain. Moreover, will furnish extra uprising questions related to quantum computing and it direct impact on information security. -------------------------------George Albert Adib Abstract Coupled ring resonators are becoming basic building block in several optical systems serving different applications such as optical communication, optical sensing and in the development of optoelectronic devices. In many of these applications, a small full width half maximum is required along with a large free spectral range. The aim of this work is to study the development of such coupled ring resonators using different technologies for sensing applications. For this purpose, a novel architecture
of coupled cavities has been proposed based on dual coupler ring resonator coupled to a ring laser cavity. The novel configuration was studied in passive mode of operation (without gain medium) and compared to the conventional configurations of coupled cavities. The effect of introducing a gain medium to compensate the cavity losses was also studied for single and coupled cavities. The active cavity was then used to increase the sensitivity of spectroscopic gas sensing using incoherent broadband cavity enhanced spectroscopy (IBCEAS) technique. The operation of the ring laser with the proposed configuration as sensor was then studied and demonstrated as rotation sensor.
-------------------------------Big Data Analytics for Wind Farms Dina Fawzy Mahmoud Abu-Elela B.Sc. of Computer & Information Sciences, Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University
Thesis submitted to the Department of Information Systems Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences Ain Shams University, Egypt Abstract
Nowadays, Renewable Energy (RE) become an important discipline for sciences and technologies. Specially wind power, which is a clean source of energy that has been undergoing a rapid development in recent years. Egypt has some wind farms established 10 years ago. However, wind farms output needs management to cover required energy for consumption. Huge amount of data is rapidly generated through wind farms that needs analysis and investigation. Due to these data tremendous volume, rapid velocity, high heterogeneity and inconsistencies. These features rename these data by “Big Data” which has 4 dimensions or aspects (4Vs). First: Volume, the most visible aspect of Big Data, referring to the fact that the amount of generated data has increased tremendously the past years. However, this is the less challenging aspect in practice. Second: Velocity, which captures the growing data production rates. More and more data are produced and must be collected in shorter periods. Third: Variety, where with the multiplication of data sources which caused the explosion of data formats, ranging from structured information to free text. Fourth: Veracity, which refers to the fact that these large volumes of data suffer low quality and inconsistencies. Big data forced researchers to discover new way for processing them called “Big data analytics”, that helps in solving wind energy challenges. Establishing wind farms is a challenge, due to the huge costs of wind farms establishment, the location for wind farms should be carefully determined to achieve the optimum return of investment. Consequently, researches have been conducted to investigate land suitability prior to wind plants development. Also, designing turbines’ layout distribution
that affects directly the power generated from such design. From other side, wind farms maintenance and production reliability are of high necessity to ensure wind farm sustainability. The continuous evolution of turbines industry has a serious impact on the operation and maintenance costs. Thus, monitoring wind turbines performance and early deterioration prediction are highly required. During the operational life of turbines, some components are persistently exposed to extreme environmental influences that result in their edge erosion. This led researchers to dig more into managing the costs of wind farms. The operation and maintenance (O&M) costs have a big effect on the success of wind farm projects that builds a profitable wind farms. Thus, managing the O&M costs become of a crucial demand to manage wind farms economics. In this thesis, we propose a big data analytic system for managing wind farms through identifying the spatial regions deemed as suitable locations for cost-effective wind energy production. In addition, the proposed system suggests the appropriate turbines design depending on the environmental, physical, and economical criteria of the study area, proposing a distribution layout design for the wind farm. It then predicts the expected power to be generated by the appropriate suggested turbines. Also, for ensuring wind farm reliability, it predicts the erosion rate and evaluate its resultant power loss. Finally, from economic point of view, it suggests an economic model for classifying the overall wind farm project profitability and predicting the O&M cost to balance between the wind farm project cost and revenue. -------------------------------Remotely operated underwater vehicle ROV competition Yasser Ibrahim Faculty of Computers and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University Abstract MATE ROV Competition is an every-year competition that is organized by MATE Center and takes place in the Unites States of America. ROV or Remotely Operated Vehicles is a tethered underwater robot used by industries in the real world to explore the Oceanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s depth, often going to places too deep or too dangerous for humans. For the competition, teams should build their own unique ROV starting from designing the frame till building the control system that allows them pilot the ROV from the surface. Also, Competition challenges students to think of themselves as entrepreneurs and to transfer their teams into companies that marketing for their product to help them understand the breadth of business operations and their role in it. RoboTech ASU team is the FIRST team that participate in the MATE ROV Competition 2018
from Faculty of Computers and Information Science, Ain Shams University. Surprisingly, RoboTech ASU team managed to achieve their goal of the year which is passing the LOCAL competition with high marks in order to be qualified for the ARAB Regional competition ‘18. Hence, RoboTech ASU team became the FISRT qualified team to the ARAB Regional competition from their FIRST participation with only five members in the team. This year RoboTech ASU team includes 15 members with high potentials where they have the capability to deliver state-of-theart Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) like Dory , custom-designed to meet mission requirements. Dory is the result of months of planning, manufacturing, and testing under strict safety protocols. Dory has more room for camera systems, sensors, and control systems, making it Robotech’ most advanced vehicle yet. The team’s main goal is to be qualified to the MATE International Competition 2019. They already managed to pass the first phase of the competition, which is passing the LOCAL competition and getting qualified to the ARAB Regional competition 2019 that will be held this April. -------------------------------Kareem Tarek Abstract acmASCIS student chapter is the local neighborhood of Association of computing machinery (ACM), Faculty of Computer Science and Information - Ain Shams university. The chapter includes approximately 60-80 members, who are distributed among 7 technical and non-technical committees: Training, Technical, Human Resources, Events Organization, Fund Raising, Media and Publicity. It serves the students, crew and the computing community at large. As it provides sessions, problem solving contests, networking opportunities, tech events ...etc. Its main target is to bring out professional programmers who can compete worldwide, That is by providing them with problem solving and programming trainings. The chapter also gives certificates and awards to the students who participate in the training and contests in order to motivate them to reach higher levels and compete internationally. Since the chapter was found in 2001, it has been given several awards and certificates from local and international institutions which makes it one of the most active ACM Chapters in Egypt. That drives the chapter to continuously widen their goals and limits in order to keep “Spreading Knowledge” in the most effective way. --------------------------------
Posters معلقات قطاع العلوم الهندسية A 1.52-GHz Super-Harmonic Injection-Locked Ring Oscillator in 130nm CMOS Eman Salah El-Din Fahmy1, Sameh Assem Ibrahim1, Ismail Mohamed Hafez1 1 Electronics and Communications Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt eman.salah24@gmail.com, sameh.ibrahim@eng.asu.edu.eg, ismail_hafez@eng.asu.edu.eg Abstract Injection-locked oscillators (ILOs) are one of many topologies used in forwarded-clock wireline applications. In this paper, a super-harmonic injection-locked ring oscillator (ILRO) is proposed. The proposed ILRO has been designed and simulated using a 130-nm CMOS technology. The circuit is injected with a 7.6GHz clock signal and generates 10 output clocks of 1.52 GHz each. The proposed design occupies an area of approx. 0.001 ___, has a phase noise of -154.7 dBc/Hz at 10-MHz offset frequency and consumes 9.97 mW from a 1.2-V supply achieving a figure of merit (FoM) of 188.4 dBc/Hz. Keywords: ILO, Super-harmonic, ILRO, Injection Locking, Ring Oscillators -----------------------------------------------------Comprehensive Design of Public Spaces in informal areas: Creative Social Clubs at heritage area of Soor Majra Al-Oyoun, Egypt a Hamed A. , Hamdy Y.a , El-Meligy A. a , Haron A. a a: Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, MTI University amr.hamedd955@gmail.com*; hamdiyosif385@gmail.com; Aya.elmeligy@gmail.com; archharon@gmail.com Abstract Cultural and social club is the heritage physical assets and intangible attributes, the options of gathering or club that area unit hereditary from past generation preserved at intervals to the present and kept for the wellbeing of future generations. It aimed to determine the natural and human-made attractions, its status along preservations, promotions, Local
Government unit contributions and the problems encountered, and the solutions recommended. The Community clubs are a type of community development services that help social interactions and mutual support. It develops a sense of self-confidence, social responsibility and community cohesion, as well as empowering individuals and families to improve social life. In doing so, community clubs enhance, one way or another, the community's quality of life. By adapting creative solutions and comprehensive urban design; social clubs can work as a multi-function urban space, as it can plays the role of Catalyst project in poor area where it can be regarded as a Cultural Hub, recreational and healing garden and a creative comprehensive public space. The successful design of community club has to achieve a set of goals in different aspects (Social, Environmental, Economical). The prominence of the above-mentioned goals is greatly deteriorated in urban contexts with diverse social, urban and cultural status, as in the case of " Sour Majra Al-Oyoun" district; A rich historical area that has been severely affected by population growth, deteriorated urban state, plethora of social, economic, and environmental problems. The main aim of the research is to provide an overview of the creative design criteria of community club taking into consideration the mutual impacts between the design and the surrounding context, focusing on the significant value of "Sour Majra Al-Oyoun" district as one of Cairo's heritage sites, ensuring its sustainability. Keywords Cultural Club, Public Space, Quality of life, Community, M?ulti-function, Majra Al-Oyoun. -----------------------------------------------------Development of robust electrooculography (EOG) Based human machine interface Radwa Reda Hossieny, Manal Tantawi, Howida A. Shedeed and M. F. Tolba Scientific Computing Department Faculty of Computers and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University fahmytolba@gmail.com; dr_howida@yahoo.com; manalmt2012@hotmail.com; radwareda2012@gmail.com
Abstract Some patients have a communication problem due to some diseases that result in paralysis of their voluntary muscles such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) disease and etc. , although the cognitive parts of their brains are intact, but they interact only with their external environment through the movements of their eyes, but Human Computer Interfaces (HCI) can help them through detecting eye movements .An electro-oculogram (EOG) an electro-physiological signal is generated by eye movements and can be measured with vertical and horizontal electrodes placed around the eye. In this study, we proposed EOG measurement system based Human Machine interface that analyze EOG signal to detect four eye movements (left, right, up and down) and blinking also. Then Extract features form filtered EOG signals based on time domain including the peak and valley amplitude positions and their amplitude value ,these features are concatenated to form final feature vector to classified by many robust neural network classifications .This study evaluates Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR), NaĂŻve Bayes (NB), and Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifiers. In order to reach the most accuracy with highest speed. -----------------------------------------------------Fighting Overfitting in Deep Learning Bassel S. Chawky Mohammed Marey, Howida A. Shedeed Scientific Computing department, Computers and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt bassel.safwat@cis.asu.edu.eg, mohammedmarey11@gmail.com, dr_howida@cis.asu.edu.eg Abstract When training a deep learning-based model, overfitting commonly occurs. This is a serious problem as it prevents the model from learning the actual pattern from the data but rather, uselessly, memorizes the training samples. This results in a failure for the model to achieve its purpose; to generalize and perform correct classifications in unseen data. Detection overfitting is performed by plotting the loss at each epoch for both the training and the validation. As shown in the poster, the moment where the training-set loss decreases while the loss increases (or converges), indicates the start of overfitting. It may not be an easy task to
detect overfitting and this would be a very costly problem if the system is released in production without detecting it. This usually occurs where the validation and testing sets do not reflect the actual problem pattern. There are several known solutions for this issue, and using all of them together is the key to prevent the model from overfitting. This survey summarizes these techniques and discusses the importance of each of them. The goal is to use the current training data to learn the general pattern for a given task, for example, classifying the action class from a sequence of images (video). To achieve this goal, the several techniques used can be divided into 2 abstract groups: performing changes in the dataset or changes in the model, where each technique used shall allow the model to achieve higher accuracy for the unseen data. Changes in the model include adding batch normalization, using dropout, reducing the model complexity by reducing the number of neurons or removing one layer or simply having an early stop during the training phase. On the other hand, changes in the data can be either collecting more data or performing. Several data augmentations to increase the overall number of samples in the training set. -----------------------------------------------------Computational Intelligence Method for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Hadeer El-Saadawy, Manal Tantawi, Howida A. Shedeed and M. F. Tolba Scientific Computing department, Faculty of Computers and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt hadeer_ibrahim@cis.asu.edu.eg; manalmt2012@hotmail.com; dr_howida@cis.asu.edu.eg; fahmytolba@gmail.com Abstract People with diabetes mellitus need annual screening to check for the development of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Consequently, automated retinal image analysis is becoming an imperative screening tool for early revealing of certain risks and diseases like Diabetic Retinopathy (DR). Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes mellitus, which if not diagnosed and treated adequately will progressively damages retinal blood vessels and may result in vision loss and even blindness. Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is characterized by the progressive deterioration of retina with the appearance of different lesions types, which includes microaneurysms, hemorrhages, exudates etc. Early
detection of lesions plays a significant role in the diagnosis of DR. Early detection of diabetic retinopathy can provide operative treatment. Early treatment can be conducted from detection of microaneurysms where microaneurysms are considered the earliest clinical sign of diabetic retinopathy and they appear as small red spots on retinal fundus images. The existing trained eye care specialists are not able to screen the growing number of diabetic patients. So the development of a technique that is capable to detect microaneurysms as a part of diagnosis system is a need, so that medical professionals are able to diagnose the stage of the disease with ease. Automated microaneurysm detection can decrease the workload of ophthalmologists and cost in DR screening system. Early automated microaneurysms detection can help in reducing the incidence of blindness. Latest technological advances in the image processing based on the analysis of feature extractions helps auto detection of diabetic retinopathy. This analysis not only helps diagnose the disease but also helps detecting the severity of the disease as well. Keywords: Image Processing; Bioinformatics; Medical Imaging; Deep Learning. -----------------------------------------------------Facial Action Unit Recognition Survey Menna Elbadawy; Manal Tantawi; Howida A. Shedeed, Mohamed F. Tolba Scientific Computing Departement, Faculty of Computers and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt menna-elbadawy@hotmail.com; manalmt2012@hotmail.com; dr_howida@cis.asu.edu.eg; fahmytolba@gmail.com Abstract Action Units (AUs) are the fundamental actions of individual muscles or groups of muscles. Also, it is defined in the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) [1] as a component of facial expression triggered by different facial muscle that lies below the facial skin. Action Descriptors (ADs) are unitary movements that may involve the actions of several muscles. The muscular basis for these actions hasn't been specified and specific behaviors haven't been distinguished as precisely as for the AUs. The Action Units show the different movements of facial muscles, certain combined movements of these facial muscles pertain to a displayed emotion. The mapping between facial movements and facial
muscles is not one-to-one. Some facial movements involve contraction of two different parts of the same muscle, while others involve contraction of multiple muscles. Facial expressions are the observable results of moving one or more facial muscles or parts thereof. There are several types of research are conducted to recognize action units with an aim to translate them into emotions and expressions. All these researches deal with the action units features either using geometric features, appearance features, or in combination. The geometric features’ approaches are used [3][4][5] and could yield a high recognition accuracy relative to appearance approaches [6]. Also, some researchers make use of the benefits of each approach so their researches combine both techniques to enhance the accuracy rate [7][8]. -----------------------------------------------------Extracting relevant product features Eman M aboelela; Rasha Ismail; Walaa Khaled Information Systems Departement, Faculty of computers and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt eman_aboelela@cis.asu.edu.eg; rashaismail@cis.asu.edu.eg; walaagad@hotmail.com Abstract Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc, are sources of education, entertainment, communication, shopping, business, etc. Producers use these websites to market their products and services online and know their customers feedbacks. Consumers can comment on these products and services. User’s comments are written in natural language and can be analyzed automatically. For this purpose, opinion mining or sentiment analysis concept appears to track peoples’ feelings and emotions about some products or services. The main task of opinion mining is to classify comments into positive, negative or neutral. The opinion mining can be executed on three different levels document level, sentence level and feature level. This paper proposed an approach to extract the related product features from users’ comments. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the presented approach. -----------------------------------------------------Comparative Study on different parallel architecture Frameworks Islam Ahmed Elgarhy; Heba Khaled; Rania El-Gohary; Hossam Faheem Faculty of Computer and Information Science Ain Shams University
islam_elgarhi@cis.asu.edu.eg; heba.khaled@cis.asu.edu.eg; rania.elgohary@cis.asu.edu.eg; hmfaheem@cis.asu.edu.eg Abstarct This paper is a comparative study for implementing support vector machine (SVM) algorithm on different parallel architectures formworks. We focus on both hybrid MPI-CUDA and Tensor flow frameworks. SVM is one of the best classifier algorithms on machine learning (ML) fields. As many of the ML algorithms, SVM requires a high computational time and intensive memory. Experimental results prove that SVM MPI-CUDA implementation achieves a speed up of 14.9X over the SVM Tensor flow implementation on Pavia centre dataset. CUDA-GPU achived a speed up over Tensor flow-GPU of (154,3X, 60.5X, and 119.7X) for three different training dataset (pavia centre hyperspectral dataset, breast cancer dataset, iris follower dataset) respectively. Also, Experimental results prove that SVM Tensor flow implementation provides a cross-platform implementation where it can be migrated to alternative hardware components, which will reduces the development time. -----------------------------------------------------Evaluation of the Swelling Potentiality of the Paleozoic Claystone intervals, Eastern side of El Galala El Bahariya, Egypt Mostafa Mohamed Eid Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain shams University mostafaaid63@gmail.com Abstract New development along the eastern side of El Galala El Bahariya plateau has been constructed on the eastern foot-slope parts of the plateau. The lower parts of this plateau side are built up mainly by the Paleozoic sandstone and claystone interaction of more than 250 m thick. The clayey intervals within this intercalation are selected to evaluate their swelling potentiality and define the factors controlling the resulted hazards. To achieve the study targets, 18 rock samples were measured using the ASTM procedures and methods. These measurements include the physical, mineralogical composition, chemical composition, and swelling potentiality. Mineralogically, the study claystone samples have predominated kaolinite fraction (30% to 98%), with subordinate illite fraction (2% to 30%). This clay mineral composition has induced a wide range of plasticity, from low to high; with generally moderate swelling
potentiality. Chemical and physical properties controlled the swelling potentiality of the claystone. Al+3 , Fe+3 , and low bulk density have positive effects on the swelling capability; whereas the Silica form the silt fraction has negative influence on the claystone swelling. ------------------------------------------------------
Engineering geological hazards related to the Eocene Carbonates, Eastern side of El Galala El Bahariya, Egypt Ahmed Mohamed Abdelwahab Alshakr Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain shams University ahmedabdelwahab328@gmail.com Abstract The eastern side of El Galala El Bahariya plateau has been subjected to new development by constructed many resorts on the eastern footslope parts of the plateau. This plateau is capped by more than 200 m thick of Eocene carbonate rocks. these rocks are considered by the present study to evaluate their mechanical properties and the influences on the stability of the foundation beds, as well as study the factors controlling the related hazards. To achieve the study targets, 46 rock samples were measured using the ASTM procedures and methods. These measurements include the physical, lithological-petrography, and mechanical properties; bulk density, porosity, acid insoluble residue and compressive strength using rebound numbers of Schmidt Hammer and compression machine, XRD and chemical composition. Petrographically, dolomitization and recrystallization processes have positive impacts on the rock strength. On contrary, porosity values (up to 28%) has negative effects on the rock strength. Porosity in the carbonates resulted from the dolomitization process which give intercrystalline porosity (secondary porosity). High bulk density and carbonate % (up to 99%) enhance the rock strength. The values of the uniaxial compressive strength range between 15 MPa and 110 MPa, with an average of 56.6 MPa indicating medium to strong rocks. Dolomitization degree has a negative effect on the carbonate solubility in the different water types. ------------------------------------------------------
Combined power supply system and attitude control system for satellites Ahmed Ismail Saad (Armed Forces ) engnavy44@gmail.com Abstract Combining the conventional energy and attitude control system is a feasible solution for small satellites to improve the space missions. In terms of the energy storage function, a flywheel system has significant advantages over chemical batteries: length of life, energy density, power density, and the capability of deep depth of discharge. Also, flywheels can be used to control the attitude of the spacecraft. In this paper, an integrated power and single axis attitude control system using two counter rotating magnetically suspended flywheels mounted to an air table is designed. The control method of power and attitude control using flywheel to replace the conventional battery for energy storage as well as to control the attitude of earth-oriented satellites. The attitude control design can be implemented either based on a speed control mode or a torque control mode. The inner-most loop of the overall control algorithm is based on a motor control technique known as field orientation control. This technique allows accurate, high bandwidth torque control of the flywheel motor/generator by regulating rotor reference frame currents that are dc in the steady state. The Permanent Magnet synchronous motor/generator is controlled by field orientation. The d-axis rotational reference frame current is commanded to zero and the q-axis rotational reference frame current command varies to provide DC bus regulation and attitude control. A computer simulation of an integrated power and single axis attitude control system with two flywheels is performed with Matlab Simulink program. The simulation results demonstrate that it is possible to integrate power and attitude control simultaneously for satellite using flywheels. -----------------------------------------------------Using Remote Sensing Technology and Geographic Information Systems for Maximize the Economic Returns of Aquatic Plants in Lake El-Burullus Noha S. Donia (institute of environmental studies and researches); Sameh B. Elkafrawy (National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space
Sciences); Heba Teleb (National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences) ndonia@gmail.com*; sameh@narss.sci.eg; hebateleb@yahoo.com Abstract The aquatic plant covers an area of 175 km2 of Lake Burullus. It is the source of oxygen and provides an environment suitable for breeding fish, feeding fry and small fish. It is also exploited in many economic activities around the lake (Wasp, medicinal plants, energy plants). Despite the importance of aquatic plants inside the lake, the lack of proper and sustainable management may cause some environmental problems as they multiply quickly and the surface growth of aquatic plants impede navigation and fishing, reduce the proportion of oxygen in water and increase evaporation through transpiration, Fish and ecological imbalance within the lake. Modern remote sensing techniques play an important role in the classification and identification of different plant species and spread within the lake of Borlos, where it is possible to obtain information and recording in successive times and then can monitor and control changes that may occur and also accurately determine the area and rate of diffusion of different plant species within Lake, which helps the decision-maker to maximize the benefit from them. -----------------------------------------------------Scenarios for Water Resources Management in Egypt Noha S. Donia (Institute of environmental studies and researches) Abstract Egypt is currently facing significant challenges due to its limited water resources compared to its population. Current studies indicate that the per capita water consumption in Egypt according to international standards is close to the water poverty level, which requires attention, movement and the use of the latest science and technology. Information system software for water resources management has been developed. The application shows after feeding it with basic data (Approved bodies such as the Central Agency and the Ministry of Irrigation 2017) that there is a deficit between water resources and the use of these resources in Egypt by 3 billion cubic meters of water annually. Many scenarios have been conducted using the developed model. Taking advantage of the
modeling, visualization and scenario in the application and to clarify the applied research study and the implementation and presentation of the scenario adopted in the Ministerial Resolution in the Egyptian Gazette No. 48 on Tuesday 27 February 2018 Regarding rice cultivation and the number of acres of rice growing in Egypt, shows us the results from the application that 3549122280 cubic meters of water are provided. ----------------------------------------
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قطاع العلوم الطبية Development and community outreach of neurological services: Ain Shams experience Hani Aref Professor and Head of the Neurology and Psychiatry Department Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Absrtact There has been a recent change in the diagnosis and management of many neurologic disorders. The development of novel diagnostic algorithms and new therapeutic tools has made the practice in this challenging field more exciting and fruitful. This talk will describe the adoption of these new diagnostic and management techniques by the neurology department, Ain Shams University. We will also discuss how the changes in practice that we implemented had a national and regional impact. We will discuss key challenges, roadblocks, pain of change, human resource development strategies and breakthroughs in a relatively low financial resource and high patient load setting. ---------------------------------------Diagnostic Biomarkers for Neonatal Sepsis (Meta-Analysis study) Absrtact Hanan Abd Allah El Gamal, Salah Mostofa, Salwa Ibrahim Bakr, Howaida Abou El Ela Faculty of Postgraduate Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University
Background: Neonatal sepsis is the single most important cause of neonatal deaths in the community. It remains a major cause of mortality in newborn and life â&#x20AC;&#x201C;threatening disorder in infants Objective: To assess the validity of using diagnostic markers in predicting neonatal sepsis. Methodology: This was a systematic review and meta-analysis. More than 200 potentially relevant studies were collected in 2 years standing from 2012 to 2014 but only 42 of them met the inclusion criteria. A standard method for meta-analysis of diagnostic markers evaluation was performed using Biostat, Comprehensive Meta-analysis version 3.0 Results: Meta-analysis was performed on 2722 neonates divided into 2 groups according to their clinical manifestations of neonatal sepsis and laboratory findings. PROM was the commonest risk factor predisposing to sepsis. Klebsiella and staphylococcus aureus were the most common isolated organism. Based on the results from included studies in this review, 6 predominant markers were used to evaluate early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis, PCT, IL-6, TNF-Îą, CD64, sICAM and Eselectin. Procalcitonin was highly significantly elevated with sensitivity (0.93) whereas specificity was (0.87) and it had the most diagnostic accuracy (0.95). sICAM was the most sensitive marker (0.95) its diagnostic accuracy and specificity were (0.93) and (0.90), TNF-Îą had diagnostic accuracy (0.92) sensitivity and specificity were (0.86), the sensitivity of Eselectin was ( 0.92), its diagnostic accuracy and specificity were (0.91) and (0.82). IL6 had diagnostic accuracy (0.93); the specificity and sensitivity were (0.90) and (0.88). CD64 was the most specific biomarker for predicting neonatal sepsis (0.91), sensitivity (0.87) accuracy (0.92). Conclusion: Based on results from the studies included in this review, it was clear that serum sICAM had a high sensitivity for diagnosis of neonatal sepsis; CD64 had a high specificity and serum procalcitonin had the most diagnostic accuracy. ---------------------------------------Burden of migraine Ramez Moustafa Professor of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University -------------------------------------------
Time Trend Mortality of Egyptian Major of Non-Communicable Diseases Salah Mostafa, Hanan Al-Gamal, Reem Zakrya, Kadria Ali, Gehan Alshary, Asmaa Zakaria Faculty of Postgraduate Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University Absrtact Aim was to examine the time effects on these leading causes of death from non-communicable diseases in Egypt Methodology; It is a cross-sectional historical national Egyptian secondary data, CAPMAS, Egypt, study along the years 2008 to 2014 Results; Diseases of circulatory system [48.1%, 2014], and GIT system [11.1%, 2014] by far were the leading causes of death in Egypt. The study shows an escalation from 36.5% in 2008 up in to 48.1% in Egypt, with notable increase in females more than males, 1.0 to 9.0 respectively. Second to cardiovascular diseases were GIT system leading causes of death in Egypt, raising from 9.3% in 2008 up to 11.1 in 2014 more predominantly in males [from 10.7% in 2008 to 12.3% in 2014] than females [from 7.5% in 2008 9.5% in 2014]. Respiratory system diseases leading to death increased from 5.3% at 2008 up to 8% at 2014] in Egypt. The fourth leading cause in Egypt is cancer [about 6.7% at 2014]. Moreover, the study provides information about the relative distribution of deaths caused by car accidents in Egypt from 2011 to 2015 per 10,000 populations. Conclusions; Deaths due to cardiovascular diseases [CVDs], make up around one half of the population mortality. GIT diseases come second in rank, followed by respiratory system diseases and cancer. ---------------------------------------Some Risk Factors in children with cerebral palsy [A meta-analysis on Egyptian studies 2000-2017] Omar Elshourbagy, Maisa Nasr Farid, Salah Mostafa, M. Adel Hassan Faculty of Postgraduate Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University Absrtact Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that characterized by long term disability which affects the developmental process with consequent negative impact on the general status of CP children.
Objective: To provide the first meta-analysis of Egyptian studies regarding risk factors (prenatal, natal and postnatal) in children with CP. Methodology: According to PRISMA statement, the researcher reviewed the Egyptian theses, papers, journals, in English language, searching for the eligible studies published from January, 2000 to the end of June, 2017. Meta-analysis was done using MedCalc software ver. The pool of 78 studies involved a total sample of 7338 children with CP and 961 control children (26 articles directly related to to risk factors in relation to CP. Results: Positive consanguinity in CP children had an Odds Ratio 1.7 (Z=2.25, P= 0.024). The prevalent risk factors pooled random effect proportions in CP children are: hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy 54.4 %, recurrent chest infections 62.3%, epilepsy 47%, 1st birth order 43.2%, birth asphyxia 40.3%, difficult labor 35%, brain atrophy 34%, hospital delivery 32%, prenatal risk factors 22%, prematurity22%, postnatal risk factors 20.2%, neonatal jaundicein 18 %, positive family history 16% and premature rupture of membranes 15.3%, Conclusion:There is insufficient evidence to implicate any factor in CP etiology. There is a need for large, prospective, population-based studies with the goal of elucidating the modifiable risk factors. ---------------------------------------Sexual Abuse of Children with Disabilities Mona Reda Professor of Psychiatry Faculty of Postgraduate Childhood Studies Absrtact Child abuse has for a long time been recorded in literature, art and science in many parts of the world. Reports of infanticide, mutilation, abandonment and other forms of violence against children date back to ancient civilizations. Child sexual abuse is not rare. Retrospective research indicates that as many as 1 out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys will experience some form of sexual abuse before the age of 18.Children with disabilities are three times more likely than children without them to be victims of sexual abuse, and the likelihood is even higher for children with intellectual or mental health disabilities. Fifty per cent of the victims had been abused by a member of their close or extended family. The sexual abuse of children and young people with
disabilities is a serious problem and one that should be coherently addressed within mainstream child protection agencies and by specialist service providers. Challenges facing child protection are variable including defining the exact definition of child sexual abuse, determining high risk families, some are limited to abuse of children perpetrated by adults, while others include abuse by peers, and some register only penetrative sex while others include any unwanted and/or coerced sexual activity. During the presentation, addressing sexual abuse among children with disabilities definition issues, risk factors and potential protection techniques will be provided in order to provide better understanding for needed future direction in protection against sexual abuse in children with disabilities. ---------------------------------------Digital revolutions in removable prosthodontics Mahmoud Amin Fathy, Tarek El Saeedy Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University Absrtact The dental profession continuously demonstrates innovations and improvements on many fronts. Digital dentistry includes a broad array of technologies that bring communication, documentation, manufacturing and delivering of dental therapy under the umbrella of computer-based algorithms. Computer-based technology has an ever-expanding impact upon dentistry with enhanced data acquisition and fabrication capabilities. Recently, this technology has been applied to removable prosthodontics. The successful use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) in the fabrication of fixeddetachable prothesis, complete dentures, and removable partial dentures, along with the shortage of qualified dental laboratory technicians encouraged its application in the field of removable prosthodontics. Exclusive design softwares and coordinated materials combined with controlled manufacturing strategies provide predictable and accurate results, which will likely dominate the future of removable prosthodontics. ----------------------------------------
Orthodontics in the cloud; the future is now Ahmed M Zaky Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University Absrtact The digital era has invaded the field of dentistry for the past 15 years and only recently has orthodontics joined this digital trend. Digital scanning and 3D printing has solved many problems encountered with the conventional methods such as model storage and transfer. Newly developed software has permitted the manipulation of digital models and took us to grounds we would never have reached without the aid of these technologies. ---------------------------------------Conservative management of white spot and early carious lesions Reem Hussein El Tanany, Ahmed Mohamed Ismail Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University Absrtact Dental caries is defined as the destruction of tooth tissues by acid that is generated as a by-product of bacterial metabolism in dental plaque .The first clinical sign of enamel caries is a white spot lesion, which precedes cavitation. Therefore, the early diagnosis and treatment of white spot lesions (WSLs) is extremely important. They are characterized by chalky white appearance compromising the patientsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; esthetics and self esteem. Multiple treatment modalities have been used to treat WSLs including restorative treatment, enhancing remineralization by fluoride compounds or Casein Phosphopeptide, Amorphous Calcium Phosphate, microabrasion or by laser. Most of these treatment options are beneficial for shallow WSLs. Composite and ceramic restorations result in excellent esthetics, but still considered as a non conservative treatment. As WSLs are reversible in nature; non invasive treatment modalities are preferred. Nevertheless, the use of remineralization procedures are limited to the treatment of early stages of WSLs and only affect the surface layer of these lesions, resulting in disappointing outcome as these lesions are still recognizable clinically and radiographically. One of the alternative treatment techniques of WSLs is the use of resin infiltration concept to cease the progression of these lesions, which offers conservative treatment with optimum esthetics.
---------------------------------------Comparative effect between bone marrow derived stem cells and insulin therapies on circumvallate and foliate papillae of diabetic rats (Light and Scanning Electron Microscopic Study) Rania Osama M. Mohsen, Ahmed Halawa, Rabab Hassan Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University Absrtact Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious health problem that characterized by high blood glucose levels. Exogenous insulin therapy is required for management of type I DM. Bone marrow-mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) offer cell based approach for treatment of diabetes. Aim: The aim was to examine the effect of BM-MSCs versus insulin on circumvallate and foliate papillae of diabetic albino rats. Materials and methods: The study was carried out on 56 male albino rats weighing 200250gm. The rats were divided into 4 groups: Control group (GpI): Rats received no drug. BM-MSC treated diabetic group (GpIII): After diabetic confirmation; rats were given a single intravenous injection of BM-MSCs (106 cells) through tail vein. Insulin treated diabetic group (GpIV): After diabetic confirmation; rats were given a single subcutaneous injection of insulin (5IU/kg/day). After 4 weeks, half of the tongue specimens were processed and stained by Hematoxyline & Eosin stain. While the other half examined by scanning electron microscope. Results: Circumvallate and foliate papillae of GpII showed significant histological and morphological alterations. In both GpIII and GpIV, the papillae showed noticeable improvements, being more obvious in GpIV. The fluorescent microscopic examination of GpIII showed red fluorescent PKH26 labeled cells in circumvallate and foliate papillae. In GpIII and GpIV, there was a significant reduction in fasting blood glucose level and increase in body weight in comparison to GpII. Conclusions: BM-MSCs administration could help in decreasing the damaging effects of diabetes on circumvallate and foliate papillae. Insulin injection caused more effective improvements in diabetic rats than BM-MSCs. ----------------------------------------
Outcome assessment of computer guided mandibular distraction osteogenisis: a clinical study Hossam El Deen Hany, Yasser Nabil El Hadidi, Heba Sleem, Moustafa Taha, Marwa El Kassaby Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University Absrtact Objectives: Distraction Osteogenesis is an integral part in management of mandibular defects associated with Hemifacial Microsomia (HFM) and post-ankylotic mandibular defects. The most difficult part in distraction osteogenesis is the prediction of distraction vector and risk of injury to vital structures as inferior alveolar. The current study aimed to present Three-Dimensionally Constructed Computer Guided Splints in Distraction Osteogenesis to get an ideal vector and minimal risk of vital structures injury. Methods: The technical note presents cases series of 6 patients whom had computer-guided distraction osteogenesis surgery using prefabricated splints. Results: The distance between the virtual and physical pins and osteotomy was measured, and the deviation of the vector angle and osteotomy angle was also assessed. Average deviation in pin distance was 3 mm and in vector angle 13.5â °. Average deviation in osteotomy distance was 2.6 mm and in osteotomy angle 14.4â °. None of the cases had injury to vital structure. Thus, it can be considered a reliable method for MDO planning. Conclusion: 3D printed surgical stents were successful in transferring the virtual treatment plan of mandibular distraction osteogenesis into the surgical theatre with an acceptable margin of error and without injury to any vital structures Key words: Distraction Osteogenesis, Computer planning, Surgical Guides, Hemifacial Microsomia, Post-Ankylotic Defects . ---------------------------------------The extended role of dental specialists in management of patients with cleft lip and palate Mahmoud Yehia, Noha Abdelrahman, Ahmed Mostafa, Mahmoud Helmy Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University ---------------------------------------Smart Power in Nursing Profession Asmaa Khamis Abdel Baset Pediatric Nursing, British University in Egypt
Absrtact Power is a concept, widely used in physical and social sciences and therefore, there are several definitions for it. Power is defined as something enabling a person or a group to achieve goals. Thus, power gives individuals or groups the potential for changing attitudes and the behaviors of others. Power in nursing is an important and controversial concept, which involves various interpretations. Today, a nurse should be a strategic planner, a human resources expert, a risk manager, a high quality expert and able to understand the complexities of clinical areas. On the other hand, a powerful nurse can also increase power between patients and clients, which has a positive impact on patientsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sense of empowerment, and health outcomes will be better. Power in nursing simply means the ability to do or act, but, there are some other definitions in literature, e.g., the ability to act, to influence, having control or autonomy, the ability to use resources to achieve desirable goals or outcomes. Smart power is a new concept that has been defined as the ability to combine hard- and soft-power resources into effective strategies. Hard power in nursing can be explained as working and affording qualified nursing care in the clinical areas with different specialties; moreover, soft power is the ability to get what you what through attraction, which can be explained as attitude, behaviors and perspective of nursing personnel inside the clinical areas. Applying smart power in nursing profession will flourish the context of human, moral and caring nature of the nursing profession. ---------------------------------------Prevention of Health Hazards Related to Usage of Electronic Devices among Preparatory School Students Ferial Fouad Melika Assistant Professor of Community Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Absrtact Background: Preparatory School Students are a vulnerable group; they may be prone to high pattern of electronic devices usage which leads to negative effects on their health. So the prevention of health hazards related to Usage of electronic devices is very important. Aim: The study aimed to evaluate effect of Prevention program of health hazards related to usage of electronic devices among preparatory school students. Study
design: A quasi-experimental design was used to conduct this study. Subject: Multistage sample composed of 800 preparatory school students. Setting: This study was carried out at 5 governmental preparatory schools at Ain Shams educational administrator for male and female students. Tools: It composed of two-tools. The first tool is self-administered questionnaire to assess socio-demographic characteristics, pattern of internet use, social and psychological health condition of students using internet. The second tool is physical assessment sheet to assess physical health status of them. Results: The result of this study showed that 33.5% of preparatory school students in this study were aged 13 years old, 69% was males. It was reported that, 10.5% of students spent more than eight hours online and 79% of them use internet through mobiles or tablets, 28% of students' body weight increased, 46.5% of their sleeping pattern affected because of electronic devices, and 53% of them suffered from neck and backache after browsing the internet. Conclusion: The study concluded that, there was statistically significant efficacy of the prevention program on improving the health pattern for school children and their knowledge, attitude, and practices related to prevention of health hazards related to usage of electronic devices. As well, the program had evident effect on restoring school children’s health status and preventing health hazards, in addition to enhancing scholastic achievement through program implementation phases (P< .0001). Recommendation: The study recommended that, periodical health education about prevention of health hazards related to usage of electronic devices is necessary to raise school children’s awareness and improve their health status and scholastic achievement. ---------------------------------------Creativity: Problem Solving Process Nema Fathy Saad Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Absrtact Problem solving usually involves application of logic and / or skills for finding solution on the plane of known / existing knowledge as under: – Done by further investigations – Done by improved skill capability – Pursued path may be complex but it is still on the same plane (perhaps expanding the plane somewhat / slightly) Sometimes logic and / or skills may be applied to the expanded plane of knowledge by expanding it as under: – Acquisition of information along a path that fits with current
reasoning – As normal scientific work . However, what to do when the plane of knowledge has been totally searched and logically expanded and the problem is still not solved? This calls for creative problem-solving approach. Creative Problem Solving is a method for approaching a problem or a challenge in an imaginative and innovative way. It is a special form of problem solving in which the solution is independently created rather than learned with assistance. Creative problem solving always involves creativity. Creative problem solving is a part of overall problem solving. The characteristics of creative person are Knowledgeable and intelligent self-confident and not afraid to be wrong or look foolish and finally willing to make the cognitive investment and effort to develop a solution. ---------------------------------------Psychological Capital Hemat Abdel Azeem Mostafa Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Absrtact Psychological Capital is the individual’s positive psychological state of development which is characterized by having high levels of HERO; the four elements of Hope, Self- Efficacy, Resilience, and Optimism. Psychological capital operates as an important source of internal motivation. Hope confers the ability to remain committed for continuously finding novel ways to accomplish the desired goal(s).Resilience captures a person’s ability to rebound from adversity, uncertainty, conflict, and failure and can even capture positive change, progress, and increased responsibility. Optimism accounts for an individual’s realistic expectations. An employee’s firmly grounded confidence in marshaling the required resources to accomplish a task in a specific context. Supervisors’ ethical leadership style serves as a favorable context for Psychological Capital to flourish. In turn, this psychological source of internal motivation is manifested in enhanced inrole job performance. ---------------------------------------Student Centered Learning in Higher Education Mona Mohamed Mayhob Associate Professor of Adults Nursing and Vice dean Faculty of Nursing, British University in Egypt BUE Absrtact Higher education should not be a passive process. It is transformational and requires active engagement by all students. In order to achieve a
transformational student experience, therefore the higher education institutions should be committed to promoting active involvement by students in all aspects of their learning and to providing opportunities for students to influence their individual and collective learning experience. The term student – centered learning refers to a wide variety of educational programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches and academic – support strategies that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students and groups of students. ---------------------------------------Prevalence of MDR-and XDR Gram-negative pathogens isolated from febrile neutropenic cancer patients with bloodstream infections in Egypt and new synergistic antibiotic combinations Khaled Mohamed Anwar Aboshanab Professor of Microbiology, Vice Dean of Postgraduate studies and research Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Absrtact Bloodstream infections with multidrug-resistant (MDR) or extreme – resistant (XDR) Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) are among the most frequent complications in immunocompromised cancer patients because of their considerable morbidity and mortality. In this study, starting from November 2015 to October 2016, a total of 529 blood specimens were collected from febrile neutropenic cancer patients at a tertiary care cancer hospital in Egypt. Results showed that 334 specimens showed no growth, while 195 were positive. Out of the 195 positive culture specimens, 102 (102/195, 52.3%) were GNB and 93 (93/195, 47.7%) were Gram- positive. Out of the 102 GNB, 70 (70/102, 68.6%) were MDR, including E. coli (27/70, 38.6%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (24/70, 34.3%), Acinetobacter baumannii (9/70, 12.8%), Enterobacter cloacae (4/70, 5.7%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2/70, 2.8%), Klebsiella oxytoca (2/70, 2.8%), and Klebsiella ornithinolytica (2/70, 2.8%). All MDR GNB showed high resistance to ampicillin, cefepime, ceftriaxone, and cephradine. However, they showed good susceptibility to colistin (MIC 50 &lt;1 μg/mL). The most common extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) genes detected were ctx-m (39/70, 55.7%), shv(31/70, 44.3%), and tem (22/70, 31.4%). The most common aminoglycoside-resistant gene detected was aac(6&#39;)-Ib (42/70, 60%) followed by the plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance
determinants; qnrA (2/70, 2.8%), qnrB (9/70, 12.8%), and qnrS (19/70, 27.1%). ESBL determinants were significantly associated with resistance to ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, amikacin, and carbapenems (P-value &lt;0.005). The fractional inhibitory concentration index for ampicillin/sulbactam plus ceftriaxone, ampicillin/sulbactam plus amikacin, and amikacin plus levofloxacin showed synergism against 29 (29/70, 41.4%), 19 (19/70, 27.1%), and 11 (11/70, 15.7%) isolates of the tested MDR GNB isolates, respectively. Concerning the XDR, a total of 185 GNB were recovered from different clinical specimens, E. coli (86; 46.48%), followed by Klebsiella spp. (71; 38.37%), Acinetobacte baumannii (7; 3.78%) and others including Pseudomonas spp., Enterobacter cloacae and Proteus spp. (21; 11.35%). After performing a series of phenotypic tests for initial screening of potential carbapenemase producers, molecular characterization to the 29 extracted plasmids were subjected to PCR (using 5 common carbapenemase primers). The results revealed that blaOXA-48 was the most prevalent 17 (58.62%), followed by blaNDM 8(27.58%), then blaVIM 3 (10.3%) and blaKPC 2 (6.89%). Accordingly, new empirical antibiotics should be administered including the use of colistin or meropenem alone or both against the MDR GNB in neutropenic cancer patients. The obtained results are an alarming threat to public health that calls for urgent application of antimicrobial stewardship programs along with routine surveillance for controlling outbreaks. ---------------------------------------Combating cancer using smart nano-carriers Rania Hathout Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Absrtact The endeavours of researchers to combat cancer as an extremely lifethreatening disease has never ceased. Unlike single treatment, the combination therapy could maximize the therapeutic efficacy, overcome the several resistance mechanisms to therapy and lower the associated serious side-effects. In this context, polypyrrole is a conducting polymer that is highly biocompatible and has been widely applied in the area of tissue engineering. It possesses strong absorption in the NIR region that can create a significant NIR photothermal effect for effective in vivo cancer therapy. Polypyrrole is derived from its monomer; pyrrole either by chemical synthesis or electrochemical polymerization. The latter
method is preferred for several reasons. First, it is more economic from the industrial point of view, second, it leads to a more pure polymer and finally, it is considered an easy, clean (green) and direct technique of polymerization. The addition of a negatively charged drug (dopant) during the electrochemical polymerization will lead to the desirable outcome of a drug-loaded photothermal responding polymer. The choice of this drug as a natural product led to a more safe medicine with the least side-effects. To this end, the combination of a photo-responsive polymer that can convert light to heat energy such as: polypyrrole together with a natural chemotherapeutic agent poses an encouraging approach in cancer therapy. The dual stimuli-responsive nature of the synthesized Allicin polypyrrole nanoparticles viz. smart nanocarriers, was validated through their response to both irradiation with near infrared light (photothermal activity resulting in toxicity towards HEP G2 cells) and the ability to deliver the anticancer drug in response to the exposure to an electric field in vitro (on-off therapy). ---------------------------------------Bridging the gap: Novel assays for the discovery of phytooestrogenic compounds. Mohamed El-Shazly1,2,3, Yu-Chi Tsai1, Yang-Chang Wu1, Fang-Rong Chang1 1
Graduate institute of Natural Products, College of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University, 100 Shih Chuan 1st Rd., Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan 2
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain-Shams University, 11566, Cairo, Egypt
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, German University in Cairo, Cairo 114, Egypt
Absrtact The investigation of the chemical constituents of herbal medicines and the demonstration of their pharmacological activities are crucial to provide scientific evidence to medical and folk uses. Initially, we tried to establish a new model for screening estrogen-like substances. The application of the transgenic pER8:GUS Arabidopsis callus in a crosskingdom assay to evaluate the estrogenic activity of 17β-estradiol (E2) and natural products is discussed for the first time. The transgenic plants were utilized to produce a large number of calli, which stably expressed transfer genes by asexual reproduction. The optimum formula for calli induction and production were selected from sixteen solid media and six
liquid media, respectively. This study also focused on natural product chemistry and their bioactivities of, Liriope platyphylla (Liliaceae) and Lindernia crustacea (Scrophulariaceae). Phytochemical investigation of L. platyphylla led to the isolation of thirty-eight components, including eight new compounds (1‒8) and thirty known compounds (9‒38). Those isolates were summarized in twelve skeletons, including phenylisocoumarin (1), benzofuroisocoumarins (2‒4), benzyl-benzofuran (5), ethyl butanoate (3), homoisoflavonoids (7‒14), chalcone (15), flavonoids (16‒25), amides (26‒31), lignan (32), fatty acid derivative (33 and 34), indole (35), and benzenoids (36‒38). Compounds 9, 11, 19, and 22 exhibited the most potent estrogenic activity in a dose-dependent manner, rendering those compounds and similar structures as potential candidates for phytoestrogen nutritional supplements. Furthermore, compounds 11 and 12 showed the highest inhibitory activity in platelet aggregation assay. Our results provided the first insight of L. platyphylla active components with estrogenic and antiplatelet activities suggesting the potential utilization of this herb and other components in dietary supplements and functional food products. ---------------------------------------Clinical pharmacy activities in renal dialysis unit Radwa Maher Lecturer of Clinical Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Absrtact Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in is a major public health problem that refers to a condition related to irreversible kidney damage that can further progress to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). When disease progresses to a stage where kidney failure occurs, patients are required to start renal replacement therapies, either through dialysis or transplantation. ESRD patients who are on hemodialysis (HD) have complex drug regimens and receive nearly 10 to 12 medications daily, many of which requires multiple doses/day. Due to poly pharmacy, frequent medication adjustments on dialysis versus non- dialysis days, medically unstable nature of the disease and restricted life styles, these patients are at high risk for developing drug therapy related problems (DTRPs). Identification and resolution of DTRPs can occur through presence of clinical pharmacist as a member of multidisciplinary care CKD team via the provision of pharmaceutical
care. The clinical pharmacist is of paramount importance to be present as a member of the healthcare team taking care of ambulatory HD patients to provide pharmaceutical care services to resolve DTRPs and hence, improve overall patient care. ---------------------------------------Gig Economy in Health Nadia Hamdy Professor of Biochemistry Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Absrtact GIG economy has transformed transportation “UBER”, hotel and delivery industries as well as others and now is hitting for healthcare and even education. The gig economy is a model now used by several companies, that uses freelance workers and short-term contracting to supplement full-time staff. With the gig economy, individuals seek out work on their terms and employers hire based on their immediate needs. For healthcare and life sciences or health education providers and employees, this model could offer many benefits as well as risks. How should we think, plan and act differently for this, an issue to be discussed? ----------------------------------------
Posters معلقات قطاع العلوم الطبية The effect of esomeprazole versus pantoprazole on serum cyclosporine levels and renal function in stable kidney transplant recipients: A randomized clinical trial Doaa Salah ElBohy, Magdy ELSharkawy, Soheir Abol Azm, Sara Shaheen, Waleed bchari, Azza mancy, Manal El-Hamamsy Future University Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University Faculty of Pharmacy, Fayoum University Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Background Renal allograft survival requires multiple immunosuppressive drugs. This strategy may lead to gastric complications that necessitate gastro-protective medications, notably,
proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Objective To compare the influence of pantoprazole and esomeprazole on serum cyclosporine (CsA) levels in stable renal transplant recipients. Settings Nasser Institute, Cairo, Egypt. Methods A prospective, parallel, open-label clinical trial was performed on forty-seven adult renal transplant recipients receiving immunosuppressive therapy with CsA doses adjusted to attain trough concentrations of 100-150 Âľg/L, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) at 750 mg q12 hr and prednisolone at 5 mg daily randomized into two groups, which received esomeprazole or pantoprazole at the same dose (40 mg once daily). Cyclosporine (C0), renal function and complete blood count were measured at baseline and for 6 months. Main outcome measures Clinical signs of rejection and renal function decline, assessed by serum creatinine elevations, caused by CsA level variations in either of the study groups. Results Comparing the two groups, the mean C0 values were significantly higher in pantoprazole group than in esomeprazole group in the sixth month (p = 0.007). The mean white blood cell count in esomeprazole group was significantly lower in the sixth month than in the first month (p = 0.016). The mean serum creatinine level was significantly lower in the sixth month than at baseline in esomeprazole group (p = 0.004). Conclusion Esomeprazole may be preferred over pantoprazole in renal transplant recipients because it not only causes no elevation in C0 levels of CsA but also decreases serum creatinine. Keywords: Allograft rejection, cyclosporine, renal transplantation, proton pump inhibitors, gastric complications. ------------------------------------A comparative study between the effect of continuous positive air way pressure ventilation and standard oxygen therapy in acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema patients Ahmed Abdelkawy Aborya Shebine Elkom teaching hospital Abstract Based on our findings and those previously published, we conclude that CPAP should be considered especially in patients with respiratory failure due to ACPE. In addition, PaCO2 levels should be monitored closely in order to assess the response to treatment. Non-Invasive Ventilation has been shown to be effective in acute respiratory failure of various etiologies in different health care systems and ward settings. It should be seen as complementary to invasive ventilation and primarily as a mean of preventing some patients from deteriorating to the point at which intubation is needed. -------------------------------------
Comparative Study between Haloperidol and Quetiapine as Antipsycotic in Management of Delirium in Criticaly ill Patients Ahmed Mohamed Nasef Ain shams University Abstract Delirium is an independent predictor of increased length of ICU stay, mortality, and treatment costs in critical care department. Its incidence may be underestimated or overestimated if delirium is assessed by using subjective clinical impression alone rather than an objective instrument. Different antipsychotics; either typical or atypical, are used for control of delirium in critically ill patients. In this comoarative study between haloperidol and quetiapine among adults critically ill patients using biological equivalent doses haloperidol and quetiapine are equally effective and safe in the treatment of delirium in the critically ill patients. Key Words: Antipsychotics - Critically Ill Patient â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Delirium. ------------------------------------Target vessel revascularization of diabetic foot according to angiosomes Sherif Mohamed Abdel Aziz Nasser Institute Abstract Introducton: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a world-wide health problem. It affects about 12%â&#x20AC;&#x201C;14% of the population. The international consensus to define chronic limb threatening ischemia (CLTI) is that any patient with chronic ischemic rest pain, ulcers, or gangrene for more than two weeks with proven PAD. Aim of the Work: To assess the outcome of target vessel revascularization according to angiosome concept on the healing process of ischemic diabetic foot ulcers. Patients and Methods: This is a prospective study conducted at Ain Shams University Hospitals and Nasser institute Hospital in Cairo on 45 patients complaining CLTI in the form of ulcer &/or gangrene. The patients of successful angioplasty were classified into three groups. Group (A) direct revascularization, group (B) indirect revascularization and group (C) combined revascularization. Results: During the assessment of the patients of our study within 6 months of continuous follow up, we found that the healing rate of the patients who underwent direct revascularization (DR), indirect revascularization (ID) and combined revascularization (CR) were (91.67%), (75%) and (92.86%) respectively (p=0.769). Conclusion: Angioplasty of more than one tibial vessel including the target vessel has the best results and more preferable.
Direct revascularization of the target artery depending on angiosome model leads to better wound healing rates than indirect revascularization. Key words: Tibial vessel revascularization, diabetic foot, angiosomes. ------------------------------------Early Versus Late Norepinephrine Therapy in Management of Septic Shock as Prognostic Factor of Mortality Hussein Hassan El Sahel Hospital Abstract Abstract Background: Sepsis is a clinical syndrome of lifethreatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated response to infection. In septic shock, there is a critical reduction in tissue perfusion; acute failure of multiple organs, including the lungs, kidneys, and liver. Common causes include many different species of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Immunocompromised patients may have uncommon bacterial or fungal species as a cause. Signs include fever, hypotension, oliguria, and confusion. Diagnosis is primarily clinical combined with culture results. Early recognition and treatment is critical. Treatment is aggressive fluid resuscitation, antibiotics, surgical excision of infected or necrotic tissue and drainage of pus, and supportive care. Methodology: This study was conducted on 50 diagnosed patients with septic shock at general intensive care unit Ain Shams University Hospitals. Patients are divided into two groups according to time (Hours) to initial norepinephrine administration: group A (Early-NE group which received norepinephrine <3 hours after the onset of septic shock) and group B (Late-NE group which received norepinephrine â&#x2030;Ľ3 hours after the onset of septic shock). Results: The mean arterial pressure improvement is better in the Early-NE group than in the Late-NE group during the first 12 hours of resuscitation and the subsequent serum lactate levels were significantly lower in the Early-NE group than in the LateNE group during the first 24 hours of resuscitation. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the ICU Length of Stay. 28 Day Mortality was significantly lower in group A than in group B. The overall 28-day mortality was 40 % . Every one hour delay in norepinephrine initiation within the first six hours after the onset of septic shock is associated with increase in mortality rate by 10,66%. The 28-day mortality was 24% in the Early-NE group A and 56% in the Late-NE group B. -------------------------------------
Study the Expression of Some miRNA in Egyptian Colorectal Cancer Patients Sally Farouk National Research Centre Abstract Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most prevalent cancer worldwide and the leading cause of cancer mortality for both men and women. In fact it has been estimated that CRC causes more than 50,000 deaths in the United States and more than 500,000 deaths worldwide (Siegel et al., 2013). Colorectal cancer incidence rate shows high variability (over 10-fold), with the highest values in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North America, and the lowest in Africa and SouthCentral Asia (Ferlay et al., 2015). Egypt is among the highest rates of early onset CRC in the world, and only a few studies have attempted to better understand the disease. It was reported in the national cancer institute registry that the colorectal cancer incidence rose from 3.7% to 5.1% in males and from 3.8% to 4.7% in females (NCI 2002-2010), with an exceptionally high proportion of young cases (36%) (Sandouk et al., 2013). Several investigations have shown that the expression of distinct small RNA molecules named microRNAs (miRNAs) is strongly correlated to the genesis, progression, and prognosis of CRC. miRNAs are noncoding short RNAs (19-23 nucleotides) that typically regulate expression of their target genes. miRNAs bind to complementary regions in the 3â&#x20AC;˛ untranslated region (UTR) of target genes, which are generally present in multiple copies to amplify the regulatory effects of the miRNA. ------------------------------------Electrocardiographic Disturbances in Head Trauma Patients Mohamed Fawzy Aly Faculty of medicine - Ain shams University Abstract Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major public health concern and a leading cause of death worldwide. Complications known as second insults can worsen neurologic and patient outcomes. patients with head trauma may have electrocardiographic changes such disturbance of rate , rhythm , P wave , QRS complex , PR interval , T wave , ST segment , QT interval or ischemic like changes. Early ECG may serve as an inexpensive test to screen for cardiac dysfunction prior to ordering more expensive and potentially more invasive testing. So, ECG should be a mandatory investigation for patients with isolated
traumatic brain injury. Objective: We are aiming in our study To determine if there are ECG changes with isolated traumatic brain injury and if these changes are related to certain type of head injury. Methodology: The present study involved 50 adult patients conducted in the I.C.U at Ain shams university hospitals and El-Helal Hospital, Cairo, Egypt during 2017-2019, 12 lead ECG was done on admission and after 24 hours. (36 of them (72%) were male and 14 (28%) were females), their mean age 44.6 Âą 12.62 years. Results: ECG changes showed significant p-value with certain isolated traumatic brain injuries as intracerebral hemorrhage with p-value<0.031, subarachnoid hemorrhage with p-values all <0.038 in different ECG changes and extradural hemorrhage with p-value<0.018. While focusing on echocardiographic findings we found LVEF is low in 8 patients (16%), 42 patients (84%) had normal LVEF, 7 patients (14%) had diastolic dysfunction, 6 patients (12%) had WMA and the rest with normal wall motion. Our study showed significant impact on ICU stay with p value < 0.015 but not on mortality in patients with ECG disturbances. Conclusion: We found that isolated traumatic brain injury is associated with significant electrocardiographic disturbances in non-cardiac patients. These changes are significantly related to certain types of brain injury. ------------------------------------Expression of microRNA-96 and matrix metalloproteinase regulatorRECK in retinoblastoma Mohamed Ibrahim, Marwa Abd Elkhalek, Azza M Said, Azza Abou Ghalia Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: Retinoblastoma is the most common malignancy that develops in childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eyes. This study aimed at evaluating the expression of miRNA-96 in some patients with retinoblastoma and the level of the matrix metalloproteinase regulator- RECK, in order to give insights on their possible role in retinoblastoma. Methods: miR-96 and RECK protein were evaluated using sera of two groups of children, retinoblastoma group versus control, by quantitative reverse transcription real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), respectively. Results: The expression of miR- 96 was significantly higher in the patients than the control group (P<0.05). The concentration of RECK protein was significantly decreased in the patient group (P<0.05). Moreover the expression of RECK protein, and miR- 96 was negatively
correlated with each other in the patient as well as in the control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: miR-96 may be associated with invasion of retinoblastoma through inhibition of RECK expression. KEYWORDS: Retinoblastoma; MicroRNA; MiR-96; RECK. ------------------------------------Role of chest ultrasound in assessment of different pleural lesions Fatma A Salama Ain Shams University Abstract Ultrasound is useful in pleural evaluation due to its real-time response characteristics. Add to that, its portability, bed-side availability and absence of ionizing radiation; therefore, it is a safe technique for all patients. It can evaluate abnormalities in the peripheral lung parenchyma, pleura and chest wall. It may also be used to guide invasive procedures, such as pleural puncture, biopsy and chest tube insertion. ------------------------------------Evaluation of Management of Prosthetic Mitral Valve Thrombosis Mostafa Abdel-Azim, Ayman Mahmoud Ammar, Ahmed Ahmed Fouad Abdelwahab, Mohamed Abdel Basset Mohamed Abdel Rahman Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: Recent decades showed steady increase in the number of cases referred for redo cardiac surgery, which are associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality compared to the first-time operations. We aimed to investigate the risk factors for hospital mortality and morbidity in patients who underwent mitral valve re-replacement for prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis. Methodology: Fifty patients underwent the study from Jan. 2014 till Dec. 2017 in department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Ain Shams University. Preoperative, operative, and postoperative data were analyzed and evaluated for risk factors affecting hospital mortality and morbidity. Results: The hospital mortality was 22%. New York Heart Association functional class, pulmonary hypertension, preoperative ejection Fraction, postoperative neurological event, total bypass time, cross clamp time, and postoperative counseling regarding anticoagulation are the most important risk factors for hospital mortality.
Conclusion: Multiple preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative risk factors could be controlled to minimize the incidence of proshetic mitral valve thrombosis. Key words: mechanical valve, mitral, redo operation, functional class. ------------------------------------New Trends in Medical Surgical Nursing Fatma Mostafa Mahrous Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Abstract In both medical and surgical nursing, trends are interrelated with emphasis on specific framework for guiding nursing practice, education and research. New Trends in Medical Surgical Nursing includes: 1. Technological such as robots to assist nurses and wireless patients monitoring.2. Diagnostic Modalities such asnon-invasive Glucose Monitoring and cancer genetics and genomics.3.Nursing Management such as nursing precision and Ayurveda practices part of Holistic Care.The precision nursing is nursing care based on patient needs. So, the nurse researchers should develop more tools related to health data collection and improve the ability of data analysis to provide clinical nurses with a prospective guide.Ayurveda is form of alternative medicine that is the traditional system of medicine in India and seeks to treat and integrate body, mind, and spirit using a comprehensive holistic approach. ------------------------------------Critical Care Nursesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Application of non-pharmacological Pain Management Approaches at Ain Shams University Hospitals Jackleen Faheem Gendy Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: Pain is one of the most frequent stressors in critically ill patients and has been defined as the fifth vital sign. Therefore, it has been documented that ICU nurses use non pharmacological interventions to supplement pharmacological treatment for the purpose of pain management in their practice. Aim of the study: first; to assess critical care nursesâ&#x20AC;&#x; application of non-pharmacological pain management methods, second to assess the barriers to the use of non-pharmacological pain management approaches as reported by critical care nurses. Research Design: A descriptive exploratory design was utilized. Setting: selected medical, Emergency and Neurosurgery critical care units at Ain
Shams University Hospitals. Sample: A convenient sample of 60 nurses with a minimum one year of experience was included in the study. Tools of data collection; background data sheet, non pharmacological pain management observational checklist, Pain related information and Reported barriers to the use of non-pharmacological pain management methods.Results: shows that the majority of nurses didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use non pharmacological pain management methods, moreover the only nonpharmacological method used by few nurses was putting the patient in comfortable position (6.7%) and revealed that no significant statistical differences among nurses by their educational level and work areas. The most frequent nurses' reported barriers to the use of non-pharmacological methods of pain management were lack of knowledge and education (75%). Conclusion: critical care nurses use of non-pharmacological pain management methods are inadequate and needs to be applied with their patients during pain. Moreover, Reported barriers have to explored and handled. Recommendations: Barriers need to be explored and continuing education needs to be done to eliminate some of these perceived barriers. ------------------------------------Innovations of Psychiatric Mental Health Care Hanaa Ezz El Deen and Fatma Atta Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Abstract The traditional means of providing mental health care (e.g. delivered in psychiatric facilities in face to face format) are not meeting many patient needs. The World Health Organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (WHO) Mental Health Action Plan lists two key objectives for improving mental health care: integrating mental health care into community settings and strengthening information technology. Patients are more likely to see their primary care providers for their psychiatric symptoms, leave psychiatric care due to fear of stigma and may prefer alternative treatment options for their mental illness. Much of the health technology industry focuses on physical maladies, from high blood pressure to diabetes, but technology can also offer new ways to treat mental health disorders. Learn more about the following four most powerful mental health care technology innovations. Smartphone Apps Help People Cope With Anxiety and Depression, Mobile Apps Can Also Help People Who Struggle With Addiction, People Can Find Guidance Through Internet-Based Support Groups and Telehealth Could Improve Access to Mental Health Care. ------------------------------------Innovations in Nursing Education Dr. Mona Nadr Ebraheim Ahmed
Faculty of Nursing, Ain-Shams University Abstract In nursing education, to prepare nurses to change environments and practice in new environments, a need for innovation always exists. Therefore, new strategies must be used in nursing education. Simulation and personal digital assistants (PDAs) are some of the new strategies. Measuring the outcomes of new teaching approaches remains a need in nursing education as well as other health professions education. Do these teaching strategies make a difference in students' learning, problem solving, higher-level thinking, and working in a team? Is there transfer to clinical practice? Far too many studies continue to evaluate only student and faculty satisfaction with the teaching strategy, and although important, it should not be the only outcome examined. ------------------------------------Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR ) as a communication model Samah Mohammed Elsayed Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Abstract SBAR is an acronym for situation, Background, assessment and Recommendation, it provide health care providers with a template for gathering pertinent information and facilitating communication with physiciansand nurses. The SBAR model has been adopted by a significant number of hospitals, but this form of communication requires education and practice by nurses and physicians. Some methods of education include the use of posters, stickers on phone, peer observation and inclusion of SBAR in orientation and safety training. This communication model has gained popularity in healthcare settings, especially amongst professions such as nursing. It is a way for health care professionals to communicate effectively with one another, and also allows for important information to be transferred accurately. The format of SBAR allows for short, organized and predictable flow of information between professionals. In a 2013 review of studies addressing communication errors during handover, the greatest problem reported was the omission of detailed patient information. SBAR has been suggested as a means to overcome this problem by applying a system and structure to the presentation of information. -------------------------------------
Psychoeducational Nursing Intervention for Improving Coping Patterns among Family Caregivers of Patients with Alzheimer Disease Rania Abdelhamid zaki Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: Family members, often at great personal cost, provide much of the care for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in the community. Family caregivers of relatives with Alzheimer’s disease are at high risk for psychological distress Psychoeducational activities are a way of promoting help for caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Aim: to evaluate the effectiveness of Psychoeducational nursing intervention for improving coping patterns among Family caregivers of patients with Alzheimer. Sample and Setting: A purposive sample of older adults with Alzheimer’s disease was recruited from the Geriatric outpatient clinic affiliated to psychiatric center of Ain Shams University. Tools: 1) Questionnaire dealing with socio-demographic characteristics, general health condition of caregivers, physical, economical, psychological and social stressors facing them and their awareness toward patterns of caring themselves. 2) Perceived Stress Scale to measure the caregivers' perception of stress 3) Burden Interview Questionnaire which indicates how often the caregivers feel toward caring their patients. 4) Coping Inventory to assess caregivers' coping abilities. Results: the main results showed that the Psychoeducational nursing intervention program was effective in improving caregivers' coping abilities toward their perceived stress and burden of care. Recommendation: This study recommended that, caregivers-focused intervention programs should be provided for family caregivers emphasizing on, assertive training to deal with burden of care giving based on caregivers' actual needs' assessment and awareness programs are needed about self-care and stress management techniques for improving their coping abilities with their stressors and burden of care giving. ------------------------------------The best toys for special needs children Hoda Ragab Mohamed Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Abstract Toys play a supportive role in a child’s development. Toys can help a child learn new skills, like color and shape identification and hand eye
coordination, in the crucial years of primary brain development. For a child with special needs, toys can cater to specific areas of development or preference and serve as a therapy aid. The toys for special needs children include cause and effect toys, puzzles toys, fidget toys, oral motor stimulators toys and sensory toys. Cause and effect toys promote visual motor and grasping skills and are especially helpful for children with autism. Puzzles offer many developmental benefits that give children the chance to learn new skills while they work toward a goal. For children with ADD or ADHD, fidget toys are a good option to keep their hands and fingers busy while the brain is engaged. Oral motor toys are designed to either go in or engage a child’s mouth. These toys can be effective stimulators for children who crave chewing or struggle with oral motor difficulty. Sensory toys offer a quick sensory response to help children calm down and focus their attention. ------------------------------------Recent Advances in Perioperative Patient Safety Dalia Abdallah Nasr Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Abstract Major complications in surgery affect up to 16% of surgical procedures. Over the past 50 years, many patient safety initiatives have attempted to reduce such complications. Since the formation of the National Patient Safety Agency in 2001, there have been major advances in patient safety. Most recently, the production and implementation of the Surgical Safety Checklist by the World Health Organization (WHO), a checklist ensuring that certain ‘never events’ (wrong-site surgery, wrong operation etc.) do not occur, irrespective of healthcare allowance. In this review, a summary of recent advances in patient safety are considered – including improvements in communication, understanding of human factors that cause mistakes, and strategies developed to minimize these. Additionally, the synthesis of best medical practice and harm minimization is examined, with particular emphasis on communication and appreciation of human factors in the operating theatre. This is based on the resource management systems developed in other high risk industries (e.g. nuclear), and has also been adopted for other high risk medical areas. The WHO global movement to reduce surgical mortality has been highly successful, especially in the healthcare systems of developing nations where mortality reductions of up to 50% have been observed, and reductions in patient complications of 4%. Incident reporting has long been a key component of patient safety and continues to be so; allowing reflection and improved guideline formation. All patients are placed at risk in the surgical environment. It is crucial that this risk is minimized,
whilst optimizing the patient's outcome. In this review, recent advances in perioperative patient safety are examined and placed in context. Keywords: Patient Safety, World Health Organization Checklist, Communication, Human Factors. ------------------------------------Effect of Educational Guidelines on Prevention of Blood-Borne Diseases in Pediatric Critical Care Units Fatma Mohamed Mohamed &.Safaa Fouad Draz Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: While striving for providing quality nursing care for pediatric patients, nurses are exposing themselves to dangerous and potentially lethal blood-borne pathogens like Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome as well as hepatitis B and C through contaminated needle-stick, sharps, or splash exposures. Aim of the study, to assess Effect of Educational Guidelines on Prevention of Blood-Borne Diseases in Pediatric Critical Care Units. Research Design, descriptive design was adopted in carrying out the study. Sample and Setting, the sample of the study was consisted of 300 nurses working in Pediatric Critical Care Units, Pediatric Ain Shams University Hospital. Tools; A predesigned questionnaire. It consists of the following parts- Part I: It concerned with demographic of nurses such as age, marital status, level of education, occupation. Part II: It concerned with nurses' knowledge regarding blood-borne diseases. 2. Observational Checklist: It was adopted from Ministry of Health and population Accreditation Standards, to assess nurses' performance with application of infection control standard precautions especially during performing invasive procedures and assesses unsafe conditions and practices within the work environment. Results and conclusion of the study revealed that, blood borne disease found among boys than girls, also more than half-of them having lack of knowledge regarding blood borne disease and also there was a highly statistical significance difference between total nurses' practice regarding to Compliance of Infection Control in PCCU, it was observed that, there was marked improvement in nurses' practice immediately after implementation of the nursing intervention with a highly statistical significant difference related to total nurses practice. Recommendations: continuing education needs to be done to Prevent BloodBorne Diseases in Pediatric Critical Care Units. -------------------------------------
Creativity and psychosocial well-being Fatma Mohammed Ibrahim and Hoda Sayed Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Abstract Creativity is an innate capacity to think and act in original ways, to be inventive, to be imaginative and to find new and original solutions to needs, problems and forms of expression. Humans are creative beings; there is an innate need for individuals to engage in creative arts occupations. It can be used in all activities. It improve physical, mental and social wellbeing as it has the power to increase self-esteem, promote a sense of purpose and belonging, empower individuals and foster autonomy and competence. ------------------------------------Triamcinolone acetonide-loaded polymeric microparticles for effective intra-articular delivery May El-Zanaty Abou El-Nour, Mahmoud Soliman, Rania Aziz, Ahmed Geneidi Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, inflammatory disorder affecting the flexible synovial joints, causing their deformity, associated with bone and cartilage erosion. The intra-articular (IA) delivery system seems to be a promising route of administration, targeting drugs to the affected joint space together with minimizing the overall systemic side effects. Due to the rapid efflux of the instilled drugs from the joint cavity, several strategies were attempted to extend the drug residence time inside the joints, such as the use of polymeric microparticles (MPs). The aim of the present study is to formulate polymeric MPs loaded with triamcinolone acetonide (TA), as a model anti-inflammatory drug, for effective IA delivery using emulsification-solvent evaporation technique. The entrapment efficiency percentages (EE%) and particle sizes (PS) were assessed for all the prepared MPs. The optimized MP formulations were characterized using scanning electron microscope (SEM), powder X-ray diffraction, Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier-transfrom infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and in-vitro drug release studies. The prepared MPs showed high EE%, with reasonable PS suitable for IA administration. SEM images revealed the spherical shaped particles with no proof of any surface roughness or irregularities. X-ray diffraction patterns and DSC charts proved the amorphization of the entrapped drug,
confirming the successful drug encapsulation inside the formulated MPs. The FTIR spectrum showed no interaction between TA and the used polymer confirming the drug-polymer compatibility. The in-vitro release studies elucidated the sustainment of TA release from the prepared MPs in comparison to its suspension form. ------------------------------------Red clover-derived isoflavone sensitizes colon cancer cells to chemotherapy Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelrahman and Mai Tolba Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: Although 5-fluorouracil (5FU) is the first line of therapy for colon cancer, its use is significantly hampered by drug toxicity and development of tumor resistance. Therefore, it is important to investigate strategies to overcome such stumbling block. Biochanin-A (Bio-A) is a promising natural isoflavone that has selective cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Aim: This study aimed to investigate the modulatory impact of Bio-A on 5FU cytotoxicity in colon cancer cells and to define the underlying mechanisms. Methods: Cytotoxicity and Calcusyn synergy analyses were conducted to assess IC50 and synergism between Bio-A and 5FU in both Caco-2 and HCT-116 cell lines. The effect of the different treatments on Wnt/ β-catenin signals was assessed using phospho-tracer ELISA assays. Results: Bio-A alone showed cytotoxic activity against Caco-2 and HCT-116 colon cancer cells with IC50 values of 34.34 and 34.41 μM. Combined treatment of 5FU/ Bio-A reduced the IC50 of 5FU significantly in Caco-2 cell line. Calcusyn® analysis indicated that the combinations were synergistic in both cell lines with combination index CI<1. Since Wnt/ β-catenin signaling plays an important role in the pathogenesis of colon cancer, the study was substantiated to investigate the effects of Bio-A and Bio-A/5FU combination on some key signals in addition to cell cycle analysis and assessment of cyclin D1 expression. Bio-A significantly suppressed Aktphosphorylation and hence reduced GSK3β phosphorylation and preserved it in the active form. Hence, treatment with Bio-A boosted the ratio of phosphorylated β-catenin(p-S45)/total β-catenin indicating an increased degradation of β-catenin and reduced signaling. In conclusion, this study results underscore the potential merit of Bio-A as an adjuvant to 5FU for the management of colon cancer. Further tumor xenograft studies encouraged in order to verify this effect in vivo. -------------------------------------
Isolation, screening and identification of Lysinibacillus fusiformis isolate with potential antifungal activity recovered from Egyptian soil Sayed Emad Eldin Elsayed, Ghadir ElHousseiny, Neveen Abdelaziz, Khaled Aboshanab Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Resistance to antifungal agents represents a major challenge in the medical field specially to the immunocompromised patients which resulted in increase in the morbidity and mortality rates among them. Based on the fact that soil microbiota compromise a main source for the production of many beneficial antibacterial and antifungal secondary metabolites , a total of 105 soil samples were collected from different agricultural regions in Egypt .Those soil samples were processed ,cultured on different culture media and the obtained different bacterial colonies were screened for the potential antifungal activity against the human fungal pathogens Candida albicans yeast by the traditional cupplate method ,cross streak method and the mold Aspergillus niger by the dual culture assay method. The bacterial colonies that showed significant inhibition of the mean fungal pathogens were selected for further studies and identified microscopically and on molecular basis using 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis and was reported to be Lysinibacillus fusiformis. ------------------------------------Efficacy and Safety of Nicotinamide in management of Hyperphosphatemia in Pediatric patients on Regular Hemodialysis Radwa Maher El Borolossy Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Hyperphosphatemia is a common problem in ESRD patients on maintenance hemodialysis and contributes to development of secondary hyperparathyroidism and cardiovascular complications. The current available therapies for the treatment of hyperphosphatemia are frequently insufficient to achieve the recommended K/DOQI goal. Nicotinamide inhibits intestinal and renal sodium/ phosphorus co transporters and reduces serum phosphorus level in some clinical studies. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Nicotinamide as adjunctive therapy to calcium-based phosphate binder to control hyperphosphatemia in hemodialysis patients. Sixty hemodialysis pediatric outpatients were randomly divided into two groups (30 each): the control group and the nicotinamide group. During the 6-month study period, patients in the
control group received the calcium based phosphate binder, and those in the nicotinamide group received a combination of calcium based phosphate binder and nicotinamide at a dose 100 mg twice or thrice daily. The Nicotinamide group showed a significant decline in the serum phosphorus (p = 0.0001), serum Ca*P product (p = 0.0001) and PTH levels (p = 0.02) versus their baseline values and versus the control group. The mean serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels increased significantly (p=0.01), in contrast, median serum triglyceride (TG) levels decreased (p =0.009) after the 6 months of nicotinamide treatment. The control group showed no significant change in former parameters. Diarrhea, flushing and nausea were the major adverse effects seen with nicotinamide. Addition of Nicotinamide to phosphate binder is effective in lowering the phosphorus level and has beneficial effect on the lipid profile with mild side effects. ------------------------------------Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Different Regimens Used for the Treatment of Hepatitis C in Egypt Heba A Abdelaziz, Manal El-Hamamsy, Gouda Helal, Soheir Abol Azm, Sara Shaheen, Mohamed Al- Kassas Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major public health burden in Egypt, where it bears the highest prevalence rate in the world. The introduction of highly effective direct acting antiviral therapies aims to significantly reduce the cumulative total economic burden of HCV. The previous established and published pharmacoeconomic studies related to new treatment regimens for hepatitis C virus in Egypt focused on governmental hospitals / institutes, and nearly none focused on the private sector. Objectives: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of sofosbuvir (SOF) + ribavirin (RBV), SOF + daclatasvir (DCV), and SOF + daclatasvir (DCV) + RBV compared with SOF + pegylated interferon alfa (pegIFN) + RBV in the treatment of naïve non-cirrhotic patients infected with hepatitis C virus in Egypt. Methods: This was a trial-based observational study for economic evaluation the different treatment protocols used in Egypt for the treatment of hepatitis C. Our base-case, analysis of cost effectiveness used data from four private hospitals and previously published randomized clinical trials. The average cost per SVR (Sustained Virological Response) was calculated for each regimen. Only the direct medical cost was considered in the study. Results: The average cost per SVR was US$7483for (SOF) + (RBV), US$5950 for SOF + (DCV) + RBV, US$ 3573 for the SOF + (DCV), compared to US$ 4666 for SOF + (pegIFN) + RBV. The SOF + DCV regimen was
the most cost- effective option in this study. Sensitivity analyses remain robust. Conclusions: The present study concludes that the SOF +DCV regimen is the most cost- effective option compared with the SOF + pegIFN + RBV regimen across naïve non-cirrhotic patients infected with hepatitis C virus in Egypt. ------------------------------------Comparative analysis of Pachira glabra, and Pachira aquatica phenolic, flavonoid contents and volatile oil constituents Mariam I. Gamal El-Din, Fadia Youssef, Mohamed Ashour, Omayma Eldahshan, Abdel Nasser Singab Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Objective: The present study aimed to compare the total phenolic content, the content of total flavonoids as well as the major volatile leaf constituents of the two Pachira species cultivated in Egypt, namely Pachira glabra, and Pachira aquatica. Methods: The total phenolic content was estimated using Folin –ciocalteu method and the content of total flavonoids was estimated using Aluminium Chloride Colorimetric Method. The volatile constituents were qualitatively and quantitatively determined employing GC/FID and GC/MS. Results and Discussion: Higher total phenolic content was determined in Pachira aquatica alcohol extract estimated as 92.34 ± 0.01 µg of gallic acid /mg of sample. On the other side, P. glabra alcohol extract demonstrated higher flavonoid content estimated as 108.32 ± 0.01 µg of quercetin /mg of sample Moreover, twenty-five volatile constituents were identified from P. glabra leaf oil with trans phytol representing the major volatile component. Concerning P. aquatica leaves; forty-five volatile compounds were identified with palmitic acid methyl ester representing the major constituent Conclusion: From the present study, it can be concluded that both leaf extracts of P. glabra and P. aquatica are good candidates for further in-depth phytochemical investigation. Additionally, biological investigation of both extracts is highly recommended. Keywords: Pachira glabra, Pachira aquatica, phenolic content, flavonoid content, volatile constituents. ------------------------------------Biofilm formation by Streptococcus mutans isolated from oral cavity Sara Moataz Zayed, Sarra Saleh, Mohammad Aboulwafa, Abdelgawad Hashem British University in Egypt Faculty of Pharmacy Ain Shams University
Abstract Dental Caries is considered one of the most existing and worldwide common disease related to the oral cavity affecting both of children and adults. Dental caries development is triggered by biofilm formation, it is believed that the bacteria of species Streptococcus mutans play a critical role in forming multi-dimensional and complex structure on the tooth enamel by acquiring some cariogenic properties. In a study, we aimed to isolate Streptococcus mutans from different oral samples taken from saliva and dental plaques to determine their capability for biofilm formation. The results revealed that out of 100 recovered Streptococcus mutans isolates, 75, 23 and 2 exhibited strong, moderate and weak biofilm formation capabilities. The pattern of biofilm formation capability of Streptococcus mutans isolates recovered from saliva was different from those recovered from dental plaques. Testing 50 isolates recovered from each sample type showed that while 27, 23 and 2 saliva isolates were strong, moderate and weak biofilm formers, respectively, the corresponding pattern for dental plaque isolates was 45, 4 and 1 isolates. In sum, the results revealed that biofilm formation prevails among oral Streptococcus mutans that could be associated with their pathogenesis. ------------------------------------Preparation and Characterization of a Versatile Biodegradable and Bioactive Scaffold for Bone Disorders Noha Hesham Radwan, Maha Nasr, Rania Aziz, Gehanne Awad Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Bone diseases are the main reason for physical disabilities worldwide. Ideally, human skeleton can regenerate spontaneously after injuries, unless in the presence of severe trauma or infection. Many biodegradable scaffolds were widely studied to help in bone repair without the need for bone grafts. Biodegradable scaffolds have been fabricated using a variety of polymers such as chitosan, alginates, polylactic-glycolic acid, polycaprolactone, with or without inorganic bioactive ceramic materials such as calcium phosphates (CaP) and calcium sulphates for enhanced bone regeneration. Due to lack of adequate strength if used solely, the organic polymer could be combined with the inorganic component forming a composite of high mechanical flexibility and adequate toughness for load bearing. In this work, biodegradable and bioactive polymer/CaP composites were prepared through a simple in situ synthesis reaction, to be further loaded with a drug for bone applications. The preparation method was optimized after studying experimentally
different conditions, and the prepared composites were characterized. Results showed that the plain composite was successfully formed, and both X-ray powder diffraction and infra-red (FTIR) analyses displayed characteristic peaks for different CaP compounds, confirming their formation within the composites. Morphological examination using the scanning electron microscope also confirmed the distribution of the inorganic material within the polymeric phase. ------------------------------------Tailoring lipid polymer hybrid nanoparticles for controlled size for possible drug delivery Mohamed Hamdi, Hend Mohamed Abdel-Bar, Enas Mostafa Elmowafy, Gehanne Awad Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sadat City Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Nanotechnology is considered as the most noticeable tool in the development of new drug carrier systems, providing versatile clinical applications and scale-up for industrial production. Polymeric nanoparticles and lipid nanocarriers are the mainly investigated types of nanoparticles which had been approved by the FDA for clinical applications. These polymeric nanoparticles provided good drug loading, biodegradability, structural integrity and stability. However, they suffer from poor loading of hydrophilic drugs and uncontrolled drug release. The lipid nanocarriers could provide good biocompatibility and the ease of modification by different targeting moieties. Unfortunately, these nanocarriers are often associated with drug leakage and rapid in vivo clearance. Hence, a novel delivery system was designed, possessing the advantages of both polymer- and lipid-based formulations, and referred to as lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles (LPHs NPs). They are composed of polymer cores and lipid shells. Therefore, LPHs NPs with its inimitable structure could collaborate both features of polymeric and lipid nanoparticles and circumvent their drawbacks. The purpose of this study is to investigate the different factors could affect the fabrication of LPH NPs as an efficient delivery system. Different LPH NPs were prepared using different concentrations of PLGA as a polymeric core and lecithin as a lipid shell. The LPH NPs were statistically optimized by Box-Behnken design using Design ExpertÂŽ software (Version 11, StatEase Inc. Minneapolis, MN, USA). The influence of PLGA, lecithin and stirring speed on particle size was evaluated. The optimized formulae were characterized concerning zeta potential and TEM. Increasing
PLGA, lecithin, and/or decreasing stirring speed increased the particle size. The optimized negatively charged formulae were non-aggregated in shape with a particle size < 200 nm. The achieved results elected LPH NPs for drug loading for different applications. ------------------------------------Efficacy of Phosphatidylcholine plus Behaviour Therapy in the Management of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver; a Prospective Interventional Randomized Controlled Study Nehal Mohamed Abou Seada, Manal El-Hamamsy, Sara Shaheen, Reda Elwakil Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: As a result of increasing rates of obesity Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFLD) is the most common liver disorder affecting 1746% of adults and parallels the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) and its components which also increases the risk of more advanced disease both in adults and in children. Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of Phosphatidylcholine in addition to patient health education and intensive behavior therapy for the management of NAFLD. Study design: prospective interventional randomized controlled study. Setting: Outpatient Units of the Tropical Medicine department of Ain Shams University Hospitals and Ain Shams Specialized Hospital outpatient Gastroenterology Clinics. Patient and Method: One hundred Patients diagnosed as any type of NAFLD and satisfying the inclusion criteria were recruited to the study and randomized into two groups. Both groups received Behavior therapy and health education by the clinical pharmacist for achieving sustainable weight loss, involving diet and exercise for 6 months. The Intervention group (IG) (n=50) were added treatment with Phosphatidylcholine (1.5-2 g/d). Body mass index (BMI),liver function lipid profile,HOMA score,NAFLD score,Steatosis score and Liver stiffness measurement made by transient elastography were recorded at baseline and after 3 month (midpoint) and after 6month (endpoint).Results: Both groups showed significant improvement (normalization or shift to less severe grade) in almost all parameters recorded over treatment time (p<0.001).The Intervention group (IG) showed a statistically significant (pâ&#x2030;¤0.05) drop from baseline value compared to the Control Group (CG) in BMI,AST,ALT,TG,TC,LDL,HOMA score, NAFLD score at midpoint and endpoint, a significant increase in HDL at endpoint .Conclusion:
Phosphatidylcholine in addition to Behavior therapy has shown benefits in improving symptoms and pathology findings in NAFLD patients over NAFLD patients only receiving Behavior therapy. ------------------------------------Gastroprotective activity of the dichloromethane fraction of Adenanthera pavonina leaves against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats and phytochemical analysis of its phytoconstituents Mahmoud Aly Mansour, Eman Al-Sayed, Mohamed El-Shazly, Abdelnaser Singab, Mohamed Elgindi Egyptian Russian University Faculty of Pharmacy Ain Shams University Department of pharmaceutical biology, faculty of pharmacy, German university in Cairo Faculty of Pharmacy-Helwan University Abstract Gastric ulcer is a major gastrointestinal disorder affecting people worldwide. Despite medical advances, management of gastric ulcer and its complications remains a challenge facing medicine. The gastroprotective activity of the dichloromethane fraction of Adnenthera pavonina leaves (APD) was investigated against ethanol-induced gastric ulceration in rats. The rats were pretreated with APD (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) 1 h before the administration of absolute ethanol to induce gastric ulceration. The gastric lesions were significantly reduced by all doses of APD. Notably, pre-treatment with APD (50 and 100 mg/kg) conferred almost 100% gastroprotection, which is significantly higher than that produced by omeprazole (20 mg/kg). Moreover, APD markedly increased the mucin content reaching 1.89, 3.05, 3.53 and 2.51-fold, respectively, compared to the ulcer control group. This effect may be related to increased PGE2 production which protects gastric mucosa via stimulating mucus secretion. The potent gastroprotective effect of APD could be partly mediated by attenuating ethanol-induced oxidative stress. APD (50 and 100 mg/kg) treatment markedly increased the depleted GSH (by 171% and 224%) and catalase levels (by 400 and 522%), respectively when compared to the ulcer group. Furthermore, APD significantly decreased the elevated MDA tissue levels induced by ethanol administration. Notably, treatment with APD (100 mg/kg) restored gastric MDA levels to that of the normal group. The results demonstrated that APD conferred a powerful anti-inflammatory activity as evidenced by the reduction in the pro-inflammatory marker TNF-Îą. Notably, the level of TNF-Îą was returned to its normal value in the group pretreated with 100 mg/kg of APD. This effect is higher than omeprazole. The main phytoconstituents of APD was characterized by
HPLC analysis which revealed the presence of different phenolic constituents. Our findings suggest that APD is effective in gastric ulceration protection. ------------------------------------A Prospective Study Comparing the Effect of Rivaroxaban vs. Enoxaparin Given as a Prophylaxis for Deep Venous Thrombosis in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery Ahmed Heshmat Soliman Nasser Institute Abstract Background: Obesity is a risk factor for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and
venous thromboembolism (VTE). VTE is the most common cause of mortality in patients undergoing bariatric surgery. There is a remarkable variation in practice regarding methods, dosages and duration of prophylaxis in this patient population. Most of the literature is based on European & American patients and specific guidelines for Egyptians do not exist. Aim of the Work: to compare between obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery who receive Enoxaparin prophylactic dose perioperative and others who receive Rivaroxaban prophylactic dose perioperative, concerning the incidence of development of VTE postoperatively. Patients and Methods: This study was conducted on 40 patients From December 2017 till February 2019. Patients included in the study were essentially attending the Vascular Outpatient Clinic at Ain Shams University Hospitals and Nasser Institute for research & Treatment at Cairo and received postoperative prophylactic doses of Enoxaparin and Rivaroxaban after undergoing bariatric surgeries. Results: This study showed less incidence of DVT in Patients who received Rivaroxaban (5%) than those who received Enoxaparin (10%) but the difference in between the 2 of the was statistically insignificant. In terms of bleeding tendency, both drugs showed no incidence of bleeding tendency. Conclusion: From the previous results, further Randomized Controlled studies should be done on a larger cohort of patients undergoing bariatric surgery to determine the efficacy and to set new guidelines for DVT prophylaxis in bariatric patients bearing in mind terms of efficacy, safety and compliance on therapeutic regimens. Keywords: Rivaroxaban â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Enoxaparin - Deep Venous Thrombosis Pulmonary Embolism -------------------------------------
Prevalence and resistance pattern of Acinetobacter baumannii isolates recovered from hospital acquired infections in Upper Egypt Mostafa A. Terawy, Mohammed.T. Ahmed, Bahaa eldin Anwer , Khaled M. Aboshanab Mohammad M. Aboulwafa Faculty of Pharmacy, Al Azhar Assiut University Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract From January 2014 to December 2018 a total of 91 non-replicated Acinetobacter (A.). baumannii isolates were obtained from a total of 1529 clinical samples, representing 5.95% of the total recovered isolates. Genotypic identification and confirmation of A. baumannii by PCR detection of the blaOXA-51-like gene, the DNA marker unique to A. baumannii were carried out. The specimen that showed the highest percentage of A. baumannii contamination was obtained from the endotracheal tube (ETT) with 31.87%, while the lowest one was from throat swabs with 1.10%. Surgical wounds, ETT and chronic diseases as bronchial asthma were the most important illnesses associated with A. baumannii infections. The antimicrobial susceptibility of A. baumannii recovered isolates showed high resistance pattern against different antibiotic classes. The highest percentage of resistant isolates were recorded against pipracillin 98.80% .On the other hand; colistin was the most effective antimicrobial agent against this pathogen (susceptible isolates percentage reached 94.51% ). Two (2.20%), 59 (64.84%) and 21 isolates (23.08%) were detected as pan (PDR), extended (XDR), and multidrug resistant (MDR), respectively. However, 9 isolates (9.89%) were sensitive to meropenem and imepenen.. In conclusion, this study gives alarm about infections associated with A. baumannii and its high prevalence among respiratory tract illness. The threatening hazard is linked to its high resistance pattern since MDR, XDR and PDR isolates were detected among the recovered A. baumannii isolates. Effects have to be devoted towards control of infection and resistance development of this pathogen. Rational use of antimicrobial agents can be considered as an effective approach for resistance development of this harmful pathogen. -------------------------------------
Determination of psychoactive stimulatory drugs in pharmaceutical plant effluent and surface water samples by high-performance liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry Nancy Magdy, Noha Morsy Elzahar, Mona H Abostate, Islam Ezz, Lin Akash, Luna Jamal, Omar Saleh Mansour, Mohamed Fakhri, Karim Magdy Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract The occurrence of pharmaceuticals used as psychoactive stimulatory drugs in the aquatic environment is a threat to humans and aquatic species as well. Thus, it is advantageous to use a rapid and reliable assay that is suitable for determination of multiple psychoactive drugs in surface waters in a single run. The drugs were analyzed using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC–ESIMS/MS) after enrichment by solid-phase extraction (SPE). A simple and sensitive method was developed and validated for simultaneous quantification of olanzapine, oxcarbazepine, dapoxetine, and mirtazapine in water samples using lacosamide as an internal standard (I.S.). The compounds were separated on a C18 (150 mm × 4.6 mm i.d., 5 μm) column using a mobile phase of acetonitrile/ ammonium acetate (pH 5.8 adjusted with acetic acid). Mass spectra were obtained in positive ion mode and the data acquisition was carried out in multiple reaction monitoring mode. Thecollision energyusing nitrogen as the collision gaswas 25, 31, 23, 26 and 15 eV for simultaneous identification and quantification of olanzapine, oxcarbazepine, dapoxetine, mirtazapine and lacosamide, respectively. The analytical performance of the whole method was evaluated in four environmental water matrices (riverine, estuarine, sea water and treated effluent of pharmaceutical plant). The method was validated and the linearity, precision, accuracy, recoveries, selectivity and matrix effect were determined. The correlation coefficient (R2) values for the linear range of 1.0–500.0 ng/ml were 0.995 or greater for all the drugs. The precision and accuracy for intra-day and inter-day were better than 7.44%. The recovery was above 74.8% for all of the drugs. This validated method has been successfully used to quantify the water concentration of the drugs under study. -------------------------------------
Prevalence of macrolide- resistance genes among obtained hospitalacquired Staphylococcus sp. Isolates Amr S Bishr, Khaled Aboshanab, Mahmoud Yassein, Nadia Hassouna Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract A total number of 150 Staphylococcus isolates were obtained from the Microbiology diagnostic laboratories of Al-Demerdash Hospital. Antibiotic sensitivity test was carried out on the collected isolates using erythromycin, azithromycin, spiramycin and clindamycin antibiotics by disc diffusion method (According to CLSI guidelines 2014). The Antibiogram analysis showed that 54 isolates (36%) were resistant to 2 or more of tested antibiotics. Inducible macrolide, lincosamides and streptogramin type B resistance phenotype (iMLS) was identified in 15 resistant isolates by showing D-shaped inhibition zone after erythromycin-clindamycin disk approximation test (D-test). PCR amplification was carried out using the chromosomal DNA of the resistant isolates as a PCR template for the presence of the most important macrolide resistant genes including erythromycin ribosomal methylase gene (ermA and ermC); and macrolide-streptogramin resistance gene (msrA). PCR results revealed that 51.8% of the resistant isolates carried only one type of resistance genes, while 37.1% carried two types of genes, and finally three types were detected in 11.1% of the resistant isolates. ermC was the most frequently occurring gene (81.5%), followed by msrA gene (42.6%), then ermA gene (35.2%). In Conclusion, Genotypic analysis for macrolide resistance revealed that the majority of the tested isolates harbored two or more macrolide resistance genes. Therefore, further epidemiologic studies are necessary to broaden our vision for dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in Egypt. In addition, new guidelines should be implemented to control the abuse of macroliodes and for the rational use of this important class of antibiotics. ------------------------------------Detection of number of teeth and agenesis in patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate: A retrospective study Yomna Osama Elhoseiny Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the number of teeth in the premaxilla (cleft area) and to assess teeth agenesis present in two subtypes of bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) patients using CBCT images. Patients and method: CBCT images of 22 BCLP patients (10
males and 12 females, with age range 8 to 14, mean age 9.6) were divided into two subtypes, Group (P): This represents BCLP characterized by well-developed (P) prominent pre-maxilla and SNA >80Âą2, Group(R): This represents BCLP characterized by ill-developed (R) rudimentary pre-maxilla and SNA < 80Âą2. Number of teeth in both the premaxilla and posterior segments was evaluated and presence of agenesis was documented. Results: A significant difference was found in the number of teeth in the premaxilla among group R and group P. Maxillary lateral incisor showed the highest percentage of agenesis in the two groups followed by the maxillary second premolar. Conclusion: Number of teeth might be useful in differentiating between different subtypes of non-syndromic BCLP. ------------------------------------A study on the potential protective effect of the flavone found in Scutellaria baicalensis against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats Alaa M. Badawy, Reem N. El-Naga, Mariane G. Tadros, Amany M. Gad, Hala M. Fawzy Department of Pharmacology, The National Organization for Drug Control and Research Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: Cisplatin, a platinum chemotherapeutic agent, is broadly used in the management of a diversity of tumors including; ovarian, cervical, head and neck, non-small cell lung, as well as testicular cancers. Moreover, cisplatin is commonly used in combination regimens. However, its clinical application has been restricted due to the manifestation of toxicity and tumor resistance, either intrinsic or acquired. Indeed, the pronounced nephrotoxicity, following cisplatin treatment, is the dose-limiting adverse effect. Objective: Our study aimed to explore the possible nephroprotective impact of the flavone found in Scutellaria baicalensis in a rat model of cisplatin-induced renal injury. Material and Methods: For the assessment of the potential flavone nephroprotective dose, forty animals were randomly divided into four groups (n=10) and treated as follows: control group, diseased group , group was given flavone at doses of (10 mg/kg) and another group was given flavone at 20 mg/kg. Results: The pre-treatment of rats with the flavone (10 and 20 mg/kg) showed a marked decrease in BUN and caused a significant decrease in creatinine level, as compared to the cisplatin-treated animals. Sections of kidneys taken from the groups pre-treated with the flavone (10 and 20mg/kg) significantly attenuated cisplatin-induced histopathological
alterations. Interestingly, the higher dose of the flavone provided more nephroprotection, as compared with the lower dose. Conclusion: Our study showed that the flavone found in Scutellaria baicalensis conferred a significant nephroprotection against cisplatintriggered renal injury in rats in a dose-dependent manner. ------------------------------------Major leg wound complications after saphenous vein harvest for coronary revascularization Eman Sa'eed Gwyly Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Abstract Great Saphenous vein (GSV) is considered a mainstay conduit in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. As any surgical procedure, harvesting the GSV may result various complications which could be major enough to cause serious morbidity and even mortality. The aim of this study was to identify the incidence of Major leg wound complications after GSV harvesting in coronary artery bypass grafting and to detect the possible risk factors. METHODS: From January 2018 to June 2018 we performed a prospective study on 60 patients (pt) for elective CABG surgery using Great saphenous vein harvesting by the traditional open method as a vascular conduit were followed up postoperatively in the out-patient clinic for 6 months for lower limb complications and risk factors. RESULTS: Complications found were edema, cutaneous nerve affection and wound healing disturbance. 45% of the patients developed edema in the operated leg (27 pt) Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and peripheral vascular disease (PVD) were risk factors. 61.7% had cutaneous nerve injury (37 pt) age and DM were risk factors. Only 6.7% developed wound infection (4 pt) which was controlled with conservative treatment in the form of local application of antibiotic and antiseptics, good dressing and systemic antibiotics and antiinflammatory, no patient needed further surgical intervention. Risk factors identified were female gender and PVD. CONCLUSIONS: Although incidence of major wound complications affecting the GSV harvesting site dramatically declined over the last 3 decades, Other complications remain annoying sources of patient morbidity and satisfaction. -------------------------------------
Modified NUTRIC Score and Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients: a MetaAnalysis 1 Dalia Ahmed Ibrahim, 1Reem El-Kabarety, 1Hanaa Abdalla El Gendy, 2 Moustafa El-Houssinie Moustafa 1 Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and pain Management, Faculty of Medicine, Ain shams University 2 Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ain shams University Abstract Background: Nutritional assessment is the cornerstone to identify patients at risk of malnutrition in ICU, malnutrition in ICU is challenging, because important parameters as acute history of dietary intake and weight loss is difficult to obtain, malnutrition leads to nosocomial infection and higher mortality, most nutritional tools do not include hypermetabolic status in ICU patients and inflammatory process (Heyland et al., 2011), introduced modified NUTRIC score (MNS) which identifies patients who will benefit from aggressive nutrition in ICU by linking inflammation, starvation and outcomes. Aim of the study: To combine all published epidemiologic studies on this issue to evaluate the association between mNUTRIC scores and outcome in critically ill patients. Material and Methods: Type of studies: that included nutritional screening in ICU patient by (MNS) to identify the patients who are at risk of malnutrition. In critically ill patients in ICU aged from 20 to 70 years old. And type of outcome measures was relative risk analysis for (Ventilator free days, Incidence of infection, Length of ICU stay, 28 days mortality). Results: A total of 7 studies of 3675 patients were included in the study. High (MNS) correlated with bad outcome (increased twenty eight day mortality significantly(1.729 – 95% CI 1.435 – 2.083) with Pvalue 0 < 0.001 hetergeneity I2 = 10%, when patients with (MNS) compared to patients with low (MNS) also increased ICU length of stay result was (0.902 – 95% CI 1.175 to 4.712 with Pvalue < 0.001, heterogeneity I2 = 71%) but days on mechanical ventilation not significantly related and result’s was found by Random effect (95% CI – 0.0452 to 2.940 pvalue 0.057 – hetergeneity I2 = 97.37%). Modified Nutric score is promising validated tool for nutrition screening in critical ill patients. For further researches needed to identify optimum nutrition monitoring indicators
with (MNS) and to determine the response of aggressive nutrition in the outcome in ICU. Conclusion: For critical patients the use of m Nutric score to screen them nutritionally is important and the high score > 5 related to increased mortality, increased ICU length stays and identify patients as risk of malnutrition. For further researches to cover the limitation of modified Nutric score. And to analyse benefits of patients with high nutric score (malnourished) from aggressive. Nutrition and its effect on the outcome. Keyword: Modified NUTRIC score, malnutrition, critical ill patient, 28 days mortality rate, ICU length stay ------------------------------------Prevalence of MepA multidrug efflux pump in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from lower respiratory tract infections in Cairo, Egypt Salma M Abdelaziz, Khaled Aboshanab, Mahmoud Yassien Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract A total of 37 Staphylococcus aureus isolates(isolated from patients suffering from lower respiratory tract infections) were obtained from microbiology laboratory at Sadr Al-Abbassiya and Al-Demerdash hospitals in Cairo, Egypt.The obtained isolateswere tested against 22 antimicrobial agents by Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method according to the CLSI guidelines. According to the results of sensitivity testing, 16isolates were resistant to ten or more antimicrobials. These MDR isolates were selected for further studies. To determine the prevalence of MepA multidrug efflux pump in the selected MDR isolates,their DNA was extracted using the ZymoÂŽ genomic extraction kit and specific primers were designed for detection of mepA gene. PCR amplification of the target gene was carried out using the designed primers followed byagarose gel electrophoresis of the amplified products. Finally, confirmation of the results was done by sending a PCR product for sequencing and the obtained ABI files were assembled, analyzed and compared with similar data on the NCBI website.According to the obtained results, the mepA gene was detected in 12 isolates (75%). Conclusion: The wide prevalence of mepA gene suggests its major role in the development of MDR S. aureus. Appropriate approach and guidelines must be established to address the concern of the wide spread of MDR pathogens as they represent a major healthcare challenge. -------------------------------------
Risk Factors for Mbt Shunt Thrombosis Sherihan Wagdi Muhammed Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University Abstract The modified Blalock–Taussig shunt is the most commonly created shunt in children with cyanotic heart disease, because of persistent risks associated with this procedure so we applied our prospective study on 45 patients who had undergone MBTS construction in one-year period. 33 were males and females were 12 cases, mean age 9.58 ±7.45 months. The most common anomaly was TOF (44.4%), mean duration of mechanical ventilation was 3.9±4.5 days, mean ICU stay was 5.9±4.5 days and the mean hospital stay was 10±5.4 days. shunt failure rate was (20%, 9/45), mean age was7.1±6.8 months (p= 0.04),related to small pulmonary artery size 4 mm, or less (p =0,06),it also related to thoracotomy approach in which 6/45 (13.3%) have been subjected (p=0.02), 3.5mm shunt applied in 11 cases 6 of them had shunt occlusion while patency rate was higher with 4-5 mm shunt (p =0.02) ,failure rate was (15.6%) 7/45common in non-heparinized versus (4.4%) 2/45 heparinized patients (p=0.01), all occluded shunt cases received nor-adrenalin while 6/9 occluded shunt patients had inotropes (p =0.02), there was no relation with (sex, gender, pre-operative coagulation profile and low oxygen saturation) (p >0.05), mortality rate was 35.5% (16/45), it was related to age (mean 4.3±6.8months) (p=0.004),weighing 7kg or less (p=0.02), desaturated <60%, mean (p=0.002), all of them received nor adrenaline while 12 /16 (75%) received inotropes (p=0.02), it’s not related to other variables (surgical approach, pulmonary artery and Shunt sizes (p>0.05), it is encountered in non-heparinized versus heparinized cases in which 10/16 (62.5%) didn’t receive heparin while 6/16(37.5%) are heparinized (p>0.05). Conclusion: MBTS thrombosis is associated with age, surgical approach, small shunt and small pulmonary artery sizes and deprivation of heparin, mortality is associated with age and low body weight and oxygen desaturation<60% before operation. -------------------------------------
Endoaortic Versus Transthoracic Clamp for Minimally-invasive Mitral Valve Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Seif Fouad Ghareeb Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: Throughout literature search, two techniques of aortic occlusion were founded; endo-aortic balloon occlusion(EABO), and transthoracic clamp (TTC). Thereafter to clear up the confusion about which modality is better regarding minimally invasive mitral valve surgery, we conducted a qualitative literature review, and quantitative synthesis analysis to assess the safety, efficacy, and feasibility of EABO and TTC. Methods: Nine electronic databases were searched until April 31, 2018 to retrieve any comparative study between TTC and EABO in patients with mitral valve diseases, and conducted in human subjects without incarceration on age, sex, race, ethnicity, and time period or study design. The following outcomes were assessed; cross-clamp time. Bypass time, conversion to sternotomy, aortic dissection, and the postoperative data including 30 days mortality rate, and complications. Results: EABO approach was associated with a trend toward longer cross-clamp time as compared with TTC. Moreover, EABO was associated with a trend toward longer CPB time as compared with TTC as well. Subsequently, EABO was associated with a trend toward longer postoperative hospital stay as compared with TTC. Interestingly, the risk of intraoperative aortic dissection was high in EABO group as compared with TTC group. No differences were demonstrated for intra operative conversion to sternotomy, post-operative ICU stay, all-cause mortality and post-operative complications. Conclusions: Our meta-analysis brings to light that TCC is a promising and emerging procedure with advancement in MIMVS while EABO was associated with a slightly higher risk of occurrence of adverse events. Nevertheless, the current evidence remains limited to observational studies and requires further validation in an appropriately sized highly-qualified randomized clinical trials. ------------------------------------Early Systolic Dysfunction Following Traumatic Brain Injury Amr Mohammed Azab Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Abstract Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major medical and socioeconomic problem, and is the leading cause of death in children and young adults. Objective Aiming to determine the longitudinal course, and
admission risk factors for systolic dysfunction in patients with isolated moderate-severe TBI. Methods A transthoracic echo (TTE) was done within the day following injury. For patients with mild TBI, a single TTE examination was performed for patients with moderate-severe TBI, the initial TTE was done, along with a repeat TTE examination within 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9 days following injury. Results The study has showed that patients with moderate-severe TBI had a greater left ventricle diameter in diastole and systole. Mean of left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end-diastole was highly significant higher in moderate-severe TBI patients compared with mild TBI patients (p < 0.01). The frequency of early systolic dysfunction in patients with mild TBI was 0%, compared to 36% in patients with moderate-severe TBI (p < 0.01). Highly significant increase of age in patients with systolic dysfunction (mean age 50.3 and 30.6 yr., respectively). Patients with systolic dysfunction had highly significant increase of left ventricle diameter in diastole and systole (p < 0.01). Highly significant improvement on left ventricle diameter in diastole and systole, interventricular septal end diastole and left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end-diastole. (P < 0.01). Conclusion The present study found that systolic dysfunction occurred in 36% of previously healthy patients following moderate-severe TBI, which shows highly significant improvement in echo findings after 7 days; furthermore, older age and lower heart and respiratory rates were significantly associated with the development of systolic dysfunction after injury. ------------------------------------Nutrition Education Intervention to Promote Food Label Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Secondary School Students in Giza Governorate Eman Mahrous Abd El Gawad, Amany Abd El Hafez, El Sayed El Okda, Ayat Manzour National Nutrition Institute Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University Abstract Nutrition related health problems are increasing rapidly and are considered as a major public health concern. Adolescence is a critical life stage that sets for health in adulthood. It should be considered to increase Nutritional knowledge among adolescence to prevent nutrition related health problems in adulthood. Food labels provide information about food and help to make a healthy decisions. To measure knowledge, attitude and practice KAP of secondary school students about food label, to implement and evaluate a nutrition education program regarding food label KAP, to assess association between body mass index(BMI) and
KAP about food label among secondary school students. A nutrition education intervention study was conducted among secondary school students in Giza governorate. Sample size was 122 secondary school students who were assigned into two groups; 59 as the intervention arm and 63 as the control arm and each group was in a different school. Anthropometric measures were assessed for all participants and KAP questionnaires were collected. Only the intervention group received the nutrition education intervention in the form of interactive lectures. The post intervention questionnaires were collected from both groups after one month which was identical to the base line questionnaire. The postintervention KAP scores of the intervention group were significantly higher than their pre intervention scores of (P<0.001) as well as the post intervention scores of the control group(P<0.001). There were no association between BMI and nutritional Attitude score(P= 0.681), practice score(P= 0.367), nutrition information score( P=0.637) and nutrition knowledge score(P= 0.748) about food label among secondary school students. After implementing the nutrition education program there was improvement by 53.1% in Knowledge,7.73% in Attitude and 13.3 % in Practice regarding food labels among the intervention group. ------------------------------------Cabbage: a weapon against multidrug resistant pathogens Aya Alaa Eldin Omar, Masarra M Sakr, Nehal Ibrahim, Sarra Saleh, Walaa Mohamed Khairy Othman, Shereen Hussein Elattar, Basant Ahmed Wael Zohdy Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Over the last decades, the emergence of microbial resistance to many drugs has become an alarming situation. This has taken research â&#x20AC;&#x153;back to greenâ&#x20AC;? to valorize the antimicrobial effect of edible plants since they have an extensive range of metabolites with excellent safety profile. In this study, the antimicrobial activity of cabbage extract was assessed against clinical isolates of two Gram-negative bacteria; Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Esherichia coli. The isolates were obtained from ElDemerdash hospital and their resistance profile was studied using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method. Antibiogram analysis proved the isolates to be multidrug resistant. A green extraction methodology â&#x20AC;&#x201C; assisted by microwave and ultrasound- was used to prepare the aqueous extract of Brassica oleracea var. capitata (Cabbage). Determining the antibacterial activity was done by agar diffusion method according to the CLSI guidelines. Cabbage proved better antibacterial activity against
Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates than against Esherichia coli isolates. UPLC-ESI-MS analysis was undertaken to explore the phytochemical constituents of the extract and revealed the presence of the glucosinolates gluconapin, glucobrassicin and glucobrassicanapin together with their hydrolysis products iberin and sulforaphane. Further studies are still carried on to determine the possibility of using this extract to reduce the virulence and combat infections caused by the tested isolates. ------------------------------------Serum level of Parathyroid hormone ,alkaline phosphatase , calcium and ionized after forearm fracture Ahmed Kamal Ghoneim Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: During the last two decades, our understanding of fracture healing has evolved rapidly. Bone is one of the few body tissues that can heal without forming a fibrous scar and, as such, the process of fracture healing recapitulates bone development and may be considered a form of tissue regeneration. The complex cell and tissue proliferation and differentiation processes involved in fracture healing are regulated by growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, antioxidants, hormones, amino acids, and other nutrients. Objective: To identify changes in serum level of calcium, ionized calcium, alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone according to mode of trauma (low and high energy) in forearm fractures and their role in fracture healing. Patients and Methods: 50 Patients with forearm fracture were prospectively recruited from the Accident and Emergency Department of Trauma Surgery, El Zaitoun specialized hospital within 48 hours of sustaining the fracture. Patients included in the study were asked to avoid calcium supplementation during fracture healing. Results: Although a lot has been achieved, our study is the first attempt to measure biochemical markers according to mode of trauma in adults not according to bone union and non union. Conclusion: Serial monitoring of biochemical markers of bone turnover reflect the actual status of bone resorption, and bone formation over a short period. Thus, they can be used as an adjunct to clinical and radiological evidence of fracture healing. -------------------------------------
Effect of applying play therapy on children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Nahed Saied El-Nagger Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University Abstract Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a serious public health problem affecting a large number of children that often lasts into adulthood, and it is characterized by persistence of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. Children with ADHD are managed with appropriate pharmacological and non-pharmacological intervention such as educational, psychological, behavioral support and play therapy. Whereas, play therapy is a technique during which the child would be given an opportunity to experience development under the most ideal circumstances. Aim: Evaluate the effect of applying play therapy on children with ADHD. Methods: Study Design: A quasi experimental study that was conducted in Badghish care & Rehabilitation center at Jeddah in KSA. Apurposive sample of 40 preschool & school age children with ADHD with their parents and teachers.Tools: A selfadministered questionnaire , Conner’s Abbreviated Parents and Teachers Rating scale,Children’s Symptom Inventory Scale, it was used to assess the children for ADHD symptoms including; inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity through their parents and teachers and Vanderbilt ADHD Parent and Teacher Rating Scale, it was used to assess children’s anxiety symptoms through their parents and teachers. Results: The mean age of children was 6.282 ± 1.52 years. There were high statistical significant differences regarding children inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity pre and post applying play therapy.Conclusions: Applying play therapy had a positive effect on paying attention, decreasing hyperactivity and controlling impulsive behavior of children with ADHD. Recommendations: Further studies should be carried out on the effectiveness of play therapy and use of other different kinds of therapies for children with ADHD. -------------------------------------
Phenotypic characterization of Salmonella serovars isolated from febrile neutropenic patients suffering from gastroenteritis in Egypt Reem A.R. Youssef , Ahmad Abbas, Mona Mabrouk, Khaled Aboshanab NODCAR Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract A total of 300 human fecal samples were collected from febrile neutropenic patients suffering from severe gastroenteritis, from El-Borg lab and other private labs in Cairo, Giza, and Qalubiya governorates, during the period from October 2018 to February 2019. The study was approved by the hospital Ethics Committee and Faculty of Pharmacy ethical committee Nr. 214. The respective samples were subjected to bacteriological examination for isolation of various Salmonellae serovars. Identification of the collected isolates was carried out using standard methods of microscopic, culture, and biochemical characteristics. Antibiogram analysis of the collected non-typhoidal Salmonellae against 26 antibiotics, belonging to various classes of antibacterial agents acting on Gram negative bacteria, was performed according to CLSI guidelines 2017. The results revealed that 56 samples were positive for Salmonella isolation in a percentage of 18.66% of which 50 were non-typhoidal Salmonellae (16.66%), and 6 isolates were typhoidal Salmonellae (2%). Serological identification of the recovered Salmonellae isolates showed that they belonged to 15 different serovars including, S. Typhimurium (10; 17.85%), S. Enteritidis (8; 14.28%), S. Lumberhurst (8; 14.28%), S. Tumodi (4; 7.14%), S. Tsevie (4; 7.14%), S. Butontan (3; 4.28%), S. Anatum (3; 4.28%), S. Taksony (2; 4.28%), S. Hull (2; 4.28%), S. Agama (2; 4.28%), S. Dublin (2; 4.28%), S. Blegdam (2; 4.28%), S. Paratyphi A (3; 4.28%), S. Paratyphi C (2; 3.57%), S. Paratyphi B (1; 1.78%). Antibiogram pattern revealed that most serovars isolated were sensitive to imipenem (100%), ciprofloxacin (93%), norfloxacin (89.6%), followed by colistin-sulphamethane (82.7%). On the other hand, all serovars showed 100% resistance to cefotaxime, amoxicillin, rifampicin, erythromycin, clindamycin, and tobramycin followed by lincomycin (96.5%) and cefradine (82.7%). Various sensitivity patterns were exhibited with the rest of the used antibiotics. -------------------------------------
The antimicobial activity of some herbal extracts against multidrug resistant Escherichia coli Sandy Ali, Nouran Alzahaby, Nardine Nagy, Lobna Hesham, Sarra Deif, Nehal Ibrahim, Masarra Sakr Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract There has been a dramatic increase in resistance to antimicrobial drugs in food-borne pathogens, among them Escherichia coli. This has spurred the search for new antimicrobial strategies. In this context, two herbal extracts; Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) and Turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa) were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli clinical isolate obtained from El-Demerdash hospital. Turnip extract was prepared using water as a green solvent and the extraction efficiency was enhanced by microwave and ultrasound. Antibiogram analysis was done using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method according to the CLSI guidelines. The tested isolate displayed resistance to Imipenem, Trimethoprim as well as Ceftazidime. Determination of MIC was carried out according to the CLSI guidelines. UPLC-ESI-MS analysis was done to reveal the major phytochemical constituents of Turnip extract. Results showed that turnip represents a good candidate that can be used in the treatment of multidrug resistant E. coli as well as a natural preservative against food-borne pathogens. ------------------------------------Technical Notes on Novel Technique and Step by Step Construction of Computer Guided for Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis Hossam El Deen Hany, Yasser Nabil El Hadidi, Heba Sleem, Moustafa Taha, Marwa El Kassaby Ain Shams University Abstract Objectives: Distraction Osteogenesis is an integral part in management of mandibular defects associated with Hemifacial Microsomia (HFM) and post-ankylotic mandibular defects. The most difficult part in distraction osteogenesis is the prediction of distraction vector and risk of injury to vital structures as inferior alveolar. The current study aimed to present Three-Dimensionally Constructed Computer Guided Splints in Distraction Osteogenesis to get an ideal vector and minimal risk of vital structures injury. Methods: The technical note presents cases series of 6 patients whom had computerguided distraction osteogenesis surgery using prefabricated splints. Results: The distance between the virtual and physical pins and osteotomy was measured, and the deviation of the vector angle and
osteotomy angle was also assessed. Average deviation in pin distance was 3 mm and in vector angle 13.5â °. Average deviation in osteotomy distance was 2.6 mm and in osteotomy angle 14.4â °. None of the cases had injury to vital structure. Thus, it can be considered a reliable method for MDO planning. Conclusion: 3D printed surgical stents were successful in transferring the virtual treatment plan of mandibular distraction osteogenesis into the surgical theatre with an acceptable margin of error and without injury to any vital structures Key words: Distraction Osteogenesis, Computer planning, Surgical Guides, Hemifacial Microsomia, Post-Ankylotic Defects ------------------------------------Major Adverse Cardiac Events After First Time Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting In Ain-Shams University Hospital 2015-2017 Menna Ali, Ramy Khorshid, Osama Abaas, Ahmed Hassouna Ain Shams University Abstract Background: Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) are useful to evaluate cardiovascular outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive observational study demonstrating the CABG at Ain- Shams university hospital during the period Jan 2015-feb 2017. Data source is RED CAP. Incidence, risk factors and significant predictors for MACE were calculated including, in-hospital mortality, occurrence of MI, STROKE, ICU Readmission, and Need for coronary Angiography or PTCA OR CABG within 30 days postoperative. Secondary outcomes including duration of post-operative inotropic support, mechanical ventilation and ICU stay Amount of blood loss and need of reoperation, wound infection. Results: Out of the 570 cases who met our inclusion criteria, 156 patients (27.3%) developed MACE, Including 31 hospital mortalities (5.4%), and other non-fatal events recorded in 136 patients (23.8%). Risk factors associated with hospital mortality, namely BMI , LV end-diastolic dimension, Bypass time, Post-operative positive inotropic support ,Post-operative ICU stay ,Ventilation duration ,Gender ,Hypertension, Intra-aortic balloon pump ,Post-operative stroke ,Reoperation, Reintubation ,MI, showed to be the significant predictors of mortality after logistic regression has been done. Risk factors associated with the development of all MACE included BMI , LV end-diastolic dimension , LV end-systolic dimension , Bypass time , Dyspnea , Symptomatic status at admission , Cardiogenic shock , Operation urgency, Cardioplegia temperature showed to be significant predictors of overall MACE after logistic regression has been done. Conclusions: Our results suggested that more care should be given to
females, elderly and to shorten and improve the quality of our operative time. The repetition of non-fatal MACE could be modified by closer observation of the patient, once developing his first event. ------------------------------------Investigation of the antidiabetic activity of the methanol extract of Spondias pinnata leaves and its solvent partitioned fractions Salma Sameh, Eman Al-Sayed, Rola Milad, Abdel Nasser Singab Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Diabetes mellitus is considered to be a debilitating disease which represents a major threat to human health leading to various neurological, cardiovascular, retinal and renal complications. Traditional medicine practitioners tried to alleviate the major symptoms and development of this disease by using medicinal plants. The management of diabetes could be achieved by inhibiting the α-amylase enzyme leading to the reduction of blood glucose level. In this study, the in vitro α-amylase inhibitory activity of the methanol extract of S. pinnata leaves and the solvent partitioned fractions (Hexane, dichloromethane, butanol and aqueous residual fractions) was investigated. The dichloromethane was the most biologically active one with IC50= 73.03 µg/mL comparable to the standard antidiabetic drug acarbose IC50= 34.71 µg/ml. Furthermore, in vivo investigation of the dichloromethane fraction was carried out on thirty male albino rats which were divided into five groups. Hyperglycemia was induced by feeding the rats high cholesterol diet for two successive months. Treatment was carried by administering the dichloromathane fraction at doses (100 mg/kg b.w.) and (200 mg/kg b.w.) for two successive months; simvastatin was used as reference drug. Results showed that the dichloromethane fraction was more potent at dose (200 mg/kg b.w.) and produced 44% inhibition of blood glucose level from the zero time comparable to the reference drug simvastatin. Thus, it can be deduced that the blood glucose lowering activity is attributed to the phytoconstituents occurring in the dichloromethane fraction. Keywords: diabetes, α-amylase, in vitro, dichloromethane. -------------------------------------
The Shelf Life of Vitamin C in a w/o Emulsion According to the Q10 Nathalie Moussa Damascus University Abstract This aim of this research is to calculate the shelf-life of Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid (AA) in a dermal preparation, namely w/o cream at a concentration of 2%. Vitamin C w/o Cream was prepared taking into consideration the effects of the percentage of the aqueous phase and the effects of its components on the stability of AA, since lowering the water content within the formulation and adding certain substances (minerals, sorbitol, ethanol) to the aqueous phase improves the stability of the AA. The study was conducted in accelerated conditions with the prepared cream being stored at 37 °C and 45 °C degrees for a period of 28 days. The samples were analyzed weekly for the purpose of determining the concentration of the undegraded AA using the light spectrum scale (Spectrophotometer). The shelf-life of the formulation was calculated according to the Q10 method. Stability data was analyzed and a timeconcentration curve was plotted. Vitamin C follows degradation kinetics of the first order. The stability constants were derived from the curve and the activation energy was calculated using Arrhenius equation. Next, the activation energy was used according to the Q10 method so as to calculate the Q10 and later the shelf-life of Vitamin C which reached 208 days approximately at room temperature. ------------------------------------Comparative study of the in vivo National Institute of Health (NIH) test with the in vitro Rapid Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test (RFFIT) for evaluation of a reference rabies vaccine preparation Walaa M. Khalil, Khaled M. Aboshanab, Mohammad M. Aboulwafa National Organization for Research and Control of Biologicals (NORCB) Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Potency test is one of the most important biological tests that must be applied to any vaccine product, since it is used to determine the immunizing biological activity of each final bulk or final lot of the test vaccine. The aim of this study was to compare the in vivo potency National Institute of Health (NIH) Test with the in vitro rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT) for determination of the potency of a reference rabies vaccine. The study could reveal the advantages and disadvantages of both methods as well as the validity of the in vitro method for measuring the potency of rabies vaccine preparations before
their release for human use. Results gave an evidence for the suitability of usage of the in vitro method for potency testing of inactivated rabies vaccines. Results showed that, from six independent test series using overall number of mice equal to774, high variability of NIH test as compared to the RFFIT. Highest antirabies antibody titer was obtained after immunization with 1:5 diluted standard rabies vaccine preparation, while the lowest titer was induced in persistent way by the highest vaccine dilution (1:3125). In conclusion, (i) serological method can be used for biological evaluation of rabies vaccine; (ii) variability in NIH results is a function of mice survival rates used in the test; (iii) antirabies antibody titer obtained in RFFIT for the test vaccine showed linear doseresponse relationship. ------------------------------------Phytochemical and tissue culture studies of Russelia equisetiformis Fatma Alzahra Mahrous, Seham Elhawary, Essam Abdelkader, Engy Mohsen Faculty of Pharmacy, October 6 University Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo university Horticulture Research Institute Agriculture Research Center Abstract Russelia equisetiformis Sch.& Cham is a perennial plant belongs to the family Scrophulariacae. The aerial parts of the plant have a great medicinal value and used traditionally to treat malaria, cancer and inflammatory diseases. This study aimed to establish phytochemical and tissue culture studies. Phytochemical screening of methanolic extract of the aerial parts revealed the presence of carbohydrates and/or glycosides, flavonoids, unsaturated sterols and /or triterpenes and tannins. GC-MS analysis of lipoidal matter of hexane extract of the aerial parts revealed that the major fatty acids are hexadecanoic, octadecanoic and stearic acids as the major active constituents. In vitro propagation revealed that R. equistiformis is well established and propagated using hormone free Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium. For callus culture, different plant growth regulators with various concentrations were examined. The highest growth i.e. callus fresh weight was achieved using MS medium supplemented with (0.4 mg/L of 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetatic acid + 2 mg/L of naphthaleneacetic acid). DNA fingerprint of the aerial parts of both mother plant and micropropagated plant tissue were done. The amplified DNA fragments using UBC-807, UBC-809, UBC-811, UBC812, UBC-817 and UBC-825 primers for micropropagated plants showed 98.2% similarity in relation to mother plant. The methanol extract of the
aerial parts showed strong antioxidant activity correlated to ascorbic acid using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay. ------------------------------------Effect of Co-administration of Metformin and Daclatasvir on Metformin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Mohamed Ahmed Raslan, Sara Shaheen, Lamia ElWakeel Drug Research Centre Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain-Shams University Abstract Hepatitis C Virus(HCV) and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are two of the most prevalent diseases in Egyptian population. A possible association between HCV and T2DM is reported in several studies. Metformin is an oral anti-hyperglycemic agent used for the management of T2DM and excreted in urine mainly by renal Organic cation transporters(OCT). The Direct Acting Antiviral Daclatasvir(DCV) used in treatment regimens of HCV is a weak to moderate inhibitor of OCT. Aim: To study the effect of DCV on the pharmacokinetics(PK) and pharmacodynamics(PD) of Metformin. Methods: Twenty eligible Egyptian healthy subjects were randomized into two groups in a two periods crossover study to administer either metformin tablets 500mg twice daily alone (R1) or Co-administered with DCV 60 mg tablets once daily (T1) for 4 days then Metformin tablets 1000 mg twice daily alone (R2) or with DCV 60 mg tablets (T2) once daily for the following 3 days. Samples were collected at the steady state on day 4 and day 7. Results: The maximum plasma metformin concentration(Cmax) was higher in T1 & T2 than in R1 & R2 on day 4 and day 7 by 12% and 11 % respectively, with a statistically significant geometric mean ratio(GMR)= 1.12 (90% confidence interval(CI):0.98,1.28) and 1.12 (90%CI: 0.87,1.44) respectively. Renal clearance(Clr) in T1 & T2 was lower than that in R1 & R2 on day 4 and day 7 by 18 % and 13% respectively, with a statistically significant GMR=0.86(0.72,1.01) and 0.89(0.69,1.16) respectively. There was no significant change in the maximum glucose concentration(Gmax) and area under the glucose concentration-time curve (AUG). Conclusion: A slight alteration of metformin PK with the concomitant administration of Daclatasvir with no effect on metformin PD was concluded. -------------------------------------
Major Active Classes of Secondary Metabolites in Selected Species of Gardenia Mohga A Zedan, Nada Mostafa, Fadia Youssef, Omayma Eldahshan Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Gardenia is one of the largest genera of family Rubiaceae or the coffee family. This genus contains about 250 species including Gardenia jasminoides Ellis which is native to China and South Eastern countries and Gardenia thunbergia L.f. which is native to South Africa. Gardenia jasminoides Ellis has been traditionally used for the treatment of jaundice, fever, hypertension, and ulcers of skin while the roots and leaves of Gardenia thunbergia L.f. are used in various parts of Africa by traditional healers to treat syphilis and the latex is used as a purgative. Hence, in our study, we are aiming to isolate and explore new bioactive metabolites from various organs of the previously-mentioned two species. Our preliminary analysis showed the presence of different classes of secondary metabolites such as Alkaloids, Tannins, Flavonoids, etc. Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) plates showed several significant bands which, after being sprayed with different spraying reagents, confirmed with our previous preliminary tests. ------------------------------------U.V. based discrimination of different Punica granatum cultivars in combination with multivariate data analysis Alaa M. Abdo , Haidy A. Gad, Eman Al-Sayed , Sherweit H. ElAhmady Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University Abstract Background: Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.; Lythraceae) has gained popularity in recent years due to its multifunctional and nutritional value in human diet. The health benefits of pomegranate has been mainly attributed to its high content of anthocyanins (delphinidin, cyanidin, and pelargonidin) and other phenolic compounds including hydrolyzable tannins as punicalin, pedunculagin, punicalagin, gallagic acid. Objective: To establish a simple model using UV spectroscopy in combination with multivariate analysis to discriminate between different pomegranate cultivars (Assuity, Manfalouty, Akaa, H116, Black, Sweet, Wonderful) cultivated in Egypt. Methodology: The methanolic extracts of different samples (leaves and peels) were assessed using UV spectroscopy (200-400nm) together with
multivariate analysis: principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). Each sample was analyzed in triplicates. Results: The model was able to classify different cultivars, where PCA score plot showed successful categorization and discrimination between them and the results were confirmed by HCA. Conclusion: The model assembled is highly endorsed as a modest and effective technique for distinguishing between different plant cultivars. -------------------------------------
قطاع العلوم األساسية:خامسا الجلسة األولى رئاسة الجلسة
عميد كلية العلوم – جامعة عين شمس
أحمد علي إسماعيل.د.أ
أستاذ العلوم البيئية بجامعة عين شمس
مجدي توفيق خليل.د.أ
نائب رئيس جامعة عين شمس الدراسات العليا سابقا وكيل كلية العلوم لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث
– جامعة عين شمس
محمد سيد سالمة.د.أ
محمد رجاء محمد السطوحي.د.أ
9:30 am – 9:50 Water for Energy – Energy for Water. A World Perspective am for the Energy – Water Challenge. Dr. Eng. Maher Aziz Counselor for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Ministry of Environment 9:50 am – 10:10 From Physics to Profitable Business "The Innovation Cross am Roads" Dr. Khaled E. A. Negm SMIEEE, CISM, Distinguished Engineer, Global Enablement Leader, IBM Security Business Unit, US and CEMEA 10:10 am – Technology of Gene Transfer to Living Organisms 10:30 am Dr. Mohamed Sayed Salama Professor of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science and ExVice President, Ain Shams University 10:30 am – Biodiversity and international treaties 10:50 am Dr. Hosny Abdel Aziz Mosalem Professor of Botany, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University 10:50 am – Gold in Egyptian desert 11:10 am Dr. Abdel Monem Osman Professor of Geology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University 11:10 am – Nanosensor-based Mapping of Cell Wall Plolysaccharides of 11:30 am Living Microbial Cells Using Atomic Force Microscopy Dr. Mohamed Gad Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University 11:30 am – Utilizing CRISPR/cas technology to understand 11:50 am chemoresistance in breast cancer Dr. Reham Hassan Assistant Professor of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University
Water for Energy – Energy for Water A World Perspective for the Energy – Water Challenge Dr. Eng. MAHER AZIZ Counselor for Environment, Energy and Climate Change <maher_aziz49@yahoo.com> ABSTRACT Freshwater is a renewable resource, topped via rainfall with varying rates of replenishment and heavily affected by regional weather systems and climatic variability, i.e., natural variations in the global climate, but also climate change. But as with all-natural resources, freshwater supplies are unevenly allocated across the globe. At the same time, countries all over the world face water scarcity or water stress. Most countries in the world outside the Arctic zone, developed and undeveloped, and even a small developed country like New Zealand, face scarcity challenges in different parts of their geographies. The challenge of ‘water stress’, the ability or lack of the ability to match water demands and needs that vary over time and location, is evident in many countries and regions across the world. Moving water to people and controlling supply will become even bigger issues in the years to come. Particularly, water in the energy context has a special role. Water is used in energy production such as electricity generation; energy is used for pumping, moving, and treating water. The linkage between both energy and water systems have grown more complex and interdependent, creating two challenges: Water for energy challenge. Population growth and economic development are enabled through human ingenuity in harnessing water for power and energy, from the water mill to grind wheat, to hydroelectric power that utilizes run-of-river, dams, or glacial meltwater in harnessing water for energy. Energy for water challenge. The ability of early civilizations, and more recently nations, to move water to people has rested on the availability of energy for water. With global population and global economic growth set to continue and a significant proportion of the current human population lacking access to clean water supply and sewerage services, the energy for water challenge has become a significant, global-scale concern. This paper discusses the water and energy nexus. It elaborates on water requirements in the energy sector, fuel production, electricity production, thermoelectric plants, carbon capture and storage, hydroelectric power plants, electricity from wind and solar,
water requirements, and water-energy trends and probable tensions. The paper ends with some basic conclusions and recommendations to attain best reconciliation between the water for energy and the energy for water. ------------------------------------------From Physics to a Profitable Business, "The Innovation cross roads" Dr. Khaled Negm, Ph.D. SMIEEE, CISM, Distinguished Engineer, Global Enablement Leader, IBM Security Business Unit, US and CEMEA ABSTRACT There are many definitions of innovation in business and industry, but perhaps Geoffrey Nicholson, the father of the Post-it Note, introduced the simplest attribute as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Research is the transformation of money into knowledge; innovation is the transformation of knowledge into money.â&#x20AC;? Industrial innovations that lead to double-digit growth of profitable business are frequently results from an improved understanding of basic physics. Physics underpins a wide range of technologies and industrial business sectors, from ICT, smart materials, medical technologies, energy and finance. On human scale, physics is at the heart of most innovations around us. From laptops to sat-navs and mobiles, it is our daily life partner. Physics helps us to enjoy more innovative and profitable work done, gets us where we are going in a smarter way. Since 2015, we are living the reviving age of physics to lead industry 4.0 revolution as a current trend of automation, data exchange in manufacturing technologies applied AI and quantum computing. In this talk, the speaker will delve into how innovative physics of AI and quantum computing lead and can lead profitable business and affect carrier path and vision from real life practice. -------------------------------------------Technology of Gene Transfer to Living Organisms Dr. Mohamed Sayed Salama Professor of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science and Ex-Vice President, Ain Shams University ABSTRACT Genetic engineering is the process of identifying and isolating DNA from a living or dead cell and introducing it into another living cell. Before the genetic material is introduced, it may be altered in the
laboratory. When the genetic engineering process is successful, the new DNA becomes permanently incorporated into the chromosomes of the new cell and appears in the DNA of progeny cells as well. A transgenic organism, whether it is a plant, animal or microorganism, contains stably integrated recombinant DNA in all its cells. All Transgenic Organisms can also be called Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Gene transfer is a coin with two faces. The first face contains the mechanism of delivery of the genetic material into the living cell. The second face is the vehicle or the vector that carries the gene and integrates it into the chromosome of the cell so that it becomes heritable. There are several well established techniques for delivery of genetic material into living cells. These include: 1) Pressure microinjection. 2) Particle bombardment using the gene gun. 3) Electroporation using the gene pulser. 4) LASER microbeams. 5) Sonoporation 6) Silicon carbide fiber-mediated gene transfer. -------------------------------------------Biodiversity and international treaties Dr. Hosny Abdel Aziz Mosalem Professor of Plant Ecology and Director of the Center for Nature Reserves, Ain Shams University ABSTRACT The talk aims to: 1. Conservation of biological diversity. 2. Ensure the sustainable use of components of biological diversity. 3. Fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources. This is to achieve Goal 1: Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across all sectors of government and society. Goal 2: Reduce direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use. Goal 3: Improve the state of biodiversity by conserving ecosystems, species and genetic diversity. Goal 4: Promote the benefits to all of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Goal 5: Promote implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building. â&#x20AC;˘ Protection of migratory species and adherence to procedures agreed by the proliferation / scope States for this purpose.
• undertake, in cooperation with other Parties, actions to safeguard such species and their habitats; • Support and promote research on and protection of migratory species. • Provide urgent protection for listed species. o Conservation of important habitats. o Prevent negative impacts (human activities) on migration. o Prevent factors that threaten such species as introducing non-local species. o Prohibition of fishing of such species except for conservation purposes -------------------------------------------Gold in the Eastern Desert of Egypt Dr. Abdel Monem Osman Professor of Geology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University ABSTRACT In Egypt gold quartz veins are widely distributed in the Precambrian rocks of the Eastern Desert. More than fifty small and moderate occurrences have been recorded, the most important of these are: Attalla, Fawakhir, Um Rus, Barramia, Hamash. Gold was mined in Egypt as far back as pre-Dynastic times and all the mines worked in recent times were discovered by the Ancient Egyptians. The gold mines will be opened again due to the increase of the price of gold in 1974. Gold normally occurs in quartz fissure veins occasionally associated with little calcite. At the northern Eastern Desert supergene alteration of the highly fractured and deeply weathered porphyritic andesite. Gold was remobilized through several processes involving sulfidization, carbonatization and oxidation. Petrographic investigations and microprobe analyses revealed four main types of gold; the first is very fine native gold blebs (5µm) with appreciable As-content reaching 1.27 wt% and a very high Ag-content up to 44.57 wt%. found as locked inclusions inside galena. It is associated with sphalerite, chalcopyrite, bornite and enargite. The temperature gradient of this paragenesis as revealed from chalcopyrite disease is 200-300 oC. The second type is in the form of elongated gold spikes (20-50 µm long) inside fissured quartz, it shows remarkable Ag-content and grades into electrum (21-38 wt% Ag). The third gold type is the supergene botryoidal gold (50-250 µm) found in the outer and inner parts of the low temperature collomorphic chalcocite filling up the microfractures in the tuffites and quartz. It shows golden yellow colors of reflectivity, collomorphic texture and is Ag-poor.
Another form of supergene gold (20-80 Âľm) is found along the contact between chalcocite and goethite and inside the malachite cement, it reveals a remarkable Ag and Cu admixtures whereas As-content is negligible. The fourth gold type is found inside the highly weathered collomorphic goethite and hydrogoethite, it is a very pure variety of gold (up to 98.59 wt% Au) and is considered as residual gold which remained behind after the extensive oxidation of the gold-bearing sulfides. At El Barramiya gold mine, Listvenite (Quartz-carbonate) is found as a regular zone along the footwall of the main quartz vein. Au-bearing quartz vein is flanked by talc-carbonate on one side and listevnite on the other side. The vein cuts through the highly deformed and altered rocks including tuffites, serpentinized ultramafic rocks and Granites. The gold content in quartz vein varies from 5 to 18 ppm, in listevnite locally from 4 to11 to ppm, some samples specially the highly ferruginated parts give 80 ppm and in talc-carbonate it is below 3 ppm. The gold bearing quartz veins at Wadi El Allaqi (South Eastern Desert) is controlled by the ductile shear zone between the two main volcanic belts El Allaqi and El Murra. Three types of quartz are recognized. The dark qurtz, found as relicts in the metabasalts and is considered as the oldest generation of quartz (a few cm thick) at Heimur gold mine, the smoky quartz which is found as veinlets (20-50 cm thick) lining the fractures and fissures in the metavolcanics and metasidements at Um Garayat and Hariery gold mines, and finally, the milky quartz consists the main quartz veins (cut through the pre-existing rocks and is considerd as the youngest quartz(El Marahiq and Nagib gold mines). ------------------------------------------Nano sensor-based Mapping of Cell Wall Plolysaccharides of Living Microbial Cells Using Atomic Force Microscopy Dr. Mohamed Gad Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University ABSTRACT Microbial cells are recognized by the immune system through polysaccharides and protein antigens on their surfaces. Functionalized atomic Force Microscopy tips were used to sense specific forces of interaction between ligand receptor pairs and to map the positions of polysaccharides on living microbial cell surfaces. This nanotechnological approach utilizes force spectroscopy as a means of affinity mapping to identify and highlight surface structures of immunological importance on living cells' surfaces. --------------------------------------------
Utilizing CRISPR/cas technology to understand chemoresistance in breast cancer Dr. Reham Hassan Assistant Professor of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University ABSTRACT Utilizing the clinical samples gives many types of biomarkers which have diagnostic, prognostic, and detective value. These markers are lying under either drivers or passengers from the functional point of view. Emerging genome editing technologies did enhance deeper understanding of cancer biology, genetic functions, and even therapeutic targets. CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) allows researchers to knock out/in, repair, insert, and epigenetically modify target genes. In Mohn Lab (Bergen, Norway), we did utilize CRISPR cas9 technology to knock-out/down several genes in MCF7 cell line to understand paclitaxel and doxorubicin resistance. Applying the chemotherapeutics and doing several functional tests (e.g. cell cycle analysis, cell viability, apoptosis, mitochondrial analysis, etc…) confirmed some of these genes as predictive markers.
-------------------------------------------الجلسة الثانية رئاسة الجلسة
عميد كلية البنات لآلداب والعلوم والتربية – جامعة
عين شمس
المدير السابق لمركز الشرق األوسط للنظائر المشعة
بالدول العربية وأستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية المتفرغ بهيئة
رقيه حسين شلبي.د.أ سمير مصطفي عبد العزيز.د.أ
الطاقة الذرية 12:10 pm – 12:30 pm Laser Induced ATP Synthesis Prof. Dr. Amr Zaher Zewail city of Science and Technology, a fellow researcher (Virginia Commonwealth University) and Director of the research center in national heart institute 12:30 pm – 12:40 pm Design of Novel Device for Testing Gas Sensor Prof. Dr. Medhat Ibrahim Spectroscopy Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt 12:40 pm – 12:50 pm Design and Implementation of Novel Structure for Wastewater Treatment. Prof. Dr. Hanan Elhaes and Prof. Dr. Medhat Ibrahim*
12:50 pm – 1:10 pm
Physics Department, Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education *Spectroscopy Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt Particle Physics Research at CERN Dr. Shimaa A. AbuZeid Ph.D. in Science – Vrije Universteit Brussel-Brussels, Belgium. Lecturer at Physics Department, Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education and Physicist at CMS Experiment –CERN.
-------------------------------------------Laser induced ATP Synthesis Dr. Amr Zaher Zewail city of Science and Technology & Research Centre in the national heart institute, Giza, Egypt ABSTRACT Lasers (Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) are devices that generate electromagnetic radiation which are uniform in wavelength, phase, and polarization, originally described by Theodore Maiman in 1960 in the form of a ruby laser. Low Level Laser (Cold Laser) is a special type of laser that effects on biologic systems through non-thermal means. Irradiation of low power laser stimulates cell growth directly through regulation of the expression of genes related to cell proliferation and indirectly through regulation of the expression of genes related to cell migration and remodeling, DNA synthesis. Current research about the mechanism of low power laser involves mitochondria. Mitochondria contain a respiratory electron transport chain (ETC) able to transfer electrons through complexes I, II, III and IV by carrying out various redox reactions in conjunction with pumping hydrogen ions from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space. Mitochondria are thought to be a likely site for the initial effects of light, leading to increased ATP production. Keywords: Mitochondria, Lasers, ATP production. -------------------------------------------Design of Novel Device for Testing Gas Sensors Medhat Ibrahim1, Mohamed Morsey2, Sherif El-Khodary2 and Mohamed El-Okr3 1 Spectroscopy Department, National Research Centre, 33 El-Bohouth Str., 12622, Dokki, Giza, Egypt 2 Building Physics and Environment Institute, Housing & Building National Research Center (HBRC), 12311 Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt Email: medahmed6@yahoo.com ABSTRACT
Gas-sensing devices have been developed for the detection of numerous target gases as well as volatile compounds. The present talk deals with design and performance of device for testing gas sensors for gases and volatile organic compounds measurements. The device consists of test cylinder made of Pyrex whereas the sensor will be inside it. The sensor is close to heater, the cylinder is connected with two inlets for test gas and carrier gas, and also there are valves for gas inlet and/or outlet. The sensor in the cylinder is connected with ohmmeter and computer for recording the results. The device is proved to be sensitive for testing sensor for gases and organic volatile compounds, also the concentration of the gas is precisely determined. Keywords: Gas sensor; Testing sensors; Gas chamber and Volatile gases. -------------------------------------------Design and Implementation of Novel Structure for Wastewater Treatment Hanan Elhaes1 and Medhat Ibrahim2 Physics Department, Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education, Ain Shams University, 11757 Cairo, Egypt Spectroscopy Department, National Research Centre, 33 El-Bohouth Str., 12622, Dokki, Giza, Egypt Email: medahmed@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Heavy metals as well as many pollutants come to the environment as a result of industrial activity. It could be found in water canals in Egypt as it accumulates and causes hazardous effects when it enters the biological chain. New trends in controlling heavy metals are needed specially those of green origin. So that, phytoremediation is one of the most well-known methods for controlling heavy metals. Using the plant in such way is limited as it could return the metals back to the environment. Accordingly, natural polymer together with dried water hyacinth is prepared in the form of microspheres for the remediation of heavy metals from wastewater. A patent has been granted in which microsphere is prepared from chitosan/water hyacinth. As chitosan is expensive, it is further replaced by sodium alginate, and then solar drying system in addition to solar power is replacing electricity to minimize cost. The produced microsphere is then becoming cost effective and could remove
inorganic pollutants from wastewater without returning it back to the environment. Keywords: Water hyacinth; Microsphere; FTIR; Molecular Modeling --------------------------------------------. Particle Physics Research at CERN Shimaa AbuZeid Physics Department, Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education, Ain Shams University, Physicist at CMS Experiment –CERN ABSTRACT What is the nature of our universe? What is it made of? What is the dark matter? All the matter we know is made up of elementary particles called Quarks and Leptons. The theoretical framework that describes all the elementary particles and their interactions is called the Standard Model (SM). Although SM is an extremely successful theory that provides accurate description of many phenomena that are experimentally observed in fundamental interactions, it is not a complete theory of the nature. Some phenomena are not embraced in the SM like gravity, composition of dark matter. The answer of these and other open questions is the goal of “The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)” in Geneva, Switzerland. The answer can be achieved by providing a unique range of particle accelerator facilities to researchers from all over the world to push the frontiers of science and technology, for the benefit of all. One of CERN’s facilities is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. Inside LHC, highenergy proton beams travel opposite to each other at close to the speed of light giving rise to a record center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV in the proton collisions. Using data from the collisions generated at the interaction point along the LHC ring, the Standard Model can be tested in different ways and searches for particles beyond SM can be performed. Moreover, researches at CERN play a vital role in developing the technologies. From materials science to computing, particle physics demands the ultimate in performance, making CERN an important test-bed for industry. CERN’s basic tools, particle accelerators and detectors, also have applications in everyday life. The vast majority finds applications ranging from medical diagnosis and therapy to computer chip manufacture.
الجلسة الثالثة رئاسة الجلسة عميد كلية التربية – جامعة عين شمس ماجد محمود أبو العينين.د.أ وكيل كلية التربية لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث أسعد محمد عبدالخالق عيسى.د.أ – جامعة عين شمس Nanotechnology between creativity and innovation 1:30 pm 1:50 pm
– Prof. Dr. Said Khalil
1:50 pm 2:10 pm
– Dr. Mai Saleh Abdel Maksoud
Professor of Chemistry and Ex-Dean of Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University Lecturer of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University Developing creativity and innovation skills in natural sciences
2:10 pm – 2:30 Dr. Mamdouh Mohamed Abdel Aziz pm Assistant Professor of Physics, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University 2:30 pm – 2:50 Prof. Dr. Adel Emara pm Professor of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University -------------------------------------------Nanotechnology between creativity and Innovation Said M. Khalil, Professor of Inorganic chemistry, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University Mai S.A. Hussien, Assistant Professor of Physical chemistry, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University ABSTRACT Nanoscale science and technology can play decisive roles in a coming transformation of science, technology, and society marked by convergence across technical fields and domains of human activity. Nanotechnology is generally described as a broad field of applied science and technology focused on controlling and exploiting the structure of matter on a scale below 100 nm. Nanotechnology can be more genuinely defined as the scientific field encompassing mastery of understanding and manipulating atomic and molecular matter as the prerequisite for the optimization of existing products and the creation of new ones. Research
and engineering at the nanoscale already draw upon and link together physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering and computer science. Nanoscale science and engineering continue to evolve from a scientific concept to a broad-based technology with potential to introduce significant changes in the fields of medicine, productivity, sustainability, and quality of life. It has been estimated that the global market value of products incorporating nanotechnology will increase significantly in the future, expanding from $30 billion in 2000 to about $3 trillion in 2020. The US share in this global expansion is estimated at $1 trillion, which will correspond to about 5% of gross domestic product (GDP). An interdisciplinary community of nanotechnology researchers and educators, along with an advanced R&D infrastructure, programs devoted to the environmental, health, and safety (EHS) and ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) of nanotechnology, has been established to satisfy these requirements. The interdisciplinary community also includes formal and informal multidisciplinary nanotechnology science and engineering (NSE) education programs. -------------------------------------------The ambitions of developing systemic learning and knowledge integration in school education. A pioneering experiment for the Faculty of Education Dr. Mamdouh Mohamed Abdel-Aziz1 and Prof. Dr. Adel Abbas Ahmed Emara2 1 Assistant Professor in Physics, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Roxy, Cairo, Egypt. 2 Professor in Chemistry, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Roxy, Cairo, Egypt. ABSTRACT The modern science seeks to create a student creative thinker aware of what is happening around the events and variables and interact with them. To understand and follow the amazing evolution of natural and human sciences and from the principle that science is a way of thinking rather than a rigid mold of knowledge, our education must be different in quantity and quality. Based on what Bernard Shaw said: "Beware of pseudo-science, it is more dangerous than ignorance." Our vision in the Faculty of Education was established three years ago in pre-university education to implement systemic education and knowledge integration. One of the goals we have sought is education that does not depend on the traditional place or time. The possibility of education can take place anywhere, anytime, so that the problem of large numbers in the
classroom can be overcome, as well as overcome the problem of the lack of availability of laboratories and highly equipped facilities. From our experience that we have applied on the ground, education is available to all with high quality and efficiency. This idea, which may seem theoretical to some, has been applied practically and experimentally in more than one school in the governorates of Cairo and Giza. And showed excellent results for all components of the educational process from a place, curriculum, teacher, student and solution to the immediate problems facing pre-university education. In this experiment, the natural and human sciences and the arts were taught side by side in a new and distinctive professional manner that deals with intelligent student instinctively from elementary to high school. And in line with the recent developments that coincide with the specialties of the experiment. We believe that this experience can be applied in rural, high and disadvantaged areas of education technology at simple and available costs. It is our mission at Faculty of Education and we hope that the experience will continue, and we look forward to more success and support. It is a pioneering experience for the Faculty of Education in terms of systemic education and knowledge integration in pre-university education. We note that experience has been the focus of many media attention. Now we can see a summary of the experience together and discuss everything together. One can only get knowledge after learning how to think. --------------------------------------------
معلقات قطاع العلوم األساسية
Influence of Leptin -2548 G/A Gene Polymorphism on Chronic Kidney Disease Progression in Egyptians Esraa A. Ghazaly1, Afaf M. EL-Saeed2, Mustafa Abd-El Salam Mohamed3, and Dina M. Seoudi1 1; Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. 2 ; Genetic Unit, Children Hospital, Mansoura University 3 ; Medicine and Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University
Abstract Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) leading to end stage renal disease (ESRD) is a common health problem in Egypt. Leptin is considered as an adipose tissue-derived hormone reported to be related to several metabolic, haemostatic and inflammatory factors related to chronic kidney disease. Leptin modifies the inflammatory micro environment and the systemic inflammatory response in renal disease
may be associated with elevated leptin gene expression. It has been found that the kidney is the principle site of elimination of circulating leptin in healthy subjects, so accumulation of leptin was predicted in chronic renal disease. The aim of this study is to deduce the association between Leptin (2548G/A) gene individually and synergistically in the progression of renal disease. Methods: A 242 bp fragment containing Leptin- 2548G/A gene was amplified in 40 CKD patients, 100 ESRD patients and 50 healthy. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was examined using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) genotyping method. Correlations of SNP genotypes with the clinical status of patients and progression of kidney disease were statistically analysed. Results: The results revealed that the frequency of A/G genotype is significantly lower in cases of CKD than ESRD cases and controls. As well as there is a significance association between Leptin −2548 G/A and renal disease in form of lower susceptibility with the AG genotype (P = 0.01, odds ratio 0.2, 95% confidence interval 0.08–0.63). Conclusions: This study shows a significant association between the functional SNP at −2548 G/A Leptin gene and susceptibility renal disease. Patients with AG genotype might be protective against the development of CKD to ESRD. This Leptin SNP can be used as biomarker to predict kidney disease progression in Egyptian patients. -------------------------------------------Effect of Tumor Suppressor Micro-RNA loaded on Nano-zeolites in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Induced Mice Zeinab Salah1, Mahmoud Elhefnawi 2, 3, Hanan F. Youssef4, Eman M. Abd El Azeem1 1 ; Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. 2; Informatics and Systems Department, Biomedical Informatics and Chemo-Informatics Group, Centre of Excellence for Advanced Sciences (CEAS), Division of Engineering Research, National Research Centre, Cairo 12622, Egypt. 3; Centre for informatics, Nile University, Shiekh Zayed City 12588, Egypt. 4; Refractories, Ceramics and Building Materials Department, National Research Centre (NRC), Dokki, Cairo 12622, Egypt. Abstract Several therapeutic approaches are used nowadays for the treatment of patients with HCC. MiRNA replacement therapy is one of the promising solutions that have potential role in the diagnosis and treatment of cancers.
To assess the effect of tumor suppressor miRNA loaded on nanozeolite in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in vitro and in vivo. The effect of tumor suppressor mir-34a was assessed in vitro and in vivo. For in vivo experiment, 30 male wild type Balb-c mice were divided into three groups (ten animals in each): group I (Control normal healthy), group II (HCC group), and group III (mir-34a treated). Different bioinformatic servers for miRNA target prediction and functional enrichment analysis were carried out. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of transfection efficiency of mir-34a construct in HepG2 cells was applied by green fluorescence screening and qRT-PCR, respectively. Toxicity and cell viability were determined by MTT assay. In vivo study, miR-34a was loaded on Zeolite (ZNP)/Polyethylene imine (PEI) delivery system and injected into the tail vein of HCC induced mouse model. Liver enzymes and tumor marker alpha fetoprotein (AFP) also have been determined. The qRT-PCR was applied to evaluate the mRNA expression level of mir-34a target genes in mice liver tissues. ZNP/PEI delivery system showed the highest transfection efficiency with low cytotoxicity. In vitro and in vivo results showed that miR-34a significantly inhibit tumor growth via down regulation of SOX 9 and AEG1genes. Furthermore, results revealed significant decrease in tumor marker level and liver enzymes activities in mice following treatment with mir-34a. Then, miR-34a could be efficiently delivered in HCC cells by ZNP/PEI delivery system without significant cytotoxicity. In addition, miR-34a may represent a powerful candidate in HCC treatment. Keywords: Hepatocellular carcinoma, Tumor suppressor miRNA, Nanoparticles, zeolites, GFP Screening, transfection efficiency, Replacement Therapy. -------------------------------------------Radioactive Potentiality of the mineralized Um Bogma Formation in Gebel Um Hamd, Southwestern Sinai, Egypt. [
Amany R. Ahmed2, Mohamed M. Abu-zeid1, Ibrahim E. El Aassy2, Gehan A. Aly2, Ehab K. Abu Zeid2 and Ashraf R. Baghdady1 1
; Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, 1566 Cairo. ; Nuclear Materials Authority, Egypt Abstract The Lower Carboniferous Um Bogma Formation in G. Um Hamd consists of a lower siltstone- Fe, Mn ore member, a middle siltstone- mudstone- shale member and an upper dolostone- dolomitic limestone member. The argillaceous rocks in the succession are slightly calcareous, poorly- sorted and variably highly ferruginous; Feoxides have several modes of occurrence. On the other hand, the carbonates of the upper member are composed of microsparite,
dolomitized microsparite, dolomitized sparite and dolomitized peloosparite. The Um Bogma rocks consist of a large assemblage of nonradioactive, radioactive and REEs- and base metals- bearing minerals in addition to native gold and silver. These minerals are of primarysecondary and allogenic- authigenic origin. The radioactivity of the argillaceous rocks of Um Bogma Formation is much higher than that of carbonates. It is highest for the shaly rocks of the middle member. Rocks of this member contain U (1825 ppm) and Th (24 ppm) in addition to a large assemblage of trace and rare earth elements (770 ppm). On the other hand, the carbonate rocks of the upper member are enriched in base metals, gold (4 ppm) and silver (11 ppm). Evidently, rocks of the middle member experienced marked diagenetic migration in for uranium whereas those of the rest of the succession were subjected to varying degrees of migration out. -------------------------------------------Evaluation of the Mechanical Strength of Various Carbonate Rocks and its Controlling Physical and Geotechnical Parameters: Upper Eocene in North El-Mokattam Area. Mohamed Mostafa Abdelkader1, Mohi Eldeen Elmashad2, Waleed Abdelmoghny Metwaly Ogila1, A.M.A. Abdel-Allah1 1 ; Ain Shams University, Faculty of Science, Geology Department, Cairo, Egypt. 2 ; Soil Mechanics Department, Construction Research Institute (CRI), National Water Research Center (NWRC), Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract El-Mokattam city, in southeast Cairo, has suffered many hazards related to the weak foundation beds owing to lack of principles urban planning and the large number of inhabitants. As results of these weak beds, several building and infrastructures damages and slope failures (1993, 2008 and 2019, Dewaqa area) that claimed the lives of some of the inhabitants recently and relocation of many residents. Northern part of the El-Mokattam city (Dewaqa area) is selected to be the target of the present study. Buildings in this area have been constructed mainly on the Upper Eocene marl and shale, as the highly fossiliferous, vugy, sandy and dolomitic limestone of Ain Musa capping the southern half of the area. Engineering geological characteristics of these rocks are the main subject of the present study to assess the mechanical potentiality of carbonate rocks that in turn assisting in the suggestion of the protection
and supporting measures. The Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) test and Point Load (Is (50)) strengths are the most leading parameter in many engineering applications. UCS values range from 7.31 to 94.55 MPa with an average of 35 MPa, indicating, the majority are of weak to medium strong rocks. On the other hand, Is (50) values vary between 0.48 and 1.64 MPa with average of 0.85 MPa, revealing medium to high strength rocks. Studying physical and geotechnical characteristics in terms of Initial moisture content, Bulk Density, Porosity, Absorption, and Insoluble residue for these carbonate beds revealed that they have significant effects on these rock strength values. Any increase in Bulk Density and Carbonate content % works on enhancing UCS, while any increase in Initial moisture content, Porosity, Absorption, and Clastic (Silt and Clay) content % works on diminishing it. -------------------------------------------Engineering geological hazards related to the Eocene Carbonates, Eastern side of El Galala El Bahariya, Egypt Ahmed Mohamed Abdelwahab Alshakr Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain shams University
Abstract The eastern side of El Galala El Bahariya plateau has been subjected to new development by constructed many resorts on the eastern foot-slope parts of the plateau. This plateau is capped by more than 200 m thick of Eocene carbonate rocks. these rocks are considered by the present study to evaluate their mechanical properties and the influences on the stability of the foundation beds, as well as study the factors controlling the related hazards. To achieve the study targets, 46 rock samples were measured using the ASTM procedures and methods. These measurements include the physical, lithological-petrography, and mechanical properties; bulk density, porosity, acid insoluble residue and compressive strength using rebound numbers of Schmidt Hammer and compression machine, XRD and chemical composition. Petrographically, dolomitization and recrystallization processes have positive impacts on the rock strength. On contrary, porosity values (up to 28%) has negative effects on the rock strength. Porosity in the carbonates resulted from the dolomitization process which give intercrystalline porosity (secondary porosity). High bulk density and carbonate % (up to 99%) enhance the rock strength. The values of the uniaxial compressive strength range between 15 MPa and 110 MPa, with an average of 56.6
MPa indicating medium to strong rocks. Dolomitization degree has a negative effect on the carbonate solubility in the different water types. -------------------------------------------Evaluation of the Swelling Potentiality of the Paleozoic Claystone intervals, Eastern side of El Galala El Bahariya, Egypt Mostafa Mohamed Eid Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain shams University
Abstract New development along the eastern side of El Galala El Bahariya plateau has been constructed on the eastern foot-slope parts of the plateau. The lower parts of this plateau side are built up mainly by the Paleozoic sandstone and claystone interaction of more than 250 m thick. The clayey intervals within this intercalation are selected to evaluate their swelling potentiality and define the factors controlling the resulted hazards. To achieve the study targets, 18 rock samples were measured using the ASTM procedures and methods. These measurements include the physical, mineralogical composition, chemical composition, and swelling potentiality. Mineralogically, the study claystone samples have predominated kaolinite fraction (30% to 98%), with subordinate illite fraction (2% to 30%). This clay mineral composition has induced a wide range of plasticity, from low to high; with generally moderate swelling potentiality. Chemical and physical properties controlled the swelling potentiality of the claystone. Al+3 , Fe+3 , and low bulk density have positive effects on the swelling capability; whereas the Silica form the silt fraction has negative influence on the claystone swelling. -------------------------------------------Nesma Mohammed Eleslam Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University
-------------------------------------------Analysis of Slope stability hazards along a part of Ain SukhnaZafarana highway, El Ain El Sukhna area, Northern Galala plateau, Egypt Ahmed Mostafa Mohamed Abdel Kader Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University and Dar Al-Handasah
Abstract The area regarded in the present study lies in the eastern side of the Northern Galala plateau that is currently subjected to intense constructions along the Ain Sukhna-Zafarana road. So, the study is addressed to study the slope failures and analyses each type; through predicating the failure type and its kinematic analysis and then suggestion of mitigation and supporting measures for the instable parts.
The slope body consists of the Paleozoic sandstone/claystone interaction at the base and the Cretaceous-Eocene carbonate section at the top. Analysis of the rock masses reveals rockfall, planar, wedge, and toppling failures that controlled mainly by the discontinuities that affecting these rock masses. Kinematic analysis of the discontinuity attitudes and the slope angles and orientations identify rockfall that occurs through the steeper parts of each slope profile. Rockfall modelling is constructed to assess the rockfall hazards related to the falling rock blocks and debris. The block trajectories, runout distance, kinetic energy and bounce profiles of the blocks are determined to propose the appropriate method for stabilization. The supporting measures is recommended depending on the site inspection and encountered engineering geological conditions of different rock masses. The recommended stability measures and slope protection can be used in the form of removal works, retaining and fence structures, shotcrete, wire mesh, and ditch structure. On the other hand, the planar, wedge and toppling failures are rare to little occurring along the study slope profiles. -------------------------------------------Biochemical Studies on Microbial L. Glutaminase Sara M. Abdelhalim Elsousi Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract L-glutaminase is an amidohydrolase enzyme, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of L. glutamine to L. glutamic acid and ammonia. Microbial L-glutaminase has received significant attention recently owing to its potential applications in cancer therapy, food industry, manufacturing high value chemicals like threonine. In this study various fungal and bacterial strains have been screened for L. glutaminase production. During screening, Bacillus Subtilis and Penicillium Janthinellum Biourge proved to be the highest producers for extracellular L. glutaminase. The culture conditions and nutritional requirements affecting biosynthesis of enzyme were optimized by varying initial pH, temperature, incubation period, carbon and nitrogen sources, agitation speed and inoculum size. Glucose and Peptone were found to be the best carbon and nitrogen sources for enzyme production with optimum initial pH value at 7.0. Incubation was under shaking condition at 37ยบC for 48 hours. L. glutaminase was partially purified by using ammonium sulphate, ethanol and acetone. General properties of the most active L. glutaminase fraction were studied. --------------------------------------------
Studies on Arginase Sara Dreams Dreams Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University
-------------------------------------------Analysis of a Priority Controlable Queue , /G (A, B)/1 With Multiple Vacations, Setup Times and Closedown Times
Basma Essam Mathematic Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University
Abstract In this chapter a 1, 2/G (a, b)/1 queueing system with multiple vacations, setup time with N-policy and closedown times is considered. On completion of a service, if the queue length is , where < , then the server performs closedown work. Following closedown, the server leaves for multiple vacations of random length irrespective of queue length. When the server returns from a vacation and if the queue length is still less than , he leaves for another vacation and so on, until he finds ( > ) customers in the queue. That is, if the server finds at least customers waiting for service, then he requires a setup time to start the service. After the setup he serves a batch of customers, where â&#x2030;Ľ . Server vacation models are useful for the systems in which server wants to utilize his idle time for different purposes. Application of vacation models can be found in manufacturing systems. This chapter is concentrated on a vacation system with closedown time and setup times with N-policy. In practical situations, the closedown time corresponds to the time taken for closing down the service, and setup time corresponds to the preparation time for starting the service. We derive the probability generating function of the queue size distribution at an priority and non-priority epoch of the 1, 2/G (a, b)/1 queueing system with N-policy, multiple vacations, setup time and closedown time. Various characteristics of the queueing system and a cost model with the numerical solution for a particular case of the model are presented. -------------------------------------------Rock Physics Templets as a Tool for Rock Properties Identification of Channel Deposits, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt Ali Mahdy1 and Abdullah Mahmoud1 1
; Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract This study demonstrates how rock-physics templets can be used to identify how the rock-physics parameters vary with fluid and lithology. We also investigate the effect of geologic factors such as mineralogy, clay content, sorting, diagenesis, and bedding configuration on fluid and
stress sensitivity in the rocks and to show significantly its effect on the rock properties. In this study, we build up a rock-physics template and plot it along with the inverted elastic properties to aid the efficient interpretation. The elastic properties such as velocity, density, impedance, and VP/VS ratio take an important role in reservoir characterization because they are related to the reservoir properties. To analyze these elastic properties, rock physics knowledge is a bridge that links the elastic properties to the reservoir properties such as water saturation, porosity, and shale volume. Using this method, we can estimate the lithology and fluid content of undrilled areas if the undrilled area has the same geological deposition environment as a drilled area. A hybrid modeling approach has been applied to silici-clastic unconsolidated to moderately consolidated sediments, Specifically in sandstones. At the same time, more advanced physics-based models can be too uncertain because of poor constraints on the input parameters without well or laboratory data to adjust these parameters. Rock-physics models adapted to site-specific deposition and compaction help extrapolate rock properties away from existing wells and, by so doing, facilitate early exploration and appraisal. Rock-physics models adapted to site-specific deposition and compaction help extrapolate rock properties away from existing wells and, by so doing, facilitate early exploration and appraisal. -------------------------------------------Gas Sand Prediction Using Bayesian Classification of El Obayied Field, Western Desert, Egypt Moataz Mohamed Gomaa Ain Shams University -------------------------------------------Space Tests of Relativistic Theories M. I. Wanas1,5, Mona M. Kamal2,5, A. M. Sherif 3,5 and Sarah S. Abdelsalam4, 5 1; Astronomy Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. E-mail: wanas@eun.eg; miwanas@sci.cu.edu.eg 2; Mathematics Department, Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. E-mail: monamkamal@eun.eg 3; E-mail: amsherif@sci.cu.edu.eg 4; E-mail: sarah198rabie@gmail.com; sarahrabie@woman.asu.edu.eg; sarah19sayed@outlook.com 5; Egyptian Relativity Group (ERG).URL: www.erg.eg.net.
Abstract Many experiments and observations have been suggested to test the validity of rival relativistic gravity theories. Among these, the interesting experiments, “Around-the-world clocks” and “Gravity Probe B”. These
space tests are designed to cover both special and general relativistic effects. In the present work, we study the capabilities of the results of these tests to measure other effects, in addition to the above mention ones, if the sensitivity of the apparatus used is appropriate. These effects are: the gravitomagnetic and spin-torsion interaction effects. Theoretical prediction of the values of these effects are calculated, and compared with the corresponding results of experiments. -------------------------------------------A Pure Geometric Approach to the Aharonov-Bohm Effect M. I. Wanas1,5; Mona M. Kamal2,3,5; Zainab A. Ismail2,4, 5 1
; Astronomy Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. E-mail: wanas@eun.eg; miwanas@sci.cu.edu.eg 2 ; Mathematics Department, Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. 3 ; E-mail: monamkamal@eun.eg 4 ; E-mail: zaismail988@gmail.com 5 ; Egyptian Relativity Group (ERG).URL: www.erg.eg.net
Abstract The most general accepted interpretation of the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect, in the literature, is the quantum mechanical one. The present article represents the first attempt to treat this effect geometrically. We show that the effect cannot be treated using Riemannian geometry. For this reason, we use a version of Absolute Parallelism geometry to interpret the effect. The equations of motion of this version include a term containing a direct effect of the electromagnetic potential on the motion of a charged particle. We use this term to interpret the AB effect, qualitatively, for the first time. We give also a review of the experimental results. -------------------------------------------Feasibility Study of ALK Rearranged Gene Mutation Detection Among Upper Egypt Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients and Impact on Survival, Dose Ethnic Origin Differs? Marwa I. Abdelgawad1, Heba M. Saad Eldien2,3, Ahmed Badran4, Marwa Y Nofal5, Eman Mosaad6, Ahmed Roshdy7, Ebtessam Elgizawy8, Khaled Nasser9 1. Medical Oncology Department, South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University. 2. Histology and Cell Biology Department, College of Medicine, Jouf University, Saudi Arabia. 3. Manager of Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology Center, Assiut University. 4. Clinical Oncology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University.
5. Zoology Department, Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education, Ain Shams University. 6. Clinical Pathology Department, South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University. 7. Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University. 8. Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University. 9. Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Medicine, Miniah University.
Abstract Background: ALK rearranged gene mutation expression varied among different ethnic populations worldwide, no population-based study for its distribution among Egyptian people. Aim: To study prevalence of ALK rearranged gene mutation, and survival among sample of upper Egypt NSCLC patients. Results: Twenty-six patients diagnosed with advanced NSCLC, median age 60 years (43-80). 21 males and 5 females, 8 presented with pleural effusion, 10 liver metastases, and 4 with brain metastases. 14 patients had adenocarcinoma, 6 squamous cell carcinoma and 6 were undifferentiated carcinoma. ALK gene rearrangement testing performed by FISH in Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Sections using ALK breakapart probe by Cytocell Aquarius (REF: LPS 019-SA), and Vysis LSI Cyclin D1, CEP11 Rearrangement Probe Kit. This probe is comprised of a Spectrum Orange (red)-labeled probe to the 3′ end of ALK with a Spectrum Green (green)-labeled probe to the 5′ end of ALK. The tumor cells may consider ALK+ve if 15% or more of them had separate 5′ (green) and 3′ (red) probe signals or had isolated 3′ signals. Overlapping red and green signals (yellowish) indicated ALK–ve cells. Clinicopathological features of ALK rearrangement were conducted using fluorescence microscope fitted with a high-resolution Leica CCD camera then images were processed using imaging system and software (Leica, Germany). The expression of ALK gene rearrangement was positive in 15 patients, follow up for 63 months. All patients received chemotherapy with difference in response rate, ALK+ve (ORR:3, SD:8, PD:4), ALK–ve (ORR:6, SD:5). Two-year Progression free survival rate and the Overall survival rate were 68.8% & 51.6% respectively. Univariate analysis between ALK+ve/ALK–ve for different risk groups (site of metastasis, histologic subtype, grade, gender and age). Patients with adenocarcinoma tend to have better overall survival rate compared to patients with squamous cell carcinoma, P<0.07. While no identified significant difference for other factors. Conclusions: ALK+ve patients are chemo-resistant and should be selected for personalized treatment, prevalence among Egyptians could be common than expected. This should be confirmed through multiinstitutional population-based study. Policy maker are invited for
validating central lab and facilitate accessibility to diagnostic tools and treatment of ALK +ve NSCLC patients with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. -------------------------------------------Recombinant Expression of HCV genotype-4 Core Antigen in Prokaryotic E. coli System for Using in Diagnostic Assays Abdullah Elsayed Gouda1, Hend Okasha Ahmed1, Amina Mohamed Medhat2, Eman Mohamed Saleh2 and Mohamed Abbas Shemis1 1
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology department, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Egypt. 2 Biochemistry department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Egypt.
Abstract Egypt has highest prevalence of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide and genotype 4 is the most common HCV genotype. It accounts for more than 85% of all HCV cases in Egypt. The present study was intended to choose, clone and express the antigenic districts of Core gene from HCV-4 genotype for upcoming usage of the antigenic recombinant Core antigen to be a highly sensitive, specific and national economical diagnostic marker for detection of HCV infection. Using synthetic gene specific to Core and pET15b as Escherichia coli expression vector, the Core protein was expressed in the form of inclusion bodies (IBs) at MW 17 kDa. The inducer used was lactose at 2mM concentration. The recombinant expressed protein was purified from bacterial lysate and solubilized in 8M of strong chaotropic agent (guandinium HCl). The denatured Core protein was refolded in vitro using rapid dilution method and the concentration of refolded Core protein was 2mg/ml. By weak cation exchange liquid chromatography, the recombinant Core protein was purified successfully at concentration of 500Âľg/ml. The immunogenicity using ELISA technique provided positive results at different dilutions of purified recombinant Core protein. Keywords: HCV, Core protein, inclusion bodies, refolding, Elisa. -------------------------------------------Bacterial Cyclomodulins: Types and Role in Carcinogenesis Radwa N. Morgan1, Sarra E. Saleh2, Hala A. Farrag1, Mohammad M. Aboulwafa2 1
; National Center for Radiation Research and Technology (NCRRT), Drug radiation research Department, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA), Cairo, Egypt 2 ; Faculty of pharmacy, Microbiology and Immunology Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract Recent studies suggested that bacterial infections contribute to carcinogenesis through the accumulation of reactive oxygen species, the up regulation of tumorigenic inflammatory mediators and the production
of cell cycle modulating toxins. The cell cycle modulating toxins act upon key cellular targets disrupting the cell cycle phases resulting in mutations and cellular proliferation. The cyclomodulins are gram negative bacterial toxins which acquire cell cycle modulating effects mimicking certain carcinogens and tumorigenic agents that render the producing bacterial species of high carcinogenic potential. They are divided into two sub groups; the cyclomodulins that stimulate cellular proliferation and the cyclomodulins that stimulate cell cycle arrest. Escherichia coli species produce four cyclomodulins itself, cytolethal distending toxin (CDT), cytotoxic necrotizing factor (CNFs), cycle inhibiting factor (Cif) and pks island encoding toxin, Colibactin. Notably, Escherichia coli producing the colibactin and Cnf 1 stimulated the overgrowth of invasive carcinoma in in vitro xenografts and in vivo animal models. Nowadays, prevalence, productoion, mode of action and role in carcinogenesis of Escherichia coli cyclomodulins are a focus of many researchers and studies Keywords: cyclomodulins, carcinogenic potential, bacteria, Escherichia coli, cytotoxic necrotizing factor, colibactin. -------------------------------------------Chitinolytic Enzymes Production with a Powerful Biological Control Activity Shalaby, H. M. (a)*; Ismail, A. M. S.(a); Abo-Sdera, S. A.(b); Saadia, M. Easa(c) (a) Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products Dep., National Research Center, Egypt. (b) Agricultural Microbiology Dep., NRC, Egypt. (c) Microbiology Dep., Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University.
* hebashalapy@yahoo.com Abstract Chitin is nitrogen containing polysaccharide consisting of β-1,4-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine which is chemically analogous to the cellulose, except that one of the hydroxyl groups of each glucoside residue is replaced by an acetylated or deacetylated amino group. Approximately 75% of the total weight of chitinaceous wastes such as shrimp shells, crab shells and mollusk bivalves are considered as chitin, and chitin comprises 20â&#x20AC;&#x201C;58% of the waste dry weight. Also, the chitin act as an important component of the exoskeleton of many organisms and of the cell walls of numerous fungi. Most streptomyces secrete a number of chitinases, hydrolyzing chitin to oligomers, chitobiose or Nacetylglucosamine which can be utilized as carbon or nitrogen source. The utilization of chitinaceous wastes as a substrate for cultivation of chosen Streptomyces was investigated. The addition of ammonium nitrate to the culture medium was effective in enhancing production to 7.20 U/reaction. Urea used as organic nitrogen source increased the
chitinase activity to 34.24 U/reaction. On the other hand, different carbon sources used as (fructose, galactose, xylose, lactose, sucrose, pectin, starch and glucose) obtained 33.9 U/reaction, also more addition of sugars like (glucose, lactose and starch) affected on chitinase production and the maximal chitinase activity reached to 49.65 U/reaction. The marine chitinaceous wastes (shrimp, crab shells and mollusk bivalves) were subjected to different physical, chemical and physico-chemical pretreatments and among all of those the 0.1M-NaOH pretreated crab (Liocarcinus vernalis) shells powder successfully offered productivity level almost like that with the chitin powder (98.53 % of the latter). Keywords: Streptomyces, chitin, chitinase, biological control. -------------------------------------------Spectrophotometric properties of Eosin gel and its possible use as radiation dosimeter S.R. El-Shawadfy1, S. M. Abdel-Wahab2, M.A. El-Ahdal1. S.M. Gafar1 and M.A. El-Kelany1 1
; Radiation Protection and Dosimetry Dept., National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, NCRRT, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, EAEA, P.O. Box 29, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt. 2 ; Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University.
Abstract In this study the spectrophotometric response of Eosin – gelatin gel dosimeter irradiated with gamma rays was characterized. Preparation of Eosin – gelatin gel takes place in neutral medium to form a pink hydrogel which has a sharp absorbance peak at 522 nm that bleaches upon irradiation. The Color change of dyed gel can be measured with UV-VIS spectrophotometer as function of the γ-dose. The useful dose range was 0.5–9 kGy. The dose response function, radiation chemical yield (Gvalue), radiation sensitivity, and dependences of the response on environmental factors were studied. Keywords: Dosimetry, gel dosimeter, Eosin, dyes -------------------------------------------Water Harvesting Potentiality Mapping to Resolve Water Scarcity in Wadi Rahaba, South Eastern Desert, Egypt Rania Ragab 1, Hossam Elewa1, Ezzat Korany 2 (1) National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science (NARSS), Egypt (2) Faculty of Science, Geology Department, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Abstract Water Scarcity is an overwhelming problem in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Surface runoff water harvesting (RWH) could be an optimum solution for such a problem. A geographic information system (GIS) including all the parameters affecting the RWH potentiality was
developed. A weighted spatial probability model (WSPM) was constructed as a method to highlight areas of optimum RWH potentiality in the study W. Rahaba watershed. This WSPM was justified by the sensitivity analysis. W. Rahaba basin hydrograph was delineated and the parameters required for producing the runoff hydrograph was manipulated within the WMS (WMS 8.3Š) software platform, where the runoff volume was determined by the SCS-CN method. The RWH potentiality map was constructed by integrating eight thematic layers. The produced RWH potentiality map encountered five zones ranged from the very high to very low potentiality for the RWH. Keywords: Eastern Desert, W. Rahaba, Remote Sensing (RS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Runoff Water Harvesting (RWH), Weighted Spatial Probability Modeling, Soil Conservation System (SCS)-Curve Number CN) Method, Water Harvesting potentiality Mapping. -------------------------------------------Investigating the Radar Scattering Response of The Different LandFeatures in The Greater Cairo Area of Egypt, Using the FullPolarimetric SAR Data 1 Rabab Ramadan , Ahmed Gaber2, Mamdouh M. Abdeen1, Ashraf Yahia3 1
; National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Cairo, Egypt 2 ; Geology Department, Port-Said University, Port-Said, Egypt 3 ; Physics Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technique offers plentiful information about the geology, geomorphology, hydrology, land cover and soil classification and therefore helps in assessing their potential for development. Such SAR data can be acquired day and night and under any weather conditions. In this work, the full-polarimetric SAR ALOS/PALSAR L-band sensor data was integrated with the Landsat 8 data to run unsupervised and supervised classifications for mapping the different geological units and land features covering some parts of the Greater Cairo area. The ALOS/PALSAR image data were decomposed, filtered and georeferenced to extract and characterize the different scattering responses of the different land covers and the geological units. In addition to polarimetric target decomposition, Pauli RGB and Wishartt unsupervised classification were integrated to discriminate and map the different surface sediments and rock units. Unsupervised classification scheme with 8 classes was performed. The unsupervised classification map was converted to supervised classification map using the high resolution Google Earth images and the published geologic maps as well as field investigation. Moreover, the classification accuracy assessment (CAA)
was performed for the obtained results using 327 field reference points. The CAA showed classification accuracy around 79.82% with Kappa coefficient of 0.7144. The results show that the integration between the radar scattering response and mechanism of the classified targets together with their optical reflectance information is appropriate for land cover discrimination and classification. -------------------------------------------Study the Expression of Some miRNA in Egyptian Colorectal Cancer Patients 1 Sally Farouk , Ahmed M. Kairy2, Ahmed A. Salem3, Ahmed F. Soliman3, Noha G Bader El Din4 1
; Assistant Researcher, Department of Microbial Biotechnology, National Research Center 2 ; Assistant Professor, Endemic Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University 3 ; Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University 4 ; Department of Microbial Biotechnology, National Research Center
Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most prevalent cancer worldwide and the leading cause of cancer mortality for both men and women. In fact, it has been estimated that CRC causes more than 50,000 deaths in the United States and more than 500,000 deaths worldwide (Siegel et al., 2013). Egypt is among the highest rates of early onset CRC in the world, and only a few studies have attempted to better understand the disease. It was reported in the national cancer institute registry that the colorectal cancer incidence rose from 3.7% to 5.1% in males and from 3.8% to 4.7% in females (NCI 2002-2010), with an exceptionally high proportion of young cases (36%) (Sandouk et al., 2013). Although several CRC screening programs (colonoscopy, occult fecal blood, X-Ray barium enema) may decrease CRC burden, colonoscopy remains the standard screening method for detecting CRC at the early stages (Hur, 2015). However, many people do not prefer undertaking a colonoscopy because of its potential complications (Wang et al., 2013). The best screening strategy is not yet available. Therefore, there is a great need for accurate, noninvasive biomarkers for detection of CRC (Mohammadi et al., 2016). Several investigations have shown that the expression of distinct small RNA molecules named microRNAs (miRNAs) is strongly correlated to the genesis, progression, and prognosis of CRC. miRNAs are noncoding short RNAs (19-23 nucleotides) that typically regulate expression of their target genes. miRNAs bind to complementary regions
in the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of target genes, which are generally present in multiple copies to amplify the regulatory effects of the miRNA. This study aims to characterize the expression profile of certain miRNAs in Egyptian patients with different stages and grades of CRC. -------------------------------------------Role of Some Fermentative Parameters for Microbial Lipase Production Rania A. Abd El Aala, Yousseria M. Shetaiab, Mona S. Shafeia, Sanaa K. Gomaaa, Hassaan A. El Menoufya and Heba A. El-Refaia a
Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products Department, Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research Division, National Research Centre, 33 El Bohouth St. (former El Tahir St.) - Dokki - Giza - Egypt - P.O. 12622. b Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract This present study describes the use of different agroindustrial wastes including wheat bran, wheat germ cake oil, jojoba cake oil, almond cake oil and olive oil used as substrates for their potential of A. niger to produce lipase under solid state fermentation. Among these, olive oil was the most suitable substrate for lipase production (125U\ml). Using one variable at a time, maximum lipase activity (200U\ml) and specific enzyme activity (357.1U\mg) was recorded in the presence of 5% w\v olive oil,48h inoculum age, 4ml inoculum size after 14 days fermentation at 30oC. The screening of the most significant factors using placket Burman design showed that among seven variables only three i.e tween 80, moisture content and inoculum age affected significantly on lipase production. Optimization by Box Behnken design resulted in the highest lipase activity (420 U\ml) in which the fermentation medium was inoculated with 4.325×106 no. of spores and inoculum age 5 days, moisture content 2.5ml\g, tween 80 1%. -------------------------------------------Biosynthesis of An Enfluential L-Asparaginase Appropriate for Some Important Medical Applications Abdel-Mohsen Ismail National Research Center
-------------------------------------------Nonlantibiotic Antimicrobial Peptide Lactobacillus Plantarum and Leuconostoc Mesenteroides Strains Isolated from Homemade Dairy Products, Luxor – Egypt Mohamed Rasha-Refay 1, Hala Mohamed Abu-shady2, Mahmoud Ahmed Mailam3, Sara Adel Amer3
; Luxor bacteriological laboratory, Health Affair, Egypt ; Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams university 3 ; Food Technology Research Institute (FTRI), Agricultural Research Centre (ARC), Egypt. *Corresponding Author email: Rasharefay20@yahoo.com *Corresponding Author tel.:00201064452109 Citation: Rasha-Refay, M.; Abu Shady, H.M.; Mailam, M. & Amer, S. A.: Nonlantibiotic antimicrobial peptide bacteriocin Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides strains isolated from homemade dairy products, Luxor â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Egypt. 2
Abstract 30 isolates from raw milk and local dairy products were collected from different areas in Luxor government, Egypt, were investigate using different species-specific rec A primers and the results revealed that the dominant of Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides. GenBank accession number for strain (1) nucleotide sequences: Egypt_ Lactobacillus_ plantarum. sqn EgyptMH817034, while the strain (2) strain belonged to Leuconostoc mesenteroides deposited in GenBank nucleic acid sequence database under accession number Egypt MH817035. Karish cheese have the highest bacterial count followed by Laban rayeb samples, while mish sample have the lowest lactic acid bacterial count and variety. It was noticed that Lactobacillus strains displayed inhibitory effect against gram positive as well as gram negative food borne at various degree. While none of the isolates displayed inhibitory activity against Listeria monocytogenes. The molecular weight of the antimicrobial peptide for strains Lactobacillus plantarum Egypt 2018 and Leuconostoc mesenteroides Egypt 2018 were less than 14 KDa. The strains tested for plantaricin detection showed presence of plantaricin A and two peptide plantaricin EF genes encoding bacteriocins belongs to the subclass IIb nonlantibiotic bacteriocin. Where strains tested for Mesentericin Y gene showed that the located in strain no 16. Though, strain no 19 and Leuconostoc mesenteroides Egypt 2018 were negative for the presence of the tested bacteriocins (plantaricin EF and Mesentericin Y, respectively). Keywords: Lactic acid bacteria, Egypt dairy products, species specific primer, Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides. --------------------------------------------
Preconcentrative separation of thorium (IV) by cloud point extraction and determination by UV-VIS spectrophotometry Walaa S. Hafez1, Saad A. Mohamed2, Taysseer A. Lasheen1, Dina Y. Sabry2 and Mohamed A. S. Gado1 1
; Nuclear Materials Authority, El Maadi, Cairo, Egypt. ; Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. 2
Abstract A cloud point extraction process using non-ionic surfactant Triton X-100 to extract thorium (IV) from aqueous solutions was investigated. The method is based on the complexation reaction of thorium (IV) with 2-(5bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol (5-Br-PADAP) in the presence of sodium chloride at pH (3.4). The enriched analyte in the surfactant-rich phase was determined spectrophotometrically at 531 nm after extraction of the dissolved complex. The optimal extraction and reaction conditions (e.g. pH, surfactant concentration, reagent concentration, temperature, effect of time) were evaluated and the analytical characteristics of the method (e.g. limit of detection, linear range, preconcentration, and improvement factors) were obtained. Linearity was obeyed in the range 0.2-2.5 Âľg/ml. The interference effect of some foreign ions was also tested. The proposed method was successfully applied for the preconcentration and determination of trace thorium ions in water samples and certified reference sample. -------------------------------------------Flash Floods Hazard Degrees Estimation of Wadi EL Tarfa, Eastern Desert, Egypt Using GIS Based Morphometric Analysis Technique Abu Setta, M. S*, Shabana, A. R* and Garamoon, H. K** * Geology Department, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt. ** Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University.
Abstract Wadi EL Tarfa basin is considered as one of the largest basins in the Eastern Desert where its surface area reaches about 4939 Km2. It represents one of the new promising agricultural reclamation areas in Egypt. The geomorphologic settings of the Wadi EL Tarfa basin were discussed through the main geomorphologic units and the morphometric analyses. The geomorphologic map of Wadi El Tarfa produced by using ARC GIS software 10.2 depending on topographic maps (scale 1: 50.000), geologic maps (scale 1: 500.000), Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with resolution of 30 m and field observations. Wadi EL Tarfa is mainly running on the top surface of El Maaza limestone plateau and its surface water drains into west direction toward the Nile River to the southeast of Beni Mazar City. The morphometric analysis of Wadi El
Tarfa was carried out through ARC GIS software 10.2 based on DEM with resolution of 30 m (SRTM 1 Arc-second Global) which downloaded from USGS site. The linear, areal, texture and relief aspects have been studied. Wadi El Tarfa is subdivided into eight main subbasins and it has eighth stream orders while its subbasins stream orders range from fifth to seventh orders. Nowadays Egypt as well as all worlds suffers from global climatic changes, which led to some flash flood events to occur in unexpected areas, so that the flash flood hazard degrees of the concerned basin have been estimated depending on the morphometric parameters which have direct effect on the flooding. The morphometric ranking method used in determination the degrees of hazard which divided into five groups and all subbasins are classified based on these degrees. The classification shows that the subbasin no. 2 has the lowest hazard while subbasins no. 3, 5, 6, and 8 are the most dangerous. The produced flash Flood risk map illustrates the most probable subbasins expected to be affected by flood hazard. Finally, protection systems such as retardation and storage dams should be built to mitigate the risk and to help in rain water harvesting to increase groundwater recharge in Wadi El Tarfa outlet area. Keywords: Geomorphology, Morphometric Analysis, DEM, Flash flood hazard estimation, Wadi EL Tarfa, Eastern Desert, Egypt. -------------------------------------------Potential of Polyaniline Functionalized with β-Cyclodextrin as Nanosorbent for the Removal of Phenol in Aqueous Solution M.R. El-Aassar 1,2*, F.S. Hashem 3, Ahmed S. M. Ali 1,4 1
Polymer Materials Research Department, Advanced Technology and New Material Institute, City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications (SRTA City), New Borg El-Arab City, Universities and Research Institutes District, Alexandria 21934, Egypt. 2 Chemistry Department, College of Science, Jouf University, Sakaka- 2014, Saudi Arabia. 3 Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, P.O. Box 1156, Cairo, Egypt. 4 Pesticides Department, Water Lab, Central Labs, Ministry of Health, Alexandria, Egypt.
Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate a developed method using the ultrasonication technique for the preparation of Polyaniline/βCyclodextrin (PANI/β-CD) composite nanoparticles. The structure and morphology of nanocomposite were characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The prepared PANI/β-CD nanocomposite is used as effective material for removal of phenol from aqueous solution.
Gas chromatography system connected to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for quantitative analysis of phenol; utilizing selecting-ion monitoring (SIM) technique for better detection and accuracy of phenol. Optimum conditions for best uptake of phenol were investigated. The obtained results displayed that the addition of β-CD to the PANI with the optimum ratio (2 % ANI: 1 % β-CD) have enhanced the removal process rather than PANI alone. This is related to the inclusion complex (IC) mechanism between β-CD and phenol. Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin were applied as isotherm models for studying the adsorption isotherm also the adsorption process can be better illustrated using the pseudo 2nd order kinetic model than the other models. Keywords: Phenol; polyaniline; β-cyclodextrin; adsorptive removal *Address correspondence to M. R. El-Aassar: City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications (SRTA City), New Borg El-Arab City 21934, Alexandria, Egypt; Phone: 002034590369; Fax: 002034593414; E-mail: mohamed_elaassar@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------Evaluation of Drug Interactions of Saxagliptin with Sildenafil in Healthy Volunteers Rania Y. Mansour1, Nagwa A. Sabri2, Sara M. Zaki3, Radwa M. AbdelKader3 and Mohamed A. Raslan4 1
Msc. of Clinical Pharmacy- faculty of Pharmacy- Ain shams University Professor and Head of Clinical Pharmacy Department- faculty of PharmacyAin shams University 3 Lecturer of Clinical pharmacy- faculty of Pharmacy- Ain shams University 4 Quality Control Manager- Drug Research Center- Cairo-Egypt 2
Abstract Background: Drug-drug interactions are one of the most common causes of medication errors in developed countries. Patients with diabetes are three times more likely to develop erectile dysfunction (ED), and longer duration of diabetes is strongly associated with ED. The possibility of pharmacokinetic interactions may occur as the two drugs are metabolized by hepatic CYP3A4 and their co administration may affect their plasma concentrations that may require dose adjustment. Aim of Work: To investigate the effect of sildenafil a CYP3A4 substrate and inhibitor on the pharmacokinetics and safety of Saxagliptin, a CYP3A4 substrate Subjects and Methods: Eighteen healthy volunteers were recruited in the study, pharmacokinetic parameters ((AUC0→∞), (AUC0→t); Cmax; tmax; t½, k; ka) were measured using validated LC-MS/MS method. Therapeutic doses were given to volunteers as follows: Sildenafil 50 mg single dose on day 1, then washout period from day 2 till day 8. Saxagliptin 5 mg once/day was given from day 9 till day 12, then on day
13 the two drugs were co-administered. Serial blood samples (5ml each) for pharmacokinetic analysis were collected on days 1 and 13 for Sildenafil as well as on days 12 and 13 for Saxagliptin. Results: Saxagliptin average Cmax (26.35ng/ml) was increased to (44.679ng/ml) (P<0.001), AUC0-∞ (112.719 ng.h/ml) was also increased to (149.710 ng. h/ml), and AUC0-t (111.817 ng.h/ml) was significantly increased to (148.811 ng. h/ml) (P<0.001) after the co-administration of sildenafil. Sildenafil pharmacokinetics were not affected by the co-administration of Saxagliptin.Conclusion: Sildenafil significantly affected Cmax, AUC0-∞, AUC0-t of Saxagliptin when co-administered. This drug- drug interaction raises the question about the safety of co-administration of the two drugs and potential hypoglycemic side effects, which is to be concluded from the pharmacodynamic study. -------------------------------------------Extraction and Recovery of Uranium as a Byproduct from Residue of Food Grade Phosphoric Acid Using Aliquate 336
Laila. A. Guirgus1, Ahmed H. Orabi1, Lilly H. Khalil2, Basma T. Mohamed1 1
; Nuclear Materials Authority ; Faculty of Science Ain Shams University
P. Box530 Maadi, Cairo, Egypt Abstract The dissolved residue after phosphoric acid purification to food grade quality is uranium extracted by 0.5 M aliquate in kerosene at a phase ratio O/A of 1:1 at room temperature 30 minutes contact time and 5 minutes settling time. At this used lower pH, no interference is found. The calculated ΔH and ΔS for uranium are -71.84 Kj/mole and 213.42 Kj/mole. The negative ΔH indicates that the uranium extraction is exothermic, ΔG = -8.24 Kj/mole at 298 º K. The negative ΔG indicates that the reaction is spontaneous. Two M Na2CO3 is used for uranium stripping at room temperature contact time is 15 minutes and settling time 5 minutes. -------------------------------------------Geological, petrological studies and remote sensing applications at Wadi Khuda-Wadi Shut area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt M.M. Shokry1; B.A. El Kallouby2; A.F. Osman2; M. F. Sadek3 1
; Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority (EMRA) ; Faculty of Science Ain Shams University 3 ; National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) Abstract The Wadi Khuda-Shut is a part of the South Eastern Desert of Egypt. It lies on the Red Sea Coast about 180 km south Marsa Alam City between latitudes 23° 33' and 23° 50' N and longitudes 35° 05' and 35° 26' E. is predominantly made 2
up of metamorphic and magmatic assemblages, the metamorphic assemblage comprises gneisses, ophiolitic serpentinite-talc carbonate rocks and metavolcanics. These rock varieties are intruded by magmatic intrusions including ultramafic-mafic and granitoid intrusions. The whole sequence is dissected by post orogenic dykes, veins and quartz plugs. The main objectives of the present study is to understand the geological setting, the petrogenesis of the exposed lithological units and producing detailed geological map for Wadi Khuda-Shut area. This study concluded that, the integrated data of remote sensing analysis, field studies, petrographic investigation and geochemical study successfully revealed the geological setting and petrogenesis of the exposed rock units as well as detailed geological mapping of Wadi Khuda-Shut area.
-------------------------------------------Application of Experimental Statistical Design Approach to Optimize Hydrochloric Acid Leaching Conditions of Serpentine Ore for Recovery of Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate E A Abdel-Aal1, D El-Sayed1, A K Ismail1 and F I El-Hosieny2 1
; Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute, P.O. Box 87, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt 2 ; Ain Shams University, Faculty of Science, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract Serpentine ore from the Eastern Desert of Egypt was leached with aqueous hydrochloric acid. Experimental statistical design program (ESD) was applied to study the influence of different variables on leaching efficiency (reaction temperature, leaching time and Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to Magnesium oxide (MgO) molar ratio [stoichiometry (S)] where the liquid/solid ratio of 5:1 ml/g was maintained constant along the experiments. The mathematical model and the different contours (curves generated from ESD) were discussed. The results showed that, all the studied parameters are effective. The results have been collected at a 3-D cube showed that at high levels of parameters (4 hours, 95 ยบC and 1.6 S), the Magnesium oxide recovery was about 96.9 %. On the other hand, at low levels of parameters (2 hours, 65 ยบC and 1.4 S), the Magnesium oxide recovery was about 63.9 %. -------------------------------------------A Novel Purification Technique for Phosphoric Acid Produced from New Valley Phosphates Toward Maximizing the Added values of Egyptian Phosphate Ores H. M. Abdel-Ghafar1*, E. A. Abdel-Aal1, H. El-Shall2, M.A.M. Ibrahim3 and A.K. Ismail1 *Corresponding author: Mobile: 01000549164, E-mail: hamdy.maamoun@yahoo.com 1 ; Central Metallurgical R& D Institute (CMRDI) 2 ; Mining Depart. Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
; Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University
Abstract Reservoirs of phosphate ores in Egypt were estimated with about billions of tons and up till now there is no a good exploitation of the ores and only depends on exporting the ores. Recently, promising investments have been announced to start manufacturing phosphoric acid and compound fertilizers from phosphate ores via El Nasr for Intermediate Chemicals Co., in El Sokhna area (2500 t/d), El Nasr for Mining Co., in Aswan area (200,000 t/y), and New-Valley Phosphate Co., in Abu-Tartur area (1.0 Mt/y). These projects will serve in cultivation of 1.5 million Faddens project for securing food supply to the ever increasing population, therefore, expansion of the fertilizer industry becomes a must. But, the main challenge of these phosphate projects is the high iron content in phosphate ores especially Abu-Tartur area where the iron content reach to 4.0% which is considered an obstacle to produce phosphoric acid from ores. The high level of impurities decreases the P2O5 water solubility of the produced fertilizers. Herein, a novel technique has been developed to reduce the iron content in phosphoric acid produced by the dihydrate wet process from open cast phosphate rock of Abu-Tartur mine in Egypt. In this method, oxalic acid was used to precipitate iron as ferrous oxalate dihydrate (FeC2O4.2H2O). The achieved removal efficiency of iron was about 91% with P2O5 losses were less than 1.0 %. It was found that, the clarification time, reaction temperature, P2O5 concentration and oxalic acid dose were 2 hours, 60oC, 28% P2O5 and 7.5 g oxalic acid/100 g 28% P2O5 acid, respectively. In addition, a recovery process for oxalic acid used in purification process was achieved to re-use it again and reduce the cost of the process. Keywords: Phosphoric Acid; Oxalic Acid; Purification; Precipitation; Oxalic Recovery -------------------------------------------Characterization and Performance Improvement of used Reverse Osmosis Membrane Ahmed A. Elzain 1, M. R. El-Aassar 2*, F.S.Hashem 3, F.M.Mohamed 4 1
; Matrouh company for water and wastewater, Egypt. E-mail: zain_bio1990@yahoo.com 2 ; Polymer Materials Research Department Advanced Technology and New Material Institute, City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications (SRTA City), New Borg El-Arab City, P.O. 21934, Alexandria, Egypt. E-mail; mohamed_elaassar@yahoo.com 3 ; Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University. Cairo, Egypt. E-mail: f_s_hashem@ymail.com
; Faculty of Earth Science, Beni Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt. E-mail: fathy732005@yahoo.com
Abstract The current study concerns the improvement of used reverse osmosis membrane named: DOW FILMTEC™ SW30HR–380. The performance improvement includes the following steps: (1) Characterization of used membranes where it contributes to understanding the physiochemical properties of reverse osmosis membranes and their performance, using analytical techniques like FTIR, SEM and tensile strength, (2) Reuse the Polysulfone layer of the membrane as a filter for surface water turbidity removal. From the results, we found that SEM photographs were an evidence for the high fabrication of the membrane. The coating layer showed a high hydrophilic hydroxyl group appearing in FTIR spectra. Mechanically, the polyamide layer showed the best tensile properties. Raw water quality and the conditions leading to filter clogging were discussed. The results showed the Polysulfone layer is valid for this reason where five successive layers, surface area 12.5 cm2/layer, as well as the removal percentage of turbidity and algae are reached 60 and 80% respectively. -------------------------------------------Assessment of Mercury emissions and Load of Coal and Petroleum Coke Burning as Energy Source in Cement Industry Mahmoud A. Hewehy1; Gehan R. Zaki2; and Abdullah S. Mustafa3 1
; Environmental Basic Science Department, Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University 2 ; Occupational Health and Air Pollution Department, High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University 3 ; Central lab - Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency – Ministry of Environment
Abstract In Egypt, there is a power crisis. So, search on varieties of power sources, especially in the highly consumed energy industries like cement is going in. Hence, Egypt began using coal as an energy source instead of Mazeot and Natural Gas. However, coal combustion emits large amounts of air pollutants as mercury (Hg), sulfur content, carbon content and organic materials. The aim of the present study was to assess mercury emissions from coal burning cement industry at various cement companies that use different types of coal. This study was a descriptive cross-sectional survey that was conducted in Tourah, Helwan, and Arabian Cement Production settings that use coal as an energy source. Stack sampling of both vapor, and particulates' Hg was conducted according to the standard isokinetic method. Total stack Hg was then calculated. Helwan Cement plant (Coal) was of the highest Hg emissions [0.0008(0.011) mg/m3]
followed by Tourah that uses petroleum coke [0.006(0.011) mg/m3] and Arabian (mixed coal) [0.003(0.006) mg/m3]. From the present study we concluded that Hg emissions of Helwan cement plant (petroleum coke) was higher than that of Tourah (Coal) and Arabian (mixed coal) ones. All plants were compliant with the Egyptian. Keywords: Cement industry; Coal; Energy Source, Mercury emission, Mineral coal, Petroleum coke. -------------------------------------------Integrated Management of Medical Waste Handling (State of Kuwait) Al Shiraifi, F. A. (2); Buhamad, E. S. (1) and Hewaihy, M. A (1); 1) Institute of Environmental Studies & Research, Ain Shams University, 2) The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training State of Kuwait
Abstract The objective of the study is to find available alternative methods to reach integrated healthcare waste management in the state of Kuwait. Such methods would minimize the risks result from medical waste that affects healthcare staff, public health, and the environment and to help bring the Kuwait ministry of health legislation closer to Kuwait Environment Public Authority standards and legislation. A survey among a sample of 386 staff of 6 governmental hospitals in state of Kuwait indicates that there is lack in cleaner’s knowledge. A field visit to the governmental hospital indicates that there is a lack of provision of materials for the safe disposal of medical waste. Analyze 9 samples using (HRGC/HRMS) instrument indicate that emission of dioxin and furan is within (KPEA) limits, but the level of emissions is increase depending on different factors, also analyses 7 samples of bottom ash in (ICPOES) classified it as hazard waste. This study concludes that reduce (PCDD’s and PCDF’s) depend on human, technical legal factors, and using environmentally friendly alternatives methods instead of or assistant to the process of medical waste incineration. -------------------------------------------Corncob Driven Biochar for adsorption of Water Pollutants
Rasha M. Saleh, Mahmoud A. Hewehy1, Mohammed Y. El-Kady2, Mustafa H. Khalil3, Mohammed Eid M. Ali4 1
; Department of Basic Sciences - Institute of Environmental Studies and Research- Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 2 ; Department of chemistry- Faculty of Science- Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 3 ; Department of chemistry- Faculty of Science- Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
; Water Pollution Research Department, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt, 33 El-Behouth St., Dokki, Cairo, P.O. 12622
Abstract In this work, corncob waste was used as a solid adsorbent for removal of Pb, Ni, Zn, Cd ions from aquatic ecosystem through batch techniques. The influences of bio-sorbent dose, pH, concentration of metal ions and contact time with biochar on these heavy metal ions removal percentages were investigated. Optimum removal of Pb, Ni, Zn and Cd ions was achieved at bio-sorbent dose (3g) and contact time (90 min.). Desorption experiments were performed due to the importance for the financial competitiveness of biosorption with other process, indicating that (2.5 M) sodium hydroxide is the most promising desorbing agent for efficient sorbent regeneration. The results of this study confirm that corncob waste can be beneficially used for treating aquatic ecosystem containing Pb, Ni, Zn and Cd ions. Keywords: Adsorption, Biochar, Water pollutants, Biosorbent. -------------------------------------------Study of Microorganisms within the Housing Environment Mahmoud Ahmed Ibrahim Howaihy1, Rawhia Abdel Menem Arafa2, Heba Kamal Ahmed Abdel Aziz1 1
; Department of Basic Science, Institute of Environmental Studies & Research - Ain Shams University. 2 ; Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Girl Branch, AL-Azhar University
Abstract Bacteria are found virtually in every environment. High levels of indoor bacteria concentration are an indication of high occupancy rate, poor ventilation, or poor building maintenance. We study airborne Bacteria in Indoor Environments in two residences areas covering summer, winter season to study the climate effect (temperature) also covering high level and low-level population to study the quality of life (good aeration, ventilation and variation of occupation area per citizens). We examine the presence of airborne Bacteria in Indoor Environments and colony forming unit for each case and we found that Exiguobacterium sp was the most frequent bacteria (37.5%) in high level population during the Summer climate, Bacillus sp was the most frequent bacteria (26.7%) in high level population during the Winter climate, Brachybacterium sp was the most frequent bacteria (42.4%) during the summer climate and kytococcus sp was the most frequent bacteria (32.2%) in low level population during the winter climate. We found a significant increase in colony forming unit among low level residence population during summer with Minimum, Maximum, Mean value 17.5, 25, 21.69 CFU/m3 respectively than among High level residence population in summer with Minimum, Maximum, Mean value 7.92,
14.58, 10.97 CFU/m3 respectively with p-value <0.001 which indication the negative effect of high occupancy rate, poor ventilation on quality of life and a significant increase in colony forming unit in high level residence population in summer with Minimum, Maximum, Mean value 7.92, 14.58, 10.69 CFU/m3 respectively than in high level residence population in winter with Minimum, Maximum, Mean value 0.42, 2.5, 1.39 CFU/m3 respectively with p-value <0.001 which indicate high level of airborne bacteria due to high temperature . Keywords: Air, Microorganisms, airborne Bacteria, Seasons and residences level -------------------------------------------Impact of hiking trail disturbance on ants` diversity at Mount Sinai, St. Katherine protectorate, Egypt Mohamed Kamel1, Fayez M. Semida2, Mohamed M. S. Moursy3 and Hala A. Kassem1 1 ; Department of basic science, Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. 2 ; Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt. 3 ; Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Abstract Saint Katherine Protectorate (SKP) is one of the most important regions for biodiversity in Egypt. Tourism and its associated activities have become the main economic driver in SKP which might have negative impacts on biodiversity. Ants are effective biological indicators, since ant species diversity correlates with the assembly of other invertebrate fauna of particular habitats. The current study aimed at assessing the impact of some anthropogenic activities along the touristic hiking trail passing through Mount Sinai area on ants` diversity. A total of 583 individuals belonging to nine ant species, three subfamilies, from (Family: Formicidae; Order: Hymenoptera) were recorded within the study localities in Mount Sinai. Our study showed that the hiking trail disturbance had a negative environmental impact on the species richness and abundance of ants within the study localities in Mount Sinai. Based on our results it is advisable to move the hiking trails to slopes of Mount Sinai away from its current location within the basins (farshs). More studies are needed to assess the impact of hiking trails and associated human activities on other biodiversity elements in SKP. Keywords: Biodiversity, St Katherine, ant species, anthropogenic activities, tourism, Sinai, Egypt --------------------------------------------
Fabrication and Optimization of Silicon Solar Cell Characteristics by Using Porous Silicon Layers on The Front and Back Sides H.A. Nawar1, G.M. Youssef 2, M. El-Nhass3 and M. El-Malky 1 1
; Basic Science Department, Institute of Environmental Studies & Research, Ain Shams University 2 ; Physics Department, Faculty of science, Ain Shams University 3 ; Physics Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University
Abstract Porous silicon layer (PSL) has emerged in potential solar cell applications because of its high surface area to volume ratio, convenient surface chemistry and large energy band gap ≈1.9 eV. PSL has been prepared from n+p/Si junction using electrochemical etching (ECE) with three different current densities 25, 50 and 75 mA/cm2 on the front and back side of the junction. The influence of varying current density on morphological, optical, chemical and electrical properties of PS has been inspected. SEM micrographs showed that the surface porosity of 90% on the front side, in contrast the etched back surface seemed in harmonic shape with identical pore size and porosity of 98%. The PL spectrum peak ranged from 640 to 670 nm. PSL formed on both sides has the lowest reflectivity at current density of 50 mA/cm2. The obtained FTIR spectra of the samples with a relatively high PL intensity exhibit a developed broad transmission bands in the range of 600 to 4000 Solar cell conversion efficiency of PSL formed on both sides is increased to 17% compared to other workers (Ramizy et al., 2011; Salman et al., 2012; Youssef et al., 2015a). Solar cell based on PSL formed on both sides provides stability and it is recommended for industry manufacturing. Keywords: Porous silicon (PS), Solar cell, Photoluminescence (PL) and Reflectance. -------------------------------------------Anatomical Aspects of Stem Galls Induced by Rhopalomyia Spp. on their Host Plants Marina R Samaan Institute of Environmental Studies and Research
مع تحيات قطاع الدراسات العليا والبحوث بالجامعة
رعاة المؤتمر اهليئة العربية للتصنيع -1عــــام-:
#الهيئة العربية للتصنيع من أكبر المؤسسات الصناعية في مصر. #تأسست الهيئة العربية للتصنيع عام ٨٢.5بمشاركة مصر والسعودية واإلمارات وقطر بهدف بناء وتطوير قاعدة صناعية تكنولوجية متقدمة . #تولت مصر المسئولية الكاملة عن الهيئة العربية للتصنيع اعتبا ار من عام . ٨٢.٢
#تخطط الستراتيجية الهيئة العربية للتصنيع لجنة عليا برئاسة السيد /رئيس الجمهورية وعضـوية السيد رئيس الوزراء وعدد من السادة الوزراء . #تمتلــك الهيئــة العربيــة للتصــنيع إثنــي عشــر مصــنعا وشــركة مــنهم احــدي عشــر مملوكــة بالكامــل للهيئة العربية للتصنيع ،وتشارك بالنصـيب األكبـر فـي شـركة مشـتركة واحـدة مـع شـركة كرايزلـر
العالمية وهي الشركة العربية األمريكية للسيارات وهذه المصانع هى ( صقر /قادر /الطـائرات /المحركـ ــات /اإللكترونيـ ــات /حل ـ ـوان /العربيـ ــة البريطانيـ ــة للصـ ــناعات الديناميكيـ ــة /سـ ــيماف /مصنع أتيكو للصناعات الخشبية /العربية للسماد العضوي/العربية للطاقة المتجددة) . #تتمتــع الهيئــة العربيــة للتصــنيع بشخصــية إعتباريــة مســتقلة تــوفر لهــا مرونــة عاليــة فــي اتخــاذ ق ارراتها وتسيير شئونها وفقاً للوائح الخاصة بها .
-2مجال العمل -:
تعمل الهيئة العربية للتصنيع في المجال العسكري لخدمة أفرع القوات المسلحة المصرية والدول العربية والصديقة :وفي المجال المدني لخدمة تنمية المجتمع مع التركيز على مشروعات البنية األساسية ومشروعات الحفاظ علي البيئة ومشروعات السكك الحديدية وغيرها .
-3اإلمكانيات المتاحة -:
#أحدث تكنولوجيات التصنيع واإلمكانيات اإلنتاجية المتطورة . #أكثر من ٨5333من العاملين على مسـتوى عـالي مـن التـدريب بم اركـز تـدريب الهيئـة والم اركـز المتخصصة داخل وخارج الجمهورية.
#معامل ميكانيكية وكيماوية وميتالوروجيه وبيئية ومعايرةأجهزة القياس الطبية و الصناعية . #مراكز بحثية متخصصة /م اركـز تـدريب وتأهيـل العـاملين /مركـز تصـميم و تصـنيع اسـطمبات البالستيك . #نظم جودة متكاملة .
-4الجودة -:
تقوم الهيئة العربية للتصنيع بتطبيق أحدث نظم الرقابة علي الجودة علي كافة خطوط اإلنتاج
والمنتجات وجميع وحدات الهيئة العربية للتصنيع حاصلة علي شهادات االيــزو ٢33٨ و ٨433٨باإلضافة لحصول بعض وحدات الهيئة على العديد من شهادات االعتماد الدولية في اعتماد المعامل وكذا بعض المجاالت الصناعية المتخصصة مثل الصناعات الجوية
والصناعات المغذية للسيارات 3
-5العالقات الدولية -:
أسست الهيئة العربية للتصنيع عالقات قوية مع العديد من الشركات العالمية مثل -:
#فرنسية ( داسو /سنيكما /تاليس )…/كندية ( دي هافيالند /برات اند ويتني ) #أمريكيــة ( كرايزلــر /جن ـرال اليكتريــك /جن ـرال دينــاميكس ) بريطانيــة ( ب ـريتش ايروســبيس /
رولزرويس )
#دنماركية ( كروجر /كمبريا ) صينية ( كاتيك )ZTE /ب ارزيليـة ( إمب اريـر ) رومانيـة ( روم آرم /إيروستار ) ألمانية ( فينسيس ) أسبانية ( كولواى ). اإلنتاج العسكري الرئيسي للهيئة العربية للتصنيع
* نظم التسليح المتنوعة . * الطائرات و عمراتها .
* عمرة واصالح محركات الطائرات .
* المعدات اإللكترونية ونظم االتصاالت . * العربات العسكرية . اإلنتاج المدني الرئيسي للهيئة العربية للتصنيع
.1مشروعات البنية األساسية والبيئة -:
محطات معالجة مياه الشرب (تحلية مياه البحر /تنقيـة الميـاه مـن المصادرالسـطحية /إ ازلـة عسـر ميــاه اآلبــار) -محطــات معالجــة ميــاه الصــرف ( صــحي /صــناعي ) -مواســير البــولي إيثيلــين عـ ــالي ومتوسـ ــط الكثافـ ــة -أنظمـ ــة االحت ـ ـراق النظيـ ــف لقمـ ــائن الطـ ــوب -السـ ــخانات الشمسـ ــية- محطات توليد الكهرباء من الطاقة الشمسية/طاقة الرياح.
.2تصنيع وتجهيز عربات السكك الحديدية ومترو األنفاق -:
تصــنيع وتجهيــز عربــات نقــل الركــاب والبضــائع بالســكك الحديديــة -تصــنيع وتجهيــز عربــات نقــل الرك ــاب بمت ــرو األنف ــاق والمت ــرو الس ــطحي -الف ارم ــل الهوائي ــة -مثبت ــات القض ــبان– س ــيمافورات السكك الحديدية-عمرات محركات القدرة اإلضافية التوربينية للقطارات.
.3صناعة السيارات -:
سيارات الركوب ( جيب رانجلر /جراند شيروكي /تويوتا فورتشنر) -عربات اإلطفاء واإلنقاذ - عربات صـيانة أعمـدة الكهربـاء -السـيارات المصـفحة لحمايـة الشخصـيات الهامـة -عربـات نقـل األموال -سيا ارت النقل الثقيل المجهزة بمختلف المعدات.
.4المعدات الرأسمالية وقطع الغيار واألجزاء -:
صـ ـوامع الغ ــالل -ش ــفاطات الغ ــالل ( ٩53 -٩33ط ــن /س ــاعة) -خط ــوط إنت ــاج المص ــانع - والعات األفران السوالرية والغازيـة – تصـميم وتصـنيع اسـطمبات البالسـتيك -اسـطوانات الكلـور
اس ـ ــطوانات البوتاج ـ ــاز -ص ـ ــمامات الغ ـ ــاز – قط ـ ــع غي ـ ــار المص ـ ــانع – خ ـ ــالط االس ـ ــمنت –الوصالت االنتقالية المستخدمة فى الغاز الطبيعى.
.5األجهزة اإللكترونية والكهربية -:
التليفزيونات الملونـة (فـالت -)LCD / LED /أجهـزة االسـتقبال الرقميـة – الحاسـبات الشخصـية
والمحمولـ ـ ــة – الشاشـ ـ ــات اإللكترونيـ ـ ــة العمالقـ ـ ــة -ماكينـ ـ ــات تصـ ـ ــوير المسـ ـ ــتندات -اللوحـ ـ ــات اإللكترونية -أجهزة الالب توب والتابلت.
.6المعدات واألجهزة الطبية -:
األسره الطبية ( عناية مركزة /فولر كامـل /نصـف فـولر) -ترابيـزة العـالج الطبيعـي– حضـانات األطفال المبتسرين -وحدات تعقيم المياه لألغراض الطبية -تجهيز سـيارات اإلسـعاف والعيـادات
المتنقلة -سيارات نقل المخلفات الخطرة و الطعوم و االمصال.
.7منتجات المواد المركبة والبالستيك -:
منتجات الفيبرجالس ( صدفات الكراسي /أعمدة إنارة /ريش توربينات ) .
مواسير البولي إيثيلين عالي ومتوسـط الكثافـة لشـبكات (ميـاه شـرب /صـرف صـحي/غـاز طبيعـي) منتج ـ ــات البالس ـ ــتيك (وص ـ ــالت المواس ـ ــير /أدراج المناول ـ ــة والتخـ ـ ـزين /عبـ ـ ـوات تعبئ ـ ــة الزي ـ ــوت البترولية).
.8الصوب والبيوت الزراعية :
اإلهتمام بمجال الزراعات المحمية من خالل إنشـاء الصـوب والبيـوت الزراعيـة بالتعـاون مـع و ازرة
الزراعة والشركات العالمية بهولندا واسبانيا.
بنك مـص ـر تأسس بنك مصر عام ٨٢٩3على أيدي محمد طلعت حرب باشا ،الذي تزعم فكر االدخار الوطني وتوجيه تلك المدخرات الوطنية نحو التنمية االقتصادية واالجتماعية ،لذلك فإن بنك
مصر هو أول بنك مصري يؤسسه ويمتلكه المصريون %٨33بالكامل.
قام بنك مصر منذ تأسيسه بإنشاء العديد من الشركات في مختلف المجاالت ،بما في ذلك المنسوجات ،والتأمين ،والنقل ،والطيران ،ووسائل الترفيه وصناعة السينما ،كما واصل دعمه حاليا نسبة كبيرة من األسهم لألنشطة المصرفية واالستثمارية األخرى بمعدل ثابت ،ويمتلك البنك ً في ٨5٢شركة في مجاالت :التمويل والسياحة واإلسكان والزراعة والغذاء ،باإلضافة إلى شركات أخرى في مجال االتصاالت وتكنولوجيا المعلومات. وقد قام بنك مصر بإنشاء العديد من الصناديق االستثمارية الكبرى كجزء من سياسة المحفظة االستثمارية المتنوعة ،باإلضافة إلى أنه حصل على جوائز عدة في مجال إدارة النقد والسيولة
من مجلة جلوبال فاينانس " "Global Financeالعالمية؛ ففي العامين ٩33٢و ٩3٨3حصل على جائزة "أفضل بنك إلدارة صناديق أسواق النقد في أفريقيا والشرق األوسط" وجائزة "أفضل بنك إلدارة صناديق أسواق النقد في الشرق األوسط" على مدار كل من ٩33١و٩3٨٩ و ٩3٨٩و ٩3٨4و ،٩3٨5كما حصل بنك مصر في ٩3٨5و ٩3٨2و ٩3٨.و ٩3٨١ على جائزة " أفضل بنك إلدارة صناديق أسواق النقد واالستثمارات قصيرة األجل في منطقة الشرق
األوسط ".وعالوة على ذلك ،فإن بنك مصر يصنف كأفضل البنوك فى ترتيب وادارة القروض المشتركة في السوق المصرفية المصرية ،كما حصل البنك على المركز الثاني كمسوق تمويلي، باإلضافة الى المركز الرابع كمرتب ومدير للقروض المشتركة على مستوى أفريقيا ،وذلك وفقاً للقائمة الخاصة بالقروض المجمعة والتي أعدتها مؤسسة بلومبرج " "Bloombergالعالمية للربع
الثالث عن العام ٩3٨١
أما على مستوى منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال أفريقيا ،استطاع بنك مصر ان يتبوأ المركز السابع كمسوق للتمويل ،كما تمكن من الحصول على المركز الثالث عشر كأفضل البنوك في ترتيب وادارة القروض المشتركة على مدار الربع الثالث من .٩3٨١ هذا وقد ُمنِح بنك مصر شهادة المعايير العالمية لتأمين بيانات بطاقات الدفع االلكترونية (PCI )DSSبأحدث اصدارتها ،٩7٩نظ اًر لكونه أحد البنوك الرائدة في المنطقة وباعتباره من أوائل البنوك التي تلتزم بتطبيق معايير تأمين بيانات بطاقات الدفع االلكترونية في مصر وشمال
دائما إلى تلبية احتياجات عمالئه من خالل توسيع أفريقيا ،والجدير بالذكر أن بنك مصر يسعى ً قاعدة الخدمات المصرفية التي يحصل عليها العمالء عن طريق استخدام أجدد األساليب
ويمتلك بنك مصر واحدة من أكبر شبكات الصراف اآللي في مصر والتي تغطي،التكنولوجية .جميع أنحاء الجمهورية
صيدليات سيف
Seif Pharmacies are founded in 1980 by Dr. Ashraf M. Hindam. In 2011, more than 1000 employees are working under the umbrella of SEIF GROUP. Seif group is holding the following companies: Seif Pharmacies - Seif Stores - Seif Beauty - Seif Health Care Majorica - Seif Beauty – Misaki. Our Mission is: 1. To be the pioneer to serve our customers, in the health and beauty segment, all around Egypt. 2. To provide an employment opportunity for as many personnel as possible to play a cooperative role in enhancing our society.