There were 53 sales of Single Family Detached Homes in Lower Arcadia. Prices ranged from $250,000 to $925,000 for a total of $26,400,400 from January - June 2016. • • • •
17 homes for $200K - $400K - Lite Yellow 23 homes sold for $400K - $600K - Darker Yellow 12 homes sold for $600K - $800K - Light Green 1 home sold for $800K - $1 million - Darker Green
Below is a map that shows the approximate location of the sales and prices. At the time we published this there were 36 homes for sale from $349,000 to $1,195,000.
Please visit our web site for more info on Arcadia and Live MLS home searches. - Our site is better than Zillow Because Zillow does not have live data!
We look forward to helping you buy or sell a home in the Arcadia area!