Term1 newsletter

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CONTENTS Principals Piece Page 3 Board News Page 4 Deputy Principal - Jill Carter Deputy Principal - Katrina Whaanga Deputy Principal - Craig Scrimgeour Deputy Principal - Maria Dunn Deputy Principal - Sharleen Nathan Business Manager - Kama Scutts International Homestay/ Sonninghill Hostel

Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10

Academic News Page 11 Languages Department Page 13 Maori Department Page 14 Visual Arts Department Page 15 English Department Page 16 Mathematics Department Page 17 English Language Department Page 17 PE & Health Department Page 18 Social Sciences Department Page 19

Arts at HGHS Page 20 Dance Department Page 24 Pasifika Department Page 25 Sports at HGHS Summer Sports Tournament

Page 26 Page 29

Careers Page 34 GATE Page 35 Wilson House Page 36 Heads House Page 37 Macdiarmid House Page 38 Campbell House Page 40 Edgecumbe House Page 42 NZQA Page 44 Key Dates Page 46

MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD GIRL ANZAC SPEECH “They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.” Australia. New Zealand. Army. Corp- ANZAC. It is with great gratitude I stand here as a descendant of soldiers who paved my path, my future by sacrificing their lives. ANZAC day is a day that we’ve all become familiar with as we’ve grown older. On the 25th of April every year, we celebrate the bravery of those who fought for our country, our rights and our freedom. I would like to invite you to take a moment to think of what our soldiers went through. Men as young as sixteen were sent to war with the fear that they might not see their families again. Upon arrival at Gallipoli many were shot dead having no time to defend themselves. Those who survived had to do everything in their power to remain alive. Our soldiers had to kill when they didn’t want to, they had to scavenge for food when they were starving and our nurses had to see wounds that were unforgettable. 2779 soldiers died from New Zealand, all were sons, some were fathers, husbands, brothers and friends. 2779 New Zealand


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soldiers sacrificed their lives for us. Because of them we enjoy free education in a safe environment with the freedom to pursue a career in whatever we dream. We have the opportunity to voice our opinions, thoughts and ideas. We have a government led by a powerful woman who is doing her best to ensure that we, as young people, are achieving our goals. Because of them we live in a country of peace. Without these heroes who would we be? Because of them we are proud to be New Zealander’s and because of them I am proud to be Māori. On the 25th of April, I urge you all to attend a service of some kind to commemorate our soldiers and to proudly wear a poppy to celebrate their lives. “I will wear a little poppy, As red as it can be, To show that I respect and remember, Those brave men who fought To make New Zealand free.” Always remember who you are and where you came from. Lest we forget. Jaedyn Randell Head Girl


PRINCIPAL’S COMMENT Nga mihi nui ki a koutou Five years as Principal at HGHS...how time flies! It has been a remarkable journey that has seen our school community grow immensely - student achievement has increased, school spirit has lifted, student voice is certainly stronger through different leadership groups and teaching pedagogy remains at the forefront of our teaching staff to ensure that the delivery of our curriculum is relevant and engaging. No matter how long a person has been teaching, there is always room for pedagogical improvement. After 5 years service, I have been fortunate to win a Principals’ sabbatical. A Secondary Principals' Sabbatical provides 10 school weeks' leave for principals to engage in a balance of professional learning activities, reflection and rejuvenation. I am extremely excited to engage in all three: attending an International Girls’ Conference in Washington, visiting schools in Honolulu, meeting colleagues in Ireland and having time to read; reflecting on 2017 and the new adventures of 2018, and rejuvenating on an intrepid tour of Northern Spain and Portugal. While I am away, Mrs Carter will be the Acting Principal, Mrs Whaanga Acting 2IC and Mrs Early will be Acting Deputy Principal.Thank you to the Senior Management team for stepping up to lead the school in my absence. On another note, Student Wellbeing is an area that requires our 100% attention. So often we wonder about the why’s in life? Why did this happen? Why me? Why now? In spite of your best efforts, some things are just out of your control. Bumps in the road are an inevitable part of life that soften us, make us grow, and bestow upon us the virtue of compassion. Often it is only with the passing of time that it becomes clear that the cloud really did have a silver lining. It makes us stronger, more wiser, more resilient and at some point in time, we understand the true meaning of the phrase “Everything happens for a reason”. Failure happens in life, things go wrong, disappointment hits all of us at some time through our lives. But it’s how we respond that counts. Resilience is a building block of positive student wellbeing. Our executive council will continue to look at support strategies for our students. “Excuses will get you nowhere. The world doesn’t owe you a living.” This is a point that Barack Obama made when speaking at Morehouse College in the United States – an historically all male, all black liberal arts college. Morehouse’s creed is “Excuses are tools of the incompetent used to build bridges to nowhere and monuments of nothingness.” This is so true. My challenge to our school community is to continue to work hard - nobody is going to give us anything that we have not earned. That is life. It is a totally new world out there. Our students will leave school and enter a society that is changing and evolving with incredible speed. When I was at school, I didn’t have a cellphone. Now almost all of our students carry the equivalent of a supercomputer around in their pockets. Please note:

The world’s biggest accommodation provider owns no accommodation. Airbnb. The world’s biggest taxi company owns no taxis. Uber. The world’s most valuable retailer, has no inventory. Alibaba. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content of its own

We are living in an age in which change will be ever present. Embrace it; don’t make excuses; back yourself; be proud of yourself; study and work hard, and remember to always say thank you. See you in term 3. Marie Gordon Principal

FAREWELL - HAERE RA - KA KITE ANO Ms Talitha Holt began her teaching career in 2016 and has developed into a highly competent young woman. She has chosen to return to Palmerston North prior to going on her OE. We wish to thank her for the amazing contribution she has made in such a short time at HGHS and wish her all the best for the future. Travel safe Ms Holt. Mrs Virginia Carney taught at HGHS for a short period of time in Technology and Business, prior to accepting a job in her home town of Te Aroha. We wish to thank Mrs Carney for her professional, enthusiastic approach toward her classes and wider school, and wish her all the best for the future. Mrs Rebecca Dowdle also taught at HGHS for a short period of time in Science, and like Ms Carney, has won a job in her hometown of Tokoroa. With less travel, Ms Dowdle is looking forward to walking to school. Thank you for your contribution to the Science Department and wider school. Ms Lisa Harper A qualified accountant and a highly competent classroom practitioner, we would like to thank Ms Harper for her wonderful contribution to HGHS and the leadership of the Business Department. On behalf of the students and staff, we would like to wish her all the best in her new adventures and look forward to seeing Ms Harper return back to the classroom one day. Her expertise and sense of humour has always been appreciated. COMMUNITY OF LEARNING Kahui Ako (Communities of Learning) are part of the NZ MOE Investing in Educational Success (IES) initiative. IES aims to raise the achievement of all learners, particularly those at risk of underachieving. No one can do everything by themselves any more.

Collaborating with others who share similar achievement challenges between each kura can only be a positive step forward. Principals and teachers from Hamilton East, Knighton Primary School, Peachgrove Intermediate, HBHS and HGHS are working together on several initiatives. Together we will raise student engagement and achievement with key areas of focus including developing a community approach to accelerating literacy and numeracy in order to reduce disparity for Boys, Māori and Pasifika students accessing vocational and academic pathways. It is our hope that we can transfer what we have learnt in this COL, to the other 55 contributing schools that we have at present.

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BOARD NEWS Kia ora If you are interested in joining the Board of Trustees now is the time to give it serious consideration. We have two vacancies that we want to fill by selection. We are looking for people who have an interest in school governance, have skills that might be useful and the time available. If you think this might be for you please contact me. Email: botmcrae@hghs.school.nz or c/- HGHS, P.O Box 1267 Hamilton 3240. I am pleased to announce that our Principal Marie Gordon has been successful in her application for a study sabbatical in term two. This is a wonderful opportunity for her to recharge her batteries and take advantage of some wonderful professional development opportunities overseas. The board has appointed Deputy Principal, Jill Carter as Acting Principal in Mrs Gordon's absence. Katrina Whaanga will step up as senior Deputy Principal to assist her.

The new gymnasium project is progressing. A project of this size does take time. A geotechnical land report has recently been completed. The next step is to select an architectural firm to submit drawings. Our best wishes go to our team and support staff heading to Japan at the end of April to take part in the Sanix World Rugby Youth Tournament. Drama teacher, Jo Belgrave has retired after many years at HGHS. Jo has been a tireless worker and a wonderful teacher who will be missed at school. We wish her all the very best in the future.

Meeting dates are May 24, June 21, August 2, August 30, September 27, November 15, November 29.

Andrew McRae A reminder that board meetings are Chairperson open to anyone who would like to attend. botmcrae@hghs.school.nz They are held in the board room in the Administration Building at 5.30pm.

DEPUTY PRINCIPAL JILL CARTER It is hard to realise it is already the end of Term One. It has been a pleasure to see and celebrate the achievements of our students in so many areas; be it academic, sporting, the creative arts, or service. LEO CLUB One of my pleasures this term has been to be involved with the HGHS Leo Club. Leo Clubs are sponsored by a Lions Club and are for young people and usually schoolbased. On 12th March the 2018 new members were inducted into the club. This was a great evening with Lions Club members there to support our students, we thank them for the support of our girls. The HGHS Leo Club now has approximately 40 members, ranging from Year 9 to Year 13. This is a wonderful thing for our students to be involved in because it introduces students to community volunteering. The students usually undertake one project per term, and this term our students supported the Rotary Club at the Balloons over Waikato event, raising funds for Breast Cancer support.

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.

Abigail Adams

Finally, with one term already gone, I would encourage students to be setting their sights high, to aspire to achieving their personal best in all areas. This includes regular attendance, because it is very clear that if students are absent they miss key learning and this creates obstacles to achievement. I would encourage parents to be monitoring their daughter’s attendance and to work with us if issues arise.


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On Thursday the 8th March we hosted our Prefects dinner with all the HGHS School Prefects and their families present. The evening gave each council an opportunity to share their goals for the 2018 year. It was a privilege to welcome back Andrea Kane the 2006 Head Girl.Andrea currently lives in Auckland and is a nutritionist for Children. She teaches a programme called Food for Thought. It is a programme that educates year 5 and 6 students about healthier food and lifestyle choices. During her time at HGHS Andrea was an innovative hard working and caring student. She would make the time to help others and always showed an interest in different aspects of HGHS school life. Andrea has continued to support Hamilton Girls’ High by mentoring other Head Girls. Her support and wisdom ensured each student flourished within their role.

SERVICE COUNCIL The service council is made up of the Service Captain, School Service Captain, the Community Service Prefect and the House Captains. Captain - Jaime Foster School services prefect - Shyla Paikea Community services prefect - Rebeka Hall

STUDENT COUNCIL IDEAS FOR 2018 Student Voice Information Box - This box is going to be a way for students to reach out to the Student Council for help. Charity Themes - This year we are matching our mufti themes to the colour scheme of the charity we choose to support. Mental Health and Wellbeing week - We are going to host a Mental Health and Wellbeing week in term 2. This will be about helping students deal with school related stress. Over the week we will promote that it’s okay to ask for help and to admit you aren’t okay. We will give our students ideas on how to cope with stress and inform them on who they can reach out to for help in our school community.

HOUSE CAPTAINS Campbell - Emily Hendry-Follows - Tara Kailahi (Deputy) Edgecumbe - Lucy Higgins - Aaliyah Tainui (Deputy) Heads - Melina Gray - Rajwinder Kaur (Deputy) MacDiarmid - Leila Green - Aleesha Barnes (Deputy) Wilson - Tegwyn McCormack - Jessica Goldsack (Deputy

GOALS FOR 2018: Helping HGHS students - Skills such as studying, organisational and time management skills are rarely taught in schools so we aim to introduce tutorials to help our girls from all year levels. SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITY Carrying on an action that was done by our previous service councils, we hope to do our part in aiding the elderly by volunteering at a retirement village (Radius Rest homes) Each Council has some fantastic ideas and goals for 2018. It has been a busy but exciting term 1.

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DEPUTY PRINCIPAL CRAIG SCRIMGEOUR INTERIM REPORTS Interim Reports have been emailed home and will also be uploaded to the Parent Portal. Reading the report presents families with the opportunity to have good discussions about what is working well and where further assistance or understanding would be of benefit.

YEAR 9-13 PARENT-TEACHER MEETINGS Following on from the issuing of Interim Reports, Parent-Teacher Meetings will take place during week 1 of Term 2 on Wednesday 2nd May and Thursday 3rd May, starting at 2.30pm and ending at 6.00pm. Appointments will be made using the online booking system at www.schoolinterviews.co.nz. Information regarding this process has also been emailed home and is available on the school website. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your daughter’s Interim Report and assessments throughout the year. School will finish at 1.30pm on both these days. If your daughter is accompanying you to the Parent-Teacher Meetings then we would ask that she attend in school uniform please. Any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school reception (07) 839 1304. We look forward to seeing you there.

The front page of our report addresses work ethic and is a reflection of character not of intellectual capacity. It provides you with an overview of how well your daughter is managing herself, whether she is taking responsibility for her own learning, her attitude in class, and homework completion. Every teacher offers four levels in each of these indicators, describing the predominant response your daughter displays in each subject. The levels are in the range of Highly Competent > Competent > Developing > Below Expectations. The important question for our girls to ask themselves is “what do I need to do in order to shift to the next level?”. A strong work ethic will usually generate higher levels of success and it is our intention to support the aspiration our girls have to develop highly competent skills. The report also lists all the assessments that are planned for the year. The grade is entered alongside those that have been completed. While it is too late to alter completed assessments, all future opportunities will benefit from reflecting on the past and setting future goals. Knowing what assessments are to come offers you an opportunity to work with your daughter to manage her time effectively and prepare well. On the second page of the report we have included your daughter’s contact details that we currently hold in our database. Please check this information carefully, and if anything is incorrect or any details have changed, contact the school office on 07 8391304 to update. HAMILTON GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL APP The Hamilton Girls’ High School App is available for your Apple or Android phone or tablet. Search for Hamilton Girls’ High School in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and download it for free. Although we have had this app operational for the last year we have experienced a few teething problems. These are now sorted and our aim is to use this app extensively as a means of better communicating with students, parents and whanau. WHAT THE APP OFFERS Absence: Email or call in your daughter’s absence. Quick and easy. If you email us, the App remembers your details from the last time you contacted us, so no need to fill in the information boxes again, except for the reason box. Newsletters: Links to current and past newsletters can be found here. Notices: The daily notices are found here. This provides a very easy place for students and parents/caregivers to check the notices each day to keep informed about activities coming up, meetings, latest information, etc. Calendar: Events in our school calendar can be found here. Clicking on an event will provide more information about that event if it is available.


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Contacts: Contact details for Senior Management, Head of Schools, Deans, Guidance, Sport Department, Principal’s Nominee (NZQA), and Office can be found here. All other contact details can be found via the HGHS website. Links: Useful links will be placed here, such as a link to the HGHS website, Sports Facebook page, etc. News: Latest news that is posted on the HGHS website will also show here. Alert groups specific to you: Select only the groups you want to receive notifications from. Click the ‘3 bars’ icon on the top left of the home screen and click alert subscriptions to groups which your daughter belongs to at present or will soon be a member (eg. Sports > Rugby > Rugby 2nd XV). This will allow you and/or your daughter to receive push notifications relevant to that team or group. Push notification are messages that we can send to your device (a bit like a text message) however the receiver of this message is unable to reply back. Check that your notifications are turned on to receive alerts. A video of how to do this can be found at http://schoolappsnz.co.nz/ subscribe-alert-groups-schools-app (Note: at this time we are in the process of setting up the different groups and teams within the school.We aim to have this up and running for the start of Term 2). Feel free to contact Deputy Principal Craig Scrimgeour with any queries.


DEPUTY PRINCIPAL MARIA DUNN UNIFORM REMINDERS Thank you to family, whaanau and caregivers for your continued support of the school uniform requirements and expectations. A reminder that in Terms 2 and 3, students should be in full Winter uniform. This includes, school skirt, shirt, tie, blazer, black mid calf socks with trim or black stockings with black, polishable, low cut shoes. These items are clearly identifed in the parent handbook and on the website. The school Uniform shop provide all your daughters uniform needs with very affordable shoe options. The school Summer sandals should not be worn during the winter months. The school blazer must be worn each day and should not be replaced by a Jersey or the Shell Jacket. Piercings is becoming a concern. It clearly states in the school uniform requirements on page 20 of the Parent Handbook, ‘One set of simple studs or sleepers may be worn in the ears only. No other body piercings are permitted’. We appreciate your support in this matter. Student Support services are becoming inundated with school uniform and other items either from school practises or Athletics Day etc. Your daughter needs to come to reception if she thinks she has lost something. All items need to be named.The best way is either a label with the students full name or the students ID number on the piece of clothing. We welcome parent and caregivers to come to Student Support services if you believe your daughter has lost item/s. YEAR 10 CAMP - MICAMP TURANGI One of the leadership opportunities for year 10 students during the year, is to participate in the Year 10 Camp to Micamp in Turangi. This is where students develop skills outside of the classroom in order to become leaders in their own right, make life long friendships, and see another side to their teachers beyond the classroom walls. All parents and caregivers of year 10 students should by now have received information either by email or hardcopy regarding the Year 10 camp which runs from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th December, 2018. If you have not yet done so, it is important that you notify your daughters Head of School or House Dean to receive this information. The letter clearly outlines the cost, when the deposit is due and the final due date for full payment. A year 10 Camp information assembly has also been held which informed the students of what to expect, how it will run and the activities involved. A highlight was having several of last years, Year 10 students speaking at assembly, giving their views on how they enjoyed their time on camp last year and wishing they could do it again.

STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council ably led by our Captain, Rebecca-Rose Ngatai and her team have made a great start to the year. The Student Council which also incudes a student from all the tutor classes meet every fortnight. With a huge focus on being the student voice for their peers - By Students, For Students the Student Council team run Mufti Days, Charity events, fundraising for a school project of the students choice and this year, a student voice information drop box. It is a way for students to drop off any ideas, concerns, thoughts and suggestions that the student council could support and drive throughout the school. In week 7, the team held their first Mufti Day event. It was great to see the students and teachers supporting the mufti day theme - Family Violence is NOT OK. During lunchtime the Student Council team were handing out white ribbons and lollies to those students supporting the theme. It was a fun day with $1285.60 raised for this chosen Charity. Funds from this event will be presented to this Charity group and some of the funds will also go towards a school project that is decided by the students. Last Friday there was a visit from members of the YMCA. They came in to speak to students about event management and leadership opportunities.

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DEPUTY PRINCIPAL SHARLEEN NATHAN It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the end of Term 1 already. We have had a very full term with much happening in our school community and we would not have it any other way as choices and the many opportunities available at Hamilton Girls’ High School are what sets us apart and contributes to building well rounded students with an emphasis on a holistic education. One opportunity on offer this term was supporting Relay For Life and our Services Council organised a Hamilton Girls’ High School team. Supporting the cancer society is a worthy cause and the girls loved dressing up to support such a wonderful event which ran from 10am to 10pm on 10th March. Our girls even won the tug-of-war event - against some full grown men! We also produced a very inventive wearable art costume using toilet paper. I would like to thank our staff that supervised throughout the day; everyone enjoyed the event and the girls loved your support. Our Senior A Sevens team continue to work hard as we lead into our Japan Sanix Tour in the school holidays. Last week we were successful in retaining the NISS Championship title. We are also proud of three of our players making the NZ U18 Sevens team who will be competing in the Oceania Championship in Sydney next month: Jazmin Hotham, Montessa Tairakena and Arorangi Tauranga. In the classroom, my Year 9 Maths classes have enjoyed using the digital tools available to us, including, Schoology, Mathletics & Google Apps. They are effective in our craft of teaching and learning and useful in assisting with ‘self management’ for students - that is the power of ‘anytime, anywhere’ learning. I would like to reiterate the importance of students bringing their own devices to school so they are not disadvantaged. I often add ‘Digital Smart Tips’ to each bulletin. A message I think is vital for parents is to ‘set expectations’ around online use. Netsafe is a wonderful website to explore with handy tips and information on cyber safety, internet use, digital citizenship and more. Talk to your child about the type of behaviours you’d like them to adopt. For example, how long they should spend online, what apps and social media sites you’d like them to use and what is appropriate content to view. This will be different depending on the age of your daughter, and what you feel comfortable with. Technological options like parental controls can help, but it needs to be teamed with online safety education. You can find out more about online safety education at netsafe.org.nz

SERVICES COUNCIL RELAY FOR LIFE On the 10th of March, Hamilton Girls’ High School’s very own superheroes banded together to support those fighting cancer. It was a very successful day with our girls walking and running around Cambridge Raceway for 12 hours. The day involved endless laughter, singing, dancing and a lot of sore legs but it paid off with our group raising $924.51 to donate to those in need! Jaime Foster WORLD VISION YOUTH CONFERENCE On Monday 19th of March, members of the Service Council attended the World Vision Youth Conference held in Auckland. It was an international leadership event designed to ignite a passion for equality and justice within New Zealand students.There were interactive sessions with guest speakers that all covered social action and leadership development. World Vision educated us on some global issues such as the violence in South Sudan which only encouraged us to want to do more to help. They highlighted the importance of the 40 Hour famine, something the Service Council is now keen to emphasise at HGHS this year. For me, a highlight was their emphasis on how youth can change the world and that we don’t have to wait until we’re older to have our voices heard. They believed in us and the fact that we can make a difference - Rebeka Hall.


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BUSINESS MANAGER KAMA SCUTTS School statements have been sent out to all families and we hope you take the time to read your statement and address any outstanding payments.

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Commercial & Services School Scarves will be available from term 2, these scarves have proven to be very popular with the students and sell very quickly, they can be worn in term 2 and 3. With winter fast approaching Term 2 means a change into closed in shoes. The shop sells good quality shoes which are New Zealand made, very sturdy and long lasting. We obtain these shoes for a very good price, they are proving to be very popular with the students. Now would be a good time to start purchasing them. If we don’t have a particular size in stock we can get these delivered to us. Student Services Mobile Dental Van for Year 9 Students 2018 The Mobile Dental Van will be visiting Hamilton Girls’ High School, Term 2 Week 2. Students with Dental consent will attend a 15 minute consultation with the Dental Therapist. If follow-up treatment is required a referral form will be sent home to be signed by Parents/Caregivers and returned to Student Reception. Lost Property There is a large amount of lost property at Student Reception including valuable and unnamed uniform items. Please encourage your daughter to check for any lost items at Student Reception.

We prefer that families pay online via the parent portal meaning we all get the best information possible with a fast turnaround. Online payments are promptly processed and show on your school statement, team and/or group list as paid very quickly. Other methods take more time and can result in a delay in some situations. We are very pleased that most students have collected their ID cards. They are still available for purchase from the uniform shop. Remember to start thinking about ordering winter uniform. Our uniform shop has some stock. However, we usually sell out of winter stock so it pays to sort this out early and before the winter weather is upon us. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday.

EX HAMILTON GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT NICOLE MURRAY BRINGS HOME CYCLING SILVER FROM WORLD’S IN RIO Ngahinapouri cyclist Nicole Murray won a silver medal at the Union Cycliste Internationale Para-cycling Track World Championships in Rio de Janeiro last week, where she shaved 5 seconds off her personal best time-the highlight of her cycling life. Nicole rides in the CS category for the 3 km Individual Pursuit. Rio was her first international race, and she didn’t expect to even qualify for a medal. Her time of 3.50 minutes in her qualifying race set the standard for everyone else. “I gave it my all. I wanted to do a good time for myself. Coming off after the race, everyone was going nuts.” “The moment I knew I could come away with a gold or silver was the highlight. It was the most amazing feeling,” she says. She says it was awesome bringing the medal home to her family who had watched the race online. Nicole says the silver medal has “fuelled the fire to get out there and do better next time.” The next Olympics are in Tokyo in 2020. Meanwhile, Nicole is hoping to qualify for the 2018 UCI Para-cycling Road World Championships in Italy from 2-5 August. We wish you luck Nicole! Return to Contents Page



INTERNATIONAL HOMESTAY As the Easter break looms we are farewelling some of our international students from Hamilton Girls' High who are returning to their home country. These six Japanese girls arrived in Hamilton in January and have spent the last 10 weeks working alongside New Zealand students, practicing their english language skills and experiencing life in the Waikato. The girls were also lucky enough to be included in an excursion to Hobbiton, where many many photos and memories were captured. A farewell morning tea was held with the International Tutor group this week and each student was presented with a certificate and Girls' High pin by Deputy Principal Jill Carter. Aoi, Kiyoka, Hanako, Yukiko, Yukako and Arisu we wish you safe travels home and all the best for the future. A big thank you to host families who have helped make their experiences so memorable.

SONNINGHILL HOSTEL Term 1 at Sonninghill Hostel is when our Executive Council and Peer Leaders shine. 132 students board at Sonninhill. At the beginning of 2018 we welcomed 36 new Year 9s and 11 new students at other Year levels. Moving in to boarding is a new adventure that can sometimes pose challenges and create sucesses never experienced before. At Hostel we start the year with an Induction Day where the Executive Council (made up of a Year Leader for each year level) spend the day with the new Year 9s and 10s. Peer Leaders are also organised so that each new Year 9 has a mentor and older new students are matched up with a buddy. Start of year activities included the Year 9s at Waterworld, Year 9s and HBHS Argyle boys bowling night, Sonninghill swimming competitions, Year 13s barbecue with Argyle Year 13s, a tropical themed dinner and Easter bunny swap. Photos are on the Sonninghill Facebook page. Hostel girls are busily involved in sports, cultural and academic activities. Many travel home at weekends and return ready for school each week. Selfmanagement is a strong ethos at Hostel with girls encouraged and supported to make the most of their time at Hamilton Girls’ High School. Director Of boarding Liz Witehira

HOSTEL GOALS Ruthie Holmes- Year 9 Peer leader Chelsea West- Deputy Head girl and Year 12 Peer leader Haydee Anson- Head girl Manaia Rapana-Feather- Year 11 Peer leader Amber Perana- Year 10 Peer leader GOALS FOR 2018: • Increase the bond between all year levels - run activities like the Amazing race on Waitangi day and hostel swimming sports. Have mixed year levels at each dinner table • More involvement towards hostel life - letting the girls have the opportunity to choose activities they want to do and encouraging girls to participate in those activities • Big sister support - seniors supporting juniors like our peer leaders who help the new girls transition into hostel and meet up with them weekly to see how they’re doing.This goes for new girls at any level, not just year 9


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ACADEMIC NEWS ACADEMIC COUNCIL ACADEMIC GOALS: Academic Achievement • To increase the overall pass rate and have students fulfill their individual achievement potential • To promote a healthy mindset in terms of enjoying school and reducing mental stress • To encourage a balance between academics and other personal interests • Developing on learning foundations within the school • Strengthening the relationship between teacher and student to ensure ongoing success • Promote each individual subject and their succeeding pathway. • Increasing academic achievement through literacy, numeracy and gaining qualifications Mental Heatlh • Have students realise that academic achievement doesn’t have to be at the expense of mental health • Promote a mindset in which appreciation of the subject is favoured • Reduce the overall stress concerning schoolwork • Develop a community in which students realise that their struggles are common and able to be overcome Balance • Teaching the students how to juggle their workload,extracurriculars and their social events in conjunction with school • Encourage the students to pursue their field of interest • Produce well-rounded young women who have acquired multiple skills over their high school career

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TERM 1, 2018


Anjali Rajiv The harder you work for something, the greater you will feel when you finally do achieve it. The beauty of this mindset is that it not only applies to academia but in fact every other field within this school. Here at Girls’ High, I have found teachers who love to teach and students who love to learn. This - along with the extensive range of books, tools and equipment - is what lit the fire in my belly to set ambitious goals and actually end up achieving them. Alongside my team of 10 academic prefects, I am excited to build upon the already wellestablished academic achievement and profile of our school. Every student has the potential to succeed in their field of choice. I simply wish to enhance the existing academic environment that captains and teachers before me have worked so hard to create. Girls’ High is the perfect place for us to discover our passion and grow into wise women. It is time for every student of ours to realise it. My name is Anjali Rajiv and I am pleased and proud to be able to introduce myself as the Academic Captain for 2018.


Breanna Edwards When I was growing up, I used books and reading as a way to escape reality, even if for only a brief few minutes. Through this, reading became my sanctuary, a place where I could go and escape and forget about what was going on in my life at that point in time. It became an addiction, where I could disappear and be anyone or anything I wanted.The library became my getaway. My name is Breanna Edwards and I have the privilege of being the library prefect for 2018. My goal for this year is to get more people involved in the library, and for more people to grow a passion for books as I have. I aim to show people that reading is not just novels, poetry and Shakespeare that English teachers want you to read. I also want to promote the many resources which the library has to offer, with the large selection of non fiction and reference books and fiction, as well as many computers and laptops available and tables which can be utilised for study and recreational use. Another one of my goals is to show people that there is a book out there for everyone, no matter your interests or reading capabilities. So go forth and conquer, and be welcomed into the world that is reading and discover the library.


McKenzie Park Science is a subject that is fun, interesting, and inspirational. It can lead into many career paths and sets you up for an epic journey known as life. My goal this year is to expand the participation that is present in science week. I plan to do this by incorporating topics that girls can not study at our school... so that girls can understand the amount of career possibilities that involve science. If I can get more girls to enjoy science week and take something from their experience, I will feel very grateful and proud to have given girls at our school the chance to explore science out of chemistry, biology, and physics. Additionally, this year, I would like to be able to enhance the involvement within science subjects and science activities. Broadening science within our school will not just be seen during science week. Have fun this year girls, and jump at the chance to take every opportunity given to you. I am McKenzie Park, and it is my privilege to be your Science Prefect for 2018.



To increase the overall pass rate and have students fulfill their individual achievement potential • To promote a healthy mindset in terms of enjoying school and reducing mental stress • To encourage a balance between academics and other personal interests

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Eleanor Rosemergy

Konnichiwa! Hola et Bonjour tout le monde! One of my earliest memories was from when I was 4 years old, walking nervously up to a frenchman while holding my book of My First 100 French Words and shyly asking him if he could help me to pronounce them. One of my latest and favourite memories was my three month exchange to France where I managed to speak more than 100 words without a book! Fair to say, the languages have always been a passion of mine. I hope that my passion and pride in this subject will carry off onto others and inspire them to take a language, so that they may be able to go on exchanges or have the ability to communicate not only in english.This is a very important skill especially if you are going to travel. The locals will like you much better if you can say a couple of phrases! Our goal in the languages committee is to encourage enthusiasm in the languages and to promote them throughout the school. Alors je m’appelle Eleanor and I am so excited to be the International Languages Prefect at HGHS for 2018.

LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT Term One has started well for the Languages Department. Classes in all levels of all Languages are in full swing. Most girls are coming to every class with the correct equipment but some students in Japanese classes have yet to purchase the required workbook for the course, meaning they are obliged to share with other students and do lots of extra copying. These “Obento” workbooks are waiting to be purchased for $30 in the school Uniform Shop, the cost can be added to your “flo2cash” account but the student needs to request for this to be done at the finance office. Students again have the opportunity to purchase Education Perfect licenses for their selected Language(s). The Education Perfect site provides vocabulary, grammar and listening practice and is very worthwhile. Senior French and Spanish students are expected to join Education Perfect and it is optional for other levels and languages. The cost for this is $22 which can be paid at the finance office.

The Japan Trip group are selling Entertainment Memberships this year. The Entertainment book has discount vouchers for meals, movies, and activities such as go carts and rock climbing. You can also download an electronic membership to your phone so you always have it with you. If you would like to support the Japan trip by purchasing a membership for $65 you can sign up at this link. https://www.entertainmentbook.co.nz/orderbooks/9y44786 We would like to thank everyone who has supported any of our fundraisers. The trips are hugely beneficial to the students who are able to use what they have learned at school on a daily basis, as well as the cultural and historical knowledge they gain.

We would like to congratulate Eleanor Rosemergy on her appointment as International Languages Prefect for 2018. We thank the many girls who have volunteered to join the committee and we look forward to seeing what exciting events are ahead. Trips are planned for the September/ October school holidays to France, Spain and Japan. The girls going on the French trip recently spent the night at school learning about French history in preparation for their trip.The girls going on all of these trips and their families have been working hard to fundraise. Next term the French trip girls will be selling pies and keep a look out for information about a movie night as well.

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TERM 1, 2018


Tianna McKinnon Kia Ora everyone. My name is Tianna and I have the absolute honour and privilege of being your Ka Awatea Prefect for 2018. As Ka Awatea Prefect it is my role to be the voice of all Māori students within HGHS and promote our language over a wider horizon. A goal of mine is to broaden both students and teachers knowledge of Te Reo Māori by introducing a Karakia to begin every assembly in the hope that everyone can join in by the end of the year. My main goal is to support and increase Māori achievement of students and aiding this by running a homework centre along with the help of the Te Kahui Arataki council. This year we have some very exciting activities and events planned for Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori and Matariki, including a Māori sports day and a Matariki Dinner. I am very excited about the fun filled year we are all going to have and seeing everyone strive and reach their goals to make this year the best one yet! Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūoho koe me he maunga teitei.

MAORI DEPARTMENT Nei rā ngā mihi ki a koutou. This term we have had a great start to our year with lots happening. Kia Ora koutou, my name is Tianna McKinnon and I have the absolute honour and privilege to be the Ka Awatea prefect for 2018. We have been very busy planning for the exciting year ahead of us and I am very honoured to work alongside the amazing group of girls we have in the Te Kahui Arataki council and also the Kapa Haka prefect, Kelis Mahu-Marsh. As Ka Awatea prefect it is my role to be the voice of all Māori students within HGHS and promote our language over a wider horizon. Our main goal as a council is to support and increase Māori achievement of students and aiding this by running a homework centre along with the help of our kaiako. I am very excited about the fun filled year we are all going to have, seeing everyone strive and reach their goals to make this year the best one yet. MĀORI HOMEWORK CENTRE Every Wednesday Lunchtime in C1. All Welcome to attend. Pizza lunch at the end of the term with those that attend 95% of all lunchtimes. WHĀNAU TUTOR GROUPS The five classes are working really well and we have a large number of new Year 9 girls as a part of our wider whānau.Welcome to Whaea Tash our new MacDiarmid whānau tutor teacher. We have set some high expectations for our tutor classes which we are very excited about.

KAPA HAKA On Saturday 17th March Te Maurea Whiritoi took to the stage with Te Kōpū Mānia to perform at the 123rd Turangawaewae Regatta. The performance was absolutely stunning as everyone performed with mana. We look forward to the coming months with the build up to Nationals in July this year.


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This Term our Senior Te Reo Maori class welcomed a Japanese group from Tosa Joshi Girls' High School, which is a Private Girls School in Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. It was great to showcase our culture to them. Our girls enjoyed this experience and for many of them it won't be long before the Sevens and then the Kapa Haka will be going to Japan.


VISUAL ART DEPARTMENT Hannah Miller our lovely Visual Art prefect is well underway in her role.

By the end of the year, I hope to create a closer community within the visual arts department as well as exposing art around the school and community. I'd love to get as many girls involved in art and increase enthusiasm with activities and competitions. I want to help encourage girls to pursue their passion of art after school as a career.

Hannah has pulled together a very enthusiastic group of young ladies ranging from year 9 to 13 from across the four Visual Art fields to create our Visual Arts committee. We look forward to seeing them in action throughout the year. Their first responsibility is to establish the Arts Club. This is open to all students and is a great way for them to come into the art department and have an experience with a creative hand. Some of our senior students have had a great experience attending the STAR courses though the Wintec Media Art program. We had Adobe Illustrator for the Design students, Adobe Photoshop for the Photography students, Screen Printing for the Printmakers, and Drawing and Painting for the Painters. Ms Fernyhough’s year 9 class have just finished painting their native birds where they have learnt about colour mixing and paint application. It’s amazing how many colours you can make from the primary colours - even black!

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TERM 1, 2018


Kayley Lennon When you think of studying English, you think of Shakespeare, the dreaded unfamiliar texts, screeds of essay work to do. English has been underrated for a long time but in reality, it’s needed everywhere. English skills are what universities look at, what employers look at, even using it to get out there and gain new experiences with them. I encourage you all to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities that the English department and school provides you for your future -along with personal fulfillment of your achievements- in academics. By being your English Prefect for 2018 I want English to be a more recognisable subject. It’s not just that subject you take until year 13 so you can drop it then and there, it is a critical topic that is needed in all positions. So I urge you to re-evaluate on attitudes towards this crucial subject, as I myself have grown to love this art and I’m sure you will too. This is a goal of mine for 2018, I want students of HGHS to get involved with English, develop your skills and mindset. Just don’t forget to ask questions in class, set your goals, have a great attitude and you will succeed. I’m Kayley Lennon and I’m honoured to be your English Prefect for this year.

ENGLISH DEPARTMENT On a cool Tuesday morning, 60 ecstatic girls set out with three teachers, to experience Shakespeare’s A Comedy of Errors at the Pop Up Globe in Auckland. Shakespeare? Boring? With high quality acting and 21st Century language used so we could understand, the show was destined for success. The pop up Globe Theatre was an hour and a half from school to Ellerslie Racecourse, at a time of the morning where you just want to sleep but the amazement on the girls faces when we got there was worth it. A three-storey complex, structurally built out of wood and metal beams became our reality of what the real Globe theatre would have looked like in London, for the next 2 hours. The matinee filled its seats with students from multiple different schools. It was interesting that despite the fact that our seating area was where the queen would have sat, being in the pit -standing- was the place to be. Due to the connection between the audience and the characters we were able to experience what it would really be like living in the 16th century with Shakespeare. The reality of live theatre, Shakespeare style was quickly observed especially for those of who had the opportunity to stand in the mosh pit and interact with the cast on the stage whilst they were still in character. Astonishingly, there was a beheading scene where prop blood was actually used and squirted through a pipe down the characters shirt. An abundance of laughter was heard all around the globe; it was very unexpected especially when you’re so tired from the trip to Auckland that you barely realise what is happening! The characters were constantly getting involved with the audience which made the theatre so much more real. We had


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scenes where there would be people being chased through the crowds, questioning of what the audience thought about the situation and at one point one of the actors grabbed one of the girls hands, who was from another school and clutched it to his chest as he fell to the ground. This made Shakespeare’s A Comedy of Errors, so much more tactile and witty to watch. I, along with many others, find it difficult to understand Shakespeare's language but with the use of modern day language against the 17th century storyline, the show peaked. The highlight from the play were hands down, the Dromios. Watching a grown man running around in his underwear in the middle of day set me up for fine experience of theatre that I will remember for a very long time. They were hilarious with their comedic timing on point. The Dromios were always so full of energy throughout the play which made us eager for them to come back of stage, up until the point where both Dromios in two different scenes were put in the position where they ended up running around the stage with only underwear on. I never would have thought myself to be a Shakespeare fan until I had this opportunity, so if you’re ever offered the chance to attend, I would highly recommend it. for our girls Kayley Lennon English Prefect

We also have some amazing opportunities in store for our girlsthis year so keep an eye out!

The Ugly Shakespeare Company performance is on 4th May for senior students. The performance is The Twelfth Night and will cost $5 but for those who will do it through Flo 2 Cash it will cost $6.

A Pasifika poet called Bernard Mangakahia will be coming to our school for juniors only on 15th June. This will cost the Juniors $4.

27 June, Poetry In Action will be doing a performance for Seniors and Juniors. Seniors will hear the work of war poetry and Juniors with making poetry accessible. For all students the cost will be $10. Any questions about these upcoming performances, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Sydney, HOD English; sydneyg@ hghs.school.nz


The Ugly Shakespeare Company performance Seniors Only $5-6


Pasifika Poet Juniors Only $4


Poetry in Action Juniors & Seniors $10



Rana Arif There is a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people will find this funny! Okay sorry, moving on. Kia ora! Coming into this, my main goal was to make everything simpler for me by being organised and always on top of my studies and events. Along with that, I want to make sure to always have fun and enjoy my time no matter how stressful things get because YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! So, I decided to share these goals with the girls of HGHS. I totally agree that math can be quite challenging at times but that’s what makes it FUN! A challenge! It makes you think out of the box and tests your limits. For this year, my aim is to introduce new ideas such as tutor riddles and puzzles around the school to get the girls working together and building bonds as well as providing more opportunities to the girls so they can be more enthusiastic and involved within the Mathematics department. There is just so much you can do with it. I hope I can make a difference by adding my own “solution” to the school! My name is Rana Arif and I am grateful and privileged to be serving as your Mathematics Prefect for 2018.

MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT Here in the Maths department the year is moving along and all students should be familiar with routines and expectations; especially homework. This year at HGHS we are trialling Education Perfect ($22) for Yr 10 as well as 1MAT, 2MAT, 3MTS and 3MTC. All Yr 9's use Mathletics ($35). All students are expected to pay for these as soon as possible through the flo2cash system. If your daughter is not sure, suggest they ask their teacher for details if needed.

Has your daughter got something she can't quite get the hang of yet or just wants some extra help? Did you know there is also free lunchtime tutoring available to our students in M1.1? Simply turn up with your questions on Monday for Juniors and Thursday for Seniors. Bring your lunch along with you: our teachers are waiting for YOU!

ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT CHINESE NEW YEAR My name is Wei. I’m from China. I have been here for one and half year. At this year’s New Year I stayed with my Kiwi family and we made some dumplings to celebrate China’s New Year. Before I used to live in China, on New Year’s Day we would visit my relatives and we have dinner together. Also we let off fireworks and we bought new clothes for children and we always stuck couplets on the spring festival, which are also written on red paper. NEW YEAR IN VIETNAM Hi, my name is Ivy and I am a year 9 student. I come from Vietnam and I am from a pretty big city called Ho Chi Minh City Saigon. In Vietnam we celebrate New Year. New Year is the most common thing that we do, it is also a really fun and exciting holiday. Lots of women wear this cloth which is called ao dai, in English it is called long dress. Normally elders gives out a little red envelope which has money inside it. The elders gives out the red envelope super early in the morning of New Year so everyone had to stay up late. Before we get the envelope, we always have to wish for a good luck wish before the elders give you the envelope. This year there was a New Year party in Hamilton, it was called Vietnamese in Hamilton. There was Vietnamese food and new year games.

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TERM 1, 2018


Ellie Missen My name is Ellie Missen and I am privileged to be the Health and PE prefect for 2018. All my life I have been surrounded by all type of sports or just being active in general and I am very passionate about this subject so this prefect role was a perfect opportunity for me. As your Health and PE prefect I want to share my passion and love for the subject to the girls at HGHS and show what we have to offer. I also want to try and make the subject more appealing to the students as I believe it helps us gain other skills, not just physical fitness but also help create a strong overall hauora and this can positively benefit our well being as it incorporates balance. I can’t wait to help develop and share the opportunities that we have to share in the Health and PE department at HGHS as I believe that we have a amazing department that includes something for everyone. I also would like to support everyone with their goals and celebrate achievements in Health and PE as it would make me happy to see the other students enjoy the subject as much as I do.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2PED The 2PED classes have been out and about in the Waikato, exploring our local DOC tracks as part of their course. Earlier in March we went on the Nikau walk and experienced squeezing through the Kaniwhaniwha Caves, donning our head torches. More recently we climbed the steep track up to the Ruapane trig and experienced the magical views over Raglan to Mount Karioi.

1APO We have had an exciting term preparing for our Beach Education assessment and the 1APO caving & tramping trip. At the beginning of March we went to Mount Maunganui beach to perform various events for our Beach Ed assessment such as a 100m beach sprint, beach flag competition and a tube rescue. In addition, the lifeguards ran a workshop on CPR and general water safety fundamentals such as the correct behaviour of what to do when caught in a rip. The conditions were perfect and in the afternoon the students had the opportunity to practice their newly gained skills in the surf. We are still working towards the completion of this assessment, but have found the practical knowledge from the lifeguards and the opportunity to apply our newly gained skills in a beach setting very valuable. At the end of the March we completed our overnight caving and tramping experience in Raglan. Our adventure started at the Karamu Cave in Te Pahu. We met our instructors from Raglan Rock and got ready for our 3 hour caving trip. Once kitted out with helmets, caving lights and overalls we started our caving experience. During the 2 hour expedition the girls learned about many unique features of the caves such as the stalactites, stalagmites and glow worms. We all enjoyed the beautiful and unique caving environment and were blown away when we grasped how long it took for some of these features to be established. We were ready for some lunch when we returned back to daylight and continued


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our trip to Raglan, where we set up camp on a farm in the foothills of Mt Karioi. We were looking forward to another challenge and decided to build our shelters for the night out of two pieces of plastic. The rest of the day was filled with a few rides on the zip line, the opportunity to climb a tree, a variety of beautiful camp dinners & s’mores, an impressive campfire and some star gazing. Thanks to some extremely sturdy bivys, everyone had a great night sleep and we were ready to climb Mt Karioi the next morning. The track started gently rolling along some farmland, but soon turned into a steep climb, the views along the way were beautiful, but not comparable to the amazing 360 degree view we got from the summit. This was an amazing trip of so many firsts. The 1APO girls were happy to accept a number of challenges and gained some useful life skills along the journey. We have had a wonderful start to the year and are looking forward to our new experiences, learning and challenges in term 2. I also want to take this opportunity to thank our parent helpers again for the time they have given to make these trips possible. Mrs Cawkwell



Isabella Leiros-Anderson Our world is so much bigger than we know and here in the Social Sciences we can really understand just how interesting the world is. My name is Isabella Leiros-Anderson and I am your Social Sciences Prefect for 2018. I have always been so curious about the world and its people, and I couldn’t see a more perfect position for me this year. I have loved history and geography for as long as I can remember, wanting to know about every country and every significant person in the past. But Social Sciences are so much more than that! Our subjects include Social Studies, History, Geography, Classical Studies, Legal Studies, Tourism, Humanities and Philosophy. In each of these subjects we have passionate teachers just waiting to show you the world and the many societies out there. The world is full of culture, language, religion and different ways of life, and it is beautiful to see this. My goal is to really increase the enthusiasm and interest in the Social Sciences as I believe it is important to really know the world and the people, before we head out after Year 13. The world is expanding and growing faster than ever, don’t let it leave you behind, join it!

SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT In Week 5, the Legal Studies classes were privileged to host a visit from the Hon Christopher Finlayson QC, former Attorney General and Minister of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations and Hon David Bennett, MP for Hamilton East. In two seminars, the politicians spoke about New Zealand’s Constitutional arrangements, our Legislative process, the Treaty of Waitangi, their roles and responsibilities, and responded to a vast array of questions from our students. Both guests complimented our students on their engagement during the seminars and were impressed with the quality of questions that were asked. Over morning tea, an open invitation was extended to our School to consider a field trip to Wellington which could encompass a visit to Parliament during Question Time, a Select Committee Hearing, a visit to Government House and the Supreme Court.


Salma Nicholson I have had a passion for graphic design ever since I stepped into the design room in Anderson, back when I was a young year nine. My passion for graphic design grew with the support I had from my teachers, and the endless opportunities that I had to bring my ideas to life.This passion and dedication to this subject and department has lasted all these years, which has brought me here. My name is Salma Nicholson and I am honoured to be your Technology Prefect for 2018. The technology department is more than just textiles, food technology, graphic design and digital technology all held in the second prettiest place in the school - these subjects are the way of our future. The world is changing at rates faster than we can comprehend and technology is at the forefront of this movement. It inspires not only creativity, but innovation and critical thinking that is required to shape the world into something we can be proud of. I aspire to promote the wonderful opportunities this department can bring and encourage young woman to be a part of a grand movement that can shape our world. I am excited to take this department to new levels with the help of all the students and teachers who share the same passion as I do.

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TERM 1, 2018

PERFORMING AND VISUAL ARTS AT HGHS ARTS COUNCIL GOALS FOR 2018 Inspiring students to get involved on a higher level. Pushing and encouraging students to aim high, to further their capabilities in class and in extracurricular activities. Making the Arts the best they’ve been. Celebrating achievement and hard work, making Arts Week memorable and engaging. Showcasing and promoting opportunities we have to offer, as well as out of school opportunities.

TERM 1 IN REVIEW There have been many highlights throughout term 1, one of which was the Turangawaewae Annual Regatta held on 17 March at Ngaruawahia. As our nation's only Maori aquatic carnival that showcases Waka Taua or Maori War canoes regularly this event is truly a spectacle on a global level. Of significance was Te Maurea Whiritoi - the combined Hamilton Girls’ and Boys’ High Kapa Haka performance.

To stand and perform at our Regatta was a proud moment because I represent my Māoritanga, and school. We all enjoy the opportunity to express the mana, ihi and wehi felt when we share our culture and participate. To perform at this historic event in front of King Tuuheitea,Tainui leaders and other dignitaries is special. - Kelis Mahu-Marsh Kapa Haka Prefect


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Attending the Turangawaewae Regatta was a great personal experience to watch our Kapa Haka group perform. It was a lovely day and the first time I have attended this event.The floating stage on the Waikato river, provided a striking atmosphere. Sharing the experience with Mrs Tautari and Hannah, watching our girls made me realise that we have some extraordinary talent here at HGHS, and to witness a part of it was amazing. - Savannah Mattyasovszky - Arts Captain and event Photographer

Watching our girls perform made me proud to be part of a school where maori culture is celebrated. They sung and performed with so much love and respect you could see how proud they were of their heritage and of Maori culture. It made me proud. I hope that more students from girls' and boys' high can support them and this magnificent event in the future. Hannah Miller - Visual Art Prefect and event Photographer


Auditions are well underway for the Drama lead joint production, Pasifika performance group, Dance groups and the Music performance groups are all actively rehearsing and practicing for upcoming performances. Media, Multicultural committee and Visual Art club are equally as involved - term 2 is shaping up to be impressive. Thanks to our teachers in charge, student leaders and the community, your contributions are greatly appreciated. INCLUDED ARE UPCOMING DETAILS FOR THE ARTS IN TERM 2


When & Where


Kapa Haka

Prefect: Kelis Mahu-Marsh

Te Maurea Whiritoi TIC Frankie West westf@hghs.school.nz

Monday after school and weekend noho(overnight stay) HGHS and HBHS

Pasifika Performance Group


Te Maurea Whiritoi is our premier kapa haka performance group and is comprised of students $20.00 per noho from both Hamilton Boys’ and Hamilton Girls’ High School. The name represents the male and female elements of the group intertwining and weaving together as one through the medium of kapa haka (traditional Māori Performing Arts). It makes reference to the important work of all our youth who participate in the art form to hold fast to the traditions, values and teachings of our ancestors. The group performs at corporate and community events such as the Turangawaewae Regatta and Koroneihana, as well as training to compete at regional and national competitions. If you are passionate about getting in touch with Te Ao Maori and performing with your Te Maurea Whiritoi peers, nau mai haere mai!

Major Events

Starts beginning Term 1 Regatta National Competition 2 July - 6 July Palmerston North

Prefect: Tiare Metekingi

Pasifika Performance Group TIC Mere Meha-Uelese mehauelesem@hghs. school.nz

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

The Pasifika Performance Group enables students to experience the richness of culture through dance and instills pride in being Pasifika. In 2018, we are preparing for the 20 year celebrations of the festival. There are Dance and Music credits offered through participation in the group. All are welcome to participate.

$50.00 - dancers; $20.00 musicians $5:00 - backstage / wardrobe $5.00 per meal each Friday evening

Pasifika by Nature Festival - 20 years celebration 6 May, 2018 Claudelands Event Centre

Pasifika Drummers TIC Mere Meha-Uelese

Music Department

To provide students with Pasifika drumming skills and knowledge so that they can work with Pasifika tutors to develop performance skills for Pasifika Festivals and Events.


Part of the Music programme

Indian Dance Group TIC Sashi Patel

Thursday after school

This group is open to all students wanting to learn authentic Bollywood Dance.You will create your own costume. The group performs at Diwali festival and community functions. There is the possibility of performing at Rockerz competition held in Auckland.

Nga Puawaitanga J Block, Wharenui

Dance Studio/S4

Diwali festival (Sacred Heart Girls’ College)

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TERM 1, 2018 Dance

Prefect: Pidgeon Kapea


Monday and Thursday lunchtime,Thursday after school

This is our premier dance group who participate in Regional competitions to qualify for the Nationals. Students audition and are required to demonstrate high levels of commitment.

$50-$70 with possibility of $200.00 National Competition fee pending qualification

Regional Dance NZ Made Competition 16 August National Dance NZ Made Competition (if qualify) 22 September Talent Quest HGHS

Girls who demonstrate a passion for dance, willingness to try new things and work well with others. The purpose of the junior dance club within HGHS is to allow students of all abilities to express themselves through dance.

$50-$70 with possibility of $200.00 National Competition fee pending qualification

Regional Dance NZ Made Competition 16 August National Dance NZ Made Competition (if qualify) 22 September Talent Quest HGHS

This group is open to all Year 11, 12 and 13 students. The second term students will audition for the Dance NZ Made group Competition. The purpose of this group is to foster a passion and interest in contemporary dance and to participate in competitions.

$50-$70 with possibility of $200.00 National Competition fee pending qualification

Regional Dance NZ Made Competition 16 August National Dance NZ Made Competition (if qualify) 22 September Talent Quest HGHS

Dance room


Tuesday and Friday Lunchtime

CONTEMPORARY DANCE CLUB TIC Vicki Shannon and Maree McCarthy

Tues and Wed lunchtime


Prefect: Kristyn Rayner

SHEILAH WINN TIC Margie Wynne-Jones

Check the notices

Joint Production TIC Margie Wynne-Jones

Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons - Terms 2&3 Drama room or Large Gym

This is our annual production with HBHS. It is a large scale, prestigious production showcasing the best talent of the two schools. It is on in Nga Puawaitanga from August 4 - 11. Students need to watch notices and posters on Drama Dept Doors and around school. Audition required.

Theatre Sports TIC Tashiana Borell TBC Prefect Kristyn Rayner

Thursday lunchtimes

The Theatre sports club is open to all comers. Students learn Theatre sports games and compete in teams in the Waikato inter-schools theatre sports competition.


Prefect: Helena Reid

Bullet In TIC Ms Maplesden Student lead Praneet Rana


Practical Film Club Ms Maplesden Student lead Helena Reid

Wednesday lunchtime

Small Gym or Dance Studio

Dance Room

Drama room

Drama room



International Film Club Thursday after Ms Maplesden school


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The Sheilah Winn Competition is an annual inter-school Drama Competition which takes place at the end of Term 1. Regional winners go to Wellington at Queen’s Birthday weekend to compete in the National Finals. The Sheilah Winn Competition is open to all comers.

Regional Competition is on Saturday April 7 at St Peter’s School.


Rehearsals will be on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons.

The Bullet IN group is comprised of Year 12 and Nil 13 students with experience in Media production. The group produce videos that showcase the school and shown at assemblies.The purpose of the group is to document the events at HGHS and to develop their skills.

Prepare Videos for School Assemblies throughout the year

The Film club aims to enhance students skills in camera work and editing. The final goal is to enter video competitions such as Fair Go.Any students who have a passion and commitment to developing their filmmaking skills and want to work with like minded people then this is a group for you.


Examples: Fair Go Video Competition Outlook for Someday Competition

We showcase international films and expose students to a variety of genre filmmakers and cultures. Films from Europe, Asia or any other interesting films outside of the American mainstream. Watch the notices.


ARTS AT HGHS Multicultural Committee

Prefect: Jessica Wang

Multicultural Committee TIC Ms Pauline Steele Beth Wong



Prefect: Kaleesha Messant

Orchestra In Allenamento Mrs Dickinson

Thursday 2.15-3.30

Choir Mana Wahine TIC Mrs Dickinson


If you have an interest in other cultures and in raising multicultural awareness, you don’t need to be from overseas. Come along when there’s a meeting - advertised in the notices, or by word of mouth. The purpose of our group is to raise awareness of the multicultural nature of HGHS. You should have an interest in learning about other cultures and countries. You don’t need to be from overseas.

$45 to cover costs of repairs, entry to festival and any sheet Music

Band and Orchestra Festival, University of Waikato 24 August 2018

This choir is open to all students to audition. Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime They participate in various activities throughout the year and attend ‘The Big Sing’ choral festival held in Tauranga.

$55.00 + Bus and entry fee to Tauranga cost

Big Sing Holy Trinity Church, 215 Devonport Rd, Tauranga 8 June

Barbershop Uptown Girls Chorus/Small Groups (Quartets) TBC Itinerant tutor

Tuesday 3.15-4.15

The Chorus is open to all students to audition. They participate in the Regional Barbershop competition to qualify for Nationals. This is a highly competitive group and require committed, enthusiastic voices. Two quartets are formed by the students and have to audition. The selection is by Jane Martin and Joanna Dickinson. Students must be part of the Barbershop Chorus (Uptown Girls) if they wish to form a quartet.

$45.00 + extra fee to travel to Tauranga for finals

Samba Band TIC Mrs Dickinson Itinerant tutor

Friday lunchtime

This is a specialised drumming group with expert tutoring. The band rehearses for percussion competitions. This group is open to all students, commitment and rhythm are prerequisite. In 2017 they were the top percussion group in the Waikato.


Band and Orchestra Festival, University of Waikato 24 August 2018

Guitar Group Trouble Clefs

Tuesday lunchtime

Students should have their own guitar and enter with some skills. This group performs at various functions throughout the year.


Band and Orchestra Festival, University of Waikato 24 August 2018

Rock Quest Band TIC Mrs Dickinson Itinerant tutor


Students will form their own band, it is preferred they have their own instruments. The purpose of this band is to enter a competitive Band into the National Rock Quest Competition. There is an extremely skilled tutor who will mentor the participants.

Visual Art

Prefect: Hannah Miller

Arts Club TIC Ms Fernyhough

Term 2 & 3 Friday Lunchtime every second week

This is a Prefect lead group that engage with Nil school and community Art associated activities. Students are encouraged to participate and develop their Visual Art skills for both assessment and non assessment activities.


3D Tinker Club TIC Ms Avril


Interested in Tinkering with 3D programs to Nil create personal adornment items? This club is for like minded students interested in the world of 3D and making it Happen.


Music Department

The orchestra is looking for students to audition who have been learning an orchestral instrument. The members work together in an Orchestra and perform at events throughout the year including the University of Waikato Band and Orchestra festival.


Rock Quest Clarence Street Theatre Heats - 27 May 2018 Finals - 16 June

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TERM 1, 2018

DANCE DEPARTMENT Kia ora, I’m Pidgeon Kapea the Dance Prefect for 2018. I am privileged to be in charge of the Hip Hop dance group this year with the help of my co-leader Aimee Carstens. Ruby Moetara leads the HGHS Junior dance club and Tehana Piggott leads the Senior Contemporary dance group. Thank you to these students for being a part of my team. TERM ONE UPDATES Hip Hop dance group In order to be in the Hip Hop group auditions were held on Friday the 16th of February. Students were taught an audition piece by Pidgeon Kapea and presented the audition piece the following Monday the 19th of February. We had a large number of girls audition and thank you for taking the time to do that. Sixteen students were chosen to be a part of the group. So far the Hip Hop group has had four practises and have learnt quite a bit. We are pushing to be able to perform in the heats for talent quest this year. Hip hop is definitely looking forward to finishing the choreography for NZ MADE this year.My goal is to create an awesome experience with the girls, to just have fun and have attitudes like winners. Contemporary dance group No auditions were held to be in this dance group. Right now contemporary dance group is learning choreography, hoping to be ready for the talent quest. Tehana has set goals to be finished to compete in NZ MADE regionals. More planning is to be made further on this term, practises are held on Tuesday lunch times and Wednesday lunch times. Junior dance club Dance club is going really well at the moment. There are consistently eighteen to twenty year 9 and 10 students coming every week. At the moment Ruby is teaching them a dance that is able to show their ability, performance style and ability to adapt the choreo and make it their own. Ruby’s goals are for them to be able to carry a really deep performance piece with maturity and impact. Right now Junior dance group is preparing and practising for Dance NZ made as it is going to be the first time competing for most of them. The primary goal is to create an environment where the girls feel joyful and safe to express their wants and ideas.


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PASIFIKA DEPARTMENT Warm Pasifika Greetings It has been a very busy term, which is a positive way to begin the school year. We have introduced our Pasifika Council to the girls and take this opportunity to introduce them to the HGHS family. Tiare Metekingi - Pasifika Prefect, Brooklyn Tofaeono Academics Counsellor, Myana Tuakana - Cultural and Services Counsellor and Ally Wotherspoon - Secretary to the Pasifika Council. The Academic Committee: Brooklyn Tofaeono, Year 13 - Salma Nicholson, Year 12 - Denae McCready, Year 11 - Lillian Ahyu and Year 10 - Mary Allan; Myana Tuakana,Year 13 - Amanda Salele, Year 12 - Ana Teokotai, Year 11 - Lavinia Rouru and Year 10 - Bella Teokotai. The Pasifika Council is formed from two committees both of which have a representative from each year level: The Academic Committee, who work with the mentoring and tutoring of Pasifika students, and the Cultural and Service Committee who have the responsibility for encouraging cultural excellence in all the girls do, as well as looking for ways we can be of service to the school and the wider community. The Council has been busy organising and hosting the Pasifika Study Centre that is held each Thursday at lunchtime in A0. They are also involved with attending and encouraging attendance at Power Up, the government initiative to help Pasifika families to take every advantage for learning and success being offered. From the culture and service front, the girls have been busy with Pasifika by Nature preparations and behind-the-scenes work for the upcoming Nesian Festival. We will be posting more information about these two events in upcoming bulletin editions. Families, we are well underway with Pasifika Mentoring and thank the many teachers who have committed to mentoring your daughters. We invite you to ask them about the programme.

You may also wish to ask your daughters about the questions they are asked when they meet with their mentors. These are carefully crafted to allow the girls to complete a specific task before they meet for the next mentoring session. This allows them to take responsibility for their learning. Finally, we celebrate the successes of the 2017 Pasifika students on their NCEA achievements. For those who gained Merit and Excellence endorsements, we say, “Congratulations.� These girls are: 2017 Level 1 Merit Endorsement Tiani Barlow Sweta Devi Shauna Glassie-Ryan Destiny Iraia Synthika Kumari Nivedita Lal Maggie Smith Tarusila Taito Anika-Lee Troughear

Rosa Flood Zoe Krause Fale Sione Ana Teokotai

2017 Level 1 Excellence Endorsement Denae McCready 2017 Merit Endorsement Havila Brown Ruthie Holmes Adeela Khan Madeline Stowers Rosi Tabudravu Brooklyn Tofaeono 2017 Excellence Endorsement Salma Nicholson Shyla Paikea

Nina Patiti

As always, we invite you to contact any member of the Pasifika Mentoring team should you have questions or concerns about your daughter. Thank you for your continued support of her learning. Vinaka vaka levu The Pasifika Mentoring Team Mrs Sharleen Nathan Mrs Urmila Anand Mrs Mere Meha-Uelese Return to Contents Page


TERM 1, 2018



GOALS FOR 2018 • Helping to support HGHS students through this year. • Lifting each student to their limits. • Shooting for success. Sports Prefect Goals: Tia – Increase participation in Sport at HGHS Maddi – To allow all of our young athletes the chance to perform at the highest of their abilities. Alisa – Recognition of all sporting achievements no matter how big or small. Kelli – The goal for 2018 is to better the attitudes of the girls at HGHS when participating in sport. Jazmin – Enhance HGHS team culture within all our sports teams.

Kia Ora Whanau, It’s been a busy 11 weeks within this term! We would like to thank all the families in our school community that have been through the registration process of signing up for sport at HGHS. It is not always smooth sailing when you are implementing change with the form of technology, there are always teething problems! We are working through these issues with registration, with the biggest one being that once you register the fee does not appear instantly on your portal to pay. It does require human power to upload that within one’s working day and we are trying to implement the quickest way possible to upload. So thank you for bearing with us, but we are passionate about change within the department and we will persevere until we find a more efficient solution. Most of our sporting codes have had their trials for the respective teams which has compelled to one of the many busy moments within the sports department. I would like to take the time to thank our teachers involved in sport who have helped out to administer these over and above your duties of teaching, we really appreciate your help. Given the announcement of teams it has had girls experience varied emotions and often they are set backs to their intended goals and aspirations that they have set within their school life at HGHS. This is a huge learning curve for girls to experience and we would hope that it would make them stronger, resilient and more determined to better themselves within their selected team and stay within the school system of sport as there are many opportunities that are missed out if one was to partake in club representative sports. The opportunities to be a part of school sports exchanges and tournaments are great foundations to making lifelong connections across other schools and gets you more game development and exposure within your code. Sports Uniforms are all available within the Uniform shop at school. Each code at trials and on the Google form within the registration of sports have been informed that each player needs to go and try on, order and purchase the respective uniform for their sports team. Premier teams are supplied by the school a uniform, but every other team needs to purchase the correct gear. There was a cutoff date for the bulk order for these uniforms (that was published on the Google form for sports registration, in the school notices and verbalised to girls at trials) to ensure that there was enough time to get these in prior to the season starting.You are still able to purchase uniforms for respective codes, there will just be an added cost given it is outside of the bulk order and the timing to produce the garment may not make the deadline for the season. Please communicate with Sheryl MacTavish in the uniform shop if you have any queries.


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STUDENT SUCCESSES Reegan Leppien is in the NZ Emerging Sox Team and will be attending a Tournament in Canada in July this year Arorangi Tauranga, Montessa Tairakena and Jazmin Hotham have been selected in the NZ U18 Rugby Sevens team and will compete in the Oceania Rugby 7s Champs in Sydney in April

TOUCH - REGIONALS & ZONES Our HGHS Premier touch team have participated in the Regionals and the Zone 3 tournament over the last couple of weekends. Both tournaments have been a great success and we have won both securing us to compete in the National Tournament which is placed at the end of the year.Well done to Whaea Hollie for all your hard work and efforts in developing the touch programme, we have some fine touch athletes that have come through your coaching system and have achieved fantastic individual results with selections into various teams as well as having team titles which we are very proud of, so thank you! HGHS ATHLETICS DAY

On Tuesday 6th March we held our ‘postponed date’ for Athletics Day at Porritt Stadium. It was a great day with On Wednesday 14th March our school sent 2 doubles pairs just the right weather for girls to participate in their to the Waikato Secondary Schools Tennis Competition. events from competitive to house spirit events. The day It was a great day for some tennis and for both doubles was a great success and enjoyed by many students and players who have had limited tournament experience. staff. I would like to take this time to thank all the staff that supported the day and undertook various roles that Well done Jessy Wilson, Tia Dargaville, Lilli Moth and were outside their comfort zones at times, but ones they Samantha Dekker for a great day of tennis. Jessy and Tia - relished in. came 2nd in Junior Girls doubles Lilli and Sam - came 4th in Senior Girls doubles Two highlights of the day were two school records Some tight scores as well - Jessy and Tia - you only lost broken in the field events of Senior High Jump and narrowly to the winning pair! Fantastic result ladies. A Intermediate Triple Jump. huge thank you to Ms Young who puts in a lot of effort • Jazmin Hotham set a new record in Senior High into our tennis teams, we really do appreciate and value Jump - 1.64m - the record was set in 1982 which was your work! 1.61m WAI SS TENNIS CHAMPS


Mary Allan set a new record in Intermediate Triple Jump - 10.74m - the record was 10.70m

On Wednesday 7th March Mrs Johnstone took 3 girls out The following girls were our overall Junior, Intermediate & to Lake Karapiro to compete in the Waikato SS individual Senior Champions for 2018 at HGHS. Triathlon event. It was a lovely day out at the lake and the girls really enjoyed the challenge. A mixed set of races!! YEAR LEVEL PLACINGS • Izzy Camplin was 3rd in the junior girls race Junior Intermediate Senior • Sophie Harris completed the event and had a great time 1st Lucy Rennie 1st Maria Sartin 1st Montessa • Brooklyn Fawkner was 3rd in the senior girls race in -1st 100m -1st 100m Tairakena an incredibly strong field so she did really well too. -1st 200m -1st 200m -1st 100m -1st 800m -1st 400m -1st 200m The girls are now looking forward to the team event on -1st Long Jump -1st Long Jump -1st Long Jump April 4th.Well done girls and good luck for the team event. -2nd Javelin

-3rd Triple Jump

-1st Triple Jump -1st Discus

2nd Sofia Sartin -1st 300m -3rd 100m -3rd 200m -6th Discus -Long Jump

2nd Jesse Astwood -2nd 100m -2nd 200m -2nd Long Jump -1st Triple Jump -1st High Jump

2nd Jazmin Hotham -2nd 100 -2nd 200m -1st High Jump -3rd Shot Put -Long Jump

3rd Kaiya Kepa -2nd 200m -2nd 300m -Long Jump -High Jump

3rd Ivari Christie -1st Shot Put -1st Discus -1st Javelin

3rd Kelli Brown -4th 200m -2nd 800m -2nd 1500m -4th Triple Jump - 2nd Discus

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TERM 1, 2018

HOUSE RESULTS TALLY (Athletics & Swimming Champs) EDGECUMBE





71 - Swimming

169 - Swimming


129 - Swimming

78 - Swimming

1466- Athletics



1149 - Athletics

1029 - Athletics

1st 1537

2nd 1394

3rd 1337

4th 1278

5th 1107

CENTRAL ZONE ATHLETICS Post our School Athletics day Mrs McCarthy, Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Calder took a group of 30 girls to compete in various track and field events at Central Zones at Porritt Stadium.We came away with 16 of those girls qualifying in their respective events by coming within the top 6 of either their track or field events. It was a great day of representation across the field and we competed very well within the 4x100m relay event at the end of the day by having a junior, intermediate and senior team in each of the relay events. We did extremely well in those getting the following results; • Junior - 2nd place • Intermediate - 4th place • Seniors - 1st place Well done to all those athletes that competed on the day and a HUGE thank you to the teachers for administering the team on that day and running the very long High Jump event that went right through to the end of the event. HGHS WAKA AMA ACADEMY Well done to all the teams (1 x J19 and 6 x J16) who competed at the Waikato Regional Sprints in Lake Ngaroto. It was a beautiful day which provided great conditions for paddling. We wish you well with the upcoming National Sprints in Rotorua next week. Open - Girls W1 250 Plate Final • 1st PAEKAU, Mariwakiterangi • 2nd DARGAVILLE REHUA, Arie Open - Girls W1 250 Grand Final • 1st SIONETUATO-TAWHARA, Shayleece • 2nd IRAIA, Destiny J19 Senior Girls W6 HGHS Team: Te Rongonui • 1st 500 Champ Final • 2nd 250 Champ Final J16 Junior Girls W6 HGHS Team: Huksta’s • 2nd 500 Champ Final • 2nd 250 Champ Final


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HGHS Team: Marohirohi • 4th 500 Champ Final • 1st 250 Champ Final HGHS Team:Te Nga Toa Moana • 1st 500 Plate Final • 4th 250 Champ Final HGHS Team: Manawaroa • 4th 500 Plate Final • 2nd 250 Plate Final HGHS Team:Te Rauhina • 1st 500 Bowl Final • 1st 250 Bowl Final HGHS Team: Mihingarangi • 3rd 500 Bowl Final • 3rd 250 Bowl Final



ROWING - MAADI CUP Term One had been chock-full of training and competing for the Hamilton Girls' High Rowers. Following an actionpacked camp at Epworth prior to the start of the term, our crews have been dedicated to honing technique and fitness in preparation for several large regattas at Karapiro and of course, the big one - the Aon Maadi Cup regatta in Twizel. Leading up to Maadi, we enjoyed considerable success at the North Island Secondary Schools Regatta. Year 12 Student Alison Mills earned a bronze medal in the Under 17 Single ScullsA-grade final,and our Novice 4+ crew of Lucy Gordon, Emily Gordon, Awatea Gudgeon, Elizabeth Mouncher and Mia Austin as coxwain raced their hearts out to get on the winner's podium too, bringing home silver medals from their

A-final. We could not be more proud of the effort that our girls put in against some very tough competition. On the 16th of March, we all flew down to Twizel for Maadi. This was an action-packed week of racing with some massive highs. The same crew named above took out a bronze medal for the U18 Novice 4+ which is the first Maadi medal for HGHS in six years. In addition to this, single sculler Alison has been invited to trial for the North Island crews which is phenomenally exciting and testament to the hard work she has put in over the last few years. We are incredibly proud of all of our girls who raced their hearts out in freezing conditions. As our season draws to a close, we would very much like to thank our wonderful coaches: Taylor Jacobs, Ashlea Quirk and Jared Capon. All have worked tirelessly with our crews over the season and we are seeing the outcome of that work now. Special thanks also goes out to Leann Plummer who has taken on the lion's share of the organisation of our club in recent months, including all the Maadi Cup arrangements.We'd also like to thank all of our rowing parents. We are fortunate to have a passionate and engaged group of parents supporting our rowers and the club. Keep up that training over the winter, Girls - we look forward to having a formidable HGHS crew next season!

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TERM 1, 2018

SOFTBALL - HAMILTON HGHS hit the North Island Division 2 Secondary Schools tournament held at Hamilton’s Resthills Park. The team consisted of both experience and new talent and new coaches in Toni Ronaki, Ngahuia Cooper and Manager Rocky Cooper. The round robin games over three days had the following results: Win 10-0 over Tawa College, 18-0 win over Palmerston North Girls, 11-3 win NSS FUTSAL - WELLINGTON over Westlake Girls, 10-3 win over Whanganui High, 9-0 We sent a team to the National Secondary Schools Girls win over Lytton high School. HGHS played Lytton High Futsal Tournament in Wellington. There were 28 teams in a 1 v 2 playoff with the winner earning the direct path from all over the country playing who were all focussed to the final. HGHS won 4 – 1. The final saw us play some on one thing... To win! of the best softball over the week and secured the win HGHS was put into Pool D and we lost the first game over Westlake Girls 10-0 with an unbeaten record for the to New Plymouth Girls High 6-4. This did not however, tournament. damper the girls spirits and they were excited to run on the court in the next hour to win against Wellington East Congratulations to Charm Atkins-Hadden awarded Girls 7-3. This took them on to play one of the last games the team MVP. of the day against Rangiora. A win against them put HGHS into the Top 8 of the tournament. Thanks so much to our coaches, manager and the Heading into day 2 we knew how important their first team for your hard work and commitment over game was to win. It meant they would move into the Semi the week. finals and that is exactly what they did! Super excited but 10 SPORT DUATHLON nervous. It meant that they would be facing an old rival, Hillcrest High School. The girls knew it would be a tough Congratulations to all students in 10 Sport who have been battle and enjoyed friendly banter with the Hillcrest team training hard for their year 10 Duathlon. Wednesday, March 28th saw 60 students line up on the start line of the annual prior to the game. HGHS girls played out of their skin. At half time the score year 10 Sport Duathlon which consists of a 2.5km run, a ws 2-0 to HGHS and full time the girls cemented a fine 12km bike and ending in a 4km run. We use the stunning victory of 4-2. Only to have it wrenched out of their hands surrounds of the Hamilton Lake. The girls competing can and hearts due to an administrative error on the managers be very proud of their efforts as they have been training part. Hillcrest protested and the score was overturned to all term 1 for their race. All students competing managed to finish the race under the 2-hour time cap, which is a Hillcrest winning the semi final 3-0. This left the HGHS team devastated but finished the great achievement. The podium finishers in the race were: tournament 3rd equal. They played fairly, battled hard and 1st Lucy Gordon came away with their heads held high. HGHS also claimed 2nd Isabelle Camplin 3rd Ella Leighton all of the individual tournament prizes. Grace Wisnewski was awarded with golden boot and MVP of the tournament and Holly Walsh was awarded golden Congratulations to you all and you should be very glove. Congratulations girls you made us all proud. proud of your efforts.


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WAKA AMA - ROTORUA Congratulations to all six teams (1x J16 Development, 4x J16 Advanced and 1xJ19 Advanced) who attended this years Te Wananga o Aotearoa Waka Ama Secondary School Champs in Lake Tikitapu, Rotorua last week.The coaches, managers, parents and school were extremely proud of your commitment and effort towards this event, which continues to grow every year. Waka Ama Sprints has become extremely competitive across NZ (and abroad), and this year was no different. It was great to see all five of our Advance teams qualify for at least one of the Champ division's for either the 500m or 250m. This was one of our goals! Huge congrats to J16 Team's Huksta's and Maarohirohi who qualified for both. With less than a second separating the top 8 Teams - HGHS were unable to have a team progress to the Champ finals. However, we acknowledge that this is what they are capable of with only a months training prior to the event.We look forward to stepping this up next year with an Elite training program to help develop the talent which is evident in this school. Finally I would like to acknowledge the overall achievements of our teams. J16 Development Team Mihingarangi, who made it to a Plate Semi Final for 500m, and a Bowl Final for the 250m. An excellent achievement for people who never picked up a paddle before. J16 Advanced Team Te Ngutukao who placed first in the Plate Final for the 500m, and first placing in the W12 Bowl Final 250m with Hamilton Boys High School. Congrats also to J19 Advanced Team Te Rongonui who placed 3rd in the Plate Final for the 500m. Another great year of results! Now its time for a small break, then after the Term 1 School Holidays we begin our prep for Long Distance. Nga mihi whanau! BASKETBALL 3X3 - TAURANGA It was by far the biggest 3x3 Basketball Nationals with over 100 teams competing over 3 days. A true festival of Basketball with 3 point shootout and dunk competitions. Seniors Losing to St Peters 2- 5 (a very defensive game) put them 2nd in pool of 6 teams They met Rotorua Girls High in ¼ finals playing a outstanding game winning 15 - 7, then moved on and played Massey High in the semi finals. A very tight hard fought game for both teams, HGHS weren’t able to pull off the win, losing 10 - 11. The girls then went on to play Westlake Girls for 3rd and 4th once again couldn’t close out the win and in another hard fought game going down 10 -11. So overall the senior team finished 4th place.

Juniors Had a huge amount of pool games, 9 in total. They were a new group with only 2 of the team having played 3x3 before. It was an up and down tournament with some great wins and some they just couldn’t get the win. They had 2 really exciting games going into overtime that drew crowds to watch which was rewarding for the girls to receive (going into overtime in 3x3 is very exciting). They eventually came through the 3 days playing a total 13 games and finishing 7th place overall. A great finish for both teams and we would like to take this opportunity to thank, Stirling Walker-Pitman who has worked hard with these girls in her coaching capacity.

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TERM 1, 2018

NISS RUGBY 7S - MT MAUNGANUI U19s Our Senior A Sevens team played in a two-day tournament in Mt Maunganui. Day 1 saw us compete in 3 games, with 3 convincing wins against Dio, Putaruru & Manukura. Day 2 we completed our pool play with 2 further wins against Long Bay and Tauranga Girls College. This placed us in the finals on Friday afternoon where we challenged Manukura in a well-fought battle to win 22-10. Another successful tournament for the team, with six of our players being named in the tournament team: Jazmin Hotham, Arorangi Tauranga, Montessa Tairakena, Calista Wihone, Nyesha Hamilton & Lonita Ngalu. This is the first time since 2015 that HGHS has held the three 7's titles at one time • Condors National Champs • Sir Gordon Tietjens Champs • North Island Secondary School Champions Hence, it goes without saying that we are very proud of the girls.

U15s Our U15 Sevens team travelled to Mt Maunganui to compete in the NISS Sevens Tournament in the U15 Girls Open division. We lost three key players due to injuries prior to the tournament and then another key player (captain) in the second game. The strength of our sevens program allowed us to bring in strong replacement players to fill these gaps. The first day comprised of three pool games where we beat Tauranga Girls’ College 610, Lytton High School 19-0, and Te Puke High School 315. The second day started with a final pool game against Otumoetai College, beating them 49-0. We then played a semi-final against Tauranga Girls’ College where we won 49-0, and finally the final against Lytton High School, beating them 29-0 to claim the title of NISS U15 Open Girls champions.

Six of our team were named in the tournament team: Shae Daley, Dawn Hohua, Mystique Sun, Shyarniace Rees, Bostyn Brown,Tylah-Paige Mauriohooho.

I would like to thank Shane Sun (coach) for his dedication to this team and passion for coaching. Also a huge thank you to the parents, in particular the support and assistance provided during the tournament by Te Ara and Paea Kaitapu along with Justin and Heather Bunting.


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NISS DRESSAGE - CAMBRIDGE We had a great day out at the NISS Dressage championships on Friday 23rd March . The girls were all awesome and this is the biggest team we have had which is extremely pleasing! I think it should be Juniors: mentioned how much teamwork there is with all riders Katalina Lavenui (shot put), Mele Lilo (shot put), Lucy helping each other, warming each other up, calling each Rennie (Long jump and 70m hurdles), Sofia Sartin (70m others test etc. Mrs McGuire and I were proud to be the hurdles), Jodie Sharples (100m) and Rangiwhakawaitau Teachers In Charge!! Tarei (Shot put and Discus) Results Each rider rides 2 tests in their chosen classes. Note some Intermediates: Mary Allan (Triple jump), Jesse Astwood (100m, long jump classes had over 21 riders in. Those points then count and triple jump), Maria Sartin (100m, 400m 300m hurdles, towards the team score. 3 of our riders took more than one horse. long jump) WAIBOP ATHLETICS - TAURANGA HGHS had a team of 10 students competing. They were:

HGHS Development Team - 4th Overall (15 teams competing) Neve Innes, 3rd and 5th Briar Davis, 1st and 5th The day was predicted to be wet and stormy, but to our McKenzie Dew, 4th and 12th relief it was the complete opposite, mostly sunny and calm. Jahzara Waitere, 6th and 16th Our girls were wonderful ambassadors for the school, polite, courteous and determined competitors. HGHS Open Team Maroon - 7th Overall (12 Teams competing) Thank you to all the family and friends who supported the Missed out by 1 point girls, especially for taking them to Tauranga, and staying Anna Wilson, 11th and 17th around to support each other. It was an exciting day with Samantha Wells, 12th and 12th some awesome performances, and great participation by Madison Schollum, 1st and 3rd all. Olivia Robinson, 6th and 8th Seniors: Anna Gallaher (High jump)

Thanks also goes to Abby Rakete for collating the EOTC information and organising the team. From the managers at Tauranga, Shayne Cochrane and Debra Leong RESULTS Junior Girls Katalina Lavenui 3rd Shot put Lucy Rennie- 1st 70m Hurdles, 4th Long jump Rangiwhakawaitau Tarei- 3rd Discus Intermediate Girls Mary Allan - 1st Triple jump Intermediate girls Jesse Astwood - 2nd Long jump Intermediate girls, 3rd Triple jump Intermediate girls Maria Sartin - 1st 400m, 2nd 300m Hurdles, 3rd Long jump Senior Girls Anna Gallaher - 3rd High jump Senior girls relay: 2nd to HGHS (The Team was a mix of Seniors, Intermediates and a Junior): Congratulations to Anna Gallaher, Maria Sartin, Jesse Astwood and Jodie Sharples. These girls all qualified to go to National secondary school athletics championships in Whanganui 6-8th April. HGHS would like to wish them all the best!

HGHS Open Team Yellow - 8th Overall (12 teams competing as above) Only 1.7 points behind our other team Anna Wilson, 5th and E Olivia Robinson, 3rd and 5th Aspen Davys Olsen, 9th and 14th Natalie Le Miere, 9th and 10th A BIG congratulations to Madison Schollum who won the highest scoring overall rider and won a special prize sponsored by Cambridge Grains. Well done to all the girls and their horses, a great day representing at NISS Dressage! COACHING POSITIONS AVAILABLE The sport department is advertising within our community if there would be any suitable candidates for coaching within the following codes; -Rugby 15s -Netball It is essential that the applicants applying for these positions have coaching experience in the relevant sporting codes and that they are passionate about the growth and development of the girls involved in these teams. If you would like to apply for these positions please contact the sports department sport@hghs.school.nz Return to Contents Page




We encourage all students, as early as possible, to begin career exploration.The CareersNZ website www.careers.govt.nz is a great place to start as it contains exploration activities, course and training information, a jobs database, and career advice for both students and parents. Within school we provide a range of opportunities to help support their career journey – • Work experience • Career taster days – STAR courses • Tertiary presentations • Individual career interviews • CV writing workshops • Job hunting advice

University of Waikato presenting an overview of their courses to Yr12 & 13 students

We encourage students explore various industries by speaking to people in a range of jobs. This is a great way to research trends and reality-test different options. Students can then choose pathways that support their ideas, ensuring they are more informed as to what skills and qualifications they need to pursue. Due to technological advances, jobs are changing all the time. This means focusing purely on the outcome of getting a certain job can be redundant.They need to focus on opportunities to develop transferable skills that allow them to be agile and able to navigate a range of industries and professions. Problem solving, financial and digital literacy, teamwork, creativity and communication skills are key to the future world of work. STAR CAREER TASTER DAYS begin Term 2 for Yr11 – 13 students and are a great way to explore career areas.

Students on Wintec STAR Health


We offer a wide range – Hotel Management, International Flight Attending, Cruise and Hotel, Start your own business, Leadership, Security & Armed Forces, Rock band, Live sound & lighting, Police careers, Cookery, Restaurant service, Early childhood, Beauty therapy, Hairdressing, Auto engineering, MIG welding, Fashion patternmaking, Interior design, Animal technology, CAD, Media workshop, Music production and Health (Nursing, Midwifery, OT). Students should visit the Careers Office for more information plus like the CAREERS DEPT FACEBOOK PAGE facebook.com/HamiltonGirlsHighSchoolCareersDepartment/

STUDYLINK Sign up for information It’s easy for secondary school students to register for regular updates from us on things like fees-free, what other financial support is available and what documents to send us. As mentioned above, we had a great response last year, with 2,200 students registering to get our email and we’re hoping to at least double the number of sign-ups this year. This year’s registration form is now up and running on the StudyLink website. The form only takes a few seconds to complete. You can link to the registration page from here. There’s also a link on the StudyLink homepage.


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Maanya Thanki Talent can present itself in many different ways, especially at such a pivotal time in our lives. Each and every student at this school is, in their own way, gifted. We know hard-working academics, compelling speakers, creative artists, analytical thinkers, and bold leaders. But with these traits come challenges; dealing with high expectations and the constant “race to success”. The students at HGHS deserve better. We need an environment where our potential is not only recognised, but cultivated and honed. This means educating students on life after school and the decisions they will need to make along the way (e.g. subject choices, leadership positions, scholarship opportunities, and career decisions). It also means unpacking the mindset that drives many of our gifted students, and giving them the chance to reflect on anything that holds them back. The gifted students at HGHS may well be the leaders of the future - a generation that demands innovative, enthusiastic, and critical thinkers. I hope to pave the way for these leaders to emerge. My name is Maanya Thanki, and I am your Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Prefect for 2018.

GATE TOP SCHOLAR’S EVENING On the 20th of March, 20 of our top academic scholars were invited to spend an evening in the HBHS study centre with a professional career advisor, Dr Tim Smithells. Alongside other ambitious and highly motivated students, we had our individual questions answered by someone with knowledge at his fingertips. It was a rare and insightful experience that allowed us to put the future into perspective. We left feeling confident enough to make informed decisions about our careers. Overall, it was an invaluable opportunity.

On Thursday before the long Easter break, the Hamilton Boys’ High School English Top Scholars made their way over to Hamilton Girls’ High School to partake in an English Top Scholars literary discussion. It is an opportunity for the top English students in both schools to test their literary knowledge. Furthermore, it develops the potential English scholarship students ability to formulate a cohesive argument. Two hotly contested discussion points were; “Is the Twilight series compatible to the Great Gatsby? If not, why not? And “Can a shopping list be considered literature?”

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WILSON HOUSE Hey Wilson Girls! We’ve had a great start to the year so far, with Swimming Sports and Athletics Day already come and gone. We are stoked to have placed 3rd overall in Swimming and 2nd place at Athletics!!! Another big thank you to everyone who got involved in these events and demonstrated their house pride, it was amazing to see such enthusiasm on the day. There has also been plenty happening in your tutor groups, such as the tutor group wall competition and making up some fresh chants, and there’s more to come! The Wilson walls all turned out amazingly, with lots of creative ideas and talent on display, and a big congratulations to XGH for their incredible winning wall. Well done on a spectacular first term everyone, and let’s all look forward to an even better and yellower Term 2! WILSON COMMITTEE A huge congratulations to our Wilson Committee for 2018! Year 9

Mya Ruediger, Emma James, Krista Morgan

Year 10

Emily Shute, Hannah Laurent, Jemima Hunter

Year 11

Ruby Moetara, Kyla Hooker

Year 12

Jasmine Podmore, Keita Perry, Aimee Hudson and Maria Sartin

Year 13

Tegwyn McCormack, Jessica Goldsack

TUTOR GROUP LEADERS FOR 2018 Well done to our tutor group leaders for 2018 as well! WBI WCL WCX WCY WHK WJS WLG


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Denae McCready Mia Austin Azaria Puletaha Simran Yatri Keita Perry Mikayla Falconer Maria Sartin


Zavier Duncan Emily Burt Sharnae Taylor Rebecca Makuku-Mayau Mandi Longmuir Hylan Potts


HEADS HOUSE 2018 HEADS HOUSE COMMITTEE On the 16 March, during the Heads assembly, the 2018 house committee was announced. Congratulations to:

Imogen Barnes

Avery Martinez

Emma Woods

Hannah Xiao

Ruthie Holmes

Maia King

Melissa Connolly

Megan Clement

Taylor Davey

HOUSE COMPETITIONS Swimming It has been a great start for house competitions so far. Our competitive swimmers did a marvelous job of securing first place for us. Huge appreciation goes to the following students for entering competitive events - without you we wouldn’t have won: Isabelle Camplin Jessy Wilson Sophie Harris Gabrielle Rosemergy Imogen Barnes Sophie Mataia Emily Crabb Alex Mataia Kayla Wilson Katie Moffitt Sian Evans Jemima Hunter Maddison Coffey Kaiya Kepa We would especially like to congratulate our championship place winners: Katlyn Steedman - 1st, Senior girl Trinity McDonald Wilson - 2nd equal, Junior girl.

Ariana Kaiwai

TUTOR GROUP LEADERS At the beginning of the term each Heads tutor elected a tutor group leader. This student is responsible for leading and inspiring their tutor group for 2018. They are also part of the student council, led by our own Mrs Dunn. Congratulations: Kyla Han (HAD) Hannah Robertson (HCO) Georgia Kerapa (HHA) Jody-Lee Fankhauser (HWR) Melissa Connolly (HPS) Maia Barbuzza (HWJ) Rezin Barber (XWS)

Destiny Tupu (HCC) Taylor Davey (HMP) Jaspreet Kaur (HDY) Kristen Kennedy (HHT) Tehana Piggott (HRY) Hannah Gilmore (HPL)

We wish them all well in their leadership role.

Athletics Athletics proved to be another successful day for our Heads competitive athletes.We would like to acknowledge the following students for making it to the final in their respective events: Armanee Shepherd Jodie Sharples Mayarni Hakim Jesse Astwood Kaiya Kepa Kendall Scott Lexi Nolan Avery Martinez Imogen Barnes Maia-Jane Karena Mia Beale Chloe Atchison Rangiwhakawaitau Tarei Rebecca Mihigo Sami Neischmidt Marewa Samson Katlyn Steedman Thank you and well done to all of Heads house who participated in the house events - securing 3rd place overall. Return to Contents Page


TERM 1, 2018

MACDIARMID HOUSE A word from the wise ……

HOUSE CAPTAIN Term 1, wow what a term! Being House Prefect has brought many opportunities and challenges my way and it has truly been a great start to 2018. I can honestly say that it has not been a breeze and I have had to step up my game. I have had to be so organised and on top of my entire workload. Balancing my school work, extra curricular activities and the role of Macdiarmid house leader has definitely pushed me and has already shaped me into a more mature figure. I am a constant role model and leader to the girls at school and need to maintain a good reputation, one that can have a positive influence on them. Term One has consisted of athletics and swimming sports where I have had to be more encouraging and motivating than I think I’ve ever been. It is hard to get girls up and enjoying themselves at events like these, especially when they are reluctant to participate but with some convincing (bribing with lollies) the girls got up and actually have so much fun. It is a reward in itself to see MacDiarmid girls smiling and enjoying themselves at events like these. Miss Shannon has been an extremely big help and having fortnightly meetings with her has been so beneficial for me and the girls of MacDiarmid because that is where we organise house events and how we keep MacDiarmid running smoothly. House captain doesn’t stop at leading MacDiarmid though, as House Prefect I am a part of the Service Council. Here we are open to so many things, the world vision conference in Auckland, Relay For Life and so much more.We are all about giving back and lending a hand where needed. I’ve also made so many new friends this term, the other house Prefects and deputies are all on the same boat as Aleesha and myself.We’re all about making sure the girls are enjoying themselves. This has been an amazing start to 2018 and I couldn’t have had such success and joy this term without the support team of teachers, Aleesha and the MacDiarmid council. I am beyond excited for what the rest of the year will bring!


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DEPUTY HOUSE CAPTAIN What a term, I have already learnt so much about MacDiarmid and myself. I'm so thankful and lucky to have Leila as our amazing house leader. Miss Shannon, who has been a huge help and the MacDiarmid council filled with such funny and positive girls, all of whom who are so helpful. Without all these incredible women helping and cheering me on, I don’t know where I would be, and I'm so grateful to have all of them with me. This term we have participated in two house events which were Athletics and Swimming Sports. What an eye opener for Leila and I, but still so much fun I couldn’t have asked for a better last Athletics and swimming sports. To see and cheer on such beautiful and energetic girls and seeing them having a good time at these two events really made my day, but it also made me so sad knowing that I'll probably never do this again - since it’s my last year at Hamilton Girls’ High School, but overall what a banger. Along with the two house events this term, we also had a couple of assemblies, which were so good to have and celebrate all the MacDiarmid's girls and their achievements. I want to congratulate the two MacDiarmid girls of the month’s and all the girls who participated in Athletics and swimming sports. Also the girls who went away for summer tournament week, all these girls should be so proud of themselves and their achievements. Becoming MacDiarmid’s deputy house leader has been one of the best things that's happened to me. I have made such incredible new friends, I have become less shy especially when it comes to SPEECHES, I have a fantastic house that I get to help lead and so much more amazing things has happened for me and it's only the start of the year. I am so excited for what the rest of the year has instore for me and the house. UP MACDIARMID. ATHLETICS RESULTS

Tylah Lee Taua Hunt 2nd in Intermediate Discuss and 3rd in Intermediate Shot put Aisha Skinner 3rd in Junior Discuss Lucy Rennie 2nd Junior Javelin , 1st 100metres , 1st 200metres , 1st 800m Junior , 1st Long Jump Junior Georgia Candy 2nd in Senior Javelin Manaia Rapana Feather 1st Senior 400m Samantha Dekker 2nd Senior 400m Grace Rennie 3rd Intermediate 100m and 2nd in Intermediate 800m Anna Gallaher 2nd in Senior HIgh Jump Holly Stevyn 3rd in Junior 1500m Ella Candy 3rd in Senior Triple Jump


GIRL OF THE MONTH FEBRUARY Hayley Monaghan MARCH Shayleeve Tauwhara INTER TUTOR GROUP WALLS As a part of our inter-tutor group competition MacDiarmid house has had tutor groups create an original tutor group display wall to promote their tutor group and their favourite colour GREEN!!!

HOUSE COMMITTEE Thank you to all students who submitted an application to be a part of the MacDiarmid House Committee. This year we had over twenty five applicants. It is my pleasure to announce the 2018 MacDiarmid House Committee: Year 13: Shayleeve Tauwhara and Alanis Barnes Year 12: Zara Davies Year 11: Emma Wilson, Jamie Lee Smith, Charntell Kennedy and Tylahlee Taua Hunt Year 10: Mira Arif and Jaden Beljac Year 9: Tianarangi Green and Samantha Wells

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TERM 1, 2018

Highlights from Campbell House on Athletics day.

CAMPBELL HOUSE REFLECTIONS FROM OUR CAMPBELL CAPTAIN As we head into our last weeks of term one, I have seen Campbell grow tremendously! Being able to lead Campbell helps me build greater confidence and creativity, and I couldn’t have been more honoured to lead these wise young women. As house captain, I am incredibly proud of our Campbell girls who were competitive in swimming sports and athletics. Also to Campbell house for participating in the athletic house events! Overall, second in swimming sports and fourth in athletics… which I think is pretty amazing! No matter the position, the most rich and successful winners are the ones who become sisters through connections and memories that last a lifetime. This term has flown by quickly, as will the other terms, so as we head into term two I hope to see Campbell grow higher and higher and be the best we can be. I’m sure we will! Nga mihi, Emily Hendry-Follows


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Welcome to our Campbell Council from top left to right Emele Ezekiela, Emily Hendry-Follows, Grace Fowler, Jazmin Middleton-Wood, Esha Kumar, Sakina Hamid. In absence Tara Kailahi and Taiana Siufanga


CAMPBELL HOUSE HEAD OF SCHOOL It has been a fabulous start to the year for Campbell House. Emily and Tara, our house leaders have created new chants to go alongside the old favourites. Our Campbell council have been busy all term organising and supporting Campbell tutor group events and house events. Congratulations to Emele Ezekiela, Grace Fowler, Jazmin Middleton-Wood, Esha Kumar, Sakina Hamid and Taiana Siufanga who are the Campbell Council for 2018. (see photo) CCN. Winners of the inter-tutor competition relay race at Athletics

We came second in Swimming Sports with fantastic Campbell Swimming from Te Wehi Mareikura who came first in the Junior competition, Peyton Tofaeono who came first in the Intermediate competition and Brooklyn Tofaeono who came third in the Senior competition. In Athletics we came fourth with some very exciting placings by the following talented Campbell athletes; Shae Daley, Jazmin Hotham, Mary Allen, Kelli Brown, Kathryn Bevan , Jesyca Hall, Sera Allen, Ivari Christie, Calais Palmer, Luisa Tawake, Te Wehi Mareikura, Mary IremiaAllan, Lea Hodges and Nikita Page. Well done everyone. CAMPBELL INTER-TUTOR GROUP COMPETITION NEWS. We have held three competitions this term. Congratulations to CMG who were incredibly well organised for the practice fire drill, CCN for being the fastest tutor group on Athletics day and to CCD for creating a stunning tutor group wall display with a great message of setting good educational goals. I am looking forward to an exciting Term 2. Ms Wallace-Ward Head of Campbell House

Kelli Brown a runner Campbell can rely on

Ms Harris wins best teacher costume for Campbell House

CREATIVE HAT DESIGN Our three creative hat designers. Our Captain Emily and Deputy Tara Crazy costumes

TUTOR GROUP WALL DISPLAYS Week 8 has seen the final touches being added to all of the Campbell tutor group wall displays. The results are fabulous with some great messages on goal setting, striving to reach your personal best and celebrating the family nature of Campbell tutor groups.

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TERM 1, 2018




WALL COMPETITION This year’s competition was intense, and every tutor group put in an amazing effort! The House Committee helped Mr Tepania and Lucy judge them, and these walls were extremely creative! Congratulations to ECD (3rd), EGR (2nd) and XTI for winning 3rd year in a row.


SWIMMING SPORTS Sadly, swimming sports was cancelled at HGHS, but all of our competitive swimmers bussed out to Tamahere to compete. You all did so well and I’m proud of everyone who competed! Special mentions goes to Emma Parson who was our top competitor for Edgecumbe House!


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DINGBATS COMPETITION After the wall competition, Lucy and Aaliyah have given tutor groups the challenge of the age old game of dingbats. Each tutor group was given two pages with picture versions that hint at common phrases, and the winner of the competition will win a much deserved pizza lunch to refill all their brain power. It’s run over 3 weeks. GOOD LUCK!

1st PLACE - ATHLETICS DAY Athletics was an event for the books!! Edgecumbe has finally made history, and it’s all thanks to the incredible participation and relentless pride from our girls in blue. Congrats on first place girls, we hope that the legacy continues.

A FEW WORDS FROM HOUSE PREFECT LUCY HIGGINS Being Edgecumbe House Prefect can be pretty full on sometimes especially with the big house events like Athletics, but once your ideas are being executed, it’s super rewarding to see it all play out. As well as house events, I have been involved with amazing projects with the Service Council. I attended ‘Relay for Life’ to raise money for the Cancer Society and listened to stories from refugees at the World Vision conference in Auckland.These things that I have done so far have given me a new perspective on life and I appreciate the things that some of us take for granted like our health and our living situations. Term one was wicked! I was disappointed that swimming sports had to be cancelled, but our competitive swimmers were able to compete in a school pool in Tamahere. I was lucky enough to attend and support our swimmers. It was pretty cold and miserable weather, but the girls still gave it 110% and I’m proud of them doing so! Athletics day was a banger. Everyone was getting involved, showing so much house spirit by being decked out in their best blue and shouting our house chants which paid off! We won Athletics for the first time in a long while. I’m so proud of everyone who took part competitively and non-competitively. Over the term, tutor groups had to design and create their tutor group wall (blue theme of course!) and were judged in week 7.We had amazing entries ranging from Disney castles to giant dragons, all the entries were amazing. Well done to XTI for taking first place with their hilariously creative roller coaster wall. I’m so lucky to work with amazing people like Mr Tepania, Deputy House Prefect Aaliyah Tainui, Tutor Group leaders, Edgecumbe House Committee and of course, the students of Edgecumbe. I can’t wait for the shenanigans that Term 2 will bring like Cross Country. Go Edgecumbe!!

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NZQA KEY NZQA DATES Special Assessment Conditions (NZQA might allow a student to have special help with their assessments, this Apply to Mr Mitchell as soon as possible. This is because help could include; extra time, a computer, a reader, a writer, a reader writer, students are only allowed these conditions for their internal enlarged papers, separate accommodation, etc.The student might need such assessments after NZQA has approved their applications. help because of a learning disability, medical condition, or some other reason.) Start checking your results on the NZQA Database

5th April (Updated on the 5th day of each Month)


School’s deadline – Friday 11th May 2018

Financial Assistance

School’s deadline – Friday 11th May 2018

Last Date to Withdraw from External NCEA & Scholarship Exams

School’s deadline – Friday 10th August 2018

Last Date to Withdraw from Internal Standard Unless you have been given an adequate assessment opportunity

School’s deadline – Friday 16th November 2018

NZQA FEES are due to the Finance Office by the Friday 11th May 2018 NZQA will charge an extra $50.00 fee for any late payment. They will also withhold student’s results until the fees are paid in full. This could cause problems for any student wishing to gain entry to courses, polytechnic, or university in 2019. NZQA FEES FOR DOMESTIC CANDIDATES Entry


Entry for all NZQF standards


Each scholarship subject




Entry for all NZQF standards


Entry for each Scholarship subject

$102.20 per subject

(Refer to the NZQA website: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/about-us/our-role/ legislation/fees/secondary-education-fees/) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE To be eligible for financial assistance the applicant (normally the parent or guardian of the candidate) must be the fee payer and meet at least one of the following criteria: • Be receiving a Work and Income or Study Link benefit. (benefitbased applications) • Have a joint family income that would entitle the applicant to receive a Community Services Card. (income-based applications) • Have more than one child undertaking these qualifications in the same year, irrespective of income and the total fees to pay are higher than $200. (multiple candidate applications) Applications are due to the Finance Office by the Friday 11th May 2018 To apply: Complete the “Application for Financial Assistance” form. You can obtain a financial assistance form from the student finance office or download it from the NZQA website (http://www.nzqa.govt. nz/assets/qualifications-and-standards/qualifications/ncea/Application-ForFinancial-Assistance.pdf )

Eligible for beneficiary or income-based assistance

Not eligible for beneficiary or income-based assistance

One child who is a candidate


Full fees ($76.70 for NZQF)

More than one child who are candidates

A maximum of $30.00 per family

Where fees are payable for more than one candidate, a maximum of $100.00 per child and $200.00 per fee payer

International fee paying students are not eligible for financial assistance. NZQF = New Zealand Quantifications Framework (Refer to the NZQA website: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications-standards/qualifications/ncea/entryinto-ncea/fees-for-ncea/financial-assistance/ ) SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS • Students with significant issues may apply to have special assessment conditions for both their internal and external assessments. •

This includes, but not limited to, students: o with reading issues who may need a reader o with problems expressing themselves on paper may need a writer o with anxiety issues may need to sit their assessment in a separate room with poor sight who need enlarged examination papers, o who have physical difficulties in writing and need a computer, or

Special assessment conditions may include: o computer assistance, o enlarged papers, o extra time, o separate accommodation or a o combination of the above

Students who are granted special assessment will receive their results just like any other student. There will be no mention of the special assessment condition on their results; it is a private issue between the student, school and NZQA.

To apply you must contact Mr Mitchell (07 839 1304 EXT 839 or mitchellm@hghs.school.nz).

When to Apply: Apply as soon as possible as students are only


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NZQA allowed these conditions for their internal assessments after NZQA has approved their applications.

Refer to the NZQA website: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/providers-partners/assessment-and-moderation/ managing-national-assessment-in-schools/special-assessment-conditions/

ABSENCE FROM (OR UNABLE TO DO) AN ASSESSMENT: If you are absent from, or are unable to do, an assessment then you may be assessed later if: 1. The reason is beyond your control, 2. It is practical to do so, and 3. If the application for a further assessment opportunity is received within two weeks of the absence/incident occurring. How to apply: • Absence beyond your control, e.g. accident or illness. • First, contact the Office on or before the day of the assessment, and let them know that you will not be able attend the assessment and give the name of teacher assessing it. • Secondly, get documentation to support your absence, e.g., a medical certificate for an accident or illness or a signed letter from the caregiver for a mechanical breakdown. • Thirdly, see Mr Mitchell (NZQA Liaison) and give him the appropriate documentation within two weeks of the absence/ incident occurring. • School activity outside the classroom: Approved extra-curricular activities take priority over an assessment (i.e., EOTC events published on the school calendar, e.g., field trip, sports exchange – ask your teacher if you are unsure). In such cases you should be granted a further assessment opportunity only if it is practical to provide one. Other extra-curricular activities, assessments take priority over these. • GATEWAY work placements: GATEWAY work placements take priority over an assessment. In such cases you should be granted a further assessment opportunity only if it is practical to provide one. • Approved leave: If you know you will be absent from school then you must request leave in writing to Mrs Carter (Deputy Principal) prior to your departure. • Students who absent without an acceptable reason or who do not follow the established procedures: Students who are wilfully absent or who do not follow the established procedures will: • Be considered to have had an adequate assessment opportunity and will be awarded “Not Achieved” for that standard, and • Not be offered another opportunity to be assessed against that standard again. AUTHENTICITY: All your grades will be based on the work you produce. Assignments, Projects, Portfolios, etc. • The work must be your own: The teacher will use at least one method to check that the work is your own. Methods could include: supervising the research process by including regular checkpoints, requiring draft work to be submitted, keeping work onsite, and oral questioning. Plagiarism • Is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another person’s "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. • Plagiarism or assisting someone to plagiarise is considered cheating and is dealt with as a Breach of the Rules (refer to section 9). • Plagiarised work will be ineligible for a grade. • Plagiarism will deem to have occurred if a student presents words or expressions the same as another person. Then it will be deemed that the student has either plagiarised or assisted some

else to plagiarise. A student will not be penalised if they can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that either someone had stolen their work and used it without their knowledge, or were bullied into giving their work to another person. Note: Properly referenced quotes are not considered plagiarism, refer to the next section.

Assignments undertaken using an electronic application, such as Google Documents • To help ensure the authenticity of your work when using an electronic application, such as Google Documents, you must follow the rules detailed below. • Unless instructed by your teacher to do otherwise, when using an electronic application to do an assessment, you must: • Write your name in the header of the document. • Do all work under your own user login. • Do all work on the document your teacher directs you to use and do not submit any work in another form. • Not let anyone else use your user login. • Not share viewing, editing, or commenting rights with anyone else. Referencing: • You are to acknowledge your sources and use the referencing procedures below (unless otherwise directed to do so by your teacher): • All primary (i.e., information you collect directly, e.g. surveys) surveys and secondary sources of written information/material/ data (e.g., from books, magazines, internet) must be referenced so they are able to be checked by another person. As a guide: For written material: listing the author, the date of publishing, publication name, publisher, and page numbers This applies to all, material, such as: books, magazines, newspapers, internet, teachers notes, other students’ work, etc. For surveys: a copy of the survey with, either the names or contact details of the people surveyed or the survey conditions used. Where you quote/ paraphrase written material: • Use quotation marks at the beginning and at end of the quoted information/material • Use a series of dots to indicate that some of the material has been removed (e.g., She said to Joan ……… that) • Use brackets when extra information is added (e.g., She said to Joan [her sister]) • Cite the author and where this information can be checked by another person. See NZQA website for further information on Authenticity (http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/providers-partners/assessment-and-moderation/ assessment-of-standards/generic-resources/authenticity/)

SCHOOL CONTACT Mr Mitchell is the Principal’s Nominee (NZQA Liaison) at the school. You can contact him by: E-mail: mitchellm@hghs.school.nz Phone: 07 839 1304 EXT 839

Mail: Mr Mitchell, Principal’s Nominee PO Box 4082 Hamilton

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13 APR 14-21 APR 16-18 APR 19 APR 18 APR 3 MAY 23-26 APR 24 APR 25 APR 27-29 APR 30 APR 2-3 MAY 7-25 MAY 11.13 MAY

Last day of Term 1 Water Polo NZSS Div 2 Ki o Rahi Nationals SADD conference HGHS 7s Rugby Japan Tour Secondary Schools Hockey Festival Tournament WaiBop Secondary School Athletics ANZAC Day Kapa Haka Nationals Preparation - Noho 1 Term 2 commences Y9-13 Parent Teacher Meetings - 2.30pm - 6pm Mobile Dental Clinic on site Kapa Haka Nationals Preparation - Noho 2

TERTIARY VISITS & OTHER CAREER EVENTS TERM 1 & 2 2018 26th June Tues Lincoln Uni 1.30 Library TERM 2 15th May Tues Get Ahead Agricultural Careers Day Cambridge 18th May Frid Waikato University Open Day Hamilton Campus 25th May Frid Wintec Open Day City & Rotokauri Campus 10th & 11th June Waikato Career Expo Claudelands Event Centre

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