Urban development and revitalization

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Urban development and revitalization ENPL332

Lana hasan 1202382

Hana sultan 1200135

Tasnim sbeih 1183219 Instructor: Dr. Alessandra Gla

College of Engineering

“Urban design and development engineering”


Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA





Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

-City:Chattanooga, Tennessee


-Type:Commercial›Pop-Up Cultural›PavilionSculpture




-Consultants:NOUS Engineering

-Manufacturers:Behr, RustOleum,Steel




The project was developed by River City Company,to turn a formerly unused and neglected 576m2 alley off 7th Street in downtown Chattanooga into a vibrant public space.

-MainContractor:Metal ArtsFoundry(Metal fabricator)

Credits - NOUS Engineering - Engineer - Omar Garza

- SPORTS - Co-lead Designer - Greg Corso

- SPORTS - Co-lead Designer - Molly Hunker

- Metal Arts Foundry - Fabricator - Kevin Maag

- River City Company - Developer - Kim White

Situated in a city that understands how contemporary infrastructure can enhance urban life,the Idea of the design is to operate as an element of social infrastructure.rather than simply a piece of art, making a vibrant public space accessible to all.


A non-profit economic development organization.

Chattanooga, downtown map….


Their work focuses on creating compelling spaces that are catalysts for social activities.They approach design in a playful way, by balancing rigor and research with amusement and curiosity, with the ambition to generate fresh and unexpected experiences of the built environment. Much of their work has been public interventions that leverage the possibility for simple, high-economy design gestures to have significant urban and community impacts.

The project was developed by River City Company, as part of their ongoing investment in the revitalization of downtown Chattanooga


Isthe award-winning multidisciplinary architectureand designcollaborative of MollyHunker andGregCorso, basedinSyracuse, NY.`

& was Designed


● Benwood Foundations…

The Benwood Foundation is a charitable foundation created in 1944 by George Hunter in honor of his uncle, As of 2004 The Benwood Foundation distributes between $4 and $5 million annually in grants and donations.


The Foundation's grantmaking focus is on Public Education, Arts & Culture, the Environment, and Neighborhood & Community Development.

The Lyndhurst Foundation is a Chattanooga, Tennessee-based grant-making foundation organized in 1938 by Coca-Cola Bottling Company magnate Cartter Lupton. The Lyndhurst Foundation was the first private foundation in Tennessee.

Focuses: on the enrichment and enhancement of the social, natural, and built environment in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the surrounding southeastern region.

SinceFormingin2010, has designed and constructed a number of large-scale architectural installations and pavilions aroundthecountryand theyhavebeenexhibited,reviewed,and publishedwidely.

Projects In 2019


Projects In 2017 2014 2016

Projects completed in 2010


The project was born out of an International

Design Competition, Passageways 2.0


In which architects were asked by River City Company to: Envision a piece of contemporary urban infrastructure that would activate an alleyway in the Southern city’s core

This program was the Second Iteration of a successful 2016 competition that imagined

Submission: November 03, 2017

Registration: November 03, 2017

Language: English

Location: Concept

Prizes: Please see details below


RiverCityCompany,CogentStudioandPublicArtChattanoogaareseeking multi-disciplinarydesignteam’sproposals.Uptothreeteamswillbe selectedandawarded$3,000stipendstofurtherdevelopsitespecific designstoactivatetheproposedalleywayandcreateavibrantpedestrian corridor.Theimplementeddesignwillenhanceanewdowntownalleywayin theheartofCityCenter,utilizingunique,innovativedesignconceptswitha cohesiveartisticvision.


The project entails designing a spatial installation that is habitable and can be adapted for use as a small public event space. The installationmustbedesignedforpermanenceandsafeforpublicuse. This opportunity is open to design teams internationally.

Passageways 2.0 is made possible by generous grants from the BenwoodandLyndhurstFoundations.ThereceiptdeadlineisFriday, November 3, 2017 by 12:00pm EST. For more information visit: www.passagewayschattanooga.com


With the overwhelmingly positive community responsetotheoriginalPassagewaysprogram,RiverCityCompany, Cogent Studio and Public Art Chattanooga aim to continue the momentumbypresentingPassageways2.0,apermanentinstallation focusedontheurbanfabricthatexistsbetweenourcity’sbuildings.

Successfulurbanplacesrelatewelltothelargercommunitycontext. They contribute to the broader environment by their location, partnership with other places, and interaction with immediate neighbors. Often overlooked and forgotten, alleyways play an importantroleincreatingahealthyurbanenvironment.Passageways 2.0 seeks to re-imagine the alleyway and demonstrate the potential and signi cance these in-between spaces have to our built environment.


The Passageways 2.0 alley will create interesting views to and from good public space, offering visual connections with landscape and the cityscape beyond. With the increase in residential development in City Center and a vibrant Innovation District, foot traf c throughout the area is growing. With limited open space in City Center, Passageways 2.0 and ongoing community events will provide opportunities for Chattanoogans toconnectandfeelpartofagreatercommunity.


Passageways2.0seekstocreateavibrantpedestrian corridor through the quality of design to establish a sense of place and community in Downtown Chattanooga’s City Center. The goal is to activate a new alleyway in the heart of Downtown Chattanooga between the 728 Market Street Residential Development (Market City Center) and the 700 block of Cherry Street (includes The CO-OP, Lamp Post Properties’ mixed use development, Burns Tobacco and Chattanooga Billiards Club) throughaspatialinstallation.


Thesponsorsofthecompetition: Lyndhurst and Benwood Foundations

Gavetheopportunityforthewinning projecttobecomeReal!

Was one of the participants in the competition.

● To create City Thread, SPORTS was limited to a small budget of just $100,000

● They asked to design around fixed elements within the alleyway such as (AC units, grease traps, doors, vehicle access lanes, and fire hose hookups).

BUT WHY this alley?!

The project site, a large alley in Chattanooga, was formerlyadingy, unused(except for illicit activities), and disconnected space in the downtown area.

& THEAIM was… how unused, forgotten, run-down, and in-between spaces within the city can be cleverly developed and turned into larger assets for the community.

we were able to get enough funds for a permanent installation and it's really just a way to take a new space in the city and let people experience the city in a totally different way and find something unexpected and we have this fantastic alleyway that was created when a new building was built on Market Street now buildings can spill out into and we wanted to create an environment that really would get people's creativity flowing and maybe help with some of the leasing and get some new restaurants in they could take and utilize some of that unutilized space

Chattanooga Public Library
EPB Fiber Optics
Bessie Smith Cultural Center
JamesA. Mapp Building 11. Causeway 12.TheTomorrow Building
Warehouse Row
The Edney Innovation Center
City Hall
Public Education Foundation
One Central Plaza
Rivet City Company IS.The Loveman's Building
Widgets and Stone
Chamber of Commerce
Chattanooga Design Studio
Cherry St.
H&D Corporation Site ContextDowntown Innovation District of Chattanooga

The Site Analysis

Site Plan

Chattanooga, downtown map….

Alley entrances


Because the alley is located between three main streets, this makes it highly accessible.

THEIDEA of the design is to Operate as an element of social infrastructure.


The design is intended to allow both users to Interpret the project & Discover different ways to utilize the alley. In so doing, the project can be used widely by a diverse range of users over the years in Chattanooga, Maintaining the alley as a vibrantly activated space as community and tenant needs change over time.

whoAreThe USERS OfThisProject?

Public users , Tenants, & Those in Charge of programming activities



Theprojectisessentiallyanew pieceofurbaninfrastructure, andwhileitcreatesdynamic andvisuallycompelling publicspace,itisalso specificallydesignedTo

Support, Host, & Provoke awiderangeofSocial Activities,Events,& Interactions

Allow the community to creativelyprogram&use

And By

The Documents UsedTo PresentThe Design Idea … Isometric…

The proposal design called "City Thread" will be a ribbon-like, steel sculpture that will snake through the alley behind the $30 million Market City Center apartments in the 700 block of Market Street.

Top View…

The zig-zagging linear structure and graphics imply a variety of smaller spaces within the alley, breaking down the overall space into a series of more intimate spaces, or “urban rooms”.


he Documents UsedTo PresentThe Design Idea …



The“GigCity”ismostfamousforhavingthefirstpublically-ownedbroadbandnetwork, amovethatspurredeconomicdevelopmentandboostedjobcreationnearlynineyears ago.CityThreadalmostseemslikeavisual,tactilemodeloftheultra-fast,fiber-optic internet.It’sanotherkindofwindingnetworkthatphysicallyconnectslocalstoone another!


Potential Behaviour Of People …


potential “functions”


The painted graphic peaks its way out onto E 7th St to invite people to come enjoy the spaces and activities of the new alley.


The form of the linear volume creates dynamic and playful moments that serve as informal seating for visitors to engage.


The undulations in the bench areas can be utilized as the framework for small stages by putting a simple wood platform on top.


potential “functions”


The form of the linear volume generates infrastructure that can be utilized for film screenings or digital media art.


City Thread's “urban rooms” create spatial definition within the overall alley. Just add tables to create supper club events!


The structure maintains clearance for vehicle access. whether for maintainance or fun events like food truck nights. The linear volume provides built-in seating.

City Thread was the Winning Concept, from SPORTS, the architecture and design collaborative of Molly Hunker and Greg Corso.

And with it, the chance to build City Thread as a permanent Installation in the 91-metre-long passage known Cooper’s Alley off 7th Street in downtown Chattanooga.

Fabrication in Shop

HowwastheprojectBroughtfrom PapertotheGround?

StrategiesOfTheDesign& Fabrication…..

The design and fabrication was conceived of as a kit-of-parts, which allowed for a high level of adaptability and was calibration to negotiate the varied elements and clearances in the alley.

❏ There are six different formal steel tube elements – straight pieces of varying length and five different radius corners.

❏ In total, there were 76 parts (38 straight, 38 curved) that were shop welded into 26 larger elements that were then in turn transported to the site.

❏ In combination with one another, the elements got arranged and sequenced through the alley, and welded on site to produce the final structure.

❏ The structure is connected to the ground through a system of concrete pads, and is also bolted to adjacent buildings in two locations.

❏ The project also included a system of painted graphics on the ground and alley walls that reinforced the smaller scale alley spaces produced by the zig-zagging structure. In total, there are 11 large painted shapes, for a total of approximately 160 mq of painted graphics.

Part of the design installation work in the alley…

Installation on Site…
Installation on Site…


Variousshotsofthedesign afteritsimplementation

Painted graphics responds to graffiti history of alley …

News sites were crowded with the news of

by WTVC Fri, November 9th 2018, 6:27 PM GMT+2

Passageways2.0opensinChattanooga Saturday!

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — The Passageways 2.0 permanent alleyway installation, City Thread, opens this Saturday, November 10 at 4 p.m. at 10 E. 7th St. In a block party lasting until 7 p.m., this family friendly event is free, open to the public and can be accessed from the 700 block of Cherry St. or the intersection of East 7th and Market Streets.

“Passageways2.0ismorethananunveilingof anewsculpture;it’stheunveilingofanew publicspacethatwillservethedowntown communitywell,”

“WhileweareexcitedaboutSaturday’sblock party,wearemoreexcitedtoseehow downtownworkers,residents,businessesand visitorswillusethespaceinthecoming months.And,thisprogramisagreatexample ofcommunitypartnerscomingtogetherto makeaspecialplaceinourdowntownfor everyone.”

the Opening of the alley…

Quick overview of the opening…

The evening kicked off with brief notes from River City's Kim White and Caitlin Kearney of Public Art Chattanooga along with comments from City Thread designers Hunker and Corso. Throughout the evening, attendees got to enjoy music from local artists Spinster, Courtney Reid and DJ duo WARSAW. The Pop-Up Project also presented a dance show at 5 p.m. along with food trucks, beer tents, and other vendors dotted along 700 Cherry and East 7th Streets.

But, what were the Outcomes when it became REAL?!

Now the alley is a vibrant space both visually and socially.

It has stimulated the efforts of new businesses to relocate to the region, further contributing to the development of the region's vitality.

● Serving the City Center community.

● Connection between many parties in the city center.

Provides a renewed sense of place and urban excitement.

Served CITY THREAD, adding a beautiful adjacent view that appears wonderful from their balcony, in addition to benefiting City Center market users from the design

City Center market

Activities continue throughout the day " The place runs non-stop "
It has been an Amazing Success!!

Newsabouttheprojecthas beenpublishedonmanynews sites…

“May 15, 2018 - SPORTS has won the Passageways 2.0 competition to turn the Cherry Street alley in downtown Chattanooga into a public space! Project opening Fall of 2018 - stay tuned!”

Positive aspectsand successes achieved by the project

❏ The goal is social, taking into account all age groups.

❏ Think non-profit and try to preserve the beauty of the city starting from a neglected alley.

❏ Choosing a site with a high potential for being effective due to its proximity to the city center. In addition, it is located between 3 main streets 7th ST, MARKET ST, CHERRY ST….., as the site is surrounded by good services that continuously serve the citizens.

❏ Being a public project and open 24 hours a day, one can use it the way one sees fit.

❏ The lack of housing adjacent to the site is a strong point of the project.

❏ The use of attractive colors indirectly gives life to the alley.

❏ Interest in public opinion and community participation.

❏ The ability with a very small budget to create an efficient social urban world.

❏ Winning the passageways 2.0 contest is a success in itself.

❏ All activity programs and expected practices were translated into reality with very high effectiveness.

Although it is an alley, it is clearly defined and has 3 entrances.

our opinion,,,


❏ The project may be a source of inconvenience to the neighboring residents, but as we noticed from the previous plans, the number of neighboring residences is few, and this is one of its strengths, but despite their fewness, their presence must be taken into account.

❏ Not enough lighting, it's alley and dark.

❏ Focusing on the alley itself without caring about the neighboring buildings and trying to restore them in proportion to the project.


❏ Continuing maintenance to keep the project effective and active.

❏ Continued censorship due to it being an alley so that it does not become subject to neglect again.

❏ Adding the lighting element to increase the night effectiveness.

❏ Constantly taking people's opinions about additions or modifications that may occur in the project.

our opinion,,,

What if the project was Implemented in our region !?

On the positive side:

❏ If such projects are implemented in our country “the idea of the project and not copy-paste”, then due to the great scarcity of such projects that are considered as social infrastructure, it is expected to find a good turnout from theArab user who needs such activities that entertain him as a citizen

Obstacles to such projects:

❏ -The neglected alleys in ourArab countries are few commercial buildings, where the buildings are almost attached in most areas, and this project requires that it be somewhat far from residential areas due to the inconvenience and being continuously active, and that most of the alleys in our country, if any, are used for other activities And don't leave neglected.

❏ -Due to the different cultures and financial capabilities, it is possible that the project would be effective for certain groups of society, such as males, if it was built without supervision.

❏ -And if there is no oversight, it is likely that the people will confront the project in an opposite way, and it will not last for long periods.


https://architizer.com/projects/city-thread/ ❏

https://www.archdaily.com/910948/city-threadsports/5c5c5520284dd1d54a000052-city-thre ad-sports-plan?next_project=no

https://www.theplan.it/eng/award-2019-publics pace/city-thread

http://www.sportscollaborative.com/about ❏

https://www.archpaper.com/2019/02/city-threa d-by-sports/

https://newschannel9.com/news/local/name-th at-alley-chattanoogans-encouraged-to-pick


https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2018/n ov/09/downtowns-newest-public-space-unveil edalleywa/

❏ https://competitions.archi/competition/passage ways-2-0/

❏ https://www.nousengineering.com/city-thread

https://publicartchattanooga.com/2018-city-thr ead-by-sports/

https://www.acsa-arch.org/wp-content/uploads /2020/01/FD-MHGC-2020Awards-6.pdf

❏ https://youtu.be/LwhpQwA0n9M


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