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TheSmallBizMag May Edition, 2014

By Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs! MINDSET MATTERS By Michele Walsh



MARKETING By Tom Crawshaw




Welcome To Small Biz Magazine For Entrepreneurs!



Hi and thanks for picking up this months addition of the Entrepreneur Biz News.





Each month there will be loads of difference topics, tips and advice to help you find different ways to effectively run your business online. Also look out for guest articles in the future from guest experts giving advice on their specific niches. Enjoy Paul moses CEO

Shortlisted for best Virtual assistant 2014 award

About the Editor Hello, my name is Paul Moses virtual assistant, online marketing specialist based in London and creator of 

I work with entrepreneurs, small business owners who typically struggle with time, motivation, long working hours and social or family commitments, and would like to stop doing the things in their business that take up too much time so they focus on the things they love i.e. paying clients! What separates my service from other virtual assistants is that I know the stress of running a business, I have supported my wife and plenty of other people like you through all aspects of business and I know what I takes to make a go of things. I’ve have been there and understand that at times it can be a lonely place especially when things get overwhelming and you desperately need support. And because of this my clients get someone who understands their business, focused help and is able to deliver great results!
 And ultimately they increase income, have more free time and dramatically improve their work life balance instantly.


08 09






The 4 Powerful Ways of Personal Branding


You can check out my social media profile at: /Hans3support /Hans3VAsupport Or check out my website





By Michele Walsh

You know the strategies, you know the goals so what’s so difficult about achieving them? Assuming they are your goals, dreams and aspirations what could be more compelling than the feeling of achieving them….. In that sentence lies a hidden secret, something that is keeping your dreams away from you.

the pictures, the thoughts and the feelings you can create associated with your goals you trick your mind into believing they are here and happening, this opens up your mind to see the opportunities to make them happen.

lighten you…

You see your mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what you are making up, so in order to attract your dreams into your life quicker, you need to imagine it has happened already.

That’s not to say you can sit there visualising, thinking and feeling your dreams and do nothing, you do have to take the action necessary to make your dreams a reality.

There are many reasons that success eludes you or can seem difficult to achieve….. let me explain

Somewhere deep inside there is an irritating little voice that is putting obstacles in your way to stop you in your tracks! What exactly is going on?

You are a sum total of all your experiences since the day you were If it’s that easy why aren’t more of conceived, you pop into the world The more vivid the imagination, us doing it more often? I will en- with only the fear of loud noises >




and falling as your inbuilt protective mechanisms so where does the fear of going for exactly what you want, come from? Simple – it’s learnt behaviour, from your experiences at school, parents, home, peers everything that you are at this moment in time has been a collection of all your thoughts and experiences. This is the your blueprint from where your own reality comes from and forms your beliefs about success, money, confidence, self worth and all the values you need to create your own success.

for not doing something it’s stopping you growing your business

Understanding the obstacles…..

Put your past behind you. Your past has gone, tomorrow isn’t here yet and all that matters is the now, practise being in’ the moment. This takes conscious effort but soon becomes your new default setting. Remember all that you are has come about by creating habits, so focus on creating new habits that serve you better.

Procrastination stops you moving forward, whatever it is that you are avoiding, its those inner voices having a dramatic effect on your decisions. That comes from ‘old programming’ the way you have operated for years. It can be seeking perfection, so you never feel like anything you do is ‘good enough’ first time. It can be fear of what people will think if you really step up and step out there in a big way, whatever your ‘reason’

Simple steps you can make now to accelerate your success.. Raise your awareness, what do you keep telling yourself and why? Do you really believe all that you are telling yourself? The easiest way to change your story is tell yourself something new, create your new learnt behaviour. The more you tell yourself something the more you believe it.

To create new thoughts and beliefs you have to practise something consistently for 21-90 days depending on how quickly




you personally create new habits. Don’t overwhelm yourself change one or two thoughts/beliefs at a time and when they become normality for you, expand and develop new ones. Be consistent, create reminders all around you to prompt your new patterns of thought and behaviour, at first you will need to make the effort to force yourself to do this but very quickly it will happen automatically. All the initial effort will be worthwhile, as you practise this new way of being, you will feel more positive, happier in yourself, lighter as if a weight has been lifted from you and maybe a taste of your true potential which is LIMITLESS! If you are in business and brilliant at what you do but don’t have the income to justify the hours you are putting in then make a start to believing in yourself, getting out of your own way, create compelling vision and keep telling yourself – I can do it! Because if you believe you can, YOU CAN!

Michele Walsh My name is Michele Walsh a Business Confidence Coach. Having gone from boss to broke 7 years ago I know first hand what it is like to lose your confidence overnight and have to start again. I now empower particularly women in business to literally ‘double their income’ anything from 5 weeks to 12 months by increasing their own confidence to go out and attract the exact ideal clients they just love working with. /MicheleWalshMsMoneyMaker >







THE 4 POWERFUL WAYS OF PERSONAL BRANDING What separates successful people from the rest? Successful people get noticed. You don’t see through them. They attract attention and therefore, attract opportunities, people and wealth. We shall briefly go into a definition of success to establish the fact that we are not talking just about material wealth or outwardly visible status symbols but real substantial success. Success may mean many things to different people. However, what most of us would agree is that successful people do not just have material wealth; they are also happy and popular. In other

words, they may have reached a comfortable state of emotional, social and perhaps, even spiritual balance. They are rarely upset when things don’t go as expected. They feel at home, whether they are alone or in the company of friends, colleagues or acquaintances. They have found a place in the hearts and minds of the people around them. So, how do successful people achieve this state? They do so by attracting opportunities to utilize their talent and skills, connecting with other people and generating appreciation, goodwill and sometimes even

Successful people are visible and they are credible. No amount of talent or hard work can match a deliberate and systematic approach to making your presence felt. You are an individual and if you want others to look at you in the same way, then you need to turn the spotlight on you. We are all taught that modesty is a virtue and that bragging about ourselves is not an attrac>


praise for their efforts, which converts to a reliable means of income.



tive quality. This does not however mean that we merge ourselves into the crowd. You need to assert your individuality and raise the flag of your potential to perform. Only then will you gain opportunities to prove what you are capable of. Look at successful people around you. They get noticed. People trust them because they know they can deliver. They are visible and credible. Rise up from the sea of sameness. Whether you are a plumber or a pianist, an executive or an entrepreneur, you need to create an aura of noticeability around you. You need to come out of the sea of sameness and establish your own island of individuality. How do you do this? There are 4 simple yet powerful ways of establishing your personal brand. Yes, just like any brand that people choose to buy from a supermarket shelf or




a restaurant or hotel that people choose to visit over other lesser known me-too brands, you can also develop the ability to attract not just people’s attention but also attract opportunities and wealth.

ognition bestows credibility on you in the eyes of potential clients or customers. So, don’t ignore any achievement, however small. Leverage your achievements to strengthen your personal brand.

So, here are the 4 powerful ways of branding yourself. 1. Branding by Association 2. Branding by Achievement 3. Branding by Testimonial 4. Branding by WOW

Branding by Testimonial is asking people to express their opinion about you. It’s not unlike a brand or a book or a movie getting good reviews from trusted critics. When people hear about you from a third person, it creates better credibility than you blowing your own trumpet.

Branding by Association is the first step to establishing your individuality. When you associate yourself with well-known personalities, their credibility and visibility enhances your own personal brand. There are many ways you can associate, through networking, attending seminars and conferences or taking part in collaborative projects. Branding by Achievement is by announcing the milestones, awards and accolades that you have received. Even a small rec-

Branding by WOW is by far the most underutilized. When people see a rainbow in the sky, they hold their breath. Why? That’s because a rainbow is a rare occurrence not an everyday affair. Similarly, you should create the impression that you are a rarity. In any field, there are people who do the ordinary and there are those who rise above. This is what you can achieve with Branding by WOW.

Vishal Morjaria Vishal Morjaria, transformational coach, speaker, award winning author and author of the best-selling book, Flab to Fab, is someone who has seen adversity at close quarters and successfully overcome challenges to create a rewarding career and lifestyle for himself and others. Vishal lives in the UK but travels extensively across Africa, Asia, and Europe as part of his work and to expand his cultural and spiritual awareness. Vishal shows individuals and entrepreneurs how to enhance their income and opportunities through Branding by WOW and other exciting techniques. To learn more visit








How To Deal With A Confused Client By Paul Moses

The world of the entrepreneur can indeed be confusing. It can be hard enough sometimes to understand what’s going on when you’re on the cutting-edge of developments and progress in your chosen dynamic industry as a small biz owner. Imagine how difficult it can be to grasp the intricacies when you’re a client sometimes?





The world of the entrepreneur can indeed be confusing. It can be hard enough sometimes to understand what’s going on when you’re on the cutting-edge of developments and progress in your chosen dynamic industry as a small biz owner. Imagine how difficult it can be to grasp the intricacies when you’re a client sometimes?




what you need them to do in order to help you do your job. The confused client may expect rather more than you can provide realistically in a short space of time. So therefore you need to ensure that you’re very clear about what you can and cannot do, what is reasonable and what should be expected. It’s a good idea to frame everything in bite sized chunks, so to speak, so that the client can see what you need to do in step 1 before you can proceed to step 2 and so on.

The client who is confused despite your best efforts to educate can be one of the most challenging you will face as a entrepreneur. How are you going to deal with this type of relationship? Most clients or hot prospects are intelligent people. Nevertheless, their expertise lies in an area outside of your industry sphere. They may have a bricks and mortar establishment, They may be an educator who wishes to reach a certain goal for the first time. The odds are that they have come across some information on google before and understand that it’s important for them to get help. They may be aware of personal training, business coaching and know that whatever your service provides is a critical part of their future, but they don’t know where to start.

Reassure your clients that they don’t really need to know “how” to do all this and that you’re there to help them, so that they can focus on what they’re truly good at doing, without any sort of distraction.

Not only do they not know where to start, they find it difficult to comprehend what you’re saying as the expert in the field. Their confusion may be augmented by other factors such as money and family commitments. When you combine confusion with fear it can sometimes lead to an element of panic. When you’re faced with a client like this it’s a good idea to have a description of the various tasks that you’re able to perform written in plain English. Forget all the jargon but focus on the benefits to the client. You don’t have to go into detail - and in fact this could be counterproductive. They don’t need to know how you do this, but they do need to know why. It can be difficult to understand just how search engine optimization, weight loss or mindset works, and indeed why it should work at all. Once again there’s nothing to be gained by going into detail but just explain what you’re trying to achieve, from a holistic point of view and

Paul Moses








I work with Small Businesses and entrepreneurs with a service-based business who really love what they do, but are overwhelmed with all the tasks that involves in social media, off & online marketing, These are the types of clients we work with: • Business coaches & mentors • Health & wellness professionals • Personal & virtual assistants • Life coaches

• Small business owners • Teachers and therapists • Authors • Speakers

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HOW YOU RESIST EXPANSION WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT Survival in business these days requires not only book smarts but also street smarts.

Every one of the most successful and most profitable businesses in the world shares a common theme - delegation. In order to be successful you have to be able to replicate your secret sauce, your successful product or service and to provide the infrastructure and support as you expand. It’s quite simple really and this formula applies to the “oneman” entrepreneur operation and all the way up to the IBM’s of this world. Unless you have that formula in place you can’t succeed. Of course you may well survive for a period of time, but in the grand >




scheme of things you will be just “spinning your wheels.” Somebody else will come along who is a little bit smarter than you and be able to do what you do, a little bit better.

be undertaken and each of these jobs takes a certain amount of time. Each one of us only has a set amount of hours in any given day and so we can boil it all down to a mathematical equation. As your business grows Survival in business these days re- you personally cannot complete quires not only book smarts but all these jobs anymore and you also street smarts. Being book must outsource. smart requires you to provide an excellent product or service and This is where many businesses fall a good reason for people or or- down. They fail to identify it, when ganisations to buy it. This enables this particular moment arrives you to set up your business in the and simply modify their approach first place and get it moving, after to make sure that they get everyall. However, you also need to be thing done that needs to be done, street smart and this means that but no more. It’s not as if they’ve you have to be able to foresee dif- refused to expand or grow, it’s that ficulties and understand what it they create boundaries around takes to expand and grow. their organisation preventing them from growing. This is known A growing business requires as a failure to outsource, a failure constant maintenance. As you to appreciate that expansion is grow, more and more jobs must not physically or practically possi-

ble unless you delegate. It’s amazing what happens when you finally decide that you have to delegate. It’s a little bit like saving for retirement. If you put a little bit away as an investment on a regular basis it can compound and before you know it you have a substantial nest egg. In business terms, if you allocate some of your funds to outsourcing to a virtual assistant you’re investing in your future. You release valuable time enabling you to expand and grow. Here again, before you know it, you have a nice business nest egg that’s now not reliant upon your efforts alone, but rather is representative of a well-oiled machine. You may not end up with an IBM sized organisation, but when you finally realise that delegation is crucial, the sky truly is the limit. >










HOW SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING MAY BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION By Paul Moses We’re beginning to learn a lot about how the major search engines, Google specifically, place more and more relevance on content and social buzz. We have come a long way from the days when a webpage could, theoretically, get considerable exposure and as a consequence valuable traffic just by focusing on keyword spamming. It was as if the algorithms employed by the search engines were very rudimentary and simply could not see that a “black hat” marketer could exploit the search engine business for their short-term gain. These days a webpage is seen as being relevant in relation to someone’s search only if it satisfies a number of more complex and increasingly interrelated criteria. The content itself must be “meaty.” Through the use of extensive databases, relevant standards & synonymic analysis the engines are able to determine whether the content is spammy or informative. We have moved further. The search engine not only wants to know if traffic is actually visiting a given page, it wants to

know if the visitor likes what they eventually find there. Furthermore, mentions on social networking sites are being seen as increasingly more relevant, timely and up-to-date. Content is still king in today’s world, as after all everything can be boiled down to a quest for information online, but many people reason that context is equally as regal a consideration as the content itself. If “likes,” “shares” and “re-tweets” are important parts of the ranking algorithm for any website in the future, does this mean that social media marketing is becoming as important as search engine optimisation, if not more so? Reputations can be won or lost in social media circles and this has significant bearing on the company’s standing in a particular marketplace. Social media marketing efforts have to cover many different bases. We are not only talking about a potential boost in search engine rankings, but we are talking about brand ex-

How many different facets are there when it comes to social media marketing? Fundamentally you must have a means of building your platform with relevant, timely, informative and valuable content. Your platform should serve as a launching board enabling you to communicate with social networking sites of relevance. Furthermore, a means of drawing attention to your efforts can also be considered, through a process known as social bookmarking. For a small business owner who is already swamped with daily duties it can all seem as if it is too much to bear. As hard as they may try to find the time, it’s just not there. Try to get help consolidating and coordinating all of these tasks, to help build, slowly but surely, your small businesses social media marketing presence. It’s important to remember that both consistency and tenacity will always win through whenever reputations are being built in the social media market. >


posure and reputation, together with potential conversions.







Do you ever find yourself discounting your fees and training anyone who will say yes only to find that they are your most demanding and frustrating clients? I come across this all the time with trainers and people in other industries. I’ve even experienced it first hand. Those clients who are happy to pay your fees on time are usually lovely to deal with. Those who push for a discount often make late payments and drain your physically and emotionally. Of course I’m generalizing here. But that is a pretty common pattern of behaviour. Focusing on one particular market and becoming the expert in that area will ALWAYS 100% increase the response to your marketing.

So how do prevent this type of thing from happening all while positioning yourself as the expert and charging more?

If you don’t have a target market I’m about to share with you a process to help you define yours.

It’s simple. You need to laser focus in on who you want to work with - your target market.

For Starters First, you must narrow your market down by gender and age. For example, the mums market is women aged 25 to 40. So take a look at your existing clients, and figure out what sort of demographic contains most of them.

This will allow you to craft your marketing message to talk directly to this pocket of people. They will feel like they know you. They will see you as a specialist.





You then need to ask your clients, “What keeps you up at night?” What are they thinking about before they go to bed? What do they talk to their partner about before they go to sleep? What is the most painful, frustrating thing in their life right now? What’s holding them back from losing weight? What limitations do they have? How do they want to feel about themselves and their body?

results you want? • In an ideal world, what would your perfect transformation look like? Creating Your Customer Avatar Based on your research, you will be able to create a customer avatar. This is basically a paragraph describing your market as a single person. How To Use Your Avatar In Your Marketing? Call out to your specific market on your website. Talk to their specific needs instead of offering fat loss, toning, muscle building etc.

Now, of course you wouldn’t just overtly ask them these questions. You want to simply get into a conversation and do some digging around these questions. Ask them “Why?” and “How does that make you feel?”. These two questions will help elicit an emotional response.

Help them with their pains and frustrations in your emails - empathize with them.

If you’re talking about over 60’s their pace of life is slower, most will still be working, they’ll want to improve their flexibility, keep fit and healthy but probably not to build muscle!

Tailor your artwork on your Facebook page, flyers and website. Create marketing funnels that target your demographic. If you’re using Facebook you can effectively target women over 60. So if you talk to their pains and aspirations in your ad then they will see you are talking to them, click your ad and opt-in to your program.

They motivation is to improve the quality of their life, reduce injuries, be mobile enough to still get around on their own and see their family. What Do They Aspire To? Once we figure out their pain or frustration, we need to find out what their aspirations are. What do they want to look like? What is the end result that they want? Do they want the bikini body? Do they want the six-pack abs? Do they just want to improve their mobility and fitness levels?

Action Steps »» Define the demographic you’re going to focus on. »» Interview three of your clients that fit this demographic, asking them some questions to discover their deeper motivations. »» Create a customer avatar: Write a paragraph describing your market as a single person; you can even name them if you want. Talk about what their day looks like, their frustrations, experience with exercise, etc.

Are they a little bit overweight, and want to get into the best shape of their life, or are they obese and want just look normal again? Those are two different markets and you want to talk to each of them in its own language. They have different motivations, and aspire to different results.

Tom Crawshaw from is the Facebook ads guy for the fitness industry. He helps fit pros get more clients through effective marketing on Facebook so they can grow their business and create more freedom in their life. Follow me on facebook. /PtMastermind

Here are some questions that you can ask about the frustrations and aspirations of your markets. • What does your day look like? • What made you decide to do what’s necessary to lose the weight? • How would losing the weight make you feel? • How have you tried to lose the weight in the past? • What does fitness and weight loss mean to you? • What’s been holding you back from getting the











By John Allan Self-employed? What’s written below can apply to new start businesses, one man bands, experienced entrepreneurs or the man in the street.

Failure? Success? Rejection? We are born with only two fears. The fear of sudden loud noises and the fear of falling. Everything else is a learned behaviour which can be reversed. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve had the issue, it can be changed and quickly too.

Perhaps you worry about what the competition are doing. Maybe you’re long enough in the tooth not to get drawn into price wars and trying to undercut everyone. More about that in a minute. Speaking of competition, is competition your biggest threat anyway?

Perhaps you spend a lot of valuable time procrastinating and prefer to hear the sound of the hoover or feel the warmth of hot soapy dishwater rather than forge ahead with the important stuff that’ll push your business to grow as you would like.

Or is it yourself? Just ponder that one a while. I know it can be hard to imagine how you could be a possible threat to your own business, but let me explain. Read on…

To ask for help may strike you as a sign of weakness, but really it doesn’t have to be like that.

Now what gets in your way? Let me see, networking, picking up the phone, public speaking or approaching other businesses with a JV in mind?

How would it be for you, if you could stay out of your own way for long enough, to allow those things that fill you with fear and dread to be completed? To be able to focus on the task in hand until it’s complete.

What do you shy away from?

Well you can.

What causes you stress, anxiety, worry or fear?

When you realise that the whole scenario playing >







out in your head is just a construct, then you can breathe a sigh of relief.

screen. The projector is your mind, the screen is your consciousness and the film is thought.

It is only a thought.

Being aware of a thought will give you the chance to decide what to do with it. Being unaware puts you at its mercy. A thought is powerless without your participation. As humans we tend to be experts at making ‘stuff’ up and then believing it…..It’s just a story.

Put it this way, if you turned on the T.V and the programme that appeared wasn’t to your liking you’d change the channel, right? Or maybe the music really grated on your nerves, you’d turn it down. Well guess what? You can do that to your thoughts also. There are various different techniques for doing just that. From EFT, to TFT, NLP to hypnotherapy. It’s all about finding the difference that makes the difference. To you these methods may be a bunch of random letters. In the hands of a skilled practitioner, your life will change, because if you, like me, enjoy seeing and feeling fast effective change your life for good.

So the next time you feel yourself being tempted by the hoover, the kitchen sink or whatever it is you do, to avoid doing something in your business, then just pause and think about your thoughts. How ‘true’ are they and where is your evidence to back up your ‘story’. As is often the case, the evidence won’t exist. Ok, back to pricing then, or had you forgotten about that? If you have trouble setting a price for your product or service, it all boils down to you and your own self-worth. It has nothing to do with what you think the client will pay, because let’s face it there are clients to cover all price points. There are the bargain hunters, then you have the middle of the road clients and of course there is the top end, only the most expensive is good enough type client.

Listen, you don’t know what your next thought is going to be, do you? They just appear. There isn’t any choice here. The choices exist though in whether or not you hold onto that thought, and turn it into a full scale production. If you’re feeling bad, then examine your thoughts. The thought, creates the feeling, causing the action which will determine the outcome. Whatever you think is projected in front of you as your experience of the world.

What you think other people will think of your pricing is mind reading and that in and of itself is, once more, to be making stuff up. Your pricing is a direct result of how you value yourself. Believe me when I say this, you really are worth it.

Using the movie analogy if I may, you can’t change the actor’s actions by shouting at the screen. In fact you’d have to go to the back of the cinema and into the projection room, to affect what you see on the

John Allan I’m John Allan a coach and hypnotherapist based in Glasgow, although I do work via Skype for my clients who can’t make face to face sessions. I specialise in fast and effective change, be that in removing phobias, working with clients who suffer from confidence issues or helping them release the anxieties and stresses that have been holding them back in life. You really can change your mind! FAST! /themindfixformula










NOT BE HAPPY IN BUSINESS By Paul Moses How do you actually measure happiness in life? Is it based on material possessions - hopefully not - or is it based on a combination of stability, the spiritual and relationships? We work for a reason, even though it seems to occupy the lion’s share of our life. We are working to provide resources to enable us to enjoy life. This enjoyment may well include helping others, charitable contributions and altruistic endeavours, but we nevertheless operate our businesses for specific reasons.

able to access a lot of our software programs through “the cloud” these days, you probably find that you log on from your home office computer, as well. 3. When was the last time that you were able to accept an invitation to take part in one of those charity golf scramblers? You probably can’t remember the last time that you picked up a club, let alone took the time to take part in something for such a good cause. Remember that these types of events are great networking opportunities, too.

Have you even thought about this question recently, because in truth many of us just don’t sit down and take a deep breath, to look at our lives from a more holistic perspective? If you’ve asked yourself this question already, consider these additional four questions to ask yourself about your happiness.

4. When was the last time that you landed a sizeable, new contract at work, based on a specific and new initiative? Are you relying too much on existing clients, sometimes known as the “all your eggs in one basket” syndrome? You may feel as if you’re just too busy dealing with everything that’s on your plate to even think about expanding in different directions.

1. When was the last time that you took your spouse or significant other on a long weekend getaway? This kind of activity is so important in helping to recharge and rejuvenate, not just for you but for your partner or spouse as well. When you’re in the same place, week in and week out you tend to get a little burned out and need a change of scenery occasionally.

As you can see, when you look at everything from a broader perspective you may realise that life is not particularly fulfilling right now. Surely it’s time to delegate and outsource, to free up a considerable portion of your time. When you do this it’s amazing how life will change for you. You will be able to spend more time with your family, keep the work in its rightful place, spend important time expanding and stop “running in place.” You might even be able to accept that odd invitation to the golf course, of all things!

2. When was the last time that you enjoyed a quiet weekend at home without taking work home with you? Admit it, you have a desk and chair in your home office and probably a pile of paperwork in the corner. As we are





‘The 10 Day Adventure Of A Life Time.’

The Wild Well-Being Safari

What Is The Wild Well-Being Safari About? An all-inclusive 10-day’s of luxurious 5 star accommodation, adventure, daily safaris, healthy food and a range of exercise options. Experience Africa’s hidden gem, Zimbabwe; fly over one of the eight Natural Wonders of the World in a helicopter, see your first wild lion, relax and enjoy the smell of an African thunderstorm approaching, taste the local delicacies, fall asleep to a sky filled with stars and wake up to the beautiful orange sunrise and the sound of an elephant casually walking past.

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Become a contributor to Small Biz News! Have an idea for an great article? I am looking for articles that are filled with howto tips for the entrepreneurs with a service-based business (e.g. coaches, authors, personal trainer, speakers, consultants).

Please read the following guidelines:

Here are the topics that I would love for you to write about:

• How-to tutorials (with actionable tips) • Must contain 400-800 words • High quality and written in proper English (no spelling & grammar errors please) • No affiliate links • Please do not send an article that you have already published on your own blog or elsewhere, and no recycled articles are allowed. • Articles must not be published anywhere else, including your own blog, but you can tell people about your guest post on my magazine • Include a short author bio with a link to your website and 1 social networking profile • All articles submitted are checked with Copyscape to ensure that they are original. • Must have a Hi res personal image, business logo and submit an image to complement your article.

• Search Engine Optimization • Social Media Marketing • WordPress tips and tricks • Tools and tricks for entrepreneurs running an online business • Online visibility tips • Time management • Client attraction tips • List building • Real-life lessons from solo professionals • Productivity tools and tricks for solo entrepreneurs • Anything mindset

Think you can write fabulous content in any of these topics? Great! Send me an email to and I’ll get back to you whether it’s a good fit for my magazine! >




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