LW mag Dec

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December 2010

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december 2010

Love has the ability to raise us to our greatest heights, and also to drop us to our lowest depths. But what is a life without love? Love is at the core of who we are and what we do; love of self, love of others, love of life. I shall always remember nursing a broken heart in my early twenties, and seeing this poem on a friend’s fridge: “Work like you don’t need money, Love like you’ve never been hurt, And dance like no one’s watching.” What struck me was the simplicity of the words yet the challenge of actually embracing them. Love hurts, but love also heals. Every day, we have the opportunity to wake up and choose to see love - it’s in the neighbour’s wave, the colleague’s note or the stranger’s smile. Be love and you shall see love. Feel love and you shall receive love. Give love and you shall know love. I am excited that we will be presenting the ‘Lightworker Of The Year’ Award to celebrate loving contributions. Who has made a difference in your life this year? Inspired you to greatness, healed you from pain or sparked your inner genius? Recognise and thank them by nominating them for this award. To make your choice - of a famous or unsung hero - please complete this form. Love and light

Rachel Willis Editor Rachel@LightworkerMag.com

december 2010


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page 9 Open Your Heart To Your Life Purpose page 12 What Is This Thing Called Love? page 15 Read The Secrets In Your Lover’s Hand Part I - The Mounts page 17 Frequency 528Hz. Love: You And I And All page 19 Naturopathic Medicine: Loving Your Body And The Planet page 21 Under The Spotlight



page 25 Glow with Health & Wellbeing

page 41 Once Upon a Time...

page 27 Lightworker in Training

page 43 Words of Wisdom

page 29 Lightworker Challenge

page 44 Lightworker Loves...

page 31 The Businessman

page 45 Stars and Planets

page 33 Studying at the University of Life

page 49 Paulo Coelho

page 35 The Authenticity Diary page 37 Moments of Light

page 51 The List page 52 Featured Lightworker: Tim Ferriss

READER RESPONSES We love hearing from you! TWITTER



@The_Seers_Light Hello Blessings and Thanks to Lightworkers

Most popular posts of the month: Only love is real, only love exists.

“So many of the articles have profoundly affected me, very unique publication of content.” Vicki McCann

What we feel is simply a result of what we believe. So believe in love, positivity, health and everything else you want to feel and see in the world.

“I love your magazine and features it is a really informative way of letting people know what is out there. Keep up the good work.” Darlene Stanton

If you have not manifested what you desire, you are aiming too low... DREAM BIG!

“Great articles, thank you for teaching us all.” Paula Orellana

@mindsanctuary The Tina Gibbons Daily is out with top stories from @ lightworkermag! @jennshallvey Enjoy latest issue of Lightworker Magazine ‘The Knowledge Edition’ and connect to @lightworkermag

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december 2010


Edel O’Mahony

Susie Pearl

Cate Mackenzie

Edel’s favourite colour is purple, she is singing in a rock concert in December, and is a single parent of 4 children who plasters, paints and lays her own floorboards!

“My first job set me up strongly towards career success. It was as a custard lady, aged 16, in a large engineering factory. I decided on the first day there that I was going to work for myself, get successful and choose how I spent each hour of my working life. This decision came after saying ‘thick or thin?’ 1,000 times each and every lunchtime over a whole summer of my short life. It was a brilliant life lesson to me in the need for freedom and creativity on this journey. I became a determined entrepreneur from that point forward. I spent many years running large entertainment shows for MTV in Hollywood and through Europe. This was a lesson on what happens when fame and fortune kick in fast without a spiritual safety belt. I witnessed a lot of melt downs, bad behaviour and life patterns that took me on a journey of discovery towards simple abundance and the connected quantum field. The character in my family who teaches me most about life is our puppy Lester. He is joyful, abundant, happy, cheery, forgiving, compassionate and loving without missing a beat. Way to go, Lester. Sincere thanks to him for being a towering guru on life’s simple pleasures.” Lightworkermag.com

Cate was a child model, she co-wrote a book on the making of film ‘The Sheltering Sky’ by Bernardo Bertolucci, and was a comedy actress in Joanna Lumley’s comedy ‘Sensitive Skin’.

december 2010

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Tune in every day to listen to your favourite hosts from around the globe sharing wisdom, love and joy! Listen and learn more at RadioLightworker.com This month’s featured shows: Intuition Journey – Jenn Shallvey Jenn is an intuitive writer, coach and facilitator helping people in transition. Her focus is on people being real in life & work by becoming their authentic, true selves. To do this, Jenn helps people get started developing, accessing and applying their intuition. She believes everyone is intuitive, yet we either forget or block ourselves from accessing this valuable resource. Having journeyed herself asleep for many years, Jenn awoke to her own intuitive sense quite rapidly. After several years of playing in this new space Jenn now realises that our journey to intuition is a uniquely personal process. Though it helps to hear from others and learn from a variety of teachers, the ultimate teacher is our own self. Jenn thus encourages and facilitates people to reflect and create spaces where reflection is a regular practice. The Shamanic Way – Kay Gillard Kay is a healer and teacher focused on shamanic practice, Reiki, drumming and voice work, and manifestation through positive thought and energy. Based in south-east London, she works one-to-one with clients to restore lost power and essence, as well as running groups and teaching classes from absolute beginner to advanced teacher level. Her main aim as a teacher is to allow students to find their own unique style and path as a healer, and so help their light shine out into the world.

Bluebirds and Rainbows - Amanda McGregor Amanda works creatively with universal consciousness and supports creative integrity within the arts. She works to aid personal development, wellness, creative expression and to help with ‘communications’ by channelling from a place of divine inspiration. A consultation with Amanda is an enlightening experience that brings transformation on many levels. Amanda comes from a creative background, originally visual art. Over time, she has expanded her writing and vocal channels. She therefore integrates universal consciousness with creative development and ‘communications’, working with people from all creative, cultural and spiritual areas of life.

Lightworker Of The Year Award


Who has made a difference in your life this year? Inspired you to greatness, healed you from pain or sparked your inner genius? Recognise and thank them by nominating them for our Lightworker Of The Year Award. The winner will receive a commissioned poem, courtesy of Give a Poem, and be featured in Lightworker Magazine. To make your choice of a famous or unsung hero please complete this form.


Open Your Heart To Your Life Purpose Cate Mackenzie

What Is This Thing Called Love? Dawn Henderson

Read The Secrets In Your Lover’s Hand Part I - The Mounts Anne Hassett

Frequency 528Hz. Love: You And I And All Susie Pearl

Naturopathic Medicine: Loving Your Body And The Planet Emma Jones

Under The Spotlight Edel O’Mahony

Cate Mackenzie

Open Your Heart To Your Life Purpose You are beautiful and perfect just as you are right now. If you really knew who you were you would be amazed because there is a part of you connected to a universal self that is ready to open up and download your mission on this Earth. This is the part of you that knows that you are love, knows that you are gifted, abundant, beautiful, passionate and creative. As you open up to this part of you and connect your soul’s purpose to your heart’s desire, you become the loving being that you are and allow yourself to expand and explore a life of love. To me, love is living the truth of who you are. Love is allowing that quiet gentle voice inside you to guide you and lead you. Love is being yourself and allowing your essence to be revealed. Love is realising that as you share your gifts you heal others. For the reality is that you are love, you were born as love, you walk as love, you touch love, you speak with love and you act as love. You cannot help it for you are a heartbeat. Your heart beats with a vibrancy that sends love out to the world. Earth is an anagram of heart and is also a heartbeat. You and the earth share a heartbeat. When you were a foetus for a time you were a heart, and your legs, arms and tongue grew out of your heart. You are still a heart, and a major creator and manifestor. Heart-filled creation As you begin to realise who you are and live in the truth of your heart space, you can begin to download your mission.

BIOG Cate Mackenzie is an International Love Coach, workshop leader and artist. She works in Spain, France, Greece, Kuwait and all over the UK and her heart paintings are sold in 72 countries through IKEA. She has been featured on TV and magazines and is passionate about helping people connect to their hearts and manifest their dreams.

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Your mission is your purpose or path in this spacetime dimension and what you have come to seed or plant. You are deeply special and needed, and you have been called to serve. We are all here at a unique time in the evolution of our planet to support the paradigm shift into love and oneness. You do not need to know exactly what your mission is or how to remove the blocks that may be in the way of receiving and creating your path. What you need is to be willing to open your heart and release any limits you may have in doing so. As you begin to open your heart you will start to hear guidance about who you are and what you are meant to do. Your heart is an incredible centre of manifestation. Heart surgeons are very careful about touching a gentle soft place in the heart because they believe that is where the soul sits. And this centre of the soul is where many poets and mystics believe that we are connected to God/the Universe/ Universal energy/All that Is. So as you connect with your heart and with love (for your heart sends love and joy around your body in a deep gracious flow), you can meditate on love and all you wish to create.

want to feel that level of hurt again. The reality is that a closed heart is a limited space rather than a protected space. A permanently contracted muscle has no possibility to move, whereas a flexible muscle can open and close as you choose. So as you open and become conscious, you can actually learn how to become much safer and much more aware of knowing your boundaries and your limits. As you learn how to open your heart, which you can do gently and safely, you can discern when and how you would like to be more open. This is a journey of maturity and adulthood as you remove your limitations and take on the power of who you are. It is about connecting with your mission and birthing it into the material realm. We all have a human self with our emotions and ups and downs, and we also have a Universal self or God self that we can connect to and realise. The more you allow this to unfold, the more you will expand into a flourishing universe of your own making. Steps to Open Your Heart to your Mission

Reopening the heart

1. Open Your Heart

Many people have closed their hearts because of disappointment, grief, resentment or because they never Lightworkermag.com

Place your hands on your heart and get to know it. You can do this anytime you want to. It is a journey to get to connect december 2010

Opening Your Heart To Your Purpose And Letting Love In workshops: 11th Dec 2010 - London - £65 www.intuitionandhealing.co.uk 5th Feb 2011 - Birmingham - £67 www.treeoflifemagazine.co.uk 12th Feb 2011 - London - £65 www.intuitionandhealing.co.uk 23rd-30th April 2011 - Spain - £578 www.cortijo-romero.co.uk with your heart and you can develop a relationship through meditating on your heart. As you connect with your heart she can begin to release any old stories and patterns that are no longer useful. Once she starts to become freer she can start to open and as she does she will reveal your deep mysteries and you will remember all your wishes and dreams.

4. Connect with your purpose or mission

2. Own and inherit who you are

5. Download your soul’s purpose into your heart’s desire

List your assets. Who are you? Make a list about what is great about you. What qualities do you have? Are you a kind person, a good listener, compassionate and loving? It is important to begin to see yourself in a good light. And what assets could you inherit from your ancestors? Even if you do not know them, are you willing to allow the power of your ancestors into your life now? In the morning, meditate and ask who you are and what your purpose is. 3. Release your limiting beliefs Ask for Universal Energy or God/ Goddess and divine presence to clear in every space time dimension any limiting beliefs you may have that limit you in any way shape or form. You do not have to know what they are but you need to be willing to release them. december 2010

Connect with a statement that allows you to feel your mission or purpose. Find words that include a value or values and an action. My mission is to be a love angel spreading love around the world through coaching, words, art and workshops.

Create a white bubble of light above you and in this space place yourself living the life of your dreams. Hold this bubble of light in your hands and see and feel yourself feeling happy and being in the life of your dreams. See yourself with a partner if you want one and see yourself living in a beautiful place being or doing the creativity you want to. When you are ready bring this bubble into your heart and feel the connection of this dream as you bring it into the present through your heart. How do you feel? Hold your heart and feel the connection. 6. Listen, watch, follow and connect with what happens Follow the steps that unfold and seed your dreams into the material realm. Lightworkermag.com

CONTACT www.catemackenzie.com info@catemackenzie.com

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Dawn Henderson

What Is This Thing Called Love? We all know about it. Most of us have experienced it. Countless songs, stories and poems have been written about it. Miracles have been wrought, peace achieved, lives transformed, wars fought, murders committed and hearts broken because of it. But what is it? What is Love?

Is it any of the above? All? Or none of them? What is Love? There are around 7 billion people on this planet and if I asked every one of them, I’d probably get around 7 billion different answers. But how many of those would come close to describing what Love actually is? Since time immemorial the concept of Love has been invested with so many expectations, limitations, conditions and assumptions that its truth has long been lost deep in the soup of human existence.

BIOG Dawn is the author of Forgotten Wings, a guide to personal and spiritual transformation published in August 2010 and available from Amazon. She has been working in this field for well over 10 years, is a Reiki Master and qualified in several healing modalities. She currently specialises in EFT. Dawn is passionate about helping people awaken to their true light and potential, and introducing them to another way of being.

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So, to answer my own question, Love is all of these things… but it is also much much more…. The examples I gave above are just a tiny fraction of the myriad ways that Love expresses itself through us, allowing us to experience all of its aspects. Reminding us of its presence. But Love is so much more than this. Love is the energy of all creation. The foundation of all existence and the building blocks of the Universe. It is what is left when everything else has been stripped away. Love is always with us. It is the essence and energy of Source. And as we too are a part of Source, its essence and energy are also ours. We ARE Love. It is always with us because it is what we are. And because it is what we are, we can never be without it. When we believe otherwise, it is simply because we have forgotten this truth. Love is the heart-to-heart, soul-tosoul connection between every one of us (and to every thing). It is a recognition of and reverence for our innate sacredness and divinity. It is total acceptance, understanding and compassion. Love makes no demands, imposes no conditions or restrictions, does not seek to control or judge. Love simply is… always. In whatever form Love expresses itself in our lives – romantic or passionate Lightworkermag.com

love, parental love, friendship or something bigger but less defined – when we experience it or believe it to be anything other than this, it is because its truth has been hidden from us. Hidden by the misguided messages about it that we have received and taken on board. What most of us consider to be Love is not really Love at all. Loaded with conditions, demands and expectations it is a distorted pseudo-love, at best a poor imitation of the real thing, at its worst painful, destructive and disempowering. We have allowed fear to corrupt Love’s truth. We fear that it may be withheld, rejected or taken away from us. And this fear often means we will put up with almost anything to hold onto Love. We have forgotten that Love is always with us in our hearts and souls and that it can never be otherwise. When we remember and experience this truth our fears dissolve.

Is it that lovely warm fuzziness we feel when we cuddle a pet or favourite teddy bear? That powerfully fierce protectiveness that gives a mother the capacity to kill in order to save her child? The hot tingly ‘I-want-to-ripyour-clothes-off-right-NOW’ness that fills us when the man or woman of our dreams kisses us? Or the tenderness that gets us right there when we gaze at that same person sleeping, knowing we would give ourselves to keep them from pain?

But how do we begin to remember what Love really is? To change our perception of it? By going within and rediscovering it within our own hearts – if we cannot see it within us, we will never see it outside of ourselves. By acknowledging the Love that already surrounds us each and every day, from our family, friends and perhaps our pets. Even a warm smile or a friendly word from a stranger in the street is filled with Love. By seeing the beauty around us and recognising it as december 2010

This is where I believe the current quantum shift is taking us – back to Love. We are being called to lift our vibrations, to step away from our fearbased lives and beliefs that have hidden the truth from us for so long and to return to our true nature: Love. And we are gradually waking up, one by one, remembering our connection to unconditional Love. We are slowly losing our fear of separation. And as we do so, this Love starts to flow as a two-way stream. As we see the divine spark and perfection in others and open our hearts to them without fear or conditions, so they respond, opening their hearts and minds to the possibility of a new definition of Love.

Love is the heart-to-heart, soul-tosoul connection between every one of us (and to every thing)

an expression of Source’s Love.

Click here to buy Dawn’s book

These pioneers are the light-keepers, leading the way for others to follow. Giving Love without asking for anything in return. Practising non-judgement. Accepting and loving what is whilst reaching for change. Allow your heart to fall a little bit in love with everyone you meet. Young or old, male or female, homeless or millionaire, it makes no difference. By opening your heart you will be tapping into that endless supply of Love that is your true nature. You will be bringing it into your life – and you will be strengthening its light in the world. december 2010

CONTACT www.dawnhenderson.co.uk dawn@dawnhenderson.co.uk


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Created by Lightworkers for Lightworkers, these positive, inspirational and educational products will assist you on your path to joy, freedom and abundance.

www.ArtOfPositiveLiving.com This month’s featured products: Personal Lunar Year Reading and Plan By Zoe Hind - Would you like to illuminate your life and flow more closely with the phases of the moon? - This reading will help you how to make an effective plan for the coming year by harnessing the energies of each New Moon, Full Moon and Dark Moon. - Using your very own Birth Chart (date, time and place of birth needed), you will discover how each moon of the year is specific to a certain area of your life (relationships, work, spirituality, health etc) and can be used to improve and empower you. - The technique is simple and will lead to a more harmonious life, in tune with the moon’s rhythms and making the most of the energies available to you. - There is only 1 Full moon, New moon and Dark Moon in each Zodiac sign per year. The New Moon is an excellent time to initiate new projects. The Full Moon is perfect to harvest results and capture the lunar limelight. The Dark Moon is a great time to clear out and break bad habits. - Come and reflect on the beauty of the moon. - Private consultation: 1 hour - Recorded or written The Art Of Inspired Living Video/Audio Workshop by Kimberley Jones - What does it mean to be inspired? Why seek it? - How does Inspiration FEEL to you? - What things inspire YOU? - Gathering your personal ‘Inspiration Tool Kit’ - Daily Inspiration practice - Guided Energy Meditation ‘Tapping the Well-Spring of Inspiration’ Qi Gong Video - 5 Natural Breath Exercises For Health by Jeremy Pfeiffer In this instructional video (can also be played as audio) set in beautiful Thai countryside, Universal mentor Andrew Morrissey guides you through Qi Gong exercises to learn the art of natural breathing - using the tiger and dragon’s breath - based on the 5 elements - Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire. It is recommended that you use this video as a daily practice to improve your holistic vitality, health and wellbeing.

Anne Hassett

Read The Secrets In Your Lover’s Hand Part I - The Mounts Relationships seem to be a lottery. A few get lucky but so many finish up having a miserable time. No one sets out to get into a relationship and then have it all go wrong. So what happens? How can you avoid the pitfalls? It helps to know your lover really well before you decide to commit your life to him or her. So, how can you get to know yourself and then your lover really well? Time, of course, would reveal all, but wait too long and you may lose your chance. There is a better and much easier way. The lines and marks in the palm of every human hand reveal all about character and personality. They rarely lie. I have been working as a palmist, psychic and spiritual counsellor for 30 years and I am always intrigued by the fact that even the most intelligent of people can get their love lives in such a mess. I am privileged to have as my clients politicians and media stars, bank presidents and housewives, doctors and postmen, the rich and the poor, in fact, people young and old from all walks of life. It always amazes me that so many people can make a success of so many other areas of life and yet make such a disaster of their love relationships. We spend years being educated for a career; we do endless research before we set up a business, but we go into a romantic relationship wearing rose tinted glasses and with our fingers crossed. Crazy or what?

BIOG Anne is a psychic with over 30 years experience. She has a worldwide client base and features on TV and radio, and in many international newspapers and magazines.

december 2010

How much more sensible it would be to do a little research before making what is intended to be a life-long commitment to another human being. Firstly, we need to know ourselves really well… and not many people do. Secondly, we need to know our lover well. First impressions are not always accurate. Many people mistake lust for love. Chemistry is very powerful and one can easily mistake physical attraction for true love. There is nothing wrong with lust, but one should never marry for it! Lust doesn’t last more than a few years at best. I get clients who, when the lust wears off, then say to me “the magic has gone out of our marriage”. They have nothing else to keep them together. There are many more qualities that need to be present in a relationship to ensure a long-lasting commitment; friendship, respect, trust, honesty, mutual values and goals, an ability to compromise and make allowances for one another and, most of all, a sense of humour! One of the first things I look at on a hand is the Mounts… The Highs And Lows Of Love There are nine mounts on the hand; these are the raised bumps that are in different parts of the palm. Each one Lightworkermag.com

is named for a planet and will have the qualities of that planet ascribed to it. The ancients used a system of naming parts of the hand after the astrological signs because of the qualities associated with each of these signs. Those of you who have a knowledge of astrology will be familiar with these qualities, but for those who haven’t, I will endeavour to explain them as simply as possible. It used to be said that ‘the larger the area of the mount, the greater the quantity and the higher the mount, the better the quality of any particular attribute’. The Mount Of Venus More than any other aspect of the hand, the Mount of Venus will give very clear guidelines and indications as to your lover’s love nature, his desire for sex and passion and his appreciation of the sensual aspects of living. So we will explore this mount in detail. The Mount of Venus is the largest mount of all. Venus was the Goddess of Love and of all things sensual. The mount of Venus in the hand is the large pad of flesh under the thumb and enclosed by The Life Line. It can often be as large as 25% of the area of the entire palm. The broader the sweep of the Life Line out into the palm, the larger the area of the Mount of Venus. How well this mount page fourteen

No matter how handsome or good looking they may be, you will only get heartbroken

What is desirable in a lover’s hand is a good well formed Mount of Venus. Warmth, generosity, kindness, compassion, sympathy and sexual passion or lack of any of these qualities can all be shown by the size and texture of the Mount of Venus. The owner of a reasonably high, broad based Venus Mount has much to offer especially if it is resilient and firm. They are affectionate and caring, warm and fun- loving and are a delight to have around. The large Mount of Venus, determined by the Life line making a wide arc out into the palm, shows someone whose reserves of energy and passion are enormous. He or she is likely to have a passion for most things in life and will possess a passionate nature. This is a lover who loves life and attempts to enjoy every aspect of it. They may have a love of music and the arts as well as for food and drink. They are generally kind and affectionate in nature. They are seldom kept down for long when they have a disappointment in life but quickly bounce back ready for the next venture. page fifteen

is formed and how it feels to the touch are excellent guides to the strength of your lover’s passionate nature and sexual desires.

A small mount here would denote someone who firstly wouldn’t have a great deal of physical stamina and secondly would have a cold mean nature. As the area of the mount is determined by the sweep of the Life Line out into the palm, when the Life Line is more linear, it minimizes that vital life force. If the mount is flat and low, it indicates a selfish and mean spirited nature. This person would be devoid of passion, love and generosity. It denotes someone who has no appreciation of art, music, good food or the finer things of life. They will be concerned only with the practical aspects of life and will have no feeling at all for love or emotion. If the small, low mount of Venus is on a narrow palmed hand and if the fingertips are claw-like they may even have a streak of ruthlessness. This type of character can often turn on the charm to get what he or she wants. They will usually want to attach themselves to someone from whom they can get something. Steer clear of this type; no matter how handsome or good looking they may be, you will only get your heart broken. The love and romance you seek will never be forthcoming from this one. The height of the Mount of Venus is of great importance when looking at the hand with a view to analysing the love prospects. If it is unusually high Lightworkermag.com

in relation to the rest of the hand and if it also takes up a larger than average amount of space, this is someone whose appetites are sometimes too large for their own good. They can be overindulgent regarding food and sex. Their sexual appetites may be a problem for them unless they have a strong Head Line to ‘keep their head’ and a strong thumb to give them will power. The Mount Of Luna The Mounts of Luna and Venus occupy most of the hand beneath the Head line. Luna is the mount right across from Venus just above the wrist and on the side of the hand under the little (or Mercury) finger. The Mount of Luna is the area of the hand concerned with the subconscious and as such governs such things as imagination, sensitivity, psychic ability, dreams and inner vision. If you want a romantic lover, make sure they have a well-developed Mount of Luna. After all, a lover without an imagination can be boring indeed. If you wish to assess the sensitivity of your lover, then a close examination of the Luna mount is essential. A well-developed mount of Luna is deep and full with a slight curve out at the percussion edge. The mount should be firm but springy and neither too high december 2010

To me, communicate and relate are synonymous, if people don’t communicate, how can they relate?

A too high Mount of Luna indicates over sensuality and a too vivid imagination. Those possessing the latter will be dreamers and have unrealistic expectations of you and of life. Their time will be taken up with pie-in-thesky dreams and idle fantasies. They may claim to be psychic, and indeed they may be, but they are the type to convince themselves of whatever they want to believe. They even believe their own fantasies. If this is coupled with a long Saturn finger, (See section on fingers in Part III) the fantasies could be of a morbid nature. If this over-high Mount of Luna is also flabby, it depicts a lazy dreamer, one who has impractical dreams and ideas and never puts them into practice. For them, ‘there’s always tomorrow’. By not actually doing anything, they can avoid failure and can always tell themselves they could have done it ‘if only’, if only they had more time, if only people really understood them, if only they didn’t have such a rotten childhood/ex-wife or husband/ungrateful boss etc. They will find an endless list of excuses. A too flat or non-existent Mount of Luna is the lover with no imagination at december 2010

all. They can’t understand your love of poetry, good music, a beautiful sunset or anything of the imagination. They can’t understand why you would want a bunch of flowers or a birthday card. Flowers on the table... Bah. Humbug! If they can’t see, hear, smell or touch something, it doesn’t exist. Romance is entirely out of the question. They just can’t see the point. Now what you do want is someone with a full, firm Mount of Luna. This is a lover with a good healthy imagination. This lover will constantly surprise you. They will be imaginative in their romancing and in their lovemaking. Your female lover will constantly surprise you with her romantic touches. The male lover will ‘court’ you in the old fashioned way… and don’t we all love that. For me, a man without a healthy imagination has no chance! The Mount Of Neptune Some palmists hardly consider this to be a mount at all and indeed it is very often absent in many hands. I would like to mention it here as this article is about lovers and I feel that this mount has a significant part to play regarding the love nature. It is located just above the wrist between the Mounts of Venus and Luna. What it does is to form a bridge between the two. This bridge connects the conscious Lightworkermag.com

nor too low. You can judge the height by comparing it to the surrounding mounts and to the hollow in the centre of the palm.

Venus side with the unconscious Luna side. When strong and well formed it indicates a lover who knows what they are doing and why they are doing it. It also indicates someone who is a good communicator. Communication is essential in a good relationship. I am always puzzled when I get clients who say, “Oh, we have a good relationship, it’s just that we don’t communicate”. Pardon? To me, communicate and relate are synonymous, if people don’t communicate, how can they relate? And if they don’t relate, how can they have a relationship? If there is a strong gap, a lack of any kind of mount here, your lover will not find it easy to communicate with you. They may also be quite unconscious about their own feelings. Next month, Part II of the Mount interpretations.

CONTACT www.acushlasangels.com

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Susie Pearl

Frequency 528Hz. Love: You And I And All We are all transmitters of light. Each cell and molecule of our being is vibrating with a resonance, which corresponds directly to our life’s conscious experience. Energy is emitted from cells at a particular frequency, powered by consciousness, and transmits as a frequency across the quantum field of ‘all that is’. The frequency of energy forms the basis of what we understand to be universal experience and dictates the essence of what shows up in our quantum existence as ‘life’. Once we begin to understand how this energy system works, we begin to get powerful insights into our own existence. We can tune up to a better life through our own management of energy output, thoughts, imagination and emotion. Since the advent of quantum theory, it appears we have a greater perspective on the nature of the universe and how it works. Thanks to the evolution of new science, we have now come to understand that we are energy beings whooshing around in an energy-based universal system. We are subject to irrefutable laws of nature. The cooking pot of life appears to be based on vibration and resonance – incorporating sound frequency, oscillation, movement and waves of light - all of which impact and affect our conscious experience. The study of physics, maths, music and mind consciousness are coming together in a new wave of understanding around human existence. We are in the heart of a renaissance of information and understanding in relation to who we

BIOG A writer, mentor and manifest genie to successful entrepreneurs, artists and individuals from around the world. Susie has been working with famous names from the world of self development, broadcasting and entertainment for two decades. She has been advising the biggest brands in the world – including MTV, Adidas, Sony, Microsoft – on how to get to the top. She has coached some of the most famous names on the planet on happiness. She is a media commentator on manifesting happiness, abundance and success.

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are. Speedily, we are piecing together new insights on the nature of mind. We are evolving switfly and many of us are noticing the synchronicities in science through an integration of these disciplines of study merged together into a contemporary approach to conscious living. Sacred Harmonics Master composers knew about the secrets of scared harmonics and resonance. They were in tune with the harmonies of sound and the natural power created by combining a range of musical tones. For example, Haydn’s 96 symphony ‘The Miracle’ has been celebrated and enjoyed through generations as a moving piece of musical composition. Just by listening to the wave of power behind this music, we seem to be ‘moved’ by our emotions in a physical sense within the body. In other words, we create profound feeling changes just by listening to the resonance of tones. These Masters appeared to have understood this power when composing, and they wrote using the ancient Solfeggios musical scale. This ancient scale is a six tone sequence of electro-magnetic frequencies. These frequencies were rediscovered by Dr Joseph Puleo in 1974 and are described Lightworkermag.com

in ‘Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse’ by Dr Leonard Horowitz. The six solfeggio frequencies are: UT - 396 Hz – Releasing guilt and fear RE - 417 Hz – Resolving situations and facilitating change MI - 528 Hz – Transformation, love, miracles, DNA repair FA - 639 Hz – Connecting to source and relationships SOL -741 Hz – Expression and solutions LA - 852 Hz – Awakening spiritual order These original sound frequencies were used in the ancient Gregorian chants. When we get into the heart of pure sound, we go beyond words and beliefs. We are aimed directly into a powerbase to facilitate turning grief to joy, resolving difficult situations, facilitating great changes, connecting deeper with source energy, connecting with our spiritual family, improving our relationships, awakening intuition and aligning with spiritual order and harmony. december 2010

“The forms of snowflakes and faces of flowers may take on their shape because they are responding to some sound in nature. Likewise, it is possible that crystals, plants, and human beings may be, in some way, music that has taken on visible form” Poet Cathie Guzetta Love 528 The third note of the scale is MI (frequency 528). This abbreviated name comes from the Latin ‘Mi-ra gestorum’ meaning ‘miracle’. This frequency is precisely the one used by genetic biochemists and has special relevance in the discussion of love. Scientists have shown that 528Hz can restore broken genes in DNA through water resonance and wave phenomena. The DNA spiral flows with this vibration along the path of least resistance and then comes together again naturally with other related genetic segments. This field of wave phenomena and the study of the power of sound to reorganise matter is known as cymatics. The frequency of 528 appears near the centre of the electro-magnetic colour spectrum and presents itself close to the colour of light green. The same colour is found at the centre of a rainbow and is the colour of the heart chakra. In the ancient world, the special tones and chants based on specific frequencies from the Solfeggios musical scale were used to create harmony, give blessings and enhance spiritual alignment. The benefits of these sounds and frequencies were well known and widely understood by ancient civilisations. Much of this old wisdom has been lost through the ages december 2010

(perhaps because of its power) and we are now re-discovering these principles of power, resonance and harmony. Now, more than ever, we are feeling moved to look deeper at the data on frequency and resonance. As we do this, we help to raise planetary consciousness and activate a more heart-centred approach to loving and living. We are beginning to see the power of love and the frequency of 528 Hz rise up. This is matched by an increase in interest around the area of law of attraction, living life through love and increasing levels of consciousness and planetary awareness across the globe. This resonance has the potential and the capacity to synchronise humanity and get us more in tune with nature, harmony, unity and ultimate truth. This can easily translate into greater world peace and improved balance for all. The experiments from such people as Dr Hans Jenny demonstrate the effects of sound on form through stunning photographic evidence. We see here how sounds, words and intentions resonate and effect form. This shows us the deep significance around how we create our own reality and use this to affect our own manifestations through simple thought form and intention setting, which then shows up in physical form. We are becoming more conscious of our manifesting power through recognising that thought and emotion does indeed create reality. The wonderful photographs of waters and crystals changing form in the work of Dr Emoto’s ‘Miraculous Messages from Water’ show these effects with remarkable and astonishing clarity. Love is the frequency for us to shine our light in the world With all of the new and old evidence before us, it is clear that love is the Lightworkermag.com

frequency for us to use to shine our light in the world. Through love, all is possible. With a frame and frequency of love we create an abundant world, manifestations of joy and a life of great beauty and magnificence. Through a filter of love, we can aim high with our magnificent minds and create wonder and success in our lives. If we focus through love and compassion, everything is possible. We are designed to be transmitters of love. Love is all there is.

Following on from studying and working with top brains in the worlds of music, mind, business and science, Susie has developed a bullet-proof method to enable anyone to achieve success and happiness fast. This success system is explained in her new book, Master Mind.

CONTACT www.manifestgenie.com www.mastermindseminars.com

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Emma Jones

Naturopathic Medicine: Loving Your Body And The Planet The definition of knowledge from deep within is Truth. This means inner knowing and outer wisdom. How can we be truthful to ourselves, get in tune with that inner knowledge, and express it? The approach I take is to get in tune with the body and the planet via a naturopathic diet and a lifestyle that gives love to our body and the planet. Naturopathic medicine is a very simple approach to connecting with ancient wisdom that has been handed down through many generations. My belief is that we know how to stay healthy and we know exactly what to do if we are unhealthy. The main question is how to continue to listen to our natural instincts when the world around us is going so fast and everyone is losing this connection with who they are. The logic is: “If we follow a diet that is organic and natural that’s friendly to the planet then we become a big oak tree that is a support for all other humans on the planet.” Reclaim your power right now, as I believe you know how. We are living in the best and worst times at this moment and have the choice to create the life we want and fulfil the planet’s bigger plan. We are all in this together and there has been no other time in history where truth has become so important. The truth is emerging, and it’s our job to tune in and share our individual wisdom teachings with the world.

BIOG Emma is an experienced practitioner of Naturopathic medicine. She runs a busy practise in Cardiff where she gives advice on achieving health and she set up the first Naturopathic medicine college in Wales. Emma also runs a woman’s moon group and is the core author of Moon wisdom for modern living.

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“The answer to every question you have ever asked is within you, all knowledge is within us.” The reality Let us consider the subject of eating with the seasons. For our bodies to stay in perfect balance, we need to be eating local, organic and seasonal food. Many people eat food that has been imported and is completely out of season. This has a big effect on our health and environment. Achieving true balance of health means that we need to be in tune with the season and eat what nature provides in that season. We all know that we need four pints of water per day as a bare minimum. The question is, if you were drinking four pints of polluted water, would that be healthy? Water is the source of health, so if you are going to drink the recommended levels then it needs to be as pure as possible. This means local purified water that is as free of chemicals as possible. What happened to our local springs? They are still around us. Have we forgotten that water is free, in abundance and full of powerful energy when we get it from the source? The plastic bottle epidemic is getting out of hand. It’s terrible for our body, creating negative oestrogens in our cells and having a disastrous effect on the planet. Why aren’t we waking up to this? Lightworkermag.com

Drinking pure water, and eating local and unprocessed foods is nothing new for the generations before us. Have we lost our common sense when in many ways we think we have advanced? I believe we have lost the ability to think for ourselves and to question what true health is. We are walking around, often only achieving 50% health, and putting up with the odd symptoms. Have you ever considered that everything we need to be healthy is in abundance all around us? Wild grass, raw greens, spring water, berries, flowers, wild mushrooms, tree mushrooms and more. All at our fingertips, and all free! The food industry has a huge effect on our health, from the plastics, packaging and chemicals in food. Did you know that the average person who eats unnatural food is walking around with over 300 chemicals in their fat cells? Not taking responsibility for our health is hugely affecting our society and our ability to reproduce. Infertility has become a widespread problem and many people are resorting to unnatural ways of conceiving. I always use the analogy ‘if you were going to bake a cake you wouldn’t go ahead and bake it without the correct ingredients’. If we carry on the way we are, could it be that the humans will become extinct? Removing blockages So what stops us listening to our december 2010

However, getting back to who you truly are is simple and a blissful experience, once we break through the illusion of life. Underneath all the chaos is true simplicity and the joy in knowing that we have everything we need, right now. Fresh water, free food in nature and enough love to resolve any problem that comes our way.

organic local food, space for dreamtime and an open heart. It’s simple and we all know how to achieve this. So let’s create a real, authentic, natural life together; the time is ripe to reclaim your soul.

If we follow a diet that is organic and natural that’s friendly to the planet then we become a big oak tree that is a support for all other humans on the planet

natural instincts? I believe it’s a result of our demanding jobs, the increase of mobile phones, constant pressure to be achieving and not having the space to dream. I am a great believer that if you give yourself the space to connect with yourself, you will discover what you need to stay healthy. The more dehydrated we become through all these demands, the more out of tune with ourselves we are.

Take a brave stance in turning your back on everything that takes you away from your true self and move towards everything that brings you closer to nature. Walk barefoot in nature and connect with the plants you are about to eat, then you will learn everything you need to know in that moment. All knowledge is downloaded into our cells by plants and nature. All we need do is listen to our natural instincts, acknowledge gut feelings, and love nature. If we want to heal ourselves, we first have to heal the planet. The recipe for life is pure water, natural december 2010

CONTACT www.healthyjones.co.uk www.naturaldoctors.co.uk ej_nutrition@yahoo.co.uk


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Edel O’Mahony

Under The Spotlight

BIOG Edel is a Transformational Speaker, Leader, Mentor, Trainer, Coach and Connected Spiritual Being. Bringing words to the public internationally in a way everyone can understand... can connect with... awakening their own inner energy. People who have met Edel feel they are in the presence of something special. They know she speaks the truth and are inspired by her words and actions. Edel really does ‘walk her talk’. Most recently, Edel has created a bestselling course on the Law of Attraction, available through her website.

Edel is the world’s leading Law Of Attraction specialist, a transformational speaker, author and entrepreneur who wholly lives by Ghandi’s truth, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” In this chat with Editor Rachel Willis, Edel shares her story of being a single parent of four, going through struggle and pain, but changing every aspect of her life and now helping you make the changes in your life that allow you to be all you are meant to be... MAGNIFICENT! Covering topics such as creating wealth through work that you love, finding your soul mate and loving yourself unconditionally, this interview is a must listen… Click here to download.

CONTACT www.edelomahony.com edel@edelomahony.com Facebook: Edel.OMahony.Consultancy LinkedIn Twitter: @EdelOMahony

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Join Edel for more inspirational tips and advice on her ‘Creating Your Conscious Coincidences’ Radio Lightworker show. Lightworkermag.com

december 2010

Enlightened Innovation

"The thought manifests as the word The word manifests as the deed The deed develops into habit Habit hardens into character So watch the thought and its ways with care... As we think, so we become."

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Streamline your thoughts Develop your mind Visit us at www.symphonicmind.com


health Glow with Health and Wellbeing

education Lightworker in Training

relationships Lightworker Challenge

business The Businessman

adventure Studying at the University of Life

living The Authenticity Diary

source Moments of Light

know:health Glow with Health and Wellbeing

Love Your Life Stu Gatherum is a passionate and focused Strength and Conditioning specialist who is committed to delivering outstanding results in fitness, nutrition and total health and wellness. Hi all and welcome to December! Where has this year disappeared? We find ourselves now fighting the high streets and shopping malls, scouring for bargains and wracking our brains for what to buy for that special someone. Before I go any further, I would like to extend a sincere thank you for all the messages of support and well wishes I received since my cycling accident. It has been a nice reminder of the kind of support we can rely on in times of need. Back to my article for this month, we are talking about Love. This subject immediately brings up countless thoughts of romance, dependence, admiration and happiness. Love is not always going to be fairytales, marshmallows and rainbows. It takes work and effort and continued evolution. It takes compromise. It’s allowing yourself to be seen in a light you are uncomfortable with. I’m sure seeing me talk nonsense following the accident and being battered and bruised is not altogether an attractive situation for my other half, but these are the situations in which love grows and blossoms.

enjoy exercise and I didn’t understand the lack of motivation the public seemed to have for it. Now I surround myself with shared passion and it excites me every day to go to work. Secondly, I have been re-energised in my own exercise by a new gym. Clearly the two-and-a-half hour commute to the old haunt wasn’t going to happen and as such we joined a new gym not even 10-minutes away. I have been pleasantly surprised by the skills on display from the trainers here and the fact that they use the tools available to them. Too many times I have seen a plethora of equipment go to waste due to a lack of understanding on the trainers’ part and it is the public who suffer. The energy and friendliness of the new gym has surprised and really stoked the fire again to continue to make the efforts necessary to succeed. My take away advice for this month is to be honest about your current regime. Are you ‘in love’ with it? If not it may be time to take the necessary action to work on your relationship with fitness. It could be a worthwhile investment in a lifelong relationship. Remember, it takes effort and continued evolution. It takes compromise and you need to be honest with yourself. Seeing yourself in a light you are comfortable with will achieve higher results.

For me, as the fitness guy, I need to put a pin in the emotional mushy side of things and relate my writing towards the area of health and wellbeing. Recently, I made a career move as some of you know, uprooting myself and my other half and relocating to South East England. I am now in the business of fitness education. I still work with a few clients one-to-one but not as my sole occupation. Having moved I am immediately reinvigorated by a number of things:

Hear more expert tips and advice on all things health and fitness by tuning into Stu’s ‘Fit & Light’ show on RadioLightworker.com

Firstly, my students. Their passion and enthusiasm reminds me every day of why I truly love this industry. Just asking them what their reasons are for entering the fitness field brings up answers such as “to help people realise their potential”. This is really refreshing and in order to realise these peoples’ potential a trainer must undertake the 5am starts and weekend work and remind them of why they originally started in this profession. For me, the job had become somewhat stale, as I couldn’t surround myself with enough enthusiasm. I myself page twenty five Lightworkermag.com

Connect with Stu www.stugatherum.com Twitter: @stugatherum +44 7816 240137

december 2010


know:education Lightworker in Training

Love Hetta Rogers’ background is in Art History and Literature. After spending seven years training to be and working as a lawyer, she left all that behind to go travelling, but has now returned to the bright lights of London to work in the communications industry. Only love is real, only love exists. Ask yourself, what would love do? It’s written on the wind Seven years ago, I was a law student living in London and sharing a flat in Angel that was no bigger than a shoebox. There is little I remember of the run-up to Christmas in 2003; life was a haze of essay writing, frantic exam revision, last-minute present buying and Christmas parties. And yet there is one thing I remember more vividly than anything else from that time. My sister dragged me – yes, physically dragged me – to see Love Actually at the cinema. “I’m sure I won’t like it”, I told her presumptuously; “I loathe self-absorbed, saccharine films”. But, oh, how wrong I was. It was wonderful – uplifting, heartwarming, amusing, charming; unashamedly make-believe in places and touchingly real in others. I did love it (actually), and afterwards felt that whatever lingering cynicism and lack of faith I had had in love, be it romantic or otherwise, was lifted away. How? I’m not quite sure. But I chose not to question it and instead accepted that my interpretation of one of the film’s central messages - that love really is all around - was an important lesson in life. Of course, life does not change in the blink of an eye; and I certainly cannot claim that watching a film has shaped the course of my adult life. But its influence remains. It has been one of several ‘signposts’ to show me that love is not simply something one gives or receives, but is also a way of living one’s life. Love favours the brave There are many different variations of love – some platonic, some romantic, some profound, some inexplicable, some life-changing, some momentary, some everlasting – but all of these are equally unique and important, for they form the core of who we are. page twenty seven

Metaphorically speaking, I have a big heart. Whilst I am fundamentally quite private with my thoughts and feelings, I nevertheless ‘think’ with my heart. I follow it, trust it, live by it and am often ruled by it. In any battle of wills between head and heart, it is my heart that frequently emerges as the victor. I find it very easy to love, to trust and to be generous with my time, energy and support. Granted, in the past this has left my heart hugely exposed and I have experienced heartache as a result. But rather than choose to be bitter and resentful because of it – to be fearful of love and the unknown or to cease taking chances – my heart remains undaunted. A very dear friend reminded me recently: “Love as though you have never been hurt”. And so that is the best advice I can pass on. Do not allow the events of the past to hold you back. Learn from them, by all means, but do not allow them to bring fear and confusion in their wake. Further still, do not allow your fears of the future – the shape it might take or the events that may or may not happen – to colour what you do in the present. The past is history and the future is, admittedly, a mystery for most. There will always be stumbling blocks and obstacles for us to overcome when it comes to matters of the heart and, when life is tough and the emotional grey clouds descend, remaining focused on love and loving can seem like a mountain to climb. But have faith that it is possible to lift oneself above those obstacles and to love without boundaries or reservations. Do all things with love Entirely consciously, we can choose to live our lives in a lovebased way: to love and feel loved. We can choose to see love in the most unlikely places and most ordinary actions; to open our hearts to kindness and patience. With my hand firmly on my heart, I can say that love is the greatest gift I have to offer and is by far the greatest treasure I can receive.


december 2010


All roads lead to love This month’s Love issue is Lightworker Magazine’s twelfth edition and, for me, it marks the culmination of a year of wonderful ups and challenging downs; of loving and learning and growing. Quite pertinently, each of our monthly themes has been a signpost pointing to love. So, in the coming year, let us all AWAKEN to it, BELIEVE in it, COMMUNICATE it, appreciate its DIVERSITY, feel its ENERGY, allow it to FULFIL us, say GOODBYE to unloving situations that cause us pain and no longer serve us, be HONEST in love, let love INSPIRE us, do not JUDGE it and KNOW that only love is real and only LOVE exists.

december 2010

Entirely consciously, we can choose to live our lives in a love-based way: to love and feel loved.



page twenty eight

know:relationships Lightworker Challenge

Love & Power: Infinite Symbiosis Rachel Willis is a conduit for the Ascended Masters and guided to help others fine-tune their life path by fully stepping into their power and shining their light. She challenges anything that is out of alignment with your highest good and shares messages from The Masters about your Earthly purpose. She is also an inspirational writer and Editor of Lightworker Magazine. Relating is comparable to dancing; one person’s stance, actions and intentions affect the other. Without someone to interact with, we cannot relate. Therefore, it stands that there is a symbiosis between people. Typically, symbiosis creates an advantage for both parties. However, there are times when a mutually detrimental relationship is formed, or one in which one party benefits at the cost of the other. So, how can we ensure we dance with people that complement us? And decline to dance with those that are not in alignment with our highest good? The answer is to learn to combine love and power into a lovingly powerful approach.




The infinity model of interaction blends love and power within an individual. It highlights the following meanings: 1. There are infinite resources and supplies of both love and power. 2. Being too loving lessens your personal power. 3. Being too powerful compromises your ability to love. The optimum position is the fulcrum between the two, for it is here that you can draw on both sides. To return to the dancing analogy, if one person leads at all times and does not consider the other person’s needs, views or feelings then they could be dancing with anyone; they are not loving that person, they are simply enjoying leading the dance. page twenty nine

Equally, if one person is led at all times and does not express their needs, views or feelings then they could be doing anything; they are not choosing to dance, they are simply loving being led by another. Both of these situations are imbalanced and can lead to a myriad of problems: what if one person doesn’t want to lead anymore? Or another doesn’t want to be led? There is not scope for compromise and both parties getting their needs met through equal participation. In an equal interaction, both people are aware of their own needs as well as those of their partner in the relationship (defined as any connection between two people, regardless of the context i.e. work, love, social etc.) Energetically, it is important to balance the heart and solar plexus, since the heart is the centre for love and the solar plexus for power. Therefore, if you are aware of your energy centres you can ensure yours maintain consistently in equilibrium. To bring your heart centre into balance, meditate with a picture or something else that brings you love and opens your heart with joy. This will connect you with the beauty of life and the unconditional love that surrounds you in every moment. Notice any people, places or memories that cause your heart centre to shrink, then use Sandy Newbigging’s brilliant exercise and paint them pink.Yes, get your imaginary paintbrush out and paint every painful thought. This will soon help elevate their energy and break the connection between that person/place/memory and pain. To bring your solar plexus into balance, become aware of your physical response to fear, does your gut tense, flutter or spasm? Now become aware of your physical response to confidence, do you feel solid, strong or expansive? Practice maintaining a consistent connection with the powerful feeling of being a worthy, whole and secure human being. All souls are equal, and the more you remain aligned with this belief the more balanced your solar plexus will be.


december 2010

Loving power in practice In every situation, ask yourself what loving power would do? Loving power is neither behaving like a martyr and putting someone else’s needs above your own, nor behaving like a dictator and considering your needs above all other. Instead, it is the creation of a win-win situation where you clearly express and own your needs, patiently listen to the needs of the other, and together you decide what step to take forwards.

Tune into Rachel’s ‘Same Wavelength’ show every second Tuesday on RadioLightworker.com for interviews, discussions and free intuitive readings

Provided you are both willing to embrace this approach, miraculous healing and solutions can and will appear.

Connect with Rachel www.Rachel-Willis.co.uk Rachel@Rachel-Willis.co.uk Twitter: @RachelWillisUK

Using this method – provided both parties are honest and committed to communicating and finding a positive conclusion – there is no downside to the interaction; the true definition of symbiosis is demonstrated and both people benefit. Love and power. Power and love.

december 2010


page thirty

know:business The Businessman

Tough Love Is True Love Michael Clark, the founder of Ripple Effect Sales, the UK’s premier online sales training company for entrepreneurs. Mike has worked with 1000’s of SME’s and start-ups across all sectors. His speciality is creating practical sales and marketing strategies that effectively create results tangible results. In this day and age of parents wanting to give their kids everything and protect them from negative experiences, without realizing it, they’re actually doing them a MASSIVE dis-service... By thinking they’re performing an act of love they are, in reality, actually making their kids more dependent and less self-reliant. At one extreme, what happens to kids (or employees) when you spoon-feed them everything and they barely have to move a finger to get what they want? Did you know that in Australia, statistically, it’s a disadvantage for you to be growing up Tertiary Educated, Caucasian, with parents who are alive and coming from the middle class or above? Many of the people that are on the top 200 wealthiest people list are immigrants from Europe or Asia who landed on the continent orphaned, non-English speaking and alone. Fascinating isn’t it? Again and again, the people who make the most from their lives are the ones that are tested to the extremes and are given two options... One is to give up and let the Universe defeat you. The second is to apply the Aikido philosophy, which is to use that challenging energy/circumstance to fuel your drive for change. The C-Zone We all have a level of Comfort that we’re used to living with. The more you get used to pushing your comfort zone, the more you’ll benefit from the fruits that life has to offer. The problem with trying to protect people from experiencing harsh realities is that instead of expanding their comfort zone, you can diminish it.

experience they’ll be more likely to back down than to step up. After repeating this process multiple times, it won’t be long before that person has confidence issues, leading to feelings of a lack of self-worth and value. On the flip side, by allowing that person to step outside their C-Zone - whether they do as expected or not - the person gains a sense of personal self-respect. This spurs them on to continue to challenge the norm, boost their confidence and their self-esteem. Nothing has meaning except the meaning YOU give it! Now, some may argue that if you expand your comfort zone and you ‘Fail’, it could diminish your self-worth. Well that’s true; however, nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it. What I mean by that is that there are always just as many ways to argue a point as there are to support it. Those that view experience as catastrophic and disastrous will find loads of information to support that view. What if you viewed failure as nothing more than feedback? Perhaps whatever you applied didn’t have the best way of being delivered; it’s feedback from the marketplace, that’s all. The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of the questions we ask What lessons can you take from the experience? How will that aid you in the future? What could you have done differently that would have changed the outcome?

If you ask poor quality questions, then expect poor quality answers. If you ask insightful and useful questions, guess what you’ll see? Instead of living inside your C-Zone and avoiding failure, you’ll develop an attitude of inquisitiveness and hence see constant progress whilst expanding your As a result, the next time that person is given a challenging comfort zone, which means you’ll take on bigger goals and page thirty one december 2010 Lightworkermag.com


achieve greater success. After all, isn’t that what business is all about? Especially when you’re just starting out, you’ll never be too certain of what works and what doesn’t. That’s why you need to try many different options until you find something that creates the results you’re after.

There are always just as many ways to argue a point as there are to support it

At a deeper level, what we’re really talking about is developing a mindset of tough love! Understand that over-servicing your team and not letting them make mistakes is not doing them any favours. Being candid with them (and yourself) by letting them know exactly where you stand and where they stand will be of greater benefit all round. Letting people experience the truth so they can determine what that means to them will build their self-worth, value and esteem. And that’s why Tough Love is True Love.

december 2010


Connect with Mike michael@rippleeffectsales.com www.rippleeffectsales.com

page thirty two

know:adventure Studying at the University of Life

Truth Is Love Elizabeth Villani the author of “Awakening”, o-books, 2010. An expert on positivity, coach and Reiki Master, a startling mystical experience in 2008 revealed to her the reality of humanity. She now writes to support our awakening. She is also the founder of www.fundsforjoy.com a non-profit organisation aiming to bring joy to every corner of the globe. “Someday when men have conquered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we will harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire”. Pierre Theilhard de Chardin, Priest and Philosopher Are you looking for the truth? Are you wondering what this life is really about? Do you find yourself asking, “Is there more to life”? Well, I have been shown the truth, and the truth is that love is all that is important in this world. When I lay down for a massage in December 2008, I was shown a mystical vision of what this world is about. I was spoken to directly from Source, shown the world, me, us, and what this place is really all about. Up until that point I had never really been a spiritual person. I, like many, believed that life was either a single life and when we die we die, or that life is created and governed by some kind of god who when we die judges how well we have done. The vision showed me that we are all here on this earth, reincarnated again and again, until we awaken, remember and evolve into a physical expression of love. Like a huge playground, we live our lives unaware of this. We are born again and again until we begin to live in truth; to fully experience and express the love that we are. Only then do we advance our soul and reach our own karmic enlightenment. It’s not the job or the cars, or the image that make this life of yours a success; it is the amount of love that you give to yourself, others and your life, that make it a life worth living.

children. After all, they are closer to Source than us (they don’t have all of the mental hang ups yet!). I called a local school and asked the head teacher if this would be possible. I had the idea that the children could perhaps draw a picture or write a sentence about kindness. But she had something far braver in mind – and she asked me if I would like to go along and do an assembly! In 35 minutes, 110 children between the ages of four and eleven and I wrote a book on kindness. I asked the children questions and they put their hands up and shouted out the answers. Two of the older eleven year olds noted down the responses on a flip chart. It was a wonderful experience and one enjoyed by all (although when I got home I did feel like I had stood naked in front of them all – you know that scary vulnerability – soul developing though!) I brought the flipcharts home to my office and didn’t come back to them for a few weeks. Then one day, I was beginning a new chapter and I suddenly thought of them. Yes this was it – time for their comments. I introduced their words by saying; “As part of writing this book I went along to share some of it with a local primary school. The children there are between the ages of 4 and 11. We spent half an hour writing a book on kindness together. The ideas and love that they shared with me and each other were lovingly inspiring and a real symbol of hope to our humanity. Let me share with you their beautiful words in hope that they will warm up the world and help it to grow in kindness....” Then I typed them in. They looked rather boring as part of the text, and the words were a quote of sorts after all so I centred them... and I was amazed and awe struck at what appeared, I had said a symbol of hope to our humanity....

The love of youth Whilst writing my second book, Love, I felt that it would be great to include some quotes about love and kindness from page thirty three Lightworkermag.com

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Our School’s Book of Kindness Kindness is being nice, being fair, sharing and friendship. When I am kind to others I feel proud, really happy, excited, excellent, outstanding and joyful! When someone is kind to me I feel happy, joyful, astounding and excellent. To be kind to myself I tell myself that I have nice hair, I give myself a pat on the back, I feed myself well, I give myself a treat (like a sweet!). I show kindness to myself by being brave enough to try something new because then you feel like you have accomplished something important. I can be kind to others by being generous, by smiling, by helping my Mummy at home, by being thoughtful, by being grateful. Others are kind to me when they play with me, when they are good to me, when they help me up when I fall over. When I am unkind I feel sad, ashamed, heartbroken and annoyed. Look at the heart... Now if you are looking for the proof that love is all that is real in this life and that a great power connects us all, there it is. We wanted the words to be “a real symbol of hope to our humanity”. It is simply amazing. Each child said the right things at the right time in the right sequence for us. All divinely controlled and delivered. Grace speaking through us, love in motion. Do you need any further proof?

Tune into Elizabeth’s ‘Our Awakening’ show every month on RadioLightworker.com for more insights

Connect with Elizabeth www.elizabethvillani.net

So if you are looking for truth. Now you have it. It is Love.

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know:living The Authenticity Diary

All-Consuming Love Julia van Deventer is the founder of MyBestMe Performance Coaching. A qualified sports therapist, masseuse, fitness instructor and holistic pain management therapist as well as an international sports coach, she combines her skillset and experience to offer a unique, bespoke, extremely comprehensive and sympathetic coaching service. Julia has something to offer everyone regardless of what challenges they face or what their goals may be, whether suffering from physical or emotional pain or preparing for an important sporting or professional challenge.. How can someone talk about love and ever articulate what it means to them? What it truly means? It’s the most complex, fascinating and consuming topic, emotion, expression and is so utterly unique and special. The experience of love on differing levels is as varied and intricate as our own DNA, and what it means to feel and receive it must be the most sought-after and well-versed topic in human kind. I feel it would almost be an insult to try and understand it, the mystery of it is as much part of its charm and appeal as the feeling itself. It is so glorious on every level that it’s a wonder it can also be so utterly destructive. At its deepest, most intense, it can be the root of so much anguish and as a result so many people are reluctant to ever let themselves feel and experience an emotion so strongly towards another human being for fear of the hurt that the love can bring. It’s such a crying shame because at its best it’s the most electrifying, exciting, exhilarating emotion a person can ever feel, and the intensity of its impact is what fascinates me so much about being born human with this incredible capacity to feel. And that’s what I find most incredible. I’m enthralled by it, obsessed even, that we have such incredible heights of intellect and yet fear the most basic level of emotion. That no matter how intelligent we are or not, we can’t control it when it comes up and smacks us around the face. And I wonder if it is this lack of control that frightens us the most. This lack of control over our own emotional sanity, over someone else’s choices and reaction to this expression of immense fondness and attraction. Think about that for a moment will you? How totally out of control loving something or someone can make you feel, and the impact that it can have on you and those around you. page thirty five

Love versus Love Let’s take a simple thing, like a love of food. A love of chocolate, let’s say, that goes unchecked with the craving for it satiated at every whim will eventually create health implications that can be grave and even fatal. We would advise that some sort of discipline is exercised in relation to the quantity and frequency of consumption. I know as someone who is heavily involved in the sport and fitness industry that I would strongly make such recommendations, but I would actively encourage someone to open their heart and embrace the love they are scared of feeling for another human being. Am I not contradicting myself? Because if I love chocolate (which ironically I don’t, as I don’t eat it all) and I love my partner, isn’t it the same feeling? What about the love I feel for my parents? My siblings? My friends? If I’m using the same word then surely the experience of this emotion is the same, perhaps with slightly varying intensity? I mean, I might really love dark chocolate and just love dairy milk. Is it still real, and if so how do I know? The only way that I can truly say I know what it is to love, and that love is real no matter who or what it’s for is to truly know myself and to trust in me, my feelings and in the reality of love’s existence. I have to know my very deepest self to truly understand what love is capable of and the measure of its impact. Because sometimes when you love something so much, it means accepting that you can never have it, because you love it enough and know yourself well enough to understand that the object of your love might be happier in another time and place with another person. To me, loving another person in a way that’s different to loving chocolate or shoes, is being able to acknowledge that you would go to any lengths to ensure the happiness of that person. To fully embrace the moment, the experience, the necessity, the urgency of the feeling and drink it in, suck it up, no matter how much or little of it you can get, and still


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know that their happiness and wellbeing are more important to you than any amount of chocolate. To know that if the moment was robbed from you, you sucked out the marrow of love. If I had to articulate what it was to love, I would choose to use the words that Nicholas Evans wrote in his novel ‘The Horse Whisperer.’ “In life, there is nothing but this. No other time, nor place, nor being than now and here and him and us. And no earthly point in calculating consequence or permenance or right or wrong, for all, all else, was as nothing to the act. It had to be and would be and was.”

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Connect with Julia www.mybestme.co.uk Julia@mybestme.co.uk info@mybestme.co.uk

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know:source Moments Of Light

What Is Love? Tom Evans is an author and wizard of light bulb moments. His new book on the subject is available from O-books early in 2011. He has just published his latest work on the nature of consciousness called Flavours of Thought: Recipes for Fresh Thinking. If you read my previous articles, you may have picked up on the signs that at work is an ex-techie left-brained male attempting to make sense of stuff at the cusp of the just-aboutexplainable or understandable. I put my hands up, that’s me in a nutshell. So when it came to this L for Love edition of the magazine, I found myself with an inability to explain in a somewhat logical way what it is really about. I also know that this edition of the magazine would contain a surplus of insight that encapsulates love in a much better way than my blokey clumsiness allows. So, rather than my normal modus operandi of channeling ‘stuff’ in and transcribing it, my intuition (or inner-tuition) here is to channel it raw and leave it to others to interpret, explore and expand upon what comes through. The seed of my meditations on Love was that it is probably the most frequently used word in popular music. Here are just a few that came to my mind: Love is the drug Love is in the air I love to love So I hummed these tunes in my head premeditation and asked “What is Love?” and what I received was this. This version of the Universe you currently experience is built with Love as its underlying framework. The Dark Matter and Dark Energy scientists can’t find is, in its essence, Love. The quest for a Grand Universal Theory of Everything is fruitless unless Love is integrated in the equations. One way to experience Love is through consciousness, so that is a good starting point.

Moon back unconditionally. The fact that the misunderstood force of gravity works at such a distance, and is unstoppable by any other force, is that gravity is Love. Whole Galaxies of Stars and Sun Gods dance in spirals of Love. Love is the missing cosmological constant. Mother Earth, through the consciousness of Lady Gaia, Loves the Life She supports and nurtures. She Loves the Air and Water She holds to Her that allows Life to become aware of Love. She Loves Sister Moon’s help in making Her the Goldilocks Planet. She is so proud that She is the perfect place for Free Will to operate and Love to express itself so fully. She knows She is just one of many Loving places to Be but also one of the coolest places to hang out. She is rightfully proud as it has taken billions of revolutions around Her Sun God to “get things just right”. The Universal Love force is very powerful and is controlled and modulated by the Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels before it reaches us. Imagine the Source of it is like a Power Station and that Universal Love is like the 440 kilovolts of the electricity grid. If you touched the wires on the pylons, it would kill you. The high voltage goes through a sub-station and enters our homes at 240 volts. Even this is potentially deadly, so we consume electrical energy in the form of transformed light, warmth, video, audio and information. We experience Love in a similarly transformed manner. In words of a pop song; in a whispered “I love you”; in a moment of awe at a sunset or a moment of enlightenment. In Meditation. As Spirit manifested in Matter, raw Universal Love is too much for us to cope with - at this moment in our evolution only.

The forthcoming Shift is all about Love manifesting more Mother Earth revolves around the Sun because She Loves to. fully into Matter. It is not healthy to chastise Fear-based The Moon is in Love with Mother Earth and She Loves Sister systems. They have been in place for good reason and as a page thirty seven december 2010 Lightworkermag.com

natural evolutionary step. Only by experiencing them can Love be truly recognised. They have also prevented the complete self-destruction we experienced on Mother Earth with Lemuria and Atlantis. In good time, and with 20:20 hindsight, even Bad Times can be seen to have a Silver Lining. The substation that transforms Universal Love, in a version we can cope with, is the human body. The on/off and dimmer switches are our brain and chakra centres. The current is our breath. What lights up is our Awareness. What warms us is what comes in through our Heart directed by our Gut instinct. To understand how to bring Love in just look at what blocks it. Think negatively, worry unduly or express your ego in selftalk. These are all mental activities that act as a dimmer switch at various chakra points. Be hateful or fearful, wish or visit harm on others or yourself and you will switch off from the Source. For Love to act through us, we must first assume a posture of acceptance - both mental and physical. This is not about abstinence and separation - moderated hedonism and Love of Life are the Keys here. Do not follow the false gods that say “Ye Shall Not”. They are acting from a place of Fear.

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Follow your Heart, the entry portal for the Love force into our physical body. Do what you Love to do and you will be unstoppable. People will see a difference in you and want a slice of the Pie [there was more on Pi and transcendental numbers but perhaps for a later article]. As a channel for the Universal Love Force, you will share the secrets of how to tap into it freely. You know in your Heart that there is so much Love in the Air that sharing it is imperative and unstoppably infectious. Right Breathing is the Key. It is addictive and, when flowing freely, Love is a Drug. So why not Love to Love?

Tune into Tom’s ‘Moments of Light’ show every other Friday on RadioLightworker.com to share in others’ lightbulb moments


Connect with Tom www.tomevans.co

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regulars Once Upon a Time... Words of Wisdom Lightworker Loves... Stars and Planets Paulo Coelho The List Featured Lightworker

Once Upon a Time.... Looking For True Love?

By Juliet Martine As an Energy Healer and Soul Intuitive, I often have clients come to me for reasons of love. Some feel lonely and unloved, and want to attract a new relationship into their life. Others are in a relationship but feel unhappy and unfulfilled, and want to improve their relationship so they can feel good again. Either way, connecting with love is at the core of the issue.

Juliet Martine is a professional Energy Healer, Soul Intuitive & author. Her purpose is to help people to heal, discover their authentic self, and be living more on purpose as they fulfil their greater soul potential. Based in Sydney, she works with clients across the globe doing healing consultations and Soul Readings in person and via phone/skype, to help people heal and move forward with greater clarity and direction.

www.julietmartine.com.au juliet@julietmartine.com.au

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when my children were safely tucked into their beds, as I sat at my computer screen, feet snug in my fluffy slippers, sipping on a cup of herbal tea, with the heater beside me as company.

Searching the internet for love

“We’re looking for love in all the wrong places”

To start with I felt completely out of my comfort zone, other peoples’ warnings ringing through my head that only desperate women and sociopathic men would be interested in internet dating. But I had no other options if I wanted to find a partner. So I created a profile for myself on a popular internet dating site, carefully massaging every word to make them/me sound appealing, searching through my photos in the hope of finding a picture of myself that was vaguely attractive. I found myself trying to create a profile that men would like and be drawn to, so that I would be successful in attracting a man into my life. But deep down inside, I knew it was driven by the fear of being on my own.

Having been married, divorced and now in a beautiful empowering loving relationship, these past 5-10 years have taken me on quite a journey in my understanding around love and what it takes to attract truly loving relationships into our lives. When I first returned to the singles scene I decided the only way I was going to meet anyone was via the internet. I never hung out in pubs, the ethical nature of my work meant I couldn’t date clients, and it seemed I’d lost most of my social network to my ‘ex’ as part of my divorce settlement. So the only hope I had of meeting a man was late at night

But all that led to was a lot of meaningless dates with men I had nothing in common with, and me feeling more alone within my core than ever before. And I realised that I was still doing exactly what I’d been doing for the previous 16 years in my marriage. I’d created a profile that had molded myself into being what I thought others wanted me to be, and I’d lost myself in the process. Not only was I not showing my true self to those who were viewing my profile online, but more importantly I wasn’t taking the opportunity to really appreciate myself for who I truly was. I was denying myself from myself, just as

Love is such a fundamental thing. We all need it and we all want it. So why then is finding and maintaining love so difficult? The problem is we’re looking for love in all the wrong places. As clichéd as it sounds, truly healthy lasting love comes deep from within ourselves, not from others. And it’s not until we truly come to know, understand, and experience this that our patterns around love can begin to change.


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much as I was from the external world. So I decided to take a really long hard look at my profile. Rather than writing my profile based on what I thought other people wanted to read in the hope of scoring lots of ‘kisses’ and interested emails from men, I started focusing on making it a really true reflection of who I actually was, from the inside out. I took time to be really honest with myself and reflect on who I was, what I liked and didn’t like, what was important to me, what I stood for, what I valued, and what I wanted from life. Every time I had an insight about myself I’d update my profile, making it a work-in-progress, as I slowly started to sprinkle it with words like ‘spiritual’, ‘alternative’, and yes, even the most scariest words of all, ‘energy healer’ and ‘deeply committed relationship’! The more I explored myself and what it was I truly wanted for myself, the more real my profile became, and the more authentic the picture I gave to the world about who I was on the inside and what it was I was truly wanting to attract into my life.

“Finding true love from within” And then a funny thing happened. I started to like what I was writing, and I started to like the person I was writing about. The more I wrote, the more I got to know myself. To the point that I stopped writing my profile for others and started writing it for the purposes of exploring self. And the more I did this, the more I began to like the person I was exploring. I liked my outlook on life. I liked the vulnerable intimate nature with which I was sharing who I was. I liked that I spoke my truth with power and commitment. I liked that I was different and unique and prepared to show my true self and heartfelt desires to the world. I liked the person I saw looking back at me from my computer screen december 2010

and what she stood for. And I began to see the beauty in my own eyes and connect with the divine love within my own heart. The more I updated my profile, the more I discovered about myself. Those spiritual aspects of self I’d been hiding and protecting for so many years. I didn’t care who did or didn’t read it, or what they thought about what they read. After all, I only really needed one ‘special’ man to read it who was the right man for me. And after a while even that didn’t matter any more. I wasn’t writing my profile for men. I was writing my profile as a statement of empowerment for myself, a declaration to the universe of “This is who I am. This is what I want in life. I will not settle for anything less. Bring it on!” Updating my profile and seeing myself as a work-in-progress became a deeply healing process that took me deep into the core of who I was and reconnected me with the feelings of self love and acceptance that resided there. The more I wrote, the more I healed, and the more whole and complete I became. To the point that I began to feel so good within myself that I no longer felt alone and needing to have a partner in my life in order to feel whole. I was happy within myself, regardless of whether or not I met someone. I was detached from any outcome and simply feeling the love that was present within me.

Ever felt disillusioned, lost or simply stuck? That sense that there must be more to life than this? Like there’s something else you’re meant to be doing but don’t know what it is? Your Soul does! Juliet’s new book Boot Camp for the Soul will help you get clear in your life direction and purpose, to tap into your higher guidance and get back on track to be living the life your soul’s intending you to live, living a life you love! Awaken to your true potential, discover your higher purpose, and start living a fuller and happier life today. Order online HERE

And that, of course, was when love chose to reach out through the internet ethers to find me. When I found me and loved me for who I was, I reconnected fully with the true unconditional love for self that was within me, and so the universe brought a man into my life who mirrored this by loving me unconditionally also. I’d finally stopped looking for love outside of self, and found love for me – from within me – and the universe took care of everything else.


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All you need is love. John Lennon & Paul McCartney

All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Leo Tolstoy

Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable. Mahatma Gandhi Love is like pi - natural, irrational, and very important. Lisa Hoffman

Love is the best medicine, and there is more than enough to go around once you open your heart. Julie Marie

Lightworker Loves...

Love Machine

Eat, Pray, Love

Alla’s Instant Retreat

We love that this company do things differently. In the same vein as Lightworker, they are committed to making money AND helping the world. our favourite is LoveMachine:Work where all employees – using email or a webpage – can send short messages recognising anyone else for any reason. Beautiful.

The film was recently released, but we love the book for all its originality, inspiration and the blank canvas it provides for us to create all the character appearances in our minds. Editor Rachel was given a copy on a retreat in Thailand by a lady who was travelling, with the promise that she in turn would pass it on to a woman she loved when she finished the wonderful read. And that is the nature of this unique book.

This beautiful, loving and innovative CD explores the new concept of 3D sound. A fifth generation Russian healer, Alla Svirinskaya transports the listener to a peaceful sanctuary and guides them through 3 steps to instant change: release, rebalance and rejoice. Blissful, and a pleasurable was to lasting change. Enjoy!

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Stars And Planets

By Zoe Hind The secret to life is good timing.

By tuning into the energy of the planets we can all live more harmonious lives. Every month I will be choosing a reader question to answer, so email your enquiries about Astrology to astrology@lightworkermag.com Reader question – Mercury

Zoe works with your own unique birth chart and compares it with the positions of the planets today, revealing and explaining the windows of opportunity that are opening up around you and how to make the most of your time. Her insights help to give you a better understanding of yourself, your purpose, your loved ones, your talents and the best timing for effortless success in all areas of your life. Zoe also provides full chart interpretation services as well as running classes and workshops.

Does Mercury relate to money and if so, does my birth Mercury rule my earning power? Mercury does indeed have a connection with money and our ability to earn (as well as spend!) Where Mercury is in your birth chart - the sign and house placement – reveals your relationship to money and earning. Mercury also rules communication so how we express ourselves is often an integral part of our job, which then turns into our salary. For example, Mercury in Leo would have the quality of someone who makes a living by presenting themselves to the world but may spend any income on lavish items and could suffer from irregular cash flow as a result. Mercury in Taurus would be indicative of someone who earns steadily, taking few risks in their work and saves for a rainy day. Many accountants are Taureans. This is only an example though, as our charts and all the aspects weave a unique web once considered all together. As well as Money and Communication, Mercury also rules Inspiration, Magik, Healing and short distance travel. We can trace a journey from the Universe to the physical when we consider inspiration, communication and magikal manifestation as linked. Mercury’s symbol is the Caduceus, which is a healing Sigil dating back to ancient Sumer and the Goddess Ishtar. Still used today for some health services logos, the twin snakes coiling up the staff topped with a winged disk represent our chi energy and DNA. Short distance travel comes in when you consider Mercury as the winged messenger of the gods zipping around and delivering inspiration and messages from other realms. When Mercury goes retrograde - which it does about 3 times a year - all things under Mercury’s rule can go into a state of disarray and be felt on the human level. The next retrograde phase is 11-31 December, just in time for Christmas shopping and the sales!

Zoe shares more planetary insights on her mounthly ‘Stars and Planets’ show on RadioLightworker.com page forty five

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo and, as this is an edition dedicated to love, I should also mention that Mercury as Gemini has a strong connection with the Lovers card in Tarot and finding your twin flame. During Mercury retrogrades, old lovers can often come back into our lives and rekindle the connection. I will be explaining more about Mercury in your birth chart during the Astro Lesson section of my Radio Lightworker show ‘Stars and Planets’. Lightworkermag.com

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The New Moon on 5th normally marks an excellent time for you to attend to business. Mercury will be making things interesting from this moon onwards so keep your wits about you and try not to make any quick decisions you may later regret. Mid winter is your time to glow. Sagittarius is old fire, like the hearth log burning warming our hearts and sending dancing embers upwards to fascinate and enchant us. Generosity and optimism comes through your ruling planet Jupiter who loves to share and enjoy life to the fullest.

Mars enters Capricorn on 8th shortly after the New Moon. Your workload will be high and your desire to get lots done could interfere with the party aspect of the season. Try to balance both. If things do not go to plan, adopt a ‘smile and shrug’ attitude and see what else comes up. It is in the so-called mistakes that new ideas come into sight. The twists and turns on the way to your final destination make for much more interesting travel than a monotonous straight road could ever provide.

Clarity. Your heightened mind will be able to see through the dross and determine what is important. Pay little heed to what others think and say if it does not resonate with your higher self and innate ability to align to the truth. Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius form a trine to the eclipse on 21st and offer you a VIP view of this month’s dramatic proceedings. Use this gift wisely and you can walk unscathed through a doorway to the next dimension. Stand strong and tall but remain flexible, ready to help those less fortunate to make the shift.




After many months of feeling your way and meeting much confusion face-to-face, the waters clear and you can resume forward motion. Jupiter and Uranus both return to full power in Pisces, clearing the way for great gains. Insight, innovation and the courage to follow your dreams are the alternative offerings that the Magi bring to your door. What you do with them is up to you. You are older and wiser now and know the value of such gifts.

Uranus turns direct on 7th and your spiritual compass resets to true north. Saturn remains in your 7th house of partnerships teaching you responsibility to yourself and others. None of the recent struggles have been in vain. What you have learnt during the past 6 months has helped you to discriminate between what is important and what needs to go. If any uncertainty still lingers, ask for messages in your dreams as your 12th house of the subconscious is lit up like a Christmas tree and you will be called to action by early Spring.

Venus moves through your relationship sector bringing love and sensuality into play. If you found a way to make time for the finer things in life at last month’s Full Moon in your own sign, keep the love flowing as the temptation to get back to work could see your private life fade into the background once again. Sweet memories are made of shared moments not balanced account sheets. Work efficiently not harder. Live and give and you will be abundantly happy on many levels.




It’s just an eclipse – nothing big! Eclipses hold the power of 4 full moons and this one is in your sign and aligned to the Winter Solstice. Unpredictable things happen at this time. It is best to keep an open diary and an open mind so that you are ready to react in whatever way necessary at a moment’s notice. This can be sudden good news or something a little more challenging. There is no way of knowing. The chart all points to you so make sure you have your winning smile handy. An Aquarius friend may be most helpful if you need a hand.

If there is a project that has grabbed you interest or requires your passion, let the Sagittarius energies take you as far as you want to go. You may not have a smooth ride and there will certainly be changes and edits needed as you go along, but the driving force is there to really get things moving. The eclipse on 21st may put you out of sorts for a short while. Try not to plan too much for this day so that you can take time out and spend your day in quiet reflection. This soon will pass and may even reveal a secret or two.

You tend to fare well when the Sun is in Sagittarius, a fellow fire sign. This month there is wisdom in the air. If you are too busy working or socialising you could miss out. They say when the pupil is ready, the teacher appears and this is the feeling I get for you in December. Sagittarius is the Sage after all. Look out for uplifting and soul expanding people, teachings and activities. A winter retreat could be the ideal gift to yourself and start the New year on a nurturing note.




Mars moves into your 5th house of love and creativity, which is good news. It may be unsettling to have things changing so fast around you as there is very little control over these events. The past 3 years have brought challenges and obstacles to really slow the pace, but now these have been removed, you could find yourself getting involved quickly in a project or relationship that seems to have no brakes. Sometimes we can accelerate out of trouble, crazy idea but it just might work. It’s always good to smile and relax no matter what the situation.

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There seems to be a prolonged space between Winter Solstice eclipse on 21st and New Year. Suspended time which affords you the chance to think and rethink what you are creating for your future. Saturn in your sign has given you a discerning view of your life and where it is heading but very little time to make the necessary changes. Now you have that time. Plan 2011 full of ideal scenarios and satisfaction given and received. This changes the model from projects and deadlines that repeat ad nauseam and ushers in a lifestyle more tuned to your fluent & creative nature.


Your opinion of yourself and how others see you are up for recalibration. With Mercury retrograde to add to the mix, you may well overhear or come about information that was not intentionally meant for your ears. This could change the way you view co-workers or your role in the team. If you have been too humble you may well get praise, if you have been too forceful you may get to know about it. Aim for the middle ground this month. Compromise and learn and to show yourself the love you desire from others.

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Stars And Planets continued...

By Zoe Hind Sagittarius Climate New Moon – 5th December - 13 degrees Sagittarius This New Moon looks like the last stop at the services before taking the final stretch to our 2010 destination - The Winter Solstice Full Moon Eclipse. The Sun and the Moon are in Sagittarius. This gregarious and hearty sign is the spirit of Mid-Winter festivities of gathering and sharing with those we love. His core strength and optimism are welcome allies through the winter months. This is a great time to stock up, rest up and meet up with old friends. Christmas has come early this year. Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) turns direct on 7th since going retrograde in early July. This is a normal 6 months on, 6 months off cycle and is felt mostly by Aquarians. In Society, Uranus governs our rebellious streak; the will to break free and challenge what is held up as tradition or truth. By the end of December Uranus and Jupiter join forces in the final degrees of Pisces and get ready to launch into a whole new astrological cycle in Spring 2011. Before they do, a final clearing will take place. Whatever is not needed now has to go. If we can imagine better, any losses will be easier to take. Mercury turns retrograde on 11th bringing communication, travel and purchasing hiccups to the fore just as we enter the holiday period, only to turn direct again on New Year’s Eve. This won’t be dull. Laugh and the world laughs with you (There is more about Mercury on this month’s Radio Lightworker show ‘Stars and Planets.’)

Full Moon - 21st December – 29 degrees Gemini – Lunar Eclipse The headline event is a Total Lunar Eclipse on the Winter Solstice (21st December). With the Sun in Sagittarius (the teacher) shooting his arrow across the heavens to the Moon in Gemini (ruled by Mercury the Messenger) it makes you wonder what the message will be. Eclipses are unpredictable. They bring sudden change, sometimes good, sometimes less welcome. The twin pillars of Gemini resemble a doorway in this chart. Considering the Winter Solstice alignments that began last year with a triple conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron and stretch out to 2012, this doorway may be one we need to step through together. Listen and learn. Something important is about to be revealed to those that have the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the heart to feel the message. +44 7984 825928 www.astrozo.com

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The Warrior Of The Light

By Paulo Coelho For Oscar Wilde: Yet each man kills the thing he loves By each let this be heard, Some do it with a bitter look, Some with a flattering word, The coward does it with a kiss, The brave man with a sword! (Ballad of Reading Jail, 1898)

The third cardinal virtue: Love According to the dictionary: from the Latin amor: strong affection that drives us towards the object of our desires; inclination of the soul and heart; affection; passion; exclusive inclination; theological grace. In the New Testament: So faith, hope and love endure. These are the great three, and the greatest of them is love. (Corinthians 13:13) According to etymology: the Greeks had three words to designate love: Eros, Philos and Agape. Eros is the healthy love between two persons that justifies life and perpetuates the human race. Philos is the sentiment that we dedicate to our friends. Finally, Agape, which contains both Eros and Philos, goes far beyond “liking” someone. Agape is total love, the love that devours those who feel it. For Catholics, this was the love that Jesus felt for humanity, and it was so great that it shook the stars and changed the course of the history of men. Those who know and feel Agape realize that nothing else in this world has any importance, only loving. page forty nine

In a late 19th century sermon: Pour your love generously on the poor, which is easy; and on the rich, who distrust everybody and cannot see the love that they so need. And on your neighbor – which is very difficult, because it is towards him that we are most selfish. Love. Never lose a chance to give joy to your neighbor, because you will be the first to benefit from this – even if nobody knows what you are doing. The world around you will become happier, and things will become easier for you. I am in this world living the present. Any good thing that I can do, or any happiness that I can bring to others, please tell me. Don’t let me put things off or forget, because I shall never live this moment again. (Henry Drummond The Supreme Gift, [1851-1897]) In an e-mail received by the author: “While I kept my heart to myself, I never had a single morning of anguish or a single night of insomnia. Since I fell in love, my life has been a sequence of anguish, losses, confusion. I think that God, by using love, managed to hide hell in the middle of Paradise” (C.A., 23/11/2006) For science: In the year 2000, researchers Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki, of University College in London, located the areas of the brain activated by romantic love by using a series of students who claimed to be madly in love. In the first place, they concluded that the zones affected by the sentiment are far smaller than they had imagined, and are the same as those Lightworkermag.com

activated by stimuli of euphoria, such as in using cocaine, for example. Which led the authors to conclude that love is similar to the manifestation of physical dependence provoked by drugs. Also using the same system of scanning the brain, scientist Helen Fisher, of Rutgers University, concludes that three characteristics of love (sex, romanticism and mutual dependence) stimulate different areas of the cortex, and further conclude that we can be in love with one person, want to make love to another, and live with a third. For a poet: Love possesses nothing and does not want to be possessed, because it is enough in itself. It will make you grow, and then throw you on the ground. It will whip you so that you feel your impotence, it will shake you to rid you of all your impurities. It will crush you to leave you flexible. And then it will toss you in the fire so that you can become the blessed bread to be served at God’s sacred feast (The Prophet, by Khalil Gibran [1883-1931]) Warrior of the Light, a www.paulocoelho. com.br publication

www.warriorofthelight.com/eng Twitter: @paulocoelho

december 2010

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Next Month’s Edition MOMENTUM

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Available from 10th January at lightworkermag.com!

The List Top 20 Love Songs 1. Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Elton John 2. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life - Stevie Wonder 3. Just The Way You Are - Billy Joel 4. Up Where We Belong - Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes 5. This Will Be - Natalie Cole 6. All My Life - Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville 7. The Long And Winding Road - The Beatles 8. In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel 9. The Power Of Love - Huey Lewis And The News 10. You’ve Got A Friend - James Taylor 11. You’re The Inspiration - Chicago 12. Wind Beneath My Wings - Bette Midler 13. You Are So Beautiful - Joe Cocker 14. Solid - Ashford & Simpson 15. Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton 16. Tonight, I Celebrate My Love - Roberta Flack & Peabo Bryson 17. Whenever I Call You Friend - Stevie Nicks & Kenny Loggins 18. Here, There, And Everywhere - The Beatles 19. True Colors - Cyndi Lauper 20. How Sweet It Is - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrel page fifty one


december 2010

Featured Lightworker

Tim Ferriss Inspire How would you like to have it all? Yes, to live your dream life, and not have to wait until you retire to do all those things on your “one day…” list. Tim’s #1 New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and BusinessWeek bestselling book ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ provides a blueprint for this and inspires you to your highest life. He himself is living proof of what can happen, and says he’s “seen the Promised Land, and there is good news. You can have it all.” What’s more, Tim is frank, authentic and open about the steps involved in creating your dreams, sharing that “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” Challenge Described as the compass for a new and revolutionary world – a world of light work – Tim challenges that, “The commonsense rules of the “real world” are a fragile collection of socially reinforced illusions.” He sees the bigger picture and brings so-called ‘ideals’ into reality, debunking the myth that having it all is only for a select few. With tough-talking candidness, Tim maintains that “For all their bitching about what’s holding them back, most people have a lot of trouble coming up with the defined dreams they’re being held from.” With the discovery of answers to this crucial question forming the backbone of Tim’s philosophy, all that stands between you and your dream life is… you!

www.fourhourworkweek.com Facebook: timferriss Twitter: @tferriss december 2010

Educate Tim’s blog and book provide practical, clear advice on how to have it all. Sample e-mails and voicemails are commonplace, alongside case studies and real-life proof of the positive changes and wealth these can create. Tim’s style of writing mirrors his recommended approach to work: “Short, sweet, and to the point. Clear writing, and therefore clear commands, comes from clear thinking. Think simple.” Therefore, he educates and empowers readers to sculpt their lives based on their own unique interests, priorities and aspirations. Dream big, and live big, “It isn’t enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box.” Lightworkermag.com

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