Handed By Magazine A/W2014

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Meet the storytellers of HANDED BY

HANDED BY has been a specialist in designing and weaving baskets and bags for already 18 years. The collections are sold worldwide in more than 20 countries. This season we are introducing a lot of new products. In this magazine you will find the collection Autumn/Winter 2014. I n o u r o r d e r c a t a l o g u e y o u w i l l find an overview of our entire collection.

With our Second Sk in collection we pay tribute to h a n d c r a f t e d d e s i g n . We t r a n s l a t e t h i s a n c i e n t c r a f t t r a d i t i o n s i n t o h i g h - q u a l i t y d e s i g n s . We a v i n g t h e s e baskets is an intensive activity for our craftsmen. With an eye for detail, precision and k nowledge of weaving technique it takes a day to make a basket. The Second Skin collection is selected by interior designer Monique van der Reijden for the new trend “ Wa n d e r l u s t ”. A s p a r t o f t h e t r e n d s h o w c a s e t h e c o l l e c t i o n S e c o n d S k i n w a s p r e s e n t e d a t t h e E L L E Fe s t i v a l ( A m s t e r d a m , 2 7 - 2 9 J u n e ) . T h e p h o t o s h o o t o f t h e t r e n d “ Wa n d e r l u s t ”, featuring our Second Skin collection, will be published in t h e E L L E D e c o r a t i o n , S e p t e m b e r – O c t o b e r 2 0 1 4 e d i t i o n .”


O u r b a s i c c o l l e c t i o n c o n s i s t s o f 2 5 m o d e l s a n d 2 4 c o l o u r s . To t a l i n g a w h o p p i n g 6 0 0 p r o d u c t s , we can supply from stock. The new colours have a Scandinavian look & feel. Light wood shades with c o l o u r s a s p i s t a c h e , p o w d e r p i n k , r o s é g o l d a n d f l i n t g r e y. T h e s e c o l o u r s m i x v e r y w e l l w i t h e x i s t i n g c o l o u r s l i k e p r o v e n c e p u r p l e , d a r k g r e y a n d l i v e r.



G re e n d e s i g n - d u r a b l e - 7 0 % re c yc l e d m a t e r i a l s - H a n d m a d e T h a t i s t h e u n i q u e c o m b i n a t i o n t h a t b l e n d s t h e To u g h c o l l e c t i o n . T h e “ To u g h” b a s k e t s a r e f i n i s h e d w i t h P U r u b b e r h a n d l e s . To c r e a t e t h i s s e r i e , w e h a v e b e e n inspired by the ruggedness of rubber tree plantations.

T h e b a g f o r t r a v e l l i n g . To t h e o f f i c e , a day of shopping or lunch with friends. On the City Bag you can easily attach the stuff you need along t h e w a y, s u c h a s a n e w s p a p e r o n t h e t r a i n , y o u r s c a r f, k e y s o r s u n g l a s s e s . Socially responsible No child labour Handmade


Soft shades like pistache, powder pink, flint grey and soft beige are the most chosen colours o f t h e m o m e n t . T h e s t a r s g i v e t h i s b a s k e t a n d b a g a s w e e t l o o k . Pe r f e c t f o r t h e b a b y ’s r o o m .




HANDMADE FOR YOU! Our products are handmade from recycled materials as much as possible, with an eye for design. This results in an attractive combination that works well for the vast majority of the products supplied by H A N D E D B Y. A l l o f o u r d e s i g n s c a r r y the unique trademark stamp in the shape of a handprint. As a custome r o f H A N D E D B Y, y o u c a n b e s u r e that any product that carries our handprint has been produced in an ethical way and is guaranteed not to h a v e b e e n m a d e u s i n g c h i l d l a b o u r.


The products are designed in The Netherlands, upon which the designs will be discussed with our manufacturers in Vietnam, China and Indonesia; the countries our baskets and bags are produced. In these countries the ar t of weaving and handicraft has been per fected to the highest level. This explains why our designers get their inspiration from these cultures and traditions.

Wo v e n b a s k e t s a n d b a g s a r e p a r t o f t h e A s i a n t r a d i t i o n a l culture and are used for the work on the fields, crop stora g e , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n o f g o o d s o n p e o p l e’s b a c k s o r b i k e s , to store food in the house or used as cradles for babies. Wo o d s p e c i e s s u c h a s b a m b o o, s e a g r a s s , r a t t a n , p a l m a n d banana leaf grow abundantly here and are often used as basic weaving material.

Socially responsible No child labour Handmade

HANDED BY conver ts these traditions, colours and s h a p e s t o t h e We s t e r n d a i l y l i f e . P r a c t i c a l , h a p p y, decorative and at the same time trendy and colour ful handwoven products that can be used in and around the home.




HANDED BY products are all handwoven. Respect for the Asian traditions and habits is high-up in o u r a g e n d a . We d o n o t c o - o p e r a t e with heartless manufacturing facilities but directly with the ar tisans; mostly women working from their homes. After the work on the fields is finished or when the children are at school, they generate extra income by weaving HANDED BY products. At home, with their husband, together with the neighbour on the porch or with a group of weavers somewhere in the village.

Meet Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hang. A 42-year- old mother of three daughters. Her eldest daughter is 20 and studies in Ho Chi Minh. Her youngest are 13 and 6 years old and attend a school in the area. Mrs. Thi Hang spends about 30 hours a w e e k w e a v i n g b a s k e t s a n d b a g s f r o m h o m e f o r H A N D E D B Y. S o m e t i m e s h e r h u s b a n d h e l p s h e r. I n a d d i t i o n , s h e c a r e s for her children and helps her husband with the cows on their farm. She spends the extra income she earns from w e a v i n g b a s k e t s o n h e r e l d e s t d a u g h t e r ’s s t u d i e s a n d t u i t i o n f o r t h e y o u n g e s t t w o. We p r o v i d e M r s . T h i H a n g with enough work to earn a regular income from weaving. We v i s i t t h e v i l l a g e s o n a r e g u l a r b a s i s a n d t a k e o u r t i m e t o t a l k t o t h e ar t i s a n s a n d to unde rst and the way the y li ve thei r l ives in ord er to align our production to it. Quality matters to them and to us; the end result shows that the ar tisans are proud of their work.




96 silver


54 powder blue

08 pale grey

LOS ANGELES BFC46..00 City Bag fat strap h32 w29 d20

T h e b a g f o r t r a v e l l i n g . To t h e

55 pistache

office, a day of shopping or lunch with friends. On the City Bag you can easily attach the s t u f f y o u n e e d a l o n g t h e w a y, such as a newspaper on the train, your scar f, k e ys or sunglasses.

CITY 95 liver

COFFEE BREAK Discover the complete collec tion in our order catalogue

53 powder pink





92 lava

92 lava

BSS94..05 Open basket round high size L h60 Ø40

93 fossil


BSS24..02 Open basket square size S h30 w30 d30

92 lava


93 fossil

BSS94..04 Open basket round high size M h50 Ø35

93 fossil


Discover the complete collec tion in our order catalogue




00 white



95 liver

99 black Discover the complete collec tion in our order catalogue





BFC19.. Shopper fat strap size S h27 w31 d24

NEW NEW Discover the complete collec tion in our order catalogue




BFC64.. Child bag fat strap h17 w17 d10

BFC94.. Open basket fat strap h13 w20 d13

Available in 8 colour combinations.



Discover the complete collec tion in our order catalogue



BFC49.. Travelbag XL with PU handles h36 w42 d23

94 rosĂŠ gold

48 maroon

MIX47 hot pink mix

NEW MIX09 stone blue mix

97 dark grey

08 pale grey

00 white

22 dark blue


Discover the complete collec tion in our order catalogue





BP002.. Square basket size S h12 w21 d21

BP003.. Square basket size L h14 w26 d26

BP004.. & BP005.. Flat rectangular open basket size S & M h6 w37 d28 / h8 w44 d33




BP006.. Round laundr y basket with handles h28 Ø48

BP007.. Square laundr y basket with handles h30 w30 d30

BP008.. Round laundr y basket high with handles h57 Ø35




BP009.. Shopper size S with long handles h26 w35 d24

BP010.. Shopper size L with long handles h36 w38 d20

BP011.. Shopper Size L with shor t handles h32 w38 d20



P6 dark grey with pale grey pattern Discover the complete collec tion in our order catalogue






NEW 53 55 94 98 Discover the complete collec tion in our order catalogue

powder pink pistache rosĂŠ gold flint grey




B024..02 Open basket with open handles square h30 w30 d30

FLORENCE B013..02 basket flaptop size M h27 w27 d27


B013..03 basket flaptop size L h33 w33 d33

VENICE B003..00 Laundr y basket h52 w33 d33



B113..00 Open basket with open handles h14 w31 d23


B112..00 Open basket with open handles h18 w41 d30


B103..00 Open basket with open handles h26 w43 d33

ANCONA B203..00 Basket with flaptop and handles h26 w43 d33


B111..00 Basket flaptop rectangular high h23 w23 d16

PISA B018..01 Basket flaptop size XS h14 w19 d19


B018..02 Basket flaptop size S h16 w26 d26

PADOVA B094..00 Waste paper basket h30 Ă˜30


B033..00 Food basket h8 w55 d10


B034..00 Tray packing strap set/3 h9 w24 d14


B011..00 Cutler y basket h10 w24 d16

63 provence purple 36 raspberry

37 blossom pink

53 powder pink

07 pink

05 red

66 terracotta

06 orange

21 apple green

32 palm green

55 pistache

69 petrol

38 dream blue

09 stone blue

33 light blue

88 dark taupe

94 rosé gold

95 liver

08 pale grey

00 white

98 flint grey

96 silver

97 dark grey

99 black

B014..00 Open basket rectangular h10 w24 d16


B091..00 Small round basket h12 Ø11


B017..00 Basket flaptop rectangular size S h10 w24 d18


B095..00 Small square basket h14 w14 d14


B016..01 Open basket size XS h11 w20 d20


B106..00 Box & top mini h13 w14 d14


B016..02 Open basket size S h12 w23 d23


B016..03 Open basket size M h13 w26 d26 Discover the complete collec tion in our order catalogue

B110..00 Tissue box h9 w25 d15


B026..00 Wall box h26 w29 d10


CONTACT & SERVICES Our sales team at our headoffice in The Netherlands will be pleased to advise and assist you with your questions or sales enquiries. You are welcome to contact us by phone, e-mail, fax or via our website. HANDED BY head office Get Social @ HANDED BY Nijverheidsweg 13 Find us on Facebook, 3401 MC IJsselstein Pinterest and Twitter! P.O. box 237, 3400 AE IJsselstein The Netherlands T +31 (0)348 471714 F +31 (0)348 468480 E info@handedby.com I www.handedby.com


Photography Frederike van Teijlingen

Styling & Graphic Design Laura van Es Nora van der Steeg (Styling)

Printing Office Drukkerij Holland

Agents & Distributors In most European countries and in Japan you will get full service and support from our agents and distributors. They know exactly what products and colours are most successful in your country. On the back of the order catalogue you can find your nearest agent or distributor. You can also contact the headoffice for more information. Everything on Stock Retailers are free to purchase any quantity of goods from us, whether large or small and this is something that smaller shops find especially useful. This means that no goods will remain standing on the shelf and there is no need for the shop to build up a stock of our products. We will make sure that most of our products are constantly on stock at our warehouse. This enables our customers to purchase additional items on a weekly basis, to replace the items that have been sold. Order Online As we strive to offer you an excellent service, you can order online, 24 hours a day and with the highest level of service you have come to expect from us. Our efficient and secure ordering system ensures that your order is quickly processed and dispatched. In our online shop you can find our entire product range, new collections and products that are in sale, which we can all supply from stock. Go to www.handedby.com, click on retailer site, log-in with your personal code and order.

TRADE FAIRS The Netherlands

HANDED BY studio IJsselstein Trade Mart Utrecht

Norway Italy Spain


Design Trade Copenhagen


Switzerland Maison & Objet Paris Sweden Ambiente and Tendence Frankfurt Trendset München


Socially responsible No child labour Handmade

Gift & Interior Lillestrøm Homi Milano Intergift Madrid Ornaris Bern Formex Stockholm

Nordstil Hamburg

Please check our website for the latest updates and the complete fair schedule.


© Copyright 2014. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any possible form without specific written permission of HANDED BY bv. All products, designs, available colours, prices and text can change due to production processes. All rights reserved. HANDED BY products are handmade, which makes each product unique. To save the environment, our products are made from recycled plastic as much as possible. Therefore it is possible that there are small differences in colour and measurements per production run. Our trademark and products are protected by registrations, copyrights and authorrights. Without written permission of HANDED BY bv it is not allowed to reproduce any of our products, designs, shapes, patterns or colours used in the HANDED BY collection. In case of violation of these rights HANDED BY reserves the right to undertake legal actions. An original HANDED BY product can be recognised by the metal button with the handprint logo: a guarantee in terms of quality and originality.


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