In4YOUth May

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May, 2013

find your opportunity, make it happen

Education Social Art & Culture Environment Sport & Outdoor Others

monthly brochure with opportunities for young people in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Content Volunteer of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 About & Volunteering in S4YD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Art & Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-19 Social. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-25 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-33 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-37 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 Activities of Youth 4 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-44 Gratitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Our Partners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Useful Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

(From the left: Hanna from Belarus, Katharina from Austria, Janno from Estonia, Ieva from Latvia - visiting BonĹŁida Banffy Castle)


Editorial Hello to everyone in May! We have had a huge jump from a very long winter to almost the end of spring. We are getting inspired by the new beginning in the nature and we hope that so are you. Who are we? We are four EVS (European Voluntary Service) volunteers that now are living and working in Cluj-Napoca. We are from four different countries: Katharina from Austria, Hanna from Belarus, Janno from Estonia and Ieva from Latvia. We are working in a project Youth 4 community. Youth 4 Community is a project of the “Support for Youth Development� Association (S4YD). The association was founded on 17th of December 2009 in Cluj-Napoca, being an NGO entirely dedicated to youth development. The goal of our association is to stimulate and support the active, civic and responsible participation of the young generation within the social, educational, cultural and economic aspects of the communities they live in. This brochure is a tool that you can use searching for different opportunities that you can take in life. We believe that even though this brochure can’t hold all the possibilities that you can have; still, it can be a nice way how to start your journey to more active and meaningful life. At the end of the brochure you can find our contact details in case you have any suggestions or questions. Go through the pages, enjoy and find your opportunity! Have a great and active May! Yours: Hanna, Janno, Katharina and Ieva


On the pages of our brochure you will find quite often the opportunities to volunteer: for short-term or long-term projects, for an institution or an NGO. And we promise you, that this is going to be a really exciting experience in your life, whatever you’ll do. Also in this brochure you again can find a volunteer of the month, a “superhero”, a person who just lives around and does amazing things. This May we will introduce you Ilinca Toderean: I‘m a volunteer, a full-time law student, an occasional public speaking trainer and a teacher of Romanian for foreigners. When I was 12 I wanted to be the mayor of Cluj, and 14 years later I am still highly interested in public policy, sustainable development and community involvement. My future life long plans include working as a lawyer, delivering trainings, coordinating projects on active citizenship and maybe running as an independent candidate for local councillor. 4

Volunteer Of The Month Do you remember your first volunteer experience? Why did you decide to volunteer then? I started volunteering in 2004 at the Pro Democracy Association (APD). Back then I was a high school student and was very interested in local policies, public administration, politics and most of all the ethics involved in all of these, or should I say, the lack thereof. I wanted to make a contribution to helping the election process be more honest, so I registered as an election observer. The association‘s projects were so interesting that I kept volunteering for APD for six years, working with transparency issues, with the access to information of public interest and with getting young people involved in designing local policies.

What‘s Speaker‘s Arena project for you? Tell us your story about it and your seeing of SA in the future. For me, Speakers‘ Arena was the kind of project that makes you forget about everything else and work without track of time out of sheer enthousiasm. For those who didn‘t get to know us yet, Speakers‘ Arena is meant to create a learning community where everyone can become a better public speaker through practice. The project was initiated a few years ago in Bucharest by JCI member Răzvan Daba. He started organising meetings where people would deliver short speeches on a theme of their choice and would receive feedback from the spectators. The learning experience was very powerful because the speaker would get >> p. 6 5

<< p. 5 both oral and written feedback, as well as a recording of her speech, which they could use to improve their skills in the future. The project became very popular, so it was replicated in many cities. In Cluj we had our first edition in February 2012, and since then, there have been 14 editions with a total of a few hundred participants. I had the pleasure to coordinate the project for one year and to moderate most of the editions, and I definitely think that it has great potential.

Any funny moments of SA? Some surprising speeches? Yes, quite a lot! I could tell you many nice stories from past editions, but first I have to mention that SA was much more than a public speaking project, it was a place to meet great people, learn surprising things, have fun and make friends. I remember a very funny speech delivered by a student who later became our friend; she talked about swear words and about why we should not use them, giving funny and convincing examples. When she finished, the whole room was standing and applauding. We had many surprise elements in speeches, such as a speaker opening an umbrella to prove a point, or someone playing the violin or the guitar, or making a karate demonstration, or even a live physics experiment with water. There were people who talked about technical issues and people who put their heart out for us describing personal experiences and passions. Whatever the edition, you would always come across something new and exciting.


Volunteer Of The Month Your five tips about public speaking. - The first thing you should know about public speaking is that there are no absolute rules or guaranteed success formulas. However, the better you know the rules, the more you can break them in a constructive way. So learn all the rules and the tips you can find perfectly, practice them, and then breake them all in the way that best suits you. - Accept emotions. They make you who you are, they give your speech credibility and authenticity. It‘s OK to be nervous and that nervousness can be used in a constructive way once you learn how to deal with it. - Know what you want to say. This may sound obvious, but many people have too vague an idea of the point that they are actually trying to make. Clarify your ideas to yourself before explaining them to the others. - Do not make excuses for yourself. If you ever feel unprepared and feel like saying „hi everyone, I hope you can stand me for 10 minutes because I‘m not so well prepared/experienced/etc.“, you‘d better keep those words for yourself. It is upsetting for the public to hear it and it puts you in a bad light. Just do your best and congratulate yourself for going out there. - Be empathic. Try to follow the public‘s level of energy and interest during your speech. You have to be able to keep the energy and interest high and know when to change pace, tone of voice, or when to say something distracting. >> p. 8 7

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Do you think that every young person should volunteer? Why? I will always encourage people to volunteer, I think it is the best way to start out in any activity early on. I think it is our duty as volunteers and NGO members to promote volunteering in an attractive way and to help create opportunities for those who want to learn by doing. So yes, in my ideal world everybody is or used to be a volunteer and with a little involvement that ideal can become reality.


Volunteer Of The Month Your wishes, advices or whatever else for those who are going to volunteer. Go in with an objective. Even if the objective is just defining your objectives. The period of your life when you can afford to volunteer is shorter than it looks, and the possibilities are endless. Clarify the reasons why you want to volunteer, and know what you want to get out of it. Make a one/two/three-year plan on how you‘d like to develop in your field of interest. For most people, doing what they love is a luxury they cannot afford. For a volunteer, it is a reality, and for a volunteer with a self development plan, it will continue to be a reality long after the volunteering years have gone. I wish every volunteer to come to the point where they can make a living out of doing something which they really enjoy.


About S4YD Currently, our association accounts for 8 full members, 22 active volunteers and over 30 back up people. Their expertise and experience in the fields of project management and programs involving youth, non-formal learning methods, coordination and leadership, communication and youth work ensure a quality management and high professional standards within the NGO environment. The principles of subsidiary and mutual support between the board members and the active volunteers lay as foundations for the well-functioning of our association. “Support for Youth Development” Association is very active not only at local and national level, but also at international level. Starting with 2009 until present, S4YD had more than 100 partnerships throughout Europe and sent more than 400 Romanian youngsters (13 – 30 years old) in different youth projects, which are youth exchanges and training courses / seminars. This activity led to the establishment of the International Projects Department. The participants we are sending in these projects benefit of a professional preparation and a constant communication from our organization. We are supporting youth to develop the future!


Be Part of the S4YD Family What: Volunteering Who: Support for Youth Development Association Where: Str. Octavian Petrovici, nr. 22, ap. 4, Cluj-Napoca Deadline and Application: Send an e-mail with your intention of volunteering to, Description: If you would like to join as a member or volunteer in our cozy team, don’t hesitate to contact us! Contacts: Marius Berescu, President – 0728 860568 Links:,


Cluj Days 2013 When: 24-31 May Where: Cluj-Napoca Who: City Hall of Cluj-Napoca Description: Cluj Days is the best opportunity for both residents and tourists to discover the hidden beauties of the city, find its treasures and to enjoy the novelty. During the week, the city will have all kinds of celebration events (music, expositions, arts, etc.) for all residents and visitors. Contacts & Links:,,


Art & Culture Genesis Classic What: Ray Wilson & The Berlin Symphony Ensemble performance Where: National Theatre of Cluj “Lucian Blaga� When: 21 May, 20:00 Description: Ray Wilson, frontman of Genesis, for the first time brings the music from one of the Big 10 Rock Bands in Cluj. Being a member of Genesis between 1996 and 1999, Ray Wilson helped to relaunch the band, which has been the landmark of musical life for over 40 years. Contacts & Links: http://


Uncle Vanya What: a theatre performance of famous A.P. Chekhov play Where: Hungarian Theatre of Cluj When: 20 May, 19:00 How much: 20 RON Description: Serebryakov, an emeritus university professor, retires to the countryside together with his young and beautiful wife, Elena. The life of those living here changes from one moment to the next. Vanya and Astrov fight for Elena’s love, while Sonia and Elena both feel attracted to Astrov‌ Contacts & Links:


Art & Culture I Can‘t Live Without Music What: a theatre performance of famous Hungarian writer Zsigmond Móricz Where: Hungarian Theatre of Cluj When: 17 May (Premiere) 19:00; 19 May 17:00, 31 May 19:00 How much: 15 RON, 10 RON for students and retirees Description: Zsigmond Móricz‘s play is a real stage evergreen. The story of the party-loving young landowner and his wife evokes an old era, but has at its core something that is eternally vital and irresistable. In the mansion of the impoverished nobleman, Balázs Nyíri, the three-day party seems to be never-ending. Pólika, the young wife, wants to teach her prodigal husband a lesson and she moves to Bodony to her aunt‘s country house. Indomitable to all of the husband‘s tricks, Pólika resists even his serenade. Therefore Balázs asks the help of Uncle Lajos, the brother and long-time enemy of Aunt Zsani. While the two men have the Gipsy band play all of Pólika‘s favourite songs in the pub, unsettling news about their deserted mansion reach the young couple. Shortly after that the husband receives a secret message about his wife‘s intention to elope with him, if he agrees... Contacts & Links: 15

European Youth Week 2013 What: An abundance of activities When: 26 May - 2 June Who: Student and Youth Organizations Where: Whole Europe, including Cluj Napoca Application: You simply take a look on the calendar find your activity and take action! Description: The European Youth Week is a grand event proposed by the European Commission and has currently reached its sixth year. During this period, all kinds of events are being held in Europe, one of the goals of the program is to host more than 500 activities! Basically, it’s a week in which you can enjoy and show all your commitment towards non-formal education. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and have an exquisite week! Contacts & Links: for more info: Saptamana.Europeana.a.Tineretului and here: Also, you have an email address for more questions: vlad.groza@ 16

Art & Culture Celebration What: Theatre performance by Thomas Vinterberg – Mogens Rukov – Bo Hr. Hansen Where: Hungarian Theatre of Cluj When: 25, 26 May 20:00 How much: 15 RON, 10 RON for students and retirees Description: „I am attracted to a performance which tackles the extremes of human behavior and Celebration is such a project. Families like societies are often built on lies, secrets and half truths. That these falsehoods are buried into the DNA of the group is reflected in the face of the family or culture. It is a strained one. It is a mask of pretense. And the behavior of a group living under such a pact of silence reflects this unease. It is agressive. Diseased. Wild. Celebration portrays the tremendous strength and fearlessness of the individual action of overcoming this code of silence; the beauty in the courage to shine a light on the truth of our lives both personally and in our cultures.“ (Robert Woodruff ) Contacts & Links: 17

The Möbius Strip What: a theatre performance of the play (2010) by American writer Robert Cohen, translated into Romanian by Adriana Stan When: 12 May (Premiera) 19:00, 15 May 19:00 Where: National Theatre of Cluj How much: 15 RON, 7,5 RON for students and retirees Description: A play by Robert Cohen, a contemporary “walking theatre directory and encyclopedia”. It tells a story about gay-straight relations in an east-coast family in the very early 1970s. Staged at UC Irvine in 1971, in a staged reading at the Roundabout Theatre in New York the following year, and is now scheduled to go into repertory (in Romanian) at the National Theatre of Cluj. Contacts & Links:, http://


Art & Culture Kiss Me What: a one-man show with Emanuel Petran When: 11 May 19:00 Where: National Theatre of Cluj How much: 15 RON, 7,5 RON for students and retirees Description: Kiss me shows a drama that takes place not on the bright stage of life, but at its periphery. Just in front of us and yet unnoticed. It‘s a drama of a homeless person, the new hero of our times. A marginal, brutally refused from the banquet of life. Contacts & Links:


Break the Brakes to Mobility What: Seminar When: 11-14 June Who: AFPEJA - French National agency For whom: Youth workers, Youth Policy Makers, young people facing difficulty(ies) to access mobility with their social worker Where: Echirolles, France How much: All costs relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Deadline & Application: Go to the link below and fill in the application until 3 May Description: This seminar aims at tackling the issue of the brakes to mobility for youngsters and how youth workers/youngsters themselves are facing it. Identify the brakes commonly faced by young people and youth workers to have an access to mobility. Evaluate the work done so far to overcome the difficulties of mobility among youngsters through two main perspectives: the consideration of cultural backgrounds and all stereotypes associated, the tools developed to facilitate the inclusion of youngsters. Contacts & Links: More information and application here: training/bbm-break-the-brakes-to-mobility.3475/ 20

Social Competences for All What: Training course When: 27 October - 2 November Who: JUGEND fĂźr Europa For whom: Recommended for youth workers, trainers, project managers and youth social workers Where: Berlin, Germany How much: All costs relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Deadline & Application: Fill in the application until 30 June Description: The training focuses on encouraging youth workers, social workers, public bodies and NGOs to use recognition instruments for reflecting on, assessing and documenting the competences of young people with fewer opportunities. Its general aim is to enhance participants‘ knowledge about the process and outcomes of non-formal learning, about assessing competences with young people (with fewer opportunities), and about using recognition tools in inclusive youth work. Contacts & Links: More informatio and application here: http://


EVS in Russia When: 2 September 2013 - 30 August 2014 Who: Lastochki Icye Russia For whom: Young people aged 20-25 who are willing to work with children who have Down syndrome Where: Samara, Russian Federation How much: All costs, except 10% of travel costs will be covered by the Youth in Action programme Deadline & Application: Register yourself on, go to link below and fill in the application until 1 June Description: There are 3 different types of work in this project: 1) Activities: working with children above 5 years in the families; assistance in the office work; assistance in preparation for the seminars; participation in the seminars; 2) Work in the kindergarten in the integrated group as assistant of kindergartener to work with children needed to be permanently accompanied by an adult. Activities: organization of the leisure time for the children; creation of different activities and workshops, such as drawing, dancing, drama, handicrafts; 3) Work in the psycho neurological board for disabled children left without parents. Activities: assistance in teaching, organization of the leisure time, help during walks and meal. Contacts & Links: 22

Social Interfaith Dialogue What: Training course When: 23-28 June 2013 Who: British Council For whom: Youth workers, Youth leaders, experienced in youth work projects / youth projects Where: Lviv, Ukraine How much: All costs relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Deadline & Application: Fill in the application below until 5 May Description: Training course is open for youth workers/ youth leaders who wish to exchange and learn how to engage young people in interfaith dialogue (especially through YiA projects) and how to work with young people with different cultural backgrounds. Contacts & Links: More information and application here: training/interfaith-dialogue.3473/


Play With Me What: International festival When: 28-31 May 2013 Who: Zavod za usposabljanje Janeza Levca For whom: Young people interested in special education Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia How much: No participation fee, organizers will cover accommodation and meals, but travel expenses are participant’s responsibility and will not be covered Deadline & Application: Go to the organizer’s website below and fill in the application until 20 May Description: Special Education Centre Janez Levec is the largest organization in Slovenia dealing with young people with special needs. At the end of May 2013 it will host the international festival „Play with me“ in several locations in Slovenia. After playing&learning in Muta and Maribor, everybody will gather in the centre of Ljubljana to spend vibrant days of May 28-31 together. The event is mainly dedicated to children and youngsters, especially those with special needs. Through workshops, concerts and games you get the chance to get in touch with topics like stereotypes and prejudices, mutual inclusion and non-formal education methods. Contacts & Links: 24

Social Volunteering in Belgium What: Voluntary work When: 1-31 July 2013 Who: Youth Organization Democracy For whom: Young people interested in human rights Where: Brussels, Belgium How much: accommodation and meals are 100% covered, 70% of the flight tickets are covered Deadline & Application: Go to the link below, download the application form and send it with CV and motivation letter via e-mail: until 10 May Description: Youth organization Democracy is a youth organization, which is targeted to develop youth, to promote peace, tolerance and solidarity in Caucasus, through helping young people acquire knowledge, skills and competencies, and recognizing the value of such experience. Volunteers are needed to assist with a community human rights center to promote human rights, social justice, good governance, democracy, peace and culture of constitutionalism. Contacts & Links: more information and application form here: aspx?Organisation=youth-organization-democracy


LiGHTHOUSE What: training course When: 10-16 June Who: Czech National Agency - Youth in Action For whom: Youth workers, Trainers, social workers, community workers Where: Skalka u Doks, Czech Republic How much: all costs are covered by the National Agencies Application: Application deadline: 1 May 2013 – apply on the Salto Youth website: Description: Lighthouse aims to introduce and explore alternative strategies and opportunities for personally and professionally living with limited resources that can be sustainable for ourselves and our work. The training will focus on the personal and professional, the inner and the outer and look to explore sustainable strategies and opportunities for spending less (in terms of time and financial) and becoming an example for healthier and environmentally friendly lifestyle and approach to work. Contacts & Links:, contact person: Helena Koskova –, phone: +420777961443


Environment Ecovillage in Uganda What: volunteering in a summer camp When: 20 May – 2 August 2013 Who: Milechild Foundation For whom: above 18 years old, whoever shows interest in environmental issues and Ugandan culture Where: Masaka, Uganda Application: deadline for application is 1 May Description: EcoVillage Uganda‘s mission is to promote knowledge and training on environmental conservation and sustainable development for rural communities. The aim is to blend environmentally friendly solutions with traditional farming techniques as practiced by farmers on their families land. In order to ensure it, the association is working with indigenous communities throughout Uganda. Volunteers get to understand the environmental issues Uganda is undertaking in the last years, and to live an enchanting experience in a traditional Ugandan village. Contacts & Links: contact person is Giulia Bondesan, email: , 27

Taekwondo, Oradea (Salard) Expert Sinton Cup 2013 What: Taekwondo competition When: 11-12 May 2013 Who: The competition is organized by the Romanian Federation of Taekwon-Do ITF and King Do-Lions Sports Club in Oradea, in partnership with the city and with the support of Salard Expert SRL SC Sinton. Where: Oradea How much: No fee Deadline: 5 May 2013 Application: Enrolment at Description: In the village Salard/Bihor sport’s hall, located about 20 kilometers from Oradea, will be held first edition of Sinton Cup ITF taekwondo for seniors and juniors. Competition is for athletes starting from age of 6 years. There will be individual and team battles in the samples, tulle and breaking strength. Competitions will be held both in male and female weight classes, starting Saturday at 10:00, and will continue, if necessary, also during the day on Sunday. Contacts & Links: 28

Sport & Outdoor Cycling, Tulcea Somova eXtreme 2013 What: Mountain bike competition When: 25 May 2013 Who: Cycling club “Pelican Bike Tulcea” Where: Tulcea How much: 40 lei Application: Registrations are on Description: The contest runs in Somova Forest near Tulcea, on a route with medium to high degree of difficulty and length of about 26 km, which will be covered once by amateur and 2 times by advanced riders (legitimated FRCT). The start is at 12:00, on the set of an old quarry, near kilometer 14 of the national highway Tulcea Galati. The men will compete in advanced classes - elite (18-29 years, 30-39 years and 40 years) and amateur (14-17 years, 18-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years and 50+ years); women‘s competition will be conducted in open style. Contacts & Links:


Mures Half Marathon 2013 What: Half Marathon competition When: 11 May 2013 For whom: for amateurs and professionals Where: Targu Mures How much: The fee is 10 lei / competitor. Children, students and clubs that register a large number of runners can participate free of charge. Application: Registrations are on Description: Professionals and amateur runners are invited to attend the first edition of Mures Half Marathon. The competition starts at 9:00, in the streets of downtown Targu Mures, with start and arrival in Piata Trandafirilor. Participants can compete in half marathon (21 km), individually or in relay, in test cross (5 km) and 2-km race for children under and of age 13. The first 3 places will be awarded in each category, noting that the half marathon will be rewarded also in open category. Contacts & Links: 30

Sport & Outdoor Camping Cluj Gilトブ moto meeting in Cluj What: Moto Rally When: 24-26 May 2013 Who: U.C.M.R. Union of Motorcycling Clubs of Romania Where: Camping Gilトブ, Cluj Description: Bikers of Transylvania invite you to meeting the Camping Gilトブ Cluj moto 2013 Contacts & Links:


Mountaineering and climbing, Cheile Turzii: ATA Cup 2013 What: climbing competition When: 11 May 2013 Who: Turdamont Association of climbers Where: Turda Description: The competition takes place simultaneously in the climbing sections (alpiniada) and sport climbing (in the manner of sight), starting at 8:00, or 8:30, award ceromony will take place in the evening at 20:00. Arrival of participants for alpiniada technical meeting is scheduled for Friday. Contacts & Links: For more details please call tel. 0754.516.108 (Ovidiu Catanas) or 0755.132.147 (Radu Oprea). http://www. evenimente/ alpinism-si-escalada-cheileturzii-cupaata-201320861.html


Sport & Outdoor Sebis Enduro Challenge 2013 Valley Radestiului What: Motorcycle cup When: 18 May 2013 Who: Lion Sports Club Racing Team Where: village Radestiului Valley Almas, Sebis How much: 50 lei Application: Description: Contest runs from 13:45 on classes: moto (hobby, expert, junior), quad (hobby, expert) and ATV (below 500 cc and 500 cc) on a circuit of about 7-10 km that will be driven 8 times. The fastest three competitors of each class will be awarded in the ceremony scheduled at 18:30. 2nd stage Sebis Enduro Challenge 2013 will be one of endurance closed circuit and will take place from July 27th to July 28th. Contacts & Links: More details about this event can be found on


Elements of Formation of a NGO What: Training course When: 31 May - 2 June Who: Tinact For whom: youth workers, project coordinators, volunteers who are part of an informal group of young people, representative of a public institution directly involved in working with young people, one of the youngsters who want to get involved in projects and to create a NGO Where: Deva, Hunedoara How much: No participate fee, because the module is co-funded by the European Commission, Youth in Action Programme, but it doesn‘t cover the costs of accommodation, meals and transport. Deadline & application: Go to link below and fill in the application until 26 May Description: At the end of this training, participants: Will be familiar with the legal context in the field and the steps necessary to set up an NGO; Be able to develop an organizational structure related with NGOs; Will gain knowledge and skills about organizational management; Will be familiar with the various funding opportunities (Youth in Action Programme, etc..). Contacts & Links: More information and application form here: 34

Education Nonformal Education Methods And Tools What: Training course When: 28-30 May 2013 Who: Tinact For whom: youth workers, project coordinators, volunteers, members in NGOs, members of the informal groups of young people, youth workers; representatives of public institutions directly involved in working with young people. Where: Targu-Jiu, Gorj How much: The course is free for each registered person, funded by the European Commission through the „Youth in Action“ programme. Cost of accommodation, meals and transportation are the responsibility of the participants and are not covered by the organizers. Deadline & Application: Go to the link below and fill in the application until 23 May Description: At the end of the course participants will be able: To define / specify the characteristics of non-formal education; Select / adapt tools and methods of non-formal education applicable to projects under the Youth in Action (TIA); To use / implement non-formal tools and methods corresponding to the priorities of the Youth in Action (TIA) Contacts & Links: More information and application form here: 35

Removing The Linguistic Barriers In English Within Intercultural Communication What: Training course When: 10-16 June 2013 Who: INJEP For whom: Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Project managers, EVS mentors/tutors Where: Calais, France How much: All accomodation, food and course programme costs are covered by French NA. Travel costs can be totally or partially reimbursed by the sending National Agency. Participation fee is 50 â‚Ź. Deadline & Application: Fill in the application below until 5 May Description: Target group is youth workers, people working in NGOs, associations, etc., who feel that their lack of practice of the English language is a barrier in their effort to network and build partnerships; to present and explain the reality of their organisation and their work; to prepare efficiently a project with their partners; to express clearly their objectives, aims or wishes. Contacts & Links: More information and application form here: training/rlb-tc-removing-the-linguistic-barriers-in-englishwithin-intercultural-communication.3494/


Education Medicalis – 14th Edition What: Scientific congress addressed mainly to medicine students and young health professionals Where: UMF Cluj-Napoca When: 16-19 May, 11:00 How much: fees vary from 20 to 50 Euro, depending on the days, for UMF students – 10 Euro. Application: you can find the program and apply for participation on the website Description: This event gives ambitious young people from all over the world a chance to present their work in medical field, in the form of oral or poster presentation, offering awards for the best of them. Presentations will be also given by professors from prestigious universities in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Australia and also participants will take part in workshops organized during the congress, thus having the opportunity to gain some practical skills. Also, the congress will have social events that will provide interesting evenings in Cluj-Napoca. Contacts & Links:


Active Participation Of Young People In Youth in Action Programme What: Event of the National Agency When: 29 May - 3 June 2013 Who: Youth in Action ANPCDEFP For whom: Participants should be involved in youth projects and youth activities; have knowledge of project management and motivation to participate in the training. Where: Predeal, Brasov How much: This module is co-funded by European Commission and there is no participation fee. Accommodation and meals are covered by organizers. Deadline & Application: Go to the link below and fill in the application until 15 May. Description: Objectives of the training: Participants will define specific concepts of the participation of young people in general and in particular public participation; will apply the methods of active participation; will generate ideas for projects applicable to Youth in Action Programme in general and in particular participating in democracy projects. Contacts & Links: More information and application form here:


Others Brick in the Wall What: Training course When: 10-15 June 2013 Who: Turkish National Agency For whom: Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers Where: Adrasan, Antalya, Turkey How much: All costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Deadline & Application: Fill in application below until 12 May Description: The main aims of this training course are to explore the Youth in Action Programme as a tool, and to work on how non-formal education can contribute to develop employability opportunities for young people; to examine how non-formal education could strengthen and valorise young people skills, in order to empower their competences and above all their self-confidence to apply to a job. Contacts & Links: More information and application here: training/brick-in-the-wall-the-keys-for-employability-and-volunteering.3519/


Austrian Easter Party / Cultural Evening On the 1st of April I organized in our office an Austrian Cultural Evening and at the same time an Easter celebration – since in Austria the majority of the people are Catholic, we celebrated the Easter on this weekend. So it was also very nice for me and my colleagues who also celebrate Easter on that date to have a small celebration of our own away from home. So I tried to combine a Cultural Evening with something about the Easter traditions in Austria. At first I presented some general things about Austria – about the country, the language, the culture and some fun facts. For example it’s interesting that Romania and Austria have the Danube as their biggest river in common. Then I spoke about our Easter traditions and showed some pictures. Following this, we were painting eggs all together – I mean just the eggshells to decorate the home with them afterwards. I think I spent several weeks, and we were eating a lot of eggs, to blow out the eggs in order to use them in the event. We were on an egg diet. Anyway, there are a lot of different ways how to paint eggs, the easiest of them to just colour them with simple 40

Activities of Youth 4 Community paint. However I chose a method to make it with silk paper and glue out of flour and water. In my opinion that’s a bit more interesting, and it’s actually very easy. You just have to rip the paper in small pieces and stick them with a brush and the glue on the egg. I think people liked to use their creativity. We have some great colourful results – for instance an egg pirate, a little egg man and an egg with a cloverleaf. Something that must not be missing on an Easter party, of course, are some coloured eggs to eat and play a small game with. I discovered that a lot of people do that, not only in Austria and Germany. We call it “Eierpecken” – hitting eggs. So two people fight with their eggs, hit them against each other, and whose egg is hail in the end is the winner. Something else to eat – I baked a cake that my grandma usually makes, a “Gitterkuchen”, and I prepared some “Aufstriche” (spreads) to put on bread. It seems that people liked the food, in the end almost everything was finished. I was glad, because I usually don’t cook so much and of course I called my mum for some help ;-) To finalize the evening, we danced a simple Austrian folk dance: Sauerkrautpolka. It’s really pretty easy and along comes a funny song. This dance I actually just learned from my Austrian EVS friend Nora, we had fun to learn it. In the end Bianca surprised us with a performance of a piece of music by Mozart on violin – probably the most famous Austrian composer. Thank you for everybody who was there to make this to a special evening! :-) 41


Activities of Youth 4 Community


Activities of Youth 4 Community Traditional Dances Workshop 10th of April we learned and shared some traditional dances from the Baltic area and Belarus, together with Hanna and Ieva Lange, a Latvian EVS from Mirakolix. Instead of being danced on stage for purpose of a show, in this kind of traditional dancing people are encouraged to participate – the dances are usually quite simple, with steps that tend to repeat. In the Baltic area and Belarus this kind of traditional dancing is quite popular in folk-pubs, get-togethers, traditional celebrations and medieval discos. The dances luckily seemed to be quite easy to catch for participants, and after 2 hours people were prepared for a medieval disco. So, now everybody is welcome to Latvia and Belarus – to have some practice!



Gratitudes This month‘s brochure wouldn‘t be possible without the help of these people: Florin-Daniel Cioloboc, a Romanian volunteer of Youth 4 Community project, our superactive and hard-working contributor Our Romanian teacher Ilinca Toderean, who is also an active volunteer in S4YD and not only, who shared her experience and public speaking tips Our great coordinator Angela Anton, who helps us to find the opportunities and is the first reader of every brochure Our fellow EVS volunteers from Cluj-Napoca, who attended all our events and support us where they can: Lea, Nora, Alberto, Sebastian, Peter, Ieva, Gary, Helene, Victoria, Barbara, Clara


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monthly brochure with opportunities for young people in Cluj-Napoca, Romania Made by: EVS volunteers (Youth 4 Community project) Support for Youth Development Association 22 Octavian Petrovici Street, Ap. 1, 400018 Cluj-Napoca Tel. +40-364-43743, blog:


find your opportunity, make it happen

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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