LW Jan 2011

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January 2011


Momentum Edition

Contact Us Connect with us on Facebook Lightworker Magazine Radio Lightworker Twitter: @LightworkerMag Advertising advertising@LightworkerMag.com Article submission publishing@LightworkerMag.com Design - Hannah Phillips design@LightworkerMag.com Missed any of the previous editions? Read them all at LightworkerMag. com

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january 2011

The beginning of the new year heralds the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and begin afresh; to appraise the year gone by, check in with your heartfelt desires, and take the first step towards bringing those into your reality. With each bold move you make that aligns you with your inner guidance, you grow ever nearer to the purpose of your incarnation. For each of you has a unique life mission, and fulfilling this is the reason you are here at this time. Momentum is created by taking ever-greater numbers of steps in the direction of your truth. When you align with the Universe and its plan for you, you will find that water flows uphill; you continue to ascend and evolve, with an effortless flow that carries and supports you in its embrace. In this edition of Lightworker, we celebrate our first birthday and offer proof of the power of momentum - just 12 months ago, there was no Lightworker Magazine, but on 15th January 2010 I followed my intuitive nudges and our inaugural ‘Awakening Edition’ was published. Fast forward to now, and we’re read by a global audience of tens of thousands, welcomed Radio and Channel to our positive media family, and are presenting our first Lightworker Of The Year Award to recognise the contributions you make through your light work. Trust that the collective momentum is building around you, and commit to adding your own unique contribution. For when you go within, crystallise your desires - that always exist, if you quieten your mind enough to hear them - and then courageously take the first step toward creating them, you harness the power of the whole Universe and everyone who walks the Lightworker path with you. So join us, and share the love, wonder and excitement that 2011 brings. Love and light

Rachel Willis Editor Rachel@LightworkerMag.com

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page 9 Whacking Great Momentum

page 23 Glow with Health & Wellbeing

page 39 Once Upon a Time...

page 11 How To Create Your Best Year Yet

page 25 Lightworker in Training

page 41 Words of Wisdom

page 27 Lightworker Challenge

page 42 Lightworker Loves...

page 29 The Businessman

page 43 Stars and Planets

page 31 Studying at the University of Life

page 47 Paulo Coelho

page 13 Move From Within page 15 Read The Secrets In Your Lover’s Hand Part II page 17 Under The Spotlight page 19 Poems

page 33 The Authenticity Diary page 35 Moments of Light

page 49 The List page 50 Featured Lightworker: Mark Zuckerberg

READER RESPONSES We love hearing from you! TWITTER



Made A Difference In 2010 @thebookwright

Most popular posts of the month:

“I’ve been reading daily wisdoms now since close to when they started. Just wanted to let you know how much I LOVE them! It seems like every 2nd topic or so is EXACTLY what I need to hear, and resonates with me on a deep level. I’m so grateful there’s someone out there doing this, and I thought it would be good to let you know how I feel about that. Thanks again! :)” Nic Barnshaw

Love Rachel’s daily wisdom - lights up my mailbox each day. x @julieroman Love and light to you and all the provision you need to see it thru. :) @truth_2012

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Love is the answer, whatever the question. Your soul shines brighter than any fears can try to mask Compassion creates solutions where Judgement would only find further problems.


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Lilou Mace

Mary Pearson

Matthew & Jonathan Price

Born Aurélie, Lilou is known as “the Oprah Winfrey of the Internet”, wrote her first book - I Lost My Job and I Liked It: 30-Day Law-of-Attraction Diary of a Dream Job Seeker – after being made redundant in 2009, and celebrated her first birthday in a transatlantic flight.

After a long career as a school teacher, Mary saw the light and became self employed as a therapist and meditation teacher, she has a daily meditation practice that helps her to remain calm and peaceful most of the time, and when she isn’t meditating or teaching others how to meditate, Mary enjoys the beautiful Cotswold countryside and playing with her kitten, Socks.

Whilst Matthew was having an operation on his right ear, a rash appeared in the same place on twin Jonathan’s right ear, they were born on February 11th- the same date that Nelson Mandela was released from prison – and at the start of 2010, both Matthew and Jonathan gave away all of their possessions and were each left with a small backpack.

Credited images in this edition are with thanks to Sola www.lightbombing.com

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Tune in every day to listen to your favourite hosts from around the globe sharing wisdom, love and joy! Listen and learn more at RadioLightworker.com This month’s featured shows: The Witching Hour – Ursula James Ursula is an Author, University Lecturer, Scientist, Therapist – and probably a witch. Visiting Teaching Fellow at Oxford University Medical School and an Honorary Lecturer at Barts and The London Medical School, she is also Patron of Anxiety UK and the National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV). Author of four books - including The Source: A Manual Of Everyday Magic - and presenter of the TV series, Sex, Lies and Hypnosis, Ursula is a committed Social Entrepreneur, with her Not-For-Profit company Art in View bringing life back to the streets of the UK through Art, Music and Performance. Do You Love Life? – Nicky Marshall From Management Accountant to Psychic is a strange path to take, but this has led Nicky on an amazing journey, of self discovery and loving people. Nicky has gathered various tools over the years, from Tarot to Holistic Therapy, the art of dance and its use in building confidence and energy. She guides people to use their own energy and intuition to make better choices and have more fun in their lives. Through workshops and her online programme Nicky uses real life, down to earth language, humour and easy techniques to encourage the quest for a happier, more spiritual life. Soul Talk– Juliet Martine Juliet Martine is a professional Energy Healer, Soul Intuitive and author. Her purpose is to help people to heal, discover their authentic self, and be living more on purpose as they fulfil their greater soul potential. Based in Sydney, she works with clients across the globe doing healing consultations and Soul Readings in person and via phone/skype, to help people heal and move forward with greater clarity and direction.

Lightworker Of The Year Award Thank you to everyone who nominated their Lightworker Of The Year, the response was incredible and we are certainly lucky to have so many wonderful people fulfilling their light work around the planet.

We are delighted to announce that the winner is

Kimberley Jones Born with the gift of ‘knowing’ and ‘seeing’, Kimberley’s passion and mission at this challenging and exciting time on Earth is to inspire and empower the next wave of awakening Lightworkers in readiness for the post-2012 world. Known as ’The Lightworker’s Lightworker’, Kimberley is a joyful, kind, wise Lightworker following her own passions and purposeful path through life. By shining her own light courageously and lovingly she is inspiring other Lightworkers to be all they came here to be. Kimberley received the highest number of nominations and will be presented with the prize, a commissioned poem - printed in a handmade leather journal - courtesy of Give a Poem, and be featured in next month’s edition of Lightworker Magazine. We feel it right to also honour all those who were nominated, and we thank you for your service to humanity…


Whacking Great Momentum Sharon Eden

How To Create Your Best Year Yet Kavita Punjabi

Move From Within Jenn Shallvey

Read The Secrets In Your Lover’s Hand Part II Anne Hassett

Under The Spotlight Lilou Mace

Poems Matthew & Jonathan Price, John Gibson

Sharon Eden

Whacking Great Momentum New year, new start? As I learned way back, the crucial need for momentum and a new start can happen any time of the year.

Very early one morning, I dragged myself out of bed thirsty for a drink. As I entered the kitchen, half in stupor, I saw a roaring summer sun flood the room like a deluge. It rebounded off stainless steel and glass, powerfully engulfing my kitchen and a ‘me’ totally in awe.

my senses with an almighty bang. It gave me the whack around the head needed to move from inertia to ‘just do something!’ It gave me the momentum to stop killing myself: body, feelings, mind, spirit and soul. “I’ve been fighting for you.” The new start

In that WOW moment, I fell to my knees, sobbing with relief. Inside my head, I heard the words, “I’ve been fighting for you.” For longer than I could remember, I had hardly eaten. Sleep was erratic and sporadic. When I opened my eyes it was always with feelings of dread and terror in my guts. I felt trapped with no way out of my highly distressing situation. An unhappy marriage, withdrawn from a degree disillusioned, my identity gone with it, and my then husband failing a business spectacularly, putting our home and family at risk. I was severely depressed and suicidal. As if I’d been dreaming, my early morning experience brought me to

BIOG Sharon is an Inner Leadership Coach, Psychotherapist and Author of Whack Around The Head PURPOSE PASSION POWER at work right now! (ecademyPRESS).

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I’d be lying if I said recovery and moving forward were easy. Not initially. But in that startling new start, my ‘new year’ and return to good health began at once. I scrabbled together the most nutritious meal I could create from the fridge. I ate it all, even though I had to manually move my reluctant jaws to do so. Food in… chew, chew, chew and now swallow! Instead of disempowering myself and feeling hopeless, I realised there was a way forward, even if I couldn’t see it right there and then. I realised I did have the purpose, passion and power to give my life a 360 degree turn. That call to live was a phantasmagorical and heavy-duty whack around the head! It motivated me to become passionate about discovering how you can, at will, tap into your own momentum; your own urge for life, which will fight for Lightworkermag.com

you if it really has to. To discover how you can connect with that organic impetus which I heard in my head, and which moves you toward wholeness and integration. That energy which always urges you on. I learned, if you don’t listen to that energy, it will prod, shove and then hammer on your door to get attention. And, if you still don’t listen to that energy, it will return with a tsunami of life happenings until your door blasts open at 100 miles an hour. You then have no choice but to let it in. What’s the ‘it’ that is so central to psychological and spiritual momentum? As the Zen saying goes, if you think you know what it is, then it’s definitely not that. You can only experience it. So, the metaphors I use for that energy include ‘outtayerbox YOU’ (who you really are instead of who you were trained to be), ‘organic wisdom’ and the ‘ooomph in the universe’. Like a delicious vaudeville double-act, your outtayerbox YOU, your organic wisdom, your ‘ooomph’, can join you up with your Purpose, your raison d’être. And then your Passion and Power for you to get off your butt and fulfill your mission on earth, pronto. Now, that’s what I call momentum! For your Purpose is handmaiden to your january 2011

organic wisdom. It’s your guiding star shining the way forward. At the same time, it’s your supportive rock against which you can rest in faith when you flag or the going gets tough. Some confuse Purpose with having a goal, like ‘finishing the marathon’ or ‘building a business’. Your Purpose is never ever a ‘thing’. What it is is a constant ‘theme’, even though the words to describe it might change as you evolve and grow. This means you can express your Purpose throughout your life in an infinite number of ways. When I trained over 25 years ago in a transpersonal psychology my Purpose came to me as ‘the birthing of humanity for the birthing of humanity’. I understood this as the birthing of humanity in myself before being let loose to work as a therapist with other people. The journey continues! Now, in 2011, the expression of my Purpose is ‘leading fearlessly with purpose, passion and power’. Yet its theme has remained constant throughout the years as one of ‘being a catalyst for growth for myself and others’. Notice how that theme could be manifested in many ways, like being a teacher, running outward bound courses, being a poet, or even a ‘guru’ on a good day.

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Wholeness How you fulfill your Purpose is up to you... but fulfill it you must. You’ll know by the state of your physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual well being whether you’re living in line with your Purpose... or not. So, it’s wise to notice and learn from life’s little whacks around the head in order to pre-empt the humungous ones! And that momentum, that organic wisdom, that push and urge for wholeness and healing? It’s as close as the tip of your nose. It’s always, but always, just a hair’s breadth away. It’s there in the stillest, quietest place you find inside yourself right now. It’s there in the whispering or roaring voice or gut feeling about what’s right for you and what’s not. It’s there as you live in line with your Purpose... and even when you don’t! I wish you a rich and fulfilling 2011. Remember... you can always tap into the momentum of your own organic wisdom, and, by so doing, create your very own new start, your very own ‘new year’, at any time you like.

CONTACT www.sharoneden.biz Sharon@sharoneden.biz Twitter@sharoneden


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Kavita Punjabi

How To Create Your Best Year Yet “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” Lao Tzu

The beginning of the new year brings along with it new hopes, dreams, aspirations, desires, goals and the list can go on and on. In fact, everyday is a new beginning. I believe ‘better late than never’. My passion for learning and sharing the positive, motivational and inspiring knowledge has attracted this wonderful writing opportunity for Lightworker Magazine. Here are some tips that I learnt over the years and would like to share with you to keep the momentum going as the new year progresses: 1. Power of written goals “When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent you are clear.” – Janet Attwood I loved it when I first read this. In an instant, everything became crystal clear. We all love to set goals and make resolutions as the new year approaches,

BIOG I am teacher by profession and love reading and listening to motivational and inspirational messages. I want to contribute to children by developing a fun and empowering program that will combine spiritual and practical life skills. I have recently started writing a free bi-monthly newsletter for children called the “Starbuzz”.

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and within a day or two - or if we are lucky, within a week - all is forgotten. Many of us have some idea of what we would like in our lives, but we never get to actually writing them down. Mark McCormack speaks of a study conducted on students in the 1979 Harvard MBA program. In that year, the students were asked, “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” Only 3 percent of the graduates had written goals and plans; 13 percent had goals, but they were not in writing; and a whopping 84 percent had no specific goals at all.

Work/Career Family Contribution Finances Friends Spirituality

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” - Lao Tzu

In addition to having very clear goals, it is equally important to have a clear purpose as to why you want to achieve that particular goal. Writing the goal with a clear purpose will keep you motivated in order to achieve it. Once you have listed your goals in the above areas of your life, create 3 columns, namely Action, Outcome and Purpose. Here’s an example from my goal list:

Ten years later, the members of the class were interviewed again, and the findings, while somewhat predictable, were nonetheless astonishing. The 13 percent of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84 percent who had no goals at all. And what about the three percent who had clear, written goals? They were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent put together. When thinking about what goals to set, ask yourself, “What is it that I would love to do?” and then make a list of your goals in different areas of your life; be clear and specific when listing your goals:


Health /Well-Being: Action Exercise 3 times a week 45 mins each session Outcome Lose weight and maintain an ideal weight of 49 kg /108 lbs. Purpose Be fit Be active Look smart & attractive Focus on the things you want, rather than the things you don’t want. Most of us when asked are quick to list all the things we don’t want. Guess what? If you are so precise and clear about what you don’t want and keep repeating it, that’s what the Universe gives you january 2011

more of. Our Universe is like a genie and it fulfils every wish/desire we have, whether positive or negative, so be careful what you ask for! 2. Beliefs Everything that we have or haven’t achieved in our lives is because of the beliefs we hold. A belief is nothing more than a thought you think over and over and over again. Many of our beliefs are false and limiting. Belief touches every part of life and guides the thoughts we think, the words we say, and the decisions we make. Belief creates our personal reality; a series of filters that we interpret the world through. Beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies. What we believe about ourselves and about life becomes true for us. Henry Ford aptly put it “Think you can, think you can’t; either way, you’ll be right.” We can get what we want in life by simply changing our beliefs. The first step towards changing our beliefs is to become aware of what beliefs we have and see if they are helping or hindering our progress. And last but not the least, be willing to adopt new beliefs that will help you move forward and onward in life.

and the lives of your loved ones. Is your glass half full or half empty? Always look on the bright side. Everything happens in life for a reason. Somewhere in every experience there is a gift for you, waiting for you to discover and appreciate it. Remember - what you put your attention on grows stronger in your life, so why not focus on the good stuff?

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It’s our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

4. Be courageous

You are a child of the universe. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking, so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of the universe that is within us. It’s not just in some of us: it is in everyone.

Fear, doubt and worry are among the greatest obstacles, not only to success, but to happiness as well. Because we are creatures of habit, we need to practice acting in spite of fear, in spite of doubt, in spite of worry, in spite of uncertainty, in spite of inconvenience, in spite of discomfort, and even to practice acting when we’re not in the mood to act. FEAR is aptly described as = False Evidence Appearing Real.

We ask ourselves: who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. And as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

So don’t let that fear stop you, and keep the momentum going. I would like to conclude by sharing my favourite poem by Marianne Williamson:

3. Gratitude Adopt an attitude of gratitude. Not only does gratitude feel good, it helps contribute to an ongoing sense of happiness and well-being in your life january 2011


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Jenn Shallvey

Move From Within Welcome to a new year. Are you really ready for it? I wonder.

Not because I doubt your ability to go along with this change in time, but because so much focus is on the external rather than the internal. Think about it. Moving into a new year is a created external event, attempting to match natural cycles, that imposes on us a form of transition. Evoked by the turning of a page in a calendar, a marked-off date, we move with or without awareness into the next. So when you look at the calendar and see the dates tick by, what happens? For some, the calendar represents the marking of what you did or accomplished. For others, it’s a countdown to something in the future. For all, it’s a place to notice where you are today. The magical ingredient Typically, at the end of a year we stop. At the beginning of a year we start. So simple on the surface and in logic, yet we really don’t stop or start at all. There

BIOG Jenn is an intuitive writer, coach & facilitator helping people in transition. Her focus is on people being real in life & work by becoming their authentic, true selves. To do this, Jenn helps people get started developing, accessing & applying their intuition. She believes everyone is intuitive, yet we either forget or block ourselves from accessing this valuable resource.

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are layers and layers within us that flow and move without force or conscious action.

of all pause. In each case, the decision to ‘interfere’ with the flow of the movie is conscious. We choose to do it.

This natural internal subconscious ebb and flow of movement is momentum.

Conscious choice

Momentum can pick up and take our ideas, inspirations and thoughts into new territory with the least amount of effort. It is a force that varies in intensity with a life of it’s own initiated by our actions. The unleashed forces propel us forward more than our doing. The key here is that momentum needs direction and the right triggers. You can create momentum that goes in any direction. This doesn’t mean all directions are conducive to your desires and wants. So it is important to pay attention by stopping, starting and redirecting. Life on DVD I like to look at momentum with the analogy of a movie. When we are in a theatre we watch a movie without charge of the controls. If we want to stop the film we can’t without creating great disturbance or disrupting the experience of everyone else in the theatre. Alternatively, when we watch a movie on DVD, we have all the controls at our disposal. With many choices - we can go fast, slow, rewind, stop, play and most Lightworkermag.com

Yet in either situation, our consciousness that is choosing to stop or start is not stopping. No matter what we stop on the outside, everything that is happening for us on the inside keeps going. No matter what, you as a living being continue to evolve in your experience. All we do is change the pace and flow. Similarly, in our life, when we get to the end of another year we choose to stop. We press the pause button and reflect. We consciously give ourselves the moment to process, gather and integrate the year’s worth of experiences. We also celebrate and let go. Likewise, we move into the new year with similar expectations. Only this time we push the play button. We now choose to resume the movie of life and experience more. What matters here is the movie we choose to enjoy. Often, the society and culture within which we live create expectations and/ or opportunities to do so. Either way, there is always something happening to us as we go through these conscious actions. We may change the pace january 2011

but we don’t stop the evolution and growth. As a result, our focused attention at the end and beginning of a year means we concentrate energy towards both. This is positive in that we give ourselves more opportunity to let go and honor the year and then a freer experience of opening up to possibilities in the new. Cycles create momentum What we forget is that beyond the superimposed calendar are the more universal changes of the seasons and life itself. Life is about cycles. Life is about change. Life is about moving through these with an inherent force or momentum, not an artificial one. Knowing and the innate drive for change come from within. Momentum can be relative to others. When so, we choose to be outside ourselves in order to measure how we are going. By staying outside of ourselves we challenge our innate nature by focusing on what is outside of us. Relatively, when we live outside ourselves what we often end up doing is look around not inside. People compare. We see it in everything we do. All that comes up because we look at how we are going. january 2011

Yet if you truly want to harness your momentum you go within, not without. Other people and things should not determine the speed in which you travel in life. You should determine the speed. Choosing how you travel in this life will affect how you experience the world around you. When you consciously set the underlying cyclical forces of nature in motion you tap into your own momentum. Optimizing your momentum As you enter into the new year, consider your effectiveness with leveraging your momentum. One suggestion for optimising it is to consider the following equation: MOMENTUM REFLECT


KNOW: Know your internal compass. Having an internal compass gives you a personal measure and way to know your momentum. It is important to take time out to get to know you and develop your internal relationship. Knowing allows you to point in different directions to where you want to go. Like a compass though, the only one that can determine where you go, how fast and how far is YOU! PACE: Pace yourself mindfully. Every action we take sets us in a direction and triggers varying levels of momentum. Whether it is sitting Lightworkermag.com

in meditation or running a race, you choose the pace. Being aware of how fast or slow you go allows you to adjust the triggers and forces underlying your momentum. As noted above, you still keep going, just slow down or speed up. REFLECT: Review and reflect regularly. For momentum to take off it really needs to be channelled constructively in your desired direction. By constructive I mean observing, paying attention, noticing. Asking questions of yourself, reviewing what you know and your pace, helps refine your focus. Click here to listen to Jenn sharing her article in audio format

Join Jenn for her monthly Intuition Journey on RadioLightworker.com, and learn how to strengthen your own intuitive abilities.

CONTACT www.jennshallvey.com

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Anne Hassett

Read The Secrets In Your Lover’s Hand Part II Relationships seem to be a lottery. A few get lucky but so many finish up having a miserable time. No one sets out to get into a relationship and then have it all go wrong. So what happens? How can you avoid the pitfalls? It helps to know your lover really well before you decide to commit your life to him or her. MOUNT OF JUPITER


love to make the table look good.

Each of the fingers is named after a planet and the finger is ascribed the qualities of that planet. The first finger is named after Jupiter . Jupiter was the chief god in the Roman pantheon and thus reflects the qualities of leadership. (See section on fingers) Remember that Jupiter was also called Jove; we talk about someone having a ‘Jovial’ personality. A well padded Jupiter Mount gives extra energy to the qualities of the finger. When the mount is high it indicates ambition and ability to achieve. A lover with a well developed Jupiter mount will be Jovial, sociable and generous. They like to be in charge; it’s their nature. They can be looked up to for leadership and will invariably be loyal and true.

This is one of the mounts that is often referred to as a ‘displaced mount’ as it is very rarely immediately under the finger for which it is named. This is the one mount that it is best not to have, remembering the general qualities of Saturn. When it does appear, and is large as well, it usually belongs to a rather gloomy personality. They make reasonably good spouses and parents as they take their responsibilities so very, very seriously, but what a wet blanket to be around. Their lovemaking, if you could call it that, will be stolid and boring. Their carefulness is tantamount to meanness. If his head line is long and drops down on to the mount of Luna, they may even be a suicidal type. They will often have a fascination with black magic and horror films. I’d give this character a miss if I were you.

A low or non existent mount here is a person who has no taste at all. They can be cold and undemonstrative. Do remember when ‘reading’ this mount that it is very often in the area between the fingers of Mercury and Apollo rather than directly under Apollo. Don’t write off the lover without fully exploring this and also remember to look at other signs, like a high Venus Mount

When this mount is low, they are unlikely to stand out in a crowd, they don’t even want to. They have little ambition and because they also lack generosity, they will have a penny-pinching attitude to life. Unless there are other redeeming features, a relationship with this character will be a drag.

BIOG Anne is a psychic with over 30 years experience. She has a worldwide client base and features on TV and radio, and in many international newspapers and magazines.

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In palmistry a well developed Mercury Mount gives a bonus to the qualities of the Mercury finger. An absence of this mount shows a lack of the ability to concentrate; to keep ones mind on something. If absent, this character will have great difficulty expressing himself or herself and will have little to contribute to the give-and-take necessary in a relationship.

This is usually slightly to the side and rarely directly under the Apollo finger. When it is high it indicates a sunny and fun loving disposition. They rarely get depressed and if you are they will soon cheer you up. They make generous and warm lovers.

When the mount is more developed it denotes someone who likes their freedom, they love to travel and like to be on the go all the time. They have a bright and mercurial personality, get on well with people and have an irrepressible zest for life.

They love beauty in their surroundings and will create beauty wherever they go. They are brilliant entertainers and

They are fun to have around ………..if you can pin them down long enough!


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THE MOUNTS OF MARS POSITIVE AND MARS NEGATIVE In this context, Negative and Positive are to be seen in the electrical sense. Some palmists refer to them as Upper and Lower Mars. I find this confusing as they are both at the same level, just on different sides of the palm. Mars was the god of war. The Martian qualities are not always of a militant nature but endow one with vitality and energy. Energy is neither good nor bad; it depends on how it is used. THE MOUNT OF MARS POSITIVE This mount is found above the Mount of Venus and below the Mount of Jupiter and is enclosed by the Life line. This side of the hand is the ‘positive’ or ‘doing’ side of the hand. I like to think of this side of the hand as the ‘yang’ side as here we have the Jupiter finger of power and the strength, will and wisdom of the Thumb. This fleshy pad is small and sometimes may be indistinct. Its qualities are those of mental courage and physical daring. When well developed, it denotes someone who has an enormous amount of energy in the pursuit of their ambitions. They love challenge and, if they also have a strong thumb, they will have perseverance and staying power. january 2011

An overdeveloped mount here would be someone who has an aggressive nature. Their sensuality might have an element of cruelty in it. They are likely to have an explosive and impulsive temperament. If this mount is underdeveloped, deficient or absent altogether, a lack of courage is indicated and this lover will do anything for a quiet life. They are unlikely to have any fire or passion in their nature.

the hands of adventurers and explorers. Such people are resourceful but may have a streak of ruthlessness too. If the mount of Mars negative is undeveloped or missing altogether, it shows someone who is lacking moral courage. They will have little staying power and will always take the easy way out, even if it means letting people down. Fortunately, this formation is rare. The latter characteristics can be counter-balanced by a strong thumb.

THE MOUNT OF MARS NEGATIVE This mount is found directly under the Mount of Mercury on the percussion side of the hand. It is on the ‘negative’ side or what I like to describe as the ‘yin’ or more passive side of the nature. It is bounded by the Heart line at the top and the Head Line beneath. A good mount of Mars negative denotes someone with calm courage, whose owner is capable of a great deal of staying power. They are usually able to control their temper and do not give in easily to difficult circumstances. They can show resignation when it is appropriate and they can also be warm and generous. If overdeveloped, the outer or percussion side of the hand may also bulge; I have seen such formations on Lightworkermag.com

CONTACT www.acushlasangels.com

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Lilou Mace

Under The Spotlight

Lilou Macé is the French-American author, web TV host who has attracted more than 6 million viewers to her youtube channel, and prominent proponent of ‘practical’ spirituality. She has interviewed many famous Lightworkers, Deepak Chopra, Sonia Choquette, Diana Cooper, John De Martini to name just a few, and Lightworker Head Rachel Willis was delighted to share messages for Lightworkers for the coming year as Lilou’s final interview of 2010. Lilou is an inspirational figure who took life into her own hands when she was made redundant in 2009, sharing the lessons of her journey with her millions of fans who love her authenticity, commitment and humour. Tomorrow, Lilou begins travelling around the world interviewing people to offer online everyday inspiration on the Juicy Living Tour and Rachel was excited to speak with her about her story, favourite interview, views on New Year resolutions and much more as we put Lilou Under The Spotlight…! Click here to listen to Lilou and Rachel’s interview.

CONTACT www.liloumace.com Twitter@liloumace youtube.com/liloumace www.juicylivingtour.com

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The Crossing John Gibson

Like a Tree

Matthew and Jonathan Price www.matthewandjonathanprice.com

I look at the stars N` see them Looking back at me I search the night sky `Thinking is there one I can’t see Shining, sparkling n’ glittering In their own light of day

When you feel lost And you don’t know who to be Remember that everything about you is like a tree When you get pushed around and the wind starts to blow Know that we are all connected by the soil below The roots in the ground that we cannot see They are just like your soul and personality Watered and cared for and a little bit of time Look after the inside and your leaves will shine Sing for the sun and dance for the rain They are working together They are one and the same Seasons that change will see your leaves fall Where once there was much there’ll be nothing at all Just a promise of hope that will always remain You will stand like a tree Drenched in colour again

“I am like a tree”

My minds eye Begins to gently drift Towards its Milky Way N’ just like `Monday morning’s Roll call` I brace myself `As I see The handle Belonging to its door` For the thoughts now Playing on my mind Are not the same Which, sung their tunes From the night afore! But of a different `World` Coming without a struggle More and more I catch the moon, Built in the image of the sun Crossing my vision I see many stars dancing But one N’ from nowhere A heavenly presence Descends upon The fears of me Whispering it’s time N` this is your chance To break free But been here before N’ know, the score

page nineteen


january 2011

N` as I stand, look n’ stare Waiting For that usual Cold shiver To undress itself Through The still warm air Without Thought or expression Something strange But amazing Happens to me As I feel The essence Of its spirit Begin to slowly unfold Through me While Informing me My life Will no longer Be preceded By a blind emotion

Regardless Of Creed, Colour Religion or Race” On the other side

See up until We crossed paths In the most Unpredictable of ways I was lost Inside another’s dream

Now as much as Eros Rules the sky N` this world Is carpeted by lies

Whilst waiting patiently For that special day I secretly Hoped and pray Would pave my way

No longer do I feel As if its Achilles Heel Is the bane of me

But it is only now By turning my back On that surreal world Others need to believe

For captured Within my soul Your presence Can’t now escape My mind

I can begin to feel Something Beautiful n` Special Has been put aside To see`

For like a torch Being held As a candle

N’ even though My journey Will still Take many Twists n’ turns,

N` that my inner child Is set to become My guiding light

Your light Is fast becoming The brightest of its kind

N` in my mind I try to picture What this means To me

N’ as the sun rose up N` the moon All but disappeared

For even though This moment Will live `Forever` Still, I have to decide To take a chance N` Bridge the divide In order to embrace What is waiting “For each N` Every single One of us january 2011

I found myself In the wake of this night Holding thoughts Anew

Before I be I’ll never forget that night When lost and all alone You mirrored yourself In front on me For as I look back N` see myself

N’ even though I felt strange I also felt free

Standing between The door O` Destiny or Fate

As a new day Was revealed To me

Not only Was I blessed By your presence But The tender touch Of your grace

N’ this is what I began to see Through eyes That only now Can believe Lightworkermag.com

page twenty


health Glow with Health and Wellbeing

education Lightworker in Training

relationships Lightworker Challenge

business The Businessman

adventure Studying at the University of Life

living The Authenticity Diary

source Moments of Light

know:health Glow with Health and Wellbeing

Momentum Stu Gatherum is a passionate and focused Strength and Conditioning specialist who is committed to delivering outstanding results in fitness, nutrition and total health and wellness. Hello everyone, welcome to this month’s edition of Lightworker Magazine and my personal take on momentum. I hope this issue finds you fit and healthy of mind and body and in the midst of a fantastic start to the year ahead. Make this your most productive year - health, fitness, wellness or professional – this year can be what you make of it. So, when thinking about momentum the first thing that pops into my head is an image of someone performing a kettlebell swing (www.youtube.com/stugatherum). I think my affinity for the bells is pretty well documented, but I am going to resist the Stu Gatherum-swing-a-palooza-kettlebellpromotional-spiel... for now. Positive mental attitude Firstly, I’d like to tune into the mental side of momentum and how your mood can affect so many tangible and physical things. Take happiness for example. When you’re happy, the whole world seems like a better place – that rain isn’t depressing, it’s giving my garden a chance to be beautiful, won’t the neighbours be jealous?! This mental mood changer can take hold in other areas of your life. You go back to work on the Monday morning following a productive garden-enhancing weekend and take the office by storm with your efficient efforts (heightened by the Monday morning blues your colleagues are feeling). Your boss inevitably notices this and hands you the keys to the big project, the one you’ve been waiting for. This could be your big opportunity. All because you chose to view the weather differently. Not too far-fetched. I know this can be the case – since moving house both myself and my other half have seen firsthand a much friendlier, more approachable and genuine locale. Believe me, this makes a BIG difference. Try it – smile, and brighten the day for someone.

A negative mental state probably has a grander effect. I believe this to be true, especially in England where we love to have a moan, so anything fuelling that fire is, in a weird way, welcome. Negative feelings have a way of bedding in and have a similar effect on your day as a wrecking ball has on a derelict building. The slightest thing – being cut up in traffic, missing the bus by 10 seconds, stepping in a puddle – can derail our mental state for the day! Anyone who suffers with a fragile psyche from time-to-time will know what I’m talking about. Negative influences will stick and positive ones will not and it can be a massively downward spiral (I know first-hand. This is not a fun thing but perspective is usually the best treatment.) Positivity in health and exercise I guess you can all see where I am going with this, as relates to exercise and especially nutrition? Try not to let negative things derail all of your efforts. It is especially important at this time of the year, I think, as we experience massive highs with the Christmas season as well as lows – maybe you have family abroad, maybe you’re abroad and missing everyone, maybe you simply burnt the roast potatoes?! A little perspective goes a long way. You have hopefully taken my advice and progressed exponentially from this time last year. Indulge at Christmas, enjoy a treat, a pudding, or a drink but don’t let any of that spiral into a month’s worth of indulgence and negative healthy habits. You want to start this year on the right foot, not undoing all the damage that can occur, mentally or physically. Have a prosperous and happy new year! Oh and... kettlebell!!! Sorry, that one slipped out.

Hear more expert tips and advice on all things health and fitness by tuning into Stu’s ‘Fit & Light’ show on RadioLightworker.com

Momentum also works the opposite way, unfortunately. page twenty three


Connect with Stu www.stugatherum.com Twitter: @stugatherum +44 7816 240137

january 2011


Light Visions 2012 – Special offer for the Lightworker network Light visions 2012 meditation cards are your visual gateway to harnessing and working with the power of these extraordinary times. The light visions cards are visual representations of the new energies amassing for 2012, they are created in and of these beautiful new energies. The light visions packs contain five beautiful A5 postcards which each contain an important image that we are urged to use in order to tune into, balance ourselves and work with these new energies. Simply holding and looking at the images will help to activate their beautiful energies. The images have a special relevance for all Lightworkers across the planet. They will help us to balance ourselves and work with these new energies. Importantly, by using them with an open and loving heart we will activate the power across the planet. In order to make these packs available to all Lightworkers and to spread the light we have a very special offer of a 50% discount + free postage, making the packs just £5 each. To order yours now simply visit the light visions shop, and when checking out enter the promo code Lightworker to receive your 50% discount.

www.lightvisions2012.bigcartel.com To read more about the cards please visit www.lightvisions2012.com

know:education Lightworker in Training

Momentum Hetta Rogers’ background is in Art History and Literature. After spending seven years training to be and working as a lawyer, she left all that behind to go travelling, but has now returned to the bright lights of London to work in the communications industry. Cast your minds back briefly to school Physics lessons and you might recall that “momentum” describes the power residing in moving objects, rather than the movement itself. Take that same notion of power and imagine yourself as both the driving force and the object being propelled. Momentum is the invisible spirit – the universal flow of energy – that is present in all of us. It can manifest itself in many ways – as courage, as positivity, as joy, as hope, as bravery. Trusting momentum – tapping into your own limitless energetic resources – can be hugely liberating and even life-changing. Often, all it takes is for us to make one meaningful change for momentum to propel us forward. Leo Babauta gave a wonderful description in his much-read blog, Zen Habits: “It’s like the wind at my back, the sun in my face. It’s like running down a grass-covered hill.” But, rather than stop at the bottom of the hill, we keep going. Momentum is there for the taking I am a great believer in living in the moment; in not putting off until tomorrow what one can do today. Easier said than done, yes, but by no means impossible. Harnessing momentum is about increasing the things that move you forward and decreasing those that hold you back. So many of us live in the past or for the future and overlook the power of the present; so many of us allow ourselves to become accustomed to living in fear or in unhappiness or to live solely for other people rather than for ourselves. At various times and to varying degrees, I have allowed my desires for (and my fears of) the future to cloud my enjoyment of and belief in the present. I am also very quick to prioritise other peoples’ needs and wishes above my own. Only now am I learning that this does me no good. The roles we inhabit – as parents, as husbands and wives, as friends, as colleagues, as career-people – do not define us, no matter what social conditioning may want us to believe. page twenty five

Moreover, creating momentum in our lives is not about relying on the relative comfort of waiting until the ‘right’ moment comes along; of waiting until we are ready. Apart from giving each of us a PhD in procrastination, this will not achieve a great deal; for in our heart of hearts, we each know that the notion of being ready is merely an illusion. In each and every moment in our lives, we have choices: do or do not; allow or resist; believe or dismiss; courage or cowardice; create or destroy; simplify or complicate. Eliminate your fears – ask yourself: “what decision would I make or action would I take if right now I felt no fear?” That is where you need to be. Pick a goal, any goal Harnessing momentum for yourself is all about taking a deep breath and making that first step in the direction of your choosing. Make today the day you begin it. Close your eyes and picture your vision of success, happiness, joy or fulfilment. Know what it is you love and what you desire; for without a clear understanding of it, how do you expect to achieve it? I often find it helps to write down your vision. Keep it somewhere safe and remind yourself of it. It does not have to be an entire map of your future; it can be a part of it, a snapshot, an essence, or even a description of how you will feel when that vision becomes reality. If you are in need of any further reason or inspiration to take that first step, simply imagine how wonderful it will feel to know that you done something just for you; that you are living by your own convictions, believing in your own truth, making yourself a priority and finding that the people in and circumstances of your life are in alignment with who you are. The momentum you will have created will carry you forward to your next success. What does momentum feel like? It feels like possibility, inner strength and life purpose. If you allow it to, momentum can make you feel as though you can


january 2011


do anything. This is not an illusion – you really can. I have used this same passage from Goethe before, in an article I wrote about self belief, but it is so insightful that it is worth repeating: “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”

january 2011

With each bold step, courageous choice or act of bravery, you allow momentum to become a part of your existence. It becomes your trusted companion, your guide, your spiritual compass. If where you are (whether physically, spiritually or emotionally) feels out of alignment with who you are and who you want to be, do not be afraid to take the steps to change it. Strengthen your resolve to be nothing less than your greatest self.



page twenty six

know:relationships Lightworker Challenge

Fill The Hole Rachel Willis is a conduit for the Ascended Masters and guided to help others fine-tune their life path by fully stepping into their power and shining their light. She challenges anything that is out of alignment with your highest good and shares messages from The Masters about your Earthly purpose. She is also an inspirational writer and Editor of Lightworker Magazine. HOLE + W(ORTH) = WHOLE Treat yourself with worth and you become whole. Worth fills the hole, instead of using alcohol, shopping, food, drugs or other dependencies to act as fillers. The hole originates from not getting your needs met as a child; not being loved as you needed to be loved; not being treated as worthy of love, or something else that you needed at the time.

As soon as these steps become second nature, you will notice that you are treating yourself as a precious, beautiful human being. You are treating yourself as worthy. Therefore, your thoughts, actions and behaviours will fall into alignment with these newfound elevated standards, and before you know it, the hole will shrink to a close and leave you feeling whole and no longer in need of external substances to fill the internal void. Where once you sought nourishment from the outside world, you now discover the wholesome, eternal sustenance that is your unique greatness. Where once there was need, now there is peace.

Most people are not even aware of the existence of this hole, for it subconsciously – and therefore often unknowingly - shapes their behaviour. They may wonder why they feel so drawn to drink to excess every weekend, to take out yet another store card, or to raid the fridge after an emotional day. These are all attempts to fill the invisible hole in their inner being that is hidden in the very depths of their soul. Although they can give the illusion of providing effective quick fixes, no amount of alcohol, drama, work or sex can permanently fill the hole. The only answer in the long-term is to learn and appreciate your worth.

Where we go from here The responsibility lies with you - to awaken, practise new ways of relating, and commit to living a positive life. Responsibility is a word that conjures negative connotations in most people. It usually reminds us of leaving behind our innocent and carefree childhood in exchange for the ‘responsibilities’ of living as an adult. However, its real meaning is your respond-ability. In other words, it is your ability to respond to people, situations and circumstances in your life; and for that you are more than ably equipped.

How do you realise your worth? 1. Mentally – Be kind to yourself, and separate the horror stories you tell yourself from the reality of who you are. 2. Physically – Take care of your body – rest, eat well, move, relax 3. Emotionally – Give yourself permission to feel whatever you feel, without judgment or censorship 4. Spiritually – Recognise that you play an integral role in the world - you are uniquely, wonderfully you - and give yourself credit for all your gifts and talents page twenty seven

Like a tortoise that merrily lives its life, only responding to threats from predators by retreating into its shell as and when required, you too can live a content life and merely respond to external stimuli by taking responsive action, when necessary. The New Way In the New Age, firstly, we all look - and see - beneath the surface of the people we interact with and the situations we find ourselves in.


january 2011

We understand people. Therefore, we seek to understand the intention behind their actions - even when they appear to be senseless – for we appreciate that everyone is doing the best they can with the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical resources they have at that time. Secondly, we appreciate the impact of instant karma; in whatever guise our faith recognises this mechanism. Whenever we harm another – person, animal, or the environment as a whole – we are nudged to become more aware of our actions by counter-balancing ‘negative karma’ in our lives. If we are cognisant of this, we can trace the behaviour that triggered this correction, and resolve to make an effort to eliminate such actions from our lives in future.

What is the cumulative effect of this evolution? Quite simply, world peace. Two small words, but one enormous impact. And what better reward is there for the effort that each individual undertakes to understand both themselves and others?

Tune into Rachel’s ‘Same Wavelength’ show every second Tuesday on RadioLightworker.com for interviews, discussions and free intuitive readings

These two important evolutionary factors combine to produce a more loving, harmonious and conscious world. How can it not, since people are more understanding and also more committed to living their lives in a positive way?

january 2011


Connect with Rachel www.Rachel-Willis.co.uk Rachel@Rachel-Willis.co.uk Twitter: @RachelWillisUK

page twenty eight

know:business The Businessman

The Power Of Momentum Michael Clark, the founder of Ripple Effect Sales, the UK’s premier online sales training company for entrepreneurs. Mike has worked with 1000’s of SME’s and start-ups across all sectors. His speciality is creating practical sales and marketing strategies that effectively create results tangible results. Business is all about momentum. Momentum breeds consistency, consistency builds reliability and reliability builds trust. Your clients want to know that you provide a consistent product/service that they can rely on to do what it says it will! I love studying successful people; it’s the best way to gain insights as to how you can reach similar levels... I once listened to an interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger: he talked of using the power of momentum to become the world’s most famous body builder. Below is a paraphrased version of the interview with Arnie after he won his 3rd Mr Universe in a row. The interviewer asked him: “So Arnold, how is it that you have been able to dominate this competition; what do you do that makes you unbeatable?” His answer is one that gets the results that others dream of; it guarantees an immediate shift in your results. Arnold said: “The secret to my success is simple... I always do one more than anyone else. Each set of repetitions (rep = 1 motion of exercise, e.g., one squat) just when I think I can’t do anymore and others would stop, I reach to my greatest depths, muster all the strength I can and do one more. If I do 15 sets each day then that means that I do 15 more than all my competitors. Each week that means I do 90 (6x15) more; each month I’m doing 360 more and each year I’m doing 4,300 reps more than anyone else.

this story... When you’re doing a workout, where does your greatest muscle growth occur, at your 5th (of 10) repetition, or very last repetition? Your greatest muscle growth occurs when your muscles are fully depleted, so in the very last repetition. Every extra rep that Arnold did was the one that gave his body the greatest return. The same occurs with sales and all areas of your business. It’s those little things you do consistently that add up to create exceptional results. We can’t explain it, but something strange happens when you push yourself beyond ordinary limits. I received an email from a client I trained in sales. He passed on this message of Do one more to his whole team. As they were a sales force, one more simply meant one more phone call after they reached their high-end target of 100 calls a day. Everyone else in the office decided not to apply this principle and they did the usual amount of sales calls, even less in some cases. Go just that extra bit further and you will find it twice as rewarding. Build your momentum and achieve huge results. This particular person applied what he was taught. Instead of just doing 100 calls, he decided that he would do 3 more. That day after he made 100 calls he made no sales (no one in his office made any sales that day either, and they had already left the office). He was going to call it a day, but he referred to his training and at the last minute decided to make his 3 more calls. What do you think happened?

So, that’s it, I just do one more, but one more adds up.” Those last 3 calls netted him 2 sales and his day was hugely profitable. He continued to apply this principle and retained his position in the company whilst many sales people came If you’re familiar with exercise you’ll know there’s more to and went during his time there. page twenty nine january 2011 Lightworkermag.com The Compounding Effect


The greater the number of continuous hours you have of building momentum, the more you’ll be able to tap into the power of the Compounding Effect and achieve huge results. What most people do is allow interruptions to break up their day. Though many people do try to get focused, what would typically happen? Their phone might ring, or they check their emails, or they allow people to interrupt their focus.

Figure out what an outstanding level of quality activity looks like for you and then do at least one more every day for at least a month (or, it might be 2 more or 5 more - whatever is unique for your business). Track your conversion rates of those last activities each day, and I guarantee that you’ll see a greater return than your normal activities. The universe rewards those that go the extra mile.

Momentum requires discipline. You have to create rules to support your environment so that you can succeed.

Best of luck!

What is your ideal environment to create momentum in your life? The universe seems to reward those who go above and beyond anyone else. Apply the principle of ‘Just one more’.

january 2011


Connect with Mike michael@rippleeffectsales.com www.rippleeffectsales.com

page thirty

know:adventure Studying at the University of Life

A New Spiritual Truth Elizabeth Villani the author of “Awakening”, o-books, 2010. An expert on positivity, coach and Reiki Master, a startling mystical experience in 2008 revealed to her the reality of humanity. She now writes to support our awakening. She is also the founder of www.fundsforjoy.com a non-profit organisation aiming to bring joy to every corner of the globe. Each year we sit down and make resolutions for the coming year, then make or break them. We have been taught that if we lay down what we want to the universe and then go like crazy to work at it, that it will come. Along the way we get desperate or we give up. Sound familiar? I can tell you that I, like most of you, have tried this one and I discovered two things: 1. It doesn’t work; and 2. I am exhausted by it. In 2010, I discovered a new and amazing spiritual truth. I tested it. It worked. What is it? Well, it’s about momentum. Every year you try to get some into your life and for most of us we don’t get where we wish to be and are whacked by December 25th. How many of you got ill over the holidays? When you look back on last year how many of your goals did you achieve? Exhausted? Let me share the most profound spiritual truth that I discovered in 2010. It’s a formula for success. It brings momentum and achievement into your life and not only that - it also closes the gap in your consciousness and brings you a sense of peace and serenity along the way. It is truly amazing... Surrender + Intention Wrapped up in Love = Momentum as Part of the Divine Plan Awakened Positive Consciousness & Prayer

for peace and truth, and miracles begin to unfold. You are ready to be divinely placed and trusted to deliver your part of the divine plan, which is all each of us lightworkers wants. It is the reason for us to be here. The reason you are reading this wonderful Lightworker Magazine. It is what your soul is calling and has longed for for your whole life, and every life. For the time has come for you to play an integral role in the transformation of our incarnated souls into love. The time has come 2011 is set to be a year of energy - the year where your loving intentions will be revealed and put to work. However, my guidance to you in the university of life is this… If you fall asleep, if you repeat your old patterns of previous years, previous lives and do do do, rush rush rush, then despite your intentions, grace cannot support your journey fully within the divine plan. You must surrender, believe and love. You must stay positive and conscious and ask for loving support and direction, then be brave and follow your inner promptings as they arrive. This is the path of the divine plan. The path of 2011. The path that you have always longed for. So where to begin? 1. Throw your business books and to-do list onto the fire. Sit back in love and silence. Open your heart and tell Spirit that you surrender. 2. Love. Be the best, the most loving, the kindest person that you can be. Be that channel for peace, for joy, for love. Choose it.

When you stop striving and pushing and surrender who 3. Dream. Know what you would love to be giving most in you are and the gifts that you are here to give, and hold a the world. What you would most like to be and achieve, and positive intention of what you would just love to be doing... trust that the grand plan and your part in it is unfolding. and at the same time love yourself and others with all of your softness and kindness, all whilst being positive, believing in 4. Choose to be positive. Don’t let the fear consciousness yourself and working hand in hand with your guides and put you back to sleep. Remain in fourth dimensional truth higher self... an amazing shift happens. You’re letting go and and enthusiasm. loving intention and consciousness tells your soul group, the angels and Source that you are ready to be used as a channel 5. Believe in yourself. Know that you are good enough and page thirty one january 2011 Lightworkermag.com

that you have an important role to play in lighting up this beautiful earth. 6. Spend silent time with your guides, Higher Self, Source, God, fairies, angels, elementals etc. But don’t box your communication with them into your 15 minutes meditation slot. Invite them into every waking and sleeping moment. If it gets too much – especially at night – ask them to hold back. Use angel cards, a pendulum, watch for signs from nature. Make your psychic communication part of your inner conversation. You are here as part of a team, and part of that team is in spirit all around you waiting for you to ask and start chatting.

We are all magical, loving souls. Once we chip off the armour of fear, we are all here to help ourselves and each other. Weird lines going on Han, not sure why, please ignore them!

Tune into Elizabeth’s ‘Our Awakening’ show every month on RadioLightworker.com for more insights

7. Be yourself and enjoy the ride. You are your unique gift. 8. With each miracle, give thanks and use the energy it gives you to fuel your inner peace and momentum.

january 2011


Connect with Elizabeth www.elizabethvillani.net

page thirty two

know:living The Authenticity Diary

All-Consuming Love Mel Diamond is a passionate advocator of the Indigo cause. She wants to speak out to help and inspire other Indigo adults to become aware of who they are. Mel is a Reiki healer and teacher, sound healer, writer, singer, neo-pagan and a student of the shamanic arts. And So It Begins! Momentum, Influx and Hope. It’s good to be back in the fold. The past 3 months since I last wrote for Lightworker have flown by, typical of the energy of the times - a month feels like a week and I’m sure you feel that too. Momentum is an excellent thing to be discussing in January, as for me this is the darkest most introspective month of the winter season - at least, here in the Northern hemisphere - the darkest hour before the dawn of the year when we begin to notice the light return. There is always an increase in momentum in the run up to the Yuletide season, and when this time has passed so has that energy, and it leaves us feeling flat and despondent. However, bear in mind that the shortest day has now been and gone and even though we don’t notice it straight away, the days are already lengthening. I follow a Pagan/ Shamanic Earth-based spiritual path. I celebrate the return of lighter days in earnest at the beginning of February and the festival of Imbolc, and marking the seasons in this way gives me positive mileposts throughout the year, much needed in particular during the darker months. And even though February is still a dark month, signs of life begin to reappear. Snowdrops (one of my favourite flowers) poke their beautiful white heads above the Earth, giving us a sign of hope and encouragement for the coming Spring. Birdsong is clearer and brighter and you begin to truly notice the days lengthening. The momentum of the year begins to be visible again, and this manifests in us as a gradual returning of physical and emotional vitality after a few months of energetic conservation.

feeling and a sense of dormancy and waiting for things to happen. In some ways too, time has been speeding past with me as a casual observer to events that pass like a film on double speed. Such interesting and exciting times we live in. There have been many new energetic influxes lately that left me on my toes, on my knees and sometimes on the floor, confused, exhausted and questioning. I know I’m not alone, many of you have reported similar things. I’ve sometimes woken up in the middle of the night, not fallen properly asleep again and found myself feeling full of energy for most of the following day. Paradoxically, sometimes I’ve slept deeply through the night and felt exhausted and lacklustre for the day that followed. I’m always aware that this is all part of a bigger plan and that I’ve been physically and emotionally processing this new energy, and it’s caused some big shifts in me and others. Thankfully, we are all able to support each other in the virtual world if we are not geographically close, knowing that we are not alone in experiencing the peaks and troughs is so important. Lift your heart and banish fear Remember that this is momentum - the forward movement of a transitioning Age. It never stops, even when we feel stalled or hindered, confused or questioning, it’s all part of our own individual forward movement as holders of the light energies. When we feel blocked we must pause and see what the Universe is trying to teach us, and what we have manifested for ourselves. Detaching yourself from an issue to observe it as a lesson also serves to give you a more positive viewpoint, and remaining positive is vital in order to stay in a forward-moving, heart-centred space rather than a place of stagnant and resistant fear.

What is momentum? Momentum is energy; forward movement. There have been many contrasts and contradictions of momentum throughout 2010; many positive things have happened but at the same time it’s felt as if there’s been a sort-of stop/start page thirty three

To that end, it’s up to each one of us to individually take responsibility for maintaining our own vitality and momentum. We are anchors for the new light energies, and as we process this energy we transform energy around us - we are change-bringing antennae. Remain positive and lift


january 2011

your heart during this dark time by spending as much time as you can in fresh air, even if only for half an hour. It’s amazing how little time we spend in the fresh air at this time of year, unless we work outside we simply go from home to place of work with only moments spent in the fresh air. If the sun comes out, go out and enjoy the chilled sunny air and soak up the suns rays, recognise that soon the light of the sun will be stronger again and nurture that thought. Find out if there is a local snowdrop walk near you, and go and acknowledge these beautiful little flowers as harbingers of Spring. Feel hopeful in these last days of darkness and they will fly by a touch more quickly.

I feel that 2011 is going to be a fast-moving year with lots of positive developments, for us individually and for humanity as a whole. Happy Momentous New Year to my global Lightworking family.

It is time! The ultimate message from these latest energy influxes has been that momentum is increasing now, change is here and wheels are in motion, there is no stopping the juggernaut now and we are all on board. The life-lessons and shifts are coming thick and fast and there will be little respite for those of us who signed up to come here as Change Bringers. We must stay connected and support each other, remain heartcentred and joyful and remember that there is a bigger purpose to it all. How fantastic is it that we are all able to contribute our energies to something bigger than all of us?!

january 2011

Hear more Indigo and Crystal wisdom from Mel on her fortnightly RadioLightworker.com show.


Connect with Mel www.indigohealing.co.uk Twitter - @Indigo_Healing Facebook

page thirty four

know:source Moments Of Light

The Idea Of Momentum Tom Evans is an author and wizard of light bulb moments. His new book on the subject is available from O-books early in 2011. He has just published his latest work on the nature of consciousness called Flavours of Thought: Recipes for Fresh Thinking. In classical mechanics, momentum describes the product of mass multiplied by velocity. What this means in practice can be imagined like this.

brain. Anyone who has had a bright idea and done nothing with it only to see someone else coming out with their invention can tell you this. The process of grounding ideas can be neatly explained by this model.

If a golf ball is hit at 100 miles an hour and hits a steam train travelling the other way at the same speed, the golf ball which weighs somewhat less - will rebound at very close to 200 miles an hour in the opposite direction. NASA makes use of this principle to slingshot space probes around planets in order to massively increase their speed. This is known as a gravitational slingshot and it uses angular momentum as its guiding principle. So, the lighter something is and the slower it moves, the lower the momentum. How would we approach giving something that we consider having no weight a huge momentum? How do we give ideas momentum? Firstly, we must recognise that even thoughts have some mass. They constitute the elementary fabric of the Universe from which all matter is formed. Unlike matter, thought travels faster than light, which kind of makes the classical equations fall apart but, nonetheless, it means thought has both mass and velocity of a kind. In fact, thoughts that permeate the whole of space-time only become ideas when they hit a special type of matter known as our brains. Our brains are quantum transducers that slow thoughts from the collective consciousness down and bring them into the physical plane. Incidentally, a transducer converts one type of energy into another - like a loudspeaker that converts electrical signals into sound waves or a microphone that works the other way around.

The thought comes to us from the Superconsciousness from the Plane of Ideas. We then dream what we can do with it, interacting with our Higher Self on the Plane of Concepts - quite often this is in dreamtime or meditation. If these dreams excite us, we bring them down via our unconscious mind into the Plane of Emotions. Our gut tells us it’s a good bet and our heart falls in love with it. In this way, we pin our emotions on the idea to back it. We feel it in our waters. Finally, we bring it into our full conscious awareness, the Material Plane, by making a prototype. If it’s a physical product, this might be a space model. For software, you might make a wireframe walkthrough. For a service, you might seek a case study with a guinea pig client. Incidentally, when all this happens at once, we call it a Light Bulb Moment.

Irrespective of your route, what happened is the nearly Once the raw thought-form is transmuted into an idea, the weightless idea has been given mass. For the next trick, for conversion is not complete. If we do nothing with an idea, it it to have momentum behind it, it has to be given velocity. will float back into the mind-pool to be picked up by another page thirty five january 2011 Lightworkermag.com

When you pass on such a recommendation, there is a simple way to bend the so-called laws of physics. Add some unconditional love on with your referral and the momentum increases. Recently, rocket scientists have found space probes are travelling a little faster than expected after planetary slingshots. Just possibly, they are getting a similar nudge to their momentum from the planet they are passing. It’s as good an explanation as any.

If you observe Newton’s cradle, the first ball transfers its momentum to the last ball through the others. In the same way, all we have to do with our seed idea is to pass it to one person and ask them to pass it on to a friend or colleague. To do this with maximum efficiency, it has to be in their interest. In the old energy, motivation might be either financial or ego-based. For example, you might give your contact a referral or affiliate fee, or their status could be enhanced if they are seen as the bringer of news.

Tom Evans has just published his new book on thought transformation called Flavours of Thought. His next book, The Art and Science of Light Bulb Moments is being published by O-books in 2011. Find more of Tom’s memes and musings at www.tomevans.co

Tune into Tom’s ‘Moments of Light’ show every other Friday on RadioLightworker.com to share in others’ lightbulb moments

In the new energy, conservation of momentum is karmically balanced when the communicator knows everything they pass on will be reciprocated. This doesn’t have to be a oneto-one reciprocation. The ‘payback’ can and will come from another source.

january 2011


Connect with Tom www.tomevans.co

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regulars Once Upon a Time... Words of Wisdom Lightworker Loves... Stars and Planets Paulo Coelho The List Featured Lightworker

Once Upon a Time.... How Meditation Can Kick Start Your New Year

By Mary Pearson Energetically, January heralds newness, renewal and hope for the future. At the beginning of this month, millions of people begin the annual ritual of New Year resolutions. Membership of health clubs and diet programmes rocket, sales of unhealthy food decline, and people begin to reassess their lives, promising to make positive and lasting changes at this time of new beginnings.

Mary runs meditation workshops and classes in the Cheltenham area. The launch of her first book ‘Meditation: the stress solution’ is taking place on Monday 20th December at the Isbourne Centre.

But how many people find it easy to stick diligently to the promises made for a better future on 1st January? By the beginning of February, the momentum behind these pledges is often lost, becoming no more than a dim memory, replaced by the realities of daily life; fear for the future, working in a job we dislike, money worries, family conflicts, to name but a few. And yet another reason for becoming discouraged and stopping the momentum of change is when results do not happen quickly enough. Whilst psychologists affirm that behavioural change requires sustained effort and commitment, the unfortunate reality is that the process is usually associated with physical discomfort. For example, changing eating or drinking patterns from a level to which you have become accustomed can result in cravings.


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Behavioural change can also induce the stress response within the body, taking it out of its usual comfort zone. In a stressed state, it is very hard to relax because the mind is usually full of anxious thoughts and the body filled with cortisol and adrenalin – stress hormones. If this emotional state is Lightworkermag.com

allowed to continue for long periods of time, both the body and mind can become ill. No wonder people often find it easier to stick with the status quo. The stress solution One effective way of overcoming the stress response and supporting lasting change within your life is learning to meditate. Mary Pearson, author of ‘Meditation: the stress solution’ (Hot Hive Press, December 2010) is totally passionate about her work and a living testament to the benefits of practicing meditation to calm the mind and body; supporting her to make positive and lasting changes in her world. In her own life, Mary has direct experience of the positive effects of meditation. Beginning her career as a secondary school teacher in Liverpool and Greater Manchester, in 1997 she suffered a traumatic series of events that led her to become dependent on alcohol. A chance meeting opened her world to meditation, which subsequently changed her whole life – reducing her dependency on alcohol, moving to a different part of the country and setting up her own holistic therapy business. “The very essence of meditation is to do with quietening the mind”, says Mary. “Buddhists call our busy minds the monkey mind. Dr Wayne Dyer, in his book ‘Getting in the Gap’ suggests that we have up to 60,000 thoughts running through our heads every day – a truly mind boggling statistic. Our minds are crammed full of things to do, work, january 2011

relationships, worries, the past, the future. We juggle all these thoughts on a daily basis and it is no wonder that we often feel exhausted”. Little wonder that we find it so hard to change our lives with so much to contend with! Yet, when we learn to meditate we can become aware, possibly for the first time, just how much is going on in our heads. By paying attention, we notice how busy our minds are and often just how unproductive much of that thinking can be.

Mary truly believes that regular meditation is the key to supporting the body and mind to make lasting changes, and in her book cites evidence showing that meditation is so much more than ‘posh napping’. The evidence compiled over the past thirty years is so compelling that regular meditators discover they transform their lives on all levels - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. So this New Year, pledge just one thing and allow the gentle benefits of meditation to support you to make those positive and lasting changes in your life that you’ve always dreamt of.

Just twenty minutes focused attention in meditation every day can help to quieten the mind and eventually still thoughts; allowing only the very best information to enter. In this state, the perspective and momentum required to make lasting and positive changes in life can be regained. Mary’s first steps for meditation 1. Find a quiet time and a quiet space 2. Sit in a comfortable position that you can maintain for 15-20 minutes – for most people this is sitting on a straight backed chair, with both feet placed firmly on the floor 3. Relax into your position 4. Begin to focus on an activity or an object, e.g. your breath, a mantra, etc. 5. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the object of your focus 6. Let everything else go january 2011


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WORDS OF W I S D O M Enthusiasm is the energy and force that builds literal momentum of the human soul and mind. Bryant H. McGill If you have the guts to keep making mistakes, your wisdom and intelligence leap forward with huge momentum. Holly Near Most of life is routine - dull and grubby, but routine is the momentum that keeps a man going. If you wait for inspiration you’ll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street. Ben Nicholas Sometimes thinking too much can destroy your momentum. Tom Watson Success requires first expending ten units of effort to produce one unit of results. Your momentum will then produce ten units of results with each unit of effort. Charles J. Givens

Lightworker Loves...

Just The Way You Are (Amazing) - Bruno Mars Named Number 3 in the top singles of 2010, we too love this song for its lyrics, energy and of course the tune itself. Turn it up loud, grab your hairbrush and sing your socks off!

january 2011



How many other ancient sites have love coursing through their earth, an annual festival loved by millions and masses of shops to peruse the wares of many gifted Lightworkers?! We love Glastonbury, and it’s well worth a visit if you ever find yourself in the south west of England.

Words can be such fun! Play around with the content, colour, style, direction and more to create a work of art. A useful business tool too - you can paste in any text and see what words feature most; these will be the ones your audience are absorbing, so make them positive!


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Stars And Planets

By Zoe Hind The secret to life is good timing.

By tuning into the energy of the planets we can all live more harmonious lives. Every month I will be choosing a reader question to answer, so email your enquiries about Astrology to astrology@lightworkermag.com

Reader question – Saturn I am approaching my Saturn return year and have been told it is a difficult time. Is there anything I can do to ease the process?

Zoe works with your own unique birth chart and compares it with the positions of the planets today, revealing and explaining the windows of opportunity that are opening up around you and how to make the most of your time. Her insights help to give you a better understanding of yourself, your purpose, your loved ones, your talents and the best timing for effortless success in all areas of your life. Zoe also provides full chart interpretation services as well as running classes and workshops.

Saturn is often given a bad reputation. The planet of realism and karmic lessons, many associate this time with pain and conflict. Although this is the case if we are avoiding any shadow sides of ourselves, any Saturn return or transit can be worked with and reap great rewards. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, will often test our foundations to make sure they are solid. Any illusions or, more importantly, any self-delusions will be shown up in the fluorescent glare of Saturn’s scrutiny. Capricorn is a sign that progresses strongly and firmly towards a goal and Saturn can be invoked as a cosmic personal trainer to help us, with a little tough love, to really get into shape. When working with Saturn, we can often prepare ourselves and go willingly into the dark corners of our psychology to examine any falsities. Our motivations are under the domain of this stern planet so a true and honest desire to face ourselves and question where we are coming from is the only way through. We can do this with a loving and gentle approach. There is no need to tear our self to pieces, just to witness each aspect or attitude as it arises and judge whether it is serving us or holding us in a negative belief pattern. Capricorn is the sign of deep earth. Like a gardener ridding the path of persistent weeds, Saturn asks us to get to the root of recurring problems and fix them once and for all. When we actively engage in this process, it feels empowering not destructive. The choice is ours.

Zoe shares more planetary insights on her mounthly ‘Stars and Planets’ show on RadioLightworker.com page forty three


january 2011




What a month! Pluto, Sun, Moon and Mars all begin January in your sign. Power, passion and energy are yours by the bucket load. Use the early weeks of the month to tidy up any loose ends as by the 14th and forwards you have the opportunity and the means at your disposal to start creating a whole new foundation to your existence. 2011 is huge, prepare now by distinguishing between what you want and what you think want. Then do what you do best – make a plan from the ground up and start climbing.

Uranus, your ruling planet, turned direct in early December and is now well on the way to starting a whole new activity cycle when it enters Aries in March. What does this mean for you? Getting your head straight. Ideas become thoughts become words become action become manifestations. Aries rules the head and Uranus the higher mind. Jupiter will forge ahead this month to lead the way. Let your free, unique essence be a clear channel to entertain visions of a better way of being. Step through the doorways as they open before you.

Whatever the Solstice eclipse delivered, you seem to be handling the changes well and keeping all plates spinning in your complicated life. A reminiscence of old times is coupled with and building sense of intrigue for the dawning new world. You can feel anticipation in your waters now. You may be realising that something big this way comes. No need for action, just feel the feelings. Every day is fine tuning you for the next if you surrender to universal unfolding.




The pace quickens as Jupiter moves into Aries on 23rd. You had a sneak preview of this alignment in the first two weeks of June 2010. Any bold idea held even for a second back then, may well begin to come to reality in 2011. You need to remain sovereign in order to keep your head where others may be losing theirs. A firm hand on the reigns and a taste for victory will see you through these exciting times. This is your year.

All the firepower in the heavens is lining up in your house of self expansion. Mars moves into your career sector later on to boost your kudos and impress those that count. Think big and go for it. If you work in partnership this is a golden month to pull together, halving the load and doubling the results. The Full Moon in Cancer on 19th sees a U-turn in thinking or a drastic change in the way you communicate. All this combined is a recipe for success.

Your commitment is being tested. This can mean reassessing the commitment that you receive from those important to you or your own ability to commit to a person or project for the long haul. Slow down and give this some serious thought. Less is more and delays are necessary for us to notice the depth and relevance of certain aspects of our lives. The excitement and action will soon be back but for now dig deep and find the true meaning behind significant connections around you.




What have you learnt in the last 7 years about manifesting your dreams? We have seen an abundance of ancient wisdom re-delivered as new knowledge and are almost drowning in the possibilities. Your intuition should be guiding you on important decisions and leading the way to pastures new. It may be uncomfortable to leave your comfort zone but this is what you will feel compelled to do this month as your vision for the future clears to reveal an amazing landscape that lies ahead and it’s one of your making.

It’s January and back to business. Though the energy may feel serious and slow, a little effort is needed to set the ground for the rest of the year. Mars moves into your partnership sector just before the Full Moon on 19th. Fireworks ensue. This may be passion or arguments according to how you have your life set up. There is healing and balance to be gained from this experience. Set your goal to restoring harmony and honour the emotional needs of others and all will flow smoothly again soon enough.

Mercury turned direct on 31st December and as the dust clears, logic returns. Mercury retrograde helps us see life through the other hemisphere of the brain. Psychic insights and intuition rule over common sense and linear thinking. This recent detour brought a deeper understanding of, and maybe even a sneaky taste for, the mysteries of life. A time of revelations and as the veils lift one by one, what lies beneath becomes apparent. Make a promise to yourself to honour both the practical and the fantastical this year in equal measure and you won’t be disappointed.




Romance is dead – long live romance. Having Saturn play such a central role in your life has brought a level of realism. January continues to offer up hard evidence that you need to rebuild your castle on stone. From the 23rd you have Jupiter moving into your partnership sector for a year. This will clear the way for much stronger connections both business and pleasure. When Uranus joins the fun mid March for a 7-year stretch you may find yourself attracted to the weird and wonderful. Get ready, this will not be anything but dull.

january 2011

Venus still tours your sign and the Jupiter/ Uranus conjunction is in your 5th house of love and creativity. These two aspects should have brought much love and many options to your door. Taking love and creativity into the workplace sounds like a strange request but those with the best lifestyles make little distinction between work and play. You can rearrange your world now to incorporate both and not apologise for it. You may prefer to see life as black or white but there are many more colours in between to explore.


If the recent Solstice eclipse in your partnership sector challenged your selfesteem, you may begin the year with the urge to cut certain cords. Your resolutions may focus more on human relationships than chocolate overload and if you turn your mind to an emotional detox, you will emerge with a fitter and healthier heart. Throw your passion into creativity during the last week of January and your soul will soar again.

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Stars And Planets continued...

By Zoe Hind Capricorn Climate New Moon – 4th January - 13 degrees Capricorn Harnessing the fortitude and perseverance of this double Capricorn energy will help us towards significant success. The Great Work of Alchemy is to purify that which is base in the forge of our inner fire until only purity remains. So we begin the journey of 2011. By setting our sights on the ideal now, and working faithfully towards the best possible outcome, the summer promises nothing short of miracles. Uranus and Jupiter join forces in the final degrees of Pisces breaking old patterns of dependency on, and distraction by, external sources. The truth lies within. There is no escaping this aspect as it is set to become much stronger when both planets move into Aries in the Spring. Walk voluntarily into the purging fires of Mars in Capricorn and burn away any impurities that will only cause resistance and pain if held onto. This act of surrender clears a channel for the amazing new frequencies and experiences that are heading our way. Full Moon – 19th January– 29 degrees Cancer When we make decisions we can listen to our conscious or our unconscious, our left or our right brain, our head or our heart. This Full Moon in Cancer is on the side of intuition. There will be choices to be made. Call on your muses, your guides and your higher self for guidance. Look inside for the answers. As Saturn prepares to retrograde, allow feeling not thinking to guide the way.

+44 7984 825928 www.astrozo.com

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january 2011


Enlightened Innovation

"The thought manifests as the word The word manifests as the deed The deed develops into habit Habit hardens into character So watch the thought and its ways with care... As we think, so we become."

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Streamline your thoughts Develop your mind Visit us at www.symphonicmind.com

The Warrior Of The Light

By Paulo Coelho water from the well, it decided to speak to him: “I want to apologize, but because of the many years of service, you are only able to deliver half of my load, and quench half of the thirst which awaits you at your home.” The man smiled, and said: “When we return, observe carefully the path.” And so it did. And the jar noticed that, on its side, many flowers and plants grew. The cracked jar An Indian legend tells of a man who carried water to his village every day, in two large jars tied to the ends of a wooden pole, which he balanced on his back.

“See how nature is more lovely on your side?” commented the man. “I always knew you were cracked, and decided to make use of this fact. I planted flowers and vegetables, and you have always watered them. I have picked many roses to decorate my house with, I have fed my children with lettuce, cabbage and onions. If you were not as you are, how could I have done that?”

One of the jars was older than the other, and had some small cracks; every time the man covered the distance to his house, half of the water was lost. “All of us, at some point, grow old and start to acquire other qualities. For two years, the man made We can always make the most of the same journey. The younger each one of these new qualities and jar was always very proud of its obtain a good result.” performance, safe in the knowledge that it was up to the mission it had been made for, while the other jar Warrior of the Light, a www.paulowas mortified with shame at only coelho.com.br publication fulfilling half of its allotted task, even though it knew that those cracks were the result of many years hard work.

www.warriorofthelight.com/eng Twitter: @paulocoelho

It was so ashamed that one day, while the man got ready to fetch page forty seven


january 2011

Next Month’s Edition

! W E N The easiest way to replace the old is to welcome the new. What positive habits and practices have you created in your life? Including: - Part III of reading the secrets in your lover’s hands - Alla Svirinskaya helps you create new patterns - The Lightworker Of The Year winner is announced and featured Available from 7th February at lightworkermag.com!

january 2011


page forty eight

The List Top 20 Momentum Builders 1. Always think positive. Squash all negative thoughts. 2. Make a big public commitment. Be fully committed. 3. Create a friendly, mutually-supportive competition. 4. Keep a daily journal of your goal. 5. Visualize your goal clearly, on a daily basis, for at least 5-10 minutes. 6. Make it a rule never to skip two days in a row. 7. Become aware of your urges to quit, and be prepared for them. 8. Have powerful reasons. Write them down. 9. Get a coach or take a class. 10. Find inspiration, on a daily basis. 11. Reward yourself. Often. 12. Break it into smaller, mini goals. 13. Give it time, be patient. 14. Make it a pleasure. 15. Just get started. 16. Get a workout partner or goal buddy.

. motivated. eplace visible d n m a o s d l e a s o u c g r fo u ture of you help keep yo o t p u ro 17. Post a pic g ) e in nline (or off-l ot a sprint. n n o h t ra a 18. Join an o am elf back; it’s rs u o y ld o H 19. ur progress. 20. Chart yo

Thank you to zenhabits.com

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january 2011

Featured Lightworker

Mark Zuckerberg Inspire Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that Facebook has created an online platform for making new connections, strengthening others and helping businesses – such as Lightworker – reach a global audience with their positive messages. What’s more, it’s free and therefore inclusive for all, in alignment with his stance that “The thing I really care about is the mission, making the world open.” From an acorn, Mark Zuckerberg has grown a mighty oak, and inspirationally committed his estimated $40 billion worth to charity through The Giving Pledge. Challenge Mark is a self-confessed geek, yet he has overcome his social shyness to lead a global corporation and revolutionise the way we interact online. He did this because he wanted to challenge the traditional media format because “having media corporations owned by conglomerates is just not an attractive idea to me.” Facebook also bucks the trend by dedicating only 10% of its pages to adverts - in contrast to the usual +20% - and this enhances the user experience by creating money in innovative, fresh and new ways. Educate Last year, Mark founded the Start-up: Education foundation, a $100 million initiative dedicated to improving education in Newark, USA. His motivation was to “invest in educating and improving the lives of young people. I’m also challenging others who want to improve education in America to match my contributions.” Mark is also leveraging his media presence to support this and other educational projects.

www.facebook.com january 2011


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