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Digital Learning
Navigating Digital Learning Resources at HEPL
By Ally Muterspaw
The Hamilton East Public Library values lifelong learning and informal education through physical and digital means. Learning how to use various software, speak multiple languages, and use social media has become necessary to adapt to many professions and stay connected with loved ones. Especially when people are staying home, learning life skills and professional development skills are accessible for free or low cost in digital formats. Career based training, news outlets, and educational learning are permanently accessible online. The library believes that promoting digital learning is a necessary component to bridge the gap of information inequity.
While HEPL promotes learning relevant skills to job markets and schooling, we also believe that informal learning is equally enriching and important for our patrons. Using digital resources, people can easily connect and build communities with others by investigating new passions and interests. There are multiple facets to digital learning skillsets, and this digital learning guide lists some HEPL and outside of library resources that our patrons might find valuable. Most of the resources below are suitable for all ages, but many of the resources are targeted towards teenagers and adults.
HEPL Resources
All HEPL’s resources are accessible on the library website, under “Services - See A-Z Databases.
Creativebug is a HEPL resource that provides art classes and community forums. Some courses explore sewing, quilting, crochet, jewelry, and other mediums. The resource lets users explore interests through demonstration videos, self-paced projects, and access to a pattern library. There is also a section of Creativebug designated for kid-appropriate activities. https://www.creativebug.com/lib/hepl
Inspire is a comprehensive database that is free and accessible to all Indiana residents. Inspire provides academic journals, periodicals, multimedia learning tools, and many other resources for academic and non-academic purposes. A great asset to Inspire is “Test Preparation and More” through the LearningExpress Library, where users can utilize high school equivalency resources, college admissions test preparation, and career preparation. https://inspire.in.gov/
Mango is a database that provides self-paced language learning courses in 60 languages and 17 English learning tracks. Mango is the only HEPL resource exclusively dedicated to learning languages and has a language-translation tool. Mango can be downloaded as an app to a user’s phone or accessed on a computer. https://learn.mangolanguages.com/
Treehouse is a newer HEPL resource where users can access self-paced courses about computer languages, web development, and other technical skills. Users can also learn about developing web applications such as Rails and Android. Treehouse is unique because it is the only HEPL resource exclusively dedicated to learning computer languages. Patrons need to request access to Treehouse because a limited number of users can access the database at one time. https://form.jotform.com/201734016513040
Niche Academy gives you access to free tutorials on computer skills, job readiness, social media platforms, library applications and more. Create an account to track your progress, or simply watch a skills video for a quick refresher. https://my.nicheacademy.com/hepl
Digital Learn is an online platform hosted by the Public Library Association where users have access to short videos that explain digital literacy skills. https://www.digitallearn.org/
GCF Global, run by Goodwill Industries, provides life skills and career-oriented learning paths free to all users. Users can sort through “Core Skills” that address Math, Reading, and Spanish speaking skills or learn about computer software programs. Users can search for courses based on their personal learning goals if they are unsure which topics to begin. https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/
IU Expand, hosted by Indiana University, is an online platform that provides free and low-cost non-accredited course work to Indiana residents. Topics covered in IU Expand’s catalog include data analytics, information technology, and coding. Users do not have to be alumni or current students at Indiana University to sign up. https://expand.iu.edu/