SPAcademy Press

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Mikaela Ackermann Monique Crafford CO-EDITORS



Monique Crafford MOVIE REVIEWS

Gabrielle Blatz MUSIC REVIEWS

After a few weeks’ hard work, I am happy to present you with the next issue of the SPAcademy Press. I find it hard to believe that it is already March; I’ve already lost track of how many issues have been released. It seems a little bit like my like is organized into cycles. One cycle deals with assignments and tests, another deals sleeping and eating periods, yet another deals with this school newspaper. As soon as work for one issue ends, work for another issue begins. I know you all probably feel the same way - at least about school. :) I hope that some of also have a cycle dealing with the ‘ looking forward to reading another issue of it! What do I have left to say to anyone who feels that way? Start diving in, and enjoy!


Eleanor Brownlee CRAFTS

Jayla Berry JOKES & COMICS

Shelby Veno PUZZLES

Miriam Siemens TRAVEL 2 | spa press

Anna Law P.S. Look out for Monique Crafford’s amazing article on the Oscars at the end of this month’s issue!

contents funnies....................................................4 puzzles...................................................4 music review..........................................5 arts and crafts.......................................7 faux stained glass window...........7 collage silhouettes........................8 movie review..........................................9 11...............................................creativity and fashion and fitness awards page

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funnies by jayla berry

puzzles by shelby veno


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music review by gabrielle blatz

Youngblood Hawke is an American indie pop-rock band from Los Angeles, California. This up- and-coming band is composed of drummer Nik Hughes, backing vocalist and percussionist Alice Katz, guitarist Simon Katz, vocalist Sam Martin, and bassist Tasso Smith. The band’s name derives from the 1961 Herman Wouk novel of the same name. The band released their first self-titled EP in 2012. The four-track EP contains the single “We Come Running”, which was featured on MTV. In a 20 questions ( interview, Sam Martin described the band’s music as a “narration of their lives”. They are currently on tour with Passion Pit.

Genre: Indie rock/Maximalist pop Origin: Los Angeles, California Record Label: Universal Republic Band Members: Nik Hughes, Alice Katz, Simon Katz, Sam Martin, and Tasso Smith

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music review contd. by gabrielle blatz

tracks “We Come Running” is the first track on this four-song EP. The song features a crescendo in to heavier pop beat at the chorus, and a children’s choir. This song has catchy lyrics, a fun beat to dance to, and a strong tenor voice leading the way. The theme of the song is about taking chances, and not waiting any longer. And the music video is shot in the ocean with sharks, which is always fantastic. ;D

“Stars (Hold On)” is the next track on this EP. This song starts off with some orchestral strings, and that element is laced throughout the entirety of the song. Once again, the children’s choir sings at the chorus, as well as other parts of the song. The theme of the song is to not give up, and that things will get better. While I really enjoyed this song, I am starting to notice a trend with the beat and chorus styles.

“Forever” is the third song on Youngblood Hawke’s EP. The song includes guitars, bass, synthesizers and drums. It is one of two songs on the EP that doesn’t include the children’s choir. This song is a little different than the last two songs, as its verses are catchier than the chorus. The theme of this song is love, as well as not leaving someone. This song was used as the Starbucks Pick of the Week in September.

“Rootless” is the final track on the band’s debut EP. The song starts out with normal band instruments, including bass guitar and drums. This song also doesn’t include the children’s choir. The lyrics are filled with fun imagery and similes that make this song unique. The theme of the song is freedom, but also being pulled towards someone.

overall rating


The Youngblood Hawke EP is filled with well-­written lyrics, a fantastic children’s choir, sensational male vocals, and fun instruments that leave you wanting more. The full-­length album is scheduled to be released this year, and I can already tell that it will be successful. 6 | spa press

[ arts & crafts ]

faux stained glass by eleanor brownlee

This time around, we’re going to make simple, but beautiful, crafts. I’m sure you’ve seen stained glass at some point in your life, and have admired the handiwork of the artist. Stained glass requires several tools and works with rather dangerous materials such as lead, so I’m going to show you how to make your own designs that you can hang in a window and admire, just like real stained glass.

you will need: a sheet of normal white paper a set of wax crayons or pencil crayons (black is a must)

vegetable or canola oil a cotton ball paper towel


Draw out your design on the sheet of paper, making it any shape and design you like. Outline shapes in thick black lines to make it more like real stained glass.


Once you’ve finished drawing, place the piece of paper on a piece of paper towel. Using the cotton ball, wipe the entire piece of paper with oil, letting it soak through the paper completely. Let it dry for about 48 hours.


Punch a hole in the sheet and hang it or tape it up to the window. Admire your new creation!

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[ arts & crafts ]

collage silhouette by eleanor brownlee

Our second project is really easy to make, using paper destined for the recycling bin. Choose bright magazines and flyers for this project.

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you will need: a shape (either one you’ve drawn or download from the internet) mixed paper (you can go bright and varied or choose specific colours) scissors

cardboard (thinner is better, don’t use corrugated; the colour doesn’t matter) white glue a pencil


Find your silhouette shape and cut it out. Trace it in pencil onto the cardboard, and then cut it out of the cardboard.


Begin cutting pieces of paper rather haphazardly. Don’t pay attention to certina shapes, just let your scissors go crazy. Make a small pile, more than enough to cover your silhouette. Apply glue to the silhouette, and start sticking pieces of paper to it. It doesn’t matter if there are overhanging pieces, for you can cut that off later.


Once the silhouette is covered in a way you like, let it dry for about 2 hours. Once it is dry, you can trim the edges. You can hang up the finished product, tack it to the wall, use it to decorate things, etc.

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ARGO Movie Review by Monique Crafford

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[ movie review ]

Argo; the title literally explains nothing about the movie. The film itself explains the title, as CIA agent Tony Mendez creates a fake film named “Argo” to help six American diplomats escape from Iran. Makes sense, right? Not exactly, but we can give Ben Affleck the thumbs up in the “adapted screenplay” department. My overall view of the movie was that it was long. Very, very long. Some parts were interesting, but it took forever to get to the point of the whole thing, with too little suspense to keep non-political audiences interested. Since the film is based on a true story, we have to give it some respect for its daring portrayal of the state of Iran in the 1970’s and 1980’s. As Argo starts off, audiences are horrified by an angry-mob-esque scene with a bunch of Iranian revolutionaries attacking the American Embassy. Files are burned, buildings are destroyed, and hostages are taken. Within all this, six American diplomats escape and take refuge at the Canadian Prime Minister’s house, pretending to be old friends, so as not to get caught. Or rather, this is the impression I got of that scene. None of this is explained and there’s rarely any dialogue (in English). One thing that really bothered me was that there were no subtitles when the Iranian mob yelled out. After thinking back to this, it actually works really well with the overall documentary feel, because it’s not like these people understand what the Iranians are saying any more than we do. Smart move; score one for Affleck. Next, we learn the crazy plan Mendez has to hire a production studio, Studio 6 Productions, actually, to make a fake science-fiction movie and pretend to be scouting locations in Iran. Each one of the diplomats plays a specific part in pretending to be making a film. One is the director, the other a screenwriter, production designer, director of photography, producer, etc. I really appreciated this scene because each diplomat had to rehearse what they were doing, and you never really get to see the behind-the-plan parts. Although, if I wasn’t this much into all of the 10 | s p a p r e ss

cinematography and ideology that it takes to plan scenes like this, I would have been very bored. The movie is two hours long. One and a half hours for planning, half an hour of suspense. That really put me off the film; that and the fact that they have a habit of swearing after say the word Argo. Not the best dialogue in a movie, kind of like Drive; they never say anything until someone gets shot. I’m not saying anyone got shot this time, I’m just making a point. The scene in the marketplace, where the Iranian store owner starts a riot because the “production designer” took a picture of his shop, was one of the movie’s most impressive scenes. Though it feels a little out of place, it has you glued to the screen. The characters seem genuinely terrified, and it was really just a very well made scene. Although I’m taking points off for the plain and simple fact that they spend the next half hour completely drunk and I didn’t understand why they were partying after that. They’re trying to remember their “life stories” for the people they’re playing. Good luck remembering. However, I add another point back because of the way a certain character explains to Iranian airport security how they want to make the film. Literally, I would have skipped the whole movie and just watched that part on repeat for two hours. There’s not really anything I can say about this film without giving away the few mesmerizing moments of suspense it had. It’s a typical American anti-terrorist movie, with a twist that made a cinematic enthusiast like myself very happy. At the same time, I don’t understand how it won the Academy Award for Best Picture, it’s kind of a run-down topic. Two terrorist movies in one year are a little too much to handle. My score for this film is a 6 out of 10. The film editing is gorgeous, and the cinematography really was beautifully planned, but it’s not the most appropriate movie, and it feels like I’ve seen it before. If you’re not into cinematic techniques, and really just want to watch an enjoyable movie, I don’t recommend it. If you study cinematography like there’s no tomorrow, then check it out by all means, you might like it.


This month, we are happy to show off some beautiful photography from Mikaela Ackermann. :)

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Send photography, drawings, poems, and stories to Anna Law to see them in the next issue! :)


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beauty & fashion by ali conaway

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This month’s article, I am going write up on how to do your makeup for a job interview. Going into the interview you want to look professional, so you need to stay away from brilliant eye shadows. Do not wear colors like yellow, orange, blue, red, green, etc. Stick to neutral colors like grey and brown to help your features stand out. Do a thin line of eye liner very close to your eyelash line to give your eye depth, but don’t do any fancy wings or go underneath the eye, for it will be too dark. In addition, do not use any sparkly make-up for that will come across bold. For your hair, I suggest pulling it back - nothing fancy, just a nice bun or a French twist.

fashion For fashion this month, I will talk about dressing for an interview. Dressing for an interview, you don’t want to dress too fancy or too casual. The perfect medium would be a pair of nice black slacks and a pretty blouse. Depending on your skin tone, you should use colors the bring out your skin tone and eyes. I am a brunette with blue eyes and pale skin, so I would wear pink, a colour that brings out the color in my skin while also going nice with my hair and making my blue eyes stand out. To complete my outfit, I would wear nice flats or a pair of dress shoes with not too big of a heel. This creates a classy and professional look for you.

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health & fitness by anna law

health One of the best diets out there is the Mediterranean diet, which my family follows more or less. Don’t believe me? My dad went to a nutrionist, and she could hardly find anything to change in his diet. You can read all about this diet at Mayo Clinic (one of the best health websites out there):

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fitness It’s pretty hard to get out to the gym with the compounded situation of lots of school plus winter snow dumps. But never fear - Anna is here to help you all with that by listing several different ways that you can exercise at home. :) First, I’m going to mention some ways to exercise without equipment. I find that skipping rope, walking up and down stairs over and over again, doing jumping jacks, running on the spot, walking around the house, or jamming out to good music are good ways to get your heart rate up. It’s also good to stretch for ten to fifteen minutes a day to increase your flexibility.

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My dad bought a mini trampoline for me to exercise on. It’s really small, so it doesn’t take up much space...and, of course, it’s great exercise. Exercise bikes or treadmills are also great for exercise. Even playing a game on a Wii can count if you are playing a game, which requires a good amount of movement, such as tennis. Finally, you can also exercise by raking leaves, shoveling snow, or vacuuming. Believe me - these last three are probably the best ways to exercise in this whole section. spa pre s s | 13

, e m ro

! y l a it mens by miriam sie

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One thing I personally love doing is travelling. Road trips or flying; I love both. The one amazing country I’ve always wanted to visit is Italy; it’s beautiful, historical and just purely amazing. They even have a city built in water! Not literally IN water but you know what I mean... It would be really cool to visit Italy; it is on my list of places to visit. (I think every country is on this list...) If I were to go to Italy, I would definitely visit Rome. (I think “When in Rome” is at fault for this.) Everyone is always talking about Rome. It is one of the most popular cities and is well known all around the world. There are so many things to see there that you would have to book months to see all of the Rome sights! If you are one of those people interested in religious history, old ancient buildings, and such things, one sight I would recommend is the Pantheon. The Pantheon is a Roman temple built by Marcus Agrippa and is a temple of all the gods of Ancient Rome. Around 126 B.C., the temple was rebuilt by Emperor Hadrian. This temple is literally 2000 years old and dates from around 125 A.D. In the 18th century, Giovanni Paolo Panini painted the interior of the Pantheon. St. Peter’s Basilica, which is officially known as Basilica Papale di San Pietro in Vaticano in Italian, is a late Renaissance church. It is considered as one of the holiest Catholic sites, and is described as “the greatest of all churches of Christendom.” The interior of this church was also painted by Giovanni Paolo Panini and it is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-UL. This church is huge, rich and spectacular. On busy days, around 20, 000 visitors pass through. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be one of those 20, 000? Although, if you do want to be one of them, then I would recommend to NOT wear shorts, miniskirts or have bare shoulders.

and for an enjoyable picnic. I personally would definitely visit this park. Something that would be really cool to visit is Piazza Navona (which also sounds cool). It’s a public city square laid out on the ruins of the stadium of Domitian, built around 86 A.D. You’d be walking on history if you went there! (Technically, you walk on history every day, but...) The square has three extravagant fountains, surging crowds, and my favourite...CAFES!! Yes cafe’s sell coffee! I would need that after a day of sightseeing or for a day with sightseeing ahead of me to prepare me. If you visit one of the cafes, sit down, relax, and enjoy the surroundings around you. Also, one thing you can’t miss is the Coliseum. This is the sight I would visit on my last day, to save the best for last. There are tons of pictures of the Coliseum spread all over the Internet and there is a reason for that; it is one of the most famous sights to see and very popular among tourists. It is the largest elliptical amphiteatre ever built in the Roman Empire. The Coliseum was built in 80 A.D. and is a major tourist attraction. The Coliseum is where people went for entertainment back in those days; it is the place where gladiator contests were heald, mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, and re-enactments of famous battles. Every Good Friday, the Pope leads a torch-lit procession called “Way of the Cross” and it starts in the area of the Coliseum. A fun fact about the Coliseum is that it is imprinted on the Italian version of the five-cent euro coins. One reason to visit Italy is because of the ice-cream. Italians know what the real deal is. If you don’t try the ice cream, then the whole trip is literally a waste. Their ice cream bursts with flavour and they have so many different varieties to choose from! The ice cream they make only exists in Italy. No ice cream can compare to theirs - it is amazing and indescribable.

If you lean more towards nature and are not really into churches, you might enjoy visiting Villa Celimontana, which is known for its gardens. Although this garden is pretty old, it has only been If you are interested to learn more about open to public since 1926. This park is perfect these sights, then look them up on Google, my for a sunny beautiful day. Visiting this park would friend. make the day worth one thousand times over; it is perfect for pictures (I’d end up taking hundreds)

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by monique crafford This award season was a nail-biter for any fangirl or fanguy out there! The red carpets were mesmerizing, awards were disputed, and the race was close! Personally, I could barely handle this season. Between my far-too-emotional attachment to the beautiful Les Miserables, and my Oscar predictions, I nearly had a heart attack for every category! I’ll quickly run through the winners of the Academy Awards this year, and tell you whether or not I agree. Here we go...

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Best Motion Picture: Argo I disagree with this one. I really feel like there were other movies, such as *fake cough* Lincoln (which took 10 years to make), *fake cough* that deserved it more. I’m not even being biased, I’ve seen Argo and it really wasn’t that fantastic. Achievement in Directing: Ang Lee, Life of Pi I agree! I mean, I would have agreed if Steven Spielberg won too, I just think that Ang Lee did such a phenomenal job in this movie, making it so believable. He stayed true to the mental image I had of the book and I definitely agree that he deserved it. Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role: Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln Well, I agree but I also don’t. Danny, my man! He did a great job, his voice was crazy, and he spent 10 years pretending to be Abraham Lincoln. Man, oh man, that guy is dedicated! At the same time, Hugh Jackman deserved to win in this category. His role was more surprising; I mean, Jean Valjean is such a difficult character to protray because he has so much depth. Abraham Lincoln has been done before. Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role: Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook Yes, yes, yes, yes! Just yes. I was rooting for her the whole time! I called this one, just so we’re clear. Saw it coming from forever away. I have to say, her graceful fall on the stairs was actually such a win for some of us clumsy girls. You go, Glen Coco...I mean Jennifer Lawrence.

[ the oscars ]

Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role: Christopher Waltz, Django Unchained Not so much. I wanted Tommy Lee Jones to win! I mean, Christopher Waltz already won the Critic’s Choice and the Golden Globe for this. Give it to TLJ! I wanted to see his happy face. Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role: Anne Hathaway, Les Miserables I HAD A DREAM THAT SHE WOULD WIN! And it came true. Her performance was breathtaking and she should stand tall for all the effort and sacrifice that came with her role. Plus, her speech where she dedicated the Academy Award to Fantine was the only speech that made me cry. So, a definite agreement on my part. Adapted Screenplay: Argo, Chris Terrio Well, I suppose it did deserve this award...sort of. I don’t know what else I would have been happy with, so I give my grudging yes. Original Screenplay: Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino I haven’t seen Django so I can’t say for sure, but I guess the Academy knows what’s what. Original Score: Life of Pi, Mychael Danna Such a simple score, so gorgeous. I have it on my iPod, and I’m addicted to Mychael Danna’s work. I would have been happy if Dario Marianelli won for Anna Karenina, but this was the score I was rooting for. I’m happy about this win. Original Song: “Skyfall,” Adele Adkins & Paul Epworth; Skyfall Agree. Not much to say, it was the best. Best Animated Feature Film: Brave I’d just like to say, I called this one. The best animated movie in years if you ask me. Best Animated Short Film: Paperman I called it. I agree most sincerely, a beautifully made short film. Achievement in Cinematography: Life of Pi, Claudio Miranda I was rooting for Les Miserables, but I agree with this one. Achievement in Visual Effects: Life of Pi Most definitely! I mean, we’ve seen the rest of the movies’ visual effects before. I was glad Prometheus was nominated for the star map, but Life of Pi deserved it. Achievement in Costume Design: Anna Karenina, Jacqueline Durran This one was literally such a simple choice. Look at the costumes and tell me you disagree. I dare you. spa pre s s | 17

[ the oscars ]

Achievement in Makeup & Hairstyling: Les Miserables I’m sorry, did you see their hair and their teeth?! Total “duh, nobody else can match it” moment. I was happy Hitchcock got a nomination because Sir Anthony Hopkins didn’t even resemble himself, but Les Miserables deserved it more. Best Live-Action Short Film: Curfew Of course! None of the other nominations can even compete. Best Documentary Short Subject: Inocente See answer to the above category. Best Documentary Feature: Searching for Sugar Man I disagree. I thought that there were definitely other features that were better. I was rooting for 5 Broken Cameras or The Invisible War to win. Best Foreign-Language Film: Amour (Austria) Such an obvious, land slide win! Emanuelle Riva was beautiful in this movie. Achievement in Sound Mixing: Les Miserables YES! I mean, do you have any clue how hard it is to include live recording into hard-sound effects like gunshots? Literally, I’m surprised the sound technicians didn’t start their own revolution. Achievement in Sound Editing: Zero Dark Thirty & Skyfall I knew Skyfall would get it, but I didn’t see the tie coming. I agree with Skyfall, but not with Zero Dark Thirty. Achievement in Film Editing: Argo I definitely agree, the film editing was so well done in this movie, it blew my mind. Achievement in Production Direction: Lincoln Kind of a tie between Les Miserables and Lincoln for me, so I’m not upset over the win. The production design was flawless. The Academy Awards for me this year was very fair, and I agree with most of the categories. I loved how they made the awards a big production, with the cast of Chicago, Les Miserables, and Sparkle performing. The entire thing was just so breathtaking, and obviously Les Miserables topped everything. Seth MacFarlane wasn’t a bad host (though I thought he would be) and he made a couple of really clever jokes. All in all, this year’s award season left me feeling very happy, and the Academy Award ceremony just ended it with a bang. Nice work, everyone! 18 | s p a p r e ss

ad page wanted! Grade Twelve guys who can sing (at LEAST averagely). To find out more, email Anna Law on First Class.

stop right there! If you are in Grade 12 and have not sent your bio to Anna Law, there is still a chance to do so! Email Anna Law on First Class for more info regarding this message.

Find the leprechaun in the paper for a chance to have an article all about YOU in the next edition of the Press! If you find the leprechaun, email either Billy Karasz or Anna Law.

If you have any ads you would like to be added to the Press, email Anna Law on First Class OR at

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spa press e d i t i o n

- 2013 -



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