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Job Seekers
Hamilton County Jobs Resources
Hamilton County Workforce Innovation Network (HCWIN) The group’s purpose is to bring together workers, employers, educators, and the community to support a strong local workforce and encourage economic growth. This is a good site to visit whether looking for work or to improve skills. View local partners in the categories of industry, community, and education. Covered sectors are categorized into the subsets of advanced manufacturing, ag-tech, construction, healthcare, innovation & technology. Subscribe to their mailing list to receive notice of virtual career fairs. http://hcwin.org/, 317-914-0171, info@hcwin.org
Invest Hamilton County Indiana: Workforce Recovery Jobs
Hamilton County Economic Development Corporation, Hamilton County Tourism, and the Noblesville, OneZone, and Westfield Chambers provide current job openings and immediate hiring needs to support Hamilton County Workforce Recovery efforts. You can link to a variety of local work opportunities and sign-up for an e-newsletter to receive regular updates. https://www.visithamiltoncounty.com/invest-hamilton-county/work/jobs/, 317-663-4457
OneZone Chamber of Commerce: Job Board
OneZone comprises the Carmel and Fishers Chambers of Commerce. For help finding local job opportunities, check out their Job Board; click I Am a Job Seeker. You can view a comprehensive listing of available jobs in a variety of categories within various industries. You can submit your resume right from the site. https://web.onezonecommerce.com/jobbank, 317-436-4653
Work One Hamilton County: WorkOne Region 5
The site is focused on the eight counties around central Indiana and offers targeted job market information, job referrals, placement assistance, and other services. In addition to assisting traditional job-seekers, specialized services are available for young adults and veterans/eligible spouses. You’ll have the opportunity to register with the Indiana Career Connect job matching system. Free training sessions and workshops are available to increase your skill level. http://www.workonecentral.org/, 317-841-8194
State of Indiana Jobs Resources
Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD): Next Level Jobs and Workforce Ready Grants Two million Hoosiers need additional training to compete in the 21st Century workforce; there will be over 1 million job openings in Indiana due to retirements and the creation of new jobs by 2025. With a Workforce Ready Grant, qualified individuals can obtain free training in their selected highgrowth, in-demand field. Included are positions in advanced manufacturing, building and construction, health and life sciences, IT and business services, transportation and logistics. https://nextleveljobs.org/, 866-591-5018, Questions@NextLevelJobs.org https://nextleveljobs.org/Job-Seeker/Available-Job-Training/ Homepage
Job Training
Indiana Career Ready: Right Skills, Right Time, Right Way
A gateway to next-level jobs and free training for Indiana workers; a onestop starting point for IN Department of Workforce Development Resources, including links to those featured in the next three listings. https://www.indianacareerready.com/
INDemand Jobs: High-demand, High-wage Jobs for Today and Tomorrow
Indiana jobs are ranked based on projected growth and compensation level. The goal is to guide workers to sustainable jobs that are currently available and that have ongoing growth potential into the next decade. A tailored search can be constructed using location, job title, flame-ranking (1-5, with a rank of 5 being best), education level, salary level and related career clusters. Based on the selections made in the search, a list is created of available job posts that meet the search criteria. https://www.indianacareerready.com/Indemandjobs
Indiana Career Explorer: Pathway to Career Success
A good tool to determine your best individual employment fit. First explore interests, skills, and work values by taking a series of assessments. Then examine related careers and search for in-demand jobs within those sectors. Finally, identify the training needed to qualify for those jobs. For those looking to skill-up or transition to a new career, view other assessments. The Transferrable Occupational Relationship Quotient (TORQ) assessment helps a person to build on previous work history to identify job matches or suggest training opportunities. https://www.indianacareerready.com/JobSeeker/ExploreInterests
Indiana Career Connect
Find a job, searching by keyword and location. View current news and announcements concerning employment in Indiana. Employment information is divided into categories for employers, job seekers, and additional resources. Under Job Seekers, you will find resume help, career exploration, and education & training. Under Resources, there are many helpful links for veterans and sections focused on youth and seniors. The labor market information provided can offer guidance on the careers with best growth and income potential. https://www.indianacareerconnect.com/vosnet/Default.aspx, ICC@dwd.in.gov
Indiana DWD: Your Next Step: 180 Skills: Indiana-based Resources
The site helps Hoosiers to enroll in education and training programs, find ways to pay for college, search for jobs, build resumes and understand different career paths. The State of Indiana has partnered with 180 Skills to offer free skills training to Indiana residents. All their eLearning training courses are free, after you are issued a one-year 180 Skills license. More than 700 courses are available, covering nearly 40 topic areas. Complete an online form to request training. https://yournextstepin.org/resource/180-skills/
EmployIndy is a collaboration of nonprofits, employers, state agencies, and community organizations that aims to match job seekers with employment opportunities in the Indianapolis area. Through their Ascend Network, applicants can receive tailored help in preparing for and obtaining a good job. You can create a login, provide information about yourself, and get personalized help with searching for employment. https://employindy.org/rapidreemploymentresponse/, 317-639-4441
Indiana Career Ready
This is a one-stop site for targeted tools to help you select, prepare for, and apply for well-paying, high-demand jobs in Indiana, now and in the future. Job seekers or students can find information to help launch new career opportunities. The site includes workforce partner WorkOne Noblesville for Hamilton County. https://www.indianacareerready.com/Home/Index, 317-841-8194
Brookings Institute Report
An Individualized Network for Connecting Talent with Jobs in Central Indiana Discusses the Regional Workforce Partnership (RWP) and its Rapid Reemployment Response Plan (RRR), which offers a centralized online platform for central IN job seekers, potential employers, and suppliers of education/ training opportunities. This skill-based approach to matching workers with jobs is accessed via the Ascend Network, https://ascendindiana.com/ and EmployIndy, https://employindy.org. https://www.brookings.edu/research/central-indianas-rapid-re-employmentresponse/
LinkedIn Learning Paths
LinkedIn is a social media platform that facilitates networking between career and business professionals. They offer a free online learning path, comprised of 11 job-search support courses within the categories of Building a Job Search Strategy, Utilizing Your Professional Network, and Improving Your Interviewing Skills. https://www.linkedin.com/learning/paths/finding-a-job-during-challengingeconomic-times
Pew Research Center: Social and Demographic Trends
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan think-tank that collects data and analyses social issues to help understand and respond to conditions. This article delves into the effects of the pandemic on the economy and workers: Economic Fallout from COVID-19 Continues to Hit Lower-income Americans the Hardest. https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2020/09/24/economic-fallout-from-covid19-continues-to-hit-lower-income-americans-the-hardest/