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Hanna Navarro Torres www.hannahnavarro.com hannanavtor.hnt@gmail.com +34 6509 62318



Write a short press release about the arrival of Hype Energy to your home country.............................................6 [in English and in Spanish]

How would you communicate the launch?.............................................................................................................8 [in Spanish]

Come up with a creative contest you could use to promote the launch on Social Media.....................................11 [In English]


HYPE ENERGY – WORKING PLAN PURPOSE OF THE WORKING PLAN The main objective of the Working Plan is to explain the roles and actions Hanna will perform as part of HYPE ENERGY. Once approved, execution of the present Working Plan will help Hanna in the workplace to organize her tasks and actions in the Marketing department so it will also be very helpful for the whole team. Furthermore, the supervisors will know the projects that Hanna will be working on over the period of her Internship and what her new ideas, suggestions and projects are for a possible future improvement in the Spanish territory and onward. She will share her vision and ambition to help Hype Energy drinks build the brand and in turn help the business grow. Most of Spanish people perceive all energy drinks as the same drink with the same ingredients. However, these thoughts are common misconceptions about HYPE. It is all a very uncertainty way of thinking. -Now more than ever, HYPE needs to make a difference, communicate the opportunities that its energy drinks offer to those dreamers from different breed, young talents and lovers of excitement and adrenaline. HYPE is not another energy drink clone. Creativity, strong, long and lasting relationships and networking, support on sales, marketing and design will be provided and enhanced by Hanna as a Marketing coordinator of HYPE to create higher visibility in Spain. Hence, Hanna Navarro Torres plays a crucial role right now in the development of HYPE ENERGY drinks. During three months, twelve weeks, ninty days (for example...), all the effort, motivation, enthusiasm and knowledge in sports, trends, music, events and business will be tested to try to accomplish the best possible performance and results in order to achieve these objectives.


HYPE ENERGY – WORKING PLAN PREVIOUS INFORMATION TO UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT MY HOME COUNTRY, SPAIN There are several reasons which explain why HYPE needs to spread the word strongly within Spain, to make a difference such as by holding parties, being everywhere at once! Why? According to different stadistics about energy drinks in Spain, we can check out the following ranking: I. ENERGY DRINK LAUNCHES GROW 29% IN FIVE YEARS AS GLOBAL SALES REACH 8.8 BILLION LITRES1

II. Brands of energy drinks ranked by number of users in Spain in 2015 (in 1,000) This statistic shows a ranking of the leading brands of energy drinks in Spain in 2015, by number of users. In 2015, an estimated 9.2 million people used Aquarius brand energy drinks in Spain.2

Should we all ask where HYPE is in this graph? YES. HYPE must be displayed in this ranking as the leading brand within enery drinks in Spain. Now, we found out that the main problem is our absence in the Spanish market. Thus, the solution should be to make swift, better and intense Marketing Campaign to expand rapidly across Spain to become the first option of energy drink among our target. 4

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Energy drink launches grow 29 in five years as global sales reach 8.8 mbillion litres Stadistic about energy drinks in Spain, 2015

HYPE ENERGY – WORKING PLAN HYPE ENERGY Hype Energy is one of the world’s first energy drinks brands with offices in Dubai, Spain and the United States. Hype Energy is a global company that reaches over 45 countries with trademarks registered in over 145 countries. The company headquarters are located in Dubai, with branches in Europe and the USA. It has a long-standing relationship with Formula 1™! Launched in 1994 by Hard Rock Cafe founder, Barry Cox., Hype Energy is the leading energy drink amongst outgoing, active, stylish and hardworking individuals. With a focus on premium ingredients, Hype Energy drinks are the best choice. The current CEO, former international Sportsman, Formula One racing driver and 24 Hours of Le Mans winner, Mr. Bertrand Gachot, has been involved with the brand since 1997. The Hype Energy range includes Hype Energy MFP, MFP Sugar Free, Enlite™, UP, MOJITO and AFTERDARK.



The international reputation of HYPE ENERGY as one of the leading Brand awareness limited. It must increase the sales across Spain by energy drink company in the industry in Dubai, US, and Spain by the further promotion. Relative visibility in Spanish market. gained recognition and client portfolio and partner relationships such as I n gredientes: people prone to heart attacks. Formula 1™. In-depth knowledge of sport and music culture. Worked with the top flavor houses in Europe to produce the best tasting quality energy drinks. Sponsor of the world’s top athletes. Upcoming relationship

Few point of sales. High price

with talented musical artists. Company in growth and expansion internatiionally delivering the best energy drink in the market right now. HYPE ENERGY has managed to position itself in the industry, in a leading league, through a successfully marketing strategy. HYPE ENERGY: Free from artif icial colorings and preservatives,


THREATS Large Energy Drink companies operating at the same and also minor level.

Very well know being one of the top in the energy drink market. S trong brand identity and leadership, HYPE ENERGY has maintained a strong image across the world and totally different from other energy drinks. Emerging market and expanding market: Business is growing very fast internationally.

Competitor: Red Bull, Monster, Powerade, Burn and others. The brand needs to gain greater recognition not only by sponsorships but also by spreading the word among the target and public in general. Is our product the most competitive in our market? S o metimes tthe audience can consider the energy drink as an unhealthy product.

Powerful product with a great brand identity. Hype Energy is expanding rapidly across the globe.



Write a short press release about the arrival of Hype Energy to your home country. [In English and in Spanish]



HYPE ENERGY, a leading energy drink company in Dubai and US, announced today the arrival of the company in Spain. 10/28/16 BARCELONA, Spain, October 28, 2016 – HYPE ENERGY, www.hype.com, the leading energy drink amongst outgoing, active, stylish and hardworking individuals, with offices in Dubai, US and recently in Spain, today announced it would be expanding to Spain. The company, which is focused on premium ingredients, is teaming up with its first partner, Formula 1™, to introduce the energy drink brand through the long-awaited moment: F1 Montmelo 14 de mayo de 2017 en Barcelona. HYPE ENERGY y F1 tienen una larga relación desde 1997, cuando Mr. Bertrand Gachot, actual CEO de HYPE, former international Sportsman, piloto de carreras de F1 y ganador del 24 Hours de Le Mans, se involucró en la marca. “We are working hard and our products are receiving an excellent reception in Dubai and US and we see many sport talents and opportunities in the Spanish market” said Mr. Bertrand Gachot, the current CEO of HYPE ENERGY. “Taking the opportunity of our upcoming F1 Montmelo event in Barcelona, the launch of our special sponsor will be definitely mind blowing. We’re excited to join forces with HYPE DRINK to further inspire consumers around Spain.” said Mr. Bertrand Gachot. The Hype Energy range includes Hype Energy MFP, MFP Sugar Free, Enlite™, UP, MOJITO and AFTERDARK. Absolutely, the best choice for these Spanish talents, Sport and Music lovers and proactive youngers. Hype up and ready for Spain! Saty tuned, visit www.hype.com or connect with HYPE ENERGY on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.



HYPE ENERGY, empresa líder de bebidas energéticas en Dubai y EE.UU., ha anunciado hoy la llegada de la compañía a España. 28/10/16 BARCELONA, España, Octubre 28, 2016 – HYPE ENERGY, www.hype.com, la compañía líder en el sector de bebidas energéticas entre los más extrovertidos, vivos, elegantes y trabajadores, con oficinas en Dubai y EE.UU, y próximamente en España, ha anunciado hoy su expansión a España. La empresa, la cual se especializa en ingredientes de calidad, se ha asociado con su primer socio, Formula 1™, para introducir esta marca de bebida energética a través del evento más esperado: F1 Montmelo 14th May of 2017 in Barcelona. HYPE ENERGY y F1 tienen una larga y estrecha relación desde 1997, cuando Bertrand Gachot, actual Former internacional de deporte, piloto de carreras de F1 y ganador de las 24 Horas de Le Mans, se involucró con la marca. “Estamos trabjando muy duro y nuestros productos están recibiendo un excelente recibimiento en Dubai y EE.UU. Vemos mucho talento deportivo y oportunidades en el mercado español.” dice Mr. Bertrand Gachot, actual CEO of HYPE DRINK. “Aprovechando la oportunidad de nuestro próximo evento F1 Montmelo en Barcelona, el lanzamiento de nuestro especial patrocinador será definitivamente inolvidable y fantástico. Estamos muy contentos de unir fuerzas con HYPE DRINK para inspirar a más consumidores en toda España.” dice Mr. Bertrand Gachot. Entre las bebidas de Hype Energy se incluyen Hype Energy MFP, MFP Sugar Free, Enlite™, UP, MOJITO y AFTERDARK. Absolutamente, la mejor opción para estos talentos españoles, amantes del deporte y música y jóvenes proactivos. Hype up and ready for Spain! Mantente al loro, visita www.hype.com o conecta con HYPE ENERGY a través de YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter o LinkedIn.



How would you communicate the launch? [In Spanish]

En HYPE desarrollaremos un comunicación efectiva y diferente para sobresalir de la multitud. Introduciremos HYPE ENERGY en España de un modo impactante, diferente y chocando que marca un antes y un después en la historia de las bebidas energéticas. A través de la colaboración con BRAND AMBASSADORS como Joaquín Camacho o Xurxo Prol, Pedrosa, Rafael Nadal, Iker Casillas, Fernando Alonso, Checo Pérez, Smith y Cortese, Víctor Claver, Ricky Rubio, Gisela Pulido, entre otros, y en especial, NUEVOS JÓVENES promesas, difundiendo un mensaje limpio, divertido, único fresco, dinámico y activo, que den ganas de saltar de la cama y comerse el mundo via Social Media –Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, y Twitter- y lograr que HYPE sea escuchada y llegue a todos aquellos talentos, deportistas, amantes de la música y diversión sin frenos. Organizaremos un evento de presentación de la compañía HYPE ENERGY en el que gente de élite sea invitada de honor y sólo aquellos amigos-de-amigos puedan asistir. ¿Por qué? Para crear expectación y polémica, “crear movimiento” entre los españoles. Un “boca-boca” que conducirá a un sentimiento de pertenencia y deseo entre la comunidad española. Este evento será deportivo y tomará lugar en F1 Montmelo el 14 de mayo de 2017 en la ciudad de Barcelona: ¡qué mejor que presentar nuestra marca y productos en un evento organizado por el mismímo Mr. Bertrand Gachot! El evento será patrocinado por la marca, la cual aparecerá en todos los medios y canales publicitarios. Enviaremos notas de prensa (utilizaremos la escrita anteriormente) para presentarnos a todos los medios de comunicación, F1 Racing









(www.allstarmagazine.net), Sport Motor (www.sport.es/es/motor), así como medios más convencionales como TV, Radio, Newspapers, etc. Pero sobre todo, estaremos muy presentes en todas las redes sociales no sólo de HYPE sino de F1, y todos estos medios de comunicación de rango nacional.

F1 Montmelo el 14 de mayo de 2017 en la ciudad de Barcelona, es un evento de F1, y lo que HYPE ENERGY llevará acabo será un evento que dure un largo e intenso divertido fin de semana. Se invitará a “amigos” y familia de HYPE a vivir una experiencia única e inolvidable en la ciudad de Barcelona que durará desde el jueves noche hasta el lunes por la mañana. Se les invitará a alojarse en el W Hotel a todos estos invitados especiales (deportistas españoles de élite, amigos de prensa, dueños de restaurantes, bares y discotecas de lujo exclusivo, y comercios de venta de comida Gourmet) a alojarse en este magnífico hotel con la posibilidad de ser acompañado por una persona.


HYPE ENERGY – WORKING PLAN Se les recogerá en coches privados en grupos y dirigirá al circuito F1 donde disfrutarán de la VIP de HYPE. En el evento se llevarán acabo diferentes actividades con la principal idea de que no sólo disfruten de la experiencia sino que además, suban a sus respectivas redes sociales fotos en el stand VIP de HYPE, con lo que promocionen la marca con el hashtag #HYPESpain #HYPEUPSPAIN. Por supuesto, podrán disfrutar de un servicio exclusivo con todas las bebidas HYPE que deseen, actividades, TV, consolas, ping pong, pruebas directas de los coches, contacto directo con los conductores, etc. Después del circuito, se organizarán cenas cada noche y una fiesta en la mejor discoteca de la ciudad, con zona VIP donde HYPE Energy nuestros invitados no estarán ni un minuto sedientos de HYPE.

Además, para llegar a más público, se organizará en estos mismos días, una actividad deportiva en la playa de la Barceloneta, aprovechando la llegada del sol y calor. Una actividad deportiva en la que todo el mundo será bienvenido a participar. Se realizarán concursos de Volley Playa, Kite Surf y surf, Fútbol Playa, etc, donde la marca HYPE ENERGY estará en todas partes. Será el evento TOP del fin de semana, todos serán invitados a probar los productos y comprenderán cuál es la mejor opción entre bebidas energéticas. No sólo a playa albergará toda la atención junto los invitados VIP en el circuito, sino que toda la ciudad se inundará de la marca.

HYPE ENERGY – WORKING PLAN Se organizará una fiesta pública para el público la cual realizará la convocatoria a través de influencers y blogges de la ciudad. En este evento, que se llevará acabo en Barcelona, en el MUSEO MACBA (www.macba.cat/uploads/espais/LLOGUERS_2016_CAS.pdf). Este espacio nos permitirá organizar en la plaza exterior un evento de música donde los músicos serán locales y de prestigio internacional también como Rae Sremmurd, y Dreezy, por ejemplo. Esto creará mucha audiencia y “furor” en la ciudad y España, ya que Barcelona es hoy día junto Madrid y Valencia, las ciudades centrales de España.

Con todo esto, se creará pues, una comunicación intensa a través del uso de NO MEDIOS CONVENCIONALES, sino que será un “boca-boca”, creando un deseo de pertenencia y querer formar parte de la marca desde el minuto 0. Una experiencia HYPE y energética que será el inicio de toda una noticia expuesta en todos los medios de España, hablando de HYPE ENERGY y su lanzamiento en España.



Come up with a creative contest you could use to promote the launch on Social Media. [Please answer in English.]

SPANISH Elegiremos Instagram, Snapchat y Facebook para crear contenido sobre el lanzamiento de la marca en España. Se realizará un concurso online en el que todo el mundo es invitado a participar. El primer premio será un viaje al BURNING MAN en agosto 2017 con un acompañante y el segundo premio un viaje a Patagonia. (MÚSICA Y DEPORTE DE RIESGO). HYPE ENERGY sabe exactamente a quien se dirige cuando lance el producto en España. Sabe que preguntando e incentivando a este público en Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, el público recibirá correctamente el mensaje. Por esto, se llevará a acabo un concurso durante 15 días, el cual consistirá en seguir nuestras redes sociales e invitar a 5 amigos a que nos sigan también. Además, tendrán que compartir en su muro el concurso y subir a su perfil una foto con HYPE ENERGY mostrando cómo se lo tomarían, en qué momento. Se aceptarán fotos y vídeos (teniendo más opciones a ganar los vídeos, que se subirán a YouTube, y podrán ser compartidos). La foto o vídeo más compartidos y con mayor likes-visitas, será el ganador entre los 5 últimos con más likes-visitas. #HYPESPAIN ENGLISH We will come up with a contest via Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook to create social contest for the launch of HYPE ENERGY in Spain. We will go ahead with an Online contest in which everyone is welcome to participate in it. The first awards will be 3 tickets for THE BURNING MAN the next August 2017 and the second one, a trip to Patagonia. That is: A CONTEST ABOUT MUSIC AND SPORT. HYPE ENERGY knows exactly who they were targeting when they launched a contest asking Facebook Instagram and Snapchat users to ‘like’ and follow their page for a chance to win such an amazing awards. During 15 days, the contest will help HYPE get close followers on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat as well as being an important part of promoting our products The participants will only have to follow us on social media, invita 5 friends to follow us, and share a photo or video drinking, enjoying one of our products of HYPE ENERGY range. Obviously, a video will have more advantages than photos. Between the 5 final photos and videos with more shares and likes, a jury will select the most original and the one that best fits HYPE ENERGY.




Hanna Navarro is a dedicated, proactive and talented person. With a Bachelor´s degree in Advertising and PR from San Pablo CEU, Valencia and an International Marketing and Media degree from Hogeschool Van Utrecht, Holland, and a Postgraduate in Event Design and Management form IED Barcelona, she has the skills and knowledge to organize and handle 360 marketing and social campaigns. Furthermore, she has in total 4 years of work experience in Spain, UK and Hong Kong-China in Marketing, Business and Events. She is a multi-faceted (her first work experience was in a Startup where she understood how a company grows and she had the change to learn from all departments), sociable (being Public Relations and organizing events not only with the company she worked for but also developing as a hobby several music events for young people), enterprising (a part of her job she likes entrepreneurship and that´s why she set up a fashion and lifestyle business with her twin sister. They sale clothes by word of mouth, social media and spreading out a fresh message) and problem-solving person (always trying to give the solution and not asking for it) with a proven adaptation in international environment and multicultural management: real praxis in Hong Kong, China, South Korea and India. She is a hard-worker with really great organizational skills. An interpersonal and communication skills focused on sales: She has the facility to deal with other people and understand everyone and a curios personality that is why she likes to research in other areas of marketing. She loves interacting with people everyday and promoting a product or idea by word to mouth and that´s why she has been organizing gatherings (always trying to be in the right place with the right people) and also loves to find sponsors, business development and being in touch with people through business. At the same time, she has developed her communication skills from working directly with senior managers and clients, which means she is well prepared to work on high-profile, cross-department projects and willing to make presentations in different languages. She has the experience to start contributing from day one and she is truly excited about the prospect of getting started. It´s not just her background leading successful projects for top companies or her people skills, which have helped her develop great relationships with developers, vendors, and senior managers alike. But she is passionate and definitely has the attitude and the drive to deliver high-quality work. She will be helping with content creation and support in HYPE DRINK´s key areas: brand ambassadors and influencers, Formula 1 and other sponsorships, music and artists, fashion, gaming.

On the other hand, I would like to invite to see my final assisgnment (BE RESISTENT. BE BLACK) for the subject “Creativity” in my 3rd course of University. I created a product and developed the whole marketing campaign for this product: AN ISOTONIC BEER. Because both my project and HYPE ENERGY are about beverage, you can see how much I like your product since long time ago. BE RESISTENT. BE BLACK: https://issuu.com/hannanavarroportfolio/docs/university_magazines_billboards_lea At the page 63, you can find the video campaings.

P.S. Please, do not place value to the graphic designs as I definitely improve so much! To see more of my work, please click here or issuu.com/hannanavarroportfolio 12


HYPE ENERGY 28th October 2016 Hanna Navarro Torres

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