Hamilton College COM M ENCEM ENT
CLINTON, NEW YORK June 4, 2022
Among the first tasks of Hamilton’s original Board of Trustees in 1812 was to create a College seal that called for “the emblematical figure of a Celestial Being or angel, raising a veil from the vision of a pupil or novitiate.” The angel’s other hand rests on the “Book of Knowledge,” pointing to the Latin Lux et Veritas (Light and Truth). The College’s motto, Know Thyself, appears above the figures in Greek.
In addition to the American flag and the Hamilton flag, we display flags representing the home countries of the inter national students who studied on F-1 visas. Members of the Class of 2020 came to Hamilton from Argentina, Bhutan, Canada, China, Ghana, Iran, Ireland, Pakistan, Spain, South Korea, Sudan, Switzerland, Thailand, and Tunisia.
THE SENIOR CANES The senior cane is awarded to each graduate and is intended to serve as a tangible reminder of the Hamilton e xperience and as a token of the College’s affection. The head of the cane forms a Continental tricorn hat in honor of Baron von Steuben, who served as drillmaster of Washington’s Continental Army and who laid the cornerstone of the Hamilton-Oneida Academy in 1794. Funding for the canes is provided by the Lee H. Bristol, Jr. ’45 Canes Fund, established by his wife, Louise Bristol, in memory of her husband. Members of the Class of 2020 received their Hamilton canes in 2020.
THE GREEN APPLE PINS Kirkland College was founded as a women’s college in 1968, and until it merged with Hamilton a decade later, it offered alternative educational opportunities for both women and men on the Hill. Built on an apple orchard, Kirkland College took the green apple as its emblem.
THE CLASS OF 2020 MEDALLION Hamilton College has commissioned a special medallion to commemorate the Class of 2020 on the occasion of its Commencement. The medallion features the College seal on one side and the notation “Hamilton College Class of 2020” with a representation of a tricorn hat on the other. Each member of the class will receive a medallion from the president of the College at today’s ceremony. Those unable to be present this morning will receive their medallion in the mail.
ACADEMIC REGALIA Academic regalia derive much of their general style and symbolism from the gowns, cowls, and caps of the medieval universities of Paris, Bologna, Oxford, and Cambridge. In 1895, most colleges and universities in the United States agreed to a common intercollegiate code. The bachelor’s gown has long pointed sleeves, and the master’s has long squared sleeves with a slit for the arm. The doctor’s gown is faced with velvet and has three velvet bars on each sleeve. Historically, the gown was black, but many degree-granting institutions now allow gowns in their own colors. The president and the dean wear caps and gowns designed for Hamilton College. The president also wears a medallion created as a symbol of his office by Ralph Menconi ’36. The academic hood, a descendant of the medieval cowl, indicates the wearer’s degree and field of study, as well as the degree-granting institution. The width of the velvet facing indicates the degree and its color the field of study: white for arts and letters; dark blue for philosophy; scarlet for theology; golden yellow for science. The lining of the hood is the color of the d egree-granting institution: Hamilton’s is blue with a buff chevron. A poem popular in the 16th century says of the cap that “’Tis square like scholars and their books.”
THE HAMILTON DIPLOMA The Hamilton diploma, written in Latin, is in the medieval tradition that considers undergraduates as apprentices. Once their apprenticeship is complete, they are allowed to “commence.” Here is an English translation of the diploma, which was presented to the class in 2020, as if it were being presented to Alexander Hamilton himself: Hamilton College in the State of New York extends its most cordial greetings to all who witness this document. Know ye that ALEXANDER HAMILTON has studied the best of the sciences and arts with sufficient enthusiasm to be recognized as someone worthy of receiving the customary rewards of distinction. Wherefore Hamilton College declares and appoints this person BACHELOR OF ARTS and by virtue of this diploma confers upon him the power to enjoy the rights and privileges unique to that title. In witness whereof the trustees of this College have caused their seal and the signatures of the president and dean to be affixed at the foot of this document.
David Wippman President
Suzanne Keen Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty
Bestowed in the chambers of the College on the 24th day of May, 2020, the 208th year of the College. For those who have done exceptionally well, the diploma reads BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH THE HIGHEST DISTINCTION (summa cum laude), BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH GREAT DISTINCTION (magna cum laude), or BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH DISTINCTION (cum laude). Members of the Class of 2020 received their Hamilton diplomas in 2020. A commemorative medallion will be presented to each member of the class at today’s ceremony and mailed to those who are unable to be present.
WELCOME Welcome to Hamilton College’s in-person Commencement ceremony honoring the Class of 2020. Hamilton College was chartered by the Regents of the State of New York in 1812. The first formal commencement ceremony was held in 1815 for six seniors, although two students who had transferred to Hamilton became the College’s first graduates a year earlier. In 1816, 17 students received their diplomas, representing the first graduating class to attend Hamilton for four years. For about 70 years starting in 1815, every senior spoke at Commencement, a ceremony that lasted all day and was held in the church on the southern end of the Clinton Village Green. As reported in On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College, most of the students who attended Hamilton in its early years were from Oneida County and elsewhere in New York, with the rest coming from New England, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Members of the Hamilton College Class of 2020 came to College Hill from 37 states, one U.S. territory, the District of Columbia, and 15 countries. We congratulate the class and are delighted to welcome their families and friends to today’s ceremony.
BIENVENUE Bienvenue à la cérémonie de remise des diplômes en personne de Hamilton College honorant nos finissants et finissantes de 2020. Hamilton College a été enregistré par les autorités de l’État de New York en 1812. Bien que deux étudiants ayant transféré chez nous aient gradué en 1814, la première cérémonie de remise des diplômes s’est tenue en 1815 pour six finissants. En 1816, dix-sept étudiants ont terminé quatre années d’études au Hamilton College et ont reçu leur diplôme. Durant environ 70 ans à partir de 1815, chaque finissant s’est adressé à l’audience lors de la cérémonie de remise des diplômes qui durait toute la journée et était tenue à l’église à l’extrémité sud de Clinton Village Green. Comme rapporté dans Sur la colline : un rapport historique du bicentenaire de Hamilton College (On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College), la plupart des étudiants de Hamilton College les premières années provenaient du comté d’Oneida et ailleurs dans l’État de New York, avec le reste des étudiants provenant de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, de la Pennsylvanie et du New Jersey. Les étudiants de la promotion de 2020 sont venus à College Hill à partir de 37 États, d’un territoire américain, du District de Columbia, et de 15 pays. Nous félicitons les récipiendaires et sommes enchantés d’accueillir leurs familles et amis à la cérémonie de remise des diplômes.
BIENVENIDOS Bienvenidos a la ceremonia de graduación del Hamilton College en honor a la Generación de 2020. Los Regentes del Estado de Nueva York fundaron el Hamilton College en 1812. La primera ceremonia formal de graduación se llevó a cabo en 1815 para seis estudiantes de último año, aunque dos alumnos que se habían transferido a Hamilton se convirtieron en los primeros graduados de la institución un año antes. En 1816, 17 estudiantes recibieron sus diplomas, representando la primera generación graduada que asistió a Hamilton durante cuatro años. Durante unos 70 años, a partir de 1815, todos los alumnos de último año hablaron en la Graduación, una ceremonia que duraba todo el día y se llevaba a cabo en la iglesia que está en la punta sur de Clinton Village Green. Como se informó en On the Hill: Una historia bicentenaria del Hamilton College (On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College), la mayoría de los alumnos que asistieron a Hamilton en sus primeros años eran del condado de Oneida y de otras partes de Nueva York, y el resto provenía de Nueva Inglaterra, Pensilvania y Nueva Jersey. Los miembros de la Generación de 2020 del Hamilton College llegaron a College Hill desde 37 estados, un territorio de los Estados Unidos, el Distrito de Columbia y 15 países. Felicitamos a la generación y estamos encantados de dar la bienvenida a sus familias y amigos a la ceremonia de hoy.
欢迎 。欢迎前来参加汉密尔顿学院 (Hamilton College) 2020 届毕业典礼 汉密尔顿学院于 1812 年由纽约州摄政者特许成立。第一次正式的毕业典礼于 1815 年为六名大四学生举行,其中一年前 刚转学到汉密尔顿学院的两名学生成为该学院的第一批毕业生。1816 年,有 17 名学生获得了毕业证书,这是汉密尔顿 。学院四年来的第一个毕业班 从 1815 年开始的大约 70 年里,每一位大四学生都在毕业典礼上发言,这个仪式持续一整天,在克林顿村绿地南端的教 堂举行。正如《在学院山上:汉密尔顿学院的百年校史》(On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College) 报道的 那样,早年就读于汉密尔顿的大多数学生来自奥奈达 (Oneida) 县和纽约的其他地方,其余的来自新英格兰、宾夕法尼亚 。和新泽西 来到学院山的汉密尔顿学院 2020 届毕业生的成员来自 37 个州、一个美国领地、哥伦比亚特区和 15 个国家/地区。我 。们向这届学生表示祝贺,并很高兴欢迎他们的家人和朋友前来参加今天的仪式
ً ً بحرموبً االهأ اأه الً ومرح
ً ً ف 2020ماعً ةيلك ش .2020يف مكب اًبحرمو الهأ عام مسارم لفح جرختلا فرشتن مكروضحب ىلإ ميركتل دفعة يذلالتكريم هاميلتون هيفكلية بحضوركم إىل ف فيه نت� نوتليماهالذي حفل التخرج ةعفد ي� مراسم ومرحب ا بكم .أهال ُ ُ ف ف كرويوين� عام )Hamiltonأو .من ِق (College جيرختكلية تأسست .1812 1815لستة � عام ) Collegeلمراسم تخري رسم نمحفل قيمِقأول تسسأتمنمت ةيلك ماكحوألب ةيالو حكاميف بل ماع 1812 لفح لوأ ميق هاميلتونيمسر ميسارمل والية نيويورك ي (Hamiltonــج الدفعات ي ي نوتليماه .ف طالب السنة النهائية ،إال أن ش�ف التخرج ألول مرة من الكلية كان من نصيب ي ن حصل ،1816 عام و� بعام ذلك قبل هاميلتون إىل انتقالهما أتما قد كانا الطالب من اثن� بالطلا نم نينثا بيصن نم ناك ةيلكلا نم ةرم لوأل جرختلا فرش نأ الإ ،ةيئاهنلا ةنسلا بالط نم ةتسل 1815ي ماع يف تاعفدلا اناك ً ىلع ا ً سنوات. مدار أربـ لصحعىل هاميلتون اساتها تتم در دفعة تخرج ليكونوا أول تخرجهم طالبا عىل 17 ماعـعيفو . ماعب كلذ لبق نوتليماه ىلإ امهلاقتنا امتأ دق 1816، بكلية 17 بلاط تاداهش مهجرخت اونوكيل شهاداتلوأ جرخت ةعفد متت ف ف ق قرابةرادم ً ىلع ً نوتليماه ةيلكب اهتاسارد مدارعبرأ تاونس يل� كل خريــــج كلمة ي� حفل التخرج الذي كان يستمر طوال اليوم وكانت تنعقد مراسمه ي� .وعىل 70عام ا بدءا من عام ،1815جرت العادة أن ي ف ف On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College كتاب � ورد وكما غرين”. ڤيالچ “كلينتون بمنطقة الجنو� الطرف � المقامة الكنيسة لاوط رمتسي ب ي فتناكو مويلا ي 1815،ماع نم اًءدب اًماع 70ةبارق رادم ىلعو ناك يذلا جرختلا لفح يف ةملك جيرخ لك ي يقلي نأ ةداعلا ترج ف (� ربوع التلة :الذكرى المئوية الثانية لكلية هاميلتون) ،فمعظم الطالب الذين التحقوا بكلية هاميلتون ي� سنواتها األوىل كانوا من مقاطعة “أونيدا” Onباتك يف درو امكو ».نيرغ چاليڤ نوتنيلك« ةقطنمب يبونجلا فرطلا يف ةماقملا ةسينكلا يف همسارم دقعنت Aي the Hill:ف س. “ج� وأماكن أخرى ي� “نيويورك” ،فيما كان الباقون ينحدرون من “نيو إنغالند” ،و”بنسلفانيا” ،و”نيو ي ي نيذلا بالطلا مظعمف )،نوتليماه ةيلكل ةيناثلا ةيوئملا ىركذلا :ةلتلا عوبر يف( Bicentennial History of Hamilton College ً ف دول العالم. دولة من فضال عن 15 الممثل ي� واحد وهو وإقليم أمريك »،كرويوين«إىل بكلية هاميلتون 2020 نوقابلاعام أعضاء دفعة ينتم اوقحتلا ةيلكب نوتليماه كولومبيا ،يف مقاطعةاهتاونس اوناك ىلوألا ةعطاقم نم »ادينوأ« والية،نكامأو 37ىرخأ يف اميف ناك نوردحني ي ي ف نموأصدقائهم ي� حفل اليوم. بعائالتهم ويسعدنا أن نرحب وين»وأبناء الدفعة، بتهانينا إىل .نتقدم »،دنالغنإ وين« »،اينافلسنب»و يسريج« ً 15نع الضف ،ايبمولوك ةعطاقم يف لثمملا وهو دحاو يكيرمأ ميلقإو ،ةيالو 37ىلإ نوتليماه ةيلكب 2020ماع ةعفد ءاضعأ يهمتني .مويلا لفح يف مهئاقدصأو مهتالئاعب بحرن نأ اندعسيو ،ةعفدلا ءانبأ ىلإ انيناهتب مدقتن .ملاعلا لود نم ةلود
ברוכים הבאים ברוכים הבאים לטקס חלוקת התארים האישי של Hamilton Collegeלכבוד כיתת .2020
ברוכים הבאים
Hamilton Collegeנוסדה על ידי חברי מועצת מדינת ניו יורק בשנת .1812טקס חלוקת התארים הרשמי והראשון נערך ב 1815-עבור םיכורבהראשונים של המכללה בשנה הקודמת .בשנת לבוגרים סקטלהפכו לHamilton- סטודנטים שעברו האחרונה ,אם כי ששת םיאבה םיראתה תקולח שנילש ישיאה Hamilton השנהCollege תלמידידובכל 2020.תתיכ 17 ,1816סטודנטים קיבלו את הדיפלומה שלהם ובכך היוו את כיתת הבוגרים הראשונה אשר למדו בה במשך ארבע שנים. תשש רובע -1815ב ךרענ ןושארהו ימשרה םיראתה תקולח סקט 1812.תנשב קרוי וינ תנידמ תצעומ ירבח ידי לע הדסונ Hamilton College הנשהClinton Village הדרומי של ורבעשבכנסייה היום ונערך שנמשך כל התארים לשבטקס נאם הנשבכל בוגר .תמדוקהשנים ולמשך כ70- 1815 משנת ידימלת ,הנורחאה שבחלקיכ םא םיטנדוטס ינש -Hamiltonל וכפה חלוקתםירגובל םינושארה הללכמה תנשב 1816, 17 םיטנדוטסב Hamilton-בשנותיה הסטודנטים שלמדו On theרוב ךכבו Hill: A Bicentennial Hamilton בCollege- .Green המולפידה תא ולביק םהלש Historyתתיכ תא וויה הנושארהofםירגובה רשא שדווח הב ודמל כפי ךשמב עברא .םינש הראשונות הגיעו ממחוז אוניידה וממקומות נוספים בניו יורק ,ואילו השאר הגיעו מניו אינגלנד ,מפנסילבניה ומניו ג’רזי. Clinton Villageלש ימורדה קלחבש הייסנכב ךרענו םויה לכ ךשמנש םיראתה תקולח סקטב םאנ רגוב לכ םינש -70כ ךשמלו 1815תנשמ ומ15- קולומביה -Onבממחוז theאחת, אמריקאית מדינות ,מטריטוריה מ37- College Hill הגיעו אל כיתת 2020של חברי Green. חוודש יפכ Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College Hamiltonבור Collegeםיטנדוטסה -Hamiltonב ודמלש היתונשב היום. הנערך תומוקממולטקס משפחותיהם וחבריהם את בני ושמחים את חברי אנו מברכים ועיגה תונושארה זוחממ הדיינוא ,קרוי וינב םיפסונ לקבלוליאו ראשה הכיתה ועיגה ,דנלגניא וינמ הינבליסנפמ ארצות.וינמו .יזר’ג -15מו היבמולוק זוחממ ,תחא תיאקירמא הירוטירטמ ,תונידמ -37מ College Hillלא ועיגה Hamilton Collegeלש 2020תתיכ ירבח .םויה ךרענה סקטל םהירבחו םהיתוחפשמ ינב תא לבקל םיחמשו התיכה ירבח תא םיכרבמ ונא .תוצרא
CARISSIMA M. W. Stryker 1872 (Adapted)
Dear is thy home - stead, glade and glen, Haunt-ing our hearts in ab - sent days, Mem - o - ry still shall close en - fold,
crowns stress days
thy brow; and storm, of yore;
Gath - er we close to Ten - der - ly all thy Faith shall thy con - stant
Moth - er, all - lov - ing thou Shine in thy smiles; be love While years, Ca - ris - si - ma,
thou! ———— warm, ———— more, ————
Fair is the Call -ing us Bring-ing us
Our Thine We
own arms love
hast been, Our thy praise! Thine grow cold. We
sweet La are ev thee ev
thee good fame
own arms love
dy er er -
light back joys
that from of
a - gain, old ways up - hold,
sweet are thee
thou! warm. more.
La - dy ev - er ev - er -
Bagpipes of the Mohawk Valley Frasers
The College Marshal Tara L. E. McKee
WELCOME The President of the College David Wippman
Chair Emeritus, Board of Trustees Stephen I. Sadove ’73, P’07,’10,’13
Chair of the Faculty Margaret O. Thickstun
The James Soper Merrill Prize Winner Kenadeed Bihi Gilmour
The President
REMARKS Marc Randolph ’81
Co-founder and founding CEO of Netflix; Silicon Valley e ntrepreneur, advisor, and investor
MOTET Over the Rainbow
Harold Arlen arranged by Turner College Choir 2011
The President and the Associate Deans
AlMahdi Mahil
The President
College Choir 2020
Bagpipes of the Mohawk Valley Frasers
The audience is requested to remain until the procession has retired.
DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERS Edvige Jean-François ’90
Presented by Jack Withiam, Jr. ’71, P’16,’20, Life Trustee
Award-winning journalist and storyteller Edvige Jean-François started her career at ABC News in New York. She has since worked as a producer in Washington for CNN and the Associated Press, covering Capitol Hill, the Supreme Court, the State Department, and the White House. The recipient of a bachelor’s degree in English literature from Hamilton and a master’s degree from the Columbia University School of Journalism, she studied Spanish, literature, and art history at the Instituto Internacional in Madrid, Spain. A native of Haiti, she was a key member of CNN’s award-winning coverage of the earthquake that devastated that country in 2010. In 2020-21, she served as guest editor of the Hamilton magazine issue focused on racial injustice and inequality.
DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERS Marc Bernays Randolph ’81
Presented by Mason P. Ashe ’85, Charter Trustee
Marc Randolph is a veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur, advisor, and investor. As co-founder and founding CEO of Netflix, he laid much of the groundwork for a service that topped 200 million global subscribers in 2020 and fundamentally altered how the world experiences media. He has also founded or co-founded more than a half dozen other successful start-ups, mentored hundreds of early stage entrepreneurs and, as an investor, helped seed dozens of successful tech ventures. Most recently, he co-founded analytics software company Looker Data Sciences, which was acquired by Google in 2019 for $2.6 billion. He is the author of That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea and creator of the “That Will Never Work” podcast.
SUMMA CUM LAUDE Angelique I. Archer Omar Basel Beesley, SJ Tyler A. Boudreau, FBK Sterling Thomas Bray Eleni Xj Broadwell Kailey Jodi Carlson, FBK Claire Victoria Curran, FBK Cameron Christopher Digiovanni, FBK Yueran Ding, FBK
Chengqi Guo, FBK, SJ Elisabeth Anne Howard, FBK Ashley Erin Huntington, FBK Amar Gamel Kassim, FBK Taomi Mirinda Kenny, FBK Matthew O’Neil Kraemer, FBK Juliana Marie Larson, FBK Kimberly Jaye Lifton, FBK Bennett Russell Morrison, FBK
Elizabeth Rose O’Keefe, FBK Sarah Wasim Salimi Caroline Frances Sullivan, FBK Robert Thomas Treadwell, FBK Stephen C. Wisser, FBK, SJ Sarah Lang Young, FBK Francis William Zuroski, FBK
Cesar Manuel M. Guerrero Domenech Olivia Brown Jacobs William Berkeley Kaback, FBK Janice Kang, FBK, SJ Benjamin Ethan Katz, FBK Lantz Kilburn, FBK Joyce Lee, FBK Marc Andrew Lincer Claire Mary Lincoln, FBK Margaret Elizabeth Luddy Olivia Duffield Maddox, FBK Melissa Grace Mouritsen, FBK Blayne Allen Oliver, FBK Julian Laszlo Perricone, FBK Federico Pollevick, FBK Haley Lauren Raphael, FBK Matthew Michael Reading
Baillie Alexandra Riggs Josephine S. Rinehart-Jones Ruth Halle Schmidt, FBK Erica Nicole Seff David Quinn Sills Vincent George Sorrentino, FBK Alexandra Elizabeth Stetter, FBK Nanaka Suzuki Sarah Berni Swinson, FBK Aoife Frances Thomas, FBK Micaela Jules Tobin, FBK Matthew Tek Kin Tom, FBK Alayna Renee Trice, FBK Nicholas Allen Walters, FBK Anna Marilyn Warrell, FBK Hannah Elizabeth Young
Zachary Jordan Deming Bradley Albert Dixon Bryce Z. Fan Taylor Johnson Fletcher Daniel Eli Gliedman Julia Helen Hartnett, FBK Haley Ann Hassell, FBK Yuchen Jiao Jacob D. Kahn, FBK Claudia Marie Karademas Robert J. Lane Amanda Maria Leonhard Hunter Todd Lewinski Constanza Lorente Lucas Karl Mangold, FBK August Eden Naston, FBK Calvin Hayden Neumeyer
Claire E. Nicholson Meghan Elizabeth Pawlik, FBK Catharine Stone Pierce Cameron P. Radziwon Angelica Ramos Corinne Elizabeth Russell, FBK Charlotte Bella Saltzman Genevieve Morel Shuster Rachel Elizabeth Sutor Anthony David Tirabassi Madeline W. Totman Erin Margaret Walicki Haotian Yang Florence C. Zhan Yi Zhong
MAGNA CUM LAUDE Mackenzie Given Aldridge, FBK Emma Belanger Alexandra Kerrin Blomfield, FBK Laura Jane Boyman, FBK Sara Rose Carle, FBK Alexander Nicholas Cook Margaret Kathleen DeNoon Eloise F. Doubleday, FBK Eric Stefan Fischer, FBK Lindsey Jane Foster, FBK Charlotte Sayre Freed, FBK Arianna Marie Giaramita, FBK Mercedes M. Girona, FBK Eliza Olga Glaser-Kshensky, FBK Theodore Harlow Golden, FBK Claire Chandler Gordy, FBK Samuel Carl Greene
CUM LAUDE Akela Michina Baldwin Lillian Dunlap Behm, FBK, SJ Mary Thelma Beringause Caitlin Lauren Berreitter Jacob Bortner-Hart Acacia W. Bowden Courtney Ann Brunet Kelsey Anne Brush Seraphina Nattanja Buckholtz Megan Lynn Buiocchi Sunny M. Chen Michelle Chung Conor Kevin Courtney Andrew Timothy Cox Margaret Kerubo Cunha Gianna Marie Davino Nicole Kathryne DeBuono
FBK Phi Beta Kappa SJ Sigma Xi
MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 2020 James Samuel Abbott Christopher B. Albino Leili Aliyari A. Edward Allen Maya Yasuyo Iris Amy Thomas Christopher Anderson Caius Arias Ines Ayara Amin Rehman Babar Lydia Rose Bagdon Cameron C Baker Zachary Thomas Ball Maria Katarina Barnard Katherine Christine Barnes Andrew Ward Barstow Megan Marie Baumgartner William Hendrik Benthem de Grave Daniel Charles Berger Naomi Catherine Garvey Berger Robert Paul Berk Ishan Iyengar Bhatia Colin E. Binnie Alisha Maria Blades, SJ Ethan C. Bourque William Samuel Bowen Brockton Kerr Bowers Amelia A. Boyd Alec Conor Boyles Estella Ruth Brenneman Anna Clune Brooks Christopher Michael Browne Carmine Robert Bruno Elise I. Butler Frank Lindsley Cadwell Kent Hadlock Campbell Kyle Sanderson Canelli Michael P. Cantarella John Robert Carroll Joseph Raymond Centanni Sophia Dolores Cerreta Matthew Christopher Cesare Tristan William Chaix Alex Chalk Erica Tyler Chamberlain Claire A. Chang Yvonne Chen Stefanie Chin Clara Cho Amika A. Choudhury Jacob A. Circelli Elizabeth Reid Clarke Jeffrey Joshua Clarke Austin Tudor Cobb Stephen Cochrane Henry Lyle Cohen Jacob Michael Colangelo Christopher Jordan Conley Nicholas Ruger Conzelman Marisa Amelia Cooke Sheridan Nickol Cordova Aidan Patrick Costello Grace Elizabeth Cote
Angelica Maria Coutinho Nicole L. Czwakiel Jordan Rose D’Addio Allyson Rebecca D’Antonio Madeleine Claire Dale Rhudi Nana Kwesi Darko Monica U. Dave Qinmiao Deng Amy Kathleen Deniger Olusayo Samuel Denloye John J. Dennis Gloribel Difo Gianna Sophia Dischiavo Evan Finn Dodes Christian P. Donahoe Campbell Kathryn Dorsett Aliane C. Douyon Shenise Martina Duboulay Alexandra Suzanne Duggan Amari Zhane Dumas Ethan Jakob Dunn Griffin Tyler Dunne Spencer John Dutton Luke Angus Eckels Geoffrey Adam Engel John Arthur Ennis Diana Carolina Escorcia Carlos Espindola Gomez Katherine Jane Everett Samuel R. Farber Madeleine McKenna Fargis Alexander Macallan Fergusson Emma Radu Fighera Robert Samuel Fitzgerald Niamh Teresa Fitzpatrick William Robert Fitzpatrick Caroline Elizabeth Fjermedal Alexandra Nicole Fontana Elizabeth Victoria Foot Torrey Foster Sarah Beatrice Fox Ram Anthony Franqui Emily Michelle Fraser David Gagnidze Alexander Thomas Ganter William James MacDonald Gaskill Kyle Stephen Gately Yuanqi Ge Jarrod Pierce Gerstein Kenadeed Bihi Gilmour Kathryn Claire Gisondi Michaela Rinn Giuttari James Edward Goggins Henry Jonas Golden Michael J. Goldstein Nathaniel Elis Goodman Patrick E. Grant Kenneth Raymond Gray Elias Bingham Griffin Jonathan Jacob Hacker Robert Ward Hallock Alexandra Mellick Ham
Sharon Alexandra Hammer Kayleigh Carol Harris Paul-Anthony John-Joseph Hart Skylar Lucas Havens Olivia Lucille Hawes Devin Joseph Hebert Ian Patrick Hohm, SJ Donald Wyckoff Holley Peter William Hoogstraten Penelope Colton Hoopes Laura Elizabeth Hornby Colin George Hoy Ruo Nan Huang Kristin Ashley Hughes, SJ Henry Lightfoot Hunt Ann Iosebidze Matthew Robert Jenkins Jonathan Elliott Jobling Jessica Lauren Jogodnik Samantha Eleonora Johnson Samuel Maxwell Jones William Clark Jordan David Henry Kagan Sanjog Karki Adam Nadel Kazan Christoffer Valentin Keane Griffin Patrick Kearns Sarah Goldstein Keefe Samuel Elliott Keehn Emmaline G. Keene Lola James Keene Cole James Keller Hyein Kim Emma Elisabeth Knoll Samuel P. Knollmeyer Ann-Sophie Koglin Nadav Goldstein Konforty Laura Elisabet Korkeakivi Cole Michael Kroninger Ty Edward Kunzman Nicolas Kyle Lam Jada Nicole Langston, SJ Tessa Marlyn Lavan Elizabeth Grace Lee Justin A. Leigh Edis-Alexander A. Levent Shaquelle S. Levy Gabriel Stuart-Bartlett Linden Hana Louise Lindsey Sadie Anne Logan Jonathan Carter Loomis Mingquan Lu Rachael Marie Lurker Mark Robert Lutz Kimberly N. Ly Tiffany Nguyen Ly Anna Elizabeth MacDonald Kelli Kathleen Mackey Justin Branden Madison Sofia Maeztu AlMahdi Mahil Timary P. Malley
MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 2020 Alexandria Marie Marks Thomas Gilbert Marsh, SJ Bradford Scott Marston John Michael Martisch Elizabeth Ann Mathis Bryan Thomas Matte Fox Christopher Maxwell Nicholas Augustin Mayer Casey G. McAndrews Owen F. McCarthy Anne Katherine McClanahan Danielle Lynn McConnell, SJ Julia L. McCusker Julia Elizabeth McGuire Caitlin Bridget McHugh Shannon McKie Katherine M. McMorrow Marykate Florence McNeil Graham Richards McOsker Gavin Mark Meade Ligia Mayte Mendoza Kendall Meyer Gregorio Miceli Charles W. Miller Claire Bailey Miller Elizabeth Newland Miller Olivia Katharine Mills Joo Won Min Luis Alberto Morales Patrick M. Morelli Christianna Lynn Morse Isabelle Fay Mosbarger Alexander Mullings Olivia Caridad Munnelly Kevin James Munyan Bryce M. Murdick Emily Ann Murtagh Kahini Mutsuddi Jared Stanley Nepa Ngoc M. Ngo Alessandra Nocco Jack Paul O’Brien Colin Matthew O’Dowd Carly Rose O’Hern Nana Kwame Gyan Odamtten Giordano Aurellio Olivar Julia Sutherland Opatrny Robert Thomas Osborn Edgar Alejandro Otero Samuel Vincent Palomaki Grace Caroline Passannante Jay Bipin Patel Vishal Patel Graham Leiter Paull Dylan Hunter Perry Serena Reshma Persaud Bryce Hunter Phillips Margaret Hannaway Pierce Eliot Carothers Pierpont Sabrina Lynne Pike, SJ Elliot Jordan Plaut Jane Plomp, SJ
Jeffrey Samuel Plump Geneva Amabel Pohl Samuel J. Pomerantz Claudia Rose Price Mary Bei Christine Prince Cora Janaina Prudhomme Madeline Grace Pumphrey Caitlin Patricia Purdy Lukas Matiss Puris Fuming Qiu Caroline Maira Queally Ashley Ramcharan Giuliana Chiara Rankin Geoffrey Allen Ravenhall Meinke Lila Y. Reid Eliza Anne Renn Anthony Reyes Delta N. Reyes James Callison Reynolds Ellen Maynard Riehle Thomas James Riley Emma K. Ritz Gillian Kelsey Roberts Samuel Edward Robinson Madeleine Claire Rodden Laura Rodriguez Loren Rodriguez Margaret Whitney Rogers Christine Marie Rosato Abigail Greenberger Rosovsky Peter James Ross Samuel Dutton Rowley Isabel R. Royer Natalie R. Rubin Keith P. Ruggles Casey Elizabeth Ryan Arielle Justine Sotto Saber Grecia Veronica Santos Lars Brian Scannell Justin T. Schirmacher Alexander Rees Schluter Jefri Isa Schmidt Joseph Michael Schmidt Treyce Robert Schnarr Deirdre Elizabeth Schutzman Erin Danielle Schwartz Jonathan Carter Seabright Kendall Deann Searcy Elizabeth Mason Sheridan Fyzof Shi Skyler Kayley Simson William Sisca Lars Jonas Skagerlind Christopher Adam Skeldon Callum Robert Slater Jack O’Connell Smith Peter Harrison Smith Melanie Elizabeth Snyder Richard J. Soler Callum Gian Sondhi Lindsey S. Song Mengwei Song
James Morrell Southwick Wade Roy Steely Marie Steiner Helen Marie Sternberg Sarah Stigberg Emma E. Stout Alexander Kliot Straus Chloe Elizabeth Sweet Paola C. Tabet Haley May Taft Noah W. Talhami Ramisa Tasnim Evan Patrick Tatro Elisa Mikhailovna Taylor-Yeremeeva Jade Elizabeth Abbe Thomas James Connor Thomson Shadae Shakirah Tingman Jose L. Torres Karianna Torres Nora Torres Mary Tracey Phillip Tran Lauren Meredith Troy Dehao Tu Paul L. Turner Emma Kristine Tynan Mohammad K. Umar Nicholas Peter Ursitti Renee L. Varga Joshua Andrew Vega Alison Selina Veitch Bethany Catrin Vickery Andrew Nicholas Vorrath William John Wagner Ryan Harter Wall Camille Nicole Walter Christopher H. Wan Winda Wanikpun Tucker B. Ward Luke William Warshaw Andrew Wei Zachary Janoff Weinstein Jeffrey Brainard Welch Robert Marquand Welch Benjamin Jacob Westcott Leah K. Westfall Eleanor Shanley Williams Andrew Lawrence Withiam Aidan Henry Wood Spencer Masse Woolfson Charlotte Jane Wynn Lilly Yangchen Nicole Ai Yoshimura Margaret Kim Young Fengge Yu Matthew Benjamin Zeitler Joanna Xia Zhang Joyce Zhang Yi Zhong Zixin Zhu Shah-Raza Zubair
COMMENCEMENT HONORS, 2020 Valedictorian of the Class of 2020 George Lyman Nesbitt Prize Caroline Frances Sullivan
Salutatorian of the Class of 2020 George Lyman Nesbitt Prize Sarah Wasim Salimi
James Soper Merrill Prize Kenadeed Bihi Gilmour
FELLOWSHIPS AND PRIZE SCHOLARSHIPS, 2019-20 National Awards J. William Fulbright Grants Emma Belanger Mary Thelma Beringause Ishan Iyengar Bhatia Eleni Xj Broadwell Niamh Teresa Fitzpatrick Charlotte Sayre Freed Eliza Anne Renn Abigail Greenberger Rosovsky Joanna Xia Zhang
Fellowships Manley F. Allbright Fellowship Estella Ruth Brenneman Samuel F. Babbitt Kirkland College Fellowship Kimberly Jaye Lifton Bristol Fellowship Angelica Maria Coutinho Franklin D. Locke Fellowship August Eden Naston Henry M. Love Fellowship Gregorio Miceli
Elihu Root Fellowships Omar Basel Beesley Nicole L. Czwakiel Michael J. Goldstein Chengqi Guo Ian Patrick Hohm Kristin Ashley Hughes Janice Kang Jada Nicole Langston Thomas Gilbert Marsh Danielle Lynn McConnell Robert Marquand Welch Spencer Masse Woolfson
Captain Gerald FitzGerald Dale Senior Scholarship Kenadeed Bihi Gilmour
George Watson’s College, Edinburgh, Scotland, Teaching Assistantship Emma E. Stout
Paul S. Langa Prize Scholarship David Gagnidze
Judge John Wells Fellowships Marie Steiner Emma Kristine Tynan
Prize Scholarships Benjamin Walworth Arnold Prize Scholarship Federico Pollevick Carter Family Prize Scholarship Nicholas Allen Walters Thomas E. Colby III Prize Scholarship in German Cesar Manuel M. Guerrero Domenech
Duell German Prize Scholarship Marie Steiner Matthew Houlihan Prize Scholarship Bennett Russell Morrison Edward Huntington Memorial Mathematical Prize Scholarships Omar Basel Beesley Elisabeth Anne Howard Spencer Masse Woolfson
Willard Bostwick Marsh Prize Scholarship Sarah Wasim Salimi Carl B. Menges Prize Scholarship in College Governance Kimberly Jaye Lifton Marcel Moraud Memorial Prize Scholarship Grecia Veronica Santos Arthur W. Soper Prize Scholarship in Latin Tyler A. Boudreau Chauncey S. Truax Prize Scholarship in Greek Catharine Stone Pierce Sam Welsch Memorial Prize Scholarship in Computer Science Tucker B. Ward
ACHIEVEMENT PRIZES, 2019-20 The American Chemical Society Award Michael J. Goldstein Babcock Prizes in Philosophy and Pedagogy Julia Elizabeth McGuire Haotian Yang
Gélas Memorial Prizes Ty Edward Kunzman Kendall Deann Searcy
Thomas McNaughton Johnston Prize in English Haley Ann Hassell
William Gillespie Prizes in Art Nanaka Suzuki
Constantine Karamanlis Prize in World Politics Bennett Russell Morrison
Emily and Alfred Bohn Prize in Studio Art Elisabeth Anne Howard
Adam Gordon Campus Service Awards Nadav Goldstein Konforty Deirdre Elizabeth Schutzman
Harold C. Bohn Prizes in Anthropology Sara Rose Carle Mercedes M. Girona Sabrina Lynne Pike
Edgar Baldwin Graves Prizes in History Thomas Christopher Anderson Eleni Xj Broadwell
Frederick Edmund Alexis Bush Award Julian Laszlo Perricone COOP Service Awards Zachary Thomas Ball Niamh Teresa Fitzpatrick Devin Joseph Hebert Lantz Kilburn Jada Nicole Langston Juliana Marie Larson Abigail Greenberger Rosovsky Madeline W. Totman Renee L. Varga Lilly Yangchen Nelson Clark Dale, Jr. Prize in Music Frank Lindsley Cadwell Darling Prize in American History Clara Cho Donald J. Denney Prize in Physical Chemistry Nicole Kathryne DeBuono Arthur O. Eve Prizes Amar Gamel Kassim Ramisa Tasnim
David J. Gray Prizes in Sociology Claire Victoria Curran Sarah Wasim Salimi Hannah Elizabeth Young Mary McMaster Hallock Prize in Science Kailey Jodi Carlson
Kirkland Prizes in Mathematics Matthew Michael Reading Robert Thomas Treadwell Edwin B. Lee, Jr. Prize in Asian History/ Asian Studies Olivia Duffield Maddox Jonathan Marder Prize Sarah Lang Young J. Barney Moore Prizes in Art Theodore Golden Matthew Tek Kin Tom
Hamilton College Book Awards in Russian Emma Belanger Eliza Olga Glaser-Kshensky Marykate Florence McNeil
Norton Prizes Alisha Maria Blades Danielle Lynn McConnell
Hamilton College Campus Service Awards Caroline Elizabeth Fjermedal Geoffrey Allen Ravenhall Meinke Abigail Greenberger Rosovsky
Prizes for Excellence in Japanese Language and Literature Advanced level, Yueran Ding, Yuanqi Ge
Franklin G. Hamlin Prize in French Claire Victoria Curran Charles J. Hasbrouck Prize in Art History Yuchen Jiao Hawley Prize in Greek and Latin Latin, Alexandra Mellick Ham Holbrook Prizes in Biology Acacia W. Bowden Vincent George Sorrentino
The Walter Pilkington Memorial Prize William Berkeley Kaback
Public Policy Prize Alexandra Elizabeth Stetter Putnam Prize in American History Eric Stefan Fischer Jack B. Riffle Awards for Senior Athletes Kenadeed Bihi Gilmour Michaela Rinn Giuttari Rogers Prizes in Geology Lucas Karl Mangold Madeline W. Totman
ACHIEVEMENT PRIZES, 2019-20 (continued) Sadler-Skinner Prize for Excellence in Chinese Language and Literature Advanced level, Bryce Z. Fan
Squires Prizes in Philosophy Jacob Bortner-Hart Samuel Carl Greene
Senior Prizes in Africana Studies Tiffany Nguyen Ly Delta N. Reyes
Theatre Department Book Prizes in Playwriting Claire A. Chang Isabelle Fay Mosbarger
Senior Prize in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Caroline Frances Sullivan Senior Prize in Dance Katherine M. McMorrow Senior Prizes in Economics Sterling Thomas Bray Bennett Russell Morrison Andrew Wei Francis William Zuroski Senior Prize in Environmental Studies Akela Michina Baldwin Senior Prize in Government Benjamin Ethan Katz Senior Prize in Neuroscience Stephen C. Wisser Senior Prizes in Theatre Angelique I. Archer William Hendrik Benthem de Grave
Tompkins Prizes in Mathematics First, Spencer Masse Woolfson Second, Chengqi Guo Underwood Prizes in Chemistry Janice Kang Juliana Marie Larson John Lovell Watters Prize Thomas Christopher Anderson Winchell Prizes in Greek Tyler A. Boudreau Catharine Stone Pierce Winslow Prizes in Romance Languages French, Claire Victoria Curran, Madeleine Claire Rodden Wyld Prizes in German Marie Steiner Haotian Yang
B.F. Skinner Prize Ian Patrick Hohm
Public Speaking
Rusty Smith Memorial Teaching Prize in Computer Science Matthew Michael Reading
Clark Prize Haotian Yang
Southworth Prizes in Physics Omar Basel Beesley Chengqi Guo Thomas Gilbert Marsh
McKinney Speaking Prize Taomi Mirinda Kenny Warren E. Wright Prize in Public Speaking Taomi Mirinda Kenny
Writing Kirkland Endowment Essay Prize in Interdisciplinary Studies Kenadeed Bihi Gilmour Raphael Lemkin Essay Prize Alexander Nicholas Cook William Rosenfeld Chapbook Prizes in Creative Writing Fiction, Seraphina Nattanja Buckholtz Poetry, Natalie R. Rubin Soper Essay Prizes Samuel P. Knollmeyer Cole Michael Kroninger Soper Research Prizes Matthew O’Neil Kraemer Elizabeth Rose O’Keefe Andrew Wei George A. Watrous Literary Prizes Fiction, Josephine S. Rinehart-Jones Literary Criticism, Zachary Jordan Deming Most Promising, Zachary Jordan Deming John V.A. Weaver Prize in Poetry Natalie R. Rubin Sydna Stern Weiss Essay Prizes in Women’s Studies Kenadeed Bihi Gilmour Kimberly Jaye Lifton
Scholastic Honor Societies Eta Sigma Phi (Classics) Tyler A. Boudreau Allyson Rebecca D’Antonio Theodore Harlow Golden Samuel Carl Greene Alexandra Mellick Ham August Eden Naston Catharine Stone Pierce Lambda Pi Eta (Communication) Cameron Christopher Digiovanni Diana Carolina Escorcia Kenneth Raymond Gray Rachael Marie Lurker Claire Bailey Miller Olivia Katharine Mills Geneva Amabel Pohl Cora Janaina Prudhomme Gillian Kelsey Roberts Lauren Meredith Troy Camille Nicole Walter Omicron Delta Epsilon (Economics) Angelique I. Archer Sara Rose Carle Eric Stefan Fischer Daniel Eli Gliedman Julia Helen Hartnett Jacob D. Kahn Matthew O’Neil Kraemer Cole Michael Kroninger Elizabeth Rose O’Keefe Samuel J. Pomerantz Andrew Wei Shah-Raza Zubair Francis William Zuroski Phi Alpha Theta (History) Jacob Bortner-Hart Eleni Xj Broadwell Megan Lynn Buiocchi Clara Cho Ethan Jakob Dunn Eric Stefan Fischer Eliza Olga Glaser-Kshensky Benjamin Ethan Katz Kimberly Jaye Lifton Olivia Duffield Maddox Emma K. Tynan
Phi Sigma Iota (Foreign Languages) Emma Belanger Mary Thelma Beringause Eleni Xj Broadwell Kelsey Anne Brush Michelle Chung Andrew Timothy Cox Claire Victoria Curran Gianna Marie Davino Cameron Christopher Digiovanni Yueran Ding Bradley Albert Dixon Eloise F. Doubleday Bryce Z. Fan Charlotte Sayre Freed Mercedes M. Girona Eliza Olga Glaser-Kshensky Ruo Nan Huang Ashley Erin Huntington Ann Iosebidze Yuchen Jiao Emmaline G. Keene Laura Elisabet Korkeakivi Matthew O’Neil Kraemer Marc Andrew Lincer Olivia Duffield Maddox Casey G. McAndrews Marykate Florence McNeil Melissa Grace Mouritsen Alessandra Nocco Federico Pollevick Geoffrey Allen Ravenhall Meinke Delta N. Reyes Baillie Alexandra Riggs Vincent George Sorrentino Marie Steiner Sarah Berni Swinson Erin Margaret Walicki Haotian Yang Florence C. Zhan Joanna Xia Zhang
Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science) Caitlin Lauren Berreitter Courtney Ann Brunet Alexander Nicholas Cook Margaret Kerubo Cunha Margaret Kathleen DeNoon Bryce Z. Fan Lindsey Jane Foster Charlotte Sayre Freed Kenadeed Bihi Gilmour Claire Chandler Gordy Cesar Manuel M. Guerrero Domenech Devin Joseph Hebert Benjamin Ethan Katz Taomi Mirinda Kenny Joyce Lee Constanza Lorente Margaret Elizabeth Luddy Claire E. Nicholson Federico Pollevick Charlotte Bella Saltzman Alexandra Elizabeth Stetter Rachel Elizabeth Sutor Nanaka Suzuki Ramisa Tasnim Robert Thomas Treadwell Psi Chi (Psychology) Lillian Dunlap Behm Alexandra Kerrin Blomfield Conor Kevin Courtney Monica U. Dave Gianna Marie Davino Caroline Elizabeth Fjermedal Haley Ann Hassell Ian Patrick Hohm Claudia Marie Karademas Emmaline G. Keene Lantz Kilburn Amanda Maria Leonhard Alessandra Nocco Meghan Elizabeth Pawlik Julian Laszlo Perricone Ruth Halle Schmidt Alexandra Elizabeth Stetter Sarah Berni Swinson Aoife Frances Thomas Anthony David Tirabassi Stephen C. Wisser Sarah Lang Young