Ricochet Analysis
1. Write down the main characters, give detail about their personalities. Owen is Huw brother, they are both farmers. Owen is in love with Huw wife, Rihannon. Owen is Margo’s father. Huw is Owen’s brother and married to Rihannon, he thinks he is Margo’s father. Rihannon is Huw wife but she had an affaire with Owen. She is Margo’s mother. Margo is daughter of Rihannon and Owen but she thinks she is Huw daugther.
2. What is the setting when the story begins? State of order? The story begins in Owens mind where he is planning his crime.
3. What is the main conflict in the story? How is it followed through? The main conflict is about a man who has ruins everything, but he blaims Hugh about it and then he wants to kill him.
4. What is the meaning of the title? Endurvarp, (carma is a bitch). The bullet Owen wanted to kill his brother kills himself in the end. Discussion 1.
Which do you think was more important for Owen, sole possession and management of the farm, or living with Rhiannon and being able to claim Margo as his own daughter? I think that it is both very important for him but I think living with Rhiannon and being able to claim Margo as his own dughter is more important. Why do you think Rhiannon chose to marry Huw rather than Owen? Describe both brothers from her point of view. What is your opinion of her own character? Is she partly to blame for the tragedy? why, or why not? I think Rhiannon married Huw because he is more man than Owen and he is also more interpentent and she can trust him more than she can trust Owen. I think she is partly ablame for the tragedy because if she had married Owen this would never have happen where Owen had then be more happy and satisfied with himselve. Do you think that tragedy would have been prevented if Rhiannon and Margo had left Huw and moved in with Owen? What do you think Huw would have done, that 'upright Gofearing chapel man'? I think the tragedy had been prevented if Rhiannon and Margo had left Huw and moved with Owen, but I think that Huw would be really mad if that would happen and he would propably do something, but I think that he wouldn’t do as bad as Owen did.
Write a report of the tragedy for the local newpaper, including interviews with Mrs Price and Ma Hughes, who both guess (wrightly or wrongly) at reasons for Owen´s death. First write down single words or ideas of what the article should be about. Then make the first draft of the article. Finish it for publishing; correct grammar, add pictures etc.
A man dies of unexplained death
On February 3 a man was found dead at a farm cottage far from town. The reporter did an interview with Mr Price and Ma Hughes. Mrs. Price said that Owen was a nice man who came to him to chat the day he died. He think that Owen wouldn’t be able to do this to himselve. Ma Hughes said that Owen had depression so this came as no surprise to
A man, named Huw was arrested after this unexplained death at his farm has now been released without charge. The police found out that suicide was the case.