VET Teachers for the Future – Professional Development Certificate Programme

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VET Teachers for the Future programme, Cohort 2 &

3 in Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland 2016

VET Teachers for the Future – Professional Development Certificate Programme Cohort 2 & 3 in Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) Finland 2016


VET Teachers for the Future® – Professional Development Certificate Programme Cohort 2 & 3 in Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) Finland 2016

Häme University of Applied Sciences PO Box 230 (Visamäentie 35 A) FI-13101 Hämeenlinna, FINLAND tel. +358 3 6461 Photos: VET Teachers for the Future® graduates, Niina Mero / HAMK, Marja Laurikainen / HAMK, HAMK photo archive Layout and design: Graafinen Idea Printed in Kirjapaino Hermes Oy, Tampere

Index Preface and Acknowledgements.........................................................................4 Brazilian-Finnish education cooperation: Strong and constantly improving partnership.......................................................8 Greetings from HAMK...................................................................................... 12 Brazilian Federal Institutes of Education, Science & Technology – identity under permanent construction............................................................14 The pedagogical concept of The VET Teachers for the Future®............................ 20 The Impact of the Professores para o Futuro® Programme...................................22 Graduates 2015..............................................................................................25 Graduates 2016..............................................................................................43 Teacher educators........................................................................................... 57


VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Seija Mahlamäki-Kultanen Dean Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), School of Professional Teacher Education

Preface and Acknowledgements


rofessores para o Futuro®, VET Teachers for the Future® -programme started from a mutual interest in cooperation between two countries, Brazil and Finland. The origin of the programme was favorable; there was the need, the political support and there were competent professionals available from both parties with a willingness to tailor the programme as close to perfect as possible. We challenged each other in a positive way to make it the best and most relevant teacher education programme ever, didn’t we?

This publication is edited during that period when the pilot became permanent. It collects from two groups participants’ development activities in HAMK during the years 2015–2016. The first one is a pilot, and the second the programme which was carefully modelled on feedback rounds in both HAMK and TAMK, which is our trusted partner in VET teachers for the Future®.

Preface and Acknowledgements

The process has been a most rewarding networking process for many reasons. They might be difficult to prove or test, but they can be analyzed and understood in their context. Maybe we will see the phenomenon more clearly only later when looking back with theoretical lenses. That is why I have been analyzing the critical elements of our networks based on a theory of successful networks and an ethnographic data collection and lived through experiences during these years. I have found several reasons to explain the success and the great current situation where we are now. The foreign ministers of both Brazil, José Serra, and Finland, Timo Soini, agreed upon state level cooperation and VET Teachers for the Future® programme was mentioned as one key element in that agreement. In international partnerships the national cultures play a crucial role and in the case of Brazil with many cultures and a much smaller Finland with still rather monocultural identity, the difference is big. However, among the VET teachers for the Future® clan, with an emerging network of professionals we seem to share very much the same basic core values and attitudes, which are the hard core of culture according to several cultural theories, for example Hofstede (2001). We need to take into account several layers and levels of partnership if we want a transnational partnership to succeed. These include on Brazil’s side, national, institution type level, institutional level, campus level, teacher community level, programme participant (teacher) level, learning environment and even the participants’ students’ level and on the Finnish side the same including also teacher educators and the wider society to act as a learning environment for the programme participants. In a previous evaluation study in Finland I developed a measurement tool to measure the functionality and quality of programme and project partnerships in educational contexts (Mahlamäki-Kultanen & Hulkari 2009). The items are formulated as statements to be reflected and assessed among actors of any educational partnership. I attach the tool to this introduction, for all the actors and readers of this alumni publication to be in active use for a better future of education. However, I reflect also on the limitations on it later.



VET Teachers for the Future Ž – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



The items are the following The primary interest of the partnership is to serve the needs of the target group. The partners have analyzed their competence areas, which complement each other, and they constantly develop them to reach the common goals efficiently. The partners share common basic values and working cultures, which have been made transparent and agreed upon. The partners have common goals. Their fulfillment is constantly evaluated and corrections are made immediately. The partners have a well-ordered and transparent controlling system. The partners trust each other, they are committed to the partnership and they take the goals seriously on all the levels of the organization. The partnership is built on common strengths, but evaluates also the weaknesses in order to overcome them. Power, responsibility and benefit are equally shared. The information exchange between the partners is open, honest and functional. Partners show initiative and are self-supportive. The partnership is constantly developed to meet the changing situations. In the case of VET Teachers for the FutureÂŽ, these evaluation criteria fit the initial pilot phase best. During the pilot phase it was really important to work in a very disciplined and targeted way. With that approach we could develop the programme into its existing form, brand and registered trademark.

Preface and Acknowledgements

Several changes have happened and new actors have come in during the course of VET Teachers for the Future® programme cohorts. Luckily, the succession has succeeded and the continuity of the process remains. Now we are living in a more mature phase of partnership and programme development. These project evaluation -type of criteria do not fully cover or justify the emerging nature of the programme and alumni actions as VET Teachers for the Future® is now. This partnership programme is not a fixed status quo, it is meant to develop and restructure. Do we even want the programme to be something which has such a fixed and structured start, a course of actions and an end? Maybe not, lets go beyond that! Now the empowered alumni can make it with us, they can feel ownership and empower each other even further. They can develop more and much better processes and different artifacts like digital tools, that we could never have anticipated or discovered ourselves. In that way the programme will remain a living process with no end and fulfill its original mission and name, where the participants act as change agents and teachers for the future. I am really happy to belong to the process and grateful to all in our clan for their valuable contribution.

References Hofstede, G. 2001. Culture’s consequences. Comparing values, behaviors, institu-

tions, and organizations across nations. Sage publications. Thousands Oaks. London.

Mahlamäki-Kultanen, S. & Hulkari, K. 2009. Noste-ohjelman vaikuttavuuden arvi-

oinnin menetelmällinen kokonaisuus. (The methodology of the evaluation of Noste pogramme) In Noste-ohjelma – aikuiskoulutuksen harppaus. Opetusministeriön julkaisuja 2009: 35. 41–47.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Antônio F. Da Costa e Silva Ambassador of Brazil to Finland

Brazilian-Finnish education cooperation:

Strong and constantly improving partnership


e meet in complex times for both the Finnish and Brazilian economies, in an international climate that shows less favourable winds for us to sail through the challenges we are confronted with. These circumstances, while requiring strong mobilization and sense of purpose from our governments and peoples, do not call for introspection. On the contrary: the intertwining between domestic and international affairs is becoming ever deeper, further diluting the boundaries between foreign policy, as traditionally conceived, and the other spheres of government, including one of its central dimensions: educational policies.

International cooperation is a vital component of national development in its broadest sense, and I consider Brazilian-Finnish relations, particularly in the field of education, a successful example on how bilateral relations can foster and nurture the development efforts of two societies and countries that, while geographically distant, are increasingly brought closer by stronger ties of dialogue, cooperation and friendship, the central tenets of any successful foreign policy and – more importantly – of our shared future as active members of the international community. Political and economic cooperation between our two countries continues to thrive, one of the best examples of which is precisely in the field of education. Education should be at the heart of every aspiration for equality, fairness and prosperity. Finland is a role model in this regard, and we, Brazilians, are eager to learn from Finnish problem-solving paradigms and practices, while offering our contribution in creativity and flexible thinking.

Brazilian-Finnish education cooperation: Strong and constantly improving partnership

In 1990, the Agreement between Brazil and Finland on Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation entered into force, which led both countries into a considerable number of partnerships. Most of them tended to be bilateral understandings between Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences. A research made by the Brazil-Finland Cultural Centre in 2012 showed a map of the agreements in force between Brazilian and Finnish high-education institutions. Until that date, 12 out of the 16 Finnish Universities had some kind of cooperation arrangement with their Brazilian counterparts. The Brazilian Government’s Science without Boarders Program, launched in 2011, and the MoU signed between CIMO and Capes, in 2015, brought a positive change to the scope of this cooperation, taking it to another level. The Embassy of Brazil has been accompanying and supporting the steady amplification and deepening of student and knowledge exchange between our two countries. Such steadiness permeates all facets of our bilateral relation. Since 2012, Finland has hosted more than 200 Brazilian Science without Borders´ students spread from Helsinki to Lapland. Finland was among the very first countries to embark on the Program and to offer a significant array of opportunities for Brazilian students. We are very proud of this partnership. The feedback that we have been receiving from both sides is very positive. Brazilian students return from Finland not only with a very good general impression of their stay, but also take with them singular and valuable experiences: one of intellect; one of social adaptation; and one of individual autonomy. These are all decisive experiences in forging capacities for an encompassing global view. The students carry an experience of estrangement – of self-estrangement – that allows them to better evaluate their own paths and possibilities. Consequences in terms of widening horizons and greater development are self-evident. Positive economic outcome thereof is well documented. I am also glad to point out that our bilateral relations on educational matters have been broadened by a new strong project, launched in 2012: the VET – Teachers for the Future® Program. In line with the major priorities in the area of education in Brazil for the past decade, technical and vocational education is now an integral part in Brazilian-Finnish cooperation and one I hope will continue to grow in the future. Between 2014 and 2016, our Federal Institutions of Education, Science and Technology have sent to Finland



VET Teachers for the Future Ž – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



107 teachers, in three separate cohorts, in order to further develop the exchange of abilities and knowledge on technical and vocational training. Teachers that came to Finland returned to Brazil with as valuable a baggage as the students that benefited from the Science without Borders program. But this baggage has an even richer content, as those teachers will be able to use it to multiply, to their students and through their research, the experience and lessons they acquired during their stay in Finland. Most importantly, both personally and within their institutions, they will contribute to promote stronger and hopefully permanent interaction between the Brazilian and Finnish systems of vocational education for the benefit of both countries. The improvement of skills development is in the centre of current structural priorities in most emerging economies. A wide range of policies has built bridges between education and labor demands in order to promote better fitting between available workforce skills and private sector demand, social inclusion and the ensuing economic growth. Among these efforts, technical and vocational education has become a global trend in favour of disadvantaged youth and adults who lack formal qualifications or live with disabilities. In order to generate the educated and socially inclusive labour force that a modern economy demands, Brazil is among the countries that have striven to boost technical and vocational education. Data from national and international sources, including studies by the World Bank, by UNESCO and by the Inter-American Development Bank, point out to the significant gains, both by the workforce and by the private sector, that are already being reaped in Brazil with a more robust integration between the educational system and the labour market. Let me also stress the significant contribution of the Brazil-Finland Cultural Centre – CCBF in the educational field, as the Centre commemorates this year its 15th anniversary. Brazil has only 24 such centres around the world and only three in Europe: Barcelona, Rome and Helsinki. Since October 2001, CCBF has taught Brazilian Portuguese to over 1500 students, who seek its services for a wide variety of purposes, both professional and personal, and has promoted, in Helsinki and elsewhere in Finland, a wide array of cultural activities. The CCBF is a central asset of the Brazilian Embassy in Finland, by promoting dialogue and understand-

Brazilian-Finnish education cooperation: Strong and constantly improving partnership

ing between both countries at its most essential level: that of language and culture. The strategic importance of education for sustainable development and inclusive economic growth demands close attention to relevant knowledge and experience gathered elsewhere. Challenges in such a multidimensional field are numerous. Brazil has found in Finland a trusted and willing partner with which we are keen on promoting exchanges in such matters. Especially in these difficult times, this relationship is of the utmost relevance, as was clearly showcased by the signing, this last August, by Timo Soini and José Serra, respectively the Finnish and Brazilian Ministers of Foreign Affairs, of the “List of Priorities for the Cooperation between Brazil and Finland”. That List contains the goals both countries will pursue, in the immediate future, in their bilateral undertakings and, most telling, has included, as its first chapter, the priorities for cooperation on education. Strengthening higher, vocational and basic education cooperation, enlarging the VET – Teachers for the Future® Program and developing institutional cooperation between universities are the focus for the following years. It could not be otherwise. As recent events that have captured international attention have shown, we live in times when increasing interdependence – from trade and investment to immigration and the environment – has yet to offer complete answers to persistent fragmentation, both among the international community and within national societies. Brazil and Finland are setting a clear example, in this regard: education, cooperation and dialogue are essential instruments to understand the world we live in, in all its complexity, and to offer solutions that respond to the challenge of integrating the realities of interdependence and fragmentation into a virtuous cycle for the benefit of each of our individual societies and of an international sustainable and cooperative community.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Pertti Puusaari Rector, CEO Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK)

Greetings from HAMK


uring the last two years we have had an excellent possibility for organisational development and internationalization, institutional professional growth and also for the unforgettable personal experiences.

Warm thanks to you, Brazilian students of the VET Teachers for the Future® programme.

Gre e tings f rom HA MK

In HAMK we consider global education as a huge opportunity but also a challenge. Co-operation with foreign cultures and “global understanding” are necessary in our time and situation. What could be a better way to do that than communication and reflection with colleagues – who will be as friends after some months. The challenges are mostly related to economic resources. We would like to do much more and even better than today. However, we believe that our dreams, our common dreams, will be realized one day. I have a deep feeling that we are working together with the global project of education. We want to build a better world by educating both children, young people and adults. I want to congratulate you, our Brazilian students, for your most successful studies and the activities you have completed – marvelous promotion and positive publicity of Finnish education in Brazil!



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2

Roberto Pereira Santos Teacher from VET 2 cohort Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo

Brazilian Federal Institutes of Education, Science & Technology – identity under permanent construction



B r a z ilia n F ed e ral I ns titute s of Education, S cie nce & Te chnology – ide ntity unde r pe rm ane nt cons truction

“... for this it is necessary not only to enable the children of fortune’s disadvantaged with the essential technical and intellectual preparation, but also to make them acquire useful work habits, that will remove them from the idleness ignorance, school of vice and crime;…” Excerpt from initial considerations of President Nilo Peçanha’s Decree 7566, in September 23th, 1909, which created Schools of Apprentices and Craftsmen.


n December 29th, 2008, the Brazilian Government created the Federal Network of Vocational, Scientific and Technological Education, integrated by Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology; Federal Technological University of Paraná; Federal Centres of Technological Education; Technical Schools linked to Federal Universities and, in 2012, also the Pedro II School. In all, 38 Federal Institutes (FIs) were created, grouping most of the Federal Centres of Technological Education and Technical Schools, including some of those originally linked to Federal Universities.

It is worthwhile looking at the history of vocational education in Brazil, in order to understand how the model evolved, and how it intends to answer society’s needs. Workers’ education, in Brazil, began in colonization times, when the first apprentices were indians and slaves, who were allotted the hardest, and least noble tasks. From the 15th to 18th Century , a few institutions were created, designed to teach arts and crafts, but the technological development ceased when, in 1785, the Portuguese Crown banned all kinds of factories in Brazil. In 1808, when the Royal Family went to Brazil, D. John VI created the Factory School, designated to educate artists and craftsmen from Portugal. Since 1906, there have been discussions related to the creation of industrial schools in Brazil, including a speech by President Afonso Pena, referring to vocational education as an important factor to support the growth of industry. In 1909, assuming the Presidency, after the death of Afonso Pena, Nilo Peçanha signed Decree 7566, which created 19 Schools of Apprentices and Craftsmen, aiming



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



to provide free primary vocational education. This is considered a cornerstone in the construction of vocational education in Brazil.1 Schools have acquired successive new institutionalities, according to the historical moment. So, in 1937, at the beginning of an industrialization cycle, they changed to Vocational Lyceums, providing courses for all kinds of professions, but still at the primary level. In 1942, following an education reform introduced by President Getulio Vargas and his Ministry of Education, Gustavo Capanema, their names were changed to Industrial and Technical Schools, providing education at the secondary level and linking them to the education system.2 In 1959, with investments on infrastructure and strenghtening the base industry, they were changed to Federal Technical Schools, receiving administrative and pedagogic autonomy. In 1978, three Federal Technical Schools (Paraná, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro) were transformed into Federal Centres of Technological Education (CEFETs), in order to provide, secondary level vocational formation and higher education (Engineers and Technologists). Gradually other schools were changed into CEFETs, until 2008, when the existing system was transformed into the Federal Network of Education, Science and Technology, as described previously.3 Looking to the past, we observe that even changing their institutionality, the first principles – some kind of DNA – remained. No matter whether they are called Technical Schools or Federal Institutes, the link between education and the world of work is always present. The world and their relations became more complex, and this complexity frequently requires strong actions in order to answer demands quickly. So, the law that created the Federal Network officially, not only recognized a new perception of vocational educa1

BRASIL. Centenário da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica. Retrieved from in 12Aug2015.

2 SUETH, J.C.R., MELLO, J.C., DEORCE, M.S., and NUNES, R.F. A trajetória de 100 anos dos eternos titãs: da Escola de Aprendizes Artífices ao Instituto Federal. Vitória: Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009. 3 Caldas, L.A. Fragmentos de uma história da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica. In: Um passado vestido de futuro. Brasília: IFB, 2012.

B r a z ilia n F ed e ral I ns titute s of Education, S cie nce & Te chnology – ide ntity unde r pe rm ane nt cons truction

tion, but also introduced a completely new paradigm of vocational education institutions in the country.4 According to the Law, Federal Institutes are institutions for higher, basic and professional education, multi curricular and multi campi, specialized in offering vocational and technological education in several modalities, based on conjugating technical knowledge and pedagogical practices. They are not Vocational Schools, nor Universities, because not only do they offer several levels of education, but also due to their purposes, there is an obligation in: 1.

Developing vocational education as an answer to regional social and economic demands, specially referring to the use of applied research as a vector for the local development;


Linking several levels of vocational education, and between it and basic (propaedeutic) education, promoting the population’s schooling ;


Qualifying themselves as Reference Centres, supporting the Science Teaching in public schools, and promoting continuous technical and pedagogical qualification to their teachers.

This lack of identity with preexistent models had generated some conflicts, considering that no other institution in the country had been prepared to answer specific demands from FIs. The metrics used to assess teachers’ work in universities, for example, are not appropriate for teachers from FIs, once they work in completely different contexts. On the other side, the high expansion observed from 2009 has filled FIs with new teachers, most of them graduated in traditional universities. It was natural that, in the absence of another model, they tried to adapt their activities with the reference they have. In the last 12 years, Brazil has advanced in social policies, and FIs became important agents in changing social and economic reality, no matter whether they are located in a large or small city. Relationships extrapolate the education sphere, extending articulated actions to several areas, as Agriculture; Culture; Work and Employment; Social Development; Health; Industrial Development; Energy; Communications; Science, Technology and Innovation; 4

BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Instituto Federal: concepção e diretrizes. 2009.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Environment; Sports; Tourism; National Integration; Women’s Policies; Racial Equality Policies; Human Rights; External Relationships; and Small and Medium Enterprises. In all actions, the original DNA is seen. In this context, the Brazilian Ministry of Education, through the Secretary of Vocational and Technological Education, has developed a specific strategy to align FIs with the country’s growing plans. It involves points as enhancing FIs image close to the productive sector, linking them to the concept of “innovative institution”, supporting them in their contribution to local development, prospecting for innovation management models and qualification of teachers following recognized international standards. None of these points are alone; they play balanced roles to accomplish the aims of FIs, as conceived.5 One of the most important set of actions refers to the teachers’ qualification. As mentioned, the number of teachers has grown substantially since the expansion process occurred. As a reference, in 1909 there were 19 schools in the country. Until 2002, this number grew to 140 units. Since then, 422 new units were constructed and the teachers’ number has grown to approximately 30.000 in 2014.6 It is recognized that technical and vocational education has a fundamental role in reducing poverty and recovering economic and sustainable development. Thinking to the future, the effective action of teachers in this education segment is strictly related to the country’s success in its economic and social progress. In 2014, 60 teachers from FIs went to Finland, where they participated in the Vocational Education Training (VET) Programme, in a cooperation strategy between Brazil and Finland. One of the aims is that this group of teachers can multiply and disseminate the knowledge and good practices to others, throughout the Federal Network. This is one way to develop teacher competences in order to qualify FIs as Reference Centres for the qualification of teachers from public systems, and promote life long learning in society.

5 BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Secretaria de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica. Núcleo Estruturante da Política de Inovação. Apresentação dos institutos federais: agenda da inovação. 2014. 6 BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Secretaria de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica. Núcleo Estruturante da Política de Inovação. Apresentação dos institutos federais. 2014.


“My meaningful learning was to know different ways of teaching, using creativity and fun. The methods are simple and help students to learn, and this goes beyond the classroom: the learnings are for the life. The Finnish culture to work with simple things and appreciate simplicity of things. It opened my mind to be a better professional and person."

“I had to come to Finland to know more of my own country. (…) to really see the student as the centre of learning process and that learning is much bigger than teaching. This doesn’t underestimate the role of the teacher but reinforce the need of change we have to make in our reality.”


VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Irma Kunnari

Essi Ryymin

Principal Lecturer Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), School of Professional Teacher Education

Principal Lecturer, R&D Manager (Global Education) Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), School of Professional Teacher Education

The pedagogical concept of The VET Teachers for the Future®


e have developed the pedagogical concept of The VET Teachers for the Future® – Development Programme in seamless Finnish-Brazilian collaboration. The development process has been agile, iterative and evidence-based by its nature. We have experimented with several research approaches in the process, such as the narrative method, action research and design-based research. The starting point for planning and implementation has always been our Brazilian partners’ insights of transformative education and sustainable future.

We have been modifying The VET Teachers for the Future® – Development Programme through two pilot programmes and ongoing

T h e p ed a g o g ical conce pt of T he VET Te ache rs f or the Future ®

delivery since 2014. We have gathered mid-term and final feedback on every implementation in open dialogue with Brazilian partners. Also the pedagogical experiments have been a crucial component of the process as well as the evaluation of the effectiveness of different facilitation and guidance methods. Interestingly, our joint learning process itself has created the best methods and approaches to the development work. It has taught us shared language, concepts, joint ways of acting and deep cultural understanding of each other as equal and engaged partners. The pedagogical script of the VET Teachers for the Future® – Development Programme follows a competency-based curriculum and the idea of pedagogical competence including theoretical, practical, self-regulative and socio-cultural knowledge. Teachers’ pedagogical competency in the programme means also trust in teachers’ capability and appreciation to their professionalism. The other important working concepts in the programme are autonomy and relatedness. Autonomy in the meaning of designing ones own teaching practices is a source of motivation and engagement. Relatedness means being connected and associated. Teachers belong to the evolving and empowering network of Finnish-Brazilian experts and to learning organisations that should be intentionally studied, experimented and developed in the same, intertwined process. The development of The VET Teachers for the Future® – Development Programme has been more than a learning process. It has been a privilege.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2


Maaret Viskari

Alexandre F. D’Andrea

Manager, Global Education Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), School of Professional Teacher Education

Academic Unit I, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba


The Impact of the Professores para o Futuro® Programme


he educational impact through teachers’ professional development programmes, such as the Professores para o Futuro® is evident many years after the actual programme is delivered. It involves a deep identity change of the teacher, e.g. competence development, that is a process, which takes time. The competence must be transformed into concrete action in the classroom and in the educational organization.

Professores para o Futuro® programme’s aim is to develop individual teachers’ professional capacity through a process of guidance, reflection, collaborative learning, understanding of change management and through competence improvement. In addition, the

T h e I m p act of the Prof e s s ore s para o Futuro ® Program m e

programme aims to equip teachers with the ability and courage to manage development in their own organization in order to achieve organizational change. The successful localization and contextualization in Brazil requires team work with and support by the Federal Institute leaders, CONIF (National Council for the Federal Network of Vocational, Scientific and Technological Education Institutions) and SETEC (Secretary of Vocational and Technological Education) under the Ministry of Education, Brazil. All 107 participants of the Professores para o Futuro® from HAMK and TAMK have implemented a development work in their own institutes and learning environments in different ways. The development work is designed during the intensive programme in Finland, which varies from 3 to 5 months, and developed and implemented further in Brazil in a local and/or regional context in order to have impact. The Finnish experts guide the progress in online meetings and in digital environments. The Professores para o Futuro® programme alumni have conducted dissemination events of methods and ideas learnt in Finland for teacher colleagues within their own institute, other federal institutes and beyond. The estimation is that a minimum of 3500 – 4000 teachers in Federal Institutes have been the target audience of direct dissemination events and activities (seminars, lectures, workshops) by the alumni. This number is likely to be even higher through other forms and channels of dissemination, such as local meetings and social media networks. Some alumni have published research and presented in international conferences. They call this the multiplier effect. The development work typically involves some practical implementation of a pedagogical method in the classroom context. The Federal Institute students experience a learning process where the approach is different from before. Active learning, where students are requested to develop a hypothesis, to ask questions and to find the answers about a given subject in a more autonomous way requires delicacy and advanced guidance and facilitation competence from the teachers. Although sometimes the students may be resistant to go outside of their comfort zone, with time they usually surprise



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



the teachers when the outcomes bring evidence of the learning process in an active way. The number of students reached through the implementations of development works inside the classroom by the Professores para o Futuro® alumni is significant, between 3000 to 5000 students. The evidence of the success in the classroom is presented in blogs, videos, in social media postings and through in-depth interviews and discussions. The students’ effective and deep learning experience is the most important impact factor in the Professores para o Futuro® programme. The Federal Institute student is in the centre of the Professores para o Futuro® programme and represents the driving force for its improvement.

Graduate s

VET Teachers for the Future® – Professional Development Certificate Programme Cohort 2 in Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) Finland 2015 Graduates



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Alexandre Zaslavsky Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Paraná

Development work title: Technological Education and Teacher Education in the Finnish Polytechnics: applicability in the Federal Institute of Paraná, Foz do Iguassu campus

The implementation of the project can be divided into four main areas: pedagogical performances, public lectures, political participation and research. The first has to do with my own classes, the changes I was able to implement based on student-centered learning approaches. Two proposals can be highlighted: the personal philosophical thesis and the personal political positioning. I gave seven public lectures within the Federal Institute of Paraná – IFPR and also outside, in different education institutions. I have been invited to join a technical commission on teacher education policy in the IFPR. We are adapting a new government rule on teacher education to the institution, including one seminar with the coordinators of all teacher education programmes and another seminar, a bigger one, with representatives of all those programmes. And there is also the research project I developed with the help of two student-assistants, about the theme of teacher education in polytechnics. The two presented two papers in an international event in Argentina and the papers were published electronically. A implementação do projeto pode ser dividida em quatro áreas principais: desempenhos pedagógicos, palestras públicas, participação política e pesquisa. A primeira está relacionada às minhas próprias turmas, as mudanças que consegui implementar com base em abordagens centradas na aprendizagem dos alunos. Duas propostas podem ser destacadas: a tese filosófica pessoal e o posicionamento político pessoal. Apresentei 7 palestras públicas no Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR) e em instituições de ensino diferentes. Fui convidado para participar de uma comissão técnica sobre política de formação de professores no IFPR. Estamos adaptando uma nova norma governamental sobre a formação de professores para a instituição, incluindo um seminário com os coordenadores de todos os programas de formação de professores e outro seminário, maior, com representantes de todos esses programas. E também há o projeto de pesquisa que desenvolvi com o auxílio de dois alunos assistentes sobre o tema da formação de professores em escolas politécnicas. Os dois alunos apresentaram dois trabalhos acadêmicos em um evento internacional na Argentina, tendo esses sido publicados eletronicamente.

Graduate s

Damione Damito Sanches Sigalas Dameão da Silva Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo

Development work title: Papo de Professor: The teacher’s voice in a transformative process

This study aimed to describe the Podcast Papo de Professor project and analyze its potential for fostering collaborative learning of teachers and the importance of their use in the life-long learning of teachers. Therefore, we describe and analyze the project implementation process, the quantitative results of the listening and qualitative results relating to continuing education, collaborative learning and the use of ICT in the professional development of teachers. From the data analyzed it is possible to make some observations, the main ones being: 1. the use of emerging technologies, such as podcast in continuing teacher education has high relevance due to its potential to create collaborative spaces; 2. it is clear that during the talks the participants are able to reconsider their ideas and rebuild them during the interaction with their peers; 3. is a considerable quantitative reach of teachers listeners. Este estudo visa descrever o projeto Podcast Papo de Professor e analisar o seu potencial para fomentar o aprendizado colaborativo de professores e a importância do seu uso no aprendizado dos professores ao longo da vida. Portanto, descrevemos e analisamos o processo de implementação do projeto, os resultados quantitativos da consulta e os resultados qualitativos relacionados à educação continuada, aprendizado colaborativo e ao uso de tecnologias de comunicação e informação (Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs) no desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. A partir dos dados analisados é possível tirar algumas conclusões, sendo as principais: 1. o uso de tecnologias emergentes, como podcast, na formação contínua de professores tem grande importância devido ao seu potencial de criar espaços colaborativos; 2. está claro que, durante as conversas, os participantes são capazes de reconsiderar as suas ideias e reconstruí-las durante a interação com os seus pares; 3. é considerável o alcance quantitativo dos ouvintes dos professores.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Deise Machado Ferreira de Oliveira Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sudeste de Minas Gerais

Development work title: Mushrooms as a tool in education and researches in enrichment of edible mushrooms species Pleurotus ostreatus (Hiratake) with iron using as substrate agricultural waste

In the teaching activities we highlight the projects developed by students of technical courses at the Federal Institute of Southeast Campus Barbacena MG. The project used the Learning Project-Based methodology where students planned, organized and developed practical activities in the Microbiology Laboratory. Students received their relatives (fathers, mothers, sisters and others) for classes they ministered. Another project is jointly developed with Professor Regina Pelachim Lianda, Organic Chemistry discipline, design students in the disciplines of Microbiology and Organic Chemistry. They are working together to analyze edible mushrooms. Also research project and approved extension and given lectures. Atividades de ensino – destacamos os projetos desenvolvidos pelos alunos de cursos técnicos no Instituto Federal do Campus Sudeste de Barbacena (MG). O projeto utilizou a metodologia de aprendizado baseado em projetos, onde os alunos planejaram, organizaram e desenvolveram atividades práticas no laboratório de microbiologia. Os alunos ministraram classes aos seus familiares (pais, mães, irmãs e demais familiares). Outro projeto foi desenvolvido em conjunto com a professora Regina Pelachim Lianda, da disciplina de Química Orgânica, e com alunos de design nas disciplinas de Microbiologia e Química Orgânica que estão trabalhando em conjunto na análise de cogumelos comestíveis. Além disso, o trabalho desenvolvido incluía um projeto de pesquisa, uma extensão de prazo aprovada e palestras específicas.

Graduate s

Diego Eduardo Lieban Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul

Development work title: Assessment in project-based learning: A first view

This paper reports an overview about assessment in a Project-based learning approach. Some registers were obtained from an experience developed through the work with students in a vocational course in Brazil using Moodle as a platform to guide and follow the students’ development. In order to promote an interdisciplinary activity, students choose topics regarding their course and interests to explore and investigate. Such projects were implemented with the combined use of new technologies and physical materials. This experience has started in a special cooperation Program with Brazilians teachers in Finland and currently is going on as part of PhD studies. Este trabalho acadêmico relata uma visão geral sobre a avaliação de uma abordagem ao aprendizado baseado em projetos. Alguns registros foram obtidos de uma experiência desenvolvida por meio do trabalho com alunos em um curso profissionalizante no Brasil utilizando o Moodle como plataforma para conduzir e acompanhar o desenvolvimento dos alunos. Para promover uma atividade interdisciplinar, os alunos escolhem tópicos relacionados ao seu curso e áreas de interesse para explorar e investigar. Tais projetos foram implementados com o uso combinado de novas tecnologias e materiais físicos. Esta experiência começou em um programa de cooperação especial com professores brasileiros na Finlândia e atualmente prossegue como parte de nossos estudos de doutorado (PhD).



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Fabiana Augusta Alves de Araújo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sertão Pernambucano

Development work title: Collaborative learning space: Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The project is about: building a Demonstrative Space to discuss one kind of perspective to create a new concept in Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Campus Ouricuri using Finland’s Models of Development. To share experiences with students, teachers, staff and community: to simulate the Finnish Environment e.g. culture, babies in box, clothes, salmiakki, and in another campus with the Rector, ProRector, Directors and Principals. Create a physical structure: Collaborative Space of Learning using Design Thinking process. Realize activities in different environments: Collaborative Space, street, fair, around a tree, art class, Facebook group; Project: my vision, your vision, our vision: make a creative product; collective view of books about business; and business in the real world. In process PBL LEGO Project – Physics, Electronics, Business teachers. Criar um espaço demonstrativo para discutir um tipo de perspectiva sobre a criação de um novo conceito de empreendedorismo e inovação no campus de Ouricuri utilizando modelos de desenvolvimento da Finlândia. Compartilhar experiências com alunos, professores, funcionários e a comunidade: simulação do ambiente da Finlândia: cultura, bebês em caixas, vestes, salmiakki e, em outro campus, com o reitor, pró-reitor, dirigentes e diretores. Criar uma estrutura física: Espaço de aprendizado colaborativo utilizando o processo Design Thinking. Realizar atividades em ambientes distintos: Espaço colaborativo, rua, feira, ao redor da árvore, aula de artes, grupo do Facebook; Projeto: minha visão, sua visão, nossa visão: criar um produto criativo; análise coletiva de livros sobre negócios; negócios no mundo real. Em andamento o projeto PBL LEGO – Professores de Física, Eletrônica, Administração.

Graduate s

Giani Mariza Bärwald Böhm Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul-rio-grandense

Development work title: Environmental impact assessment of genetically modified soybeans cultivated with the use of glyphosate

One challenge of professional education is to promote development in a holistic and global way. The Problem Based Learning methodology (PBL) has proved to be a good strategy for students to develop their skills and gain a broader education. The PBL, on the environmental impact assessment of the genetically modified soybean cultivated with the use of glyphosate on the sensitivity of soil microorganisms and residues in grains and soil, was developed in the course of Environmental Management of IFSul. In order to carry out this project, the following guiding question emerged: What is the quality of the soil and the grains of genetically modified (GM) soybeans cultivated with glyphosate? Classroom discussions were supported by methodologies using dialogic methods. With the development of this work it was possible to obtain scientific and technological results that showed important data on GM soybean crops, through data reported by the owners and results obtained in field experiment was possible to evaluate the impact of this management on the microbial activity and contents of residues in soil and grains. The accumulation of residues in soil and GM soybean grains was evidenced through the analyzes performed. The students’ involvement in the project was instrumental in deepening the debate about the impact of genetically modified soybeans on soil and grain quality. Um dos desafios da educação profissional é promover o desenvolvimento de forma integral e global. A metodologia de aprendizado baseado em problemas (Problem Based Learning, PBL) demonstrou ser uma boa estratégia para alunos desenvolverem as suas habilidades e obterem uma educação mais abrangente. A PBL sobre a avaliação do impacto ambiental de soja geneticamente modificada cultivada com o uso de glifosato, em relação à sensibilidade dos microrganismos do solo e resíduos nos grãos e no solo, foi desenvolvida no curso de Gestão Ambiental do IFSul. Para que esse projeto fosse executado, surgiu a seguinte pergunta de orientação: Qual é a qualidade do solo e dos grãos de soja geneticamente modificados (GM) cultivados com glifosato? As discussões em sala de aula foram apoiadas por metodologias com o uso de métodos dialógicos. Com o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, foi possível obter resultados científicos e tecnológicos que mostraram dados importantes sobre culturas de soja GM; através dos dados reportados pelos proprietários e dos resultados obtidos no experimento de campo foi possível avaliar o impacto dessa gestão sobre a atividade microbiológica e o conteúdo dos resíduos no solo e nos grãos. O acúmulo de resíduos no solo e nos grãos de soja GM foi demonstrado através das análises realizadas. O envolvimento dos alunos no projeto foi essencial para aprofundar o debate sobre o impacto da soja geneticamente modificada sobre o solo e a qualidade dos grãos.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Giselda dos Santos Costa Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Piauí

Development work title: Design of activities for teaching language with mobile devices: theory and practice

We create the Mobile CellAtSchool PLUS, an Android application. The environment has been designed using asynchronous services for the delivery of the linguistics material as well as show pedagogical ideas that will help teachers to include mobile technologies for students with hearing impairment in foreign language classes in high school. In this projected model the strategy is learner centered. It has been applied at Federal Institute of Piauí- Teresina Zona Sul Campus- Brazil, exploring new and more effective ways of helping students to learn a language, to learn through language and to learn about language. The intended services that are provided by the environment are categorized into two fundamental axes: PRACTICE and THEORY. Site Cellatschol PLUS App: Criamos o Mobile CellAtSchool PLUS, um aplicativo Android, cujo ambiente foi desenvolvido utilizando serviços assíncronos para o fornecimento do material linguístico, bem como para apresentar ideias pedagógicas que ajudarão os professores a incluir tecnologias móveis para alunos do Ensino Médio com dificuldades para compreender aulas em idioma estrangeiro. Neste modelo projetado a estratégia é centralizado no estudante. O modelo foi aplicado no Instituto Federal do Piauí – campus da Zona Sul de Teresina – Brasil, para explorar formas novas e mais eficientes de ajudar os alunos a aprender idiomas, a aprender através de idiomas e a aprender sobre idiomas. Os serviços pretendidos que são fornecidos pelo ambiente estão categorizados em dois eixos principais: PRÁTICA e TEORIA. Site do aplicativo Cellatschol PLUS:

Graduate s

Gyovanni Augusto Aguiar Ribeiro Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas

Development work title: Environmental impacts caused by Balbina dam (problem based learning PBL)

The Balbina Dam – UHB flooded huge area in the Amazon, causing considerable environmental impact. An ideal setting for project development with Problem Based Learning (PBL) with students from technical courses in environment. During the development of the project numerous tools were used: Open Questions, Debates, Games, technical visits and field research conducted by students on the perception of residents surrounding the UHB. There was excellent participation of students, which led to improved learning. The result of research with students highlighted the importance of diversification tools, technical visits, and the use of PBL to improve the teaching-learning relationship. A represa de Balbina – UHB – inundou uma área enorme na Amazônia, provocando um impacto ambiental considerável. Cenário ideal para o desenvolvimento de projetos, aplicando a metodologia de aprendizado baseado em problemas (PBL), com alunos de cursos técnicos em meio ambiente. Durante o desenvolvimento do projeto foram utilizadas várias ferramentas: Perguntas abertas, debates, jogos, visitas técnicas e uma pesquisa de campo conduzida por alunos sobre a percepção dos residentes em torno da UHB. Houve uma participação excelente dos alunos, o que conduziu a um melhor aprendizado. O resultado da pesquisa com os alunos destacou a importância das ferramentas de diversificação, visitas técnicas e do uso da metodologia PBL para melhorar a relação ensino-aprendizado.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Ivanildo José de Melo Filho Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pernambuco

Development work title: Designing a Social Mechanism in Distance Education for the Formative Accompaniment between the Educational Contexts LMS and PLE in Technical Education

The provision of technical courses in Brazil in recent years has grown considerably. The deployment is through new courses or units of the new Federal Institutes spread domestically or through programs such as the Technical School Open of Brazil in offering distance technical courses. When we are talking about distance learning courses, Learning Management Systems (LMS) are well suited for a range of institutional problems both in the form of distance education and in hybrid learning environments. It is known that a typical Internet user can have more than one email account, profiles on various social networks, video channel, sharing documents, blogging, collecting a photo album, can also be enrolled in various courses in different educational institutions using different LMS, among other possibilities. These mostly go unnoticed by teachers and/or guardians of those institutions’ bidders teaching modalities. Consequently, any other activities undertaken by learners outside the environment shall not be considered to be of use from a notebook or through computational devices such as smartphones or tablets that have been called Personal Learning Environments. This work plan aims to design a mechanism between the educational contexts LMS and PLE in order to allow formative accompaniment for their learners in learning activities, especially when they are outside the institutional boundaries. A oferta de cursos técnicos no Brasil aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos anos graças a novos cursos ou unidades dos novos Institutos Federais disseminados pelo país ou a programas como a Escola Técnica Aberta do Brasil com sua oferta de cursos técnicos à distância. Quando falamos sobre cursos de ensino à distância, os sistemas de gestão de aprendizado (Learning Management Systems, LMS) são bastante apropriados para diversos problemas institucionais, tanto na forma de educação à distância quanto em ambientes de ensino híbridos. É sabido que um usuário típico de Internet pode ter mais de uma conta de correio eletrônico, perfis em várias redes sociais, canal de vídeo, compartilhar documentos, criar blogs, coletar álbuns de fotos, podendo também estar matriculado em diversos cursos em diferentes instituições de ensino utilizando diferentes LMS, entre outras possibilidades. Isso muito frequentemente passa desapercebido aos professores e/ou curadores dessas instituições e respectivas modalidades de ensino. Consequentemente, quaisquer outras atividades levadas a cabo pelos estudantes fora do ambiente não devem ser consideradas como fazendo uso de um notebook ou através de dispositivos computacionais como smartphones ou tablets denominados ambientes de aprendizado pessoal (Personal Learning Environments, PLE). Esse plano de trabalho pretende criar um mecanismo entre os contextos educacionais LMS e PLE a fim de permitir o acompanhamento da formação dos seus estudantes em atividades de ensino, especialmente quando estão fora dos limites físicos institucionais.

Graduate s

Julio Page de Castro Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro

Development work title: Peer Group Mentoring as a tool for teacher development at Brazilian vocational education network: a pilot project under a Brazil – Finland partnership

This study aims to foster Peer Group Mentoring (PGM) as a tool to develop teachers’ careers by grouping experienced and novice teachers from instrumental analysis (ANIN) at IFRJ. Once the vocational education network has an expansion program underway in Brazil, we intend to use this example as a pilot to explain how networking and mentoring may prove to be a way for teacher training, competencies development and learning environment building. A group of 10 teachers have carried out 11 experiments on instrumental analytical techniques. Consequently, the procedure’s protocol, the competences involved, beyond pedagogical, logistic and toxicity issues were discussed. The experiments cover the skills needed for the chemistry technician. Moreover, the PGM proved to be an excellent tool for training, generating a review of protocols and a pedagogical approach and also catalyzed the implementation of ANIN’s lab at campus Duque de Caxias. Furthermore, the participants recognized the importance of cooperative work in professional development, the improvements in the practical classes’ protocols and also in the construction of learning environments. Este estudo visa fomentar a mentoria de grupo de pares (Peer Group Mentoring, PGM) como uma ferramenta para desenvolver as carreiras de professores por meio de agrupar professores experientes e novatos incluídos na análise instrumental (ANIN) no IFRJ. Uma vez que a rede de ensino profissionalizante tem um programa de expansão em andamento no Brasil, pretendemos utilizar este exemplo como um piloto para explicar como a formação de redes de contatos e a mentoria podem demonstrar ser uma forma de treinamento de professores, desenvolvimento de competências e estabelecimento de um ambiente de aprendizado. Um grupo de 10 professores executou 11 experimentos sobre técnicas analíticas instrumentais. A partir disso, foram discutidos o protocolo do procedimento e as competências envolvidas, além das questões pedagógicas, de logística e toxicidade. Os experimentos abrangem as habilidades necessárias para o técnico em química. Além disso, a PGM demonstrou ser uma ferramenta excelente para o treinamento, gerou uma análise dos protocolos e da abordagem pedagógica e também estimulou a implementação do laboratório de ANIN no campus de Duque de Caxias. Além disso, os participantes reconheceram a importância do trabalho cooperativo no desenvolvimento profissional, as melhorias nos protocolos de aulas práticas e também na criação de ambientes de aprendizado.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Luis Augusto da Silva Domingues Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro

Development work title: Implementation of an Agrosilvopastoril system center of study

The Agrosilvopastoril system center of study was implemented on November 2015, in a 20-year-old pasture area, by planting six different forestry species, such as Caryocar brasiliensi, Dipteryx alata, both savannah natural species fruit producers, Swietenia macrophylla Brazilian and Australian, Tecnona grandis, Eucalyptus and Cedrus all timber producers. In a space of fifteen metres between rows corn was sown for grain production. Students from Agronomy and Vocational College have been participating in the project, related to the subjects that are on the course. Besides that, there were realized two field days, one with students and another with farmers with the purpose to disseminate the technology. At the moment we expect to implement the same system on three institution’s neighbors. O centro de estudos do sistema Agrossilvipastoril foi implementado em novembro de 2015, em uma área de pastagem de 20 anos, através do plantio de seis espécies florestais diferentes, como Caryocar brasiliensi, Dipteryx alata, ambas espécies naturais da savana produtoras de frutas, Swietenia macrophylla brasileira e australiana, Tecnona grandis, eucalipto e cedro, todas produtoras de madeira. Em um espaço de quinze metros entre as fileiras foi semeado milho para a produção de grãos. Alunos de Agronomia e do Colégio Profissionalizante participaram no projeto, relacionado às matérias que integram o curso. Além disso, foram realizados dois dias de atividades de campo, um com alunos e outro com fazendeiros, com a finalidade de disseminar a tecnologia. No momento, esperamos pela implementação do mesmo sistema em três vizinhos da instituição.

Graduate s

Regina de Carvalho Oliveira Machado Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiás

Development work title: Collaborative and Project-Based Learning

Collaborative and Project-Based Learning (PBL) are used to enhance the learning outcomes of universities and other educational levels. Among the advantages of these methods is promoting student learning of content, techniques and other skills such as communication, team work, leadership and problem solving. Therefore, this study was characterized by an investigation in this methodology development process in the teaching-learning through the interaction of some contents present in the subjects of the common core, diversified core and specific core of the course plan of the Integrated Technical Chemistry to Teaching Medium. O aprendizado colaborativo e baseado em projetos (PBL) é utilizado para melhorar os resultados de aprendizado de universidades e outros níveis educacionais. Entre as vantagens destes métodos estão a promoção do aprendizado de conteúdos, técnicas e outras habilidades pelos alunos, como comunicação, trabalho de equipe, liderança e solução de problemas. Portanto, este estudo foi caracterizado por uma investigação no processo de desenvolvimento desta metodologia no ensino-aprendizado através da interação de alguns conteúdos presentes nas matérias do núcleo comum, do núcleo diversificado e do núcleo específico do plano do curso Técnico de Nível Médio Integrado em Química.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Roberto Pereira Santos Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo

Development work title: Agriculture as a vector for local development in Vila Velha

The project examines socioeconomic characteristics of the Vila Velha municipality, analysing its low economic development, and presenting some alternatives to establish a local production system based on the familiar agriculture and incorporation of new technologies. The main objective is to add value to the region’s products and services. As a strategy, we have developed joint activities with students and producers, using an individual-centred approach on planning the events. The students have produced a set of business plans suggestions for two tourist routes, which will be discussed along with the community. O projeto examina as características socioeconômicas do município de Vila Velha, analisando o seu baixo desenvolvimento econômico e apresentando algumas alternativas para estabelecer um sistema de produção local com base na agricultura familiar e na incorporação de novas tecnologias. O principal objetivo é agregar valor aos produtos e serviços da região. Como estratégia, desenvolvemos atividades conjuntas com alunos e produtores, utilizando uma abordagem centralizada em indivíduos no planejamento de eventos. Os alunos criaram um conjunto de sugestões de planos de negócios para dois circuitos turísticos que será discutido juntamente com a comunidade.

Graduate s

Rodrigo Fernandes Calhau Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo

Development work title: Disseminating new cultures of education through a Social Business Challenge

One of the main success factors of Finnish education is its culture of collaboration, trust and autonomy. However, replicating culture or new Finnish educational methods is a great challenge considering Brazilian context. In order to achieve this goal, it was organized a immersive event called Social Business Challenge. It happened on Campus Serra/Ifes on 13th–15th of November, 2015. The event was organized and executed by Brazilian students in partnership with Finnish students of the ProAcademy (TAMK). As result, it was stimulated cultural exchange and promotion of Finnish education model through an intense interaction between Brazilian and Finnish students. Um dos principais fatores de sucesso da educação finlandesa é a sua cultura de colaboração, confiança e autonomia. Contudo, replicar a cultura ou novos métodos educacionais finlandeses é um grande desafio considerando o contexto brasileiro. A fim de alcançar este objetivo, organizou-se um evento de abrangente chamado de Desafio de Negócios Sociais. O evento foi realizado no Campus Serra/Ifes, entre 13 e 15 de novembro de 2015. O evento foi organizado e realizado por estudantes brasileiros em parceria com estudantes finlandeses da Pro Academy (TAMK). O resultado foi o estímulo à promoção e troca cultural do modelo educacional finlandês por meio de uma interação intensa entre os estudantes brasileiros e finlandeses.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Sheylla Chediak Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia

Development work title: Teacher Professional Development Program through the Implementation of a Professional Learning Community – PLC

With the growth of our Federal Professional Education Network in Brazil, some concerns have emerged. One of them is related to teachers’ learning and development. There is a wide-range of needs and demands; it is necessary to create a continuous sustainable development program, which meets the needs for Vocational Education Professionals. Such concept is possible when school administrators commit themselves to set up systematic Professional Learning Communities, and share leadership, in which each team of teachers, strategically grouped, has the autonomy to tackle educational challenges and create innovative solutions, since this system focuses on learning, collaborative culture, collective enquiry and it is action oriented. Com o crescimento da nossa rede federal de educação profissional no Brasil, surgiram algumas preocupações. Uma delas está relacionada ao aprendizado e desenvolvimento dos professores. Há uma ampla variedade de necessidades e demandas. Portanto, é necessário criar um programa de desenvolvimento contínuo sustentável que atenda às necessidades dos profissionais de ensino profissionalizante. Tal conceito é possível quando administradores escolares comprometem-se a estabelecer comunidades de aprendizado profissional sistemáticas e compartilhar a liderança, na qual cada equipe de professores, agrupados estrategicamente, tem autonomia para lidar com desafios educacionais e criar soluções inovadoras, uma vez que esse sistema concentrase no aprendizado, cultura colaborativa, consulta coletiva e é orientado à ação.

Graduate s

Vico Mendes Pereira Lima Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Norte de Minas Gerais

Development work title: Familiar agriculture, agroecology and rural development in Jequitinhonha Valley

The project developed in Jequitinhonha Valley through scientific research, technological extension and vocational education is aimed to enhance and improve agroecology production techniques of family farmers, students from North Federal Institute of Minas Gerais – Campus Almenara and technical regional extension for dissemination of knowledge of organic production systems. The study center for agroecology and the experimental unit have been built in order to spread a social technology inspired by the work of small farmers who have chosen to make sustainable agriculture through traditional varieties of seeds, traditional techniques crops without the use of toxic products and with the concern for environmental preservation. The main technological extension activities developed in this project was the dissemination of agroecological knowledge. Professional education was the main purpose of training with agroecological approach, students integrated technical courses in agriculture and animal science and the degree in agricultural engineering, the training for family farmers and regional technicians. Applied research was primarily engaged in the assembly of experiments to refine and disseminate agroecology with a regional character. O projeto desenvolvido no Vale do Jequitinhonha através de pesquisa científica, extensão tecnológica e educação profissionalizante visava melhorar e aprimorar as técnicas de produção agroecológicas de agricultores familiares, alunos do Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais – campus de Almenara – e da extensão técnica regional para a disseminação de conhecimentos sobre sistemas orgânicos de produção. O centro de estudos de agroecologia e a unidade experimental foram criados para difundir uma tecnologia social inspirada no trabalho de pequenos agricultores que decidiram realizar uma agricultura sustentável através de variedades tradicionais de sementes, lavouras com técnicas tradicionais sem o uso de produtos tóxicos e com a preocupação de preservar o meio ambiente. As principais atividades de extensão tecnológica desenvolvidas neste projeto foram a disseminação de conhecimentos agroecológicos. A educação profissional foi a principal finalidade do treinamento dos alunos com uma abordagem agroecológica nos cursos técnicos integrados em ciência agrícola e animal, bem como na graduação em Engenharia Agronômica e no treinamento a agricultores familiares e técnicos regionais. A pesquisa aplicada foi utilizada basicamente na realização de experimentos para refinar e disseminar a agroecologia com caráter regional.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



“I think the most important thing I’ve learned is to “be” a better person. I understood that I’m not alone and I need to provoke interaction and collaboration (…) I need to trust my colleagues, my friends, students, family and let them follow their way.”

Graduate s

VET Teachers for the Future® – Professional Development Certificate Programme Cohort 3 in Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) Finland 2016 Graduates

Cohort 3 did their development works in small groups in order to ensure maximum impact for the results as well as peer support and inter-institutional interaction.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Alexandre Fonseca D’Andréa Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba

Erika Tiemi Anabuki Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais

Leonardo Emanuel de Oliveira Costa Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro

Graduate s

Miguel da Guia Albuquerque Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul

Vicente de Paulo Ferreira Marques Sobrinho Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo

Development work title: Active learning, PBL and Gamification as a tool for student motivation in Environmental Sciences and Engineering Courses

The “Learning is Fun” Team development work consists of motivating actions involving student-centered and project-based learning (PBL), and the use of active learning tools as well. Workshops and activities are being implemented in several Federal Institute campi, located in five states in Brazil: Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul. Among the actions developed,



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



there is the restructuring of vocational education courses, workshop development involving gamification and PBL, the 20 Paraíba state teachers training through the immersion in the Finnish educational system and the PBL application in Environmental Sciences and Engineering teaching. O trabalho de desenvolvimento em equipe “Aprender é divertido” consiste em ações motivacionais envolvendo ensino centrado no aluno e aprendizado baseado em projetos (PBL) e também o uso de ferramentas de aprendizado ativo. Workshops e atividades estão sendo implementados em vários campi de institutos federais, localizados em cinco estados no Brasil: Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro e Rio Grande do Sul. Entre as ações desenvolvidas está a reestruturação dos cursos de ensino profissionalizante, o desenvolvimento de workshops envolvendo gamificação e PBL, o treinamento de 20 professores do estado da Paraíba através da imersão no sistema educacional finlandês e a aplicação do PBL no ensino de Ciências Ambientais e Engenharia.

Graduate s

Azenaide Abreu Soares Vieira Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso do Sul

Conceição de Maria Cardoso Costa Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Brasília

Juliana Campos Sabino de Souza Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Brasília



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Marize Lyra Silva Passos Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo

Robson Gonçalves Félix Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso do Sul

Graduate s

Development work title: Finnish educational practices in Brazilian Vocational Educational Context

The propose of the group is to reframe Vocational Educational practices according to Finnish Educational Model. For this, there are four initiatives in process. The first refers to speeches and workshops about PBL, competence-based curriculum and student-centered learning. The second consists of framing and implementing integrated curriculum courses. The third is the implementation of student-centered learning model in Technical Courses. Lastly, try to rebuild our pedagogical practices. The methodology has been networks to support new ideas and innovations. The results have shown that changes in Brazilian school are possible but it requires a longer period of immersion in active learning practices. A proposta do grupo é recompor as práticas de educação profissionalizante segundo o modelo educacional finlandês. Para que isso aconteça, há quatro iniciativas em andamento. A primeira refere-se a palestras e workshops sobre o PBL, currículo com base em competências e ensino centrado no aluno. A segundo consiste na composição e implementação de cursos com currículos integrados. A terceira é a implementação do modelo de ensino centrado no aluno em cursos técnicos. E a quarta é a tentativa de reconstrução das nossas práticas pedagógicas. A metodologia tem sido estabelecer redes para apoiar novas ideias e inovações. Os resultados demonstraram que são possíveis mudanças na escola brasileira, mas isso requer um período mais longo de imersão em práticas de aprendizado ativo.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Antônio dos Santos Júnior Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia

Gabriel Rebello Guerreiro Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas

Rodrigo Augusto da Silva Alves Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais

Graduate s

Rodrigo Otávio Decaria de Salles Rossi Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro

Development work title: Education for future: applying student-centered learning in Brazilian Vocational Education

Brazilian vocational teachers have dealt with unmotivated students who used to fail or drop out from schools. It results from reasons like traditional classrooms, teacher centered learning and content based learning. Looking for a new approach and best performances for students, we have carried out research to find obstacles to implement student centered learning, competence based learning and competence demonstration assessment as a new benchmark for Brazilian Schools. This approach was developed during our Teacher Training at HAMK University. We have tested digital technologies and other strategies related to 21st Century skills. Results may be observed using #edu4f. Os professores profissionalizantes brasileiros têm lidado com alunos desmotivados que costumam reprovar ou abandonar as escolas. Isso resulta de motivos como salas de aula tradicionais, ensino centrado no professor e ensino com base em conteúdos. Em busca de uma nova abordagem e melhores desempenhos para alunos, efetuamos uma pesquisa para encontrar obstáculos à implementação do ensino centrado no aluno, do ensino centrado em competências e da avaliação de demonstração de competências como um novo marco de referência para as escolas brasileiras. Essa abordagem foi desenvolvida durante a nossa formação em magistério na HAMK University. Testamos tecnologias digitais e outras estratégias relacionadas a habilidades do século 21. Os resultados podem ser observados utilizando-se #edu4f.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Flavio Lopes da Silva Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo

José Wlamir Barreto Soares Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe

Paula Felipe Schlemper de Oliveira Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Brasília

Graduate s

Development work title: IFactory – learning environment supporting pedagogical change

This project aims to implement the IFactory – Environment of Innovative Solutions, multidisciplinary experimental space for teachers and students, based on projects focussing on student-centered learning to solve real problems, from the tripod teaching, research and extension by working together, creating learning and innovation. The development of this project occurs primarily through training offered by the Education Laboratory in Developing Solutions – LEDS, the Federal Institute of Espírito Santos – IFES, with a group of teachers and students of IFB, IFES, IFPB, IFSUL, IFS and IFRJ. Este projeto visa implementar a IFactory – Ambiente de soluções inovadoras, espaço experimental multidisciplinar para professores e alunos, com base em projetos focados no ensino centrado no aluno para solucionar problemas reais a partir do tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão por meio do trabalho em conjunto, aprendizado criativo e inovação. O desenvolvimento desse projeto ocorre basicamente através de um treinamento oferecido pelo Laboratório de Educação em Desenvolvimento de Soluções (LEDS), o Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES), com um grupo de professores e alunos dos IFB, IFES, IFPB, IFSUL, IFS e IFRJ.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Fernando Godinho de Araújo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiano

Izidro dos Santos de Lima Junior Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso do Sul

José Luiz Amado de Menezes e Souza Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Fluminense

Graduate s

Rita Rovai Castellan Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco

Rosangela Maria de Melo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco

Development work title: Building paths together

Building knowledge in a collaborative way was the most important lesson learned during our three-month participation in the VET III – Teachers for the Future® programme. A path firstly centered at the teacher now has a new focus, the student. The previous experiences, from different regions of Brazil, different backgrounds and ways of seeing the world have met in an environment suitable for sharing.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Little by little this environment was created and its importance to learning is identified by Lipponen (2010) by saying that “this construction can be seen as a collaborative process in which relations among environment and individuals are constantly built and modified, in an interactive process with emotions as a meaningful factor”. People, environment and the discussions taken about our realities showed us the urge to rethink paradigms regarding our educational practices joining both traditional and modern approaches into a new way of teaching. In this context, the general objective of our development work, entitled: Building Paths Together, is to share with our colleagues, teachers and school managers, the Finnish educational system and build partnerships towards the implementation of the competence based curriculum in the Brazilian federal network of vocational schools, the federal institutes of education, science and technology. A construção de forma colaborativa de novos caminhos na arte da educação foi o principal aprendizado adquirido durante os três meses de nossa participação no VET III – Professores para o Futuro®. Um caminhar antes centrado no professor, se redescobre com um outro foco, o aluno. As experiências anteriores, provenientes de diferentes áreas, regiões do Brasil, diferentes visões do mundo encontraram um ambiente propício para o compartilhamento. Aos poucos esse ambiente foi sendo construído e a importância de sua criação para a aprendizagem é identificada por Lipponen (2010) quando afirma que “.essa construção pode ser vista como um processo colaborativo no qual as relações entre os indivíduos e o meio ambiente são constantemente construídas e modificas, ou ainda um com processo interativo de desenvolvimento no qual as emoções são fatores importantes” As pessoas, o ambiente, a colocação para discussão de nossas realidades mostraram a necessidade de repensarmos nossos paradigmas com relação as nossas praticas educacionais sem esquecer seus aspectos positivos que são fundamentais para a aplicabilidade dessa nova forma de estar em sala de aula. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral de nosso “Development work – Building Paths Together” foi traçado: “Compartilhar com nossos colegas professores, gestores, no Brasil, a forma finlandesa de educar e em parcerias iniciarmos a construção de novos caminhos para a aplicabilidade do Curriculum baseados em competências tendo como pano de fundo a estrutura dos Institutos Federais”.

Te ache r e ducators

VET Teachers for the Future® – Professional Development Certificate Programme Cohort 2 & 3 in Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) Finland 2015–2016 Teacher educators



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Brian Joyce, MAODE (Open) had worked as a Lecturer (English language) at Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) since 2006. Since May 2016 he become a consultant and adviser to HAMK from his firm Global Training Finland. Before HAMK he had had wide experience in language training and teaching in different levels (primary, higher education, adult/ continuing education) e.g. at Open University UK, private language school all over Finland and at Summer Universities in Finland. He also has strong experience in marketing and management of educational courses and development of education.

Essi Ryymin, Dr., is an educational researcher and pedagogical developer who works as a Principal Lecturer at Häme University of Applied Sciences, School of Professional Teacher Education. She has over 15 years of experience in academic, corporate, and governmental institutions in educational RD&I, educational change, professional development, information society and digitalization, pedagogical change, team dynamics and pedagogical leadership, teaching, coaching and international affairs. At HAMK besides lecturing, she leads Global Education Research & Development -team, which designs new research-based training concepts in collaboration with international partners. Irma Kunnari, M.Ed. (Ph.D. Candidate in Educational Psychology) works as a Principal Lecturer, pedagogical developer and teacher educator in Häme University of Applied Sciences, School of Professional Teacher Education. She has over 20 years of experience in organizing, implementing and evaluating pedagogical development processes, where organizational development and teacher learning are intertwined. She is specialized in curriculum development work, empowering and student-focused learning methods, holistic guidance practices of professional growth, collaborative learning and creating authentic learning environments. Current research interests are related to educational innovation, team teaching and team learning, pedagogical wellbeing, resilience and collective efficacy.

Jouni Enqvist, Ph.D., works as a Principal Lecturer at Häme University of Applied Sciences, School of Professional Teacher Education. His research and development efforts focus on online learning and teaching (e.g. the DIANA model) and, more recently, especially on the integration of mathematics, natural sciences and IT in learning and teaching in the field of technology.

Te ache r e ducators

Simo Uusinoka, M.Ed., works as a Principal Lecturer at Häme University of Applied Sciences, School of Professional Teacher Education. He has expertise in special needs education and he has worked several years as a special teacher in basic and upper secondary education, a principal in vocational education and a teacher educator in university and university of applied sciences. Simo’s motto is: “There’s a crack in everyone, that’s where the light comes in” (Leonard Cohen)

Irmeli Lignell, M.Ed., works as a Principal Lecturer at Häme University of Applied Sciences, School of Professional Teacher Education. Her main activities and responsibilities are teacher training, special needs education, pedagogy, research and developing work as well as continuing education. She has 30 years’ experience in education in many levels from early childhood, basic education to higher education. Her main skills and experiences are students’ welfare in education areas, teacher training (vocational education and training), special needs education, continuing education, social media learning, education strategies, individualized approaches in Vocational education, adult education and pedagogy and cooperative working. Marko Susimetsä, Ph.D., works as a Senior Lecturer in Häme University of Applied Sciences, School of Professional Teacher Education. His areas of focus include philosophy of learning, online learning, collective and collaborative learning and learning motivation as well as multicultural issues.

Liisa Rentola, M.A. Psych., works as a Senior Lecturer in Häme University of Applied Sciences, School of Professional Teacher Education. She has a remarkable career in development and training of Finnish Vocational Training and Adult Education including several initiatives in individualization of learning, competence development and promoting students’ learning, motivation and welfare.



VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



Vesa Parkkonen, MSc (Business Administration), MA (Vocational Education), works as a Senior Lecturer in Häme University of Applied Sciences, School of Professional Teacher Education. He is specialized in guidance of learning / study and career counseling, individualization of learning / individual learning paths, internationalization of vocational education, global education, marketing of educational institutions, and entrepreneurship education.

Vesa Tuomela works at Häme University of Applied Sciences as a Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Business Administration. He is also a Development Manager in HAMK’s Business Point, which offers business services for companies. Vesa says that his passion is to help students to unlock their entrepreneurial self. “Experimenting, failing, learning and repeating effectual cycle is happiness!”

Maaret Viskari, M.A. (History), works as a Manager and leads the Global Education operations of Häme University of Applied Sciences. She is responsible for international partnerships and projects in connection with transnational professional development programmes. Her expertise areas include service-design and design-based implementation, international relations and business. Previously, she has worked in the United States in the fields of education, international relations, law and immigration, and has served clients from all corners of the world.

Marja Laurikainen, MBA, works as a Planner in Global Education in Häme University of Applied Sciences, School of Professional Teacher Education. She designs and coordinates continuing education programmes for various customers all over the world. She has over 10 years of experience in coordination of different RDI projects, international relations, universitybusiness cooperation, entrepreneurship education, and global education business.


Our partners in the programme:

The VET Teachers for the Future – Professional Development Certificate Programme and this publication was sponsored by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq (Process 473467/2014-3).

• • • • •

Seminaari primary school Luolaja primary school Ahvenisto secondary school Kauriala upper secondary school Hauho elementary school

• Tietotie upper secondary school


VET Teachers for the Future ® – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2



“This experience proved to me that this pedagogical model student-centered is possible to be realized. (…) the connection between school and business is possible and very enriching for the learning process of students.”


“(…) student must be the center of learning process. Therefore, I have to start guiding more than teaching, recognizing student’s prior knowledge and using meaningful problems. (…) I’ve learned how to focus on competence instead of contents and how to assess the student’s learning process (…)”


VET Teachers for the Future Ž – Professional Development Certificate Programme, Cohort 2




VET Teachers for the Future programme, Cohort 2 &

3 in Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland 2016

VET Teachers for the Future – Professional Development Certificate Programme Cohort 2 & 3 in Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) Finland 2016


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