Entrepreneur Magazine by Hans3.com

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TheSmallBizMag April Edition, 2014

By Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs!

Social Media For Small Business Julia Brooksbank


of a Career Change or Move? “The benefits ofbecoming a Pilates Teacher”

Share your story..

Theresa Fowler

The Importance of Image Chelle Shohet



Welcome To Small Biz Magazine For Entrepreneurs!



Hi and thanks for picking up this months addition of the Entrepreneur Biz News.


TWITTER - Online Marketing In 140 Characters By Paul Moses


THE WRITE STUFF By Theresa Fowler

Each month there will be loads of difference topics, tips and advice to help you find different ways to effectively run your business online. Also look out for guest articles in the future from guest experts giving advice on their specific niches. Enjoy Paul moses CEO Hans3.com

About the Editor Hello, my name is Paul Moses virtual assistant, online marketing specialist based in London and creator of Hans3. com 

I work with entrepreneurs, small business owners who typically struggle with time, motivation, long working hours and social or family commitments, and would like to stop doing the things in their business that take up too much time so they focus on the things they love i.e. paying clients! What separates my service from other virtual assistants is that I know the stress of running a business, I have supported my wife and plenty of other people like you through all aspects of business and I know what I takes to make a go of things. I’ve have been there and understand that at times it can be a lonely place especially when things get overwhelming and you desperately need support. And because of this my clients get someone who understands their business, focused help and is able to deliver great results!
 And ultimately they increase income, have more free time and dramatically improve their work life balance instantly.


07 08

BRILLIANT APPS THAT HELP YOU DO BUSINESS ONLINE By Paul Moses CAREER SPOTLIGHT - The benefits of becoming a Pilates Teacher By Donna Noll of infitness training





The benefits of becoming a Pilates Teacher


You can check out my social media profile at: /Hans3support /Hans3VAsupport Or check out my website www.hans3.com




Social Media For Small Business By Julia Brooksbank As a small business, social media should make you feel like a kid with the keys to a sweet shop: overawed by the choices available but slightly anxious that you’re going to make yourself feel a teeny bit ill…


f you’re still so overawed by the massive choice of social media available that you don’t know which sweet and sticky goodies to choose, this article will tempt you to take your first steps in social marketing without biting off more than you can chew!

Secondly, it’s so easy so that you can manage it yourself. At Nailtopia, I work with a lot of salons and nail technicians and I’ve seen a huge increase in these businesses using Facebook pages very effectively as a dynamic alternative to having a static developer-built website.

Google defines social marketing as sites other than your own where ‘people engage with, share and discuss your content’. Most of us have more than passing familiarity with Facebook – after all one third of the UK population currently uses Facebook every day – but most smaller business are not using the opportunities given to us by social media owners effectively and many are just not using them at all.

Thirdly, Google wants to you to do it! Your own website’s ranking on Google is influenced by the popularity of your site on social networking. The more people Google sees engaging with your site through social media, the higher up the rankings you’ll move. What’s more, your customers want you to do it! You’ll find that, whatever your business, you’ll have a core of passionate and loyal followers who may not necessarily be customers (yet!) who follow your every post.

There are some great reasons to use social media. Firstly, it’s free! Many social media sites will try to get you to spend by advertising, buying design templates or tempting you with extras, but you can really get a lot of mileage out of social media without spending any money.

And finally, oh yes, you can bet your competitors are doing it! And if they’re not, they soon will be! There are, of course, downsides to using these sites – for instance, it

Secondly, it’s very public. I’ve recently seen a small business destroy months of great marketing on Facebook by not tackling a customer’s very public complaint in a timely and professional manner. But it’s also controllable – it’s entirely up to you how open you allow your social media to be and how publicly >


can be time consuming, especially if you are easily distracted by pictures of kittens or shiny objects. My business is very visual so I post lots of product images on social media and my customers post images of work they’ve created. It’s very easy to loose track of time just browsing images so social media does require some self-discipline!



you respond to customer feedback. One business I know of set up an open Facebook page…and then left it! The page filled up with negative customer comments, mainly complaining that the business didn’t respond to them - because the page was not being monitored! So if I’ve convinced you to start unpeeling the shiny wrapper of social marketing but wondering where to start, here are some tips to help you move forward: 1. Which social media site(s) should I use? Make a list of the obvious social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest), take time to look at them one by one and decide if

they are relevant to your business. Are your customers already talking about you? What are they saying or posting? What are your competitors doing? 2. If you have your own website, check the Acquisition/Social dimension of your Google analytics report to see which social media sites are currently giving you referrals from social media 3. Look at how your competitors’ social media pages rank in Google – if competitors are achieving high rankings with a specific platform, then you should be there too! 4. Put aside a few minutes each day to check your pages, respond




to customers and make a post – I usually do this at the start of the day over a cup of tea before I get distracted! 5. Have a weekly post plan – jot it down on the back of an envelope if you must but do think about what you have to say, what your customers would like to hear. Plan which social media you’re going to use for which message and think about how they interact. I usually do this at the beginning of the week by planning a series of messages and image post for the week. I may never stick to it completely, but if I get half of it done, I’ve interacted with many more customers than if I hadn’t done it at all!

At Nailtopia, we aim to offer the widest, most innovative selection of nail art products in Europe - and excellent customer service! We’re based in the UK and specialise in professional quality, easy-to-use, instant nail art nail stickers. Most of our nail stickers are made specially for us in Japan by the world’s leading nail art manufacturers, so the quality is second to none! Website: http://www.nailtopia.co.uk




е’vе recently ѕееn thе lоng-аwаіtеd IPO fіlіng fоr Twitter, fоllоwіng on thе hееlѕ оf соuѕіn Fасеbооk. The brаnd is fіnаllу еmеrgіng аѕ a vіаblе online mаrkеtіng tооl for small business оwnеrѕ аnd thеrе’ѕ every rеаѕоn tо sit uр аnd tаkе nоtісе. There аrе nоw more thаn 140 mіllіоn асtіvе uѕеrѕ and аn estimated 350 million

twееtѕ еvеrу dау. Aѕ a ѕеаrсh engine іt rаnkѕ аhеаd оf both Bіng аnd Yahoo. It’ѕ аlѕо іntеrеѕtіng tо nоtе that оnе thіrd оf аll thоѕе people оn Twіttеr асtіvеlу fоllоw аt least one brаnd аnd thеrе’ѕ been a mаѕѕіvе аnd еxроnеntіаl increase in thе number оf Twіttеr users whо uѕе thе mеdіum to ѕееk buѕіnеѕѕ recommendations. Thе gооd news fоr

Twіttеr саn be used by thе small buѕіnеѕѕ оwnеr in mаnу dіffеrеnt wауѕ. Sоmе оrgаnіѕаtіоnѕ аrе choosing tо uѕе thе mеdіum tо fіеld consumer quеѕtіоnѕ, whіlе others are gоіng аll-оut tо gеnеrаtе nеw lеаdѕ. >


thе brands being followed? Two оut оf еvеrу thrее реорlе are vеrу lіkеlу to buy ѕоmеthіng.



Always rеmеmbеr thоugh thаt social media оf аnу kіnd hаѕ tо be аррrоасhеd somewhat dіffеrеntlу frоm an out аnd оut mаrkеtіng реrѕресtіvе. This іѕ whеrе a vіrtuаl assistant who ѕресіаlіѕеѕ іn ѕосіаl mеdіа will соmе іn vеrу hаndу. Remember thаt people аrе following your buѕіnеѕѕ fоr their оwn rеаѕоnѕ. They’re looking for something. Thіѕ is why you ѕhоuld consider рrоmоtіоnѕ аnd gіvеаwауѕ and оthеr types оf соntеnt that wіll hеlр tо kеер реорlе еngаgеd wіth you. You wаnt your mаrkеtіng mаtеrіаl tо go vіrаl іf роѕѕіblе аnd therefore you should аlwауѕ соnѕіdеr соntеnt that thе uѕеr would be kееn tо ѕhаrе іn turn wіth thеіr own followers and friends. Sіt down with уоur virtual аѕѕіѕtаnt and brainstorm аbоut hоw уоu’rе gоіng tо аррrоасh thе use of Twіttеr. It’ѕ not juѕt a tool that уоu ѕhоuld uѕе to blіndlу “twееt” any-

thing that comes to mіnd іn rеlаtіоn to уоur ѕubjесt. Yоu nееd tо have a соnѕіѕtеnt and іdеntіfіаblе voice аnd you nееd tо ensure thаt you аrе tаkіng a соmmаndіng роѕіtіоn, аѕ a gіvеr and аѕ an аuthоrіtу. Thеrе аrе a couple of things tо undеrѕtаnd hеrе fіrѕt. Anуtіmе уоu ѕее a hаѕh tаg in frоnt оf thе рhrаѕе this essentially іѕ rеfеrrіng tо a conversation around that ѕресіfіс topic. If уоu сlісk оn thе hаѕh tаg іt wіll take you tо any ѕеаrсh rеѕultѕ rеlеvаnt tо that tеrm. Identify whаt іѕ a good kеуwоrd fоr your nісhе аnd еnѕurе thаt a good раrt of уоur соnvеrѕаtіоn rеvоlvеѕ аrоund that. If уоu еngаgе іn a соnvеrѕаtіоn wіth ѕоmеbоdу else оn Twіttеr whісh соuld bе оf vаluе to уоu іn mаrkеtіng tеrmѕ thеn уоu саn uѕе thе “mеntіоn” attribute @. Whеn уоu аѕѕіgn this tо thе uѕеrnаmе аnd use іt wіthіn уоur mеѕѕаgе then it will appear in thе mеntіоnѕ section. Whеn you rерlу to ѕоmеbоdу оnlіnе thаt аnѕwеr іѕ рublіс. It wіll арреаr in thе tіmеlіnе оf the реrѕоn to whоm you аrе rерlуіng аѕ well аѕ

уоur оwn and іt wіll bе vіѕіblе іn the tіmеlіnеѕ оf everybody who fоllоwѕ you and thе оthеr реrѕоn. Use thе social media vіrtuаl аѕѕіѕtаnt’ѕ grарhісѕ ѕkіll tо design a hard-hitting рrоfіlе раgе fоr уоur оrgаnіѕаtіоn. Yоu don’t have tо uѕе аll оf thе ѕtосk imagery аnd design tооlѕ provided bу Twitter. It’ѕ роѕѕіblе thеѕе days tо dеѕіgn a рurроѕе buіlt wallpaper. Rеmеmbеr thаt thіѕ is раrt of уоur оnlіnе branding wіndоw and muѕt be соnѕіѕtеnt with уоur оthеr еffоrtѕ. Make great еffоrtѕ tо come асrоѕѕ аѕ bеіng human. Dоn’t thіnk thаt уоu ѕhоuld write everything іn a formal, contrived оr оvеrtlу рrоfеѕѕіоnаl tоnе. Yоu ѕhоuld bе as саѕuаl and соnvеrѕаtіоnаl аѕ уоu саn аnd rеmеmbеr thаt you’re аіmіng to get people to truѕt уоu. There are ѕо many robots in асtіоn іn thе Twіttеr-vеrѕе аnd quіtе a lоt of ѕраm, so you need to wоrk wіth your vіrtuаl аѕѕіѕtаnt to ensure thаt you соmе асrоѕѕ іn ѕuсh a wау аѕ to bе bеlіеvаblе and trustworthy. >




Eіthеr wау it’s роѕѕіblе tо bе creative аnd use the tооl to help еѕtаblіѕh уоur place within your niche, аѕ an еxреrt authority іn your industry.




I work with Small Businesses and entrepreneurs with a service-based business who really love what they do, but are overwhelmed with all the tasks that involves in social media, off & online marketing, These are the types of clients we work with: • Business coaches & mentors • Health & wellness professionals • Personal & virtual assistants • Life coaches

• Small business owners • Teachers and therapists • Authors • Speakers

For your free guide “ 6 strategies to help reduce overwhelm and get organised now”…

Go to





THE WRITE STUFF By Theresa Fowler

It’s been said that everyone has a book inside them. As an entrepreneur, you are already experienced in your passion, so then why not share your story with others who you could inspire and want to follow in your footsteps? Gone are the days when traditional publishers gave authors large advances in the hopes of big success. Instead, these days new authors who are accepted by the large publishing houses are made to do the bulk of their own marketing and publicity themselves, because there just isn’t the funding to put behind each and every book that is published. So with most authors having to put in the leg work to promote themselves anyway, this is another reason why self-publishing has become a popular way for entrepreneurs to get their stories out in a bigger way. Many entrepreneurs see writing a book as another project to sink their teeth into, considering that most write blogs and social media posts to engage their audiences.

Do It Yourself In this digital age, it is much easier to become an author through self-publishing, because you don’t need an agent to submit your work to the big houses. You can have your books printed direct from printing providers via Print On Demand (POD) services. There are a host of ‘vanity’ publishers that charge anything from £3k up to £10k+ to proofread, typeset, edit and press 100 or so copies of your book. However, this is a costly way of do-it-yourself publishing and doesn’t always guarantee distribution through channels such as Amazon, where the bulk of bookselling is done these days. There are also several POD services that offer both self-publishing and distribution, such as Lulu.

CompletelyNovel.com is a UKbased online publisher that offers an affordable service for self-published authors that includes ISDN numbers (essential if you want to sell your book through normal channels), as well as automatic distribution to online sites, including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other international outlets. How>


com and CreateSpace, Amazon’s self-publishing unit. If you do sign up to one of the named self-publishers, though, make sure that you do read the fine print: for instance, CreateSpace boasts about providing you with your ISDN number (your book’s barcode) so that your book can be sold easily online, but not about how it will then own the copyright to all of your hard work.



According to the 2014 Digital Book World and Writer’s Digest Author Survey found that just over 77% of self-published authors made or less than £800 last year ever, you don’t even need to publish a hard copy paperback if you just want to go the digital route. If you have a stack of ebooks you want published, you can get these converted to digital ePub files to upload onto Amazon’s Kindle store. If that all sounds too technical, you can hire someone on sites such as fiverr.com to convert a Word or PDF file for you.

Writer’s Block One thing you do need to be aware of, though, is that self-publishing with the goal to make money is not something that should be taken lightly — there are more than 6,000,000 books on Amazon alone. According to the 2014 Digital Book World and Writer’s Digest Author Survey found that just over 77% of self-published authors made or less than £800 last year,




with 53.9% of traditionally-published authors, and 43.6% of hybrid (both traditionally- and self-published) authors, reporting earnings as below that same threshold. However, writing a book will give you authority in your niche, thereby opening up other channels and opportunities, such as guest writing and blogging, joint venture partnerships and speaking engagements, including webinars and seminars. And if you book does eventually begin selling well, there’s always the chance that it will be picked up by a major publishing house after you’ve done the leg work of building an audience.

About Theresa Fowler Theresa Fowler is the author of Feel Like Sh*t? How to Stop Being Fat and the UK’s Only No Diet, No Calorie Counting Real Food Expert. She is also a public speaker, coach and broadcaster, sharing her story of 100lbs weight loss to inspire others into living healthier lives. http://www.feellikeshit.co.uk/mindset @sizedrop >







BRILLIANT APPS THAT HELP YOU DO BUSINESS ONLINE By Paul Moses Where did all of that time go? If you find yourself asking that particular question at the end of each and every day then it may well be time for you to consider how well you’re actually managing your time, in any given scenario. There are a number of excellent time tracking and management apps available for the entrepreneur or small business owner today. Let’s consider how some of these could enable you to better manage your most precious asset. Firstly, there’s a free app available for freelancers with plans allowing up to two users and three invoices per month over at Paymo. Here you will find a number of project management tools, an online invoicing functionality, a way to monitor the efficiency of your team and a suite of different reports. Can you really make time up? The developers at Make Some Time believe that you can. If you’ve ever been put off by the awkward design of some of these apps then you should be happy

here as it has one of the most pleasing interfaces you’ll find. Keep track of time according to clients, projects or tasks. Generate a variety of different reports and take advantage of an integrated invoicing function. There are a number of different apps that integrate with one of the leading project management tools Basecamp. Tick is one of them. As is usual there’s a free plan available allowing you to find out whether it’s going to help you with your empire building. This one doesn’t have many frills, but it is effective. Harvest is an integrated application that’s used by some prominent organisations around the world. It’s fairly easy to set up in a short amount of time. You can separate timesheets between employees and outside contractors, with an approval process included. Invoices can be sent seamlessly to the client and you can accept payments directly via the Web. If your specialty is as a creator of some

Even if you’re working with a time management tool, it’s often difficult to remember exactly what you were doing at any given point in a particular day. The computer activities tracking function in Timecamp is a great idea therefore. All of your computer activities are registered and measured and the time that you spend on them is allocated for you to see. You can of course pick some of the activities from this list in order to complete your timesheets and billing, but this is surely a good idea to help you function and avoid procrastination. Free to start off with and only $9 per month per user thereafter. >


kind then perhaps the right tool for you is Mite. The team behind this product claims that it was developed in collaboration with creators such as yourself, and those who perhaps don’t have an inordinate amount of patience when it comes to IT. So perhaps this is the solution for the quintessential freelancer. It’s certainly straightforward and simplistic and integrates well with third-party programmes.



Career Spotlight




The benefits of becoming a

Pilates Teacher

By Donna Noll of infitness training

PILATES – A system of exercising which, when practiced regularly will increase flexibility and strength, particularly in the deep stabilizing muscles of the spine and torso. one training and can take many different variations and forms from Classical Pilates (Joseph Pilates repertoire of 34 exercises) Clinical Pilates and Functional Pilates.

• Pilates can help to heal long and short-term injuries • Rebalance opposing muscle groups • Promote a more poised and positive posture •And create a sense of relaxation and mental wellbeing

In other words, it is now considered essential to strengthen our core muscles in a way that mimics the movements we use in our normal activities of living. These movements come from primal patterns such as bending and lifting, pushing and pulling, twisting and rotating, moving forwards backwards, side, up and down.

If you have ever attended a Pilates class before, you will have first hand experience of the amazing benefits that can be achieved by attending regular classes. You may also notice that Pilates is a form of exercise that suits a wide range of people with differing ages, abilities, medical conditions and specific needs.

Mobilizing and strengthening your torso in a way that will help you perform your normal activities of daily life withouttoo much stress and strain on unconditioned muscles and joints can only be good!

Pilates appears to be an exercise which most people, once experienced, continues to attend classes for many, many years! I personally have a class running which is now in its 7th year. Amazingly in that time only three members have changed!

Mat based Pilates is emerging as one of the top fitness trends in the world and is part of an ever growing market place! Have you ever considered becoming part of this ever-growing market place?

Pilates is in a growing industry with many more classes on offer than ever before. These classes take place in Community centre’s, village halls, Gyms, Health and Wellness centre’s, Physio and Osteopath practices and I actually ran a class for 2 years inside a church!

The opportunities for certified Pilates instructors are hugely increasing. A trend, which I see, shows little signs of slowing down!

Mat based Classes run as group exercise and one to

You do not need to be young, thin, flexible or able to perform Joseph Pilates advanced exercises yourself to become a Mat based Pilates instructor. You do not even need to be qualified as a Fitness instructor first, however you do need to have passion for Pilates! You need to be passionate about wanting to share your Pilates knowledge with others as well as wanting to practice Pilates yourself. Mat based Pilates training courses often run over weekends or as a more intensive course during the week. Muscular-skeletal Anatomy will be studied to ensure a deep understanding of the body is achieved before the practical element of the course is delivered. >







There are 7 units to be studied when training as a Pilates Instructor: Units 1-4 are the theoretical units and 5-7 the practical units. Unit 1 is the level 3 Anatomy and Physiology…(The exciting bit as it sets you up for a full understanding of how the body works) A 90 minute multiple choice exam will be sat to qualify for this part at some point over the practical course. Unit 2 Know how to support your clients who take part in Exercise and Physical Activity. This is all about the reasons why it is important to form effective relationships with your clients.

There are many Fitness training organizations that run Mat based Pilates training and although some are more well known than others. Large or well known doesn’t necessarily represent the best as many smaller Pilates training companies host excellent training.

Unit 3 Health Safety and welfare in the Fitness environment. Just as it states on the tin!

At Infitness Training we know how to do this well! 29 years in the fitness industry and two very successful studio’s delivering Pilates and Personal Training! 7 years tutoring and assessing but more importantly a HUGE passion to share our knowledge with you! We don’t just deliver this stuff, we walk the talk! We share our experiences, what works what doesn’t and we go one step further and show you how to market yourself, because we understand the importance of growing your business so that you may reach out and help more people!

Unit 4 Principles of Fitness, exercise and Health. A Final exam of multiple choice to be sat at some point during the practical course. Unit 5, 6 and 7 is the HOW to design, deliver, coach and evaluate a successful Pilates class! This is the part where you are given the skills and knowledge you require to become a successful and inspiring Pilates Instructor!

Would like to become a Pilates instructor in this ever growing market place? Would you like to work around your family and experience more flexibility in your life, control you’re earnings by becoming self employed? How would it make you feel if you could enhance your knowledge and skills in an area you are passionate about? Having the ability to practice and maintain your own body fitness? Spending more time with like-minded people and discovering the beauty of working to live and not living to work?

If the answer is yes and you are looking for further guidance on how to go about it please head over to www.infitnesstraining.co.uk Good Luck and be happy and healthy.

About Donna Noll Donna has been in the fitness industry for over 20 years and spent many years as a Tutor and Assessor for Future Fit Training before developing her own training company, InFitness Training Limited. During this time Donna has qualified as a gym instructor, personal trainer, ITEC Body Massage and level 3 Pilates instructor. As well as all this Donna has completed a great number of courses including; Anatomy and applied Kinesology, Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation, Body Pump and Body Step, The Psychology of Behaviour Change, Freestyle Yoga instructor, Pregnancy & Pilates and many more. >








It’s time to look after you! Invest in yourself! >




Today I want to talk to you about the importance of your personal style and appearance has not only on you as an individual but the effect it has on your business and brand also.




that best compliments your skin, take care of your appearance and most of all fall in love with yourself! If you truly love yourself, invest some time, take care of your skin, hair and nails but also discover and embrace your true body shape. You can then address your wardrobe and find out how to make it work hard for you. Then you will find that inner confidence will shine from you!

How long do you think you have to make your first impression? The truth is you have just 7 seconds! So with that in mind how much do you think you can actually say verbally in that very first 7 seconds of meeting someone? The reality is 7 seconds is barely enough time to say Hello let alone make a lasting good impression. So if we cannot rely on our verbal communication skills to make a good impression what else do we have to use? Well one of the biggest tools you have is your Image and body language.

You will be confident that whatever you put together will balance and compliment your body shape as well as your complexion. You can then stop worrying about what you’re going to wear to that all important meeting or special event freeing up your precious time and energy so that you can concentrate on what is important at that time rather than what you look like because you have the confidence to do so.

If you can show your inner confidence and a well groomed appearance then you will not only capture the other person’s attention but demand there respect. This is also true of the opposite so if you are not well groomed, not confident with in your own skin and unsure of your appearance this this will show through also. This is also true of your online image too! So if you have photographs online weather there of products or of you personally then make sure there portraying you in your best light. There clean, crisp and neat so that nothing detracts from the message your photo is supposed to give.

But also remember if you truly love yourself and truly embrace your body shape you can work with it not against it. You can also enjoy your body too. Our image is made up of many different elements. But if we establish a solid foundation for ourselves, embrace, love and look after ourselves and our appearance then whether we are online in photographs, videos or personally in front of others we can be confident we are at our best. Portray a confidence that others will be drawn to and find hard to ignore!

So with all of this information in mind, you have seven seconds to make a lasting impression, what could you do to give yourself a better chance of extending that 7 seconds or keeping their attention long enough to allow your verbal skills to improve your impression?

So if in 2014 you want to push your business forward, reach your goals and make it a year to remember. It’s time to look after you! Invest in yourself! And embrace your true body shape as well as learn the simple but invaluable lessons of wardrobe editing and your personal colours and style. I promise you will never look back!

In my experience the answer is to discover and embrace your true body shape as well as your best colours pallet

Chelle Shohet

My name is Chelle Shohet and I’m a Personal Stylist & Personal Shopper based in Hertfordshire. I’ve had a passion for fashion as long as I can remember. My ethos is that everyone deserves to feel confident in their own skin, to stand tall and experience that wonderful feeling you get when someone compliments your appearance. www.cstyleuk.com /chellesstyle >








Stress is the body’s reaction to a change that may require a response or adjustment. It can be a positive thing if it keeps threatening or us alert and ready to flee from something dangerous. But continuous stress is something that must be controlled. If stress is persistent, with no sign of relief or respite, it can have an adverse effect on your physical and mental well-being. >




Consider these facts:




amount of talking or screaming or crying will help unless you can pinpoint what they are since only you are privy to them.

Stress is the main cause of a majority of ailments that people seek treatment for when they consult with their doctor.

Fears. This is a tough one. You may have genuine fears like fear of heights, fear of drowning, fear of crowds. Then there are situational fears like fear of failing, fear of public speaking.

Stress is behind many problems such as headaches, insomnia, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma and anxiety.

Beliefs. This is self imposed. Sometimes you want something to turn out precisely how you envision it to be. We all know this is not always the case.

Stress can cause eating disorders that, if left undiagnosed, can lead to more serious illnesses and even death. Stress is a recognised hazard in the workplace. If it is an acknowledged hazard at work, it should hold the same even at home.

So how should you manage your stress?

Uncertainty. No one can know everything that is bound to happen. Even if you were to list all the possible permutations for something, there is likely going to be something you missed. Because of this, you might feel like a leaf being blown in the wind, out of control.

What are some possible life stressors?

Luckily, if you are reading this, you have already made a conscious decision to get a handle on your stress levels. And identifying your stress triggers is already half the battle. In any tactical war, you need to know your enemy. In this case, your enemy is stress, and knowing how to ward it off will give you a map to head towards a life with less anxiety. Your goal is a full life. And if stress pops up every now and then, you’ll know how to handle it, because you recognise it and know what to do about it.

First of all you need to identify what causes your stress. What are your stress triggers? What is it that stresses you out? Are they something in passing, like a new project that just baffles you? Or has it been around for a long time, like the quality of your work environment? You need to take a long, honest, hard look at what you have on your plate to figure out what the next step ought to be.

There are basically two types: internal and external stressors. External stressors can be from a variety of things that happen to you. Some are beyond your control and may be unforeseen. Identifying them will help you better understand what stresses you out and figure out how to deal with them. Major life changes. These can be good ones like marriage, moving to a new home, a promotion. These can also be negative ones like illness or a death in the family. Environment. How organised is your workspace? Your home? Do you live in a fairly quiet neighborhood? Or do you have problematic neighbors? Are you sensitive to too much light coming in to your room in the morning? Social. Unless you are a hermit, you will have to interact with people on a regular basis. And these can run the gamut from blind dates to big corporate gatherings. Curve Balls. These are the unplanned events that we never saw coming, whether big or small. A sudden rise is gasoline prices, an uninvited house guest, your neighbours dog trampling all over your favourite rose bush. Internal stressors are a bit more complicated. They are the inner dialogue you have with yourself and no

Paul Moses








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