360 campaign
Introduction This campaign book demonstrates how I have created my 360 campaign idea, concepts and brand message. I have discussed how my research and influencers helped me find a gap in the market to produce a 360 campaign. I have tested and developed the styling for my fashion film and look book so that I have a clear understanding and vision for my final shoot and film. This book denotes a clear understanding of what my brand is and why I have chosen to focus on the messages and concepts within my brand. My 360 campaign will create emotion in a positive way which will allow consumers to relate to the brand as a whole hence the name ‘resonate’, my 360 campaign will resonate with my consumers as they will be able to connect with the brand. The aim for my 360 campaign is to shine a new light on luxury menswear streetwear through cultural commentary. My campaign is going to have a multi-channel approach that will be targeted towards Generation Z. My campaign will include visual commentary through a fashion film and a look-book as well as a social media campaign to allow consumers to interact with the campaign and build a sense of community which is one of my concepts. My 360 campaign is going to create emotion and meaning by focusing on the message of acceptance and my 3 brand concepts: Community, Protection and Social Consciousness.
My aim is to create emotion which allows me to have the ability to push the boundaries and make my campaign more conceptual as it will allow me to push myself and the typical conventions we expect from the luxury streetwear market, in a way that will ultimately resonate with the consumers. From my research (brand development research booklet and 360 planning) I am aware that Generation Z want to be able to connect with the brands that they buy into and to create a relationship with them (DeAcetis, 2019) therefore, I know that this will fit within my brand. I know that my 360 campaign will be future proof in order to appeal to Generation Z as it will create emotion and meaning in a positive way, as well as the use of creating a relationship and sense of community, through my social media campaign. The multi-channel approach will allow my campaign to have a full 360 approach and insight into the concepts and overall message. Community, Social Consciousness and Protection are the concepts that my brand will be campaigning, and the overall message will be acceptance. I will create a future proof 360 campaign for the luxury market aimed at the new consumers who are Generation Z (DeAcetis, 2019).
z My 360 campaign is aimed at Generation Z. Throughout my research I have gained a clear understanding of their needs and values. Generation Z want to have a relationship with the brands that they buy into as I have previously mentioned, therefore the main focus of my whole 360 campaign is creating that sense of emotion that my consumers can relate to which is why I have called my campaign ‘Resonate’ as the 360 campaign will resonate with the consumers. As part of my 360 campaign, I will create a social media campaign based on my brands messages and concepts, this will be a space aimed towards males who are members of Generation Z. This social media campaign will focus more in depth on my concepts of community, protection and social consciousness. It will be a positive space that protects men physically and mentally, it will allow people to feel social accepted in the society around them regardless of their race or class status and will overall create a positive community around the 360 campaign. I decided to use social media as my chosen platform for my 360 campaign as according to a study by Marketing Charts, 73% of Generation Z actively use social media platforms on a daily basis (Charts, 2019). Therefore, I know that with the right content and marketing my campaign will gain attention from my specific targeted consumers.
The message of acceptance that is behind my brand will allow my consumers to feel proud of who they are and their cultural background. I want my 360 campaign to really grasp the idea that everyone is equal, and we are all part of the same community. This message will also hopefully appeal to other generations as it is a message that in my opinion has been reflected the most this year due to a racial tragedy that happened in the summer with the death of George Floyd and the experience that Covid-19 has collectively put everyone through. It is time that people wake up and realise that we need to accept each other and creative a positive community through our social consciousness.
Culture Protection Positive
Why Luxury Streetwear? As part of my research, I picked 4 brands that appealed to me the most, this process helped me notice that it is menswear that I am drawn to the most. The main factor that I took from my research is the cultural references that my two main brand influencers Craig Green and A Cold Wall* had throughout their brand. I found it interesting throughout my research how more high-end larger fashion houses such as Louis Vuitton and Dior had mixed cultural references throughout their brands. This was executed through collaborations with street artists such as Kaws and Daniel Arhsam, collaborations with luxury streetwear brands such as skateboarding brand Supreme and collaborations with lifestyle brand Nike. In order to make sure that my 360 campaign was future proof I researched into the future of the luxury market and came across publication High-Snobiety’s prediction of “The New Luxury”. High-Snobiety have forecasted their prediction of “The New Luxury” by researching into society and culture. This book explores how “youth-driven culture and fashion trends start from the ground up” (DeAcetis, 2019). This Is the idea that fashion trends start from streetwear and are then picked up by luxury brands, rather than the traditional approach of streetwear trends being trends that are trickled down from luxury fashion brands.
I think this is an interesting prediction and is already evident as luxury brands have already tested this. Kim Jones, creative director of Dior, recently released the Dior x Kaws collaboration through the ‘Drop Strategy’ approach that luxury streetwear brands such as Supreme are famously known to do. The collection was distributed to specific stores around the world where consumers had to queue in hope of having access to buying into the collection. This approach appealed to Generation Z as according to a study by Matter of Form “67% of Generation Z luxury purchases have bought a designer collaboration piece” (Form, 2019), the drop strategy also gives the consumers that sense of achievement that they were able to purchase from a drop. From this research I noticed that there was a gap in the market for a new vision on luxury streetwear. This is where my idea of cultural commentary through streetwear began and how these luxury streetwear brands can really push the boundaries in order to stay future proof and appeal to Generation Z consumers. In my opinion my approach of cultural commentary through luxury streetwear can have depth and meaning and provide the change that luxury streetwear brands need as it is about creating that relationship and connection for the consumer.
I decided to call my 360 campaign resonate as my aim is to allow consumers to feel connected to the brand in a way that they will remember and for it resonate with them. My aim is to create depth within the luxury streetwear fashion market through cultural commentary. Resonate will be a way for males from Generation Z to feel accepted into society and be proud of their cultural background and the community around them. Although streetwear is often seen as a trend that rarely pushes the boundaries, resonate will have a new spin on luxury streetwear that will be conceptual and have depth and purpose. Resonate will reference the message of acceptance as well as representing my 3 concepts. I chose to have my message of acceptance as it is something that I always stand by and was the message I portrayed throughout my brand me research. The element of culture in my brand campaign has also been heavily influenced by my brand me research, I realised that my childhood has been a huge influence on my life and the community I have around me which is why I wanted to bring these elements forward within my brand so that I can connect to it and so that there is a personal approach. I researched how other brands have represented acceptance and culture throughout their brands which has helped me develop my ideas further in terms of styling, photography and models. Clashing of cultures, conscious designs and protection both physically and mentally are all elements that I want to bring forward within my brand that are covered by my 3 main concepts. Resonate will appeal to my chosen future consumer who are Generation Z and will sit at the luxury market level.
A Cold Wall is a brand that has influenced me greatly throughout the process of defining my brand and what I want for my 360 campaign. Samuel Ross is the founder of A Cold Wall, he was born into a working class family and graduated from De Montfort University where he studied Graphic Design. The brand was established in 2015 in London. A Cold Wall is a brand that celebrates the energy of youth, as a brand it “takes an ergonomic approach to design, combing social consciousness with material innovation in order to optimise the human performance- the materials study for social architecture� (Wall, 2020). Samuel Ross’ influencers are community, clashing of class systems and public housing/architecture. It is his culture overall which has influenced him and his brand. He uses colours of public housing in his designs and references workwear. Samuel Ross is a conscious designer as his aim is to design garments that his consumers can have in their wardrobe for a life-time. He has a range of aspects of the production system that is sustainable, and his main focus is his consumers needs and wants when it comes down to designing. A Cold Wall has a sense of community within his brand as he gives back to the community by supporting black British owned businesses. The brand has also collaborated with lifestyle brands such as Nike, Converse and Dr Martens which shows that Samuel Ross is a collaborative designer, happy to work with other brands/designers in the industry.
A Cold Wall
Another influence of mine is Craig Green. Craig Green established his brand in 2012 after he graduated from Central St Martins. He also grew up in a working class background in London, as a child his family were always making things around him as they all had manual labour jobs. This led him to believe that he would become a sculpture or an artist when he grew up. Now it has become apparent that structure is one of his main influences as well as community and utilitarian wear. He creates stories through his designs that are more conceptual and avant-garde compared to A Cold Wall. Craig Green is a very collaborative designer who has collaborated with a range of brands including Adidas and Moncler. His more Avant-garde designs are displayed in museums across the world.
Craig Green
Reflecting from my research into both A Cold Wall and Craig Green I noticed that there were common denominators. Each brand had a community presence and a sense of cultural commentary throughout. This is where I began to notice a gap within the luxury streetwear market and how there is a gap for cultural commentary through luxury streetwear focusing on more of a conceptual and meaningful approach. This is what helped me understand what I wanted my brand concepts to be and how I can create this cultural commentary through luxury streetwear.
my message
The message behind my brand and 360 campaign is acceptance. Acceptance is very important to me as I have always aimed to accept people for who they are and treat everyone equally. Throughout my brand me research acceptance seemed to be the message that stood out the most and it is what I stand for. My aim is to make my brand a very accepting brand that is reflected into my 360 campaign. Generation Z have a need of empowering self-expression (DeAcetis, 2019; Form, 2019) and acceptance is needed in order for them to truly express themselves. My brand will accept all races, class status, religions and males in general in a very positive and empowering way. The concept of protections mentally sits alongside my message of protection as I want to demonstrate how men need to protect their mental health as well as those around them by supporting each other. My message of acceptance is referenced through each of my brands concepts of acceptance in community, acceptance of social consciousness and acceptance of protection.
Concept 1
Community Community is my first brand concept. My 360 campaign will focus on a community presence through cultural commentary. I chose community because I discovered from my brand me research, that I have been influenced by the community around me throughout my life. A community presence also brings that personal approach to my brand that I intend to have. I am going to create a social media campaign that will follow from my fashion film and styling book. The social media campaign will have the same name as my 360 campaign which is ‘Resonate’ and it will be a space where I will interview members of Generation Z, where they can share their positive stories about their cultural background and how it has shaped them as a person. This will also be a space where my targeted consumers, who are males that are members of Generation Z, can connect with the brand and support each other.
concept 2 Protection is a concept that I am going to portray throughout my 360 campaign. This is the idea of protecting the world around us by being conscious consumers as well as protecting each other physically and mentally. I found from my research, that there was a gap in the luxury streetwear market where brands discuss male’s mental health and show a more sensitive side to them. I will demonstrate the idea of protection, of males protecting/supporting each other by the use of my models poses. I will use my models to represent males in a way that that is unconventional and conceptual for the luxury streetwear market. I will style my models in vintage designer items as a way to demonstrate not only the protection of the environment as using vintage clothing is more of a sustainable approach but also the idea of going back to their roots by wearing vintage clothing that will compliment the story telling of my overall campaign. Using the materials around me is also something that designers Chris Ravesnbourne and designers at Botter perform that I found from my research. I will combine these elements by including the reference of protective wear and workwear.
concept 3
Social consciousness
My third concept is Social Consciousness, the principle of sharing concerns for the problems and injustices that are within society. I will demonstrate this concept by using multi-cultural models and representing them in a positive way. I want this concept to really portray the message of acceptance and accepting those around you which will help create that sense of unity and community. Resonate will be a safe place for all consumers to come together and support each other through the social media campaign as well as this concept being demonstrated visually through the fashion film and look book.
oghale Alex My concepts will all be represented in a digitally visually driven way as I aim to create a short fashion film. My fashion film is going to be emotive yet positive and will follow my brands message of acceptance which will resonate with my consumers. I chose to market my campaign through a fashion film as it is a way that luxury brands can truly show the storytelling of their brand campaigns. Following my research, I am also aware that according to a study by ‘The Manifest’ 89% of Generation Z use visual content platforms like Youtube, Instagram and Tiktok on a weekly basis (Baron, 2019). Therefore, creating a short fashion film will appeal to my target consumers. In addition to this I aim to collaborate with a videographer to help create a professional editorial film. I have researched into 2 photographers: Zina Zimolong and Oghale Alex. They inspire me as their photography is very conceptual and clearly tells a story. Each photographer has already used multicultural models and represented them in a positive unique way. The emotion that they create through their photography is what I aim to achieve when shooting my film and look-book
Nina Zimolong
I have conducted ways in which I can experiment with my styling. I have created digital styling croquis as well as performing a test shoot of how I’d aim for my styling to look like. My physical shoot helped me determine what I wanted to take forward with my styling for my 360 campaign as I was able to physically use garments rather than digitally visualising it. I incorporated protective wear and workwear within my styling to represent the clashing off class systems element within my brand. I used streetwear garments to represent that this is a luxury streetwear brand and I used vintage designer clothing to represent the conscious concept within my brand. I will consider this styling for my final shoot as it represents all of my concepts, however, I am open to further research into the styling and make any changes needed for my final shoot.
Digital Styling testing
test shoot of possible styling for my final shoot and film
Overall, I am pleased with my 360 campaign and I can clearly demonstrate the journey of how I got to my final idea through research and deconstruction. I think my 360 campaign idea has a strong message with concepts behind it which can be visually presented through a fashion film. My brand will demonstrate cultural commentary through luxury streetwear by creating depth and purpose that will appeal to my target consumers- Generation Z. I think the multi-channel approach of using fashion film, a look book and the use of a social media campaign will help create a strong presence for my 360 campaign and will help it gain attention from Generation Z. I noticed from my research that there is a gap in the luxury streetwear market for brands to show cultural commentary and the concepts of social consciousness, community and protection hence why I decided to create my 360 campaign around them. The social media campaign that will be part of my 360 campaign will allow my consumers to be able to feel connected with my brand and it will create a sense of community. The content that will be published on social media will be linked to each concept and will include real stories from members of Generation Z about their cultural influences and cultural background. This will allow people to connect with the brand as they may relate to the stories that are told, which conforms to the aim of the personal approach I wanted for my brand, and building a community presence. My research has helped guide me to my final 360 campaign idea and helped me understand my market level and ways in which I can future proof my brand in order to observe my consumers needs.
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Hsnnah McGuckin 1807322 Fashion Marketing and Communication Concept Direction and Development AD6605