What's on at Handel House

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What’s on

September – December 2015

Welcome A new look for the Autumn 2015 series brochure and the concerts and events are even more interesting and attractive than ever. Beginning the gradual process of re-branding the museum in preparation for next year when we open the Hendrix Flat alongside Handel House is exciting but the physical work inside the building is even more noteworthy. The expansion of the building will bring considerable opportunities for our events in 2016 so watch this space for further updates. In the meantime see below for the treats we have in store for the remainder of the year.

Season Highlights Handel House Talent This season marks the end of our first year of Handel House Talent (HHT) and we have been bowled over by their enthusiasm and willingness to learn and collaborate with each other. If you haven’t yet had a chance to see them perform you can do so during their HHT series in September and October. Pages 6-8

Peter Holtslag We welcome distinguished recorder & transverse flute player Peter Holtslag to Handel House on 3 September. He will share his knowledge with HHT recorder players Caoimhe de Paor and Elspeth Robertson in open masterclasses throughout the day and then in the evening he will be joined by Laurence Cummings in a concert exploring domestic music in the 18th century. Page 6

Exhibition Events With the new exhibition in place, Handel: A Life With Friends, we have two special events led by curator and Handel scholar Ellen Harris. On the 20 September she will lead a guided tour around Handel’s neighbourhood of Mayfair; and a talk on 28 November revealing Handel’s domestic life and his social circle. Page 5

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Museums at Night See Handel House in a new perspective: by candle light. As part of the national ‘Museums at Night’ event we have a special evening planned with music performed by HHT musicians Cathy Bell, George Ross and Marie van Rhijn. Page 9

CiR Series Edwin Hillier, the current Composer-in-Residence Apprentice curates his own special series of early and new music with four concerts in November. Edwin has paired four innovative contemporary ensembles with young professional composers to collaborate and create their own sound world that responds to the historical setting Handel’s house. Page 11

Families this Christmas It wouldn’t be Christmas without our special family event and this year we welcome back Flautotonic to lead another fun and interactive concert. This event is perfect for the whole family to enjoy and participation is essential! Page 12

Handel House Christmas Showcase We round off the year with an exceptional evening of music making in Handel’s parish church St George’s, Hanover Square. In addition to festive sing-along hymns, the concert will feature performances from all HHT musicians as well as a world premiere of Edwin Hillier’s Handel House commission. Page 12

www.handelhouse.org | 3

Handel: A Life With Friends Wednesday 1 July 2015 – Sunday 10 January 2016 What was it like to live next to the great composer Handel? Who would call at his house? Who did he visit? In this new exhibition, Handel scholar Ellen Harris will explore the composer’s domestic life at 25 Brook Street and the many friends and neighbours who visited him at the new, fashionable residential district called ‘May Fair’. Handel’s music brought this disparate group of men and women together, as amateur performers in their own homes and as audiences at performances of his operas and oratorios. With important loans from national, local and private collections, the exhibition will offer a rare glimpse into the public and private lives of some of Handel’s closest friends.

© Bryce Vickmark

Ellen Harris’s new book George Frideric Handel: A Life With Friends (published by Norton) which inspired this exhibition is available to purchase from the Handel House Museum shop, priced £25.

4 | www.handelhouse.org

Exhibition Events Exhibition Walking Tour: Visiting Handel’s Neighbours Sunday 20 September, 11am-12.30pm Curator Ellen Harris leads a guided tour around Handel’s neighbourhood of Mayfair, tracing the footsteps of Handel and some of his close friends as they made visits to one another, and exploring their relationships. The walk will end at Handel House where your ticket will include admission to the exhibition. Tickets: £10

Exhibition Lecture with Ellen Harris Saturday 28 November, 2-3pm In an illustrated lecture Ellen Harris delves further into the lives of Handel’s friends. Ellen Harris worked on her book George Frideric Handel: A Life With Friends for a decade leading to its publication in 2014 and this exhibition is a culmination of her work. Tickets: £9, £5 students

Exhibition Talks at 3pm Exhibition Talks are delivered by volunteers and are suitable for all levels of knowledge. They last between 15-20 minutes and will take place on 26 September, 31 October and 19 December. Exhibition included in admission charge. £6.50, £5.50 concessions, £2 children (free on weekends)

www.handelhouse.org | 5

September 2015 HANDEL HOUSE


Masterclass: Recorders with Peter Holtslag Thursday 3 September Distinguished soloist and chamber musician, Peter Holtslag uses his expertise on the recorder and transverse flute to nurture HHT recorder players, Caoimhe de Paor and Elspeth Robertson. Both will work with Peter in two individual sessions as outlined below.

Tickets: £9, £5 students unless otherwise stated Booking line: 020 7399 1953

Handel’s London: 1715 Thursday 3 September, 6.30-7.30pm Peter Holtslag (recorders, transverse flute) and Laurence Cummings (harpsichord) present a special evening of 18th century music adapted for the home with works by Handel, Dieupart, Parcham and many more.

Session 1: Caoimhe de Paor



Hidden Treasures among the Greats Thursday 10 September, 6.30-7.30pm This programme explores some of the lesser known sonatas from French and Dutch composers, alongside the much-loved Recorder Concerto for Flautino by Vivaldi, with a taste of texture and tone from the 20th century recorder repertoire to whet the appetite. Caoimhe de Paor (recorder) performs.

11am-12.30pm Tickets: £6.50

Session 2: Elspeth Robertson 1.30-3pm Tickets: £6.50

BHS: Like a Virginal Tuesday 8 September, 6.30-7.30pm

Visit 25 Brook Street, the home of the great baroque composer George Frideric Handel. Open Tuesday-Sunday every week. 6 | www.handelhouse.org

Sara Stowe (harpsichord) will explore English keyboard music of the 17th and 18th centuries from the virginal books Parthenia and the Fitzwilliam and later English sonatas and suites by Matthew Locke, Henry Purcell, Thomas Chilcott and Thomas Arne.

September 2015

Tickets: £9, £5 students unless otherwise stated Booking line: 020 7399 1953

Through the Ages Thursday 17 September, 6.30-7.30pm ‘Through the Ages’ explores the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, 20th century and Avant Garde including divisions, the sonata, the concerto and how to capture the essence of the crocodile! This programme will be performed by Elspeth Robertson (recorders) and Nathaniel Mander (harpsichord).



BHS: Harpsichord Masterclass Saturday 19 September, 2-3.30pm

From Gabrielli to Boccherini Thursday 24 September, 6.30-7.30pm

The British Harpsichord Society welcomes a new generation of harpsichordists to an afternoon masterclass with Nathaniel Mander. It is a chance to delve into the expressive and inspiring world of the beautiful Ruckers style harpsichord housed at the museum.

Spanning nearly 150 years of music, George Ross (cello) will explore the repertoire of four Italian composers: Francesco Geminani, Luigi Boccherini; Evaristo Felice dall’Abaco and one of the first Italian cello soloists, Domenico Gabrielli. George will be joined by Marie van Rhijn (harpsichord).

Tickets: £12, £6 students

Exhibition Walking Tour: Visiting Handel’s Neighbours Sunday 20 September, 11am-12.30pm See page 5 for more information. Tickets: £10



www.handelhouse.org | 7

October 2015

Tickets: £9, £5 students unless otherwise stated Booking line: 020 7399 1953

A Tribute to King Louis Thursday 1 October, 6.30-7.30pm Marie van Rhijn (harpsichord) explores music by Marin Marais and works written during Louis XIV’s reign until 1715. Marais’ collaboration with Louis Lully created some sumptuous pieces originally composed for viol and continuo that Marie has transcribed for harpsichord and theorbo. She will be joined by Johan Lovfing (theorbo) for these moments.

Raging Roland Thursday 8 October, 6.30-7.30pm The 16th century poem Orlando Furioso inspired Handel’s operas Orlando, Ariodante and Alcina, as well as works by Francesca Caccini, Rossi, Vivaldi, Lully and Rameau. Cathy Bell (mezzo-soprano) explores some of the musical and literary descendants of Ariosto’s epic poem, and looks at why it exerted such a wide influence on later culture. Cathy will be joined by harpsichordist Marie van Rhijn.



8 | www.handelhouse.org



BHS: Musical Inspiration Tuesday 13 October, 6.30-7.30pm Johann Sebastian Bach was inspired by many great composers and in turn became the source of inspiration for composers during and after his lifetime. Alina Ratkowska (harpsichord) performs works by Georg Böhm, Johann Adam Reincken, Dietrich Buxtehude and Johann Jakob Froberger.

The Secret Garden Thursday 15 October, 6.30-7.30pm



Harpsichordist Katarzyna Kowalik explores some of the most mysterious titles in the harpsichord repertoire and pieces inspired by nature that transports one to the most imaginative baroque ‘Jardin secret’ or ‘secret gardens’.

October 2015

Tickets: £9, £5 students unless otherwise stated Booking line: 020 7399 1953

Élégance Thursday 22 October, 6.30-7.30pm

Museums at Night: Handel by Candle Friday 30 October, 7.30-9pm

Eva Caballero (flute) and Nathaniel Mander (harpsichord) present an elegant programme of fashionable sonatas for flute and harpsichord demonstrating that their subtle instruments often inspired composers and performers alike in the 18th century.

Cathy Bell (mezzo-soprano) will deliver a lecture-recital that explores light in the 18th century. Going to the opera, a night-time activity, involved candles to not only light the stage but also the journey to and from the opera house. Cathy will sing examples from a selection of Handel operas with George Ross (cello) and Marie van Rhijn (harpsichord) to illuminate this forgotten experience.

Best of Friends Sunday 25 October, 2-3.30pm Julian Perkins (Harpsichord) and Andrew Radley (counter tenor) will present a lecturerecital that explores the friendship between Handel and Telemann. Excerpts include Telemann’s Moralische Kantaten.

Tickets: £12, £6 students

Tickets: £12, £6 students

Suites of 1722 Thursday 29 October, 6.30-7.30pm Mutsuko Miwa (harpsichord) will perform excerpts from JS Bach’s French Suites alongside suites written by Couperin and Rameau all of which were written in 1722.

www.handelhouse.org | 9

November 2015

Tickets: £9, £5 students unless otherwise stated Booking line: 020 7399 1953

Soli Deo Gloria Thursday 5 November, 6.30-7.30pm JS Bach created a compositional novelty with the beautiful and intimate sonatas for violin and obbligato harpsichord. Julia Kuhn (violin) and David Wright (harpsichord) will explore the wide rage of emotions and contrapuntal perfection demonstrated in his music.

Cosmopolitan Baroque Thursday 12 November, 6.30-7.30pm Harmonia Artificiosa present a programme that contrasts Italian, Austrian and German repertoire from the early and high Baroque. Harmonia Artificiosa are Elicia Silverstein (violin) and John McKean (harpsichord).

BHS: Triple Bill Tuesday 10 November, 6.30-7.30pm

Exhibition Lecture with Ellen Harris Saturday 28 November, 2-3pm See page 5 for more information.

In this concert the young, harpsichordist Tolga Atalay Ün, will present a programme including much loved works by Byrd, Duphly and JS Bach.

Composer-in-Residence Installation During the CiR Series (19-29 November), an installation created by Edwin will be on display in Handel’s Bedroom. Taking as its starting point three different composers (Handel, Bach and Scarlatti), the work will explore the interaction of three distinct and ever changing strands of music. Making use of multiple sound sources, visitors can move freely around the room, continually shifting their perspective.

10 | www.handelhouse.org

CiR Series

Tickets: £9, £5 students unless otherwise stated Booking line: 020 7399 1953

Edwin Hillier bridges his musical world with Handel’s for this year’s Composer-in-Residence Series through programming baroque music next to modern compositions that have been inspired by this vibrant musical era. This series will appeal to both baroque enthusiasts and modern music lovers. Tre Voci featuring Edwin Hillier Thursday 19 November, 6.30-7.30pm Composer-in-Residence Apprentice Edwin Hillier collaborates with Tre Voci cello ensemble who specialise in performing transcriptions of medieval and renaissance vocal music, new music and improvisation. The programme will include a new piece written by Edwin.

The Hermes Experiment featuring Elis Czerniak Sunday 22 November 2015, 2-3pm With their unique instrumentation and innovative approach to performance, The Hermes Experiment (soprano, clarinet, double bass and harp) will perform works from Handel’s time to the present day, including a new work by Dublin-based composer, Elis Czerniak.

rarescale featuring Weiwei Jin Thursday 26 November, 6.30-7.30pm rarescale’s Carla Rees (alto/bass flute) and Michael Oliva (electronics) lead a unique concert of contemporary and baroque music including a chance to hear baroque flute d’amour with electronics. They will also perform a new work by ChineseSwedish composer, Weiwei Jin.

explorensemble featuring Oliver Christophe Leith Sunday 29 November, 2-3pm London-based new music group, explorensemble, will perform a programme that will include works by European composers Romitelli and Stockhausen and a new commission from composer Oliver Christophe Leith.

www.handelhouse.org | 11

December 2015 Arranged by Block4 Thursday 3 December, 6.30-7.30pm BLOCK4 present a programme of arrangements for the recorder quartet, ranging from the medieval period to the present day. Works by composers such as Handel and Caccini are re-imagined by the quartet, showcasing the versatility of the recorder.

A Christmas Celebration Sunday 6 December, 2-3pm Flautotonic return to Handel House for an engaging and interactive family concert. Start your seasonal celebrations with a delightful programme of Christmas music from around the world. Explore and create the musical sounds of a winter landscape and then warm up with some toe-tapping Christmas party music! Tickets: £9, £5 children

12 | www.handelhouse.org

Tickets: £9, £5 students unless otherwise stated Booking line: 020 7399 1953

BHS: A Masterly Wildness Tuesday 8 December, 6.30-7.30pm

Handel House Festive Showcase Thursday 10 December, 6.30-8pm

‘A Masterly Wildness’ – so said Charles Burney in reference to Joseph Kelway’s playing. This programme performed by Julian Perkins celebrates the daredevil hand-crossings, unpredictable figurations and plunges into exotic harmonies and rhythmic dances to create music that is both theatrical and virtuosic.

Handel House invites you to St. George’s Hanover Square to celebrate the success of the new Handel House Talent Scheme and our Composer-in-Residence Apprentice. Each of the six HHT members will grace us with exquisite baroque music, both as soloists and as ensembles and there will be a world premiere of the Composer-in-Residence commission for Handel House. All of this exciting action with fusions between music of the great baroque period and of the present day will be injected with festive carols and ditties for all of the audience to sing along to. Venue: St. George’s, Hanover Square, W1S 1FX Tickets: £10

December 2015 The Amadè Christmas Sunday 13 December, 2-3pm The Amadè Players present an evening of seasonal music featuring soprano Rebecca Ramsey and violinist George Clifford. German arias by Handel are accompanied by arias from Christmas cantatas by Bach and Scarlatti.

Tickets: £9, £5 students unless otherwise stated Booking line: 020 7399 1953

Harpsichord Firecrackers Thursday 31 December, 4-5pm Celebrate the New Year with this festive harpsichord recital fizzing with virtuosity. A new arrangement of Handel’s magisterial Music for the Royal Fireworks is framed by two of the 18th century’s most flamboyant and dazzling harpsichord suites. Nathaniel Mander (harpsichord) will perform.

Handel’s Winter Thursday 17 December, 6.30-7.30pm This concert offers selections from some of Handel’s works that had January premieres in London: Poro (1731), Ottone (1723), and Partenope (1731). Other winter works by composer Antonio Lotti are explored. Ballo Baroque perform and are Randall Scotting (counter-tenor), Magdalena Loth-Hill (violin), Yu-Wei Hu (flute), Lucia Capellaro (cello) and Nathaniel Mander (harpsichord).

Christmas and New Year Opening Times Christmas Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day Sunday 27 December Monday 28 December Tuesday 29 December Wednesday 30 December Thursday 31 December New Years Day

Closed Closed Closed 12-6pm Closed 10am-6pm 10am-6pm 10am-6pm 12-6pm

www.handelhouse.org | 13

Join the Friends By joining the Friends you will help preserve this unique London landmark for future generations, allowing people of all ages and backgrounds the opportunity to learn about, experience and make music in the space where it was originally created. As a friend you will enjoy unlimited free entry and priority booking to our weekly concert series, free museum publications and invitations to exclusive member events. Find out more by requesting a form at Reception or visit our website www.handelhouse.org/support or call 020 7495 1685

Handel House production of Acis and Galatea which took place at Canons where it was first performed Š Robert Workman

Booking information

Opening Times Tuesday-Saturday 10am-6pm (8pm on Thursday),

Sunday 12pm-6pm Friends booking Monday 20 July, 10am General booking Monday 3 August, 10am Christmas and New Year Opening Times

Booking line 020 7399 1953

Christmas Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day Sunday 27 December Monday 28 December Tuesday 29 December Wednesday 30 December Thursday 31 December New Years Day

Closed Closed Closed 12-6pm Closed 10am-6pm 10am-6pm 10am-6pm 12-6pm

Access There will be reduced facilities for visitors from April 2015 until the end of the year. This will include no lift access, toilets or baby changing facilities. As a result there will be no level access for wheelchair users. Please telephone before Last admission 30 minutes before closing. arrival so that we can best accommodate Closed on Mondays and Bank holidays. your needs. Cavendish Square

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One carer per disabled visitor is admitted free of charge to the Museum. For your own safety, you are advised to wear sensible shoes when visiting, as the museum contains original 18th century floors which can be uneven. Stilettos damage the original flooring and leather soled-shoes are particularly unsuitable. Please note that certain rooms have low lighting.


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Please note • All event tickets include free museum admission unless otherwise stated • Handel House does not refund or exchange tickets • Admission to all Handel House events is for ticket holders only • As audience capacity is very limited, please book your tickets in advance • All events take place in the Rehearsal & Performance room at the Handel House Museum unless otherwise stated • All information is correct at time of going to press. Handel House Trust Ltd reserves the right to change artists and/or programmes without notice as necessary

Handel House Museum 25 Brook Street, Mayfair London W1K 4HB Tube: Bus:

Bond Street/Oxford Circus Numerous buses to Oxford Street, Bond Street and Regent Street.

Telephone: 020 7495 1685 Email: mail@handelhouse.org Website: www.handelhouse.org Registered Charity No. 1006009

What’s on at a glance  |  Booking line: 020 7399 1953 FRIENDS BOOKING: Monday 20 July, 10am  GENERAL BOOKING: Monday 3 August, 10am

September Thursday 3 Thursday 3 Thursday 3 Tuesday 8 Thursday 10 Thursday 17 Saturday 19 Sunday 20 Thursday 24 Saturday 26

October Thursday 1 Thursday 8 Tuesday 13 Thursday 15 Thursday 22 Sunday 25 Thursday 29 Friday 30 Saturday 31

HHT Masterclass: Recorders with Peter Holtslag, Session 1: Caoimhe de Paor HHT Masterclass: Recorders with Peter Holtslag, Session 2: Elspeth Robertson Handel’s London: 1715 BHS: Like a Virginal HHT: Hidden Treasures among the Greats HHT: Through the Ages BHS: Harpsichord Masterclass Exhibition Walking Tour: Visiting Handel’s Neighbours HHT: From Gabrielli to Boccherini Exhibition Talk

HHT: A Tribute to King Louis HHT: Raging Roland BHS: Musical Inspiration HHT: The Secret Garden Élégance Best of Friends Suites of 1722 Museums at Night: Handel by Candle Exhibition Talk

November Thursday 5 Tuesday 10 Thursday 12 Thursday 19 Sunday 22 Thursday 26 Saturday 28 Sunday 29

Soli Deo Gloria BHS: Triple Bill Cosmopolitan Baroque CiR Series: Tre Voci featuring Edwin Hillier CiR Series: The Hermes Experiment featuring Elis Czerniak CiR Series: rarescale featuring Weiwei Jin Exhibition Lecture with Ellen Harris CiR Series: explorensemble featuring Oliver Christophe Leith

December Thursday 3 Sunday 6 Tuesday 8 Thursday 10 Sunday 13 Thursday 17 Saturday 19 Thursday 31

Cover © Matthew Hollow

Arranged by Block4 A Christmas Celebration BHS: A Masterly Wildness Handel House Festive Showcase The Amadè Christmas Handel’s Winter Exhibition Talk Harpsichord Firecrackers


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