30 Second Facebook Ad 1) (sound of pencils writing) Announcer: Need better test scores? (writing sound stops)
2) Announcer: Here are three easy steps to improving your grade.
3) (snapping sound) Announcer: One) Check out The Book Thief from your nearest library.
4) (snapping sound) Announcer: Two) Open that book and relax with a good read.
30 Second Facebook Ad
5) (snapping sound) Announcer: Three) Attend TXWES Reads events and have a blast with book discussions.
6) (banging sound) Announcer: Bam! Now, you’re getting better test scores, improved memory, and a broader understanding of life.
7) Announcer: Join the TXWES Reads’ Ramily now by going to West Library, txwes.edu, or by calling (817)-531-4800.