Onder 1 Hannah Onder MCO-3346-30 Dr. Colley 3/24/18 Made to Stick Essay When lies and conspiracies are remembered better than facts and important messages, how’s an ad supposed to be remembered? The average person spends less than 3 seconds looking at an ad, so it becomes important to know how to make a message stick with the people. In Chip and Dan Heath’s New York Times Bestseller, “Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die: Made to Stick,” the two brothers studied different ads to figure out why some ideas could last years while others were forgotten entirely in less than 5 minutes. The brothers classified the ads that were effective and remembered as sticky, and they developed a method people could model their own ads and ideas after to give their messages a higher chance of sticking in the minds of their viewers for years to come. What Makes Ideas Sticky? The Heaths developed six core principles to follow to make a message memorable. The first principle is keep it simple. It's like when your professor gives you a list of like five plus things to read. You’re probably only going to remember to read the last one or the one with the most memorable title. One important element to keeping it simple is making sure the message is short and compact. Though it can be difficult to keep things short when trying to establish a brand, make a sale, or teach a lesson, that’s why knowing the core concept of the message is