• Magnet Blondes promises significantly stronger blondes thanks to the BondIN SYSTEM which provides a unique combination of bonding and anti-aggressor ingredients for the ultimate results with maximum protection.
• This complete lightening portfolio is designed to offer solutions for every hair type and desired technique with the introduction of Revlon Professional’s Ultimate Clay Powder 8and Ultimate-Oil Repair & Neutralization.
• Damage limitation is key as you can achieve up to 9 levels of lift without compromising the hair’s integrity.
With the power to care and repair, the new multi-benefit Ultimate-Oil Repair & Neutralization provides a protective shield against external aggressors whilst also detangling, sealing split ends, controlling frizz and enhancing shine.
Defying freehand techniques, the new Ultimate Clay Powder 8 is the first clay powder with 8 levels of lift, with no drip, no bleed and no foils.
And now available in Magnet Blondes, Revlon Professional’s Ultimate Technical Additive defies hair damage whilst boosting strength. This powerful formula is either added during the lightening service to the bowl while mixing or applied directly into the hair during the washing process.
Phil Smith interviews Sean Hanna
Everyday working problems
Williams & Hirst
Darren Ambrose
With Tracey Ann Smith
With Inanch Emir
With Sheona Will
With Hayley Jepson
56 Ruth Lundstrom
57 Sheila Abrahams MBE
58 Lacey Hunter-Felton
Holly Rudge
Festive offerings for 2024
This issue we celebrate the winners of the first ever Pro Hair Awards and take a look back at what was an incredible evening.
Even though it was the ‘first ever’, we had been asked by hairdressers for what seems like ‘forever’ to launch the Pro Hair Awards. And the reason for this is that hairdressers recognise the importance of one particular word in our title, and that word is PROFESSIONAL!
For each winner proudly displaying their coveted trophy in salon, and talking about their newly procured title, it’s the word ‘professional’ that sends out a clearly defined message to their clients that they are the best at what they do, and there is nothing more important than that.
Over the next few months, each winner is embarking on a Winner’s Journey with us across the Pro Hair platforms, so you’ll be seeing and hearing a lot more from these successful hair professionals.
Congratulations to all our worthy winners and a huge thank you to our sponsors and everyone that supported the inaugural Pro Hair Awards. It certainly was a night to remember!
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©2024 Professional Hairdresser accepts no responsibility for damage or loss, however caused, to any material submitted for publication. While every effort is made to ensure facts are correct at time of going to press, no responsibility can be accepted for incorrect product descriptions or facts. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, in any form, without prior written permission from the publishers.
Kao Salon Division has announced the winners of the GLOBAL CREATIVE AWARDS 2024, the company’s annual celebration of creativity for professional stylists from around the world. A special mention goes to Sophie Fedoriw, Safy B salon, who has won Gold in the New Talent Colorist of the Year category for the UK. Upon winning, Sophie stated, “It feels completely surreal! I didn’t think I stood a chance against the other finalists, so when I heard my name it was
The National Hair and Beauty Federation (NHBF) is proud to announce an extraordinary milestone in its history. Clive Boon, Owner of Boons in Retford, has been recognised for his family’s remarkable 80-year association with the federation, dating back to its founding days. His grandfather was one of the key founders of the NHBF, possessing a medal from 1938 –four years before the federation’s official establishment in 1942. Caroline Larissey, Chief Executive of the NHBF, stated: “Clive Boon’s family legacy embodies the very essence of our federation; it’s members like this who have shaped our industry’s standards and continue to inspire the next generation of professionals.”
Following the growing emotional and physical demands on our industry professionals, the Hair & Beauty Charity has partnered with wellness company, Scentered, to bring a moment of calm and serenity. Launched at the start of Autumn, the Charity has gifted 5,000 portable aromatherapy balms as part of its “I’m Not ‘Just’…” initiative. Applied to pulse points, the balm provides a personal sensory experience designed to help you stop inhale and reset. You can also help to raise funds for the charity by purchasing gift set boxes for gifting, retailing and team wellbeing opportunities. Learn more here: www.rdr.link/HBC001
Yuv, an innovative new force in sustainable beauty technology, is thrilled to announce a partnership with Trevor Sorbie, one of the UK’s most renowned salon groups. With an aim of revolutionising the hairdressing industry, Trevor Sorbie has committed to making yuv their choice in colour technology across all six of their UK locations. The yuv lab uses refillable cartridges to significantly reduce packaging waste whilst also delivering millions of customisable colour formulations. This marks a significant shift in professional hair colouring, with sustainability and cutting-edge technology at the heart of the brand.
Focusing on ethical hair sourcing, hair processing and labour standards, Remi Cachet has released a behind-the-scenes film to document the journey of the brand’s hair extensions. Remi Cachet Founder, Victoria Lynch, says, “The hair extension industry is filled with complex misinformation, and it is – as yet – unregulated. I wanted to create a film to lay bare how we operate at Remi Cachet. Our salons and their clients want to be reassured that they are purchasing ethically sourced products, so I felt that filming the process would help answer many of these questions.”
Probably the one that sticks out in my mind most was when we launched the biggest salon that we’d done at that point –Croydon. It was 2,000 square feet in a main shopping centre (which means high rent!), but we had lots of confidence, and things were going very well with the other salons. It launched well and started making money quickly, but then there was a terrible accident three or four years in. One of the stylists got killed, and it totally changed the salon.
After such a tragedy, we wanted to support the team, but the salon almost became a bit of a mausoleum. We had a memory area set up, and the clients were very supportive initially, but this changed after around two or three visits –understandably so, they were coming and paying good money to get their hair done; they didn’t need to see that. There had been a real dynamic shift within the team. We did
everything we could, but we just couldn’t get the business back up.
We went from doing around £15k a week (which was good, back in that time) down to
was guaranteeing the lease for 10 years – we had gone into making a loss of over £100k a year, and we still had five years left to run on the lease. We just couldn’t get out of it! This really made me think I would never, ever do that again.
It was a big learning curve in terms of how to manage difficult personal challenges that we might come across, especially as a business owner. I know sometimes you’ve got to come up with a guarantee, at least on a new business, but there are more creative ways of doing it. I think we were too gung-ho – we thought we were going to be absolutely fine, but we genuinely were losing over £100k every year until the lease finally ran out.
In that situation, as a business leader, I probably should have been a little bit harder and said, from a business point of view, that we’ve got to move past this and try to get back on top of it quicker. I’d always make sure we were never as exposed to something like that again.
I was sad. I think at that time we saw closing businesses as a real failure. Obviously, there was a pride issue; we were still quite young, so we were very ballsy and felt almost indestructible. Whereas actually, as we got on, we realised that opening a business and closing a business require two very different business strategies. Knowing when to close a business is just as important as knowing when to open a business. There’s no use wasting time, energy and money chasing something that isn’t working.
Yeah, we did. We set up quite a few of the businesses as we grew in partnership. They were legally set up as franchise agreements, but we never sold franchises in a traditional way. It was more a way of getting people that we had grown within the business and valued to have ownership as well. I think as the business gets bigger, you need people who are drivers themselves because it’s obviously very hard to successfully drive multiple salon sites all at the same time.
I’ve never seen anyone make a lot of money through not working hard; every successful person that I know has put everything into making it work. They simply become good at what they do –whether they’re hairdressers, plumbers, electricians, lawyers, whatever it is – that’s the formula! You know that thing where someone goes and does something really easy, and then sits back and takes the money... I’ve never actually met anyone like that in real life.
Running a business is challenging. I get people who come to me when they’re 22 saying, ‘I want to do a three-day week because I want a work/life balance – I understand it, but actually, no one who’s successful in business starts off with a great work/life balance. Work - when it’s going well - is actually quite enjoyable and can be great fun.
I wouldn’t really change that much, to be honest; I’ve been so lucky to have really enjoyed my journey. I suppose one regret would be that when I had my first salon, I decided to start my own product brand. We were a small salon, but we had a strong client base and nearly all the clients bought it. I didn’t really think of it in terms of profitability – retailing wasn’t particularly big back in those days.
I’d been to a seminar with Irvine Rusk, and I was
really into being creative and artistic. L’Oréal said to me, if you stop making your own shampoo and buy our Kérastase, we’ll get you to do some seminars. I thought, ‘oh, that sounds good’, so I dumped my own shampoo brand. Looking back on it, the time was probably right for salon owners to do their own products, but I think I just didn’t have the vision to see where it could have gone. I do look back and think I would have really enjoyed that journey too.
My mum and dad were great workers, and I’d say work ethic, commitment and consistency are the keys. When things go wrong – which they inevitably do –you have to keep going. It’s a bit like when you come off the horse... you just get back on and ride it again! It’s the same in business –the people who seem to do really well are just consistent. When things go wrong, they learn from it and keep on going. They might change tactic, but they don’t give up.
I think I’ve probably had more luck than most, if I’m honest. There’s that saying, ‘the more I practice, the luckier I get’, and I think there is a little bit of that in me. Luck is huge, for sure. I’m lucky that I’m healthy; it’s very hard to have the energy to be able to do things if you’re unhealthy, but alongside that, you have to make sensible – sometimes boring - choices.
Since I’ve ‘kind of retired’, I’ve moved into doing consultancy for people in the hairdressing industry. That’s where my passion is, but that’s also where my experience is. Interestingly, I’ve been doing quite a
lot of work for people outside the industry too –completely different things, many of which are possibly beyond my comfort zone! It’s brought me back to some of the feelings that I had in my twenties and thirties, where you’re going into completely new environments. I know people say all business is business, but there are nuances. So, there is a little bit of doubt coming in, but it’s also quite exciting. I do get a buzz from feeling a little bit out of my depth.
I suppose it’s doing some of the consultancy work and working with other people - I probably get the most joy from that. My daughter now runs the main bit of the hairdressing business, and I help when I can. I get a lot of buzz from that too.
I suppose now it’s just having the freedom to do whatever it is that I want to do. If you were talking from a financial point of view, when you get to the point where you will run out of time before you’re going to run out of money, that’s a lot of security. And that feels good. I don’t measure success financially anymore, however. I’m at the stage where success is all about relationships, getting time with people that you really enjoy, and having amazing experiences.
When I was first starting out, there was a guy called Jim Nayyar who was my accountant. He was probably the first person that was a strong, focused business mentor. I love what Johnny Paterson, who started Dr Pawpaw, has done. We’ve been friends for a long time, and I watched him start that from just an idea, before turning it into a really successful brand. I also love what Mark Woolley’s been doing. I think his entrepreneurial spirit and risk taking has been great to watch.
1. Take advice from the right people and only listen to those that are really qualified and experts at what you’re trying to achieve.
2. Take the big risks early on.
3. Don’t leave it too late to think about what your exit plan is going to look like.
We ask a selection of stylists, managers and salon owners to answer some of the most common questions that salons around the country are facing today…
“A competitor is opening on the same high street as me, where there are already two other salons. What should I do to avoid losing clients or staff, and how can I stop it Affecting my business?”
benjamin shipman, The hair movement
I believe competition is essential; it’s the foundation of long-term success. It forces you to stay ahead, reflect and critically evaluate what you do. At The Hair Movement, competition drives us to remain at the forefront, push boundaries and continuously evolve both the business and our creative direction.
In hairdressing, where trends shift quickly and guest expectations rise, competition ensures we never rest on our past successes. Once a business starts believing its own hype, it’s only a matter of time before it’s game over! Competition also brings fresh ideas. Just because you weren’t first, it doesn’t mean you can’t be the best when you implement it. Learning from others is common sense to me, as long as you adapt it to your salon’s ethos.
If someone worries about a new salon opening nearby, I would turn that worry into a positive. New competition brings fresh opportunities to perfect what we do, bringing with it the focus to do it.
“In hairdressing,
where trends shift quickly and guest expectations rise, competition ensures we never rest on our past successes. Once a business starts believing its own hype, it’s only a matter of time before it’s game over!”
“You can seize the opportunity to reflect on what makes your salon unique. Whether it’s superior customer service, specialised treatments or your expertise and ambience, it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on the strengths that differentiate you from the competition.”
When a new salon opens down the road from you, it’s completely normal to think that this will impact your business. It’s also very easy to react with a special offer or even a discount.
However, when it happens –and it will –you have to trust your skill set, what you offer, the training you have in place, your team and the costs of running your business successfully. More importantly, you have to trust the relationships that you have built with your guests over time.
A trip to the salon is more than just great hair; it’s like meeting one of your best friends for coffee. You can’t replicate it that quickly or easily.
Also, it’s important to remember that we don’t own our guests – they choose us. Some will be swayed with a new, shinier version of what you offer, but if they do leave, it allows you to create space for someone else to build a new friendship with you.
You can seize the opportunity to reflect on what makes your salon unique. Whether it’s superior customer service, specialised treatments or your expertise and ambience, it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on the strengths that differentiate you from the competition. Perhaps introduce new services such as scalp treatments, hair extensions or eco-friendly products to set your business apart.
If a new salon opens on the same road as you, don’t panic! It can initially feel threatening to you and your business, but there are numerous positives you can take from this, and (if approached with the right mindset!) it can ultimately strengthen both businesses and the local economy.
When you know another business is nearby and hungry to succeed, it encourages you to maintain high standards, stay current with trends and ensure excellent customer service. In the long run, this drives your business to continuously improve and evolve, ensuring longevity in the market.
New local competition doesn’t always mean that your own business will be affected. It’s highly likely that there will be more footfall in the area from the new competitor’s marketing campaigns, so you could get new clients from this too. Their promotions, and even word-of-mouth buzz, can create a larger pool of potential clients who become aware of both salons.
Often, people are drawn to new businesses to try them out, but this influx of attention will likely remind clients of your salon as well. If customers are price sensitive, loyal or prefer convenience, they may try the competitor but eventually return to your salon.
So, it’s important to ensure that your services are up to scratch and that you can provide the best possible client experience. Some of your clients may try out the competition, but most will then come back to you if you’re providing a great service, expertise and experience.
It’s good to check out what the competition is offering, but do not reduce your prices or offer discounts. This may be tempting, but it’s better to introduce a new service or treatment at your salon and run a special offer on this instead. Always offer value over discounts.
“It’s good to check out what the competition is offering, but do not reduce your prices or offer discounts. This may be tempting, but it’s better to introduce a new service or treatment at your salon and run a special offer on this instead. Always offer value over discounts.”
Encouraging clients to come into the salon more often means exciting them about the colour they currently have and the colour they could have in the future. Colour techniques are falling into a stripped-back, minimal realm, with clean neutral shades and global colours leading the way. According to trendsetter and evo International Creative Color Director, Tom Smith, these are the top three ways to keep your clients excited about their colour:
1.It’s all about the demi! One of the best things about the recent surge in liquid acid demi formulations – such as the evo hue-verse demi – is that there is zero base break. This provides a very simple and effective opportunity to shade the tone direction of your client after their usual blonding appointment, all without shifting their natural base or giving them super high commitments. Happy days!
2.Keep it bespoke! The placement of lightness around the hairline is something we are all paying much
more attention to at the moment. Using colour to contour, brighten or thicken the appearance of different areas of the client’s hairline is a next level way of creating a bespoke design.
3.Play with placement! Clients love the idea of playing with placement to balance and contour their face shapes, and you can vary this depending on how the client intends on wearing their parting and style –even offering convertible or asymmetric options for those more daring.
Introducing Gloss Shotz and Glaze Shotz, the new semi-permanent conditioning masques from ASP. Designed to enhance natural, pre-lightened or colour-faded hair, boost conditioning and intensify shine, the Shotz require no mixing and deliver results in 3-20 minutes. This latest product innovation is formulated with Diamond Shine Complex and Colour Lock Technology, and enriched with Karité and Argan Oils to intensely nourish the hair whilst delivering rich, even colour results. www.rdr.link/HBC002
In the next instalment of her colour-obsessed column, Artistic Director at Rainbow Room International and current British Colour Technician of the Year, Suzie McGill, uncovers everything you need to know about red hair this season.
Winter is here, bringing with it one colour trend that always resurges year after year – reds! This season, we will see several different trending red shades, including everything from golden coppers and strawberry blondes to toasted pecans, decadent ruby reds and mahogany hues. For clients who don’t want to wear these red tones all over, creating ribbons of red highlights or panels throughout the hair is a great choice. I also love infusing red tones through curly and textured hair types – I find it enhances the hair’s texture beautifully, as well as adding further depth and dimension.
Here are the top tips I give to my clients with vibrant red tones:
• I always recommend that my clients with red hair use a sulphate-free shampoo – these are much
gentler on the hair and won’t strip away the colour. Schwarzkopf Professional BC pH 4.5 Color Freeze Shampoo is one of my favourites.
• Colour depositing shampoos, conditioners and masks are also a good option to keep red tones looking fresh between appointments. Schwarzkopf Professional have a fantastic Chroma ID Bonding Color Mask, which is great for refreshing, enhancing and toning hair colour.
• Lastly, I advise booking your client in for a glossing service in between any full-head colour appointments. Red hair always looks best when it’s healthy and full of shine!
It’s a Blonde Thing Keratin Lightening System is a cult favourite amongst blonde specialists, and it’s no real surprise. This conditioning, keratin-enhanced lightener lightens and brightens while improving the integrity of the hair –who doesn’t want that?!
While Keratin Complex is a notable trailblazer in the smoothing treatment category, having a ‘one size does not fit all’ approach means you have a choice.
Transforming from blue to white when processing is complete, this unique formula allows colourists to achieve more accurate results. As well as being dust free, the formula also turns into a smooth, creamy consistency to ensure even coverage and can be used on or off the scalp, including free-form balayage and foiling techniques.
For extensive aftercare for ALLyour services — from blondes to brunettes, hair prep to blow-outs — Keratin Complex products are designed to work with all your service offerings.
Perfectly complementing the It’s a Blonde ThingLightening Powder, the Keratin Complex Vitalshot Bond Rebuilder repairs and rebuilds the hair’s inner bonds in just one step. Formulated with multi-patented, triple-layer repair technology, Vitalshot strengthens the hair from the inside out to help reverse long-term damage –leaving the hair silky soft with a shiny finish. Unlike many other bond builders, Vitalshot can be used in all colour and lightening services without interfering with lightener. With no added processing time and no need to change colour formulations, Vitalshot works to strengthen the hair from the inside out - it's as simple as that!
“Working with the It’s a Blonde ThingLightening Powder has been a game-changer! We have been able to collaborate our lightening services that are infused with Keratin Complex Vitalshot, and follow these with the KCEXPRESS colour-lock treatment at the same time. This has allowed us to up our revenues every time, whilst still achieving flawless, silky-soft blondes. Our clients also get to enjoy the Blondeshell Shampoo & Conditioner as a take home option too, which I’d highly recommend.”
Sam Pitham, Samuel Oliver
Since the launch of the Express Service Menu, the success of utilising just seven products from the line to create five additional services — with whatever brand your salon offers — has seen a steady rise in popularity. This is because many hairdressers are realising the potential earnings this can achieve, both in salon and for independent work.
Keratin Complex, a market leader in the smoothing category, is continuing to grow in strength with the introduction of Keratin Complex Colour, a full keratin-enhanced hair colour line. This innovative range of permanent and semi-permanent hair colour includes four in-salon product lines, each coupled with proven keratin technology. This allows stylists to achieve personalised results in a spectrum of traditional and rainbow-inspired hues.
For a limited time only at selected wholesalers, you can pick up a FREE ‘It’s A Blonde Thing Lightener Try Me Kit’ when purchasing a System or Litre Kit of any smoothing treatment, while stocks last. Learn more by following @keratincomplex_uki For more information, visit: www.rdr.link/HBC003
Prioritising the importance of sustainability, Blue Tit, a sustainable salon collective in London, has successfully achieved B Corp recertification and has renewed its social and environmental commitments for the next three years.
Setting a new standard for the hair and beauty industry globally, Blue Tit became the UK and Europe’s first salon collective to achieve B Corp certification in 2020.
Blue Tit is proud to prioritise diversity, inclusion, community and sustainability through:
• Offsetting over 59.24 tonnes of CO2.
• Using 100% renewable energy through working with green energy companies.
• Reducing 65% less water and energy through using Eco Head shower heads.
• Becoming the Creative Directors of Oway, an organic and sustainable haircare range, and promoting the Oway product refill stations in salons.
• Using the Easydry disposable and biodegradable towels
• Encouraging all clients and visitors to refrain from bringing plastic or single-use plastic bottles into the salons.
• Conducting quarterly staff reviews with commitments from employees to implement the sustainability practises.
• Implementing a Cycle to Work scheme to reduce the staff’s carbon footprint.
Learn more here: www.rdr.link/HBC004
In an exclusive interview with Neil Capstick, Founder of Leaping Bunny certified haircare specialists, Neäl & Wølf, we find out what it really takes to become cruelty free…
Q Why was it important for Neäl & Wølf to achieve the Leaping Bunny certification?
A Getting the Leaping Bunny certification was a huge achievement for us, and it’s not just about a label. Being one of only two professional colour brands to get this approval really shows our commitment to being cruelty-free and staying true to our customer values.
Q What does the Leaping Bunny approval mean for your customers?
AThis certification offers reassurance. It shows we’ve gone the extra mile to make sure everything we do is cruelty-free. We’ve dug deep into over 450 ingredients to meet the tough standards set by Cruelty Free International.
KMS Hair continues to push the boundaries of sustainable innovation through upgrading two of its iconic ranges, MOISTREPAIR and COLORVITALITY with upcycled ingredients.
With both ranges now using the brand’s new Technology Nature Philosophy, the products combine science with upcycled natural ingredients to create effective and sustainable haircare products. Through an upcycling process, natural sources are repurposed to create valuable and effective solutions. What’s more, the plant-based micro bio-actives penetrate deep into the hair structure, ensuring exceptional performance whilst staying committed to sustainability.
The new MOISTREPAIR range uses the upcycled natural ingredient of Prickly Pear – known for creating a Hyaluronic Acid-like effect for intense moisturising and repairing benefits – whilst the COLORVITALITY range uses Pomegranate to help fight free radicals that are responsible for colour fading.
To find out more, visit: www.rdr.link/HBC005
QHow does Neäl & Wølf ensure that all of its products meet the criteria required for this certification?
AWe’ve taken a super thorough approach, going over every single raw material and ingredient across our entire product line to make sure there’s no animal testing at any stage. On top of that, we test our products in salons with haircare pros, not on animals, to ensure that we’re also delivering top-notch quality for both salon and home use.
Q What challenges did you face in aligning your brand with these ethical standards?
AOne of the biggest challenges was balancing our commitment to quality with the need to reformulate some of our products to be fully vegan friendly. We had to carefully choose ingredient alternatives that would still deliver the high performance our customers expect while sticking to our ethical guidelines.
Q How will the brand further its sustainable aims in the future?
AGoing forward, we’re focusing on making all our new products 100% vegan friendly and reformulating our existing range to meet those same standards. We’re also improving our packaging to use at least 35% PCR plastic, which helps cut down on single-use plastic. Plus, we’ve partnered with the Green Salon Collective to empower our salon partners to adopt more environmentally friendly practices too. www.rdr.link/HBC006
The result of extensive research and development at its state-of-the-art production facility in Rome, Italy, GREAT LENGTHS introduces a groundbreaking extensions innovation: GL Tapes Natural Cut.
Mimicking the growth pattern of human hair for a seamless result, Natural Cut extensions flow from root to tip in the most natural way possible.
A new generation of GL Tapes, Natural Cut features layers that promise the same volumising results, but with less hair to cut at the ends –making blending almost effortless. Most tapes usually feature around three single drawn lengths per tape, but the new GL Tapes Natural Cut include up to 13 different lengths of double drawn hair per tape, creating a finish that looks truly bespoke.
The Natural Cut range offers two new products which can be used alone or combined for enhanced results:
Meaning ‘Essence’ in Italian, GL Tapes Essenza offers the most natural results of Great Lengths’ adhesive hair extensions. Thanks to the exclusive Natural Cut design, new GL Tapes Essenza blend perfectly with the client’s natural hair, making it even easier and less time-consuming for stylists to create seamless results.
GL Tapes Aria are Great Lengths’ most discreet adhesive hair extensions, boasting an ultra-thin adhesive strip, natural cut design, and a less-visible attachment area, making them perfect for use on the perimeter of the hair.Aria is the Italian translation of ‘Air’, reflecting the product’s virtually invisible 2mm adhesive area. GL Tapes Aria is ideal particularly for the hairline, or for very fine or thinning hair.
To coincide with the launch, Great Lengths has also developed a brand-new consultation tool to aid the consultation and application process. GL Tapes Virtual Assistant will help stylists determine the optimum number of GL tapes to be used at each appointment, as well as the best placement, taking into consideration everything from hair density and hair thickness to the desired result, current hairstyle and size of the head.
For the first time, Great Lengths can support the hairdresser in the application of GL Tapes, enhancing the consultation process, improving communication and helping to manage the client’s expectations.
Divided into three sections, the Virtual Assistant offers a series of questions which inform the stylist on the best application pattern and the suggested quantity and lengths. GL Tapes Virtual Assistant provides instant information, allowing the hairdresser to follow the recommendations or make further adjustments to suit the client’s specific needs. The assistant will also include access to training videos, as well as support and future updates.
“This latest launch underlines a commitment to creating products which enhance a stylist’s creative artistry and offer clients the most luxurious and realistic results possible. GL Tapes Natural Cut creates results that are natural looking, long lasting and virtually undetectable, and the pre-cut layers ensure that stylists can achieve beautiful results in even less time, making them ideal for clients looking for a professional transformation without the wait.”
Joscelin McCourt, CEO at HB Collective, the home of Great Lengths
GL Tapes Natural Cut Aria and Essenza are available in lengths 12’’, 16’’ and 20’’ for all colour families, with 24’’ available as a special request.
Are you interested in becoming a Great Lengths certified stylist? Please email sales@greatlengthshair.co.uk or call +44 (0) 113 278 1292 to speak to the Great Lengths team. For more information: www.rdr.link/HBC007
Adam Thomas, Pro Hair’s resident Data Dork and the Founder of the game-changing salon review platform and insights generator, salonspy, explains why customer testimonials could be costing you the trust of potential clients…
Today’s consumers can be sceptical, especially when it comes to testimonials. Testimonials are often seen as cherry-picked by the salon and displayed in a controlled environment (such as their website), whereas consumers prefer unfiltered, real-time feedback. Rather than focusing on curated testimonials, people now actively seek out authentic reviews from platforms not controlled by the business.
For example, when booking a holiday, you’re far more likely to trust reviews from third-party platforms like Tripadvisor, not a testimonial that only sits on the hotel’s website. That’s because booking platforms know that consumers trust independent reviews. If your business has quality, recent reviews, the key is to make them easily accessible and synced across important platforms, including your website and your social media channels.
Hotels will often have Tripadvisor widgets directly on their websites. This keeps potential customers on their site, providing access to trusted feedback without redirecting them elsewhere. Your salon website should follow the same strategy: once a visitor lands on your page, you want to give them zero reasons to leave. If they have to search elsewhere for reviews, you risk losing them to competitors through Google Ads or online marketplaces.
Many review systems offer plugins that display third-party reviews directly on your website, but be cautious! Avoid over-customising these widgets to match your brand too closely. Consumers need to instantly recognise that the reviews come from a trusted third-party source. Once it looks like you have control over the reviews, they lose credibility and start looking like testimonials again.
This is your sign to rethink testimonials. Either rename the section or page as ‘reviews’ or remove it entirely. Consider opting for a verified review platform like salonspy or similar, to showcase your most recent customer feedback. In the end, transparency and authenticity are what will win a customer's trust - and their business too.
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised most industries, including the hair and beauty sector. Virtual consultations, augmented reality styling, appointment scheduling and style trend predictions are all services that are becoming increasingly commonplace. However, this new wave of digital perfection is setting unrealistic hair goals and creating challenges for salons too, particularly with clients bringing AI-generated images as references for a hairstyle.
AI-enhanced images often show hair that is unnaturally perfect or impossible to attain, with many inspiration pictures featuring exaggerated volume, texture and colours that cannot be accurately replicated. These flawless images often flood social media, which is where many clients will look for hair inspiration.
However, where AI doesn’t account for the diverse range of hair types and conditions, many people feel dissatisfied with their natural hair and compare it to what they see online. This has helped to create an unrealistic beauty standard and put pressure on salons to deliver unachievable results.
Ultimately, this is creating a disconnect between what clients expect and what stylists can deliver, which can leave customers feeling disappointed and cause stress for
Salons must emphasise the differences between AI-generated images and real-life possibilities to help clients manage expectations. It can be surprising how few people can differentiate AI images from real
■ LEVERAGE AI EFFECTIVELY When used correctly, AI can be a useful tool for salons – virtual try-on tools, for
In response to the AI-driven trend towards perfection, salons can position themselves as advocates for natural beauty and healthy hair. By promoting styles that enhance, rather than alter a client’s natural hair, salons can help shift the focus from unrealistic ideals to authentic beauty.
Tracey Ann Smith is a multi award-winning hairdresser and the Global Ambassador for ASP Expert haircare. With a career spanning over three decades, Tracey reflects on the times she has taken a deep dive into the unknown, and all the rewards that this has delivered.
Every year, I like to embark on a training exercise that teaches me something new as I believe there are so many benefits to challenging yourself professionally and personally. This year, I enrolled on a hair braiding course at the Nicci Welsh Academy in Copenhagen. I always feel out of my comfort zone in situations like this, but the experience really gave me a new perspective on how others educate and how to improve my own teaching skills. In all honesty, I think you need to be uncomfortable in order to learn something new.
I’ve been fortunate enough to live and work in many different countries, and this has definitely pushed me way outside of my comfort zone (but the lessons have always been immense!).
Every country has such a different aesthetic, and this has really made me appreciate that not everyone likes hair in the same way we do in the UK.
Understanding different cultures and age groups is a learning curve, and you have to learn to adapt your skills. During my time working in the Middle East, for example, I learnt that I needed to be the best of the best. It was tough and demanding, but it made me a much better hairdresser and also helped me develop my customer service skills to a whole new level.
I looked after the Royal Family in Abu Dhabi, and that experience pushed me the most out of my professional comfort zone that I’d ever been. I would get picked up and taken to the palace, before being told what I had to create and how long I had to create it. It was often unrealistic, and the pressure was severe, but there was no option of not delivering. The experience was scary, but interesting and intriguing at the same
time. I learnt to adapt, speed up and drop any ego I had. Ultimately, I was hired help; it didn’t matter what I had achieved in my career, I just had to do exactly as they asked and get it right.
After my stint in Abu Dhabi, I felt like I could handle anything. So, I opened a studio in Madrid – specifically in an area where there were lots of expats crying out for hairdressers that suited them. I had to network extensively and set a business up in a new country from nothing, but it was busy and successful. I learnt that if you want to create something from nothing, there are no shortcuts; you have to work hard and get yourself out there, even when you’d rather not. I also learnt a lot about the importance of fitting into the community, so I learnt Spanish and built a business too!
My final overseas experience was in Cyprus, where I worked as a guest artist in a salon. This experience tested my skills in ways that I wasn’t expecting, namely because a lot of my Cypriot clients had thick, stubborn, grey hair that they wanted covering. This was a valuable lesson in colouring, and I really honed my colour skills. Whilst this was technically very challenging, it was a valuable experience as I know I will never feel out of my depth colouring any hair type again.
I like to step out of my comfort zone as I believe you need to get uncomfortable in order to learn something new. If I don’t push myself to be in that space, how can I expect others to take knowledge from me? My advice to someone who wants to embark on something new is simple: do it. Take the risk and embrace the challenge, you never know where you will end up.
Extensionist to the stars and newly crowned Professional Extensionist of the Year at the Pro Hair Awards, Inanch Emir is proof that hair extensions are a lucrative service to add to your menu. This month, Inanch offers her expert advice on helping menopausal clients.
For a woman already dealing with major changes to her appearance and emotions during menopause, hair loss can be one side effect too many –but, at least it’s a symptom the hair pros are on hand to help with! These days, an appropriate hair extensions service – always taking into account the client’s specific needs – can often be the quickest and most effective solution.
Showing empathy and understanding is essential when addressing hair loss, particularly when a client is going through hormonal changes. You will be dealing with a client who is potentially feeling very vulnerable or even depressed, so this is where your experience as a sympathetic listener and advisor will come into play. If you have a strong relationship with your client, she may bring up her concerns about menopause and hair loss herself, which gives you the perfect opportunity to offer your expertise.
When discussing hair loss, acknowledge the effects of menopause on hair health, but do so in a reassuring way. Emphasise that there are effective solutions available and that you are there to help her through this change. This approach will make your client feel cared for rather than a commodity.
“The key is to be supportive and offer solutions, without making the client self-conscious.”feel
Remember, you don’t have to go straight in with the hard sell on extensions. As a hair professional, you are well-placed to make other suggestions that can help, including haircuts that enhance volume and advice on products or treatments that can improve scalp health and promote hair growth. However, the fact is that hair extensions do offer an almost instant and very effective solution to thinning hair, so it’s in your client’s interest to share this. The key is to be supportive and offer solutions, without making the client feel self-conscious.
Hair that is thinning due to menopause may be more fragile, so use lightweight, tape-in or hand-tied extensions to minimise stress on the hair.
When hair is thinning, it’s even more vital to ensure the extensions are a perfect match for the client’s natural hair colour and texture. The last thing a client wants is to draw attention to the fact they have thinning hair, so a seamless blend will add volume without making it obvious that extensions have been added.
Place extensions where thinning is most noticeable, such as around the crown or temples. This strategic placement will create fullness and effectively cover sparse areas.
Educate your client on the importance of regular maintenance. This includes gentle brushing, using appropriate products and scheduling touch-ups to keep both the extensions and natural hair in good condition.
It’s always been business first for Sheona Will. From starting her career at 15 as a Saturday girl to running a group of three thriving salons, Sheona’s astute commercial head has seen her grow a thriving business. In her exclusive series for Pro Hair, Sheona shares her insights into how to run your salon like a boss. This issue, she discusses whether marketing to your team is the missing tier of engagement.
Marketing is often thought of in terms of customers: how to attract them, how to retain them and how to keep them coming back for more. However, I believe there’s another –often overlooked –group you should be marketing to just as diligently: your own team. As salon owners, we’re constantly focused on the guest experience, but what if the secret to better marketing lies within the four walls of your salon?
I have always been intrigued by marketing practices, particularly when it comes to consumer behaviour. After developing a busy column as a hairdresser in my twenties, I went back to study and completed a business degree. For me, the most inspiring part of that business degree was always marketing. It was actually the part of the course I found the easiest too, most likely due to my experience with clients in the salon.
During my time owning and managing the Bloom Salons, I have implemented many changes in the businesses – some of which have worked better than others – and I’m a strong believer in recognising that mistakes are normal. Without these small failures, how would we ever learn?
the marketing process not only makes them feel valued, but also directly impacts the success of your campaigns.
I began to see this value in first ‘selling’ the idea to my team. To bring the idea to life, I used a framework that I’d learned during my studies. It revolved around four key questions:
Why? – Why is this important to me, the team member and my guest?
What? – What exactly is the product or service and what consumer question does it answer?
How? – How will the guest experience this and how will it fit into a typical day or appointment? What If? – What if this is a success and what does that mean for me as a team member?
“The success of any marketing campaign for your salon’s products or services is wholly dependent on first marketing it to your team.”
It was only until very recently that I understood which factors could ensure a greater chance of success. It came to me gradually... and then all at once! Moving from two salons in Scotland into a third in London at The House of Keune by Bloom was a steep learning curve in terms of starting something from nothing. It was during that journey that I discovered perhaps the most vital lesson of all: the success of any marketing campaign for your salon’s products or services is wholly dependent on first marketing it to your team. Realising this has completely changed how I now launch or update anything across the whole group of salons.
Think of your team as the ambassadors of your brand. They are the ones interacting with your guests day in and day out. If they aren’t excited or informed about a new product or service, how can they effectively sell it to your clients? Engaging your team in
By answering these questions, I could craft a narrative that made sense to my team before we even considered going to market.
Once answered, these questions serve as the foundation of the team’s communication. I never present a fully completed campaign. Instead, I leave room for adjustment based on the team’s insights. This approach ensures that every team member feels heard and part of the decision-making process. The results? Higher team engagement and a greater rate of success for our marketing initiatives.
I’ve used this framework often and find that now, versus my previous experiences, team engagement levels are higher and more of what I implement is successful. This shift in approach has made a noticeable difference in my salons. By marketing first to my team, I’ve seen more buy-in, and ultimately, more successful campaigns.
Remember, marketing to your team isn’t about having all the answers, it’s about fostering an environment of collaboration and continuous improvement. As salon owners, we have a unique opportunity to build a culture where everyone feels invested in the success of the business, so when your team is engaged, your guests will feel it too.
Combining her successful careers as a hairdresser and a psychotherapist, Hayley Jepson is a coach on a mission. Her coaching business, The Resilient Hairdresser, has helped thousands of salon owners, stylists and freelance hairdressers navigate the fast-paced and ever-changing working environment. Here, Hayley is on hand to answer your questions.
Dear Hayley,
I’m a salon owner and my team mean so much to me; we are really close, and I adore them all. Since returning to work after having my first child, I don’t have the same time and patience to support them as I have been doing so far. I feel my priorities are changing, but I’m worried I’m starting to let them down. How do I still be there for them and my business, but also my child?
Thank you, Sarah P
First of all, Sarah, well done on building a salon with a great team – that is no mean feat! And congratulations on becoming a mum too.
Understandably, your priorities are changing; your salon is not your only baby anymore. Instead of just trying to do it all, I think it’s great you have recognised that you don’t have the same time or patience that you did before becoming a parent. This is brilliant insight.
It could be time to hire a manager to take on some of the responsibilities at the salon. Who stepped up when you were on maternity leave? I bet there are some great candidates already working for you who would love a promotion. Or, if not, you can always advertise the position. This would then give you more time to spend nurturing your team and more energy for that side of things.
It’s important to think about how much time you can realistically spend working in and on your business, and feel good about how much time you have with your child. The beauty of owning your own business is that you can make this work for
you. You haven’t mentioned whether you are still working behind the chair at all – is it a possibility to drop some hours there? This way you could focus more on running the business.
I think your strength is in leading your team well, you clearly do a great job of that. And so, to me, it’s about considering what aspects don’t have to be done by you. What could you pass over to a manager so you can stay in your zone of genius at work? The vision for the business has to be you, so it seems it’s time to pull back on the day-to-day management work. In my opinion, if your team gets your undivided attention regularly for one-on-ones, they won’t feel unsupported or let down at all.
I believe if you train up a manager, and you’re clear about what is their department and what is yours, this will be a big win all round .
I really wish you well Sarah, this is an exciting and lovely time for you.
Enjoy every minute of it!
Oh what a night! Let’s celebrate the first ever Pro Hair Awards and meet our worthy winners!
Over 300 hairdressers and guests descended on the London Reign Showclub in the heart of London to recognise and celebrate hair professionals from across the industry who really are top of their game.
Everything about the Pro Hair Awards evening was bursting with a sparkling energy as guests were entertained by aerial performers, disco ball head dancers and a high octane After Party, making it truly a night to remember.
Photography: The Content Creators @the.content.creators
This has totally made my year! It means everything to have your hard work recognised and celebrated. This is extra special to me as it brings my love of the salon world, where I first started, together with my love for the bridal world. It was such an honour to be on stage with so many artists I admire –I honestly can’t thank you enough for creating a platform to celebrate everyone’s hard work! Just what we need to keep pushing our dreams and creativity higher! The perfect end to wedding season 2024.
In a sector of the industry that normally gets frowned upon, we are stoked to be recognised! Hopefully this will inspire others to back themselves and create that dream lifestyle just like we have. We came to bring home the win and put our private studio on a pedestal. Getting an award for something you've designed, built and poured everything into is a f***in’ awesome feeling!
Winning this award means so much to me as extensions are my passion in every way. I have built my business around my love of extensions, and to be recognised for this means the world to me. It’s always an honour to win an award, but to win the first ever Professional Extensionist of the Year makes it even more special!
I think I had an outer body experience when I heard my name announced at the Pro Hair Awards! That moment on stage was quite overwhelming –the realisation that I was receiving the award for Professional Freelancer Hairdresser of the Year and the recognition for my recent work, but also an acknowledgement of the years of dedication to the industry. I’m celebrating my independence; a terrifying leap of faith has become an incredibly rewarding life choice, and to receive this wonderful accolade from Pro Hair is an absolute honour!
I’m delighted to be picking up this award. God’s timing is always perfect. I’ve been working extremely hard to get myself into such a position where I can begin to help leave the industry in a better way than I found it, and achieving this gives me confidence to continue doing what I love.
I’m absolutely buzzing with excitement! Winning this award is a dream come true! After years of hard work, late nights and juggling freelance life with solo parenting, this recognition feels like a huge victory. I’m more fired up than ever to keep pushing boundaries and taking my craft to new heights!
Winning my first ever award is so special, and the talent was extraordinary so that makes it even more amazing! The night was so well put together and the judges were some hair icons, so it’s great to have validation that I’m on the right track to where I want to be in years to come. It’s inspiring that the Pro Hair Awards have a Professional Young Talent category, and I can’t wait to see how this year pans out for me! Thank you Nicola, Tabitha and everyone at Pro Hair for being so welcoming on the night.
I’m beyond thrilled to be named the first ever Hair Influencer of the Year! This award is such an incredible honour, and it motivates me to continue inspiring and empowering others in the world of hair. I’m so excited for what’s to come and to keep making an impact in this amazing industry!
Absolutely over the moon to have won Social Educator of the Year. This is something that I’ve been working on for the last five years, and it feels amazing to have been recognised for all my hard work – thank you so much Pro Hair. And wow, the Winner’s Goody Bag is literally the best thing I’ve ever seen! Thank you so much to everybody who sponsored the event and donated to the Goody Bag – it is really special!
Absolutely buzzing to win Shot of the Year 2024! This is your sign to never stop trying because you never know what day is going to be your big day! Thank you Pro Hair, you do not know what this means to me! I’m never going to be over it!
I'm over the moon to have won the Colour Transformation Video of the Year from Pro Hair! This award is a testament to the passion and dedication I put into my work, and I'm so excited to see what the future holds.
I was completely blown away by winning this award! The fact I got recognised for seeing the importance of relationships behind the chair meant the world to me. Thank you!
Winning Salon Skit of the Year was an incredible experience, especially because it was a true team effort. Our whole salon came together to create the video, making it even more special to bring the award back and celebrate as a group. We were absolutely thrilled to receive this recognition, and it made an already amazing evening with Pro Hair even more unforgettable!
We are absolutely over the moon to be named the first ever Sustainable Salon of the Year! It’s a huge honour and testament to the passion and dedication of our team, who have worked so hard to create an eco-conscious brand that still delivers exceptional service. This recognition inspires us to continue leading the way in sustainable beauty, and we’re so excited for what’s ahead!
I was so honoured to be nominated in two categories at the inaugural Pro Hair Awards, and to walk away with this win is such a proud moment for my team and I after only having the salon for a year! It makes all the hard work worth it and celebrates my team, clients, and all those involved with Luke Benson Hair.
We are incredibly honoured for Goldsworthy’s Swindon to be named the first ever winner of Professional Group Salon of the Year at this amazing inaugural awards ceremony. The event and venue were outstanding, making this recognition even more special. This award reflects the passion and dedication of our entire team, and we’re thrilled to be celebrated at the top of the hairdressing industry.
I am delighted to have won the very first Professional Colourist of the Year award. I am so incredibly passionate about hair colour, so to be recognised for this is a huge honour and an accolade that means so much to me personally.
WOW WOW WOW! What a night! From start to finish it was simply fantastic –fast paced, great energy and a great crowd. To be named Professional Hairdresser of the Year at the very first Pro Hair Awards just feels incredible! It really is such an honour to receive this accolade from such an iconic judging panel. We lived on cloud nine for a few days. The Pro Hair Awards have arrived!!! Uniquely different to anything else out there –an absolute triumph!
A Vital VAT Read!
RUTH LUNDSTROM, CEO & Founder of The Freelance Suite app, stresses that this is the most important topic you NEED to read...
NB: This article has been written just before the Autumn Budget has been announced and you will be reading it a day or so after…
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock or you’ve already left the UK for a new life in Dubai, you will have heard many rumblings about what our new ‘leader’ is planning to do to generate more revenue for his government. If you haven’t heard, it is really all about taxing everything apart from the air we breathe (so far).
So, why does this matter to you as a freelancer? Because they could be coming for more of your hard-earned cash! There is a lot of talk about dropping the VAT threshold down to as low as £30,000 a year. This means anyone – whether that be a sole trader or limited company – that hits an income (turnover) of £30,000, will now have to start paying (charging) VAT.
You have two options if this becomes our new reality:
1. Absorb the VAT and start handing over 20% of EVERYTHING that comes into your till to the tax man. (This would mean you’d be paying 40% tax minimum a year in taxes.)
2. Add the VAT to your prices and charge it to the client.
Personally, I would advise you to charge it to the client because VAT is really a tax to the customer. When you become VAT registered, you essentially become a tax collector for the government – a middleman if you like. I predict that the businesses that will survive this
proposed VAT introduction will be the ones that add it onto their prices rather than absorb it.
As I write this, we don’t know if they will make us charge 20% or 13%. Hopefully it won’t happen at all, but if this does come to pass, it won’t just be hairdressers, it will be all small businesses and self-employed people. If you currently haven’t got your prices worked out to the penny and the gram, then now is the time to confront your numbers and make changes.
If you are currently priced for a minimum of 20% profit on your prices and you’re booked out, you could choose to do a smaller increase and absorb some of the VAT initially, especially if you are worried about out-pricing yourself (but you know how I feel about higher pricing already!). If, however, you are currently priced just to cover costs, then you will have no option but to revisit your prices and add the VAT on.
Running a business has hurdles such as this, and the response we need to take is a pragmatic one. Would a VAT introduction at £30,000 be ideal? No. Is it business ending? No –as long as we face it unemotionally and pragmatically. My advice is to revisit your prices using the pricing app (The Freelance Suite) and make sure you are priced for a minimum of 20% profit. This will hopefully be enough to allow for any VAT introductions should they happen. If they don’t, then you will have a very prosperous 2025!
As well as revisiting prices, I would start looking at ways to increase your reach to potential clients so that you have a constant influx of new clients and bookings for your services. You can never be too prepared.
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” - Benjamin Franklin
FHA Founder, SHEILA ABRAHAMS MBE, looks at navigating product choices and brand partnerships for freelance hairdressers. Pick n’ Mix
As a freelance hairdresser, one of the most significant changes you experience is the freedom to choose the products and brands you work with. In a salon, you’re often tied to the brands they stock, but as an independent stylist, the world is your oyster. This autonomy allows you to curate the best products tailored to your clients’ needs and your professional preferences, ensuring quality, satisfaction and ethical integrity in your services.
First things first...
If your journey into freelancing is a transition from a salon to freelance work, it’s common to continue using the brands you’ve been accustomed to. However, I believe it’s essential to explore beyond these comfort zones. The market is teeming with products, so your choice should be based on your specific business model, clientele and budget. A critical aspect of choosing the right products is the ability to trial them before committing to bulk purchases. For freelance hairdressers, buying full-sized products only to discover they don’t meet your expectations can be frustrating and costly. Membership in
“One of the greatest benefits of being a freelance hairdresser is the freedom to mix and match products from different brands, creating a personalised toolkit that perfectly suits your style and clientele.”
organisations like the Freelance Hairdressers’ Association (FHA) can be incredibly beneficial in this regard. These bodies often collaborate with brands eager to introduce their products to freelancers, allowing you to try products before committing, giving you confidence in your choices.
The products you choose should align with the services you offer. For instance, if you specialise in blondes, your stock should include a range of toners, toning shampoos and bleaches. Similarly, if you frequently work with hair extensions, sulphate-free shampoos are a must, as they help maintain the integrity of the extensions. This specificity not only ensures that you’re providing the best possible care for your clients’ hair, but also reinforces your expertise in particular areas, enhancing your reputation.
In today’s market, consumers are increasingly concerned about the ethical sourcing of products. Ensuring that the products you use are ethically sourced is not only a matter of integrity, but also a response to growing client demand for sustainable and cruelty-free products. While there’s no one-size-fits-all certification, doing your research or consulting with peers in professional networks can help you identify ethically-sourced products.
There’s a common misconception that the more expensive a product is, the better its quality. While this can be true in some cases, it’s not a rule. There are some brands that offer excellent quality at a more affordable price point, making them a great option for freelancers. It’s also important to offer a range of products that cater to different budgets. When the cost between the products is relatively minimal, clients will often choose the premium option, as everyone wants the best for their hair!
The products you use reflect your brand and professionalism. Clients notice the care you put into choosing products, and this can significantly influence their perception of your services. For instance, when performing a perm or colour treatment, displaying the product you’re using can assure clients of the quality and thoughtfulness behind your choices.
Managing stock levels can be an ongoing challenge for freelancers. Keeping track of what you’ve used and what needs replenishing is often done manually or mentally. It’s essential to carry enough stock for both use and retail, but not so much that you’re left with unused products. Start by retailing the products you use and love; this makes it easier to sell them to clients because you can speak from experience. A good rule of thumb is to have a couple of extra bottles of your most favourite products on hand; if they don’t sell, you’ll still use them in your services, ensuring no money is wasted.
One of the greatest benefits of being a freelance hairdresser is the freedom to mix and match products from different brands, creating a personalised toolkit that perfectly suits your style and clientele. Your enthusiasm and knowledge about the products you use are your bestselling techniques –clients will naturally gravitate towards products you’re passionate about.
I believe the key to successful product selection and brand partnerships as a freelance hairdresser lies in trialling, ethical sourcing, client-tailored choices and smart stocking. By leveraging your freedom and resources like the FHA, you can build a sustainable, client-focused business that stands out in the competitive world of freelance hairdressing.
Welcome to another instalment of our monthly Q&A sessions with LACEY HUNTER-FELTON, the pioneering founder of the co-working and freelance community: Hunter Collective.
Dear Lacey, how do I adapt my freelance business to client lifestyle changes post Covid?
Thea Lehner, Freelance Colour Specialist
Hi Thea, Client lifestyle changes post Covid are something I’ve observed frequently through my work at Hunter Collective.
Freelancers are finding that their clients are evolving in ways that impact how they approach their services. Your situation reflects a growing trend of clients moving out of cities, working more flexible schedules and having less-consistent appointment availability. This shift poses an important question for freelancers: how do you adapt your business to meet these changes while ensuring your own work/life balance remains intact?
My first piece of advice is to revisit the fundamentals of how your business operates. For example, if your clients are now visiting the city less frequently, you might need to reconsider your availability and booking structure. Is it time to change your working hours or offer more flexibility in appointment times to accommodate these clients’ limited windows of opportunity?
I also want to highlight the importance of communication with clients. My assumption would be that you have relied on word-of-mouth and a strong community connection to build your business. However, if that community changes, it’s crucial to think about new ways to reach the right audience. Social media can play a role here, but only if it’s aligned with the preferences of the clientele you want to attract.
Within this, you must also consider balancing client needs and staying true to their business goals. Freelancers, especially in the hair industry, are often faced with the dilemma of being available for clients whilst still maintaining a sustainable work/life balance. This balance becomes even more challenging when the client’s behaviour changes. I suggest reflecting on whether your current business
model still works for you in light of these changes. It might be the perfect opportunity to reassess how much time you want to dedicate to client-facing services versus other aspects of your career, such as education, consulting or content creation.
Finally, I encourage all freelancers to look at the bigger picture of their career progression. The beauty of freelancing is its flexibility, but it also means constantly evolving with personal and industry shifts. As client needs change, it’s important to ask if they still align with where you see yourself going. Do you need to diversify your offerings, or perhaps consider transitioning into a different aspect of the industry?
Here are my top three tips for adapting to client lifestyle changes:
• Revisit your booking structure: Adjust your availability to fit your clients’ new schedules, whether that means offering appointments on specific days or at times that work best for them.
• Communicate effectively: Keep an open dialogue with your clients about your availability and, if needed, explore new ways to market your services to attract the right clientele.
• Balance client needs with your own goals: Don’t lose sight of what you want from your career. It’s okay to pivot, diversify or set boundaries when necessary to ensure your business still works for you.
As freelancers continue to navigate the post-Covid landscape, it’s more important than ever to remain flexible while staying true to the core of your business. My advice emphasises the importance of not only adapting to client changes, but also reflecting on your own goals to ensure a sustainable and fulfilling career.
Have any freelancing questions you’d like to find out for yourself? Send your questions to Lacey right here: www.rdr.link/HBC008
“I’m a freelancer and...”
... these are my top three favourite things about going freelance.
The freelance world is growing! Just because people choose to go freelance, it doesn’t mean they want to be alone. Connecting on social media is an easy way to form a network and build relationships with like-minded freelance professionals; I have found this has really broadened my horizons. There are a variety of different ways to go freelance, so I recommend exploring all of them until you find what works for you. In my experience, the freelance community is incredibly supportive – we are all walking our own paths, but we are doing it together!
My name is Holly Rudge I’m a freelance hair professional and Denman Creative. I began freelancing about two years ago. I’ve found my tribe at Sta Studios, and I’ve never been happier.
The thing that motivated me to go freelance in the first place was when I realised I was most efficient when not confined to certain days and work hours – I wanted to put my energy into building my own business. So, if you decide to choose the freelance life too, be prepared and make sure you have enough of a client base to allow for a smooth transition (and make sure they can find you on social media!). Once that box is ticked, you can start shopping around for a freelance space. Remember, choosing a space that aligns with you and your brand is really important. Choose one that also harmonises with your clientele -they need to love it as much as you do!
Becoming freelance is both liberating and challenging, but it’s so worth it. Be ready to really work on your own business – this might mean initially missing some nights out with friends, but once everything is in place, you will find yourself with so much more freedom. Managing your own time and really crafting a work\life balance is so important when working freelance, plus there are lots of apps like Slick to help you.
I’ve found that the biggest challenge is actually making the leap in the first place, as well as staying motivated. As long as you keep showing up and doing your best, you’ll find that everything flows perfectly… then you’ll probably find yourself working too much, but that’s another issue! My last word on being your own boss is to get a good accountant. Bookkeeping can be stressful, so get a great accountant and keep on top of the financial side of the business.
Honouring its commitment to design and artisanal craft with every product, Oribe has partnered with Kenyan fine art photographer, Thandiwe Muriu, to create the packaging of six limited-edition gift sets for its Holiday 2024 Collection. Muriu’s artistic vision — deeply rooted in her African heritage — embodies the jubilant spirit of community and togetherness. www.rdr.link/HBC009
Encouraging users to express themselves fully this Christmas, Goldwell has created stylish, graphic boxes to house and showcase its popular ranges. Complete with a bright, bold attitude, the sets are available in the Bond Pro, Rich Repair and Color Brilliance ranges. www.rdr.link/HBC010
Partnering with Anja Karboul, an acclaimed fashion illustrator, Schwarzkopf Professional’s 2024 Christmas gift bags offer a perfect premium gift to stock in salons. With an array of different products for a variety of hair types, this year’s sets focus on three of the Schwarzkopf Pro brands: Bonacure, BLONDME and the newly relaunched Fibre Clinix. www.rdr.link/HBC011
Boost your retail this season with irresistible Christmas gifting from Wella Professionals. With a selection of great value, luxury gift packs, Wella is offering haircare solutions to suit all your clients’ needs. This year, there are four packs available – Ultimate Repair, Color Brilliance, Nutri-Enrich and Fusion –each including a trio of hero products. www.rdr.link/HBC012
This Christmas, R+Co is bringing together some of its bestselling products with two festive crackers. The ‘I Want Perfect Hair’ Cracker contains the Television Perfect Hair Shampoo & Conditioner for weightless moisture, shine and body, whilst the ‘I Want Big Hair’ Cracker is comprised of the Death Valley Dry Shampoo and Balloon Dry Volume Spray for masses of volume. www.rdr.link/HBC013
Offering the perfect christmas retail gift solution with something for all hair types, JOICO has launched ten different shampoo/conditioner gift sets in the following collections: Youth Lock, Colorful, Moisture Recovery, Blonde Life, Blonde Life Violet, Defy Damage, K-PAK, K-PAK Color Therapy, HydraSplash and Joifull. www.rdr.link/HBC014
Featuring a range of luxury gift sets with its signature scent, at-home salon
treatments and iconic Christmas cracker, Neäl & Wølf has unveiled its 2024 Christmas collection. The gift sets include: limited edition hair treatment duos, stocking fillers, the Mini Essentials collection and the Home and Spa collection. www.rdr.link/HBC015
Featuring its brand-new upcycled ranges, MOISTREPAIRand COLORVITALITY, as well as its classic ADDVOLUMErange, KMS is giving you the tools for a glamorous
Christmas this year. Plus, with FSC certified gift boxes, only materials from sustainable forests have been used in the packaging’s manufacturing. www.rdr.link/HBC016
Step into a glittering ice-scape with the new ghd iced luxe limited-edition collection. Whether you’re on the naughty or ‘ice’ list, embrace good hair days with award-winning ghd styling tools, frozen in pearlescent icy blue tones. www.rdr.link/HBC017
This year, Kerasilk has worked with cult embroidery artist, Ellie Mac, to create beautiful floral packaging and limited-edition bracelets. The collaboration is rooted in the idea of believing in your own strength, and the sets are available in both the Smoothing and Recovery ranges. www.rdr.link/HBC018
Give the gift of the Keratin Complex Red Carpet Blow-Dry Duo this Christmas. Working to improve the hair’s strength and resilience, whilst reducing breakage and cutting down on blow-dry time, Keratin Complex’s secret recipe for the Red Carpet blow-dry combines its Infusion Keratin Replenisher and Intense RX Repair Serum. This duo serves as the ultimate primer for smooth and frizz-free hair, naturally defined curls or soft, beachy waves. www.rdr.link/HBC019
Encourage your clients to give the gift of superb haircare this holiday season with eight exclusive kits from ALFAPARF Milano Professional. The brand has teamed up with Holly Sharpe, an Edinburgh-born and Glasgow-based fashion and live event illustrator, to create eight stunning visions of Milan told through its gardens and parks. The kits include bespoke routines for hair that is: normal, damaged, fine, curly, rebellious, silver and ageing. www.rdr.link/HBC020
During a notoriously stressful season, evo wants to offer a quiet moment of reprieve. Containing shampoo, conditioner and a candle, the untamed flamegift pack contains all the ingredients for ‘good times, good hair and good scents’! With calming notes of sandalwood and lotus, the packs are available in both the hydrate or repair family. www.rdr.link/HBC021
‘Chocolate Box Hair’ is this season’s sweetest hair trend
A blend of glossy brunette and dark blonde hues, this new trend resembles the colour of our favorite chocolate and coffee treats.
If your clients are craving rich, beautiful colour that’s brimming with luscious shine just in time for winter, then it’s time to throw the new Mocha and Natural Beige permanent shades from JOICO’s LumiShine into the mix.
JOICO’s NEW LumiShine Permanent Crème Color in Mocha (M) and Natural Beige (NB) offers a versatile colour palette which can be customised for almost any skin tone, helping you to achieve gorgeous, ultra-dimensional looks for all hair colours.
These intermixable creme shades open a world of tempting possibilities for both brunette and blonde hair, all while providing 100% grey coverage, built-in bond-building and nourishing protection.*
Ideal for achieving deep chocolate-brown hues while covering grey, the new Mocha shades deliver an opulent, expensive-looking brunette finish, formulated with low-ammonia for rich, multi-dimensional colour. This palette of gorgeous mocha tones is your key to achieving that perfect, timeless brunette allure.
For more information, visit: www.rdr.link/HBC022
Delivers up to 2x the shine* Reduced breakage and restrengthened hair** 100% replenished hair***
Nourishes and protects hair, sealing in moisture, softness and shine for up to 30 shampoos****
Delivers colour longevity and vibrancy Offers 100% grey coverage Low-ammonia formula
Delivers healthy-looking hair results Optimal viscosity for bowl + brush or bottle application
PETA-certified, animal test-free formula
The Natural Beige shades offer a versatile palette of latte-inspired tones that neutralise warmth for blondes and brunettes. This is perfect for clients who desire lush, reflective latte tones with a refined, neutral finish. With customisable tones, these shades not only cover grey but also provide beautiful, subtle highlights for a fresh and modern look.
“I have loved using the LumiShine Mocha and Natural Beige shades in the salon to create on-trend deep brunettes and soft blondes. Gorgeous, glass-like hair has been popping up all over the runway, and these tones will have you turning heads with beautifully coloured hair and incredible shine.”
Dan Spiller, JOICO EMEA Ambassador
Jack and Ross Williams-Hirst show us round their brand-new co-working space in the heart of Soho.
How did you decide on the style of your salon interior?
Where did you find the inspiration for your design?
Our inspiration came from workspaces – we looked at offices, workshops and co-working environments where people thrive by working solo, but also find opportunities to collaborate. The concept was to merge the vibrancy of independent work with the functionality required for hairdressing. The building itself also provided inspiration. We felt it was ideal for independent hairdressing because of its prominent window and storefront, flanked by stone columns. Not only did this provide the right light for hairwork, but it can bring new clients from the street straight to solo stylists – playing into our idea about the skill and pride of being an independent hairdresser.
We wanted the salon to reflect a modern, sophisticated aesthetic that balances the vibrant energy of a co-working space with the luxury and comfort of a high-end salon. We knew the space had to mirror the flexibility, pride and professionalism that independents embody, so it was important to us that every element in the salon was designed with an independent stylist’s workflow in mind, allowing them to maximise their time and creativity. Our goal was to create a space that supports and celebrates this new era for hairdressing.
Did you use an interior designer?
Yes, we worked closely with Niche Projects. They understood our mission to create a co-working salon designed specifically for independents, and they helped us turn an abandoned video game store into our flagship location on Wardour Street.
What do you hope are your clients’ first impressions when they walk in?
The first thing we did was scrap the idea of a waiting area. In our minds, the entry was always more like a hotel lobby or coffeeshop, where you watch the world go by with a drink in your hand. Our second goal was to create a shopping experience with independents at the heart in this area too. We want to bring independent stylists together with brands, which is so crucial with more and more of us going solo, so we created the Supply Store where stylists can buy their own haircare and sell to clients.
What are the key elements of your salon design?
One of the most interesting features is our ‘Stylist Department’ –a back-of-house area that’s as lovely as the front. It’s a beautiful private space where stylists can take a break, catch up on emails and generally feel valued as skilful solo stylists with a proper place to be...
...with a kitchen and a comfortable seating area. We also have The Reading Room, a little nook off the salon floor downstairs where clients can relax in a comfortable chair away from the buzz while their colour develops
Do you have any curated pieces or special features in the salon?
We know that many independents work with clients who need a more private space or are coming to them before a big event, so we wanted to ensure we had dedicated areas for this. The Changing Room is a beautiful space with a well-lit dressing table and a floor-to-ceiling mirror for clients to get changed after their appointment. We also have The Private Room for VIPs or those who request space off the salon floor, this has its own backwash and styling station to ensure total privacy.
How have you embraced sustainability within the design?
Sustainability was a key consideration throughout the design process. We use Scrummi sustainable towels, and the materials chosen for the interior are both durable and environmentally responsible. Our lighting is energy-efficient, and we aim to minimise waste wherever possible.
What salon software do you use?
We use Square Appointments, but everyone has their own booking systems.
Did your product brand or colour house influence your style of interior design?
Yes, our partnerships with haircare brands definitely influenced our design –we wanted a space that reflected the quality and innovation of the products we work with. Our Supply Store is a direct result of this influence, showcasing brands in a way that aligns with the high standards our stylists set for themselves. We also made sure the space felt modern and cutting-edge, mirroring the industry-leading brands that support our independent stylists in their craft.
The salon represents a shift in how brands and independents collaborate, as heritage names adjust to the growing freelance market and salon owners seek more freedom in their product choices. Whether you’re independent or working in a salon, it’s no longer about sticking to one brand. It’s like a makeup bag –no one uses just one brand.
What salon furniture have you chosen and why?
We selected Takara Belmont ergonomic chairs for their comfort and adjustability, essential for both stylists and clients during long appointments. Our PAHIreclining wash loungers were chosen for the ultimate client comfort during hair washes, and we also sourced pieces from Soho Home to maintain the balance between functionality and a stylish, professional look.
Do you have a dress code/uniform for your team?
As a co-working salon for independent stylists, we don’t impose a dress code or uniform. We believe in giving stylists the freedom to express their personal style, which is a reflection of their independence and individuality.
This picture of me and my wife, Jackie, was taken in Berlin the night before a good industry friend’s wedding. It was the calm before the storm in a gritty side-street bar!
Darren Ambrose, one half of the creative duo behind D&J Ambrose, talks Reflexology, Religion and Rollercoaster Rides.
Running a business can consume all your time, even when you’re not working. To be quite honest, I find it hard to strike that perfect work/life balance, but when I do manage it, I love to go and get reflexology, have a massage and just chill out. I also love attending auctions, finding out what’s happening with vintage clothing, as well as keeping an eye on the property market – I find it all really interesting.
This collection was called Religion and it was captured by a very good friend of mine called Jenny Hands. The concept was about how women in religion are sometimes dictated to through clothing or their ‘armour’, but if you take off these layers and strip them back, the real persona is shown. The whole team got behind it – we had a set built and there was the most electric atmosphere. It was probably one of the best shoot days I’ve ever had.
Without a doubt, winning British Hairdresser of the Year in 2015. It felt like a pinnacle moment from when I chose this career at the age of 17.
Another highlight that stands out was receiving an award from Faye Tozer from Steps in front of a sold-out Wembley Stadium! I was her hairdresser at the time, and she’d invited me along to watch their concert. Unbeknown to me, Faye had just won the Best Female Haircut title at the Smash Hits Awards, which was a huge deal back then. She came out on the stage with her trophy and introduced me to the whole of Wembley – it was just the most surreal moment!
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