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Open Data Ecosystems in Public Service Development Minna Tarkkala, Joni Kukkam채ki, Jari Jussila, Iivari Kunttu, H채meen ammattikorkeakoulu Juuso Heinisuo, H채meenlinnan kaupunki
Abstrakti Open data can be used to promote better information sharing and joint co-creation between public organizations such as cities or governments and their citizens. In addition to this, openly available data and open technologies provide new opportunities to develop new products and services in both the public sector and private businesses. This development often requires close collaboration between various stakeholders including software developers, research institutes, public actors such as governments and cities as well as commercial actors. Jointly developed co-creation models and practices are able to improve the commitment of different stakeholders and ensure that the created solutions are based on real needs. This kind of collaboration is particularly beneficial in, for example, the work related to smart city development.
Tarkkala, M., Kukkam채ki, J., Jussila J., Kunttu I. & Heinisuo J. (2020). Open Data Ecosystems in Public Service Development. Teoksessa J. Kantola, S. Nazir & V. Salminen (toim.), Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership. AHFE (International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics) 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1209. Springer, Cham.