(illustration by riley)
(illustration by hanna)
(illustration by nate)
(photograph by zack)
(illustration by katie, photographs by ? ? ? we were too drunk to notice)
(illustration by harrison & katie)
(playlist & photograph provided by zack)
(illustration by katie)
Tonight we are young mascara dripping sinks trying to conserve their water shirts falling off shoulders soft feet touching wet floors body suits hugging contours and vomit on the sidewalks phone calls making no sense endless nights pulling hair and dreaming drums playing in ears fingertips tingling guitar drinking useless wishing cranium crack thinking squeaky bed frames whispering you’re not good enough sheets screaming that the weight of your blood is too much speaker kissing dancing in dirty kitchens laying on whore couches that have seen too many fights and flirtations and sunsets some eyes filled with lace mine filled with fire mountains and sun stained lakes stomach cramps and my fathers tense hands breathing close breaking out the whiskey when the conversations slow broken down on the side of the road the smell of goats and cigarette fingertips in your nose the feeling of blisters and tracked down mistakes in your toes falling deep into the laps of strange men laughing when social cues are given fall asleep in a quiet house falling into its inevitable disaster wake up to another sunrise promising to love you until it doesn’t matter
(poem by tara, body painting by sylvia, photographs by hanna)
(illustrations by katie)
(photographs by hanna)
(words by everyone in david’s journal)
(digital collage by ray)
(comic by dana)
(words by everyone on hanna’s typewriter)
(photographs by everyone on dana’s polaroid)
(panoramas by hanna)
(poem & illustration by jamie)
(illustration by zach)