Hamilton College COMMENCEMENT
May 21, 2023
Academic regalia derive much of their general style and symbolism from the gowns, cowls, and caps of the medieval universities of Paris, Bologna, Oxford, and Cambridge. In 1895, most colleges and universities in the United States agreed to a common intercollegiate code. The bachelor’s gown has long pointed sleeves, and the master’s has long squared sleeves with a slit for the arm. The doctor’s gown is faced with velvet and has three velvet bars on each sleeve. Historically, the gown was black, but many degree-granting institutions now allow gowns in their own colors. The president and the dean wear caps and gowns designed for Hamilton College. The president also wears a medallion created as a symbol of his office by Ralph Menconi ’36. The academic hood, a descendant of the medieval cowl, indicates the wearer’s degree and field of study, as well as the degree-granting institution. The width of the velvet facing indicates the degree and its color the field of study: white for arts and letters; dark blue for philosophy; scarlet for theology; golden yellow for science. The lining of the hood is the color of the degree-granting institution: Hamilton’s is blue with a buff chevron. A poem popular in the 16th century says of the cap that “’Tis square like scholars and their books.”
The Hamilton diploma, written in Latin, is in the medieval tradition that considers undergraduates as apprentices. Once their apprenticeship is complete, they are allowed to “commence.” Here is an English translation of the diploma, as if it were being presented to Alexander Hamilton himself:
Hamilton College in the State of New York extends its most cordial greetings to all who witness this document. Know ye that ALEXANDER HAMILTON has studied the best of the sciences and arts with sufficient enthusiasm to be recognized as someone worthy of receiving the customary rewards of distinction.
Wherefore Hamilton College declares and appoints this person BACHELOR OF ARTS and by virtue of this diploma confers upon him the power to enjoy the rights and privileges unique to that title.
In witness whereof the trustees of this College have caused their seal and the signatures of the president and dean to be affixed at the foot of this document.
David Wippman President Ngonidzashe Munemo Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty
Bestowed in the chambers of the College on the 21st day of May, 2023, the 211th year of the College. For those who have done exceptionally well, the diploma reads BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH THE HIGHEST DISTINCTION (summa cum laude), BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH GREAT DISTINCTION (magna cum laude), or BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH DISTINCTION (cum laude).
Diplomas will be mailed to each senior who completes the requirements for the bachelor’s degree and should arrive in four to six weeks.
Welcome to Hamilton College’s Commencement ceremony honoring the Class of 2023.
Hamilton College was chartered by the Regents of the State of New York in 1812. The first formal Commencement ceremony was held in 1815 for six seniors, although two students who had transferred to Hamilton became the College’s first graduates a year earlier. In 1816, 17 students received their diplomas, representing the first graduating class to attend Hamilton for four years.
For about 70 years starting in 1815, every senior spoke at Commencement, a ceremony that lasted all day and was held in the church on the southern end of the Clinton Village Green. As reported in On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College, most of the students who attended Hamilton in its early years were from Oneida County and elsewhere in New York, with the rest coming from New England, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
The Hamilton College Class of 2023 has representation from 41 states, the District of Columbia, and 14 countries. We congratulate the graduates and are delighted to welcome their families and friends from around the country and the world to the College’s 211th Commencement ceremony.
Bienvenue à la cérémonie de remise des diplômes de Hamilton College, honorant nos étudiants et étudiantes finissant leurs études en 2023.
Hamilton College a été reconnu par les autorités de l’État de New York en 1812. Bien que deux étudiants aient reçu leur diplôme en 1814 après avoir intégré notre école, la première cérémonie de remise des diplômes officielle s’est tenue en 1815 pour six étudiants. En 1816, dix-sept étudiants ont terminé quatre années d’études à Hamilton College et ont reçu leur diplôme.
À partir de 1815, et pendant environ 70 ans, chaque étudiant s’adressait au public lors de la cérémonie de remise des diplômes qui durait toute la journée et était tenue à l’église au sud de Clinton Village Green. Comme le rapporte Sur la colline : un rapport historique du bicentenaire de Hamilton College (On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College), la plupart des étudiants de Hamilton College durant ces premières années venaient du comté d’Oneida et d’ailleurs dans l’État de New York, tandis que le reste des étudiants venait de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, de la Pennsylvanie et du New Jersey.
La promotion de 2023 de Hamilton College vient de 41 États, du District de Columbia et de 14 pays. Nous félicitons les étudiants et étudiantes recevant leur diplôme et sommes très heureux d’accueillir leurs familles et amis de toute provenance des États-Unis ou de l’étranger à la 211e cérémonie de remise des diplômes de Hamilton College.
Bienvenidos a la ceremonia de graduación de Hamilton College en honor a la Clase del 2023.
Los Regentes del Estado de Nueva York fundaron el Hamilton College en 1812. La primera ceremonia formal de graduación se llevó a cabo en 1815 para seis estudiantes, aunque dos alumnos que se habían transferido a Hamilton el año anterior se convirtieron en los primeros graduados de la institución un año antes. En 1816, 17 estudiantes recibieron sus diplomas, representando la primera generación graduada que asistió a Hamilton durante cuatro años.
A partir de 1815, durante 70 años, todos los alumnos graduados hablaron en la Graduación, una ceremonia que duraba todo el día y se llevaba a cabo en la iglesia de Clinton en el Village Green. Como se informa en On the Hill: Una historia bicentenaria del Hamilton College (On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College), la mayoría de los alumnos que asistieron a Hamilton en sus primeros años eran del condado de Oneida y de otras partes de Nueva York, y el resto provenía de Nueva Inglaterra, Pensilvania y Nueva Jersey.
La clase del 2023 de Hamilton College tiene representación de 41 estados, el Distrito de Columbia y 14 países. Felicitamos a los graduados, y estamos encantados de dar la bienvenida a sus familias y amigos de todo el país y del mundo a la ceremonia de graduación número 211 de la institución.
欢迎参加汉密尔顿学院 (Hamilton College) 2023 届毕业典礼。
汉密尔顿学院于 1812 年由纽约州摄政者特许成立。第一次正式的毕业典礼于 1815 年为六名大四学生举行,其中一年前 刚转学到汉密尔顿学院的两名学生成为该学院的第一批毕业生。1816 年,有 17 名学生获得了毕业证书,这是汉密尔顿 学院四年来的第一个毕业班。
从 1815 年开始的大约 70 年里,每一位大四学生都在毕业典礼上发言,这个仪式持续一整天,在克林顿村绿地南端的教 堂举行。正如《在学院山上:汉密尔顿学院的百年校史》(On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College) 报道的 那样,早年就读于汉密尔顿的大多数学生来自奥奈达 (Oneida) 县和纽约的其他地方,其余的来自新英格兰、宾夕法尼亚 和新泽西。
汉密尔顿学院 2023 届学生代表来自 41 个州、哥伦比亚特区和 14 个国家/地区。我们向毕业生们表示祝贺,并很高兴欢 迎他们来自全国和世界各地的家人和朋友参加学院的第 211 届毕业典礼。
ابحرمو لاهأ .2023 ماع ةعفد ميركتل نوتليماه ةيلكب جرختلا لفح يف مكب ابحرمو لاهأ نم ةتسل 1815 ماع يف تاعفدلا جيرخت مسارمل يمسر لفح لوأ ميقأو .1812 ماع يف كرويوين ةيلاو ماكح لبق نم )Hamilton College) نوتليماه ةيلك تسسأت لصح ،1816 ماع يفو .ماعب كلذ لبق نوتليماه ىلإ امهلاقتنا امتأ دق اناك بلاطلا نم نينثا بيصن نم ناك ةيلكلا نم ةرم لولأ جرختلا فرش نأ لاإ ،ةيئاهنلا ةنسلا بلاط .تاونس عبرأ رادم ىلع نوتليماه ةيلكب اهتاسارد متت جرخت ةعفد لوأ اونوكيل مهجرخت تاداهش ىلع ابلاط 17 ةماقملا ةسينكلا يف همسارم دقعنت تناكو مويلا لاوط رمتسي ناك يذلا جرختلا لفح يف ةملك جيرخ لك يقلي نأ ةداعلا ترج ،1815 ماع نم اءدب اماع 70 ةبارق رادم ىلعو :ةلتلا عوبر يف( On the Hill: A Bicentennial History of Hamilton College باتك يف درو امكو .»نيرغ چلايڤ نوتنيلك« ةقطنمب يبونجلا فرطلا يف ناك اميف ،»كرويوين« يف ىرخأ نكامأو »ادينوأ« ةعطاقم نم اوناك ىلولأا اهتاونس يف نوتليماه ةيلكب اوقحتلا نيذلا بلاطلا مظعمف ،(نوتليماه ةيلكل ةيناثلا ةيوئملا ىركذلا .»يسريج وين«و ،»اينافلسنب«و ،»دنلاغنإ وين« نم نوردحني نوقابلا ئنهن ذإ نحنو ملاعلا لود نم ةلود 14 نع لاضف ،ةدحتملا تايلاولاب ايبمولوك ةعطاقم ىلإ ةفاضلإاب ةيلاو 41 نولثمي ابلاط نوتليماه ةيلكب 2023 ماع ةعفد مضت ةيلكلاب 211 ـلا جرختلا لفح يف اهجراخ نمو دلابلا ءاحنأ عيمج نم مهئاقدصأو مهتلائاعب بيحرتلا انفرشيو نيجيرخلا
Dear is thy home - stead, glade and glen, Fair is the light that Haunt-ing our hearts in ab - sent days, Call -ing us back from Mem - o - ry still shall close en - fold, Bring-ing us joys of
crowns thy brow; Gath - er we close to thee a - gain, stress and storm, Ten - der - ly all thy good old ways days of yore; Faith shall thy con - stant fame up - hold,
Moth - er, all - lov - ing thou hast been, Our own sweet La - dy Shine in thy smiles; be love thy praise! Thine arms are ev - er While years,Ca - ris - si - ma, grow cold. We love thee ev - er -
thou! ———— Our own sweet La - dy thou! warm, ———— Thine arms are ev - er warm. more, ———— We love thee ev - er - more.
M. W. Stryker 1872 (Adapted)
Bagpipes of the Mohawk Valley Frasers
The College Marshal
Margaret O. Thickstun
The President of the College
David Wippman
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees
David M. Solomon ’84, P’16
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty
Ngonidzashe Munemo
The James Soper Merrill Prize Winner
Ryan G. Smolarsky ’23
The President
Michelle J. Howard
Admiral, United States Navy, retired
Joshua Rist (b. 1988)
The Hamilton College Choir
Charlotte Botha Conductor, Assistant Professor of Music
The President, Associate Deans, and Members of the Faculty
Juliet Davidson ’23
The President
Katherine L. Burnham ’23
Student Conductor
Bagpipes of the Mohawk Valley Frasers
The audience is requested to remain until the procession has retired.
McKinley Ruth Abernethy
Sosina Yekoyesew Abuhay
Nicholas Ronnie Adair
Roy Aron Aharon
Christopher Aganba Akuleme
Frederick Allaire
Michael U. Altman
Fabiola Marie Alvarez
Eric Christopher Anderson
Sampreeth S. Aravilli
Sophia Michele Argay
Sophie Elise Auvin
Dylan Bailey Badillo
Laura Bryden Bailey
Matthew Brian Banbury
Arpita Rani Banik
Julia Maia Barkan
Lily Allene Barnett
Matthew Fitzgerald Bartok
Lance Kelly Barton
Noah Alexander Barton
Olivia Lauren Batal
Gregory Thomas Bauman
McCue Moore Behrhorst
Carlo Ismail Benavides
Campbell Fergus Benseman
Emily S. Benson
Philip M. Bernstein
Sophia Emily Bernstein
Mya R. Berretta
Thomas Gregory Betts
Sambat Bhandari
Kaitlyn Jordan Bieber
Julia Copeland Bligh
Sofia Yvonne Block
Riki Kakizawa Avery Borders
Samuel Louis Born
Caroline Montague Boyd
Williamson Brooks Bradford
George Owen Brady
Bryant Charles Breckenridge
Rachel Michelle Brimmer
Julia Nicole Brown
Rowan Emmert Brumbaugh
Katherine Marie Bruno
Hannah Leigh Budner
Gardner Nolan Bulkeley
Austin Hunter Bullock
Katherine Lightner Burnham
Peter Owen Butler
Michael John Buttarazzi
Samuel Philip Cagnetta
Frances Catherine Cannon
Bitong Cao
Andrew Elliot Carlson
Aben Gray Carrington
Caroline Frances Casey
Zihan Chai
Russell Kamahao Chan
Olivia Wren Chandler
Samantha Chen
Philip Alexander Chivily
Stephen Youngmin Cho
Sophie Claire Christensen
Erick Spencer Thaddeus Christian
Alexander Goizueta Clark
Jacqueline Oliver Cleary
John Paul Clougherty
Benjamin Douglas Coffey
Luke E. Cohen-Abeles
Preston Jackson Comer
Malik Charles Compton
Edward Thomas Connolly
Hannah French Constable
Nkosi Andrew-Randall Cooper
Rose Cameron Corcoran
Melissa Corporan
Deirdre Grace Corrigan
Jenna Kathleen Cosby
Thomas Asher Coulon
Isaiah Avante Covert
Isabelle Marie Crownhart
Louisa Gray Crozier
Allison Brooke Curry
Isaac Nathaniel Dagley
Justin Frank D’Alessandro
Reese William Dan
Ethan Randolph Daves
Juliet Davidson
Clara Sophia Davis
Olivia Ann Davis
Caroline Miller Dawson
Fahrah Day
David De Frutos Ostrander
Lauro Julio Demb
Alida Filippa Berg Deutsch
Luke Adams Devine
Isabel Grace DiAdamo
George Zakin Diebel
Jack Allan Diligent
Ethan C. DiRienzo
Camille Sage Donaghey
Elisabeth A. Donoghue
Jack Lucas Dorsey
Maggie Dunne
Erika Duong
Jackson Henry Dusinberre
Pillar W. Dwah
Jessica Callen Eccleston
Anna Elizabeth Edelson
Katherine Mary Ekas
Lucy Carroll Elliott
Meredith Fraser Enslow
Annika Mjos Enzien
Ian Esliker
Elizabeth B. Essaid
Sophia Kathryn Fabiano
Seamus Charles Fagan
Qiran Fan
Siqi Fang
Craig Alan Feist
Lauren Ferguson
Sarah Elizabeth Ferland
Gabriele Fett
Emily Julianna Fienco
Charles Bradbury Fischer
Grace Kathryn Fisher
Patrick Michael Fleischer
Reagan Danielle Flores
Aidan Sean French
Andrew Reilly Frey
Grace Lee Moon Friedman
Kaitlyn Marie Fudge
Misaki Maya Funada
Emily Rose Furfaro
Emily A. Furman
Olivia Anne Gabriel
Elizabeth Perry Gaillard
Liam Efrain Garcia-Quish
Greta Marijke Garschagen
Nicholas Iver Garvey
Ashlyn Rose Gaulin
Emma Joy Gaulin
William Allan Geach
Nathaniel R. Gegwich
Bryce Harrison Gell
Max James Gersch
Michael Christopher Ghiorsi
Amanda G. Gilsten
Eva Molly Glassman
Jacob Benjamin Gliedman
Erik William Glover
Allyson Ann Goldin
Alexa Norkin Goldstein
Emory Stevenson Goodwin
Samuel Emmett Gordon
William Mathes Gordon
Surya Tara Gowda
Michael Alexander Grapel
Elizabeth Anne Greene
Mitchell Patrick Greene
Lydia Campbell Gross
Cade Patrick Groton
Robert Meehan Grygiel
Juan Angel Guerra
Khady Juanita Gueye
Awildo Gutierrez
Aaron Jared Hadar
Yasin Ali Haffary
Annabel Jean Halaby
Rachel Seungwon Han
Clara Mere Harding
Joshua Jordan Harmsen
Claire Anna Harpel
Zander Stephen Harpel
Ethan John Harrast
Andrew Philip Harrell
Mark Blessing Harrington
Emlyn Elizabeth Harris
Christopher Robert Harrison
Natalie Decker Harrity
Kiley R. Hartman
Phoebe Chapin Hatch
Tonwa Abraham Hauff
Michael Hausmann
Nicholas Jon Hawkins
Andrea B. Hayman
Nathaniel Ryan Hays
Nicklaus R. Herbst
Laura A. Hester
Rachel L. Hill
Sophie Hill
Whitney A. Hintz
Luke N. Hodges
Katherine Kelly Hodulik
Olivia Joan Holbrook
Maura Jean Holden
Aidan Barron Holmgren
Lauren Reese Holtzman
Eric J. Hong
Madeleine Grace Hong
Cameron Moran Hood
Joshua Horowitz
Qianzi Hou
Samuel Ian Howard
Mark Edward Howrigan II
Delia L. Hoyt
Peter Elias Millham Huleatt
Ryan Thomas Hunt
Clarissa Mary Ellen Hurley
Charlotte Woodrow Ives
Ben Joseph Jakubczak
Andrew Tyler James
Olivia Maat James
Eric Jamous
Laura Caroline Jeffries
Katharine Olivia Jenkinson
Jack Anthony Jennings
Andy Ren Jian
Colebrooke James Johnson
George Philip Johnson
Corey Allen Jones
Noah R. Jones
Quinn Marie Jones
Zachary Allen Jones
Eli Simon Kanfer
Elizabeth Lynn Kantrowitz
Claire Maureen Kaplan
Samantha Karlson
Stella Frankie Karron
Garrett Winfield Karsten
Brendan Glen Kastner
Jed Lawrence Katzenstein
Ryan Matthew Keller
Eda Alev Keni
Estelle G. Khairallah
William Chen Kieger
Lucy Cecilia Kiernat
Jungwon Kim
Brendan Michael Knapp
Dylan Francis Koproski
Nyaari Prafulkumar Kothiya
Rose Ellen Chun Kromer
Cole Vaughn Kuczek
Abigail Kathryn Kuhns
Shania Kuo
Lauren Murray Kuster
Abigail Theresa LaCasse
Sampson Clements Lamberth
Joe Michael Largo
Huzair Wasif Latif
Celia Lau
Shane M. Lavender
Elisabeth Bainbridge Lawrence
Madison Elizabeth Lazenby
Jason T. Le
Dong Min Lee
Alexandra Jillian LeeHoffman
Caden James Lemov
Madeline Claire Lerner
Jason Adam Lever
Jade Sophia Levitin
Blake Ross Levy
Dara Autumn Levy
Charlotte Andrea Lewis
James Joseph Lewis
Angela M. Li
Boguang Li
Zhuoyang Li
Samuel Waters Lieberman
Francesca Lilly
Crystal D. Lin
Zachary Jared Littlejohn
Keyu Liu
Michelle Jiayi Liu
Yuelin M. Liu
Nancy Ryder Loh
Millis Margaret Looney
Jonathan Xavier Lopez
Marvin Alejandro Lopez
Johan Omar Lopez Alvarado
Matthew John LoPresti
Yongyi Lu
Charles Eric Luft
Maeve Elizabeth Luparello
Joseph George Maalouf
Samuel Michael MacBean
John R. Madigan
Brendan J. Magill
Chloe Maeve Maldonado
Sophie A. Maniscalco
Alvaro Marin Miralles
Alexandra Reed Markonish
Joshua Maxwell Martin
Kaylee Lyn Martin
Nathalie Carolina Martinez
Maya Jean Mathews
Andres-Jose Matos
Elisa I. Matson
Henry A. Mayer
Sean Patrick McAvoy
Jenna Grace McCarthy
Morgan McCarthy
Anne Claire McCaslin
Richard Shapard McCoy
Rose Elizabeth McCullough
Margaret Louisa Norris McDow
Katlynn Rosemary McGivney
Casey Elizabeth McGrath
Conor Eoin McManus
Tay Meshkinyar
Daniella Metti
Sam Jacksic Meyerowitz
Maroun Mezher
Eric Harrold Miller
Matthew B. Mirkovic
Patrick Joseph Mogan
Ricardo Alexander Molina
Kate Abigail Molinsek
Abigail Faith Maria Moone
Sarah Elizabeth Moore
Cameron Mitchell Morosky
Carmen Isabella Moses
Hyla Shand Mosher
Fiona Rose Murphy
Michael Patrick Murray, Jr.
Rylie Jane Mutton
Subin Adrienne Myong
Hana Lee Namkung
Lauren Ashley Neese
Wriley Hamilton Nelson
Violet Belle Newhouse
Nicholas Ng
Maya Calypso Nguyen-Haberneski
Christopher Moore Nields
Obiamaka Chimebuka Nnadika
Lillian Osborne Norton-Brainerd
Alec J. Nossa
Lelan Michael O’Brien
Brynn Caroline O’Connor
Alexander Samuel Ogur
Isabella Ojeda
Fatima B. Oliva
Rafael Konstanty Osella
Hannah Eve Osinoff
Joaquin Alfonso Pacheco Criado
Irene V. Park
Joseph Minwoo Park
John Theophilus Parker
Taryn C. Pastore
Aparna Patnaik
Janna Deniss Perez
Katelyn Renee Perruc
Margaret Chamberlain Phipps
Clayton Leonard Piantedosi
Austin James Pineau
Juasline Plasencia
Catherine L. Pontius
Jacquelin Elizabeth Prunier
Nicole Ramirez
Charles Theodore Ratner
Jackson Everett Reading
Allison Rose Reed
Liam Mark Regan
Thomas Joseph Reilly
Zachary Germaine Relova
Qian Ren
Jacob Stephen Rhee
Jed William Rifkin
Paul Ellis Rinzler
Arianna Caitlin Robertson
Matthew Cole Robertson
Evan Thomas Robinson
Jonathan Israel Rodriguez
Nicole F. Rodriguez
Maxwell James Romeyn
Conner Michael Rood
Gabriana T. Rosario Guerrero
Isabella Grace Roselli
Talia Rachel Rosen
Owen Devlin Routhier
Jack Benjamin Roye
Sophie Cohen Rubenfeld
Alejandro Ramirez Ruiz
John Mark Ruppert
Dana French Russell
Mariam B. Saied
Anna Sakamoto
Jessica Sanchez
Sarah Jane Sandison
David Ryuichi Sandoz
Zoe Elizabeth Sauve
Ronnak Kumar Saxena
Trevor A. Scheuing
Madeline W. Schink
Jay Gordon Schlaefer
Frederick P. Schmitt
Lena Florence Schneck
Hazel Keitha Schrader
Mason J. Schroeder I
Jared R. Schwartz
Nigel Christopher Columbus Scott
Alexandra Katlynn Seewald
Emma Sage Sehring
Brian Joseph Seiter
Jonathan Scott Setzer
Belal Shaheen
Catherine Elizabeth Shaw
Sara Shedroff
Jeremy Ewenstein Shemesh
Kirolous Gamal Shenouda I
Tenzin Sherpa
Yi Shi
Jacob Arthur Sichlau
Salwa Muzzamil Sidahmed
Ariana Carolina Silva
Elizabeth Steers Siminitus
Matthew David Sinning
Mary Katherine Sisk
Alexander Kingsley Smith
Caitlyn Rose Smith
Samantha Doran Smith
Samantha Louise Smock
Ryan Glenn Smolarsky
Christian G. Snell
Morghan Jane Socha
Katherine Anne Solohub
Sydney Anne Soloway
Timothy Joseph Sommer
Elian Sheeber Sorensen
Lara C. Speer
Jocelyn Sarah Spencer
Slade Seymour Springer
Tracey Juel Stafford
Richard John Steele
Eric L. Stein
Emma Charlotte Stephens
Merrill Anne Storch
Alexander James Street
Simon James Stringer
Ellis Anna Strutton
Lucas Stefano Suhl
Daisy Anna Sulavik
Matthew Garrity Surprenant
Emma Elena Swan
Riley G. Swetman
Emily Blue Switek
Molly Cynthia Shelia Symmonds
Asa Andrew Szegvari
Felix Reed Tager
Erin H. Tannenbaum
Katherine Louise Tanner
Robert Thomas Tanner
Hannah Leilani Terao
Adrienne Bavana Thayaparan
Anthony James Thompson
Sean Thomson
Emma Mulherin Tomlins
Thomas Ravi Travers
John Gilpin Troast III
Kateryna Tsaryova
Anne L. Tulikangas
Anika Rose Tullos
Jesus A. Valdez
Jake R. Valensi
Frank Eric Valoy
Nicolette Chloe van Kesteren
Madeline Hayley Vavra
Emilio V. Vicioso
Jackson Daley Vogt
Clara Judith Walling
Bingyi Wang
Jiayue Wang
Ziwei Wang
Lucas Jonathan Wang Zheng
Whitney Grace Ward
Kiera Rose Wax
Samuel Bruno Webber
Eleanor Stadheim Wefing
Joseph Ryan Weiland
Zach Benjamin Weller
William Richard Whalen
Ariana Frances Wheeler
Eleanor Elizabeth Whelan
Jasmine N. Williams
Quincy Qiaohui Williams
Henry Jay Wilson
James J. Winner
Brendan Kevin Wiseman
Alexander Ming Keung Wong
Emily Wong
Zoe Alexandra Woodbury
Rory Catherine Woods
Hope Milton Worcester
Mikayla Brien Worzel
Cole Stanton Wright-Schaner
Maeve Hendley Wroblewski
Tianyu Wu
Torben Henrik Wunderle
Theodore Charles Wynn
Derek Yang
Vanessa Yap
Lanjing Ye
Noelle Yeji Yoo
Ryan David Zeien
Joshua Zeledon
Athena Yue Zeng
Michael Li Zeng
Alec Robert Zenker
Huarui (Cherry) Zhang
Lucy Zhang
Yawen Zhang
Wanheng Zhao
Maeve Allnutt Zimmerman
Andrew Jeffrey Zuckerman
Caroline Rose Zuffante
Degrees are awarded upon completion of all baccalaureate requirements.
Having joined the Hamilton faculty in 1986, Professor of Physics Brian Collett collaborates with his colleague Gordon Jones on projects in nuclear physics. Their work has included the development of compact 3He neutron spin filters for use in neutron scattering, and they are participants in the aCORN experiment, studying neutron decay at the National Institutes of Standards and Technologies. Collett and Jones are responsible for the magnetic and electric fields in the experiment and have contributed extensively to the data collection and analysis. Collett, who previously served as a staff fellow at the National Institutes of Health, received his doctorate from Princeton University and master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Cambridge University, England. He is the 2008 recipient of Hamilton’s Samuel and Helen Lang Prize for Excellence in Teaching.
Harvey Cramer joined Hamilton’s Biology Department as a lecturer in 1999 following a 29-year career as a biology and chemistry teacher in the Utica City School District. In 2003, he became supervisor of introductory laboratories and later assistant professor of instruction in biology. He holds a master’s degree from Syracuse University and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan.
Professor of Economics Derek Jones joined the Hamilton faculty in 1972. His work, which focuses on the economics of participation, led him to undertake some of the first empirical analysis of long-established worker cooperatives and firms with employee ownership and profit-sharing. The inaugural recipient of Hamilton’s Career Achievement Award in 2008, he has been supported in his research by the National Science Foundation, the Russell Sage and Rockefeller foundations, and the National Council for East European Research. Jones’ expertise has led to visiting professor or fellow positions at the Helsinki School of Economics, London Business School, Pembroke College (Oxford University), Hitotsubashi University, and Copenhagen Business School. He is the author of more than 140 journal articles and book chapters, and has written or edited eight books, including the first six volumes in the series Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor Managed Firms. Jones earned his doctorate from Cornell University, a master’s degree from London School of Economics, and a bachelor’s degree from Newcastle Upon Tyne. He has served as the onsite director of Hamilton’s Program in New York City and worked closely with many students on their theses, several of which have resulted in publications.
Todd Rayne is the Joel W. Johnson Family Professor of Environmental Science in the Geosciences Department and director of the Environmental Studies Program. His current research involves using environmental tracers numerical modeling to study the impacts of urbanization on ground water flow systems. He also is involved with modeling ground water flow through fractured aquifers and wellhead protection studies. Rayne is the author of two solution manuals for hydrogeology textbooks and has published papers in Hydrogeology Journal, Nordic Hydrology, and Northeastern Geology and Environmental Science. He received his doctorate and master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a bachelor’s degree from Montana State University. Before joining the Hamilton faculty in 1993, he worked as a geologist and hydrogeologist in the petroleum and environmental consulting industries. Rayne has served as Hamilton’s faculty athletics representative to the NCAA since 2011.