Lightworker Magazine Feb 2011

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FEBRU A R Y 20 1 1



EDITOR’S NOTE The new. It can mean celebration or challenge, fear or fascination, adventure or awkwardness, and much more besides. How many other words in the English language can be interpreted with such a breadth of meaning? And yet, at its essence, the change that comes with the new is so very simple: it’s another step along our soul’s great journey. In this month’s Lightworker, we embrace the new and as you will see, the magazine design also honours this - by exploring what it can positively create for your mind, body and spirit. Now is the time in our evolution to be bold, to hold your head high, and to welcome the newness with absolute faith and certainty in the wonders it shall bring. Life begins afresh every day, so how will you choose to weave your unique experience? On a personal note, one of the unexpected delights of creating Lightworker Magazine is how my life mirrors the themes each month, and fittingly, I step into a new decade on the 18th (beginning with a 3, before I receive too many cheeky emails!) So here’s to new beginnings, for all who share in them. Love and light

Rachel Willis Editor


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R E A D ER RESPONSES w e l o v e hearing from you!




Most popular posts of the month:

Giving thanks to @lightworkermag @spiritualhorizo

“Words are few but echoes are truly endless :-) Thank you so much - love & light” Spirit Guidance

Self-belief comes not from learning more, but instead from un-learning what others have said in fear about you. What you believe, you will receive. Hold your head high, for all souls are equal.

Thanks to @lightworkermag for their inspirational support to Lightworkers all over the world! @lightcoaching Looking for some reading or talk radio to get inspiration for your meditations? Check out @lightworkermag @thebluebuttrfly

“Great interview, very inspiring & helpful. Love and light” Dylan Glyn Jones “Thank YOU, a happy 2011!” Anja Meurer








The Magic Of The New


The Importance Of Being Earnest


Lightworker in Training









A New Way Of Eating

Letting Go To Let In

Joyfully Channelling The Flow Of Change

Read The Secrets In Your Lover’s Hand - Part III


Lightworker Of The Year Award 2010


Under The Spotlight Jenna Avery


Glow with Health & Wellbeing

Lightworker Challenge

The Businessman

Studying at the University of Life

The Authenticity Diary


Moments of Light

Ask Sharon


Once Upon A Time...


Stars and Planets


Paulo Coelho


Lightworker Loves...


Words Of Wisdom


The List


Featured Lightworker




Ursula has been known to quote chunks of films for no apparent reason, usually out of context and when no one around has the faintest idea what she is talking about. She always carries a Moleskine book in her pocket for when inspiration takes her to note something clever down, and she is partial to cherries. This latter fact is just as well as she has dozens of cherry trees in her garden.

Jenna LOVES science fiction, met her husband as a student in his boxing class, and they like to joke that she’s one cat away from being a crazy cat lady.

Madison used to make television commercials, loves to sleep outside under the stars,used to ride Arabian horses in the desert near the Pryamids at Giza, drove a landrover through Kenya 40 years ago, swam with dolphins in the waters of Isla de Mujeres in Mexico, and adores a warm goats cheese salad made by Kevin at the Mirador.


TUNE IN EVERY DAY TO LISTEN TO YOUR FAVOURITE HOSTS FROM AROUND THE GLOBE SHARING WISDOM, LOVE AND JOY! This month’s featured shows: Loving Relationships - Jackie Walker Jackie was one of the first coaches in the UK to specialise in the field of divorce. In line with her own journey, her work has taken her into understanding and creating programmes which address the reasons for relationship spin cycles. Jackie specialises in helping men, women and couples to knock down the brick walls surrounding their hearts to allow love to flow in and out. She is regularly asked to comment on local and BBC radio shows and contributes to many online magazine sites.

The Power Of You - Anne Jones Anne is an published author, international healer, and seminar speaker, making TV and radio guest appearances in the UK , Far East and South Africa. She hosts regular seminars/workshops/retreats in UK and overseas, to inspire and empower anyone who has the will to improve the value of their life. Her books give practical advice on self healing and empowerment: “Heal Yourself”, “Healing Negative Energies”, “The Ripple Effect”, “Opening Your Heart”, “The Soul Connection” and “The Power of You”, all published by Piatkus/Little Brown. Anne is also the founder of the charity Hearts and Hands for Africa, empowering and supporting those raising orphaned and disadvantaged children.

Transforming Humanity - Chris Robbins Chris Robbins is a leader and communicator for the empowerment of humanity, as we progress through the startling and magnificent global changes that lay ahead. As humanity dawns a new era, Chris discusses and interviews specialists on a range of topics relating to ‘Transforming Humanity’ and sets out discoveries and knowledge that need to be brought to the forefront of the human experience. Transforming Humanity brings you information regarding the transformation of humanity through this great cosmic shift that is underway. Delivered not only from a unique spiritual perspective, but also in a grounded way, it promises to take you on a journey through the transformation of Earth, with topics and interviews on different subject areas that are valuable, insightful and necessary to help bring about this spiritual and cultural revolution upon this planet. Listen and learn more at






The Magic Of The New URSULA JAMES

The Importance Of Being Earnest NICKY MARSHALL



Joyfully Channelling The Flow Of Change MADISON KING

Read The Secrets In Your Lover’s Hand Part III Anne Hassett

Lightworker Of The Year Award 2010 KIMBERLEY JONES

Under The Spotlight JENNA AVERY

FEATURES The Magic Of The New BY URSULA JAMES Life has a peculiar way of taking you on unexpected journeys. Whether this is through illness, redundancy, sudden loss or gain, we can never be completely sure of what is going to happen. I used to believe that. Not any more, however. I now know that the reality we experience is created by us, for us, and these are the events that teach us the most valuable life lessons. It is not what happens to us that matters, but how we choose to respond to the events that ultimately defines our lives. A few years ago, I, like many others, was in a life and a job that disempowered me. I had convinced myself that I was happy (or at least as happy as I was going to be) and that I had no other choice other than to continue doing what I was doing. My senses were blunted to beauty and the wonders of this earth, and I kept my eyes firmly to the ground so I couldn’t see where I was going. No wonder I fell over. The falling over in question was a breakdown. I hit the age of 40 like a bus hitting a bridge, and it hurt. I was an empty shell filling myself up with whatever stimulation my hard-earned money would buy for me. I’d had enough.

The defining moment So far, so usual. However, this is where my story takes a different path from most. You see, I had a friend. A childhood friend. I decided it was time to get back in touch with her and through this association reconnect with the person I really am. This friend just happened to be dead. In fact, she had been dead for 500 years. This friend was a woman called Ursula – like me. Better known as Mother Shipton, I called on her in my hour of need and she responded. Mother Shipton came back to me with a pact: write a book of magic, complete with spells, and she would tell me all I needed to know to make my life a magical experience – how to take back control and be a magical being – one of those people for whom success seems effortless, friends come easily, and life is a wonderful experience. To do this I had to change not only my habits and thoughts about myself, but also my beliefs about what was possible. This was hard. My life was not happy, but it was comfortable, and moving out of that comfort zone took some doing – but I did it. I wrote the book. I used the magic. I passed it onto others. This is the essence of true magic, that you do it for others never for yourself. I gained, do not misunderstand me, but I gained in immeasurable and roundabout ways. I gained friends, I gained a fulfilling life, and I gained freedom. Above all, I reclaimed the magic and belief in the possible, which most of us lost as children. I now know that magic is a real force, and one with a life of its own when you unleash it onto the world. It is beautiful, powerful and wonderful – and I am now part of the magic and would not wish to be anyone or anywhere else than who and where I am right now.

Embracing the magic


BIOG Ursula James is the author of The Source – A Manual Of Everyday Magic (Publication date 3rd March 2011 Random House). She is a Patron of Anxiety UK and The National Centre for Domestic Violence. University lecturer, speaker, scientist (she is currently working on a PhD in biomedical science), social entrepreneur and most probably a witch.

Once you believe in yourself and your own magical capabilities, seemingly impenetrable walls fall away before your eyes. Life opens itself up to becoming more and more incredible. It is not, however, without a cost. Using magic can be draining and there are parameters that you ignore at your peril. The natural tendency to give without considering self has to stop. You conserve your attention and your energy for those people and projects that will most benefit from your style of magic, and those who ask for it. You must never do magic to influence a life when it has not been asked for. You must also work within the rules that state ‘do no harm’, for if you do, it will come back to you threefold. The practice of magic requires you to do just that – practice – and your ego needs to stay out of the equation. Manifesting everyday magic, as I teach in my book through my story and the words given to me by Mother Shipton, takes honesty and a calm mind. If you want to be magical I encourage you to mediate regularly, to practice your personal rituals and rites and to respect the beliefs of others. The Craft is still a misunderstood process, but one practiced by many, many people throughout the world. It is empowering, natural, and safe. Those who make a noise about using it and try to pretend it is something that gives them power are fakes. The power is within all of us to be magical creatures, so why not give it a try. I know you want to…



FEATURES The Importance Of Being Earnest BY NICKY MARSHALL So, it’s a new year, 2011. I know at this time of year people have historically overspent, overeaten and overindulged. Christmas was hyped up and it’s never how you imagined, then quick as a flash you are back to work, stretching out the pennies until pay day and left a little bewildered as to what all the fuss was about! Those New Year resolutions probably lasted a day or two, then a moment of weakness sent them packing. Somewhat harsh? Maybe… This year though, I feel it’s different. I have felt an enthusiasm for 2011 that I haven’t felt before. I have heard people talking about their plans and their business ideas in a way that shouts of enthusiasm. It’s not in what they say, but the emotion behind their words that sends a flutter of excited butterflies around my tummy. It’s as if this year holds an importance not felt for a while… and I have a theory. Whether you believe that 2012 is going to be the end of the world, the dawn of a new era or just another collection of days, there have been some massive changes going on since 2008. Let’s be honest, it’s been a strange place to live, this planet we call Earth. There have been freak weather conditions and tragic occurrences around the globe. The economy has shifted (I’m deliberately not using the ‘R’ word) and some huge companies and banks have taken a tumble. Our spending habits had to change, the governments changed and every day the news is full of gloom and doom before we’ve even had a chance to say good morning! The human race has always been a striving bunch, constantly inventing new technology, working hard, raising families. We have surrounded ourselves with media, noise and communication. We now talk to friends while checking mails, work on our way to work, bring up our families while holding down jobs and run errands in between… ok, so maybe we don’t all do all of this, but let’s face it we are all too busy!

The shift So now people are searching for something else: purpose. What is the meaning of life? Is it about the things we have and the jobs we do, or how fulfilled we feel? We are seeking a new type of experience: peace. We are less concerned with the job we do or the stuff we have, we are re-connecting with others in a whole new way. This has been labelled as ‘enlightenment’ or ‘spiritual’, but too often those words conjure up images of a serene being meditating at the top of a mountain… an ideal most people just can’t connect with. Putting it another way, I think people are noticing that they are all part of something bigger, a group consciousness where each individual affects the whole. People are yearning for genuine love, genuine friendships and a genuine sense of being. People are no longer doing things ‘for the sake of it’. People are no longer ‘making do’


BIOG From Management Accountant to Psychic is a strange path to take, but this has led Nicky on an amazing journey, of self-discovery and loving people. Nicky has gathered various tools over the years, from Tarot to Holistic Therapy, the art of dance and its use in building confidence and energy. She guides people to use their own energy and intuition to make better choices and have more fun in their lives. Through workshops and her online programme Nicky uses real life, down to earth language, humour and easy techniques to encourage the quest for a happier, more spiritual life.


or ‘putting up with’ jobs that they hate, partners that are wrong for them, or doing lots of things poorly. The human nature is now striving for something real, that they can feel in their heart and soul that puts a smile on their face. Something this important, this life changing, a goal so huge… surely that’s going to be hard? This is what I thought many years ago. I looked at those glossy meditating souls and thought that could never be me. Me, with the school run to do, the dog to walk and the tea to prepare each day? Me, who burns pizza, can’t concentrate for toffee and who has no self confidence? So I thought I would just start with making myself a bit happier… being outside a bit more, being with friends that made me laugh and reading a few books. Little changes did bring about a few leaps and some big decisions over time, but only after life had shown me the way. These days I may not look like the figure on that magazine and I may still burn the pizza, but I feel so much better on the inside!

Creating the shift This brings me back to the title of the article: the importance of being earnest. It really is the little changes you bring in that make the difference, even just deciding one thing in your head without telling anyone can make a change. Putting a photo of yourself smiling on your desk at work, or writing a mantra and reading it out every day (believing what you say is optional, it will still work). Deciding to be happy, today and if the day takes a turn for the worst decide to decide again tomorrow. I have seen people declare to the world that they’ve changed and become ‘spiritual’, who have left jobs and partners and started preaching to others how wonderful it all is… and bumped into them 6 months later working in Sainsbury’s looking dreadful. The point is that it has to be your decision, executed your way, at a time and pace that is right for you. The finer details and nitty gritty will happen when you’re not looking and in a way you never could have fathomed, so no need to worry about it. What will happen is you will become a magnet for people who are going your way, on the same bus so to speak, who will make you laugh, inspire you and keep you going. As you shift into a new energy, the Universe will conspire to mend your existing situations, or replace them with new and improved ones. Your energy levels will improve, your capacity for change will become bigger and your intuition for what is right for you will grow. New situations and happiness will be drawn to you, without you needing to search. So what one thing are you going to change today?


FEATURES A New Way Of Eating BY JEAN ANTONELLO After seventeen years of yo-yo dieting during which I tried nearly every imaginable diet, I decided to research weight problems to see if I was missing something. I was. I learned that the basic premise of traditional weight loss is flawed and dooms the dieter from the start. So I tried to figure out a different way - a way out of the diet lifestyle. Firstly, I had to understand why I always went off diets, even those where I had managed to lose weight. And then I looked at why I was eating the worst food possible after a diet. These questions haunted me. Did I eat lousy food simply because I didn’t care? No, I did care, very much! Something was obviously working against me as a dieter and eventually I figured out what it was: my body. There are many prejudices about weight loss, but the most pervasive and destructive is the idea that going hungry is a good way to promote weight loss; that the less we eat, the better, and the faster we will lose weight. And so, overweight people often skip meals, try to avoid food, and eat in extreme and unhealthy ways. They miss meals, skip snacks when they are hungry, and try fad diets designed to produce very quick results. They employ these tactics thinking they will help them shed pounds. But they don’t. Quite the opposite.

Undereating I discovered that research shows that going hungry (missing meals and decent snacks, or strict dieting) dramatically affects peoples’ appetites, cravings for sweets and fats, food choices and metabolic rate. In other words, when we regularly get overly hungry because we are overly busy or dieting, our appetites surge, our metabolisms drop down to conserve calories, our cravings switch to calorie-laden mixtures of sugar and fat and we tend to supersize and then have desert besides. Our bodies, not our best intentions, are in control. We may lose weight in the short term, but rebound weight gain is the rule rather than the exception. This is why: when a body is deprived of adequate food, it is forced to adjust to this deprivation by five different adaptations. These adaptive responses are not psychological, they are biochemical, and usually cannot be overcome by willpower: 1. Metabolic rate drops 15 to 30% to conserve fuel; 2. Appetite increases, promoting overeating/bingeing; 3. Increased cravings for fat-producing foods; sugars and fats; 4. Preoccupation with food and eating; and 5. Lowered interest in physical activity. In light of these principles, all people need to learn how extremely important it is to eat decent regular meals—proactive eating, if you will. And these meals should be supplemented with high-quality snacks as well, to keep the blood sugar stable within a


BIOG Jean Antonello, RN, BSN, developed a unique and unorthodox program for recovery from the diet lifestyle and weight problems. She took a fresh look at the physiology behind weight gain to understand why traditional diets don’t work. Rejecting the prejudices of eat-less, exercise-more approach, she searched for new insights to solve these challenging problems. Jean found them by really listening to people of all sizes, and by applying that information to the scientific concept known as ‘The Theory of Adaptation’.


healthy range. In short, people must learn to take care of their hunger with quality food in order to maintain enough natural willpower to make good choices consistently.

Timely eating What happens to dieters who learn to eat according to their body’s needs? I call this ‘eating on time’. It does not refer to the clock. It refers to hunger signals. Ex-dieters who learn to tune in to their hunger signals and eat good quality food, regularly experience a big shift in their bodies. This is what happens: 1. Metabolism increases; 2. Appetite decreases; 3. Marked decrease in desire for fat producing foods; 4. Relative disinterest in food and eating; and 5. Increased desire and energy for physical activity. The fifth effect is so important – the improvement in physical energy that people experience. Hungry people are not particularly motivated to be physically active. But well-fueled bodies are much more inclined to want to move around and to stick to a workout regime, which, as we all know, is a very important key to weight loss and overall health.

My eating journey My experience of recovery from dieting was dramatic and in some ways frightening. I wasn’t sure of my own conclusions, but I was desperate and willing to try. Firstly, as I stopped going hungry and actually ate good food whenever I got hungry, my appetite settled down. This was very reinforcing! I stopped having blood sugar crashes and craving ice cream and fried foods. Then, my night bingeing stopped without much effort. It was like magic. Gradually, I settled into a rhythm with my body that was comfortable and predictable. I was eating about five meals a day. Was I losing weight? No, I wasn’t. I knew this path would not produce quick results. The body does not adapt quickly, or it would be in a state of flux and adjustment all the time, adapting to stressors that are only temporary. It took over two years for me to reach the weight that was right for me – the weight when I stopped losing. Some people take longer. My eating had changed so dramatically, I knew my weight would change gradually. Except for some temporary menopausal weight, I have never gained. I have never dieted. I have never restricted my eating. I have just stayed with the basic principles. Now my body is in control so I don’t have to fight it for control. I have been naturally thin for 30 years, and all who have recovered from the nightmare of chronic dieting agree that it’s worth the wait.


FEATURES Letting Go To Let In BY ALLA SVIRINSKAYA You can’t create a new pattern in your life without first of all releasing an old one. But this seems to be the hardest task for us to do. We tend to be creatures of habit, attaching ourselves to things, thoughts, people, and fearing the unknown. As a fifth generation healer, I learned that it’s impossible to enter a new stage of your life without a period of releasing, then limbo, and only after that catching the new wave of fresh energy. Even when the political system changes within a country, there is a revolution or a huge social unrest takes place. We never just float into the different levels of evolution. Modern society loathes limbo and over-glamorizes constant proactive movement forward, and this is precisely why we are constantly stepping into the illusion of change rather then really tapping into new possibilities. Before the new order of life emerges, there needs to be a period of internal chaos. This is the time when you sense the burning need of transformation and start to question many things in life; your beliefs, patterns etc. But at the same time, you are not really sure where you should go next. This time is often associated with pain. This pain can be physical - in cases when you have an illness – and this can propel you towards a more evolved way of life, since the presence of a physical pain or dis-ease acts as a catalyst for change for many people. There can also be an emotional pain of limbo, when you are no longer in denial about your imbalanced or stagnant life, but at the same time full of fear about creating something new or stepping into the unknown.

Embracing the limbo My first secret for welcoming the new is to surrender to the limbo. Not to rush forward or away from the pain or whip yourself for not being clear of the direction. Just observe your emotions, practice surrendering to the idea that you are always safe and trust your higher self to show you the way. Don’t let your doubting mind sabotage your process about opening and trusting your heart. Limbo does not equal procrastination. Far from it! Only your intuition can truly guide you in making choices. But remember, the intuition is the first one to leave once intoxication sets in. That’s why it’s hugely important to look after your physical body if you want to create a shift in life and to benefit from the limbo. We should let go not only by detoxing our system, but also by detoxing emotions, which are cluttering our view. First and foremost in the detoxifcation process is the fear of change and the fear of failure. These will enable you to step out of the limbo into your own unique new flow of exciting change. Remember, you are not creating new chapters of life to please someone. That’s why it is vital to take time crystallizing in your core what the change means to the true you. Listen not to what you want to hear, but what you need to hear!


BIOG Alla is a medically trained fifth generation Russian healer, coached secretly from the age of six in Soviet Moscow by her mother. She is one of the most respected and world-renowned experts in holistic health. Her books, Energy Secrets and Your Secrets Laws of Power, have become international bestsellers and are translated into 12 languages worldwide. For many years, Alla has acted as a senior consultant to leading spas around the world, including the multi award winner Chiva-Som resort in Thailand. Now she runs her successful London healing practice, helping thousands of people with a practical, systematic, ‘no-nonsense’ approach to the healing process. Alla currently has an eight-month waiting list and counts royal clients and numerous celebrities among the thousands of people she has helped.

True health, in my opinion, is not only the absence of symptoms or a balanced aura, but also a state in which we realize our gifts and talents to the best of our ability. It’s not a question of being perfect, perfection is a new dysfunctional obsession of our times, but to be the best you can be in each chapter of your life.

The magic of letting go My second secret is to appreciate what you have already got. Without this, you will never truly appreciate the next step or a new reality. Learn to notice the positive in what you have, and if you want to move forward do it with gratitude for the past rather then cursing it. This will enable you to truly let go, as you will do it with a light heart and without any resentment. And my final secret, don’t forget you don’t need to run far in order to find yourself. You can turn your home into a sanctuary for healing if you have the right tools. This inspired me to create my audio program ‘Alla’s Instant Retreat’ (see box on following page). The best most exciting journey of our lives can only be within. This is where you can truly be surprised, inspired and excited. And the added trophy from these inner journeys is the inner glow that makes us much more beautiful then any of the suntan from our holidays! The Dalai Lama once said, “It does not matter how comfortable you are sitting, your legs eventually will become numb and you will need to change the position”. The same applies in life, if you don’t change within your life, your soul and entire being turns into the crust. So go on, learn the tools, kick out the fear and keep your mind open to the magic of change!



FEATURES Alla’s Instant Retreat The stress of modern living is such that we often long for a break just to get back in touch with ourselves. But we can spend a fortune on expensive pampering treatments, only to end up feeling very much the same. Now is the time for an intelligent luxury, which nourishes our true needs and not just wants! For the past decade, Alla has made headlines around the world with the extraordinary power of her healing and her exotic bespoke retreats. Now she has created a pioneering audio retreat called “Alla’s Instant Retreat” for anyone to use in the sanctuary of his or her own home. Quicker, easier, cheaper, and less hassle than any stress-busting mini-break, it is a unique audio programme that combines powerful meditations with 3D sound, original music and expert guidance for unlocking the radiance within you. Presented in an exquisite container, which opens like a jewelry box, “Alla’s Instant Retreat” is the ultimate personal gift that takes you on a three-step journey to reconnect with your inner spirit. The first, Release, creates the feeling of being protected and nourished using sounds that mimic the heart beats heard by a baby in the womb. It helps you to forgive, let go and move on. The second, Rebalance, contains vibrations that precisely match the vibrations of your seven energy centres. It helps to achieve inner harmony. The third, Rejoice, contains exercises and breathing techniques carefully designed to trigger hormones that produce feelings of happiness. It connects you with inner sense of joy. Alla’s Instant Retreat is available exclusively from


Balloon exercise to let go of the past, taken from ‘Energy Secrets’ This is a powerful exercise that will help you get rid of the old matter – whether physical or metaphysical – from your system. It will help you release deeply-seated emotional blockages and also allow your physical body to let go and open up its passages to release stuck-on matter and toxins. You will need a pack of balloons – any size or colour – and a needle. - Blow up a balloon slowly and carefully. With each exhalation, breathe out all the unpleasant emotions and memories you have that you want to remove from your system. - Once the balloon is fully inflated and full of your old ‘stuff’, tie a knot in it. - Take the balloon in one hand and the needle in the other. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and try to imagine (as vividly as possible) a situation that has caused you pain or is burdening you. You should find that your emotional response is becoming acute and almost overwhelming. Wait until you feel it is going to take you over completely and at that point, and not before, pop the balloon! It is important not to premeditate when you’re going to pop the balloon. You should let it happen of its own accord, in a totally spontaneous way. If you can manage this you will have a very powerful reaction. The sudden sound will free the energy and push the blockage out of your aura.

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FEATURES Joyfully Channelling The Flow Of Change BY MADISON KING “Change in all things is sweet” Aristotle.

BIOG After a successful career in advertising, Madison studied many aspects of Natural Healthcare. Over the past twenty years, working predominantly with Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine, she built a successful practice in Central London and appeared on National TV and radio demonstrating Energy Medicine. Now based in Southern Spain, she teaches internationally, has just produced her first DVD and is working on her new book, which will be published later this year.

CONTACT www.midlifegoddess.

Five years ago, when Madison heard an inner voice prompting her to make drastic changes to her life, she resisted at first. However, she soon realised the Sage within could not be ignored. She transformed every aspect of her life: selling her house, closing her busy practice, leaving friends and family and moving from Central London to a little Andalucian backwater in Southern Spain. In this article, she shares one of the Energy Medicine techniques that helped her embrace change, read the hidden messages and make the transition a joy rather than a fearful foray into the unknown. This issue is turning the spotlight on ‘New’ – does the word fill you with a flutter of expectant excitement or does it send a shudder of dread down your spine? It is the aspect of ‘change’ in all things new that can create a frisson of fear in us. Each of us can be certain that ‘change’ will touch us. Sometimes we invite it into our lives and sometimes it thrusts its nose around the corner and jumps out to surprise us. Often we crave change but it stubbornly resists all our efforts and remains elusive. So change, in whatever form it takes, will be a constant in our lives. There are extraordinary flows of energy in the human body called ‘Strangeflows’. If they are working at optimum levels, they are attracted to, and attract to them, change. These are the energies you want flowing freely through your body when dealing with any form of transformation. One in particular, called the Regulator Flow, helps us regulate and adjust to any change, however small or large, both internal and external, welcome or unwelcome. It also helps us adapt to our environment; helps balance the thyroid gland, hormones, chemistry and circulation, influences all auto-immune problems (when energies are not communicating with each other or adjusting correctly) and turns on and co-ordinates all systems of the body. What’s more, dialogue with the Sage within will become clearer and the external ‘messages’, easier to decipher, and it will help you absorb and integrate the benefits of any treatment you may be receiving. It really could be said to be a little miracle worker! I should also add that the Strangeflows energy is one of joy, so an added benefit when working with Regulator, is that you begin to rediscover the joy in your life. We could all do with some of that, so how do we stimulate the flow of Regulator? Simply trace it. Your hands are like little electromagnetic pads and you will be aligning those pads with the Regulator Flow and encouraging it to move around the body. You might not be able to see it, but you may begin to feel the flow.


• Stand tall and balanced. Breathing should be natural and comfortable. • Place the pads of your fingers over your 3rd eye (i.e. between the eyebrows) • Trace a heart around the outside of your face, ending on the chin. • Trace straight down the neck/throat area (think of it as a stick supporting the heart shape). Still using both hands. • Cross your arms like a genie with the little fingers in line with the elbow creases and fingers wrapped around the upper arms. • Now uncross them slowly, first into a Pharaoh type pose (i.e. crossed over the chest) and then across the chest and bring hands down to the side of each breast (think Marilyn Monroe!) • Trace down the front of the body (“Oh, I’m so beautiful”) and smile. • When you reach your feet, give them each a squeeze – big toe and little toe together. • Come up slowly, vertebrae by vertebrae, using your abdominal girdle. • Place the palm of each hand against your temples and trace up, over and behind each ear, coming off the neck/shoulder curve. • Cross your arms like a genie again, this time about 1inch higher than before. • Uncross them and bring your hands round as far as you can on your back. • Trace down the back of the body and come off the little toes. Sounds so complicated the first time you read it, but I promise you, after a couple of days, you will find it easy to do and after a couple of weeks, you will not even have to concentrate, you will just find yourself doing it and hopefully reaping the benefits in a tangible way. You can also add an affirmation such as “all is well” while tracing and make sure you are SMILING – it is the simplest energy exercise of them all! If all that seems just a little too complicated you can always get your partner to scratch your back, gently and smoothly for a minute or two. Perhaps trace some letters or words. Did you do that when you were a kid? Most children do – why? Because it makes them feel good, because it activates the Strangeflows. What we resist persists – relax and surrender to change as it carries you down the water slide of life, you may get bumped about a bit on the ride, but at the end the chances are you’ll splash down safely into calmer waters. Maria Robinson stated, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”, and that is what change is all about: choice. If you want positive change in your life, trace Regulator every day for a minute or two and step out of stagnation. Stop fearing change and begin to embrace it. It is reassuring how, with hindsight, change that feels so painful and frightening at the time, can be a gateway to a new chapter in your life that can shine with joy. I leave you with the famous words of Reinhold Niebuhr: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”


FEATURES Reading The Secrets In Your Lover’s Hand - Part III BY ANNE HASSETT The lines on the hand People, when they talk of palmistry or hand reading, think only of reading the lines. Having read this far, you will now know that there is much more to hand reading than just that. However, the lines on the hand are most important and tell a huge amount about the individual. They are such an intrinsic part of the make-up of the hand that they develop in the embryo. Nature never ceases to amaze, here in the hand she provides her very own ‘bar code’. We arrive on earth with our C.V in our hands! The major lines of the hand are the Life, Head and Heart lines. These are the deepest and most prominent lines. The Life line is the first one to appear in embryo, followed by the Heart and Head.

The Life line The Life line is by far the most important line in the hand. It stands for the life force in the individual. It does not tell the length of life, but rather the vitality and general expectation of enjoyment of life. Seaside fortune-tellers have given this line an unfortunate and undeserved reputation with regard to how long one is going to live. There has been much scientific study, which proves that the quality and not the length of life is determined by this line. The Sweep of the Life line out into the palm is a good measure of Life force and energy. The greater the sweep, the larger the Mount of Venus and hence the more oomph and vitality. When the Life Line seems to shrink back and thus creates a small Mount of Venus, this potential lover will lack passion, may have an inadequate sex urge and be content to remain single all their lives. In most cases, it starts at the edge of the palm, halfway between the angle where the thumb joins the hand the base of the Jupiter finger. It should be well defined and unbroken. If, however, the Life line is thin and weak with many ‘dots’ and ‘islands’ the opposite is true. They will have little physical energy and be lethargic and lack-lustre. Breaks on the Life line are not the catastrophes that the fair-ground gypsy would intimate; they are indications of a change in the person’s life or lifestyle. If the continuation, after the break, is outside the previous course of the Life line, it indicates a widening of the sphere of the person’s life. If the Life line is inside after this interruption, the lifestyle may be curtailed in some way.


BIOG Anne is a psychic with over 30 years experience. She has a worldwide client base and features on TV and radio, and in many international newspapers and magazines.


The Head line This line usually starts at the same point as the Life Line, works it’s way across the hand towards the percussion side and is indicative of the mental approach to life. Where it starts and ends, as well as it’s thickness, smoothness and lack of additional markings, reveals the mental approach to life, work and the social surroundings in which one lives. Pink and clearly marked, the Head Line shows psychological and mental strength. If it is shallow or defective, at best it shows indecision and vacillation and, at worst, it is indicative of someone who is unable to understand himself or herself or life or to be able to act with any strength of mind. When the Head Line starts at the same point as the Life Line and touches at the beginning, it is an indication of a person who is moderate and reasonably cautious. If the Lines of Head and Life are tightly enmeshed and continue so for a distance this is often indicative of a child who was not ‘given his head’. This can lead to lack of belief in themselves and consequently they have little confidence and low self worth. A wide gap between the start of the Head and Life Line shows an independence of mind and spirit. If the gap is extra wide it could indicate recklessness and a far too independent streak, unless balanced by a strong thumb. A straight Head Line, which runs straight and true across the palm, usually depicts and person with a good mind, they know what they want and go straight for it. A short Head Line does not necessarily mean the opposite particularly if it has no blemishes. Curving down towards the Mount of Luna, this type of Head Line shows someone who has a well-developed imagination and a creative mind. They can also be idealistic. Dropping too low onto this mount, it shows someone who could be moody and given to fantasies.

The Heart line This line is of paramount importance when reading your lover’s hand. It begins on the percussion side of the hand (the side below the little finger) and works it’s way inwards and upwards. Remember that all lines start on the outside of the palm and work their way in! The Heart Line gives a very accurate idea of your lover’s attitude to Love, Loyalty, Sex and Passion. Like all lines, it should be deep and be of a healthy pink colour. Ideally, it should not have too many blemishes (Chains, islands, fraying or breaks The Heart line describes our depth of ability to give and receive love and affection. How long it is and where it goes all give clues and information regarding the love nature. The ideal Heart Line starts at about the same height as the Life Line, only on the opposite


FEATURES side of the hand. It curves gently around and upwards towards the area between the First and Second Fingers. If it ends up on the Jupiter Mount (the mount under the Index Finger), it indicates idealism in love. The owner of a Heart Line such as this may be inclined to put the loved one on a pedestal. A scary place to be! This leaves them wide open to disillusionment, and the ‘pedestalised’ one to hurt and disappointment, when the love object turns out to have feet of clay… as all humans have! If the Heart Line ends between the Jupiter and Saturn fingers, this type of Heart Line is more moderate and less idealistic in romantic matters; this character is capable of steadfast love and deep feelings. Ending here, the idealism of Jupiter is tempered by the passion and seriousness of Saturn. When the Heart Line ends directly on the Saturn mount, it shows someone who can be passionate but more physical than emotional. They can have a selfish nature, caring more for their own pleasure and satisfaction than for yours. It is rare indeed to find a Heart Line that ends on the Apollo mount; it would not augur well. It would mean a very short Heart Line indeed and would belong to someone who is devoid of tenderness or feeling. When the heart Line begins on the percussion side and runs almost directly across the hand to the other side it indicates someone with a tendency to go to excess in relationships. They have an exaggerated need for affection and get incredibly jealous if they are not the centre of attention. Because of this they can be very possessive and even tyrannical. They generally end up as bitter and unhappy characters. If the Heart Line is low down on the palm, towards the Head Line, this person’s feelings may over-rule their thinking. Their heart may rule their head. Conversely, when the Head Line encroaches towards the space occupied by the Heart Line, the head rules the heart and will indicate a lover who can be heartless and calculating. Very occasionally, one finds what is referred to as a ‘sister’ line to the Heart Line, that is when there is a line running close to, and parallel to, the Heart Line. This is a favourable formation indeed, indicating someone who is loyal, devoted and faithful in love.

All Fingers And Thumbs The thumb and four fingers of your lover’s hand are significant signposts as to aspects of your lover’s character and the length, shape, size and plumpness all have a tale to tell. As we cannot deal with all of the fingers in this article, we will concentrate on the THUMB. It has very great importance in defining your lover’s character and potential The thumb in the human hand relates to the will. Will is also a unique human development, so a good strong thumb indicates a good strong will. The length of the thumb is also of great significance. The top of the average thumb comes half way up the first phalange


or section of the Index or Jupiter finger If it is longer than that, it indicates a person with a powerful will. Margaret Thatcher had just such a thumb. Do you want a dictatorial lover? If the thumb is shorter than the average length it indicates a person with a lack of determination. You don’t necessarily want a ‘wimp’ either! Another thing to consider is the angle to which your lover holds his or her thumb in relation to the hand. The ‘normal’ angle is around 45 degrees. A person who has this angle will have a good capacity to adhere to normal standards of life such as having a sense of fair play and a good practical common-sense outlook. They will treat you fairly and will expect the same in return. When the thumb is held at an angle greater than 45 degrees away from the hand it indicates someone with a strong streak of individuality and they could have an overbearing or bossy personality. They get things done however, they are the ‘movers and the shakers’ and consequently gain the admiration of lesser mortals around them. They can be quite charismatic and love to play for large stakes in business, politics or the world stage. They are usually so busy that they’ll have to struggle to fit you into their life. This is not one for many cosy evenings together in front of the television or sitting by the fire; they are far too busy and important for that. They will often have to cancel a meeting with you as they are usually very much in demand. When they do turn their attention to you, they are sure to make a grand gesture. Flexibility of the thumb is an important aspect of palm reading. When I read someone’s hand I usually press his or her thumb to detect resistance. I usually do this without forewarning them, as if they are forewarned it takes away the element of surprise and they will be prepared. If they yield easily to the pressure I put on the thumb it indicates a bit of a ‘pushover’. This person has little backbone and is too easily swayed by others. When it stiffly resists the pressure, this is someone who is stubborn and can be inflexible. You won’t easily be able to change this characters mind, so the way to get around it is to let them think that whatever it is you want them to do was actually their idea! The ideal type of thumb is a flexible one. This indicates a flexible personality, someone who can adapt easily to ideas, situations, people and conditions. The owner is capable of tact and diplomacy and can act as peacemaker in difficult situations. As a lover they will be adaptable to your wishes and will be open to discussing whatever you want to talk about. They are not pushovers, but they will be willing to meet you half way. Palmistry is a very complex subject and I have here just given you an outline and a few very obvious signs to look out for. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water and discard your poor lover just because you have diagnosed a few ‘negative’ things in the hand from your cursory look at it. Be on the lookout for further signs from your lover and be forewarned and on guard.


FEATURES Lightworker Of The Year Award 2010 WINNER: KIMBERLEY JONES In honour of Kimberley’s award, she was presented with a unique leather-bound commissioned poem from Give A Poem.

Purpose The world has grown, its corners have darkened, It has always been your calling to fill them with light. You emerge—break beyond the clouds and see, Truly see, with your soul and your heart, The sun waiting behind them — and Return, then, to show the lost the way home. You carry the proof in your cupped palms, Sun droplets shining, warm and white, through Your fingers. A path gleams behind you, For those who wish to follow; A path lies in the twilight before you. Sometimes hidden by leaves, Or diverting towards adventure, Or winding up to the top of the highest tree; Yet you feel it always, you know it keeps you safe. Remember the joy of first awakening, how the fog Curled away like smoke from a dying fire. You share that feeling every day, with friends And fellow travellers, freely, eyes open, arms wide, Loving and accepting the truths you find in them, Unpolished gems you give back to their soul. The world is lightening In the dawn you have brought. Each word you speak hushes the night. As the people you have touched rise from sleep, Their faces warmed with surprise, know that you Are the source of this beauty.


About Kimberley’s commissioned poem Mirabella Mitchell is the poet who penned Kimberley’s piece, and the nominee who assisted Mirabella in crafting these words by sharing their reasons for believing Kimberley the deserving Lightworker Of TheYear 2010, offered “Many thanks for the poem. It’s lovely - very lovely. Please convey my thanks to Mirabella. Her writing is very special. She has completely captured the essence of my request.”

Kimberley, what is your definition of a Lightworker? A Lightworker is an open-hearted person living a mission-driven life. Lightworkers may write a book, drive a bus or run a business, the point being that the ‘work’ of a Lightworker is the act of consciously living with love. It is living, working and playing with an awareness of your impact on others and a conscious intention to make a positive contribution to the world. Lightworkers come in many forms and at different stages of their development, one size definitely does not fit all! Many aren’t even aware yet of the wonderful effect they have on those around them or their environment. Essentially it is the quality of a person’s consciousness that counts, their vibrational output and their ‘being-ness’ that soothes, uplifts, inspires and creates. I’ve heard people resist the label of ‘Lightworker’ even when they clearly are one. That’s OK. It isn’t essential to use the term. However, having an identity as part of a resonant community can be incredibly empowering and supportive, especially when you are an edge-walker outside the ‘norm’. As has been shown by the great work of the Lightworker Group and all the support it offers.

What is your proudest moment of 2010? Well, winning Lightworker of the Year is right up there! I also feel pretty good about how the One Minute for Peace - 11:11 Quantum Peace Project has grown this year. We had our annual global energy meditation on 11/11/10, our second since the project was born. This year I discovered the energy awareness and skills taught by the project are being used in schools in Mexico. That was a good moment. Also the Goodwill Ambassadors on the project are really owning it (collaboratively) as theirs now which is fantastic, they are organising their own events and gatherings. The project culminates with our final 11:11 global energy event on 11/11/11. My personal awakening story has been featured in a book about Spiritual Emergency that is published in July of this year which is very exciting (‘In Case of Spiritual Emergency’ - Catherine Lucas). I feel proud that I have found the courage to start going public with my dramatic awakening story in more detail. I hope it will help others feel less alone and less afraid. Every one of my E-Video Readings has been a proud moment this year. Really going deep with people, seeing their true beauty and being able to reflect that back to them is transformational for them and for me. It’s so moving and such a raw honour.

What would you like to say to those who nominated you? Thank you. Thank you for pausing in a busy world to show appreciation and say something kind and positive. Things like that mean a lot to me. Thank you for seeing me and getting what I do. Thank you for being willing to receive the love and wisdom that I am here to share. It feels good to give and it’s even better when it is received well.


FEATURES I value the encouragement when much of my work is done in isolation from my homeoffice in the countryside. Bless you and keep in touch. I love you.

CONTACT KIMBERLEY kimberley@e-wakening. com


Where do you see your Light Work heading in 2011? 2011 is my year to start gathering together everything I have learned and lived so far, the wisdom, the lessons, the skills, the training, the tools and wrapping it all up to be gifted to others. I’m doing this via my new e-Learning website ‘The e-Wakening Academy’ - The focus is on teaching the art of energy-conscious living to an awakening world in a down to earth, plain-speaking way. We offer free and low cost help and new products and services will be going up regularly over the coming months. We start with ‘Grounded and Calm’ a download package to stablise your awakening and help you ground the light of your being in the world. Although I’m known as The Lightworker’s Lightworker, my true gift is working with energy, vibration and consciousness to catalyse and support the awakening process in every day life. I believe that energy is the language of a conscious world and when we can manage energy we can master life. For me it is at the heart of everything and some simple vibrational skills and supportive meditations for example can make this whole awakening journey much easier for all of us. On the site you can also join the free ‘Vibe Tribe’ community where we’ll be hosting a regular ‘21 day Energy Challenge’. A free tool/practice for self-healing, transformation or creation is shared and then we all use it for 21 days, blogging our progress and supporting each other as we grow. It’s going to be amazing! So there’s a lot going on. This year has a great energy about it for all of us who are awake actually and I can feel I’m going to be very busy. After years of plugging away, walking the talk, growing & learning in a space of trust with little happening visibly now things are manifesting fast! It’s an exciting time to be alive.


FEATURES Under The Spotlight BY JENNA AVERY Jenna is a creative, writer, coach and mentor for those who dream big – as we know all Lightworkers are born to do! What’s more, Jenna is an expert in the field of highly sensitive souls and empaths, which again, many Lightworkers are. As a highly sensitive intuitive empath herself, Rachel Willis was keen to speak with Jenna about this topic, and during their chat they share practical tips, common challenges faced by those who walk this path and methods of support for our continued evolution on this planet. Our hope and intention is that you will reach a deeper understanding, appreciation and respect for your uniqueness and the gift of sensitivity that you are born into this world to share, embrace and develop. For those who feel drawn to Jenna and her energy work, she uses her keen intuition, deep empathy, and innate practicality to help visionaries, creative artists and communicators - writers, singer/songwriters, actors, filmmakers, artists, activists, entrepreneurs, and healers - slay their inner critic demons and get out of their own way so they can unleash their creative force and make amazing things happen in the world. To learn more, visit Click here to listen to Jenna and Rachel’s interview.



Glow With Health And Wellbeing STU GATHERUM

Lightworker In Training HETTA ROGERS

Lightworker Challenge Rachel Willis

The Businessman MICHAEL CLARK

Studying At The University Of Life ELIZABETH VILLANI

The Authenticity Diary MELANIE DIAMOND

Moments Of Light TOM EVANS


KN OW health New Habits By Stu Gatherum Stu is a passionate and focused Strength and Conditioning specialist who is committed to delivering outstanding results in fitness, nutrition and total health and wellness.

CONTACT STU Twitter: @stugatherum +44 7816 240137

Hi everyone, I hope this article finds you fit and well after the first month back to regular life following the festive season. New is this month’s theme, and in reality it might be a month too late, but let’s make it work! Last month we talked about momentum. The momentum you had built up during 2010 likely ground to a halt over the latter part of December when indulgences gained a little momentum of their own. By now, I’m hoping you have managed to gain some level of normality into your life and routine. People tend to love the festivities but even more so we are generally creatures of habit. It’s really easy to let one day slip into the next and one week blend into two when it comes to skipping exercise and opting for fast food over conventional meals, but here at Lightworker I plan to make you excited and reinvigorated for a NEW regime and a new you! Everyone seems to embark on a fitness quest in the New Year – “this year I will run the marathon I was going to run last year”, or “I’m definitely going to fit back into size (insert relevant number here) trousers”. The fact is, we never seem to carry it through even a quarter of the year. This year, why not try something different? How about a new challenge? Try a sport that is new to you, take advantage of what your surroundings have to offer, get your Phelps on and hit the pool (Thats right, it has more use than to cool you off after an exhaustive trip to the sun lounger), buck the trend and bring the gym to you with some shiny new in-home exercise kit (note; I have seen some terrible kit advertised on late night infomercials. Don’t fall for it!) Or, *shameless plug alert* hire a trainer? Maybe your gym has packages on offer in the New Year. If not, I know a guy who would give advice, programming


GLOW WITH HEALTH AND WELLBEING and motivation without any actual face-to-face time! I’m sure you can work out who. Maybe all you need is to be accountable to someone other than yourself? You may find it extra motivational to relinquish control to a friend/family member/neighbour to take charge of making sure you go to the gym or giving you a gentle nudge into making healthy choices. One of my role models in this industry, Nate Green, always advocates having a professional assign your exercise regimes for you... even if you are a professional! This way, you do exercises you actually need to do and don’t avoid the ones you hate because they are too hard. Just remember in closing… The best regime is the one you will do! No sense in taking on the world all in one go. One of my most popular blogs was entitled ‘You Can’t Ride Two Horses With One ***’ (rhymes with glass!). Focus on achievable results and pat yourself on the back when you stride ahead of the pack of steadily decreasing numbers of ‘new-years-resolutioners’.


KN OW education New By HETTA ROGERS Hetta’s background is in Art History and Literature. After spending seven years training to be and working as a lawyer, she left all that behind to go travelling, but has now returned to the bright lights of London to work in the communications industry.

CONTACT HETTA hetta@lightworkermag. com

New is a wonderful word; it feels empowering, optimistic and full of possibility. It has also given me an endless source of amusement and surprise over the past few weeks, since I first began to think about what I might share with you in this edition of Lightworker Magazine. I have rediscovered songs, read signs, stumbled across newspaper articles and overheard conversations between strangers; each encouraging me to be open to and celebrate all that is “new” – as if the Universe were handing me inspiration on a silver platter. What those snippets all had in common wasn’t so much the “what” but the “how” and the “why”.

Songs and signs… In the middle of a Bikram yoga class in south-west London (where the temperature in the studio must have been at least 105 degrees Fahrenheit and I was putting every effort into contorting myself into a near-impossible pose) I spotted something I hadn’t previously noticed: a quotation emblazoned on the studio’s wall from Bikram yoga’s founder, Bikram Choudhury. It read: “Never too late, never too old, never too sick, never too bad to start from scratch and begin again”. I loved its positive message and faith in our ability, whoever we are, to start afresh and “begin again” at any chosen moment. Days later, whilst skim-reading a newspaper article on a tube train, I spied an oft-used quotation attributed to Walt Disney: “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths”. How apt, I thought to myself, as I hurried to note it down. Then, only yesterday, I heard a song I haven’t heard for many years and which my mother would play to my sister


LIGHTWORKER IN TRAINING and me as children: “You Are the New Day”, written by John David and performed by the King’s Singers. For anyone who doesn’t know it, I heartily recommend it to you. Even without the melody, the words by themselves are powerful and life-affirming. I particularly like the second and sixth verses: Send the sun in time for dawn Let the birds all hail the morning Love of life will urge me say you are the new day Hope is my philosophy Just needs days in which to be Love of life means hope for me borne on a new day

all expressions of love and romance for Valentine’s Day and ignoring them for the remaining days of the year), I was inspired by Nick’s gallant approach to his project and wondered how I might do something along the same lines, albeit on a far smaller scale and with a particular “Lightworker” twist. And so I have started my list, which you will appreciate is a work in progress: Smile more, even at strangers. Be open-hearted and open-minded, no matter what I am faced with. Write down the things that make me happy. Focus on the positive and let go of the negative.

You are the new day

Get in touch with old friends.

… and new discoveries


In the same vein, albeit some time ago now, I also happened upon a fantastic blog written by journalist Nick Thorpe. He called it “52 New Things”. In January 2010, Nick began his quest to try 52 new things – one a week – and to document his experiences in a blog, raising some money for charity as he went via a Just Giving page. Rather bravely, he also invited his followers on Twitter and other social networking sites to make suggestions as to what he should do or attempt in his journey of discovery.

Be thankful and – more than that – grateful for the things I have. You are welcome to do the same so that, together, we may lift our energies and open our hearts to new things. As Eugene F. Ware said so wisely: “All glory comes from daring to begin”.

In a very colourful twelve months Nick’s “experiences” included, to name only a few: getting a tattoo, giving up eating crisps, having his portrait painted, learning to dance, penning a book, recording a single, walking over broken glass, trying Viagra, growing a beard, swimming 52 lengths of a pool, learning to make cocktails, visiting two new countries in 24 hours, trying new foods for seven days, travelling the length of the UK by car and reading a Shakespeare play. Nick’s inspiration for the project was to ensure that each week was different and enjoyable; to relish in variety and face the “new” head on, wearing a big grin as he did so. In his own words, “the last year has been an epic journey through a maze of experiences that I never thought I’d be part of”. Whilst I have never found myself beginning each New Year clutching a list of resolutions (I find it akin to saving


KN OW relationship The Iceberg Hazard By RACHEL WILLIS

CONTACT RACHEL Rachel@Rachel-Willis. Twitter: @RachelWillisUK

Rachel is a conduit for the Ascended Masters and guided to help others finetune their life path by fully stepping into their power and shining their light. She challenges anything that is out of alignment with your highest good and shares messages from The Masters about your Earthly purpose. She is also an inspirational writer and Editor of Lightworker Magazine. Life is built on relationships, and I’ve lost track of the number of times when people have said to me, “I just don’t understand him/her, I just don’t get them at all”. This is an example of looking at life through different lenses, which is inevitable when we are varying sexes, backgrounds, races, ages and, of course, unique souls. In communication situations, when the internal causes are different yet the outward effects are the same, the dangers of ‘collision’ are enormous. The tip of the iceberg – the effect – appears to be the same. Yet, the cause – the sizeable foundation that lies beneath the surface – is the real and latent hazard. Two people can behave in the same way, yet their motivations are very different. The effects are the same, yet the causes vary. And this is where the potential for miscommunication, pain and misunderstanding lies. Therefore, this is also where the opportunity for healing, deeper compassion and love exists. For instance, Jane is confiding in husband Mark about a situation that is causing her pain in her life; she is feeling alienated by work colleagues and despite her usually optimistic demeanour, it is beginning to get her down. The effect is that Mark mentions it is a similar scenario to his friend Pat’s life at the moment. For Jane, the comparison between her and Pat is seen as an invalidation of her feelings and a minimisation of her pain. She reacts negatively, perhaps feeling insignificant and alone. She wants Mark to comfort, reassure and support her as though she is the only person in the world at that time. The alienation at work has created feelings of vulnerability, abandonment and rejection inside of her,



LIGHTWORKER CHALLENGE and she needs to know that she is loveable, worthy and wholly loved. However, for Mark, the comparison to his friend Pat is intended as a reassurance that Jane is not the only one suffering at the moment and she is not alone in her pain. He uses this as an example that Jane is loveable, worthy and wholly loved because it is not personal to her because many respected, valued people are going through similar situations in their own lives.

Tune into Rachel’s ‘Same Wavelength’ show every MONTH on for interviews, discussions and free intuitive readings

As you can no doubt appreciate, if repeated on multiple occasions in different situations, this miscommunication could escalate into an argument, build up of resentment and potentially irreparable damage to the relationship between Jane and Mark. The causes differ, but if Jane and Mark were not sufficiently aware, informed and alert to look beneath the surface, the scope for a hazardous collision is large. The answer to the iceberg hazard is to welcome a new approach of honest communication of each other’s needs, intentions and reactions. At the same time, this honesty needs to be preceded by the awareness, intention and willingness to understand both yourself and another; else full understanding will remain elusive. So, when you next find yourself feeling misunderstood or in conflict with another, it is worth taking the time to discover the cause that underlies the seemingly visible effect and safely navigating your relation-ship around the icebergs!


KNOW business Money Making Habits By MICHAEL CLARK Michael, the founder of Ripple Effect Sales, the UK’s premier online sales training company for entrepreneurs. Mike has worked with 1000’s of SME’s and startups across all sectors. His speciality is creating practical sales and marketing strategies that effectively create results tangible results.

CONTACT MICHAEL www.rippleeffectsales. com

Throughout my life, I’ve made it a habit to study and hang out with successful people who have achieved the results I want. For the past 8 years, it’s been primarily in the field of business. Once one of my millionaire mentors recommends certain practices, I apply and modify them to fit my lifestyle. “We all have habits... Successful people repeat the ones that lead them closer to their goals.” Anonymous Here are 5 habits that I myself apply, and encourage the entrepreneurs that I train to apply as well. I hope you enjoy them!

Habit 1 - Allocate your tasks and structure your day How do people like Richard Branson who oversees more than 300 companies, or a project manager responsible for overseeing the development of a 3,000-room resort, manage such large projects? They categorize, allocate and delegate time in order to complete their various tasks. When you define the various tasks that you do within a day or week, you’ll notice that they can be grouped into various categories. For example, you might have work-related emails, personal emails, social networking, prospecting, sales appointments, marketing tasks, administrative tasks, team meetings etc. Group tasks together. By grouping your various tasks together, you can determine when in your day or week you will handle that various task. So, let’s say you decide that you’ll only check emails twice a day, once between 9 and 9.30am and then again between 3 and 3.30pm. If you set your day up so that you have constant interruptions, then expect ordinary results. If you master the art of allocating your tasks and structuring your day so that you can focus more time, energy and effort into highest value activities in your business, you’ll see a shift in your results! Become aware of what activities are breaking your momentum throughout the day, and follow a new approach.

Habit 2 - Don’t mentally manage your tasks Mentally managing tasks causes cloudiness in your mind. Instead of having clarity of


THE BUSINESSMAN thought and certainty of action, you’ll live in a world of doubt and uncertainty. How do you think this affects your results? Astute business people are always looking for ways to clear their mind and reduce their mind chatter (internally repeated conversations) so that they can have concentrated focus on the client they are serving. This is why allocating your time is important. Mentally managing tasks often leads to business people (and people in general) feeling overwhelmed and like they have a lot on their plate. When in reality, they have just a handful of things to do, it’s just that the handful of tasks they have to do is going round and round and round their mind, giving the perception that they have a lot on. Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, here’s a great exercise: write down all the concerns, tasks and things that are on your mind. Then, allocate time in your week when you’ll complete it. Simply doing this relieves the anxiety and increases your clarity. What are all the things you are currently mentally managing?

Habit 3 - The five C’s: completion, closure, concentration, clarity, conversion One of the main causes of mind chatter is incompletion. Things left undone consume mental energy causing cloudiness of decision-making. Poor decision-making leads to worry, self doubt and destructive thought processes. Following an activity through to completion means you’ll get mental closure on tasks, leading to increased concentration during your sales calls and marketing efforts. This will give you greater clarity on how to best serve the client, which will lead to increased conversion rates and more money flowing your way. Get in the habit of completing your tasks or delegating them.

Most issues are caused by business owners not recognizing their AOGC. Instead of investing time in areas that will give them growth and new opportunities, they spend their time on less productive activities. Successful entrepreneurs have refined their skill of identifying critical moments that leverage their business. The clearer you are about the activities in your business that provide the greatest return, the quicker you will succeed.

Habit 5 - Plan out your day in the morning or the night before Planning your day in advance ensures you can proactively fill it with high priority activities. “If you don’t fill your day with high priority activities, it will get consumed with low priority activities.” Dr Demartini Too often, business people get focused on activities that keep them busy, but not productive. By prioritising your activities like this, you consciously plan into your day those activities that will yield the greatest result. As I mentioned in Habit 1, allocate time each day to all the activities that you’re required to do. Just make sure that you’re allocating at least 80% of your time to activities such as sales and marketing. The best businesses on the planet invest a majority of their resources here because they know that these are the only areas of the business that produce financial returns, all other areas of the business are an expense! Most people have a to-do list, however, many people need a NOT-to-do-list. I recommend both. I hope that these habits benefit you as much as they have me. Here’s to you forming new habits that help create the lifestyle you want!

Habit 4 - Area of Greatest Contribution (AOGC) Being in business sometimes requires you to wear 10 different hats within one day. This can become very confusing, especially if you’re new to business.


KN OW adventure Anyone For Ice Cream? By ELIZABETH VILLANI Elizabeth, the author of “Awakening”, o-books, 2010. An expert on positivity, coach and Reiki Master, a startling mystical experience in 2008 revealed to her the reality of humanity. She now writes to support our awakening. She is also the founder of a non-profit organisation aiming to bring joy to every corner of the globe.


As I sit and contemplate what is new for 2011, it strikes me how many of us hold too closely the old habits of the past. I spent the last few days running workshops on positivity and self belief – the gateway to “Awakening” - and they reminded me again and again of the habits that we all carry that dent our naturally bright and cheery dispositions as we travel through life. Not only do we fall asleep, forget who we are and what we are doing, we also have a human tendency to focus mainly on the negative. The challenge that we face as we move through our awakening is how to step away from the negative cultures, environment, baggage that we carry, and live within so that we can enjoy being free. Daily doses of negative press, glossy magazines that show us how beautiful and happy we ‘could’ be, endless busyness, all mean that we fall into the trap of negative thought again and again. Having a good moan can feel like a relief – after all, sometimes it’s just good to get something off our chests – but moaning, blaming, voicing the difficulties that we are facing also empower those negative vibes to grab a hold of us. When we speak and think negatively we feel low, down and doubtful. We wallow and spiral into depths of gloom – and take those around us with us.

A new way of being Negativity is such a habit in our lives that even with this knowledge most of us deny the power of moving away from it. And yet there is a new way of being. A new way that is actually the old way. A new way that will illuminate our hearts and our paths as we move forward in these exciting energetic times. Being happy is a choice. You can choose to look at something in a negative light or you can


STUDYING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LIFE choose to see it positively. When someone challenges or criticises you, you can choose to react defensively or you can stand up for yourself positively and move forward with your mood intact. In “Awakening”, I share a simple tool for reminding us of our power of choice – it’s called “Chocolate vs. Strawberry” (mouth watering already?!) Imagine that it is a warm summer’s day. The rays of summer sunshine are gently caressing you as you relax in your garden or on the beach. You are thirsty and warm. I ask you if you would like an ice cream? “Yes please!” you say. “Chocolate or strawberry?” I ask. You respond with, “Oh, chocolate please”, or “Oh, strawberry would be lovely”. You know what you would like and you sit down to enjoy your lovely refreshing ice cream.

Tune into Elizabeth’s ‘Our Awakening’ show every month on for more insights

So, you chose chocolate or strawberry, and it doesn’t matter which. You simply chose it. You didn’t deliberate. You didn’t sit down and list all of the reasons why you would like one over the other. You didn’t look around to see what others were choosing so that you chose the ‘right’ one, the one that would make you look good. You simply chose. Choosing to be positive is exactly the same. Your brain works in exactly the same way. Only you make your decisions more complicated than that. Whether you are speaking, thinking or on the receiving end, we all have the power inside of us to choose chocolate, to choose strawberry, to choose positivity.

It is a choice that will change your life. So as I sit and reflect on this cold February day, all bright and beautiful, I wish you truth and joy through your power of choice. By choosing this new way of being over the old habits of the past, you can grab hold of your power - no matter how challenging your environment - and choose not to conform, not to feel low, not to struggle, but to awaken. 2011 is such an exciting year and for those of us focused in this new approach to life, we are open to the energies of love; it’s going to be truly amazing. Choose for it to be amazing for you.


KNOW living The New, The Old And The Onion: Musings On 3 Muses By MelANIE DIAMOND


Melanie is a passionate advocator of the Indigo cause. She wants to speak out to help and inspire other Indigo adults to become aware of who they are. Mel is a Reiki healer and teacher, sound healer, writer, singer, neo-pagan and a student of the shamanic arts. Twitter - @Indigo_Healing Facebook

Happy February, Dear Readers. This month’s theme is ‘New’, and this has caused me to ponder this and its sisters: Old and Onion - a triple Goddess of Muses, ever-present with us all.

New New is good. New feels all shiny and fluffy, and induces a sense of soul-warming wellbeing. Whenever we buy something new there’s a sense of excitement and gratification, or at least for most things, though perhaps not for new socks or a new sink plunger. Whatever floats your boat though, who am I to judge? New can also be a bit scary, the prospect of trying something new can bring fears to the surface to be faced, and you have an opportunity to challenge that fear and clear it from your physical, energetic and karmic being. And so, New brings with her opportunity. New is a tricksy one, she stirs you up and throws out your routine with no regard for your feelings, hiding your favourite comfortable slippers and fluffy dressing gown along the way (see ‘Old’). Because, she wants you to wake up, smell the coffee and realise you’ve spent 5 minutes in a comfort zone and now you are expected to jump out of it and fling yourself into yet more uncharted waters. Such is the life of a Lightworker. New pops her head around the door at the beginning of every year as we make New Year resolutions. I don’t bother with these; promises made and then forgotten about halfway through the month are not for me. But I am open to the possibility of setting positive intentions, and casting my mind’s eye back over the past year to see what gifts sister New has bought me. She gets frustrated with me sometimes because I don’t give myself enough credit, and her enough recognition. New things I have done this year so far are.... taught my first Reiki Master/Teacher course, given my first fully intuitive shamanic healing treatment, and started to work more closely with the Law of Attraction. I’ve also put out some feelers to start public speaking about the Indigo cause. And before that, over the past year I kick-started my teaching career with Reiki courses, completed my sound healing training, began my shamanic training, and started my Indigo and Crystal radio show on Radio Lightworker. All in all, not too shabby. So there you are Ms New, I offer thanks for your gifts and look forward to more in 2011.


THE AUTHENTICITY DIARY Now, I invite you to connect with sister New and give yourself a little credit for the things you’ve achieved over the last year, and all the new things you’ve tried. Even if you’re immediate reaction is “Nothing”, I challenge you to think of at least one thing. Go on, I dare you! And invite those around you to do the same. Then give yourselves a hearty pat on the back and give thanks to New, the first of our 3 Muses.

Old Old is familiar and comforting, she is that pair of slippers and the fluffy dressing gown you put on when you get home from a long day and need some comfort. She loves her sister New, but thinks she’s a bit of a young upstart who hasn’t really gotten to grips with how to go gently with peoples’ feelings. Old is fond of comfort zones and isn’t keen on having those boundaries pushed, but nevertheless she knows it will happen, because New will come along and do the job while your back is turned then chuckle knowingly at the look on your face when you turn back around and see that your familiar World has changed. Both New and Old know that it’s for your own highest good. Old is used to this; she smiles, raises her eyebrows and carries on, having been there, done that and seen it all before.

Onion is our inspiration as Lightworkers, the one who does her thing after sister New has come bounding through the door with her gifts. Onion encourages us to discover what lies beneath the initial fear and apprehension, to lose another layer of ourselves and reveal a newer one beneath. Yes, there may be tears in the process, but how much lighter and shinier will you be after the work of release has been accomplished? And then, when you think that things are settling down again, New will come along with another task for you, and Onion will be there to help. We know that our Lightwork is never done; it’s an ongoing process for all of us. We are always peeling away layers of ourselves, shedding tears, experiencing physical or emotional pain and coming out of the process a newer person. Onion can be a difficult sister to bear but we must learn to love her, because she isn’t going anywhere. When that phase of work is done, New and Onion smile and say “Our work here is done.... for now”. Old simply smiles knowingly and offers you the dressing gown and slippers of comfort. And so we give thanks to our triptych, and bow down at the altar of the Lightworking Triple Goddesses of New, Old and Onion.

We often think of Old in a negative light - Old is bad, outdated and tired, excess baggage to be shed. But Old is also our roots, our heritage and past lessons that helped us grow into the person we are now. Old is what keeps us grounded, Old is the wisdom we have already gained in this life and those past. Old accepts that there are parts of her that will be left behind in the growth process, and smiles and waves as they float away back to the Universe to be transmuted. Connect with Old - what is in your past that keeps you grounded? What wisdom do you have to pass on? Or, is there anything there that isn’t serving you any more and needs to be released with love? If so, you may want to consider working with sister Onion.

Onion And so we come to Onion, the 3rd and final sister in this triptych of Muses.

Hear more Indigo and Crystal wisdom from MelANIE on her MONTHLYRadioLightworker. com show


KN OW source What’s New? By TOM EVANS Tom is an author and wizard of light bulb moments. His new book on the subject is available from O-books early in 2011. He has just published his latest work on the nature of consciousness called Flavours of Thought: Recipes for Fresh Thinking.


When we meet people we’ve not seen for a while, we often ask, “What’s new?” If you are confronted with this question when not expecting it, you can be caught off guard, end up scratching your head and might even feel compelled to make something up. On ‘slow news days’, you can imagine journalists do not enjoy a good time and some have even been known to make up ‘news’. I love it when breakfast TV reports what is ‘new’ in the newspapers. At the same time, morning papers talk about what is ‘new’ on TV. This cycle feeds itself. We all know this is not really ‘news’ at all, even though it’s on the News and in the News-papers. You’ve also heard the phrase, “There’s nothing new under the Sun”. So, is it possible that anything is actually new? Having a dig at journalists is not the point here - they have a job to do and provide a service many people want to consume. The point is that for something to really be new, it has to possess important characteristics. Firstly, it merely needs to be new to us. You might know something that’s quite ‘old’ that I don’t know, and when you share it with me, it’s news to me. I may thank you and pass it on if I think it’s newsworthy. Secondly, it might be something that has occurred for the first time. This could be a permutation that causes us to take notice. All too often, our news reports focus on ‘bad news’ only offering a token “And finally...” good news snippet at the end. What a breath of fresh air a ‘good news only’ news broadcast would be. Thirdly, the class of news I personally find the most exciting and fascinating and that’s when something new is discovered or invented. Here we are acting in a generative capacity fabricating something new from existing parts or conditions. When you are involved with ‘bringing in the new’ in this manner, and on a regular basis, it has an amazing affect on your health and well-being. Being in an environment where renewal is the order of the day causes our brains to continually rewire and keeps our mind active. In turn, this active mind renews our body. What makes generation of this type of news even more attractive to workers of light is that the two practices that encourage this type of ‘newness’ are meditation and respiration.


MOMENTS OF LIGHT Meditation sets up the perfect conditions for light bulb moments to occur. A still mind allows ‘the new’ to arrive. In the converse situation, the same thinking delivers the same ‘old’ results. Fresh thinking leads to a fresh mind and fresh body. The mechanics of the new The fuel to encourage the introduction of such fresh thought is specifically delivered during the in-spiration phase of the re-spiration process. The hyphenation is not only intentional but provides some elucidation as to what is occurring. As neurons do not have internal reserves for oxygen, more neuronal activity requires more oxygen to be delivered rapidly through the blood stream. Conventional wisdom suggests that more neuronal activity creates more connections and the likelihood of a ‘new’ connection being forged increases as a result. So deeper breathing while meditating causes more interconnectivity in the brain.

inside space. Every neuron in your brain lights up and you experience the beginning of a light bulb moment. The process is not yet complete. The information is passed to Mother Earth who checks it is safe and timely for you to receive it. It then passes into your gut centre for further ‘internal quality assurance’. Your gut then passes it to your heart centre so you can fall in love with the idea. Finally, it returns to your third eye and is allowed to enter your outer cortex and your consciousness and you get a ‘new idea’. In real time, less than a second has elapsed. Yet, as all your ‘minds’ are in agreement, you know you have to act on this ‘news’ - it just feels right. Your throat chakra might even get it on the act and shout “Eureka”! I am hoping this mechanism for how we receive light bulb moments is ‘news’ to some of you. It certainly is to me.

Now this might well be ‘news’ to you, but I had the light bulb moment that it might be fun to use this technique to channel what really goes on during this process. This was the result. When you move your diaphragm, your spiritual muscle, it pump primes your pranic tube. This in turn stimulates your main chakra centres and a massive amount of intercommunication ensues. Initially this is mainly between your gut, heart and third eye. After a few minutes, the pranic force seeps outside your physical body. Via your omega chakra, a few inches below your root chakra point, your prana seeps into Mother Earth and informs her you are ready to receive. A microsecond later, it rises past your crown to your alpha chakra point just above your head. At this time, you become the pivot point between the superconsciousness and Lady Gaia - your heart being at the very centre. If at that time, you are internally silent, information transfer occurs. It seems to happen outside time and

Tune into Tom’s ‘Moments of Light’ show every other Friday on to share in others’ light-bulb moments






Stars And Planets ZOE HIND

The Warrior Of The Light PAULO COELHO


Words Of Wisdom The List Cheap innovations for 2011

Featured Lightworker ROGER FEDERER

REGULARS Ask Sharon Sharon Law is a Spiritual Counsellor, Healer and Medium. She dedicates her life to helping people on their spiritual journey get through difficult life experiences. Sharon works closely with many different Spirit guides, including Archangel Michael and her Native American Ancestors. Her motto is “Life isn’t short; it’s fast... so live it and live it well...” To ask Sharon a question of your own, please send them to asksharon@ Please note that we are unfortunately unable to guarantee your question will be answered because of the high volume of responses.

Why do I always have bad luck when it comes to money? I work full-time in an office and part-time I offer massage and reflexology but I have always had an issue with money. Am I not on the right path? First of all, there is no such thing as bad luck, money is only energy and when you realise that then you will be able to learn how to increase that energy and improve your flow of cash. There are many ways to tune into this energy; one of them is through visualization techniques. One of my favourites - that I was given to me from my spirit guide a few years ago - is to picture in your mind’s eye a wardrobe that is full of money and that goes on endlessly (a lot like the one in ‘The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe’) but full of money instead of coats and a magical kingdom. Another is to change your thought patterns, I’m being told that your thoughts are very negative on a daily basis, this is due to your childhood influences, and I know you know who I mean. You are stronger than you think and you do have the power to control your thoughts because everything in our life always begins with our thoughts. You are on the right path but I do not feel that massage is the right therapy for you to be offering at this point in your life. I hope you don’t mind me saying but your energy is far too low and negative to be offering such an invasive therapy to people that are completely open to your energies. Some of your more ‘open’ clients are going home feeling quite ill for a few days, which is not good for them and not good for your business. My information is always for the highest will and good even when it’s not what we want to hear. Light, Love and Blessings.


I am addicted to food and some days I find that all I want to do is eat. I have been like this since I was a child. I now weigh 14 stone and have been told by the doctors that I must lose weight as my health is suffering. I am a very spiritual person and I tried asking my Angels for help but I haven’t received any. I feel so alone and don’t understand why I have such an addiction to food when I don’t smoke, drink or live an unhealthy lifestyle. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. I truly empathise with you Karen and I know many other people that share the same feelings that you have, so you are not alone. I am being told that this is a past life issue that is crying out to be dealt with and faced. I would strongly recommend exploring Past Life Regression therapy with a reputable therapist as I am seeing you as an old man with a long white beard and you are wandering the streets, starving and homeless. Because you have lived a life with very limited food and shelter, this explains why you have an addiction with food - you are terrified that one day it will run out or disappear again. Once you have re-visited this distant memory through Past Life Regression, you will then be able to understand it and move on, which will then result in your obsession with food dispersing and giving you back the control over your life.

Hi Sharon. I’m a Reiki healer and medium but lately I have been sensing a dark energy around my house. I use one of my spare bedrooms in my house for my therapy room so obviously I’m extremely concerned that this negative energy will affect my clients or is trying to stop me from working with light. I asked my friend to tune into the energy, as she is also a medium and she confirmed my feelings of the unwanted energy but was unable to help, as she doesn’t like to deal with this sort of thing. Any advice would be gratefully received. I completely understand and empathise with your situation, as I have many spiritual and intuitive friends myself that choose not to acknowledge or deal with the darker side of spirituality, but unfortunately, as we all know, there is always an opposite, in order to create balance. I have a particular fascination with learning more about the darker side to ensure that I do not fear it, because they feed off of our fear. Many lightworkers, healers, intuitives, have come across some form of negative energy at some point in their spiritual journey, whether it is an earth-bound spirit, a negative psychic imprint or a demonic entity. I have personally experienced them all and learned to understand them more as my own spiritual journey has progressed. They feed off our lower energy emotions and thoughts, which include anger, fear, hatred, bitterness, guilt, jealousy and as I’m tuning into the energy of your home I am being drawn to your partner. His energy is completely different to yours and he has questioned your beliefs and enthusiasm to work with energy but you have maintained your strength and continued, so well done for that, but he is a negative person and no matter what you try and do or say this will not change. We cannot change people, only influence and guide them, so if they choose to remain in the dark and negative side of life then we should not waste our energy on trying to force them to be the people that they do not want to be. You have a choice to make and you have known that this choice was coming. I wish you love and happiness as your journey is truly about to begin.

Any views or opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Lightworker Magazine. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this feature.


REGULARS Once Upon A Time... Lighter And Darker Energies BY SAHVANNA ARIENTA

BIOG Sahvanna is an Intuitive Advisor whose clientele numbers in the thousands. In addition to her private consultations, workshops and publications, she is also creator and CEO of Soul’s Journey Media, a new thought company that brings messages of spiritual enlightenment to an audience in over eighty countries worldwide.

CONTACT www.soulsjourneyradio. com

Over the last twenty years I worked hard at building my spirituality practice and also helping those who come to me to recognize the power of the divine support that is always available for them. The current state of the world we live in sometimes makes it difficult to maintain that faith. I noticed more and more ‘everyday’ people coming to me seeking guidance because they were unknowingly absorbing the darker energy of the collective that was created from living in a state of fear and negative emotion. These seemingly ordinary people who had no understanding of their own complexities and acute nature suffered greatly throughout their day-to-day lives, just trying to combat the heavier and darker energies of the earth plane. These ordinary people were unaware Lightworkers who have come here to heal the planet… After an ongoing accumulation of the darker energy on the planet, Lightworkers have been activated to return here to balance out the energy. Lightworkers descend to Earth, one by one, naturally harboring an excess of light energy, which begins to tip the scales back into energetic balance. As a Lightworker, it is important to learn to identify darker energy by the way it makes you feel—cold, heavy, and weighed down—before you can learn how to deflect it. You can feel these reactions physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Some symptomatic reactions to darker energy may include: • Excessive fatigue • Anxiety • Headaches • Backache • Stomachache • Depression • Feeling alone or isolated When you recognize what is happening, it’s important to try to keep your outlook bright and positive as much as possible to deflect the most amount of the darker energy. Only when a Lightworker becomes stagnant and is not able to process this darker energy does it begin to overshadow his or her light. This can happen if the Lightworker is not aware of the light and dark-inducing emotions and how to balance energy in a world that is already unbalanced. Lightworkers who don’t understand what is happening can find that as this darker energy deepens, it affects their actions. Addictions, antisocial behaviors and committing acts of self-harm are common signs of an excess of darker energy. Also, Lightworkers heavy with darker energy repeatedly get into unhealthy relationships, all in an effort to quell the feelings that these heavy, dense energies induce. Sadly, all this does is add more darker energy to the Lightworker’s personal energy field and as he or she spirals deeper,


escape can become more difficult, as if the Lightworker were mired in quick sand.

Why Lightworkers need dark energy sometimes At times, Lightworkers will find that although the effects of darker energy may not feel good, limited periods of darkness can be beneficial. Darker energy has its time and place in a Lightworker’s incarnation. Darker energy based on your emotions will force you to retreat and can indicate a period of healing. Within each and every one of us is a soft, soothing, dark space where we can be tucked in tightly and take the time to convalesce. Since we are never alone, our guides and loved ones in the spirit world will accompany us there while we repair our spirits after trauma. The grief we suffer when a loved one transitions into the spirit world, for example, will often put us into a dark place deep inside ourselves. Feelings of sadness, isolation, and emotional pain (all dark-energy-inducing emotions) are to be expected, but also be aware that during this time, you will be guided through the internal darkness to a place where you can work through the grieving process and heal your energy. Because Lightworkers are naturally composed of more light than dark energy, it’s perfectly okay to settle into the darkness for a period of time. Once the healing process is complete, you will emerge back into the light in a state of acceptance. Another benefit of these darker periods is rapid soul progression. During dark times, the universe presents us with one or more major life lessons. As we experience them, we overcome karma, complete soul contracts, and transmute dark energy, further elevating our spiritual status and that of the collective energy. After all, a Lightworker who combats darker energy in his or her own lifetime is actually servicing the entire collective by transmuting darker energy into light. Helping others through your own personal experiences with darkness is also another way to shift darker energy to light. Finding and dedicating yourself to causes that have personal significance is a wonderful way to transmute darker energy. Even a simple prayer for others, a thought of love and light, will begin to transmute the darker energy around you.

Oceans of emotions Whether you consider yourself a Lightworker or not, you can create more light energy by living in a state of positive emotion. Examples of these light-inducing emotions include: • Love • Gratitude • Forgiveness • Kindness • Acceptance • Generosity • Tolerance • Understanding Conversely, we create darker energy when we live in a state of negative emotion. Examples of negative emotions that create darker energy are: • Fear • Greed • Envy Drawing from the emotions that are made up of light energy is simply a matter of using our free will to align with the light — and then making choice after choice that will keep us in that alignment. Getting off course every once in a while is to be expected. But those who are able to stay in the light most of the time can do so only by using the power of their intention to consistently make that choice. On a final but important note, please remember that as super-sensitive beings, Lightworkers may absorb the dark energy of those around them - or even of the collective and feel the effects. In this way, the suffering they feel may not always belong to them. It is important to be aware of this collective darker energy so you won’t be blindsided by it — especially because, as a Lightworker, you are here to balance and transmute the darker energy for the entire planet. For more information on this topic, read Sahvanna’s book “Lightworker, The Unique Souls Who Have Come To Heal The Planet”.



The secret to life is good timing.

By tuning into the energy of the planets we can all live more harmonious lives. Every month I will be choosing a reader question to answer, so email your enquiries about Astrology to

Reader question – Uranus As we are in The Age of Aquarius, does the placement of Uranus in my chart hold special significance? This certainly is a great question. Uranus in the chart – by house and sign, will indeed indicate how we are best equipped to harness and work with the new ideas and frequencies that available to us in these exciting times. The outer planets are considered principally for their effect on Society. Uranus breaks down the outdated, opens us up to brand new ways of thinking and being and brings with it a sense of equality and justice. Uranus sets 7-year trends: In the 60’s the Virgo Uranus saw civil rights activists and environmentalists take a stand, more recently Uranus travelling through Pisces has reawakened our spiritual centres and brought science and religion back together through quantum discoveries and the re-realisation of the interconnectedness of all things. On a personal level the sign of your natal Uranus shows your ability to think freely and break boundaries, to be unique yet contribute to the whole. To a certain extent it will highlight the causes that you care about and this will be the same for all born under the 7-year transit. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury so thinking and the mind are coupled with eccentricity and genius. The House placement of your natal Uranus is more


personal. In houses 1-3 you express individuality of self, self-image and self-expression. Houses 4-6 indicate an unconventional home life, curious talents and a maverick in the workplace. In houses 7-9 you are set for ‘interesting’ relationships, challenges to conventional ideas of commitment, and a desire to push the boundaries, explore the world and open up new horizons. In houses 10-12 you are a valuable teacher and will find your place by contributing to the progress of society, charity and conscious living. See my website for more info. The sign that Uranus is in will show the way that you express these tendencies . Fire expresses through action, Earth applies the wisdom practically, Air thinks and reasons and Water feels and creates artistically. We will all feel a boost when Uranus enters Aries on 12th March for a 7-year stretch. Aries is the beginning of a whole new Zodiac cycle and is bursting with potential. We all tune into these collective frequencies. Uranus entering Aries should hopefully bring us scientific breakthrough, independent thinking and doses of innovation to align truly to the Age of Aquarius.


Mars in Aquarius lends his fiery power to you. Passion and drive abound, the question is where to apply them? This transit begins a new 2-year cycle of action. There is no rush even though you may be bursting at the seams to get the show on the road. The way ahead is not yet fully revealed so employing a daily sensitivity to the smaller details will stand you in good stead. Use your highly tuned radar to examine all that crosses your path. You can see through dimensions and time - a true gift as 2011 races through hitherto unchartered territory.


So how does it feel to have the blessings of Jupiter – Godfather of the solar system – on your side? It may be too early to tell yet. He has the reputation of sweeping away all blockages before delivering his gifts so take any losses in your stride, as the best is yet to come. You are empowered and capable of achieving great things. Pace yourself.


If you can couple your quick mind with your intuitive senses this month you stand to fare very well. If not, you may find yourself running round in ever decreasing circles. With so much activity in fellow air signs, the temptation to think, speak and act will be strong. However, nothing is quite as it seems. Use that nervous energy to monitor your gut feelings. Unnerved? Unsettled? Listen to these signals and what they are telling you. It’s time to find your flow.


In the weeks running up to the Full Moon in Leo on 18th Feb there is a party going on in your opposite sign of Aquarius. Selfexpression is a wonderful thing so long as your words match your thoughts. With Mercury opposing your Sun and Saturn in your 3rd house of communication, you may be called to walk the walk if you decide to talk the talk. Words carry weight and Saturn brings responsibility. If you have something to say – you will be heard now.


Do you ever stop to ponder, “So what exactly am I learning here?” It is a valuable question when things get hectic and can help you to stay on track. Your creativity is on fire. This is a fantastic month to play with your talents and enjoy being in the moment. Plans can wait for next month so make some time and watch the inspiration flow. Dare to be different and laugh at the results.


You ruling planet Jupiter has stepped over the Zodiac start/ finish line into Aries. This suits you much better. A fellow air sign, Aries is confident and active. Work with your inner fire and see what you can achieve between now and June. Your chances of success have just doubled so if there is a project that failed last year, feel free to try again. With your trademark gusto and Aries rocket power you are unstoppable.


The Sun enters Pisces on 20th just after the Full Moon. Before you get to feel the warmth of his rays there is a final clearing that needs to take place. Deep changes are occurring inside and this can only be a good thing. You are almost ready to declare your dreams publicly. They are bolder than ever before but still require a little fine-tuning. Let your feelings guide you to success.


You may find all this Mars and Aquarius energy unsettling. No solid plans or comfort zones exist in this landscape. What you thought was real may suddenly shift to reveal layers of illusion behind. Take heart as the Leo Full Moon on 19th strides in to reinforce your belief in yourself and light the way to rebuilding a brighter future, and this is one you can rely on as it comes from the heart.


Venus travels through your opposite sign of Capricorn this month. Relationships are fundamentally more stable than they appear. Your view of yourself and how you gel with significant others may be tested for strength but if you let feelings not words be your guide and keep a firm hold on your self esteem you can set the groundwork for something beautiful to flourish as the Spring rushes in.


If your clear start to the year is beginning to feel a little hazy, don’t panic. From the perspective of the Capricorn mountain, your ruling planet Mercury is now leaping into the quantum clouds of Aquarius. Learn to see things a little differently. If you treat it like a game or a puzzle, this can be fun. Stimulating new opportunities will reveal themselves once the clouds clear. Have faith and enjoy the ride, you will soon be back on solid ground.


Best to check that it was meant that way before tearing a strip off your nearest and dearest. The heat is on at home but this can become a blaze if communications get fuzzy. With this much activity around your beliefs and foundations, you may be challenged to make significant changes to the structure of your world as new information races in from left field. This is a blessing. Out with the old and in with the new. You will end up better equipped to make the most of 2011.


The stability that you felt in January with all those planets in your sign is fading fast. Aquarius is unfamiliar and often uncomfortable terrain for you. Focus on Venus as she passes through Capricorn this month and you will find the anchor in the storm. Money improves with wise investments and your self -image is up for a makeover if you so desire. Just don’t expect much else to make sense for a while.


REGULARS Aquarius Climate In ancient Celtic times, this time of year was called ‘The Quickening’. The zigzag symbol of Aquarius represents electricity and frequency. The Ice melts and snowdrops push through the cold ground showing the first signs of life. This is an energetic and hopeful time of year. Mars stays close to the Sun all month adding his firepower to the Aquarius vibe.

New Moon – 3rd February - 13 degrees Aquarius

BIOG Zoe works with your own unique birth chart and compares it with the positions of the planets today, revealing and explaining the windows of opportunity that are opening up around you and how to make the most of your time. Her insights help to give you a better understanding of yourself, your purpose, your loved ones, your talents and the best timing for effortless success in all areas of your life. Zoe also provides full chart interpretation services as well as running classes and workshops.

CONTACT ZOE +44 7984 825928


As the grounded energy of Capricorn dissipates and Mars joins the Sun and Moon in Aquarius, we will feel a buzz of nervous excitement at this time. The electricity in the air is felt through our cosmic antennae and our ability to pre-empt and react to sudden changes in the ‘weather’ will come intuitively. A heightened awareness coupled with perfect timing are the gifts of this phase. Use them well to navigate the many changes that lie ahead.

Full Moon – 18th February– 29 degrees Leo Our thoughts become reality. So much action in the 12th house in this chart shows that what we think will freely flow across the airwaves and manifest in our day-to-day lives. We need to be very aware at this time of our subconscious desires and fears. Anything that is reflected back to us from the ‘real’ world has its origins in our deepest selves. Integrity calls. Pay attention to your soul frequency and allow joy, love and creativity to pour forth.

Optimism Whether you say you can, or you can’t, you are right. Create and maintain an optimistic outlook and life becomes a whole lot easier. Including: - Gleynnce Eckersley introduces you to eternal angelic optimism - The power of words with Noel Lockyer-Stevens - Kay Gillard helps you remove blocks to create an optimistic viewpoint

Available from 7th March at!

N e x t M onth’s E dition 54

REGULARS Warrior Of The Light Break This Glass BY PAULO COELHO The wine made things easier for him. And for me. “Why did you stop suddenly? Why will not you talk about God, the Virgin, the spirit world?”

CONTACT PAULO www.warriorofthelight. com/eng Twitter: @paulocoelho

“I want to talk about another kind of love,” he insisted, “that a man and a woman share, and which also manifests miracles.” I held his hand. He knew about the great mysteries of the Goddess, but he knew about as much about love as much as I; even though he had traveled so far. And he would have to pay a price: the initiative. Because the woman pays the highest price: the surrender. We held hands for a long time. I could see in his eyes the ancient fears that true love creates and proves. I read the memory of rejection from the previous night, the long time spent apart, the years in the monastery in search of a world where these things did not happen. I could see in his eyes the thousands of times I could have imagined this moment, the scenarios built around us, the color of our hair and the color of my clothes. I wanted to say “yes”, he would be welcome, that my heart had won the battle. I wanted to say how much I loved him, how much I desired the moment as well. But I kept silent. I watched, as if in a dream, his inner struggle. I saw that he had before him my “no”, the fear of losing me, the harsh words he had heard in similar moments - because we all go through it, and accumulate scars. His eyes began to shine. He knew I was winning all those barriers. So I released one hand, grabbed a cup and put it at the edge of the table. “It’s going to fall,” he said. “Exactly. I want you to fall,” I said. “By breaking a glass?” he asked. “Yes, by breaking a glass. A seemingly simple gesture, but it involves fears that we will never come to understand,” I responded. “What’s wrong with breaking a cheap glass, when we have all done this without meaning to at some point in our lives?”


“Breaking a glass?” he repeated, “Why?” “I can give some explanations,” I answered, “but to be truthful it’s only for the sake of breaking it.”

of all these damn misconceptions, the habit you have of only doing that which everyone agrees with. “Break this glass,” I say again.

“For your sake?” “Of course not.”

He fixed his eyes on mine. Then, slowly, he slid his hand over the table, to touch the glass. In a quick movement, he pushed it to the ground.

He looked at the glass on the edge of the table , I could tell he was worried about it falling.

The sound of broken glass caught everyone’s attention. Instead of covering up the broken glass or apologizing, he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

I wanted to say that it’s a rite of passage, as he’s often said. That it’s forbidden. That glasses do not break it on purpose. That when we walk into restaurants or into our homes, we are always careful to move the glasses that are on the edge of the table. Our world requires us to make sure that the glasses do not fall on the floor. However, I kept thinking, when broken by accident, we see that it was not so serious. The waiter says “don’t worry about it”, and I’ve never seen a broken glass be billed on a restaurant tab. Breaking glasses is a part of life and do not cause any harm to us, the restaurant, or the next person to sit at that table. I took a bump on the table. The glass shook, but did not fall. “Be careful!” he said instinctively. “Break the glass,” I insisted. Break the glass, I thought to myself, because it is a symbolic gesture. Try to understand that within myself, things were breaking of much more importance than a glass, and I’m happy for that. Look to your own inner struggles and break this glass. Our parents taught us to be careful with glasses and with our bodies. They taught us that the passions of childhood are impossible; we should not remove men from the priesthood, that people do not perform miracles and that no one goes on a journey without knowing where he wants to go.

“Don’t worry about it!” yelled the waiter from across the restaurant. But he did not listen. He had already risen from his seat, grabbed me by the hair and kissed me. I pulled on his hair, hugged him with all my strength, bit his lips, felt his tongue moving inside my mouth. It was a kiss that had a lot attached to it, that had been born along the rivers of our childhood, when we did not understand the meaning of love. It was a kiss that was suspended in the air while we were growing up. It had traveled around the world through the memory of a medal, which was hidden behind stacks of books used to study for a public job. A kiss that had been lost many times before and had now had been found. At that moment, the kiss ended years of searching, disappointments and impossible dreams. I kissed him hard. The few people who were at the bar must have looked and thought they were seeing just a kiss. They did not know at that moment, that kiss was the summary of my life, of his life, the life of any person who hopes, dreams and seeks his way under the sun. In that minute, in that kiss, were all of the happy moments I have ever lived. Warrior of the Light, a publication

Break this cup, please, I thought to myself, and release



LOV E S Concentric Clothing With the intention to express positive beliefs and spiritual education through art, these guys are living their light mission “to combine my god given gifts with local artists to help spread and bring forth a new positive lifestyle into existence.”

THE RULES OF LOVE Written with humour, sensitivity and wisdom, we all need reminding from time to time about the rules of loving others – in romantic, familial and platonic forms – and just as importantly, how we ourselves deserve to be loved.

ALREADY HERE BY ANNA TAYLOR Born with Cerebral Palsy, Anna Taylor is a brave Earth Angel who knows first hand the incredible healing and transformational effect music can have on the mind, body and spirit. Her gifts of passion, hope and the belief that anything is possible shine through in her lyrics.


ADVERTISEMENT Sorry, what’s voiding? It’s kind of the opposite of avoiding. We often procrastinate and become busy fools and a-void what we came to do. By voiding issues and tackling them, you both cleanse your aura and fulfill your pre-agreed karmic destiny.

Are you saying that our life is pre-agreed and predetermined? Yes and no - this is one of the great mysteries that results from us being inside our so-called 3D reality. Our life is BOTH predetermined AND we have complete free will to change it at any time. This apparent paradox only becomes clear when we can see ourselves from outside the illusion.

So when people embark on a trip around the Cube, does this become any clearer?

The Cube of Karma So Tom, I’ve been hearing some glowing reports about the Cube but what in the world is it? Thanks Rachel, in short it’s a one-to-one mentoring programme to take people on an elegant path of accelerated evolution.

That sounds fantastic but you can’t just say that and leave it there, where did it come from? Did you just make it up or channel it? It’s based on some esoteric knowledge called the Cube of Space which I came across a few years ago and didn’t know what to do with. When I wrote my book Flavours of Thought last year, which is inspired by the Major Arcana, I realised I could map my Flavours on to the Cube. Then, in an amazing light bulb moment, I realised that I’d simplified what was a bit arcane and obscure and made it accessible to a contemporary audience.

So how does it work? It starts with a bit of pre-work where we establish a person’s karmic purpose.This includes listening to a guided visualisation and completing a simple questionnaire. I also tune into the person’s etheric body, which tells me about residual karmic issues that may need voiding.

Yes, the key to understanding this paradox and to jumping up an evolutionary step is to see our lives as a series of ‘things that arrive’ as opposed to events we instigate. When you start journeying around the Cube, you get amazing objectivity and clarity about this. Everything starts to make sense and really wonderful serendipities come your way, as if by magic.

And how long does a trip around the Cube take? Well there are six faces to the Cube and some hidden internal pathways. The number of sessions depends a lot on how far someone has already come but typically we’d be looking at between 3 and 6 sessions ranging from 1 to 2 hours each. I recommend these sessions are spread over a few months too.

And how do people get embark on a journey? The first step is to have a listen to the visualisation I mentioned which takes people on a trip the Akashic Records Office where we make our life plan for each incarnation. It’s only 11 minutes long and people get some amazing insights from it. Here’s the link. Then if you want to know more and start a journey, here’s details on how to get in touch - www.


“The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty, and truth” Albert Einstein “All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners... Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they’re not learning, they’re not growing... not moving toward excellence.” Dennis Waitley “The shortest distance between new friends is a smile.” Unknown “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis



REGULARS THE LIST Cheap Innovations for 2011 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

(from AlertNet)

Using paper to test for liver damage TB treatment in a combined pill Birth mat Spreading the Kangaroo method Low-cost infant incubator Promoting breastfeeding Using vinegar to fight cervical cancer The bed net Simple hand washing Water mapping Crisis mapping Using mobile phones to improve health care Using mobile phones to reward TB patients Free online master classes A shoe for a shoe Eyes on the prize Single-use syringes Marmite-inspired lanterns Harnessing solar power Dry toilets


REGULARS Featured Lightworker ROGER FEDERER Inspire Roger Federer is only 29, yet his achievements read more like a man twice his age - he has won a record 16 Grand Slam singles titles (and counting) and held the world number one position for a record 237 consecutive weeks. With a balanced attitude toward his success, he notes, “This doesn’t happen every day so you better enjoy this moment”. As well as providing on-court inspiration, Roger supports a variety of causes and was named as a 2010 Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in recognition of his leadership, accomplishments and contributions to society.

Challenge Roger is a shining example of self-belief over arrogance, impeccable manners, and the power of learning how to positively channel seemingly negative emotions; he learned how to use his previously volatile aggression and anger to focus intently on each point - with absolutely present concentration - and the results are clear for all to see. Speaking of the challenge that is faced by many people, he says, “I have learnt to be even more patient.”

Educate In appreciation of his influential position within the world, he created the Roger Federer Foundation, “In sports we learn how to fight: for victory, for the entire team, in order to reach a goal. In many countries of the world a majority of people, despite their efforts, do not have access to education or sports. I am very glad to be able to make a difference by means of my Foundation.“ The foundation promotes access to education, sports and play, and improves the quality where there are no or only insufficient funds available, and current projects are underway in countries such as Ethiopia, Malawi and Zimbabwe.


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