Pedagogical Guide for Short Advanced Programmes (SAP) and Joint Programmes (JP) implementation

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Pedagogical Guide for Short Advanced Programmes (SAP) and Joint Programmes (JP) implementation HAMK FASA team


The purpose of pedagogical guide

Teachers' community building

Constructive alignment

Define learning outcomes

Design teaching and learning activities

Design digital learning environm ent

When your SAP is about to begin

During the first teaching lesson

Overview of the process

Administrative support

Design assessment for and of learning

THE PURPOSE OF PEDAGOGICAL GUIDE This pedagogical guide for designing, implementing and evaluating jointly developed programmes, either Short Advanced Programmes (SAPs), Joint Programmes (JPs) leading to a double, multiple or joint degree or other related formats, targets teachers in the RUN-EU context.

The pedagogical script aims to support • high quality learning • the use and experimenting of innovative pedagogies and learning activities, and • the learning of future and advanced skills across SAPs and JPs. This document is based on the experiences of the first SAP implementation, jointly organised by HAMK and IPCA, and the wider goals of RUN-EU. This document will be updated continuously – welcome to explore the version 1.0.

TEACHERS’ COMMUNITY BUILDING IN SAPS AND JPS Clarify your roles and responsibilities

What special responsibilities I will personally have?

Who are you and what is your special interest related to this SAP or JP?

How do we work together? What is expected from all of us?

How do we collaborate and communicate? Who will lead and coordinate our group?

CONSTRUCTIVE ALIGNMENT Support your students’ deep approach to learning • Ensure that students’ intended learning outcomes are aligned with teaching and assessment • Teaching and learning activities, and assessment, should be designed to support deep learning of the intended learning outcomes



Intended learning outcomes Defining core competences and content

▪ ▪

Teaching methods Content and materials


Assessment of learning Feedback

DEFINE LEARNING OUTCOMES What are the themes and phenomena central to this SAP or JP? Define the learning outcomes in terms of both content knowledge and future and advanced skills

Ensure that workload is appropriate (1 ECTS credit = 28 hours of student work) A Skills Bulletin is published every 6 months. Ask your local WP3 representative for the latest Skills Bulletin. See also:

DESIGN TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES Competence-based learning Student-centred teaching ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Let students learn from their own starting points Focus on what the student does for their learning Enable student’s ownership Design learning activities and assignments that support students to achieve the intended learning outcomes

▪ Integrate future and advanced skills in the SAP ▪ Connect with real life phenomenon ▪ Inspire students to assess their competence development ▪ Create possibilities to demonstrate competencies in various ways

Collaborative learning Well-being in studying

Deep, active learning ▪

▪ ▪ ▪

Help students to relate new material to their previous knowledge Engage students in learning that is productive Give enough time to learn Demand activity throughout the Programme

▪ Autonomy- give choices ▪ Belonging – secure collaboration ▪ Competence - assure that students use feedback actively to improve their learning ▪ Positive emotions – balance workload and build good learning atmosphere ▪ Self-efficacy – support by giving enough challenge, but not too difficult

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Facilitate students’ team learning Help students to interact in interdisciplinary groups Support students to make connections outside of university Build collaboration between teachers Learn yourself ☺


Ensure that learning outcomes have been met SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT

• •

Provide students with useful information and feedback during the SAP or JP to guide their learning FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT • •

What is assessed for grading – possibilities for authentic assessment? What are the transparent standards for assessment tasks? What are the levels of the intended learning outcomes (see for example the SOLO taxonomy)?

What kind of evidence students need to provide to demonstrate their learning outcomes? What is students’ own role in designing their compet ence demonstrations? • • •

How do you provide timely feedback? How is self-assessment and reflection embedded to the process? How do you organise peer assessment?

Build students’ capacity to evaluate their own learning SUSTAINABLE ASSESSMENT

DESIGN DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT What digital environments and tools do you use? What is their role? Small Group Online Glass Activities

Whole Group Online Glass Activities

• Moodle/Learn for managing the learning process

• Zoom or Teams for interaction and collaboration

Whiteboard Breakout Rooms

• Other tools for co-creation Channels ClassNotebook

WHEN YOUR SAP IS ABOUT TO BEGIN Map your students' starting point Familiarise yourself with the information the students have provided in the application document: • Who are they and where are they from? • What is their (informal and formal) educational background? • What are their special interests and expectations for the JP SAP? Based on that knowledge, create how the student teams could be formed. Use this information to finetune the SAP or JP (e.g. level of challenges).

DURING THE FIRST TEACHING SESSION • Facilitate students to get to know their own team • Take time to discuss with the students about their questions or concerns related to studying in the SAP or JP • Ensure that someone is able to react to any sudden changes, e.g. • Dropout of students which requires modifications in the team composition • Technical problems

Take it slowly! The students face new people from different cultures and might also have challenges with the English language.



I think of what I would like to learn

I get to know other learners

I submit my application

I reflect on my personal goals

I write and submit my motivation letter

I define the learning challenge


We define the learning outcomes

We support the students to get to know each other

We design teaching and learning activities

We support team building

We design briefing materials

We design assessment for and of learning

We explain the SAP's learning outcomes, activities and assessment for the students We set the students off to their SAP learning journey

We plan the kick-off meeting


Our team is co-creating

Our team proposes our results

Our team is exploring

We present our learning

Our team is prototyping

Our team is experimenting

We demonstrate our learning

We reflect on our learning







We facilitate collaboration and co-creation between students, within and between student teams, and with other partners

We engage the students to reflect on their learning process

We facilitate peer feedback

We create interactive learning moments

We assess the learning outcomes

We set milestones for students' progress

We provide feedback on students' progress

We allocate time for students to answer to the LearnWell questionnaire

ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Contact the following persons in your institution for further support: - SAP representative at your institution (WP6) - JP representative at your institution (WP7) - Leader of Institutional FASA (WP3) - RUN-EU project leader

REFERENCES CONSTRUCTIVE ALIGNMENT Biggs, J. (2012). Enhancing Learning through Constructive Alignment, pp. 117-136. Enhancing the Quality of Learning. Cambridge University Press. ASSESMENT Boud, D., Ajjawi, R., Dawson, P. & Tai, J. (2018). Developing Evaluative Judgement in Higher Education. Assessment for knowing and producing quality work. Oxford, UK. Routledge. DEEP APPROACH TO LEARNING Postareff, L., Parpala, A. & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. (2015). Factors contributing to changes in a deep approach to learning in different learning environments. Learning Environments Research 18(3): 315-333. ; Lindblom, S., Parpala, A. & Postareff, L. (2018). What constitutes the surface approach to learning in the light of new empirical evidence? Studies in Higher Education 44(12): 2183-2195. AUTONOMY, BELONGING, COMPETENCE (SDT-theory) Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self‐determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well‐being. American Psychologist, 55, 68‐78. SELF-EFFICACY Bandura, A. (2000). Self-efficacy: The foundation of agency. Control of human behavior, mental processes, and consciousness: Essays in honor of the 60th birthday of August Flammer, 16.

Editors Irma Kunnari Vesa Tuomela Jukka Raitanen FASA team contributors Jari Jussila Juulia Lahdenperä Liisa Postareff Viivi Virtanen Visual design Jali Närhi


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