Highlights from ISRC's 2010 Annual Report

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Annual Report Summary FY10 Services Impact Parent Stress Levels While serving individual students, ISRC Home-School Teams identify strategies and interventions aimed at increasing appropriate behaviors, reducing inappropriate behaviors, and reducing stress for parents, educators, and students. At each on-site visit to schools and homes, the parents, educators, and students are each asked to assess their level of stress related to the behavioral issue on a scale of one to ten (one is lowest stress, ten is highest stress). The percentage change reported below was calculated by comparing the stress rating at the first visit in FY10 to the last visit.

Number of Parents Included in Study = 55

Parents reported the greatest decrease in stress of the three groups. ISRC services are unique, and families receiving individual student technical assistance may be experiencing that level of individualized behavior support for the first time. Educators and students who receive individual support services from ISRC do have access to other resources prior to and in addition to ISRC support.

The Illinois Service Resource Center (ISRC) was initiated to serve as the initial point of contact for parents, professionals, school personnel and other service providers, for children in Illinois who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and who exhibit behavioral and/or mental health challenges. The ISRC serves the individual needs of each child by providing information, technical assistance and training. As a component of the Illinois Statewide Technical Assistance Center (ISTAC), ISRC serves the behavioral needs of students in Illinois who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing at all three tiers of the Response to Intervention continuum: Universal, Targeted, and Intensive. The Illinois Service Resource Center is funded with federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds that flow through the Illinois State Board of Education. ISRC ■ 3444 W Dundee Road Northbrook IL 60062 ■ 847-559-8195 ■ www.isrc.us ■ isrc@isrc.us ■ FY10 Annual Report Summary Page 1

Services Impact Student Behavior Systematic Information Management of Educational Outcomes (SIMEO) is a shared data collection platform utilized by the various projects of the Illinois State Board of Education’s Statewide Technical Assistance Center. Data on individual student behavioral and emotional functioning at home and in school is collected quarterly. In FY10, SIMEO data was collected on eighty-two of ISRC’s 147 Active Students. ISRC has been collecting SIMEO data on students for three years, and is now able to look at longitudinal data on students served from July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2010. The ISRC Longitudinal Study Sample includes seventy-four students. The following graphs demonstrate student improvement during that time period.

Overall Emotional Functioning

Emotional Functioning at School

Emotional Functioning at Home

Student Classroom Behavior

ISRC ■ 3444 W Dundee Road Northbrook IL 60062 ■ 847-559-8195 ■ www.isrc.us ■ isrc@isrc.us ■ FY10 Annual Report Summary Page 2

Number of Discipline Referrals

Need for Additional Assistance in Classroom

Overall, students demonstrated an increase in Emotional Functioning both at home and at school. At home, the most significant increase reported was in student ability to handle disagreements. Improvements were also noted in student ability of knowing how to ask for help and when to ask for help. At school, student ability to handle disagreements also showed improvement, along with ability to control anger and respond like other youth to emotional situations. In school, these students exhibited a reduction in the number of discipline referrals, along with a reduction in the number of expulsions. The areas in which they demonstrated the greatest improvements are related to social skills, particularly socially appropriate behavior with friends, socially appropriate behavior when unsupervised in the classroom, and ability to make friends. These students also demonstrated a decrease in need for additional academic and behavioral supports.

Interventions Support Positive Student Behavior ISRC team members work with educators, families, and Home-School Teams to develop individualized service plans to support the behavior of students at the Intensive Level need of intervention.



Teach, Model, Prompt, Reinforce


Reinforcement chart/earning rewards


Over sixty specific interventions have been identified. Parenting skills Most service plans include more than one intervention, and include interventions in multiple environments includ- Provide choices ing home, school, and community. Visual strategies


After the initial meeting of the Home-School Team, Teach student to request to escape members meet again at regular intervals to review the im- something in an appropriate way plementation of the interventions and to discuss outcomes. Data collection coaching


In FY10, 147 active students received a total of 693 onsite visits, resulting in 556 service plans or updates to service plans. The most frequent interventions included Teach/ Model/Prompt/Reinforce, development of reinforcement charts combined with earning rewards, parenting skills, providing choices, and visual strategies.

Replacement behavior


Teach student to request /obtain something in an appropriate way


Social stories


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ISRC ■ 3444 W Dundee Road Northbrook IL 60062 ■ 847-559-8195 ■ www.isrc.us ■ isrc@isrc.us ■ FY10 Annual Report Summary Page 3

FY10 Highlights In FY10 ISRC served the educational teams and families of individual students, while at the same time providing services and resources to build capacity to serve these students at the local level. A total of 693 on-site visits were provided to schools and homes for 147 individual students during FY10. Quarterly training was provided for twentyseven Deaf/Hard of Hearing Behavior Support Teams from across the state, and coaching support was provided for the implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) for seven educational programs serving deaf/hard of hearing students. ■ In FY10, ISRC’s four behavior specialists visited homes and schools across the state of Illinois to provide 693 instances of individualized assistance for students. Examples of activities at these visits include facilitating HomeSchool Team meetings, attending IEP meetings, data collection coaching, assisting in the development of behavior support plans, and identifying strategies to coordinate behavior support plans at home and school. ■ ISRC provides a twenty-four hour helpline number available to deliver services to individuals who need assistance in crisis situations, need to be connected to resources in the community, or are interested in receiving services from ISRC. In FY10, ninety-nine helpline calls were received. ■ Four times each year, ISRC provides trainings to behavior teams from deaf and hard-of-hearing programs across the state. Training topics include development of behavior plans, data collection, and coaching other staff members. In FY10, twenty-seven behavior teams participated in these quarterly trainings. ■ ISRC provides support for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing programs that are interested in implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). ISRC assists teams in attending trainings and provides follow-up support and coaching. As of Fiscal Year 2010, seven D/HH programs are implementing PBIS with ISRC support. ■ In addition to quarterly behavior team trainings, ISRC provides series of trainings upon request for educators and parent support groups. Trainings provided in FY10 included anger management, positive behavior interventions, learning styles of deaf and hard-of-hearing students, and classroom management. Through these trainings, ISRC was able to support 1,217 educators and 168 family members in FY10. ■ ISRC provides coaching support related to data collection methods, and can also record behavioral data in the classroom at the same time as a teacher to compare for inter-rater reliability. A data graphing service provides assistance in converting collected data into meaningful graphs and charts which can be used for data-based decision making. In FY10, ISRC provided sixty-five instances of data collection coaching. ■ Classroom management mentoring is provided for first year educators of deaf and hard of hearing students, and teachers with more experience upon request. The new educators follow a curriculum aimed at developing skills in implementing positive behavior support systems within the classroom. In FY10, four educators participated in this program. ■ ISRC has developed ten e-learning modules (four of which were added in FY10) that are available to families and professionals. These modules cover topics such as classroom management, autism, development of behavior plans, and bipolar disorder. Educators who complete these modules can receive free CPDU credits for their efforts. ■ ISRC’s Resource Library consists of an expanding collection of over 1000 items, including books, DVDs, test kits and games related to deafness, deaf culture, sign language, mental health, behavior management, parenting and administration. In FY10, 345 items from the general collection and twenty-six from the testing library were used. ISRC Staff Cheri Sinnott, LCSW, Director Dr. Steve Vaupel, D/HH Behavior Specialist Dr. Daniel Friedman, D/HH Behavior Specialist Raven Stromek, D/HH Behavior Specialist Morgan Hansen, Librarian/Information Specialist Denesha Williams, Administrative Assistant

ISRC Consultants Barbara Sims, Illinois State Board of Education Todd Williams, Illinois State Board of Education Kelly L Hyde, PhD, Accountability Solutions LLC

ISRC ■ 3444 W Dundee Road Northbrook IL 60062 ■ 847-559-8195 ■ www.isrc.us ■ isrc@isrc.us ■ FY10 Annual Report Summary Page 4

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