Sonninghill Hostel Jargon Magazine 2020

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Woman of theWeek Award A Wise Woman‌.

Term One Term Two

Term Three

Term Four

Has Good Manners

Olivia Horsley


Encourages Others

Anahera Bagley


Is Clean and Tidy

Avania Winikerei


Wears Our Uniform Well

Sidney Baker


Is Grateful

Eilish Bates


Makes The World A Better Place Tyler Mitchell

Head Girl

Respects Herself And Others

Maia Chandler


Communicates Positively

Gabriella Gordon


Loves Life

Olivia Baillie


Avoids Drama

Payton Cook


Is Solutions Focussed

Mikaela MacKenzie


Is Creative

Zoe Middlemiss


Demonstrates Leadership

Teremai Jarrett


Takes On New Challenges

Jemma Fenton


Has A Strong Work Ethic

Emily Hamilton


Is Resilient

Emily Milne


Enjoys Helping Others

Olivia Hayward


Inspires Others

Briar O’Keeffe


Shares Her Talents

Amokura Salmon Turoa


Is Confident

Armani Stephens


Is Reliable

Shaunah West


Chloe Ricket


Kiera Davis


Is Organised

Rachel Apiti


Is Fun

Tunisia Wilson


Cover Designed by Lucy Rennie

This is the New Year 13 Canvas Created by Armani Stephens and Shaunah West

The Lilly pads have the names of the girls who started in 2016 and the Koi fish represent the girls who are still here in 2020

Head Girl Speech to Prize Giving Tyler Mitchell 2020, what a year. A year to remember stand here today as your Head Girl and and one that won’t be forgotten anytime soon.

say together we got through it. Through all the obstacles, we still

Before being announced as Head Girl I

managed to have some fun. We had

hadn’t really put much thought into

themed dinners, Sonnz Swimming

the role and it wasn’t until I heard my

Sports, Stars in your eyes, Netball

name being called out by previous

comps, Miss Sonninghill and lets not

head girl Renei Te Pairi that it really

forget our victory against the day girls

sunk in. I was to be the one to stand up at athletics. We even had Henry the

at dinner every Wednesday night. I

vacuum cleaner make a few

would need to organise socials with

appearances on the Instagram page,

the boys, attend all the meetings and

keeping us entertained while at home.

be the one to make every girl feel

Unfortunately a social event with boys

welcome in their home away from

didn’t happen, (and I know how


disappointed you all were about that),

January 27th I was walking through the doors excited for the year to come, ready to organise activities and make

change the last five years in any way. I am so grateful I got to experience life at Boarding School and I know I will take away so many life lessons.

however, I’m sure you will get this

I would now like to take the time to

opportunity next year—so girls you’ll

mention a few special people who are

just have to hold out a little bit longer.

part of the team here at Sonninghill

fun and enjoyment. However, it wasn’t Coming from a small school in the King

and who have helped me out throughout this journey.

long until we were all back at home in

Country with only about 100 kids to a

lockdown. The future was uncertain

boarding school where I was living with Ms Gordon

and I wasn’t sure what this year was

130 odd adopted sisters and attending

going look like. For most of March and

a school of 1800 students was pretty

April we were stuck inside unable to

significant event in my life. One

reach our full potential. School

question as a hostel girl, I often been

activities, sport, face contact, events—

asked: do I like Sonninghill and

all of it stopped. We all had to leave

Boarding? I always answer the same

the Hostel and do school at home for

way every time. Yes. Hostel has given

eight long weeks. Never before had I

me so many opportunities, but it is the

missed you so much. We were

people. You have all supported me in

challenged and pushed but throughout my goals and achievements, celebrated it all I saw a massive amount of support with me and provided me with a home

Thank you so much for all you have done for me and the support you have given. I really appreciate your guidance and mentoring this year and I’m so thankful for your time and knowledge. I appreciate and love how the Hostel Head girl is valued member of the school exec council, it really

strengthens the Hostel and school connection and I couldn’t be more thankful for that.

shown towards each other. I think we

away from home. Boarding School is

can all be so proud of how we dealt

definitely not as bad as it sounds or

with such uncertainty. The resilience

some people think, and when I take a

Our favourite reliever! You have been

and courage but most importantly the

moment to think about all the good

here from the start and always so

respect and compassion everyone had

times and all the memories created

warm and welcoming. I’m going to

was amazing. I am so honoured to

here at hostel, I know that I wouldn’t

miss you and all the chats. Thank you

Miss Oram

on behalf of all the Year 13s for

have been a big inspiration in my life

easier. I hope that you can all look

backing us and providing us with the

and I’m really going to miss you

back on this year and be proud of what

perks around the Hostel.

guiding and coaching me next year.

you all have achieved right from the

Thank you so much.

little things to the big things. Every


single one of you has a bright future Mrs Witehira

Our wonderful caretaker and handyman. Whenever a job needs to be done Allan is there. Allan thank you for all your wisdom and chats around the Hostel. I am really going to miss

Thank you for trusting and believing in me with this role. I am so grateful you gave me the opportunity this year and I hope that I have made you proud. Thank you for the support the voice

your hugs and seeing you around the

you gave me. You have taught me to


be confident in myself and helped me

Ms Taitoko and Mrs Jones

ahead and I encourage you to make the most of the years to come here at Hostel. You may not believe me now but the years really do fly by, so live in the moment and take every opportunity as they come. I wish you all the best for 2021.

To my Year 13s, what a ride it has grow further as a leader. I’ll forever be been. Over the years there has been a thankful. tremendous amount of love and

Although you two are relatively new to Also a special thank you to everyone the Sonninghill crew you have both behind the scenes that makes the fitted in with ease and are cherished

Hostel run so smoothly. To the cooks

so much by everyone here. I want to

and the cleaners, the prep tutors and

memories shared. We’ve been through ups and downs, cried and laughed, sang and danced and managed to strengthen our friendships along the

say thank you for the support you have parents, thank you for all that you do. given me throughout the year and

way. This year our friendships became

hope the Seddon and Lake houses

To my family. My older sisters Baylee

without all your support. I am so glad

continue to treat you well and make

and Jamie who both have been

that each and every one of you was a

you proud.

through Sonninghill as well. Thank you part of this Hostel journey. I will never for the endless amounts of advice and forget these years we have shared

Miss Hamilton

help you have given me throughout

together. I love every one of you and

my time here. I have always valued

am going to miss you all so much.

You have really helped me this year, always keeping me up to date with everything and checking up on me. You bring entertainment and energy everywhere you go and are always the best dressed at every event. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Ms Wilkinson

your opinions and looked up to you so to see you both here today is special. To my Mum and Dad thank you for everything you have done for me. From supporting me financially and giving me the opportunity to come here to all your words, love and support. You have all seen me at my lows and been with me at my highs.

I don’t really know how to put into

Thank you for sticking with me, I

words how thankful I am to have you

wouldn't be the person I am today

in my life. I have known you before I

without you four.

even came to High School and have been so fortunate to have you as not only my Matron but also my basketball coach. You continue to push me and make me a better person everyday. I know I don’t say it often but you really

To all the girls

even closer and I couldn't have made it

As the little Year 9 in 2016 I never thought 2020 would come and now standing here today I can’t believe how fast these 5 years have gone by. My time here is quickly coming to an end. The 5 year sleepover is almost over. Soon the Year 13s and I will no longer be tagging in and out, using

boardingware or walking up Mount Marama everyday. I’m sad to leave, but I’m also ready for the change. I can’t wait to see what life after Hostel looks like. Sonninghill will forever have a place in my heart. Thank you.

I am so grateful I got the opportunity to lead this awesome group of girls here at the Hostel and I can honestly say you all made my job so much

Year 9 Scholarship Letter

by Kaytlen Tamatea

Ko Putauaki toku maunga Ko Tarawera toku awa Ko Mataatua toku waka Ko Ngati Tuwharetoa toku Iwi Ko Ngati Tamarangi toku Hapu Ko Hahuru toku Marae Ko Kaytlen Tamatea-Kepa toku ingoa Kia ora, my name is Kaytlen. I live in a small town in the Bay of Plenty region, Kawerau, and come form a large crazy complicated but very loving whānau. I have two older sisters, Kyla who is 16 and twin sister Nikita, who is 11 minutes older than me and then our baby of the whanau, Tamsin, who is 9 years old. My beautiful Mum is Jolene, and I have two Dads, Dylan Kepa and Luke Tamatea, who died in Afghanistan in 2012. I started looking into boarding school last year and it was quite a random thought that I never thought would turn into reality. I mentioned it to my Mum and she wasn’t quite up to it, so I did some research on reasons why I should come here to Hamilton Girls’ High School and how it would benefit me in the future. Then BOOM Mum was keen as. Whatever Mum says goes so Dad just hopped on the bandwagon and supported me.

The week before starting at boarding school I felt quite emotional. Everything was actually coming to life I guess. I spent the whole week packing my bags, listening to sad songs whilst on a call with my friends (very dramatic). First week into Hostel I

thought I was on a roll. I found, and still now find, Hostel quite easy. At home I do similar duties so it was nothing out of the ordinary and the fact that I was rooming with someone who I knew was a bonus that not many of the girls had starting here. As for how I have changed since being here, I have become a strong, intelligent, independent young lady whose sports performance skills have excelled whilst gaining more knowledge in my academics and athletic ability. I went from being the kid at the back of the class to a very sociable, outgoing lady. I went through a phase where I was quite upset. I didn’t want to be around anyone but my whānau. I was on the phone crying to Mum and Miss Hamilton came up and saw I was upset. From then on I really felt the vibe off Hostel. I feel very safe knowing that the staff and girls will have my back 24/7 like I have theirs. A goal I want to achieve while being here at Sonninghill is to be spotted. I was to be recognised for doing good in the community and out on the sports field or courts. I want to be able to balance my school work and sports easily, and

Hostel helps me very much because there are so many girls here that give back to the community, are kind and can juggle school and sports easily. I do look up to one girl in particular, Gabriella Gordon. She does good things in the community, is kind to people, is focussed on her schooling and among this she makes time for her sports. There is nothing I’d change about Hostel, I think it runs perfectly fine. The phone rule for Year 9 & 10s does sometimes get to me but it is what it is. I must learn to adapt to the little things like that. Hostel is truly my home away from home and I’m thankful to those people who make it feel this way.

Kia ora

Margaret Beattie Creative Writing Award Winner Tiare Dargaville-Rehua Behind the Screen

Primrose and Syrup

I take the picture. It’s perfect.

You heard of those girls

But just to be sure, I’ll take forty more, spend hours lying on the floor choosing which filter to put on to it. Clarendon filtrate #2

It makes my skin look so smooth and the sky look baby blue And everything else brand new… They’ll have to like it! 136 Likes I scroll further to see, these beautiful models post liked by so many people, their names could fill up a novel, cause tbh I do really care, that my face isn’t structured like the doctors did theirs

and my teeth aren’t as straight I don’t have long curly hair, But ill tweet that I’m fine that I’m having a great time and that nothing can break my spirit. But you can’t break what’s been shattered, Another glass? I’d be flattered! Oops that’s the end of the bottle. I’ve drunk myself high, so that I don’t want to die, let’s do it all again tomorrow, I’ll be fine TBH = to be honest Clarendon filtrate #2 = filter name.

Made of Primrose and Syrup? With the taste that lingers on your tongue? Smooth skin, kissed gently by the sun? She’s known by all for her beauty and grace Hair flowing over her perfect, porcelain face. Always the life of the party But deep down I know That nobody flinches When they take off her clothes. Dancing in the rain, Under the moonlight Clothes drenched to the bone She doesn’t need to think twice How silly of me To envy her fame It’s not her fault I’m in so much f**king pain For now I’ll observe Watch her dance the night away Filling her life with the same happiness

Lake House Girls who left during the year: Taylor Dougherty Y10 Vaishali McNeill Y9 Alex Baldwin Y12

Lake Girls at the end of 2020 Exec Council Leader: Sheridan O’Keeffe Boarding Manager: Mrs Claire Jones

Y13’s: Sheridan O’Keeffe Bebe (Yirui) Liu Maddison Hawkins Y12’s: Katie Denize Kyla Humphris Mikaela MacKenzie Izzy McBeth Miranda Petersen Renee Thompson Y11’s: Emily Crabb Kaiya Kerrison Skyla Melvin Claire Morris Jersie Ratu Emily Tusa Y10’s: Stella Allen Caitlyn Boros Tara Edmonds Abbie Gibson Zoe Gordon Emma Ramsey Brooklyn Willison Avania Winikerei

Y9’s: Olivia Baillie; Regan Chapman; Waitaha Hollis; Amerikus Hosking; Katie King; Bailie Mains; Kyah Scott; Molly Scott; Jenna Townsend

2020 was one out of the box—yet amazing! GO L A K E

Lake Leader Experience My experience at Sonninghill started all those 5 years ago in 2016 when life was good and all I worried about was which uniform shirt I had washed and which one I hadn’t. Now, in 2020 and about to leave to become an adult, I can honestly say it’s an experience I'll never forget and never fail to cherish and love. I have had so many awesome opportunities staying here and one of them was the privilege to be Lake House Leader for 2020. It was an interesting experience doing this as I was only the second ever Lake leader, after the wonderful Emma in 2019, when the hostel introduced the housing system. I think a huge highlight of getting to do something like this is that you get to interact with all the other year levels which we don't always get to do as we have separated areas, and I got to see them participate, have fun and get into the true hostel spirit in all the activities we did throughout this tough year. My favourite memory with Lake house this year would have to be at swimming sports, where so many of our girls got into the pool and gave everything a go and the others who didn’t quite make it to the water chanted as loud as they could in support of them. The day was a success and all the girls had fun, and for me being my last ever Sonnz swimming sports, it made me really happy that I had such an awesome team of girls behind me supporting Lake House. Unfortunately our assigned house activity had to be cancelled due to such a busy Term 4 but nevertheless the year was a really cool experience with the house. Mrs Jones also did such a great job at helping girls get into the spirit, find something purple to wear, and support Lake House 100%, and I want to say thank you to her for being so committed and involved and also for helping me heaps this year. I’ll definitely miss the hostel spirit that each of the houses have and will remember my house and our achievements fondly :) - Sheridan

Lake Life—stories from some of our girls A Wellington Trip … I joined my Mum on a trip to Wellington. This was part of supporting key responders to the Covid-19 situation after the 1st lock down. Left Pics: Preparing morning tea

I got to meet the PM, Jacinda Ardern. We were there for 3 days with 5 or 6 other ladies from the Rural Women’s Office. It was a neat experience and a fun time. Emily Tusa Y11 Lake House (PS from Mrs Jones—the lady to the left of you in 1st photo used to be my boss!!!

Dancing my way through high school ... One of the reasons I came to Sonninghill Hostel, was to extend my dancing. By being closer to great dance schools, this has been a reality. I am doing both contemporary dance and hip hop and loving every minute of it. An unexpected opportunity was joining St Johns which has provided me with new friends and lots of challenges as I learn skills. This is good general knowledge to have plus could open other doors for me as I consider what path to take in the future. Amerikus Hosking Y9 Lake House

Our Wise Women: Avania is “Clean & Tidy” Olivia Baillie “Loves Life” Mikaela is “Solutions Focused”


“A wise woman shapes her own destiny” Willing to Learn • Interact with Respect • Strive to Understand • Engage to Achieve

Gold Awards: T1&2: Sheridan O’Keeffe & Avania Winikerei T3: Bailie M ains

“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles until death.” Leonardo da Vinci



Lake House Awards Certificate for Actively Practicing Manaakitanga Caitlyn Boros Kayla Humphris Sheridan O’Keeffe Jersie Ratu Emily Tusa Certificate for Understanding and Promoting Taha Tinana and Hauora Bebe Liu Mikaela MacKenzie Emma Ramsey Avania Winikerei Certificate for Actively Demonstrating Taha Whanau Katie King Bailie Mains Kyah Scott Molly Scott

Marama House Awards Certificate for Actively Practicing Manaakitanga Kalani Bourke Jemima Hunter Teremai Jarrett Briar O’Keeffe Amber Rendall Certificate for Understanding and Promoting Taha Tinana and Hauora Sophie Bailie Nicole Chikunda Ella Hickey Chloe Rickit Certificate for Actively Demonstrating Taha Whanau Shyla Church Kalanie Kara Maia Kerr Kahlykah McHattan

Seddon House Awards Certificate for Actively Practicing Manaakitanga Eilish Bates Kiera Davis Lilly Mayhew Grace Rennie Te Aomihi Totorewa

Certificate for Understanding and Promoting Taha Tinana and Hauora Tesni Fagan Yasmeen Irrena Mahinaarangi Onehi Certificate for Actively Demonstrating Taha Whanau Kimiora Elliott Caitlin Hull Ariana Ratana Amber Waretini

Tainui House Awards Certificate for Actively Practicing Manaakitanga Charlotte Eagle Eria Nepia Ocean Saxton Alicia Ushaw Shaunah West Certificate for Understanding and Promoting Taha Tinana and Hauora Tamsyn Grainger Heidi Perring Lycan Te Wano-George Bella Watt Certificate for Actively Demonstrating Taha Whanau Emily Hamilton Olivia Hayward Quayani Ratu Wiki Tipene

Awards and Cups Runner up to Year 9 Scholarship Award Waitaha Hollis Olivia Horsley Reegan Isaac Pylat Paraha-Senior Tunisia Wilson Sonninghill Year 9 Scholarship Award Kaytlen Tamatea-Kepa Certificate for Kindness and Consideration in Year 9 Regan Chapman Madeline Mulgrew Kaytlen Tamatea-Kepa Jaime Witters

Boswell Cup for Kindness and Consideration in Year 9 Payton Maihi

Certificate for Leadership Other Than a Year 13 Maia Chandler Kate Child Emily Leen Sophie Rouse Jean Bennett Award for Leadership other than a Year 13 Rachel Apiti Certificate for Personal Achievement, Perseverance and Integrity at any Level Maddison Hawkins Kyla Marshall Emma Noble-Campbell Sheridan O’Keeffe Bridget Woods Davis Cup for Personal Achievement, Perseverance and Integrity at any Level Jemma Fenton Certificate for Loyalty and Goodwill Anahera Bagley Olivia Hayward Sarah Jennings Quayani Ratu

Hoult Cup for Loyalty and Goodwill Armani Stephens Hostel Committee Rose Bowl Dorm Leaders Award Paris Bourke Sidney Baker

Joan Hamilton Cup for Best All Round Year 11 Maia Chandler

Certificate for Best All Round Year 12 Sidney Baker Yamaia Eastwood Gabriella Gordon Emily Hamilton Izzy McBeth Carole Oram Trophy for Best All Round Year 12 Emma Noble-Campbell Certificate for Positive Contribution to Hostel Life Maddison Hawkins Tyler Mitchell Lucy Rennie Armani Stephens Wildman Sonninghill Trophy for Most Positive Contribution to Hostel Life Teremai Jarrett


McLaggan Award for Leadership –Year 13 Tyler Mitchell

Certificate for Best All Round Year 11 Rachel Apiti Emily Crabb Emily Leen Claire Morris Lucy Rennie

First Day of High School Our 2020 Leavers as Year 9s in 2016

2020 Leavers

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