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Why CBG is a great option for farmers

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Hanf & Umami

Hanf & Umami

von Trish Thomas & Beth Hayden

Artikel auf Deutsch: www.hanf-magazin.com/tt7

There’s a lesser-known compound derived from the cannabis plant that is currently poised to become an important player in the hemp market. The compound is called CBG (cannabigerol), and just like CBD, it is non-psychotropic.

CBG is sometimes called the “stem cell” of all other cannabinoids (including THC, CBC, and CBD). When the inactive form of CBG (cannabidiolic acid, or CBGA) gets broken down, it becomes themolecule from which other cannabinoidcompounds are created.

Because it isn’t found in large quantitiesin the cannabis plant, CBG hasbeen somewhat difficult to study,but research is ramping up. Earlytrials in Europe are generating a lotof excitement as scientists begin tounderstand CBG’s enormous healingpotential. CBG is a new product forthe European market, but expertspredict that it will be a good choicefor countries that have a .2 THC limit.It looks like the hemp market forCBG will continue to trend upwardsfor farmers in the next few seasons.

How Swiss Cannabinoid developed their high-CBG varietal

To bring the power of CBG to morehemp farmers worldwide, the teamof experts at High Grade Hemp Seedhave partnered with Swiss Cannabinoidto introduce Matterhorn CBG,a new European CBG-rich cultivar.

Matterhorn seeds will be available internationallyin April of 2020. MatthiasGhidossi, founder of Swiss Cannabinoidand the breeder behind MatterhornCBG, started growing hemp in 1998.Ghidossi initially focused on developingindustrial hemp varietals already authorizedin the European Union, but hislarger goal was to partner with a companythat could get his CBG seeds intothe hands of farmers worldwide.

In 2016, he was pheno-hunting – siftingthrough to find plants with desirabledominant traits when he discoveredhis first high-CBG strain. This varietalbecame the parent of Matterhorn CBG.After his discovery, Ghidossi and hisbusiness partner, Matteo Ambrosini,embarked on a 3-year breeding programto stabilize the line, obtain thebest possible terpene profile, and increaseCBG levels.

Swiss Cannabinoid’s groundbreaking partnership

The Swiss Cannabinoid team fieldedseveral offers from international seedcompanies who were interested in producingand distributing the new CBGvarietal. The company chose HighGrade Hemp Seed as Swiss Cannabinoid’spartner because of their high production capacity and large distribution network.

High Grade Hemp Seed, Inc., founded in 2011, is an American Colorado-based hemp genetics company committed to farming top-quality, consistent strains of hemp. The company is known for its proven track record of compliance, high feminization and germination rates, and high cannabinoid levels. Founder and CEO Bodhi Urban and the High Grade team introduced popular and consistent strains in the United States, such as Cherry Wine and Berry Blossom. These varietals are the foundation of hemp genetics in the United States today.

“I felt good about choosing High Grade as our production partner, because they focus on working together with farmers to help them obtain the best possible crop,” Ghidossi shared. “That's important to me as a breeder. HGH’s work ethic is outstanding, and they consistently focus on innovation and R&D. Together, I felt like High Grade and Swiss Cannabinoid could work together to elevate the hemp industry.”

As the primary producer of Matterhorn in the United States, and a key sales and distribution partner for High Grade, Mike Leago of iHEMPx shared, “As I got to know both companies better over the past couple years, it became clear that this would be a great opportunity for all involved and would expedite our ability to offer a proven feminized CBG seed through the largest trusted hemp seed network in the industry. Both companies compliment each other when it comes to servicing the demand of the global market, so working together made perfect sense.”

In 2020, High Grade is continuing their commitment to research and development, with 20 new terpene crosses and a range of promising genetics focused on CBG and other potential minor

• cannabinoids. As they continue to partner with companies like Swiss Cannabinoid, High Grade

• Hemp Seed can ensure their farmers gain access to the best possible genetics.

• Matterhorn CBG Stats at a Glance

• Here are some quick stats about this new high-CBG varietal:

• Cannabinoid profile: 13-16% CBG, under 0.2% THC

• Female to male percentage: 4,000 Females: 1 Male

• Weeks before plants reach maturity: 8 to 9 weeks

• Germination rate: 95%+

• Flower period: Late September (depending on region)

• Potential yield range: 2,500 to 3,000 pounds per acre of dry whole plant material

• Characteristics: Known for its uniform shape, plant vigor and yield

Matterhorn is currently under registration in Europe through the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), and by the end of August it will be added to the European catalogue of hemp varieties. In most regions, High Grade Hemp Seed suggests around 2,000 plants per acre for early June field plantings, and 3,000 per acre for early July field plantings. Why Hemp Farmers Are Excited About Matterhorn CBG This Season

Matterhorn CBG is a great option for farmers looking for ways to diversify their crop, maintain compliance, and succeed in the smokable market. This new offering has a consistent track record for being the most compliant strain for total THC, when compared to other CBG seed options. With Matterhorn, farmers can obtain a good quality bud that registers below 0.2% total THC, even when trimmed.

THC levels stay consistently compliant regardless of harvest timing, which makes this varietal perfect for the smokable flower market. CBG isolate and wholesale flower market prices have held strong this season, and smokable demand is increasing. Matterhorn seeds can help farmers meet the growing demand for CBG and maximize their profits this season.

“Other CBG varieties being farmed in Colorado and Oregon last year lacked the nose and terpenes that determine the quality of a cured smokable flower, “ says Bodhi Urban of High Grade Hemp Seed. “When our Swiss partners introduced us to Matterhorn, it stood out above the competition. We are pleased to bring a superior option to farmers that is not only compliant for tobacco-alternative demand, but will also stand out in a market of other CBG flowers that lack flavor.”

CBG prices are expected to be higher than CBD for this season, and farmers will potentially be able to capture more value per pound of biomass.

A bright outlook for CBG varietals this year

Right now, hemp genetics experts areaggressively breeding new high-CBG,high-yield strains. Researchers, hempbreeders, and cannabis enthusiasts areteaming up all over the world to understandand harness the power of lesserknowncannabinoids like CBG.

Bodhi Urban said, “CBG flowers are potentiallyviable for global distribution inthe smokable market, and I believe theywill be another commodity that will beglobally traded. Scientists are still researchingCBG’s potential health benefits,and there will be plenty of nutraceuticaland pharmaceutical breakthroughsto come that will increase demand forCBG.”

Thanks to the partnership betweenSwiss Cannabinoid and High GradeHemp Seed, the CBG market is a primeopportunity for farmers for the 2020growing season. The European marketcan purchase Matterhorn seeds withdelivery starting in April of 2020.

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