Ten Healthy Foods & Tips for Better Living
Ten Foods & Tips for a Better You! We all know how hard it is to eat better and stay in shape with your busy schedule. So that's why we've (with the help of Gold Medalist, Gabby Douglas) compiled a list to help you with just this problem! 1. Raisins have a positive effect on blood pressure and they're very nutritious. 2. Walnuts are a great snack that gives you alpha-linoleic acid. This acid converts to an omega-3 that helps to prevent cardiovascular disease. 3. Avocados have a ton of vitamins, fiber, and potassium to keep you going! 4. Fruits are not only delicious and low in calories, but are also filled with vitamins and fiber. 5. “I absolutely love yogurt! It's full of calcium and protein. Yogurt cups are made for on the go, so you'll actually have time to eat something on the way to meet! Plus you have a huge selection of flavors. One of my all-time favorite snacks.” –Gaby Douglas 6. “Get a good night's rest! Even if that means missing a friend's party, your health is much more important, especially if you have a very busy schedule like me”. -Gaby 7. If you want a better you, you must get all the negativity out of your system, which could mean removing certain people from your life or just controlling your anger out on the field. 8. Take time out for your busy schedule, whether that's canceling a meeting, telling your friend you can't hang out, or taking a day off from work. It's always important to have you time. Take a bubble bath and just relax. It will be well worth it. 9. Drink lots of water. It's not only what your body really needs, but you'll be super glad you took our advice when your teammates are dehydrated on the field. 10. Eat your food slower. Studies have shown that people who eat their food slower than they normally do, eat less and feel fuller. Hoping that these tips will help you in your busy life! x Teen Sports (& Gaby)
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The Perfect Body It's time for that body you have always wanted and we've come up with a way for you to have just that! It’s a workout that takes less than an hour that will have you fit in no time! Everyone’s getting in shape! What about you? -20 pushups. Rests for 20 seconds then repeat 4 more times.
-50 squats.
-30 second planks. Rest for 15 seconds and repeat 9 more times.
-20 curl-up and 30 crunches. Repeat one more time. Working your core is very important!
-Run, jog, or walk for at least 20 minutes.
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Our Top Picks We all know how hard it is to find fashionable, good quality, and affordable athletic wear. That’s why we’ve chosen some cute looks that even your favorite athletes wear!
($14.99) Hope Solo rocks her ‘Slick” capris pants. They’re stretchy, but fit to your shape. They have a smooth interior that keeps you cool or warm depending on the weather.
($5.50) Track runner, LoLo Jones loves her ‘AirHead’ headband. “It’s so great. It keeps the annoying stray hairs out of my face and stays in place firmly, but comfortably.” She tells us as she’s warming up for an important meet.
($35.00) Equestrian Caroline Davis sports a gray and black ‘Night Fleece’ “I wear this while I’m riding. It does a great job of protecting me from the wind. You will always see me wearing it; it’s just so comfy and warm!” Davis gushes.
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We sat down with gold medalist, Alex Morgan. She lent us some great advice that we just had to share!
Q. So what kind of diet do you have?
A. My diet is based on how many calories I need to keep my energy level up. I eat a lot of carbohydrates so you can always find me eating some form of that.
Q. What do you think is one of the most important things that you do?
A. I think it’s really important to warm up properly before the game. One injury could ruin your career if you decide to be lazy about stretching.
Q. So what’s your secret for success?
A. Well when I think of my teammates training hard on their own time, I find that it’s my duty to do more than them. That’s the key to success really, to want to be the best. You just have to be willing to work for that.
Q. So what is your fitness regime like?
A. It’s everything really; core, upper body strength and legs. I put about 30 to 60 miles on my legs every week.
Q. How do you see those who slack off on things on push-ups and such?
A. I am not a fan of push-ups either! Trust me. But it’s a really good work out and the way I see it, is giving up on something hard is never going to make you stronger
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http://www.dailyrepublic.com/media-post/alex-morgan-soccer/ http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=mercurials%20galaxy&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=RtUQn55w inZDTM&tbnid=pUduByfIQwCuiM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcristianoronaldofan.net%2Fnikes-cr7galaxy-edition-footballboots%2F&ei=KWeKUu75Nc_KkQfgwYGACA&bvm=bv.56643336,d.eW0&psig=AFQjCNFflfwcB7gr8g9_zxNUjtSZp5e 7Gw&ust=1384888483219557 http://rkr.me/womens-adidas-tiro-training-pants/ http://www.thefatlossninja.com/one-sneaky-trick-to-do-more-push-ups-and-pull-ups/ https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=MP0S2jw3icuW2M&tbnid=DsR MOPf9WXrteM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fo2maxfitness.com%2Fmove-of-the-weeksquats%2F&ei=v7aKUoSqJcKIiAK27YCAAw&psig=AFQjCNHmLK5DWlVeVnZ0LbNR6oMNzm3Kew&ust=1384908641 904270 http://www.fitwatch.com/weight-loss/top-3-lower-ab-exercises-560.html http://careergirlnetwork.com/crunches-for-back-pain-relief-sarahahttp://www.google.com/imgres?biw=1093&bih=544&tbm=isch&tbnid=BtbJqD5_x2A3YM:&imgrefurl=http://dis cmdgroup.com/portfolio-item/lolo-jones/&docid=JeMaukGWJb5acM&imgurl=http://discmdgroup.com/wpcontent/uploads/2013/04/P-20120612-00355_News-LJ2nd.jpg&w=3200&h=2419&ei=Zt2LUoOcMcHNiwKa4YHwCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&page=5&tbnh=186&tbnw=231&st art=63&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:65,s:0&tx=117.60000610351562&ty=64.80000305175781uber/ http://the-collectiveonline.com/category/health-fitness/http://equalizersoccer.com/2012/02/11/alex-morganbodypaint-the-si-swimsuit-issue-and-yourthoughts/http://www.google.com/imgres?start=271&biw=1093&bih=544&tbm=isch&tbnid=QS4MESS7H6t3LM:&i mgrefurl=http://shinynylon.wordpress.com/2012/07/29/hope-solo-in-white-nike-rainjacket/&docid=ljAoZQjjZ7fQAM&imgurl=http://shinynylon.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/tumblr_m1mxticu461qcz 8udo1_1280.png&w=1000&h=955&ei=fNmLUqijMKiEiALO04DwCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&page=20&tbnh=184&tbnw= 212&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:75,s:200&tx=82.4000244140625&ty=180 Propaganda used: Bandwagon, Glittering Generalities, Testimonials, & Transfer Transfer My magazine is targeted towards teens who are aspiring to be great athletes. Its purpose is to not only entertain and also give helpful tips for a healthier body.