1 minute read
Magasin Järvsö in short!
IT HAVE COME to our knowledge that there actually are some people that visit Järvsö that speak foreign languages. How strangely it may seem that someone actually can speak something else than Jarsemål (Järvsö-tongue), we have tried to translate and sum up some of the content in this magazine for those of you that for some reason don’t speak Jarsemål.
So on this page we’ve done our best to translate and sum up some of the content – so that you also can take part of our hilarious stories and fully enjoy Järvsö while you are here!
Yes – we strongly believe that everything we write in this magazine is amusing to all of you that read it and that you will enjoy reading every page of it.
Firstly, let’s go through what Magasin Järvsö is and stands for. It’s pretty simple actually. It’s Järvsös own bible. It’s pretty much the only thing you need to have. Except all the tasty food that you can eat in Järvsö. And all the nice people you can meet. And all the exciting activities that you can enjoy and take part of. Of course you can read about a lot of this in this fully loaded magazine - food, people and other stuff. Or fölk, götta, and bös as we have called it.
Now that we sorted that out we’ll sum some of this issues content for you.
In this issue you can read the story about Järvsöbackerns former owners Kersti and Dick, the trusty member of the ”slope-squad” Carl, the new ice cream makers that are in ”town” and so on. If this page isn't enough for you. Grab your nearest Järvsöbo (person that lives in Järvsö) and ask them to translate for you! It will be worth it, despite the accent. We promise!
*We know that grab is an oldschool skii trick – but in this case we mean ask someone for help. •
Here’s a nice-to-have list of useful expressions that will guide you through your stay here in Järvsö.
Nä - You’re wrong
Nää - I can’t believe it
Näe - No
Nääe - I don’t think so
Nääe? - I’m not sure
Nääeh? - What the f*ck!
Nähä? - Really?
Nänä - Never ever
Näänää - Yeah, right
Nänänä - Of course
Nämen - Fancy seeing you here